#Boyd Gaming Corp
when neils gone pro and is super famous there are threads titled “Neil Josten being absolutely hilarious and he doesn’t even know it” filled with interview excerpts and his reactions to things and it goes viral, obviously, with an accompanying hashtag, #funnyneiljosten
Cue the OG foxes joining in
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However what surprises most people is that Andrew Minyard tweets his first ever tweet, and adds fuel to the fire that is the speculated minyard-Josten rivalry
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there-is-cromwell · 9 months
“the most favorable possible to the faction of O-“
Attacking the protestors had been a grave mistake, you understood that quickly. But by then it had already been too late. The situation escalated quicker than you could have imagined and the angry mob of Paris forced you engage more troops. What was intended to restore the peace in Versailles became an outright battle with shifting loyalties. You fell in that battle, one of the many victims the Revolution would claim. It was a quick and clean death, for that you are thankful. What is probably the worst for a man with your taste for glory – you would end as a footnote to history, a fleeting legacy.
Historical Context:
The historical context for this scenario is a prediction that William Short made in a letter to Thomas Jefferson on November 3, 1789:
These passions fermented a day or two and at length forced the Mis. de la fayette to march to Versailles in the manner described in my letter of the 7th. The game now seemed the most favorable possible to the faction of O———. Had the detachment of women, which had been sent off in the morning been attacked, the gardes Francaises and the mob of Paris would have forced the Marquis to engage the gards du corps and Regt. of Flanders. In this conflict he would certainly have fallen, and thus one of their principal obstacles would have been removed. If these women were not attacked, and repulsed, the retreat of the K. Q. and D. seemed inevitable, and thus an open field was left to the ambition of the D. of O. A council was held at Versailles. Most of the counsellors were for the retreat, but the King’s firmness, or if you please his confidence in the Mis. de l. f. turned the balance and saved his Kingdom from an immediate civil war. I can not omit one circumstance. Whilst the question of the retreat was undecided the King who that instant returned from hunting and got to the Chateau a very little time before the arrival of the women, asked if M. de la fa. was coming, and on being answered in the affirmative, took the resolution of remaining at Versailles.
“To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 3 November 1789,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 15, 27 March 1789 – 30 November 1789, ed. Julian P. Boyd. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1958, pp. 530–538.] (09/13/2023)
The “faction of O———” is the group that had formed around the Duc d’Orléans.
I will admit that I do not fully understand if Short refers to an attack on the women when they left Paris or when they already where at Versailles. Based on the participants of this supposed battle and the reaction of the King, I would assume that he meant attacking the protestors before they arrived in Versailles. This prediction works either way though, since the participants and the general situation stays the same one way or another and this is why I used the scenario here as well.
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deputy-buck · 2 years
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Anythin for you, justie-
Here's some that are sorta pre-Raylan and Boyd / not ship related!
He has a brother eight years his senior, Cade, who basically raised Tim since before their mama died. They had a great relationship then and still do to this day. Cade enlisted in the Marine Corps two months after Tim enlisted in the Army, he would have enlisted at seventeen -like Tim did later on- but he couldn't leave his little nine-year-old brother alone in that shithole. Cade may or may not be the reason Tim never got to kill their father himself. He later became a Game Warden in Shelby County, Texas- The boy's home County.
His mother, Donna, died when he was around three years old due to a heroin overdose, leaving Tim and his older brother in the care of their alcoholic father, Rodney. She was never a good mother so Tim doesn’t feel any sort of loss for her, he doesn’t even remember her if he’s being honest.
Tim kept all the spent casins from every target he's taken out, even has a couple of the gnarled bullets from when he was allowed to dig around the kill-site. He keeps them in a MOLLE pouch and doesn't let anyone touch it or know where it's stored. He used to pull them all out and line them up in order with Mark, reminisce and retell the days' worth of scopin out their target, but since then the pieces haven’t left the pouch.
He carries a pocket Constitution.
Tim replaced his secondary dogtag with Mark's, and put his secondary into his spotter’s casket. Tim was also one of the lead pallbearers.
Mark’s funeral was the last time he put on his service uniform. 
He keeps just about everythin Rachel hands him: pens, gum wrappers, wildflowers. He doesn’t want to forget her and sometimes needs a tangible reminder that she likes him and doesn’t just tolerate him. She once jokingly made him a very shoddy friendship bracelet out of a couple snapped hair ties, but it didn’t fit, so he tied it to his keys. It’s the only thing on his keyring that isn’t a key.
