#But I haven't posted my boi Johnny in a while so anyways
buterccup · 2 years
Hey I saw your price x son!reader post and I don't know if you already did one with a daughter!reader but when not could you do one?:D
Of course! You ask and you shall receive, dear^-^. Now I give you more papa Price for the soul.
Father like daughter
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summary: You haven't had the best of days but once you got home you were met with non-other than papa Price...but also a couple friends of his, and they are as shocked as you are once you both meet for the first time.
Warnings: light swearing, fluff, she/her pronouns, a little bit of gen z shenanigans, small mistakes.
Character(s): Price x Daughter! reader (platonic)
You didn't have what you would call the best of days today. It wasn't because you had to walk in the cold, no you could handle that. It was because of the constant bullying and rudeness you've gotten at school. I mean everyone goes through bullying but you just couldn't handle it today.
Of course, you weren't in tears from the words they said, you were tough like your father. Although you were angry at the fact the reason you weren't tearing up at the words thrown at you was the reason you were picked on so much.
The fact your father was rarely home.
It's not like you hated your father for not being there, you absolutely loved him. He was the best father you could ever ask for. You just wished he was here more often. It may sound selfish considering his job protected many peoples lives but it was the truth.
You would've thought about how you missed your father more but you already arrived home and you had other things to do. But once you opened the door and the warmth of the house hit your face you suddenly heard a Scottish accent and last time you remembered you dad did not have a Scottish accent.
Did mum bring someone home? No, she was still at work..
After hearing the voice you slowly closed the door behind you and locked it before slowly making your way to the living room, dropping your bag and coat on the floor near the door.
But once you got to the living room door your eyes lit up with delight, forgetting about the voice you heard before, as an ugly bucket hat that clearly belonged to your father made its way into your line of sight...along with three other men.
"Dad there are weird buff men in our living room.."
Upon hearing your voice price turned around with a smile, chuckling at your reaction to the boys. Meanwhile Soap, Gaz, and Ghost all looked shocked.
Price has a kid.
"[Name]- please.."
To say the least, you were in shock. Why are there big buff men in your living room and why was one named Soap. You would've started laughing if it wasn't because of how shocked you were.
"I'm sorry for the sudden visit baby girl but I wanted to surprise you. Plus I wanted to introduce my team to you one day."
"Surprised I am-" you then talked back, your eyes meeting and scanning all three men. You liked the most normal looking one (Gaz). Meanwhile, your dad just sighed and shook his head with a smile at your response. "Well... [Name], this is Soap, Ghost and Gaz."
"What's with the goofy names...did your parent hate you guys or something-"
"Kidding! I know their codenames." making Gaz and Soap smile at your little interaction with your father, even though they were still a little bit shocked.
"How about you four talk to each other while I get some food ready?"
"Dad...I don't how a high school is supposed to get along with full-grown ass men"
"You'll find a way, good lucky baby girl." your father would say in a joking voice as he got up and went to the kitchen. He already talked to the boys long enough and wanted a break anyway.
"So what you wanna do?" Gaz's voice would pipe up, breaking the silence while you looked back at your bag filled with homework before looking back into the living room.
"shooting games?"
It had been a couple minutes since you started to play this one shooting game called 'Calling of Loyalty'. It was a great game. Plus it gave you a lot of opportunities to make fun of Gaz's aim. Making the three of the guys think of their captain.
"Jeez Gaz have you gotten your eyes checked recently..."
"Father like daughter..."
Requests: Open
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soo hi everyone!! i'm back on my bully essay/meta/something writing!! sort of. i did this.
anyways anyone who's been on this page for some time know how from time to time i have insistently mentioned the parallels between lola and peanut, right?
welp! that was a joke but the time has finally come!! a super-pretentious essay just for the fun of it!! (and also bc i haven't been writing actually argumentative texts in like months perhaps a year, so. yikes, i really need to practice again)
word count: 2.2k WOAH. IM SORRY
i, in my corner, with my monstrous needs. — susan sontag, as consciousness is harnessed to flesh
take this quote both as a title and an anticipation of what is to come. the essay will be distributed analyzing first the dependence of each of them on johnny, to then draw comparisons. i'll make sure to steer as away from headcanons as possible, sticking closely to the source text. obviously, some things' interpretation might be ambiguous, but, you know. your usual occupation hazard.
also, a disclaimer before we start: while they are psychologically complex and there is always a mimetic intention in developing them, these are fictional characters, and, as such, their primary function is to be vessels for different themes, questions and so forth. therefore, i will prioritize meaning and themes over moral implications and similar elements.
i. peanut
for how much i can adore talking about him, the way peanut depends on johnny is very much on the nose; worn on his sleeve, even. in 11:11 minutes of voice lines, he mentions johnny 30 times.
many interpret this as the caricature of a boy crush, but i have reasons to believe it is much less cute than that.
the problem is that, really, more than trying to identify specific situations... peanut seems to rely on johnny for a significant part of what he does. when he does good at dodgeball:
Look at me, Johnny, look at me!
almost like a child calling for his parent's attention to be praised. he calls johnny's name when he's going through hardships, when he's scared or when he's sad.
more than someone he just loves, johnny is a point of reference. whenever there's something going on, whenever he does or has to do something, his first thought goes to johnny; vice versa, what johnny asks of him is his priority.
I gotta tell Johnny! No time. I gotta see Johnny now. Gotta help Johnny. What can I do next to please Johnny? I mean Lola! I mean…
(this also goes in a "negative" direction, envy being the other side of the medal to adoration. especially because, in some way, this reliance on johnny might be felt by him as emasculating, and, being johnny his model of masculinity, adding it to the napoleon complex thing, it's not hard to guess why it can be so unpleasant. we can see this manifest through some of the things he expresses in regards to lola- not as much an interest he has towards her, but the interest he wishes to have from her- which are a bit more different than it might seem at a first glance. but this is a mouseketool we'll need later. still:
Last time I saw her, Lola made eyes at me, not Johnny!
do we really need this part? heh. i'm not sure, but it's always good to point out)
(also, just because, for the purpose of this analysis, it might be useful to specify: while these sentiments are very much implied in peanut's canon quotes, we have no evidence in canon in what measure they are reciprocated by johnny. the fandom has universally agreed that johnny also views peanut as his Best Friend In The World; while in some measure, they must be at least a bit close, i think it is even safe to say, given the caricaturist nature of bully's characterizations, that johnny holds peanut in less consideration that peanut deludes himself into believing. quoting another post of mine, the kids who show some level of obsession towards their leader mention him on average ten or less times (gord mentions derby eight times, parker six times, kirby mentions ted five times). the leaders don't usually make names at all, that much is true; however, peanut mentions johnny 30 times, and, even in front of this proportion, johnny mentions peanut 0 times. just to make that clear)
overall, what undeniably shines through his voice lines is a feeling of general inadequacy, whether about his height, or his strength in front of a bigger adversary. the audios in which he tries to show off range from being disingenuous, to straight up improbable.
crossing what we have until now said, it is not hard to come to the conclusion that he really tries to make up, to fill this empty feeling of inadequacy by taking pride in his role as johnny's second in command.
while i am a big fan of bully's characteristic of having left much content out of the main game, leaving the gamers to dig it up for themselves, i do believe that scrapping some of the stuff that was prepared for peanut is a loss. we have a number of voice lines coming from chapter 3, in which it was heavily implied how important peanut's role as johnny's right hand man was.
for example, much like... all other seconds in command, really, he was to be followed and then fought in the rumble, before you could get to johnny, with the specific duty to cover his back. even his very first scene, the opening cutscene of chapter 3, i believe, is not to be underestimated. most of the other people, as far as i recall, call you when they need it in person; johnny, however, sends peanut. making him, de facto, an extension of himself, almost.
again, you choose the motivation. what is important, from a narrative point of view, is that peanut clings to johnny through these acts of service, almost making it the foundation of his personhood.
basically, he makes it so that, if he can't be of help to johnny, his whole self is fundamentally annihilated, giving himself completely to johnny.
ii. lola
with lola, reading between the lines gets a bit more difficult; first of all, because lola is much less transparent than peanut, her insincerity being a supporting beam of the whole chapter 3. secondly, whether she was done dirty by the creators or not, it is undoubted that being the perspective that of a teenage boy (namely, jimmy, but we certainly, as viewers, are brought to sympathize more with johnny than with lola) with all the prejudices it can bring with itself.
