#Body transformation
whereserpentswalk · 1 year
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beuxwhoyouare · 2 months
I don’t really remember much. I suppose that was always my biggest weakness. I’m part of a slug-like species of aliens known as Skreats. Our whole species thing is that they want to take over worlds by taking over the dominant species bodies and using their resources to conquer the universe. Blah blah blah I synthesized my whole life being taught that taking over hosts was my job and all I was supposed to do but what if I don’t want to?
I never payed much attention to all those logs and protocols about conquering. I just wanted to be free of Skreat expectations.
One day I left logging seminars and just hid inside my sectors pod shit hangar. I know I wasn’t supposed to but the ships are so comfortable so I just stay in there and hang for hours. Then all the alarms went off in the hangar, we were under attack but I didn’t want to get in trouble for being where I wasn’t supposed to be. I acted like I was supposed to be there and after a few more of us piled into the ship I commenced launch.
The ship was an escape pod automatically routed to vulnerable planets to conquer. We were headed to E Arth? As we tried to navigate through enemy lines we almost made it to our destination before being shot down in the planets atmosphere. I just fell and then it all went black.
When I came back to consciousness there was no ship near me just a hard cold black runway of some kind, I believe they’re known as roads. It was dark but sirens blared through the night heading towards a blaze in the distance. THE SHIP! I presumed the worst and tried to avoid being stomped on by these tall earthlings walking by me. I thought I found a good hiding place a lobby of some sort but that’s when I was spotted.
An earthling calling me and took me into the shelter of some clear glass container. He murmured words of snail and take care of. I think he’s under the assumption I’m one of these earth creatures.
For days he would give me earthy twigs and shreds of vegetables assuming that I would consume them. I admit I tried but they don’t necessarily make sense to me or my Skreat organs.
He invited other earthlings over some nights some he showed me to and others he got close to but before I could see what their interactions were he’d whisk him away to a private room away from me. But I did learn his name, Harrison.
I’d spend my days observing Harrison or the visuals he would put on his wall display of some sort. He called these things movies. So many of the ones we would watch had stories of love or adventure. It widened my desire to not conquer a world even more. Maybe that’s what I wanted to do. But I couldn’t, not stuck in my current tiny form.
I’m thankful Harrison saved me but I’ve got to level up. I decided to navigate my way out of the container, which I could’ve always done but I needed a plan first.
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He was cooking his sustenance after coming back home all wet from his human secretions. With his back turned to me I leaped from the counter onto his waistband.
I consider it a species specialty that we Skreats are very pliable. I flattened out to slip under and find my way into Harrison. As I slithered towards his rounded backside, I began infiltrating and my savior began tensing up. He began to moan, mixing between pleasure and panic as he realized this was not a moment of intimacy but something else.
He began to switch hard to panic as he tried to fight my ascent but it was too late. I hauled it through so many tunnels of organs and vasculature until I got to his core. I guess you call it a heart. I began inserting my tendrils into it and began spreading myself through his bloodstream.
Pulse pulse pulse. I could feel his heart pumping and eventually I synced up with it. We were becoming one, my life purpose was finally being achieved. I had other plans though.
After Harrison took his last gasp for air, I began using my new earthling lungs. It felt like I was breathing too hard, wheezing for air that felt so foreign to me. Reading brainwaves to figure out things like movement and basic terms.
I decided to calm down and slow down. I used my new extremities and flexed my fingers as they’re called. I used them to start feeling my corporal form. Harrison’s lower back arched into a muscular bubble of a butt. I used one hand to slowly caress each curve before squeezing the firm but malleable ass. My other hand roaming across Harrison’s inflated arms and chest. He spent time pushing and pulling plates of metal and cables to get all this as I scanned his brainwaves more.
I’m sure this looked erotic to human beings but I was truly using this moment to discover earthlings.
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I began to take off the coverings Harrison was wearing to see the anatomy it was hiding. So many curves and swerves I thought as I traced my host body with my hands. This body is feeling a nervous response called arousal I think.
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Something is growing down below on my front area. I place one hand under the blue restraining fabric.
Firm but not hard as metal, the appendage was warm and almost inviting me to grab ahold. I used my new hand and began examining but as I examined and moved it around it felt exciting to go back and forth with it in my muscular hand. I took my other hand and explored the hole I entered through. I slid one finger in before slipping another then another one in.
A sound came out of my mouth that I did not intend for. Is this also another nervous response? I began to give into the automatic responses and sped up. My stroking because more rhythmic and hard as I slid my hand up the hole in my backside. And before I could examine the responses another one emerged. A moan and a secretion.
First one then another then the appendage kept spurting out pulse after pulse of white viscous liquids. I was out of breathe in my new lungs. But curiosity struck again as I approached the liquid on a nearby wall. I got close to investigate and touched the sticky goo.
Maybe it’s nutritious or maybe a safety response? Hmm the brainwaves for this haven’t hit me yet. Well instincts haven’t led me astray yet. I opened my new mouth and used my new tongue to lick the wall clean. I wonder if this is how all food is acquired. Hmm.
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Ryan was in his mid-twenties, working a steady job at a local bookstore and leading a quiet life. But beneath his conservative exterior, Ryan harbored a secret – he was gay, yet afraid to embrace his true desires due to the conservative values of his upbringing.
One day, while browsing the internet, Ryan stumbled upon a website dedicated to the leather and kink community. Intrigued yet hesitant, he found himself drawn to the allure of the leather harnesses, the dominance, and the freedom of expression.
As the days went by, Ryan's curiosity grew stronger, and he found himself fantasizing about exploring this hidden world of pleasure and taboo. One night, as he drifted off to sleep, his subconscious took over, and he found himself in a vivid dream.
