#But honestly my sister and I are completely different in every aspect and i don’t think we will ever be friends
ashmp3 · 10 months
i was out at the bar yesterday with my sister and her bf and tell me why did it turn into therapy session but i realized some things or is it better to say some things became clear. And i know everyone is always shitting on older siblings acting like martyrs but when i layed out my childhood to her bc she sees everything through her experience (and if u think about it i was a baby during nato bombing and lots of personal stuff that’s none of ur business came up) and she was like “yeah when i was talking to mom once she said she feels very remorseful for being legit violent towards baby you” and i’m just like 😁 and i still had to babysit u while being a 4yo toddler. and i still turned out normal and SCENE. 🎬 kidding but if you read this ur a real one and second of all i’m very self aware don’t u dare to mention therapy to me
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areanoodles · 2 months
Rainbow High Rewrite
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This is my rainbow high rewrite ideas and thoughts. I've been thinking about this time from time for some months and didn't think to post it until recently, since, it would be nice to get other peoples insight.
●season 3, 4, and 5 will be changed completely
●season 1 and 2 might be slightly kept the same but for certain parts of these season, they might be changed and put in another season or be done differently
●season 3 will not be focusing on rainbow vision. Originally, I was going to take out rainbow vision in the Rewrite. But then, rewatching season 3 , I decided not to take out rainbow vision
●season 3 will focus on pacific coast high since they were introduced in episode 1 of season 3 and weren’t focused on anymore
●season 4 will focus on shadow high
●then once at season 5, that’ll focus on rainbow vision. By then, you’d already have a good idea of how the characters from pacific coast high and shadow high are in the previous seasons(season 3 and 4)
●I don’t have much of an idea for pacific coast high when I decide to have them as the main focus of season 3
●I have more of an idea for shadow high in season 4. Back a few months ago, I was thinking of how shadow high could be introduced. It will be introduced through luna. Since luna goes to shadow high, and the girls(sunny’s friends, except for violet)don’t know about luna, sunny would reveal luna to them. This is a way for shadow high to be introduced before rainbow vision
●Then, season 4 can focus on shadow high and also sunny and luna’s relationship.
●project rainbow will be excluded out of the rewrite completely, as well as rainbow world
●season 5 for rainbow vision may just end up properly focusing on the rivalry of shadow and rainbow high(they’re literally the only schools that have so much against each other)
●maybe even getting some more interactions of certain characters from different schools together
●as of season 1 and 2, I didn’t have much to think about for plot but as I thought more recently about the rewrite, and how the characters could be more fledged out
●If I were to keep in bella getting expelled still, she’d probably get expelled a little later than in episode 7 of season 1
●If I were to properly fledge out each and every character of rainbow high and give them a full proper run down(like they deserve), I’d need a Simpsons amount of seasons just to do so
●I think in prior season, luna or shadow high should be hinted at a bit, just to give the idea that luna exists prior to my season 4 idea
●About being more fledged out and expanded on, neurodivergent characters, or even aspects the characters already have(pr have been mentioned in their bios or wikis) that can be expanded through each season
●For instance, violet willow. I think that having her expanded on would be good. Her little falling out with sunny in the very beginning(season 1 episode 1)should’ve been brought up a bit more. Violet is a very interesting character in my opinion. She honestly kind of depicts actual people irl in my opinion
●also, the mention of some of the characters families(like the madison family) interest me a lot. A lot of the characters have sisters, either described in their bios, or wikis(Ashton, river, karma, ainsley, lola wilde, Robin and ayesha sterling, ect). Then there’s like 3 sets a twins. The characters that do have sibling, don’t have brothers at all. It should at least be diverse in some way
This is what I have so far. I think I had more to add but these are my general ideas for each season. This is my rainbow high rewrite so far.
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Insinuation 2.5 Live Reactions
(This is me, writing reactions as I read, because why the fuck not. They're not complete, mature thoughts taken after I sit back and evaluate what I've read. Consider them as such)
I mean, I can guess that 2.1 to 2.4 is about setting up the point where Taylor is willing to convince herself to join the villains, rob a bank, etc, and fine, fine, but I do feel like those four could have been 2? I mean, with 1.6 million words, you expect some filler, and technically even the filler builds out the world and the characters, etc, but still.
