thepinkladysblog · 11 months
I'm dutch so here is some dutch music!!!
My fav song
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rikwintein · 7 months
Het einde
Laatst bereikte verontrustend nieuws de piot. De hooggewaardeerde lezer weet beslist dat deze blog niet is ontstaan uit een toevallige Big Bang. Zoveel jaar geleden – ja ja: we worden oud(er) – kampte de piot met nerveuze stormen in het hoofd. Dit is niet de plaats noch het moment om oeverloos uit de wijden over wat precies de oorzaken waren van die precaire situatie. Het gaat over wat plaats…
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eltjedoddema · 1 year
Eltje Doddema
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nawazkakkal47 · 2 years
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(via 101Barz Rapper Hiphop Graphic T-Shirt by Best Of Luck Qoutes)
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dutchjan · 2 years
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September 11, 2022
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stickthisbig · 2 years
Prompt (sort of): There's this unofficial (but written by a D&D writer) book from 3.5e era called 'The Book of Erotic Fantasy', and it has extra spells including 'Share Sensation' a 1st level spell that does exactly what it says on the tin, and Unseen Lover, which is Unseen Servant but for sex. I feel like those have potential for smut. OxBITD or Oxventure, dealers choice.
but you'll be rewarded by sabinelagrande
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom:Oxventure (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Corazón de Ballena/Prudence Characters: Corazón de Ballena, Prudence (Oxventure), Dob (Oxventure), Merilwen (Oxventure), Egbert The Careless Additional Tags: Book: Book of Erotic Fantasy, Virgin Corazon de Ballena, Loss of Virginity Summary:
Corazon's had practice. Everybody else isn't ready for it.
This story is very silly and I have no regrets
(If you see me posting a dozen things, it's because I've been writing unceasingly and I am finally bringing some of them home)
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@bitbybitwrites replied to your post “GOD yeah i was so looking forward to hearing Jenna...”:
I'm such a dork . . I didn't realize both blogs were yours! 😂. If you ever write more, I'd be down for reading it!
​You're not the first, and not the last. It's on me for having absolutely no link between the blogs, but as the bio of the other one says: "Hello this is my fic blog, because I don't want my irl people following me to know I try to write." and I have some irl people following my main blog, aka this one. (Lloyd, Cilla, if you're seeing this, no you are not.)
But yes it has led to some confusion among newer Gleeks and also Snowbaz fans who mostly know my for the other blog. Newer blogs, I say, but yeah oops @justgleekout didn't know it either and she's probably been here since the days of "gladde boef" on Glee on RTL 5.
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healution · 3 months
Het is de laatste dag met onze oude badkamer, ik voel mij sentimenteel
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couleurlocale · 21 days
Van jó hollandus rap?
jó kérdés, nem az én műfajom a holland rap, de vannak ilyenek, hogy Boef, Frenna, Josylvio, de nemtom, Hollandia valahogy nem a jó rap hazája, ezen az éghajlaton csak techno terem :D
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ohhxdile · 10 months
Mysterious Man ☆ OS
∞ ₒ ˚ Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x reader
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Words: 793
Summary: Typical night for you working in a Tavern that is also an Inn. But tonight is different, there is a strange man in the corner of the room
Warnings: reader pov, use of medieval words, reader as an accent
(A/N: oh my god! i didn't expect my first fanfic to get attention, idk how to thank you all 💕😭)
I worked in this tavern for over years now. I’ve experienced many festivals, towns people's departure, new faces, mariage and even rivalry. We could call this quite the “experience”
But today was different, while a few drunk men were singing in the middle of the tavern, ripping their vocal cords and pouring ale on the floor. Messy customers that we didn’t really enjoy to serve, but they consumed the most. Something else was different. A blond-white haired man was sat at the corner of the tavern, a long black piece of linen covered his whole body, I couldn’t quite make out his apparence. 
The owner approached me while I was rearranging the barrels “The Witcher wants his pottage with boef” I stood up with a quirked eyebrow questioning him, he pointed quickly to the white-haired man. “Fine, sure” I sigh and put down the barrels I was occupied with, taking the wooden tray in my hand with the pottage and boeuf.