In his dream, Ryan was transformed into a vision of masculinity, clad in a leather harness and all the gear of a seasoned leatherman. His confidence soared as he strutted through the crowded streets, feeling the eyes of admiration upon him.
Awakening from his dream, Ryan felt a newfound sense of empowerment. He decided to take the plunge and delve into the world of leather and kink. With trembling hands, he reached out to a local leather organization and expressed his interest in learning more.
To his surprise, he was met with open arms and acceptance from the members of the organization. They welcomed him into their community, guiding him through the intricacies of leather culture and helping him embrace his true self.
With each passing day, Ryan grew more comfortable in his own skin, shedding the shackles of his conservative upbringing and embracing his sexuality with pride. Eventually, he found himself becoming a member of BLUF (Breeches and Leather Uniform Fanclub), a prestigious organization within the leather community.
Through his journey of self-discovery, Ryan learned that true strength lies in embracing who you are, unapologetically and without fear. And as he stood tall in his leather harness, surrounded by his newfound brothers, he knew that he had finally found his place in the world.
As Ryan stood in front of the mirror, admiring himself in his full leather uniform, he felt a surge of arousal coursing through him. The tight leather pants hugged his body in all the right places, accentuating every curve and muscle. His heart raced as he ran his hands over the smooth surface of the leather, feeling the heat building between his legs.
Unable to resist the temptation any longer, Ryan reached for the array of leather accessories laid out on the table nearby. With trembling hands, he fastened the leather cuffs around his wrists and ankles, reveling in the sensation of restraint and submission.
His breath hitched as he picked up the leather collar, adorned with gleaming metal studs, and fastened it snugly around his neck. A feeling of power surged through him as he imagined himself at the mercy of a dominant partner, ready to obey their every command.
With each piece of leather he added to his ensemble, Ryan felt himself slipping deeper into a state of arousal and ecstasy. He longed to explore the depths of his desires, to surrender himself completely to the pleasures of the leather and kink world.
Lost in his fantasies, Ryan closed his eyes and let his imagination run wild. He imagined himself bound and gagged, at the mercy of a dominant leatherman who knew exactly how to push him to the edge and beyond.
As he opened his eyes once more, Ryan felt a sense of liberation wash over him. In embracing his kinks and desires, he had discovered a newfound sense of freedom and empowerment. And as he stood there in his full leather glory, he knew that he was ready to embark on a journey of exploration and self-discovery unlike any other.
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wishmaster · 8 months
You, Dick
I had secretly always wondered what it would be to spend sometime as some other guys dick, So when I found a coin on the ground I made a wish, knowing damn well it would never come true, so imagine my shock when I woke up the next morning in my roommate's hand as he stood over me taking a piss, the feeling of a stream of his piss shooting out of my mouth and a shiver of excitement as he held on time, what was weirder was the fact when I glanced up and saw Leo staring down at me.
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seems since I was nothing more than his cock he lived in the apartment alone and spent most of his free time naked so I got to swing free a lot. He seemed to really enjoy it he'd just rub one out with me whenever he got horny.
Enjoying yourself as my dick bro, he spoke to me? Of all they guys me..really? You don't really know me do you bro? I found you so damn hot. Seems Leo was gay and had a crush on me, Dude. He rushed off to get dressed. Shoving me into a pair of his favorite skin tight leather jeans. Fuck now I have to go find some other sexy ass to fuck, the thought excited me, really now dude you want to get horny? He seemed pissed that I wasn't into him but would become his dick. He walked out and found a coin and made a wish. You know what I wish the dick of a roommate of mine would stay my cock for good. Enjoy being nothing but a dick forever.
And with that I never returned to human form. I spent the rest of my days satisfying my old roommates sexual conquests. I must have been good he never settled down always fucking a new ass all the time. But what did I care I was just his dick now.
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petew21-blog · 26 days
Fitness coaching, part 2
(a different inbox request 😈) I'll refer to you as kid and combine the stories. Hope you don't mind
Warning: The kid is just a nickname. The person in this story is of age
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A high school assembly where Kevij Hjenas talks about his success and motivation
Kevin (or is it Kevin really?):"Hey everyone, today I am here to talk to you about following your passing and lack of motivation. First I gotta tell you how I started. How I wasn't so different from all of you..."
Kid to himself:"Yeah, you got it easy. You had the looks, you had the muscles and no one was beating your ass when you went to high school"
Kevin continuing:"So whenever you feel like giving up, you gotta stand up to that thing and beat it. And the biggest fight there's gonna be is the one that will be in your head"
Kid;"Sure, I wanna be the one in your head. Try being me for a sec while everyone is beating your ass, looking you in the lockers and picking on you for not being good enough."
Kevin:"And if you ever have a problem, don't worry to walk up to adults and ask for help. Most of the adults are willing to help you win your fight"
Kid:"Jesus, Kevin. I admire you and yet you come to school and talk to us about this bullshit? Nobody cares. Of course they don't. They don't want to fill the paperwork, talk to the parents. It's easier not to care. Damn. I wish I could be Kevin Hjenas and him to be me so that he could see what it's like to be a kid in high school again"
Kid tries to open his eyes, but can't. He can feel... stretched? Around something. He can feel something hard inside of him. He can feel a butt? What is going on?
He tried to scream:"What happened? Where am I?"
Kevin stops his speech as the voice inside of his head now turned more louder, but it sounds different. "Kevin? Go back to being an obedient speedo, would you? I got a presentation to finish."
Kid:"Kevin? What? I am... I am a student. I was just watching Kevin. Why are you calling me Kevin? Where am I? Did you just call me a speedo?"
Suddenly a kid's in the audience gets up from his seat. "I can see again. I can talk! Somebody help me. Someone stole my body." He stares in disbelief at his previous Kevin Hjenas body, or atleast the one who looks like him. "You did that! Give me my body back!"
