#Brett Witty
Hand Me Down by Brett Witty
============= Links
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============= Synopsis
Ruby Walker takes a hesitant bus ride to the hospital where her father has spent the last nine months. But he has not called her there to discuss his condition. With James, her supportive partner by her side, Ruby is about to discover a deeply personal project decades in the making.
============= Other Info
Hand Me Down is a Twine(Harlowe)/TADS game, submitted to the 2023 Edition of the IFComp.
Status: Completed Genre: Slice-of-life
CW: Terminal illness, divorce, very mild rough language /- AI asset
============= Playthrough
Played: 9-Oct-2023 Playtime: around 1h Rating: - [IFComp vote] Thoughts: Will pinch your heart...
============= Review
Hand Me Down is a choice-based/parser mix game in three parts, with the middle one being the parser. You play as Ruby, who is visiting her father in the hospital (the Twine bits), during which she is prompted to play a project (the TADS bit) her father made. The parser bit includes an external walkthrough. While there are multiple ways to solve the parser, the story is linear, and with four ending.
Spoilers ahead. It is recommended to play the game first. The review is based on my understanding/reading of the story.
I'm always interested in non-traditional IF, the projects that mix and match elements of different gameplays, and blur the lines of the parser/choice-based divide. I was especially intrigued with this entry how the parser bit was implemented into Twine, especially with code from another parser language (separate files, it turns out).
And the game introduces the inclusion of a parser bit inside the game, and why you play it, quite smartly. Out of all three acts, I felt like the opening of the game was the strongest, introducing the characters and their wants and fears, and the relations between them. It was very touching, and also heartbreaking, to see Ruby and her father interact with one another, as he wants to avoid any negative conversation with her and to focus on showing her his project, while she wants to know what's going on with his health.
The weakest, to me, was the last bit. While the storylet mechanic was pretty well done (really worked with pushing your father to talk things out), there were some issues with that part not taking into account the actions of the previous acts or within that bit itself. For example, when calling the mother for advice, it did not take into account that I lied to her in the opening; or when she calls, disrupting the conversation, she doesn't acknowledge you called her moments ago; or when discussing the game with your dad, you have options to pick invitations or outfits you might not have found in the game (that one felt a bit cheating). Since it's hard to implement different programs into one game, it made sense that the bits didn't "talk" to each other. But it also made it noticeable when things were not fully coherent. I wonder if creating codes for actions in the previous act, to input in the last one could have helped track some choices?
I think I missed quite a bit from the parser bit itself. That part of the game seemed to be quite large (you have essentially 5 solutions for each box to tick), with apparently Easter eggs hidden throughout (notes of the father - I found one). Each item to get come with its personal puzzle, over 15 of them, each of varying length. But if you don't try to find every invitations, or costumes, or gift, or if you used the walkthrough to go through the parser, it's fairly easy to miss the seemingly gargantuan work the father had done over the past 20 years. I shared Ruby's sentiment of "uh... that's it?" when I moved on to the last act, and felt bad for the father for having put so much work into something that seemed so small... I would have loved a map to be included in the walkthrough, some of the directions were confusing...
This was a neat experiment, with a touching story. A real tearjerker.
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tapedsleeves · 3 months
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it hated that I tried to answer your question with a bunch of links, so a new post it is!
so I can answer some of these!
if you're looking for a prankster, that's Jonathan Marchessault.
He and Fleury were close, but also Marchy is just. A funny, joke-y guy. He once stole/hid guys sticks during practice. He makes weird noises, he is friends with everyone. He never stops talking. if anyone is chirping anyone, it's Marchy. He yapped at ryan lomberg for being short last year during the playoff run. Ryan Lomberg is 5'9" and Marchy is LISTED as 5'9" but if he is that tall i'll eat my fucking hat. He's not that tall. He's short. I also think that this video from the quest for the cup series last year is very indicative of some of the dynamics between Marchy & Jack, and several other guys! Jack comes in looking very nice in a suit, and several guys go "oh jacky!!" Known Marchessault associate Keegan Kolesar snaps his fingers at Jack, while everyone else just laughs. Marchy says that "they want to see your boxers too" and then does the meanest little laugh i love him so much. the mic'd up linked above is really good, even though it's a couple of years old - most of those guys are still here (except smitty & max) and smitty was. absolutely essential to Marchy's development in Vegas. But the part I'm referencing is "I blew it" / "you blew it." Marchy & Keegan often have this hilarious back and forth, they're so witty together, i love them.
If there's a dad of the group it's Mark stone (everyone thought he had kids before he had kids) Petro (alex pietrangelo), and Martini (alec martinez). They have the MOST dad energy.
Martini has this like, really dry kind of cutting sense of humor. This interaction between petro and martini where they talk about sitting next to each other is like. Martini is being SO cutting but with the warmest voice you've ever heard in your entire life. And Petro is saying the nicest things but you KNOW they're sarcastic. the same but coming in from exact opposite approaches.
This video with about half the guys answering the question of "who would you trust to guide you in NYC" is VERY good. Petro says Howie (brett howden) or Martini, but ultimately chooses martini. You can see a lot of things at play here, some of which I'll get to later (i'm lookin at you paul cotter), but you can see: a lot of guys trust Martinez to get them around, because he's just got that. Competent Dad Vibe. Like it might be rocky, but you're gonna get through it. Petro is less "it's gonna get rocky" but still "you're gonna get through it" vibes.
Now Mark: I have to tell you a couple of facts about Mark Stone:
he loves golf. He has no concept of what a "weird" story is. Everyone, to a man, loves him so much. Mark cannot smile on command - he just shows all his teeth. Mark is SO weird. He changes his gloves every period bc he doesn't like his hands to get wet. He tapes his stick into such an abomination (bc he loves golf, seriously, compare his stick handle to a golf club. they are the same). He meowed right before the cup picture to make everyone smile and it worked. Mark Stone is the weirdest dad you've ever met, and he's still somehow really cool. Part of the appeal is that he has No Fucking Clue how or why people love him so much. He gets so hype on the ice, but he is insanely chill off of it. He cringed when they dumped too much beer on him in the cup celebrations. He named his child scarlett. That's right. Scarlett Stone. Red Rocks. He named his kid Red Rocks. The ultimate dad joke. He tells a story about Robin Lehner at a party in his back yard for the end of the year, where Ryan Reaves said that he didn't like snakes. So Robin goes outside to try to bring one up and then Mark had 5 snakes in his pool. Witness a man realize he's telling a story he didn't realize before he was telling it is weird in real time. This is the essence of Mark. I LOVE him.
