#Brian O’Conner/Vince
saintsir4n · 6 months
in which brian gets mad!
“Hey! Hey! Back off — Vince outside, put down the vase, you’re not breakin’ shit in my house. Brian go upstairs, Summer you go with him, clean those bruised hands,” Dom’s voice carried through the living room that was practically turned on its head. One small conversation turned into a big argument and then it eventually got physical. “What did I say? No fighting on Sundays. It’s a day for family and you two do the exact opposite, so now everyone cool off until dinner's ready.”
Vince scoffed, his glare never left Brian’s retreating figure until Leon and Jesse pushed him outside. Letty followed Dom, deciding to help him with the rest of the food prep, whilst Mia and KeKe helped pick up anything broken to toss in the trash.
Carson rolled her eyes as she joined Brian in the upstairs bathroom. Her dress would’ve gotten ruined if she hadn’t moved away from her boyfriend who had tussled with Vince until Dom got involved and pulled them apart with Jesse and Leon’s help.
Brian was against the sink, watching as she pulled out the first aid kit in silence, brows pinching together when she didn’t say anything to him, and just sighed to herself.
“You’re gonna give me the silent treatment, really?” He exacerbated, as she pulled out bandaids, cotton pads and hydrogen peroxide.
“Just stop movin’,” she muttered when she got him to wash his hands.
“He insults us and I get the cold shoulder? I don’t believe this, you’re supposed to be on my side.”
She frowned, “There are no sides Brian, and drop that base from your voice, I’m not the problem here.”
He laughed in disbelief, “Oh, and I am?”
“I never said that," she sighed, trying to wipe the cuts as he winced at the pain.
“You’re not denying it," Brian stressed, annoyed that she didn't have a problem with it.
“You didn’t have to react," Carson hated violence and her boyfriend seemed to be constantly around it.
He scoffed, “So I’m just supposed to take his shit.”
“I never said that either," she retorted, "Hold still." Brian cursed when the hydrogen peroxide coursed over his open wounds, "Sorry."
“Then what are you sayin’? ‘Cause to me it just sounds like you think I’m in the wrong," he gritted out, body digging into the sink as he felt some pain. "That I’m the issue, and I should just sit back and let guys like Vince walk all over me.”
She rose a brow, “Guys like Vince?”
He rolled his eyes, “Here we go.”
“Here we go what?” She looked at him, seeing how heated he was getting about this.
“You’re focusin’ on that, really?”
“He’s my family so watch how you talk about him," she exclaimed.
“I’m your boyfriend and you’re actin’ like that don’t mean nothin’”
“You know that’s not true," her shoulders slumped. "You mean so much to me. Brian, you know that.”
“Do I?”
“You know you do.” She paused, pulling out a large bandage and cut it in half, “It’s just…”
“It’s just what?”
“You didn’t have to punch him," she stressed, applying some cream before wrapping his wounds.
“Yes, I did," he groaned, as she took a step back, “We hold hands and it’s a problem, we smile at each other it’s a problem, You sit on my lap and we kiss suddenly he can’t take it anymore and makes digs. If it’s at me I get it, he hates me, but the second he calls you naive, or an idiot, I'm not gonna sit back and do nothin'."
"Well I can see that," Carson gestured to his sore hands, "and I'm not some pushover, I can handle Vince, I'm just tired of the drama."
"He's the drama," he said, calmer.
"Says the guy with bloody fists," she teased, putting away the first aid kit and coming to stand between his legs.
"Well, they match his busted lip."
She couldn't help but laugh, "I appreciate you defending me, I do."
"I'll always defend you, you know that," Brian wouldn't let any harm come to her, even if it was just stupid words.
"But you need to keep that temper under control, you could've ripped my dress."
"Let me see," he cooed, trailing his hand down to the hem, "Sorry baby."
"Yeah I know, it's fine just calm down sometimes," she pleaded, with a pout.
"I'll calm down when he learns that I can kiss you whenever I want," Brian said, sternly, snaking his arms around her waist, "touch you, take you out and he can't do a damn thing because we're together alright? or I'll start thinkin' he's actin' more like a jealous ex and less like a brother."
"Alright, alright, you’re all cleaned up," she gently patted his chest, "lets go."
"Wait, wait, wait, let me kiss you, before we go down stairs, couldn't wanna get interrupted again would we?"
Carson laughed into the kiss.
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dombrianoteretto · 1 year
The facts is that Brian was just too pretty looking for anyone resist… except Letty. She likes the girlies😘
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But you can't tell me that this man didn't awaken a bi panic in each and every one of those men from day one💀
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Meanwhile, the girls are just watching the boys stumbling over themselves like they just learned how to walk and talk like:
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jackiequick · 1 year
Meet The Crew | Fast Five Fanfic 🇧🇷
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Pairing: Brian O’Conner x Mia Toretto, Han x Soffi
Pre-relationship: Valentina Toretto x Deckard Shaw
Setting: Fast Five (2011)
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Summary: Being the run for more than 2 years going from country to country, city to city, just to run away and survive. But what happens when Dom comes up with a plan to get their lives on track? Steal from the biggest man in Brazil. Then your gonna need a crew.
Characters: Dom, Brian, Mia, Tej, Roman, Val and etc.
Click here to see information for the rest of her story.
The last few days have ran cold. After arriving in Brazil, everything took a turn and keeping bigger lives at stack.
First with Val finding out what Mia is pregnant, having not told Brian yet. Then the heist they went on that Vince planned going haywire with Val, Dom and Brian getting caught then running to the safe house. To the argument between everyone on Vince not playing fair, where he left to go do his own thing.
And now!
They were being chased by policemen and Reye’s men across the streets and on top of the building finding themselves hiding out. Dom wanted to spilt up until Mia announced that it wasn’t the best idea.
Brian agreed with Dom, until Val said, “Tell ‘em sis..”
“I’m pregnant.” She said with a smile, out of breath from running across the bay.
Dom and Brian were shocked but happy. Hell, Brian was overwhelmed with joy fulling his best girl into a kiss. Val told them that they needed to stick together cause they’re family just got bigger.
It was settled that night by the boys while the girls slept that they had to stop running now. Make a life for themselves. So it was made to get their earning attention and some cash. Buy they’re freedom.
But they needed a team.
The next day, they planned as well as they could looking above the city.
“Okay let’s run through the basics.” Brian said leaning against his girl with a smile.
“First we need a chameleon. Someone who can blend in.” Dom said winking at Val and added, “Anywhere and can handle themselves.”
Soffi and Han were on they’re mind from the last heist.
“What else?” Mia asked.
“Hmm. A fast talker.” Dom said, “Someone who can bullshit they’re way out of anything.”
“I got that!” Brian announced with a smile.
His mind went to Roman.
“This guy has a lot of surveillance, so we need someone who’s good with circuits.” Mia added, meaning Tej could do the job.
“And with those circuits, Reyes is gonna have walls. We’re gonna need guys to punch through those walls.” Val told them with a nod.
Leo and Santos could do it.
“Hmm. Weapons and utilities.” Val added smiling.
Giselle was skilled for that.
“And last but not least. Two precision drivers. Two guys who won’t crack under pressure.” Dom said with such pride in his voice and a grin at only grew by the second.
“Oh you know we got that!” Brain repiled with a teasing grin that match his friends.
That left Val and Mia with research and experienced planning.
24 hours later. The team came together.
Roman and Tej walked in jokingly insulting each other.
“When you gonna give Martin Luther King his car back?” Roman asked, putting his bag down.
Tej scoffed, “As soon as you give Rick James his jacket back.”
They both cracked a smile, giving one another a bro hug. That was when a motorcycle rolled in, parking right in front of them. It was a women who was riding. The said women got off, removing her helmet as she shake her hair with hearing the guys.
“Sexy legs babygirl, what time they open?” Roman asked with a half smirk.
That was when a handheld gun landed right in between they’re faces, resulting in both men to back up a second.
“They open the same time i pull this trigger. Want me to open them?” Said Giselle with a small grin.
As if on cue, Leo and Santos walked in joking around in Spanish. Roman felt offended as him and Santos started bickering. Tej and Leo brought themselves into the conversation too as Giselle rolled her eyes.
“I thought cock fight were illegal in Brazil.” Han said walking with his girlfriend who smiled at his comment.
“I guess not.” Add Soffi with a smile, glancing up at Giselle.
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That was when Dom announced himself with a smile, “I see you all met!” Mia, Val and Brian walked in behind him greeting they’re friends.
Val and Mia ran into Leo and Santos arms for a tight hug, having not seen each other in a while. Brian noticed Soffi standing off to the side, grinning to introduce himself.
“Hey.” He said with a toothy grin, welcoming her to the group.
“Hi..” She replies with a soft smile, noticing a warmth to the blonde that eased her.
“I heard about you.”
“R-really? F-from who?”
“Dom. He talks a lot about his time in the D.R. He said you and Han help him pull a heist there.”
“Oh yeah! It was burning there but we got the job done. I just don’t know why we were called here. I mean, what can i do to help?”
“Dom and his sister said you were like a chameleon. Trying to handle the situation and blend into the crowd?”
That was when Dom spoke over them saying they got a job to do, leading them to a group to debrief. Brian and Dom explained their target along the issues as everyone cut into the conversation.
“Sounds crazy. You brings us to a whole other country so we can rob the dude who runs it? I thought this was business, sounds personal to me. Is this was it is? I got love for y’all but personal ain’t good business. I can’t do this homie.” Roman said turning to walk out.
Val shared a smirk with her brother as she said, “So what we’re talking about is 100 million dollars.”
That’s when Roman stopped in his tracks, spinning around flabbergasted as he exclaimed, “Y-you say wha-? A-a-huna—you see sometimes i be overthinking man. And i know we just met girl, but you just kinda gotta..”
“Roman stop talking.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Soffi couldn’t help but snort at his reaction, being a little surprised herself by the announcement of that much money. Brian shared a smile with Mia as Dom kept explaining saying whatever they can take, they split it evenly. It surprised everyone.
Then Soffi stopped to think and spoke up, “As soon as you hit the first one. They’re gonna do everything they can to protect them.”
Giselle and Han added something else, as everyone nodded to their reason.
“Exactly.” Dom simply said with a smile, planning on what to do.
