#Bothy Learning Space
gianttankeh · 2 years
Sonic Bothy 10! at City Halls, Glasgow: 7/12/22.
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Sonic Bothy celebrates a decade of doings this Wednesday with performances by the Sonic Bothy Ensemble, Bothy Learning Space and a screening of a recent film made during lockdown. Only a handful of tickets are left so please purchase one here if you would like to attend.
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frozen-fountain · 10 months
Whenever you have time, I’d love some dvd style commentary on Spiced Black Tea.
What struck me about it when I read it way back, was the atmosphere. Having done a lot of hiking to small shelters and bothies myself, it was instantly familiar. Thought you captured the cosiness of such places really well, and how they invite confessions/intimacy. Maybe because they’re temporary, liminal spaces, with a certain kind of magic— the things that happen there have a different weight. (Or so I think anyway lol).
Maybe not a snippet exactly, but it was hard to choose a specific section!
Thank you for sending this, my dear! That is absolutely the atmosphere I was trying to go for, and since I don't actually have experience of a hike that takes more than one day yet, I'm really glad I was able to recreate that for Elena and Yuffie on vibe alone.
I ended up just sort of running with this where it took me, and I'm cutting it because it features discussion of attempted sexual assault, the sexualisation of underage girls, and the experience of being on the receiving end of a predatory gaze in general. Nothing graphic but be careful of your limits.
You've very much right that what transpired in that cabin was facilitated by the liminality of the space – temporary passing-through places, the small hours of the morning, the internet, all these ways you can end up feeling a little removed from reality and the allowance this grants for vulnerability that might never express itself in daylight. I think Yuffie and Elena would've gotten there eventually, but the snow definitely helped expedite the process a bit.
What I hadn't quite realised until I received this ask was that the fic was kind of a liminal space for me as well. Sexual violence isn't a topic I handle unless canon necessitates it, simply because I feel like I have very little of import or distinction to say on the matter. But if I was going to write these characters, I needed to address the whole of their stories, and I'm pretty proud of the fact that I managed to turn one of my least favourite scenes in the game into an opportunity to deepen both characters and talk about some real stuff.
Partway through the quest, the FFVII adventuring party is sidelined when Yuffie (who's sixteen) and Elena (who doesn't have a canon age but reads to me as around the same) are kidnapped and threatened with sexual slavery. It's played for laughs and never brought up again afterwards. On the one hand, it's clear in context that neither of them are at any point in any real danger, but on the other... there's more than could have been done here if it had to be included at all. The scene as a whole redeems itself somewhat and works as a fantastic “Hands across the aisle” moments for the protagonists and a squad of secondary antagonists, hinting at a lot of interesting characterisation for the latter – but almost none of that is extended to the girls who are suffering here, and I wasn't about to let that slide. They're both young people with a staunch, black and white view of the world and the conflict they find themselves on opposite sides of – I would've loved to see both of them reconsidering a few things in light of having a terrible experience in common with one of the enemy. In addition, they both hold themselves to very high standards, and very masculine standards at that; it's all about winning, dominating, besting, might making right. There's no way both of them aren't acutely aware that this never would've happened to them if they were boys, and no way it wouldn't haunt them in deep, self-image-shattering ways afterwards.
There's a lot of my experience in there, too, as a queer woman terrified of externalising and perpetuating a gaze that's predatory and invasive, no matter how unfounded that fear might be. I was twelve the first time I noticed an adult man taking notice of me; horrifying enough on its own, but as I grew older and heard more and more harrowing experiences from other women, I learned just how lucky I was to receive nothing more than a look, and to reach such a relatively high age when I did. The idea of having to consider myself fortunate for this is a black mark of shame across the whole world, and on a personal level, it made admitting and embracing my own attraction to women carry a lot of shame and guilt. Again, not as bad as many people from more actively homophobic backgrounds would have it, but enough to weigh on me. Of all the responses I've gotten to my writing over the years, I'm really proud of and touched by the comments from people with some similar personal histories to me and to the girls that said they felt comfortable reading, in the presence of and in a story concerning other women who understand. That's a badge of honour I'll take to the grave.
Somewhat relatedly, but another layer of the fic is its exploration of the hole Yuffie's barely remembered late mother left in her life, and the difficulty she has interfacing with other women because of it. If I recall correctly it's not something any comment I've received has really remarked on but I think I did a good job of weaving that aspect into the subtext, informing the main plot quietly. She's a character who isn't taken seriously or delved into by the fandom at large, at least in my experience, so I like to think I did my small part to contribute to that.