Teacher:"That's enough of this outburst young man, you'll come with me to the principal."
The other kids lost it and the whole auditorium started laughing. This kid is gonna get beat up today so much more than usually.
(Not) Kevin to Kid as his speedo:"Look kid. Let me finish this and I'll explain. Ok? Just stay silent and I'll fix this. Ok?"
Kevin finishes the presentation and goes to the nearby park
Kevin:"So tell me what did you do before you ended up as my speedo?"
Kid:"I couldn't believe the bullshit you were talking at the assembly. I had the worst time yesterday and I envied you. Your body, your fame. Everything. So I wished to be in Kevin Hjenas body and him to be in mine"
Kevin:"Oh... I see what went wrong"
Kid:"It didn't work, that's what went wrong"
Kevin:"Well technically you are in Kevin's body. Cause... I'm not really Kevin. I'm wearing his body as a speedo and that gives me the ability to look like him. I'm a different person. So the one screaming in your body at the auditorium was the real Kevin in your body"
Kid:"Ok, then change me back to his body then. If you have the power."
Kevin:"It's not that easy... we gotta contact this writer. He writes stories and if you ask he grants you the wish in a form of a story/transformation. He likes to play with his subjects after. But the waiting time is horrible. He works all the time and only writes a few stories a day. So that is the tricky part"
Kid:"So what if we ask him nicely? Maybe if we explain the situation to him, he might understand"
Kevin:"You really are naive, kid. But it's worth a shot. Let's go home. You gotta get used to being a speedo and there is not better time to let you learn like now"
Kevin's dick gets visibly hard
Kid:"Oh, this is strange. But... it feels nice. I can actually feel it"
Kevin:"Just a few benefits of being a piece of clothing. Just wait till you feel me stroke myself or have an orgasm. Oh jesus. How old are you kid?"
Kid:"Don't worry. I'm old enough to feel you cum onto my... fabric?"
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Two months later
Author:"Oh hey Kevin. Sorry for the waiting time. You wouldn't believe what kind of wishes all the people have. There was thos guy who wanted to be merged as Hulk and..."
Kevin:"Stop. This can't wait. I need a favour. And so does this kid." Kevin pulls down his shorts and points at his speedo
Author:"Is there something wrong with the real Kevin? You still look like him so what's the issue?"
Kevin:"The issue is, that this isn't Kevin anymore. Some kid from local High school wanted to swap bodies with him and he did. Kevin is now attending school again, while he is stuck embracing my dick as speedo"
Author:"Oh... well. I don't have good news for you boys. Because another spell intervened, I can't really do much about the appearance of Kevin's original body. But... there might be a solution. You may not like it"
Kid:"I don't care, I just want to feel what it's like to be a human again. Atleast for a while"
Kevin:"The kid is on board with whatever plan you got. Depends what it means for me."
Author:"It's quite simple, guys. You might have to learn how to share. You'll both have the ability to control your body, swapping with the speedo. Only one gets to control the human body, while the other rests as speedo"
Kevin:"I'm not giving this up. I worked hard to look like Kevin"
Kid:"You can't do this to me"
Kevin:"Can't you place his soul into something else, please?"
Author:"Wish I could, but both of these spell are now combined and can't be broken. If I take his soul away, you won't look like Kevin anymore. It's either this or full reversal. And let me tell you... Kevin is gonna be really pissed"
Kevin:"Would you be ok with that? Sharing a body like Jekyll and Hyde?"
Kid:"Who's that suppose to be?"
Kevin:"Jesus you kids these days. So... like Moon Knight?"
Kid:"Oh cool. If it means I get to be human and also Kevin, I'm in."
Kevin:"Ok, let's do this..."
Two weeks later, pier beach
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Kevin:"You should stop with all these carbs. We'll get fat"
Kid:"Oh shut up. I'm enjoying myself."
Fan:"Hey, Kevin. Could I take a photo with you?"
Kid:"Oh yeah. Right on"
Fan:"Thank you. Could... could I touch your biceps, sir?"
Kid:"Oh of course. Go on. I can't get enough of these things too. They are massive right?"
Fan:"Haha. Yeah. Thank you"
Kevin:"You need to tone it down a bit. People are gonna get suspicious."
Kid:"Oh relax. You'll get your turn soon. I'm just enjoying my part of the day. I still think it's unfair that you get the night. I wanna party and fuck other people too. And not just as a speedo"
Kevin:"You'll have a chance soon. Don't worry"
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Who knows if the boys will learn to share
A request from Inbox story set as a second part. Guys, you two might have to learn how to share 😁
Hello today is worst day of school someone just randomly pick on me and the worst is no one at the school cared for me, tomorrow kevin hejnas is coming to our school i just wish i could be him so i could feel what life would be as a famous man.
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yourmoonie · 7 months
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And I will forever be loud and proud about my body transformation
- weight loss
- almost visible abs
- snatched waist
- thin legs
- slim face
- sharp jawline
- a flat stomach
And the list goes on
P.s. I mostly post my success stories + progress on Twitter but I might post some of them here too from time to time
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fatguarddog · 1 year
A chubby witch hosts a Halloween party where the main attraction are her magical transformation cookies! Guests simply cannot get enough of them, whether they enjoy being transformed and the attention they get from it, or are simply there to admire the show. All the effects will wear off come the morning, but for the night all guests out in the bonfire lit field (open space is needed for the size of some of the transformations!) are welcome to try the various cookies on offer:
Jack-o-lantern cookies which cause you to swell up into a huge, rounded out pumpkin, wrapped up in vines all comfortable and relaxed
Witch's cat cookies that will give you cute fuzzy cat ears and a tail of your choice... and also make you instantly put on 50 pounds so you're an adorably tubby kitty
Cauldron cookies which give you cauldron bellies! Your belly juts and rounds out making you look fully pregnant with a slightly translucent quality to your belly. Anything you drink shows up as a beautiful glowing liquid so that you (or other guests) can have fun mixing different drinks to get different colors
Ghost cookies that fill you up with thick, gooey ectoplasm making your belly so big and bouncy. When the effect wears off you can choose to digest it and keep the weight or let the ghostly goo ooze satisfyingly out of one of your holes
And if you'd like any of the transformations to be permanent, the witch is very happy to help you with that with a little extra magic 🔮
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gaymerdudex · 6 months
Mr. Popular
Jon had grown tired of being overweight and geeky. He made a wish one day, he want to be sexy and popular.