however, it doesn't mean that there isn't anything to work with- quite the contrary, actually. the issue with lola is that there is a certain amount of layers to get through before gaining a satisfying perception of her as a character. still, we're here to try our best, aren't we!
even behind the muddiness of her intentions and the manipulation she shows herself a master at, it is clear from the second we first meet her that what she does is in function of johnny.
to get through this mess with order, we'll start from an easy, measurable numeric information: lola mentions johnny in her audio files 19 times. which, we're assessed, IS a considerable amount.
we have extensively talked about the way her cheating patterns are a strategy not to succumb to the passive role of the girl in the heteronormative, patriarchal prototypical couple (there's a post here breaking down a lot of this stuff, if any of you is interested!!), so, instead of this, i want to focus on what lies beneath that behavior.
ultimately, the whole point is that lola expects and wants johnny to fight for her. whether is it because she feels taken for granted, or just because he can't perceive it if not through grandiose gestures like the rumble- your interpretation will work; she wants to see johnny fighting nail and teeth not to lose her, she wants him to show her that he wants her.
she's all about that attention, and she knows exactly what and how to do to get it. and i think this is especially clear when you compare the moments in which she knows there's no advantage she could go for; when she has understood that jimmy won't fall for her manipulation, when algie and chad leave her unsatisfied, when norton openly accuses her and antagonizes her - she loses her temper, lets go of that sweetened and/or flirtatious voice tone, abandons that specific kind of gesturing. she doesn't care anymore about obtaining something. she was actually angry, and she was actually upset that johnny had disappeared.
in some of her audios, she references johnny with some amount of fondness, as well:
Johnny and I were on the best date ever.
(there is also a voice line in which she says "He told me he likes me because of my personality. Isn't that sweet?"; due to it being a general chatter and not exclusive to one chapter, i assume it is relatively safe to assume she is quoting johnny. however, as i said at the beginning, we're trying to stay as close to canon material as possible, so, do your thing- and i'm open to arguments!!)
a considerable amount of audio files, however (which will lead us to our final point) is about her... calling for help for johnny, or stating, confidently, that he will come save her, or avenge her later.
Someone get Johnny! Johnny's gonna get you for this. Johnny is gonna kill you!
but wait... i have some sense of déjà vu...
You're gonna be sorry when Johnny finds out!
iii. two faces of the same medal
if i had to pick an effective image for a metaphor, i'd say that the thing about lola and peanut is that they are both dogs looking for someone to take their leash; we’re talking here about an exclusive relationship with someone they can rely totally on, someone we’ll call the Other (with a capital o, distinguished from just other. yes it is unnecessarily complicated i’m sorry).
for what my professor would call accidents of history, it happened that both of them found that Other in johnny.
each of them attempts at creating an exclusive relationship with the Other, one foolproof and fundamentally… perfect. perfect in the way that everything works like oiled gears, in the way that every next move is predictable, in the way that any accident will not break the created equilibrium. (even if, in the general sense of the term, lola and johnny's relationship is everything but perfect, it is in the connotation that we have established here. lola is aware that, no matter what she does, johnny will come back around. hell, the very thing that she does is aimed at keeping that balance; specifically, keeping him a bit on the edge, pushing him into a corner where he has to actively make an effort to keep her close.)
they both hide something they are ashamed of, regulating not only their actions and reactions but their very way of existing in the world, in order to keep that gear working, in order to remain in johnny's hand. lola hides that craving for a genuine and stable affection, dissimulating it with the cheating and the fatuous physical demonstrations of closeness; peanut hides his sense of inadequacy and complex of inferiority, by being the tough and reliable second in command.
basically, what they mean to achieve is a sense of security, the safety of not really being the one to lead but, at the same time, finding a purpose, other than a shield from the outside world that they are not willing to concede themselves to. like a... symbiotic relationship?? i was going to say parasitic, but, yknow. the Other does get some advantages, which are, respectively, peanut's acts of service and lola's capacity to boost johnny's pride.
now, of course, johnny is not aware of either of their play. which makes it even better, since, as we already said, both of their approach to the relationship needs some degree of insincerity.
like, i don't deny that johnny might be a good friend, or a loyal one. but he is an oblivious, prideful fuck who can't see past his own nose; he's got a tendency to make it all about himself - which of course goes perfectly with what we said about both peanut and lola making the Other their center, taking up, in a certain way, a passive role in the relationship.
this way, both of them aim at creating with johnny a relationship that is, in a way, codependant and conditional, in which the do ut des (their respective "service" ↔ johnny's guarantee of stability) creates the foundation of the very relationship.
this, of course, brings up the problem of exclusivity; on which, however, i prefer not to delve into too much, as this would bring us to the topic of their antagonism which... isn't really what i wanted to go for, at least not here. (it would risk bringing us a bit too close to my subjective interpretation and too far away from the canon, which i PROMISED i wouldn't do. however, someday i might elaborate on that??? idk , please do lmk if someone's interested around here)
i will, however, show you a diagram (it looks like a triangle- i guess it is, but it is VERY important that it is a pyramid, with a top and a larger foundation) and a quote, to wrap this up bc i think it is already WAY too long and ramble-y lmao. let me know what you think anyway, my ask box is always open <3
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it almost feels like a joke to play out a part when you are not the starring role in someone else's heart you know i'd rather walk alone (i'd rather walk alone) than play a supporting role if i can't get the starring role -- starring role, marina and the diamonds
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purpleheartskies · 7 months
In a recent post, I shared some thoughts I have for s6. I have some more thoughts to add. Possible s6 spoilers!
In that post, someone made a good comment that the writers may want to keep Robby with Johnny so that they have more interactions, and so it's likely that Robby won't be back living with Shannon when s6 picks up after summer has ended. This got me thinking about my other ideas for s6. (I have many ideas lol.)
One of my ideas about Shannon is that, while on her trip, she decided to move to Bainbridge Island permanently and didn't want Robby to move with her. She came back, they packed up all their things from their apartment, and she moved away while Robby moved in with Johnny. Like she had just left Robby with Johnny over the summer without discussing it with Robby first, she told Robby that she's moving away permanently and that he can continue to live with Johnny. In s1, Shannon said that he'll leave her when he turns 18 so she has to find a man before then. But, she was always the one doing the leaving those days. So, it's possible that she's finally decided to move on with her life and leave Robby behind, like she seemed to hint at with her comment. She's cleaned herself up, Johnny claims he's ready to be a dad to Robby (which Johnny really isn't), and she can make a life for herself elsewhere.
Also, in s5, Shannon's comment about her parents' place was vague enough that there was debate amongst the fandom about if her parents are still alive, and if so, why haven't they ever done more for Robby especially given Shannon's lifestyle before rehab. If her parents are alive, there's some speculation that they're rich. Another idea I have for Shannon is that her parents have always lived in Bainbridge Island and she moved to LA when she turned 18 (which is something she projects onto Robby when she says that he'll leave when he turns 18). Her parents didn't approve of her choices and didn't approve when she had Robby, and they cut her off years ago. But now that she'd cleaned herself up, she had gotten back in touch with them and they were open to her visiting them over the summer. She'd also convinced them that she'd bring Robby with her, but after Johnny suggested Robby stay with him for the summer, she just left Robby with Johnny because it was easier for her. Either way, the idea is that Robby is now stuck living with Johnny because Shannon decided to move away permanently and leave Robby behind.
Based on the group bts pic at Miyagi-Do, Robby is still in the dojo when the season starts so one of my ideas in the previous post doesn't fit. Here's another idea for how the votes go for the girls leader and boys leader.
Maybe the girls don't take a vote. With everything that has happened in the dojo war, the girls from Cobra Kai being new to Miyagi Fang, and Sam technically winning the avt, the girls in the dojo come to the conclusion that Sam is the obvious choice. She's also been the leader of Miyagi-Do for a while, and she's the one who the senseis will support the most anyway because she's Daniel's daughter.
