#BuckTommy fanfic
evanbi-ckley · 2 days
He feels like he’s being weighed down. Like he’s under water or a heavy blanket. His limbs are heavy, and he can’t get his eyes to open. There’s muffled sound nearby, but he can’t make out anything coherent. He’s also really warm. Uncomfortably so.
Is this what death is like? Is he in Hell? Or something Hell-adjacent? Were all the fire and brimstone idiots he refused to give the time of day actually right about something?
But then the heat is gone and there’s a cool breeze that skims across his skin.
Does he have skin? Do people feel their skin once they’re dead?
He’s still debating with himself as he gets pulled further under.
What is that annoying, repetitive sound? Did he change his alarm? Why the fuck can’t he turn it off?
It hurts.
Why does it hurt?
He can’t even tell what hurts, but something fucking hurts.
If he could just open his eyes and get up to take some ibuprofen.
Also his nose itches. Why can’t he fucking scra-
“Fucking bees.”
He’s warm again, but it’s not uncomfortable this time. 
He feels safe. And alive. 
He doesn’t feel as weighed down anymore.
It’s difficult, but he cracks his eyes open. He’s - in the hospital? That’s definitely a hospital ceiling and hospital lights and hospital machines beeping.
He turns his head to the left - slowly - and sees his arm is in a giant cast. That explains why he can’t lift it.
He turns his head to the right just as slowly. He’s surprised to see a head of curly hair lying next to his hip, a large hand in his own. 
When he flexes his hand, the curly head pops up immediately.
The man looks at him with bloodshot eyes that clearly haven’t seen sleep in days. He’s young - not alarmingly so but certainly younger than Tommy. The stubble on his jaw has gone far past 5 o’clock shadow and has entered the realm of beard, making him look slightly older. But who -?
“Tommy?” the man asks. His voice is low and raspy, possibly unused.
“Uh,” Tommy says. His own voice sounds even worse.
Without hesitation, the man turns - without letting go of Tommy’s hand - and pours a cup of water from the pitcher on the table next to the bed. Then he brings the cup up to Tommy’s mouth, a bendy straw pointing toward him.
Tommy drinks slowly, his mouth feeling like parchment that’s been left out in the sun too long. 
“Thanks,” he says.
The man sets the cup down and says, “Yeah, so um, h-how do you feel?”
He thinks for a bit, taking stock of himself.
“Sore. Numb in places. I assume they’ve got me on the good stuff?” The man nods, a cute smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth. “But there’s also the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen sitting next to me, holding my hand. So all told, I’m doing pretty well.”
The tips of the man’s ears turn pink, and a cute blush spreads across his cheeks. Adorable.
“You don’t have to flirt so hard, Tommy. You should know by now, I’m a sure thing.”
Ah, so -
“So we’re,” Tommy gestures vaguely with his head, “together?”
“Uh,” the man laughs uncertainly, “for about six months now, yeah.”
“Oh.” Tommy’s eyebrows shoot up. “But you’re so…” He trails off, not really knowing where he was going with that.
“So…what?” the man prods.
“Take your pick,” Tommy says. “Young? Pretty? Out of my league?”
“Sweetheart.” The man says it like they’ve had this discussion before, but he’s smiling. “Don’t try to amnesia your way out of being with me. I called dibs forever after our second date.”
Tommy smiles lazily. “Dibs forever, huh?”
“Yep. You’re stuck with me.”
Humming as if he’s considering the pros and cons, Tommy finally says, “I guess I can live with that.”
The man’s smile is blinding. “Evan,” he says. “Evan Buckley. In case you forgot.”
It comes back to him then - a cruise ship rescue in the middle of a hurricane, a basketball game, a kiss, a first date that ended terribly, more dates that ended perfectly, slow dancing in the kitchen, long nights together that ended too soon. A call during a bad storm, total engine failure, glass and fear and rain and acceptance and trees and blue eyes and a smile like warm sunshine.
“Evan,” Tommy says, pulling him closer. “Baby.” He kisses him softly. “I love you more than anything. How could I forget?”
Evan has tears in his eyes and leans their foreheads together when he says, “Don’t ever do that again. I thought I lost you.”
“I’m so sorry, baby. I thought so, too. I thought I’d never get to see you again. I’m so sorry.”
The next kiss is wet with tears - Evan’s or his own, it doesn’t matter. They’re here, and they’re both okay, and they’re together. That’s all that matters.
“I love you, too, by the way,” Evan says once they pull apart. “Can’t believe you waited to tell me until after you almost died, but I’ll take it.”
“I’ll say it every day until I actually die, okay?” he says. He gets a smack to his good shoulder for his effort, but they’re smiling too hard for it to have any weight.
There’s a long road ahead with recovery and therapy and stubbornness and frustration, but they’ve got this. They’ll get through it all. 
part 1
part 2
part 3
also now on ao3!
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weewoowings · 2 days
Could this be it?
Buck and Tommy were draped over the couch, their limbs tangled in a comfortable mess. The living room was dim, the soft glow of a forgotten TV casting flickers of light across their faces. Something played on the screen—neither of them cared to follow it. The background noise was a hum, barely registering beyond the sound of their steady breathing.
Tommy’s head rested against the back of the couch, his eyes half-lidded, heavy with exhaustion. His fingers idly carded through Evan’s curls, the motion slow, soothing, as though each stroke could erase the weight of the long day from both of them. His boyfriend was pressed against his chest, his body relaxed, sinking into Tommy as if they were trying to merge into one.
They were quiet, their breaths syncing with each rise and fall of the other’s chest. The rhythmic in-and-out filled the space between them, steady, grounding. It was the kind of quiet that felt like home—words weren’t needed, the silence was enough.
His thumb traced the shell of Evan’s ear before his hand returned to its soft path through his hair. He could feel the tension slipping out of Evan’s muscles, the way he melted further into him, like he’d been waiting for this moment to finally let go. Tommy pressed his cheek against the top of his head, inhaling the faint scent of his shampoo, mixed with the lingering smell of the day’s sweat and city air. It wasn’t perfect, but it was perfect because it was them.
“You okay?” Tommy asked, his voice barely more than a whisper, as if anything louder would break the quiet.
Buck made a soft noise in response, something between a hum and a sigh. He shifted slightly, his face burrowing into Tommy’s neck, the warmth of him pressing in, seeking comfort. Tommy’s hand stayed in his hair, fingers curling gently, his touch so soft it almost tickled.
“I love you,” Buck mumbled, barely conscious of the words as they tumbled out of his mouth. They were unplanned, said without thought, like a secret whispered into the dark where it felt safe.
Tommy froze for just a beat, the words sinking in, and then he smiled. His hand stilled in Evan’s curls, his other arm wrapping tighter around him, pulling him impossibly closer.
“I love you too,” Tommy murmured, pressing a kiss to his birthmark. His voice was as gentle as his touch, as if the words themselves were something precious.
Buck, half-asleep, smiled against Tommy’s chest, his body growing heavier with the weight of comfort and certainty. The simple exchange of words had settled something deep within him, something he hadn’t even realized was tense. Saying I love you hadn’t been a decision, it had just happened—and the way Tommy had pulled him closer afterward, the warmth in his voice, made Buck feel like he’d found a home in that moment. He could still feel the echo of Tommy’s words, I love you too, lingering in the quiet, wrapping around his heart like a second layer of comfort.
Tommy’s hand had stilled in his curls, but Buck could feel the rise and fall of his chest beneath his cheek. He knew Tommy was awake, probably thinking the same thing, maybe replaying those words like he was. The ease between them now felt like breathing—natural, effortless. He didn’t need anything more than this right now. Just them, just being.
Tommy’s heart thudded steadily under Evan’s ear, and he found himself smiling softly too. There was no rush, no need to say anything more. The moment was full enough, and Tommy knew they had time—plenty of time for more words, more quiet moments, more soft confessions. This was the start of something new and easy, and the certainty of it settled over him like the perfect blanket.
They both lay there, wrapped in each other, breathing in the quiet, as the flicker of the TV faded into the background.
158 notes · View notes
ninjatrashpanda · 2 days
Home (Home is wherever I'm with You)
Written for @bucktommypositivityweek Round Two. Day Seven: "Predict the Future." Read on AO3 here.
“Oh yeah,” Buck exclaimed, handing another freshly washed plate to Tommy to dry. Evenings like this one were becoming more and more common. Buck and Tommy would meet up at Tommy’s house or Buck’s loft after their shifts, cook and eat dinner together, do the dishes together, and then settle down on the couch for a movie Tommy wanted to see, or a documentary to fuel Buck’s latest hyperfixation before heading to bed, either for a round of ‘Was I a good boy, Daddy?’ or to just sleep, depending on how tired they were after work. “My lease runs out in three months. Remind me that I have to talk to my landlord about a new one.”
Tommy nodded, putting the now dry plate on top of the stack next to him. “I can remind you, but have you thought about maybe… I don’t know… not renewing it?” His tone was casual, as it usually was, but Buck could tell that he was nervous from the way the blue of his eyes seemed to waver. For all that Tommy knew how to mask his facial expressions, Buck had quickly learned that his eyes had the tendency to betray him as long as you knew what to look for.
Buck let out a small chuckle, reaching for another plate, one of his eyebrows rising in confusion. “Not renewing?” he echoed, a slight smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “And what? Move into the station full time?”
Tommy laughed, shaking his head. “Not quite what I had in mind. I was thinking more… you know, here. At my place.”
An odd sense of quiet spread through the room for a moment, despite the soft clinking of silverware and the gentle hum of the dishwasher running behind them. It wasn’t an out-of-the-blue proposal, not really. In fact, Buck figured, they’d been tiptoeing around it for weeks, maybe months. Their evenings together were less about convenience and more about the deep comfort they’d found in each other’s company, the quiet routines they’d built together. On nights when their shifts kept them apart, Buck deeply missed and outright craved Tommy, and not just in the sexual sense either. He’d realized a while ago that he really didn’t want to be apart from his boyfriend for any extended amount of time.
“You… You want me to move in with you?”