Ok ok ok so. There's KIND OF a butt to the joke guy? but he's also like. SO beloved? VGK is an incredibly inclusive and accepting group. There's not really like. a clique-ish culture at all - they were so new a couple of years ago that the culture they built is "you're here, welcome, come on in" and never looked back. Everyone who's been traded there has said so.
That being said: it's Paul fucking Cotter.
They love to make fun of him, but in a way where if anyone else made fun of him, they'd beat them up. Paul is. Special. He has a trainer dump water all down his back so he gets the zoomies. In the quest for the cup episode, since he wasn't playing in the final, he told a story before video review about his hole in one with everyone egging / cheering him on. As seen in the above video, nobody trusts paul to find his way out of a paper bag. He stole his HSK captain (brayden Pachal, traded to the flames)'s car keys. Pachal took his car in return. He put boulders in front of the doors of Jack's car so he couldn't get in them. I know both of these facts are in the primer but they're ESSENTIAL to Paul. He's a prankster. He's a doofus. He loves goalies SO MUCH. He's friends with LT, they went on a supervised date. They were in HSK around the same time, and Paul loved doing the shootout, and LT loved doing the shootout so they did extra shootout practice together.
Re: get togethers: i am pretty sure that they all do it at random. Mark will host a big party (referenced above) but since they didn't have a captain for so long, it's just. a shared responsibility. Mark loves feeding people tho. So i wouldn't be surprised if he just. does that.
Re: outings uh. I got no clue. sorry.
Re: Newbies I can answer!! For Noah Hanifin, Mark and a bunch of other guys went to pick him up from the airport, but when Jack was traded to VGK, he was met at the hotel with just the Viva Girls. Mark was met at the airport with the Viva Girls. The Viva girls are the official welcoming party, btw. Everything else is probably who's available / by committee. Hanifin & Hertl got mark bc he was on LTIR. Petro picked up Barbashev i'm pretty sure bc they knew each other from St Louis. Robin took Jack out to eat bc a) he was on LTIR and b) they knew each other from buffalo.
Wild Bill is Marchy's best friend and that's not a joke. Marchy, Karly, Shea (along with Alex Tuch, now in Buffalo and Deryk Engelland, retired) owned a restaurant together. Karly seems quiet, but he's just as funny as Marchy. He loves Star Wars & his dog's name is Obi-Wan.
he danced to abba with his mom
I feel like there's a lot of info about Jack out there, but he really did become uh. More fun in VGK? Now that he's not the guY THE GUY that buffalo expected him to be (connor mcdavid). he proposed the idea of the wig + glasses during the end of the season & post season last year. Jack is SO funny. He loves memes. Idk. I feel like Jack is probably the one Golden Knight that everyone knows the most about and I'm not gonna tread any new ground here.
Shea is just a guy and i love him so much for it. I'm not the best person to ask about it, sorry. He always looks like he's being punished / upset about something except when he's smiling. It's soo cute. When shea took the cup to his house in vancouver, he took pictures of it with his neighbor. VERY sweet guy, very cute.
Logan is VERY CUTE. here he is holding a stick pretending to interview tomas hertl
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i LOVE LT. He's got really sick tattoos. He loves shootouts. he and Paul are really good friends.
Chandler Stephenson once said that they had to "just grab our nuts and work." He's very down to earth, very funny. There's a reason why he's my profile pic. I love him so much it's hard to articulate why. Low key. Reasonable. sneaky hilarious.
SO YOU WANT SHIPS ? I can do you some ships:
just a list of ships that i've personally written or considered writing
Alex Pietrangelo / Alec Martinez Paul Cotter / Logan Thompson Jonathan Marchessault / William Karlsson / Reilly Smith Chandler Stephenson / Mark Stone Jack Eichel / Shea Theodore Shea Theodore / Alec Martinez (talk to zimmboniandbitty about this one, i promise) Jack Eichel / Jonathan Marchesault Jack Eichel / Keegan Kolesar Jack Eichel / Mark Stone Logan THompson / Adin Hill Adin Hill / Logan Thompson / Paul Cotter
Literally any combo. If you propose it, i've probably thought about it at least once.
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blistering-typhoons · 7 months
From the perspective of someone who watched this show when they were thirteen, made it their whole personality and then stopped being a massive prat.
I thought about organizing this into a cohesive review, and maybe as I go on I'll delve deeper into some of my observations but for now I thought it would be funny to present my findings in raw, mostly unaltered form:
- loud ass opening, my god
- only bit of acting Martin freeman ever does lmao
- dances along to theme against my will
- god the effects and transitions are so shit
- all the shots of the pills are so ugly
- oh yay molly - whoo - yayyy
- the potential withe these two goddamn
- also this sherlock does not drink his respect women juice by god
- fucksake the deduction about john's sister- not only is it translated awfully into this modern setting, it's explicitly a deduction Sherlock is supposed to make once they know eachother a bit better
- also sherlock displaying one insecurity when john accidentally insults his stuff- well done moftiss, characterization
- How far away is the crime scene, why it dark
- pls the transitions
- PIPE BOMB, WHOO Phone deductionnnn
- oh my god it's so shit
- uuuuuuuugggghhhh the potential I hate this shooooow
- fuckin deduction as a way for witty one liners and sexism, i hate this place
- 'you were thinking it's annoying' i'm going to send myself off a cliff, CRINGE
- RACHE- moffat, come here a sec- literally putting ACD on par with the police, who are always wrong the sheer audacity- also just a bad change
- these lens flare white lights are so goofy please, you will never be a whole scene of silence with jeremy brett
- benedict cumberbatch is very pretty i will grant
- terrorized by the fact i used to quote this show unironically
- from a writing point of view I understand that John gushing over Sherlock is to show off and emphasize their specialest boy- but, some sincerity is infused into it from an acting standpoint
- All the phones calling as john walks past is kinda cool but mostly stupid
- oh anthea, what a rich character lmao
- how long was mycroft posed like that
- First johnlock queerbait whooo
- Where does he fuck off to???