With that being said, the guys went to Reyes underground place to make themselves known, that they mean business. Burning his money and coming up with the next part of the plan. As well as keeping eyes on the police department scanners. Then the plans were set into motion.
The guys did the heavy duty part like breaking into police station to see the safe they would steal, placing extra cameras around town, and searching for extra ways to get around the city. Han and Val even ordered in a replica of the safe to replace with during the heist.
Because he’s hella rich.
Roman was eating while watching them work. Tej looked over his shoulder to see Val sitting by the stairs holding a pin and needle. She was pulling some fabric together, having a placement made for their safe.
“Girl what are you doing?” Tej asked, holding up his stack of paperwork.
“Isn’t it obvious? Tini is going to the beach later haha!” Roman exclaimed with a laugh, which earned him a glare.
“Who told you that nickname?” Val said glaring at him playfully.
“Brian. I think he told the others too.”
“Remind me to whoop his ass later.”
“What? Its cute!”
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“What’s cute?” Said a voice that belong to Soffi, who was snacking on a bag of chips.
“Tini!” Roman yelled.
“Who’s Tini?”
“Vally over here!”
Val groaned shared a look with Tej who snorted at her annoyance.
It clicked for Soffi as she gasped with a smile, “That’s you nickname? I didn’t know that!”
“I’mma kill Brian..” She muttered, “Only he ever used that nickname before. Now y’all know.”
Tej chuckled, “Welcome to my world! Roman will never shut up about it now.”
“It’s cute! I-I like it.” Soffi said, noticing the fabric in her hand, “Uh, w-what’s with the bikini? A-are you going to beach?”
“That’s what i said!” Roman yelled once again chuckling, “If so babygirl, can i come?”
“No, I ain’t going to be beach. Someone else will. Since Tej said the safe needs Reyes fingerprints, and we can’t exactly get them..” Val said, looking at the tech genius.
“…you’re gonna swipe his handprints to use it against the piggy bank’s system. Smart girl!” Tej said, finishing her sentence.
“Exactly! Han and Soffi are up.”
“Wait seriously? R-right now?” Soffi said, looking over her shoulder to see Han.
He leaning against the wall with a smirk hearing his name as he chatted with Giselle.
“Nice. I like the easy stuff.” Han added with a smirk and kissing his girlfriend’s cheek, “See you outside babe.”
“I-i-wait! Han! Ugh!”
“Time to work our magic baby!”
He walked out with a grin that made her blush. Roman and Tej teased the girl for blushing. Soffi was a little confused about the actions she would take until Val pulled her aside into a room to change. Soffi was gonna wear the purple bikini and Giselle was gonna be there in the background as back up, just in case.
But it was her case to do.
She was a little worried it won’t go well however she saw the look in Val’s eye. A look of bravery and courage that would result in confidence for the task.
Val even joked, “Honey i seen you in action. It’s easy.”
“Alright, alright. Give me the towel.” Soffi replies joking, snatching the towel out of her hands and run out.
All Val can do was laugh as she went back to hanging out with Tej and Roman. She knew Soffi, Han and Giselle would get the job done they’re own way, but it was time for that to wait.
However that didn’t mean Val wasn’t gonna have some fun herself, heading out to buy extra drinks and catching a ride to the exact spot where Giselle told there they would be.
She stayed nearby the palm tree with Giselle watching them, reading the room then quickly walked away.
Han was snacking on some chips and chatting with Soffi who sipped her drink. They were eyeing Reye and the group on the high deck of the guesthouse across of the low end the beach. The pair were flirting and chuckling, wondering what was the man’s plan.
“I make six bodyguards.” Han said, glancing over his the guest shoulder.
“Seven.” Soffi added watching them, “The guy with the fanny pack is a tourist.”
“You think we should stay here after this is over?”
“Sure! I like the beaches here but you should watch your habits first.”
“Huh? What did i do?”
“You quit smoking, babe. I’m happy you did! But the snacks you were eating today, a lot more than usual.”
“I know. I’m handling it. I’m getting better.”
“I know and I’m glad you are.”
Han noticed the men on the stairs and sighed, “Well this is a real bust. We can’t get his fingerprints out here. Call Val, do some more reconstruction on the plan.”
“No..I don’t want to do that.” Soffi said, looking at the house and her outfit for a moment.
“She will understand. Giselle is here, we can try to do something else as we figure something out.”
“Or..um..uh-l-let me t-try something here. P-please?”
“Y-you sure?”
“Y-yeah. Watch out for me.”
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Soffi took a breath, not wasting a second as she let the towel fall off her body and onto the floor. She smiled to herself feeling good swaying her hips walking away from the table in her purple bikini.
At that same time, Giselle followed beside her with a wink wearing her own valued bikini.
Han was left with his jaw dropped onto the ground, his fingertips stopped before ever reaching his mouth with the bag of nuts. He smiled softly to himself, biting his lower lip chuckling.
“Damn.” He muttered to himself.
The man speechless in place as both women walked over to the open house party, past the guardsmen smiling.
Soffi sat on the armrest of the chair where Reyes sat with a smile, as Giselle rested her hands on the shoulder of Reyes friends. She laughed at his jokes. Meanwhile Soffi smiled chatting with Reyes as he placed his hand on her bottom against the fabric of the bikini.
Han raised an eyebrow at his movements, rolled his eyes at the action with a grin.
She got the handprint.
“Nice.” Han muttered with a nod, waiting for them to finish to head over to the beach.
Later on the trio returned back to the bunker to find Roman and Tej working on the vault. They were confused once they returned with nothing but two bikinis in hand. One purple and one red.
Both men looked confused. Until Soffi lit a flashlight over the bikinis Giselle and Han were holding. Two handprints for extra measurements. In result the guys smirked and joked.
Tej smirked, “So did he just smack the ass or did he grab and hold on to it?”
Roman laughed as Soffi smirked waving the flashlight at both men jokingly.
Some stuff happened afterwards. Almost getting caught by the cops resulting in them putting a tracking on their trucks and testing how fast they were in the cars for the heist drifting away as quick as possible. But no one was fast enough, but it’s because they need certain cars to get past the city with ease.
Police cars.
So the boys went off, expect for Santos and Leo, to search for them. Meanwhile the girls stayed by relaxing, chatting about what they would do with their money.
Giselle wanted to go sightseeing without watching her back. Valentina wished for the ability to travel the word and have her own small adventure. Soffi wanted to open up a small shop to bake and sell her favorite treats, using the money left over for something special. Mia just wanted to relax at a small beach house and have her own little thing going on before she left to go to the store.
If only they could clear they’re names just as quickly.
By the same time she returned from the store as the boys did. They were racing in cop cars, with Brian winning against Dom. But Mia returned with a certain someone. Vince.
Everyone stood up in defense and confusion about his return. Some didn’t even know who Vince was but stood up to protest against against the man. Mia was trying to explain what exactly happened as they thankfully listened.
But Val was ready to pounce at Vince, it took Soffi and Tej to hold her back as she yelled at her oldest friend. Brian was about to get in Vince’s face wanting some more answers until Dom shut both of them up. Calling his oldest friends over to help him fix the car to talk, letting everyone cool down and allow Vince to eventually join in their plans.
Eventually everyone did. Cooking dinner for one another, bringing out more chairs and couches to sit on, extra tables and a radio. Some sat around tinkering with items, Dom was fixing one of the cars with Vince and Brian meanwhile Roman, Tej and Han talked. Everyone was speaking with the idea what would they do with their millions of dollars.
Everyone had plenty of ideas. Some traveling, going to Las Vegas, getting cooking classes, buying houses and so much more. Tej wanted to start his own business to fix cars and not let people get ripped off.
“You peoples dreams are to start day jobs?!” Roman exclaimed, looking at them like they crazy.
Mostly looking Tej like he was just talking crazy for suggesting that idea in the first place.
Soffi crossed her arms, “What’s so wrong about that, Roman?”
“Everything! Y’all got money, use to the buy luxury gifts and items like you couldn’t afford before.” Roman said, sipping his drink.
“So what will you do then, Roman?” Valentina added, standing next to her friends with Giselle behind her grinning.
So in result the man explained how he do plenty of things, from buying himself suits to his very own plane. All the girls smirked and laughed, teasing Roman that they will try to steal the planes and jets for they’re own plans. Tej and a few of the others rolled their eyes chuckling.
Val grinned saying she will use Roman’s jets to travel the world and such. From Italy to Cuba to Hawaii and a sweet return to the Dominican Republic. Soffi and Giselle saying they will join her, suggesting France as well. A mini girls trip, including Mia and the others.
Roman jokingly got offended and rolled his eyes teasing them back, going to get everyone refills as they waited for dinner to be served. However once he stopped at Brian and Mia, he got hella confused. Mia kept saying she can’t drink and Brian insisted, leaving Roman with odd look on his face.
Until Brian rubbing his girlfriend’s nonexistent bump as Roman’s eyes lit up. It clicked.
“Ohh! Are you serious right now?” Roman exclaimed with bug eyes and a cheeky grin turning to Dom, “Is that the reason you let him beat you in the quarter mile? Hahaha that was a baby gift!”
Mia was giggling brightly.
Brain looked at his best friend, trying to defend himself and said, “No, that’s messed up.”
“That was a baby gift.” Roman repeated with a growing grin
“No, your not taking that from me.”
Tej walked up with a smirk acting all chill and asked, “Wait wait wait, hold on a second. So, did he just smack that ass or did he grab it?”
Val smirked bursting into laughter as she rubbed Brian’s shoulder jokingly and walked over to Dom. She grinned seeing they’re friends all congratulate Brian and Mia on the pregnancy.
Mia stayed hugging Soffi and Giselle the longest.
“Baby gift, huh?” She asked teasing him smiling, “Wanna explained?”
Brian followed behind her giving Dom a look, wondering the same thing as they both shared a matching smile.
“Baby gift?” Brian repeated.
“I have no idea what they’re talking about.” Dom replies with a smile, shrugging.
“Yeah sure.” Val added.
Once everything died down still celebrating the new, Dom called everyone to circle back for he can give a small toast.
Everyone chuckled, giving small smile to each other and leaned against the other person enjoying the moment.
Each member had a drink in their hands as they looked up to listen to the man who put all of this together.
