#You’d think we would have had a last name for Vince by now
aritamargarita · 2 years
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that last minute decision? well. this may come as a surprise to you all……..but i did add a little sexual content in this one. i actually was able to fit some in there so.. SURPRISE! i will signify where it starts with ** and the spacer is where it ends if you don’t want to read it. it’s also kinda quick for a reason lol
i hope y’all like it i was kinda nervous. i legit don’t know what im doing.🧍‍♀️this is my first time don’t scream at me
youuu guys knoww the drilllll! you know ‘sweet but psycho’ by ava max really set the tone for me.....”you’re just like me, you’re out your mind”??? oh yeah RENT WAS DUE!!!!!
hope u enjoy this chapter i had a lot of fun writing it
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YOU’RE STILL RUNNING on adrenaline! You and Trish hit backstage, spirits high and thrilled you two not only attacked Torrie, but are working together for the night. It’s going to be one hell of a Raw.
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“Trish!” You yell, turning over to her and shaking her shoulders. “That was great! My god, we really kicked her ass.”
She smiles at you. “It was! Did you see her face when I joined in?! Hilarious!”
“Listen, thanks a lot for coming on my show and helping out. I’ll be in your corner tonight, so I’ll see you later, okay?” You give her a thumbs up, heading further down the hallway towards your locker room.
Trish had your gratitude. It’s only right for you to pay her back. You’d do everything in your power to make sure that their team won.
But other than Trish’s match, you’ve got a lot to do tonight. Watch the Hardy Boyz…..accompany Austin to the ring….it’s a busy day! Makes you happy you’ve got something to do.
Vengeance is coming up and that means Austin would have to be in a series of matches in order to qualify and become the undisputed champion.
This isn’t good for your anxiety. You knew he was pretty good, but what if it went the other way around?! Nah, that couldn’t happen. He has to win.
As you made your way down, you notice Michael Cole interviewing RVD. You decide to pop up behind him and join in. “Hello, world!”
With your sudden appearance on camera, the crowd cheers. RVD gives a smile and shifts his Hardcore Title to his left arm, then slings his right around your shoulders. “Hey! It’s Miss WCW.”
You wonder if he didn’t remember your name..which would be a shame since you two teamed up not too long ago. “In the flesh! Nitro’s Golden Girl is reporting for duty.”
“What a surprise!” Michael, the interviewer exclaims. “I was just asking RVD his thoughts on the Undertaker attacking him so viciously the previous night. What’re your thoughts?”
For a moment, your mind drew a blank. You can’t remember Undertaker attacking him at all! Just so you don’t stand there in silence, you make something up on the fly. “I mean, it’s crazy! If you ask me, I think Undertaker is going through a midlife crisis or something. I mean, joining a biker club? I could’ve sworn he was all scary a couple of months ago!”
You didn’t know much about him right now, but you tried bouncing off of what you’ve seen so far.
RVD nods his head, his tone relaxed as ever. “That totally makes sense. No wonder why he got mad when I recommended him to use diapers.”
You cover your mouth on instinct. WHY WOULD HE EVEN RECOMMEND THAT?! That’s literally not what you meant at all.
He continues. “If you ask me, I think the Undertaker’s just all worked up because RVD—“
“Woah, woah, woah. Hold on a second.” You could recognize that voice as Christian, who had his title on his shoulder as well.
“You’re saying that the Undertaker’s all worked up? And you,” He points to you. “You’re saying he’s going through some midlife crisis? Well let me tell you something, did you ever think it’s maybe because he gives more respect to Vince McMahon? Do you guys think you’re better than the Undertaker?”
Christian was getting a bit hostile. You hoped most of his irritation wasn’t towards you, but you still speak up anyway, Michael shifts the mic towards you. “Mr. McMahon never had my respect in the first place. It only makes things worse because of that match he put himself in to antagonize Trish Stratus. And if you want the truth, yes! I think I’m better than the Undertaker.”
RVD motions towards you. “You heard the lady. Besides, we’re gonna find out if I’m better than the Undertaker at Vengeance.”
The two of them stare each other down, but you take the opportunity to take the mic from Michael. “Can I see this?” You ask. He nods and hands it over. “Oooh, how about this you guys, since I heard the Undertaker isn’t here tonight, how about you two go against each other?”
Boom, you made the match card make sense. It was that easy. It’s not like the audience knew the card in its entirety anyway.
“For that hardcore title? Absolutely.” Christian wasn’t against it, in fact he was more than willing to prove himself to Vince. And with the hardcore title on the line? Hell yes.
“Sounds like a good idea.” RVD easily agrees, then lightly taps Christian’s title. “And how about we put that Euro-trash title on the line too?”
“I’m a genius!” You chime. “Title versus title? Hardcore and European?”
“My title? Ha! As if I’m going to lose this to you, RVD. I’m pretty sure neither of you know nothing about Europe!” Christian challenges. “What’s the capitol of Belgium?”
“Isn’t it Br—?” You’re about to answer...
…But RVD answers with no hesitation: “Waffle!”
You turn to look at him with a smile. God he’s stupid…but he’s hilarious. The crowd laughs at his response.
Christian shakes his head. “Are you serious? Do you even know what I’m talking about?”
“I think.” You say. “Why don’t you tell us the capital?”
“..Tch,” He scoffs, waving a hand. “I’m not telling you!” It made it very clear to the crowd that he had no clue what the capital was either. “Listen, I welcome any match, where it’s cool to use the Conchairto.”
Makes you think. Man, you need to be a commissioner or something, they’re missing out on a lot of opportunities here with your co-workers!
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RAW IS WAR // 8:15 PM
Because of that segment, you had to literally run and change in the locker room. You’ve got a couple of minutes to be in gorilla and come with Team Xtreme to the ring.
As you were moving around, a black letter sticking out of your bag had caught your attention. You could spare 3 minutes to read this, so you walk over and pull it out.
‘Though our meeting was rudely interrupted, I find it apparent that you’re fit to be with me. You are unapologetically you, but it’s as if you’re being silenced.
I will set you free from the chains that you’ve been bound to. Find me in the shadows. A place where people discard things they have no use of.’ A place where one would find it disgusting.‘
— Quote the Raven, Nevermore.
And all of a sudden, you had less interest in the match you were supposed to come out for.
Who cares about the match anymore?
You wanted to know more about Raven. What he said at your anger management class really struck you. He even offered to free you.
Isn’t it about time you come with him?
You’re in no hurry to make it to gorilla anymore. A place where you could discard things of no use? A place where one would find it disgusting?
That had to be the trash. And to go even bigger, it must’ve been a dumpster. Normally, you’d be disgusted, but if it’s for Raven, you didn’t care. You didn’t care if he was beside it or inside it.
Who was on the match card again?
You couldn’t remember. All you cared about was going to find a dumpster. You quickly finish changing before heading outside the room. All you had in mind was heading towards the back.
You passed by quite a few of your coworkers, who seemed to be confused as to why you’re in such a hurry. The only person who was willing to stop you was Debra.
“[Name], sweetie,” She called, rushing over to you. “I’ve been looking for you. You and Steve told me class went well, but once I spoke to Doctor Smiley, he said it was a disaster! What happened?!”
You’re not sure what to say to her. It was one thing that you two lied, but your mind was focused on one and one thing only. “I don’t know.” You shrug.
“How do you not know?” She questioned. “And where’s Steve? You two should be ashamed of yourselves! I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life.”
You mutter an apology. You’re wasting time when you could be out and about…. “I’ve gotta go.” You move past her, completely unaware that you bumped her out of the way.
And towards the back you go. There had to be a dumpster back there. You push open the door and shiver as the cold air hits you.
There’s some cars back here. You wonder if it’s any of your co-workers or any of the higher ups.
….Ugh, who cares. You mindlessly walk forward in search for your pursuer. You see nothing but most of the cars disappearing and the sight of an empty parking lot until…..
“What a pleasant surprise.”
The voice immediately makes you turn to the left, seeing none other than Raven sitting on the ground surrounded by trashcans and pieces of litter. It’s not a dumpster, but it’s definitely somewhere no one would go.
Perhaps you were wrong, but you didn’t care. You’re filled with glee. He’s all you cared about tonight.
“I didn’t expect you to show up.” His curly hair was covering most of his face and he made no effort to shake it out of the way. “Austin brutally beat me earlier tonight and I feel as if it was an attempt to keep you away from me.”
You agree. “I think so too.” But you don’t want to stay away from Raven. You never want to. “What were you talking about when you gave me that letter?” You kneel down to his level.
Raven says nothing at first, but there’s a smirk playing on the edge of his lips that you couldn’t see. “…Come closer.”
You do, and he finally moves his hair out of his face to get a better look at you. “I want to set you free.” He gets up and lightly pushes you down so he’s on top of you instead.
“I’ll show you the light, [Name]. You’ll let me, won’t you?”
Yes. You will. He’s helping you in more ways than one.
Raven leans in closer, hovering his lips above your own before moving to your ear. “I want you to repeat these words.” He whispers. “I am no bird…and no net ensnares me. I am a free human being with an independent will.”
You nod as he goes lower and focuses on your neck. “I am…” You hesitate once he kisses it, then starts to bite down. “I am no..bird…”
Raven moves his hand down carefully and lands right on the underside of your left breast. He doesn’t really grope you there, instead glides over and down to your navel.
“And no net ensnares—ah!” He bites you harder, almost enough to draw blood. “I-I am a human being…” You’re almost breathless at this point, unable to focus thanks to the man on top of you. “…with an in…dependent will.”
He latches his lips off of your neck. Just as you think he was going to say anything else, he crashes his lips into your own.
Him doing that hurt, a lot. But you didn’t care. You loved it. He pushes his tongue into your mouth forcefully, drool sliding down your chin from how haphazard it was. He swirled his tongue around yours and you could only think about him. 
It’s the most messiest kiss you’ve had in your life and you wouldn’t trade this experience for the world. You can feel his hand slide down even further, right down into your underwear. 
You push Raven off to catch some air, but he keeps his hand nearby your underwear. He takes the hint and returns his attention back to your neck. You run your tongue over your now swollen lips.
He’s muttering something under his breath, you can barely hear him with the ringing in your ears. You can feel him inch down towards uncharted territory and your stomach fills with butterflies as he slides your underwear to the side.
Is this really happening? Right here? Right now?
It started out soft, as he gently caressed your insides with his finger. It’s almost like he was testing the waters. Your ragged breathing only egged him on further. Slowly, he begins to move his finger in and out.
He raises his voice so you can hear him better.
“The human body is a mystery to me. I find it strange that even the simplest gestures…”
Detaching himself from your neck, he looks up towards you. For a second, he curls his fingers, then uncurls it. “…can get a reaction out of someone.”
Through your moans, you finally gather some strength to speak. “I’ve gotta….” Though your mind was on a swivel the entire night, you knew people would be looking for you. “Gotta…….”
Raven doesn’t allow you to finish your sentence, switching from one finger to two. “Fear not. Tonight, you can become apart of me.”
You’re just stuck moaning and panting on the ground. You hope no one can hear you, but it’s unlikely with how empty this area was.
Even so, he doesn’t give you the right to even finish. He snatches his fingers out, stopping as quickly as he started and gets off of you.
You lean up from your spot, dazed and completely in the clouds. As he licks his fingers clean, you stare at him with such an intensity that you think your eyes would fall out.
You think you’re in love.
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RAW IS WAR // 8:35 PM
You’re still disheveled from earlier. Your clothes were wrinkled, your hair had gotten frizzy, and you’re still burning inside.
Holy shit.
You’re aching because he didn’t give you the opportunity to finish. You hope this feeling goes away. You refuse to finish yourself off anywhere near the show.
On the bright side…you’ve figured it out. Raven is your one true love. He’s everything you wanted and more. You felt like you had all the time in the world for Raven. That you could drop everything you’re doing for Raven. Raven. Raven. Raven. Raven.
That’s all you cared about right now.
A cold hand on your shoulder makes you turn around quickly. “What?!”
“Heeeey. No need to get defensive!” It’s Lita, who looked pretty concerned. “You okay? I was worried about you. You didn’t show up tonight and Jeff was disappointed.” She pauses to look at how messed up you look. “You look a mess…what happened?”
“….” You look at Lita, unable to think of a proper response. “I….no, I’m okay. Just fine. Just leave me alone.”
Your response surprises Lita. “Huh? You’re acting strange. You can tell me, you know. Was it Torrie? If—“
“No! Just—FUCK! Leave me alone!” You scream at her, wanting nothing more than to be left alone at the moment. Lita immediately shuts up as you give her one last glance and head down the hallway.
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that was an experience.
really really hope u guys liked it because i lowkey wasn’t fond of it?!?!?! again i feel like it was because i kept reading it over and over but yeah. raven does things. he won. the night isn’t over either...we’ll find out what happens next monday!!!!!! also reader challenging undertaker indirectly ruh roh
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mazegays · 1 year
could've followed my fears all the way down
Chapter 5
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
“Thomas, you’re abandoning me for the greenhouse now?” Frypan jokes. “I set aside plates for you two. Harriet was going to grab you, but she said you looked like you were having a serious conversation.”
“Now, Frypan, have you ever known me to be serious?” Sonya jumps onto the counter, dodging Frypan’s playful swat. “Thomas, on the other hand, I think we have to convince him not to be.”
“Get off my counter, Miss Anti-Serious. Some of us still have work to do, you know. Jorge was looking for you, Thomas, but he’ll find you at some point.”
Jorge does have a strange way of doing that. Thomas thinks it’s a hard-earned skill. If he knows anything about Brenda, it’s that she likes to find her own way of doing things.
“Thanks, Frypan.” He manages to say before Sonya is pulling him to the fire pits. There’s not much room there this time of day, but she plops down on Harriet’s lap and he sits next to them.
“What if I had had food in my lap?” Harriet tries to look stern. “What would you have done then?”
“One, you didn’t, two, you would have moved it. That’s what you always did in the Glen.”
“I did not.”
“You did!” Rosa, one of the other Group B members, calls. “Admit it, Harriet, you’ve had it bad for Sonya for a long time.”
“I see you’ve turned against your leader. Perhaps you want to think about that.”
“Last I checked, you and Sonya lead together.” Thomas points out. H/e carefully doesn’t look at Sonya, so he doesn’t start laughing.
“Okay, stick, I see how it is.” She shoves him lightly. “You want to race again, is that it? Where’s Minho, maybe he wants in.”
“I’m here. Someone’s gotta show you all how it’s done.”
“Wait, Thomas, are you good to run?” Harriet seems to remember his sight.
“Yeah.” He blinks a few times. “The blurriness cleared up earlier. That’s a weird side effect, though. What do you think causes it?”
“No, Thomas, we’re not debating that right now.” Minho rolls his eyes. “Shank always wants to know everything about everything, I swear. He was like that in the Glade, too. Always asking questions. Newt and Alby didn’t know what to do with him.”
Thomas flinches a little when he says Newt’s name.
Minho’s not upset that he killed Newt. He said he wasn’t, and Minho wouldn’t lie about something that big. Minho hardly lies, ever.
At least, he hasn’t lied to Thomas. Thomas doesn’t have any reason not to trust him.
finish under the cut or on ao3
“How far should we go?” Rosa asks. “We can’t do it here.”
“Let them finish eating, Ro.” Harriet gestures to Thomas’s and Sonya’s plates, still mostly full. “We can decide after. None of us have anything super important this afternoon.”
“Thomas, Jorge and I wanted to talk to you.” Thomas tilts his head back to look up at Vince.
“Yeah, sure. Now?” Minho takes his plate while he stands.
“If you’d like.” Thomas shrugs. He’s just eating. It’d be nice to do with others, but he doesn’t have to.
He has a feeling he knows what they’re going to ask, anyway. Vince takes him to the back room of the common house.
“You know we fixed the Flat-Trans recently.” He nods.
“We were wondering if you’d be willing to go back through it.”
“Do we know where it opens back up yet?”
“Somewhere near where it closed.” Jorge answers.
Teresa’s body would be so close. Would it be worth it to find and dig it up, bring her back to bury her? Like so many of his friends never got to be? No, probably not. And who knows what might have gotten at it by now, anyway.
Or if anything actually survived the explosions.
“We want to do a recon mission. You’re familiar with that WCKD base.” Vince’s arms are folded, hands in fists. That’s never a good sign.
“Somewhat, yes. Mostly from half-memories and dreams. I didn’t get my memory removal reversed.” He reminds them. 
This isn’t what he was expecting at all.
“It’ll be a small group, only a few people. You’ll be leading them.” Vince hesitates, looking at Jorge. Jorge just raises an eyebrow.
“It was your rule, Vince. You can explain it.”
“You can’t take any of your friends. Brenda, Minho, Gally, any of them. Jorge and I will pick who goes with you.”
“So I don’t get any say in this?” Thomas watches Vince closely, then Jorge. 
“You do, hermano. You can say no, and one of us will go, or we’ll ask someone else. We just wanted to give you the option first.” Thomas remembers how he met Jorge in the Scorch. All the signs about him being the leader.
He’s stepped back. It’s not as fun as it looks, and he’s sixteen. He doesn’t want to lead. He shouldn’t have to.
So why does he want to say yes so badly?
Even worse, why does it feel like he’s already agreed?
“Let him have time to think on it.” Jorge says, already putting a hand on Thomas’s shoulder to guide him from the room. Vince just grunts.
Once they’re out of earshot, Jorge sighs. “I’d wanted to warn you before Vince got a chance to say anything. Hermano, you really don’t have to do this. Vince wouldn’t be convinced to ask anyone else first. Take the night at least to really consider this. Take the next few days, if you want. Speak with someone about it, please. It’s not something that needs to be done immediately.”
But the sooner it gets done, the sooner they’ll be able to get more resources, maybe bring more Immunes in. Many of the people here are living without electricity and running water for the first time in their lives. Going through the Flat-Trans might mean being able to get some rudimentary systems up and running again. 
Jorge shakes him gently. “Are you listening to me, Thomas? Don’t decide now.” Thomas has never been good at concealing what’s going on his mind, though, and Jorge remembers him from a time Before.
“Go and race with your friends before you think yourself into this. You are not the only one who can do this.”
But Thomas can tell that Jorge knows it’s a losing battle he’s fighting now. 
There’s a reason he was the Final Candidate. It was always him, it’s always going to be him.
He doesn’t race that night, sitting off to the side and cheering instead. Minho glares at him when he cheers Sonya on, but it’s worth it for the lightness it brings to his chest.
It’s much easier to ignore that he’s going to be lying to them soon enough when they’re all laughing and teasing.
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dark-lady-eris · 6 years
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Are You Sure You Want To Send This?
The Toretto Team’s text messages. Brian/Vince. Chapters 10/?
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dreamypeaches · 4 years
time to ourselves | vince dunn x reader
summary: after the birth of your son, you and your husband finally find some time to yourselves. 
warnings: SMUT, daddy kink, choking, cursing, spanking 
word count: 1.7k
a/n: so i’m turning into a hockey blog now ig. i post too much smut, but i have a barzy fic coming soon that is mostly plot, but ofc there will be smut in there
It wasn’t often you got time to yourselves. 10 months ago, you’d given birth to a beautiful baby boy. He had Vince’s curls and your eyes, and now that he was walking, Vince’s energy. When you weren’t chasing him around the house, you were wrestling him down for a nap or trying to get him to eat at least one bite of the food you made. You loved your little one dearly, and so did Vince, but Vince wasn’t always there, busy with practice or out on the road, leaving you at your wits end some days. You missed your husband and you missed the mind-blowing sex you two used to have. Lately, if you weren’t too tired to form a coherent thought, it was mostly some quick missionary sex or Vince going down on you if he was in the mood. Tonight, you wanted to change that. You needed him more than you needed anything else, and your son had blessed you by falling asleep early with no trouble.
While Vince was busy finishing up the dishes, like the wonderful husband he was, you got ready in your bathroom. It had been a while since you wore any makeup, so you kept it simple, a little mascara, and Vince’s favorite shade of lipstick on you. Stripping down you tried to avoid looking at yourself in the mirror. You know Vince would always love your body, but you couldn’t help but dislike the way you looked. You had yet to lose your pregnancy weight and your stomach and thighs were covered in stretch marks. The only thing you liked about your body right now was your breasts, which looked pretty good after months of breastfeeding. You turned away from the mirror and grabbed the jersey hanging in your closest with the large 29 on the back and your shared last name. Pulling it over your naked body, you giggled as you imagined the look on your husband’s face when he saw you in nothing but his jersey. Arranging yourself on the bed in the sexiest position you could, and waited.
“Hey baby, dishes are done, do you wanna watch a movie or-” Vince’s words were caught in his throat as he stepped into the room eyes widening as he took in your form.
“I think I have an idea of what I want to do tonight,” You said as you sat up beckoning him with your finger. He smirked, pulling his shirt over his head and he dived onto the bed, immediately hovering over you. One hand moved to cup your hip while the other gripped your jaw and smashed his lips against yours. It was heated and passionate, months of want and need passing between the two of you as his tongue pried your lips open and started to explore your mouth.
“Fuck, did you wear this just for me?”
“Of course I did. All for you, daddy,” The pet name, that had taken on a whole new meaning after you’d given birth, sent a fire through him and you could see the hunger burning in his eyes. He smirked down at you, hand trailing down from your jaw to wrap around your throat.
“Are you gonna be a good girl for daddy?”
You could feel his hard-on pressing against you and the pressure around your neck sent pleasure straight down to your core. You could only whimper, which wasn’t adequate enough for your husband. He squeezed tighter and bit your ear lobe.
“Use your words, baby girl,” He whispered in your ear.
“Yes, daddy, I’ll be a good girl for you.”
That was enough for him, as he released your throat and started to kiss down your body, leaving marks on your neck and collar bone. He pushed the jersey up to expose your stomach, but you instinctively tried to push it down.
“Baby, let me see you. You’re fucking beautiful, don’t cover yourself up,”
“But I’m all…soft.”
The lust faded from his eyes for a moment as he looked up at you, love replacing the heat.
“It doesn’t matter how soft you are. You are so fucking beautiful to me,” He pushed the jersey up again and placed a feather-light kiss on to the skin just beneath your breasts.
“You are the mother of my child, my loving wife, my best friend, and the most stunning and sexiest woman I have ever known. Nothing will ever change that.”
You felt tears gather at the corner of your eyes. Cupping his cheeks, you pull him back up to meet your lips. There’s more passion and love than sexual tension this time and you hold him close to you. He broke away, peppering kisses down your cheeks and neck and back to your stomach, all the way down to your exposed cunt.
“Daddy’s gonna make you feel so good. You’ll know how beautiful you are. I promise.”
His lips wrapped around your clit and sucked, eliciting a sweet moan from your lips. You reached down to tangle your fingers into his curls and press him closer to your pussy. His strong arms wrapped around you, one around your thigh the other pressing down on your hips. He moved his tongue down to lick at your entrance, flicking in and out of your folds while his thumb started to circle your clit. His lips and tongue always worked wonders on you. Even in the past months when sexy times were limited, he never failed to go down on you and make you cum all over his face. Tonight was no different, but now he had time.
You came several minutes later, but he refused to let up. His tongue and fingers to work you until you came again with a shout of his name. He sat up, wiping your juices from his chin and smirking down at you.
“What did you call me, baby?”
You could barely speak, still coming down from both your highs.
“V-Vince…” He leaned down, grasping your throat.
“Uh, uh, baby girl. Try again.”
He kissed you, forcing you to taste yourself as he pushed his tongue into your mouth.
“Need a reminder that I’m daddy? Fuck, maybe I need to put another baby in you so you don’t forget.”
He flipped you over onto your stomach, quickly removing his pants before planting a hard slap on your ass.
“Want me to fuck a baby into you? You looked so beautiful pregnant with my child. You’re such a good mom, fuck. I would have fifty more babies with you.”
Vince gripped your hair and lifted your head up, holding you there while he lined himself up with your entrance.
“What do you say, baby girl? Want daddy to fuck you good and fill you up with my cum?”
“Fuck yes, daddy, please!”
“Look at you with my name on your back. You’re all mine, baby girl,” He whispered into your ear, chest pressed against your back as he slipped into you. You both moaned in synch as he stretched you out slowly. You knew he wanted to take his time with you, after months of quickies. He was going to savor your pussy and the way you clenched around him.
He pulled all the way out before pushing back in just as slow as before. He let go of your hair, letting you bury your face into the mattress as you moaned out. His fingers were surely going to bruise your hips, his grip tight as he continued to thrust into you agonizingly slow.
“Daddy, please,” You whimpered.
“What do you need, baby girl?”
“Harder…faster. Please just fuck me.”
He froze, buried in you to the hilt. You whimpered, bucking your hips back, trying to get any sort of friction. It was the wrong idea, as he slapped you hard before gripping the back of your neck and pushing further down into the mattress.
“I’m in control, baby, and I’ll fuck you how I want to fuck you.”
You turned your head, letting your cheek rub against the soft sheets.
“Don’t you want to fuck me, daddy? Fill me up with your cum and knock me up. Don’t you want to cum in me, daddy?”  
He growled, pulling all the way out and slamming back in, making you shout out. He was relentless as he fucked you now, hitting deep inside you with every thrust, hands gripping your hip and neck and pushing you down as he fucked you.
“Fuck that pussy is so good. You’re taking daddy’s dick so well.”
All you could do was mewl and moan, gripping the sheets as you tried to ground yourself as he fucked the thoughts from your mind. All you could think of was Vince, his dick inside you, his hands on you, the grunts and praises falling from his mouth. You wanted nothing more than for him to cum in you and get you pregnant again. You wanted everything with him, to continue the life you had together, and let him fuck you like this for the rest of time.
He pulled you up by your hair before gripping your neck, pressing your back against him as he railed into you. He bit your neck, making you scream for daddy. His fingers moved to circle your clit and if he wasn’t holding you up, you knew you would have collapsed right there. Soon you were cumming hard, stars flashing behind your eyes.
Vince followed you soon after, pushing you back down onto the bed as he gave a few more hard, deep thrusts before spilling himself deep inside of you. You could feel him panting above your back, a drop of sweat dripping from his brow and onto your heated skin. He fell onto his side, pulling you back against him while keeping his dick inside you. He pressed several sweet kisses to your neck and shoulders, hand moving under the jersey to span across your belly.
“I can’t wait to have another one, baby. Seriously, I would have ten kids with you.”
You giggled turning your head to give him a kiss.
“I love you, Vince. I love having a family with you. I would have twenty kids with you.”
“Oh, you’re trying to one-up me now. Baby, I will knock you up every year until you can’t anymore. And I love you too.”
He started to slowly thrust into you again, fingers moving up to play with your nipples.
“I think we need to keep going, you know, just to make sure we take every opportunity to knock you the fuck up.”
“That sounds like a wonderful idea.”
tagging: @sortagaysortahigh @shelbsays @stfukie @starkeyseguin @dmonchld @bricksatanakinswindow @anxietyandtacos @teenagekook
553 notes · View notes
thesmokingguns · 3 years
24 Hours
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Word Count:3454
Request/ Summary: “Can i request one where nicki gets turned down by their makeup artist or like stand in manager and hes upset and he finds out the the manager just doesnt sleep with people she just met”
I tried to write this where she breaks rules for him and turns him down. He understands what her restrictions are but he can see that living by her strict rules she created for herself she is making herself unhappy.
I hope I hit the prompt you wanted!
A/N: This turned out longer than I expected it to be so sorry about that one. I do have three requests I’m writing right now on top of some of the stuff I am writing so you can all still make requests but I'm going to be saying it’s a two week wait for a new request right now. I also want to say I am going to write a third and fourth part to the 3am Duff series because I have no self control. Thank you for everyone being patient with me and all your kind words! If you want to be added to my tallest please message me or go HERE
Tag List: @thenobodies-inc​ , @littlemisscare-all​ , @agroupiewhore , @ayablackwood​
You were having a bad day. Not just a bad day but one of those days where everything that could have gone wrong went wrong. From morning to night it was the literal day from hell for you.
8:12am You woke up, an hour after you had hit snooze on your alarm, twelve minutes after you were supposed to leave your house to get to work.
8:34am After throwing yourself together and rushing out the door, you were running out of the apartment with the cup of coffee you had economically and time consciously thought to make. On the last step before you had escaped into the day you slipped, the hot coffee spilled all down the front of your red dress, because of course it was the one day you weren’t wearing black. Rushing back up the stairs you realized that the keys to get into your apartment were in your apartment, hanging on the hook just out of reach behind the door. So you would be going to work in your coffee dress.
9:01AM You made it to work, only thirty-one minutes late. Your boss wasn’t happy that you were late on a Friday, thinking you had done this on purpose as some slight to them. Which meant they had pulled you in the office and chewed you a new asshole.
They also told you about coming to work in a clean, tidy appearance as if you had wanted to be wearing your coffee.
As you were being yelled at you watched the line back up and couldn’t help but think about how yelling at you was just making the situation worse. You also were also thinking about how next time you’d just call in sick instead of being late.
11:59AM One minute before you were scheduled to take a break, one fucking minute, and the crazy man came in. Throwing his shit smelling money at you and proceeding to vomit all over your window.
Your window, your mess. So instead of having a much needed timeout from the day from hell you were trying to scrub the smell of puke off a counter.
1:47 PM You finally stepped out for lunch. Moving to the payphone to call your roommate. She thankfully answered on the second ring of the apartment phone. At least the door would be unlocked after work, which was one thing you had been worried about.
She was quick to tell you about how she had gotten you a gig for the night. Knowing how you wanted to travel, you two had come up with a plan a few months ago to find work in Hollywood for bands or on film sets. She had been pretty popular making costumes and helping to come up with whole concepts for the upcoming Glam Rock scene. One of her usual bands needed help because their makeup artist had been sick, so you were going to work for her tonight.
This would be considered a good thing but since it was a trial run you were not going to be getting paid for this gig. So your time would be free. The makeup you used on them you needed to provide. And you have to be there at 5PM to set up, which is the exact time that you need to get out of work. Your roommate agreed to help set you up and she was going to bring you a change of clothes to the gig. It would be fine because the band wouldn’t need to be made up until 6 or 7 but it was just another thing on your plate.
So you would be losing money that you needed to pay rent on a bunch of entitled rock stars who would probably not hire you and this whole night would just leave you feeling exhausted and annoyed. Really looking forward to it.
3:49PM Your coworker went home sick with a headache so now you had to do twice the amount of work and there was no hope in hell that you would be making it to the gig in time tonight. That great first impression that you would need to get an actual long job was gone. And you were stuck with a line out the door of people trying to cash their checks all seeming to want to kill you. Happy Friday.
5:02PM You were running down the street, thankful you worked around the corner from the venue. A sigh of relief left your lips seeing your roommate waiting for you. She dragged you inside pushing you towards a bathroom and giving you a bag of clothes to change into. You lined your brown eyes with the kohl liner, winging your eyeliner and adding a deep burgundy lip shade that complimented your darker skin.
“Y/N, hurry up.” you rolled your eyes, repacking the bag and heading out where your friend was waiting for you. “I put your makeup in the dressing room already. It’s not set up yet.” she pulled you down a few hallways. Equipment for the band was more around as they started getting ready to set up everything for the show.
You entered the dressing room, seeing there was a table for food and drinks set up,  a rack of costumes for the band to wear, and finally a vanity where your makeup bag was sitting ready to be unpacked. Your friend handed you a cup, pouring a few fingers worth of vodka into it before splashing in some juice to help the taste.
“Cheers,” you tapped red solo cups drinking heavily. If you weren’t going to get paid for the gig you might as well take advantage of whatever free perks came with it.
6:23PM Sitting on the couch, legs crossed, you were chatting aimlessly with your friend when the door opened and a man walked in looking at you confused.
“Hey, I’m Y/N. I’m the makeup artist for the night.” you were quick to introduce yourself not wanting him to think you were another girl who was just trying to sleep with the band.
“Mick.” he moved to pour himself a full cup of straight vodka, “Can you do my makeup now? The three pretty boys take too much time.” Ushering him into the seat you started out on him, wondering what the hell he meant about the other guys being divas.
7:45PM A blonde burst into the room, seeming surprised that you were standing there. The girl on his arm laughed too loudly and you looked over to your roommate who was handing Mick a belt to wear. She just shrugged, this was normal for her.
“Vince, new makeup artist. You should sit now before the Terror Twins stumble in.” Mick warned him. He pulled away from the girl on his arm headed over to your chair with an easy smile.
“You're going to make me prettier, doll?”
“I’m thinking that you would look with some blue eyeshadow. It would really complete your Malibu Barbie look.” You retorted, watching amused as his mouth dropped open, not used to having someone give it back to him.
You hated cocky assholes who thought that they were God’s gift. There was nothing wrong with a  man who was confident but the way that he was looking at himself in the mirror as you did his makeup you knew he was the type that thought he was above everyone else.
8:21PM  Two men burst into the room as you finished up Vince. Looking at the two taller men you let your eyes wander over them. Vince was a diva but there two were going to be where you had the most trouble. They must be tber terror twins Mick had mentioned.
One of the guys fell into the chair, laughing about something as he sipped the beer he was drinking, rubbing his nose. He lit up a cigarette as he sat back in the chair not seeming to care if it was annoying that he was blowing smoke in your face as you tried to work.
You bit your tongue, annoyed as you tried to work around his cigarette, that he almost burnt you with seven different times. As you worked you could feel a set of eyes on you. Looking up you saw the man he had walked in with, staring at you with these intense olive eyes.
There wasn’t a chance in hell that you would be interested in any of these loudmouth guys, who all seemed to be drunk and hyperactive. It was kind of like you were doing makeup for a bunch of chimps instead of men.
8:55PM Finally the last man was sitting in your chair. His eyes gazing up at you with such intensity you stopped moving around to just look at him.
“Have we met before?” there was something familiar about him and you wondered if you had met him at a bar or at a show before.
“I don’t think so, sweetheart. I’m Nikki.” Usually when a guy used a nickname instead of your given name you chalked it up to them being a douchebag but with him it seemed natural and not derogatory, “Thank you for coming out to do our makeup today. I heard the other artist got sick at the last minute. We appreciate you taking your time to help us out…” he left it blank waiting for you to give him your name.
“Y/N.” You were surprised by how talkative he was. The kindness in his tone is different from the way the other guys have been. Just when you thought he was different you felt a hand on the back of your thigh, “If you don’t get your hand off me I’ll break your fingers so you can’t play tonight.” you warned him, looking into the olive eyes gazing up at you.
He was too good looking. The type of guy you could get into trouble with if you allowed yourself but you wouldn’t be taking home a stranger tonight.
“Do you always talk to your clients like that?” he asked with a coy smile on his face. This was the type of smug you liked. The funny easy going type who could make you laugh if you had not been on your feet for twelve hours.
“Only the ones that don’t pay me.” you replied, swiping his eyeshadow on. You wanted this to be over so you could go home and sleep.
The drummer came over, bumping into the vanity and knocking the eyeshadow off and not seeming to notice as the makeup smashed into a thousand pieces on the ground. You were officially losing a lot of money on this job and didn’t have the funds to replace it.
“Jesus, T-Bone, watch where you’re going.” Nikki commented, watching you start to pack everything up, “Aren’t you sticking around to watch the show?”  You shook your head. “Why don’t you stick around and I’ll take you out after for a late dinner. As an apology for this being a bust for you.” You were sure that the way he smiled and how his eyes were so clear made it easy for him to pick up chicks but you weren’t going to be one of them.
“I had a long day. I’m not going out with you.” You zipped up your bag ready to leave
“Listen, Y/N, just stay until we go on. Maybe I can talk to someone and you can get paid for coming out.” You did need the money. So reluctantly you stayed.
9:57PM You shouldn’t have stayed. Nikki had seemed to think you telling him you were not going out with him was a maybe you’d go out with him.
It had been an hour of him sitting on the couch getting to know you, asking questions and being nice to you. Men weren’t nice to you just for the sake of being nice, they were born without the concept of human decency.
But he had also talked to their manager, pointing at you and saying stuff you didn’t get to hear. Now you were stuck in a weird limbo wondering if you were going to get paid.