For the boys leader, at first, they plan on taking a vote. It's going to be Miguel vs Robby, but Johnny and Daniel pull Robby aside before the vote. They start by telling Robby that they all want to make the best decisions for the dojo, and ask him that that's what he wants too. He nods yes, but he's watching them carefully. They then say that Miguel as the boys leader would be a better for the dojo. Miguel is an avt champion, is going to school, has great grades, has no record, and is going to go to college, maybe even to a university like Stanford. Meanwhile, Robby has lost two avt championships, was expelled from school, has a criminal record and has gone to juvie, and may get his GED but may not even go to college. On paper, Miguel's the better choice for leader. It would be better for PR and for gaining sponsorships for the dojo for the tournament. Robby quietly agrees.
Johnny and Daniel then announce to the kids that Robby has decided not to run and, because Sam is uncontested as well, Miguel and Sam will be the respective leaders for the boys and the girls.
The third thing in that other post was about Robby's support system. In addition to seeing Bobby take on a primary role in Robby's support system, I'd like to see Chozen and Kumiko play some roles too. Chozen is still around, helping them train for the tournament, so it's possible he can help Robby. I assume right now he's not privy to how Johnny has treated Robby his whole life. For Kumiko, well, maybe they'll go to Okinawa for a visit or she can come for a visit. It depends on the situation (which I also have different ideas for). Either way, she can keep in touch with Robby online. So, Bobby, Chozen, and Kumiko are my hopes for Robby's support system. Johnny isn't capable, and may never be. Daniel and Amanda are iffy, but they can grow if they're open to recognizing their faults. Daniel sticks to "no bad teacher, only bad student" when it comes to Robby because "maybe he has too much of [Johnny] in him", while Amanda dismisses Robby as a teenager and thinks of teens with anger problems as lost causes who need wake-up calls. Robby needs compassionate and understanding adults in his support system, which Bobby, Chozen, and Kumiko seem to be.
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ryethebrokengae · 1 year
Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish x College student reader[Head Cannon]
CW: Early-mid twenties American reader. Gender neutral, although all my writing is intended for trans masc nonbinary people. Explicitly romantic relationships, minor mention of NSFW activities.
§ At first Soap doesn't notice the lessened frequency of your texts while he's deployed. Nor does he notice how you start responding to his texts in the middle of the night.
§ Because of the stress of the first weeks of school you completely blank on reminding him you started classes again.
§ Our pretty boy Soap is so so smart, but so so stupid as we know (and love). And for the first week or two he forgets to do the time zone math and doesn't realize you've mainly been texting him in the early hours of the morning.
§ But when he does finally realize you better bet your pretty ass he's calling you to ask about it.
§ His worry only increasing when you don't answer his calls.
§ Until you finally respond, expect texts and missed calls from him during any and all free time he has between missions.
§ When you finally do text him back he's calling you immediately. "Bonnie what on earth is going on? Why haven't you been answering me?"
§ You'd sigh out a laugh, suddenly remembering that you forgot to tell him.
§ Once you explain that it's just school tiring you out and you've been up late studying these past two weeks he calms down slightly. Although still worried about your well being.
§ I feel like Soap is the kinda boyfriend to try and set up automatic alarms/reminders for you to eat and drink something. But after asking Gaz to help and spending 3 hours trying to figure it out. He settles for just texting you when he can, to drink water and eat something nutritious.
§ On the weekends when he's free he'd face time you and force you to take a break from studying. Him knowing you're probably pushing yourself to try and keep up with the classes.
§ And on said face times he makes sure to keep your mind off your classes and studies to the best of his extent. [Even if that means getting a lil' spicy]
§ When he's finally on leave he'd get home to find you sprawled out on the floor with notes all around you and your laptop open to one of your textbooks.
§ His heart would just break seeing you so stressed and over worked
§ He'd definitely frown and step over all your notes carefully so he doesn't mess them up and hover over you until you open your eyes to see him.
§ Once you do you'd be so excited. You'd give him an exhausted grin and make grabby hands at him, having missed him so.
§ The comfort of finally having your sweet boyfriend back home during all the stress of classes is just what you needed.
§ Soap would chuckle and, having already dropped his bags by the front door, heave you up into his arms and walk you both into the bedroom. Before flopping back on the bed with you on top of him.
§ He'd have you forcefully(not really, you love it) glued to his side for at least the next week. When you don't have classes of course. As much as he would love to keep you all to himself he knows it would just up the amount of stress with you having to make up so much work.
§ If you had to go to campus for your classes he'd go with you and read a book or sketch something while sitting outside your classrooms for you. Knowing just his presence in the same building as you would help with your stress levels.
§ I'm not gonna get too into it, but we all know at least a few of your peers would hit on Johnny. He'd easily brush them off though. Ignoring them in favor of either wrapping his arms around you when you come out of class, or taking your backpack for you.
A/N: I hope to eventually do this same concept for Ghost, John, and Gaz but this is what you get for now. I think next I'll do a head cannon of one of our 141 boys with a chronic pain/autistic reader who's also in school.
Anyway, I'll do my best to keep posting. As I'm sure you can guess I just started classes again so I'm super tired and stressed. I'll see y'all next time though. Hope you enjoy it!
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mashmouths · 1 year
started answering @tired--misu's ask for the music ask game and tumblr ate it so now it has to be a regular post bc this website works so well all of the time <3 (i don't have the wording of the original ask but i do have all the prompts so i'm just gonna put those here, sorry for the weird format <3)
anyway! thank you for the ask and also the kind words! <3 <3 <3 <3 this is going to be lengthy <3 <3 <3 <3
1 : a song you like with a color in the title
my first thought was "ruby blue" by roísín murphy and while i stand by that, it wouldn't be me if i didn't include bendigo fletcher so also "morning room blue," "to the red river," and "green murder" <3
3 : a song that reminds you of summertime
i think i said dispatch last time so for my pop girlies let's say rina sawayama's "cherry" (or "airplane" by stray kids bc the first time i heard it i was driving back from my summer job night shift so now i associate it with july sunrises)
6 : a song that makes you want to dance
if i ever choreograph something i think it'd have to be to stromae's "ave cesaria" or a perfume genius song like "otherside" <3 a more casual 'get up and dance' song is probably "michuul" by duckwrth or "photo id" by remi wolf (or journey's "open arms" bc my mom and i have choreo we do when ever it comes on)
9 : a song that makes you happy
"ichidaiji" by polkadot stingray! or basically any twice song (like "like ooh-ahh" or "tt" or "likey" or "alcohol-free" or "the feels" etc etc <3 love them)
11 : a song that you never get tired of
"smooth" by santana feat. rob thomas <3 or of course "quiereme" by johnny sky, i can't think of a single time i've skipped that song? or "heyday" by stray kids or "我愛你" by cody・lee(李)
13 : one of your favorite 80’s songs
journey's "ask the lonely" is near the top of my on repeat atm so i have to include her, i LOVE journey especially "wheel in the sky" (which apparently came out in 1978 but i know it from a 1988 album and she's my fav so she's staying) <3 also "rock the casbah" by the clash and whitney houston's "i wanna dance with somebody (who loves me)" and "el muchacho de los ojos tristes" by jeanette or kate bush's anything <3 (obligatory "running up that hill (a deal with god)" link <3 also "wuthering heights" came out in 1977 but i'm linking it anyway)
14 : a song that you would love played at your wedding
"wonderfully bizarre" by bendigo fletcher hands down (or "para siempre" by vicente fernández or "the book of love" by the magnetic fields <3 i haven't been to a wedding in over a decade idk what kind of music they play <3)
edit : okay sorry to add Another song but i'm on a journey kick recently and when i wrote this i'd forgotten about The Wedding Song Ever, "when you love a woman" like just imagine slow dancing to this. insanity. okay that's it <3
15 : a song that is a cover by another artist
nina simone's "my baby just cares for me" forever and ever and ever
17 : a song that you would sing a duet with on karaoke
i've never done real karaoke so idk what songs are best-suited to it but i can say with confidence that i would go crazy on "gimme! gimme! gimme! (a man after midnight)" by abba with whoever wanted to join me
23 : a song that you think everybody should listen to
"gimme! gimme! gimme! (a man after midnight)" by abba or literally any bendigo fletcher song
26 : a song that makes you want to fall in love
nina simone's "my baby just cares for me" again or the magnetic fields' "when my boy walks down the street"
28 : a song by an artist with a voice that you love
"my love" by florence + the machine !! i have to be honest tea you changed my life with this song <3 <3 <3 or or or "last night" by arooj aftab or "be sweet" by japanese breakfast :3
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masschase · 2 years
1, 2, 7 and 10 for the boss ask meme :^]
I'm just gonna start by saying, in the unlikely event the 1 awesome person reading my SR fanfic 'Out Of Time' comes across this, massive spoilers! But I've been posting my Boss's name all over here so that ship may have sailed!