- he just vanishes lmaoooo
- Three patch problem. Bruh.
- I am bored as shit, help
- This music- girl
- Bloated is a very good word to describe some of these scenes
- this scene is insane fucKING INSANE I HATE THIS SHOW
- god how much episode is left fucksake
- the stop/go signs- pick a tone girl
- this episode is so almost good and it's anytime Sherlock makes a mistake lmao
- not the drugs bust :/
- ooh sociopath line- whoo
- "I don't have to [imagine]." OOOH OKAY, WELL, YOU GUYS GET *ONE* POINT FOR THAT SHEESH
- this is so ridiculous- COME WITH ME- girl shut up
- I wanna be done I wanna be doooone.
- lamenting the confrontation we had in the unaired pilot
- The 'Frwhoomp' noise as the light goes out, girl
- 20 Minutes left my christ
- BRO- I forgot that bit of ADR wooooof
- and thus begins the scree of Moriarty
- five years, why is Scotland Yard still doubtful of Sherlock's skills? I know he might have been deep in his addiction during some of that, but they evidently kept him around for crime solving.
- Great man/good man quote has me fumin babes, my god, what a fundamental misunderstanding of Sherlock Holmes
- boring ass back and forth
- this piano is giving me war flashbacks
- is it a five orange pips reference?
- also the pills look like that speckled gum that burns your throat
- when is it oveeer
- falling asleep
- bomb under the table but the table is made of glass and hates gay people
- she tooks the kidssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
- 13 min
- love, or rage, dude, come on Sherlock
- i hate this 'enjoying crime too much' theme they've written
- like watching a stupid play
- once more, the potential
- moriarty he said calmly
- also, so out of character for Sherlock do I even need to say
- peaks of what could have been- FUCK
- this mycroft fake out- lord
- also, mummy, fucksake
- cheesy ending BUT IT'S OVER
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stylecouncil · 1 year
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lorybeat: “A lovely and witty conversation with Brett Anderson in the medieval Ely Cathedral.” 2019
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sas-soulwriter · 1 year
I´m a huge Game of Thrones fan and i really love House of the Dragon,so here are some books to read if you feel the same.
"The Witcher" series by Andrzej Sapkowski:
Follow the adventures of Geralt of Rivia, a monster hunter in a dark and morally complex fantasy world. The series inspired a popular video game adaptation and a Netflix TV series.
"The Lightbringer" series by Brent Weeks:
This series features a unique magic system based on the manipulation of light and color. It's filled with political intrigue, complex characters, and epic battles.
"The Riyria Revelations" series by Michael J. Sullivan:
This series combines elements of traditional fantasy with witty dialogue and a pair of likable rogues at its center.
"The Demon Cycle" series by Peter V. Brett:
In a world besieged by demons that rise at night, this series follows several characters as they battle both the supernatural and political conflicts.
"The Dagger and the Coin" series by Daniel Abraham:
This series blends elements of epic fantasy with financial intrigue and explores themes of power, war, and economics.
"The Black Company" series by Glen Cook:
Follow the adventures of a mercenary company in a dark and gritty fantasy world filled with morally ambiguous characters and political conflict.
"The Chronicles of the Black Company" by Glen Cook:
This classic series offers a gritty and realistic portrayal of a mercenary company's life, set against a backdrop of political intrigue and war.
"The Faithful and the Fallen" series by John Gwynne:
This epic fantasy series features a classic battle of good versus evil, with intricate politics, memorable characters, and large-scale battles.
"The Shattered Sea" trilogy by Joe Abercrombie:
Set in a world where the sea is broken into islands, this series explores themes of power, leadership, and survival.
"The Traitor Baru Cormorant" by Seth Dickinson:
This novel tells the story of a brilliant strategist who infiltrates an empire to subvert it from within, blending politics, economics, and character-driven storytelling.
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piease-iove-me · 2 years
PacRim AU characters list
Alan Deaton - high ranked official(research to be done), strategist, sits at LOCCENT
Brett Talbot - j-tech
Chris Argent - marshall
Corey Bryant - j-tech, weapon specialist / nbo(neural-bridge-operator) (gypsy danger team)
Jordan Parrish - combat instructor / co-pilot candidate
Derek Hale - combat instructor
Erica Reyes - cherno alpha co-pilot
Hayden Romero - crymson typhoon co-pilot
Isaac Lahey - ex-pilot (with allison who’s dead) / j-tech now (cherno team)
Kira Yukimura - half of tendo (scalia smart gf, witty even if a mess)
Liam Dunbar - improvised j-tech (gypsy team and sometimes sneaking around striker),jaeger engineer division(glorified mechanic), gypsy danger co-pilot
Lydia Martin - j-tech teams supervisor
Malia Tate - striker eureka co-pilot
Mason Hewitt - other half of tendo, Liam's bff ofc
Melissa McCall - medic team. tvm they’ve got one
Peter Hale - hermann(way cooler and sassier, but cold realist)
Scott McCall - striker eureka co-pilot
Noah Stilinski - retired pilot, herc hansen sort of.
Stiles Stilinski - newt (a bit of a idealist, just as crazy)
Vernon Boyd - cherno alpha co-pilot
Josh Diaz - crymson typhoon co-pilot
Theo Raeken - gypsy danger co-pilot, retired and reintroduced, raleigh but assholey
Tracy Stewart - crymson typhoon co-pilot
1 . crymson typhoon
hayden romero
tracy stewart
josh diaz
2 . striker eureka
scott mccall
malia tate
3 . cherno alpha
vernon boyd
erica reyes
4 .g danger
liam dunbar
theo raeken
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kingofangst · 1 year
So... what about Isaac?
Isaac Lahey - One of my top 5 favorites in Teen Wolf. When he first appeared in season 2 and with the traumatic past he suffered under his diabolical father, I felt the utmost sympathy and empathy for him. Losing his mother, and then his older brother Camden, to have an abusive and narcissistic father beat and lock him up in a box down in the basement against his will just made me want to be there for him and help him.
