grannymight · 13 hours
What if?
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ktskibkg0 · 1 day
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I was gonna wait until the poll finished, but fuck it. Feral Deku won the Best Boy poll.
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fruit-salad-ship · 21 hours
Hear me out.
BNHA au, villains sure, brought up to steal or kill, brought up to survive.
But think, a little teenage peach, still figuring out her quirk, but so nervous about her teeth. They are sharp, very much like staring into the jaws of a shark, and people judge her on them.
She takes to covering her mouth when she can. Wearing a face mask in public, or a high scarf in winter, if she laughs and doesn’t have anything covering her mouth, she’d instantly put her hand up to cover them instead.
She’d be nervous about kissing someone, she’d be nervous about eating in public, she’d have trouble even just laughing freely with friends. As a teenager, it is hard enough handling her quirk, and now she’s got a mouth full of these sharp chompers.
It’s a habit once she’s an adult, no longer self conscious but still holding onto the old tick of covering her mouth when she laughs, a tick plum notices.
And on the topic of plum, her formative years difficult, many stuck in a high security facility, she’d be so scared to touch anyone. Unaware when her quirk is active or not at that point in time, it’s subtle, she’s not trained by anyone, she’s figuring this out herself. So it’s hard work!
She just doesn’t want to touch anyone, and as a hormonal teenager, that becomes so lonely so fast.
As adults, they get to drink and be closer, and peach’s quirk and combo teeth mean she can open a bottle with them, and hand one over to plum while her boss looks at her like that was the single hottest thing she’s ever seen.
I just.
I just need more formative years of them being nervous, and then adults who have never grown up in healthy places. And hot uses for sharp teeth.
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cryptids-and-muses · 8 months
A hilarious au idea involving Sir Nighteye
In this au, all might having a sidekick was never public knowledge, this was to maintain his image as the sole pillar of peace, and because nighteye works best in the shadows anyway.
Jump cut to 12 year old izuku meeting nighteye because reasons, I’m thinking nighteye saves him from a villain, and of course izuku BEGS him to sign his hero notebook. Here’s a hero he doesn’t recognize!! It’s so exciting!! Nighteye, upon seeing this journal, recognizes not only this kid’s talent but also how much in depth and possibly sensitive info he knows, and is like “….maybe we should keep an eye on him.”
After a bit of scoping him out, and a LOT of discussion with inko, nighteye essentially offers izuku a work study position as an analyst. The kid shows a lot of promise in that field, even if he seems dead set on being a field hero. And because nighteye’s operation is top secret, no one but izuku and inko know his after school job is at a hero agency.
Here’s where the fun starts.
Because this would not change how things play out with all might at all, he’s still offered one for all.
Izuku asks who knows about the quirk and yagi, who isn’t on speaking terms with his former sidekick who the public don’t even know he had, does not tell izuku nighteye knows about the quirk. Or even that he used to work with nighteye. Why would he? So izuku keeps this secret from nighteye and asks for reduced hours at work so he can train for UA, leaving out who he’s training with.
Meanwhile, izuku of course wants to tell all might he works with another hero, nighteye’s operation is Top Fucking Secret and izuku promised to maintain that. So at most All Might knows izuku part times at an underground hero agency, but izuku won’t tell him which one. All might finds this more amusing then anything else and respects his student’s privacy.
Nighteye still wants Mirio to be all might’s sucessor and is ENRAGED to find out he gave it to some random child he hadn’t even known a day. Refusing to listen any more.
So neither of these two idiots realize they’re mentoring the same kid.
Cue the entrance exam and izuku having to explain to nighteye that he “suddenly” manifested his quirk and nighteye is like “…..wait a minute”
I’m calling this au My Hero Custody Battle
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ozzgin · 2 months
BNHA Headcanons: Pro-Hero AU! Todoroki Shoto x Reader
A/N: Posting this separately for @eudonyx so people don't get confused by the Christmas greetings in the ask (I am that slow for some things unfortunately). 😭
Featuring Shoto as a loving husband to Reader. (Gender Neutral, fluff)
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If there's one thing Todoroki greatly appreciates, it's routine. But not the kind of routine you'd expect, such as mere morning habits. You see, his life as a pro-hero is quite erratic and unpredictable. You never know when disaster will hit. Or when a villain needs to be defeated. But among this chaos, there's one thing that always stands true, one aspect that never changes: at the end of the day, he comes home to you.