Dom took a breath took as he look around the room and then spoke, “Money all come and go, you know that. But the most important thing in life will always be the people in this room. Right here. Right now. Salute mi familia.”
“Salute.” Said everyone raising their beer bottles, as you heard the light cling once they were brought together in a circle.
Everyone smiles, some sipping their drinks and others lean against the person next to them for a tight squeeze.
It was real.
They’re all here in Brazil.
And they’re finish off the week pulling off an heist.
It’s gonna be nuts.
Thank you so much for reading this fic! It’s one of my favorite films and it was a great treat to toss theses characters into it.
What did you think about it? Let me know in the comments below.
Please reblog, like and share for more stuff like this
Tags; @hanlueluver @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @whitewiccan @msrochelleromanofffelton @starkleila @thisgirlisonfayeeer @meiramel @gcthvile @yetanotherwells @rooster-84 @rickb-chaos @mandylove1000 @sherloquestea and etc
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multifandomworldsposts · 11 months
Day 22 of Kinktober: Married to Brian O’Conner
Pairing: Brian O’Conner x fem!reader
Warning: unprotected sex, riding, hickeys
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Yes, I’m indeed married to an undercover cop and yes I have to come with him to be his ‘girlfriend’ if we go anywhere for a mission. This time his mission is about drug dealers, and he doesn’t want me to come with him this time because I might get hurt or even worse if I go with him.
One morning, Brian came home beat up, so I patch him up.
“What happened?” I said while dabbing some hydrogen peroxide on his wounds on his cheekbone.
“This asshole, beat me up because I won the drag race.” He weakly said.
“Who?” I said.
“His name is Vince.”
“He sounds like an asshole.” I said trying to check if there’s more wounds.
He chuckles.
“So, this guy that I’m talking to, another drug dealer, Dominic, he wants me to go to his house, do you want to go with me?” He says giving me the puppy dog eyes.
“You told me you don’t want me to get involved because it could be dangerous.” I say.
“It won’t be this time honey, alright?”
“Fine, what do you want me to wear, something normal?”
“Just without your ring baby.”
I already know what he’s saying, here we go again, I hope this goes well.
We go to Dominic’s house and I kinda get nervous, I hope this goes well. I got introduced to the others and Vince, I guess, came and when he saw Brian, he looked beyond pissed, I wonder why. Vince came back to eat some food. The food was actually delicious.
When Brian and I came home, he couldn’t take his hands off of me.
“You did a good job being my girlfriend hon.” Brian wraps his arms around my waist.
“I mean I am your wife Bri.” I chuckle.
“How about I give you an award for being good.” He unzips my sundress.
“You should do this each time I help you with a mission baby.” I say letting the dress slip off my shoulders to the floor.
“I should.” He smiles.
He picks me up to take us to our bed and lays me down and he takes his clothes off, I need him. He takes my underwear off and begins to make love to me slowly. I moan and began to scratch his back, he goes faster which is making me gasp in his neck. I give him some hickeys and he starts to give me some hickeys as well. My coworkers are going to be teasing me about these hicks. I flip us over so I can be on top, I start to ride him which made him groan and dig his fingers in my waist. I ride him faster, I cum on his cock. Fuck, I miss him so much, I can’t believe that he has the night shift so I have to sleep alone and I have to think of him while I play with myself, Brian knows that I play with myself, he caught me one time.
After him cumming inside me, we lay on the bed, I lay on his chest and he pecks my head, I look at him and I can see his soft eyes looking straight at me, I feel safe and happy around him. While we were at the BBQ he could tell that I felt like I needed to be around him so he wrapped his arms around my stomach, which makes me feel safe.
I’m so glad we’re married, happy together and we can protect each other, mostly Brian protecting me.
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lunas-nargle · 1 year
chapter one of “meddle about” series brian o’conner x reader
i. blonde beauty
The young Toretto's girl sighed as she ran her hand through her sweaty hair. She was wiping down the counter when she heard her younger cousin say, "Guess who's back, Y/n?"
Y/n looked towards the part of the bar where the stools were lined up. There sat the blonde beauty Y/n came to know as Brian.
She smiled and walked closer to him, "Tuna on white, no crust, correct?"
"I don't know." he said, flipping through a magazine, acting like he's never had it before. "How is it?"
Y/n's grin widened, "Everyday for the last three weeks you've been comin' in here. Everyday, you ask me how the tuna is. It was shitty yesterday, it was shitty the day before, and if you couldn't guess already, it's just as shitty."
"I'll have the tuna." Brian smiled back at her.
"No crust?"
"No crust."
Y/n pushing herself from the counter to prepare his sandwich.
As made his food, Brian's eyes couldn't help but wandered her body. Brian thought Y/n was one of the most beautiful girl in the entire world. If he had to eat tuna sandwiches for the rest of his life just to see her, he'd do it. Anything it took to be around her. His eyes stopped at every curve, dip, and valley she had before they went back up to her face as she turned back to him.
"Thank you." he said, once she dropped the plate in front of him. Y/n smiled, turning the magazine to her. Suddenly, her peace was taken by the sound of cars speeding towards the shop.
She was around the counter to clean anything up that needed it, to anything that was crooked. She wanted to distract herself from him. She walked past Brian, holding a stack of napkins, but he stopped her.
"I have something I've been wanting to ask you." he said, his striking blue eyes blaring into hers. Y/n tilted her head, wanting to know what he was thinking. "I was thinking--"
He was cut off by Y/n's squeal. Jesse suddenly swooped her up, spinning her around. The napkins she was holding almost dropped out of her hands.
"You ass!" she exclaimed, smacking his shoulder once he put her down.
"What's up, guys?" Mia said, stepping away from her school work.
"How ya doin', Mia?" Leon said, walking past them and into Dom's office with Letty and Jesse behind him.
"How's it going, Mia?" Y/n saw Monty, Vince's little brother, lean against the counter in front of Mia.
"It's-It's going good." Mia nodded, bashfully.
Y/n smiled and sighed, looking back towards Brian. Her smile dropped when she saw the lovely sight behind her was ruined by Vince standing behind him, glaring at the back of his head
She rolled her eyes and sighed, turning to fix anything that the crew messed with. Vince sat down, still staring at Brian.
"Ahh, Y/n," Jesse said as she walked by, looking at him through a pair of sunglasses. "He's beautiful."
"I like the haircut." Leon commented. Y/n smiled at the comments as she walked by.
Y/n reached the other side of the bar, where she previously was before the others arrived. She cleared her throat, "Vince." he didn't answer. "Vince!"
"What?" He looked towards her.
"Could I get you anything?"
His eyes looked Y/n up and down. "You look good."
Y/n scoffed, "Nice try."
It wasn't rocket science to anyone that Vince had a thing for the Y/n. But Y/n's feelings weren't recuperated. He'd constantly grossed her with his unnecessary comments, turning her off as soon as he would open his mouth.
Brian suddenly stood up, fishing money from his pocket, and placing it down on the counter. He gave Y/n a bright smile, "Well, thanks a lot, Y/n. See you tomorrow."
Y/n gave him a bashful one back, kind of sad his visit was cut short, "Yeah, see you tomorrow."
Brian started out of the shop.  Vince suddenly stood up, calling out to him. Brian seemed to be paying no attention to the beefy man.
"Try Fat Burger from now on. You can get yourself a Double Cheese with fries for 2.95, punk." he spat.
"Vince, seriously?" Y/n mumbled walked around the counter.
Brain turned his head still walking to his truck. "I like the tuna here." he said, making Vince more enraged.
"Bullshit, asshole." Vince said. "No one likes the tuna here."
"Yeah, well, I do." Brian said, but he was suddenly pushed into the side of his truck, face first. Brian suddenly turned around, punching Vince straight in the face. Then, as quick as lightning, the two were fighting. Monty went out and tried to break it up which resulted in getting elbowed in the face by his brother.
"Jesus Christ, Dom." Mia said, frustrated. "Would you get out there please?"
"Dom, seriously!" Y/n said, coming closer to his office once he didn't even flinch. "Get out there!"
Dom got up from his seat, slowly. He leaned against the doorway.  "What'd you put in that sandwich?" he asked, calmly.
"Ha, ha, real funny." Y/n said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.
"Dom!" Letty said, gesturing towards the men, who were now on the ground.
"Alright." Dom said, finally speeding to break the fight up. Jesse and Leon followed him, with Y/n and Letty right behind them. Mia grabbed a tissue, handing it to Monty for his bleeding nose.
Dom pulled Brian off and pushed him into the car they were beside. Brian raised his hand in surrender, "Hey man. He was in my face."
"I'm in your face." Dom retorted. Vince tried going after Brian again but Dom pushed him back. "Relax!" Dom roared. "Don't push it, you embarrass me!" He looked towards Jesse. "Jesse, give me the wallet."
Jesse tossed Dom Brian's wallet. He opened it and inspected it for a few sends. "Brian Earl Spilner." he read. "Sounds like a serial killer name." He pointed the wallet towards Brian. "Is that what you are?"
"No man." Brian said.
"Don't come around here again." Dom said. Y/n's face dropped. Brian was the only thing good about her job. Brian took his wallet back as Dom started to walk away.
"Hey, man you know this is bullshit." Brian said, as Dom walked. Dom turned and stocked towards him, "You work for Harry, right?" he asked.
"Yeah." Brian answered. "I just started."
"You were just fired." Dom said, venom tracing his words before he walked away from the scene.
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Fastest Girl in Town - Snippet (From the Vault)
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TITLE: Fastest Girl in Town PAIRING: Vince/OC RATING: T CHAPTER: One-shot SUMMARY: While at a race out of town, Dom runs into an old friend. Someone he hasn’t since in quite a while.
[A/N - Vince does not appear in this. He was going to at the end and the OC and him were going to reconcile.]
Brian and Dom pulled up to the racing location.
“So why are we here?” Brian asked as they got out of the Charger.
The loud roar of an engine was heard.
Brian turned and saw a large truck coming towards them.
“That’s why we’re here”, Dom told him.
It skidded to a halt in front of them and the driver got out. It was a small young woman.
“Toretto!” she squealed. She ran towards him and hugged him. “You’re a long way from home.”
“Could say the same thing about you.”
“Who’s the newb?”
“Brian O’Conner, meet Dominique Ford. We call her Mini. Fastest girl on the East coast. Taught her everything she knows”.