Tommy stopped drying for a second, focusing on folding the towel in his hands to avoid meeting Buck’s eyes. “Yeah, I do. I mean, we’re here all the time anyway, right? You’ve got a drawer, you’ve got space in the closet, half your stuff’s already in the bathroom. It just makes sense. Plus…" He finally looked up, his expression softening. “I like having you around, Evan. It feels… good. Natural.”
Buck didn’t respond immediately. He reached for the next dish, but instead of handing it over, he stared at the water droplets sliding down the ceramic, his mind working through the unspoken implications. He wasn’t scared, exactly. Living with Tommy had an appeal, a strong one, but it also carried weight. The last time he moved in with a partner had been an absolute disaster (and Buck was mature enough to acknowledge that it wasn’t fully or even mostly on Taylor either) and he really, really didn’t want his relationship with Tommy to go down the same path.
He finally spoke, voice steady but thoughtful. “I like being here with you too, Tommy, of course I do, I love you. It’s just… moving in, it’s a big step. You sure we’re ready for that?”
Tommy’s lips pressed together as he kept playing with his towel, his lower lip caught between his teeth. He didn’t want to push, and Buck knew and appreciated that. This wasn’t about trying to goad Buck into doing something he wasn’t ready for; it was about opening a door that, deep down, he already knew they both wanted to walk through.
“I get that it’s a big step,” Tommy finally said, his voice a touch softer, though still carrying that cadance of sincerity that Buck had become so familiar with. “I’m not trying to pressure you or make you feel like we have to do this now. But I’ve been thinking about it for a while, and… honestly, I’m ready if you are.” His eyes met Buck’s, unwavering, calm but warm, and full of love. “No rush, no pressure. Just… think about it.”
Buck let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding, running a hand through his damp curls. There was a knot in his chest that he hadn’t quite figured out how to untangle, a mix of excitement, anxiety, and an old, familiar fear of things falling apart when they seemed to be going too well.
“I do love being here,” Buck admitted, his voice barely above a whisper, as if saying it too loudly might somehow jinx what they had. “And you’re right. Half my stuff’s already here. I just…” He paused, words getting caught somewhere between his heart and his throat. “I guess I’m scared, you know? Last time I moved in with someone, I made a whole bunch of mistakes. It was a bad idea, and we rushed into things and it got… messy.”
Tommy nodded, leaning against the counter, his fingers still absently twisting the towel. “I know what happened with Taylor wasn’t easy, Evan. But that was different. You were different. And I’m not her.” He took a step closer, closing the space between them, his hand finding Buck’s in the soapy sink. The warmth of Tommy’s touch grounded him, and for a second, the room felt smaller, quieter. More intimate.
“You’re not,” Buck agreed, his thumb tracing lazy circles on the back of Tommy’s hand. “And I don’t want to compare what we have to that. I just… I want to make sure we’re doing this for the right reasons. Not because it’s convenient or comfortable, but because it’s what we both really want.”
Tommy tilted his head slightly, his eyes searching Buck’s face as if trying to read the thoughts that Buck was too afraid to say out loud. “If you need to think about it, that’s okay. You know I’m not gonna hold it against you, right?”
Buck let out a small sigh, feeling the weight of Tommy’s words settle over him. He knew Tommy meant every word. There was no hidden agenda, no underlying expectation. He was simply being honest about what he wanted, but ready to let it go if Buck didn’t. And Buck knew that should he say no, Tommy would be disappointed, but nothing would change between them. Tommy would know that Buck declining now wasn’t a never, just a not at this point. And that was what made this relationship so different from all the others. It wasn’t built on fleeting passion or some burning need to be wanted. It was steady, patient, and real.
“I know,” Buck said, his voice a little more solid this time. He turned to look at Tommy, really look at him. The man who had somehow woven himself into the fabric of Buck’s everyday life without either of them really noticing it happening. Tommy was everything Buck never thought he needed. Calm where Buck was impulsive, thoughtful where Buck was driven by instinct. It made Buck feel safer than he had in a long time.
Tommy smiled, a soft, understanding curve of his lips. “There’s no rush, baby,” he said again, letting his hand squeeze Buck’s gently before releasing it and taking the next dish. “We can talk about it whenever you’re ready. Or not talk about it. Whatever works.”
“So, what’s bugging you?” Bobby asked as he threw Buck’s apron over to him. They’d just gotten back to the station after a minor fender bender (three mild injuries, no deaths) and after sending everyone off to do their chores, he had quickly roped Buck into making dinner with him. Buck should have known it was a set-up.
“Wow, okay,” he said, grabbing an onion to dice for the bolognese recipe Tommy had gotten from his Nonna, a recipe both Bobby and Buck had gotten obsessed with mastering. “Not even gonna try to butter me up first, huh?”
Bobby chuckled as he started chopping the garlic, his hands moving with the kind of ease that came from years of cooking for the station. “We both know I’m not great at subtlety,” he said, glancing up at Buck with a pointed look. “Besides, I can tell something’s been on your mind. Figured I’d cut to the chase.”
Buck sighed, shaking his head slightly as he focused on the onion in front of him. The sharp smell of it hit him as soon as he sliced into it, and the familiar sting of onion-tears started piecing his eyes. He really should’ve known Bobby would catch on. If not him, who?
“I don’t know, Cap,” Buck said, his voice softer than usual. “It’s kinda dumb, really. I’ve just been... thinking. A lot.”
Bobby didn’t respond right away, just kept working at the garlic, letting Buck find his way to whatever he needed to say. Buck appreciated it. He hated being pushed to answer, and it always made him feel like he had to justify himself for feeling things. Bobby leaving him air to breathe and sort his thoughts, even if he was a little embarrassed that Bobby could read him so readily.
Buck did appreciate it. But it did also make him squirm.
“You know you’re allowed to think about things,” Bobby said after a moment, keeping his tone light. “But sometimes you get stuck in your head, Buck. And I’m not sure that’s where you want to be right now.”
Buck dropped the knife on the cutting board with a sigh, the rhythmic chop-chop of onions halting as he wiped his hands on his apron. “It’s not that,” he muttered, staring down at the half-diced onion, almost willing it to give him answers.
“So what is it?”
Buck looked up, meeting Bobby’s eyes for the first time since the conversation had started. He could feel the weight of Bobby’s concern, genuine and steady, like the man was always a step ahead, trying to make sure everyone around him was okay.
He swallowed hard, trying to find the words. “Tommy asked me to move in with him, and I’m scared.”
Bobby raised an eyebrow, pausing his garlic chopping for a second before setting the knife down. “Scared?” His tone was gentle, but Buck could sense the surprise there. “Of moving in with Tommy, or… something else?”
Buck let out a long breath, the air thick with the smell of onions and garlic now, the comforting scents of a familiar meal that should have helped ease his tension but only seemed to magnify the knot twisting in his stomach. He looked down at the onion, pushing it around the board with the edge of his knife. The words were on the tip of his tongue, but it was like they didn’t want to come out. Talking about feelings was never easy for him, especially not the deep, vulnerable ones. But this… this was Bobby. The man who had been there through the worst and somehow still saw him, still believed in him.
“I don’t know,” Buck finally said, the words coming out in a rush, like if he didn’t say them now, they’d never come. “I’m not really scared of moving in, I’m scared of messing it all up like I did with Taylor.”
Bobby gave a small nod and a hum, his expression one of calm realization. He turned and resumed chopping the garlic, the steady sound of the knife hitting the cutting board filling the silence between them. Buck appreciated the way Bobby let the quiet hang, giving him the space to work through his tangled thoughts.
“I know I shouldn’t compare the two,” Buck said, frustration creeping into his voice. He resumed dicing the onion, his movements a little too quick, the sharp knife clattering against the board. “Tommy’s not Taylor and I’m not the same Buck that I was back then, but it’s like I can’t help it. Every time I think about taking the next step with him, my mind goes back to everything I did wrong with Taylor. How I thought I could make it work, despite everything, and then… well, you know how that went.”
Bobby set down his knife again, wiping his hands on a towel as he turned to fully face Buck. His gaze was steady, not judgmental, just patient. “Buck, you can’t beat yourself up over past mistakes forever. You’ve learned from them. That’s what matters.”
Buck frowned, his hands stilling for a moment as he considered Bobby’s words. “Yeah, but what if I haven’t learned enough? What if I mess this up too? Tommy… he’s important to me. Like, really important. I think he could be it, you know? And the last thing I want to do is hurt him or make things awkward between us.”
Bobby gave a small nod, leaning back against the counter as he crossed his arms. “I get that, Buck. Believe me, I do. But relationships aren’t about never making mistakes. They’re about being willing to learn and grow together. From what I’ve seen, you and Tommy are already doing that.”
Buck stared at the sloppy onion dices in front of him, the smell still sharp, mixing with the garlic Bobby had finished. “What if I can’t handle the pressure? I mean, living together is a big deal. I’m just not sure I’m ready.”
Bobby smiled faintly, a hint of warmth in his eyes as he watched Buck. “Do you want to be ready, though?”
Buck blinked. The question caught him off guard. It wasn’t something he had considered, at least not in those terms. Did he want to be ready? Of course he did, didn’t he? But then again, that was part of the problem. He wanted to be perfect, to have it all figured out before he took the leap. The thought of messing up, of failing, of somehow destroying what he and Tommy had, gnawed at him.
“I do,” Buck sighed, his voice quieter now, more thoughtful. “I just don’t want to screw this up, Bobby. I’ve done that too many times already. What if I’m just not meant for this? What if...”
Bobby held up a hand, stopping him gently but firmly. “Buck, stop.” He shook his head slightly, his tone soft but unwavering. “You’re not broken. You’ve been through a lot, and yeah, you’ve made mistakes. We all have. But that doesn’t mean you’re destined to keep repeating them.”
Buck felt a lump form in his throat. He hated how accurate Bobby’s assessment of him was. How often had he thought like that about himself? That he was somehow defective, doomed to fail at every relationship he tried to make work? It was like a heavy weight tied around his neck, one that seemed to make it harder and harder to keep his head up.
Bobby’s eyes softened as he kept speaking, his voice filled with that steady, reassuring calm Buck had come to rely on. “You’re allowed to be scared, Buck. It means this matters to you. But don’t let that fear keep you from something good. You and Tommy… you’ve got something worth fighting for. And from what I’ve seen, you’re both willing to put in the work.”