If you looked at Brockton Bay as a patchwork of stellar and squalor, upper class and lower class with no middle ground, then downtown was one of the nice areas.
Okay but that's... not how you can actually look at Brockton Bay? Even the Bay can't be quite that starkly stratified? The modern American economy couldn't function in a city that extremely divided economically. And sure, Brockton Bay sucks, but capitalism is still a thing there.
both Grue and Hellhound had lived in different cities prior to teaming up and setting roots in Brockton Bay.
But don't both of Grue's parents live in the Bay with his sister? Or is that just her being wrong?
Grue had poked fun at Regent rather than treat him like a leader,
People do poke at their leaders sometimes though, Taylor? Like, that's a whole genre of person, the kind of person who pokes fun at their leader and gets away with it for one reason or another.
  Information, it seemed, was a major factor when dealing with capes.
Puzzle Bosses atop Puzzle Bosses.
Which is, incidentally, why so many fanfics are capable of believably beating various baddies earlier, I imagine. Because all it really takes is getting the right knowledge a little easier.
As I thought on it, though, the notion that I might actually consider taking Tattletale up on her offer of a meeting nagged at me.  The more I thought on it, the scarier the idea got, and the more it seemed to make sense.
Careful Taylor. This will be the first rationalization of many...
If I got anything worth sharing, I could turn around and give it to Armsmaster so he could use it against them.  Just going by what Armsmaster had said about these guys and the scarcity of information on them, it would be a pretty major coup for the good guys.
Didn't you just get pissy about Armsy stealing credit from you?
Then again, she still thinks heroing is in her future and so I suppose this makes sense for her to think, since she has no other in to hand info over to a Hero/the PRT/etc
 That said, I suspected that when it came out that I was a hero and not a villain, they would count it as such regardless.
Foreknowledge of how it goes leads to certain humor. Though, honestly, I wonder if anyone expected her not become a villain, when this was all that was out? Feels like it's pretty well hinted at, but maybe I just know what to look for.
The Central Library looked almost more like a museum or art gallery than anything else, with tall ceilings, pillars and massive pieces of artwork hung to frame the hallways between the major sections of the building. 
I honestly hate libraries that do this. Seems like a waste of money better spent being a fucking library. The central library in the city I went to Middle and High School in did this when they built a new location for the main branch. Absolute eyesore. Just be a library.
It was fast enough that I couldn’t imagine Tattletale taking the time to check and double check every aspect of her message the way I had mine.
Knowing her (as I don't actually), she probably expected you'd ask for proof, or at least considered the possibility.
G R and me will meet you at the same spot we crossed paths last night, k? Don’t have to get gussied up if you catch my drift. Rest of us will be in casual wear.
Asking her to meet unmasked? I mean, I know you don't have nefarious intent, but is Taylor going to be that stupid?
it was hard to imagine her threatening me with one breath just a sentence after she’d offered to meet me in a way that made her totally vulnerable.
And you. While Outnumbering you.
I just had no idea what I would be getting into.
*looks back at the summary of Worm* You really, really don't
There was an outside possibility I could get killed, but somehow that didn’t concern me as much as it maybe should have.
Because you're borderline suicidal and desperately need like... well, I'd say therapy but even therapy wouldn't be enough right now. You need a lot of shit, really.
Startled, I looked up.  A middle aged woman in a red jacket stood just behind me.  As I met her eyes she asked, “Are you done?”  She gestured at the computer, where the screensaver was still scrolling.
I wonder if Taylor would have accepted if she hadn't been jostled like this? Certainly could be an interesting divergence moment, though where it gets taken remains open.
2.5 definitely feels like it fully needs to be here, which is good. Again, I'm not saying 2.1 and 2.3 and 2.4 are filler, but they did feel a little less... necessary. This? This one feels necessary.