In fact, he'd go as far as to say you're his little corner of peace. The world may burn; as long as his (Y/N) is by his side, there's still hope to cling onto. It's just the way it's always been: You are his greatest source of comfort. And so, after a long, busy day, he cannot wait to open the door and see your welcoming smile and hear your soothing voice.
It's the little things in life that matter. This is the philosophy Todoroki adheres to. He has a fantastic reputation, and the masses adore him. He's frequently interviewed and invited to events. Yet, for him, nothing compares to an evening spent hanging out with you. No amount of fame can ever compare to the love and understanding he receives from his one and only spouse.
Such thoughts are naturally matched by gestures to prove it. Todoroki is an incredibly thoughtful husband. Mind you, he's not the type to impress you with gestures of grandeur. He's one of the top heroes and could easily arrange extravagant proposals if you so desired. He prefers, however, to show he cares in quieter ways. Randomly returning with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. Stopping by your favorite bakery to surprise you with sweets. Handing you tickets to an upcoming concert of your favorite singer (yes, he took the time off from the moment he heard about it).
He is also not one to parade you around, but he will be very firm about his relationship. From an awkward, easily flustered boy, to a tactful, confident man. It's not uncommon for Shouto to be approached by fans with flirtatious intents. In that case, he will smile and keep his distance, adjusting his suit with the same hand that bears his ring. "I hope you find someone who loves you as much as I love my spouse", he'll confess cheerfully. "I can understand your feelings, I am the same as you when it comes to (Y/N)", he'll relate empathetically.
Shouto strives for peace and justice, like any other hero, though he'd be lying if he said it's his main motivation. In reality, his driving force is you. He will do his best again today, so that he can return into your arms once everything is done.
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poisonkkay · 11 months
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All my Cyberpunk!AU designs so far!! Planning a long-term project related to this AU so!! Fingers crossed I don't chicken out 🏃‍♂️
EDIT: First chapter of the comic HERE!!
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imma-triple-a-battery · 6 months
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haha not me posting something disgustingly indulgent bc im reliving my undertale phase for
the third time this year
nooo definitely not
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i even made a version with the soul colored eyes too
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Shota Aizawa with an insomniac partner
(CW: brief vague mention of sex)
When you're having trouble sleeping, it takes him a while to notice because he either sleeps too deeply, or is too busy to notice the beginnings of the bags and dark circles under your eyes
But after the 3rd case of energy drinks gets put into the fridge, it clicks for him, and he takes a good look at you to see what's wrong
He'll set aside his work and ask you if you want to talk about it, giving you *the look* when you try to say you don't want to bother him with it
When you talk, he mostly listens to what you have to say, only interjecting when he feels like something needs to be talked about in more detail
He'll pull you into his arms and cuddle you to try to help you sleep better, which usually works, now that your mind isn't full of untended thoughts
But when even that doesn't work, he gets your consent before fucking you hard, not letting up until you're physically too tired to stay awake
And then he loops back a step, pulling you in and wrapping you in his love and warmth, watching you sleep with a tired smile on his lips
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keitoart · 6 months
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I see that you liked my last art, well then I'll post one old AU drawing from the archives where Bakugo is the demon king heheheheheh
I made it up for the old DTIYS, but I still like the idea to this day!!!! I HOPE YOU LIKE IT TOO YO YO YO
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honeipie · 2 months
FLAG GIRL w/ izuku n katsuki
(fem!bodied reader)
CW: catcalling, suggestive language, cursing, illegal street racing
SYNOPSIS: losing the race (and the bet) landed you the job of being izuku and katsuki’s flag girl, and they’re racing for your attention
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“awe c’mon y/n! thought you said you were a good racer” kirishima’s voice moved over the sound of other screaming about his victory. you waved him off without another thought.