Buck swallowed, his eyes burning a little, though he wasn’t sure if it was from the onion or the sudden rush of emotions coursing through his body. He wiped his hands on his apron again, more out of habit than necessity. “I guess I’m just scared I’ll let him down,” he admitted quietly. Bobby had done it once again. He had peeled back every single one of Buck’s worries and doubts and had nailed exactly what the source of his issues was. “He deserves someone who’s... not a mess.”
Bobby shook his head, stepping closer and resting a hand on Buck’s shoulder. “Buck, you’re not a mess. You’re human. And Tommy knows that. You two are building something together, and that’s not something that happens overnight. It takes time, effort, and yeah, sometimes it takes stumbling a little along the way. But that doesn’t mean you’re not worthy of it.”
Buck looked up at Bobby, his throat tight, the knot in his stomach loosening just a little as he heard the words. He knew Bobby meant them. He could see it in his eyes, could hear it in his voice.
“Do you think I can do this?” Buck asked, his voice almost a whisper now.
Bobby’s smile was small but full of warmth. “I think you already are. You’re asking the right questions, thinking about it the way you should. You care enough to want to get it right. That’s what matters.”
Buck nodded slowly, feeling a little of the tension start to melt away. Bobby’s words had a way of doing that, of making things seem less impossible, less overwhelming. Maybe he didn’t have it all figured out yet, but maybe he didn’t need to. Maybe just wanting to do better, wanting to be there for Tommy, was enough for now.
“Thanks, Cap,” Buck said, his voice steadier now. “I guess I just needed to hear that.”
Bobby gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze before stepping back to the cutting board, picking up his knife and getting back to the garlic. “Anytime, Buck. And hey, when you move in with Tommy, don’t forget to keep practicing this bolognese. I’m counting on you to help me perfect it.”
Buck laughed, a real, genuine laugh that he hadn’t realized he needed. He picked up his knife again, the rhythm of chopping the onion coming more easily now, less frantic. “Deal. But only if you let me make the garlic bread.”
“Done,” Bobby said with a grin. “Now, let’s finish this before everyone starts complaining about being hungry.”
“This is the last one,” Tommy called, carrying a box down the stairs to Buck’s former bedroom. Buck, waiting at the base with a duffel bag slung over his shoulder and his suitcase by his side. “You had a lot less stuff than I expected, baby.”
Buck smiled, though it didn’t meet his eyes. “Yeah, it’s… I never really needed much, you know?”
It was true. Buck had, for all intents and purposes, been kind of a minimalist with the loft. He lived at the station half the time anyway, so he had never really tried to accessorize or anything. A few pictures of himself and his family, from Maddie and Bobby to Christopher and Jee-Yun were about the only things that he figured mattered. He loved his family, and being surrounded by them, even if it was only through photographs, always made him feel better.
“You okay?” Tommy asked, putting the box to the ground. And that… was a loaded question. Yes, Buck was okay, technically. He wanted this. He wanted to move in with Tommy, was okay with letting the loft go.
But this had still been his home for the last six years of his life. It was still the end of an era.
“Just… feeling a little nostalgic is all.”
Tommy nodded, an understanding smile making its way to his face. “Makes sense,” he said quietly, running his hand through his messy curls as he leaned against the doorframe. “You’ve been through a lot in this place.”
Buck sighed, his eyes drifting around the room, taking in the bare walls, the empty bookshelves, the absence of the things that had once made this place feel like his. There was a time when this loft had been a refuge, a place to heal after he had hit rock bottom more than once. He’d been here after the ladder truck had crushed his leg, after the tsunami, after the lightning strike. His relationships with Ali and Taylor and Natalia had ended here. He had spent weeks in here all alone when he had filed the lawsuit that had almost destroyed his relationships with the people that mattered most to him.
“Yeah,” he finally said, his voice soft. “A lot happened here.”
And yet, it had also been a sanctuary, a place of endless laughter, and some of the best parts of his life. Getting this place had made him feel like an adult for the first time in his life. He had felt independent in a way not even traveling across the country on his own had made him feel. He and Eddie had made up after the lawsuit in here, he and Christopher had spent countless hours pummeling each other in fighting games, he’d first seen Jee-Yun crawl in here when she had made her way from the door to the couch. He had even delivered his Conner and Kameron’s child in here.
Tommy and him had shared their first kiss here.
Tommy watched him carefully, his eyes twinkling with fondness. “You don’t have to let it all go, you know,” he said, voice gentle. “You can take the memories with you.”
Buck smiled at that, the kind of smile that cracked through the melancholy even though it still didn’t quite fill out his face. “I know. It’s just… this place has seen every part of me, you know? The mess, the mistakes, the times I got back up again. It’s hard to leave that behind.”
“I get it,” Tommy murmured, stepping closer, his hand brushing lightly against Buck’s arm. “And it’s normal. Leaving your old home for a new one is always hard.”
Buck’s gaze softened as he looked at Tommy, grateful for the way he understood, the way he just… got it. That was one of the things that had made Buck fall for him in the first place. Tommy knew how to be present, how to listen without forcing an answer or solution.
“Moving in with you,” Buck said, looking down at the duffel bag and then back at the empty space around him, “it feels right. I just didn’t expect it to feel this… complicated too.”
Tommy chuckled softly and leaned in to kiss Buck’s temple, his arm moving around Buck’s shoulders. “Change always is. Even the good ones. But look, we don’t have to rush anything. If you need more time, I—”
“No,” Buck interrupted, though his tone was gentle. “I’m ready. I really am. I want this—us.” He turned to pull Tommy into a slow, soft kiss, resting his forehead against Tommy’s. “I think I just need a second to say goodbye to this place, you know?”
Tommy squeezed his hand, a warm smile lighting up his face. “Take all the time you need.”
Buck turned back toward the loft, his heart heavy but steady, while Tommy went to grab the box and stand in the doorway. Buck walked slowly around the room, letting his fingers graze the walls, each touch bringing back fragments of the life he’d lived here. The first time he’d stood in the kitchen, fresh from a shift, feeling like he was finally becoming the man he wanted to be. The nights he’d stayed awake, trying not to let his loneliness get to him, wondering if he’d ever be enough for anyone. The day Maddie had come home after getting treated for her PPD. The moment Eddie had told him that Chris thought of him as a hero, a title Buck never felt like he deserved but wore like armor anyway.
He stepped out onto the balcony, the Los Angeles skyline glowing with the soft hues of the setting sun. The view had always been one of his favorite parts of this place. It reminded him that, no matter how chaotic life got, the world kept turning, kept moving. And so did he.
With a deep breath, Buck finally allowed t’he tears that had built behind his lids to flow free, feeling the weight of six years lift from his shoulders. This place had been his sanctuary, his shelter. But now, he realized, it had also been his cocoon. It had kept him safe while he grew, while he healed. But he wasn’t the same man who had first walked through that door all those years ago. He was ready to spread his wings and step into something new.
Something with Tommy.
He stepped back in, his heart full but at peace, and caught Tommy’s eye. “I think I’m good now,” he said softly, smiling—a real, genuine smile this time.
Tommy grinned, his eyes twinkling with that infectious warmth that had always made Buck feel grounded. “Good. Because I was starting to think I’d have to carry all your boxes back up.”
Buck laughed, the sound light and free, cutting through the bittersweet air. “You’re hilarious. But no, I won’t strain your back like that, old man.”
“Oh, okay. I see how it is!” Tommy shot back, his expression playful as Buck picked up his suitcase and duffel bag. “Come on, let’s get out of here before you change your mind.”
Tommy grabbed the last box, and together, they headed for the door. Just before stepping through, Buck paused one last time, looking back over his shoulder at the loft. He let the memories settle in his mind, like pictures into a photo album.
“Goodbye,” he whispered, not to the loft itself, but to the man he used to be inside it. Then, he turned to join Tommy in the hallway. “Let’s go home.”
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evansboyfriend · 1 month
Tommy gets so used to Evan always initiating sex and truth is, when they first started dating, he’d never expected, that the man who looked at him with that awestruck look on his face after getting kissed one time, would be a horny insatiable little beast obsessed with Tommy’s tits and ass and dick and everything.
But eventually the honeymoon phase passes and Evan calms down, and now he’s laying in Tommy’s bed, in his soft cotton t-shirt, reading a book, brows furrowed as his eyes slowly run over the lines. Tommy’s been on edge all day, something faintly buzzing under his skin, making him feel like an exposed wire, and he needs Evan to touch him and he has no idea how to go about initiating − which is ridiculous because he’s a grown ass man, and they’ve been together long enough that he can just ask “Hey, wanna have sex?” because he’s straightforward like that and he knows Evan loves that about him.
Usually all it takes is for him to come out of the shower with nothing but a towel around his hips and that does the trick. Evan takes one look at him and is ready to climb him like a tree. Tonight, he merely looks up from his book for a second, eyes raking over Tommy’s body appreciatively and then nothing − he goes back to reading. Tommy’s almost offended that whatever book is in Evan’s hands seems to have his undivided attention.
Tommy sighs as he drops the towel and climbs into bed and curls up next to his boyfriend, puts his head on Evan’s shoulder and throws an arm and a leg over his body. He starts with gentle touches, runs a hand over Evan’s ribs and up towards his pecs, then slides it down over his abs and lower towards the waistband of his underwear; pauses for a minute before he slides his hand underneath it and slowly runs it over Evan’s hips, and finally he manages to elicit a response in the form of a soft sigh. Evan runs his fingers through Tommy’s hair and Tommy can’t help the noise he makes. It sounds pathetic even to his own ears. 
“Baby. Is there something you want?”
Tommy blushes, feeling like he’s been caught with his hand in the cookie jar − so to speak. “Just you.” He hides his face in the crook of Evan’s neck, presses a soft kiss to his pulse point. “Need you.”
Finally, Evan puts his book on the nightstand and nudges Tommy until he’s laying down on his back and climbs over him, covering him with his body. Dips his head and kisses him slow and deep, pulls away with a mischievous little grin on his face. “You could’ve just said you’re feeling horny, you know, instead of rubbing up on me like a cat.”