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warning: im about to throw up in your inbox
zutara is such a self insert ship for girls with main character syndrome that had a crush on zuko. i honestly watched the show as an adult and was so fucking confused when i saw zutara was an actual ship. and seeing dante basco make quotes as zuko to katara makes me cringe so hard lmaoooo. zuko was literally nasty to katara and betrayed her and watched as his sister killed her fucking BEST FRiend. not to mention the thing he taunted her and stalked her with Was the lasT thIng She had left of HER MOTHER.
don’t get me wrong, i love how zuko grows and changes, but zutara is deranged and so weird and gross when argued for in canon i can’t take it. my friend (who watched atla as a kid) was like “all my friends that ship/shipped zutara are in toxic relationships now” 🫣
and i’ll die on the hill that in canon zuko literally had more chemistry with sokka than he ever did with katara
While I 100% agree that Zutarians tend to completely ignore all the "problematic" aspects of their ship since being the "wholesome, feminist, completely healthy" ship while demonizing every rival pairing to make themselves look better, I wouldn't go as far as to connect it with situations of people getting into abusive relationships.
For exemple, if someone likes Beauty and The Beast,all that says about them is "they like this movie". If someone believes that it's totally fine for someone to date their captor in real life THAT is when you worry about them and their understanding of how relationships are supposed to work. The problem is not the ship or any trope, but rather people not understanding that fiction has different rules as to what is or is not acceptable/a major red flag.
Also, in my personal opinion Zuko had as much chemistry with Sokka as he did with Katara (aka none) so you and I are gonna have to agree to disagree on that last point.
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strawberryfaced · 9 months
i don’t know about u but i relate to each and every one of the owl house characters so much. and they make me feel safe on a different level. and it’s not like id ever type a 15 page long essay about it what do you mea
thinking about when Amity stopped herself from watching Luz’s video without her permission despite being immensely worried. thinking about when she confronted Luz and made sure to communicate first and comforted her instead of accusing her of stuff and how Healing it was for me to watch that. thinking of Lumity’s enemies to lovers and how obsessed i was and how completed i felt. this ship meant so much to me no one will ever know. forever the kiss scene the animation the dialogue everything i will cry thinking about it Every Time 
thinking about Willow and Gus’s friendship. thinking about them so hard. i personally relate to both Willow and Gus soooo strongly. Willow is me in so many aspects: the therapist friend, kind of underestimated, sort of the mom but also cradled as the child and Gus is just a silly guy as well as the smallest one in the friend group which i highly relate to. strangers tell me and my twin sister apart by me being smaller than her and my friends call me short and small on a daily basis. okay and them together is Crazy. i loved the way they met and Willow’s tactic to calm down ive been using for a few months now whenever i have a really bad day. and it genuinely helps so Fucking much so i will forever owe that to TOH. i think my dream will always be to have friends like the two of them 
don’t Even fucking get me started on King and Eda and Hooty and Luz and the actual owl house. my home actually. they mean the absolute most to me out of the whole show. when they reunited in s3 i cried for a good hour. im shedding a tear writing this. oh my fucking god i don’t know what it is about them but their found family thing they have going on is insane. they will honestly forever mean more to me than the hexsquad. no words will explain how much like home they feel to me. on my worst days i imagine being there. oh MY GOSH OH MY GOD AND WHEN EDA SAID “alright, kid. listen to me. im going away, and i don't know if i can bounce back this time. watch over King, remember to feed Hooty. and Luz, thank you for being in my life”. top 10 hardest times i cried. I sobbed so hard my chest hurt. 
ok next Hunter. to be honest i was never the biggest fan of him merely because of how over hyped he was by the fandom just because they all had crushes on him but he’s genuinely such a cool guy. he was such fucking good representation and idk but the way we got to watch him form relationships with everyone. it was beautiful. and i heavily relate to him despite him being a sort of grouchy dude and me being an overexcited puppy. he’s got this gifted kid burnout and obsession with validation vibe that is identical to mine and it means a lot to me to see my weirdest most annoying toxic traits seen in him
okay as you can tell im unhealthily attached to this show. these paragraphs are kind of silly but i don’t think anyone will Ever Ever understand no matter how many words i write . i remember starting the show in quarantine and being so obsessed with it and staying in bed all day. i had to hold in my smiles all the time it was exhausting. one time i tried to explain the show to my sister and i cried and couldn’t stop. it’s been a while since it’s ended but i still think about it on a weekly basis. 