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kitkatt0430 · 5 months
So I've been watching Dollhouse again. It really was a good sci-fi show and I wish we'd gotten more seasons. Not least of all so we wouldn't have gotten the rushed reveal about who the second founder of Rossum was (it was an interesting choice but does not totally make sense, but honestly they needed someone to fill the role and it was an interesting twist)
I still don't like Paul/Echo as a ship - he's in love with the idea of her and she doesn't seem like the sort to want a white knight type to save her. Though at least the outtakes with them are hilarious.
Of course, as I seem to do when I watch stuff that isn't my main fandom... i wonder how the Flash would work in some fusion au based off what I'm watching.
And what I've got so far?
Iris as the Echo/Caroline analogue. She was a college student getting her psychology masters and an investigative journalist for the school paper. However her investigation into shady research going on in the Thawne building gets her in over her head and eventually leads to her being coerced into joining the LA Dollhouse... though whether to escape the consequences of her actions or to infiltrate the Dollhouse is unclear as Echo learns more about Iris West.
Hunter Zolomon as the Alpha analogue. A serial killer before he was wiped and made into a doll, he was meant to showcase the ability for the Dollhouse technology to 'rehabilitate' criminals. Instead the composite event has made him worse and now the Dollhouse is denying his existence even as he has begun causing them problems while on the run.
Cisco (with some Reverb's god complex thrown in) as the Topher analogue. The Active technology was all fun and games until the thing with Alpha happened and he's begun to realize that, despite his own brilliance, there may be more at work with his tech than even he understands.
Caitlin as the Claire Saunders/Whiskey analogue. She was injured by Alpha during the composite event attack and has become something of a shut in as Dr. Snow due to her scars. I'd take her in a very different (and yet in many ways similar) direction from the Dollhouse character in order to tie in Frost and maybe even Khione.
Eddie Thawne as sort of a Boyd analogue, but not really. He's a former cop who, after getting shot taking down the Clock King, has retired to the theoretically safer job of being an Active Handler. As the nephew of Eobard Thawne, founder of the Thawne corporation that runs the Dollhouse, Eddie gets looked down on at first for appearing to have gotten the job through nepotism. He's vocally disdainful of the 'engagements' Actives get sent on, but quickly becomes attached to Echo/Iris - especially as he realizes that she's starting to develop a personality that can't be erased.
Julian Albert as the Paul Ballard analogue. It's not Echo/Iris he becomes fixated on, however. He's searching for Whiskey/Caitlin, whom he had previously encountered twice when she was still an... active Active. He winds up being approached, however, by Joe West who has been searching for his daughter for the last three years. He suspects the Thawne Corp as being the backer for the Dollhouses and is hoping that Julian can help him find Iris... even if she isn't Iris anymore.
E2 Dinah Laurel Lance as the Adelle Dewitt analogue. Dinah worked hard to become the leader of the LA Dollhouse and she runs a tight ship. All that should matter is getting the engagements completed and satisfying the customers, but she is very protective of her dolls. But at the end of the day she has stricter morals than she realizes and lines she absolutely will not cross that will, no matter how good the paycheck she's promised is.
Barry Allen as sorta kinda not really the Victor/Anthony analogue. Barry was with Iris when she investigating the Thawne Corp and was badly injured. Iris thought he was dead when she went on the run, but really he survived and nearly a year later was essentially strong armed into the LA Dollhouse in a similar manner as to how Iris later was. He still recognizes Iris - and is still in love with her - even in his doll state. Unlike Iris, he's seen Eobard Thawne, the elusive and possibly missing founder of the Thawne Corp.
Eobard Thawne as the Clyde 2.0 analogue except not. Eobard was the sole founder of the Thawne Corp after he developed a number of breakthroughs in college... with Harrison Wells. However, Wells didn't like where the memory copying and imprinting tech was going and bowed out, ceding ownership of the research to Thawne if it meant getting as far away from it as possible. It was only a matter of time before Eobard started using his tech for achieving immortality of a sort and he may have started body surfing after a car accident several years earlier.