Isaac definitely intrigues me alot because despite being turned into a werewolf and going from Derek’s first beta to becoming Scott’s beta and one of his closest friends demonstrates how he builds his relationships. It's when Scott in season 2 states that he doesn't want him to get hurt is when Isaac's mind and soul started to heal and open up. Even more so when he helped Scott with a terminally ill dog by healing the canine with his healing factor, and Isaac began opening up more and more. How he combines his werewolf status mixed with his sarcastic and salty attitude (funny moments by the way) with his sensitive and heartwarming compassion that he wants to be friends with Scott (maybe even love him), he wants to be friends with Stiles (despite their sarcastic witty battles), he wants to be friends with Allison (and love her despite the tragedy that calls forth her fate) and the rest of the pack is because he wanted to help and care for others because he lost that experience while growing up, and he wants to gain that but also give it to others because he is a person.
Isaac is often cynical and cautious to newer people but once you've been within his circle many times he opens up because now you are apart of his life. I have watched him grow from being a hurt and abused child to a renegade, cynical and strong beta under Derek to being a witty, sarcastic but compassionate and good natured person within seasons 2, 3A and 3B.
If he had stood in for seasons 4 and 5 he could have been a valued friend and mentor for Liam alongside Scott. Isaac, being Scott’s longest beta not bitten by him would have helped Liam grow while being like a older sibling to him and still lived between his foster mother Melissa and traveling between the McCall residence and Argent residence to navigate between feeling loved and cared for while being a strong werewolf and person. Season 5 would have definitely been a strong point for Isaac since he may have looked at Theo's manipulations from the start (no offense to Theo lol) unless the death of Allison was used against him and he would have met Malia, Mason, Brett, Lori, Satomi, and the others who would have fostered more relations with.
Yes Isaac is an amazing person that I admire
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wildroseofarran · 5 months
𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: Brett Morgan Parker 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄(𝐒): Parker, Sheriff
Bold: Common Itailcized: Sometimes Both: Prominent
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╳   𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐖𝐒.
moody  |  short-tempered  |  emotionally unstable  |  whiny  |  controlling  |  conceited  | possessive  |  paranoid |  liar  |  impatient  |  cowardly  |  bitter  |  selfish  |  power-hungry  |  greedy  |  lazy  |  judgmental  |  forgetful  |  impulsive |  spiteful  |  oblivious | stubborn  |  sadistic  |  petty  |  unlucky  |  absent-minded |  abusive  |  addict  |  aggressive  | childish  |  callous  |  clingy  |  delusional  |  cocky  |  competitive  |  corrupt  |  cynical  |  cruel  |  depressed  |  deranged  | egotistical |  envious |  insecure  |  insensitive  |  lustful  |  delinquent  |  guilt complex  |  reclusive  |  reckless  |  nervous  |  oversensitive |
honest  |  trustworthy  |  thoughtful  |  caring  |  brave |  patient  |  selfless |  ambitious | tolerant  |  lucky  |  intelligent |  confident   |  focused  |  humble  |  generous  |  merciful  | observant  |  wise  |  clever |  charming  |  cheerful  |  optimistic |  decisive  |  adaptive | calm  |  protective  |  proud  |  diligent | considerate |  compassionate  |  good sportsmanship |  friendly  |  empathetic  |  passionate  | reliable  |  resourceful  |  sensible  |  sincere |  witty  | funny |
art  |  acting |  astronomy  |  animals  |  archery  |  sports  |  belly dancing |  bird watching |  blacksmithing  |  boating  |  calligraphy |  camping  |  candle making  |  casino gambling  |  ceramics  |  racing  |  chess  |  music   |  cooking  |  crochet  |  weaving  |  exercise  | tailoring | swordplay |  fishing  | gardening  |  ghost hunting  |  ice skating  |  magic |  engineering  |  building  |  inventing  |  leather-working  |  martial arts  |  meditation  |  origami  |  parkour  | people watching |  swimming  |  puppetry  |  pyrotechnics  |  quilting  |  reading  |  collecting  |  shopping  |  socializing  |  storytelling  |  writing  |  traveling  |  exotic dancing  | singing | yoga | teaching | perfumery | chemistry | game hunting |
Tagged by: @anedendarkly
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scribeoffate · 2 years
Isaac! :D
Thanks for asking!
How I feel about this character
Isaac is soo great. He's sarcastic and hurt and a little mean. And not witty. <3 He's had a shitty life, but he's really tough and resilient. I adore his vulnerability with Scott and later Allison and Chris. Despite everything, he still knows how to and wants to trust people. He's also so tall, and I love his scarves. Sorry not sorry, Stiles.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
(standard multishipping disclaimer) Allison, Scott, Brett, Kira, Stiles, Boyd, Erica
I love Isaac in polyships so much <3 so imagine many threesome variations
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Camden. I want more content about Isaac and his brother! Who doesn't?
(I usually stray away from the unpopular opinion, because idc. Buttttt I want more top Isaac/bottom Scott content, and for some reason that appears to be unpopular. So I mean. Scisaac writers 🥺)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish he'd come back from France!! I want to know what he did. I want him to hang out with Mason and get flustered around Brett and Scott.
Answered Characters
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thatscarletflycatcher · 9 months
Listening to the Charles Paris Mysteries radio dramas is a delight, in part because Bill Nighy is such a fantastic actor and he carries so much of the humor and the few emotional moments when they come; but also very specially since I learned Simon Brett (the author of the novels the radio dramas are based on) produced some of the first Lord Peter Wimsey radio dramas. He has said that that work, specially the process of autopsy-ing, selecting, and putting back together the Dorothy L. Sayers novels, was particularly inspirational for his own murder mysteries.
And when you know that, you cannot un-know it. And not because the Charles Paris world is in any way reminiscent of the world of Lord Peter. They have nothing in common as concepts, and yet... there's something of that inspiration that you get as a vibe when you know. Maybe it is mere suggestion. Perhaps it is the having a detective main character who is larger than life yet deeply human, full of opportune references and moments of vaguely Austenian witty humor with a dash or P.G. Wodehouse like pinches of spices on a dish. Perhaps it is the detail -not built as lore- of the worlds they inhabit.
I don't really know. But it makes me think how beautiful it is when one artist inspires another artist and what blooms from there is so good and yet so different from the inspiration. Truly aspirational for me.