Dominique rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Quit bragging.”
“You’re so young”, Brian said.
“Not much younger than you”, she told him, “Dom and I met after his dad died”.
“I thought we were here to race.”
“Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is?”
Dom and Dominique threw down $300.
“Now when I race, I have one rule. No NOS. You use NOS, you’re disqualified”, she said.
“What?” Brian asked her.
“I like to win fair and square. NOS is an unfair advantage.”
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bonniebird · 7 months
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Fandom List: Fast & Furious
Please remember to send your requests in with the full name of the character or it won’t be accepted.
Names with a cross through mean I’m not writing for them at the moment but I may write for them again soon.
Film Fandom List
Book fandom list
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Fast & Furious Masterlist
Back to Film fandom list
Han Lue
Brian O’Conner
Dominic Toretto
Mia Toretto
Letty Ortiz
Roman Pearce
Tej Parker
Luke Hobbs
Sean Boswell
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budgiesunset · 2 years
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Hi please call me Budgie,
I love writing. I mainly post X reader stories. Also for privacy reasons I’m not going to be showing my face or saying my name hope you understand but I did find this picture that sort of looks like me which is my profile picture. And I will be going by the name Budgie since it is apart of my username. My favorite color is yellow and I am learning Spanish at the moment. I have two pets a Jack Russell called Luna, a German Short Haired Pointer (GSP) called Milo and a Budgie called Rio. My favorite subject is Science and my favorite book series is School For Good And Evil which has come out with a movie on Netflix BUT my favorite movie franchise is Fast and Furious and a close second and third is Lord Of The Rings and The Hunger Games.
Requests Open
•Who I Write For• -Avatar (mainly way of water)
>Lo’ak >Neteyam >Spider >Kiri >Anuong >Sully!Reader
-Fast and furious
>Torreto!Reader >Vince >Brian >Dom >O’Conner!Reader >Roman
>Pevensie!Reader >Caspin >Edmund >Peter >Susan >Lucy
-Anne with an e
>Gilbert >Jerry >Cuthbert!Reader >Billy >Moody
>Wanda >Nat >Clint >Thor >Peter >Pietro >Stark!Reader >Barton!Reader >Parker!Reader >Romanoff!Reader >Maxinoff!Reader >Marvle Cast
-The hunger games
>Finnick >Peter >Katnis >Everdeen!Reader >Malark!Reader >Gale
-Lord of the rings / the hobbit/Rings of Power
>Aragon >Legolas >Elf!Reader >Theo >Galadriel
-Maze Runner
>Newt >Thomas >Minho >Gally >Frypan >Winston >Aris >Chuck >Brenda >Harriet >Sonya
>Wednesday >Enid >Xavier >Tyler >Ajax >Addams!Reader
-Mighty ducks
>Adam >Charlie >Avermen >Guy >Rick >Connie >Julie >Luis >Dean >Fulton >Kenny >Dwayne >Bombay!Reader >Conway!Reader
-The sandlot
>Benny >Yeah-Yeah >Phillips >Kenny >Phillips!Sister >Yeah-Yeahs!sister
-Bondi Rescue (aka best show of all time)
>Any of the life guards >Child!Reader
-Willow 2022 series
>Elora >Jade >Kit >Boorman >Graydon >Airk >Danen!Reader >Tabthalos!Reader
-Harry Potter
>Ron >Bill >Fred >George >Charlie >Ginny >Herminone >Harry >Mattheo >Luna >Seamus >Oliver >Black!Reader >Malfoy!Reader >Granger!Reader >Riddle!Reader >Potter!Reader >Weasley!Reader >Lovegood!Reader
-Surviving Summer
>Baxter >Bodhi (Fem!reader) >Ari >Marlon >Griff. >Torres!reader. >Gibson!reader. >Sousa!reader. >Tetanui!reader. >Mecer!reader. >Radic!reader
-Girl meets world
>Lucas. >Farkle. >Zay. >Maya. >Riley. >Smackle. >Josh
•What I will write•
-Fluff. -Fem!Reader. -GN!Reader. -Angst. -Sister!Reader. -Daughter!Reader. -Child!Reader
•What I won’t write•
-Smut or anything NSFW. -Abuse of any kind. -Anything Racist or Homophobic. -Yandere. -Male!Reader (If there is a request involving this I must politely decline sorry)
And if you have a request for a character or fandom not on this list don’t be scared to ask.
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dark-lady-eris · 6 years
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Are You Sure You Want To Send This?
The Toretto Team’s text messages. Brian/Vince. Chapters 10/?
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Pairing: Brian O’Conner x Fem!Reader
Written: August 8th, 2021
Posted: August 14th, 2021
Warning: Swearing.
Word Count: 1,570
A/N: Somewhat based on Fast Five.
Summary: The reader and Brian have a different type of friendship. What happens when the tension is finally too much?
Brian O’Conner Masterlist
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Packing your go bag, you knew it was only a matter of time before you got the call. Between knowing your group of friends and watching the news, you could feel in your bones that you would be getting ‘The Call.’
There was never a dull moment with your friends. Whether it’s breaking the law to working with the law, there was no shortage of missions that you were pulled in on.
Placing the strap over your shoulder, you gazed around your apartment. The dreadful feeling of not know if or when you’d be back washed over you. It wasn’t a life or death mission, no. Rather a would you be welcomed back with open arms or have to spend years on the run again.
Your friends weren’t necessarily criminals, just petty theft from L.A. That more often than not seemed to get caught up in the grand scheme of things.
Reaching to turn the light off, you smiled to yourself. Making your way to your car, you put your bag in the trunk before turning the engine on.
Ring. Ring.
Grinning to yourself, you knew this was it. This would be the call. Fluttering erupted in your stomach while adrenaline seeped through your veins.
There was a chuckle on the other end. “How’ve you been, Y/N?”
Rolling your eyes, the corner of your mouth lifted. “Where’s the mission, Roman?”
“Damn girl, it’s always business with you and no pleasure huh?”
Giggling you shook your head, even though he couldn’t see it. “The location, Roman.”
The sweet melodic tone of his hearty laugh sang through your ears. A sound you had grown to miss. “Brazil.”
“I shouldn’t have expected anything less.” You chuckled. “On my way.”
31 hours later.
Pulling into the garage, you noticed that you were the last one to show up. The others had been there for at least a day or two before you. Your heart began beating rapidly as you put it in park and got out of the vehicle.
“Look who finally decided to show up.” Vince’s voice teased, approaching you with open arms.
Grinning, you allowed him to pull you in for a warm hug. “Hey, Vince.” You murmured into his shoulder.
“Long time, no see, kid.” He responded only loud enough for you to hear. One of his hands cradling the back of your head, while the other was wrapped firmly around your waist. Heat blossomed in your chest at his sweet words.
Unwrapping himself from you, he allowed the rest of the team their turn in greeting you. Once they were done, you were faced with Brian. Your relationship with him was different from the others.
Gazing at him, he sent you a toothy smile, before pulling you in for an embrace. One, that nobody else had given you. Wrapping his arms tightly around your waist, he eliminated any remaining space between you. Lacing your arms around his shoulders, slightly nuzzled his neck Brian’s colonge invaded your senses. Standing there, wrapped in him, it was as if you were the only two in the universe. The warmth he radiated causing you to let out a content sigh as a sense of security washed over you.
“I’ve missed you.” He whispered into your hair.
Grinning in his neck, you mumbled a reply.
“If you two love birds are done canoodling, we have a job.” Teji teased.
You didn’t have to see him to know he had a sly smirk upon his lips. Groaning, you relucatantly withdrew yourself from him, feeling of Brian tightenting his arms not going unnoticed.
Standing beside your friends, everyone had their attention on the screen before them. Teji was speaking about the high tech camera’s while Han was pointing out the need for speed. While they were emersed in the problems, Brian stood beside you, every so often he would brush against you causing a smile to appear upon your lips.
“We’re going to need some cars.” Dom spoke, turning to gaze at you and Brian. Nodding your heads, you made your way to your space quickly changing into one of the most skimpiest skin tight dresses you could find, while pairing it with some heels.
Walking out of the room, you instantly felt the eyes of everyone in the room. It didn’t take long for wolf whistles and cheers erupted. Making your way towards the group, you added a little pep in your step.
“My, my, that’s what you’ve been hiding from us all these years?” Roman taughted as his eyes nearly buldged out of his head.
Rolling your eyes, you turned to giselle silently asking for her help with your hair. Before you knew it she appeared behind you, instantly pinning your hear up.
Once it was time to go, Brian stood before you with a tint of pink along his cheeks. Clearing his throat, he reached behind him and scratched his neck while shifting from foot to foot. Gazing at him intently, butterflies erupted in your stomach while a giddiness feeling enveloped you. With your clasped hands in front of your thighs, you tapped them absentmindedly as you figdeted waiting for Brian to say something.
Biting your lip, minutes felt like hours. Brian open and closed his mouth several times in attempt to say something only for the words to disspate on his tongue. Frowning, he let out a defeated sigh. Manuvering towards the car door, he opened it for you. The giddy feeling you had felt was quickly replaced with one of disappointment. Sliding into the car, you muttered a soft ‘thanks,’ before pulling your phone out.
Little did you both know, the rest of the group watched idly by as they held hope either of you would make a move on the other. Once brian opened the door in silence, all hope had been lost as a quiet whine sounded from them.
“You guys ready?” Dom questioned grinning to Brian once he pulled into the Rio street race.
“Is that even a question?” You giggled, rolling your eyes. “Come on, boys. Let’s go get us some cars.”
Exiting the car, you gazed around at the comradery. It was similar yet different to the ones in L.A. The slight reminder of where you were and what you were doing gave you a quick wave of homesickness.
“Hey, you okay?” Brian questioned, his expression etched with one of concern.
“Hm? Oh, yeah, I’m fine.” You responded with a grin.
Following the two men, it didn’t go unnoticed that other street racers stared at you. Some having the confidence to catcall you.
Frowning, Brian moved to walk beside you in attempt to shield you from the view of men that were across the isle.
“I can take care of myself.” You rolled your eyes.
“I know, but you shouldn’t have to.” Brian spoke softly causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach.
