#Brass and Sass (RWBY)
‘Mr. Song’
Neon rolled out of bed and got to her morning routine, brushing her teeth and hair. She even brushed her tail, since it was warmer out and she'd started shedding. She could hardly wait for this awesome gig.
She and Flynt were performing at a formal dance later that night. Playing dress up was always fun, even if she would have to get her hair done. Neon had heard that those girls from Beacon had made their way to Atlas as well. They might even make the scene.
She would have so much to talk about with the Schnee girl and the blonde. They still hadn't gotten to hang out, what with the school being destroyed. She hoped those two and their teammates were doing alright.
Neon's Scroll buzzed. Probably Flynt reminding her to get extra cute for their gig. Or he might want to get one last practice in before the dance. Flynt almost never stopped practicing. Then again, he was a quartet by himself. Neon only played drums because Flynt needed a fifth person and Neon could actually keep up with his music.
Flynt was the most talented person Neon had ever met. She was proud to be his bandmate, teammate, and girlfriend. She liked girls more than guys, but they were both cute. Her last girlfriend had left school and moved to Menagerie. Neon wondered what the cute chameleon girl was up to these days. She still felt sorry about that incident, but the girl had broken the teeth of those who had made fun of her.
Neon had helped. It was a fun time.
Katt picked up her Scroll. Flynt had sent her a good morning text as well as a reminder to look especially stunning for the dance. The message ended with 'Not that I have to tell you to look incredible, love' and Neon blushed.
A knock came at the door. She answered to see her favorite couple, Saffron Dragonglass and Berry Blizzard.
"Alright, Kitty! Let's get you fine!" Berry cheered as she zoomed into the room, the small bear ears on her head wiggling excitedly. Saffron grabbed her girlfriend by the arm, wagging her fluffy fox tail.
"She's already fine, Berry. We're just getting her ready to serve nosebleeds..." Saffron was softspoken and unimaginably tall next to Neon. There was more than a foot of height difference between the fox girl with the flowing golden hair and her bear girlfriend with the short wine-colored spikes. That must have made their alone time interesting.
"Please try not to grope me that much, Berry. I know you want this body, but you can't have it!"
Berry scoffed. "Saff's got more than plenty of body for me!"
"Of course she does! Girl's got so much body she should be continued on the next girl!" Neon complimented. Saffron blushed brightly.'
The two girls got Neon dance ready in a matter of hours, and Neon made the scene early to catch a final practice session. Flynt killed it, as always, and Neon did well enough, she thought. Neon went to kiss Flynt, but he disappeared. Right, Blue Flynt was usually the real one. She'd leaned in for a kiss with Red Flynt. The striping on his hat changed colors for each of his copies.
There wasn't much of a way to tell when none of them were dressed, but that was fine with Neon. If they were all naked it was always a good time.
The original Flynt kissed her, all her worries melting away. She was always nervous before concerts, but her favorite boy's lips always calmed her nerves. "We're gonna kill it, Honeybee!"
"We ain't called the 'Killer Quartet' for nothing, Sweetie!" Neon grinned and kissed her man again. The crowds started pouring in, and Flynt and Neon readied themselves.
Neon saw the blonde bomb from Beacon. There was a dark-haired knockout with cat ears on Blondie's arm. She skimmed over the crowd looking for the Schnee girl, seeing her with the short-haired girl from their team. Aww, their teammates were their girlfriends. That was just adorable.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and everyone in between... Welcome to the Atlas Ball. My lovely girlfriend and I will bring the sultry sounds to your ears for this dance. We are Flynt Coal's Killer Quartet! This song is called 'Jupiter Jazz'!" That was Neon's cue. She tapped a cymbal in time and waited for Flynt's guitar.
The sound of his chords filled the room, and her drums came in behind him. Soon the whole spot was dancing, the slaying sounds of Flynt's jazz bouncing around the room. 'Jupiter Jazz' always got the crowds moving, but their next song would fire the place up even more.