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He felt things begin to change as he rushed to the mirror.
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First his race changed now becoming Korean. But soon another change began.
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Holy Fuck look at that stud staring back he thought, not aware that it was him, it hadn't dawned on him that within 5 minutes he had gone from geek overweight white boy to this hunk of a Korean standing before him. He could feel his dick had grown too as he tried to adjust it now in his tight leather jeans.
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His new facial features and muscled body kicked in just as his new persona became a reality. The old Jon never existed.
Joon, a stage hand called to you. They're ready for you.
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You were the great Joon, the most popular Korean Rockstar on the planet right now and your adoring public awaited you.
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trying-harder-then-u · 8 months
Someone Unexpected
"Fort Stonepeak was a small town in the middle of the Appalachian Mountains. With a population of only a few thousand, most people made their livelihoods by serving the farmers that worked just outside the city boundary or as members of the lively tourism industry that flourished in the region due to its fresh air, majestic mountain peaks, and clear blue rivers. Maybe that's why I came here? I did need some space after my breakup, but it hasn't worked. All I've done is sit in this hotel under this dim light on a creaky bed and feel sad for myself. Jesus, I need to do something. Maybe I will go to the bar tonight, and then I can at least drink my problems away. So after a shower, I looked in the mirror, put a shirt on, and got going.
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Walking into the bar, spots flashed before my eyes as the bright lights flashed. I hadn't been expecting them; it gave the bar much more of a rave atmosphere than I had expected, but when in Rome, trudging to the bar, I had to practically scream over the music just to get a whiskey. Looking around, I saw couples dancing. Great! I thought, Now I get to mope with a headache, but just as I thought that, a clink noise sounded next to me. Looking over, a gay, twunkish-looking farm boy sat next to me. "I hope you don't mind me sitting here; there are not many seats around." His chuckle filled me with a giddy feeling as he laughed. "No worries, I'm not waiting for anyone," I replied, putting my hand out for a handshake. He had a much firmer grip than I thought.
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The next few days, I went to hang out with John and began to learn more about him—about his family, friends, and, most importantly, his sexuality. It was another night of meeting at the same bar when John finally dropped the bomb. "I know you are gay; I am too, so I was wondering if you wanted to..." John trailed off. I was shocked as all hell. I had had my fair share of exchanges with other guys, and sure, a lot of them wanted me badly, but none had ever been this blunt. "Sure," I said, winking, "I can give you a good time," and before I knew it, we were heading over to my small hotel.
Leading John back to my apartment, I was full of joy. There was a strut in my step as I led him, and I had to slow down to stop myself from rushing too quickly. Once we got to my room, I held the door open for him and followed him in. The door shut with a bang, and I saw his shoulders tightening. Before he turned to me, "We're going to the bedroom now," he told me. I was shocked. Just a minute ago, he had been following me and gleefully talking about the starry sky and how he couldn't wait to do the deed with me. Now here, he was acting like he was in charge. I was going to talk to him about that, but then I felt the will to fight him on it leave my body as he stared at me, and like a defeated puppy, I followed him to my own bedroom, where he got me to sit down. Looking at me, I could feel his eyes undressing me before he finally seemed to be focused on my face. "I know you want me, but I want to hear it from you," he said. Still in shock at the situation, I stayed quiet, but soon waves of pleasure began to radiate through me. I looked to see where they were coming from, and his hand was massaging my crotch. "What do you want?" he asked me, and as I moaned, I only managed to whisper "you." Smiling at me, John pulled off my shirt and pants and pulled me into a kiss. I could feel his tongue invade my mouth, and I knew this was my last chance to assert that I was in charge here, so I fought back, but it was futile as he continued to slowly pressure my pouch, and finally I submitted, and his tongue began to explore my mouth. This is when I felt the first change begin. I felt inside my pants that my boxers were changing, the fabric changing to be less coarse, perhaps nylon, and shrinking down until my goods were held in a pair of briefs. looking down at them. John grinned; he said, "You look good on me," and I could feel my cheeks go hot as I blushed.
He proceeded to push me down and start kissing what felt like every inch of my body. As he did, my muscles began to shrink and my broad shoulders narrowed, but I still had a muscular frame, just a swimmer build rather than the body I had worked for at the gym, and before long, John was pulling down my pants and staring at my 9-inch. I looked at him with begging eyes as he began to suck me off, wave after wave of pleasure as I neared closer and closer, and right before I came, he moved back to kissing me and finished off my transformation as he gave me a hand job. Ribbons of cum flew out, leaving me with a reduced size. Putting his fingers covered in my own product into my mouth, my neurons fired. My brain was rewired; I was a bottom through and through, and John was certainly my boyfriend, and every night we would make love. That was how it was.
a few months later, and I've finally moved in with him. Of course, I do all the cooking and cleaning at home while he works the farm. Every night, I get to enjoy his hot, sweaty body. I think I hear him coming now. I don't think I've ever been so happy as when I see him after a long day.
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swappetf11 · 7 months
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Alex, AKA Dameon.
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whereserpentswalk · 3 months
Choose a transformation to permanently alter your body and remove your humanity.