Tommy groans. “Just touch me. Please.”
“Oh, I can do more than that,” Evan tells him with a grin and starts making his way down, trailing kisses over Tommy’s chest and running his tongue over his hipbone until he sinks further down and takes him in his mouth, and Tommy sighs as the world around him fades away.
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evnnkinard · 3 months
the first time after tommy bottoms for buck, he doen't expect much in the way of aftercare, honestly assumes that he's still going to be the one to move, the one to clean them both up- not because of evan, himself, or anything that he's said or done. it's just. what tommy does. it was how it had always been with his exes; he was the one to take care of them, not the one to be taken care of. but he should've known that it'd be different with evan. it was always different with evan. better. good.
after, evan collapses on top of him, panting, skin flushed and sweat soaked, says, between breaths, "f-fuck," and, "god, that was so good," and, "you were so good, tommy, so perfect for me," and paws at him, petting at any and every inch of tommy's skin that he can reach and- and it doesn't register then, what his boyfriend is doing; evan's always been extra tactile, affectionate, after sex, always touching and wanting to be closer, closer, closer, like he'd climb into tommy's skin and tuck himself between tommy's ribs if he could. he's never been shy on returning the praise that tommy gives to him, either, always lets tommy know how much he'd enjoyed it, how good tommy had made him feel, knows that even if it doesn't do quite the same thing that it does for himself, that it still makes tommy feel good, proud, pleased-
-so tommy doesn't think anything of it, just reaches for evan back, hands clumsy as he grabs at him, pets at him and pulls him in closer. murmurs about how good evan always is for him, lets evan take what he needs from him and greedily soaks in the comfort of evan's weight on top of him, the feel of evan's skin against his own in return. lies there for another minute, two, loose-limbed and feeling completely wrecked in the best way possible, lets evan's touch, his words, continue to wash over him as he tries to get his brain to come back online long enough to get his boyfriend taken care of properly.
eventually, feels evan start to shift against him, thinks he must be starting to feel uncomfortable, is starting to feel uncomfortable, himself, with his own come drying on his stomach between them and evan's beginning to leak out of him. musters the energy to get his hands beneath himself, and careful not to jostle evan too much on top of him, pushes up onto his elbows- and then evan's hand is on his chest, strong and firm, stopping him from moving any further.
"h-hey, what- where are you going?"
tommy looks down at him, a little confused, a little concerned, and finds evan already looking back at him with his brows furrowed. he searches evan's eyes, but doesn't see any worry, or fear, there. brings a hand up to cup evan's face, rubs his thumb across his cheek, feels a little giddy at the way evan immediately leans into the touch and reassures, anyway, just in case, "i was just going to get something to clean us up, kid. i'll be right back, i promise."
evan pulls away from him, slightly, at that. tilts his head, scrunches his face up further, looks baffled, and, tommy can't help but think, adorable, and says, "um, no- no you're not. that's my job tonight."
and tommy pauses. takes a minute, processes. shakes his head, says, "evan-"
"tommy," his boyfriend immediately parrots back, cutting him off, says, like he knows exactly what tommy's thinking- probably does, honestly, knows tommy so well at this point that it scares him sometimes, "you just got your brains fucked out, let me take care of you, okay? stay here and i'll be right back, okay?" doesn't wait for an answer, leans forward and distracts tommy with his mouth, keeps it chaste as he presses his hand further into tommy's chest, pushes gently, firmly, until tommy falls down onto his back again and then pulls away and clambers off the bed, completely ungraceful but still, somehow, looking stupidly attractive to tommy's malfunctioning brain.
tommy lifts his head, slightly, watches him walk away until he disappears out of view and then thumps his head back down into the pillows. lies there, stunned. feels slightly off kilter but, he thinks, not in a bad way. tucks an arm under his head, lets the other rest at his side, away from the mess on his stomach and waits paitently for his boyfriend to come back, feeling warm, and soft, and safe as he does so, in the way that he's found only evan has of surprising out of him.
he doesn't have to wait too long before evan is walking back into the room, soft smile on his face and a damp wash cloth in his hand. he slips back into the space between tommy's legs, fits perfectly, just like he does in tommy's arms, like tommy's body was made just for him and tommy thinks, quietly, as his boyfriend rests a hand on his thigh, that it was. knows that he's been ruined for anybody else. says, "hey, baby," because he likes the way evan blushes, even now, smiles, small and pleased when he does. says, because he feels like he should, "you really don't have to, baby, i can do it, i don't mind."
evan's already shaking his head before he's even finished, says, "nope, it's my turn tonight, remember? and- tommy, i want to do it, okay? i like getting to take care of you," leans over him and runs the cloth carefully over his stomach, down his thighs, face focused, like this is impotant- like tommy's important. wipes the cloth lower, down tommy's ass and gently over tommy's hole, repeats the motion, once, twice, says, "sorry, sorry baby, i'm done now, you did so good," and soothes a hand over his thigh when it makes him flinch, oversensitive, barely imperceptible if not for the way that evan's become so quickly attuned to him over the past few months.
evan tosses the cloth, and tommy's sure that it's landed nowhere near where the laundry basket is, but can't find it in himself to care when his boyfriend drops most of his weight back down over him, dips his head and catches tommy's lips with his own all in one smooth movement. immediately begs for entry with his tongue and tommy lets him in, fists a hand in his curls, lets evan take control, lets him kiss him soft and slow and until there's no air left in either of their lungs. lets evan pull away, lets him dip back down and steal another, quick kiss before he pulls away again, breathless.
evan drops down next to him, wraps an arm over him and pulls him in close, and then closer still, tucks him up against his chest. presses a kiss to his head. tommy lets his head fall into the crook of his neck, hums, content, says, "mm, thank-you, this is nice."
"don't have to thank me, baby. i love you, i'm always gunna take care of you."
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cosyvelvetorchid · 2 months
Bucktommy prompt
Out on a call Buck accidentally says his last name is:
'Kinard. No...wait, BUCK...BUCKLEY!'
and the whole team hears it.
He's super embarrassed because he's only been dating Tommy for a couple of months, and the 118 rib him about it for the rest of the shift.
This one made me laugh so much! Thank you!
You can send any bucktommy, saltommy or Tommy prompts to my ask 🩶
5 months, 14 days and 18 hours. That's how long Evan Buckley had been dating Tommy Kinard. And yes he had counted. It had been both a whirlwind and the calmest relationship he had ever been in. Every day felt like the flirty, giddy honeymoon phase, and simultaneously with the ease of a decade together.
Buck knew he had a tendency to get ahead of himself; to go all in with what he wanted or was passionate about, but Tommy had the, quite frankly magical, ability to pull Buck back down to earth without making him feel like an over excited child. That didn't stop how from secretly imagining a future with Tommy of course.
The 118 arrived on scene of a scaffold collapse to find a construction worker on the ground underneath a large piece of wood.
"Chim, Hen you assess him, I'll speak to the foreman."
"Uh that's me." The portly middle-aged aged man standing above his injured colleague called out. "Colin Denison." He reached out his to shake Bobby's hand.
"Captain Nash." The man then held out his hand to Buck.
"Kinard.. No wait! BUCK! BUCKLEY!"
Bobby, Hen, Chim and Eddie's eyes all shot to Buck, whose face burned with the fire of a thousand sun's. He made a silent prayer for more scaffolding to fall and land directly onto him. Only death could take away this level of embarrassment.
"What did you just say?" Eddie asked with a smirk.
"Nothing" Buck replied quickly.
"Did you just say you're name was-" Chim tried to ask but Buck cut him off.
"Nope." A lie. An obvious, slap in your face, kick you in the crotch lie. He knew it, they knew, God himself knew it. He turned his attention to Bobby and the foreman and tried to ignore the stifled giggles behind him.
"Im just glad the rest of my guys were at lunch. If they have all been up there.." Colin shook his head. "Is Dave gonna be okay?" He fielded the question toward Hen and Chim.
"Couple of lacerations, definitely a broken wrist and he's gonna have some gnarly bruises, but he'll be fine."
"Hey Tomm- sorry Buck.. can you bring the gurney." Hen teased. Buck shot her a glare before walking back to the ambulance, coming back a moment later with the gurney.
"Thanks, Tommy." Chim sang.
"Come on guys." Buck pleaded, wishing another sinkhole would appear and swallow him whole. Or maybe a lightning strike. Hell, being on a capsized cruise ship would be better than being here right now.
"He's stabilised Cap. We just need to get all this crap off of him." Eddie informed him. "You wanna help Tommy?" He added. Buck groaned.
"Hey guys let's keep it professional - we have a job to do."
"THANK YOU Cap." Buck praised narrowing his eyes at everyone. Cap pointed to the large piece of wood covering the man.
"Eddie, Hen, Chimney, you take that side. Kinard you're with me."
Buck was more grateful than ever for his shift to be done with. Even more so that he was headed straight to Tommy's. He let himself in, kicked off his shoes - stopping to admire how warm it made him feel looking at both his and Tommys shoes sat side by side - and walked into the kitchen where Tommy was busy preparing dinner.
"Hey babe." He was stirring some sauce in pot as Buck walked over and pressed a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. "Good shift?"
"It was fine." Buck answered plainly. He had already humiliated himself enough today.
"Nothing happened?" Tommy asked.
"Nope." Buck said popping the 'P'. Tommy stopped starting and turned to face him.
"Really? Nothing? Nothing at all?" Buck noticed the glint in his eye.
"Who told you?!"
"Who do you think?" Tommy laughed. "I don't think Chims ever texted me that much before. Actually, it was mostly voice notes of him and Hen laughing."
"Oh god." Buck held his head in his hands as embarrassment soared through him. It was bad enough everyone else heard him but now that Tommy knew about it..
Tommy laughed and walked over to him, putting his arms around his waist.
"Hey." He said, wanting Buck to look at him, which he slowly did.
"Look, Evan.. were not near that step quite yet, bu-" Bucks head went down again, and he groaned. "But-" He said louder so Buck would look at him again. "I like that the idea of it doesn't freak you out. It's.. its actually kinda nice."
"Y-Yeah? You don't think I'm an idiot that's going overboard again?"