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dandelion-turtle · 3 years
Hyakinthos was a Spartan prince, most prominently known in Amyclae with a decent cult following. there are a couple of different people listed as being his parents, but the most popular is King Amyclus and Diomedes. if Amyclus was his father, that would also make Daphne, another of Apollo’s lovers, Hyakinthos’s sister. it seems like he would be quite simple, he has a relatively small story with one of the earliest written records from Hesiod. in this version there is no love rival, just an accident. written in the 7th century BC, it was merely one, albeit long, sentence.
”. . ((lacuna)) rich-tressed Diomede; and she bare Hyakinthos (Hyacinthus), the blameless one and strong . . ((lacuna)) whom, on a time Phoibos (Phoebus) [Apollon] himself slew unwittingly with a ruthless disk.”
however, the most famous version, and one that most will know, comes from Ovid’s Metamorphosis. written somewhere between the 1st century BC and 1st century AD, this sentence long story grew to be paragraphs long. in which Ovid describes the love Apollo and Hyakinthos have for each other — which was the ultimate demise for the young prince. with parts of it coming from the perspective of a mourning Apollo, Ovid writes how Hyakinthos was turned into a flower with “ai, ai” written on the petals to express Apollo’s sadness. and the version that we all have come to know including betrayal and jealous rage from Zephyros (the West Wind), is hinted at in Pausanias’ “Description of Greece”.
”[In the temple of Apollon at Amyklai (Amyclae) Nikias (Nicias) [painter fl. c. 320 B.C.], son of Nikomedes, has painted him [Hyakinthos (Hyacinthus)] in the very prime of youthful beauty, hinting at the love of Apollon for Hyakinthos of which legend tells . . . As for Zephyros (the West Wind), how Apollon unintentionally killed Hyakinthos, and the story of the flower, we must be content with the legends, although perhaps they are not true history.”
despite this seemingly clear-cut story, there’s a lot more than meets the eye with Hyakinthos. according to many historians the -nth part of his name is pre-Hellenic and comes from the Mycenaean era. another word like that would be Corinth — a pre-Greek polis that was destroyed and rebuilt. this leads many to believe that Hyakinthos was around BEFORE Apollo. he would have been a chthonic vegetation god — almost like the male equivalent to Persephone. this leads to a few different theories, but before I get to that, let me tell you the story of Hyakinthos as told by Ovid and Lucian’s “Dialogues of the Gods”. ═══════════════════════════
⊰ The Myth ⊱
Hyakinthos was a beautiful Spartan prince. he had many lovers, but the one that had eventually won his heart was Apollo. the god taught beautiful long-haired Hyakinthos how to play the lyre, how to use a bow and arrows, a little bit on prophecies, and gave him a swan chariot. the two were incredibly in love, but sadly, there was someone who didn’t like that. Zephyros, the west wind, was jealous for he too loved Hyakinthos. he had tried to woo him but it really was no match for Apollo. he watched the two men play again and again until he had eventually had enough of it. he ultimately created one of the most tragic love stories. like most days, Apollo and Hyakinthos were together, playing around and having mild competitions throwing a discus. Apollo wanted to show off for Hyakinthos so he could see just what a god could do. he threw a discus high into the air, clearing the clouds away and it disappeared into the sky. Hyakinthos wanted to impress his lover as well, so he chased after the discus laughing. Zephyros in a fit of rage at the two men enjoying themselves changed the course of the discus. as it came to land, the force was so strong that it bounced off the ground and smashed into Hyakinthos’s face. Apollo ran to his lover and tried every kind of medicine and healing he could think of. he even placed ambrosia on his lover’s lips but blood flowed freely from the wound. there was no way for him to stop a wound of Fate. in his despair, he turned Hyakinthos into a flower, but seeing that wasn’t good enough, he wrote his grief upon the petals. ═══════════════════════════
⊰ Symbolism From The Myth ⊱