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Whoo boy.
It's a secret, basically.
Her name is Cassandra Clark. Her mom was a big fan of Greek mythology and her dad "read one book on it then pretended to be". She's gone by Casey since she was a kid. She's not against Cassandra but did find the way her mom said it grating(eta: hates her mom).
In 2006 when she joined the Saints, she was a naive 15-year-old who didn't think there was any reason to keep it a secret. Because of this, all the original Saints knew (Casey but not Cassandra) (took them a fucking while to work out she was a girl though). Obviously Lin, Julius, Dex and Troy all knew up to their respective deaths.
Post-coma she decided to try her best to cut ties with her name and background for everyone's protection. So then only Johnny knew. He calls her Case. He struggles not to call her that on a weekly basis. She went by Emma for a bit. But eventually it just became Boss.
When the Saints became more famous she needed a fake name for the credit cards, and went for Blake Olivia Smith. The rest of the gang talked her down from Saint-Smith (she's a bit fucking ridiculous). She only really uses that name for shit like booking hotels etc.
In Steelport, Kinzie finds her name (again, Casey but not Cassandra) via the internet. She manages to heavily encrypt it for the Boss, as well as any trace of her real age (she pretended to be 18 when she joined the Saints). The Syndicate don't know it's an issue, or they would've got Matt on it.
The name she falsified documents for the Presidency in was Erica V. Saint. She's later very embarrassed about what the V stands for(Violence. Did I mention she's a bit fucking ridiculous?). She has to keep up that her age is 29 (it's actually 26) when she becomes President because they agreed to change the constitutional age to 28.
In 2022, there is a coup, a small bunch of rogue Zin going back in time to kill her. As a result of this; Matt finds out her real age, the Zin find out her real name, Johnny finds out her real age, and Matt finds out her real name(as does the reader). Due to the nature of time travel, it's debatable to say in what order those events occured, but that's the order I've written them in. When everything is more or less over she tells the team her full name. It's no longer a secret as of mid-February 2022. The team call her a mix of Casey/Boss/President/Emperor. Johnny still calls her Case. Matt calls her Cass.
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I've played her in 3, 4 and GOOH but all the games are canon to her story (except for the reboot, haven't played it yet, but I'm not sure I could work her into that anyway).
It's very obviously implied in my fanfic that Persephone Brimstone in AOM is the rebooted universe's version of her, as she says her parents thought about a. moving to Paris, b. calling her Persephone instead of Cassandra and c. investing in good stocks (and perhaps as a result of their move, staying together). In addition she has dark blonde hair like her dad and hazel eyes like her mom whereas Persephone would have blue eyes like her dad and black hair like her mom. Also because of this:
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I try to stick to the canon of them all as much as reasonably possible.
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*cringes and covers face with hands* Matt Miller.
I cut my explanation of this right down:
It's extremely endgame; happens 2 years post-SRIV. She is very anti-relationship up to this point. Seeing Johnny lose Aisha made her worse but he calls her out on the fact she had a pre-existing fear of commitment.
For this character, Carlos and Shaundi also come very close to having actual relationships with her but one's doomed by actual canon and one's doomed by my headcanon (they both avoided telling each other). The weirdest thing is that in general I'm a massive GatBoss shipper, but for this character, he's much more of an older brother figure.
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She becomes less naive and, obviously less mute, in SR2. She's gone from 16 to 21 without experiencing it, so everything's pretty confusing to her, and SR2 probably sees her at her most ruthless and violent. Between 2 and 3 she finally gets the money and power she desperately wants, and perhaps more to the point, a decent shrink. By the time of SRIV so much crazy shit has happened in her life that she just kind of has to roll with it. Chill in a chaotic way. But she's still prone to the more violent behaviour when her peace is disturbed.
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See, Shaundi gets it.
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setaflow · 2 years
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ohnoitsthebat · 2 years
Some random numbers: 1, 3, 13, 14, 16 <3
thanks, rose bestie <3
What is your most popular fic? None of my fics are really popular. But that's okay! I'll keep writing and posting anyway.
3. What's a fic idea that you have but haven't written yet? I have SO many ideas! One that I really want to write, though, is a dark Lawrusso idea that I came up with while listening to songs about stalking and obsession. From my notes: Johnny is obsessed with Daniel LaRusso. Has been ever since the boy wandered into his school (and later, his dojo) with a growing sense of purpose, acting like he owned the place. Ever since that little twerp made a move and tried to steal Johnny’s girl. Well, Daniel might want Johnny’s girl, might want Johnny’s life, but as for Johnny, well—he wants something different. Johnny becomes obsessed with Daniel, to the point where stalking him isn’t enough. He needs to feel Daniel, needs to feel those delicate bones crushing under his touch. Needs to feel just how hot and tight he is on the inside.
13. Have you ever received hate on a fic? I used to receive hate on fics all the time. Back in my Fanfiction Dot Net days, my best friend and I got hate for our fics from a group of evil bitches that made fun of us because we were fat. I'm not kidding, they called us whales and would send us anon hate on our fics and bullied us off of Twitter. But that was a long time ago. 14. Have you ever co-written a fic? Many times! I love co-writing fics. I am actually more productive when I write with someone else, as we can bounce ideas off of each other. It's fun. 16. How long is your longest fic? I've got an unpublished SPN fic that's somewhere in the neighborhood of 75k. I wrote it a LONG time ago. I never posted it because it's just weird. Like, straight up weird and freaky and I don't think many people would like it. It's a bit off-putting.
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agustdiv1ne · 4 years
thank you + milestone!!
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damn, never thought we'd get here, did we?
in all honesty, it's been a pretty shit year. march 'til now has felt like the same month on repeat with tiny tweaks to make it all so much worse. but i'm not here to complain about the worst parts of this year, i'm here to celebrate the best ones.
this was the year that i finally started writing, that i was finally spurred to open a google doc and just type away until a tiny work of fiction stared back at me. my first one was 1k words, a rant to get all of my emotions off of my chest with an idol as my muse. it felt...great, though it also felt a bit odd writing after being an avid reader for years. i always did prefer essays to creative writing, but this year definitely changed that perspective.
i wrote that first blurb along with another fic in late july, and in early august, i asked my friends if i should post them. om august 3rd, i changed this blog from a fic rec to a fic writing blog just like that. i regret none of it.
it's been nearly five months since i revamped this blog and i couldn't be more grateful for the support i have gotten from all of you, whether it be a kind comment, a like, a reblog, all of it. i never thought anyone would like my content, but i've been proven severely wrong by this community. from my irls that are on here, to my lovely mutuals and followers, to those i've talked to a lil bit on this hellsite, to the writers whose fics i absolutely adore, to those who have left a like or a comment on one of my fics, i want to say thank you from the very bottom of my heart ♡
have a happy and healthy new year! i love and appreciate every single one of you!!