1: get infected with lycanthrope (being bitten is the easiest way, but the curse can also be passed on through blood transfusions, or other bodily fluids). You'll be able to turn into a wolf any night when the moon shines, and you'll be compelled to when the moon is full. The other werewolves are likely to accept you into their community under most circumstances.
2: enter a local ufo to be turned into a cyborg. The visitors are dying to find a human who'll let you do this to them, and you might just be the one. Parts of your body will be replaced with strange and unknowable technology, thousands of years more advanced than what your backwater planet has. Who knows what you'll become, but it certainly won't be human.
3: allow a demon to possess you. While this sounds bad at first, most demons aren't actually sentient beings, but just semi sentient balls emotions. When they possess you it'll still be your mind and personality, just enhanced with the demon's emotions and desires, given its abilities. You'll also probably start looking more like what people consider a demon to look like after awhile, weather that be a body with horns and scales like the classic devil look, or something more animalistic, or even something more eldrich.
4: let the faeries play with you. This is a risky one but they're looking to be entertained by a cute little human to do things to. Who knows what they'll do to you, but we can be quite certain it'll be something very very interesting.
5: permanently psychically bond to a wyvern through the dreaming. For generations humans have done this to become wyvern riders, though rider is an odd term as your minds will be linked, you'll be able to know what it's feeling as well as it's sensations, and possibly even be able to control it directly with enough time, as easily as you'd control your own body. Though the wyvern and dreaming may effect you to, you'll likely become more creative and have more vivid dreams, at the cost of your ability to fit in with much of human society. Your body will also likely become more youthful, slender and androgynous, and may even take on wyvern like traits like slit pupils or sharp teeth.
6: permanently hybridize yourself with an animal of your choice. It's useally done with mammals for compatibility reasons, but it might work with anything. This is a slow process, involving weekly injections of Phlebotinum, and you'll get more and more like the animal you choose over the course of many months. There's no actual end limit to how long you can inject the Phlebotinum for, only a few weeks for some animal features, about a year for a 50/50 split, and if you never stop taking it ever you'll end up just becoming an animal of your choice. Be warned, it's a one way trip, so while you can always become less human, you can never reverse the changes.
7: be melted into a slime. Not much more to say about it. It'll probably be the most alien your physical form can become, as you'll have no solid body parts anymore, just an amorphous mass to move around. Natrual born slimes may be suspicious of you.
8: get bitten by a vampire and become a vampire yourself. You'll get most of the powers, from strength, to healing, to not needing sleep or food, along with the requirements to drink blood, and the weakness to silver and sunlight (you still can go out in the sun, but it won't be a pleasant experience). Your body will also change a lot, losing any sex characteristics, gaining red eyes and completely desaturated skin, and becoming extremely emaciated looking. Your mouth will also be able to shift at will between a humanoid shape, and a massive horrifying maw with huge fangs and strange mouth parts for drinking blood. There's likely a vampiric community around who'll accept you.
9: become a digital only being. You won't just be transforming your body, you'll be getting rid of it. Your entire vision will display what you'd usually see on a computer monitor, and you'll be able to type and move the mouse as easily as you can move your body now. You'll be entirely online without anything human to worry about.
10: become a spiritual being. Like a less online version of the last option. You'll become a spirit, without a body to worry about. You can't touch things, but you can move them psychically. You can also choose who can or can't see you, and how you appear to people.
11: have your entire body replaced by the cloth witches. They're always looking for humans to do this to. Every part of you will be replaced with artificial materials, usually you'll get a metal skeleton, stuffing for filling, and either cloth or plastic for your skin, like a doll of some sort but big and alive. You won't have to worry about a lot of the body things like dying or being tired or in pain, but be warned, you'll have to repair yourself with new material if damaged.
(Hey, I had to delete the first version of this poll and reupload it because of something on the old post setting off my silly little trauma. I feel like such an awful person for this, I'm sorry. But yeah, please reblog and interact with this version instead.)
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idesofrevolution · 3 months
Quality Time
*PING* Rocco looked down and smiles. He'd been wondering what Carlo and their father had been up to for the past week. Ever since their mother left a couple of years back, their father had been relatively distant- choosing to spend his hours away from the office at the gym instead of at home with his sons. To be fair, Rocco had left the house at 18, and now at 24 he wasn't home as often as he'd hoped. Nonetheless, it took both boys by shock when their relatively distant father decided to take a month off of work to spend some "quality time" with his sons. Carlo got the first two weeks, and Rocco would have the second. What they were in for, their father wouldn't say.
Hey, Roc. Dad wants us all to meet up tonight. We're at the gym on Broad Street, meet us there in 30 minutes.
The text was odd, definitely different than the normally chipper tone his brother is known for having. There wasn't even a single emoji... Rocco had hoped that everything would go well, but from the curtness of Carlo's message, it wasn't looking good. He sighed, walking his lanky ass over to the closet and throwing on some clothes, wasting no time making the 20 minute walk down to Broad street. The dim neon glow of the Planet Jacked sign illuminated the front of the strip mall; at 9PM on a Wednesday, the gym was the only business open compared to the vacant suites and GameStop next door.
Rocco pulled open the door, pulling out his phone to text Carlo that he'd arrived. The response was immediate:
In the kettlebell room. Hurry up.
Something did feel off, but Rocco had dismissed it as an irritated Carlo trying to pawn their gruff and macho dad off on him. Neither were "manly men" by their father's standards, not that he'd ever treated them poorly by any means. It just meant that they had little to nigh in common with eachother, and little to build a very "buddy buddy" relationship on. But, at least he was making an effort.