I'll take this opportunity to recommend the fic Scratching the Itch, which is the only one I've found to cover some similar territory. It's not romantic (though it is briefly gay) and it doesn't end with any sort of release or resolution, but it does a remarkable amount with a little.
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suranne-doesstuff · 3 years
This is a walk I do quite regularly. And these were taken on Tuesday, all sunny. It was roasting, we're not used to it.
Today's weather was cloudy and a bit cold, a quick change.
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Me n my family wild swim here a lot and has become popular with tourists and a couple locals.
(Time for me to rant, sorry)
If you ever visit Scotland, especially the Highlands, PLEASE respect the land and put rubbish in bins. Pour your campavan/caravan etc waste where it's supposed to go!
I went swimming & picnic on Thursday here and found out there was blue-green Algae in the water which could have been from someone's waste. This Algae is not good, it's harmful to humans and your pets.
I didn't think much of it (I didn't picture it, sorry) at first but then I went home to go swimming again with my aunt and she showed me other pictures of the same type of Algae.
Please, please, please be respectful and look after the land. My aunt & I go camping and walking a lot and see a lot of rubbish and waste around, it's not great and is disgusting.
If you see a sign that says 'no parking' or 'private land' or see an "empty" space etc, then do not park or stay overnight! There's been many cases of people ripping/tearing down signs and then ignoring the rules. Stop!
Another thing. I, personally do not support the NC500! It promotes roads as if they're made for tons of traffic and heavy weights (especially single track roads), they're not. They're old roads, which in the past were main roads for the locals before better roads & bridges were built. We see so many cars and vehicles on them as if they're racing, as if the roads are race tracks.
I see people going on the NC500 go up hills in high heels, trainers, jeans, big brands, which then causes accidents. Mountain Rescue gets called out to save them, which is great that we have it, but those who are trained for it, aren't played, they're volunteers and aren't funded a lot. There's been so much accidents, which caused to cost a lot of money, just for idiots trying and failing going up dangerous mountains, not knowing what the hell they're doing. So, please, don't try it, unless you know what you're doing.
And for camping, PLEASE, for the love of god, stop buying cheap, pop-up tents from Tescos and leaving them. As well as, stop leaving your rubbish, waste etc where you "wild camped", if you can take it there with you, then you can take it back out.
Stop lighting fires, when you defiantly do not need them at all. And if you do have one, learn to do them properly. Burning fire on ground, scorches it and badly damages it. It takes years to grow back, that's if it does. If you take out one of those metal giant pit things, then don't leave it there. If there's a rocky bit/beach then do it on there. Having fires cause wild fires, in Scotland, we get bad winds, especially in winter, which then dries the land. This makes winter time a bad time to also have fires, especially since it doesn't snow badly, mostly anyway.
The last few years, with the summer's we've been getting, droughts have occurred, so summer is bad to have fires. But, in conclusion, anytime of the year, it's bad to light fires while camping in Scotland, but that could be my bias.
Bothys. I love Bothying, although, I've not been in many, just a few. I love it. They are buildings that are usually restored or just built from scrap. They're shelter for those who need it before or after climbing and walking somewhere, even after cycling. Anyway, most bothys are owned or looked after by the Mountain Bothy Association, they fix, make, help look after these bothys and make sure they're usable etc. Please, when staying in these, don't have a big group of people. And respect them. Don't expect electricity, heating, running water, or anything a hotel or your home would have. They're not holiday homes, you don't pay to stay in them, they're mainly shelter from bad weather. Most have plat forms, built in wooden bunks or if you're lucky, like my favourite bothy, it may have old bed frames, the metal ones. They usually have tables and chairs, and if you're lucky, a fire place.
Again, look after them, don't destroy them or ruin them. Some have had to close and be locked during lockdown because people were going to them and destroying & taking them apart. My aunt has stayed in some were people have taken blow up mattresses and tents, and other things in them, very unnecessary. They're not made to be driven up to, you walk to them and spend a day or more in the hills and walking or cycle etc. Look after them. If you wonder where the toilet is, you pee outside, AWAY from any water source. Same with your poo, you go far away (obviously not too far) from the bothy, and any water source and take the shovel that's usually provided in the bothy and dig a hole and poo in it and the cover it up with the dirt you dug. Don't leave tissue or wipes around the ground, not necessary, take poo bags and then carry it with you. Or burn wipes on the fire, if there is a fire place. Take small bags for rubbish and carry it out if you can't burn it etc.
That's my rant over. Lool.
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ismenejane · 6 years
I got tagged by @ungoliaunt! Yay!