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cassieuncaged · 2 years
Character Profile: Wren LaRue
TW: mentions of homicide, gun violence, death, verbal abuse, criminal violence, marijuana use, recreational drug use
Universe: To Live and Die in L.A.
Full Name: Wren Regine LaRue
Nicknames: Wrennie, Song Bird, Birdie
Age: 25
Date of Birth: 10/30/1960
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: queer; is in the early stages of discovering this and is still learning a lot about herself.
Religion: raised in a Jewish (mother's side) and Christian (father's side) house hold; practiced and upheld both faiths growing up. Practices Buddhism as an adult.
Race/Ethnicity: white; French, German, and Hungarian ancestry
Country of Origin: United States of America
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Current Place of Residence: Los Angeles, California
Skin: has fair skin. Tans lightly, mostly burns.
Height: 5'1
Weight: 120
Eye Color: emerald green, bright and catlike
Hair Color: chocolate brown
Hair Texture: thick with an oily texture
Hair Length: shoulder length
Body Type: isn't muscular or athletic, has a soft tummy and arms. Has toned legs and hips from pole dancing.
Body Shape: hourglass
Other Notable Features: is a 36C. Bra size isn't important but she's noticeably busty which is often the first thing men notice about her. This face makes her uncomfortable. Has a port wine stain birth mark on the top of her right foot
Clothing Style: classy yet risque. short skirts, mini dresses, silk dresses, dresses with side slits, sleeveless turtlenecks, black, plum, maroon, knee high boots, patent black pumps, ankle boots, thong sandals, velvet, leather, suede, crystal and silver jewelry, high-waisted shorts, dark denim, faded t-shirts, striped bikinis, lots of sequins and jewel tones when dancing. Wears a brassy locket her father got her when she was a child when she's not working or swindling. It was one of the last memories she has of him.
Positive Traits: passionate, witty, resourceful, confident, clever, tenacious, self-reliant, ambitious, focused
Negative Traits: dishonest, untrustworthy, selfish, unapproachable, immature, superficial, irrational
Hobbies: conning, sketching, dancing, writing poetry
Physical Health: is physically healthy with relatively no ailments other than the occasional cold.
Allergies: shellfish. Which is unfortunate as she loves seafood.
Mental Health: suffers PTSD from loosing her father when she was in adolescence as well as depression.
Phobias: hoplophobia (fear of firearms) Formed from her father being shot at his bank accounting job by a disgruntled client. Considering the line of work she's in as well as her personal life, she is often on edge. agoraphobia - severity varies
Education: graduated high school.
Professions: exotic dancer, grifter/swindler/con artist
Current Significant Others: Rick Masters, Bianca Torres
Past Significant Others: Billy Del Vecchio - young man she met at a bar when a mark of hers didn't show up. Wren was 21 at the time and stayed with Billy for 3 years. He eventually took her virginity before leaving her for a more established woman.
Mother: Vivienne Marie Hoffman
Father: Albert Andrew LaRue (deceased)
Siblings: Breton 'Brett' Henry LaRue, Thomas Dorian LaRue
Children: N/A
Other Notable Family Members: Great Aunt Vida. Vida was the most open minded family, which given her age was shocking. She practiced new age religion (using both pagan and wicca traditions), collected crystals, read tarot cards, and grew and kept a few small weed plants. She had a positive influence on Wren, who lived within walking distant. Died at 85 years old when Wren was 16; this was several years after Albert and Brett died.
Friends: Shelly Valentino, Ruth Lanier
Enemies: Richard 'Dick' Chance
Pets: Bitsy the calico cat
Wren was born the youngest of three into a relatively happy family. She was closest with her father and was quickly spoiled by Albert and had decent relationships with her brothers, Brett and Tom. Early on, Wren discovered that she could manipulate people emotionally to get what she wanted.
Vivienne thought forced her daughter to perform in dance classes though the child found solace in ballet and tap dancing, in spite of her mother.
Her childhood was rather lonely since she had difficulty keeping friends and cared little about going to school, though kept her grades up in hopes of going to school to pursue choreography for Broadway productions.
However, her father and brother were shot point blank during a hold up at the bank Albert worked at. Both were natural mediator's and attempted to talk down the shooter.
Tom went to college in Massachusetts and left Wren with their verbally abusive mother. During this time, she squirrelled away the inheritance to escape Vivienne as soon as she was of legal age.
At 18, she got a job as a waitress at a themed diner where she met her closest friend and future roommate, Shelly. They got an apartment together and Wren burned through her inheritance for rent money while combating severe agoraphobia.
At 21, Wren got a job as a stripper at a truck stop off of Ventura. While ends were being met, the creeps that came in there inspired her to start swindling sleazy business men. She blackmailed unsuspecting marks of up to $1000 dollars and once was held at knife point because of it.
The first person she was intrigued by was Rick Masters, whom she met at one of Shelly's art shows. They began a sexual relationship as well as a polyamorous relationship with Rick's girlfriend, Bianca.
Wren became the target of FBI agent, Richard Chance, who had a personal vendetta against the counterfeiter. Remained faithful to Rick until his untimely death.
Late in Life:
Wren and Bianca split up amicably while the former moved to Boston to be reunited with her brother, Tom. She gave up crime and pursued smalltime choreography in local theater and lived in the city until she died.
Wren never married nor had children.
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goshdanghowdy · 2 years
I’m a little bummed out by season 2 of Inside Job. In season one I was alright with the supporting cast not being the deepest set of characters because the world building brought in a lot of fresh characters that were funny and interesting. 
But season 2 seemed a lot weaker and like it focused on characters more while not really building them out enough to make them interesting and there wasn’t enough wacky background stuff going on to alleviate how underwhelming the character development was. It felt like the background cast got more screentime while the show regressed their characters from last season, and really outside of Gigi and Brett, I found most of the supporting cast a little worse.
I felt like Rand especially was taken in a direction that didn’t really match his season 1 character trajectory. Rand seemed to be borderline sociopathic in season 1 and it was hard to tell what his motivations were and if he genuinely cared for Reagan, or if she was just a tool for him to have control and enact revenge. I think this made him a very interesting and compelling villain with a lot of potential for growth and conflict with Reagan. 