11:15pm The band rushed on stage and you were pulled aside by the manager. He handed you and envelope that you knew contained cash.
“The boys are going to have a few California gigs. If you can stick it out for a couple weeks I’ll consider hiring you for the tour. I’ll pay you $100 bucks a gig and you need to bring your own supplies to start but if you go on tour you’ll get a contract.” He said. You agreed and he handed you a piece of paper with four dates, the upcoming week, times, and his phone number to call if you couldn’t make it. There was also a chicken scratch handwriting with the name Nikki and a phone number
You were stunned when he walked away. You not only got paid but you have jobs lined up to make even more. It was a dream.
Looking up, you moved towards the stage watching the bassist move around the stage. He was high energy, loving what he was doing. There was this presence about him that drew you in. If you did get the tour position that would be trouble.
11:59PM You had finished packing up and we’re heading out of the venue to head home. You were ready for your bed and a few hours of sleep. The guys were playing tomorrow and you wanted to not be having a bad day.
Trying to sneak out, you almost jumped back when four sweaty men came barreling into the room. Your heart instantly went to your throat seeing Nikki. His smile dancing across his lips, hey black hair stuck to his forehead just oozing self confidence and sex appeal.
“You’re leaving so soon?” You just nodded at his question, wondering if it would be considered rude to tuck his hair out of his face. “Did you call a taxi or need a ride? There’s a lot of unsafe riff raff out this late.” He warned and you almost thought he sounded concerned.
“I’m a grown woman. I can walk myself home. It’s only like 15 minutes from here.” His eyebrow raised as he wiped the sweat off his face with a towel.
“I’ll give you a ride.”
“No you won’t.” You shoe back, “I don’t know you and I don’t leave with strangers I’ve only known for one day.” You responded. It was practical to have rules to keep you from getting hurt.
“Well, Y/N, we’ve known each other for two days now since it’s past midnight.” He was so calm saying this to you, “And I’m trying to cut back on drinking so if they see me leave with you I won’t be harassed so you’ll really be doing me the favor.” Thinking about what he said, your tongue licked your top lip nervously. The way his eyes followed this motion gave you your answer.
“Thank you for the offer. I’m going to say goodbye to my roommate. I’ll see you in 20 minutes outside?” You gave him a smile and  saw the way he was melting under your touch as you moved away from him.
You moved over to your friend letting her know you were leaving and you’d see her at home.
12:22 AM Adjusting the bag over your shoulder you weaved through the crowds pouring in and out of all the clubs. No one ever really bothered you walking home. It was just the cat calling and guys thinking that they had a right to run their mouths
“Y/N.” You frowned hearing your name. The roar of a motorcycle speeding up had your eyes looking out on the street.
Oh Shit. There was Nikki, looking at you with a line where his smile had been, his kind eyes looking annoyed at you. You had left him after saying you’d let him take you home but he was too pushy.
“Get on.” the steely tone of his voice made you stop what you were doing, thinking of what to do next. People were looking at the pair of you, some probably recognizing Nikki from his band. You rolled your eyes, stepping forward.
“Listen to me, I’m not getting on. I don’t know you.” His look softened and it was like for the first time he understood what the issue was.
“I just want to make sure that you make it home safe. I know you don’t want anything happening to you. It would feel like my responsibility if you went missing after doing the band's makeup.” you rolled your eyes. Eyeing him and the bike. It had been a long day and it was onlya  five minute drive. What was the worst that could happen?
1:02AM The worst thing that could happen was happening.
When you got on the back of Nikki’s Harley he had asked where you lived. As he drove, you wrapped around his back you realized for the first time of the night you were smiling a genuine wife smile.
Watching the lights of the Strip and the hustle and bustle fly by when wrapped around his warm body, the noie drowned out by the roar of the bike was nice. It felt good. So when you pulled up on your street and he asked if you wanted to drive around more you didn't say no like you should have.
Weaving around the empty highways with just the pair of you was nice. There was no conversations but it felt like you two were getting to know each other on another level.
3:55AM Nikki pulled the bike into a donut shop on the side of the highway. The smell of fresh baked pastries and coffee brewing awakening you much like the wind whipping your face had been keeping you awake but it had been almost twenty four hours awake.
The pair of your ordered black coffee and a donut, sitting on stools at the counter and eating in a comfortable silence.
“Are you mad at me?” He didn’t have a cheeky grin on his face like you had expected but he was serious. “I know you said you wouldn’t go out with me but it just seemed like you were having a bad day and I have a hero complex.” you snorted when he said this. Surprised he admitted that he had a heroes complex.
“I’m not mad. I got on the back of your bike and stayed out.” you thought for a second, “I think I needed it. I always follow my rules and never break them. I think sometimes I need a break from the rules I create.” you said all this with your heart beating wondering what the hell you were doing with this guy in the middle of nowhere.
5:41AM Nikki had wrapped his leather jacket around you, both your boots abandoned by the motorcycle as you sat with toes in the sand watching the sun rise over the Pacific. You hadn't even seen the sun rising over the ocean before so you were wrapped up in the orange and golds of the sky, how the inky black of the water came alive into blue and purple hues with the light.
It was beautiful.
It felt like something was washing over you as you watchined it. Something was changing as you watched the sun start a new day. A new day that you had this feeling in your bones was going to be a good day.
Wiping a tear away, you took a deep breath remembering that you had moved here to make your dreams come true and for the first time it felt like it was going to happen.
A hand on your back reminded you that you weren’t alone. His olive eyes looking at you, concerned. You wiped a tear away trying to laugh it off.
“I never saw the sunrise over the ocean. It’s beautiful,” It was at that moment, wrapped up in the beauty of everything that you realized that he was going to kiss you. The way his hand was against your check, wiping the tears away.
But you surprised both of you leaning forward to push your lips against his. Making the first move. You were breaking all of your rules for him but it felt good and you could tell you would be breaking more rules with him
6:00AM It was going to be a good day.
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writingsbychlo · 4 years
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smoke and fire (03)
word count; 10,638
summary; you and thomas almost find some common ground, but clinging to petty hatred might ruin it all.
notes; making some progress, and I know y’all are going to love the tension building.
warnings; burnings buildings, minor burns, reference to injury, reference to explosions.
Humming along to the tune playing from your phone, it was plugged into the speaker atop the counter, the lowest volume you could get it as you tried to keep the volume down. You never had been one to sleep while at the Firehouse, no matter how late at night your shifts were, and while this was your team’s two weeks of night shift rotations, you’d adapted to it easily.
Maybe you’d been forced to. Maybe you’d force yourself to. You weren’t exactly comfortable with the team yet, and something about going to sleep surrounded by people you didn’t know felt uncomfortable to you. You trusted them with your life, your job required that you did, but you would only get restless sleep anyway.
Cooking, however, was something you were comfortable with. Cooking at night while the rest were asleep, the clock barely tickling past 5AM as they all slept until called to duty gave you free time to be with your own thoughts.
The smell of frying bacon was filling the room, lyrics falling quietly from your lips as your hips swung, and you heard the first of your colleagues begin to shuffle into the room. You turned to look over your shoulder, Minho being the first to wake, and you’d learned recently that he was always the first to wake. He was an early bird, someone who normally went for a jog before coming on his shifts, and he groaned, scratching at his stomach while the other arm stretched over his head, trying to wake himself up a little more.
“Smells like bacon. Did you make enough for two?”
“I made enough for about twenty.” You teased, hearing his sleepy laugh, and he came to hop up onto the island counter behind you, bypassing the chairs as he took a seat on the higher surface instead, and he rubbed at his eyes.
“You cooked for us?”
“I cooked for me, and figured I might as well make sure you all get a healthy breakfast in, too. Can’t have you slacking on the job because all you ate for breakfast was three candy bars and a skittle, can I?” You grabbed for a plate, a stack that you’d placed beside yourself, the first one being dished up to your friend. A couple of pancakes from the hot plates, sausages, bacon, eggs, and a pot of coffee, and you dished it up, sliding it towards a seat as he fetched a set of knives and forks for you both, groaning loudly at the sight of food.
“This looks amazing.”
He took a seat on the stool this time, poking at it all in the lower light as he chopped up his food, folding a piece of bacon inside a pancake, and lifting the bundle to his mouth. Serving yourself up and covering the rest, you leaned against the counter in front of him, beginning to chop at your food. As he chewed the mouthful longer, he tipped his head back, a louder and longer groan falling from his lips as he showed his appreciation for the meal, and you covered your snicker with your food, chewing a mouthful and shaking your head fondly.
“Who’s folding porn in here? It better not be Minho, again.”
“Again?” You almost choked on your food as Winston came wandering in, your brow raising as you turned to your colleague, and he sighed dramatically.
“They were filming a tour video for the Firehouse for a thing online, I don’t know.” He waved his hand, shoving another forkful into his mouth, and you realised the men here had never been raised to chew with their mouths closed, as though they were raised wild as teens. “Anyway, I was seeing this chick at the time, and y’know, she was hot. A bit too feisty even for me.”
“I somehow find that hard to believe.”
“Hey, there are things even I wouldn't do!” He objected, and behind you, as he helped himself to food, Winston snorted. “Yeah, not much, though.”
“Anyway, as I was saying, she comes to visit me at work. She’s got her hands all over, she was just dating me because I was a fireman. She drags me behind a truck and we were, well, making out pretty heavily. Like teenagers behind the science block. They caught it on the camera while touring, and had to cut it all out and refilm that section.” He shrugged, like it was no big deal, and Winston took a seat beside him, your eyes fixed on your coworkers, brows raising.
“It was more than just making out. She had her legs around your waist.”
“She did not!” Minho scoffed, crumbs of the food flying everywhere, and you couldn’t contain the laugh as he turned to punch his friend in the arm, the two setting off in a weak match of slaps and punches as they tried to keep eating.
Brenda was next through the door, already seeming to look composed and poised like she’d had hours to get ready, all but gliding through the room, and she flickered her eyes over the two tussling boys. “What’s going on in here?”
“Winston was just telling me about the time Minho got caught on camera kissing a chick behind the trucks.”
“Oh, you mean the girl with her legs around his waist?” Brenda was then immediately drawn into the argument, hissed whisper-shouts as you tried to contain your laughter, and as the hours ticked on from the discussion, your plate slipped into the dishwasher, a fresh pot of coffee being started, more and more of the team began to join the room. The next was Gally. His nose turned up at the offer of coffee, Brenda mocking him for his selective taste in teas, trying to copy his accent too, but he did help himself to a plate of food. Clint and Jeff were next, the two practically attached at the hip, moving as a unit, always one with the other. They were talking among themselves as they got their breakfasts, but took enough time free to offer their greetings to everyone, mumbling a vague ‘thank you’ to ‘whoever had cooked’, before they were sitting at the table and becoming invested in their conversation once again.
Newt came in next, bright and cheery and full of energy, as he had been for the last three days since getting the boot taken off his foot and being able to rotate his ankle and walk normally again, limp barely present now he was like a bright ray of sunshine, rising with the actual sunrise. Fry and Zart followed, passing through as the sun in the room rose, the music being drowned out by the loud chatter in the room, the clattering of cutlery and utensils, with the vague noise of the morning news being turned on for a weather update.
Taking your phone back from where it was placed on the stand, you lifted it up, barely any of the food you’d made remaining, and you felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment at providing for your team, and never having a single complaint. It wasn’t often that you made this kind of gestures, it wasn’t often worth it, not when you were so used to take your meals and finding a quiet spot to eat alone, but more and more, you’d been finding yourself enjoying the company of the people around you, progressively feeling more included in the conversations and activities as the ripples across the water caused by your arrival began to settle.
Chuck was a late riser, still looking completely dazed as he stepped into the room, a little wobble in his step, and you took the liberty of creating a plate for him, and a large mug of coffee, taking it over to where he had slumped down at the dining table with his head rested on his hands, eyes already closing. Creeping up behind your friend, you leaned down, light snores leaving him as he began to doze off again, despite being surrounded by stimulation, noise and light.
He jerked violently, almost knocking the food and mug out of your hand as he sat up, looking shocked for just a moment, before red-twinged cheeks were facing your directions, narrowed eyes in a glare, and a scowl on his face. “You suck.”
“I brought you food and coffee.”
He considered it for a moment, eyes sweeping over the plate, before sitting up a little straighter. “Okay, you suck slightly less now.”
He accepted the offerings, digging in almost instantaneously, and you took a seat beside him, sipping the hot drink in your own hands as you absorbed the environment. Making friends was hard when you skipped about so much, even making friends outside of work, as you moved from one side of the city of the other to new houses, never bothering to decorate or properly unpack because you weren’t sure how long you’d ever be in one location.
It was undeniably nice to be surrounded for once, and not be immediately looking for the next exit.
Chuck was happy to just talk, filling the space between you both as he spoke about everything he could think of. He told you about his mother, and his four older sisters, the second of whom was getting married, and the first of whom was halfway through her pregnancy, and how excited he was to become an uncle. He asked you about your bruises, and how the swelling was doing, making you demonstrate the rotations of your arm for him as the muscles no longer ached as you could lift them over your head, some discoloured splotching where the bruises were almost healed was all that was left.
As the clock ticked over, just past 8AM, the room was full. Even Vince having passed through and joined you all for a cup of coffee and a reasonably quick chat, giving into the teasing he was getting from Newt and Brenda about an update on the doctor he’d been seeing, her name revealed as Mary now things were getting serious, and you hoped to meet her one day at the hospital.
It was clear to you that the people here were a family, and despite the friction between you and some of the members, certain ones sticking strong with their guards up against you as they followed in their Lieutenant’s footsteps, you were winning some of them over. Newt had yet to bring it back up, the challenge that he’d issued you of giving it a year, and promising that this house would be different, but you knew he hadn't forgotten the conversations, because every so often, you’d catch his gaze lingering on you when you were chatting to another colleague, and reaching out a little more.
Chiming about your head signalled a call coming in, the room falling from commotion and filled with activity to dead and silent as everyone listened, and the second it was over, all of the chairs were scraping, pots and cutlery clammering as plates were stacked up haphazardly, and the room was cleared in seconds. Only you and Newt remained, being given a free minute, maybe two at the maximum, as you waited for the foremen to grab their equipment and swap out shoes for protective boots, gear in hand as they loaded the trucks.
“I’m going to go and check on Tommy, make sure he’s up.”
You nodded, realising now why the atmosphere around you was so peaceful. There was no walking on eggshells or lingering glares, nothing that might put you off about saying the wrong thing in fear of getting yelled out, or burning gals into the back of your skull, but simply the calm and quiet of being surrounded by people who were at least civil with you, instead of hating your guts.
Grabbing the trays that were barely even warm now, the food having cooled a while ago, you stacked up what was on a single plate, covering it with a quick wrap of foil, and watching as Thomas stumbled on past in a flurry of movement that made you think he might trip, grabbing his boots from the floor and his coat and helmet form the rack, not even bothering to change them before getting onto the squad truck waiting, and watching as it disappeared.
Tucking the reserved plate into the fridge, everything else was left out to be sorted later, and you grabbed the keys from the rack, meeting Newt in the doorway, the two of you jogging side by side to the vehicle. Since the period of time when you’d been driving instead of him while his boot was on, he seemed to have gained a little more trust in you, allowing you to drive the vehicle instead, every so often, despite how precious the rig maybe to him.
Doors slamming shut on either side, and as soon as the engine was on, Newt flipped on the emergency sirens, letting you strap yourself in beside him as you began to pull out of the courtyard, chasing after the red trucks ahead of you both in a rapid pursuit to your destination.
Early morning traffic cleared, the palm of your hand continually pressing down on the horn as people tried to pull back across lanes in the road as soon as the firetrucks had cleared, never having the patience to wait for the ambulances to go through to, but you battled to keep up with them, the smaller vehicle making it easier to navigate and weave through the other cars.
Smoke was already curling up into the air as you arrived, thick and dark, worrying bursts of it, and the stench of gas was filling the car as soon as you arrived on the street, pulling up to the sidewalk and throwing the van into park.
Hopping out of the vehicle, you let out a long breath, trying not to cringe at the smell on the air or the taste it was leaving in your mouth, your stomach twisting a little. You shared a look with Newt, looking around at the situation as you tried to assess it all, feet carrying you closer to the group of firefighters who were coming up with a game plan for the situation at hand. Thomas was already barking orders, hair messy from scratching at it and running his hands through with stress, a look you’d seen several of the men get when things shit the fire, pun intended, and you came to a halt.
Crossing your arms over your chest, Thomas’ eyes flicked to you and Thomas, words pausing in his mouth, snapping shut as he tried to reevaluate the plan. sniffling at the air, he groaned a little, skating his head.
“Alright, Minho’s on shutting these gas lines. Go and find an override until we can get this fixed. Take Chuck with you.” The official firefighter nodded, the unofficial firefighter perking up a little at the task, and pulling on their masks, the two of them set off. “Can I get paramedics setting up a stretcher straight away, we got reports that there’s a family inside, the house that started the fire. Mother was cooking when the main exploded, and it shot right through to her stove.”
You had your instructions, the two of you heading in a quick jog back to the van, because no matter what everyone else did, you had your instructions. The back of the van was opened, and you worked on unfastening the stretcher wheels as Newt prepped the van, a medkit laid out on the shelves and the ramp down. There were already people beginning to inch their way, undoubtedly complaining of headaches and nausea due to the exposure.
There was a breeze along the road, warm and reasonably calm, nothing intense enough to whip up smoke and dust into your eyes, and it was good at clearing away the lingering cloud of gas on the street, but it wasn’t so good for the firefighters. You couldn't help the way that your eye swerve flickering over to the house every so often, bright and roaring as you felt the heat all the way from here, warm cheeks under the burning glare, and you worried the flames would spread.
They were only raising higher, the entire downstairs of the house had taken alight, and Thomas and his team were still trying to work out how to get inside of the house without endangering themselves, and how to get the family out. Brenda was on hoses, dragging the reel down the street to the closest fire hydrant as fast as she possibly could, trying to screen the nozzle into place.
It was easy enough to access people, giving them each a small mask and an oxygen tank, sitting them down on the opposite curb of the sidewalk, and making sure to run along and check on their symptoms again every five minutes. The roads had been closed off on either side, barricaded by police cars and trucks, and Minho and Chuck were returning, helping Brenda with the hose as they went. The first member of the family was being brought out, a young girl being carried by who you assumed to be Gally, purely based on the height of hi as he came running over, the little girl in his arms out cold as she hung limply in his grip, and he rushed to lay her down against the bed.
“Newt, can I get a monitor?”
He yelled his reply, words not making much sense as he fumbled in the back of the van, grabbing at the monitor as best he could, and you began your initial assessment of her. Your suspicions were confirmed as the helmet and mask form the firefighter before you were removed, Gally staring down at you, wide eyes as your hands scanned along her. Tipping her head back, you opened her mouth, checking her throat hadn't become blocked, before using the small flashlight on your keychain to check the reaction in her pupils.
“She’s got some rapid ration to light in her pupils, no brain damage, smoke and gas inhalation isn’t too bad.” He let out a sigh of relief, lips flicking up at the sides as you confirmed her safety to him. Pressing gently along her lungs, you found no broken bones or ribs, making sure to keep her head a little tipped back so her airways were open as best they could be, and Newt rounded the table to the other side Bumping Gally out of the way slightly, the taller boy stepped back, waiting anxiously for more confirmation. It was sweet, his concern for the younger ones, and you’d noticed it over the last month and a half, watching him interact with children was always special. “You got a sister, Gally?”
“How’d you know?”
“Call it a lucky guess.” You teased, watching Newt beginning to cut away the sleeve of her shirt to hook up a child-sized heart monitor band onto her arm. Gally seemed just as panicked, and you’d be willing to bet money on his little sister being young, probably around this girl’s age, and seeing his own family in the victims. “Tell me about her? I bet she’s really cute.”
“She is, actually. She’s going through a unicorn phase, has been ever since turning seven.”
“She likes glitter too, and if you ask her what her favourite colour is, she’ll probably say rainbow. My parents have this neighbour, who is a couple years older than her, but they still hang out. The neighbour just got her first eyeshadow kit, you know, those ones they give away as free gifts with kids magazines and stuff? All the latest gossip on Selena Gomez or High School Musical, or whatever?”
You laughed a little bit, stepping away into the truck long enough to find another of the pre-prepared rows of oxygen tanks made up, and bringing it back with a small mask. Putting the band over her head, a soft beeping took up around you both as Newt confirmed that he couldn't find any further injuries on the girl, her stomach feeling soft and so there wasn’t much likelihood of any internal injuries, she was just unconscious. “Hey, don’t knock those magazines! That’s where I got my first lip gloss from!”
“She’s too young for makeup!” He huffed, the overprotective brother in him shining through to the foreground as he spoke. “So, uh, this little one. She’s going to be okay?”
“Of course, she is. Newt and I are a great team!” You beamed, Newt cheering from a few metres away where he’d wandered off to go and check on the other patients, check they were all still doing okay, no further symptoms arising. Turning the box with the heartbeat to him, his eyes closed in on it, looking as confused as ever. “There’s a lot of symbols and crap that looks confusing, I know, but just listen. Steady heartbeat, nice and strong.”
“That’s good.”
“Yeah, it is.” Pointing to a collection of numbers, the meaning of which was like reciting the alphabet to you but you didn’t have time to explain it to Gally right now. “See these numbers, that means her heart is staying at that strength too, she’s not fluctuating or dipping, she’s doing just fine. She’s got a mask on, and other than a killer headache when she wakes up, she’s going to be just peachy.”
“Thank you.” He finally let his shoulder’s slump, looking back towards the house, and pulling his mask back on, a nod shared between you both as his helmet followed, and with that brief break to check on the young girl he’d saved, he was returning to guide his team.
The flames in the wind were getting awfully close to the other house, despite the teams trying to put out the flames, but there were only two hoses, and they had to focus on getting the downstairs of the current house controlled first. Now that the gas was out, the flames were beginning to be tamed, no longer having an accelerant to burn on, only the fuel of the house, but it didn’t make the charred black marks along the outside of the house any less concerning.
The second patient you were receiving was the father, coughing and spluttering, conscious but in a worse state than his daughter, though he looked like he didn’t care about any of it as his eyes locked onto the little girl, and he tried to put more weight on his own two feet and less on the member of your team who was holding him up.
You didn't get to see who this was, because he was dashing away from the second that the man was showing signs of being able to support his own body, right back into the flames to become a hero once again. You rushed forward as he stumbled, hands grabbing onto him to try and keep him held up, and you walked him backwards slowly as he wheezed, sitting him down on the edge of the truck, his eye moving over to his little girl.
“My girl-”
“-is going to be just fine, sir, don’t you worry. I’ve already checked her out, and she’s doing great. She’s strong, a little fighter!” You offered him a smile, one that he weakly returned, his shoulder’s slumping as he coughed violently. “Can you tell me your name?”
“John.” He wheezed, and you nodded, grabbing a fresh set of forms from the truck and placing them down beside him. Checking his airways and his vision, you deemed him okay, asking him about his pain levels, while preparing a new mask for him, and hooking it all up, twisting the oxygen on and hearing the canister let out a little hiss as it was activated.
“Can you tell me your last name?”
“Davidson.” He muttered, accepting the mask happily from you as you held it out to him, lifting it over his head, and he was covered in soot, ash still lingering in the hair around his head, a light burn on the patches of clear skin on the top, his head ducking as you began to check them over.
“Well, Mr Davidson, I’d say you’re looking rare, maybe medium-rare, but you’ll be just fine.” His eyes creased a little at the sides, a muffled laugh from behind the mask as he tried to take deep and steadying breaths, nodding his head. “You think you can start filling out those forms for me? Get one filled out for every member of your family, and it’ll save you so much time at the hospital, and it’d really do me a solid.”
He held slightly shaking hands out to you, a collection of them all pinned on the board, beginning to write his name slowly, both of your attentions looking up at the sound of snapping wood. The porch had collapsed, the smoke in the doorway clearing a little, but just because the lower flames were beginning to give way, the upper was still burning bright, only catching more heat, and you nibbled on your lower lip.
“Everyone is alright, neighbours are doing a headcount among themselves, but there’s an elderly chap, mid-seventies, name of ‘Mr O’Hare’ seeming to be missing.”
The sound of a pain clattering onto the metal of the ambulance floor before rolling away and hitting the concrete made you jump, both of you turning with raised brows to look at the man behind you, Crouching down to get the pen again, you handed it back to him, and he raised a weak hand to pull at his mask, concern and imminent fear on his face again. “That’s our neighbour.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Mr O’Hare, that’s our neighbour. He hasn’t been doing so well, lately, my wife brings him groceries every week, his family comes to visit. He sleeps a lot, he gave us a key to get in to put the groceries away.” A wash of panic set over both you and Newt, your eyes flicking back up to the house you’d been concerned about, the black marks of charring on the walls beginning to grow as the flames curled over, and as you squinted a little, you found the edges of the rood were already beginning to powder to ash, sizzling orange as the risked igniting.
You grabbed ahold of Newt’s arm, encouraging the man in your care to go back to the sheets he should be focusing on, trying to keep him calm. “Nobody has been in that house yet, Newt. That house is full of gas, the doors and windows are closed. It’s a time bomb waiting to go off.”
“You’d better go and find a fireman, because here comes the wife, and I’m going to need to go to the hospital as soon as she’s checked out.” You only nodded your head, grabbing for your medkit, swinging the bags up onto your shoulders and setting off. The first you came across was Chuck, standing outside of the building at the back of the house, making sure no wires were becoming trapped, and just as you were about to try and get his attention, a blur of movement in your peripherals brought you to a stop.
A concerned neighbour, no idea what was about to happen but you felt like you were watching it in slow-motion as the young man made his way up toward the door, kicking at it roughly as he did, the lock popping as he tried to venture inside for his neighbour. A split second, he’d barely gotten through the doorway, before the loud explosion of a houseful of gas igniting in an instant made your eyes ring, as though your eardrums had shattered. The blast sent you down to the floor, smoke, splintered wood, shards of glass, all flying around you at the sudden implications.
You could hear muffled screaming around you, your fingers digging into the dirt beneath you as you scraped your hands back to your body, and pushed yourself up. Cuts along your skin, nothing you couldn't take care of, simply the light pieces of glass that had flown past, leaving a message in their wake, a warning not to play with anything sharp. Large hands locked onto your body, pulling you to your feet, and you blinked away the stunned feeling you had, watching as the mask was lifted.
Shaking your head little, it all suddenly came back into focus, piercing sounds, the yelling of worried neighbours, and the closer yelling of the man in front of you. Gally. “(Y/L/N), are you okay?”
“Y-Yeah. I’m good, I’m fine. A few bumps and scratches, nothing serious.” He nodded his head, eyes sweeping over you regardless, and you pushed messy hair back out of your face. “There’s someone in that building, though. I was going to suggest going through the door after leaking the gas out slowly, but it’s a bit late for that now.”
You looked around, a cord forming around the man who’d been blasted back, and it wasn’t looking good.
“We’re going to need another ambulance. Call med, get one here.”
He nodded, his head, stepping away from you for a second to bring his radio to his mouth, and your hand snagged onto Chuck’s arm, shaking him a little as he stared in abject horror at the scene before him, his age really showing on his face now. Orange flickered over his features, the presence of freckles on your friend’s face distracted by hair that almost looked red in front of flames, and you shouted his name to catch his attention, wide eyes snapping to you.
“Where’s your team?” He raised a hand, pointing to the smoke of the building, and you nodded your head. He was rattled, and you shook him a little, hands on the lapels of his fireproof jacket for leverage. “Hey, Chuck, listen up. This is no time to freeze, alright? You’re a firefighter, now get someone who can spare a hand on the radio, because there’s someone else who needs saving.”
He swallowed thickly, nodding his head, and bringing the device up, button on the side pressed to talk into, and it crackled for a minute as he put the message out there, waiting for someone to reply. Grabbing his arm, you dragged him along behind you, letting him stand behind you as you shouldered through to find the groaning man on the floor, skin raw and burned, grit stuck to him from where he’d rolled along the floor in the blow back, and you hissed a little, kneeling down.
Dropping your bag and snapping on a fresh pair of gloves, Chuck sent out another call for help, and you rolled the man onto his back carefully. There wasn’t much you could do for him here, except get him on a mask and disinfect his wounds, but it wasn't going to be a pleasant process. A canister of disinfectant was your best bet for covering raw areas this large, and you pulled it out, shaking it aw you went.
“Chuck, what’s wrong?”
You bit your tongue from groaning at who replied, glancing over your shoulder for a second, the nervous boy’s eyes meeting yours, and you gave him a nod, staying focused on your task at hand and waiting for Chuck to speak instead. “We’ve got a situation, Lieutenant. That building that just went up, (Y/N) says there’s someone trapped inside, upstairs, I think.”
“Fuck. Not exactly getting in through the bottom floor, are we?” There was a series of rattles, scuffling as you assumed them to be checking over the rooms, and you swallowed thickly, hearing the wailing sirens of another ambulance beginning to get close enough to you. The conversation around you fell away, letting Chuck and Thomas hash out a plan, before you were looking back to the man on the floor, his eyes wide and on yours, shaking with pain as he still tried to stay strong.
“Hey, that was real brave of you there. Trying to save your neighbour, huh?”
“I just wanted to help.” He mumbled, words broken and light as he tried not to cry them out, his voice strained, and you nodded your head.
“Yeah, and it was admirable. One of the bravest things I’ve ever seen, and I work with firefighters! I’m going to get you patched up, alright?” He nodded his head, gritting his teeth as you warned him that it was going to hurt, before spraying the cleaner over his skin, and a shrieking scream left his lips. It was blood-curdling, and you’d never get used to the way your stomach clenched or your teeth ground together when you knew you were causing someone that pain, even if you were trying to help. It would cool, a foam setting over his skin as it dissolved softly, and the pain faded away as the paste helped start to remove trapped heat from his skin, soothing burns and making him slump back a little. “You hear those sirens, real close now. They’re for you.”
He only nodded, before a hand was finding your shoulder, and Chuck was pulling you back a little, much to your confusion.
“What is it, Chuck? I need to get him loaded onto an ambo’.”
“No, you need to come with me.” Your brows furrowed, his hands finding your wrist, and as the ambulance pulled up, you caught sight of another paramedic, one you’d seen around the halls at the hospital, flagging them down to where the man was as they grabbed a board and set off toward him. “Lieutenant has a plan, best we got.”
“Alright, what is it?”
He stopped you before the truck, opening up one of the storage doors on the side, eyes scanning over you for a second, before he was beginning to pull out equipment. “We’re going to extend a ladder from one window to the other, crawl across, and get him. Then, come back across the ladder.”
“That’s a twenty-foot drop, you’d break bones if you fall, maybe even your neck, and the older man in that house won’t be able to balance.”
“He’s going to have to.” Chuck placed a helmet onto your head, wrapping a jacket around your arms, and you barely caught the mask he was pressing into your hands. “You’re going to have to as well, because he’s going to need a medical check.”
“A medical check? The man won’t even be conscious with the amount of gas built up in there!”
“Good thing you’re coming then. Do your job well, save his life.” The static-covered voice over the radio called out, and you glared at the device, jaw clenching at the insinuation that you ever did anything less than your best. Gally and Winston were unloading a manual ladder from the truck, setting off into the house with it, and you gulped as you felt your friend's hands move along the front of the jacket to fasten it up. Pants came next, a large pair of baggy and protective pants, stepping into them as he held them out to you, as fear filled your body at the idea of having to crawl from one burning building and into another. “Hurry up and get her kitted, Chuck, we don’t have all day! Floors getting weaker up here by the second.”
He followed with boots, a little too big for your feet but they would do, your sneakers left discarded on the floor beside you as he laced them up, and you forced yourself to be strong, just like everybody else had been today. Leaning down to take the radio and make sure it was on for you to speak into, you found yourself rearing into action. “I’m going to get a neck brace from our ambo’ and a blackboard, our best bet is to just slide him across it while he’s unconscious, like a conveyor belt, fastest way.”
“I’ll get you two men and we’ll call in for a third ambo’ to collect him.” Thomas confirmed, and you tried to get used to walking in the heavy material, feeling like your body was being weighed down by all the gear. Newt was just getting himself ready to leave for the hospital, closing up the back of the ambulance, and his eyes scanned over you before a cheeky grin was taking place.
“Wow, look at you. Hot date?”
“Yeah, real hot.” You muttered, jabbing a finger over your shoulder. “I need the backboard and the neck brace, I’ll meet you back at the station, alright?”
He only nodded his head, hanging both pieces of equipment to you and sealing up the van, but before you’d managed to catch sight of the smile that John had sent you, his wife petting their daughter’s hair as they were confirmed to all be alright.
Chuck checked your mask, turned on your tank, and a rush of pure air filled your lungs as you took a breath, before the helmet was being placed over your head, and you already felt like you were burning up from the inside out. You’d dashed into a burning building before, hopped up on adrenaline and desperation, but this somehow felt different.
Like an out of body experience as you felt the wooden flooring chip under your feet, crunching as it burned away to ash, the actors half-fallen apart, and Chuck guided you upstairs slowly the bottom of the house utterly destroyed. Brenda met you at the top, her hands held out for you to take, her fingers wrapping around your forearms as you reciprocated, and she eased you the rest of the way up.
Minho was next, visible through his mask as you got closer, and he nodded his head to you, hands holding firmly onto the hose as he tried to get control over the building once again. It felt odd, like you were walking in one of those simulation arcade attractions or playing a video game, every movement you made never feeling like your own through the layers of equipment.
The ladder was already set up, balancing precariously from one window ledge to the other.
The one opposite you seemed much more secure, not yet tarnished by flames, whereas this one was uneven, the end being held down by Gally, and all the men in the room stood a little teller, springing to action as you reserved. “About time.”
“I was doing my best.” You sneered, brown eyes rolling a little at you through the cover of the glass. Gally took the board from you, tying a piece of rope to each end of it, and checking the length, and you wandered over to the window ledge, looking out and peering down at the grass below.
“I’m going to go over fist, and secure it at the other end for you, then you come over. We get him on the board, send him back. Gally and Chuck will take him out to the ambo’. You’ll go across next, Minho will hold the ladder for you, and I’ll come last, you got it?”
You could only nod your head, feeling like the information was going in one ear and out of the other, and your head spun a little as you watched Thomas climb up and out of the window, crawling his way across the divide in a fast shuffle, no hesitation present, jumping right into the action.
He pried the window open, a precarious balancing act that made your breath hitch in your throat as the ladder-bridge wobbled, before he was slipping inside. Turning back and waving his hands out, Gally sent the board across, a piece of string pulled tighter, and now, you understood what the string had been for, the length reaching all the way from one house to the other, even when the board was taken inside and laid on the floor.
You were next, hands placed on the edge of the window, and jumping back a little as still fighting flames from the lower floors roared up at you. Your back pressed to Gally’s chest, and he placed a shoulder on your upper arm, the tank between you both that had collided with his chest making him huff, but he squeezed reassuringly and pushed your forward again.
“Any time today would be great, (Y/L/N).”
“I’m fucking scared, okay? Give me a damn minute, this isn’t what I do, I don’t go into the fires!” You yelled, hands forming fists as you tried to contain yourself, and Thomas didn’t say anything else after that. You climbed up, one knee pressed to metal that was already beginning to get warm, you could feel it through the protective pants you wore, and your hands sealed around the edges. Bringing the other own up, you found yourself kneeling over a twenty-foot drop directly into a fire from two windowsills, one of which was crumbling. “Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck..”
“You’re doing great, alright?”
His voice was much softer this time, your head snapping up, and while one hand was still holding onto the ladder, the other was reaching out, pointing a little ahead of one of your hands.
“One rung at a time, alright? You can do this, c’mon. This man needs your help.”
The brace you had clipped to your back swung a little, your body moving as your instinct to catch it kicked in, and the ladder rocked, a small shriek leaving your lips. The encouragement he gave you was a nice alternative to the constant feuding, but it was more the other words he’d said that gave you the confidence to go on. Someone’s life was in your hands, and you’d be damned if you took so long being scared that he died before you could help him. Picking up motion, you did as he said, one rung at a time as you moved out toward the middle of the ladder.