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though i'm painfully bad at writing letters and getting all sappy, i wanted to write them anyways hahaha let's goooo
to @hwaddict:
my irl best friend!! my partner in crime!!!! i love you sm carly, and there are not enough words in this world for me to describe the extent of my love. you have been there for me during my lowest moments, you've seen me cry, and i don't cry in front of many ppl. i trust you with my life and i'm so glad that we became friends back in middle school bc you are one reasons that spur me to keep going. i can't wait to see where life takes us and know that while i might not always be able to be there physically (especially with college right around the corner), i will always be there for you in any way i can be. again i love you and i can't wait to conquer next year with you ♡♡
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to @hopejanaee:
hope!! hobi!!! one of my irls! though we just became friends earlier this year, it feels like we've been friends for ages. it's crazy how close we grew so quickly but i am so grateful to have you in my life. you never fail to make me laugh whenever we're together and you're so chaotic but in such a good way hahaha. you were the one who got me into writing with your own wonderful fics so thank yoi for that. i'm so happy that we became friends because you're so kind and caring and ahhhhhh i love u sm ♡
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to @oikawasmilkbread:
we talked for like 0.2 seconds but you are so kind and hella cool!! it was nice having random conversations with you and i'm so glad you randomly dmed me bc i am shy and i have 0 idea how to start conversations with anyone lmao. i always smile when i see you in my notifs! i hope you have a happy new year!!! ♡
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to @luthenia:
i know you're on hiatus but seeing you in my notifs always excites me hahaha. we never talk but you are so supportive of everyone in this community and i just wanted to shout you out for that! your memes are top tier LMAO and i can't wait for when you come back, happy new year ♡
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to @starsforten:
we also talked for approximately 1 second but it was so fun talking to you about astrology stuff (virgo sun libra rising gang hahahaha) and those teuta matoshi dresses! you are so nice and easy to talk to and i hope your new year is happy and fruitful! ♡
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i recommend every single one of these blogs for their amazing content!! i added some of my favorite fics as i'm a whore for great writing hahaaaa
waterloo — a masterpiece! taehyung is so bitter at the beginning and it's adorable seeing how y/n breaks his tough shell. loved this from beginning to the end ♡
hot rod — the 50s slang, the dynamic between hoseok and y/n...*chef's kiss*
welcome to seoul land — werewolf!namjoon really got me going, 100/10 would recommend
graceful gods — this is one of my all-time favorites, greek god!jungkook has my brain going brrrr
@shadowsremedy + @therealmintedmango
support system — adorable!! this is a hybrid!yoongi fic i really enjoy, and the series isn't over yet! check it out~
tear you apart — demon!taehyung...holy shit. i was speechless
the doms next door — THIS SERIES OMG, i've read each part at least five times already. taekook got me acting UP
scream (posted to @yandere-society) — a really cool take on the movie scream with jungkook, yandere fics don't always appeal to me but this one absolutely did
broken — the immense ache i felt in my chest while reading this, but i loved both parts with a burning passion. san is so sweet in this :')
dirty free for all — the ULTIMATE demon!san fic. the writing is absolutely immaculate and this is the first fic that had me blushing down my mf ARMS
rice milk lattes and bryophytes roads — another san fic admittedly because i'm whipped for san lol. anyways, this was cute and hot at the same time and best friend!yunho made my double biasing ass that much happier
pan — an adorable peter pan!hongjoong fic, it had my heart going achhfhsjfjsjf
sir kiss me — circus au with san holy hell i loved every twist and turn of this
bad romance — one of my favorite yunho fics ever, punk rock!yunho x nerd!reader has my entire heart
aurora garden center and desire ink — florist!mingi had me uwuing for the entire fic, this was adorable and i loved it sm
every single fic on this blog is an absolute masterpiece, i swear
the devil's little angel — THIS IS ONE OF MY ULTIMATE FAVORITES, demon!yeonjun had me screaming and it was just so fun to read and i loved every single second of it so much that i've read it nearly ten times now. so go read it, you won't regret it!
the boy with the horns — another of my ultimate favorites (i told you, their writing is just that amazing), woodland fey!soobin just had me going so soft :(( i literally sobbed at one point, that's how invested i was
bleeding heart — the tension between vampire!yeonjun and vampire slayer!reader had me screeching
curtain call — i have a sad crush vampire!soobin
i love you, always — this felt so..bittersweet? taehyun loves y/n so much, i lowkey cried while reading this
the art of (mis)communication — i am a whore for both reconciliation and yeonjun, 100000/10 pls read this i beg of you
growing pains — ahhh once again a yeonjun fic, my chest hurt a lil bit at some points but it was so sweet!!
bed of spiderwebs — spiderman!mark has my heart screeching, i loved every second of it ♡
eddie ate dynamite — johnny suh coming for my throat yet again
cupid victorious — cupid!jaehyun :'))) definitely one of my favorites!!
quarantine chronicles — ok if you haven't read this or the part two yet then you're missing out big time!! the tension, the buildup, every single part of this fic was just *chef's kiss* but multiply thay by a million
all these years — every single moment of this felt so nostalgic and the ending was so sweet :')
muse — i keep going back to this one constantly, the angst in this phenomenal and i love artist!taeyong sm here
loverboy — HOT, AMAZING, I SCREAMED. the blurbs that accompany this are also top-tier i recommend reading each and every one!!
pink + white — i'm so soft for mark i stg, this was the cutest thing ever
can't avoid this feeling — hockey player!mark is the best thing ever
all tied up — i just- screamed as i read this bc professor!jaehyun is too hot goodbye
incapable — this is one of the best yoongi fics i've ever read ngl, it's not completed quite yet but the parts that have been posted are top tier!!
breathless — THIS. I LOVED THIS. yuta is just so hfjshhfhshfnsn and i love this sm
melting point — big boy mingiiii, 100/10 would recommend
house next to mine — frat boy!yeonjun rly got me going, cute and hot at the same time ahhhhbfnsnnf
youth — ADORABLE, yeonjun's confession is peak i love it here
run away — how many yeonjun fics can i fit in this post? (answer: a lot) definitely one of my favorite harry potter aus!! it was awesome seeing how their relationship changed throughout the years and perhaps i teared up a little at the end :'))
baby steps — ONE OF ALL-TIME MY FAVORITE FICS ON THIS SITE, every single part is so well-written and ahhhhhfhdhhf chan makes me feel some type of way
my stupid — another yeonjun fic! angsty but v cute at the end :')
this youth of craziness — 40k words of pure gold, this fic is absolutely one of my favorite san fics ever!!
replacement — prince!ten makes my brain go brrrr, i love how the y/n just speaks her mind here
untitled project — i saw soulmate au with mark and i knew would already love it, and i did! pizza boy!mark at that, amazing and i adored it
more amazing blogs!!: @galaxteez, @poutybinz, @lustjoong, @bloominghigh
these are just a few of the fics and blogs i found this year, find more on my fic rec blog @agustdiv1ne-recs!! (my thumbs are starting to hurt i'm so sorry bfjshfhsh)
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wrapping up each month since august since that's when i actually started posting LMAO
☆ august
03: good enough — chan
03: bloodsucker — seonghwa
04: cutie — san
09: veloxrotaphobia — mingi
19: want — changbin
21: numb — yunho
100 follower special — i reached 100 followers towards the end of august, my first ever milestone :') also my first ever time taking requests, 'twas very fun ♡
☆ september
03: on camera — jungkook
☆ october
27: oh, worm? — namjoon
31: demon days — san
☆ november
10: a letter to my love — xiaojun
23: bad for u — jaehyun
27: home sweet home — yeonjun
☆ december
christmas bash 2020 — my brain went hey what if you did this- and i listened so here's 17 holiday fics hahahaa (not all of them are out yet but i'm working on it!!)
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things i plan to release in 2021!!
☆ sunflower — jimin
☆ cross — yeonjun
☆ landslide — seonghwa
☆ nice save — san
☆ red — hyunjin
☆ a secret series (that will be revealed once i plan everything) — ateez
☆ 4 unrelated secret fics oOoOoo — will i reveal them? you'll just have to wait and see ;)
there will definitely be more posted! these are the ones that are going to be my priority at first, but my imagination is always churning so expect a lot more :)) check out all of non-secret wips here!
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i hit 500 followers a couple days ago! i nearly screamed when i saw that LMAO. thank you so much for liking my content because i work hella hard on it :') sometimes i feel like i don't deserve y'all really, but @hwaddict will yell at me if i say that so ig i take it back hfhshhdhg
a post for celebrating this milestone will come as soon as i finish up the rest of my christmas fics!! sorry that i'm so slow :( (hint: my requests will be open, so look out for it!)
so yeah!! that's it, sorry for the painfully long post (i'm sorry to my thumbs for typing this whole thing out </3). thank you to everyone who read this far!! i hope everyone has a happy and healthy new year, and in the words of txt's cover, fuck 2020. may 2021 be a much better year for all of us!!!
much love,
ashlee ♡
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Third Day of Twelve - A Bunch of Questions
For previous drabbles click below
Day Three and the questions keep coming.
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. . . .
When you hopped off the elevator the following morning you weren't entirely sure what you were hoping for but what you found wasn't it.
You usually weren't a flowers person, it seemed like a waste to you, flowers looked pretty in the garden not dying slowly on a mantle somewhere to enjoy for a day. Anyone who knew you well enough knew that about you. This included the team as Bishop had a bouquet of flowers on her desk from a mysterious person (Nick) for her last birthday and you all spoke about it.
