#Burning Fury
clockwork-carstairs · 5 months
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matthew and james as the sun and moon
“Tell me, Matthew,” he said. “Tell me the name of the shadow that is always hanging over you. I can become a shadow. I could fight it for you.”
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vampirtulpe · 6 months
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Chapter 3
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izzystizzys · 19 days
it’s canon to me that anakin skywalker and marshall commander fox are archnemeses of a shakespearean nature to eachother
why? well, fox’ life is a tragedy of galactic proportions. he’s a slave at best and straight up non-sentient property at worst, caught at the crossroads of being the face of the republic’s most corrupt establishment to his brothers who resent him for being forced to bear an authority he has no actual control over, and being the closest and easiest target for that very authority’s ire. made to enforce the rigged and deeply unjust laws against his own oppressed peoples, and no one understands better than fox how much coruscant truly despises them. the chancellor at the heart of it all, and anakin, the favored pupil - taken in by the flattery and empty promises like all the rest of them, the jedi most intimately connected to the senate who yet cares so little to know the clones who shed their blood in it every day that he never sees beyond his own very nose. no one asks the guard what they think, and fox despises them all for it, but the jedi who play at caring more than anything. it’s an impersonal, distanced dislike for the most part, but with skywalker it burns all the brighter for how often fox sees him walk the halls of the senate and never think to ask.
also fox cut anakin off in traffic once and he never forgave him for it
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vickysaurus · 2 months
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The Spiders Sister - Chapter 6
Summary: Reader goes to a stark party to meet some new people.
TW: Drinking, parties (ew), minor blood
Words: 2k
A/n Sorry for the late update my life is chaos.
Looking around at all the people you felt yourself beginning to feel a little insecure. You could pick out most of the people in the room from the TV alone. These weren’t just your average everyday people, these were superhero’s. And despite having powers yourself you still felt like you didn’t belong among legends.
Without realising it you had popped out your fangs, a small habit that displayed your nerves. You did realise it when it nicked your tongue. The coppery taste of blood in your mouth for a second before it healed.
Starting to feel a little overwhelmed Wanda placed a hand on your arm. Her touch was grounding and you were slowly being pulled back out of your own head and back to the party.
“It’s alright if it’s a bit much. It was for my first time as well. Are you ok?” Wanda said quietly to you.
You swallowed and nodded. “I’m alright. Just gimme a sec.”
Steeling your nerves and swallowing down your anxiety you stood a little taller and nodded to Wanda who was silently observing you.
After giving you a moment to adjust Wanda begun shepherding you over to a small group of people. Seemingly taking it upon herself to introduce you to people knowing if it was up to you, you would stay in the corner all night.
Before you had even realised Natasha had left your side she was handing you a drink with a cute little umbrella.
“I figure you liked it a bit fruity.” She said with a wink and your cheeks heated under the glare you shot her as she sipped her vodka martini.
As you arrived in front of the group Wanda seemed to want to introduce you to first, you took a sip of the drink, finding it to be rather good.
Looking around the group Wanda begun introducing you to it was an odd bunch.
“Y/n,” Wanda begun, gesturing to a tall blonde woman in a leather jacket. “This is Carol, or captain Marvel.” Wanda said with a teasing tone as carol rolled her eyes.
“Hi.” You said and Carol smiled warmly at you.
“Nice to meet you Y/n.” Carol said extending a hand which you took. She had a firm handshake and warm but not sweaty hands. The kind but mischievous twinkle in her eyes promised a fun kind of trouble.
“This old man is Nick Fury.” Natasha said clapping a hand on the back of a dark-skinned man with an eyepatch.
“Watch yourself Romanoff.” He said but Nat just smirked. “Nice to meet you kid.” He said extending a hand. After shaking his hand Natasha introduced you to the last person in the group.
“This is Agent Maria Hill.” Nat said elbowing her in the ribs and receiving a heatless glare in response.
“Nice to meet you.” She said giving a welcoming nod to you which you returned.