Copy this and fill in your own answers. Then tag some people to learn more about them.
• Favorite smell - That’s an impossible question. But since I am the straightest straight, it’s probably man-musk (I know. I hate me too). Or that amazing smell right after it rains.
• First Job - Working at the JCC in Minnesnooooowta!!! #jewlife
•Zodiac sign - Taurus (but like for realsies)
• Favorite pizza - Regular: Veggie. All the veggies. Give me the veggies. Deep dish: Broccoli or Sausage and Spinach (why am I capitalizing things? No one knows). 
• Favorite dog - I love them aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall!!!! 
• Favorite foot attire - Bare, bitch.
• Favorite Roller Coaster - Space Mountain at Disneyland.
• Favorite candy - Seriously?! What is this, Sophie’s Choice day? Um, I guess Cadbury cream eggs (from England tho), jelly babies, or Reese’s. 
• Favorite ice cream - Butter. Brickle. 
• Pet peeves - People who walk slowly for no discernible reason. Foods touching each other on my plate. 
• What are you listening to right now - I just discovered Luke Kelly of The Dubliners!!! AMAZE
• Colour of your vehicle - They say it’s champagne, but my Jacquinetta is a beige lady.
• Colour of eyes - Hazel.
• Favorite Holiday - Three-way tie between Hannukah, Thanksgiving, and my birthday. 
• Night owl or day person - Bothy both both both both.
• Fave day of week - What even is this question. Thursday because it’s Thor’s day and Thor is bae.
• Tattoos - Not yet. 
• Like to cook - SO MUCH.
• Beer or wine or neither - Wine. Beer is gross. 
• Can you drive a manual transmission - Kiiiiiiiinda? 
• Favorite color - Green and red but that has nothing to do with Christmas.
• Do you like vegetables - SO MUCH.
• Do you wear glasses - SURE DO.
• Favorite season - Summer. For I am a lizard and I like the heats. 
I tag: @so-whats-the-deal-orange-peel, @legacysam, @weirdgirl42 If you waaaaaant
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Emergency Survival Kit
Emergency survival kit is a collection of basic tools and items of household that can be used in an event of emergency. The kit items are assembled in-advanced for survival purpose. Usually, the spacecrafts, lifeboats and military aircrafts are always prepared with survival kits. In emergency situation, you may have to evacuate immediately with some essentials. Probably, you won't have time to search or shop things.Do you want to learn more? Visit click here to find out more.
Some people don't care about disaster and don't know how to prepare an emergency kit. Here is the list of emergency survival kit items:
 -Food: Ready to eat or instant food can be stored in kit. The processed meal, canned food and special emergency survival rations can also be added. Make sure that the food items have long shelf life.
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-Water: Drinking water can be stored in standard water bottles, 1.5 liters per person. Or you can carry long life emergency water rations.
-Water Purification: You make reduce the amount of stored water by carrying collapsible water container or a roll-up. This makes water portable.
-Cooking: The portable cooking equipments like camping cookers, soiled fuel HEXI stoves, multi fuel Ghillie kettle or gas cookers can be added to survival kit. These can be used to basic boiling and cooking purouses.
-Food Preparation: However, the food preparation is not an essential for emergency survival. You can add few basic things like matchsticks, lighters, mess tins, light weight crockery or disposables, camping kettles etc.
-Self-Heating Meals: The portable cooking is one of the best options that will allow you to prepare hot drinks like tea, coffee etc. Though, you can also carry pre-cooked self heating meals.
-Area Lighting: The wind-up or battery powered lanterns can be used for area lighting. If situation favor you, you use portable gas lanterns or long-life candles. Safety light sticks are one more ultraportable lighting source.
-Torch: You can carry a torch having LEDs, which are relatively brighter than the bulb. The head torch is the best for personal lighting that enable you to perform other task all along. Remember to carry the batteries.
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-Radio: There could electricity cut off, so carry a self powered or battery radio that can catch both the national stations and local stations for news and emergency broadcasts.
-Communication: Generally, in sever emergency situations the telephone land lines connections get damage. So, you can carry a mobile phone with a charged battery or -airtime. You can get a licensed free two way walkie-talkies.
-Clothes: Carry clothes or dresses for extreme weather situations. The foil survival jackets are the best emergency shelter alternative, which is quiet light weight and compact.
-Bedding: Light weight, compact and portable sleeping bags or bedding are perfect emergency solutions. You can carry roll mats for some extra insulation.
-Shelter: The shelter may include a tent, emergency bivi bags, bothy bag shelter, all weather space blankets, waterproof tarpaulin, and foil blankets.