Taking A Temple as mentioned before, it’s very likely that Hyakinthos was an older deity from the pre-hellenic period. something that many Greek writers did, was create a myth of how a deity began their worship in a specific place. we know the temple that Apollo was worshipped at in Amyclae was older than when his worship would have started. one theory behind this myth then, is how Apollo came to be worshipped over Hyakinthos at the temple and area; by killing the previous deity. it sounds sad, but it’s actually happened several times, and even with Apollo specifically. the most famous example I can think of would be at Delphi. originally the temple was in honor of the titan Gaia. Apollo came in valiantly and killed the Python (which is what gives Apollo’s priestesses their name) and inevitably took the temple over with his worship. what this doesn’t account for, is the fact Hyakinthos is still worshipped at the temple heavily, his and Apollo’s worship having mingled and being near inseparable. it is even said that upon his death and burial, Apollo said to give him (Hyakinthos) all offerings first. now, if you know a thing or two about Greek worship, the first portion of the offering was incredibly important, especially considering hero worship was probably closer to chthonic sacrifices in practice; though they were not considered to be ‘dead’. within my research so far, I have yet to find this happening somewhere else, but I will update this if I ever do. now all of this is unusual with the theory that this myth symbolizes one deity taking over. if that were the case, why continue to worship Hyakinthos? Duality some of you may not know this about me, but I am a sucker when it comes to duality, specifically with lovers. this myth may be a symbol for the growing season and harvest of the crops. while it may be a common motif, especially among the Greeks, I think it’s a sweet and somber story giving personification to an important aspect of Greek life. I also believe the duality is less about the exacts of what they rule over, but the way they were worshipped. the closest example I can think of also comes from Delphi with the duality between Apollo and Dionysos (who, shockingly enough, was the only other god historians believe was present during the Hyakinthia festival besides Apollo and Hyakinthos). as a hero, or simply for his chthonic aspect, the ritual and practice would have been far different than that for Apollo. while this isn’t exactly backed by anything I can find specific to duality, I personally feel a reason both Apollo and Hyakinthos were worshipped together in Amyclae is due to that duality between them. Hyakinthos would have been a chthonic deity probably for vegetation or agriculture, whereas Apollo here is a god of light (not the sun) representing life, health, and the ultimate grief. their worship in Amyclae was always together once Apollo was introduced (to some this hinted that they were possibly the same person representing a cycle, but most disagree with this theory). the duality is clearly a theme already for Apollo, and I think what happened at Delphi with Dionysos is the same for Amyclae and Hyakinthos. together they represent loss and mourning but also happiness and life — love. ═══════════════════════════
⊰ Hyakinthos Associations ⊱
okay, now that I have bored you all to death, let’s talk about some less heavy things. due to their worship being completely together, I would say that nearly anything related to Apollo can also be associated with Hyakinthos and vice versa. however, we love individuality in this house, so let’s talk about the things either associated with him through the various, limited texts we have and some UPG. Associations ➳ larkspurs/hyacinths ➳ swans ➳ bow and arrow ➳ summer! ➳ new spring growth ➳ chiton’s (they were offered to him by the women of Sparta) ➳ death ➳ rebirth/cycles ➳ chariot’s ➳ blood ➳ blue/purple/red colors ➳ discus (sorry) ➳ lavender ➳ lyre ➳ lapis lazuli ➳ amethyst ➳ black tourmaline ═══════════════════════════ Devotional Activities ➳ keeping a garden ➳ maybe even an indoor garden ➳ go to parks and feed the swans/birds ➳ archery ➳ sports ➳ making a chiton ➳ writing poems ➳ taking care of those around you ➳ growing larkspurs/hyacinths ➳ get a devotional journal ➳ create a playlist (sad songs for the most part) ➳ fall in love deeply ═══════════════════════════
⊰ Deity Or Divine Hero? ⊱
I don’t know if this question can be answered for a fact honestly. what we do know is that he was at least worshipped as a hero, that much can be said. anything further than that comes at a later time and from the outside perspective. a lot of ancient Greek writers didn’t write down certain things because they saw them as common knowledge. this doesn’t help us looking back now. what we can say, is that some of the offerings given to him were not common with hero worship and would have been reserved for the gods. this is according to Angeliki Petropoulou, a professor in ancient greek studies/religion, and the author of “Hyakinthos and Apollo of Amyklai: Identities and Cults. A Reconsideration of the Written Evidence” pages 153-161. Within this, she makes the argument that Hyakinthos has gone through ‘apotheosis’. this is the action of a mortal, usually a hero, becoming a god. note: ‘βουθυσία’ is a traditional oxen sacrifice.