“So I hear you’re the newest spider in town?” Carol asks smiling at you as she took a swig of her beer.
“Uhhh … yeah.” You said rubbing the back of your neck.
“No need to be so nervous kid, we don’t bite. Unless you want me to.” Carol winked and you smiled back shyly not realising your fangs were out.
“Wow kid. Nice teeth.” Carol said. “Is that a spider thing?” She said looking curious.
“Yeah.” You said putting them away again.
“That’s pretty cool.” Carol said.
“We’re lucky she doesn’t bite.” Wanda said teasingly.
“I dunno,” Nat said rejoining the group with Maria. “I’d let her bite me.” She said with a wink and you choked on the sip you had just taken of your drink.
Coughing as Nat burst out laughing, Wanda pounded your back while Maria was lecturing Natasha in an amused fashion. Carol simply watched with a grin which matched Nats despite being told off.
Fury simply watched with his upper lip twitching as if it wanted to smile but wasn’t allowed which would probably have some level of accuracy to it.
When you regained your composure and your voice, your cheeks were stained with a dark blush.
“So, are you an avenger now kid?” Carol asked.
“I’m not sure.” You said.
“Actually, I’ve been meaning to talk to Stark and Rogers about that one.” Fury said looking at you for a reaction. You simply blinked looking at him and only looking away when you realised, he wasn’t going to elaborate.
“Either way, welcome to our little bunch. If you ever need anything or just to escape the compound of chaos, give me a call.” Carol said and Maria agreed.
“I’ve only ever seen Nat take a liking to something this fast once before and that was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.” Maria said receiving a punch from Nat in the arm replying only with a smirk.
“So, how’d the whole spider thing happen?” Carol asked looking curious.
“I should have said this is y/n Parker.” Wanda said emphasising your last name.
“Like Peter Parker?” Carol asked.
“My little brother.” You clarified with a nod.
“So does being part spider run in the family or did you both do a deal with Satan?” Maria asks and you laughed feeling a bit less anxious now the vibe had changed and there was some alcohol in your blood.
“Peter and I both ended up on the field trip where he got his powers. I was chaperoning and he was … being Peter. Anyways Parker luck and we both got bit by the dumb spider.” You said.
“So you’ve just been keeping a low profile since?” Maria asked.
“Yeah. Something like that. I mean I would take Peter’s old suits for a spin when I could but not too often. Our powers differ a little so I had to play the part and not do some things he couldn’t.” You shrugged sipping your drink again.
“Well it sounds like your well adjusted to it all.” Carol complimented.
You snorted in response. “Adjusted, maybe. Cursed, definitely. What can I say Parker luck is real. I almost got it tattooed once.” You said shrugging.
“Well, it’s been great to see you all again, but I need to take y/n to make the rounds. Learn some new names and see some fresh faces.” Wanda said saying goodbye before dragging you away with her hand clasped tightly around your own.
Natasha lingered with her friends for a little longer while wanda and you were swallowed up into another small group as wanda didn’t want to overwhelm you with too many people at once.
When she came to a stop you were stood in front of a few couches with various familiar faces lounging around talking and laughing.
“Hi honey.” A voice said and you looked over to the blue couch to see Aunt May sat next to Pepper, both holding a glass of white wine.
“Hi Aunt May.” You said feeling a little more comfortable with her around. She always made you feel safe.
“You look amazing sweetheart.” May said.
“I love the dress.” Pepper pitched in and you nodded thanking her.
Pepper patted the seat next to her and you slid into the spot beside her as Natasha appeared from nowhere and handed you a new drink, taking the glass you hadn’t realised was empty.
“Fruity.” Natasha whispered in your ear but this time you swatted her as she disappeared laughing to get herself another drink.
“How many of those have you had?” May asked.
“Not nearly enough to be drunk with my metabolism.” You said rolling your eyes.
“You your brother will drink me out of house and home, and I already feed four enhanced people with the metabolism of fifteen people.” Tony said rolling his eyes.