“That’s it, nice work.” He nodded, pointing at other spots to put your hands, before lifting his own, offering a thickly gloved hand to you, and you hesitated for only a moment, pausing, before reaching out to take it, and he gripped onto you tightly. “See? I got you, you’re fine.”
He tugged you closer, inching you the rest of the way forwards, and helping you down from the window at the other side, until you were balancing on your feet again. This room wasn’t yet on fire, but smoke was filling it, beginning to seep between the floorboards as an ominous and foreboding orange glow was present, the floor burning away beneath your very feet.
As told, there he was, the old man on his bed, looking as peaceful as though he were sleeping, and you made your way over to him. Smoothing along his body, you tried lifting one of his eyelids, barely being able to get a soft grip through the gloves, and struggling to hold down the tip of your keychain flashlight.
“I can’t do a damn thing with these stupid gloves on!”
“Don’t you da-” You didn’t care, stripping them off and pushing them into his hands as you hissed, not having realised just how much these clothes were shielding you from, the heat in the room almost unbearable on your flesh as your skin tingled. Checking his eyes and his pulse, you found movement of his pupils, slower than ideal but still there, and a low but prominent pulse under his skin.
“He’s okay, we’re all good here.” Thomas only nodded his head, handing the gloves back to you urgently, and moving to unclip the neck support from your pack as you worked. Sealing the plastic contraption around his neck to keep his head secure, you rolled him onto his side, the board coming next, rope beginning to pull tighter as you tried to cross the room to reach him, before finally getting him situated.
Strapped down and sealed on tight, you helped Thomas begin to place him delicately on the ladder, and once again fear was taking you over completely. There were flashing cameras, a group of people far bigger than it had been when you were on the street, and a final ambulance ready to offer assistance.
“That’s a lot of people.” You mumbled, feeling a hand on your shoulder as Thomas pulled you back and away from the window.
“Then don’t look.” He tossed you a glance, before helping Gally begin to inch the man across the bridge, rope always pulled tight to keep him secure, and it felt like lifetimes passed as you watched him go, inch by inch, until Chuck was taking a hold of the top half, pulling it further inside until Gally could take the other, and just like that, the man was safe.
Minho took their place, the man on the stretcher disappearing into the smoke with both of the taller firefighters as Thomas was stuck with you, and you shook yourself out, trying to rid yourself of tension and patting yourself down to check everything was okay.
“Don’t pay any attention to them, okay?” Hands found your arms, turning you to look at him, looking up through the glass to find his eyes. “They’re a distraction, just focus on my voice, and Minho’s voice, that’s it.”
“Okay? You ready?”
You weren’t sure you’d ever really be ready to crawl over a pit of fire on an unstable bridge between two burning buildings, but you nodded anyway, and climbed up onto the frame. One inch at a time, you made your way across, whimpering a little under your breath with every shake and jolt it made as the windowsill finally started to collapse. You wanted to be fast but cautious, keeping it steady without freezing up, and there was a point in the middle where the hands Thomas had placed on your hips to keep you steady slipped away, but you were not yet in reach of Minho, and you were completely on your own.
Two feet, and then you’d be able to reach Minho, to let him pull you inside and back to reasonable safety, and you were pretty sure that after this, you were never going to be offering to go into a burning building again. One foot, and Minho was lifting his hands up to you, the gentle but firm mumblings to hurry up echoing from Thomas, and then a hand wrapped around yours, giving you the confidence and security to speed up.
When your feet finally touched the ground once again, you were letting out a happy sigh, a kind of high racing through your system at the relief of being safe once again making you feel like you could float in clouds. You turned back, watching Thomas adjust his gloves, the flames in the room behind him beginning to grow as the floorboards started to give way at the cracks, and Minho was holding the ladder secure, but the flames were growing higher, and the charred wood was beginning to give way.
“Lieutenant, you need to speed up, this window is going to give way soon.”
“My glove won’t tie.” He muttered, trying the toggle again, but the plastic clip seemed to have snapped, and as he tried to fasten it again, the creaking of the wood made his head snap up. Surveying the scene, the ladder was already sitting at a slightly uneven angle now, and you swallowed thickly at the sight, now wishing you’d had the bravery to move a little faster. “Right, well, guess we’re going as it is.”
Climbing his way up onto the bars, his body was tilted, slumping a little towards the flames as the team below moved the hose, trying to spray the flames enough to keep them down, but without creating smoke that would blind him. Stepping back, you crossed your arms over your chest, anxiety taking over, and you brought a thumb up to your mouth to chew on the nail from habit. Your thumb hit against the glass of your mask, a low curse on your lips as a single strike of pain moved along your arm.
Thomas was only halfway across, before the ladder was shaking again, a chunk of burned wood falling away as the ladder shuddered and fell, falling onto its side a little further, and Thomas had only stuck to the rung by hooking each foot into the rungs, body leaning into the flames a little more. The sirens, the ambulance pulling away and the shouts of those outside, the burning of flames, creaking of wood, spraying of water, all fell away. It was terrifying, to think that if you had just moved a little fast he could be back by now, if you’d made it to the door to leak the gas faster, or notice the neighbour a little sooner that nobody would have been on a ladder at all.
“Thomas, hurry up!”
“Yeah, thanks for that, I was thinking I’d take it even slower!” He huffed into the comm, and you weren’t sure where your own words had come from, but the desperation and fear of losing a team member had you on edge.
The window was giving easy, the closer he got and the more weight was on that spot, the more it began to crumble, and you saw it give way before it registered, Minho’s hands leaving the handles of the ladder to grab for Thomas, and you heard the grunt he let out as the side of his body collided with the building.
The ladder clattered to the ground outside, and just like that, plumes of smoke were rising as the flames were finally put out, black clouds rising up and blocking your view of the other house as an acrid smell filled the air. Minho had one hand, pulling him, up, and the other latched onto the windowsill, scrabbling. His wrist was exposed, a raw gap between the sleeve and the glove that wouldn't fasten, and you managed to find action on shaky legs, stepping forwards and wrapping your hands around his wrists, helping to pull him up and through the window, protecting the exposed patch.
He rolled over the floor, a loud banging as he collapsed down onto it, splayed out across the floor and relieved. One hand lay across his chest, and your legs felt weak and wobbly from the exertion and adrenaline of the day, and you leaned on the wall for support. Minho patted at your shoulder, a weak laugh on his lips, and the floorboards and you creaked with the weight of Thomas shifting, before you could sense eyes on you, cracking them open to see him standing before you.
“Go, c’mon. This house is still dangerous, you need to get out.”
You nodded, body trembling a little as you tried to control it, following in his steps as he led the way, thick smoke and glowing ass as the house was destroyed, melted plastic and synthetics, like some kind of horror scene, and you supposed that, in a way, it was. When your feet finally found the grass again, you stripped your helmet off from your head, mask following, a gasping breath as you felt the cool breeze sweeping over your skin, and you felt practically layered in sweat. Making your way back to where your pack and your shoes were still laying by one of the firetrucks, you leaned against it, sinking down to the floor as you finally let the tension go.
Your elbows propped up on bent knees, holding up your head as it fell forwards, and you let out a shaky breath, finding that you weren’t a fan of the fire scene. It wasn’t what you were used to, last-minute decisions in burning houses weren’t your forte. You were good with medicine, and you knew how to save lives, that was your skill. Burning buildings and heights over a sinister drop to your death, not so much.
A scuffing sounded beside you, and you looked up, frowning at Thomas as he let his jacket fall down his arms, the red and burned flesh of his wrists shown to you more obviously. He placed it back inside, before turning to you, hand held out to take your helmet and mask from you, silently as he put them back in the correct places within the van. Next up was your jacket, and you stretched your legs out before yourself to lean forwards and strip it off, handing it up to him, and shivering and the sudden cold that took you over as you were down the layer you’d grown accustomed to.
Leaning forwards to undo the boots, you pulled one foot forward, beginning to struggle with the laces that Chuck had down for you, unbelievably tight, and huffing as you finally got it untangled. “You did good in there.”
You paused from where you were loosening the laces down, turning to look up at him, and he wasn’t paying any attention to you, but he did catch your eye for a split second. “Thank you. I hated every second of it.”
His lips flicked up at the sides, and he nodded his head, moving to take a seat in front of you, and pulling your other foot to sit before him on the concrete and beginning to undo the knots. “I can tell, but you pulled through as a part of the team, it was good work.”
“I think this is the longest you’ve ever been nice to me.”
“I’m not being nice, I’m simply giving you feedback. If I wanted to be nice to you, I would be.” He muttered, pulling both boots from your feet and standing back up, leaving you to wince as your heels hit the ground, a shock running up the nerves along your legs. “Hurry up and get yourself up, Brenda is already rolling up the hose, we’re going to leave soon. You’ll have to get a lift back with us.”
“Sure thing, Lieutenant.” Your eyes rolled, standing up to push the baggy pants down your legs, leaving you once again in your paramedic trousers, and kicking them off at your ankles, leaving them in a pile at his feet, a sickly sweet smile on your lips as you bent to collect your bag and your shoes. “I’ll get a lift with Truck.”
You gave him a small salute, walking right past him as his stare flickered between you and the pile of clothing, a growl on his lips, but you were already walking away from him. Gally was more than happy to offer you a lift, holding open the back of the truck, and settled down into the leather seats, the smell of sweat and burn lingering in the cabin. Tying up one shoe, you switched feet, sorting the other out, before slumping into the chair.
Fry was the first back, up into the front seat as he restarted the vehicle, the engine under your feet chugging to life, and as the humming of the engine started up, the pounding behind your eyes becoming apparent, rubbing at your eyes as they closed. Winston was next, sliding into the seats opposite you, Clint following, and you slumped out as they began to discuss the day.
It had been exhausting, everything in you was screaming out for sleep, and with only a few hours left of your shift, you knew you would be collapsing into sleep from the moment you got home tonight. The day had been taxing both mentally, physically and emotionally, and as Chuck squeezed in beside you, your head fell to his shoulder.
“You’re all sweaty.” You grumbled, and he only laughed, the vehicle charging into motion once Gally was in the front seat and the rest of the Truck team were on board, your eyes sliding closed.
The journey seemed to slip away, the headache in your skull pounding away, and you managed to find your phone in your backpack, bringing it up at one point to text Newt and find out where he was, only to discover he'd been back at the Firehouse for almost half an hour, and was probably eating the cereal bars you’d hidden.
The time slipped away, and you felt as though you’d almost drifted off, against your own intentions, jerking up a little as the truck came to a halt.
“You’re tired, huh?”
“Yes.” You muttered, groaning as you forced yourself to your feet and stepped down from the platform of the truck, leaving the men to swap out their shoes and hang up their equipment, and Newt had his arms held out to you with a grin on his face, cooing at you as you stumbled forward. “Stop making fun of me.”
“Someone looks exhausted!” He practically sang the words, and you groaned, slumping into him as his arms wrapped around you, and he laughed in your ear while rubbing a hand up and down your back. He eased you for a second, going quiet as he held you, before pulling back, and squeezing at your arms. “How’s that headache?”
“I got you some painkillers out.” He mumbled, one arm wrapping over your shoulders and guiding you over to the truck. He had a hot bucket of disinfectant and the mop, and as well as all the cleaning equipment, the smell of chemicals already present and showing off that he’d already started on the work to be done. “If you keep me company, I’ll clean the ambo’.”
“You’re a blessing.” He only nodded, handing you two tablets and a plastic cup of water, you chugged them down, all but crawling through the van to slump into the front seat, legs curled up a little as you rested against the still warm fabric.
The rhythmic motions of the mop along the floor created a soft noise, one that was steady enough to lull you into sleep, and even from in here, you could hear the loud ticking of the clock on the wall outside, every single second passing by being counted off in your head as you matched your heartbeat to it.
“Newt, I need a favour.” You groaned, keeping it internal as you bit on the inside of your cheek at the grating sound of a voice belonging to the person you arguably despised most in the world right now. “I got a little burned up, so I need some treatment.”
“I’m busy right now, Tommy. (Y/N) can do it.”
“I’m perfectly fine, I’ll just wait.” You cowered a little behind your chair as you hoped Newt would let him go, but your meddling blond friend tutted his lips, putting down the mop, and you already knew what was coming.
“Not with those burns you won’t. You don’t mind, right, love?”
“I really, really do mind.” You raised a hand over your head, flipping the pair off, but waiting only a second longer, before standing up. Making your way through the vehicle, you were at least feeling a little better, even if the weight of the equipment you’d worn, the heat and the terrifying near-death experience was still making you feel physically drained, your almost-nap and painkillers had taken care of you mentally. “Fine, but you can come here. I’m not standing up.”
You collapsed down on the edge of the van, a white vest-clad chest filling your view as he came to stand before you, and you reached for your bag, Grabbing at the medkit inside, Newt snorted, hopping down and moving away to empty the mop bucket, whistling obnoxiously. Pulling on a fresh pair of rubber gloves, you wiggled your fingers a little, latex snapping against your wrist as you let the edge go, before moving onto the job at hand.
Doing an assessment of his injuries, you sighed, letting his hand go to sit in the space between you both, to find both the types of disinfectant. Holding up one canister and one clear bottle, a coppery coloured liquid inside, he looked between them both, brows furrowed, before looking back to you. “Which do you want?”
“What’s the difference?”
“This one-” You held up the can, shaking it a little. “-is a foam, it stings a bit more, but it makes a cool covering that makes it feel better. But this one-” You shook the bottle, the liquid inside sloshing a little as a layer of bubbles built up. “-is just a liquid, doesn’t hurt as much, but won’t take the heat out.”
“I literally could not care less. I just want to get something to eat, and go back to sleep.” You shrugged, grabbing a pad of cotton and tipping some of the liquid onto it, making sure the soft bundle was soaked enough, before folding his fingers into a fist, and beginning to clean at the skin, ignoring the hiss on his lips.
“I made you a plate of food, from breakfast this morning. It’s in the fridge.”
You jumped a little as you heard the aww-ing from across the room, both of your heads turning to look at Newt as he leaned on the cabinets not far away, arms crossed over his chest as he was busy with absolutely fuck-all, and you scowled at him.
“You made me food?”
Thomas’ voice was whispered, and you only glanced up at him for a second, before dipping your head in a series of slow nods, confirming his question, and reaching for some burn cream. Smearing it on your fingers, you rubbed it against the back of your hand, warming it up until it was longer as stiff, and rubbing it onto his skin.
“Thanks, that was nice of you.”
“I’m not being nice, I’m simply doing my job.” The neutral expression on his face dropped into a scowl as you grinned, using his own words against him. Switching to a set of wrappings, you adjusted his arm in front of you, placing the edge of the gauze between his thumb and forefinger, you sealed it down over unblemished skin with bandage tape. “You know, it’s actually in my job description to keep the firefighters in peak health.”
With each layer of bandaging, you added a layer of cooling spray, and he grunted under his breath. “You couldn't just accept a compliment?”
“Well, you made it very clear that we aren’t nice to one another.”
“You’re being petty.” He grouched, snatching his hand back from you as soon as the wrapping was sealed up, one more glare at you before he was glaring at Newt, and walking back out of the room and ignoring you both, especially Newt’s laughing. He made his way over to you, still cracking up, his hand wrapped around his stomach, and you raised a brow at him as you began to pack everything away.
“What’s so funny, chuckles?”
“You and Thomas. Your bickering,” You turned to him, shaking your head as you tried to find an argument for his meddling, and pulling off the gloves from your hands. “You’re like a married couple.”
“If married couples argued like Thomas and I did, they’d be getting divorced.”
“I don’t even think you know what you’re arguing about anymore. You’re just getting at each other, now.” He shrugged, pulling you up from where you were sitting, in order to lock up the doors of the ambulance. “You just got off on the wrong foot, but mark my words, you won’t hate each other forever. I already know it.”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Newt.”
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cruecifymesixx · 3 years
Love and Leather /part eighty eight/
Word Count: 3.9k
A/N: Enjoy! Things will get better soon
Warnings: language, angst
Taglist:   @miserablecunt , @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol​,  @a-simple-salmon,  @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding, @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland, @awesomealmostdopestudent, , @tashy-bear, @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill @beachystars, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls,  @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, @criminalyetminimal, @trapt-in-a-dream,  @broke-n-bitchy,  @lovesick-heart0, @keepcalm-and-beyou, @miriampraez, @teenwolflover28, @lilyhw1, @herbertweeest, @random-internet-user-4471, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001,  @waywardprincess666, @iluvmesomemarvelndc, @zoenicoles, @vamprlestat, @supersoldierballerina, @electradestiny, @marshbev, @n0-sh0rtage-0f-faults, @cruebaby, @ggorehorror, @valentines-in-london, @nassauartist  @cmft-jr-winchester, @bokkie92, @notworthyofyou1120 @xrosegoldwolfx, @mgkobsessed, @chaoticvybe,  @kellysimagines @thoughtsoftheantagonist, @sleepyjunhong  @meetthesixxter @sparxx27 @gingerspicetalks @kaitieskidmore1 @unknownoblivion @nevergoodenuffbutokaaayyy @sublimeprincesswasteland @kylieinwonderland @haileynicoleseavey17 @lavendersoundbarrier @youretheonlyonewhomakesme, @xxisxxisxxis, @dogmom2014, @cruesixxlover1991, @xpoisonousrosesx,  @m0rnlngstar, @love-struck-aries, @findingmyths,  @i-want-to-shoot-myself, @arianareirg, @fentitrbl, @patheticgay69 @rocknroll--baby, @redlipscrystalskies14, @samanthadegaro @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @thechangingme, @idkmanhereisshitilike, @makaelahdelvalle
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*Moscow 1989*
"It's fucking bullshit!" Nikki shouts as he and the rest of the band come barreling through the dressing room door, "He's seriously going to let Bon fucking Jovi headline? Seriously? We deserve more than that!"
I glance up from filing my nails as each and everyone of them, besides Mick, looks pissed.
"Who the hell does Doc think he is? We're more of a selling act than he is! We didn't fly all the way out here just so we can be out at the bottom of the lineup. It's a complete waste of our time. We could be getting ready to promote Dr. Feelgood!" Tommy then joins in on the screaming match, well at this point I would say it's an ego match.
I move a piece of Nikki's disheveled hair out of his face as he sits next to me on the leather couch, "Fucking Doc promised Jovi that he would be headlining and bumped us down a few notches. If you can't handle managing big names than maybe you should get a different fucking job." Nikki explains to me as he swipes the bottle of sparkling water off the table and takes a sip.
I look around the room as Vince is staring off into space, Tommy is fumbling with his wedding ring and Mick is in his own little world strumming some chords on the guitar. I clear my throat a bit, "Baby, it's not that big of a deal.."
"Not that big of a deal?"
Nikki and I stare at each other a moment, "You know this event is for the fans, the kids that have never experienced American rock before. I don't think it really matters whose headlining and whose not, ya know?" I express my opinion gently as he just continues to stare at me, a dumbfounded look plastered across his face.
"You're just saying that because you like Bon Jovi." He snaps back with an added eye roll,
I chuckle a bit, "You're right, I do, but I wouldn't care if he was headlining or not. Just like I don't care if Mötley was headlining or not. Doc is doing what's best for business. The whole line up is star studded, Nikki. Whether your first or last it's not gonna matter to the audience. What matters is how good of a show you put on. Plus...with you guys being sober, not having performed in over a year and with the new album coming out, it just gives the band the chance to prove that you guys are doing better than ever before."
"How could you not care if Mötley was headlining or not?" Nikki questions, his tone shocked as I groan in annoyance.
"That's really all you took from that?" I eye him as his lips tug upwards in a small smile.
"It just fucking sucks Van. Our first big show out of rehab and he has us being the opening act for Bon Jovi. It's ridiculous. Doc was our manager first. We should take precedence. Not some fucking wannabe cowboy that sings power ballads."
*End flashback*
*Nikki's POV*
"She really wants to play soccer?" I look at Vanity as I lean against the doorframe of the bathroom, "Arianna hates when she gets dirty from playing in the backyard so why would she want to play soccer?" My nose wrinkles up in confusion as I watch Van brush her teeth.
She shrugs at me before spitting and rinsing her mouth, "I don't know. She just said she wanted to play so I grabbed the papers from the bulletin board at her school. I think it would be good for her Nikki. She likes staying busy so I think some little league sports would be good. We can still think about it and talk, the packet isn't due until April."
"No, no. I agree too. We'll just have to explain that she would have to stick with it and try to participate as much as she likes being active she is lazy sometimes." I notice she grabs her make up bag and start pulling stuff out, "You going somewhere?"
She turns her head looking over at me as she rubs cream onto her face, "Yeah? I'm going out with Jon...I told you like three days ago."
"Jon? Oh, right...right...the guy from the diner." I chuckle as she lets out an annoyed sigh.
"If you're gonna start already you can just leave me alone." Vanity tells me, eyebrow raising in mischief as she begins to put make up on her face.
I cross the threshold and pull myself up on the counter, "Where's he taking you? Somewhere romantic?" I tease her as she glances at me, "Oh? It is romantic tonight? That's cool...Donna's out shooting some stuff for Baywatch so she's kinda busy."
"I'm sorry you're lonely." Vanity smirks as she blows me a kiss, "And he's taking me to the beach. There's a horse stable in Malibu and we're gonna ride some horses and have dinner."
I let out an boisterous laugh, "Fucking seriously? That's the most corniest date I've ever heard of."
"Don't be mad because you didn't think of taking me first." She's quick with a comeback as I steal the blush from the counter when she reaches for it.
"Baby, If I wanted to take you on a romantic date I would fly us to Paris." I explain as I hand the container over, "Yeah...Paris, we could get some really nice wine, I'd take you to the best restaurant, get you some fresh flowers from the florist cart. We would take a stroll at the Jardin des Plantes after our dinner. You'd love it Van, there's twinkling lights and always people singing love songs." I explain to her as she glances at me smiling before rolling her eyes and looking back at herself in the mirror.
"Last time I was in Paris, I found out I was pregnant."
My eyes narrow as my head slightly tilts to the side, "During Dr. Feelgood? You knew you were pregnant then?"
"Yeah.." she nods as she starts putting the make up away and tousled her hair with her fingers, "And don't get upset because I didn't tell you. I had to take tests in Paris, remember? You thought I was sick from the sushi? I just had a feeling something was off and I also didn't want to tell you in case they were wrong. One test was negative so I just wanted to wait until we got back home and as you know what happened next." She chuckles a bit and looks at me, "Do I look okay?"
I sigh a bit, trying not to be upset "Yeah doll, you look perfect."
Vanity comes over and stands in front of me, placing her hands on my knees, "If you're gonna be bored go hang out with Tommy-"
"He's too obsessed with putting his head against Clems stomach since they heard the heartbeat at the doctors appointment last week." I explain as she smiles at me.
"You can't be mad at him for that. What about Mick? I'm sure he could use some company or Corabi?"
"No, Micks been wanting to stay to himself and Corabi got a girlfriend...I'll just wait for you to get back. You are coming home tonight, right?" I question her as she leaves the bathroom and I quickly follow, "Right, Vanity?"
"Yes Nikki. I'll be home. Do I have a curfew?" She looks at me over her shoulder before she walks into her closet to pick out clothes.
"Well...now that you mention it..." I laugh when she throws a pair of jeans at me before she slips a pair on and pulls them over her ass and hips, "So it's a casual date?"
"Mhmm...not that romantic like you think it is." She tells me as she pushes hangers back to look at sweaters. We both look at each other when the doorbell goes off.
"Nikki! Wait!!" She yells for me as I run out of her room with Anarchy chasing after me.
I run down the stairs, my eyes narrowing when I see a figure outside the glass paneling of the door, "I'll get it Van! You finish getting dressed!" I yell back at her, nudging Anarchy out of the way as I open up the door. The arrogant smile I had on my face dropped when I saw a dozen red roses and a pearly white smile hiding behind it.
"Jovi?" I stare at him as he chuckles, "You lost?"
"Uh no actually. I'm here to pick up Vanity." He explains, clearing his throat, "We have plans."
My hand grips the doorknob as we stare at one another, "Oh really? You're the guy she's been seeing? You do know it isn't a serious thing between you and her, right?"
Jon laughs at me as I glare, he holds the bouquet of flowers in his hand, "Look Nikki, I wouldn't want your feathers to get ruffled. We're just having fun with each other, that's all."
What the fuck was that suppose to mean? Fun? With each other?
"Yeah, well she can't go. She's sick. It's really nasty, she's been vomiting all morning and stuck on the toilet if you know what I mean. I think Arianna brought the bug home. So I'll have her call you, yeah?" I try closing the front door but he puts his hand out to stop me, "Get off my property before I call the cops."
I feel a hand on my side before I'm being pushed out of the way, "I'm glad you two were able to catch up." Van says, glaring at me before rolling her eyes, "Lets get going Jon." She smiles at him as he hands over the flowers and she's giving them to me "Put them in a vase for me would you Nikki?"
I reach for her arm and pull her back in, "Give us a minute would ya Jon? It's a family meeting." I glare before shutting the door in his face, "Seriously?! Bon fucking Jovi?!" I yell quietly as she reaches for the door handle but I grab her wrist.
"What? What's the problem? I'm doing what the therapist is asking us to do?" She fakes stupidity as she smiles at me, "Isn't that what you wanted?"
"Why him? Of all fucking people? You know I don't like him." I speak through gritted teeth, "You could have picked anyone but him."
"That's not my problem Nikki. I am doing what you wanted so I am going to have fun on my date and I will see you when I get back."
My jaw clenches as she reaches for the door, I wanted to find the words to tell her not to go, to just stay with me and we'll figure it out but I just couldn't get them out of my fucking mouth. She looks at me before closing the door, hearing them talk before a car door closes and the engine starts. I grip the flowers in my hand before tossing them into the trash can.
*Vanity's POV*
I lean down against the drivers side window, feeling Jon put his hand against my cheek "I really had a lot of fun tonight. Thank you." I smile at him as his thumb runs over my cheekbone.
"Can't wait to see what you plan for the next date, I don't know why but I'm expecting it to be over the top." We both chuckle a bit as I nod in agreement.
"I'll have to think of something good then.." we both look at each other for a moment, before I lean forward to give him a kiss, "Goodnight Jon."
"Goodnight sweetheart, I'll call you."
I sigh a bit, waving bye to him when he drives out of the gates. I hold onto my purse as I walk up the front steps to the door, reaching for the handle as it doesn't open. I groan a bit and dig through my purse for my keys "Damnit.." I look through the glass, seeing them on the entry way table being illuminated by the kitchen light.
I step off the porch and walk over to the gate leading to the back yard but it's locked. Fucking Nikki. It's never locked. I try reaching over the wooden boards but I wasn't tall enough to grasp the latch. I sigh and go over to the door, pressing the doorbell and knocking loudly.
I hear a window open above me and i step back seeing Nikki, "Babe! Open the door. I left my keys here!"
"Oh you did? Well that sure as hell sucks." He says as he looks down at me.
"Nikki c'mon it's cold! Just let me in!" I shout back at him as I hear him laugh "This isn't funny! Open the door or I'm breaking it!" I hear him grumble before he leaves the window. I wait impatiently, ringing the doorbell again before the hallway light flips on.
"Why'd you forget your keys, Van?" He looks at me with a smug smile as he opens up the door.
"Because you were yelling at me." I lean against the wall "And we never lock the side gate so what gives? How childish are you to lock me out because you're jealous?"
"Jealous? Of course I'm jealous! How did you even meet him?! What the fuck Vanity, it's gonna get out to the press!"
"It's already in the press Nikki!" I shout back at him, "They already released pictures of you and Donna looking pretty comfortable at some god damn club! Everyone already knows! I met him at work Nikki-"
"So you've been lying to me?"
I stare at him as I laugh, "Are you joking me? Lying to you? I haven't lied about anything! I told you I was seeing a guy I met there!"
"But you didn't say it was Jovi! God, why do you have a thing for fucking rockstars! If it's not me, it's Tommy, if it's not Slash, it's Jovi. Whose fucking next!? How about I call up some of my friends and you can pick! You're nothing more than a glorified groupie slut who got lucky and popped out a rockstars kid!"
My shoulders drop as I stare at him in shock. Eyebrows raised and my lips parting slightly, "Hm." My eyes close with a light head shake as I reach for my keys from the bowl. I keep my purse on my shoulder as I turn from him and head back out the front door.
"Van, it's the middle of the night, I am sorry." Nikki's tone is panicked as he follows after me, "I'm mad and I didn't mean that. I said it out of anger." I feel his hand wrap around my elbow as my own hand reaches for the door. I tug my arm away from his grip and open the car door.
I stare at him for a moment, trying to come up with something to say, "Yeah, no. I'm not doing this." I sit down and shut the door, quickly locking it as I see him trying to open it. I put the key in the ignition ignoring the constant tapping on the window and my name being yelled as I put it in reverse and start backing out of the driveway. I'm not really sure where I was going, but I just knew I didn't want to be here with him suffocating me with apologies.
Later the following week, I find myself sitting in our therapists office clutching an iced coffee as I wait for Dr. Peterson to come in. I wanted to have a solo session as Nikki was in meetings with Alan and the band to discuss the production of the up coming tour and Arianna was at school.
Nikki and I haven't talked about our argument the other night, nor have we spoke more than 5 words to each other at a time. It makes me laugh because talking is easy, it comes naturally for the two of us as our own persons. Nikki had also been leaving after Arianna goes to bed and coming back early in the morning before she wakes up, my guess is he's staying at Donna's but at this point I've been finding myself asking do I even care anymore?
"I am surprised to see you by yourself." Dr. Peterson pulls me from my thoughts as I hear the door click shut and watch her walk over to her chair.
"Yeah-" I smile politely at her, "Thanks for seeing me on such a short notice too. I really appreciate it." I watch as she opens up her folder as she brings her glasses up to her face.
"At least I won't have to replace the candy dish mid session because Nikki decided to inhale the whole thing." She jokes as we both laugh a bit.
"I decided it would be better if I went solo on this one. Would save us both the headache and keep Nikki out of the dentist."
"Of course, so what would you like to discuss today?"
I shift on the couch as I cross one leg over my knee, "Well...Nikki and I got into a pretty heated argument the other night essentially over us seeing other people and I left because I didn't want to say anything I regretted like he did. I don't know...I'm just, I'm conflicted." I glance over at her, "The more him and I see other people, the more I don't feel like we have a chance of being together how we want to be. We're more distant than ever before. It's like there's some heavy, crushing weight over us."
"We-we rarely talk, only when it involves Arianna. Sometimes we have sex still so it's just confusing because he'll tell me one thing and do another."
"Okay...Have you two done any of the other ideas I told you about? Spending time with one another? Doing things you normally wouldn't do? Spending time together without Arianna? Adults need their time too, Vanity." She questions as I shake my head, "You two just jumped into seeing other people?"
"Well Nikki did, I didn't-" I sigh when she puts her hand up, "I forgot, don't place blame on the other person. Yes, we both did jump into seeing other people. I mean, we did hang out and spend time together alone but it was only once. He started getting busy with the album so we just haven't had the time."
"You haven't had the time? Or you just don't want to make the time?" Dr. Peterson asks as I look at her.
"Well...I don't know!" I chuckle a bit, "Nikki's busy. He has a lot on his plate at the moment."
She narrows her eyes at me, "He's busy? Is he even too busy for Arianna?"
"No, he's never too busy for her. He'd wipe out his whole schedule for Arianna."
Dr. Peterson leans back in the chair as we look at one another for a moment, "So...he's not too busy for Arianna and he's not too busy to make time to go on these dates from what you're telling me. So why do you think he's too busy to make time for you? Or are you worried he's going to tell you no, Vanity?"
"No, I'm not worried he would say no....I just don't feel like I'm one of his priorities, so why would he waste his time?" I shrug my shoulders as I look away from her for a moment.
"Okay....you've been going on dates too? How are they? Are you enjoying your time?"
I take a deep breath and exhale, "Yeah, I am. They've been really good and a lot of fun. He's really nice and pleasant to be around. It's like a fresh of breath air, but I feel so much guilt when I'm with him and I doubt Nikki feels like that." I roll my eyes as I meet her stern gaze, "I shouldn't assume how he's feeling." I mumble lowly to her.
"And has Nikki expressed how he feels about you going on dates? Has he told you?"
I nod a bit, "Yeah, he usually just jokes or teases me about it. But he got mad over the weekend that I was going on a date so we got into an argument. Nikki wasn't happy about who I'm seeing because he knows him and doesn't like him. He locked me out of the house, every door and side gate was locked. Even the garage. He kept saying I had been lying to him just because I didn't tell him who I was seeing.. I didn't tell him who I was seeing because I knew this would be the outcome." I lightly shake my head as a sigh escapes me.
"Vanity, I know you want things to work."
I stare at Dr. Peterson as my eyes swell up with tears, "Is that so wrong? That I just want to be together? For Arianna to have a family? I don't think that's a bad thing to want." I feel my voice get shaky and my bottom lip quivers as I look away from her.
"No, you're right. It's not a bad thing to want. However, is it Arianna who wants a family or is it you?"
My eyebrows pull together tightly in confusion, "What do you mean? I'm certain Arianna would want to see us together."
Dr. Peterson chuckles slightly as she glances at me, "You always use Arianna. Let's be honest, Vanity. You want a family because you weren't close with your own, same with Nikki and you are doing everything under the sun to have Nikki just want you, and only you. He's been your only support, stable support system. Yet, you don't know if you want him in or want him out. You're so worried about if he wants you that you probably don't stop and ask yourself, 'hey, do I even want him?'."
"Because he always says he wants me and only me. I'm sorry that I believe him?" My face scrunches up as I become frustrated, "My family was around enough. I wasn't completely abandoned like Nikki was. I just don't know why I keep thinking he's going to change, he never does. It's a never ending fucking cycle we're fine one minute and then the next we're not. It won't fucking stop." I grumble, slumping back against the couch as I look past her.
"Then maybe this is when you need to change instead of waiting on him. You decide if you want to take this situation into your hands and decide the outcome."
My eyes find hers, "Are you telling me to leave him?" The expression drops from my face and a frown replaces it as she doesn't say anything in return, "But I love him...and I barely knew how to function in New York without him." I blink back tears as I stare at the green and white pattered carpet, "I just- I wouldn't even know how to bring it up to Nikki without it turning into one big pile of shit."
"You could always do it here. It is a safe space, ya know?"
"I know it's a safe place...I'd just be scared he'd storm out of here and I'd find all my stuff thrown out in the street."
She chuckles, "I highly doubt Nikki would do that to you." I shrug at her words, "I'm not saying to jump to conclusions Vanity. Think it over, listen to what your gut, mind and heart are saying. I can only give you so much advice, it's your turn to decide if you want to take it or not."
I take a deep breath in as I breathe it out slowly, "I'll think about it for a few days and then I'll talk to him. And whatever happens, happens."
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prettyboybarzal · 4 years
We Don’t Have To Take Our Clothes Off
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Pairing: Sammy Blais x Reader
Word Count: 6.9k
Warnings: Lots of smut. Again. Some unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it) and light choking. I think that’s all! 
A/N: This is the sequel to Get You, however I think it could be read as a stand alone. I hope you enjoy! This is probably the quickest fic I’ve ever written. Please let me know what you think!!! xoxo Btw, this is inspired by the song of the same name by Ella Eyre! 
Previous Part // Masterlist
“Okay, I printed your boarding ticket. It’s with your passport on the kitchen counter. Do not forget them tomorrow.”
You were standing at the end of your bed with your back to the door, shoving away the last of the clothes you needed for your trip to St. Louis. Your stomach turned, bottom lip quivering at the worry you felt all over.
“YN?” your roommate called when you didn’t respond. She approached you slowly, hand coming to rest against your back as she stepped up beside you. “Are you okay?”