"Now we're gonna do a Seatbelts cover! Any Cowboy Bebop fans out here?" A few cheers rang out, making Flynt grin. "Alright then, here's 'TANK!' for your listening pleasures!" This song got Neon especially fired up. It was an onslaught of horns and energy over a hot beat and some positively fire bass.
This one got the dancers hot. Speaking of hot, Blondie and her Kitty Cat were hotter than magma. It was hard for Katt not to stare. Not even their looks, although they looked breathtaking, the way they danced was remarkable. The catgirl's hips popped in time with the bass, and Blondie followed the beat with her steps. They dipped and twirled with the music as though they were one person.
A few songs later, Flynt announced that the band would be taking a quick ten. Music poured over a PA while Flynt and Neon had their break. Neon ran over to Blondie and chatted her up.
"I haven't seen you guys since the Vytal Festival! I'm glad you guys survived all that!" Neon sympathized.
"We've survived that and much more, Neon!" Yang told her.
"So I see you're still top heavy. Looks like your bottom's heavy, too!" Neon jabbed as she looked at Yang's partner.
"The name's Blake, and I'm usually a top. I only bottom for Yang," The cat girl with the black hair told her.
"Yeah, Yang's got the top energy. Say, who's the white-haired girl got on her arm? She's cute!"
"That would be my sister Ruby," Yang answered. Neon nodded, excusing herself to retake the stage.
Day 24: Character We Haven’t Seen in a While
NEON KATT! ANd Flynt Coal.
I’ve seen some art and prompts of Neon making jokes at the Bees, so here we are.
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plxtokid · 4 years
uhhhh i realized that a lot of the blogs i follow on my old acc dont really support my interests anymore, so hi i’m here to make friends and find ppl to follow! here is the “aj interest masterlist,” pls follow so i can find some cool ppl with cool interests :)
- Legend of Zelda
- Grishaverse/Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows (reading rn!)
- Star Wars 
- Theatre (Great Comet, Ghost Quartet, Falsettos, A Chorus Line)
- D*nganronpa (shhhhhh)
- Webtoons (Satan and Me, Lore Olympus, Age Matters, Brass & Sass, Let’s Play, etc yea i like romance :/ )
- My music taste is a shit show but if you like Ok Go, Noname, Porter Robinson or Madeon we should be friends
- ✨Obscure fandoms✨including (but not limited to Tron Legacy, Over the Garden Wall, Narnia, Fleabag)
- Im currently watching Critical Role but im only on episode 19 ;-;
- My anime list is long but if you like Death Parade or Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun i lov u
The list goes on forever but pls feel free to follow so I can find some ppl :’)
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Heya Folks, so I’ve been enjoying the weather and bashing around ideas that would make for an epic fic,or even just my theories of how V7/8 could possibly play out. 
(Its in no way a prediction or do I have any expectancy of this any of this happening, just a lil bit of fun  and by no means a demand made of CRWBY or a claim that I know what they have planned or that I can write it better, anyone who claims any of the above and that they can are dipshits in my eyes.) 
I don’t have time to dedicate to writing it so I thought I’d get it down on bullet points, but If I do make it into a fic with will be called “Birds of a Feather.”
As we are going into Vol 7 and the Atlas arc, here are some thoughts. 
 * Picking up immediately from the end of VOL 6
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 Arriving in Atlas, our trusty heroes touch down and are detained by the Atlas Military. Though they plead for an audience with General Ironwood and explain why they are in possession of a military Airship from the Argus base, (The ‘lengthy’ report from Caroline Cordovin having yet still to be written and submitted.) their pleas fall on deaf ears at first.
 Weiss makes an adamant plea that her sister, Specialist Winter Schnee be contacted, rather than her father, as they have top secret information detrimental to the tide of the coming war which needs to be delivered immediately.
 They are still detained whilst the personnel in question are awaiting confirmation of information provided. 