“Be nice Tony. Plus, Peter can’t even drink yet.” Pepper said swatting his arm.
“Oh right. Yeah, that kids never touching alcohol. I watched him trip over his own feet too many times in the past week to count. I can’t imagine he would be able to even stand if he ever got drunk.” Tony said shaking his head at the idea making you and May laugh.
“Im afraid they both are clumsy.��� May said and you groaned scrubbing a hand over your face.
“Really?” Wanda asked her curiosity peaked. “Any good stories?” She asked with a mischievous smirk on her lips.
“Oh, too many to count.” May said laughing and waving a hand to indicate how many.
“Please enlighten us.” Clint said seemingly having appeared from nowhere and plopping himself down on the couch opposite pepper and may. He slung an arm around Tony who promptly shoved him off.
“Personal space birdbrain.” Tony grumbled. “But please, do spill.” He said ignoring pepper protective glare he was receiving.
“Oh, I don’t know…” May said glancing at you as you shook your head pleading with her to drop it. “What about just the flip trip one?” She asked and you swallowed pausing for a second before nodding.
“Fine.” You grumbled as Clint and Tony cheered.
“Whats got feathers and grease monkey so happy?” Nat said sitting down next to Clint.
“Story-time about the Parker’s.” Stark said. “More importantly … embarrassing story time.” He clarified and nat looked at you with a raised brow as you just shook your head and slumped over to bury your face in Wanda’s neck. The alcohol making you slightly more confident and comfortable around them.
“Alright. Well as long as I can recall they have both been clumsy. But there was one time after the spider-bite that their spider sense made it even more interesting. Peter was going into their room and Y/n was heading to the living room. They both must have sensed it because peter tripped over his own feet and before he could land flat on his face, he did a front flip and landed in a crouch with one hand on the ground. Y/n would have been in his way, but she had hopped up and stuck to the ceiling. So, she was hanging on by her fingertips and peter was standing back up as she let go of the roof and fell on top of him.” May said with a chuckle.
Tony’s face was lit up like a kid on Christmas. Pepper was stifling a smile and Nat had snorted into her drink. Wanda was trembling slightly under you as her body shook with suppressed giggles as her hand glided softly through your hair as your face was still buried in her neck hiding.
Clint whistled lowly. “Impressive … yet also not.” He said chuckling to himself.
“ok enough of that.” You whined and May smiled at you softly.
“Alright honey. How about pepper tells us some stories about stark.” May said sharing a mischievous smirk with pepper who immediately grinned at stark who grumbled to himself about betrayal.
As pepper launched into a story about the time the great Tony stark had turned up to a meeting sans pants, May pulled you aside.
“You haven’t told them have you?” She said in a low whisper.
“Told them what?” You mumbled looking at your shoes.
“Come on Y/n. I know its different now but he’s not just your brother. I know it hurts but he’s still your-“
“I know.” You said cutting May off before she could finish and say the word that brought pain to your very soul. “But he’s not May. Not anymore … its different. I had to live without him for five years. It changes you. It changed me.“ you mumbled wishing you had grabbed your drink before this impromptu sidebar.
“They’ll see your file eventually, they will connect the dots. It would be better coming from the two of you if you told them yourselves.” May said taking on a sad almost worried voice.
“I’ll talk to Petey about it.” You said and she rubbed a hand up and down your bicep and offered as small smile.
“Good.” May said before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
As the two of you rejoined the group your eyes had a little less of a glint in them. The pain still raw from things you didn’t want to remember.
The battle against Thanos had been somewhat of a sore subject around the tower and you didn’t want to bring up the avengers failure.
The rest of the party was smooth sailing as things began to die down.
@tia-thesimp @lizzielillvr @leenasayeed @justarandomreaderxoxo @sycamorelibrary754 @dorabledewdroop @redwolfqueen19 @sadlesbeansstuff @idkwhatever580
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el-tostador · 2 days
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Princess posting
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hallowedharbingers · 8 months
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the only princess missing is the apothecary but i'm not tryna break my fingers more 😭
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littlewinnow · 1 year
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But you know what they say, you can't help who you fall for
And you and I fell like an early spring snow.