“No, I’m not okay,” you admitted. Truthfully, it felt good to say it out loud. You pushed your bag away and sat on the bed with a sigh. “This is, what, the third time in the past two months we’ve planned a weekend to spend together? Still, no label. It’s like he wants to act like a boyfriend, but he doesn’t want to lock it down. I don’t know what to think.”
“Okay,” she said slowly as she sat beside you. “Well, it’s gotta be a good sign that he wants to spend weekends with you. That’s three whole days together. With his busy schedule that has to mean something.”
“Yeah, but what is he doing the rest of the time?”
Hooking up with Sammy after his return from St. Louis proved to be a great decision. You spent the summer together whether it was between the sheets or hanging out around your friends and every moment was sweeter than the one before. But Summer didn’t last forever and he needed to leave for training camp, so he had to say goodbye. Except he didn’t. Instead, he handed you a ticket to visit him on the weekend of the Blues home opener.
You spent nearly the entire weekend in bed together, save for the moments he spent on the ice with you watching him. By the time you landed back home that Sunday night, you could hardly walk. 
During your second visit it was much of the same, but that time he actually made a reservation at a five-star restaurant. Sitting across from him in such an intimate setting was the catalyst to the anxiety about where the two of you stood. 
Was he in this just for the sex? Or was this something more?
You hoped it was something more.
Sammy didn’t really find a special interest anyone, so when he came back from the off season with a little more pep in his step, Vince just knew. 
“Who’s the girl?”
“How’d you know there’s a girl?”
“You got this swagger to you, Blais,” Vince answered with a grin. “You walked in here with a pimp walk.”
“Her name’s YN,” Sammy told him, cheeks burning red at the thought of the nights you spent together. “She’s a friend from home.”
“Something tells me she’s a little bit more than a friend.”
“I mean, we’re just hooking up,” Sammy said dismissively. Vince nodded, not even the slightest bit aware of any underlying feelings there might’ve been. When you came to visit, he couldn’t ignore the glaring feelings Sammy had for you. It was evident in the way he frantically cleaned the apartment the day before and how he made sure to stock up on snacks you liked, even though you’d only be there for a few days and he was planning on taking you out to eat for most of your meals. 
After meeting you, Vince understood why Sammy was so into you and he also knew that there was no way this was just a hookup. 
While you were packing your bags at home, Sammy was working on the apartment. He was dusting and vacuuming and putting all of his bedding through the wash in preparation for your arrival. Vince watched in amusement from the couch, offering no support whatsoever.
“You’re so into her.”
Sammy ignored him as he folded up one of the blankets on their couch and threw it over the back.
“This weekend’s the big weekend, right?” he asked, hoping that his best friend would finally come to his senses and wife you up. The look on Sammy’s face indicated that maybe it wasn’t the big weekend and Vince’s jaw dropped. “You got her tickets to sit with the girls tomorrow. Doesn’t that basically mean she’s your girlfriend?”
“I mean, I haven’t asked.”
“You should.”
“I know,” he grumbled. He was in the middle of fluffing the decorative pillows Vince’s mom sent them. Vince grabbed one and fluffed it for him, realizing that Sammy was in a state of distress. “I wanna ask. I just don’t know when to do it.”
“Ask when you pick her up.”
“That’s not romantic at all.”
“Then ask her when you get back here,” Vince suggested. “Get her a bouquet of flowers or something and just ask.”
“Welcome back to the Lou!” Sammy exclaimed as you walked towards him outside baggage claim. Despite the anxiety pit at the bottom of your stomach, you grinned when you saw him. He was dressed in his usual uniform--joggers and a Blues t-shirt--and as you folded into his arms, you felt like you were home. “How was the flight?”
“It was great,” you answered. You began to pull away, but he kept you close to his chest. “First class was a little unnecessary.”
“Not for you,” he murmured. And then he leaned down to kiss you, but you tilted your head just slightly only allowing his kiss to fall against your cheek.
There was nothing but panic coursing through his veins as he released you from his arms. He stepped away and pulled the door open for you after taking your duffel bag off your hands. While he rounded the truck, he tried to piece together any indication that you might’ve been mad at him leading up to this weekend, but he was coming up empty.
He put on a brave face as he slid into the driver’s seat, smiling softly when he asked what you wanted to listen to on the way back to his apartment. You took the aux, shuffled your liked songs, and watched the city of St. Louis whizz by from his passenger side window. 
Sammy kept glancing over at you, frustration and confusion clear on his face. You could feel his eyes every time he did so, like they were burning holes in your skin. Finally, you returned his gaze and offered him a smile before reaching out to lace your fingers with his and place them in your lap.
“Welcome back, YN,” Vince greeted as soon as you stepped through the apartment doors. He was on the couch, video game controller in his hand. He hardly even spared you a look, having gotten used to your presence in their apartment throughout the first two months of the season.
“Thanks, Dunner.”
“I’m going to go put your bag away and then run to the bathroom,” Sammy spoke softly. He ran a hand over your hair, cupping the back of your head as he looked down at you. “Meet me in my room?”
You nodded and accepted the kiss that he decided to place against your forehead. Guilt washed over you as you realized he was avoiding your lips, admittedly for a really good reason. 
“How was your flight?” Vince asked after Sammy was gone. His question was followed up with a string of curses as he died in the game on the television. He turned after exiting to the main screen and smiled up at you. “I heard Mr. Blais pulled out all the stops this time around.”
“I told him that I didn’t need first class.”
“I told him you’d say that,” Vince said. “He said that he didn’t care.” You laughed nervously, which was noted by the boy on the couch, and he gnawed at his lip while debating his next words. “He’s been talking about this weekend since the last time you were here.”
“Non-stop,” he answered, a playful eye roll to go along with it. You couldn’t help but smile as you allowed yourself to daydream about that thought. “Anyway, you go get your man. I’ll be in here, so don’t be too loud or anything.”
“Like you don’t wanna hear it,” you teased, turning to head off to Sammy’s room.
“You know what?” Vince called after you. “Be as loud as you want.”
Your laughter echoed through the apartment and Sammy, who was in the bathroom washing his hands, grinned at the sound of it. 
Sammy’s room, once again, was immaculate. His bed was made, there was no laundry in his laundry basket, and he even had a bouquet of flowers sitting on his nightstand. You ran your fingers along the petals, cheeks heating up at the thought of him going out of his way to get them.
Why hadn’t you kissed him at the airport? The little voice inside your head was going to ruin everything before you had the chance to make it really good. You felt guilty, and so you needed to make it up to him. You pulled your shirt over your head and then slipped off your leggings, leaving you in just the lace set you’d thrown on for the trip. 
Sammy spent the last few weeks thinking about kissing you, touching you, and then you greeted him like he was a stranger. His whole plan had been tossed out of the window after you dodged that kiss. The meaning of the flowers waiting for you on his bedside table completely diminished. He couldn’t ask you out. He wasn’t even sure you wanted it now.
When he entered his bedroom, he was actively trying to put it all behind him and he succeeded because when he pushed the door open, he found you laying against his pillows half-naked.
You laughed as he ran his hands over his face to compose himself. 
“I missed you,” you spoke softly, spreading your legs for him. He threw his head back before kicking the door closed and approaching the bed, a dark look in his eyes. He crawled up the mattress towards you, hands coming to push your legs apart even farther.
He placed a kiss against the fabric covering your mound. You gasped and he smiled, happy to hear that sound again. He continued a path of kisses up your stomach through the valley of your breasts to your lips.
“I need you,” you spoke in that breathless and airy voice he loved so much. “Sammy, please fuck me.”
He wasn’t sure that he had enough time for this, but he was dying to be inside of you so he threw caution to the wind. He hooked his fingers in your panties and tugged them down. He tossed them towards the corner of the room haphazardly and reached towards his sweats to pull them down and do the same. His boxers were quick to follow. 
“Condom?” he asked. You nodded, but he was already reaching towards the bedside table.
You stared at his hand as he popped his length and then rolled the condom on. Finally, he slotted himself between your thighs and brushed the head of his cock along your folds.
“Fuck, YN,” he moaned as he entered you. He did so slowly, savoring every bit of the way you tightened around him and your hands grasped his shoulders. It never got old listening to the way you whimpered as he filled you up and then pulled out to do it again. He hooked one of your legs over his hip and fucked you nice and slow.
“You like that, baby?” he asked, eyes trained on your lips and the way they parted with each movement. You nodded. “You’re so good for me.”
And you’re so good for me, you thought, though you didn’t dare voice it.
He grabbed your wrists in one hand and pinned them above your head as he fucked you, each thrust hitting the right spot because Sammy had studied your body for months and knew exactly what he was doing.
Your moans were soft and quiet, polite even considering Vince was just beyond the bedroom door. You arched your back and pressed your chest against Sammy’s, the feeling of his sweatshirt soft against your skin. If he continued rolling his hips into you like he was, you’d cum in no time. Missing him always meant a quicker orgasm when you were back together.
Suddenly, his phone started ringing. A groan ripped through his chest as it heaved from the work he was putting in. He dropped your wrists as he glanced over to the screen, still moving inside of you in case the call didn’t need to be answered and he could continue. Much to his dismay, Thommer’s name flashed across the screen.
He met your eyes a little uneasily.
“I need to answer.”
“Okay,” you squeaked.
He reached over to the phone and answered, pressing it to his ear while still seated inside you. 
“What’s up?” he greeted his teammate. His head dropped to your shoulder as he nodded along with whatever was being said on the other end of the phone. “Already?”
You wanted to shove him off, push him away and slip into the bathroom for a shower and a good cry. 
“Yeah, okay,” he spoke, eyes searching your face for a sign as to how you were feeling. Your eyes wouldn’t meet his and he knew he was fucked. “I’ll tell Vince. See you in fifteen.”
When he ended the call, he dropped the phone beside you and cursed in French as he pulled out of you.
“YN, I’m so sorry. Thommer’s on the way,” he groaned. “I have to get ready to leave.” 
Your mouth opened and then snapped shut as he placed one last kiss against your lips before standing. As he shuffled about the room, you pulled his comforter up to your chin and rolled to your side, eyes shutting to prevent yourself from crying.
“Are you mad at me?”
“No, it’s fine,” you answered without opening your eyes. He frowned as he stared down at you. “I’ll see you after the game.”
He could see right through you. He knew you were mad, but instead of getting into it, he said, “I’m leaving you one of my t-shirts and I talked to O’Reilly earlier about having his wife pick you up so you have someone to go with. Oh, and those flowers are for you.”
You heard him crouch down beside the bed.
“Hey,” he whispered. Your eyes fluttered open and met his gaze. “I’ll make it up to you.”
“I’m not upset, Sammy.”
“You’re not a good liar,” he said, lip quirking up in a lopsided smile. You stuck your tongue out at him as he stood, sauntering off to grab some of his things for the rink. He dropped them by the door before returning to your side of the bed and leaning over you. “I’ll see you later.”
“Good luck tonight.”
“I don’t need luck,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your lips. “You’ll be there.”
“There’s still no label?”
“But you want it, don’t you?”
“More than anything.”
Your cheeks flushed as soon as the words hit the air between you and the WAGs. A few of them squealed in excitement, some nodded as if they understood the predicament you were in. This was your third time around them and they were very invested in the situationship between you and Sammy. They loved him, and they loved you now that they’d gotten to know you, so they were just waiting for the question to be popped.
“Well, you’re coming out with us tonight, right?”
“I didn’t even know there was something going on after the game.”
“Sammy’s getting selfish on us, huh?” one of them asked. “Wants you all to himself.”
“We’re going downtown,” another said. “It’s just a small thing.”
“You need to come. Make him sweat a little bit.”
They had you convinced, though it wasn’t hard to do, and you waited for Sammy eagerly outside the locker room to convince him too. 
“Ready to go home?” he asked as soon as he caught up to you. His arm slid over your shoulders, pulling you into him so he could peck your lips. Your eyes caught the girls just over his shoulder as you returned his kiss, their eyebrows raised expectantly. When you looked back up at him, you felt pretty confident in yourself.
“I want to go out with your team and the girls.”
“Really?” he asked, sounding a bit annoyed. You nodded and his shoulders dropped as a frustrated sigh slipped past his lips. You pouted up at him, twirling the hair at the nape of his neck between your fingers as you waited for him to give in to you. “Alright, alright, fine.”
You hopped up excitedly and pressed a quick kiss to his lips before grabbing his hand and tugging him to the car.
--- Sammy didn’t want to be out with his team. He wanted to be alone with you, at home with his hands exploring every inch of your body. Instead, he was watching you mingle with his teammates and their girlfriends and wives while he waited for you to return from the bar. 
He watched you, groaning internally each time someone new stopped you to catch up. It was all well and good that the team liked you this much, but he wanted his time with you. When you finally arrived back at the table, you had a drink for him and one for yourself as well. He grabbed you by the hips once you were within reach and pulled you down into his lap.
“You look like you’re having fun.”
“And you don’t,” you teased. 
“I’ve been hard since I left you this afternoon,” he griped. You rolled your eyes, but your lips betrayed you as they curled up at the corners. “I’ve been thinking about fucking you all night.”
“Patience is a virtue.”
“And I’ve been patient,” he spoke, kissing the sensitive spot on your neck. “I’ve been patient for three weeks, waiting for you to come back to me.”
“A few more hours won’t kill you.”
“It might,” he grunted. You laughed softly, rolling your eyes at him as you dropped a kiss to his lips. He smiled into it and watched you carefully as you pulled away and gazed at the room around you.
“Vince isn’t coming home tonight,” he whispered against the shell of your ear. You tilted your head to the side as he trailed his lips along your skin to your shoulder. “I can’t wait to make you scream my name.”
You swallowed thickly as his hand trailed up to your throat, fingers tilting your face towards his. You leaned in and captured his lips with yours, ignoring the whistles from the guys that were returning to the table with drinks.
While Sammy locked up the apartment after getting home, you ventured to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. You gazed out at the city of St. Louis through the window above his sink and thought about the anxiety you felt from the uncertainty between the two of you. You were so distracted that you didn’t hear him enter the room until his hands were sliding around your waist.
He attached his lips to the juncture of your neck and shoulder as his arms snaked around your waist from behind. You sighed into him, breath catching in your throat as his fingers trailed over your clothed core.
“I’ve thought about fucking you against every surface in this apartment,” he admitted with a chuckle.
“And what?”
“Which one do you think about the most?”
“This one,” he spoke, pressing your hips against the kitchen counter. His breath fanned over the skin of your neck as he spoke, lighting your body up with goosebumps. “Whenever I eat in here, I think about you in one of my t-shirts, nothing underneath. I think about bending you over, pushing the shirt up over your hips, and fucking you until you can’t stand.”
As much as you were hoping this weekend would sing a different tune than the two before, you still figured you should take advantage of what this relationship really was. You never felt as good as you did when he was filling you up, so why deprive yourself of the feeling?
Sammy’s hand felt heavy along your back as he pressed you against the countertop, and you fed into it by wiggling your ass in front of him, inviting him to do what he’d been daydreaming about. 
He spoke your name in a low, warning tone of voice. Why did you have to be so irresistible? He wanted to take you against the counter so fucking bad, but he couldn’t stop thinking about what this weekend really was supposed to be about.
“Don’t you want to make your daydreams a reality?” you asked, glancing at him over your shoulder. His cock was hard against your ass and his hands wandered up and under the shirt you were wearing, searching for any way to touch your skin. You shed yourself of the jean jacket you’d thrown on and Sammy got a good look at his last name on your back.
“Your bra goes, but my shirt stays on.”
He watched as you unclasped your bra and slipped it off from underneath your shirt, dropping it to the floor beside your feet. His hands were on you immediately, trailing up to your breasts and cupping them as he brought your back to his chest. He played with your nipples while sucking a mark into your neck.
One hand trailed down to your jeans, fingers popping the button undone before unzipping them. They danced along the lace at the top of your panties and then slipped beneath the band and down to your slit. Two fingers sunk into your heat as he tugged your earlobe between his teeth.
His cock strained against the pants he was wearing, pressing into your ass as he pumped his fingers inside of you. Your breathing was already heavy and you couldn’t stop your hips from rutting against his palm as he fingered you. 
He pulled his fingers out and grabbed your jeans by the belt loops, tugging them down to your ankles. You shoved your panties down as well, desperate for him to fill you up. You stepped out of them and kicked them to the side. Sammy sank down to his knees, hands on the back of your thighs to spread your cunt open for him. 
“Always so wet for me,” he murmured. He blew some air onto your pussy and you shivered. He sucked a kiss onto your clit and dragged a whimper out of you as your head fell into your hands. He lapped up your wetness and inserted his two fingers back into your pussy. 
“Fuck, Sammy. So good.”
“Talk to me,” he spoke, tufts of air hitting your needy cunt as he spoke. “Tell me how good this feels. Tell me how good I make you feel.”
“No one makes me feel this good except you,” you cried out as the pace of his fingers quickened. That was what he needed to hear to attach his lips to your pussy again. “Sammy, please.”
“Please what?” he asked, licking another stripe up your slit. “What do you want?”
“I want your cock,” you moaned. “I need it.”
He pulled his fingers out and stood. With one arm, he pulled your back to his chest. He lifted his fingers to your lips and you took them into your mouth willingly, tasting yourself and moaning around them as you sucked. You bobbed your head on them, taking them deeper, and as he watched, his other hand fell to his pants to shove them down. 
They fell to his knees, too needy to even undress completely. The thought of it turned you on. He freed his cock and you felt it hot and heavy against your ass. You heard the crinkling of a condom wrapper, as always, and your mind quickly went elsewhere. You yearned to feel him raw, but not if he had other partners. God, you hoped he didn’t have other partners.
He took his time entering you. Your mouth fell open and his fingers slipped out of it, to curl around your throat. He sank into you, milking the sweet sounds that always came when he bottomed out inside of you.
“You take me so well,” he praised, squeezing your throat just enough. You repeated his name a few times as he pulled out again and slammed back into you. “So good for me, right, baby? You’re so good at taking my cock.”
His hand dropped from your throat to push your chest against the counter. The other gripped your ass, bouncing in front of him as he pumped in and out of you, moans filling the room. He praised you as he filled you up, but the compliments weren’t hitting like they used to, your mind was too full of thoughts that betrayed your feelings.
It wasn’t long before he was reaching his orgasm. He’d been dreaming about taking you against that counter for so long that it was hard to hold out. His hand twisted in your hair and his hips sputtered, and he pulled you back to his chest to suck marks into your neck. You weren’t close by any means, but you moaned loudly as he cursed into your neck to give the illusion that you were reaching your peak with him.
He came into the condom and collapsed against your back for a moment, then pulled out. As he placed kisses along your shoulders and the nape of your neck, his post-sex clarity came to him. Those moans weren’t the moans he was used to. Your body didn’t shake like he was used to. He turned you around and the moment he saw your face, his suspicions were confirmed. You didn’t cum.
You pressed up on your toes and kissed him quickly before ducking beneath his arms. 
“I’m going to shower.”
Sammy watched you disappear from the kitchen and stood there stunned for a few moments. He was racking his brain, trying to figure out what went wrong and where. It felt like with every second that slipped by, you were drifting farther and farther away from him.
Once he heard the shower kick on, he gathered the clothes from the kitchen floor and returned to his bedroom to throw them all in the hamper. He stripped down, thinking about you all the while and wondering how he could save this weekend from falling apart completely. It really bothered him that you weren’t enjoying yourself. Not even the sex could do it for you.
He walked over to the bathroom door and stood outside, hesitating even though he wanted to get into your head. Finally, he opened it and stepped inside. You noticed his frame through the steamed up glass and felt a sadness creep over you. He opened the shower doors and stepped into the stream of water from the shower head. You had your back to him, so he curled his arms around your waist and pulled you into him. Your body relaxed into his touch, finally.
“You think I don’t know your body?” he asked, voice gruff in your ear. His hand slid over your stomach and settled just below your belly button as he pulled your back flush against his chest. “I know you faked that orgasm.” He felt your muscles stiffen. “What’s going on in your head? You haven’t been yourself this entire trip. Talk to me.”
“Sammy, I can’t do this anymore,” you blurted out, thankful that he couldn’t see your face. This time, he was the one who tensed up. “The sex is great, but it feels like there’s something more even if there isn’t. I don’t know what’s going on in your head and I don’t know if there are other girls when I’m not around, and I’m not even sure I’m allowed to be upset if there are.”
He spun you around and brought you chest-to-chest. One of his hands trailed along your spine to the small of your back and the other cradled your cheek in his palm. 
“YN, if you hadn’t dodged my kiss at the airport, you would’ve been my girlfriend already,” he spoke. Your brows pulled together. “I bought flowers and everything, but after you didn’t kiss me I didn’t know what to do. It seemed like you just wanted to have sex, so I just thought you didn’t want anything more.”
“Sammy, I--”
“And there are no other girls,” he spoke. “Are there other guys?”
“No, not in forever.”
“So, why are we being stupid?” he asked, hand curling into the back of your hair. He pulled you closer, lips just inches away. “I want you, you want me. Let’s be together.”
“I’d really like that.”
Beneath the warmth of the water, Sammy kissed you long and hard. His arms curled around you, pulling you so tightly to his body that it was uncertain where one of you began and the other ended. 
“I owe you an orgasm,” he whispered against your lips. “Actually, I owe you two.”
“You should add interest.”
“Oh?” he asked, an amused grin forming on his lips. You laughed at his raised eyebrows and squealed when he pushed you up against the shower wall, the head of his cock brushing against your folds and igniting a fire in the pit of your stomach. “I can do that.”
You woke up to the feeling of Sammy’s lips against your collarbone and his wandering hands sliding across your stomach. He pulled you tightly to him as you stirred, continuing the shower of kisses up your neck to your cheeks, and finally your lips once you puckered them in invitation.
“I’m taking you on a date today.”
“Are you?”
“Yeah,” he answered simply. “I’ve wanted to take you on a date all weekend, but somehow I just kept ending up between your legs.”
You smacked him playfully, but he just giggled. 
“What’s the plan?”
“Get out of bed and you’ll find out.”
You spent your morning at a local coffee shop, eating breakfast and having the first real conversation in a while. It felt like everything was back to how it was before all the anxiety of labels. He told bad jokes and you laughed at every single one, you caught him up on the gossip at home and he talked about St. Louis and the things him and Vince had gotten up to since the last time you visited. 
After breakfast, you walked the streets of the city. His hand found yours easily and while the both of you blushed, neither acknowledged it. He gave you a tour of the city, something he hadn’t done the first two visits and desperately wanted to do, and you spent a few hours shopping around for clothing and other unnecessary purchases before heading back to his apartment to eat lunch, hang for a while, then get ready for dinner. 
He made reservations that morning for a restaurant all his teammates recommended. It was a highly frequented spot for the couples on the team, so he wanted to christen it with you. He got ready first while you showered and dressed himself in a pair of slacks and a form-fitting button up shirt. Then, he occupied himself with whatever game was on TV and waited for you to emerge from the bedroom.
“Is this too much?” you asked, stepping into the living room in a form fitting black dress that fell to about mid-thigh. He stood, eyes wide and drinking in your body.
“You look beautiful,” he murmured as he stepped forward. He placed his hand delicately against your hip. “This is perfect. Definitely not too much at all, but I don’t know how I’m gonna stop touching you while we’re at dinner. You’re a smoke.”
Thankfully, Sammy behaved at dinner, though it was hard to touch you much from across the table. He held your hand on top of it though. His thumb brushed along the skin on the back of your hand gently and as you talked, he hung on your every word. He ordered a bottle of wine for the table and by the end of the meal, you were a little drunk off him and the alcohol.
The night felt magical, just sitting there and talking with him instead of ripping each other’s clothes off. You couldn’t believe he was your and you were his, and you couldn’t wait for whatever came next. 
Vince told Sammy he’d make himself scarce once again to give you two the privacy you deserved. The moment you walked in the door, Sammy was ushering you to his bedroom.
“Can I please get you out of this dress?” he asked, finger dipping below the strap on your shoulder. You nodded and he pushed the straps off both shoulders, kissing along the skin that was beneath it. “It’s hot, but I’ve been thinking about what’s underneath all night.”
Your dress pooled at your feet and you stepped out of it before making quick work of the buttons on his shirt. You pushed the fabric off and onto the ground and then pushed off his pants.
His lips captured yours again and he pulled you against him, finally skin-to-skin with one arm around your waist and his other hand entangled in your hair. Kissing him felt different, like you weren’t rushing from this to ripping each other’s close off. He could’ve kissed you all night if that’s what you wanted, but it was clear that you both wanted more.
“Let’s take our time tonight,” he spoke against your lips. You nodded in agreement before kissing him again. You kissed all the way to bed, until the back of your knees were hitting the mattress and he was lowering you onto your back. 
“No condom,” you added. He pulled away, eyes searching your face for more confirmation. “I want to feel you. And I’m on birth control and we’re only having sex with each other, so…”
“Are you sure?”
“If you feel comfortable with it too, then yes, I’m sure.”
Sammy kissed you again, but this time his smile was getting in the way and soon you were both giggling against each other’s lips. 
“You’re my dream girl,” he spoke, fingers hooking into your panties and pulling them down. “I’m so crazy about you. I can’t believe you're all mine.”
“All yours.”
He pushed his briefs down and threw them off the bed to join your panties and bra. His fingers found your core and he dipped them in your wet, moaning against your skin as he said, “Are you always this wet, baby?”
“Only when you’re around me.”
“Good answer,” he teased. You giggled and then sucked in a breath as he slipped his fingers into you. He watched your eyes flutter shut, chest rising and falling more rapidly as he stretched you out. “You look so pretty when I finger you. You should see it for yourself, maybe we’ll have to do this in front of a mirror sometime.” You moaned, the thought too hot to handle. “You like the sound of that?”
“Good thing we have all night then, huh?” he asked. You nodded obediently. He pulled his fingers out and lifted them to your lips. “Have a taste.”
You wrapped your lips around his fingers and sucked, hollowing out your cheeks knowing that it would drive him crazy. Your innocent eyes drove him wild, you knew that, so you gave him the best ones you could muster. 
When he pulled his fingers from your mouth, he gripped your hips with his hands and kissed you hard, tongues exploring each other’s mouths as the head of his cock caught against your opening. You moaned into his mouth.
“I know you want it,” he murmured. “Soon.”
He peppered kisses along your jaw down your neck to the valley of your breasts. Then, he attached his lips to your nipple. One hand kneaded the other while his tongue circled your nipple, sucking and nipping at it until you were shaking beneath. He moved onto the other and did the same, earning moans as he tweaked the senstive nub. 
“Sammy, please,” you moaned. “I need you now.”
He kissed back up to your lips with a smile.
“Since you asked so nicely,” he murmured, wrapping his hand around his length and pumping. He leaned into you and pressed the head against your opening. You gasped as he entered you slowly and shuddered at what it felt like to do this without a condom. His forehead dropped to your shoulder as he moaned your name. 
“This, you, feel so good,” he whispered against your neck. “So fucking good.”
“Fuck, fuck, Sammy,” you choked out. “Please give me more.”
He pushed in more, but still hadn’t filled you completely. As your pussy fluttered around him, he moaned loudly, “I’m not gonna last long, mon amour.”
“Deeper,” you requested. He pushed all the way in, bottoming out as you yelled out a few curses. He placed one hand on your lower stomach and pressed. The pressure ignited something inside you and you wrapped your legs around his waist to try to take him deeper.
He began to thrust in languid movements. You rolled your hips with his as he fucked you deeper, hitting spots you never even knew existed. His head fell to the crook of your neck as he hit that spot again and again. “I love the way you fuck me.”
“I love the way you do everything,” he admitted through baited breaths. You giggled softly and then gasped as he snapped his hips to yours rougher than before. “I love the sounds you make.” He picked up his head and gazed down at you as he pulled out. “Let me hear you.”
You sighed as he entered you again, slower this time, and with a breathless voice, you moaned his name. Your fingers curled into his hair, twirling the strands around your fingers as he set a consistent pace. He dropped a hand to your clit and circled with his thumb.
“Yes, yes, yes.”
“Keep talking.”
“God, you’re so good,” you moaned, nails gripping his shoulders as the pace of his thrusts quickened. He snapped his hips to yours and watched as you threw your head back against the pillow with a loud shout. “Fuck! Sammy, harder!”
“Are you close?”
You nodded, biting down on your lip as he slammed into you again. He fucked you hard and deep, the headboard of his bed slamming against the wall as he did so. He reached up to steady himself, pulling his thumb off your clit to hold your hip down to the bed.
“Sammy, Sammy, Sammy,” you repeated his name like a pray. He called yours right back at you. “I’m gonna cum!”
“Cum all over my cock, baby,” he murmured, staring down at your face as you unraveled. You moaned loudly, arching your back as the orgasm washed over you. He was chasing his own orgasm frantically. You were loud, overstimulated as he fucked you through your orgasm. Your legs shook from the aftershocks. “Where do you want my cum?”
“Inside me,” you answered breathlessly. He cursed, hips stuttering as he filled you once more. His cock twitched and he spoke your name, praises falling from his lips as he filled your pussy. He collapsed on top of you, arms curling to pull you against him as he softened inside of you. 
“Fuck, YN,” he muttered after catching his breath. He pulled out slowly and you whimpered as the cold air of his bedroom hit your pussy. You began to close your legs, but he spread them and gathered the cum seeping out of you with his finger to push it back into your heat. “So good for me.”
He stood and walked off to the bathroom for a towel. When he came back, he spread your legs again and wiped your core softly, though you still shuddered under his touch. You got up to go to the bathroom and when you came back he was making grabby hands for you to join him in bed. 
“That was great.”
“Really great.”
“The best sex we’ve ever had,” he noted. You laughed and he nudged your chin up to get you to look at him and smiled down at you. He kissed you softly. “I’m really happy we’re together.”
“Me too,” you responded.
“And I’m sorry for not making it clear how I felt about you before,” he said. “I’ll never make that mistake again, okay? You’ll always know how crazy I am about you. I’m gonna tell you everyday.”
“I had fun with you today,” you said, finger tracing patterns against his chest. He smiled softly, cheeks pinkening.
“I really don’t want you to leave tomorrow.”
“Me neither,” you sighed. He kissed your nose. “But we have tonight, so let’s enjoy it.”
Sammy rolled over and pinned your hands above your head, length already hard and resting against your inner thighs.
“You don’t have to tell me twice.”
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aritamargarita · 2 years
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well i’ve done it. i changed the cover again and the layout. do any of you remember the old chapter covers??? bruh. HORRIBLE I SAYYY they’re still on my computer!! now do i feel like changing the other ones?...perhaps i’ll come back later and do it..
but cheers! this chapter is really chaotic! i kinda based the whole “anger management” thing off of daniel bryan & kane attending their anger management LMAO. i have also swapped the dates, so the vengeance ppv will be coming after this taping of raw. 
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CANADA, CANADA, CANADA!!!!! Raw’s being held there tonight, baby! To be specific, Calgary, Alberta. It’s been quite a while since you’ve been over here. The last time you’ve even crossed the border was to visit Niagara Falls!
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Raw’s looking pretty good tonight. Especially the match card.
There were two matches you were interested tonight. The Hardy Boyz’ match and Trish’s match. One because of their opponents (totally not because of Jeff, no way). Tajiri just so happened to be Torrie’s little friend. And wherever he goes, she would be his valet to the ring. 
Meanwhile, you have Trish’s match with The Rock, Mr. McMahon, and Kurt Angle. The creative team filled you in on the whole spiel. Vince wanted Trish to join his whole “Kiss My Ass Club”, The Rock came out and saved her, made a match with a stipulation, boom, that’s that.
Luckily for you, she’d be your guest on your talkshow tonight. You could ask her as many questions as you please and that’s just what you’ll do.
Oh! You almost forgot. Jericho and Austin had another match. You’re interested in that too. You weren’t involved in any of the action, but you’d damn sure support your partner as much as you can. Debra had began asking you to accompany him to the ring, thinking it would be a nice way for you two to bond more.
Of course, bonding with violence. 
And speaking of bonding time….Debra did not change her mind about anger management. If anything, Austin flipping off Kane and you yelling at Jericho a few nights ago made things worse.
Man, this was not fun.
…..So, here you were. You’re just in this session now. You still couldn’t believe Debra had roped you into this. 
But you weren’t alone, oh no. 
The camera pans upward on you and Austin. The crowd quickly cheers, happy to see you two. You idly drum your fingers on your knees.
Austin turns to look at you, then swats at your arm. “Quit doin’ that.”
“I’m sorry, I’m nervous.”
The instructor finally finishes flipping through his notes, looking up at the small group in front of him. “Hello, everyone. I’m glad you’re here today. My name is Doctor Smiley. I’m here to bring a smile to your faces.”
To get your attention, Austin makes a ‘psst’ sound. “Tch, Doctor Smiley. Ya’ really think that’s his name?”
You fight the urge to laugh, doing your best to keep a serious face. ”Not at all..”
Doctor Smiley continues. “Why don’t we introduce ourselves? We’ll go around in a circle..how about we start with...?”
He points at you, making all the heads in the room turn.
“Me? Well, I’m [Name].” You shift in your seat. “I am here because I was recommended to come. Err, I was also hoping I could drop out, actually. I don’t think I need to be here.”
Doctor Smiley shakes his head. “I apologize, [Name]. But there’s a very good reason for you to be here. According to your file, you have a tendency to have prolonged outbursts and significant behavioral problems.” All you can do is stare at him for airing you out like that in front of the group. What the fuck.
You didn’t THINK you had behavior problems, nor did you think that your outburst was that bad. Doctor Smiley continues on. “I want you to get better, to do better, so it is in your best interest you stay with us.”
Ugh, you really couldn’t find a way out of this.
Austin was next up to introduce himself. “Who gives a shit? I just came ‘cause I was forced. All of ya’ know me.”
And it’s true, everyone did know him. But not in a positive light. Most of the individuals here knew how he was. Even though Debra may have said you knew these people, you still felt mildly uncomfortable.
In a circle, each and every person introduces themselves. There’s Bubba Ray, there’s D’von, there’s Raven, there’s RVD (which you didn’t understand), there’s Molly (which you also didn’t understand, the woman was a saint), there’s Rhyno, and to top it all off, even William Regal! Smaller group than you thought, but still made you uneasy nonetheless.
Guess Vince McMahon really took the Alliance thing to heart, he must’ve still been on a power trip. Some people didn’t even need to be here! One day, you’d give that old man a piece of your mind. 
“Now,” Doctor Smiley has a smile of his own on his face. “Does anyone have an idea of a healthy way to cope with anger? To give an example, what if you are in an argument with someone and they’ve really grind your gears?”
Austin raises his hand, eager to answer. “Fill their car with cement.”
You raise your hand as well. “Commit arson?”
Raven raises his hand too. “Find out what they care about and proceed to crush it.” 
That was so real. You slowly nod your head, agreeing with Raven. “I really like his answer.”
He gives you a small smile, one that’s wrung with mysteriousness. Raven’s always been strange to you, but you’ve heard he’s very intelligent..
Meanwhile, Doctor Smiley can only shake his head in a negative manner. “Not at all.” It was going to be a very long session. “Let me give an answer myself. Take deep breaths. Perhaps explain to the person that you should approach this rationally. This is where we bring in our problem-solving techniques.”
No one says anything. At this point, you figure that the people in here want to be here as much as you do. You cross your legs. 
This was boring, but you’ll try your best to stick through it.
“Shall we try a quick exercise?“ Doctor Smiley suggests, standing up from his seat. Perhaps this wouldn’t be as boring as you thought. “I’ve assigned you partners at random. Because this is a group at an odd number, one of you will be with me.”
OH!! NEVERMIND! How exciting! 
“Please do your best to try and get along with them well. RVD will be with Bubba Ray, Regal will be with Stone Cold, D’von will be with Rhyno, [Name] will be with Raven, and finally, Molly will be with me. Everyone partner up and I’ll give further instruction.”
You weren’t mad at all about your partner choice. You did want to speak to Raven more. Everyone goes to their respective partners, some more begrudgingly than others (cough, Austin), and Raven comes over to you.