Rocco made his way through the gym floor, weaving through benches and weight machines to the double glass doors that houses the calisthenics room. He pushed open the door, and walked inside. Right off the bat, his suspicions that something was off were proven to be justified as he saw his brother flexing in the mirror. Or at least, he thought it was his brother. The man had Carlo's likeness: his short stature, his green eyes, the black and green headphones... but this was not his brother.
Carlo was easily 100 lbs of muscle heavier than when he'd left with their father on Monday morning. His hair was buzzed short, his formerly friendly face now scowled an aggressive smoulder, his arms and legs were bursting with hard muscle. Compared to the 5'2" skinny 19 year old Rocco had known, this man might as well have been a stranger.
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"Get my bag over there, gotta shower and change." His voice was harsh, gruff... as if he'd smoked eight cigars before working out. He remained flexing in the mirror, as Rocco stood there gobsmacked. His eyes quickly shifted from his physique to his brother standing perplexed at the door. "You gonna sit and stare or are we gonna get going?" Rocco slowly walked over to Carlo's gym bag, picking it up and straining to shlep it over his shoulder. "Jesus, Roc. We've got to get you into the gym. C'mon, let's go." Carlo turned and walked out of the room, with Rocco hastening to meet his pace.
"Uh, Carlo... Did you... take something? I mean, I'm not accusing you of anything, but how did you..."
"Get this fuckin' jacked? Dad helped out a bit." Outside of Rocco's eyesight, Carlo smirked devilishly. He sneered, hocking a mouthful of spit onto the garbage can. Rocco nearly dropped the bag and bolted. This couldn't be the sweet, naive little brother he'd grown up with. If anything, he was acting more like their father than himself. As they entered the locker room, Carlo stopped at the mirror again, pinching his chin as if he were checking himself out in the mirror. "Yeah, Dad was saying he wanted me to try some pussy this week, and that girls liked a guy with guns. Heh, it worked." He flexed his massive arms, the putrid scent of heavy unwashed musk wafted from his pits as he did. Rocco pinched his nose, dropping the gym bag onto the bench.
"Since when have you been interested in girls?" Rocco spoke with genuine concern in his voice. Carlo had been an out and proud gay man for years now. Their father never understood it, but it never really bothered him any. To him, as long as his sons were 'getting some' then all was well. But this, combined with Carlo's inflated ego and body...
"Since I felt like it. Thought I'd give breedin' a try. After six girls this week, I'm tuckered out." Carlo sauntered toward the shower stalls, tossing his hat and headphones to his brother before turning to face him. "Dad will be here in a minute, just wait here." With that, he walked into the stall, and Rocco could hear the water starting to flow. He fell backward onto the bench, awestruck. Turning to the bag, Rocco imagined vials and vials of steroids and testosterone hiding within. It was the only logical explanation. Taking a deep breath, he slowly unzipped the bag, and ripped the top open to reveal:
Nothing. Carlos' normal street clothes, albeit a bit stretched out now, and an empty shaker bottle. No drugs, no syringes, nothing incriminating whatsoever. Whatever had happened to him, it wasn't due to roid rage.
"NNNNUGUUHHHH" Carlo's voice echoed in the empty locker room over the sound of the showerhead. Rocco stood up quickly, darting toward the shower stalls. Before he could ask if his brother was okay, the noises began. Wet noises- unaffiliated with the running shower. Rocco slowly crept closer, and the sounds had become clearer. Slimy schlorps and squelches combined with Carlo's moans of seeming pleasure. Was he fucking a pocket pussy? Surely not, he assumed, though in the back of his mind, the brother he'd seen was not the Carlo he knew. "uuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNAGHHHHHH!" One final moan and a rubbery slurp, and the room was silent again.
Rocco quickly rushed to the end stall, ready to rip the white curtain open, only for it to open on it's own: revealing the hulking figure of his father. The shock was palpable, as thick as the steam in the air. His father towered above him, as he always did, a massive slab of hard meat with a face. Sweat dripped from every part of his hulking body, and his face was already plastered with a surprised expression. As if he weren't expecting Rocco to see him yet.
"Dad... Is Carlo oka..." Suddenly, in the corner of his eye, he saw his brother slumped over on the shower seat, passed out under the hot streams of water: still in the shorts and running shoes he'd been wearing moments ago. His muscled body could barely bend at the waist, so his limp torso sat at a slight angle to the rest of his body. Rocco turned to his father, whose expression hadn't yet changed.
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"I said I'd be there in a minute, Roc." The limber young man tried to rush to his passed out brother, only for the iron grip of his father to stop him in his tracks. "He'll be fine. He'll wake up just the way you know him, with a couple of extra pounds. Don't you worry."
"Dad, what the fuck is going on?" Rocco shouted at his father, whose brows began to furrow. The hulking man grabbed the white curtain, shutting it behind his son. Slowly the look of shock turned to one of seriousness, and a twinge of nervousness shot down Rocco's spine.
"I'm on vacation, Roc. With my boy. And now it's your turn to spend some time with your old man." Rocco took a step back, confused and anxious. "You're what, 24 now? Let me tell you something, Roc. When you hit 50, it doesn't matter if you're the sexiest god damn man alive- women just don't look at you the same. They take one look at you and see a stacked old man. They look at you like you're disgusting, Roc. I just wanted things to be the way they used to, when I was your age." Another step backward, and Rocco felt himself pinned against the wall. "It doesn't hurt. Carlo said it felt damn good. He'll wake up feelin' like a million bucks and go right back to sticking that greasy pole into some man ass. Might even be better than before. But you..." His father leaned in against the wall, the wafting stench of his BO encircling the two. "You swing both ways. So will you do your pop a favor, Roc?" Rocco swallowed his spit, as his father leaned in until they stood inches from eacother, eye to eye.
"W... What kind of favor?"