Harrison "Harry" Wells as the Clyde 1.0 analogue except also not. He never actually stopped researching the tech he initially developed with Eobard, trying to find ways to protect people from being wiped since he predicted that, one day, it would be possible to wipe and imprint new personalities remotely, with the right lighting and/or sound waves even someone without the Active Architecture embedded in their brain could be turned into a doll. He's been able to develop personal protection devices that he and his daughter have at all times - Jesse largely unaware of what's going on beyond her father's 'endearingly silly' paranoia. He theorized that repeated imprinting/wiping could lead to an immunity to the wiping process - but not the imprinting process - leading to the development of a core personality. And while he's fascinated by the concept, it's not something he was eager to see in reality. So he isn't exactly thrilled when Agent Albert and Detective West show up at his doorstep demanding to know what he knows about the Dollhouse.
I'm not totally sold on E2 Laurel as Dewitt, though obviously I think she'd work well in that position. I don't really have a Dominic analogue decided on yet. Hartley would probably show up working for another Dollhouse and act as Cisco's rival - they're both, with great reluctance, impressed with each other's work.
Eddie initially thinks all the dolls are volunteers one way or another, but learning otherwise throws him pretty firmly - and quickly - onto Team 'screw Thawne Corp'. This team also includes Julian, Joe, and Harrison on the outside, though Julian joins as a fellow mole when Eddie gets reluctantly promoted.
While Iris/Echo is still unique in that she's becoming resistant to the wiping/imprinting process waaaay faster than average, it's still implied that most people do wind up becoming immune eventually, thus the five year limit on Active contracts. However, if an Active is imprinted only a few times, then they don't develop a core personality and thus a personality could achieve immortality through body surfing.
The show also hinted at cloning coming into play with Rossum possibly cloning copies of the original body to keep downloading peoples minds into for 'immortality' with the hijacking of other people's bodies as a sort of in-between option until cloning got to where it was needed. (Adelle's former employment and a few other pieces of potential foreshadowing.) So I'd likely bring that in more, with Thawne Corp known for, amongst other things, being at the forefront of 'ethical cloning research' where organs and the like are cloned without creating a whole new human. Except of course they are actually also making whole new humans too.
This is definitely one of the more nebulous ideas in my head, though, so it's not one I really expect to ever write. But it is a fun plot bunny to play with for a bit.
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fmarkets · 8 months
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Boyd Gaming Corp: Surprising Twist in Third Quarter Earnings - Revenue Soars, But Income Takes a Hit https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=BYD&date=2023-11-02122125&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 7.29
587 BC – The Neo-Babylonian Empire sacks Jerusalem and destroys the First Temple. 615 – Pakal ascends the throne of Palenque at the age of 12. 904 – Sack of Thessalonica: Saracen raiders under Leo of Tripoli sack Thessaloniki, the Byzantine Empire's second-largest city, after a short siege, and plunder it for a week. 923 – Battle of Firenzuola: Lombard forces under King Rudolph II and Adalbert I, margrave of Ivrea, defeat the dethroned Emperor Berengar I of Italy at Firenzuola (Tuscany). 1014 – Byzantine–Bulgarian wars: Battle of Kleidion: Byzantine emperor Basil II inflicts a decisive defeat on the Bulgarian army, and his subsequent treatment of 15,000 prisoners reportedly causes Tsar Samuil of Bulgaria to die of a heart attack less than three months later, on October 6. 1018 – Count Dirk III defeats an army sent by Emperor Henry II in the Battle of Vlaardingen. 1030 – Ladejarl-Fairhair succession wars: Battle of Stiklestad: King Olaf II fights and dies trying to regain his Norwegian throne from the Danes. 1148 – The Siege of Damascus ends in a decisive crusader defeat and leads to the disintegration of the Second Crusade. 1565 – The widowed Mary, Queen of Scots marries Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, Duke of Albany, at Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh, Scotland. 1567 – The infant James VI is crowned King of Scotland at Stirling. 1588 – Anglo-Spanish War: Battle of Gravelines: English naval forces under the command of Lord Charles Howard and Sir Francis Drake defeat the Spanish Armada off the coast of Gravelines, France. 1693 – War of the Grand Alliance: Battle of Landen: France wins a victory over Allied forces in the Netherlands. 1775 – Founding of the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General's Corps: General George Washington appoints William Tudor as Judge Advocate of the Continental Army. 1818 – French physicist Augustin Fresnel submits his prizewinning "Memoir on the Diffraction of Light", precisely accounting for the limited extent to which light spreads into shadows, and thereby demolishing the oldest objection to the wave theory of light. 