"Oh I definitely think that," He said with a laugh "but.." He placed soft kisses onto Bucks forehead, cheek, birthmark and finally his lips. "..I happen to love that about you." Buck sighed with relief.
"Although, what if I wanted to be a Buckley?" He asked half teasing.
"Are you kidding? I don't want to be a Buckley, so you're definitely not."
"Oh is that so?" Tommy questioned kissing him on the lips again.
"Yep." Buck smiled kissing him back.
"Noted." Tommy stated. "Now, come taste this sauce." He took Bucks hand and led him to the stove.
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aainiouu · 1 month
In honor of it seeming like the TV gods heard my prayers of letting Buck’s curls roam free ☺
Tommy and Buck have been spending a lot of time together. Quality time, sleepover kind of time but the first time Buck leaves to work straight from Tommy’s place something happens Buck didn’t anticipate.
Tommy is still dozing on the bed, the lucky bastard doesn’t have work until evening, and Buck is getting ready, contemplating about calling in sick. But alas Bobby would never believe him.
When his hand goes towards the hair wax, he hears a wounded sound coming from the bed. Buck stops and turns around.
Tommy is, and Buck is feeling a little smug about it, trying to get up and not being remotely as spry about it as he usually is.
”Don’t.” Tommy says and comes closer.
For a minute Buck is confused, it's early and the close proximity of a very scantily clothed boyfriend is not helping the matters.
Then Tommy dips his fingers in the wax and very lightly runs his fingers through Buck’s hair. And poor Buck is left fighting against some kind of purr trying to escape his throat.
After doing this a couple of times Tommy picks up a curl on his temple, rolls it around one of his fingers and lets it fall on Buck’s forehead.
”There,” Tommy murmurs, ”That’s perfect.”
Tommy softly lands a kiss on Buck’s brow, turns around and flops back on the bed, groaning.
Buck stands there, mouth open, and slowly turns towards the mirror. His hair remains curly and one strand of hair is softly hanging on his forehead. He likes it, and it seems his boyfriend likes it too.
And well, crap, he’s gonna be late from work.
When he arrives at 118, he knows he is still smiling and as he goes in the tugs the curl resting on his forehead. 
It doesn’t take long for him to hear the first comment about it. 
“Letting the curls go free today, Buck?” Hen asks as he trots upstairs. Buck stops and feels the blush creeping on his neck as he tries to think of an innocent answer. 
But of course his co-workers know him too well and Chimney groans as he clocks on the blush on Buck’s cheeks.
“I do NOT want to know what kind of kinky thing this is for you and Tommy, Buck.”
“I-Hey! It’s not kinky!” Buck protests “I don’t even know how you can make my natural existing curls kinky, Chim. It’s only… sappy.”
Chimney groans again and Hen’s eyes are twinkling. Buck sighs and walks towards the fridge. It’s going to be a long day.
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wikiangela · 8 days
I only have eyes for you
rating: M words: 8.3k summary: Buck and Tommy host a family barbecue, Buck gets very distracted by his shirtless boyfriend, and they both get lovingly teased for being insufferably in love.
[read on Ao3]
“Buck!” Chimney calls, and Buck looks over his shoulder to find everyone’s eyes on him, amused expressions on their faces. “Don’t distract our cook, we’re starving!” “I’m just scolding him for taking his shirt off.” Buck says easily, then adds a little louder, to Tommy but making sure everyone hears, “Babe, you’re gonna burn yourself, you’re a firefighter, you should know better.” He shakes his head, and Tommy looks back at him with a raised eyebrow. “Oh, you’re gonna pretend like you don’t approve?” “Oh, I so don’t, Tommy, at all.” Buck tries to keep a straight face, but a chuckle bubbles out of him anyway. “You’re such a distraction, this is dangerous for everyone here.”
[read on Ao3]
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wannabanauthor · 2 months
"Evan," Tommy muttered against his lips, followed by a low moan when he felt Evan tugging at his belt. "Evan!"
The hand on his nipple stilled, and he groaned helplessly.
"If you're still talking, then I'm not kissing you hard enough," Evan whispered and kissed the soul out of Tommy. His tongue was deep in his mouth, exploring every inch of this man.
Tommy was already hard when Evan's hand slid into his pants and wrapped around his cock.
Evan had him pinned against the wall of a hospital supply closet, and Tommy was too tired and horny to protest. He admitted he enjoyed Evan being feral over him showing up to the hospital in his turnouts covered in soot.
A shower was the last thing on either of their minds. Using Tommy's own leftover sweat as lube for a handjob was creative in and of itself, and Tommy was impressed by Evan's ingenuity.
Evan had gotten him so worked up with that initial kiss that it only took a few minutes for Tommy to come. Evan kissed him through the aftershocks, softer than before.
When Tommy finally came down, he slumped against the wall, the energy and cum drained out of him.
"Was that good, baby?" Evan whispered in a husky voice.
Tommy brought his hands up to Evan's cheeks and kissed him tenderly. "It was perfect, Evan." He kissed Evan again, and again.
Finally Evan pulled away with a dazed but satisfied. He opened a box of wipes to clean off Tommy's dick and his own hands before turning back to Tommy.
"Le'ts get you something to eat. I think they're probably serving the cake," Evan said and let his eyes wander all over Tommy's body.
"If you look at me like that again, we're going to miss the reception," Tommy said and straightened his gear.
Evan glanced at his phone for the time but quirked an eyebrow at Tommy, almost like he was up for it.
"Evan, no. I would still like to meet your sister and congratulate her and Howie," Tommy said firmly.
"Fine," Evan said with a little whine and stepped back. He reached for the door handle, but Tommy stopped him.
"You have soot on your face."
"Good," Evan said with a grin. "I want everyone to know I'm yours."
Tommy groaned low in his throat and followed Evan out of the supply closet, hand in hand.
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For @bucktommypositivityweek Day 2: Terms of Endearments Baby One More Time
Summary: Three times Tommy calls Buck "baby". 1 Evan is way too happy about air rescue arriving on the scene of the accident, but Tommy can’t blame him. He’s happy to see his boyfriend too. It’s rare enough that they catch a glimpse of each other when they’re both working.
“I knew it would be you,” Evan says with the brightest smile, dust in his hair and a fresh scratch on his cheek. He looks battered but at least he’s not injured, Tommy notes relieved. It’s also really hot to see him like this.
Tommy wants nothing more but to hug Evan and never let him go, but they all have a job to do. And it includes making sure that a person arrives at the hospital as fast as possible. “See you soon, baby,” he promises. “Stay safe.”
“You too,” Evan says, with a longing glance and a sigh. “Hey, lover boy,” Hen calls dryly, but with the hint of a smile on her face, “Are you going to help, or just stand there and make goo-goo eyes at your man?”
Evan blushes and, after a grin and a wave in Tommy’s direction, turns to return to his team.
Tommy chuckles and shakes his head. Lucy rolls her eyes when he’s back in the chopper. “Ugh. Disgusting. What did I do to deserve this? I can feel my teeth rotting with every second I have to witness you two being so cute.”
Tommy laughs.
The woman is standing too close. She’s leaning into Evan’s space and Tommy kind of wants to crush the glass he’s holding in his hand. Gritting his jaw, he watches as Evan laughs about something the woman says and that’s it. He leaves Howie and Maddie at the pool table, walking to his boyfriend until he can wrap his arm around Evan’s waist.
“It’s your turn at the table, baby,” he says, kissing Evan’s cheek and glancing at the woman who looks a little taken aback.
“Oh, okay,” Evan says. He gestures at the woman, who takes a sip of her drink. “This is Sarah, by the way. She’s working at dispatch. Sarah, this is Tommy. My boyfriend.” “Hey, Sarah,” Tommy says and maybe shows too many teeth when he smiles.
Sarah doesn’t stay much longer. When she’s gone, Evan looks at Tommy and mutters, “Did you just mark me as your territory?” “What if I did?” Tommy murmurs back. “I mean, you don’t need to worry, I think - I hope - you know that, but … fuck. It was hot,” Evan breathes, his cheeks reddening. He swallows, then abruptly takes Tommy’s hand and pulls . “Let’s go home.” 3 Buck falls on his bed with a groan. “I’m so tired. Feels like I’ve been sleepwalking for the last few hours.”
His shift was a nightmare. One call after the other and every single one was exhausting. Buck’s body feels like mush. He can barely keep his eyes open.
“Sorry,” he breathes, blinking up at Tommy. “We have to go to that pizza place another time. I can’t. I can’t feel my legs.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Tommy says, pulling off Buck’s shoes and then his socks. “Rest. You need it.”
“Yeah,” Buck breathes, his eyes fluttering close. “Rest. Love you.”
“I love you too,” Tommy says, covering Buck with the blanket and kissing Buck’s forehead. “Goodnight, baby. Sleep well.”
Buck falls asleep with a smile.
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evanbi-ckley · 2 days
looking out the window (the trees are getting closer, it seems)
Rated T+ | 3.3k Words | BuckTommy
Tommy's chopper goes down, and he knows this is the end.
read on ao3
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evansboyfriend · 2 months
It’s a little past midnight when they stumble through the threshold of Tommy’s house, and Buck’s equal parts drunk and sleepy, the workday’s events taking their toll on him, and the two bottles of wine they shared between them painting his cheeks a pretty pink and sending him into a bit of a daze. All he can think of is stripping down to his underwear and getting under the covers and wrapping himself around his boyfriend like a koala bear on a eucalyptus tree. 
“Did you know koala bears have a pouch too, like kangaroos?” he says as he takes off his shoes at the entryway, kicking them towards the coat stand. “Where the baby lives. In its mother’s tummy.” He pauses for a second before he adds, “Wish I was a baby koala bear.”
Tommy laughs softly. “Okay, big baby, let’s get you to bed,” Tommy’s hands are on his hips, spinning him around and leading him down the corridor to his bedroom.
Buck grins, slips out of his grasp and turns around to face him. “I’ll go to bed if you come with me,” he says, trying to be sexy, but it doesn’t quite hit the mark. He’s really not sober enough to make his voice take on that sultry tone that gets the message across no matter how ridiculous the line.