After some time had passed, the rest of the team showed up ready for the plan. Growing bored, you decided to play with the Brazilan men. Walking away from the group, you made sure to sway your hips with each step adding a slight bounce allowing your breasts to jiggle atop the hem of your dress.
It didn’t take long before a lengthy, broad man caught your hand twirling you to a halt. Lifting your hand to his lips, he placed a kiss to the back of it.
“Voce esta otimo.” He spoke, his husky voice spending tingles throughout your body.
“You look great.”
“Obrigao.” You grinned, allowing him to place his hands on the small of your waist beginning to tug you into closer proximity.
“Thank you.”
While he was moving you both, everything seemed to move in slow motion, even though you knew it wasn’t. Pressing your chest against his, your breath hitched in your throat. Leaning down, he nudged the shell of your ear with his nose, gently tracing the outside.
The rough callous hands that belonged to the stranger was quickly replaced by a warm pair. Gasping, you knew who’s they were. Gently yanking you backward, your back collided with a firm chest.
“She’s not interested.” Brian growled at the man.
Chuckling, a toothy grin made it’s way upon his lips. “She sure seemed interested to me.” His accident thick.
Snapping your eyes to the strangers, you sent him a glare. Turning in Brian’s arms slightly, you gazed at him. “Come on, it’s not worth it.”
“No, but you are.”
Fluttering returned in your stomach upon his relevation. The feeling of your blood boiling quickly replacing any happy go lucky feeling you had. Groaning, you removed yourself from the situation with both men.
Stomping away, Brian’s firm hand clasped around your wrist preventing you from retreating any further.
“Y/N, wait-“
Twirling around on your heels, you yanked your wrist free before crossing your arms along your chest.
“You can’t say things like that and not do anything!” You exclaimed frustration taking over.
“Say what?”
Before you could think about it the words slipped passed your lips.
“Say things that make want to kiss you!”
Brians eyes grew wide while his jaw fell slightly. His closed off posture quickly slipping to one of shock.
“Fuck.” You muttered quickly, “Just…Just forget I said anything.”
Turning back around you raced away from Brian as fast as your heels would allow. Leaving a confused Brian in your wake.
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roadtogracelandx45 · 2 years
Life In The Fastlane |1| Fast Saga
this has been sitting in my google docs for ages, I just started going over it and editing it. Decided now would be the best time to post it.
Life In The Fastlane 
Summary: Sophie O'Conner runs away from Barstow not long after Roman Pearce is arrested by the team of cops that her brother Brian was working with. She ends up in LA and quickly is taken under Mia Torretto’s wing. And into the family 
Rated M for Adult content  and mentions of polyamorous relationships 
01: Prologue
‘He was a hard headed man.” 
 “Ya know you don’t have to go to that hell hole.’ Vince commented from where he was standing in the doorway of Sophie O’Conner’s bedroom watching her get ready for the shift she had at the strip club she had been working at.
 “Relax V, it’s not like I am taking my clothes off or anything.” Sophie returned, he had come in one time when she had to fill in for Janet, one of her friends from the club and he, Leon and Jesse came in. It took all of 30 seconds to realize who was on the stage and for Vince to peel off of his tank top and try to cover her up and remove her from the stage. 
It had been one of the most embarrassing things that had happened to her and that was under the time that Roman Pearce, her older brother Brian’s best friend walked in on her and her high school boyfriend. Her cheeks still burned in embarrassment even now.  “And besides that, when have I done anything wrong?” Sophie was right, in the last 6 months that she had been there, she hadn’t so much as blinked an eye the wrong way at any of them and she had been giving a share of her tips to Mia for the bills. “And I will be done after the set up is done. It's some sort of private event and he is only keeping a few people and Kevin hates me.” 
Vince and Leon who joined them smirked. “You look smug now but this gonna come back and bite us all in the ass.” She said waving her fake ID at them. They had recently told her about their side gig and Dom was working on bringing her in slowly. “Then quit kiddo, we can take care of you.’  “I like to remain self-sufficient, thank you.’  Sophie rolled her eyes, that is the one thing that her drug addicted mother had taught her, be able to take care of herself, and not needing a man to take care of her. It was hard for her to let Dom and the boys take care of her. But she was learning. 
"Oh, come on Soph, there has to be something that you look forward to." Janice Conard said looking at the young blonde that was sitting across from her at the bar. The younger blonder smirked and picked up her vodka and soda and took a sip off of it before looking back at her, "There's not a damn thing that I am looking forward to." "Come on! Everyone has something they are looking forward to. You are young. You have your whole life to look forward to!"
Taking another sip of her drink, Sophie turned the barstool around and stood up, there was nothing in this world that she was looking forward to. She was just shy of 18 years old and didn't think her life had much meaning. "What about finding your brother?" Janice asked, she had to dig deep and chip away at the many layers she had built up around herself to find out that she had an older brother that she hadn't seen in years.
Not since he had joined the police academy.
"I don't think I am ever going to find him. And besides, Rome told me to give up on him." Sophie answered as she went up to the low sitting stage and wrapped her hand around the pole before she spun herself around. 
"Since when do you listen to everything he says?" "Since he is the one that paid for me to get out of Barstow. And he is the one that stopped my stepdad from beating the hell out of me." She returned, "After Brian left, Roman is the only one that gave a damn." "He never reached back out to you?" Janice asked as she stood up and started to wipe off the bar top with a damp towel. Sophie sighed as she looked up at the tinted two-way window that overlooked the floor, their boss and his boss were up in the office and she didn't want them to hear what they were talking about.
They had a strict leave it at the door policy. And they would take it on them if they heard them talking about anything.
"I don't know, to be honest, I left almost 3 months after he did. So, I don't know if he even went back home."
"Why not look for him now?"
Sophie shrugged her shoulders; she really didn't know why she didn't reach back out and get in contact with her older brother. Part of her wanted too but the other part of her wanted to keep the freedom and independence that she had since she left Barstow. Here she was Sophie O'Connor, the girl with no family and no past that would come back and haunt her. In Barstow, she was Brian O'Conner's little sister and she ran with Roman Pearce and his friends.
She was in trouble. Nine times out of ten if Roman and his friends got in trouble, she was right there with them.
She spent many nights in Juvie because of it. In many ways, she was just acting out to get her mother to pay attention to her and to reach out to Brian and have him come home.
That's all she wanted but she wasn't going to admit to that. Not even to Janice who was close enough to be an older sister.
Janice's reply was cut off by a loud banging on the door. "We are closed!" Sophie called as Janice heaved herself off of the stool to get to the door.
"Come back in two hours!" Janice laughed, "You are trouble Sophs. Trouble."
"I know." She grinned as she hopped off the stage and went back over to the bar to grab the bottle of Vodka that they were drinking off of.
"Open the damn door!" A loud voice boomed from outside as they banged on the door again. "This is the LAPD!"
The door that led to the office upstairs flew open and the owners came down pelting down the stairs. "JANICE! Do not open that door!" Roger ordered as he grasped Sophie by the forearm and started pulling her back towards him. "Hey! Roger let go!"
"Shut up!" He ordered as he reached behind him and pulled a gun out of his waistband.
"Hey! Roger man calm down!" Janice said, seeing the shiny gun in his hand.
"Just shut up!" He ordered as there was a loud crack of breaking wood.
Despite herself, Sophie yelped and took a step back only to be pushed back forward by Roger.
"Stay right here." He muttered, digging the barrel of the gun into Sophie's lower back.
"What the hell? What is going on?" Janice asked, holding her hands up as one of the officers went over to her, "Soph? You okay?"
"Fine." She returned through gritted teeth; she was absolutely terrified. The cop closest to Janice turned and looked at her once he had heard the all too familiar nickname. His underage sister was being held at gunpoint by the owner of the bar. How in the hell did Sophie end up here and how the hell did she end up working in a place like this?  
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saintsir4n · 8 months
what johnny tran said to brian during race wars.
WARNINGS: violence and foul language
Security surrounded the explosive scene. Dom was hastily pulled off Johnny. The accusation that Dom narc'd on Johnny was enough to throw punches. Even Letty let her fist collide with Lance's face.
Brian rushed over the moment he heard. Carson was off racing and Mia was cheering along, unaware of what was happening.
Just as Dom, Leon and Vince were about to rush off, Johnny continued his taunts.
"Yo Toretto tell blondie, that Summer is still available to me. that their little boyfriend and girlfriend titles don't mean nothin'," the injured man spat out from where he laid on the ground, growling at the street team who halted in their stride.
the vicious words drew Brian in, he managed to push passed security just as the other guys all exchanged looks.
"What did you just say?" Brian stormed over, his anger was as evident like the rest of them.
Dom sent a nod to Letty, advising her to go off, just in case things got uglier.
"You heard me," Johnny bitterly laughed, wiping the blood with his mouth and pulling himself off of the ground, just as the blonde appeared in front of him.
"Nah I don't think I did. say it again."
"Summer is easy --"
Dom and Vince had no chance to stop Brian before he threw a punch to the man's nose, the crack echoed through the rowdy crowd.
Leon didn't realise the full extent of Brian's feelings for Carson. Sure they would all go to war for the girl, but he was more than angry.
Was it more than lust, or was it just possessiveness? Or did he even love the girl?
"Dom get the buster!" Brian heard Vince yell as he pummelled Johnny.
His rage was undeniable but before he could throw another punch, Dom and a member of security dragged him off the man.
"Keep talking Tran!" Brian thrashed around, glaring at the man.
Adrenalin was coursing through him, so he couldn't feel his throbbing fist.
"Cool off O'Connor," Dom pushed him with Leon and Vince in tow, away from security and the rest of the crowds.
"You gonna let him talk about your godsister like that?" Brian didn't understand why they weren't as angry as him.
"Watch it," Vince hissed.
Dom's stare hardened, "I said cool off."
"Did you hear what he said?" Brian pressed with a crazed look in his eye.
Leon stood back, arms folded, not sure what to do.
"I heard what he said and I saw what he did. he said things that he didn't mean, said shit that doesn't make sense. Jesse ain't here and he's gonna want what is owed to him, so until then keep your hands to yourself," Dom jabbed a finger in his direction.
"What he said about the raid Dom --" Leon was cut off with a sharp look from Dom.
Vince stressed, "Let's get outta here."
"You wait for Summer to win her race," Dom demanded, staring at the infuriated blonde.