But season 2 basically opens by saying “Nah we’re not doing that”. And there’s just never any real conflict or development between Rand and Reagan. It really feels like the show built up how Reagan would have to outsmart and/or potentially get her father to have a change of heart so she could retrieve control of her life goals. 
Instead the plot just seems to go “Nah shes not smart enough to do that on her own, she should just distract herself to cope”. Suddenly Reagan seemed to lose all her determination, conviction and self discipline. Suddenly she needed others to support her to achieve her life’s passion, when most of season 1 she seemed really adept at pursuing what she wanted against all odds, external pressures and a system that seemed constantly rigged against her. I think I found that a really disappointing turn for her character, because I loved Reagan’s obsessive isolationist nature, and how she could be self centered, neurotic, and controlling but was never intentionally malicious about it.  She seemed to suddenly go from being too aloof to being too concerned about other’s approval.
Rand’s character development also felt as if it bent to support this unnatural direction in the storytelling. It felt like he became a lot more affectionate, emotionally honest and contrite out of nowhere during season 2 and that seemed to also serve to remove him as an effective antagonist. Seeing as he was a pretty big force for the plot in season 1, his character being so toned down in season 2 seemed to leave a pretty big vacuum for driving forces in the plot.
I honestly felt like the show avoided effectively using some of the best characters like Alpha Beta, Brett, and Rand, while not really being able to bring in anyone new to justify that choice. The lack of Brett and Reagan duo kinda bummed me out especially as their dynamic is almost always the best part of any episode for me and really seemed to naturally bring out and develop Reagan’s social abilities. 
The jokes also felt more referential and less witty too which kinda made everything about the show seem a little worse. They felt more blatantly pandering to a younger and more progressive demographic in a way that I found obnoxious and less clever even though season 1 had similar jokes, they were smarter and more punchy.
I found Ron to be alright, but I guess he was so isolated from most of the rest of the plot that he wasn’t given a lot of room to have more than two character traits which was loving Reagan and hating his job. I feel like we missed a lot of opportunities with him to explore the Illuminati or react to Cognito or something that would’ve added a little more to his personality. 
I feel like the plot let Reagan lose herself in a relationship in a way that just wasn’t enjoyable for the audience, and that all the external forces that normally would’ve complicated her relationship in season 1 (her dad, her company, crazy random stuff in the world itself) just mysteriously didn’t exist or were extremely sedate in a way that felt uncharacteristic. Reagan just kinda seemed to complicate her own relationship for no reason in a ways that felt rather boring and unimaginative for her character. 
Overall season 2 just felt disjointed, I enjoyed it but I guess it felt like eating a dish full of all the things I liked but not in the right amounts. The chemistry was off and it really felt like the writing lacked oversight or needed more drafts or something so that all the different aspects gelled well together. I wish the jokes had been less lazy and more layered and that the show had continued being sardonic while also being sincere. 
Honestly, watching season 2 just made me want to rewatch season 1 because I just felt reminded of how much better the execution was. 
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oqal · 2 years
Brett’s genes: you father one kid, I’ll father the other
Reagan’s genes: cheers I’ll drink to that
ugh the twins just looking like their corresponding parent is my fucking jam
when her son looks like reagan but is the exact opposite personality but is also super witty and passive aggressive humor, but her daughter looks like brett but is reaganified 100% with adhd as fuck it just adds so much fun to the mix
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historyhermann · 2 years
Quirky Mature Comedy "Inside Job" Lampoons Conspiracy Theories
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Reagan and her team
On October 22, the first ten episodes of Inside Job aired on Netflix. The show is not only irreverent, witty, and quirky, but its well-developed characters, voice acting, animation, and plot make the show captivating enough to watch, from episode to episode. Its interlinking stories lead to a devastating "resolution" that will shake you to the core.
Reprinted from The Geekiary, my History Hermann WordPress blog, and Wayback Machine. This was the ninth article I wrote for The Geekiary. This post was originally published on October 23, 2021.
Inside Job, a mix of workplace comedy and paranoid fiction, is the first animated series by Shion Takeuchi, a former writer for Gravity Falls, writer for Disenchantment, and former storyboarder for Regular Show. The creator of Gravity Falls, Alex Hirsch, is an executive producer, as is Takeuchi. It is the first series created by her as part of a deal with Netflix to produce animated content. Hirsch said that he was inspired by the X-Files while he and Takeuchi were inspired by pages of the Weekly World News, an outlandish tabloid.
Inside Job has six main characters: tech genius Reagan Ridley (voiced by Lizzy Caplan), yes-man/fratboy Brett Hand (voiced by Clark Duke), biochemist Dr. Andre (voiced by Bobby Lee), humanoid dolphin/supersoldier Glenn Dolphman (voiced by John DiMaggio), PR officer Gigi Thompson (Tisha Campbell), and psychic mushroom organism Magic Myc (voiced by Brett Gelman). Supporting characters include current CEO J.R. Scheimpough (voiced by Andrew Daley) and Reagan's father Rand Ridley (voiced by Christian Slater). Reagan, J.R., Andrew, Glenn, Gigi, and Magic work at Cognito, Inc., with Reagan managing her co-workers and wanting to make the world "a better place," while dealing with her paranoid father, the former company CEO. Reagan herself is multiracial as her mother, Tomiko (voiced by Suzy Nakamura), is Japanese. In this world, every conspiracy theory is real, with Cognito as a shadow government entity that makes this all happen, working for those in the shadows.
The ten-episode first season of Inside Job introduces viewers to Cognito, Inc., where all manner of conspiracies are afoot. In the first episode, Reagan tries to replace the president with a robot after the previous one was "too dumb" to manipulate, while her goal to become the head of the team is squashed by her boss, J.R., who brings in a man named Brett Hand to co-lead the team. In the second episode, Brett and Reagan are confronted with the difficult task of figuring out who to fire as Cognito makes cutbacks, while her team tries to kiss up to her, thinking they will be fired, and having to fight off a powerful monster.
Later episodes feature a reptilian/lizard people gala, Reagan attempting to get a boyfriend, selling outdated and dangerous products to a town stuck in the 1980s, Reagan attempting to stop her dad from learning about her mom's wedding, ghosting a flirty secret agent, a free love commune on the Moon, a mole inside of Cognito, and trying to stop a robot by delving deep into her mind, while learning the truth about her father.