“Yes, I sleep here, too, Evan,” Tommy’s smiling fondly at him, and Buck can’t help it, he throws his arms around the man’s shoulders and pulls him in for a kiss, keeps him close as he stumbles backwards and falls on the mattress, pulling Tommy with him, a surprised gasp breaking their interlocked lips. 
Tommy’s laughing then and pulling out of his grasp, moving off of the bed to start undressing. “How are you still horny when you’re this drunk?”
“I’m always horny when you’re around.”
“Such a smooth talker.” 
“Okay, but wait, wait, Tommy, listen,” Buck pushes up to his elbows, grabs the front of Tommy’s t-shirt in a mistaken effort to pull himself up the rest of the way, only succeeding because Tommy reaches for him with his arms outstretched and helps him sit up. Buck frames his face between his palms as his gaze locks with Tommy’s. “You want − do you want to be my baby-daddy?”
Tommy snorts a laugh, which is not the reaction Buck was hoping for. “You might have to retake Biology 101, Evan,” he says then, and Buck’s face breaks into a grin, relief washing over him. Of course his boyfriend’s only teasing him. Of course it makes his stomach do a flip in response.
“I’m serious,” Buck says then, though he’s still grinning like a loon. “I wanna have your babies.”
“Mm, still not technically possible, honey.” Tommy’s hands are working on the buttons of his shirt while he speaks, having removed his own t-shirt already. 
“Tommy,” Buck whines now, evidently having run out of patience. “I’m serious. I want this.”
Tommy nods, pauses for a minute to cup Buck’s cheek in one hand, the other finding Buck’s to interlace their fingers. “I know,” he says in a gentle tone. “We can talk about it when we’re sober, yeah?” And with that he leans in and presses a soft kiss to Buck’s smiling mouth. “But in the meantime…” he trails off, pulls back to meet Buck in the eye, and the twitch at the corner of his mouth is all Buck needs to catch on to Tommy’s intentions. 
Finally, they’re on the same page, and soon enough, Buck’s horizontal and fully naked, with Tommy lying next to him, kissing him sweetly, one hand tangled in Buck’s hair while the other is wrapped around his cock, jerking him off with slick, rapid motions, each upstroke bringing Buck closer to the edge until he comes all over Tommy’s hand, toes curling and back arching off the mattress as his orgasm washes over him.
Tommy’s still pressing a myriad of soft kisses along his jaw, down his throat and over his collarbone, and Buck’s expression melts into a hazy smile, head sinking further into the pillow − until he feels Tommy shift, moving away, and that won’t do at all.
“Gimme,” Buck stretches out his arms, making grabby-hands motions at Tommy. “I can’t get up. Bring it here to me. Please.” He accentuates the request with his puppy-dog eyes that he knows works like a charm on Tommy, pushing out his pouty lips that he knows Tommy can’t resist. 
“Fucking shit, Buckley,” Tommy leans over to kiss him before he gets to his feet, taking his jeans and briefs off in one quick motion, then proceeds to climb on the mattress. He swings a leg over Buck’s torso and settles down with a hand wrapped around his beautiful hard cock just inches away from Buck’s mouth. “This okay?” 
Buck nods eagerly, arms wrapping around Tommy’s thighs to pull him closer, lifting his head off the pillow and taking him in his mouth. Tommy moans loudly and Buck smiles with Tommy’s dick in his mouth, starts sucking the head of it, lapping at it eagerly with the tip of his tongue, until he suddenly drops his head back on the pillow.
“Just fuck my mouth, Tommy. Please.”
Tommy doesn’t need to be asked twice. He shuffles even closer and guides himself back in, starts with shallow little thrusts into his mouth - because as much as Buck might want to take more of him in, Tommy knows it’ll trigger his gag reflex, at this awkward angle. Buck makes a note to tell him afterwards, how good Tommy is to him, how careful and gentle and patient he’s been from the very beginning, giving Buck another chance that he didn’t really deserve. It sends another rush of emotions flooding through him, and Buck makes a high pitched keening noise at the back of his throat, his fingers digging into the meat of Tommy’s ass hard enough that his nails will surely leave little crescent moon-shaped imprints, but it only makes Tommy moan louder. Buck tries to reach further in between his cheeks to push two fingers against Tommy’s perineum, and just like that, Tommy tips over the edge, spilling into his mouth. 
Buck swallows him down and licks his lips, making sure he gets every last drop, before he says, “That definitely won’t make a baby,” with a cheeky grin on his face.
It makes Tommy laugh. “You’re unbelievable.” 
“I’ve been told.” 
Tommy shakes his head. He climbs off of him and lays down on the bed next to him, snaking an arm underneath Buck’s neck to pull him close to him, fingers under Buck’s chin tipping his head into a soft kiss. 
“I love you.” Tommy says, his expression the very definition of fond. “I’d love to be your baby-daddy, Evan.”
Buck can’t help the grin that splits his face in two. “Yeah?” he asks, and Tommy’s smile mirrors his own.
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evnnkinard · 1 month
decided to do a little re-write of this ficlet because i wasn't happy with it. adjusted a few sentences, added in a few paragraphs, and over 800 extra words later, i like it better. i think.
buck opens his eyes, and then immediately forces them shut again. he groans, softly, and buries his face further into his pillow, away from the early morning sunlight peaking it's way into his room.
he gives himself a moment, slowly reacquaints himself with being awake, and allows full awareness to filter back into his brain in soft, hazy increments; he feels the sleep warm pillow under his cheek, first, and notices the chill settling on his torso from where he's pushed the covers down to his hips sometime in the night, next. hums, quietly, unconsciously, when he finally registers the warm, solid body of his boyfriend lying next to him; the line of heat down his side, his thigh, telling him that they haven't moved an inch from each other despite a whole night having had the chance to separate them in their sleep.
he opens his eyes again, then, and blinks, forcing the sleep from them, feels helpless against the soft smile already forming on his lips. he rolls his head to the side, and pauses, has to take another moment, his breath catching momentarily in his chest at the sight that greets him.
tommy's still gone to the world, his face already turned towards buck, slack and beautiful in his sleep. his hair's an unruly mess on top of his head, product having loosened and freed his curls in his sleep. his crows feet have smoothened out, only traces of the deep, happy lines that they are in the day, and his lips are parted, soft huffs of air escaping with every breath he takes. buck wants to bottle the sound; wants to bottle every sound. hopes he gets to hear it again and again and again.
he stays there, head turned, looking, and just breathes, for a moment. takes in his boyfriend, takes in every little detail that he can, every feature, every line, every mark, and ingrains it into his memory, not because he's afraid- although, maybe, just a little, because he still can't quite believe that he gets to have this sometimes, that he gets to have tommy -but because he's greedy, because he wants to learn and know and have every piece of tommy that he can, every part of tommy that tommy's willing to hand over of himself, wants to hold them all close and show them all off and tuck them all away inside himself, safe.
buck's helpless against the way his heart swells steadily in his chest, then, and aches, so softly, so sweetly, as it grows with the amount of fondness, affection- emotions he's not quite ready to put a name to yet, he feels, more and more, everyday, for the man lying next to him.
he decides, then, a little desperately, that looking's not enough, that he wants- needs, to touch. he doesn't think tommy would mind, he never does; always welcomes buck's touch, his endless affection, with soft features, happy eyes, a pleased smile, always makes room for him and his need to be close, never gets annoyed, or acts like it's too much, like buck's too much. he always, easily, returns it back, like it's something he wants, enjoys, and he's not just indulging him. like he wants buck close to him, too.
buck turns onto his side, and shifts closer, and then closer still. he rests his head in that safe space where tommy's shoulder meets his neck and brings a hand up to his chest, trails his fingers over tommy's skin with gentle, barely there touches, doesn't want to wake him, and moves his fingers down his chest, his side, carefully, so carefully, over his scars, and then across his stomach, coming to a stop just below his belly button. he brings his hand back up, and then repeats the process, again and again.
he gets lost in the movement, the world outside his bed quietening, narrowing down until all he knows is tommy. he lets his mind wander, thinks about the previous night, about how he'd cooked tommy dinner, and how tommy had refused to let him wash up afterwards. how he'd directed him away from the sink when he'd tried, and gently, firmly, nudged him into sitting on a stool at the counter, how he'd pressed a quick kiss into the side of buck's head, then, and how the feeling of his lips, the butterflies they'd left behind in his stomach, had lingered long after he'd moved away.
he thinks about, how, after the last plate had been put away, his boyfriend had dried off his hands, pulled out his phone and put on a playlist of slow songs. how he'd walked back over to buck, set it on the counter and held out his hand, eyes sparkling, crinkling, in that way that buck was quickly, quietly, becoming obsessed with, and said, dimples on show, "dance with me, evan." how they'd danced in the kitchen, then, song after song, smiling and giggling and trading, soft, slow kisses.
he thinks about how he hadn't wanted tommy to leave at the end of the night, how tommy hadn't wanted to leave, either. how, inbetween kisses, he'd pulled away from tommy's mouth, breathless, and tipped his head forward, gently resting his forehead against tommy's own. how, in the space between their lips, he'd asked, "stay?" how tommy had answered, easily, always so easily, "of course."
he thinks about how easy it was to fall into bed together, like they'd done it a thousand times before, and how they'd kissed then, unhurried at first, but quickly turning heated. how one of tommy's hands, big, and rough, and burning into buck's skin with every touch, had wrapped around them both, while the other had pinned his hips to the mattress.
how tommy had cleaned them both up afterwards, and then pulled buck into his arms, held him, warm, safe, and stayed.
he feels tommy start to shift beneath him, then, feels his breathing change as he hums contentedly, the sound vibrating softly through buck's fingers as he trails them back up to his boyfriend's chest. he stops there, and presses his hand down, palm flat against tommy's skin, and feels his heart beating, strong and steady; thinks, fleetingly, before pushing the thought down with a reminder of too soon, too soon, that he'd carve out his own to keep it that way.
tommy shifts again, then, brings up one of his hands to rest against the nape of buck's neck, and teases the hair there with his fingers. the other, he places over buck's own hand, still sitting over his heart, and squeezes, tangling their fingers together. there's a kiss dropped onto the top of his head, then, and a gravelly, sleep soft voice murmurs, "morning, evan," into his curls.