I walked to him and served him “Here is the pottage and boef, Mister asked” I took the empty vessel asking him if he wanted more to drink, he nodded and thanked me. I got to work and poured another drink for him.
Night was settling in, people were leaving, some bought a hall to sleep in. People were getting kicked out forcefully, typical day for a tavern that also works as an Inn.
My hands were sticky with all the type of ale and meals. I cleaned my hands while the owner cleaned a few vessels and plates. “Tonight was good” I smiled at him, when I turned my head, the empty barrels took my attention “Ah ya’ I forgot to refill them, Would ya please get the Pale Lager in the Undercroft?” I nodded and took in hand the empty Pale Lager and got working. I rummaged through all the cask, they were a lot of them, I quickly found the right one and filled in the empty cask. 
It was getting pretty cold in the tavern and I shivered a bit. Someone didn’t leave and It was the “Witcher” I quickly glanced at him and approached him “You’re leaving soon the village?” He raised his head at me and chuckled “I need to stay here for quite a while, people are asking me to solve a town problem.” His rough voice was like neumes to my ears, but soon after something bothered me in his sentence “a town problem?” I take a hold of his empty tankard and ask him “What? I never heard about a problem here before?” His eyebrows raised itself just like mines and we stared at each other.
Continuously we talk to one another, I understand what he means by “problem” there is a thief that is fliching money from ladies by making them buy deadly roses, what a complete disaster. I understood now why he would stay here for a while. “This is quite the story ya’ have” I chuckled to him and he shrugged off, raising his shoulders slightly. “It is my duty as a Witcher” The strange man was interesting, more than any menne I’ve meet along my years of working, he started ruffling through his piece of linen and gave me a sack of gold, I stared at him for approval and he made a sign with his hand. I opened the bag and counted the coins.
He had the perfect amount for the ale, pottage and boef he ate. I was pretty satisfied and thanked him. “My pleasure, the food here is gracious and the ale is smooth to the gullet” I blushed a bit, happy that he was satisfied. I took the bag of gold, content and walked to the owner giving him the coins.
Before leaving the Witcher came close to me, I looked up at him and he smiled, silence settled between us. I didn’t know what to say, but I was a tad busy with wipping the tables that I haven’t realised his eyes travelled around my figure. “Thank you again” I shrugged off his comment and said It was my pleasure. “I still haven’t asked your name” He mentionned and yes, I realised I never introduced myself to the stranger and I told him my name. 
He said my name, and the way It rolled on his tongue was mischievous I liked it. “My name is Geralt” I smiled hopping he wouldn’t see it since my head is lowered to the table in front of me. Suddenly dead silence and I lifted my head.
 Geralt was gone, he left the Inn with a souvenir and a warm welcome, and I was left with many questions in my mind and hoping that he would come back.
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gewoonkarin · 1 month
Pinksteren. Het werden drie dagen tuinen met regenjas en soms schuilen voor het onweer. Ik was toe aan tuin.
Het is wat rommelig namelijk. Eindexamentijd voor oudste liefje en jongste liefje had een soort van doeweek. Tel daar Hemelvaartsdag en pinksterweekend bij op en de weken zijn meteen anders. Dan moet ik tuin. Dat doet me goed. Al moet ik nu wel mijn nagels gaan vijlen want m’n handen zien er niet uit natuurlijk.
Over een maand krijg ik implantaten boven. Nouja, krijgen. Kopen. Dag spaargeld. Ik moet van lief en liefjes en ze hebben gelijk. Het is zo niet echt te doen. De rollen stophoest en pepermunt zijn niet aan te slepen en mijn lijf is de overdosis suiker moe. Bedankt Menzis voor het meedenken. Laatste jaar bij jullie. Alle verzekeraars zijn boeven, daar niet van maar deze boef gaat van mij geen cent meer krijgen.
Zo naar huis met peulen, sla en de eerste komkommer. Fijn, zo’n tuintje.
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bramsnor · 3 months
Toch maar weer los laten lopen de boef. Naar/naast de fiets de Loet en dan N210 oude gelopen. Vond ze weer geweldig natuurlijk, Loetbos terug. Daarna met de tuinslang schoongemaakt.