- I Bet You Think About Me by Taylor Swift
Continuation of the childhood au sketches!
Pt.1 here
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deconstructthesoup · 5 months
I've seen a lot of people give names for the Voices, and as a Vessel enjoyer, I decided to give my names for them, too!
Damsel: Danielle
Prisoner: Priscilla (Pris for short)
Witch: Willow
Beast: Beatrice (Bea for short)
Tower: Diane (my thought process was basically "goddess, divine, Diana, Diane" for this one)
Adversary: Addison (Addy for short)
Nightmare: Natalie (Nat for short)
Spectre: Sienna
Razor: Zora
Stranger: Stace (gender-neutral name for a they/them princess!)
Burned Grey: Bernice
Drowned Grey: Drusilla
Thorn: Therese
Den: Demi
Apotheosis: Aphrodite (keeping with the goddess theme)
Eye of the Needle: Iris
Moment of Clarity: Clara
Wraith: Winifred (her whole vibe kinda speaks to her having an old-fashioned name, in my opinion)
Fury: Fiona (though I've also considered Alecto)
Wild: Wihelmina
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modeus-the-unbound · 6 months
Damsel feels like the specific Vessel that all the others would refrain from being cruel or mean towards. Like she is at least on neutral grounds with every last one of them. Let's go over the Vessels from most to least "Hostile" lets go in order. (I am leaving out Chapter 3's that are mostly unchanged from their Chapter 2 form, such as Eye of needle and Den)
-Hostile initially-
Fury would see Damsel as something...off. The bottom of her dress soaked in blood, as she sits on a random tumor sticking up from the ground and smiles up at her. Fury would not want to test her.
Beast would react to Damsel the same way a lioness reacts to a baby wildebeast that doesn't run, but instead nuzzles up to her. With confusion and hesitation. She wouldn't know what to do with someone so, unafraid.
Wraith would simply not interect with her, prefering to brood angrily alone. Damsel's very presence would make Wraith recall her happier days, and hurt her.
Nightmare would get no thrill out of hurting someone who doesn't even consider fighting back or being afraid. She would grow bored and apethetic to Damsel very quickly. Treating her more akin to a potted plant than a conversation partner from then on.
Witch would be bewildered by someone like Damsel, someone soo genuine. She would see this easily betrayable vessel and feel a form of sympathy for her. Being like a cool older cousin that looks out for you while also teaching you new swear words for fun.
-Neutral initially-
Burned Grey would feel like she reminds them of better days and act like a responsible mentor figure,
Drowned would just think Damsel is naive and too chipper and ignore her akin to Wraith.
Wild would not directly interact with Damsel in any way. But in her woods, Damsel would always find a cleae way in and out, free from any harrasment by the more aggresive animal life within it.
Razor would stab her. But when Damsel ran out of "new things to show her" while being stabbed, Razor would basically be like Damsel's shadow. Learning to imitate Damsel to better pretend to be normal, but otherwise, wouldn't think too much of her.
Thorn would not trust Damsel, as she doesn't trust anyone initially. But Damsel being willing to sit at the edge of her brambles and chat does slowly earn her that trust. Damsel would be the first friend that Thorn makes among the other Vessels.
Deconstructed just wants to make her happy!
-Friendly initially-
Adversary would bring Damsel along with her to any competition as her own personal cheerleader. And if the event went well, would treat Damsel to some some form of sweet treat on the way out. Damsel would also be the only one that would willingly taste test Adversary's new workout diet ideas.
Tower would demand Damsel praise her, worship her, as she does all others. Damsel would gladly do so, and the two would become fast friends. Tower would treat Damsel like a treasured song bird who always sings the right tune.
Prisoner is well aquainted with her twins peculiarities. They get along great, but also know to take some time to enjoy being away from the other. Absence makes the heart grow fonder after all...not to mention Prisoner does NOT like being confused for her sister, even momentarily.