"h-hey, good morning," bucks says, and tucks his face further into tommy's neck. hides his smile, giddy, pleased, and his lightly flushed cheeks, there.
the fingers at the back of his neck stroke a little more firmly, tommy's nails scratching lightly, every now and then, against his scalp, and buck all but purrs, and melts further into his boyfriend. the hand holding his own moves, and then there's two familiar fingers hooking underneath his chin, nudging his face away from it's hiding place and bringing it smoothly up until their lips are brushing, but he doesn't move any further, doesn't kiss him like buck was expecting him to.
he holds buck in place, flicks his eyes between buck's own, soft, happy, the most beautiful blue, and says, "yeah, kid, it definitely is a good morning," and then before buck's cheeks have the chance to so much as tint, even slightly, he dips his head down the rest of way and catches buck's mouth with his own. his whole body sighs into the kiss, tommy swallowing his little, happy moan as their lips meet.
it's over before he would like, tommy pulling away with one last peck against his mouth. he runs his thumb across the edge of buck's jaw, lips red, smile soft. buck leans into the movement, unconsciously, and says, even though it's the last thing he wants to do, "we should get up. shower. get breakfast."
"mmm, yeah. not yet. wanna kiss you some more first."
and then, suddenly, he's being moved. tommy's hand travels from his chin down to his chest and he can't help the embarrassing sound that escapes him as he's manoeuvred, expertly, onto his back, tommy's weight pressing down onto him, pinning him, as both of his hands come up to bracket either side of his head, leaving his boyfriend to look down at him.
he can feel his whole face flushing at the movement, the heat quickly travelling down to his neck, his chest, as he lets out a stuttered breath, and says, "o-okay. that was hot," and settles one hand against the back of tommy's head, curls his fingers into his hair, a little, and brings the other to rest lightly against his shoulder. he thinks, privately, about how he's going to have to ask tommy to do that again, sometime.
tommy laughs and smiles down at him, his whole face a perfect picture of mischeif. his eyes roam over buck's own, down to his lips and then back up again before he leans down, slowly, eyes glinting, and purposely misses buck's mouth; drops a kiss to his nose, instead, and then his cheek, his jaw, and starts to trail kisses down buck's neck. his breath hitches in his chest, and he can't help the small sounds, and gasps, that leave him as tommy's morning stubble scratches gently against his skin on his descent.
he stops at buck's collarbone, and then slowly makes his way back up, tracing the path he followed down, before finally, finally, reaching buck's mouth and kissing him there. he slides his tongue, teasing, against buck's bottom lip and buck opens up for him eagerly, tangles his fingers further into the short hair at the back of tommy's head and tries to drag him closer, still. he moans, happy, when tommy gets the message and presses further into him, the heat of his body sending sparks through buck's own.
tommy kisses him until he's breathless, and they're both panting into each other's mouths, and then only gives buck a moment before he's sealing the gap between their lips and kissing him, again, and again, and again.
they don't make it down for breakfast for a while.
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mountedeverest · 3 months
His pace (inspired by the 7x09 cutscene)
Rated E Pairing: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Thomas "Tommy" Kinard Fandom: 911 on ABC Words: 1.6k Enjoyyy~ rest of fic under the cut
“Were talking about your intentions.”
“Are they honorable?”
Tommy remembered the first night he slept over at Evan’s. It was right after the hospital wedding, Chim was feeling weary and the crowd shuffled out of the room-turned-wedding hall when Buck looked up at him, all twinkly-eyed and sheepish.
“You must be wiped. Y-you could stay at my place tonight, shower, sleep, no ulterior motives. I-I can lend you clothes.”
The ‘if you want’ hung back unspoken at the end, and Evan looked at him like a pleading puppy, unable – to the best of himself – to play it cool. Tommy just chuckled and closed his eyes for a second before answering that it sounded like a great idea. If Buck had had a tail he would’ve wagged it. Instead, he just leaned forward, wide toothy grin threatening to smash against Tommy’s own in a sweet but clumsy kiss.
That night, Tommy had laid down his turnouts at the door of Buck’s loft, while the younger firefighter wrestled with the noticeable full-body flush he was sporting. Tommy would never reveal his play, not even under duress, but he could admit that in that moment, he might’ve been trying some things, pushing some buttons. And he’d laugh, once out of the shower, at the clothes that Evan had laid out for him, which were perfectly fine… except for one white t-shirt that might’ve belonged to another, smaller version of Buck. He put it on nonetheless, the fabric almost see-through with the way it stretched over the swell of his muscles. He could probably tear the shirt if he flexed hard enough, Tommy thought. 
Walking out of the bathroom, Tommy wagered that the shirt worked in his favor, as well as Evan’s, judging by the way the younger man was practically drooling on the floor. 
“I think your shirt might be a tad small. Do you have another? Or- y’know, I could just go without. I… run hot at night.”
Evan just nodded vigorously, made faces and choked off sounds like he was trying to find his words, and Tommy grinned. It had been a while since he’d made a man go non-verbal.
“Right.” Tommy pulled the obscenely tight shirt off of himself while Buck watched, making sure to flex a little, drag it out just a little bit. “Where’s your couch?”
Buck looked dazed, stuck. His eyes were hazy and his cheeks were furiously red.
“Evan?” Tommy tried gently snapping him out of it.
“Uh? Uhh, don’t have one.” 
Buck squirmed in his seat at the kitchen island, embarrassed.
“You don’t have a couch? Where am I supposed to sleep?”
“Friend’s wife gave birth on the last one, haven’t gotten around to buying another one yet and umm…” Buck squirmed even harder then. “W-with me?”
Tommy softened, a lazy smile on his features. He was secretly fond, well, maybe not so secretly. That night, they slept each on one side of Buck’s enormous bed at first, and then slowly inched towards each other until they were spooning, Tommy’s face nestled in the crook of Evan’s neck as his big arms encircled the younger man. Tommy was out like a light, the weariness of the past 24 hours weighing on him finally. They stayed like that most of the night, until Buck inevitably starfished on the bed and Tommy moved snuggly on his back.
Now the night was innocent enough, it was the morning that took them one step further in the physical aspect of their relationship. Tommy had wanted to go at Evan’s pace, not rushing him into this frankly new territory he was now in. He didn’t account for the speed at which Evan was willing to go. He found that out pretty quickly, gasping his orgasm into Evan’s mouth as they jerked each other off in the massive bed. 
From that moment on, everything kind of… snowballed. 
They were together pretty much every time their shifts synced up. Three days after Tommy had slept over for the first time, they had gone to Maddie and Chimney’s to welcome the latter back home from the hospital and settle him in his home for the next few weeks as he recovered. They had said their goodbyes early as Chim was too tired from the meds and Maddie had to put Jee to bed. Barely thirty seconds through the door of Tommy’s house, Buck already had a dick in his mouth for the first time. And once Evan discovered he was good at something, he just wanted to do it over and over and over again. 
One morning, after the whole Shannon-doppelganger-brownies debacle, Evan just walked out of Tommy’s shower and into his bedroom with intent and what seemed like frustration, demanding that Tommy finger him. 
“Something’s missing when I do it.” Evan rasped, straddling Tommy and fishing in his bedside drawer knowing he’d find a bottle of lube there. He hadn’t even dried off before and water fell everywhere on the sheets and on Tommy, but the older man didn’t care. 
“Your hands are so big.” Evan practically cried into his mouth as Tommy crooked a first finger inside of him. He was so pretty like this, all flushed and wanton and wet. Evan’s hair curled when it was wet, and Tommy liked it a lot. They ended up going up to three fingers, with Evan on his back begging and babbling. He came untouched.
Turns out Buck loved getting his ass played with. It wasn’t long before Tommy was fucking him in earnest. The first time they did, they couldn’t even make it to a bed.
“Fuck me here.” Evan had begged and commanded both at once, pressing his ass backwards into Tommy’s hard on. They had been sparring in Tommy’s garage, finally getting those Muay Thai lessons so enthusiastically promised. Sparring was a loose term in this case, as the actual sparring had only taken place for about ten minutes before it devolved into furious rutting and making out. 
“Uh– baby, lube.” Tommy was wrecked. Even with the younger man pinned under him he didn’t have the upper hand. Evan had his chest pressed into the mat for leverage, a hand grabbing behind him into Tommy’s hair. It made Tommy’s head spin.
“First aid kit on the tool bench, every good kit has some.” 
Buck had a point there, and indeed there was, Tommy remembered. A first responder was never off duty.
“Ahh–” Buck had just tugged harshly at Tommy’s hair while grinding up into him. “Condoms.”
“Do we need ‘em?” Evan had said practically on a whine. “We’ve swallowed each other’s cum enough already, I think one of us would’ve said something by now.”
Evan, enthusiastic in his newfound bisexuality, had gotten tested the day after their coffee date. Tommy, for his part, had a standing annual checkup which included STI testing. He hadn’t had any other partner between his last checkup and Evan.
“You sure?” Tommy checked in, he always checked in.
“Tommy, if you don’t fuck me into this mat right now I swear–” Buck was cut off by Tommy thrusting hard against his ass, grabbing his chin, and kissing the younger man filthily until Buck was a puddle under him.
“Hold tight.” Tommy pecked Evan’s temple where his birthmark was, and then he was gone. Seconds later, he returned with the lube which was not intended for sex, but would work just fine in a pinch. 
Evan had dragged his shorts and briefs down with both hands while his cheek pressed into the floor, fingers fumbling in his haste. A finger quickly gave way to two, then three, and it wasn’t long before Evan begged for the main event.
That first slow thrust felt like sliding home. Buck was drooling into the mat; the prep had been done well and there was no resistance at all. Tommy bottomed out and Evan was already rocking shallowly against the older man, using his forearms as leverage. It had helped somewhat that Evan was regularly taking fingers, Tommy was not small in any way.
They were not gentle, as Evan coaxed Tommy into going harder and harder until Buck came with a keen and a hand in his hair. Evan squeezed around Tommy’s cock, chanting for him to come in me, please Tommy. And so he did, with a drawn out grunt, punched out of his gut with monster-truck force as his vision blurred. When he came to a few seconds later, the Evan under him had drool on his chin, cum dripping out of his ass, and a deeply sated grin on his face. Brat.