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l5-gbsdehorizon · 1 year
Deze ochtend trokken we naar de Brouckère voor de voorstelling ‘Boef!’.
Een urban performance waarbij inclusieve sociaal-politieke thema’s aan bod komen in een muzikale omkadering.
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nawazkakkal47 · 2 years
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(via 101Barz Rapper Hiphop Classic T-Shirt by Best Of Luck Qoutes)
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sunny-satellites · 7 months
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Oughhgh cormed boef time in 8 hours
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So Latin at school. Yay.
Basically you're not learning it in the same way you'd any modern language. It's a language that was in use for thousands of years so of course it changed a lot during this time span. That's why it's separated in at least three categories - classical Latin (used in late Roman Republic and early Roman Empire), ecclesiastical Latin (used by medieval Church) and Vulgar Latin (unofficial Latin used from the Late Roman Republic onward) this one is the origins story of all Romance languages.
Yep. All those fancy, sexy languages that people find hot like Italian or French are based on what I can only explain as Latin Cockney:
Just imagine Dave is Latin language and Daveo is Italian/French/Spanish/Portuguese/Romanian language.
It kind of looks like a medieval language class tbh. You don't learn how to introduce yourself or how to describe your family tree, because:
1. It's a dead language so it doesn't serve the purpose of communication anymore like foreign language does.
2. Latin is still used in science and it's a language which influenced Western identity the most. In order to truly understand the Western culture you need Latin (and ancient Greek but Latin is a bare minimum.)
You learn words and their conjugations (because in Latin unlike in English each person has it's own verb variant) and translate old texts. Conjugation may be affected by person, number, gender, tense, mood, aspect, voice, or other language-specific factors.
The purpose of having Latin is to better understand how modern European languages function. It's a blueprint for Romance languages like: Italian, French, Spanish, Portugese and Romanian (those are the big ones but not the only existing Romance languages.) Latin had an influence on the other language families too, and you'll have hard time finding European languages that don't have any Latin influence ( I'm looking at you the Finno-Ugric gang - Finnish, Estonian and Hungarian.) English was influenced by Latin too, that's why for example when you see this majestic beast:
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You'd call it a Germanic word "a cow" but when it's turned into this:
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It's called beef, from Old French boef (modern French bœuf) -> Latin bōs.
The poorer Germanic language people were keeping cows but the rich French Norman (Latin based language) speakers ate them.
Knowing Latin, even basic knowledge, is very helpful if you want to learn an European language. The logic behind the language (like existence of plural forms, significant portion of the vocabulary ect) is more often than not Latin based.
For many countries (in Europe but not only) Latin is also the language of religion. Yes, Catholic church still uses Latin from time to time, and to pass religion class in grade 8 (I think) I had to memorize Lord's Prayer aka Pater Noster (it's the Catholic beliefs in a nutshell and how Jesus taught the prayer should look like) in Latin. Latin is also an official language of the Vatican City, and was in fact one of the reasons why reformation happened, but I'm getting off track.
Latin is also useful in philosophy. Though many of the ancient European philosophers were Greek, there were a few Romans too. As you might noticed, in translation parts of text loose their meaning, and the words don't have an impact of the original version. Same thing with philosophy. To fully understand and embrace the meaning you need to know the original language aka Latin.
To summ it up! Latin is still sometimes taught in schools because:
1. it's a blueprint for the majority of modern European languages (and in the EU you should speak at least two) so if you know basic Latin it's easier to learn other languages.
2. It's the language of science and ancient philosophy. To truly understand what thought process created the West you need to know how Latin functioned and what texts written in it actually mean.
3. It's a language of the Catholic Church - the largest nomination in the Christian religion. Approximately 1.3 billion people in the world are Catholics - that's 17.7% of the world's population.
4. It's the common heritage of the Western world locked in the language form. People learn it to learn about their heritage and culture. What influenced people through thousands of years to form the Western cultures and history? Why certain thoughts and ideas (like for example individualism instead of collectivism, démocraties instead of authoritarianism) were embraced in the West? Language affects the way people think, so how Latin influenced Western values?
I hope I explained it at least a little bit 😅. I'm sorry if it all sounds more confusing now.
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