Weirdness and mature subject matters are at the center of Inside Job, with nothing held back. The show has characters cursing and blood being spilled, even in the first episode. Curse words fly right and left, mostly out of Reagan's mouth, and for good reason! Clearly, due to this, some people may not like the show or find it "too mature," or even sexual at times, in par with other mature animations that have been released recently, whether by Netflix or on other platforms.
While reviewers rightly described this series as mocking "our brain-fried reality," having a "lot of energy," being "emotionally wise and sincere," there is more to this show than that. It uses, in Takeuchi's words, comedy to "process difficult emotions, and... a way to explore these kinds of topics [conspiracy theories] and the ridiculousness of them." This is made clear from the fact that at first Reagan feels threatened by Brett. He comes to her for help, as he is under too much pressure. And both work together to control the rogue president and help each other. Although it reminds me a little of Mr. Robot, which focused on a group of hackers trying to bring down the "elites," Inside Job is the opposite of this, as the protagonists of this series are the same elites that those characters were attempting to take out by any means necessary.
One of my favorite parts of Inside Job is the weirdness and quirkiness, whether it's the human-hybrids, the lizard people, assassins (like one who shot JFK, who is voiced by Alex Hirsch), or something else entirely. The animation, music score, and background art are superb as well, with all sorts of easter eggs linking to other shows and topics, for those who wish to delve deeper. Like the highly-enjoyable Disenchantment, drinking, alcoholism, and drug use are some of the show's themes. On the other hand, it is more comedic than Disenchantment, although its comedy isn't constructed in the same way as it is in shows like Star Trek: Lower Decks.
One of the funnier episodes is when they show all the people said to be reptilian, like Al Gore, Taylor Swift, Mark Zuckerberg, Guillermo El Toro, Ellen DeGeneres, Judge Judy, Anderson Cooper and so on. I chuckled a little when they made fun of the Jason Bourne series and how ridiculous it is, or the joke about the Bechdel test. The show references series like Stranger Things (set in the 1980s), Ghostbusters, Star Wars, The Terminator, The Goonies, Harry Potter, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and E.T., along with Blockbuster, Jeff Bezos, and the James Bond films, to name a few references.
Inside Job has a better spy episode than anything that Q-Force could come up with and reminds me a little of a Phineas and Ferb episode, "Live and Let Dive," where the evil doctor has a lair, although Inside Job ups the ante to something that is even more hilarious than either one of those shows.
Similar to other shows, broken families and having friends are also themes featured in Inside Job. This is noted in the show's third episode, when the audience learns that Reagan's parents are divorced, with her mother writing erotic stories. Reagan tries to make sure she has a group of friends among her co-workers, so they all support her, no matter the mission they have to undertake, although Brett is the most loyal and supportive of them all. This happens when her social anxiety comes to the fore in the show's third episode, when she is told to hug people at a reptoid gala, while she remains socially inept, learning it is because of a robot her father invented. It also happens when she has relationship problems and attempts to get someone with toxic masculinity, and has issues with codependency.
Some fans have even speculated that Reagan might be autistic. Having someone who is socially awkward and anxious is not unique to Inside Job, though. Cleopatra, the protagonist of Cleopatra in Space, has ADHD, Luz Noceda, the bisexual Afro-Latina protagonist of The Owl House, is neurodivergent, and Entrapta, the socially awkward (and morally grey) sciencey princess, in She-Ra and the Princesses of Power is autistic. In addition, Peridot, a non-binary Gem woman in Steven Universe has been described by some fans as autistic, since Steven Universe creator Rebecca Sugar said that none of the Gems in the series can be considered neurotypical.
Apart from Hirsch and Takeuchi, the others working on Inside Job are a talented bunch. They include animator Mike Hollingsworth, one of the show's executive producers, who was the supervising director of BoJack Horseman, Pete Mitchels, an animator who directed the first two seasons of Rick and Morty and episodes of Family Guy, and Chantal Hennessey, who was a supervising director for 24 episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.
Additionally, the series art director, Jeffrey M. Thompson, was an art director for Rick and Morty, and an animator and artist on Gravity Falls. Two of the show's animators, Andrew Bomo, the technical director, and Justin Schultz, worked on shows such as Harley Quinn, Invincible, Big Mouth, Onyx Equinox, Milo Murphy's Law, and DuckTales, to name a few. The opening theme is performed by Bronze, featuring BBRC, and is titled "Pa$$ the Time (Part 2)" while Ryan Elder and Steve Reidell are composers of the show's electronic music.
Inside Job seems to have been accepted relatively positively, including on the show's subreddit, which currently has over 800 subscribers, and has an official account with over 6,000 followers on Twitter, coupled with a fake website for Cognito, Inc. for interested fans. I expect there will be fanfiction as well, but currently, there is a good amount of fan art of Reagan, noting the show's references to other popular media. It is nothing like the documentary of the same name which focuses on the causes of the 2007-2008 global economic crisis. All in all, I am hopeful and optimistic that this show will be popular, although some people will undoubtedly sneer at it for one reason or another, probably the same people who dislike shows like Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, and the like. Currently, it has high marks on sites like Rotten Tomatoes.
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The inside of Cognito, Inc. shown in the first episode
The second half of Inside Job's first season will presumably be ten episodes long since 20 episodes of the series were ordered in April 2019 by Netflix. This show is unique in its own way and despite its strange nature at times, the characters, especially the protagonist Reagan, are relatable. It is unlike any other show I've ever seen. It doesn't fall into the usual animated sitcom model that mature animations sometimes tend to end up in, which began with the premiere of The Simpsons in 1989, and bolstered by shows like South Park, Family Guy, and American Dad!, to name a few that fit into the sitcom format.
Inside Job has the themes of togetherness and chosen family, with Reagan telling Brett that she and the rest of their team are his "business family forever" while she temporarily reconnects with her dad after feeling, rightly, that he is a poor father, before learning his terrible secret, all while he gaslights her repeatedly. Her relationship with her father is toxic and seeped in deep-seated trauma, which affects her daily life, personality, and everything else, while serving at the center of the show itself. The series shares some similarities, on a very limited basis, in terms of locations, to Futurama, as the characters traveled to the Moon in that particular series, and some visual jokes, but that's about it, as Inside Job goes to darker places and confronts issues that Futurama didn't.