“Hi.” You greet, waving.
“Good evening.” He’s cordial, which makes you fell less on edge about this whole thing. “[Name], wasn’t it?”
You grin and point two thumbs to yourself. “Yeah! In the flesh.” 
“I’ve heard a great amount about you.” But he doesn’t stand in front of you, instead circling you like a predator would do to their pray. 
You would turn your head to follow him. “I’d hope it’s good.”
“Of course. Many good things.” He affirms. “You know, they say eyes are the window to your soul. When I look into your eyes,” Raven pauses, finally stopping right in front of you. “I see someone who’s troubled. You’re just like me, [Name]. No one’s ever really liked me. No one’s never understood who I really am.”
You didn’t know what to say at first. Actually, you didn’t know what to say at all. He was right about feeling troubled. And he was right about almost everything else.
He continues on. “My family would try to put me in therapy many times. It never worked. I found my identity in violence. It’s the only ‘therapy’ I’ve ever needed.”
Doctor Smiley looks around and nods. “It seems like we’re all paired up. Today, this is a simple icebreaker. In the next session, we’ll begin a seminar and use critical thinking skills. Think of this as an introduction to your peers. You’ll be seeing them for quite a while. Feel free to begin.”
In the time that your head was turned, you notice Raven’s gone from in front of you. You didn’t even hear his footsteps, nor did you expect his hands to gently sit on your shoulders.
You jump, but he holds you in place. “Relax. You’re feeling tense. I’d like you to just think. Think about yourself. What is your place in the World Wrestling Federation?”
That’s a good question. What is your place exactly? Who are you?
He leans in closer to your ear, whispering low enough just for you to hear. 
“There’s no one looking at us. Imagine it’s only me and you in the room. Alone with nothing but our own thoughts and extremity of this world. I extend my hand to you, [Name]. You can find yourself, let me show you. I can show you the beauty of violence. There’s more to this unforgiving life, so I believe you should indulge in your deepest...darkest....”
“You sunnuva’ bitch. The hell are ya’ doing?”
It was almost comical with how you froze, Austin’s voice ringing in your ears, you couldn’t even turn to look back at him until Raven took his hands off your shoulders and moved away.
“Participating in the exercise.” Raven plainly answers.
Austin is definitely not pleased. “I don’t think Doctor Single told ya’ to be handsy with your partner.”
“It’s actually Doctor Smiley.” The instructor corrects. He moves away from Molly to try and diffuse the situation. “Gentleman. We should go about this the right way..”
“You’re right, Doctor Stinkin’. I got an idea.” And then, it all goes to hell. Austin threw a punch at Raven and they began trading blows. You quickly move out of the way as they fall into some of the chairs. Even through all this, the cameras were still rolling.
Molly comes over to you, a smile on her face. “Wow, off to a great start, don’t you think?”
You shoot her an apologetic look. Simply for even being here and having to witness this.
What a way to start the night.
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RAW IS WAR // 7:45 PM
You wanted to stop for McDonald’s on the way back to the show, but Austin wasn’t having it. God damn it, you wanted a happy meal. You knew it was a bit childish, but they had these cute little tamagotchi’s that came with it. You just HAD to take care of it! It was also something small to eat, but good enough to give you more energy for tonight’s show.
Debra asked you two how it went and you two could only stare at each other before turning back to her. Like hell you’d be telling her the truth!
You were backstage preparing for your talkshow. The mirror you placed in the hallway showed your beautiful reflection staring right at you. You couldn’t get Raven’s words out of your head, no matter how hard you tried to blank them out. It got to the point where you struggled to put on any makeup.
Suddenly, a light tap on your shoulder made you spin around on your heel, dropping the lip gloss onto the ground. 
“Hey, Nitro Girl.” Hunter had a smirk on his face, more than likely because of how startled you were. He was holding something in his hands. Just what was he up to?
“What’re you doing here?! This is the first time I’m seeing you backstage.” You say. Your voice lowered by the end of your sentence, wary of any eavesdroppers nearby.
“I’ll make this quick.” He assured, handing over the neatly wrapped box. It even had a bow on it.
“What’s this?”
“Can’t tell you. Open it as soon as you’re alone, then call me.” 
You were baffled. What the hell was in this box? “Why do I have to open it when I’m alone?”
“Trust me,” Hunter roughly pats your shoulder, making you wince. “You’ll definitely want to be alone when opening it. It’s apart of my next plan. By the way, I’ve heard you’ve got a show, good luck.” With that, he leaves you to your confusion, disappearing after walking down the corridor.
Made you think again. Now, your thoughts were all focused on the box. There wasn’t anyone in the hallway. Could you take a peak at it right now? Curiosity killed the cat.
Checking one more time to see if there’s anyone nearby, you nod to yourself. You’re 100% in the clear. You slowly lift open the box and...
Holy shit. NO WAY. 
No way he gave you this. You slam the box back shut and retreat into the locker room behind you. You’ve gotta hide this. You can’t let ANYONE see this. No. You’d die before anyone would be able to. You weren’t even sure if you could tell Lita.
Because who in their right mind would gift their business associate lingerie?
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You were still shaken up about the events from earlier. From Hunter to Raven, to not getting your happy meal. It was too much. You can only hope this night can get a bit better. It’s the Raw before Vengeance though, so you figure anything can happen. 
As soon as you went through those curtains, you felt all of your worries fading away, the crowd’s cheering only filling you with glee. Entering the ring with a smile, you wave in all four directions, then walk to the ropes to grab a mic.
Before you speak, you clear your throat. “CALGARY!” You yell at the top of your lungs. “TONIGHT....RAW, IS, [NAMEEE]!!!” Of course, you had to steal Jericho’s shtick, just to rub it in his face. The crowd roars in response. “Scotiabank Saddledome, I’d like to give you a welcome to Time Out with [Name]! Tonight, we have such a special guest. She may not be from this area, but she’s one of your own! She’s...!”
You turn over toward the ramp and outstretch your arm. That familar rift of music echoes around the arena.
“The Women’s Champion, TRISH STRATUS!” You exclaim, turning and opening your arms towards the ramp.
And here she comes, the title draped across her shoulder. She had a big smile on her face as she heads towards the ring. You couldn’t help but give her a round of applause.
As she enters into the ring, you figure it would be a wonderful time to get the show on the road. You quickly walk over to the ropes to grab her a mic. “Trish Stratussss,” You repeat her name, walking over to her and passing it over to her. “Wow! You look beautiful today!”
“Thank you!” She was almost like a lightbulb with how bright her smile was. With her title draped across her shoulder, she takes a seat in one of the chairs.
You follow suit, taking a seat next to her. “Let’s get straight to it. How does it feel to be the Women’s Champion?” 
She clears her throat. “Well, it’s a good feeling. I’ve worked hard for this. And as everyone knows, I’ve been through a lot. I think I’ve earned it and I just want to say no one can take this away from me.”
“And good on you!” You chime, lightly hitting her shoulder. “You know, ever since you broke my nose, I knew you had potential.”
Trish laughs nervously. She hadn’t forgotten about that and she still felt pretty bad about it. 
“To fall back on being through a lot, I know your match with The Rock,” You pause, hearing the crowd cheer loud for him. “Is anticipated by everyone in this very arena. How do you feel?”
“I’m nervous.” She admits. “This match is a really big deal. If The Rock loses, he’ll have to join Mr. McMahons Kiss My Ass Club! Not to mention what I think he’ll do to me..”
“We’re all on your side, Trish!” You reassure her, getting out of your seat. “Mr. McMahon has been on a power trip for too long. It must run in the family. If you two take him down tonight, it’ll be an embarrassment for that dysfunctional family and a win for all of us. Tonight, not only is The Rock in your corner, but I am as well.”
She stands up out of her seat. “Wait, what’re you saying?”
“I’m saying, let me accompany you two down to the ring tonight. I’ll help you as much as I can.” You reach out your hand for her to shake. “One night only, if Stephanie, or even anyone else for that matter tries to intervene, I’ll be more than happy to deal with them!”
Trish nods. “So be it.” You two shake hands and the deal is sealed. As you two are shaking hands, it’s almost like there’s some unresolved tension. You could be a contender for that title. You could easily take that title away from her if you wanted to.
Alas, this moment is short lived. Torrie’s music starts playing and you rip your hand away from Trish. She complains about you hurting her nails, but you couldn’t care less when Torrie was coming to the ring. She prances down the ramp.
You can’t let her get under your skin. You’ll try and let her talk, despite the fact you want to drag her across this ring. She came prepared with a mic, so you decide to greet her as kind as possible.
“Wow! Torrie Wilson,” You introduce. “The slut of the WWF!” The crowd and the commentary table grimace at your choice of words. Even Trish had to whistle. “Are you coming to ruin my show?”
Torrie can only scoff, which kind of pisses you off. You just wanted to slap that smug smile right off of her face. “Oh, no. I just wanted to drop by and say hello. I know you’ve been looking for me. I’ve been so, so, busy. In fact, me and Edge were together aaaaalll night.”
Wait, what did she say?
“What?” You narrow your eyes. “What’d you say?”
“You didn’t know? Edge was so heartbroken of what you did to him, so I decided to be the one to comfort him. Poor guy, I mean, he cared about you a lot, you know. And the fact you moved on so quickly! I mean, Jeff Hardy? He was all over me at one point. You remember that too, right, Trish?”
The woman was too stunned to speak! Trish blinks. “Excuse me?”
And you were stuck too. You don’t even know what to say. You couldn’t believe Torrie OR EDGE for that matter. “I wasn’t going to engage in any violence that occurred on my show, I really wasn’t. Whether it involved myself or my guest. I literally just took anger management classes..” You trail off, slowly pushing your chair away. “Looks like this is the part of the show where I move these....”
Trish had an idea of what was to come, so she does you the honors of moving her own chair out of the way.
Torrie looks at you in confusion, mic in hand.
“This is also the part of the show where I should probably remind you, please don’t start something you can’t finish...” You mention, turning back to her slowly. “Because I will tear you apart in this very ring.”
Oh, really?” Torrie smugly asks. “Then do it. I dare you.” 
Outside of a kayfabe standpoint, this was bringing you joy. You fought the urge to smile at Torrie. The best part about actually being friends outside of the ring was that you could go as crazy as you want and have a spa day later.
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” Throwing your mic to the side, you tackle Torrie, striking her as quick as you can. The crowd gasps, but then cheers at your attack. It’s incredibly satisfying to put your hands on her.
You quickly get off and kick her while she’s down. Trish was looking on in shock before throwing her title to the side and joining in to help you. She’s had problems with Torrie in the past, and originally she was going to leave, but when she brought up their rivalry, it struck chord in her. She kicks her as well, doing her best to keep up with you.
You two were literally jumping her. Referee’s rushed out of gorilla to stop the situation, entering the ring and separating you three from each other. You reach out your hand with a grin and Trish reaches out her own, you two giving a strained high five.
While your music plays in the background, you slowly start to think that this strange night is looking up.
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trish a ride or die fr
also raven trying to corrupt reader? its more likely than you think. hope y’all enjoyed this chapter, more coming next! the night isn’t over yet! IM NOT ELABORATING ON THE LINGERIE UNTIL NEXT CHAPTER
oh and we’re in canada too. i think y’all know what that means. see you next time *disappears into the void*
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Clear as Day
 Part One?
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AN: Here’s some friends with benefits with Vince that I came up with in between cases at work. Vince if you’re reading this I’m so sorry please stop right here but also hmu I swear I just wanna be friends. I don’t know much about being a pediatric nurse (financial law anyone?) but I did volunteer at a hospital for a while so I hope it’s not super far off. I have plans and some stuff written for a part two that could be the same length so let me know you want one but it could be complete like this. (First person narrative but again no names or descriptions for the mc)
Warnings: language, definitely (also English isn’t my first language so perhaps some mistakes) and smut, also definitely (yes you read that right I did it again)
Word Count: 13.3k
I loved my job. I really did. I found it rewarding to be able to make tiny faces light up but I was currently on my second day of 12 hour back to back shifts, with yesterday closer to 14 hours, and I just really wanted to spend the entire day in bed.
It wasn’t even 7 a.m. yet and the streets of Toronto were already bustling, everybody preparing for a busy day. The sound of the ice cubes sloshing around in my coffee had become a staple background noise for the walk from the employee parking lot to the front entrance of the hospital, it soothed me.
As soon as I stepped into the building I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face, despite being sleep-deprived and basically needing a break already. There was a new drawing pinned to the wall by the nurses’ station and if the image of my smiling face wasn’t a dead giveaway already, it was hard to miss my name written on top of it in big bold letters.
It had started out as a joke really, a half-hearted complaint about me not getting as many drawings as others because most of my patients didn’t stay long in the ICU. From that moment on Lucas, my only long-term patient right now and all-time favorite teenager, had made sure that there was always a new one waiting for me every week. He was really good at drawing as well and I had an entire stack of amazing portraits, landscapes and lots of other random things at my apartment that I cherished dearly.
“He wanted to give it to you himself but then we had to give him something and he asked me to put it up so you’d see it as soon as you got in.” I turned around to see Mariah standing behind me, her face showing the same look of fondness as mine. Most of the nurses were pretty convinced that he had a crush on me and while I had to face lots of playful jabs because of that, she never gave me shit about it. She was probably about to head out and I knew that she only stayed behind to tell me this so I made sure to thank her.
“Is he up yet?”
“Surprisingly not, although he should be soon. He’s had a rough night and he stayed up way too long to draw but I doubt that anything could ruin this day for him, two dreams coming true and all.”
As soon as her words registered with me I mentally facepalmed, I’d completely forgotten that we’d get a visitor in a couple of hours. Because of Lucas’ surgery he hadn’t talked about hockey all that much lately, so I’d kind of forgotten that today he would get to meet one of his idols. I was about to respond something when I spotted Sydney waving me over.
Sydney was in charge of all of the pediatric nurses during the day shift, meaning that I had approximately three seconds to make my way over before she’d get impatient because she was always so busy. I waved goodbye to Mariah and speed walked over to Sydney, curious to see as to what she needed of me. She never beat around the bush, always coming straight to the core of things so I didn’t expect the conversation to last long and today was no different. She probably held the world record for fastest talker.
“So you know we’re getting a visitor today which means that I need someone to run a tight ship for me. You’re young and perky and I asked around and people love you. I know you helped with some of the Leafs the last time so you should already be familiar with the protocol. This is a big hospital and I want all of the kids on the list to get a chance to talk to Mr Dunn and that won’t happen if he gets lost so I want you to stay with him at all times, got it? I’ll get one of the on-calls to take over for you during everything.”
I couldn’t even get a word in before her pager went off and she jogged off after practically thrusting a file into my hands, unable to respond anything as she said something over her shoulder about this being a gift. I stared after her with my mouth hanging wide open, not really comprehending what had just gone down yet.
Being ‘young and perky’ had apparently just managed to get me demoted from a RN to a babysitter for yet another over-confident celebrity which didn’t really feel like a gift at all.
Lucas had told me all about how great this Vince apparently was but I had seen my fair share of famous people walking around these halls with camera teams following them, it was kind of a part of working with sick kids. There were exceptions of course, some of them were really nice but those were usually the ones that didn’t visit the kids for some good PR. While I was glad that it would make Lucas happy it didn’t really impress me anymore.
Besides I hadn’t really paid attention to hockey ever before, although it was hard to escape the hype right now with me being a St. Louis native. Some of my friends had sent me pictures of the parade from about a month ago but I hadn’t really paid much attention because I’d been slammed with work, not recognizing any of the players either way.
The file Sydney had given me consisted of a schedule for the day and a list of the kids that wanted to meet Vince, which was surprisingly long for this being a hospital in Toronto and him playing for the Blues. Even with my limited, read non-existent, hockey knowledge I was pretty sure that the team wasn’t liked very much in the league but I blamed it on them winning. Sydney was right, we would have to make good time to get through everybody.
I couldn’t exactly spend forever going through the file because I had mostly new admissions assigned to me and that meant lots of charting and running tests. I did spend my break reading through everything and trying to come up with a plan while shoveling food to my mouth at record speed however. Even if I wasn’t exactly thrilled with this assignment there was absolutely no way I wouldn’t be prepared. I would leave this hospital with the best possible impression of me, all things be damned.
It was kind of hard to focus on what was written in front of me though when I had three other nurses standing close by and ranting about how hot Vince apparently was. Lucas had shown me his hockey card a few times but I didn’t really know what he looked like because I was usually busy putting in a new IV line at the time, something he’d come to hate so talking about hockey was the perfect distraction. I was tempted to google him but before I got the chance my pager went off, signaling that the incoming convoy was about to arrive.
Unable to stop myself I checked my reflection quickly in one of the mirrors on my way out of the restroom. Call me vain but I didn’t want to end up in any pictures or videos looking like a total slob, even if it was just in the background. I’d taken the time to shower this morning but I definitely would’ve added more than the layer of concealer if I’d known about this earlier. At least I’d gotten my brows done and my lash extensions refilled a couple of days ago. Deciding that it was too late to do anything else about it I walked towards the front entrance with the file in my hands, making sure one last time that I knew where to take this Vince first.
It wasn’t hard to spot him in the group that arrived, the big shiny trophy he was lugging around kind of a dead giveaway.
He was good-looking, I had to give him that. Not in the rugged handsome way however, it was more of a defined features and beautiful way. The kind of look that got you dubbed as a pretty boy during high school, the polo shirt he was spotting only reinforcing that image.
I couldn’t really imagine him playing ice hockey. He was fit of course, but he wasn’t as big and bulky as I’d thought and if I had to guess I’d peg him as a baseball or lacrosse player, perhaps soccer even. If all hockey players looked like him however, I might have to catch a game or two after all.
I walked over with my big work smile plastered on my face, hand outstretched and he set the cup down to shake it as I introduced myself first. I caught him looking me up and down quickly but I wasn’t really one to talk because I’d done the same exact thing just seconds earlier.
“Hi I’m Vince, nice to meet you. Love the scrubs by the way”, he responded with a dazzling smile, gesturing at my outfit. Compliments weren’t a bad start, especially since I was wearing one of my favorites with an adorable blue and pink dinosaurs print.  
“Thanks, one of my friends paints them for me.” Not willing to dwell too long on awkward small talk I continued: “Do you want me to get like a wheelchair for the cup or are you gonna carry it the entire time?”
“I think I’d get a lot of shit for not carrying it so thanks but no thanks.”
I quickly introduced myself to the rest of the team before herding everyone towards the elevators because he had to be upstairs in a couple of minutes. The camera team was more intimidating than I’d thought and I tried my best to distract myself from it as I pointed out different things around the hospital, only hoping that I wasn’t rambling without making any sense.
I was pretty sure that Vince could tell that I was uncomfortable because he kept our conversation going the whole time, obviously trying to make me laugh. His own laugh was hard to ignore and by the time we walked into the room where a livestream would take place the smile on my face was real. At least he wasn’t just easy on the eyes but he seemed fairly entertaining so far as well.
I watched him do the stream with Owen, who I’d spent some time in post-op with after his surgery a couple of weeks ago, and then stood close by as he talked to the long line of patients and people who were able to come up here. Sometimes when he saw a special needs kid getting closer he’d turn to me to ask for advice and tips and even all that ruckus didn’t stop him from keeping up a normal conversation with me.
He’d pick up right where we left off whenever there was a small break in between people and I wasn’t only amazed at his multitasking, but also at how amazing he was with the kids. He made me show him how to hold a baby and I think I’ll never be able to forget the image of a cute little baby boy in the cup.
“I ate cereal out of there this morning”, he whispered conspiratorially to me after the mother was finally done thanking him and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Of course you did. I hope you put it in the sink afterwards at least.” He gave me a wounded look, as if me insinuating he was not a clean person was hurting his ego and I laughed even more. I couldn’t really tell if he was trying to flirt with me or if he was like this with everyone but the mixed signals he’d sent me all afternoon were starting to get confusing.
“You think so lowly of me, I thought you’d know better by now.” With anyone else the wink he sent me as he delivered his line would have probably been overkill but somehow it worked for him.
The fact was that I did know better by now, even if it had only been just under two hours. I probably hadn’t been this wrong about something since I absolutely botched a math test in tenth grade thinking I aced it and he had turned out to be nothing like I had imagined him to be. Perhaps the early morning sleep-deprived me lacked the sense of being able to assess character that I usually had.
When I told him that it was time to leave he looked at me with a puppy eyes, pleading with me to let him stay a little longer. Working in pediatrics I got this a lot but somehow it had a whole different effect on me coming from a 6 feet tall hockey player with lips that were practically made for pouting.
“But there’s still some people left that I haven’t gotten to.”
“There’s also some kids that couldn’t come up here because they are too sick waiting for you in the ICU and you won’t be able to see all of them in time if we don’t go over there now. There’s a tight schedule for a reason you know.”
“Fuck the schedule, I’ll just stay longer,” he said with a cheeky grin but not before covering the ears of the little girl in front of him with his hands so she wouldn’t hear him curse. At this point I felt like it was way too easy for him to make me laugh but at the same time I didn’t really want to do anything against it. These halls had seen worse things than people laughing after all.
“You fit right in with all of my patients, you know that? And don’t you have plans with the cup for this evening?”
I didn’t get an answer straight away because Vince took his time to talk to the last five families left in line before we made our way back to the elevators. I had kind of forgotten about the camera crew that was there to document it all until all of us were crammed back inside the tight space, my shoulder brushing against Vince’s arm so I wouldn’t bump into any of the expensive equipment.
“I promised to make an appearance at this club but they’ll wait for me. By the way, you should come as well.” At first I thought he was joking, surely he had to be as we’d only met, but his try at a winning smile told me he was anything but. Again, was this him flirting or was I losing my mind?
“Shooting your shot while you’re in my good graces because of the kids, I see. I’m gonna have to disappoint though, I’m stuck here till seven and then I have another 12 hour shift coming up tomorrow so I can have a four day weekend.” I had already kind of accepted that we would never see each other again, especially with me turning him down now, and I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t a bit sad about it.
“That sounds brutal. I’m throwing another party at my condo on Saturday if you’re free then.”
“I’m actually driving up to a lake house with some friends for the weekend, sorry.” By now I really was interested because he seemed fun and I wanted that for my last few weeks up here but his timing was truly the worst.
“Wow, you’re really making me work for it,” he let out a teasing chuckle then, running his hand up and down his neck in a very distracting move as he contemplated his next words “I’m assuming you have a busy week next week as well so perhaps next Saturday?”
“Ummm.. I already agreed to meet some friends at a bar on that Saturday,” his face fell at that so I couldn’t help but add “but you’re welcome to meet us there if you want to see how the working class parties. Bring some of your friends as well if you want.”
The smile he gave me at that was equivalent to that of a five year old patient when they get told that they could have a slice of the chocolate cake and it made me glad that there was no one monitoring my heart rate at the moment.
The next day was just another regular day at work and while I had lots of fun yesterday, I was glad to be back in my comfort zone. Working days was anything but boring and I had been so busy that my watch told me I’d already reached my step goal for the day halfway through my shift.
I finally had some time to update the charts while sitting down at the nurses’ station, desperately hoping for some down time soon so I could perhaps even grab another cup of coffee to stop me from climbing into a free bed and taking a nap right there.
I’d seen many people pray in this building and not all of them got what they wished for but somehow today must have been my lucky day because just as I’d finished that thought someone cleared their throat in front of me. I was ready to answer some questions from worried parents but what I totally didn’t expect was Vince standing there with two coffee cups.
“I thought I’d drop this off as a thank you for babysitting me yesterday and I had a feeling that you’d need it”, he said before giving me one of his dazzling smiles. He looked good in a black t shirt and some jeans, his perfectly styled hair in contrast to the messy bun currently on top of my head. That is if the rat’s nest could even still be called a bun.
“Vince Dunn you just keep on surprising me”, I responded with a breathless laugh, not really knowing what else to say at the sweet gesture. What do you say to a good-looking hockey player that not only asks you to spend time with him three times but also takes the time out of his day for this?
Well, besides thanks, obviously.
Vince handed me one of the cups and I took a sip before looking up at him in surprise.
“How do you know the way I like my coffee?”
Instead of answering, he pointed at something behind me and I turned around to see the coffee order list I’d started a while ago in case someone decided to grab some for everyone, my name on top of the sheet.
“I noticed it yesterday in passing, I swear I’m not a stalker or anything.” He blushed at this and it was so cute and unlike his otherwise smooth self that I couldn’t just let him off the hook.
“You know, that’s exactly what a stalker would say”, I responded with a sly smile and while his face turned even more red he burst out laughing. By now we had the attention of every nurse close by and I was pretty sure that all of them were eavesdropping but who could blame them, I’d do the exact same thing. People here lived for the drama, kind of a given with how much time we spent in here because it didn’t really leave much space for a life outside of these halls. Especially if said drama involved a very hot hockey player.
“I’m changing the topic now before I embarrass myself in front of you even further just so you know. I did actually come here for one more thing,” he trailed off before bending down to pick up a bag that I hadn’t noticed before, too distracted by the guy in front of me. “I brought this for Lucas so he has something to show his friends once he gets back on the ice.” He pulled out a Blues’ jersey and turned it around so I could see that it was one of his, complete with a signature and a small message.
Lucas had been an avid hockey player himself up until his kidneys basically decided that they didn’t want to work anymore a while ago. Things had gotten so bad that he had to permanently stay in intensive care with us until after months of dragging people in here to get tested they finally found a donor in a family friend last week. At least his surgery had gone well and while I’d miss having him around, I was glad that he’d finally get discharged to recover at home later today.
I took another sip of the coffee before getting up and walking next to Vince to Lucas’ room. Lucas greeted me with a smile, which only grew after he saw who was following me into the room. Despite having struggled for so long he had always been in a good mood, even when he had to celebrate his fifteenth birthday in the hospital a few weeks ago.
“Look at you, it’s your last day in here and things just keep on getting better.” Vince and Lucas did the handshake they’d come up with yesterday, something that was absolutely necessary as a hockey player or so I’d been told.
Lucas had grown up in Chicago and he’d seen Vince play for the team there but had only really started paying attention after the apparently best fight ever Vince had gotten into at one of the games. Obviously not my words. The connection between the two of them had been instant and all the hockey talk had my head spinning more than during the first few weeks of nursing school so I made a quick exit, leaving them to it.
“I bet every nurse wishes they could trade spots with you right now, me included by the way”, Rachel, my partner in crime since day one of our college classes together, said as soon as I returned to my spot at the station.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about”, I responded, acting clueless. With a raised brow she reached for my coffee cup, spinning it around to reveal a small note written on the side of it that I hadn’t even noticed before.
“You sure about that? This fine specimen of a hockey player just gave you his number and you still act like there’s nothing going on? Besides, everyone saw you two getting all chummy yesterday.”
I snatched the cup out of her hands, quickly checking if the coast was clear before pulling out my phone to add his number to my contacts while keeping my head down so I wouldn’t have to look her in the eyes.
“Oh wipe that shit-eating grin off your face. All I get is annoying parents and you get hot dads and famous athletes hitting on you out left and right. Like leave some for the rest of us girl, it’s not fair.”
Even though I’d shot Vince a quick text so he could have my number as well, I never really expected anything more than his response that he’d saved it.
To say I was surprised when he texted me the following week was definitely an understatement. It wasn’t a booty call either, no, he’d texted me in the middle of the day asking if I was working days or nights this week.
Me: days as usual but I’m actually on-call today, got luckyy
Dunner: so you’re home right now?
Okay so perhaps this was a booty call after all. Not that I particularly minded.
While his first response had been pretty fast he took a little longer to answer after I told him that I was home indeed. Laying on the couch in an oversized shirt and yoga pants rewatching some Grey’s Anatomy on to be exactly. Almost the same as working. The rainy weather set the perfect mood for a lazy day in though so I hadn’t moved from my spot ever since returning from the gym this morning.
Dunner: this Chinese place near me has a special two for one offer today and I wanted to bring you some to work
I still wasn’t sure if this was him flirting but I’d also never had somebody I’d only met a week ago offer to bring me food to the hospital so he had to be, right? I sent a screenshot of the message to Rachel but I knew that I couldn’t count on her responding to it anytime soon, seeing as she was actually at work right now. I decided to be forward, telling him that I wouldn’t complain about some good food either way.
Inviting someone who was basically a stranger over to your apartment generally wasn’t exactly the best idea, but I counted on the impression I had of him so far and the reputation he surely had to uphold as a NHL player. Besides, we had lots of medical equipment scattered around the apartment so surely I’d find a syringe or something to defend myself if needed.
Dunner: I’ll be over in 30 so try not to get called in before then  
True to his word the bell didn’t ring much later. I’d debated making an effort and changing but I wasn’t about to wear jeans or a skirt to hang out so that didn’t leave many options. Brushing your hair wasn’t nothing either so that counted in my opinion.
Vince had gone through the same train of thought as well apparently because he looked super cozy in some sweatpants and a hoodie that had gotten slightly wet, presumably from his walk from his car to the building as our parking situation was really shitty. He stepped inside and reached up to run his hand through his damp hair before shaking his head, making little droplets of water fly in every direction.
“This is why they don’t allow dogs in here”, I laughed, gesturing to my shirt that now looked like an abstract splash painting.
“Let me make it up to you with some of the best food you’ve ever had because I brought lots” was his response as he lifted the bag of take out while slipping off his shoes by the door, hair now sticking in all directions.
“Alright Dunner, show me what you got”, I said with a wink over my shoulder as I made my way into the kitchen, continuing my bold streak from earlier. I had also learned by now that nicknames were even more important than handshakes as a hockey player. I was pretty sure I’d heard him mumble something along the line of ‘Gladly’ but I was already too far ahead of him to be absolutely certain.
“You’re watching Grey’s Anatomy? Isn’t it like crazy inaccurate?”, he asked with a look at the TV in the living room as I hadn’t bothered to pause the episode.
“Yeah of course it is but I still like it somehow. It’s like the hospital equivalent of bad trash TV shows so it’s kind of my guilty pleasure.”
“Okay give me a quick summary of what I need to know for this episode so we can watch it while we eat.”
I looked at him like he was crazy but he urged me on, looking up at me expectantly from where he’d sat down on the couch. Eventually I gave in, trying to keep explanations as short as possible but even then it took me quite a while to get through, yet Vince never once looked like he was bored. He didn’t lose his interest in it after that either, only looking away from the screen to decide what he was going to eat next, all of the choices delicious just like he promised.
Stuffed like a turkey on Thanksgiving the both of us stayed unmoved on the couch watching episode after episode. Somehow my legs had ended up on his lap and his hands were resting on my knees, drawing slow circles as we made eye contact from time to time. Every few minutes his hand would inch up a little and with him biting his lip as he did it there was no way I would stop him, any doubts about his intentions long gone by now. I couldn’t stop the smile spreading on my lips as his hand finally reached the top of my thigh, softly kneading the sensitive part on the inside. If I was into hand porn, I would have orgasmed already at the sight of his hands wrapped around my thigh.
“What are you grinning about?”, Vince asked with an easy smile himself, looking at me in a way that told me that Meredith had long lost his attention.
“Just waiting for you to finally make a move.”
“I was trying to be somewhat of a gentlemen but I really can’t help myself with you wearing those pants..”
“Well you seem to be awful at it so don’t be one then”, I teased back feeling confident yet again.
In a flash he had somehow - I’ll probably keep wondering about the details for the rest of my life - managed to lift me up enough to shift me so I was straddling his lap, now turned on by his manhandling and the way he was currently looking up at me. For a second both of us stared at each other, trying to figure out if this was really going to happen. Vince lifted his hand from my hip to my face, slowly pulling me down towards him.
Our lips didn’t even get the chance to connect before my phone started ringing.
I jumped up from his lap, immediately recognizing the ringtone I had set for all work calls and almost kneeing him in the crown jewels in the process. One look at my screen told me that it was an emergency which prompted me to run into my room cursing. I quickly pulled on the pair of scrubs I’d laid out in the morning, one hand still pulling the top down while the other was trying to attach my badge properly by the time I made it back into the living room. Vince hadn’t even moved from the couch yet, eyes wide and legs still comfortably spread apart, a sight that made me want to climb back on top of him but unfortunately I couldn’t do that.
“I’m so sorry but I gotta go, you don’t need to rush though. Feel free to keep on watching if you want but please don’t rob us and make sure the door is closed if you decide to leave after all, it locks automatically. The food was delicious thank you very much and bye!”
I barely heard him saying bye as well before I was already through the door, not really looking forward to spending the next few hours in the chaos that usually came with emergency calls. Especially after how much I’d enjoyed spending time with Vince and how much I wished that we would’ve just skipped all of the testing-the-waters stuff and would’ve just went at it like madmen.
The weekend couldn’t arrive fast enough and by the time it was Saturday I was ready to abandon all of my plans so I could sleep the rest of the day. I’d gotten in late last night after working overtime and I probably would have stayed in bed till noon if it wasn’t for Rachel and Mariah bursting into my room at nine in the morning. At least they didn’t wake me at the crack of dawn and the cake they were carrying to my bed looked pretty delicious as well.
“Look at you, another year older and yet still sexy as fuck”, Rachel exclaimed as she hopped onto the bed beside me after they’d finished their horrible rendition of Happy Birthday. Mariah settled on the other side of me and I guess my friends knew me well enough because we didn’t move from that position except to grab some more food and booze until it was time to get ready for tonight. Best roommates ever.
“You need to look extra hot tonight, I want Vince to lose his shit when he sees you.”
Ever since I’d sent the screenshot to Rachel and told her about the couch situation, she had been on my back about the thing. Something about me needing to bag rich hot athletes for her sake. I didn’t even argue with her anymore, only rolling my eyes in sync with Mariah whenever she brought it up.
To my surprise Vince hadn’t been deterred by my hasty exit a few days ago, something that had definitely surprised me. It wasn’t the first time that my job had cockblocked me and it definitely won’t be the last and I’d met more than my fair share of guys who were absolutely not into that at all. The fascination with nurses died really fast once people realized how much time we spent on the job.
Vince and I had texted constantly since he spent the day with me and he had somehow managed to make casual conversation with a flirty undertone the entire time. We’d already established that neither of us was looking for anything serious right now but I had decided that I would definitely not say no to some fun with him.
Some birthday sex would be great for starters. I let Rachel curl my hair while I focused on perfecting my make up because I wanted to look good tonight, not just for Vince but also because by next weekend I’d already be packed so this was really my last big hurrah before moving back home.
The thing about spending most of my days make up free in sports bras, comfortable panties and running shoes was that if I did bother to go out, I put in a lot of effort. I was determined to turn heads tonight so I pulled on a black lace bodysuit that practically presented my boobs on a silver tray, a pair of jeans that made my ass look spectacular and some black stilettos that I hoped wouldn’t kill my feet in a few hours. I had to go braless under the bodysuit, the mesh part on the back making that very obvious and I had a feeling that Vince wouldn’t exactly mind either.
“Girl I’d totally bang you because you look so hot but that outfit shows off everything that’s wrong with you”, Rachel said as we all examined ourselves one last time in front of the full-length mirror in my room and took pictures. I shot her a confused look.
“Wait what’s wrong with me?”
“Well for one your ass looks bangin and so do your boobs and I’m pretty sure that I could tell if you had a dick wearing that and people with dicks are my type soooo..”, she trailed off and both Mariah and I turned towards her with an incredulous look before bursting out laughing, all the day drinking taking its toll already. It wasn’t exactly new for Rachel to stop making any sense once she had some alcohol in her but it was still just as entertaining every single time.
“I can’t believe you’re complaining about her not having a dick right now”, Mariah sighed and I couldn’t stop giggling at my idiotic friends.
“I’m not complaining! I’m just saying that I need a dick to-“
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence. Just – just for once in your life be at least somewhat normal please”, Mariah interrupted her exasperated and the both of them continuing to bicker still had me laughing by the time we climbed into the back of our Uber.
We were the last to arrive of course, because Rachel had insisted on us being fashionably late so by the time we made it inside the bar I could already spot my friends sitting in the back. She had also insisted on me wearing a stupid Birthday Girl sash, reminding me how many free drinks it would get me, but I drew the line at the tiara she had pulled out of her purse as well. I was too old for the full 21st birthday look after all.