Whilst detained, Blake is split from the group, much to Yang and Weiss protests, but Blake tells them that its ok, and is taken to the Faunus allocated holding cells, I shall be referring to as The Pound/Kennels
 (Divergent, Yang refuses to be split from Blake and so is held with her.)
 Whilst split from the group, Blake (&Yang?) sees how the Faunus ‘prisoners’ are treated, realizing that there is still very much to be done with regards to Atlas and its prejudices towards the Faunus community
 (It would also be a great way to show and not tell, even if there are snippets of info about the disparity between Mantle and Atlas parted to the two women.)
 Maybe Blake tells the Faunus of what occurred in Haven, that the WF is now back under the leadership of Ghira, returning to the previous peaceful ways, working with the humans rather than against.
That Adam Taurus and Sienna Khan are dead. (This could also segue-way into a brief moment of showing just how much killing Adam has affected both women)  The news is met with mixed reactions from the Faunus.
 * Specialist Winter Schnee arrives to the holding place of our main cast. After a heartwarming reunion between the Schnee sisters (as heartwarming as Winter can be) information is relayed minus a few omissions bout stealing an airship and vicariously causing the subsequent Grimm attack back in Argus, the Relic and Ozpin being in Oscar’s head, a request to see Ironwood is made.
(Extra points of some Winter/Qrow friction… The pair are cynically sassed by Maria.)  
 Weiss also makes it known that Blake (&Yang?) have been detained elsewhere and demands their return. The heroes are delivered to Ironwood and they are reunited with Blake (&Yang?). Apologies are made to Miss Belladonna for her treatment. 
Discussion of the Relic, Salem’s plans, Cinder as the Fall Maiden, etc occur, finally bringing Winter into the fold and Ironwood up to speed.
 (Yang still does not admit that she is aware that Raven is the Spring Maiden)
 Ozpin finally makes an appearance, much to the groups surprise, Winter’s shock and Ironwood’s expectation. (Maybe a tiny bit of unmentioned but shown discord from Winter towards Ironwood at being kept in the dark?)
 Qrow questions Jimmy about the Relic of Creation/ where abouts of the Winter Maiden and the importance that Salem and her faction do not get their hands on the two Relics. Ozpin presses the issue to be met with Ironwood cryptically parting that the Relic of Creation is ‘safe.’ Much to Ozpin’s and Qrow’s frustration.
 Mention of new clothing needed, Maria’s goggles, Yang’s arm and Gambol Shroud needing to be fixed. Lodgings are offered at Atlas Academy
 Our heroes make moves to go to lodgings leaving behind Qrow, (maybe Oscar/Oz and therefore vicariously Ruby) with Ironwood and Winter so that they can strategize. 
*Weiss begins showing the group round Atlas, (perfect opportunity to show us the aesthetic of Atlas much like we got to see Argus. The tech, architecture, culture etc.)
 Blake is ‘cat’ called so to speak, (Get your pet back on its leash) thereby showing the audience and the group just exactly what Faunus face on day to day basis.Everyone comes to Blake’s defense, esp Weiss and Yang.
 If Blake does not come under fire then at least in the background the group witness Faunus treatment, via difference in clothing, service jobs etc. 
It could even play out that when trying to enter an establishment that Blake is either denied entry or forced to enter through a Faunus door, akin to Apartheid or at the minimum, disgusted looks.
 Weiss is rather vocal. (What’s that supposed to mean?) and outright refusing to enter an establishment that treats Faunus that way…. The proprietor would end up grovelling and snivelling…. 
“I’m willing to make an exception for an illustrious Schnee!” OR ”So the news ‘is’ true… You have lost your mind!”   (As a call back to Jacques threat in Vol 4)  
 Nora offers to go in there and smash the place to bits.
 Blake begins to voice concerns that maybe she ought to put back on her bow, much to the group’s dismay.  (Maybe some sage advice parted from Maria)
 Henry Marigold is in the background having witnessed the altercation before slinking off????