1836 – Inauguration of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France. 1848 – Great Famine of Ireland: Tipperary Revolt: In County Tipperary, Ireland, then in the United Kingdom, an unsuccessful nationalist revolt against British rule is put down by police. 1851 – Annibale de Gasparis discovers asteroid 15 Eunomia. 1858 – United States and Japan sign the Harris Treaty. 1862 – American Civil War: Confederate spy Belle Boyd is arrested by Union troops and detained at the Old Capitol Prison in Washington, D.C. 1871 – The Connecticut Valley Railroad opens between Old Saybrook, Connecticut and Hartford, Connecticut in the United States. 1899 – The First Hague Convention is signed. 1900 – In Italy, King Umberto I of Italy is assassinated by the anarchist Gaetano Bresci. His son, Victor Emmanuel III, 31 years old, succeed to the throne. 1901 – Land lottery begins in Oklahoma. 1907 – Sir Robert Baden-Powell sets up the Brownsea Island Scout camp in Poole Harbour on the south coast of England. The camp runs from August 1 to August 9 and is regarded as the foundation of the Scouting movement. 1914 – The Cape Cod Canal opened. 1920 – Construction of the Link River Dam begins as part of the Klamath Reclamation Project. 1921 – Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. 1932 – Great Depression: In Washington, D.C., troops disperse the last of the "Bonus Army" of World War I veterans. 1937 – Tōngzhōu Incident: In Tōngzhōu, China, the East Hopei Army attacks Japanese troops and civilians. 1945 – The BBC Light Programme radio station is launched for mainstream light entertainment and music. 1948 – Olympic Games: The Games of the XIV Olympiad: After a hiatus of 12 years caused by World War II, the first Summer Olympics to be held since the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, open in London. 1950 – Korean War: After four days, the No Gun Ri Massacre ends when the US Army 7th Cavalry Regiment is withdrawn. 1957 – The International Atomic Energy Agency is established. 1957 – Tonight Starring Jack Paar premieres on NBC with Jack Paar beginning the modern day talk show. 1958 – U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs into law the National Aeronautics and Space Act, which creates the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). 1959 – First United States Congress elections in Hawaii as a state of the Union. 1965 – Vietnam War: The first 4,000 101st Airborne Division paratroopers arrive in Vietnam, landing at Cam Ranh Bay. 1967 – Vietnam War: Off the coast of North Vietnam the USS Forrestal catches on fire in the worst U.S. naval disaster since World War II, killing 134. 1967 – During the fourth day of celebrating its 400th anniversary, the city of Caracas, Venezuela is shaken by an earthquake, leaving approximately 500 dead. 1973 – Greeks vote to abolish the monarchy, beginning the first period of the Metapolitefsi. 1973 – Driver Roger Williamson is killed during the Dutch Grand Prix, after a suspected tire failure causes his car to pitch into the barriers at high speed. 1976 – In New York City, David Berkowitz (a.k.a. the "Son of Sam") kills one person and seriously wounds another in the first of a series of attacks. 1980 – Iran adopts a new "holy" flag after the Islamic Revolution. 1981 – A worldwide television audience of over 700 million people watch the wedding of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Lady Diana Spencer at St Paul's Cathedral in London. 1981 – After impeachment on June 21, Abolhassan Banisadr flees with Massoud Rajavi to Paris, in an Iranian Air Force Boeing 707, piloted by Colonel Behzad Moezzi, to form the National Council of Resistance of Iran. 1987 – British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and President of France François Mitterrand sign the agreement to build a tunnel under the English Channel (Eurotunnel). 1987 – Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi and President of Sri Lanka J. R. Jayewardene sign the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord on ethnic issues. 1993 – The Supreme Court of Israel acquits alleged Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk of all charges and he is set free. 1996 – The child protection portion of the Communications Decency Act is struck down by a U.S. federal court as too broad. 2005 – Astronomers announce their discovery of the dwarf planet Eris. 2010 – An overloaded passenger ferry capsizes on the Kasai River in Bandundu Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo, resulting in at least 80 deaths. 2013 – Two passenger trains collide in the Swiss municipality of Granges-près-Marnand near Lausanne injuring 25 people. 2015 – The first piece of suspected debris from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is discovered on Réunion Island. 2019 – The 2019 Altamira prison riot between rival Brazilian drug gangs leaves 62 dead. 2021 - The International Space Station temporarily spins out of control, moving the ISS 45 degrees out of attitude, following an engine malfunction of Russian module Nauka.