"Where are you guys going?" Brian pressed, sceptically glancing between the three.
"Wait here!" Dom repeated, raising his voice then Vince forcibly ushered them all along.
Brian stood there huffing and running his hands through his curls. He knew he shouldn’t have lost his cool, but it was Sonny, his Sonny. He wasn’t going to let comments like that slide, even if it caused more trouble.
But that’s the thing, trouble followed him where-ever he went, it was only an amount of time before it caught up and everyone found out the truth about what he was really doing in LA.
considering that brian is a police officer and is trained, he would 100% be beating up any and everyone just for slandering his girl. even throughout the film series, we saw how he was fighting someone every hour.
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dombrianoteretto · 1 year
Vince: I think I've finally decided to stop drinking for good.
Dom: Oh? Good.
Mia: We thought we'd have to have an intervention.
Letty: Good choice, V. We were all getting a bit worried about your-
Vince: I'm just gonna start drinking for bad!
Leon: Bro-
Jesse: That's alcoholism, dude.
Brian: My dad had that! Not fun. 10/10 would not recommend.
Everyone else: 😟
Dom: Baby, I-
Vince: Buster... I usually wanna fight you, but... Are you actually, like, okay?
Brian: Don't you try and flip this intervention on me you alcoholic.
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jackiequick · 2 years
🎶 Fast & Furious OC (+ a long story) 🏁
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Valentina “Val” Toretto
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Full Name: Valentina Toretto
Nicknames: Val, Vally, Babygirl, Shorty, Baby Toretto, Quick, Ankle Biter
Age: 19 in The Fast & The Furious (2001), 26 in Fast & Furious (2009) , 28 in Fast Five (2011) , 31 in Fast & Furious 6 (2013) , 33 in Furious 7 (2015) , 37 in Fate of The Furious (2017) and etc.
Family: It’s a very huge one! But let’s focus on the biological ones and the in laws. Mother & Father dead but siblings are alive!
Big Brother —> Dom Toretto
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Big Sister —> Mia Toretto
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Brother in law —> Brian O’Conner
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Sister in law —> Letty Ortiz
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Relationship status: Single for most of the time movies but ends up in a few relationships later on 😉
Best Friends/Family: Roman and Tej, Letty, Hector, Brian, Vince, Han, Leo, Santos, Gisele, Elena, Hobbs, Deckard and the list goes on! She mets a lot of the crew as the years go by.
Vehicle of choice: Honestly she’ll ride with anyone or anything, doesn’t matter the car as long as there’s space to move around. But she love a jet black motorcycle ride and adores a Honda coupe cars because it’s slick small style and storage space in the back (it was her very first car ever too!).
Job on the team: One of the drivers. If not, she stays behind to do a analysis of the case being done (teaming up with Mia to do a lot of it) but she is also a bit of a fighter. She’s got a strong punch to her and will lead a chase downtown if needed!
Background information, facts and etc
In 2001, she met Brian O’Conner on the beachside due to sweet charming looks across from each other and a few days introduced herself to him properly. It was a start to a beautiful friendship, but Val would she had a crush on the darling blonde. Then she got the chance to introduce Brian to her sister, Mia and sparks flew! God, she teased her sister about it so much!
Dom wasn’t very happy about it, but invited Brian into the crew but Vince wasn’t having any of it which cause problems between Val and him. Claiming that Brian was a low leveled cop! Val wasn’t pleased with that idea but it later became true, as Brian revealed himself to Mia and Val that he in fact, is a cop. Things happened, causing the 3 of them to save their friends and family from being total waste in the highway and Brian and Dom fought then raced off to find revenge for a death of a friend. Finding plenty of respect for each other.
In 2009. Val, Dom and Letty went to the Dominican Republic 🇩🇴 for a few jobs, find some peace and quiet, along adventures meeting more family members as well! However Letty died trying to clear Dom’s name with Brian and Val’s help, resulting in a return to the US. Along with a new heist and a return to old faces! Brian and Mia reunited, rekindling their romance, Dom met a new member of their team Giselle in Mexico 🇲🇽 , Val reunited with her sister and future brother in law and they tried to frame the criminal gang in the process. However Dom’s name wasn’t cleared yet but they decided to break him out and start a new lifestyle on the run, the best they can.
In 2011! 2 years on the road and running around until they landed in Brazil 🇧🇷 and still on the FBI most wanted list for prisoners of the USA 🇺🇸. They played low and trying not to draw too much attention to themselves while Dom headed out to do jobs, Mia, Val and Brian stayed protecting each other with Vince help (since he lived in Brazil with his wife and baby boy). Mia was noticed by Vince’s wife and her sister Val one night that she was off and a little sick, she was pregnant with Brian’s baby! After being chased down by Hobbs, Elena and their crew around the countryside and across rooftops, Mia revealed her pregnancy to the small group of 4 saying they have to stick together now especially with their families about to get bigger, Val couldn’t agreed more coming up with a plan as the boys agreed taking the plan one huge step further.
Dom, Brian, Val and Mia planned a huge heist to getaway with a safe full of money in one of Brazil’s bank houses and a team involved, calling everyone they knew. Dom called Han and Giselle, Val called Leo and Santos, Brian called up Tej and Roman while Mia found the perfect safe spot to meet up, eat, sleep and do business! Everyone met up after a few days and the plan was set in motion. Roman flirted with Val while Tej compliment the girl during the work, it was all fun and games, even Mia and Brian teased the trio. They whole group raced, almost got caught many times by Hobbs even earning his respect eventually, they all had plenty of fun, prepared and trained for the heist.
Taking turns for certain roles, joking around so fun, the job becomes like a crazy fun stunt. Val, Mia and Tej were behind the steel safe to replace with a special handprint to break into and switch off, and keeping track of the views and incoming threats during the city heist while everyone else stayed in positions driving alongside one another. They thought they wouldn’t make it out of there alive but they did! As they all were able to steal $100 million dollars in a bank vault to share on individual accounts.
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Everyone went they’re own separate ways with their earnings from the $100 million dollar, using it for whatever they wanted. Valentina used hers to go traveling around the world, a long vacation for at least longer than two months. She stayed first in Brazil a little longer and went back to Dominican Republic. She went to Italy, Paris, Rome and of course flew to see her family. Seeing Elena and Dom who started a relationship a while back and saw her pregnant sister and Brian on the beachside.
However when she was in Italy on the beachside, sipping a cold freshly opened beer and eating a plate of fruits, she met someone. “Is there seat taken, miss?” Asked the man with a slight raspy voice and a gentle inviting grin. Valentina pulled down her sunglasses to get a better look at the tall man who stood next to her in white button down exposing his tone arms, dark sunglasses, wearing white shorts and no shoes as his feet dipped into the warmth of the sand. She smiled, “Not at all, take a seat.”
He nodded smiling and took a seat beside the woman on the long chair, “Thank you, darling.” Valentina pulled out another beer offering it to the man who took it with kindness and gratitude. She smiled softly, “It’s the least I can do.” “What are you doing here for?” “Hmm, vacation. I needed a break from it all and maybe need a meet few new faces. You?”
The man smiled taking in her natural tan and glow that radiated from her, a welcoming warmth from her as she saw dressed in a dark brown bikini top with brown shorts to match. A nice contact from his own closest of clothes he brought for travels. It took him a moment before he answered, “Work. I came for a job with a client who needed me to help him. Now I’m taking in the gorgeous view.” Valentina blushed looking down at her drink in hand and smiled, “Before you start, you got a name?” “Deckard Shaw, love.”
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Valentina smiled holding out a hand to shake in which Deckard gladly took, bringing his lips up to her knuckles gently and said, “Who you got a name, love?” She smiled softly, “Valentina Toretto but everyone calls me, Val.” “Then you call me, Deck.” “Nice to meet you, Deck.” “Very nice to meet you, Val.”
The pair talked the whole afternoon though on the beach, sipping beers and martinis while snacking on fruits and nuts. Deckard even offer to buy her dinner, in which she obliged as they went to the hotel to change into suitable clothes for the restaurant near the beautiful beaches on Italy as they ate. Deckard smiled, “How long are you staying for?” Val shrugged, “For as long as i want.” “There has to be a timeframe there, love.” “A week, dear.” 
Deckard smiled, “That’s more like it. I’ll be leaving in a few days but I’ll glad love to take you around.” Valentina grinned, “I’ll love that, very much. When do we start?” “You’ll have to ask me that again the morning, after breakfast.” “Let’s enjoy tonight then.” The two shared a few glasses of champagne as they enjoyed the rest of their night together. Heading back to the hotel room to continue their lovely conversations and take in the lovely view of the place.
The morning was something else to say the least. Valentina woke up underneath the white covers in a empty bed as the morning daylight of the balcony shined though the curtains. She smiled softly and blushed with pinky cheeks looking around, “Morning, lovely..” Deckard stepped out of the bathroom shirtless having woken up less than a few minutes earlier as he leaned down to press against her lips, “Good morning, beautiful..how’d you sleep?”
Val giggled ignoring his questions, “Your a bad influence Deck. I barley do anything like this…” Deck chuckled leaning towards the headboard of the bed, “Neither do i..But it’s vacation, i enjoyed it and I didn’t hear you complain about it.” “I blame the music playing last night from the balcony.” “Yeah, sure you do. We can blame the music.”
The next few days were a blast to be having together, enjoying dinner, running for shelter after some fallen rain, swimming in water after sharing drinks on the beach, walking down the streets of Italy and sadly it all came to a close. Both went their separate ways, hoping to keep in touch for the next time they’re on vacation, however neither of them knew if and when they would see each other again…
In 2013, another issue flown to the surface as Hobbs announced a new heist to be taken place with the crews help. Along with Letty’s return, she’s alive and working for the other team. So plans were made and both crew came aggressively against the threat known as Owen Shaw and his teammates, Val and Mia were kidnapped however thankfully they were able to save them, bring Letty home and stop the criminal case of Shaw and his crew. Everyone went back home to their lives together as a family unit once again, going on leave for work and vacation time of course.