 Our group meets Flynt and Neon, who offers to take them to the Academy and get settled. Brief happy reunion occurs. 
Neon walks through the streets of Atlas bold as brass, seemingly unaffected by the looks they are garnering, but also calling out to a few vendors she knows who jovially return her greeting, giving the sense that she is much liked (and as a direct contrast to the previous altercation) much to Blake’s surprise  
 New outfits are acquired. A few weaponsmiths admit that maybe Yang’s arm Atlas Tech is beyond their skill.
 Maria says that an ‘old friend’ will most certainly have the skill to repair her arm, and Blake’s weapon.
 *Maria goes to visit her ‘old friend’, with Blake and Yang(Ruby if she has returned from strategy meeting, or if she never attended it) in tow.
 They are brought to a workshop/lab. As Maria and the old man catch up, and he is looking at the goggles/weapons that need to be fixed. the girls have a look around.
 Ruby is fangirling over weapons. (They come across either the schematics for Penny, half built androids, ie inner framework etc ) OR a previous model, who is working as the old man’s assistant. 
Ruby is taken aback, when she meets the Penny 2.0, who does not recognize her and Ruby realizes that she has none of Penny’s memories. Ruby is visibly upset OR The audience sees schematics for Penny’s design, or an arm on a workbench in the processes of being rebuilt, or very distinctive feet poking out from under a cover. (this would save Ruby from yet another heartbreaking moment)  The old man in question is Professor Polendina. Once they find out that this professor Polendiina, he and Ruby have a heartfelt discussion about Penny and he is pleased to hear that penny had become what she always wanted which is a real girl and that she had made friends, who remember her fondly and will never be forgotten.  Prof Polendina fixes the goggles and begins preparing to fix Yang’s arm telling the group that it will take time and they can return at a later date.
 The group leave.  
 *Meanwhile. Cinder and Neo arrive in Atlas/Mantle, immediately going about finding a Spider’s Den for information on TEAM RWBY.
 Tyrian is stirring up trouble amongst the Faunus in Mantle, claiming that siding with his ‘Queen’ will grant them the tools to overthrow the Atlesian Elite whilst Watt’s pays a visit to Jacques and other people in positions of power, fear mongering and telling them what exactly is coming to Atlas, that they don’t stand a chance and the only way to ensure their survival is by siding with his employer.
 This begins to sow the seeds of dissonance, and doubt in Ironwood’s leadership.  
I have have a loads more written that I am corralling together but its something I’ll keep working on keep you posted.. If I do ever write a fic .. It will be called Birds of a Feather cause a good chunk of it is tied to the return of Raven and a desperate last stand with the Branwen twins back to back, trying to give Tai much needed time to get the kids out of the city. 
 There's a huge flash in the sky, behind the kids as they are escaping and all we hear from Yang is a very soft '"Oh' or a gasp. .. 
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 (She is the only one who knows her mother has died as she felt the power entering her.  She keeps this to herself as nobody knows Raven is the Spring Maiden other than Cinder.
 It’s not meant to be some overly dramatic scene, just a soft realisation that Raven was indeed thinking of her in her last moments and did care.
 I'm a firm believer that Raven made out to Cinder's faction she didn’t give a shit about Qrow or Yang as an added layer of protection, that when she finally did double cross Cinder that Salem's faction wouldn’t come after them in retaliation, esp given Raven's semblance and her still being able to make a portal suggesting that she is still very much attached to her brother and daughter)
Yang spends the rest series not using her semblance, her father and friends believing it is to do with what she has learned in the last 3 volumes, rather than something else, which Blake does pick up on.
If Yang does use her semblance it will be sparingly and the others just think that is has evolved.But Blake defo knows otherwise and presses the issue.