“hm, maybe tonight’s just not the night for me”
“you know what that means” he whistled two girls over. Their hips swayed walking over to you “my girls’ll take good care of ya”
he winked making them giggle like school children. they moved you past the crowd. before you had raced you and kirishima had made a bet.
“it’s not fun if you don’t bet something on your race!” he begged as the two of you made your way to the cars. rolling your eyes you leaned against the hood.
“fine, if I win, you have to smash in one of your windows”
he looked as if you’d asked him to kick a puppy.
“fine! and if I win, you have to..” his eyes scanned around before landing on someone walking up to the front “you have to be a flag girl”
so here you were, attempting to slide into a dark red, leather skirt in the back of a pickup.
“jeez, you’d think they’d have some more room for you guys, but I guess this isn’t an official thing”
“i got you” one of the girls slid her hands down the back to tug them all the way “you learn after a while”
thanking her, you noticed the other girl handing you a top. a matching red top with subtle patterns on the side. as quickly as you could, you wiggled into the top.
“you look hot as hell” one of the girls got you out spinning you around.
“don’t say that. I might quit racing and start doing this” the two of you laughed.
“just remember love. it’s all about confidence. walk out there like you’ve done it before” she handed you a silk red cloth before leading you towards the crowd.
they had started to set up for the next race. from what you could see the next two were leaning against their cars sharing a cigarette.
whistles followed you walking out onto the street in your new clothing. kirishima could be seen putting his arms around both of the women. he pulled them both close, probably whispering about how they did a good job.
the headlights from the cars made your eyes squint. from what you could make out the men had stopped their conversation to stare at you.
their gaze made you nervous. more nervous than all the noise, which usually didn’t sound this loud.
hand reaching to rub your arm your eyes found the girls in the crowd. they yelled out to you over the noise.
“tell them the rules! and have confidence! you’re sexy as fuck!”
a tiny smile made its way to your face. with newfound confidence you made your way over to the two men. the smell of nicotine burning your nose.
“gentlemen,” they both nodded towards you indicating they were listening “the both of you look like you’ve raced before. just not here I’m assuming”
“you’re right” the man with the dark green hair spoke. he had freckles dotted across his face and neck. tattoos along his arm and one on his neck “decided to switch it up a bit n’ I’m seeing it was a good idea”
the blonde scoffed, smoke tumbling out his mouth.
“let’s just get on with it yeah?” his eyes raked over your body quickly, but just long enough for you to notice.
“don’t mind my friend here. he likes to act out when pretty people are around” the freckled man gave you a smile “im izuku, and this is katsuki. we’re ready to race if you’re ready with the rules?”
“oh! yeah! um, so the basics obviously. no killing, and we go by the first or worst rule here” you ducked a little bit to look at both of their cars. they were sleek and fucking expensive “the last thing is just have an escape plan. the cops are on our asses and we don’t need any trouble around here”
katsuki dropped his cigarette to the ground. his foot stepped over it making sure to put it out completely.
“don’t worry princess. we’ve got this under control” the two of them watched you walk away.
“i think we should make a friendly bet”
“what now?”
“whoever wins this race” izuku lifted up his pointer finger decorated with a single silver ring, at you “gets to ask them out”
katsuki’s eyes stayed glued to you as you turned around. the fabric of that dress really wasn’t getting any looser.
“fine with me, but don’t forget” he opened his car door with the cockiest smirk “you’ve always been a fuckin’ loser”
“we’ll see about that shithead”
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nullcommanull · 1 year
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Just something really quick and dirty for the Waffle House AU ✨
You shouldn‘t ask for the manager at this particular Waffle House…
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An AU Where...
A recently graduated Midoriya took All Mights' advice and became a police officer working under Detective Tsukauchi. He's massively successful to the point that his co-workers joke he's their station's personal on-call hero.
A reporter misunderstands a statement made by one of his colleagues after his capture of Stain and writes an article about this up and coming hero! Who might just make it to the top 30!
Izuku wants to hide in a box
His station loses their shit. Especially when they jokingly submit his arrest records to the paper, only for another article to be released, arguing that with his statistics, Endeavor should be a rank lower.