Specter and Damsel would be having slumber parties and doing eachothers nails by the end of day 1. Best friends, secret handshakes, inside jokes, the works.
Stranger appreciates that Damsel is willing to address all of themself, and not just one face. This earns her the trust and friendship of even her Monsterous facet. Something no one else has done, while being liked by the other facets of herself.
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kasdan · 1 year
𝐸𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟’𝑠 𝐹𝑢𝑟𝑦 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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join the taglist | marvel masterlist | story spotify playlist | ko-fi
a/n: this story has been just living in my mind rent free for idk how long but i decided to finally just write about it and put it all out there! this is the first time i’m posting publicly on tumblr please don’t be mean to me and i decided to share my thoughts on the story.
Summary: you are born in a lab and have been experimented on for all your life working to be the perfect weapon. you soon finally have enough of it all and when you get the chance you break out, learning about the incredible power you have. after you’re free from the lab you run into frank castle who’s searching for his own answers (set in s1 of the punisher). you two soon believe that the answers you’re seeking are very closely linked to one another’s.
Warnings: blood, gore, violence, torture, language, slow burn, ptsd, a lot more warnings that shall be on each chapter but you get the gist
Pairing: frank castle x fem!reader
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Chapter 1 ❥ Chapter 2 ❥ Chapter 3 ❥ Chapter 4 Chapter 5 ❥ Chapter 6 ❥ Chapter 7 ❥ Chapter 8 Chapter 9 ❥ Chapter 10 ❥ Chapter 11 ❥ Chapter 12 Chapter 13 ❥ Chapter 14 ❥ Chapter 15
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astridhoff03 · 3 months
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A Loveletter to the How to train your Dragon-Trilogy
I love this trilogy so much because it is a safe place for me, this world is a safe place, these characters are a safe place. I am eighteen years old and still doubting myself sometimes. Growing up is not easy and this trilogy shows us that perfectly. It thought us that letting go isn’t a weakness, it’s a strength. It thaught us to do things your own way, to discover yourself and your strengths. It thaught us that true friendship will never end. That true love can exist in our worlds, it doesn’t matter if it’s romantic love or love between friends. Love is Love. Since the first movie we witness how Hiccup finds his own way and comes into his own, to become a Chief, a friend, a soldier, a husband and a father. His whole story touches me so deeply because I see myself in him, this is also why I love the whole trilogy and the shows and short films equally. They tell his story. I believe there is a Hiccup in every one of us. This whole Franchise has just giving me a feeling of pure joy and it feels like Home for me. After seeing all these movies and shows after a so long (and seeing them a hundred times) it was like coming home, that a part of me will always feel joy when I think about httyd. I am dealing with Depression so for me it’s like a little saving grace when I see or hear something httyd releated. It became part of my life again and I am so grateful that it is. It’s for me at least one of the best stories in cinematic history that were ever told. I don’t care if there is now Sipder Verse, for me httyd will always have the status as a superior trilogy, that I love to revisit and think about. It isn’t just a trilogy of movies or a simple TV-Show to a movie, it’s a journey about growing up. I have a lot love for this trilogy because I basically grew up with it alongside the Trilogies Madagascar, Shrek and Kung Fu Panda. I have so much love for this franchise in general, I just really enjoy it for what it is: a magnificent story about a boy and his dragon, who became best friends and will forever friends even if millions of miles parted them. Hiccup and Toothless will always love each other even if they are separated for their own safety, they grow together and they will always remember one another and the beautiful memories they share. There will always be something that connects them. IT’S YOU AND ME, BUD. ALWAYS. This why I love all of The movies and shows (tolerate T9R now to some degree) and it’s sometimes hard for me to see, when people hate on this movies and shows. Especially on the hidden world. I know not everyone likes it but they have to understand it’s hard to see for someone who loves it. I heard from some people that the hate in the fandom kinda destroyed their existence with httyd. I personally don’t want that because httyd appeals to some many and means to so many others so much. It kinda makes me sad to see, because httyd gives me one of the best feelings of enjoyment and inspiration that I never felt before. I know I can’t change some minds, but I just want to say all this, because everyone deserves understanding and respect. I know I posted in the past some hatred stuff against T9R and I regret everything of it, because I can now understand and feel with these people.