 Maybe someone returns with Qrow's weapon signifying he is dead and that there was no sign of Raven, who everyone assumes ran and left him to die. Maybe a negative comment is made by Tai to that effect causing Yang to lash out an tell him Raven's died protecting them..
 When asked how she could possibly know, she tells the others that she is the Spring maiden. 
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On the Weiss /Blake/Faunus issue. The Fall of Atlas causes the Atlesian elite to flee to Mantle where they are met with mixed reception. Some Faunus are adamant that they don't help. Others rush to help them.. 
 The Atlas Elite come to realise the kindness that these people are offering even after they have been treated as lesser.. (extra brownie points if the douchebag who told weiss to get her faunus on its leash is actually the background accepting help) 
 Whilst the group are hiding amongst the locals, attempting to regroup and Winter tries to coral what is left of the Atlesian Military, taking over command after the death of General Ironwood
.Weiss comes to see just how bad the conditions really are in the factories, esp SDC factories and truly sees how the other half lives. She is aghast to see other human beings running around with her Grandfather's legacy branded into their skin.
 When she points this out to Winter, she finds out that her older sister was aware of it,  but only due to her military duties. 
Weiss is of course appalled that Winter would keep this from her, who in turn tells her it was out of protection, that there was never a right time.
 Weiss vows that when all this is done she is taking back the SDC from her Father/Whitley no matter the cost.
 Some faunus are not at all happy that the Schnee's are down amongst them and it is Blake that comes to her defence explaining the new focus of the WF, what happened at Haven and that Weiss will stay true to her word. The faunus from the detention centre back at the start, back this up. 
The group find that they are being hunted for and make the ultimate desicion to leave and make a bid to escape.
A call is made for all Atlesian Military personal to return to their posts as the a new council has been formed , with Jacques Schnee at its head, (with Salem obv pulling the strings cause Jacques is a now a puppet.) having taken the place of Ironwood.
All Atlas students are also called to go back to the academy. Team FNKI refuse.    And Winter goes freaking rogue, gathering soldiers and personnel loyal to Ironwood.  Team FNKI join her, as do other students and Faunus from Mantle  vowing to protect what it is left and not let it fall until the very last man/women
(maybe the Branwen’s Last Stand happens here??? ).
Our heroes abscond with the Relic of Knowledge but without the Relic of Creation which is now in Salem's possession.  Spotted by Emerald, and it is suggested by a short clip that she follows them at close quarters. 
Our heroes are battered, injured and moral at an all time lows, (similar to vol 3 , as in all fairness they need a huge loss to balance things out and remind us of the stakes and NO ONE is protected by plot armour, extra points if Ruby loses an eye)
At the end of volume 8 , our heroes are in a non disclosed location, licking their wounds and wondering if they can truly carry on.  
A flash to Atlas devastated, surrounded by flying Beringals etc in the sky circling.
This plays out concurrently over the two volumes. 
As Salem and her hoard of flying monkeys descend on Atlas and tear it asunder. Emerald and Mercury come across Cinder and Neo.
As Emerald rushes to apologise profusely that they didn't know  she was alive. Cinder brushes her aside. 
 Over time, Emerald comes to witness the difference with the way that Cinder treats Neo and becomes increasingly envious, Mercury points out what he did in V6E9 that Cinder doesn't give two shits about her, to which she replies,
 "You don’t know that!". 
The tension between Neo and Cinder build, mainly from Emerald's side, as Neo literally sassily  shrugs it off. Maybe at some point there is a 1v1 fight
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 (mainly cause I really wanna fricking see a battle of the semblances... Hallucinations v's Illusions. 
Creating something from nothing, that only one person can see,  ie, Emerald's multiple copies of Mercury surrounding Yang back in Haven..... 
V'S twisting the real to look different, as I noticed Neo can only manipulate matter, as a disguise rather than create something from nothing.Neo needs something to work with. So Neo manipulates matter and Emerald manipulates the mind) 
 We know that Neo would win in a 1v1 with just fighting skills,  though we are also aware that Emerald is fully capable of taking on a number of Grimm by herself.  I think the semblance aspect would really make fight between the pair anyone's guess.