"Let me be young again. Just for a couple weeks. I'll hop back in Carlo if things get out of hand, he's already said he's good with it. Let your old man take you for a spin, show you how I used to do it back in the day. Then at the end of the month, I hop right out. Deal?" His father stuck his hand out, waiting for him to accept this insane deal. Rocco turned to his brother, slowly coming back to consciousness.
"... One week. And if you don't fuck things up, I'll think about the other two." His father smiled as Rocco shook his hand in agreement.
"Turn around, boy. And just take some deep breaths." Rocco did as he was told, slowly turning around and placing his hand onto the brown tiled wall. He could hear Carlo coming to, and hearing the wet clap of his father's hands rubbing together. "Alright, boy. It's gonna be tight, deep breath!" Rocco took a slow inhale, feeling a strange tingling sensation as he felt his father's hands on his bony shoulderblades. As he exhaled, he could feel the calloused hands slowly sink into his back. "Ohhhh, fuck." His father's gravelly bass voice growled in the cavernous room, soaring above the wet schlorps of his huge arms slowly sinking deeper into his son. Rocco watched as his father's hands appeared beneath the skin of his arms, the outline of his fingers sliding down his biceps and forearms was quickly followed by the sounds of rubbery creaks as his father's considerable muscles slid into his own. Bones cracked and skin stretched as powerful biceps and firm forearms swelled with the invasion, as his father's hands slipped into his own like two tight gloves. His meaty fingers cracked under their own volition, as his father flexed his new triceps.
"Da... Dad? Oh fuck, Roc! It's your turn now, huh, bro?" Carlo's chipper voice cut through the wet sloshing as his father stepped forward, shoving his huge sweaty feet forward into Rocco's heels, immediately swelling to fit his size 14 boats. His father's ripe foot sweat started to pour from his soles while his calves started to sink in as well. "Feels great, right? I mean look at me? Dad promised a rockin' bod, and I mean, fuck! What guy is gonna turn me down now?" Rocco continued his deep breaths, trying to ignore his brother's bizarrely normal demeanor.
"Boy, you remember what your dad taught you. Take control, and fuck hard. They'll be beggin' for that cock." As the words left his father's mouth, he thrust his groin against Rocco's rear, letting his son's skin wrap around his thick ass as he slid his beer can dick into the sheath of his boy's- quickly swelling thick and musky as his balls grew into the size of clementines.
"Roc, just wait. Dad's gonna take good care of you. We're closer than ever, right pop?" His father's hard, hairy torso sank quickly into Rocco, his back expanding as his body fully enveloped his father up to their necks. Massive, juicy pecs and washboard abs pressed against his taut skin, and sputterings of the old man's hair started to sprout across his legs, arms, and chest. Rocco looked down at his massive body, no longer under his control, inflated with his father's stature. He could feel the scratchy scruff of the old man's beard against the nape of his neck.
"Alright, boy. Let me just slide..." He felt his father's nose press against the back of his head, and as it sank in, his vision became fuzzy. "Right..." His neck bulged and stretched, his jaw clenched and sharpened. "On..." His hair grew thick and messy, his eyebrows fuller and lower. As the last of his head was swallowed by the back of Rocco's head, a final crack of his neck and a slow exhale signaled that Rocco had already sank into the recesses of his mind. Facial hair sprouted across his chiseled jawline, as he smiled his pearly white teeth. "In." His father's gravelly tone now bellowed deep from within. He pushed himself off the wall, stretching his now 6'3" body, dripping in his old man's fragrant sweat. Turning to Carlo, he raised his eyebrow.
"Alright, boy. Let's go get some ass."
"Yeah, this is my brother's place, we'll be alone here. Don't you worry!" Carlo led the couple into Rocco's apartment, the boyfriend ogling his juicy ass as they walked inside. "Yeah, he's in the other room. This way." Carlo smiled as he threw his arm around the duo, the woman blushing as she turned to him.
"You sure he's down for this?" Carlo only smirked as he opened the door to the bedroom, revealing 'Rocco' in all his glory, swiping through the endless supply of thirsty messages on his Taimi. The couple's jaws dropped at the very sight of him, fresh from the gym, smelling of a locker room right after a basketball tournament.
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"Oh wow... Uh, Hi there... I'm Victoria and this is Ollie..." 'Rocco' barely looked up from his phone, picking up his ripe gym shoe and socks, and tossing them to Ollie.
"Sniff, boy. When you're done with that, you can do the same for my brother." The boyfriend eagerly started to huff the stinking sock, moaning in pleasure as he did. "And you..." He put his phone down onto the table, turning to Victoria with a wry smirk. "Come show daddy some love."
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ghettomealspo · 3 months
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More motivation for you fatty fat fatties
You get to choose who you are
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Oil Spill
In the small town of Maplewood, nestled among rolling hills and sprawling oil fields, Jake was a fixture. With his wide goatee and sturdy build, he personified the blue-collar grit of the oil rig workers. Known for his simple outlook and a fondness for cigars, Jake's life was as steady and predictable as the ticking of a clock. Jake was also raised in an unexposed house with racists.
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One fateful day, as Jake and his new colleague, Grayson—a sharp, gay black man from the city—worked side by side on the rig, disaster struck. An oil pipe burst, spraying crude in a wild torrent. Amid the chaos and shouting, both men slipped, falling into a pool of oil that shimmered oddly under the harsh sunlight.
When they emerged, covered in black gold, something inexplicable had occurred. Jake and Grayson, each wiping oil from their eyes, found themselves staring out from behind each other's faces. The spill had inexplicably caused them to swap bodies. Jake was now not only a black man, but a gay black man. Who he thought was the scum of the earth.
Confusion reigned as each man navigated his new reality. Jake, now in Grayson's body, felt disoriented by the sudden shift—not just physically but socially and culturally. Grayson, who had navigated the world as a gay black man with confidence and resilience, had left Jake with a complex life to manage. Conversely, Grayson found himself in Jake’s rugged frame, confronting a world of straightforward routines and rigid expectations, far removed from the vibrant city life he knew.