Last but not least I hope this franchise will again bring some more people together and the same happiness I feel with it. In some kind of way we share all the same love. We love the httyd franchise. ❤️‍🔥
Never let the dragon flames burn out in your heart, it will always be there in good and bad times. We have all THE HEART OF A CHIEF, AND THE SOUL OF A DRAGON.
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thaliasthunder · 2 years
and to think these motherfuckers all saw him as some creepy weirdo they needed to keep a safe distance from and debated to just LEAVE HIM TO DIE. i am trembling with rage i will burn them alive i will fucking stab them open i will feast with their guts i will
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lanitalay · 7 months
One day : Chapter 6
Based on the Netflix series by the same name
a/n: I literally cried writing this. Ouchie. Im sorry for the angst, we'll get fluff soon enough. I'm actually working on a fluffy one shot rn. So expect that soon.
warnings: ansgt, drinking, swearing?,
Word Count: 1.8k
You sat next to Nesta at the bar. It was the first time in over fifty years that you had been on the boat for the Summer Solstice celebrations. That morning, you had done everything in your power to feel the excitement you usually do on this day but nothing worked. It did not help that you woke up on the floor, naked and next to a stranger. It also did not help that you’d be forced to see the two people you wanted to do nothing with. Most importantly, it didn’t help that the only way to keep the collective hangover from a months long bender at bay was to keep drinking. You were constantly nauseous and dizzy. Mind fuzzy so that no thought could stay long enough to hurt. 
“Want another?” Nesta asked you as she motioned for more liquor to be poured in her glass. You mumbled something that sounded like “yes” and then your own was full to the brim again. Had you eaten anything? 
“NestaImagogetsomefood” you informed her while tumbling out of your stool to find something. The world felt like it was tilted on an axis and you were trying with whatever coordination you had to stay upright. Until someone bumped into you and sent you falling backwards. 
You knew you hit your head pretty hard when you opened your eyes and saw double of everything. The male that had knocked you down was standing over you trying to get a response. “Imfinejusthelpmeup” he didn’t seem sure of what you were asking of him until you stretched out your hand and he grabbed it, hoisting you to your feet.  You clung to his chest because everything was spinning and nothing could ground you. “Ineedfood, takemetothefood.” 
You couldn’t see him, but the male who held you was absolutely terrified as a giant winged Ilyrian stalked towards you with a look that promised violence. “Don’t touch her” you felt more hands steady you then strong arms scoop you up and carry you somewhere else. 
“Hey stay with me, y/n, we’ll get you something to eat” you knew that voice, you knew his scent and you knew the “we” he was talking about. “PutmedownAzriel.” 
“You can’t stand straight.”
A few moments later you were on a plush couch on the first deck of the boat, barely anybody was down here, the party in full swing upstairs. “Here” Azriel gave you some buttered bread and water. Until you saw the clear liquid you had no idea how thirsty you were, chugging it down in one go. Which was a mistake, because next thing you know you are running towards the railings and spilling your guts into the Sidra. Azriel was holding back your hair and rubbing circles on your back. “It’s ok, I’ve got you” he said until you finished.
“Stop it” you said after a while, shrugging off his hand. “Y/n-”
“No, you can go now, I’m fine.”
“You’re not, it’s ok let me help-” 
“I don’t want your help.” 
“Let’s just go sit down-” 
He didn’t get it. To this day he does not understand. “Just leave me alone, I mean it, I'm fine.” Your head was resting on your folded arms against the railing. It was a way to find stillness and hide your tears. 
“I found some napkins that maybe-” Azriel took the napkins from Elain and dabbed away the cold sweat that gathered at the base of your neck. It was so tender, so gentle that you bit your lip to keep from screaming. 