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b360news · 4 years
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How to trade Delta Air Lines Dycom Industries: "I like it ... but the group has been brought down by a couple poor performers, particularly Fluor.
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r6shippingdelivery · 3 years
To the surprise of probably nobody, I’m already analyzing the fuck out of R6E’s teaser and its email. Join me in the speculation game!
From what I can piece: Project Orpheus is researching the meteorite from Outbreak. Operators from Rainbow are part of or formed REACT, possibly to deal with biological threats? Maybe the spread of  the black goo (the sprawl?) we see in the trailer is not the first case of it spreading/infecting stuff outside of a lab. Or after Outbreak the REACT division was formed, which implies they were anticipating similar situations in the future 🤔 
The guys from the email, Koffi and Brooks, don't seem to want to cooperate with REACT/Rainbow, so that makes me doubt their research is approved/legal. How tf did they get their hands on the meteorite then? After Outbreak, that thing should have been either destroyed or secured by some government, probs USA's one since it was New Mexico.
Ohh, since old Six Aurelia Arnot is now the secretary of state, she *could* have created REACT (I miss old Six, okay? xD). I wonder how far into the future R6E happens, and if it could be linked to other games, like maybe Orpheus Corp is an offshoot of Sentinel Corp, who knows.
I also couldn’t help noticing that one of the researchers is Dr. Bill Brooks, and I wonder if they’re related to Outbreak’s patient zero, Boyd Brooks, or if the name is just a homage/nod to the Outbreak event.
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there-is-cromwell · 9 months
“the most favorable possible to the faction of O-“
Attacking the protestors had been a grave mistake, you understood that quickly. But by then it had already been too late. The situation escalated quicker than you could have imagined and the angry mob of Paris forced you engage more troops. What was intended to restore the peace in Versailles became an outright battle with shifting loyalties. You fell in that battle, one of the many victims the Revolution would claim. It was a quick and clean death, for that you are thankful. What is probably the worst for a man with your taste for glory – you would end as a footnote to history, a fleeting legacy.
Historical Context:
The historical context for this scenario is a prediction that William Short made in a letter to Thomas Jefferson on November 3, 1789:
These passions fermented a day or two and at length forced the Mis. de la fayette to march to Versailles in the manner described in my letter of the 7th. The game now seemed the most favorable possible to the faction of O———. Had the detachment of women, which had been sent off in the morning been attacked, the gardes Francaises and the mob of Paris would have forced the Marquis to engage the gards du corps and Regt. of Flanders. In this conflict he would certainly have fallen, and thus one of their principal obstacles would have been removed. If these women were not attacked, and repulsed, the retreat of the K. Q. and D. seemed inevitable, and thus an open field was left to the ambition of the D. of O. A council was held at Versailles. Most of the counsellors were for the retreat, but the King’s firmness, or if you please his confidence in the Mis. de l. f. turned the balance and saved his Kingdom from an immediate civil war. I can not omit one circumstance. Whilst the question of the retreat was undecided the King who that instant returned from hunting and got to the Chateau a very little time before the arrival of the women, asked if M. de la fa. was coming, and on being answered in the affirmative, took the resolution of remaining at Versailles.
“To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 3 November 1789,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 15, 27 March 1789 – 30 November 1789, ed. Julian P. Boyd. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1958, pp. 530–538.] (09/13/2023)
The “faction of O———” is the group that had formed around the Duc d’Orléans.
I will admit that I do not fully understand if Short refers to an attack on the women when they left Paris or when they already where at Versailles. Based on the participants of this supposed battle and the reaction of the King, I would assume that he meant attacking the protestors before they arrived in Versailles. This prediction works either way though, since the participants and the general situation stays the same one way or another and this is why I used the scenario here as well.
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Selling Meteors To Dinosaurs
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38zhKuU
by moonix
Neil pretends to be a robot in order to escape his father and the Moriyama Corp ship he's confined to. He did not count on getting sent to bot mechanic Andrew Minyard to be fixed.