Endeavor loses his shit
A page is started to compare Midoriya's ongoing statistics to those of the current ranking pro heros.
Aizawa wonders how he managed to dodge getting this problem child in his class. Little does he know it's because The Principal got there first.
A recently graduated Shoto loses his shit as social media begins to make meme after meme of his father, as the gap between Endeavor's records and this unknown police officer's get smaller and smaller.
AKA the AU where Detective Tsukauchi is a proud father to a baby officer with anxiety issues who can and will fuck you up. Midoriya has the power of Nezu and 4am quirk analysis on his side.
Personal headcanons for this AU:
Tsukauchi is quirkless, he's just that good at reading body language that people assume he has a quirk.
All Might suggested being an officer not because he thought Midoriya couldn't be a hero, but because he knew just how damn successful Tsukauchi is as one.
All Might is the cool uncle who brings the station snacks after his patrol.
Midoriya works with Nezu and Hatsume to make AFO his very own ✨Quirk erasing bullet✨ All Might is gonna retire in peace if it's the last thing he does.
Bakugo went through his redemption arc during his time at UA and doesn't know whether to laugh or cry as his childhood friend inches closer to the 2nd spot on the hero ranks. He ends up laughing because screw Endeavor.
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palebonedry · 7 months
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Nyavka AFO
sequel to my drawing with Yoichi and Kudo
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sangyoun-nii · 1 year
Toshinori: uh, Aizawa... i think i just saw your green kid steal someone else's purple kid from class?
Aizawa looks at him for a long time: ...no
Toshinori: i'm sure it's yes...
Aizawa, still looking: plausible deniability. no.
Snipe: Is the purple child a Shinso from gen ed? green bob said he liked him, but to kidnap him from class... i think he learned it from you, Aizawa.
Aizawa: Nezu has allowed him to do anything as long as he doesn't go off campus. i don't care. he's not my responsibility.
Midoriya: *cackles in the ventilation*
Nezu: *cackles in another ventilation*
Kan: we're doomed.
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hey-hamlet · 5 months
BNHA AU Idea - Let's Kill Sensei!
I just got reminded assassination classroom is a show that existed so im shamelessly cribbing the premise.
Midoriya Izuku didn't make it into the hero course. Without a quirk and only 10 rescue points - it just wasn't enough. Still, his score in the written exam saw him placed in gen ed - class 1C - with all of the other failed hero students. The classroom has an uncomfortable vibe - the recent and abrupt retirement of All Might after a villain attack on his home left him badly injured, coupled with their own failures, leave them all on edge.
To say they were expecting the man who walked into their classroom would be a mistake, but the gut wrenching fear that followed was almost expected.
All for One, the man they'd all seen nearly murder All Might 3 months ago, grinned - red eyes squinted in real mirth. "Hello, students. What on earth shall I teach you today?"
1C has 1 year to kill their homeroom teacher, or he takes over Japan. 1 year to kill a 200 year old villain with more quirks than UA has students. The student who kills AfO will be given 1 billion yen and moved to the course of their choosing.
What AfO hasn't told anyone is that he has a special gift for the student who manages to off him - if any of them do.
this is a deal with UA and the HPSC - UA wanted him with 3rd year heroics students while the HPSC insisted on gen ed - UA thinks the students have a chance, while the HPSC wants cannon fodder they can throw at AFO so they have extra time to plan.
the only person aware of this deal on UA staff other than Nezu is Present Mic - the man who was supposed to be gen ed's homeroom teacher. Nezu wanted to tell Eraserhead as well, but AfO argued that that was an unfair advantage to UA
gen!ed uraraka - without her rescue of Izuku, she didn't get enough points for the hero course
Dad for One - but Izuku doesn't recognize him (its been like 10 years, plus 'Hisashi Midoriya' had black hair). It's pretty clear Izuku is AfO's favourite student. but given that just means hes even tougher and like. Also a murderer. No one is particularly jealous.
Izuku, Shinso and Uraraka friendship - none of them really have anything to lose - either they are the ones to kill AfO or their lives are over.
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cheese-doorstop48 · 8 months
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