Then 2015 came around and everything turned upside down. Valentina was on a small break from working with Tej as his co-worker and friend at the garage, as she flew down to Mexico when she saw Deckard again. The two smiled softly and decided to join each other on a small vacation from it all, until Deckard was told about his brother being in the hospital, Valentina didn’t know much about his family and neither did he know much of hers. Valentina was also called in by own brother to help take care of things at home. The pair went to take care of their own family members. Dom and Val were helping Mia, Brian and their son Jack with moving boxes to the van, when a sudden package arrived at the front door, just as Dom went to open it a call came in saying he was coming for Dom and his family..the house was blown to pieces. It was Deckard Shaw, as he was after the family for revenge on his brother and also on the hunt for a job to do.
Val nor Brian didn’t know much or that it was Deckard until later on during a chase in the woods. Which lead to Roman being a huge scared for jumping out a plane and Val being stuck in the car into a plane with him. Tej joked, “What happened Roman I thought you were strong and afraid of anything? This was your stupid idea!” Roman barked back, “Shut up, Tej! Since when do y’all actually listen to me?! I’mma stay here with Val. Y’all go ahead.”
Val started to fight back both of her idiot friends and eventually taking the wheel, with Tej’s help who controlled a switch to the car, as they road onto the streets of the highway in the woods. As they were driving behind the crew, out of nowhere Deckard appeared locking eyes with Valentina before speeding off behind towards Dom’s car. To say she was confused and pissed was a understatement!
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Shit went down afterwards as they had to save a few kidnapped family and friends, cracking the codes to a few systems to find Deckard and also help their new member recruited, Ramsey. Again, Valentina was stuck with Roman undercover! She loved the man to death but god damn she wanted to something punch him for being stupidly loud and such.
Deckard arrived in a elevator as he stanched her up with him yelling, “What the bloody hell are you doing here?!” Valentina yelled back, “I swear to god—Did you know about this?!” “That your brother hurt my brother?! Yes i found out a week ago, darling! I didn’t know you were involved in any of this..you knew about he was my brother?” “No! There wasn’t any connection between you guys and your last name are pretty common, I’m sorry i didn’t respond or know about that. You can’t blame me for this…”
He looked down holding his rather large gun in one hand and grabbed her hand gently with the other, pressing a little kiss to her knuckles. He sighed, “Promise me, you’ll stay safe…?” She sighed, “..yes, I will.” Valentina slapped Deckard across the face before walking out of the elevator to play her role with Roman.
It was fine until shit hit the fan again as Dom and Brian came out in a fire engine red sports car, Letty came flying in after fighting a Russian guard and Deckard came in shooting the place up. Roman grabbed her by the waist, picking Val up and ran off to safely as they screamed, “Y’all are the reason I’m always on vacation! You drive me rut sometimes!”
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Hours later, Dom and the crew found Deckard and his so called friends in a old warehouse as another fight broke out one another one, it could’ve made someone’s head spin. Dom and Val even got into a huge rushed and heated argument about their own family’s safety and The Shaw Family future after being caught, that was slowly settled down once they found ground in California. No one was happy, however they had a job to do for keeping Ramsey safe.
It was settled team A was to keep Ramsey safe teamed up in cars, playing TAG, team B who was Brian was dislocating the connection between cars and internet for they can’t be tracked by any other means necessary, and team C was fighting against Deckard Shaw. Correction, Dom was fighting him! Midway through the search and play of TAG with Ramsey, Valentina switched cars with Roman and Tej, racing off to the building that held Brian working on the power grid. That was her good friend, brother-in-law and nephew’s daddy of course she was gonna get her ass to that building and help kick some ass with him! And they did just that, Val and Brian kicked ass while trying their hardest to quickly finishing the adjustment on the power grid for Tej and Ramsey.
They were on the rooftop connecting the wires and directing the connection toward there friends when out of the corner of her, Val saw it loud and clear. A block away, two cars rivaling against each other with pounding of the groundwork shaking behind them and the sounds of shouting was heard. The pair raced off towards the building and blocking out a chasing threats toward them. Brian turned his head to watch running as he started yelling in his walkie-talkie at the crew as the building there the cars where started to collapse on itself with the men in it.
Cars went flying! Val wasted no time as she appeared with Letty and Hobbs at the scene, Deckard and Dom battling it out until both were on the groundwork on the streets. Suddenly it was dust and rumble in the air, no one can see as more helicopters with explosive waves of shock…Dom was out cold and Deck was gone hiding in the back of the it all, seeing all the looks at their faces. Deckard sighed as from afar he saw Valentina’s upset glares. Brian tried CPR on Dom as Letty sobbing screamed to get off of him, Val started crying in Roman’s arms as Tej held Ramsey while Hobbs looked at the crime scene in sorrow, noticing Deckard but waited for a moment. Letty sobbed begging and hoping, mumbling something only of of the group hear until Dom finally woke up.
A few weeks or so past, everyone started getting situated back home, rebuilding the home everyone knew and loved to have a simple BBQ. Mr. Nobody who hired them originally settled on calling them when needed for missions, Hobbs placed Deckard behind bars threatening him strongly. The two were at each other’s neck, Valentina smirked watching it all, pissed off at what Deckard done and how far both men went to end up where they are today. Deckard looked down unable to face her until after a while on standing in his cell block, he screwed up and tried getting revenge for his family, knowing they both care deeply about family and would do anything for it. The pair talked with Hobbs standing by protectively before it was settled down to not see each other for a long time…
She returned home to see her family with grins and smiles, kissing her nephew and talking with Mia as Dom and Brian joked about god knows what. Before they all headed out to beachside for some sun with the rest of their family. They spent hours just enjoying themselves, until a moment of peace and love came as they looked around. Roman, Tej, Ramsey, Dom, Val and Letty all watched as Brian, Mia and their son, Jack played along the coast of the water in pure joy. It was beautiful, Dom told them he will be back and drove off, Brian noticed Dom drove off with a grin and raced off behind him to join his best friend, his brother, his family.
There is more story to be told of this crew and plenty to be written still with the road ahead full of possibilities. I might continue it, who knows? Do Fate of The Furious? 👀 Expand on characters and backgrounds who knows.
Did you like it? What did you think about it? Let’s discuss! Remember to like, comment and share! ✨
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Fast and Furious Timeline Explained (Including F9)
When the Fast and Furious franchise started in 2001, it’s doubtful anyone working on it expected they were launching a mythology so trenchant it’d still be going 20 years later in a film with the words “Fast Saga” in its full title. But here we are on the opening weekend of F9: The Fast Saga, and the series is so beloved it’s expected to resurrect the theatergoing box office once more. And you know? Thank goodness, mi familia.
Sometimes there’s nothing nicer than spending your summer situated around a grill with a couple of cold ones, reminiscing about old times with loved ones. And if we ever spent a full day at one of the Toretto clan’s barbecues, we’d likely hear a lot more exciting tales that begin with “remember that time…” After all, what other family can talk about that time they stole a literal vault out of Rio de Janeiro? Or that other time Luke Hobbs caught a torpedo with his bare hands; and Trej and Roman over there, they launched a Pontiac into space! With them in it!
There have been some crazy times with this group. Hence we’ve created this handy-dandy timeline for those who are struggling to remember when and where things went down…
* Editor’s Note: After Fast & Furious (2009), the franchise gets intentionally vague and fuzzy about the time and years between events, so exact dates are left somewhat up to interpretation.
Dominic and Jakob Toretto work as mechanics on their father Jack Toretto’s professional stock car. During the last race of the season, Jack asks Jakob to help him throw the race, but Jack is killed in the sabotaged accident. Dom thinks Jakob murdered their father. (F9)
Dom beats another pro driver named Kenny Linder near to death with a wrench, as he is at least partially responsible for the carnage of Jack’s crash. Dom is sentenced to prison for five years. (The Fast and the Furious, F9)
Dominic Toretto is released from prison after two years. The first thing he does when he gets out is challenge Jakob to a street race. If Dom wins, Jakob will leave Los Angeles and never return. He’ll also shut off all communication with Dom and their sister Mia. Jakob loses. (F9)
Dominic Toretto alongside his ride or die lover, Letty Ortiz, and childhood friend Vince form an illegal crew of big rig hijackers, stealing DVD players and digital cameras. (The Fast and the Furious)
Brian O’Conner volunteers to go undercover for the LAPD and FBI, infiltrating Toretto’s crew and the world of illegal street racing. But he soon comes to idolize Dom and fall in love with his little sister, Mia Toretto. Brian ultimately helps Dom escape the Feds. (The Fast and the Furious)
Gifted Asian American student Han Lue graduates rom petty crimes to participating with his cousin and two other friends in a cheat sheet racket at their prestigious high school. The group makes a small fortune, but after things get out of hand, they wind up murdering another student. Han’s cousin who helped in the deed kills himself, and a mourning Han drifts further into the underworld. (Better Luck Tomorrow)
Years after fleeing California and prosecution, Brian winds up in Miami where he’s still a hotshot street racer who hangs with his mechanic buddy Tej Parker. After their operation is pinched, Brian is given an offer by the FBI to go undercover again and root out a violent Argentinian drug cartel operating out of Miami. He does so alongside childhood pal Roman Pearce. (2 Fast 2 Furious)
Dom and Letty are secretly married while living as fugitives outside the U.S. (Furious 7)
Dom Toretto now runs a hijacking crew out of the Dominican Republic, alongside Letty and new bestie Han Lue. After a near death experience, they disband. Han says he’ll go to Tokyo, and Dom leaves Letty behind. (Fast & Furious)
Letty goes to Brian O’Conner, who is now an FBI agent. She attempts to clear her and Dom’s records by infiltrating a Mexican drug cartel run by Arturo Braga. Unfortunately, Arturo figures out Letty’s deception and runs her off the road, blowing up her car, which leads everyone to think she died (including Brian and Dom). In truth, she was saved from the wreckage by Gisele Yashar, a secret CIA operative who also infiltrated the Braga cartel. She takes Letty to the hospital. (Fast & Furious, Fast & Furious 6, Furious 7)