The swap forced both men to confront life from perspectives they had never considered. Jake, experiencing life as a black man and as part of a minority community, faced challenges and insights that broadened his previously narrow worldview. He learned about resilience in the face of adversity, about the vibrant culture and history that he’d never known as his own, and about the prejudices that Grayson had to navigate daily.
The first few days after the body swap were surreal for Jake and Grayson, but for Jake, inhabiting Grayson's body was an intense adjustment filled with confusion, curiosity, and profound introspection.
**Day 1: Discovery and Disorientation**
Jake awoke the morning after the accident in what he soon realized was Grayson's apartment in Maplewood. The realization dawned slowly as he stared into the mirror, seeing Grayson’s reflection staring back—darker skin, a larger build, and features entirely unfamiliar yet supposed to be his own. Panic set in briefly as the full weight of their new reality hit him. He touched his face, his arms, his hair—each sensation foreign and unsettling. His huge penis. He didn’t wanna look, but he couldn’t help it and acknowledging the size of his penis made him erect. Despite the fact that he was disgusted by his new black skin and the subtle creep and the attraction of men, he was admiring his new body and his fascination and attraction to his own comfort wearing thongs.
He spent hours that first day just moving around the apartment, noticing how people on the street glanced at him differently. The neighbors' nods were tinged with a reserved politeness that he wasn’t used to. Jake’s initial outing was a cautious experiment in interaction; he was hyper-aware of his new black identity in a predominantly white town.
**Day 2: Encountering Prejudice**
On the second day, Jake ventured out to a local diner, a place where he had always felt at home. But today was different. As he entered, he sensed a shift in the atmosphere, a pause in conversation. The familiar waitress hesitated when she approached him, her smile tight, her greeting less warm. Jake ordered his usual, but the interaction left him feeling isolated, a stark contrast to the easy banter he was used to.
Later, at a convenience store, he experienced a subtle, yet unmistakable, surveillance from the staff. He was followed down an aisle, and the clerk watched him closely at the checkout. These experiences were new to Jake, and they sank in deeply, the sting of prejudice sharp and immediate.
**Day 3: Understanding and Acceptance**
By the third day, Jake began to confront the implications of his new racial identity. He spent time talking with Grayson over the phone, trying to understand how to navigate these interactions. Grayson shared personal stories and offered advice on coping with discrimination, something he had learned to handle with grace and strength.
This day was also one of exploration and acceptance. Jake looked through Grayson’s personal items—books on black history, photographs of vibrant community gatherings, and letters from advocacy groups. It was a window into Grayson's life and struggles, his culture, and his pride. Jake started to feel a sense of responsibility, an obligation to respect and honor Grayson's identity while he inhabited his body.
**Adjusting and Moving Forward**
As the days progressed, Jake's initial shock gave way to a profound respect and empathy for Grayson’s experiences. He began to understand the depth of his colleague's daily reality—the good with the bad, the community and the isolation. This experience started to reshape Jake's perceptions of race, identity, and himself.
He liked being a black man. He liked men. He liked inserting his thick and long cock into tight asses. Like ravaging them. it wasn’t anything. He missed about being the white short ignorant man.
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wishmaster · 8 months
being a professor is such hard work, kids are always complaining about their grades. Mindless jocks are always trying to skate by while doing. I would much rather trade my smarts and sexuality to be a big, dumb dude than the kind queer progressive professor that I am.
From A+ to Stud
Suddenly as you were taking a walk your mind became fuzzy, your smarts seemed to quickly vanish as you were barely able to figure out what 1 plus 1 was. You felt a sudden jerk that sent you spinning forcing you to take a seat nearby.
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You grab your head suddenly noticing how thick your thighs were now.
Fuck? you say your voice now sounding more brash and less educated as it once did. You hope up and rush to a nearby restroom to get a look at yourself.
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Fuck bro, you say, checking out your new hot young body, what really impressed you was what you were packing in the junk department, it was huge, your balls heavy, you needed to cum so you filled your insta with pics hoping some sweet chicks would answer your call, mm, tits and ass that was your favorite things now.
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Fuck you were horny, but thankfully given who you were you barely had to leave the restroom before girls were throwing themselves at you. Fuck college girls were hot sometimes you wish you had gone, but fuck you get plenty of action at the club showing off your hot body and with your online vids getting plenty of action you may become the male model/porn star you dreamt about.
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petew21-blog · 27 days
Fitness Coaching
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No wonder you wanna be him. Damn, look at that body. I kinda want to take it for myself, but I don't want to leave you hanging. I have a feeling you have some bad memories of bullying and feeling insecure about yourself. Well not anymore.
Here are these nice and stylish blue shorts. As long as you'll be wearing them or have them close to you, you'll always look like Kevin Hjenas. But if you loose them... let's say it might be hard to find Kevin ever again
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oh you look good
Hope you like that new body of yours. Those veins popping out, sweat all over you. Either you are right now post workout or you have had quite a jerk off session.
How are the shorts? Did... did Kevin stop talking about turning him back?
I suppose he doesn't like being blue all the time...
Ok, show me those biceps so I'll forget about taking his life away from him
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Oh amazing, man.
Wanna go grab a drink? I think we should... Oh fuck it. Fuck me right now!
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I hope you like the new upgrade, Kevin.
@annoyingpoetryinfluencer was complaining that those blue shorts are too obvious and he can't wear them all the time. Hope you like being these new Calvin Klein's. You look really good as them. Oh, he's waking up. Gotta return them to him so he won't notice
Another story from inbox
For @annoyingpoetryinfluencer
Hello can you turn me into Kevin Hjenas?
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