Apparently you were the downer but everyone else (Jack, Kasie and Jimmy) thought it was sweet. The gesture and present yes, the dying flowers the following morning, not so much. You'd made it clear but here you were standing in front of your desk, Ellie beaming beside you and lovely red and green beaming up at you. It wasn't a typical bouquet, you couldn't name the plants but it had green and red leaves in a small beige pot.
You plopped your bag down and picked up the pot. No card but a sticker on the bottom with care instructions. "Brilliant."
"Pretty." Ellie countered and took the pot from you, placing it back down beside your monitor. "Brightens up this bare desk if you ask me."
Your desk was bare. Bare of picture frames, stationery and anything clutter. Some would call it impersonal, Jack, you call it efficient. Much to Gibbs liking. It wasn't like you didn't have photos or clutter you could have on your desk if you wanted to but things collected dust and you hated cleaning. Apart from the stack of notes you inherited from the last desk owner, you only had your computer monitor, keyboard and the phone. Everything else you needed was in your drawers and now you were thinking too much about your desk.
"My desk is fine but this is very nice." You ran your fingers gently over the leaves.
Ellie was satisfied with your now liking of the pot and made her way over to her desk. "Makes it more homey."
"We are at work Elle." You deadpanned.
"Is that what this place is?" Jack stepped into the bullpen just when Bishop was about to retort your comment. You chuckled at Jack's response and watched as she walked over to your desk and touched your plant. "This is nice."
You eyed her suspiciously and she raised a brow at you. "Not really a fan of flowers but it's very nice."
"They don't really look flowery do they? More leaves than flowers." She shrugged, accepting her reasoning.
You hummed but nothing about her gesture or words was telling you anything other than she looks liked the plant. Ellie huffed from behind her desk which drew Jack's attention over to her.
"Something on your mind Eleanor?" Her tone was light with using her full name, humour in her voice.
"I know a flower shop on the corner of your block. I'm sure they sell them in there." You could hear the smirk on her face but you couldn't see around Jack.
"That there is. I should get some for my office. Thanks for the idea!" She beamed and the laugh you assumed was at Ellie's, no doubt, frustration. On that note, she turned back to you, smiled and left for her office.
You glared daggers at Ellie who was watching Jack's retreating back. "She-" She stopped, her eyes trailing Jack up the stairs and didn't start again until she knew Jack was definitely out of ear shot. "She is definitely hiding something. If not the gift giver but in cohorts with them."
"Why don't you look at the video if it's bothering you so much."
"The real question is why isn't it bothering you? If I had a secret gift giver, I would want to know!"
You shrugged, typing your password into your computer. "We solve mysteries every week, why can't I have one of my own?"
Ellie accepted your reason. The boys arrived not long after, Nick bringing in a round of hot chocolate for everyone. Jack popped back down just as McGee was the last one to come in, accepting the hot beverage from Nick.
"Thanks Nick." He sighed, wrapping his fingers around the cup. "Better, I left my gloves at home. They were in my bag from last night but I bet Johnny took them out when he was playing dress up with Morgan last night."
You all smiled at the visual of the twins playing together. It had been a few months since you'd seen them. The last time at Jimmy's birthday party in September. That was a crazy night.
"I ripped my last pair last weekend doing some last minute gardening."
"Why weren't you wearing gardening gloves?"
"I said it was last minute and by last minute I mean I was walking to my car and saw some weeds that needed pulling so I pulled them and in the process caught a thread on a low lying bush with prickles and out went the thread." That was a long winded sentence for a simple rip although it made Jack smile.
"So not really gardening then." She poked fun, taking a sip of her beverage.
You just rolled your eyes and went back to your work. By lunch time McGee had found a suspect and him, Nick and you took the hour drive to the man's house. Ellie stayed behind and followed her thread of a lead and Gibbs checked in with Kasie and Jimmy while you brought the guy back to the yard.
Unfortunately the long drive was for nothing, just another sketchy guy in the wrong place at the wrong time who wasn't forthcoming.
After the long drive with Tim to drop the guy back and a stop for food on the return trip, it was almost home time again. Almost. You walked into the office, spotting the plant still on your desk, a smile spread across your lips as you walked closer.
"Bless you."
"I didn't sneeze! I saw that smile on your face."
You laughed to yourself at Ellie's clarification. You knew she didn't sneeze, you'd been caught and didn't want the attention but you got it anyway. "I do smile on occasion."
"As do most people but this one was because of the plant on your desk."
"Yes and I smiled at the chocolates, drink and now the flowers." No point denying it.
That was the point, wasn't it? To make you smile? They were gifts and a few of your favourite things. Sure this plant had just been added to that list.
"Remind me, why haven't we checked the security cameras again?" Nick piped up.
"I'm doing it."
"Don't." You snapped, turning to McGee with a soft smile but pointed finger. "I told Ellie day five." He smiled in return and took his hands off the keyboard.
You watched his eyes shift in Bishop's direction before returning to his computer and you knew they would do it without your permission before then. Hell, if it was happening to anyone else on the team you would want to know who the gift giver was as well but right now you were enjoying the mystery. Would it ruin it if you found out? You didn't know but you knew it would ruin it for the gift giver if they knew you cheated. For now you let it be, if the team wanted to know, so be it.
. . . .
Three for three. Let's see if I can keep this up.
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fantasykidofkpop · 4 years
My Super Girlfriend pt 1
Nct Taeil x reader (ft. Johnny)
Nerd! Artist!Taeil x Super!reader
Superhero au Strong Woman Do Bongsoon au
Description: Every superhero saves the day and rescues a girl. But what if a girl with super inhuman abilities, saves the day and rescues her nerdy lover.
Quote: With great power, comes great responsibility
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Taeil asks himself everyday whenever he comes home from his date
"How did I, a low life, an outcast, a nerd, get the most adorable and the most beautiful girl in all of Seoul."
Taeil and Y/N were together ever since senior year of High School
You been together for 3 years and Taeil could have been any happier with his lovely girl
But was he didn't know.... that his girlfriend has a secret
3 years ago, senior year, in high school
Taeil was always getting picked on and was always the bully's target
Especially, for Johnny Seo, the school's heartthrob, captain of the basket ball team
Johnny and some of his team members (Taeyong, Jaehyun and Ten) would always pick on Taeil and sometimes beat the crap out of him if he didn't or refuses to do their assignments
Taeil sometimes come home with bruises, a black eye and a busted lip
Whenever his parents ask about his wounds, he would lie by saying
"Oh, I bumped into a lamp post" "I tripped on the side walk" etc
Taeil knew if he told his parents, they would have move and transfer him to a different school
He wanted to stay, only to study Art
Sometimes, at night, he lays on his bed, stares at the ceiling, and wishes for tomorrow to be better day
"Please, let tomorrow be a brand new day"
The moment he fell into deep slumber
His wish came true
The next day, this morning was the same
Taeil walked to his locker, when he opened it, fake spiders came out of his locker
Even though they're fake, but he has a phobia of spiders
Taeil shrieks
Loud laughter came from behind
Johnny and friends were laughing really hard
Everyone laughed with them
"Same old scared little Taeil" Johnny says
"Oh wait, he's still little!" Ten shouts
Everyone laughs while Taeil looks at his feet in embarrasment
"See you later Short Stack!" Johnny yells and high fives his friends and leaves
I knew it, he thought
"Hey bro, you okay?" His bestfriend Mark asks while helping him
Him and Mark have been best friends since the were in middle school
"Yeah, I'm fine" he says
They both walk to their first period class
"Hey I heard there is a new student coming to our school" Mark points out
"Oh really?" Taeil asks
"Yeah, they say the new student is a girl, but I havent seen her yet"
"Oh okay" he says a little nervously
"I hope she'll treat you right" Mark reasures
They both entered the class and sat down in their assigned seats
While everyone was waiting for the teacher, Taeil kept thinking about what the new student would be like
His thoughts were interrupted by the teacher mr. Choi (SuJu Choi Siwon)
"Good morning class, before we begin our lesson, we have a new student joining us today, she new around her, make her feel welcome." He say while pointing at all of us
Mr.Choi gestures the new student to come in
The moment she walked in, Taeil's world stopped
His eyes widen and mouth parted in awe
Everything was in slow motion
Your hair flow a little behind and the sun reflected your soft hair
There stood before him, was a smiling beauty
You looked ethereal to him, like aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty
Taeil's heart beated fast like it was going to burst out of his chest by now
Mr.Choi gestures you to introduce herself
"Annyonghasaeyo, my name is Dong Y/n, im from Shanghai, China, please take care of me." You smile brightly showing your pearly whites
Your voice, was so beautiful, sounded like an angel's voice and it felt smooth like whipped cream
All of the guys were swoon by your smile
While some of the girls were jealous of your beauty and your figure
Taeil was lost in his thoughts that he didn't noticed that he called by the teacher
He got startled by his yell
"I said, Taeil raise your hand" Mr.Choi says sternly
He shakely raise his hand
When your meet his, you gave him another beautiful smile
His heart was beating at a fast rate when you came towards him
When you sat down next to him, Taeil was freaking out on the inside
"Hello, Taeil" you smiled at him and took your hand for him to shake
He froze again and came back to reality when you greeted him
"H-h-hi" he says while timidly taking his hand out to shake your hand
"H-how do you know my name?" He says shyly and awkwardly
His heart flutterd when he heard your giggle
"The teacher called on you, silly" you said while giggling
His cheeks started to heat up and looked away in embarassment
Through out the class period, Taeil could hardly pay attention to the lesson
He couldn't help but stare at your face
You have flawless skin, cute button nose, soft rosy cheeks, pink plump lips
And MOST of all, your big bright blue eyes
Honestly for Taeil, he's never seen anyone with bright blue eyes before
Blue is actually his favorite color
He uses blue colors for when he's painting the ocean or a lake
Yours eyes were like the color of the ocean
They reminded him of his paintings of the ocean
He was so lost in your beauty, that the bell rang, ending first period
"Dude, class ended, didn't you hear the bell?" Mark calls out
Taeil came back to reality "h-huh what?"