The story, which Hirsch described as Takeuchi's "hilarious bizarre fever dream of a show that could only come from her unique vision of the world" will undoubtedly continue with support from Netflix. Hirsch also said that since Inside Job is for adults "keep all them Disney-babies far away."
Caplan described the show rightly, saying it serves as a public service, "reminding us of a time where they [conspiracy theories] were niche and maybe reserved for a guy who lives in a cabin in the woods alone and not half the population" and joked she could get behind the lizard people conspiracy, while saying that the theories the show tackles are vintage but fun at the same time. She additionally praised her character as not falling into existing tropes or archetypes while lamenting that "it’s depressing where the modern conspiracy theories are going." I think all of us can agree with that, as some theories are downright dangerous, leading to death, violence, or whatnot.
In the second part of season 1, it would be wonderful to have openly queer characters in the main cast of Inside Job. The current episodes have some queer vibes, like the orgy of reptilians or how all of the team (including two who are male) have crushes/like Brett Hand. Additionally, Andre identifies as "always sexual" with men and women around him as shown in the show's fourth episode, the same episode which shows a polyamorous couple in the background. There are also the vibes between the British secret agent, Rafe Masters, and the nemesis in one episode, vibes that are clearly homoerotic and are over the top, parodying the James Bond spy films. The astronauts are drawn in by space sex. Glenn has sex dreams about everyone on the team.
As for Reagan, based on the interpersonal conflicts she has been a part of in the first part of Season 1, it seems that in future episodes she will have to face her dad, who has become an obstacle to her progress and moving up the ranks of Cognito, instead of any LGBTQ+ focus on her part. Even so, the series could have an episode where she meets someone, just as Bean did in Disenchantment or Ash in Final Space, who she connects with on a deeper level without taking away from her main arc, although I find that to be unlikely.
In any case, I would highly recommend Inside Job for its hilarity, quirkiness, uniqueness, strong animation, character development, and wild plots.
© 2021-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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stylecouncil · 1 year
literally everyone involved in “britpop” that wasn’t damon albarn was doing a better job of being ray davies (his ultimate dream) than he was like for example, noel gallagher: brilliant natural knack for melody, working class charm, gemini, witty, literally has a younger brother he has a troubled relationship with, brett anderson: bisexual in a “I refuse a label” classically ambiguous way, camp, working class charm, witty, mentally unstable, jarvis cocker: not damon albarn
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bakerstreetbabble · 4 years
Granada TV Series Review: "The Dancing Men" (S01 E02)
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"The Adventure of the Dancing Men" is possibly the very first Holmes story I can remember reading and enjoying as a child. It was one of the stories in a paperback anthology that I was given when I was about ten years old. (I've tried numerous times to find the anthology online, with no luck. I simply don't remember enough about it.) I remember finding the idea of the code of the dancing men fascinating, and it is still one of my favorite Sherlock Holmes adventures. I am happy to report that the Granada adaptation of the tale is excellent. After the scene setting of "Scandal in Bohemia," this one really gets into the meat of what makes Holmes stories so entertaining: a code to decipher, deductions that are constantly one step ahead of everyone else, a murder, an attempted suicide, a mysterious figure from America...the works.
Unlike "A Scandal in Bohemia," which was the first story in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, "The Dancing Men" comes much later in the canon, having been one of the cases published in the collection entitled The Return of Sherlock Holmes. Perhaps that's why the story is so good: it was written later, but not so late that the writing has become tired or a repetition of the earlier stories. Quite simply, this story is Arthur Conan Doyle at his best. And the Granada adaptation certainly reflects the excellence of the original story.
Jeremy Brett is delightful from top to bottom in the episode: his witty, playful banter at the beginning, as he amazes Watson with his deductive train of thought, is a treat to behold. David Burke's reactions, as Watson realizes how "absurdly simple" (a phrase which recurs in the episode) the whole thing was, is marvelous as well. The dramatic elements throughout the episode are very well done. The opening sequence, before the case comes to Holmes, is admirably brief, but sets up the mystery quite efficiently.
As a musician, I was especially struck by the sophistication of the score underlying the scene: the music sounds a bit like an early American folk song, and as Elsie first sees the code of the dancing men (which the camera does not show initially) the music comes to a sudden stop. The use of the minor third every in the theme that plays underneath Elsie's and Hilton's scenes together gives the music an ever so slight impression of a style no unlike American jazz, which works perfectly for Elsie, who we come to find out is from America.
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The actors who play Elsie (Betsy Brantley) and Hilton (Tenniel Evans) are perfect in their roles: I found their tragic relationship emotionally engaging. The sets and costumes are, as usual for this first season of the series, extremely sumptuous. The Baker Street lodgings, of which we get a slightly better view than in the first episode, seem as if they were lifted straight out of the pages of the canon. Meanwhile, we get a bit of a view of the period English countryside, and perhaps most importantly for Holmes fans, our first glimpse of Holmes in the famous deerstalker cap (though not the Inverness cape).
The pacing of the episode is exceptionally tight, with an excellent balance between the more reflective moments of deduction, and the moments of Holmes and Watson springing into action (albeit too late to save the unfortunate Mr. Cubitt). I especially enjoyed the moment, after Holmes and Watson run out of the room suddenly, and the camera pans around to show the final message: "Elsie, prepare to meet thy God." Beautifully done!
In the original story, Sherlock Holmes presents a rather lengthy description of how he solved the code of the dancing men. I thought the adaptation was especially deft at handling this bit dramatically: first, they shorten the sequence immensely, and second, they give most of the explanation to Watson. I thought this worked rather well, especially considering that, if they had been slavish to the original, the dramatic action would have ground to a halt at this point!
Watching this episode was a particularly enjoyable nostalgia trip for me, and overall just a marvelous viewing experience. I can't find a thing about the episode that I would have changed. It was extremely faithful to the source material, while still being as entertaining an adventure as you could wish to see on the small screen. The video of the episode is below...enjoy!
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