 Ultimately, either Neo throws the fight in order to stay close to Cinder and her original goal which is stabbing that bitch in the back, or Emerald wins.
 Emerald is defeated, exhausted and hurt. Surrounded by Grimm, Cinder leaves her to die.  
(Extra points for Emerald on the ground reaching out with hand as the city burns around them , eyes brimming with tears, as Cinder gives her a look , before turning her back and walking off. Cause I’m a sucka for heartbreak)
 Emerald's fate is unknown, until we see her at the end of the volume, spotting our Heroes leaving , there by kick starting her road to redemption, of sorts.
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 (It always struck me as odd that in V6E9 why her and Mercury were present and told a very strategic piece of info.
 "The only thing that can stop Salem's plans for Atlas, is Vacuo coming to their aid, that Vacuo must be kept out of it at all costs!"
Esp when CRWBY are known for keeping things very close to the chest and making every cent of their budget count.. Which leads me to believe that it is important esp with concern to Emerald and Merc, which again makes me think that Emerald will eventually leave with that information and deliver that info to Vacuo, either out of genuine guilt and wish to make rights, or as a way to avoid being imprisoned. 
 We know that Vacuo have a very laxed view on criminals etc.. so it’s the perfect place for Emerald to flee to,  whether Mercury goes with her remains to be seen.)
 That’s as far as I’ve gotten with concerns to that. 
This could happen anywhere long the narrative, maybe towards the end of v7 or v8 I see this pair standing back to back surrounded by enemies. Anything to stall and allow Tai to lead the kids out of danger. Cuts to scene in the aftermath of an epic battle with their slain enemies, Both sat on the ground, leaning back to back, both exhausted, maybe Qrow injured,  Qrow takes out his hip flask, giving it a shake, he takes a sip. He hands it to Raven, who takes a small sip before handing it back, Enemies approach a second time surrounding them, Cinder or maybe even Salem. they are severely outnumbered. The Branwen’s struggle to their feet supporting each other. 
“I never thought it would end like this!”
“We came into this world together, we go out of this world together!”
“Ah come on, that’s not like you, who says it’s over?”
(either line is interchangeable for either character)
They exchange a look, both knowing that this is the end, before turning with weapons raised and running into the fray. 
Cut to where the kids are, who witness sanse huge flash in the background, Yang’s soft ‘Oh’ and then cut back to Qrow’s hip flask on the ground, dented and scorched. 
Yes! I know , I am  a monster!
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‘Something Beautiful’
Neon paced around the dressing room, filled to bursting with nervous energies. She was always this way before a concert, and her drums were already on the stage so she couldn't calm down that way. Flynt was never this nervous, or at least he didn't let it show.
How could he be so chill? He had more music to remember than she did, as he played four parts at a time to her one. Maybe each of the clones had mastered all the instruments. Of course, they were all Flynt after all.
Speaking of her most favorite person, he appeared through a door that led to the stage, his trumpet in one hand. He tapped her shoulder and motioned for a kiss. She leaned up to peck his lips with her own, both of them grinning at that. "Hey, beautiful," He mentioned, Katt's heart melting away.
Dust, but did she love this boy.
"How do you play show after show without getting nervous?" Neon asked him. He chuckled at her.
"I'm nervous before every show, Honeypot! I'm nervous from start to finish sometimes! I just power through the nerves! Usually, the music takes the nerves away and everything is smooth sailing!" He spoke coolly. "I'm a bit nervous about this Trombone Shorty cover that wiggled its way into our set, but we should do great on it," He continued. Katt smiled at her paramour.
"We're gonna be amazing! We always are!" She cheered. Flynt grinned at her.
"We definitely will... provided Daisy doesn't demolish your drums!"