“There she is.” You sighed as you heard Nesta’s voice. “I’ve got this, you two can go now.” Without looking up you knew she was staring down Azriel and sagged a little when his footsteps drifted away. “Come on, y/n.” She wrapped an arm around your waist and helped you sit on one of the couches. Head rested on her shoulder like you’d done a million times in the last year. “Amren called me pathetic.” 
“I think I vomited on a turtle.” 
“Safe to say we’ve seen better days.” She nudged you slightly and you chuckled. Better days certainly were behind you. 
After you ate the bread and could stand on your own you returned to the bar and drank the night away.
Mornings were always similar, you woke up in a state of undress. Sometimes alone, sometimes with someone else. Then you took a cold bath, the sticky residue of sweat and sex clinging to your skin from the night before. After that you would go to the cafe on your street and get a pastry and then eat it in your apartment with a cup of tea. 
It was the best part of your day, before memories you kept buried deep began to flash in your mind. Before the regret of what you had become bubbled to the surface. Before you really looked in the mirror and saw just how bad it had gotten. 
The morning after solstice you woke up with a male named Jax. You knew him well enough. He owned the club you and Nesta frequented and he had become a regular night time companion. “Wake up”, you poked him. 
“Good morning to you too” he rolls over and places open mouth kisses along your neck and shoulder. “You have go.”
“Let me make you pancakes” he says and bites your earlobe. “No thanks, I have plans to meet someone for breakfast.” 
He sighs and stops his ministrations, then gets off the bed and while he dresses asks “are you ever going to let me take you out properly?”
“Probably not,” you answer and walk towards the bathroom. 
You hear Jax finish dressing “I’ll see you around.”
“Bye!” You yell and dunk your head under the freezing water, washing away the night before. 
“Y/n there's someone here saying they know you” you roll your eyes, wanting him to leave already. “Who?”
“Its me Y/n.” You nearly choke when you heard Azriel’s voice boom through your apartment. Quickly you get out of the bath, put on a robe and go into the living room where Jax and Azriel are sizing each other up. “I know him, Jax, it's ok.” He gave you a look and you motioned for him to leave with your hands then closed the door as he finally left. 
“He seems... nice.” 
“What do you want, Azriel?” You asked, still standing by the door with your arms crossed at your chest. “I always bring you flowers on our anniversary” you noticed a brown bag and a delicate bouquet in his hands just then. “Oh.”
“And I wanted to talk to you.”
“Can we sit down for this?”
You rolled your eyes “is it going to take a while? I have somewhere to be.”
“I brought you breakfast.” You sigh and grab the brown bag from his hands “you can talk while I make tea.” 
“How are you?” He asked while scanning your apartment. There was a wet trail from where you walked, clothes strewn about the whole place, a broken frame hanging from the wall and the curtains you typically kept open to allow for sunshine were closed shut. 
“We can skip pleasantries. What do you want?” You were focused on your tea, pouring water into the kettle and waiting for it to boil. “I wanted to check on you. We haven’t spoken in months and yesterday you looked… like you were having a rough time.”
“I’m fine, just drank too much.”
“Why have you been avoiding me?”
“I’ve been busy.”
You say nothing as you look for the leaves to make your favorite tea.
“Let me help you, please I can’t stand to see you like this” 
You look at him now, curious to see what he’ll say next “like what?” 
“You’re drunk everyday, you come home with someone new every night, you stopped working with Madja. I know the war was difficult for you but this isn’t healthy”. 
“You have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
“Yes I do. I’ve known you for the better part of a century and something changed for you after the war. You never really came back and I’ve given you space and time but- I can help you. Please, just let me help.” 
“I want you to go, Azriel.” You make to walk to the door but he steps in your way and places two gentle hands just below your shoulders. “Just talk to me-” You step back and push him away from you. 
“You almost died for her! I broke down in front of you and begged you not to die because I can’t survive it and you went into the middle of Hybern’s camp with only Feyre to save her! Then you come back mutilated and I fix you up again and you’re asking why I’m not the same? You go off, you play the hero and then expect me to still be here and I can’t-”
His mouth is slightly agape as he watches you break. 