After I was hugged by everyone and had received all of the birthday wishes and presents I realized that Vince wasn’t among the group, which was weird because we’d been texting all day and he had asked to confirm the time and place again just this morning.
It was as if my thought made him appear because soon I felt two hands gently grab my waist while his cologne infiltrated my senses. He spun me around and the force of the move had me reach out to rest my hands on his shoulders so I wouldn’t fall over. I knew he had done that on purpose.
We were standing so close that we would have definitely gotten in trouble if this were a middle school dance and the way he looked down at me right now made me curse everything that came to my mind because I just wanted to drag him to the nearest bathroom so he could bend me over the counter but of course that wouldn’t be acceptable in front of all my friends.
“Why didn’t you tell me that today is your birthday? Now I’m going to have to make up for the fact that I didn’t get you a present.”
I had a feeling that I wouldn’t mind whatever this making up entailed, if the way he tightened his grip while looking at me as if he was thinking about bathroom counters as well was any indicator.
“Because you don’t just tell people that it’s your birthday, that’s weird.” He pulled me even tighter then, wrapping his arms around me and wishing me a happy birthday after giving me a kiss on the cheek that gave me goosebumps. Before he had the chance to pull away however, I leaned up on my tippy toes because even with heels he was still taller than me and whispered “I can’t wait for the making up for it part though” in his ear.
He groaned in response and he dropped his hands to give my hips a squeeze before reluctantly letting go of me. Only now did I spot the two guys behind him that were all watching us with amused expressions, which had to be the friends he said he’d bring. Introductions were quick and I didn’t even bother to introduce everyone to Vince and his gang because the group was so big that the three of them wouldn’t be able to remember many names either way.
We settled into one of the booths and Rachel practically pushed me into the seat next to Vince, not that I minded of course. Conversation flowed easily, as did the drinks, and soon I found myself climbing out of the booth because I had just about consumed my body weight in liquid and desperately needed to go to the bathroom for something that unfortunately wasn’t sex. Walking over I could feel a slight buzz already but not to the extent that would make me stumble in my heels, perfect for a night out.
By the time Mariah and I returned I could tell that another one of Rachel’s plans was in action because now there was one more person sitting at our table, meaning there wasn’t enough space left for both Mariah and I. I was about to move to sit with some other friends in the booth next to ours when Vince, who was conveniently seated at the edge of our booth, told me to sit on his lap and that was an offer I would never turn down.
He grabbed my hips to pull me closer and onto his lap as he said: “Don’t worry I won’t bite.”
I couldn’t resist messing with him though, so I purposefully shifted closer to his crotch and leaned towards him so only he could hear me as I whispered: “What if I want you to though?” I could tell he was trying to suppress a groan and he gripped me even tighter, pulling me back into him.
Poor Vince, his balls were going to be the same color as a Blues jersey soon enough.
Unfortunately I couldn’t elaborate to make the situation even worse for him because I was being pulled into the conversation at the table. I could feel him growing hard underneath my ass though and the fact that I was able to rile him up so easily really did wonders for my self-confidence..
After I could tell that he had calmed down again I decided to put him out of his misery. Well, kind of. Me leaning across one of the pool tables as I took my shot gave him a perfect view of my cleavage or of me bending over after all, depending on where he stood.
“Are you always this bad?”, I asked after he missed yet another shot.
“No, usually I’m average at least but I guess I’m a little bit distracted right now.” He didn’t even try to hide him staring at my boobs as I took my turn. We’d both long dropped any pretense about where this was headed. After I made my shot I walked around the table to get a better angle for the next one, accidentally brushing up against Vince who now had a perfect view of my ass.
“I hope you’re only average at pool and not at anything else”, I teased him with a look over my shoulder after watching the ball roll into the hole the way I’d planned before straightening up again.
“Let me take you home so my neighbors can confirm me being anything but average”, he responded, his voice deep as he moved next to me, one of his big hands resting on my lower back to play with the fabric there, the heat of his hands practically burning my skin as I looked up at him.
Our intense eye contact was interrupted by one of the waitresses who walked up to the pool table sheepishly with a drink on her tray.
“Hey, that guy over there sent you this and I’m supposed to tell you to come over to him so you don’t have to, uh, keep playing with a - um - loser. His words not mine, sorry.” She pointed to a guy a few tables over who was decently good looking but radiated Asshole Energy off of him, his incredibly rude move not really helping either. Even if it wasn’t for Vince standing next to me I wouldn’t have touched him with a ten foot pole.
Vince had tensed up at the words and I watched him ball his hands into his fists, every muscle in his body tightening with anger. I had no doubt that because of his hockey experience he could hold his own in a fight but it wasn’t something I needed tonight. I thanked the waitress before setting the drink down and making a show of turning towards Vince, one hand trailing up from his biceps to the back of his head so I could interrupt the stare off he was currently having with the other guy.
“Don’t worry, I’m flattered that I seem to be able to distract you so much. To be honest I can’t really concentrate either because now I really want you to make me scream so loud that your neighbors file noise complaints.” Vince choked slightly and then reached for the drink that was sitting next to me, taking three big gulps while looking at me, his eyes dark.
He then grabbed my hand and I didn’t miss the smug look he threw at the other guy over my shoulder before pulling me towards the backdoor of the bar, the pool game abandoned without a second thought. The air outside had cooled down a bit by now but I didn’t even get the chance to acknowledge that because Vince had me pushed against the wall in a second, one hand resting next to my head while the other reached up to cup my face, dropping his head for a kiss.
All this teasing had finally led to this.
It was rough and yet sensual at the same time, his lips demanding and it didn’t take long until his tongue licked along my bottom lip, asking for entrance. He then deepened the kiss even further and I reached up to bury my hands in his stupidly perfect and soft hair, eliciting a throaty groan. When he pushed one of his legs in between mine I couldn’t help the moan that escaped me in turn at the delicious friction, followed by yet another one as he dropped his head to suck along my neck. I could feel how hard he was and it turned me on beyond imagination.
The thought that I would probably let him fuck me in this alley right now brought me back down to earth because this was not how I envisioned my night going.
“Vince, hold up”, I murmured and as soon as my words registered with him he pulled away, both of us panting.
“What’s wrong?”
I laughed at his expression, he looked at me as if he was truly worried that he’d overstepped a boundary. As if I hadn’t thrown hints left and right for the last couple of days. His swollen lips made it hard to concentrate because I just wanted to sink my teeth into them until he groaned again the way he had only seconds ago and I silently cursed his stupid perfect lips. I wondered what damage they could do.
“Nothing’s wrong, nothing at all. I just wanted to say let’s go back inside for like another hour or so and then we can take off.” The smile that quickly spread on his face made it obvious that he was going to say something not-PG-13 before he opened his mouth again to ask:
“Do you think your friends would mind if I dragged you home right this second?”
I had to laugh at that but it quickly died in my throat as he moved his hands to my hips to pull me close again before crashing his lips back onto mine. The going back to the others part would apparently be slightly delayed but with the way his lips and body moved against mine right now I would probably agree to anything if it meant getting to stay right in this position a bit longer.
This time it was less rushed and frantic and instead he took his time to explore every inch of my mouth while his hands wandered my body. Mine were roaming as well, from the neck down his muscular shoulders around to the front before finally creeping up his back below his shirt. I enjoyed the way I could feel his muscles tense under my touch but eventually we had to pull away from each other. We’d spent way too much time out here as it is.
“Let’s go back inside, the faster we get back the sooner we can leave and besides they’re probably wondering what we’re doing out here so long.”
The smug looks we received once we made our way back to the tables after I fixed my hair and make up and Vince did whatever he had to do to conceal his massive hard on made it clear that everyone had a good idea of what had gone on outside though. I’m pretty sure Rachel would have high fived me if it weren’t for the people sitting between us.
I sat on Vince’s lap again and this time it was torture for the both of us to wait until it was finally an acceptable time to make a getaway. I let Rachel take all the presents for me and she made Vince give her his address and phone number before she let him pull me into the back of an Uber.
I was pressed against him for the entire ride, his hand resting way higher on my leg than technically publicly acceptable. With every turn or bump in the road he accidentally brushed my core and at more than one point I had to hide my face in his broad chest so the driver wouldn’t hear the soft moans that couldn’t be stopped. I could tell that he was trying his best not to get too handsy as not to cause a scene but once we were alone in the elevator of his building all bets were off.
He walked me back against the doors, pushing one of his legs in between my own again and kissed me with a force that made me glad that I had tons of metal behind me as leverage to push back. He only pulled away once the little ‘ding’ could be heard and even then he only held off until he had me inside his apartment, barely waiting a second before he shrugged off his jacket, quickly moving onto mine.
Somehow we managed to make it onto the couch without breaking apart our kiss and I barely had time to admire his floor to ceiling windows before he pulled me close until I was straddling his lap. His lips were working on my neck again and I reminded him to not leave any marks there because I had to work on Monday morning, which only prompted him to move down lower, sucking at the skin right above the lace of my bodysuit.
“No one will see those then”, he murmured against my breasts and I moaned as he reached up to palm them through the material. By the time he was done I had several purple marks littering my cleavage and I really needed to see more of him so I motioned for him to take his shirt off, watching in awe as he reached back to pull it over his head in the perfect way only guys managed to.
His body could only be described as a work of art and I could tell that he worked really hard for it as I traced the outline of his abs, muscles contracting and goosebumps rising at my touch. The city lights made for the perfect lighting and the way his skin glowed in their reflection belonged in a museum if ever captured.
Vince reached for the button of my jeans and looked at me as if to ask if I was okay with that. I nodded before standing up, trying to get out of my jeans and heels in a quick but still somewhat sexy motion but I probably succeeded only halfway. He didn’t seem deterred by my struggle at all, the hungry look in his eyes never once vanishing.
As soon as I stood upright again Vince reached up to trace the lace embellishments, slowly moving his hands down lower towards where I really wanted them. Considering the fact that the bodysuit had already been pretty revealing in itself there wasn’t really much ‘new’ skin to see so far but he still looked at me with an intensity that almost made me shiver.
He reached to pull me down on him again but instead I surprised him by sinking down to my knees in front of him, his breath audibly hitching in his throat. For a second he was silent but as soon as I poked my tongue out to trace the ‘V’ on his lower stomach he let out a low moan, throwing his head back.
“Impatient much?”, I teased him, pleasantly surprised at my ability to make him almost lose his shit without even really doing anything.
“You have no idea. I’ve thought about this for days”, he admitted and I only smiled in return, moving to pull his jeans down along with his boxers without revealing that I had done the same. He got up to step out of both while I was focused on watching his dick bounce with the movement, amazed at the size of it.
As soon as he made himself comfortable again I grabbed the base with one hand while resting the other one on his thigh as I moved to lick the drops of precum that adorned the tip. When my tongue made contact he moved one of his hands into my hair, holding it back so he could get a better view.
“Fuck, you look so good like this”, he cursed when I finally wrapped my lips around him, taking the head into my mouth while swirling my tongue around him and taking him a bit further. I removed my lips and I could tell he was about to protest but any words died in his mouth when I started sucking his balls, reaching up to pump his length that was already slick from my spit with my hand.
He seemed to find his voice again once I licked up the underside of his dick but it was only a string of curses that turned into moans when I took him into my mouth as far as I could, my nose touching his pelvic bone. I relaxed my throat and swallowed around him, my name falling from his lips again and again as I reached up to massage his balls at the same time. I looked up to see him watching me with his pupils blown, hair sticking in all directions from running his hands through it so many times and his mouth slightly open. His arms were spread out beside him on the back of the couch and I wanted to take a picture to commemorate the moment, wanting to remember this forever. He had definitely never looked better and no one could convince me otherwise.
The hand in my hair helped me set a rhythm as I bobbed my head while licking around him and Vince was a moaning and cursing mess above me. It didn’t take long before he quite literally pulled me off him, running his hand across his face and taking a few calming breaths.
“You’re incredible but I don’t want to cum yet”, he finally murmured when he helped me back up and I wasn’t sure if he was only complimenting my blowjob-skills or more but the way he was looking at me right now made any thought besides wanting him inside me disappear.
“Vince I need you”, I practically begged and he quickly nodded before standing up with me still in his lap, reaching out to grab the back of my thighs to prevent me from slipping down. He somehow managed to walk up the stairs with me still wrapped around him while I trailed kisses along his collar bones and it was probably the hottest non-sexual thing I’d ever experienced with a guy.
He turned on a soft light once inside his room and while I would have loved to have a look around I was pretty distracted by the way he literally threw me on the bed before crawling on top of me, my legs falling apart to make space for him as if it was the most natural thing on earth.
Vince kissed down my breasts before suddenly stopping somewhere above my belly button.
“Okay I have to admit I’m a bit lost here, as hot as you look in it how the fuck do I get this thing off?” I probably shouldn’t laugh in such a somewhat serious situation but his helpless expression did nothing to stop the giggles that escaped my mouth. He was smiling as well and I was glad that we could laugh about the slight hiccup without it turning awkward.
I quickly reached down to snap open the buttons before sitting up and pulling the piece of lace over my head, discarding it in some corner of his room now completely naked.
“Much better”, he murmured, one of his hands reaching out to grab a hold of my boobs while the other one wrapped around my back, lowering us back onto the mattress. Eventually he trailed his kisses over the part of my skin that was marked up by him until he sucked one of my nipples into his mouth, his hand taking care of the other one.
Slowly but surely he kissed his way down my body, skipping over the part where I needed him most to suck along the inside of my thighs. The sensation rushed through me, my core already throbbing from days of built up expectations and I let out a whine. I was tempted to try and close my legs so I could at least get some kind of friction but his shoulders between them made that impossible.
“Patience baby, don’t you know that good things come to those who wait?”, he murmured and I shuddered at the feeling of his breath fanning across my heat. I didn’t even have the time to think about the fact that he had just called me baby or that I was actually a firm believer in good things happening to those who worked for them because he reached down to drag one of his fingers through my folds and all thoughts left my body.
“Shit, you’re so wet already”, he said softly but I was unable to give him any response besides a frantic nod and another desperate whine.
I’d fantasized about this for the last couple of days of course but nothing came close to the reality of one of his thick fingers dipping into my core. He teased my entrance for a bit, only pushing inside to his first knuckle but then I whined again and he pushed it in as far as he could. I was so lost in the feeling that I hadn’t even noticed him moving back up my body until he littered the valley between my breasts with heated kisses.
“So tight. I can’t wait to feel you around my cock.”
As if the words he’d moaned into my ear weren’t already enough to make any coherent thoughts disappear, he added a second finger and I arched my back into him, the change of angle just right in a way that had me gripping the sheets so tightly that my knuckles turned white. He reached dropped down to tease my nipples, sucking and licking them expertly while his hand thrust up into me.
My moans were already filling the room but then he started circling my clit with his thumb and I knew that I wouldn’t last much longer, the anticipation and desperation definitely helping to speed things along. He looked up at me to watch my reactions and the sight of him with his mouth latched onto my breast was almost enough to send me over the edge by itself.
“I’m so close Vince, please don’t stop”, I begged and this seemed to spur him on further, his movements turning even more eager as he continued to place sloppy kisses along my skin. It was the combination of everything he was doing to me that finally brought me over the edge, the release so sweet after needing it for so long.
He made sure to extend my orgasm as long as possible, only pulling his hand away after I whimpered slightly, the stimulation a bit much now. His softly kissed his way back down and along my thighs now and I could tell that he wasn’t quite done with me yet.
“How’s the birthday girl feeling right now?”, he asked with a teasing smile and normally I probably would have smacked him for this but right now I would tolerate it because I was still in my blissful post-orgasmic state.
“Amazing so far, could do better though.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Mhm, I’m pretty sure I was promised some making up for the lack of a present and I don’t think we’ve reached that point yet.”
“Well excuse me then while I go back to work.” And with that he flattened his tongue and boldly licked one long stripe across my slit.
He started out slowly and I was glad because I was still a bit sensitive from my last orgasm, lapping at my entrance and pushing his tongue inside of me, making me gasp. It didn’t take long however until he grabbed my hips to pull me closer and onto his mouth, pushing my legs up to expose me even further to him and ultimately giving him better access.
When he sucked my clit into his mouth I couldn’t help but arch my back off the mattress again, burying my hands in his hair as he reached up to hold me still. This guy’s lips weren’t just pretty, they were apparently amazingly talented as well.
He replaced his tongue with one of his thick fingers, slowly pushing in and soon his name fell off my lips in a religious chant as he added yet another one, curling them upwards for maximum pleasure. I could feel my high coming from a mile away and Vince apparently must have too by the way I was grinding myself against his face because he quite literally dove back in, determined to shatter my word.
And shatter my world he did.
I was pretty sure I would have floated away as I reached my high if it wasn’t for Vince’s hand across my stomach keeping me grounded. My legs were still shaking with the aftershocks of one of the arguably - no hands down - best orgasms I’d had while getting head in my life. By the time I was finally able to open my eyes again he was wiping his face before grinning down at me.
“You look so fucked out already and we haven’t even gotten to that part yet”, he teased and I let out a chuckle before pushing at his chest. Leave it to him to make fun of me after he was the one who put me in this situation. Not that I was complaining of course.
“Don’t worry, it’s a good look on you. One that I’d definitely like to see more often.” He leaned down to nip at my neck then, his cock prodding at my thigh.
“If you keep doing that you definitely will”, I responded with an airy laugh, still kind of breathless. All talk died down after that however when he captured my lips with his again as he crawled on top of me, settling between my legs. Kissing him was definitely addicting and the fact that I could taste myself while doing so only made it ten times more hot.
Vince rolled his hips against mine, groaning into my mouth when his cock dragged against my skin while I couldn’t stop the moan escaping my lips either. Breaking the kiss he pulled back in a way that had him in a push-up position above me, giving me a moment to enjoy the view. His hair was sticking in all kinds of directions, his pupils so blown that they almost seemed black instead of the usual beautiful green and his muscles were flexing from holding the position.
“Still want to keep going?”, he asked and in my daze it took me a second to realize that this was him asking for consent. I had no doubt that he wouldn’t do anything I didn’t want him to but this, him offering to stop when he had done so much for me already while not getting off yet in return, was sweet. Especially since I had made it more than obvious that stopping was definitely not on my mind.
I moved to flip us over then, straddling his thighs and wrapping my hand around his dick, pumping him a few times and in case that wasn’t confirmation enough for him I leaned down to whisper a “definitely” in his ear.
“Top drawer on your right.”
Only because we weren’t in the middle of his huge bed was I able to reach said drawer, grabbing one of the foil packets out of the box and ripping it open with my teeth before rolling it down on him. I scooted up enough to line his cock with my entrance and while I tried to watch Vince as I sunk down on him the way my eyes fluttered shut at the sensation was out of my control.
While there had definitely been enough foreplay to make the sliding in part easy it was still quite a stretch, one so amazing however that it had the both of us moaning at the same time.
“Shit you feel incredible”, he breathed and I nodded my head in agreement, too lost in the pleasure to form any coherent sentences. Rolling my hips against him created some amazing friction that had my head spinning as I clenched my muscles, eliciting throaty groans from him.
Vince reached for my hips, gripping them tightly as he helped guide me along, my clit catching on his pelvic bone with every backward movement. “You got one more in you babe?”, he asked and to my surprise I could tell that I did. The fact that I could already feel it bubbling inside of me spoke volumes of our chemistry in bed together. This was a friends with benefits arrangement I could definitely get behind.
He sat up then, changing the angle at which his cock dragged against my walls and also making it possible for him to take one of my nipples into his mouth, gently grazing his teeth against it while tightening his grip on my hip as he thrust up into me. At this point I was a moaning mess on top of him but I honestly didn’t care. I hadn’t had sex this good in a while and the way he looked up at me in awe made it impossible to feel anything but sexy.
I didn’t even need any extra help to reach my third orgasm of the night with his name falling off my lips, the feeling so strong that my mind was absolutely blank and I saw stars dancing across the back of my eyelids as I arched into him with my eyes shut. He made sure to let me ride it out, groaning as he felt my walls tighten around him but as soon as I slumped against him he turned us around so he was on top of me, never once pulling out.
The pace at which he was chasing his own high now was relentless and hard and I would have held on for dear life if he hadn’t raised my arms to keep them above my head. One of his hands easily encased both of my wrists while he used his other to keep at least some of his weight off of me. I knew that a fourth orgasm was off the table, I was way too exhausted for that by now but he still felt amazing inside of me. I wrapped my legs around him to allow him deeper, the smack of our skin and our moans so loud that I was glad that we didn’t have any nosy roommates right next door. Those noise complaints from the neighbors I’d mentioned earlier might still roll in though.
With this pace it didn’t take long for his thrusts to lose all rhythm and I could tell that he wouldn’t last much longer. I clenched around him to bring him even closer and he groaned into the crook of my neck where he had buried his face, my name and some colorful curses falling off his lips. He readjusted his position so he could lean up enough to look at me while still holding my wrists above my head and I watched him throw his head back in pleasure as he slammed deep inside of me one last time, face contorting in pleasure as he reached his high. I could feel him pulsing inside of me and a pleasant shudder ran through me, making me sigh at the feeling. Perhaps this was my body’s way of saying girl if I could have, I would have.
He let go of my wrists then and I wrapped my arms around him as he dropped down on top of me. We both caught our breath for a few seconds which honestly wasn’t easy with the extra weight on my chest but it was a nice feeling. He had to carefully pull out and roll off of me eventually, throwing the condom next to the bed to dispose of later. For now it was nice to lay beside each other, covered in a sheen of sweat and still panting.
After finally landing back on planet earth I looked to my right at the alarm clock waiting on the nightstand, only now realizing how late it had gotten. Vince lifted his head enough to check the time as well and let out a light groan at the sight.
“You can spend the night if you want but we should definitely shower before that. Even if it wasn’t your birthday – well technically it’s not anymore – I’m not some dick that would kick you out in the middle of the night.”
I was surprised at his offer, I’d been with guys who were those dicks but I was even more surprised when he told me to pick something to sleep in from his closet before pulling on a pair of boxers and getting up to grab waters for the both of us.
I decided to postpone this until after showering, quickly making my way to his ensuite to use the toilet. I saw enough UTIs at work, I didn’t need them following me home. I was trying to wipe my make up off as best as I could with a washcloth and the face wash from his counter when he returned to his bathroom, a new toothbrush triumphantly in his hand.
“Found this in my junk drawer in the kitchen but I’ll be honest, I have no idea how it got there. The wrapping is unopened tho”, he admitted sheepishly and I laughed.
“Doesn’t matter, I’ll take it.”
Our shower was quick, both of us too exhausted for any more funny business but if my gaze had dropped from time to time appreciatively no one would ever know. He had an amazing body and I would have to be a nun not to acknowledge that.
Especially while he was naked in the shower.
I definitely wasn’t a nun.
Looking for clothes to sleep in turned out to be more difficult than I’d originally thought because of his affinity to clothes that were at least one size too big. Most of them would reach my knees in a really unflattering way and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to sleep while drowning in fabric. I tried on three, neatly putting them back afterwards and actually contemplating sleeping in only a pair of his boxers before finally finding one that didn’t make me look like a kid.
I could tell that it was an old shirt, perhaps from a previous team, worn down over time with a slightly faded print but it was comfortable and it smelled like him, even if I doubted that he had worn it anytime recently.
Vince was already tucked into bed by the time I stepped back into his bedroom, scrolling through his phone but putting it down on the nightstand once I got closer. I could see that he’d searched for a second charger so I could plug my phone in overnight as well and it was such a little gesture but yet it made me smile.
“I prefer to sleep on the right side, I hope you don’t mind”, he said as I climbed under the cover beside him. I shook my head no before responding:
“Nah, I actually like the left side better.”
“See, we’re meant to be fuck buddies.”
“I could already tell from the three orgasms but hey, if that’s what it takes for you to realize that.”
“You have a point there.”
Any other time and I certainly would’ve stayed up for a while longer so we could talk but right now I knew I wouldn’t last long. For a second I wasn’t sure how to do this, would it be weird to cuddle?
Vince made my decision easy however when he pulled me close until my back was flush against him, wrapping his arm around my waist. After our exhausting shenanigans earlier it took neither of us long to fall asleep.
The next morning I woke super early, my inner clock not allowing me to sleep past seven despite staying up late. I’d turned around in my sleep to lay on my stomach but Vince had somehow managed to keep his arm around me and get even closer.
I was slightly worried for my safety because of the fact that I had managed to sleep through a 200 pound guy basically laying on top of me but I’d slept like a baby. I could tell that Vince was still asleep by the even breaths that fanned across my neck but one part of him definitely wasn’t, poking my side. Bless the male population for their sleepy boners.
I was trying to let him sleep as long as I could, I really did, but with him so close to me and the images of last night combined with the very interesting dream I’d just woken up from burned into my memory I couldn’t help myself. I slowly turned in his arms so we were back to the position we’d fell asleep in, on our sides and pressed together spooning.
Even through my shirt I could feel his body radiating heat and if the night had been warmer it definitely would’ve been too much but right now I just wished for all barriers between our bodies to disappear.
My shifting had apparently woken Vince up successfully because he let out a throaty groan before, consciously or not, rocking against my ass and burying his face in my neck.
“Morning”, he said and I’m not gonna lie his husky morning voice did things to me that didn’t exactly help my situation.
“Morning, how’d you sleep?”, I asked, turning my head slightly so I wasn’t having this conversation with his incredibly comfortable pillow.
“Could’ve been longer but I don’t mind. Now that I’m up however..”, he trailed off, lightly biting my neck and moving his hand from my waist to grab my boob, rocking into me again, this time definitely on purpose.
This was definitely a friends with benefits situation I could get behind.
Somehow Vince managed to weasel his way into my life after that. He’d come over after I finished a shift at the hospital, spend the night and leave me incredibly satisfied the next morning when both of us went our separate ways again. Our time with each other was pretty short, only a week, but somehow I’d had more sex in that one week than in the last few months combined.
My last shift at the hospital on Saturday was, for a lack of better words, sad as fuck. So many people came up to me, telling me how much they would miss me and what a great addition I had been over the past year. When they brought a cake into the break room with a sweet message written on top of it I couldn’t help the tears that welled up. I could see Rachel subtly wipe at her eyes as well and I hugged her tightly.
“Remember our first day of classes? Oh how things have changed since then”, she muttered against me and I nodded. One thing that hadn’t changed however was our friendship. She was the reason I had come to Toronto, where she had grown up but it had been five years since I left my home to go to college and I knew that it was time to go back to my family and childhood friends.
“Don’t think you’ll be getting rid of me this soon, I’ll call you all the time and with there only being a one hour time difference between Toronto and St. Louis you have no excuse to avoid me.”
“As if I could ever avoid you, you little shit. But if your hometown insists on having you back I’ll allow it, I guess.” Her insulting me told me that she was okay again so I let go of her, the both of us still sniffling a bit as we each grabbed a piece of the cake.
When I finally made my ay back home that night Vince was already there. Mariah had probably let him in. There’s been some raised eyebrows at first but after seeing him here every day neither of my roommates was surprised when he knocked at our apartment door. Somehow he seemed to sense that I wasn’t in a talking mood right now, especially about having to say goodbye to the place that had been my home for the past year.
I was excited to see my family and friends in St. Louis again, don’t get me wrong, but goodbyes were never easy.
He greeted me with one of his comforting hugs that I’d already grown accustomed to before dropping his head to press a soft kiss on the top of my head before pulling me to the bathroom.
My shampoo and other toiletries were some of the last few things that hadn’t been stuffed in boxes and duffel bags yet and the sight made tears well up in my eyes.
“It’s okay, you know. I don’t like leaving here either”, he murmured in my ear as he wrapped his arms around me from behind, moving us so we both got hit by the stream of hot water. I wanted to forget everything but the feel of his naked body pressed against me but right now I knew I was too in my head to actually be able to enjoy it. Later maybe.
“But you get to come back every summer for a couple of months. I don’t know how long it’ll take until I can visit everyone again and even then it’ll probably only be for a few days.”
“That’s true. But your friends can also visit you. And in a few weeks I’ll be down as well and then you’ll be so annoyed by me constantly bugging you that you won’t be able to miss your friends here anymore.” My sniffle turned into a laugh at his words and I almost swallowed a big gulp of water in that moment, making both of us break into fits of laughter.
I was glad I’d have him with me again in a few weeks. Hopefully at least. We’d talked about our situation and I told Vince to hit me up again once he’d made it to St. Louis too in a few weeks and while he said he would, I knew that there was the possibility that he might not. I didn’t have the opportunity to dwell on the thought too long though because he’d managed to distract me yet again when he placed searing hot kisses along my shoulder.
If he hadn’t managed to get me out of my shell back in the hospital I never would’ve ended up with him in the shower right now. Or bent over the mattress a few minutes later.
Vince Dunn, the arrogant professional athlete, had turned out to be nothing like I’d expected and I had never been more happy to be wrong.
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inkabelledesigns · 3 years
Sam and Jan’s Apartment - Nightmares are Reality Sims
So as of late, I’ve had a LOT of ideas brewing for yet another Bendy fic, and in some of my planning for it, I’ve built one of the locations in the Sims 4 to use as reference. It’s been busy at home, and I needed this to relax, so I’m glad I took the time to do that briefly. You may have seen my previous post about Nightmares are Reality, but if you haven’t, here’s the short version: Samantha Lorenzo from 2021 and Sammy Lawrence from 1946 wake up one morning with their bodies switched, and now both have to embrace the other’s friend group to not only find a way to get back, but also stop the inevitable fate of the studio staff as shown in the novel Dreams Come to Life. There’s angst, there’s fluff, and it get pretty rough, but there’s so much to play with for this story. 
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Come with me, and let’s dive into Sam and Jan’s apartment!
So first, we gotta talk about Sam and Jan themselves. Samantha is the curly haired one, and Janet is the one in the hat (she wouldn’t be caught dead without one). Unfortunately the Sims does not allow me to change heights (and I don’t have a mod for it), but imagine for me if you will that Jan is significantly shorter than Sam. I did not have a ton in mind in the way of colors for them, but together their wardrobes have a LOT of red and black, with a little white and tan thrown in. I have Sam with the lifetime goal of being a successful author, which falls in line with her love of storytelling in modern media. Jan on the other hand is a songwriter and musician that’s still trying to find her path. The two met in college and graduated not too long ago, and now they’re both hunting for work (which Janet has part time when the fic begins). 
In addition to them, we have their cat, Figaro (named after the cat from Disney’s Pinnochio, Sam is a nerd like that).
Now, we move onto their apartment!
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I chose the 1020 Alto Apartments lot for this, which came with the condition of the Romantic Fireplace that I can’t remove. But I added on Home Studio and Great Acoustics so they could bump up their skills a little easier. This is my first time playing with a lot challenge, and that is Spooky, which makes it so ghosts will come over now and again, which scares the crap out of both of them. And uh, funny story...
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The ghost of Joey Drew was the third one to come, and he was VERY angry when Sam met him. X’’’D I did not see that coming, but now I kinda want to make more Bendy ghosts just to see if they pop in. Would you guys be into that? I mean Depths Henry is a ghost, so I probably SHOULD make him. 
At any rate, let’s look at the layout. Bear in mind, I am not phenomenal at building houses, much less apartments, but I think this worked out. 
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It opens up into the kitchen, which is filled with all the essentials (these ladies are big on their caffeine). Currently I headcanon that Sam cooks while Jan cleans, but Jan is the better baker out of the two of them. Sam also likes to have fresh ingredients, and while I can’t do a window box on this lot, I can have some indoor vertical plants.
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There isn’t much of a separation between living room and kitchen, but this is the living room! Some stuff is for playing with (since I actually play with my households now and then), like the dancefloor, but others are for actual use. They use a record player to listen to jazz and other music, and the furniture would be all mismatched like that (they were broke college kids, gotta sit on something, right? probably got it from a bunch of garage sales). The photo setup is something they use, but it belongs to their friend Vincent, which brings me to the first bedroom.
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I haven’t made these two as Sims yet, but Sam and Jan have another duo living with them, Jess and Vincent, who are a couple. Jess is a makeup artist who often experiments on her friends, and she hopes to get into the makeup and wardrobe side of the cinematography scene. Vince on the other hand is a photography and film guy who’s an absolute sweetheart. Those two share this bedroom (Jess had more of a say in the decorating, Vince is pretty easygoing about the aesthetic). 
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I had to make sure there was a special corner for Jess’ makeup stuff, she’d want space to move around. The mirror is also something she loves, and they all borrow it a lot. Why?
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Because of this creepy room nextdoor! X’’’D So I just learned mannequins are a thing, and I can dress them however I want, so I put some in this pretty much functionless closet. (Though the two masculine ones have been glitching in a way that turns their heads a little at certain angles, and it creeps me out a LOT) This is the cosplay closet, which mostly Jess and Sam use, but all four of them have some numbers in here. These four are a cosplay group, mostly for Bendy, but for other fandoms too. Jess likes going as Twisted Alice (heavy special effects makeup, go figure), Vincent likes Henry and Joey (he likes scruffy nerds and suits), Janet dresses as Jack Fain (though she’s also done some gender bends of other characters), and Samantha (as I’m sure you’ve guessed by now) is right there as the Sammy for their group. If I can ever learn how to work with custom content, I would love to have a cosplay for each of them on these mannequins, but we’ll save that for later. These nerds are absolutely the types to play around with cosplay photos and tiktok videos, I’m sure they duet often. XD
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We have some bathrooms, which are pretty self explanatory, but then we have Janet’s room. She is big on the posters and loves having her instruments right there and ready to play. She plays guitar and piano, but I may have her pick up violin down the line. Both of them have the geek trait and are prone to playing videogames more often than not, but Jan is mostly found playing her music. 
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We have a small corner of the hallway for the cat. And then last but not least: Sam’s room.
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This is Samantha’s creative space. Much like my space, when she’s working, it gets messy. She loves turning on some jazz while she writes, and while she’s crafting. I gave her and Jan the knitting supplies, since I don’t really know how else to simulate sewing for these characters, and they also have some clutter. Sam has one additional mannequin in her room, and she’s into figures, so there’s one of those on the desk. Her closet and bathroom are pretty simple, but that closet is gonna be really important when we get into the story, you’ll see why later.
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As always, I have their Sims up on the gallery, along with the apartment, in case you want to play with them for yourself. Just note: because of how apartments work in this game, it’s uploaded as a room, so you’re going to have to fill some walls in and add doors if you want it to work like an apartment would (and you can totally turn it into a house if you want to, you don’t need to have 1020 Alto if you wanna use this). Just search for KatAlystDesigns in the Sims 4 gallery! I’ve also uploaded a few other houses recently, including the DCTL cast for my BATIM mermaid collection, and Buddy’s mother and grandpa. 
I had a LOT of fun putting this together last night, and it’s given me a much better idea of how I want to work with things for this narrative. Bear in mind, Sammy’s the one who’s gonna have to live here and put up with it, so having these details established is gonna help me to make the fic go smoother. I may tweak some things, like actually using upper cabinets in the kitchen (which I always seem to forget about), but we’ll see. XD Either way, this was a good exercise.
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I hope you’re all looking forward to exploring these two and their story as much as I am! As a quick final note, I actually have a blog set up for Nightmares are Reality to mimic the one Sam has in the fic, and I’m thinking of using it as a somewhat RP, somewhat fic and content delivery system for the story, so if you’ve got thoughts on that, or stuff you’d like to see, do let me know! Here’s wishing you are all wonderful day!
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Live Wire
A/N and Warnings: Smut, Language and mentions of alcohol. 18+
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There he was, in all his glory, with his black hair matted to his sweat covered skin. Nikki fucking Sixx. Notorious rockstar. My boyfriend. And a great performer. So we’re Vince, Mick and Tommy. But Nikki knew how to read the crowd. He got them going. Even this far into a show. 