Evan had turned on his back and dragged Tommy down for kisses. They must have stayed like that for at least twenty minutes, just lazing about in the afterglow. At one point, Buck’s stomach grumbled and Tommy proposed a shower and a bite which Buck agreed to easily, even if that meant breaking apart for the time it took them to get to the bathroom.
Tommy remembered fondly, thinking about all the times that came after that, and all of the places it happened too. Just this morning, before the medal ceremony, Evan had climbed on top of him and ridden him while Tommy was halfway into putting on his dress blues. 
“Tonight, medals stay on.” Evan had said breathlessly against Tommy’s mouth as he took him like a pro, completely naked against the older, much more clothed man.
Tommy smiled internally.
“I’m wearing a medal.”
Okay. The big sisters were going to need more than just jokes. Just went to show how well Evan was loved.
“We are taking it very slow.” Lie. “In fact, I’m letting him set the pace–” Tommy tried not to look smug as he could see Hen trying to fight off a grin. That part was very true, but not nearly as much as the next. “–and I’m just trying to keep up.” 
NP tags ~ @tizniz @hippolotamus
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Just Trying to Keep Up
BuckTommy | Tommy Kinard POV | complete | 4.8K | ao3
Summary: In which Tommy slowly realizes that 'letting Evan set the pace' means committing to a life of full speed ahead. (And he's more than happy to chase after him.)
Tommy wasn’t reckless. He took calculated risks. Ones that usually paid off like weighing his flying skills and a life debt against a hurricane.
Or, standing in the warm light of a kitchen, recalibrating everything he thought he knew about Evan Buckley and deciding between one heartbeat and the next to lean in for a gentle kiss…
* He took a moment, keeping his eyes closed after their lips parted, not quite ready to breathe yet and face any potential fallout. He wanted to savour the feeling of Evan’s mouth. Memorize it.
Tommy finally steeled himself and opened his eyes, only to be rewarded with a beautifully dazed smile…
And the promise of a date.
* The date was a miscalculation.
Evan was delightful funny intriguing …adorable, but he wasn’t ready. Tommy hated to walk away even when he knew it was the right choice. He’d been down that road before—more times than was good for him and he couldn’t let himself throw caution to the wind to do it again.
Especially because he really, really wanted to…
But Tommy wasn’t willing to risk that crash and burn.
* After that failed first attempt, a week of trying to get Evan off his mind, and a second chance where ‘I think maybe that something could be with you’ was followed up with ‘Come with me to my sister’s wedding’, Tommy realized that he might take calculated risks, but Evan…
Evan took leaps of faith.
(continue reading on ao3)
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wikiangela · 27 days
you know when you know (I think I do)
rating: G words: 1.4k
[read on Ao3]
“So, you and Buck.” Eddie finally gets on the topic he was clearly inching towards the whole evening. Tommy’s lips involuntarily turn up into a smile.
“Yeah. What about us?” He asks, still turned towards the TV, then takes a sip of his beer.
“You guys are, uh, together. Dating.” Eddie fiddles with the label on his beer bottle, sounding a little hesitant and awkward.
“Have been for weeks now.” Tommy nods, smile widening at the mere thought of Evan. He leans his head back against the back of the couch, then turns more towards Eddie. “Any particular reason you’re bringing it up now?”
“Uh, not really. I mean, I’m so happy for you guys, and, uh, it’s none of my business, I just-” He takes a deep breath. Tommy waits, curious about what his friend might have to say. “Listen, Tommy, I don’t wanna be one of these friends who’s all ‘if you hurt him, I’ll kill you’, that’s not me.” Eddie starts, cringing at the words. “Besides, he’s a grown man who’s perfectly capable of taking care of himself.”
“True.” Tommy nods. He can already see where Eddie’s going with it. Tommy finds it sweet how much people in Evan’s life love him and care for him, and are protective of him, but not to a weird or unhealthy degree. He can appreciate that.
“But he’s my best friend.” Eddie continues. “And I just worry.”
“Okay?” Tommy prompts when Eddie falls silent, a frown on his face, like he’s considering his next words.
“He’s been through a lot. In general, but also relationship-wise. I’ve seen only part of it, but I’ve heard it all. And I just- I don’t want him to get hurt again.” 
“I’m not planning to hurt him, Eddie.” Tommy says softly. It’s obvious, and he knows what Eddie meant, but he wants to voice it anyway. He would never, ever, in a million years, do anything that could even remotely hurt his Evan. And if he did so unknowingly, he doesn’t think he’d forgive himself. Evan is such a ray of sunshine, he’s so good and sweet, and genuine, and Tommy would do anything just to keep that radiant smile on his face. 
“I know that.” Eddie shakes his head briefly. “People rarely do. It’s just that, Buck always gives a thousand percent of himself into everything.” A fond smile appears on his face, and Tommy is once again witness to the amazing bond those two have. This kind of friendship is so rare, they’re both so lucky to have each other – and Tommy is lucky to be let into it, even just a little bit. “Once he’s in, he’s in. And, Tommy,” Eddie looks him in the eyes, “Buck is definitely in, all the way, no turning back. He’s falling for you so hard and so fast, and letting all his guards down. Because that’s Buck, that’s what he does. And I just don’t want him to get too deep before you’re ready, before you’re both ready, and I don’t want him to get hurt.”
“I get it.” Tommy nods once, because of course he sees where Eddie’s coming from. “But you have nothing to worry about, Eddie. With Evan…” His lips curl into a smile around the word. “I’m already so far gone.” He shakes his head a little. “I know it’s soon, but I’m really falling for him.” He says quietly, but surely. He’s not used to this, talking about his feelings, about dating, about a person he’s seeing, especially not with someone he’s only known for such a short time. But he and Eddie became fast friends, and he’s Evan’s best friend, and Tommy feels safe enough to say it. He’s also honest and straightforward, and he likes to say it how it is, and this is how it is. He’s falling – or, to be honest, has fallen already – very fast and very hard for Evan Buckley, and he doesn’t feel the need to hide it. Evan is it for him. And he’s going to tell him that soon.
“Good.” Eddie says, tone serious, but a soft smile is forming on his lips. “He’s very lovable. You’d be an idiot to not fall for him.”
“I know.” Tommy grins. From the moment they met, he knew there’s something about Evan, something that pulled him in, got his attention right away. They laughed about it later, after they officially started dating and talked about that whole situation, how Evan put so much effort into trying to get his attention, but he had it anyway, from the start. Tommy was just more subtle about it, and he couldn’t figure out if Evan was flirting that day he gave him the Harbor tour or not. Seems like even Evan didn’t know. He’s so adorable, and kind, and bright and happy like sunshine personified. How was Tommy supposed to take one look at him and not develop a crush, that only seems to keep intensifying the more he gets to know him?
“And, for the record, I don’t want you to get hurt, either. We’re friends, too. Unless you break my best friend’s heart, that is.” He adds, his tone a little teasing, before his smile changes into something fond and genuine. “I’m really happy you guys found each other, truly. I’ve never seen him like this.” He chuckles quietly, shakes his head. “I know we don’t know each other that well yet, but I can already tell you two just make sense. So, take good care of my best friend, Kinard.”
“Of course. I plan on it.” Tommy says, meaning it from the bottom of his heart. 
“Just, not too much PDA when I’m hanging out with you guys, yeah?” He grimaces. “I don’t wanna feel like I’m third-wheeling a boys' night.” He laughs, and so does Tommy.
“Well, I’m not really a big PDA guy anyway.” He shrugs, a smirk tugging at his lips. “But who knows, I can’t really keep my hands to myself around Evan.”
“And it’s time to change the subject,” he shakes his head furiously, “I don’t wanna hear more than I have to. Buck already tells me way too much.” Eddie says quickly, and Tommy laughs again. 
But the subject changes, and their attention is mostly back on the game playing on the TV. They spend the rest of the evening like this, watching sports, drinking beer and chatting. That’s how Evan finds them when he lets himself into Tommy’s house later, since he left the door unlocked.
He walks into the room, says hi to Eddie, then unceremoniously plops down in Tommy’s lap, giving him a long, sweet kiss, smiling into it. Tommy’s free hand circles around his waist, the other still holding his beer.
“Hello to you, too, Evan, how was your day?” Tommy chuckles when they pull away, his nose rubbing against Evan’s. He was spending the day with Jee-Yun, giving Maddie and Howie the day to themselves.
“It was good, we went to the playground, and then to help Bobby and Athena with unpacking, and then had coffee at Hen’s.” Evan grins, his face still so close to Tommy’s he almost looks blurry. “But I missed you so much.” He presses another kiss to Tommy’s lips, which Tommy obviously reciprocates. When he pulls away and glances at Eddie, expecting him to have an amused but annoyed look on his face, or maybe a faux-disgust, but what he finds instead is the fondest, proudest look he’s seen from him, as he looks straight ahead at the TV, giving them a semblance of privacy. Eddie looks just genuinely so happy for his best friend, for both of them. It warms Tommy’s heart. Eddie glances at them, and their eyes meet, and he just rolls his eyes fondly, but is still smiling.
“Okay, baby, I missed you, too, but let’s leave that for later or Eddie won’t want to hang out with us anymore.” Tommy says, and Evan pulls away further, chuckling.
“Eh, we always have each other.” He teases and shrugs, and Eddie scoffs loudly.
“You know I can’t watch basketball with you. Or do Muay Thai.” Tommy raises his eyebrow, giving Evan a knowing look. He can barely watch any sports with Evan, actually, because he never really gets into it, and whenever he gets bored, somehow they end up making out through the whole thing. Evan’s really good at distracting Tommy from just about anything.
“Oh, that’s all you need me for?” Eddie raises his eyebrows. “Fine, then I’ll just leave you two-” he starts getting up, a hint of amusement in his voice.
“Sit down and drink your beer.” Buck laughs, as he climbs off Tommy’s lap and pulls out a phone out of his pocket. Eddie sits back down, laughing as well. “I’m gonna order pizza for dinner. Any preferences?”
[read also on Ao3]
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