"Are you okay, your face is really red and are you sweating?" Mark asks
He checks himself, and starts feeling embarased
"It's just so hot in this room" he lies
"You sure it was from Y/N?" Mark says with a smirk
"I don't know what you mean, lets go!" He says quickly
And speed walks out of the classroom
2nd period, Taeil's scariest period
Exercising is not the problem
His worst nightmare has the same class with him
Its scary when Mark doesn't have 2nd period with Taeil
Everyone was already dressed in their gym wear and so is Taeil
While everyone was stretching and waiting for the teacher
The girl's dressing room door opens
Taeil looks up and his eyes widens and his jaw drops in awe
You looked so stunning in your black sports bra and sweats
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You such an amazing hourglass body
All of the boys were drooling, especially Johnny and his friends
Taeil couldn't look away, its like he was hypnotized by your body
When your eyes meet his, you smiled sweetly and started walking towards him
The way your ponytail bounced
The way your hips swayed
It was driving him crazy
Taeil suddenly felt himself being pushed to the ground
"Out of my way!" Johnny yells
Yup, he pushed him 😑
"Hey, beautiful, we haven't been properly introduced, the names Johnny" he says with a flirty smile and kisses your hand
Taeil felt anger and jealousy rushing through his body
"Nice to meet you too, Johnny" you said in a gentle voice ignoring his flirting
"What should I call you, Im guessing your name is gorgeous goddess?" He flirts again
"Thanks for the compliment, the names Y/N Dong Y/N"
"Wait, Dong Y/N, like as in, Dong Sicheng?" Johnny asks in a surprised voice
"Yes, he's my little brother" you said with a small smile
Everyone especially Taeil were shocked
Nobody knew that Dong Sicheng
A.K.A. Winwin, Student Council President
Has an older sister
"Anyway, there are a bunch of nut jobs in this school, especially him" he points at Taeil
"But don't worry, I'll always be there to protect you, sweet heart" he winks
He looks down and waits for you to laugh at Johnny's insult
"I don't think so, he seems sweet" you said the honest truth
That made Taeil go red as a tomato
Jaehyun, Taeyong and Ten snickered
Johnny scoffs
"Yeah, right. Well anyway, beautiful, if you want or need after school physical education, come to me. I promise to keep that gorgeous body in shape" he says by using his hands to motion your body
"Ok, I'll think about it" you said with a gentle smile
Before Johnny could speak, PE teacher mr.Lee (Lee Dong-hae SuJu) came in and blew his whistle
"Alright everyone, today is Friday, I have a surprise in store for you guys" he smirks
Taeil was not liking this feeling
"Today, were doing, drum roll please" he points at Ten
Ten pats the bleacher to resemble a drum
"Wrestling!" He shouts
Everybody were shouting in excitement, especially Johnny and his friends
Taeil felt he's going to pee himself any second now
"Alright, who wants to go?" He's says in anticipation
"Me mr.Lee!" Johnny shouts
"Yes, my tall handsome star student, get up here!" He smiles
He runs up to the center onto the gymnastic matt
"Pick your opponent"
He playfully looks around and spots Taeil
Johnny evilly smirks and points at him
"Moon Taeil !"
Taeil was beyond mortified
Everyone ooohed and silently laughs, except you
He shakely stands up and walks to the center
"You can do this Taeil !" You shouted
Taeil felt his fear wash away from your cheers
Whistle blows
Taeil gets punched in the stomach
"One point to Johnny!" Mr.Lee shouts
Everyone except you claps
"Round 2!"
Taeil tries to push Johnny down, but he wasn't strong enough
Johnny and the students started laughing at his lack of strength
You, on the other hand, were cheering for Taeil
"Come on Taeil, you can do it!"
Taeil was suddenly punched in the face and got kneed in the stomach
He fell to the ground, breathing heavily
"Winner! Johnny" mr.Lee shouts and raises Johnny's arm
Everyone claps and chants out Johnny's name
You ran to Taeil and helped him up
"Are you okay?" You asked softly
He looks up and sees your beautiful face
"Am I in Heaven?" He asks almost in a conscious state
"No, your on the floor, lets get you back on the bleachers, silly" you said while giggling
You helped him back on the bleachers
"Who wants to go up against, Johnny?" Mr.Lee asks in anticipation
Nobody answers until...
"I will !" You shouted and raised your hand
Everyone, including the coach, Johnny and Taeil gasped
"W-w-well a-are you sure?" Coach asks
You nodded while gently smiling
You walk up to the center and stood 2 feet in front of Johnny
Taeil was really worried, if you get hurt, it felt like it be his fault for putting yourself on his spot
"Ready!" Blows the whistle
"I'll take it easy on you, beautiful" he says with a flirty smile and winks
Before he finish his sentence
In a blink of an eye
You got him in a choke hold and took him down with a loud thud
Everyone was shooked, including Taeil and coach
"How did she do that!" He thought
"Uh-uh one point to Y/N" coach stutters
Before Taeil could process anything, he saw something really strange
Your eyes
They were blue earlier, but when you took down Johnny, your eye color turned RED
And he had no idea that a sweet and innocent girl like you
Be that strong to take down a 6 foot tall basket ball player
"Final round!" Blows whistle
Johnny strikes a punch
But, you dodged his punch and swiftly flipped over Johnny
Everyone's jaws dropped and eyes widened
Nobody has ever beaten Johnny at wrestling
Not even his team mates
Nobody, except Taeil, notice your eyes change back to their original color
"What is she?!" He screams internally
You looked at everyone with an innocent look
"Um, did I go too far?" You asked in a small gentle voice
Everyone jumps out of there seats and claps while cheering you
Taeil, couldn't process what just happened and just stared at you in amazement
Johnny, on the other hand, couldn't believe what just happened
He sits up looks at you in shock
A girl, a beautiful, innocent girl, just took down a 9 time basket ball champion
His teams mates helped him up
"Bro, that was INSANE!" Ten exclaims
"She must've worked a lot" Jaehyun guesses
"Yeah, but I gotta admit, that's MY kind of woman" Johnny looks at you with a smirk while wipping the sweat off him
You thanked everyone for giving you compliments, then coach blew his and told everyone sit back down
Everyone had 10 minutes left of class, so coach Lee let everyone have free time
Taeil calms himself down and drinks his bottle of water
"Taeil !" You called him
He looks up and sees you jogging up to him with a gentle smile
He was infactuated by you
They way your hair moves when you jog
Sweat dripping
Then his eyes accidentally when down your chest
The way your breast bounce lightly
To be honest, for Taeil, you breast were like the perfect size
Like they were sculpted, like the greek goddesses
He hasn't realize that you're in front of him and he's beet red
"Hey Taeil, are you alright ?" You asked worriedly
"I think I'm in love" he says faintly
"What?" You asked
He broke out of his thoughts, and looks at you and starts stuttering
"Oh uh, I mean that, I think I'm in love with your fighting techniques?" He lies
You giggled
"Thank you," you said with a smile
"How did you do that, no one has ever beaten Johnny at wrestling" he asks in astonishment
"Oh, my father taught me some of his greatest martial art skills" you said
"That's amazing, I'd like to meet him one day" he says in excitement
Then, you looked down in sadness
"Actually, my father passed away when I was 8" you said sadly
Taeil felt guilty for asking that question
"Don't be, its alright" you said gently
"Oh oka-" before he finishes his sentence
How did you know he was feeling guilty
"How did you know that I felt guilty?" He asks supiciously To be continued
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violentmouths · 5 years
V's Friend, Nero
Ok so, I haven't done one of these in a while and I'm incredibly sorry for not doing one. But hey, better late than never, huh?