But tonight instead of looking at me, just off stage, when the band played ‘Without You’, he was focused on some girl in the crowed. Again. Winking and smiling at her as she flashed her barely covered tits. He usually looked for me during that song. Although, he had done this a couple of time over the tour, the one he insisted I come on. Both occasions had ended up with us fighting, then not being able to keep our hands off one another. He’d apologize and say it wouldn’t happen again. But here we were. 
Nikki and I had a relationship that some might consider volatile. We thought of it as intense and passionate. He liked that I could match him wit for wit. We fed off each other like fire and gasoline. There wasn’t much he could throw at me that I couldn’t catch and give right back. 
And I don’t like to share. 
As for tonight, I was done. I wouldn’t accept his apology. He was going to find out just how pissed I was. I knew jealousy was a useless emotion especially, when dating a rockstar. But it constantly reared it’s ugly head. 
I turned on my heels and all but stomped back to the dressing room, pushing past roadies and anyone else that got in my way. I knew the set list by heart now. Two more songs and an encore. Which only gave me time to stew in my anger and annoyance. 
I stormed into the dressing room, slamming the door behind me before I began to pace. Muttering and cursing under my breath. 
How could he do this again? But why was I so mad? He hadn’t touched her, but that was my song. 
I was seething. My blood was boiling in my veins. White hot anger was feeding off the jealousy. Anger was easy for me. 
By the time the show was over, I was sitting on the sofa, waiting. I stared at the door, wishing my gaze could burn a hole through it. 
Tommy was the first one in, as he basically kicking the door open. His adrenaline was running high. 
“Wooooo!” He yelled as he made his way over and tried to embrace me “awesome show huh, y/n?” 
“Ew, get away” I said shoving at his sweat and liquor coated bare chest, making him laugh before he took a seat in another chair. He always acted like a over grown, overly enthusiastic puppy waiting for you to throw a stick or give him belly rubs. 
Vince was close behind Tommy as he made his way to the table in front of me, grabbing one of the many drinks that littered its surface. 
“Great show” I said as he looked up at me, giving me a smile and wink. He liked to rest his voice after a show, not that the smoking and drinking helped. But whatever. 
Mick took a seat next to me, I could see the pain written on his face. His body slowly relaxing into the worn out furniture. 
“Another great show Mick” I said turning to smile at him. Keeping up the nice act until I could rip into Nikki.
He reached up an patted my cheek as he replied “thanks doll”. 
“What? Don’t I get any praise?” Nikki said as he sauntered into the room. I leveled my gaze at him. The cocky smirk that I loved plastered on his handsome face. 
I crossed my arms over my chest as I narrowed my eyes. Not saying a word. 
“Bbbbrrrrrr” Tommy said, faking a shiver “I just caught a chill!” He looked at Vince who tried to hide his laughter. 
“Then put some clothes on asshole” Nikki snapped at him before turning his attention back to me. The two of us staring one another down. Neither of us willing to break. 
“Not this shit again” Mick groaned as he stood. He mulled over the bottles on the table, picking one up, he checked it out as he spoke “go easy on him doll, we still need him for the remaining shows.” With that he made his way out of the room, heading to the limo I assumed. 
“I thought you said she wasn’t gonna be a problem, dude” Tommy chimed in again. I turned my gaze to him, making him squirm uncomfortably as I stared daggers at the nearly naked man. 
“Uuuhhh, yup” Tommy mummbled as he hopped up, grabbed a couple of bottles and bolted out into the hall. Vince followed suit, shaking his head and rolling his eyes as he shut the door. 
“I didn’t think you would be a problem.” Nikki said, his gaze never leaving my face. 
“I am not the problem here, Nikki. You and your roving eyes are” I said through gritted teeth, my fists clenching. Jealousy biting at me again. Groupies were everywhere, hiding under vehicles and even breaking into hotel rooms. I’d had my fair share of fights with them. 
“Looking ain’t touching, sweetheart” he said, the smirk returning to his lips. As much as I loved it, I also wanted to slap it right off his face. I hated the truth behind his statement, but I knew if I looked he’d kill the guy. So turn about is fair play. 
“You asked me to come with you, remember?” I asked, getting to my feet “Why was that? To warm your bed on nights you couldn’t find it elsewhere? Are you trying to make mad?”
“Oh, baby, I could always find it” he replied, taking a few steps closer toward the table that separated us. My anger flared, it took all my will power not to shove the table and all its contents at him. Instead I made my way around and stopped right in front of him. I craned my neck to look him in the eyes, he towered above me. 
“Then why the hell am I still here? If you’d rather have some groupie slut, I won’t stand in your way” I spat, my temper rising. 
“You love it. You love the scene. That’s why you’re still here.” He said, leaning his face closer to mine before whispering “that and the fact that you can’t get enough of me.”
Before I could stop myself, my hand is flying toward his face. A moment before it made contact with his cheek, he swiftly caught my wrist. Anger was getting the best of me. 
“You’re a dick!” I yelled. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. 
A deviously, amused look crossed his face “I’ll show you dick” he said as he crashed his lips into mine. My body, reacted as it always did when he touched me, but my mind wouldn’t allow this. I shoved at his chest “no Nikki, sex and apologizes won’t work this time!”
“I haven’t apologized” he said lowly before kissing me again. His hand pushing and tugging at my tube top, until it was at my waist. 
“You asshole” I said against his lips. He felt so good, his lips, his hands, his body. My resolve was breaking. My fingers dug into his sweaty hair, causing him to groan. He loved having his hair pulled. 
He began to walk me backwards, and towards the sagging sofa I had only just left. 
“Not the couch” I said half heartedly. Pulling his ripped up shirt over his head, and throwing it across the room as if it were on fire. 
“Alright” he laughed. He squatted and hooked his hands under my bare thighs, lifting me off the ground and pressed me against the wall. I wrapped my legs around his waist as my skirt rode up, his leather clad stiffness pressed against my naked core.
“Look at you...no panties” he tsked, grinding into me, his hand wrapping loosely around my throat “and you talk shit about groupies.”
“Shut up” I whimpered, my own hand wrapping around his wrist, pressing his hand harder into my throat. He leaned down, reaching to take one of my nipples in his mouth. He grazed his teeth over the sensitive nub as I withered under his touch. My nails bit into the bare flesh of his back, causing his own moan to fall from his sinful lips.
“Told you you can’t get enough” he whispered as one of his hands slipped between us, unlacing his pants. 
“Never” I panted before kissing him again. 
Nikki struggled to push his pants down, but as soon as he shoved them low enough, he slammed into me, causing me screamed in pleasure. Wrecking me completely. He pounded into me over and over again, at a brutal pace. 
“More” I begged. “Harder.” Getting louder with each stroke. 
Nikki began to bite my neck, speaking between bites, he said “I’m gonna...let everyone...know who owns...you”. His hand wrapped around my hair, pulling my head, exposes freshly healed skin from our last makeup session. 
“If you own me” I moaned “then I own you.” I bit his neck hard, making him hiss. My fingers ranked against his scalp, jerking his head to the side as my teeth sank into his skin. His scent and salty, sweaty taste filled my senses. He was my favorite vice. 
“Yes” he groaned, his strokes becoming quicker, his breathing faster. He was getting close. He slipped a hand between us again, this time his skilled fingers found my clit as he began to rub circles over the swollen, sensitive crux. His other hand digging into my thigh so harshly I knew there’s be bruises. Only adding to the collection. 
“Why do you want groupies Nikki” I breathed, squeezing myself around him, causing his eyes to flutter for a moment  “when I know what you like?”
“Yeah...you do baby” he said. He could read me too. His beautiful green eyes seemed to glow as he slowly raked them over my face. His bare chest firmly against mine, keeping me pinned to the wall. 
Suddenly his lips were on mine, with bruising force, as his fingers worked my clit harder. I cried out louder, as wave after wave of pleasure washed over me. 
“Come with me baby” he commanded in my ear. 
The two of us breathing heavily as we hurtled towards the edge. I went over first, calling out his name, and he quickly followed. Our moans, screams and the sound leather against skin were followed by our panting and huffing to catch our breath. My head lulled back against the wall with a soft thud as his fell to my shoulder, my hand tangling itself in his hair again, the other tracing shapes over his shoulder. 
“Sorry baby” he said quietly against my skin before placing a few sloppy kisses across my shoulder and neck. 
“I’m sorry I tried to slap you” I hum, kissing the cheek that nearly caught my fury. “But I have to know, you are trying to make me jealous, aren’t you?” I ask.
He slowly pulls out of me, leaving me with a hollow feeling as he gently let me down to the floor. I felt the mixture of our hot climax slowly slide down my shaking legs. I shimmy my skirt down and pulled my tube top into place before looking back up at him. 
“Yeah. I am” he said, mischief painting his face, as he finished tucking himself in this leather pants. 
“You’re such a jerk” I said swatting at him “what the hell for?”
He laughed as he blocked my playful assault “Hey, hey! What about being sorry for trying to hit me?”
“Like I’m hurting you” I laugh. “So why?”
“You like it rougher when your jealous and mad. I was thinking about this the entire show. I knew you’d be getting riled up, I wanted to bend you over the sofa the minute I walking into the room. Seeing how angry you were, just thinking about it...so hot baby. Shit, last time I thought you were going to pass out, but you begged me to choke you harder.” He admits. 
“So the other times? You did it to get a rise out of me then too?” I asked, my arms crossing over my chest. 
“Yup” he replied, before he turned to the table to grab each of us a beer. 
“That wasn’t even that rough for us Nikki” I quipped. 
He chuckled as he turned back to me, “No, but check out your neck and I think you may have drawn some blood” he said reaching a hand around to touch his back. 
“I’ll say it again, you’re a dick” I replied shaking my head, taking the beer from him. But I couldn’t help but smile. 
“You love it” he growled, his arm snaking around my waist before he kissed me. 
“Well, now what will you do, since you’ve confessed your little game to me and all?” I asked looking up at him.
“Oh, I’ll come up with another game” he mused, that sexy and sometimes infuriating smirk returning to his lips. 
“I’ll be waiting” I replied, cocking a brow at him. 
“And you’re here because I want you here, you’re important to me.” He said gently, looking into my eyes, a soft genuine smile playing on hip swollen lips. This was a side of him I didn’t see often. I was used to the cocky rockstar, but this side of him is what melted my heart. The sweet and loving man he kept hidden, he was the one that asked me on the tour. How could I deny him? 
“Turning soft on me now, Sixx?” I asked, smiling up at him.
“Never” he said, and just like that, the tenderness was hidden again. His hand came down swift and hard on my ass, making me yelp. 
“Ow! Fuck!” I whined. Rubbing my hand over the spot he’d just smacked. 
“We already did” he quipped as he pulled me closer to him. “And I plan on doing it again” he whispered lowly as he leaned into my ear before nipping at my skin “soon”.
Suddenly there was a pounding at the door followed by Micks muffled voice, “if the two of you are done with your weird sex ritual, can you get out to the limo? We have some partying to do.”
We both fell into laughter as we headed out the door. 
@niksixx how’d I do? lol
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patagucci34 · 4 years
Be Together? Vince Dunn
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Warnings: swearing, self-esteem/body image issues, but nothing too serious! 
Word Count: 3.4k 
You and Vince had been hooking up for a while now. If you were being honest, you had no idea why it was even happening. You weren’t his usual type, not the gorgeous Instagram models that he was seeing and although you didn’t talk about stuff like that with each other, it’s all you could think about.
You had met through Sammy, he was one of your oldest friends and so naturally, you had spent a lot of time with Vince too. It wasn’t long after you had met that you started hooking up, you both had made it clear that it would just be a friends with benefits type deal. Especially since his hot shot, superstar status was rising quickly. Surprisingly, you had made all these years without anything going awry.
You always had a soft spot for him, and naturally feelings developed. But you had always been able to just live with it because you liked what you had going, you didn’t want to complicate things, and you never thought that he would feel the same way. Especially when he had these gorgeous women at his beck and call.
You spent a lot of time trying to figure out why you were still having sex when he did have these women around. You chalked it up to convenience and maybe the fact that it was good? It was always really good for you, and you thought that it was good for him but you didn’t know how these other girls were in bed.
For the most part it was strictly friends with benefits. You didn’t do too much together that was “couple like,” but you were very good friends. Most of the time when you hung out it was with Sammy and some of the guys. You texted some, mostly just snap chatted when he was on the road and wanted to sext, but what got you the most was all of the pillow talk. Before, after...it didn’t really matter. He was so sweet with you, that’s when you talked about your families, friends, deep dark secrets, fears, just about anything. That’s how you became so close. For you, he was really the only one that ever stayed the night and through the next morning. You knew Vince’s M.O. wasn’t to have people stay but you were sure there were a few girls that did with him. When you first started hooking up you did it quite often. As time went on it was more sparse, mostly when neither of you had anyone to go home with, or if it was just convenient.
You were aware that you were really kind of his last resort most of the time. It was shitty but you just tried not to think about it that way because you liked hooking up with him and in some ways you did the same thing to him. Although you had canceled on a few guys once Vince reached out which you were sure he would never do for you.
Nights out could be tricky. If you had someone to go home with then you didn’t spend the night trying to suppress your jealous feelings when Vince was with another girl. But when he was going home with someone else and you didn’t have anyone, it was tough for you to watch. But you just had to grin and bear it because you were just friends.
Remarkably enough, for a long time no one really knew about you and Vince besides your friends and the team. You were thankful for that because you knew how much hate girls that hook up with players usually get. You had seen your fair share of bunny blogs and you wanted to keep your name out of them. However, that ended when someone spotted you two kissing outside of a club one night. Rumors started flying, hateful comments came rolling in, but of course Vince didn’t really pay any attention or even noticed what was happening. You knew it wasn’t his fault, and you weren’t mad at him, but you were definitely upset and unfortunately mostly taking it out on him.
You decided to just distance yourself a bit, not be the one to reach out first, avoid him at gatherings...you weren’t really sure why because you knew that wasn’t going to do anything, but it made you feel better, at least you thought it did. It got worse when you were at a game with Sammy’s girlfriend, Amy, and the girls in front of you were talking about you. You were sure they didn’t know you were there, but up until that point, you just had to read about how fat you were and you had no chance of competing with the girls after Vince, you didn’t have to hear it in person. You didn’t want them to win so you promised yourself you would stay at the game, but you’d opt out of going out with the team after. You tried to scoot out after the game but Amy pulled you down to the locker room so it was nearly impossible to get out of it. You tried your best but Sammy wouldn’t allow it.
So that’s how you ended up miserable in a booth, watching Vince dance with some tall, skinny, blonde, who also just happened to be one of the lovely girls who was talking about you. If you were going to make it through the night you were going to need lots of alcohol so you were pounding vodka sodas. You had just gone to get another one and were heading back to the booth when someone stopped in front of you and took it out of your hand.
“Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” You glared up when you saw that it was Vince and tried to grab it but he held it over your head.
“Give it back.” You said, not so smoothly as you stumbled a bit as you tried to reach for it.
“You’re wasted, y/n/n. You’re done.”
“No I’m not, I'm fine.”
“I’ve been watching you all night, you’ve had about 6 of these.”
You rolled your eyes, “Vince, not tonight please. Just give me the drink and go back to your little barbie doll.”
“Is that what this is about?”
“Is what about?”
“Why you’ve been ignoring me and why you’re completely obliterated tonight?”
“Wow, obliterated, that’s a big word.”
“What the fuck, y/n? Why are you acting like this?” He asked, dragging you to a quiet corner. You really didn’t want to get into it here, especially not while you were this drunk, and you really didn’t want to cry in the club so you tried to end the conversation.
“I’m sorry, I just wasn’t in the mood tonight but Sammy dragged me here anyway. I’m just gonna go.”
You tried to walk away but he grabbed your arm. “Not alone, you’re not.” “Let go of me.”
“No, you’re too drunk to be going home alone.”
“I’m going to Uber.”
“Not by yourself!”
“Yes, by myself. You can’t tell me what to do, Vince.” With that, you pulled your arm out of his grasp and stalked off. You didn’t check to see if he was following you because you were sure he was and you didn’t want to slow down any and have him catch up to you.
You made it outside of the club and down a block before you felt a hand on your shoulder. “Y/n,” he said softly, “will you please tell me what’s wrong?”
You turned around to face him, you contemplated what you were going to say next, and just as you were about to start, you saw the girl trailing behind him.
“Just forget it, you’re an ass.”
He made a move to try and stop you but you shut him down. “Don’t.” With tears streaming down your face you turned and walked away.
When you finally made it home, you had a bunch missed calls and texts. A few from Vince but mostly from Sammy and Amy. You were too tired to listen to the voicemails and read through all of the texts so you just sent a text to Sammy telling him that you were home and you would talk to him later. After that, you shut your phone off and cried yourself to sleep.
The next day you woke up with a pounding headache. You sighed as you remembered last night's events, not wanting to deal with it you turned over and buried your head in the pillow for a few more minutes.
Once you had accepted that you weren't going to fall back asleep you got up and went to make a cup of coffee. You sat down on the couch and went through all of the text and voicemails from the night before.
You looked through Sammy’s texts first.
Okay... are you okay? What happened? Vince said you seemed really upset.
I'm coming over tomorrow morning whether you like it or not.
You rolled your eyes but texted him back telling him that you'd be here and he could come anytime.
You went through Vince texts next.
What was that all about?
Will you please let me know when you're home?
I'm really worried about you, y/n/n.
Can we talk tomorrow?
You were going to wait to respond. You weren't quite ready to talk to him, maybe after Sammy comes you'll text him back.
Your stomach growled and right as you moved to get up and make something Sammy called you.
"Hey, Sammy." You greeted softly.
"How are you?"
"I'm okay."
"Can I come over in a few?"
"Yeah, I was just about to make something for breakfast."
"I was gonna stop at Henderson's, do you want me to bring you a sandwich?"
"That would be great."
"Alright, I'll see you in a little bit."
"Thanks, Sammy."
You sat back down on the couch and turned on the TV while you waited for Sammy to come over. Your phone dinged and you saw another text from Vince.
Please text me back, y/n/n. I want to talk to you.
You sighed as you contemplated what to do. It really wasn't super fair of you to be ignoring him, he didn't really do anything wrong. You finally decided to text him back.
Sammy is coming over, but maybe later?
You didn't have to wait long for a response.
Alright, just let me know. Are you okay?
That's a pretty loaded question, Vince. But yeah, I'm fine. I'll see you later.
As soon as you put your phone down Sammy walked through the door. You stood up to help him with the bags he had in his arms and you walked into the kitchen. As soon as he set everything down he pulled you in for a hug. Once he let you go you both went and sat on the couch and started talking about what happened.
You told him what he already knew, that you had feelings for Vince and that you had been able to handle them but once people got wind of the two of you people had been so nasty towards you. You told him about the girl at the game and how she ended up being the one with him last night.
"I just don't know what to do anymore, Sammy. I really like hanging out with Vince but I just can't do this anymore, I can't keep doing this to myself. I know that he cares about me and I know that it's a little more than just a hookup, but I'm never going to be enough for him, and I can't keep putting myself through this kind of stuff. It's not fair to either of us."
"I'm sorry, y/n/n. I hate that you feel this way."
"It's okay, I knew what I was getting into, I've let it go on for 4 years so…”
“I think that you should talk to Vince before you make any decisions.”
“I don’t know, I mean, you haven’t actually told him about these feelings, and I think it would be worthwhile for you two to have this conversation. You don’t know what he’s feeling or what he’ll say.”
“Well, he’s coming over later I guess.”
“Good. I think you should tell him exactly what you just told me.”
“I know, I just…I don’t want to hear what I know he’s going to say.”
“What do you mean?”
“There’s a part of me that really hopes if I tell him this stuff that he’ll feel the same, but I know deep down that he doesn’t and I just know that I’m going to be crushed. That’s why I want the end to be on my terms.”
“I get that, y/n/n, I really do. But I think you should talk to him.”
“Do you know something that I don’t?”
“No, I just think you’ll regret it if you don’t.”
You sighed and sat back against the couch, “I know...you’re right.”
Sammy patted your thigh, “it’ll be alright. And if things don’t go your way, then it will give you the chance to start moving on.”
You put your head on his shoulder and he pulled you in close. You sat like that for a little bit before focusing back on your food and talking about other things.
He hung out for a few more hours and then left so you could have Vince over. You texted him a little bit after Sammy left and he replied right away saying he’d be over in a few.
You started to get nervous. You were honestly kind of embarrassed about your outburst last night and you didn’t want to have to face him. But you weren’t left too much time to dwell as you heard a knock on the door. You reluctantly got up and went to the door, just now realizing that you still had on the sweats you slept in last night. He had seen you like this countless times, but you felt more vulnerable right now so you contemplated changing quickly.
“Just a minute!!” You called through the door and you ran to your room to throw on some leggings and a sweater.
You composed yourself and then opened the door. A small smile met your sheepish grin and you moved to the side so he could step around you. He walked over to the couch and sat down. You followed behind him but didn’t sit down quite yet.
“Do you want anything to eat or drink?” You offered softly.
You nodded and went to grab two glasses of water before sitting down next to him.
He took a sip and then put it down on the coffee table and looked over at you. “So? What’s going on with you?”
You sighed, trying to find the right words, after a few moments you just went for it. “I can’t do this anymore…”
“What do you mean? Sleep together?”
“Why not?”
You sighed again, “I just, when we first started hooking up we said it would just be friends with benefits and I tried really hard for that, but I’ve developed feelings for you. Feelings that I’ve tried really hard to get rid of, and it worked for a while, but lately it’s been harder to do. I’m not sure if you even know this, but people found out about us, people have been talking, and they’re not good things. They’re awful actually. I’ve never been so insulted in my life, and it was starting to really get to me. And last night...that girl that you were with, I heard her talking about me at the game. She said some really hurtful things and it just really hurt to see you with her last night. I know you probably didn’t know that she said those things, but it was still really hard to see. It’s hard to see you going home with anyone that’s not me. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, I know you probably don’t. And if so, I'm just going to need a break from you for a little bit. I really value our friendship and I really hope that we can still salvage that part of our relationship but I can’t keep doing this to myself.” You tried to gauge his reaction but his face was unreadable. He sighed and sat back against the couch as he ran his hands over his face and through his hair. He didn’t say anything for a few moments, he just sat there looking in front of him. “Can you say something? Please?” You asked, getting very nervous.
“Yeah, sorry, I’m just, I had no idea that people knew and were saying things to you...I feel awful, y/n/n. I know how mean people can be...god, I’m so sorry. I, um, was really trying to protect you from this. I thought that by keeping our relationship the way that it was would prevent this from happening…” he paused and ran his hands through his hair again and then turned to face you. He took your hands in his and looked into your eyes. “Y/N, you are so important to me, I hope you know that. I know that I probably haven’t done the best job of showing you that, but you really are. I have feelings for you too, I don’t know how I couldn’t. You’re perfect. You’re smart, funny, kind, beautiful...you keep me honest and you check me when I need to be. I’m so mad at myself because I thought I was doing the right thing, I thought that in order to shield you from all of the hate we had to just stay friends. I know that was unfair of me to do, it was selfish. I want you to know that I don’t care what other people think. It’s just, you’re so sweet, it honestly breaks my heart to think about the things that people are saying about you. You don’t deserve it. They don’t know you, babe. They don’t have the right to say those things about you. I definitely don’t want to lose you because of it. Please let me know how I can fix this...I can’t lose you.”
You had started crying at this point, Vince was wiping away your tears as you thought about what to say next. “It’s not your fault, Vince. I think that no matter how much you tried to protect me from it, it was inevitable. It comes with the territory, believe me, I know. I’ve been dealing with this kind of thing my whole life, it was just so much more of it, and I just got in my head about it, and I was starting to believe what they were saying...unfortunately you can’t stop them from saying these things. But can we just forget about them? And be together?”
“I would love nothing more. The whole world is going to know how perfect you are and how beautiful you are to me, I’ll reply to every nasty comment if I have to.”
You smiled at his eagerness, “okay, you don’t have to go that far, but I appreciate your willingness.”
“Anything for you, y/n/n…” he said, kissing you softly, “and I meant every word that I said. You make me a better person, and I don’t want a life without you in it.”
“I don’t want a life without you either, Vince...god, as much as I hate to admit it, Sammy was so right.”
Vince quirked an eyebrow, “what do you mean?” “He convinced me to tell you how I felt. I wasn’t going to...I was convinced you would never feel the same way that I do and I didn’t want to be let down.”
He chuckled at your admission. “He’s never going to let us live it down. He’s going to be taking credit for this for the rest of our lives…”
You smiled and sighed, “I guess there are worse things.”
Vince put his arm around you and pulled you close to him. You cuddled into his side and spent the rest of the afternoon snuggling and watching TV.
You knew that people were still going to have things to say about you and your relationship with Vince but you knew that you could through it with him by your side.
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niksixx · 4 years
Bed Head
Requested: Anonymously 
Pairing: Nikki Sixx x Female Reader 
Description: “Can I request for Nikki please :) She’s on tour with them and is Nikki’s favorite person to flirt with and when they get to the hotel they have to end up sharing a room and sharing a bed which leads to her admitting she likes him and then some smut because Nikki can’t keep his hands to himself? Thank you!”
Warning: Smut
A/N: Reblog !!! 
*GIF is NOT mine, but found on Google. Credit to the owner.* 
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“This is so unprofessional! How do you overbook a hotel room?”
The check-in lady gives you a sympathetic look. “I cannot apologize enough for this, ma’am. I understand the inconvenience.”
Inconvenience your ass. This was just plain unacceptable. In a country you’d never visited before, the last thing you expected to worry about was not having a place to stay.
“Everything okay?” asks Tommy, your very best friend. He sees the worry etched in your forehead, and a hand covers your shoulder. Tommy’s band, Mötley Crüe, was on the second leg of their European tour. As best friends from childhood, you and Tommy had been inseparable before his band took off. You went your separate ways for a while as Tommy adjusted to his newfound fame, but Tommy never forgot where he came from. The band was currently touring Europe on their Theatre of Pain tour, and you were ecstatic that you were at a point in your career where you could take a few weeks off to join them.
“They overbooked my room,” you answer sadly, blowing a strand of hair from your eyes. “Now I have to pray that they can find me another room or else I’m fucked.”
“No need to pray, I’ve got it all worked out,” Sunglasses perched atop his head, Nikki Sixx rolls his suitcase over to the desk, slinging an arm around your shoulder. “She’ll be staying with me, ma’am.”
The thing about Nikki Sixx...your relationship was complicated. Out of Tommy’s bandmates, you clicked with Nikki the most, almost instantly. His easy going persona just made you comfortable, want to be around him. He understood you were Tommy’s friend, but that didn’t stop him from poking fun at you, and he loved that you were able to take it. Somewhere down the line, the lighthearted teasing morphed into flirting. With how close the two of you were, it was surprising that Tommy didn’t have a problem with someone he considered a brother flirting with someone he considered his sister. If anything, he encouraged it.
“Easy fix,” Tommy grins, turning back to the lady. “Sorry for the trouble.” Tommy wanders ahead to catch up with Mick and Vince as Nikki stays back with you.
You feel his eyes burning into the side of your head, and you turn to face him. “Are you sure it’s okay?”
His smirk has you weak in the knees. Nikki’s lips were his best physical feature. Soft. Thin. Pink. Maybe one day you’d have the luxury of feeling them on your body, but you’d never get your hopes up. Sure, Nikki flirted with you and had called you pretty, but millions of other women had caught his attention. You were just another girl with a wild fantasy. “It is more than okay, baby girl.”
“You can’t stop me from sleeping on the floor.”
The argument surrounding your sleeping location had been going on for the last two hours, and you weren’t going down without a fight. The realization that there was only one bed in the hotel room had hit as soon as you opened the door. Immediately your cheeks had flushed with embarrassment when Nikki automatically assumed you’d be sharing the bed with him.
There was no way you could, especially because of your feelings for him. You knew it’d be harmless, but sleeping beside him would give you the wrong idea, even if you’d enjoy the close proximity of his body and the warmth radiating from his skin. You simply couldn’t do it.
“I don’t understand what the big deal is,” Nikki calls from the bathroom as he adjusts his belt in the mirror. “We’re just sleeping!”
Rummaging through your suitcase, you dig around for the small case of earrings you’d packed for nights out on the town. Tonight’s plan was to hit up a few clubs, and you wanted to look your best for a certain bass player.
You find the earrings at the bottom of the suitcase, holding onto the end of the bed to push yourself off the floor. Turning toward the bathroom, you collide with Nikki’s chest. “What are you doing? You’re in my way.”
“Unless,” Nikki clicks his tongue, and the look on his face has you hesitating to move. “Unless there’s a reason you don’t want to sleep with me.”
Oh boy if only he knew how much you’d love to sleep with him.
“Maybe it’s because you snore?”
Scoffing, you slap his shoulder. “I do not snore.” Brushing past him, you head into the bathroom, leaning toward the mirror to get a closer look at your earrings.
“You have your period then,” Nikki suggests, and your mouth drops immediately. He recognizes his mistake and holds up his hands innocently. “Alright, alright, you’re not on your period.”
“That’s not even something you’re supposed to ask a woman,” You remind him, fiddling with the back of the earring.  
Stuffing his hands in his jeans pockets, he steps toward you, shoulder resting on the bathroom door. “Then what could it be, hm?”
His voice is slightly higher pitched, almost as if he knows the answer but is waiting for you to confirm. You feel his eyes on you and you turn to look at him, head tilted to the side as he waits for your answer. “Maybe it’s because I like you.”
Nikki smiles. “I figured.”
You’re stunned. “How?”
He shrugs, stepping out of the way to let you back out into the room. You take a seat on the bed, legs dangling off the side as he stands in front of you. “Tommy’s the worst at keeping secrets.”
Anger vibrates in your bones. “That bitch…” He’d betrayed you! Breaking the pinky promise and everything. “Oh I’m going to kill him.”
Nikki sits beside you, hands clasped together between his legs as his elbows rest on his knees. “To be fair, he technically only confirmed it. I think I knew all along, but I wanted to be sure.”
Blood rushes to your cheeks, heat rising from your neck. “It was that obvious, huh?”
His grin expands across his pale face. “Pretty much.”
Groaning, you fall back on the bed, covering your face as Nikki laughs. Well, now that the cat’s out of the bag, you have to try and come up with a better excuse. There’s no way you’d be able to sleep next to Nikki now, not after everything he knows.
As you try to concoct another explanation, you feel Nikki crawl on top of your body, pinning you to the bed with his weight. Your eyes shoot open, breath hitching as his tattooed fingers trail up the side of your waist, to your neck, and skim against the base of your throat.
“Nikki,” you swallow nervously, “What are you doing?”
“Well, we don’t have to meet the boys for another ten minutes,” He flashes a knowing smirk. “What do you say we break in the bed? Make you a little more comfortable.”
His lips cover yours and you give in, arms wrapping around his torso, pulling him deeper against your body. His tongue teases you, poking out of his mouth to lick your bottom lip as a hand finds your breast, kneading it through the fabric of your short blue dress. Hooking your leg over his waist, you grind your crotch against him, needing to feel some type of friction.
His mouth moves from your lips to your neck and throat, licking and sucking the skin, biting occasionally to claim you. You couldn’t believe this was happening. All the nights spent dreaming of kissing Nikki were finally becoming a reality in front of you.
Nikki inches down your body, fingers skimming over the end of your dress, pulling it up your body, letting it gather at your stomach. Your pussy is right in front of him, clad only by a thin white lace thong. He gazes up at you. “Can I touch you?”
Nodding eagerly, the word flies out of your mouth. “Please.”
Nikki drags his finger up the front of your clothed vagina, sending the butterflies in your stomach into a frenzy. Two fingers touch your clit, rubbing slow, agonizing circles. Wetness coats the inside of the thong, and Nikki’s eyes blaze. Pulling the fabric aside, he again uses one finger to brush your clit. Arousal pools between your thighs, and Nikki’s cock constricts against his pants, begging to be free.
“I want you,” Nikki’s voice rasps, lowering his mouth to press a feather light kiss to your pussy. “I want to taste you.”
“Yes,” you moan out, bucking your hips while Nikki lightly nibbles the inside of your thighs. “Yes, Nikki.”
He dives right in as soon as his name leaves your mouth. His tongue is warm and wet against your flesh, licking between your folds, savoring your taste on his tongue. The tip of his tongue flicks your clit rapidly, arms wrapping around your thighs to bring you closer to his face.
Your hands tangle in his messy hair, yanking the strands while simultaneously pushing his face impossibly deeper. He hums against your pussy, sucking your clit into his mouth, and it feels even better than you could have imagined.
“You like being fucked by my tongue, don’t you, beautiful?”
“Yes, fuck, please give me more,” Rocking your hips, you drag out a groan, fisting the bed comforter in your palms as Nikki’s tongue swipes across your hot flesh. “Fuck, fuck, yes.”
A loud squeal fills the room. You bite down on your tongue, pussy adjusting to Nikki’s mouth on your clit as three fingers pump in and out, juices coating his digits.
“Oh, God, Nikki! Nikki!” You’re screaming his name, completely disregarding the neighbors in the hotel room next door. “Let me cum, Nikki, please let me come.”
“Not yet,” he growls, flattening his tongue. His fingers continue their assault on your cunt, curling inside in a come hither motion. “You come when I tell you.”
Can you hold on? Throwing your head back, your back arches off the bed, legs twisting as Nikki tries to keep them apart with his free hand. Beads of sweat coat your arms as you try to support your weight, thoughts focusing on Nikki’s expert tongue.
When your thighs begin to shake, you automatically sense a pit of pleasure burning in your lower  stomach. You bite down on your lip hard, stifling a cry.
He knows your close and goddamn it he’s so ready to help you ride out your high. “Come, baby. Come all over my tongue.”
He didn’t need to ask you twice. Reaching back for a pillow, you cover your face just as your orgasm rocks through you, juices dripping down Nikki’s chin as he licks you clean.
He lets you catch your breath before sitting back on his haunches, admiring your body. A knock on the door startles you. “Yo, Nikki! Y/N! You ready to go?” Vince calls from the other side.
Licking his lips, Nikki gives you a once over before slapping his palms down on his thighs. “We probably should get going.”
Where the confidence came from, you’ve no clue, but you grab Nikki and pull him on his back, stunning him. Slithering down his body, you come face to face with his growing erection, and you can’t help but run your hand over his clothed dick. His eyes widen. “Uh, baby girl? The boys?”
You offer a small smile, slowly unzipping his pants and digging his cock out of his boxers. Licking a stripe up his shaft, you swirl your tongue around the head, emitting a groan from Nikki’s throat. “The boys can wait,” you purr, kissing the head of his cock. “Can you?”
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awkward-gay-bro · 4 years
A New Chapter
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Tom wanted to start a new chapter in his life, that’s why he left. He’d done some amazing things, and despite what anyone said, he was leaving behind a legacy. But to him, it felt different. He’d fought alongside these men for a long time. Hell, he’d played for the team for twenty seasons. He joined that team before most of Gronkowski’s slam pieces could talk. So to him, he wasn’t just leaving behind a legacy. He was leaving behind a family. That’s why Gronk was making him go out tonight. They were celebrating an end of an era, and as Julian had said, they were cementing that their bond would last beyond any team. 
Tom was hesitant for this boy’s night out, he was a good decade older than his former teammates. He may be in peak physical condition, but he couldn’t deny that he couldn’t keep up with them on any sort of club scene. He’d much rather be at home with his family, just enjoying a beer. Tom had tried to convince Gronk that they should just come over, have a nice dinner, and maybe a game of poker, but his playboy friend wouldn’t have it. Gronk had insisted they go out in a blaze of glory. 
So after picking up Julian, he and Tom met up with said playboy friend, and they all jumped into the overly extra escalade limo. “I told you we’d need a driver, Tommy boy,” Gronk said as he pulled open a bottle of cognac and started pouring. “We’ll ease you in with a drink now to get you’re warmed up, but we are definitely taking shots right after.”
“Guys, I can’t go too hard, I’ve got early morning brunch with Giselle and the kids tomorrow,” Brady pleaded to deaf ears. Gronk shoved the glass into his hands before taking a swig directly from the bottle. 