-Tools: The multipurpose hand tool can be added to emergency preparedness kit that can open cans, open doors and windows or cut through rope.
Universal First Aid and Hygiene
-Waterproof Bag Packs
-Miscellaneous personal supplies like personal protection equipment, light beacon for attracting rescue workers or a signal mirror, battery operated phone chargers etc.
External Links
https://pursuingoutdoorsblog.blogspot.com/ https://mypursuingoutdoors.wordpress.com/ https://cherylrvasques2701.wixsite.com/pursuingoutdoorsweb https://pursuingoutdoorsworld-58.webself.net/ https://thepursuingoutdoors.my-free.website/ http://pursuingoutdoorsonline.strikingly.com/ https://pursuingoutdoorsmedia.vuodatus.net/ https://gopursuingoutdoors.doodlekit.com/ https://penzu.com/p/ee20068b
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toughgirlchallenges · 7 years
Phoebe Smith - extreme sleeping outdoors adventurer who thrives on heading off to the wildest locations she can find to sleep in the strangest places she can seek out!
Phoebe Smith is an adventurer, author, editor, presenter, speaker and filmmaker.
By day she is award-winning editor of Wanderlust Travel Magazine, travel writer and presenter, by night she’s an extreme sleeping outdoors adventurer who thrives on heading off to the wildest locations she can find to sleep in the strangest places she can seek out.
She was the first person to sleep at all the extreme points of mainland Britain – including the centremost point – which she did solo, on consecutive nights in 2014. 
She has completed the Three Peaks Sleeps Challenge – in which she overnighted on the summits of the highest mountains in Wales, England and Scotland. She is also the author of 7 books including the bestselling Extreme Sleeps: Adventures of a Wild Camper,Wilderness Weekends: Wild Adventures in Britain's Rugged Corners  and the first ever guidebook to Britain’s free-to-stay-in mountain shelters –Book of the Bothy.
  Show Notes
  Backpacks & her favourite Lowe Alpine pack
How Phoebe would introduce herself and why she lives something of a double life…
Inspiring people to travel to new places 
Doing a feature on the Appalachian trail and how you can fit in the best bits of the trail in 2 weeks
Being a tourist in her own backyard the UK
Why adventure doesn’t have to be extreme
Growing up close to Snowdonia National Park and taking it for granted
Not knowing what she wanted to do with her life
Working in Australia for a year and how sleeping in a swag bag in the “red centre” change her perspective on the outdoors
Finding strange places to sleep throughout the world
Trying wild camping
Her fist solo wild camping experience 
Dealing with the naysayers
Having adventures in the UK
2014 - The sleeping challenge!
Seeing a cloud inversion 
Dealing with the rubbish on the top of the Ben Nevis 
Getting people to appreciate their local beauty spots
The history of the bothy and becoming a bothy bagger!
The Book of the Bothy - 26 of her favourite shelters spread out through Britain
Her first book - The Camper’s Friend and how it came about via twitter!
Practical tips for people going camping
“Enjoy not endure”
Creating a hot water bottle
Why it ok to just stop and “just allowing yourself to be”
Wild Camping in Scotland and the changes to the by-laws and how it can impact you
Take your rubbish with you and leave no trace
What people should do, to help support this campaign
Ordnance Survey 2016 and 2017 - Get Outside Champion #GetOutside
Why you should learn to map read
How she’s applied what she’s learned from the outdoors to her own life
Getting angry with herself whilst facing a dangerous river crossing
Her 8th book!! Britons Best Small Hills  - ***Coming 1st September***
Final words of wisdom 
“You don’t find the time, you make the time”
Creating your own go bag!!
  Social Media
  Twitter @PhoebeRSmith
Instagram @phoebersmith
Website: www.phoebe-smith.com
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/ExtremeSleeps
  Check out her latest books at: 
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gianttankeh · 4 years
When not Usurping, Duff & Robertson have been playing as members of Sonic Bothy Learning Space since 2018. This year SBLS have created a new film for ‘The Festival of Celebration 2020′ which celebrates the artistic achievements of people with autism, learning disabilities and mental health issues in East Dunbartonshire and the organisations that support them. Enjoy!
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gianttankeh · 6 years
Sonic Bothy presents ‘Diagonal Joy’ at City Halls, Glasgow: 6/11/18.
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Malcy Duff & Ali Robertson are overjoyed to be performing alongside players from Sonic Bothy, Bothy Learning Space and the Open Sessions series at City Halls. You can find out more about this event here.
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