Ok, so we ain't talking about the warm chocolate cake with a cold milk on the side, V much today (although the topic is about him as always).
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We're not talking about Dante (going to soon).
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Hell it ain't even about Vergil!
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It's about Nero...
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Now I like Nero, not only is he voiced by the beautiful Johnny Yong Bosch, but his personality too. He's still that hot-head I remember and love from DMC4 and I'm so proud that his relationship with Kyrie is still going (and because of that, I cannot make a fic with my OC or you as the reader to mess with such a thing, please forgive me)!
Now I've talked about V... WAY MORE THAN HE'S EVER DESERVED on my blog (and I truly don't mind it since DLACB [Dance Like a Cherry Blossom] is about V, the V Experiences are about V also, and so are these observations posts)!!!
But the more I look at V and Nero's relationship...
I feel like Nero was V's ONLY friend...
Like, think about it... V usually strikes up a conversation with Nero almost everytime they're together! And sometimes they're dialogue is pretty funny;
V: Pardon my delay, I was catching up on some... Reading
Nero: Yeah, looks like a real page turner
Like what?
Why would y'all say that? Your enemy is sitting on his throne above your heads, not to mention the Legendary Demon Hunter is nowhere to be found... Why would you two choose NOW to tell shitty jokes? *Ahem*
Not to mention their conversations are quite long... No matter where they are...
Anyways, I wished they worked on their friendship even more. I mean, why does Nero care so much about V and not the others?
-When V is talking to Dante and falls on the ground, Dante just leaves him.
-When V leaves Trish, Lady, and Dante to go get Nero, Lady asks "Who was that guy?"
-When V is chasing after Dante and falls again, Dante leaves him in the dust.
Like come on, give this guy a break!
Pretty sure you guys are gonna say "But VMoooooooouths that's not true, Trish cared enough to save him."
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Yeah but did you see how fast she ran off? Like, go back to the part where V and Trish were running and see how quick she dipped on him, just everytime I see that part I'm just laughing my ASS off at how fast she ran!
That bitch was out too, she was like "FUCK YOU V, I GOTTA GO!!!"
Now, all humor aside, no one cared about V like Nero did. No one came to save V from Malphas; only Nero did. Who helped V when he fell to the ground saying he must press forward? That's right, Nero did.
I also feel like the part when Vergil dropped the book and Nero picked it up. I felt like Nero would read the book not for Vergil, but for V. Seeing Vergil as a complete stranger rather than V.
Hell didn't Nero call Vergil a "Fucking asshole"? So why would he bother getting to know his father now?
Vergil: I ripped off your arm and tried to kill my brother as well as humanity, let me get to know you now!
Like what?!
If I was Nero, I'd want nothing to do with my dad!
Vergil: Now I haven't been the greatest father but I wanna try-
Nero: No, no nope, get the fuck out of my life! You weren't even there my entire life, your human self was in my life for a month, he's taught me things within that time. What have you done, hmm? Besides rip off my arm and use it to try to kill your brother?!
If you listen to the way Nero talks about V it's quite interesting. "Okay V, you're an interesting guy." Or "Okay V, I trust you."
Like what? D-does Nero even have any friends? Sure he has Nico and Kyrie, but I'm talking about male friends. Like, does he have a male friend, who can help him through big and small problems? That can give him advice?
When you look at Nero, he's quick to anger and it's shown too! But he seems to cool down whenever he's talking to V or Kyrie. And when you look at V (which is what we all do) he's calm and collected. Now V could've left Nero in the dark completely about everything; about Urizen, about Vergil, as well as about himself. But chose to tell him anyway, I also love how V calls Nero "The Boy" as if to tell us that;
- He sees Nero as immature (thus to his anger)
- He's older than Nero (I personally think he's 27 or 28. People said that Nero was 19 in DMC4 and if that's true he must be 23 or 24 in DMC5, idk don't trust me on the age thing)
Like I said in my other post, I feel like Nero and V have a strong connection. Nero listens to V, unlike Dante, who he almost got into two fights with. I see V as somewhat of a father to Nero, being that anchor and reason he needs.
Hell I'm pretty sure in DMC6 (if it comes out) if Vergil and Nero met again, Nero would probably tell Vergil straight to his face that he saw V (or maybe even Dante) as more of a father than him. I mean, did Nero even have a father-like role model in his life as a child? If he didn't, V would be perfect as such. Not only seeing V as a friend... But as a father...
Not to mention how Nico writes "Another dead beat dad on a picture of Nero and Vergil fighting, which says alot!
NOPE I don't and will never see Dante as a role model to Nero, I will always say HELL NO to that idea!
Sooo *dials the Devil May Cry number*
Dante: Devil May Cry?
Me: Ya not a good enough role model for Nero!!!
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The only reason I brought this up is because I was watching Avatar: The last Airbender, and I saw the part where Zuko told his father that he saw Iroh as more of a father than his own father (which is extremely true). Iroh didn't feed into Zuko's anger, he gave him wisdom. He told him things he needed to hear. And whenever Iroh left, you could tell how lost Zuko was without him.
I feel that Nero and V have that connection too and personally think that Nero would miss V greatly after he went back to himself.
"What happened to V?" Always makes me touch my chest and let out the biggest sigh, because that was the only friendship in the game, that made me smile really big.
Look at the way V talks to Nero, look at Nero's facial expressions.
Once again look at this photo:
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Not only that, he takes heed of what V says, he doesn't fight V... But he has gotten into fights with Dante!
Which brings me to this point...
Do we all remember the part where Nero bitch slapped Dante and it nearly killed him? If V was in that position Dante was in, would Nero bitch slap him too?
I still say no, Nero treats V with respect... Now that I think about their friendship, Imma try to work on it in the V Experiences...
Do tell me what you think, I gotta go now...
I will see you again soon...
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jouska-the-deer · 7 years
Okay so like, I wrote chapter notes for like, 23 chapters of A Short Quiz a while ago, and they’ve kinda helped me write more quickly and stuff, until recently. 
Right now I’m scolding my slightly younger self for putting useless crap in the chapter notes that doesn’t help at all. If you’re wondering what I’m talking about, here are a couple of the actual bulleted points in my notes for some of the upcoming chapters. I’d say spoiler warning, but they’re so freaking useless at describing the plot I’m not even worried about it (I’ll put it under a read more anyway:
(insert “knock knock, it’s Knuckles/here’s johnny” joke here) It’s obviously fucking Sonic 
Sonic’s like, “fucking kay Tails! Y u gotta be so rude?”
No, seriously, that is some of the crap I have to put up with, and I only have myself to blame. My notes are filled with MEMES! My notes started being filled with memes around chapter 18, and now they’re like, half memes. It was funny (to me) at the time, but boy do I regret doing that now. 
Just for fun, here are a couple spoiler-y bullet points from my chapter 18 notes (So yeah, don’t read if you haven't read chapter 18 yet... or not):
He’s like “wtf Tails I just fkn kissed Amy wtf do I do FUCKING HELP ME TAILS!!!!”
Tails is like, “GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF! *SLAP*” Sonic’s like “wat do I do?"
Not really super meme related, but part of my ridiculous sense humor. Also, every single character is super out of character in my notes. Like, Tails is like, freaking mean for some reason. It’s like I thought it would be a good idea to makes my notes a shitty parody. 
If you like seeing my stupid notes, let me know and I’ll post some more as I release chapters. If you don’t... I am like, super sorry.
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