“What’s the point of the driver if we don’t have some fun?” Gronk chuckled. He rose to his feet, pulling Brady up with him and said, “Tom, look at me.” He placed his hand on Tom’s shoulder. “This is our last hurrah, you can go back into family mode in the morning. Tonight is all about having fun, right Edelman?”
“Right,” Julian responded, laughing at his friends as he reclined into the cushiony limousine chair. 
“You said you wanted to start a new chapter, Tommy boy, well that starts with us closing this chapter. You want to give it a proper ending don’t you?” Gronk said, putting out his hand for a shake to seal the deal.
Tom reluctantly grabbed the other man’s hand, finally giving in. “Fine, but you have to explain my hang over to Gise-” Before he could finish his sentence the limo came to a crashing stop. Brady and Gronkowski went flying from the impact, and everything went black. 
Tom woke up in a room he’d never seen before. It looked like a hospital room, but one that would be on the set of Star Trek. There were all sorts of machines he’d never seen in a hospital before. He couldn’t understand what anything was or why he was there. Then everything came back to him. He was standing in a limo with his friends and then…
“Rob! Julian!” 
“Julian’s fine,” a soft voice said. Tom looked over and saw his former teammate laying in a hospital bed like his own. He looked deflated. The rugged face and imposing frame Tom was used to seeing was gone, replaced by a softened face sitting on a withered body. 
“That’s good, what happened to us? How long have we been out?” Tom asked in a panic, assuming it must have been a long time if Gronk’s muscles have atrophied to such a degree. 
“The crash was last night, you slept in for a while but not much more than a hangover would have caused,” came an unfamiliar voice. An insanely tall man walked into the room, “My name is Vince, and I think we should have a talk, Tommy.”
“My name is Tom,” he yelled, “And what’s going on? Where are we?”
“You’re in our lab. You suffered a fatal accident last night, so you were brought here,” the man said calmly. 
“How could it be fatal if we are talking?” Gronk yelled out. 
“We have found a way to heal even the most egregious wounds. A way to pull someone back even when they have one foot out the gate. However, there are some side effects,” the man said, moving towards the two. “Your colleague, Julian, is quite the fan of ours. He quickly called us and got in touch with your families. We filled them in with what we could do, and what the outcome would be otherwise. We also filled them in with what our end of the bargain would be, and they all agreed.”
“What do you mean your end of the bargain? We didn’t agree to anything,” Brady said angrily. 
“It’s simple enough, you’ll be the newest additions to our new wrestling league,” the imposing man said, “And I assure you, all of the paperwork has been signed and the contract is binding.”
“I think I’d rather stick to my current career,” Tom responded, “I don’t know much about wrestling.”
“I think you’ll find your body isn’t much fit for football anymore, and don’t worry, this isn’t your typical wrestling. I think you’ll be a fan favorite soon enough.” As he said this, a nurse walked into the room, pushing a rather large mirror. “Now brace yourselves, boys, this step in the process can often be jarring. It’s time to meet your new you.”
Tom and Rob started to climb out of their beds, their feet dangling above the floor. Reality began to set in to both men, formerly well above six foot, that it wasn’t just their muscles that had shrunk. They walked to each other first, which gave them a terrifying glimpse into what their own appearance would look like. Rob realized that he’d lost the two inches in height he’d usually had over his friend. Realizing he didn’t know the size of this room, he had no focus point to find out his new height. 
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“How tall are you Vince?” he whimpered. 
“Well, I tell everyone 6’2’’, but I’ll be honest. I’m 6’1’’.”
Both men’s eyes went wide, this imposing man was standing three to five inches lower than where they should be. And they didn’t even meet his chin. Gronk oddly held out his hand to his friend. He needed support to take that next step of looking in the mirror. The former ladies man wouldn’t have ever felt the need for that physical embrace, but for some reason all he wanted was the former Tom there to protect him. The new Tom’s hand was small and dainty, void of any of the callouses two decades of ball had given him, which made Gronk’s stomach drop and flutter simultaneously.
“If you’d like a moment to take everything in, I can step away. I’ll be back in a few minutes so that you can redress.”
Hand in hand they walked in front of the mirror and took in their new selves. Their hospital gowns fell shapelessly, masking their new silhouettes. They undid the strings and let them flutter to the ground. With their hands still clasped, they studied every nook and cranny of their lithe new frames. Their muscled chests had been completely flattened, and their rigid abs had been completely smoothed out. The dainty hands that were still entwined were connected to slim and hairless arms. Their shoulders had collapsed in on themselves, showing that their backs would no longer have the straining muscles either was used to. 
Their bodies weren’t the only things that had changed. Though they could still recognize each other, there was no denying that their faces were slightly different. Most obvious at first glance was the complete lack of hair beneath their eyes, while the rest of their hair had grown more lush. Even their lashes were longer, fluttering whimsically every time they blinked. Rob’s lips had filled out, something that he’d love to see on a girl about to go down, but it was jarring on his own face. No longer did Tom look older than his peer, all signs of age had vanished from his face, crows feet, laugh lines, they’d all faded away leaving him looking twenty years younger. 
The men took a deep breath and finally looked down. Their once proud packages had dwindled away to nothing. Gronk had always been proud of the girth that he had hidden, but now it would like tiny even in his own diminutive hand. They were completely devoid of hair, it looked like they’d gotten the full Brazillian. Tom caught himself staring more at his friends package then his own, he’d seen it in his former glory time and time again, and didn’t know why he was missing it so much. For a moment, Tom realized that he was standing naked, holding a man’s hand, staring at his package. But that thought quickly faded, as Rob was the only part of this whole experience that felt right. 
When Rob looked over to do his own inspection of his peer, he was shocked to see that something hadn’t shrunk at all. If anything, it had grown. “Holy shit, that’s huge!” he said, his jaw dropping. For the first time since they’d stripped he untangled his hand as he walked behind his friend for a better look. “Tom, you’re thicc.”
“What are you talking about?” he said as he placed his hands on his rear. His once perky behind had grown massive. He could still feel muscle, but it was now behind a healthy layer of jiggling fat. Before he could continue his exploration, Rob pushed his hands away, placing his own palms on the other man’s naked ass. The two ballooning cheeks felt even bigger with his now tiny hands, and he couldn’t help himself from tightening his grip firmly on them. This sensation shot all the blood in his Tom’s body directly to his package, his tiny nub now standing firmly at its full inadequate two inches. Never before had a man’s touch caused this sort of feeling, which put him into a panic. Rob was dealing with a panic of his own, as all he wanted to do was dive face-first into the other man’s new assets. Quickly stopping himself, Gronk turned around to check out his own rear end, looking to see if he’d gained a similar new shape. 
Tom was terrified that his friend would see his erection, but his smaller endowment went completely unnoticed. They both craned their necks to look at their new buns in the mirror. Gronk was actually happy with his new butt, he’d been known to shake his booty on the dance floor. His butt looked like it had stayed the same size, while the rest of him had shrunk around it. But even with how disproportionate it was, it was still overshadowed by the mammoth behind his cohort had grown. 
“Knock, knock” Vince said. Quickly the men pulled up their robes, not comfortable with someone who’d been smaller than them seeing their fairy like frames. As he entered the room he chuckled quietly, noticing that neither man was able to keep their shelf like bubbles contained in their robes. “I hope that was enough time for you to get acquainted with your post rejuvenation bodies. Now let’s get down to the nitty gritty of your new contracts. Obviously, Tommy, we’ve made the appropriate payments to the Buccaneers and your contract with them has been dissolved.”
“You can’t do that!” Tom yelled. 
“I think you’ll agree that you don’t belong on a football field anymore. Now, due to some of the psychological aspects of this change, we’ve found that it’s best you have a care taker. We’ve decided it best to keep you both together, so we’ll be setting you up with a nice apartment for your caretaker and you both.”
“I have a family! I’ll be living with them! My wife-”
“Your wife is well aware of our new arrangement and is in full support. She’d rather you be alive like this than not at all. And she understands that you will have certain new needs that she can not provide. She also advised us she didn’t want your children seeing you like this just yet. Now, the nurse here has been kind of enough to help you both get dressed and drive you to your new residence, so be polite to him. I will meet you there where we can get you set up with your new wrestling personas.”
As they waked into their new apartment, the nurse bid them adieu with a nice goodbye smack on Brady’s ass. Tom was more shocked by the soft moan that the grab had elicited, so he quickly started to explore the new apartment. It was a pretty nice place, wonderful view, nice modern set up, but though it had multiple rooms set up, only one had a bed. The bed was bigger than any he’d seen, but he was still shocked to find he’d have to share with Gronkowski. He made a note to himself that Gronk would have to sleep on the couch. 
As Tom walked back into the living room he saw Vince standing there. “Ah good, you’re finally here,” Vince said. “You’ll find the room down the hall has your new costume, Tommy. Robbie, yours in the room to your left. Your handler has filled us in on the personas that you would both be most comfortable with.”
As they’d time had gone on, both men had grown more complacent with their new lot. Though Tom hated it, he found that if even his wife wanted this, there was nothing he could do. Gronkowski at first was furious at his loss in stature, but all the attention he’d received from the nurses and lab staff had made him start to enjoy his new role. Even if the attention had all come from men, he was an attention whore and he’d take it where he could get it. As they both made their way to their rooms to change, they heard the noise of a door opening and a familiar voice coming from the living room. 
“Ah, you’re finally here. I’m sure you’ve filled out all the paperwork and you understand your new duties as a member of our company?” they heard Vince ask.
“I do. And honestly I’m elated to get to be a part of it. I’ve been a big fan of the new league. Are they here yet?” The other voice asked.
“Yes, Mr. Edelman, they are getting changed into the costumes you suggested as we speak.”
“Oh, call me Julian. And I’m so excited you liked the names.”
“Alright boys! Time to come out!” Vince yelled down the hall. As the two former athletes walked out to the living room, they were shocked to find their former teammate standing in front of them. “Julian, meet the Playboy and the Patriot.”
Julian looked down to see the scantily clad twinks that had once towered over him. Tom Brady was wearing a blue tank top that showed off his supple lithe arms, which had his former number twelve emblazoned on the breast. His small package was now concealed in an American flag styled speedo. Julian smiled to himself as Tom tried to shield the view from his bulge, and smiled harder when he saw how far those stripes stretched out on Tom’s backside. With Tom, the tank top at least hung a bit to hide his upper body, but with Gronkowski, the skin tight black leotard was painted on. Julian was ecstatic to see the direction they’d gone with his Playboy idea. Bunny ears stuck up from Rob’s styled hair, while his neck and wrists were encased in a cute bow tie and adorable cuffs. The piece de resistance however, was the fluffy bunny tail resting above the tight end’s wide receiver. 
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“Tommy, Robbie, I couldn’t handle what had happened to either of you and I knew I couldn’t go on in a world with either of you missing. So I called Vince’s people right away and of course I volunteered to be your handler when they explained the mechanics of the situation.” 
Rob had always had to look down at his smaller friend, but now he was staring straight up at the other man. He’d never really thought about it in his former life, but he couldn’t help noticing now that Edelman looked as much like a model as he did a NFL player. His heart fluttered as he walked over to his friend. Tom had a similar feeling, wanting to be mad that Julian could do something like this to him, but he also felt an unusual feeling while he stared at the sculpted man. Again he felt his tiny nub raise to attention, hardly noticeable even in his skin tight briefs. 
“Come here for a second, Robbie,” Julian beckoned. Gronk’s heart fluttered a bit as he walked over to his friend, who reached down and tugged on his fluffy bunny tail. Immediately Gronk moaned out in pleasure, confirming Julian’s theory of how the tail was kept in place. “Nice,” he said as he moved his hand down to cup Gronk’s left cheek. 
“Now you will all have plenty of time to discuss your new arrangement boys, but our league moves fast. We have to go out and take some promotional pictures of you in your new personas. You’ve got your debut match coming up this Friday and you’re going up against the most popular tag team in the League,” Vince explained, rushing the men out the room. 
“Don’t worry guys, I’ve been talking to Dean, their handler. I think you guys are going to do so great against the Leather Lads. Now in this form of wrestling it’s less about taking your opponent down and more about getting your opponent off,” Julian said as they walked. With one hand already around Gronk’s waist, he grabbed Tom’s enormous shelf with the other and pulled him into his arm. He slid his hands beneath Tom’s speedo and began to slide a finger in and out. Until this point, Tom had still been putting up a fight. But the pleasure he was feeling now was unlike anything he’d felt with any of the women he’d been with. He arched his back pushing Julian’s finger deeper into him as Julian slipped in a second finger. All thoughts of sleeping on the couch dissolved as he started to fantasize about the different things him and his former teammates would be doing each night. 
Walking with both men pressed into him, he said, “Dean was even telling me about a new idea where you would work together against the other wrestler’s handler, trying to get them off before the other team. You two versus Dean, while I go up against Seth and Brad.”
The men all arrived at the camera set for their upcoming match to find the other wrestlers were already mid photo shoot. Dean Ambrose stood there with his leather clad twinks, Seth Rollins and Brad Maddox.
“Oh yeah, we are definitely doing the handler match,” Julian said, his eyes focused on Brad’s perky little tush. 
“Agreed,” Tommy said, his mouth watering at Dean’s broad shoulders.
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hockeyboysiguess · 4 years
Summer Doesn’t Last Forever
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a/n: all of you with all your vince dunn content earned this one. you pried it out of my cold dead hands, so i hope you like it. 
warnings: swearing
word count: 5.4K
A red cup in your hand the same shade as your lipstick and sunglasses perched just so on the end of your nose, you knew you looked good. You took a sip of your drink, wincing at the combination of sugar and vodka that someone had poorly concocted with the goal of creating something incredibly high in alcohol content but yet still drinkable. You scrunched your nose up at the red liquid in your cup. You should’ve gotten a beer. 
“You know, you should’ve gotten a beer.” 
You lifted your eyes from your cup to see a broad, dark t-shirt covered chest, so you carried your eyes further up. A smirk pulled at the corners of his lips, giving you just a taste of his smile, enough to know it would practically break your heart the first time you saw it. His lips were soft and seemed to be begging to his kissed. You let your eyes roll past his to take in the loose curly mop of dark hair and you knew you were in for with this one. You let your eyes fall back down to lock with his. Bright green eyes stared back down at you and you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling. 
“I was actually just thinking that before you said it. The punch is really shitty tonight.” 
He smiled softly and it broke your heart just like you thought it would. His smile shifted as his eyes left yours and he gave you a slow and steady once over. His tongue darted out between his teeth, gliding over his bottom lip before he took his lip in between his teeth. His light eyes darkened as they lingered in certain parts of your body that were outlined to perfection in the bodysuit and shorts you were wearing.
“I’m Vince,” he told you as his eyes finally came back up to meet yours.
He asked you for your name. You told him and he smiled softly at you. He asked about what you did for work and your family. You asked about junior hockey and St. Louis since you’d never been. He was charming and funny and absolutely heartbreakingly gorgeous. It didn’t take long for you to know exactly how deep the potential to fall for him was. Something in you was already starting to fall.
At a lull in the conversation, Vince grabbed your drink from you and tossed it into the nearby trash can. “Oh, look, you finished your drink. Can I get you a beer to replace it?”
You laughed a little at the gesture and rolled your eyes but nodded in confirmation. Vince extended a hand out opposite you, gesturing for you to step in front of him and head over to the makeshift backyard bar. His hand was ghosting over the small of your back as you walked together. The scent of his cologne was strong, but not overwhelmingly so. His hand suddenly wrapped around your waist and he pulled you tight against his chest. You gasped at the sudden movement and your palms fell flat on his torso, one on his broad chest and the other giving you an idea of just how nice he probably looked with his shirt off. You turned your head to see a guy flat on his back on the grass in the spot you’d just been standing, several guys a few feet away twisted up with each other laughing at their friend they’d clearly helped into his current position.
“Uh, sorry,” Vince mumbled, his eyebrows furrowed down and his mouth parting slightly as his hands lifted from you and he stepped back to give you some distance.
“You don’t have to apologize, Vince,” you said, gently reaching out and placing a hand back on his chest. “You saved me from getting steamrolled just now. You have nothing to apologize for. In fact, I feel like I owe you one for saving my ass just now.”
Vince’s eyes lightened, the corners crinkling as he cocked his head to the side to look at you better. The sunlight across his face showcased the small smattering of freckles across his nose. His teeth shined bright as his lips pulled back into a wide, lazy smile. God, he was absolutely beautiful, and you knew he had you. He knew it too, but something about the way he was looking at you told you he might push his luck a little but that he would never push too far.
“I’ll take your phone number and the absolute privilege of taking you out to dinner tomorrow night as payment.” The smile in his voice was evident as he spoke. His soft eyes were bouncing across your face, trying to take in every micro-expression he could.
“I think that can be arranged.”
You smoothed out edge of your dress and let your breath puff up your cheeks before releasing a long sigh. You shook your hands a little at your sides to try and get out some of the nerves. Your first two dates with Vince had gone well, almost borderline scary well. He laughed at all of your terrible jokes. You were falling hard for his sweet words and the fact that he opened doors and pulled out chairs for you.
The knock on your front door pulled you out of your thoughts. You glanced towards the stove to check the time. Of course, he was eight minutes early. You opened the door and there he was, leaning against your door frame with a lazy smile on his face and an impeccable suit hanging off his six-foot frame. You watched the smile grow on his face as his eyes ran up and down your body, taking you in as best as he could.
“You look incredible,” he breathed out, his eyes wide in adoration. “Also, great dress pick.”
You gave him a curious look due to his tone until his left hand came from behind his back to present you with flowers. There was a full bouquet of red roses in his hand and he tilted the stems in your direction. The color matched your dress perfectly and suddenly Vince’s comment made sense.
“Vince, they’re beautiful. Thank you,” you said softly, your eyes trained on the flowers as your hand wrapped around the stems. “Let me put these in water and I’ll be ready to go. Come on in.”
Vince stood just into your doorway, watching you carefully with kind eyes as you located the only vase you owned in the back of a cupboard. You filled it halfway with water before dropping the roses in and placing it on the counter. You spun on your heels and grabbed your clutch off the counter before turning your attention back to Vince.
“Thank you, again,” you said to him as you came over, your heels clicking against the floor with each step.
Vince opened his arms to you, inviting you in. You smiled and willingly walked into his arms. Your hands reached up to cup the back of his neck, fingers lacing together. His hands set on your hips so he could pull you flush against him. Vince leaned his head down until his nose touched yours softly. Everything with Vince was gentle, but still made you feel like you were on fire and you desperately wanted more from him. He pressed his lips to yours and you practically melted in his arms.
One of Vince’s hands moved up to cup your face, keeping your mouth against his as he deepened the kiss more than you were expecting. He caused you to gasp against his mouth when he suddenly pushed you until your back was against the nearby wall with one of his knees parting your legs. His mouth was moving hungrily against yours as his hands floated across your entire body, never staying in one place longer than a few seconds.
“God, you are so fucking beautiful,” Vince groaned against your mouth before his lips danced across your jawline until he shifted them down to your throat.
“Vince,” you breathed out when you tangled a hand in his dark curls.
He was nipping at your neck and setting your body on fire with every passing second. You were slowly losing control. Your hands moved to grab the lapels of his jacket. You tugged on the material and slowly started pushing it back and off his broad shoulders. 
“Baby, we have a reservation,” Vince mumbled against your skin, but he didn’t even try and stop you. He just kept kissing your neck. 
“Fuck the reservation,” was all you could get out.
Vince pulled back from you. His soft green eyes searched over your face, looking to any sign that you didn’t want what you were implying. You reached a hand up and placed it lightly on his cheek. 
“I want this,” you told him firmly. “I want you, Vince. Right here, right now.” 
You didn’t have to ask him twice. He leaned down and scooped you up bridal style, making you squeal at the sudden movements. Your hands came around his neck for support. Vince was looking at you as he walked towards your bedroom. He shook his head softly as his smile widened. 
“Pretty sure you’re going to be the death of me,” he told you. “Honestly, not sure if there’s a better way to go out.”
The summer with Vince in Toronto was a whirlwind to say the least. He was constantly dragging you everywhere, trying to squeeze in every activity he could think of before he had to go back to St. Louis. Hiking, a day trip to an amusement park, teaching you how to skate, introducing you to his parents, bringing him home to yours; it felt like there was never an off day, but you didn’t want to spend your time with anyone else and neither did he. 
Today, in a friend’s backyard, the same one you met at in May, was Vince’s last hurrah before he had to leave on Monday for training camp. You were dreading the change. You were dreading him leaving. You felt better with him. You were better with him. He just made your life better by being in it and you knew he felt the same way about you. He told you. He told you everything, said he didn’t want you to ever have to assume anything. He wanted to make sure, every day, that you knew exactly how he felt about you. 
“Kiss it for good luck?” Vince asked you with a subtle squeeze on your waist, pulling you back into the current moment. 
He was presenting you with the ping pong ball he was about to shoot to try and make the game-winning cup in pong. You rolled your eyes at his silliness, but you did it anyway. The childlike smile that came across his face when you did was more than worth it. He pressed a sloppy, drunk kiss to your mouth, earning groans and shouts from the people around you. You were both smiling into the kiss and smiling when Vince finally pulled back to take the shot. 
“All you guys are just fucking jealous, okay?” Vince shouted to the general crowd in the yard, earning a few laughs in response.
His cheeks were flushed pink from the Toronto summer sun and the alcohol. He was perfect and he was yours and you’d never been happier. You watched him with steady eyes as he took the shot and it swished right into the cup. Vince was celebrating like he’d won the Stanley Cup. He wrapped his arms around your waist and yanked you off the ground. You yelped at his rough grab, but it transitioned to laughter as he started to spin you around and around. 
“Hey, you know something?” Vince said to you as he slowly let your feet return to the ground.
“What?” you asked back, your eyes squinting a little as you were forced to look up at him and towards the sun. 
Vince dropped his lips to your ear and whispered softly, “I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you.”
You didn’t need to question what to do next as Vince rocked back a little on his heels. You countered his movement by rocking up onto your toes and brought your lips to his ear. 
“I love you too, Vince.” 
Vince was a lighthearted, happy-go-lucky kind of guy, always smiling, always trying to make you smile. You had never seen him smile like he did as the words you said to him sunk his. His eyes were bright and there was something behind them you almost didn’t recognize, until you realized where you’d seen it before. You’d seen it when your father looked at your mother. You’d seen it in the groom’s eyes at the wedding you attended two weekends ago when he saw his bride coming down the aisle. You’d seen an attempt at mimicking it in hundreds of movies and television shows throughout your life. They all got it wrong. It was love, and it was pure and good and absolutely everything and nothing like you thought it would be, but it was everything you wanted from that moment on.
You sighed and adjusted your legs, crossing your left over your right this time on the couch. You titled your laptop screen down a little to compensate for the evening glare. Vince was shoveling some sort of food into his mouth on the other end of the call, trying desperately to keep up with the calories he was burning at camp. 
“Slow down there, partner,” you laughed a little, also gently trying to tear his attention away from his plate. “You’re supposed to chew then swallow.”
Vince looked up at the camera and gave you a purposeful deadpan expression before saying, “Ha, ha, very funny. Working on your comedy skills since I left?”
“Has to do something with all of free, well rested time I have now,” you verbally jabbed back, a playful smile on your face as you spoke. 
Vince laughed and took another bite from his plate, smaller this time to appease you. He knew you were joking, but he also knew you were right. Eating at a superhuman pace wasn’t going to help him gain back the weight he’d already lost any faster. 
“I resent the well-rested comment,” he informed you, punctuating each word with a jab of his fork toward the camera. 
“You’re a blanket thief, Dunn,” you sighed as you reached for your wine glass. 
Vince dropped his fork to his plate and threw his hands up. His beautiful face was wearing a mask of fake horror at your words. You couldn’t help but laugh. The mask broke for a second as he smiled when you laughed. 
“God, I love your laugh,” he breathed out. You weren’t sure if the words were even meant for you as he pulled himself back together to make his fake-serious point. “I would argue, and probably win in court, that I’m the least blanket aware in the relationship, but you are the blanket thief.”
“What the hell does that even mean?” you groaned in false annoyance, making him laugh. You hid your smile with a sip of your wine. 
“You know what it means, blanket thief,” he told you with a scrunch of his nose. You stuck your tongue out at him and he waved the action off before continuing, “So, when are you coming to visit me? I’ll buy the ticket and everything, just tell me when.” 
“Vince,” you sighed as you set your glass down, “you know I’m really busy with work right now. It’s the end of a quarter and I really need to be in the office right now. If I’m not, my boss will just pass my work off to someone else and pass me over to everything moving forward.”
Vince sighed and let his head lazily drop forward, his neck craning down. He carded a hand through his loose curls, shaking them out a little, before lifting his head back up to you. 
“You said you’d try and come before the season started,” he reminded you, like you didn’t already remember that, like that fact that you’d said that and now couldn’t live up to it wasn’t eating you up inside. 
“I know, Vince, I know,” you said softly, “but I don’t think I’m going to be able to follow through this time. I’m sorry. I just, I can’t take the time off right now.”
“At least you’ll be at the home opener with my parents, right?” 
Shit. You must have forgotten to tell him, but your best friend from high school was having her bachelorette party the same weekend. It was supposed to be the weekend after, but something changed, and she could no longer do that weekend. You tried hard to get everyone to move it to the following week, but the conflicts just kept piling up, so you had caved.
Vince knew you were going to give him bad news before you even opened your mouth. You started to relay the story to him, but he just put a hand up to stop you. 
“I know you have a good reason,” he sighed. He pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger as he tried to collect his thoughts. You chewed your bottom lip nervously as he started to speak, “I just, fuck, when am I going to see you again?”
“I’ll be at the games against the Leafs three weeks after that,” you told him. 
He let out a soft, sad laugh, “Yeah, I’ll see my girlfriend who lives in Toronto in Toronto. Nuts.” 
You sighed, growing a little frustrated with him. You knew he wasn’t trying blame you in this situation, but that’s exactly what it was sounding like. 
You set your glass down before looking right into the camera to say, “Look, Vince, you knew I wasn’t coming to St. Louis. That was never on the table. We knew this wouldn’t be easy, but you haven’t even been gone a whole month yet and this is already getting harder. It’s going to keep getting harder every single day unless we work together and figure it out.”
Vince sighed and rubbed his hands together. He let out a second loud breath through his mouth and nodded a few times. 
“You’re right. Something’s gotta change, I just don’t really know what to do,” he spoke softly, as if saying the words were physically difficult for him. “Do you?” The question was even softer, barely above a whisper. 
“No, Vince,” you replied. “I don’t know what to do right now. And I’m sorry I don’t.” 
Things with Vince had been rocky at best since the call over a month ago. Neither one of you had been able to fix the distance problem. You had both asked couples you knew were doing long distance for advice. You read several cheesy romance novels for good measure and nothing was helping the feeling you were both having. Yes, you had booked tickets to see him in November. Yes, you were with him and his family between the morning skate and the game tonight, but it didn’t feel the same when you were with him. It felt like a spark had gone out and all that was left was burning ash and smoke in the image of what used to be. 
You still loved him, and he still loved you, but something outside of that had changed. Sitting next to his mom at the game felt off, not of any fault of hers. She was as warm and wonderful and happy to see you as ever, so were all of his friends. And yet, there was this feeling you couldn’t shake, like you were somehow out of place even though that was your boyfriend on the ice who scored the game winning goal and it was his name on your back as you headed down to the locker room to see him after the game. You felt like a stranger in what was supposed to be your own home.
“Hey, baby,” Vince said breathlessly as he exited the locker room. His curls were damp from his post-game shower and his tie was loose on his neck. He liked wearing suits into the games, not so much on the way back out.
“Hey,” you replied, a soft smile on your face as you leaned in to hug him. 
His hugs felt different now than when he left two months ago. Everything felt different. The only familiar feeling was the one of your heart starting to break in your chest when you realized what was happening. You were losing him and neither one of you was doing anything wrong, but you couldn’t do a single thing to stop it because you didn’t know how and neither did Vince. 
“Congrats on the game winner,” you told him as you headed out into the cool late-October air with him. 
“Oh, yeah, thanks,” he smiled at you. 
You were grateful his parents were being gracious and giving you the evening with him. You knew they desperately wanted to spend time with him too, but his mom said he needed to see you more this time around. You were pretty sure she would cry if she found out how you were feeling. She adored you and made absolutely no secret about it. It was one of the things that had sealed the deal with your relationship in the first place. 
“You drove?” Vince asked you. 
“Uh, yeah,” you mumbled, shaking the thoughts from your head. “Car’s over there.” 
“Perfect,” Vince smiled down at you and you managed a weak smile back. 
As you climbed into the driver’s seat, Vince closed the passenger door and you were alone with him, truly, for the first time in two months. The air felt heavy in the car, heavy with unspoken thoughts and unexpressed feelings. Every minute with him, instead of making everything better, was making you feel worse and worse. You could feel the relationship breaking as you sat in the car next to him with neither one of you saying a word. You just couldn’t figure out why it was happening. 
“What the fuck is happening?” Vince suddenly burst out. His fingers ran through his damp hair as he let out a frustrated groan. “We were so fucking perfect this summer and now I feel like I don’t even know what to say to you right now.” 
There were the tears. They’d been threatening to overflow since you were outside the visitor’s locker room, but you’d held them at bay. The dam broke from his words, from the acknowledgement that you weren’t making this up. For once, you’d wanted this to be all in your head, but it was real, and it was happening right now.
“I don’t know what happened,” you managed to get out between sobs. “Why is it so broken? Neither one of us did anything wrong. I don’t understand.”
“I don’t understand either,” Vince breathed out. His words and his breath were shaky. You glanced over at him and your heart shattered. You’d never seen him cry before and the image of his soft green eyes puffy and red, wet with tears, tore through you, shredding everything in its path. “God, I want to fix this, but I just don’t think we can. I think we worked in the bubble of the summer where nothing could happen to us. Now, with the real world to face, it just doesn’t work and I’m so fucking mad it doesn’t work because I love you. I know I do, but it’s just not right anymore and I know you feel the same way.”
All you could do was nod. Vince knew you couldn’t talk when you cried. None of the words sounded like words if you tried. He nodded softly back at you before leaning over the console to you. He tilted your face towards him and pressed a lingering, longing kiss on your forehead as you both cried. 
“I’m so sorry, baby,” he whispered softly to you. “We tried to so hard, but I guess sometimes you can try as hard as you can, give it everything you’d got, and still lose. I’m really sorry that I lost this one.”
With that, Vince slipped out of your car and headed off. He rounded the corner and was out of your view. The last few strands that were holding to you together snapped and as if on cue from someone above who clearly didn’t give a shit about you, it started pouring. You were the girl crying in a parking lot in her car in the pouring rain. You were crying too hard to see straight enough to drive home, so you sat in your car as the rain came down. You loved the rain, but in that moment, you hated it more than anything else on the planet. You hated yourself because you definitely could’ve tried harder. You weren’t sure how, but you could’ve. You hated the city of St. Louis for taking him away from you. You hate that St. Louis and Toronto were so very far apart. You hated a lot of things in that moment, but not Vince. You couldn’t hate him, no matter how hard you tried, and that just made the hole in your chest widen and more tears stream down your face. It would be easier if you hated him, but you were pretty sure you never could. 
You tried to move on as best as you could. The holidays without him had been rough, especially since you had already coordinated travel plans and a way to see both of your families together both on Christmas day. You still loved him, and the holidays were when you were supposed to be able to be with the people you loved. Maybe that, like a lot of other things you had discovered during this break up, was just another lie from the mouths of romantics who had no other option than to spread their romantic hopefulness all the time that it had weaved its way into the movies and books you knew, into the fabric of your life and your ideas about the future. 
Work kept you distracted in January and February, but by March it was getting more and more impossible to avoid Vince. Well, really the Blues. When they won their first playoff series in April, you hadn’t been able to stop yourself from keeping tabs on the games. You still loved him and seeing his dream come true, the dream that had definitely played a part in you losing him, was still something you wanted to see. You wanted the people you loved to succeed, even if you couldn’t love them out loud while they did it.
With each passing win, you were watching from the sidelines of Vince’s life as his dream was getting closer and closer to reality. When he’d taken the puck to the face, you almost reached out. You wrote up text after text, asking your friends which draft was best, even bugging your mom at one point with the “should I text or should I not” argument. You ended up not sending a single one. 
When you’d seen the update that he was coming back for Game 4 of the finals, your breath had hitched in your throat. You knew him well enough to know he’d been jumping at the bit since the second he left the game, trying to get back to help the team. He wanted that Cup more than anything and if Vince set his mind to something, he would move heaven and earth to make it happen, but your relationship must have been bigger than the known universe if Vince Dunn hadn’t figured out how to fix it. 
You remember feeling nervous when the Blues had a 3-2 lead on the series. Game 6 might have been the night his dream came true, but it didn’t happen. They were going to play Game 7. You tossed your phone aside when you read that, before you decided to just give up and try to sleep. Worrying about a game three days in the future wasn’t going to do you any good, not that you worrying would matter to Vince regardless, so you tried to sleep off how you were feeling. It hadn’t been working since October, so it didn’t work in June either. You hadn’t expected it to work, but it was all you had to try. 
You got up after several hours of up and down, back and forth sleep. By the time you finally brushed your teeth, it was already almost noon. At least you didn’t have work today. You padded into your kitchen barefoot and opened the fridge to see what you would have to work with. You hadn’t been grocery shopping in over a week, feeling too lazy to bother, so the pickings were slim. You let out a frustrated sigh as you surveyed your options. Just as you started to settle on a simple egg sandwich, your phone started ringing. 
You grabbed it and answered without looking. Your mom said she’d call you in the morning to discuss family dinner happening next weekend and since no one else ever called you, you didn’t even bother to check. 
You almost dropped the egg carton you were holding when you heard his voice. He sounded exhausted. His voice was a little garbled due to the wires keeping his mouth together right now. More than anything, he sounded so in love with you and it almost made you cry. 
“I was expecting this to be my mom,” you mumbled out. 
“Sorry,” Vince laughed lightly on the other end. You heard him suck in a quick breath through his teeth. He’d probably hurt his jaw with that one. “Um, do you have a sec? I know this is out of the blue, but I really need to talk to you.” 
“Uh, yeah, I’ve got a sec.” You put the eggs down on the counter. They survived one heart attack today, but the odds they’d survive two were slim to none. “What’s up?”
“I made a mistake,” Vince told you softly. “I thought that us going through a rough patch meant we weren’t supposed to be together. I didn’t realize that if I’d looked past then, that I would’ve realized I can’t live without you.” 
“Can you let me finish, please? I practiced this really hard on Sam and I’m still going to mess it up and he’s going to chirp me for it,” he laughed lightly as he spoke. 
You replied with a small laugh and then your silence. 
“I thought that the rough patch meant it wasn’t supposed to work, not that it was just a rough patch we were supposed to get through. We were supposed to get through it, and I know we were, because I’m having the absolute best time of my life right now. I’m going to go play for a goddamn Stanley Cup in two days and the fact that you’re not going to be here to see it is the worst thing I can imagine.” His voice broke at the last words. “It’s honestly worse than losing because fuck, baby, I want you here either way. Please say you miss me too. Please say you’ll come.”
“You want me to come?” your voice cracked at the end like his had as you tried to process. 
“You’re my whole goddamn world, baby, and I’m sorry I haven’t been around. I promise if you come, I’m never leaving again because I love you more than all of this. This has been my dream since I can remember, but it’s not worth having if you’re not here to share it with.” 
You would have expected your mind to be racing. You would’ve expected you to be second guessing Vince and the feeling in your chest right now. You would’ve expected a lot of things from yourself. You didn’t expect the calm, warm feeling that came over you. It felt like sitting by the fireside at Christmas time. It felt like family and joy and love, pure, good love, the kind Vince gave you that no one else did. You knew your answer. You knew it in your head and in your chest and thank god, it was the same answer in both places. 
“When is my flight?” 
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