At the hospital, Letty awakens with amnesia and is recruited into a crew run by Owen Shaw, who has power over the Braga organization. (Fast & Furious 6)
Dom returns to Los Angeles with Mia to avenge Letty’s apparent murder. He buries the hatchet with Brian as they destroy Braga’s cartel. Dom is supposed to have his name cleared in the process, but the FBI betrays him and he’s sentenced to 25 years in prison. Brian and Mia hijack Dom’s prison transport, freeing him and becoming fugitives themselves. (Fast & Furious)
After freeing Dom, the trio flee to Rio Janeiro where they hope to stay incognito. Old friend Vince recruits them for a job to steal three cars, but mid-mission the threesome learn they’re stealing from the DEA, including a vehicle with a computer chip that details the financials of a Brazilian crime lord. (Fast Five)
Dom and Brian recruit an international crew to steal $100 million from the crime lord, including Roman Pearce, Trej Parker, Han Jue, and Gisele Yashar. The Family is reborn. Brian and Mia also learn they’re pregnant. The crew ultimately steals the money and even gains assistance from ruthless DSS agent Luke Hobbs after the super-cop’s team is murdered by local gangsters. (Fast Five)
Hobbs discovers Letty is still alive. (Fast Five)
Brian and Mia give birth to their son Jack. (Fast & Furious 6)
Hobbs tracks Dom down, discovering Dom is now in a serious relationship with Hobbs’ former Brazilian liaison, Elena Neves. Dom is told Letty is alive and working for British criminal mastermind Owen Shaw. (Fast & Furious 6)
Dom and the Family are able to rescue Letty from her manipulative boss, even though she still doesn’t remember who she is. Dom leaves Elena for her. In the fight to save Letty, Gisele is killed and Owen is left in a coma. Han, who was dating Gisele, decides to go to Tokyo. (Fast & Furious 6)
Elena discovers she is pregnant with Dom’s child and decides not to tell him. (The Fate of the Furious)
Elena gives birth to Dom’s son, whom Don is unaware of. (The Fate of the Furious)
Han is recruited by CIA mystery man Mr. Nobody, who reveals Gisele was a CIA agent the whole time. Han picks up where Gisele left off, ultimately saving an orphaned Japanese child named Elle, whose parents encrypted her blood with the key codes to a doomsday device called Ares. (F9)
Han continues illegal street racing in Tokyo where “drifting” is what the cool kids do. He even takes American teenager Sean Boswell under his wing after Sean is banished by his mother to live in Japan with his Army father. Han teaches Sean to drift. (The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift)
Deckard Shaw, Owen Shaw’s older brother, breaks into Owen’s hospital and, after killing his doctors, promises to avenge little bro by getting the Toretto family! He begins by nearly killing Luke Hobbs and Elena, who is now working full-time with the big guy. (Furious 7)
Dom takes Letty to Race Wars in order to jog her memory. She gets fragments back but decides the old Letty is dead and drives off, leaving Dom. (Furious 7)
Dom returns to his family home in Los Angeles where Mia tells him that she and Brian are expecting their second child and she’s afraid to tell him because he’s addicted to an adventurous lifestyle. Dom agrees to talk to Brian. Only then does he receive an ominous phone call about… (Furious 7)
… How during Sean and Han’s exploits ,they offend the Yakuza. This leads to Sean and Han being chased by gangsters. In the chaos, Han is T-boned and seemingly killed in an explosion. The other driver is Deckard Shaw, who is here to kill Han in order to send Dom Toretto a message: he’s coming for the Family. He calls Dom to taunt him as he thinks Han burns. But in a twist on a twist, it turns out Han and Mr. Nobody knew Deckard was coming and used this as an opportunity to fake Han’s death so as to better protect Elle! (The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, Fast & Furious 6, Furious 7, F9)
After receiving Deckard’s phone call, a letter bomb goes off in the Toretto family home, nearly killing Dom and Mia. Dom and the Family are recruited by CIA weirdo Mr. Nobody into stopping Deckard from obtaining an all-powerful MacGuffin. Nobody gives them unlimited resources and also brings Letty back into the fold. She inexplicably gets her memories back after remembering she and Dom were secretly married. (Furious 7)
Sean ultimately becomes the Drift King of Tokyo (The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift)
The heroes save hacker Ramsey from Deckard and she joins the Family. Together they stop Deckard by causing a parking garage to literally fall on his head. Shaw goes to prison, and Dom and Letty get back together. Brian agrees to retire for the sake of his two kids but not before one last angelic ride along next to Dom. (Furious 7)
Read more
Hollywood Execs Are Crediting Fast and Furious with Growing Embrace of Diversity
By David Crow
F9 Ending Is a Game Changer
By David Crow
Dom and Letty’s overdue Cuban honeymoon is interrupted when Dom is blackmailed into working for evil genius terrorist Cipher. It turns out Cipher has kidnapped Elena and their still-an-infant son to coerce Dom into being her wheelman. (The Fate of the Furious)
Luke Hobbs approaches the family to do an illegal mission, but in the getaway Dom betrays them at Cipher’s behest, leading Luke Hobbs to be disgraced and sent to prison. He gets a cell right next to Deckard Shaw, and the two develop a frenemy banter. They’re freed by Mr. Nobody to help the CIA track Cipher. (The Fate of the Furious)
Cipher kills Elena after she lets Dom name their son (many months after his birth) Brian. During a mission to steal a nuclear submarine, Dom is freed from Cipher’s control after Deckard hijacks Cipher’s plane and saves wee little baby Brian. Dom helps the Family stop the nuclear sub. Deckard Shaw becomes part of the Family while Dom and Letty adopt baby Brian. (The Fate of the Furious)
The CIA pressures Hobbs and Shaw to join forces after MI6 agent Hattie Shaw, Deckard and Owen’s little sister, is targeted by cyber-enhanced super soldiers who want the superpower-giving virus she’s hidden in her bloodstream. Hobbs and Shaw reluctantly work together, save Hattie, and ultimately travel to Hobbs’ family home in Samoa. (Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs And Shaw)
Sean and buddies Twinkie and Earl Hu begin experimenting with a Pontiac Fiero that they’ll attach a rocket to with the aim of one day shooting it into space. (F9)
Dom is living peacefully with Letty and his three or four-year-old son when he’s told Cipher has resurfaced and shot down Mr. Nobody’s plane. He reluctantly joins the Family to try and rescue Mr. Nobody, and they discover Dom’s long lost little brother, Jakob (now big and swole), is involved after going rogue as a secret agent. (F9)
Letty and Mia go to Tokyo to find out what Jakob is after and discover Han is alive, reuniting him, plus his ward Elle, with the Family. (F9)
Trej and Roman work with Sean and friends on the Fiero, eventually “driving” it into space to stop Jakob (and later Cipher) from essentially taking over the world. Jakob helps Dom stop Cipher and is pseudo-redeemed. (F9)
Back from the dead, Han decides to confront Deckard Shaw… (F9)
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The post Fast and Furious Timeline Explained (Including F9) appeared first on Den of Geek.
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lunas-nargle · 1 year
↳ three
chapter three of “meddle about” series brian o’conner x reader
iii. house party
Y/n and Mia soon got home and separated, going to their own bedrooms. The team decided instead of trying to find Dom, they'd throw a party. It pissed Y/n off but she remained upstairs, doing her own thing.
"Y/n!" Mia burst into her room, freaking out. Said girl closed her magazine and sat up on her bed, titling her head confused. "They're here."
Y/n heart dropped, thinking about cops, "Oh, Christ." She scrambled up and started packing everything of value.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm getting the hell outta here, I can't go to jail! I'm too pretty to go to jail!" At Mia's confused look, she stopped. "What? Isn't it the cops?"
"No." Mia said, now amused.
Y/n sighed in relief, dropping her things onto her bed, "Then who is it?"
"Brian and Monty."
Y/n eyes widened. "Well, come on then, what are we waiting for? Let's get sexy!"
Y/n and Mia quickly got ready, changing out of their comfy clothes and into ones that showed their bodies in the way they liked. They put on light makeup before they went downstairs.
"Hey, Mia. Y/n." they heard Monty's greeting. There he stood, in the kitchen with a beer in his hand.
"Hey, Monty. Go on, babe." Y/n said, knocking Mia out of her small trance. Mia smiled at her before she walked over to him.
Y/n walked through the house, wanting to find the blonde. But then she heard Vince sneer, "Did ya wipe the seat?"
Y/n stomped over to him, getting angry, "Oh, Christ, Vince!" she pushed past him. "Cut the shit man." she spat, standing by Brian. She turned and saw Brian staring at Vince blankly. "Come on, let's go get me a drink."
She then grabbed his rough hand and dragged him off behind her.
"Oh, come on, man, we were just about to get along." she heard Leon say from behind her but she knew if she responded she'd snap.
"Sooo," Brian started, walking towards the fridge. "What do you want?"
"Anything, as long as it's cold." Y/n sighed, running her hand through her hair frustrated as she leaned against the kitchen sink. He opened it and pulled out a cold bottle of Corona. "Ya know my cousin likes you? Even though he might not show it, he does. He normally doesn't like anybody. He's kind of a hard ass."
"Yeah, he's a complicated guy." Brian said, going over and handing her the bottle.
"Yeah, what about you?" Y/n asked, grabbing the bottle.
"I'm simpler." he replied making Y/n let out a small chuckle.
"You're a shitty liar." Y/n smiled, taking a sip from her drink. Brian got closer, putting his arm around her shoulders and said, "Well, I'll take that as a compliment."
"It wasn't meant to be." Y/n shook her head. "But there's a problem."
Brian tilted his head, looking down at her lips for a moment before they met her eyes once more. "What's that?" he asked.
"You need to get some sleep." Y/n answered. "And you definitely need a shower." Y/n smirked, trailing her hand up his arm, feeling the goosebumps form under her touch "And you know what, I don't mind sharing, if you know what I mean."
Brian's smirk grew as well, "Well then, lead the way beautiful." 
Y/n led him through the house, and up the stairs. She made sure to pass Vince just to rub salt into the wound. She finally led him to her room where she rummaged through her drawers. 
"I have some of Dom's old clothes in here somewhere. Uh-ha." She finally hit the jackpot, where she pulled out an old t-shirt and basketball shorts. "Here, the bathroom is just right across the hall. There should be some of Dom's soap in there so have at it."
"Thanks." Brian said, before kind of awkwardly walking out of the bedroom. Once he was out, Y/n sighed happily, falling onto her bed. She couldn't believe it. The most beautiful man she's ever seen was here. IN HER HOUSE! She couldn't help but feel a hot burning sensation raise in her chest at the sight of him. Each time he'd look into her eyes, she'd fall in love even more than before. And unknown to her, he was feeling the same way.
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