Words: 7076, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Neil Josten, Andrew Minyard, Nicky Hemmick, Kevin Day, Renee Walker (All For The Game), Seth Gordon, Matt Boyd, Danielle "Dan" Wilds, Allison Reynolds (All For The Game), David Wymack
Relationships: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, Alternate Universe - Robots & Androids, Found Family, Bot sanctuary, Mechanic Andrew Minyard
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38zhKuU
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ao3feed-sterek · 5 years
Underneath it All (I Am Not a Hero)
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2KunixN
by StupidGenius
Look, it’s not like Stiles set out to become…this, okay? When he went on that tour at Argent Corp Lydia all but dragged him to last year, he wasn’t expecting to get lost and accidentally stumble into their highly confidential bioengineering lab and get bitten by a radioactive spider. He certainly wasn’t expecting the almost fatal fever and the powers that followed a few days later. Not that he’s not grateful for the whole super strength/wall climbing/ danger sense thing, but he’s currently on his third phone this year after having accidentally smashed the others with his bare hands, so it can be a bit of a hassle.
Stiles is Spider-Man. For some reason, he thought it'd be easy.
Words: 3852, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV), Spider-Man - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: Derek Hale, Laura Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Cora Hale, Allison Argent, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Original Stilinski Character(s)
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Laura Hale & Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Spider-Man Fusion, this is technically not a crossover its an AU, but some characters from the MCU make it in, like Captain America is still Steve but mostly it's only teen wolf cast, Hurt Stiles, Light Angst, Spider-Man Interacting with New Yorkers, based largely off of the spiderman game and also the homecoming movie, Idk why im making this tbh i thought i was done w sterek but, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2KunixN
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mrhfz90 · 4 years
Stocks making the biggest moves after hours: Micron, Shoe Carnival, Ford and more
A customer views cars on display in a showroom of the Avilon dealership owned by the Ford Motor Company in Moscow. Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS (Photo by Anton NovoderezhkinTASS via Getty Images)
Anton Novoderezhkin | TASS | Getty Images
Check out the companies making headlines after the bell.
Micron Technology — The semiconductor company’s stock jump 5% in extended trading after…
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Kraft Heinz, Wayfair, Stamps.com & more
Kraft Heinz, Wayfair, Stamps.com & more
Check out the companies making headlines midday Friday:
Kraft Heinz — Shares of Kraft Heinz plummeted 27 percent after the company announced a $15.4 billion write down of its Kraft and Oscar Mayer brands. The company also disclosed a Securities and Exchange Commission subpoena as part of a probe into its accounting policies and cut its dividend.
J.M. Smucker, Dean Foods, Conagra…
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b360news · 4 years
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I think Starbucks is a buy Dine Brands: "Chill man don't like restaurants, here. Don't like restaurants." Bright Horizons Family Solutions…
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ao3-sterek · 5 years
Underneath it All (I Am Not a Hero)
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2KunixN
by StupidGenius
Look, it’s not like Stiles set out to become…this, okay? When he went on that tour at Argent Corp Lydia all but dragged him to last year, he wasn’t expecting to get lost and accidentally stumble into their highly confidential bioengineering lab and get bitten by a radioactive spider. He certainly wasn’t expecting the almost fatal fever and the powers that followed a few days later. Not that he’s not grateful for the whole super strength/wall climbing/ danger sense thing, but he’s currently on his third phone this year after having accidentally smashed the others with his bare hands, so it can be a bit of a hassle.
Stiles is Spider-Man. For some reason, he thought it'd be easy.
Words: 3852, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV), Spider-Man - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: Derek Hale, Laura Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Cora Hale, Allison Argent, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Original Stilinski Character(s)
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Laura Hale & Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Spider-Man Fusion, this is technically not a crossover its an AU, but some characters from the MCU make it in, like Captain America is still Steve but mostly it's only teen wolf cast, Hurt Stiles, Light Angst, Spider-Man Interacting with New Yorkers, based largely off of the spiderman game and also the homecoming movie, Idk why im making this tbh i thought i was done w sterek but, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2KunixN
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stocktweetsnews · 2 years
_rjje_: New Form 8-K [Press/News Current Report] entry filed by $BYD BOYD GAMING CORP
New Form 8-K [Press/News Current Report] entry filed by $BYD BOYD GAMING CORP https://t.co/OyYXqCLTiv https://t.co/hVMa7Gr6nx
— # (@_rjje_) March 29, 2022
from https://twitter.com/_rjje_/status/1508749298896449536
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