“I can’t close my eyes without seeing you dead. Your blood has coated me from head to toe and I still feel it. If I’m not careful, I see it over and over and it never stops and then you look at me like everything is fine and it’s not. So I drink and I fuck and I get by as best I can and you don’t get to have a say. Leave” you’re holding the door open for him, fighting against the tears in your eyes. He looks like you just stabbed him. 
“Y/n-” you curse loudly and slam the door. Then walk into your room and change into the first thing you find “Y/n-” he’s pleading and you feel it pull at your heartstrings. “Stay, leave, I don’t care.” You’re out the door.
“I know it's rotten of me, Nes” you were lying on her mattress while she braided her hair.
“It isn’t.”
“It feels rotten.”
“You are entitled to your anger and hurt. Deal with what you’re feeling however you want, I’ll be here to clean you up if things get messy.” 
Your friendship with the oldest Archeron had bloomed unexpectedly after the war. After everything that happened everyone went back to business as usual, except you two.
She had seen Cassian be practically gutted, draped herself over him and was prepared to die. While you were elbow deep in Azriel’s torso trying to get the last piece of ash arrow out. You never spoke of it, the bond of shared trauma. Of insurmountable anger. 
How your souls were crumbling and the only thing keeping you alive was each other. She would clean you up, you would break her fall. 
Standing from the bed you walk to her and hug her tight, tears pouring down your cheeks “I love you Nesta, I love you so much.” She hugged you back without saying a word but from the way her heart beat stuttered you knew she felt the same. 
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vickysaurus-art · 4 months
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The Shifting Mound with every other princess as her minis! With the Apotheosis joining last, but the very opposite of least, it’s finally done! For now, because I plan to ink it, and those spots around Fury are reserved for the Pristine Cut princesses, so it won’t really be done until autumn at the earliest.
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I really want to know how Lilith Sorrengail feels about trying her best to get her youngest daughter away from whatever it was that her dad supposedly found in the Archives after Brennan 'died', just to get said daughter even more involved with the tyrrish rebellion two: electric boogaloo.
#fourth wing#ngl my first thought reading the book was 'oh shit she Knew brennan wanted to use his sis as a scribe informant for the rebellion the same#way he maybe used his dad and she was like hell no and put her in the riders quadrant to get her brainwashed that navarre is right instead#so that she doesn't end up dead like spy-scribe dad and his questionable research into ward magic'#but then i thought about it more and decided i wasn't giving papa sorrengail enough credit bcoz he was Up to Something and got got for it#personally if my entire family was lying to me abt my big bro being alive i would lose my shit. that being said i find it incredibly funny#that everyone who knew violet best were like 'she finds out venin are a thing and she WILL do A Stupid out of righteous fury'#not A Stupid like smthn dumb; A Stupid like lead the entire scribe quadrant to a bloody revolution against Navarre Babel-style#I can't wait for this series to finish publishing so I can sit my ass down and plot out a scribe-revolution-leader-Violet AU#it can even be a viden secret arranged marriage. as a treat. because we need to merge the two rebellions of course#where is tiern in all of this? he got stuck babysitting teen andarna who is Super Mad her rider is a scribe. The Audacity! Navarre Will Pay#teenage dragon shenanigans occur. Scribe Violet bonds two dragons in front of her whole year. they're in the underground scribe library.#how did two enormous-ass lizards get in? nobody gives a shit. all scribes are too sleep-deprieved to care about distinguishing between#real life and halucinations. the dragons stay in the library. they get sat on because it's cold underground and fire lizards are Warm#command tries to find out if smthn weird is happening in the scribe quadrant but at this point every single one of them is in the rebellion#they have 600yrs of misinfo to correct. venin to dissect. what dragons? in the library? don't be ridiculous they'd burn the books#anyways i got carried away but library cats!tiern and andarna#kei writes
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