"Nah, they're nearly brand new. She shouldn't do too much damage. Ooh, are you and Penny gonna do 'TANK!' this time?" She asked eagerly. It was one of her favorites, and Penny Polendina's incredible trumpet prowess always made it so much more fun to perform.
"She said she was down with it! She's supposed to invite me out to play 'The Real Folk Blues' with them. That should be incredible," He mused, bringing his trumpet up to his lips to play a smooth lick. Katt's eyes turned to hearts at the sound of her boyfriend's music. The sultry sounds of Flynt's incredible horn enthralled the feline Faunus. Her tail whipped around in time with the tune he played.
They could hear the Mechanical Girls preparing for their set. Penny's first blaring horn refrain snapped Katt into music mode. She danced to the beat Daisy pumped out, jamming like crazy to her favorite band. She and Flynt walked to the side of the stage to get a better view of the set. Penny and her Mechanical Girls certainly had the whole place on their feet. They all danced and moshed and thrashed around to the ska-punk sounds.
A few songs in, Penny motioned to Flynt, and he took the stage with his trumpet to join them on a song or two. Neon danced around to the tag-team horns that poured from the stage. Once Flynt returned, the two of them danced together to one of her favorite songs, 'Bumper to Bumper'. It was one of the more popular Mechanical Girls songs and had even won the Girls a few awards.
Soon enough, their set finished out. Flynt Coal's Killer Quartet would be performing next, and he and Katt were determined to bring the house down. Kat didn't feel the need to sound check her drums, as they'd sounded perfect while Daisy was performing. Flynt almost never checked his horns, though he did demo his guitars and tune them up.
Flynt's introduction was always Katt's favorite thing about concerts. He began on stage by himself, playing one horn. Then he produced his clones one by one, each clone adding a harmony with his horn until the sound became an onslaught of brass. Once the moment came, Katt pounced onto the stage and brought the rhythm to the party.
The crowd screamed out for Flynt Coal's Killer Quartet, and kill them he did, in a manner of speaking. His impeccable brass bars demolished this audience easily enough. Katt caught the energy of the crowd now, so there was no turning back for her. She destroyed every note she played.
Penny joined them a few songs into the set for a fiery rendition of 'TANK!', one of their most favorite jams. It was something of a staple for any band with sufficient brass to perform it. They also threw down on a Dark Crystals song while Penny was still with them. Even here in Atlas, Vale's Dark Crystals were immensely popular.
The two of them left the Extra Life thoroughly brought down, the way they always did. Flynt and Katt packed their gear up and drove it home to unload it all. They'd agreed on an after show snack, so they walked a few blocks to their favorite malt shop for a banging banana split. Flynt packed a trumpet on the walk, as he'd get their snack for free if he played the shopkeep a funky tune.
"Flynt, we make the best music is Atlas," Neon told him dreamily, stars in her eyes as she chomped on an end piece of banana. Flynt grinned.
"I don't know about the best, but we do pretty damn good. People seem to dig our songs."
"Of course they do! We're amazing!" She cheered, Flynt smiling even bigger.
"Neon, I love you so much," He told her with hearts in his eyes. Her own eyes turned to hearts at that.
"I love you even more, Flynt," She replied, leaning in to kiss him across the table.
Day 30: A Character You Haven’t Written for This Challenge
Come on, you guys had to know I’d write one about Flynt and Katt. They’re part of my music AU, for one thing, and they’re just so fun to write. They’re adorable together and I love them.
So, my total word count has come to 35,108, smashing my 30,000 word goal. I’m pretty proud of myself. I’d like to think I did alright.
So yeah, I have defeated my NaNoWriMo challenge and my RWBY fanfic challenge. ZweI the Penguin with a Pen slays another challenge! WAHAHA!
But seriously, thank you all for reading my garbage writtens this month. Your likes and reblogs got me through this madness alive, and I couldn’t have done it without you. Well, maybe I could have, but it would have been downright unpleasant.
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