“The βουθυσία for Hyakinthos, which is indicative of his new immortal status, should be placed on the third day too. Oxen are costly victims, the bull being the most “noble” sacrificial animal. After mourning for Hyakinthos’s death and making a propitiatory sacrifice at his tomb, they honoured him with a bull sacrificed as if to a god. Yet the geographical range in which he was regarded as god was rather circumscribed and did not spread beyond the borders of Lakedaimonia. The βουθυσία for Hyakinthos would have been instituted after the construction of the altar on which Apollo received sacrifices; for the only altar excavated, in an area filled with remnants of burnt sacrifices, is attributed to Apollo.”
so there you have it. most places will probably call him a hero, and that wouldn’t be wrong. others may call him a deity, which also isn’t wrong. I’ll tell you what I’m personally going to go with, and everyone can make their own decision based on the information listed through this post and the readings I’ll link at the bottom. no matter your conclusion, the relationship you have will be completely yours, and it’s ok! if anything, I encourage that over taking my word for it. ══════════════════════════ for me, I think I consider him a deity. I know that I heavily romanticize the story, and with Apollo being so near to my heart, him having a terrible love life hurts my soul. while I don’t exactly want to rewrite any myths, I won’t claim that they are married, I will say that I believe them to be happy. their worship in Amyclae was so intertwined and based completely around each other from the history we know, that, for me, it makes sense to also honor them together. I’ll leave you all on one more incredibly sad quote from Lucien’s “Dialogue of the Gods” (that I referenced from earlier).
”Apollon : Well, my loves never prosper; Daphne and Hyakinthos (Hyacinthus) were my great passions; she so detested me that being turned to a tree was more attractive than I; and him I killed with a quoit. Nothing is left me of them but wreaths of their leaves and flowers.”
it’s ok to cry, I do nearly every time I read that.
⊰ For Further Reading ⊱
➳Hyakinthos theoi ➳Apollo theoi ➳Hyakinthos Wiki ➳My Hellenic Research Google Drive this also contains the Sparta book I reference and a few others worth a read.
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otori0 · 3 years
Kaname Asagiri Analysis
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Hi there, I'm Otori!
Here we go with another analysis, this time about Kaname Asagiri from Mahou Shoujo Site.
This will obviously have spoilers of both the anime and the manga, so please read/watch it fully before proceeding.
I will begin saying that Kaname is not only my favorite Mahou Shoujo Site character, but also one of my all time favorite characters as well. Still, I don’t even like Mahou Shoujo Site as a whole, but I found him to be very interesting and well-written, so here we go.
The structure for the analysis will be:
 Character overview
Trajectory & development through the manga
Additional info and symbolisms
1. Character overview
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I would like to talk about the general aspects of him first. The most obvious thing about Kaname is that he is a sociopath, which is, to be short, someone who tends to disrespect others and has little to no empathy. Statistics show that one of every 25 people is a sociopath, and it’s a mental illness also called antisocial personality disorder. They usually hurt people or animals, are unfair and don't respect other people. So, great. The first thing to point out about the character is that he is mentally ill. Looks good.
Moving to the next point, another main characteristic in Kaname is him being misanthropic. Misanthropy is a general hatred and distrust towards humans. This plus Kaname being a sociopath gives up the perfect image of who he is. But he is much more than an mentally ill boy, and I want to prove that and make people understand this character. Of course, I will never try to justify his actions. I will just try to give you a different point of view so that you can get to know him better.
Lastly, I'd also like to point something about Kaname being portrayed as one of the main antagonists. In the wikia, for most part of the manga he was labeled as the main antagonist, even if later this was changed by the admins. Which is interesting considering that he’s nor a Site Admin nor a ‘’mahou shoujo’’, and he ends up helping the main characters. In fact, at the beginning I completely thought that Kaname would be a secondary character, whose purpose was to serve as one of the reasons for Aya’s misfortune. I think that Kaname being first shown as a ''secondary character'' made people be quick to judge and hate him.
2. Trajectory & development through the manga
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From the beginning we see that Kaname looks and behaves like a kind, polite boy, which is obviously a facade. He is in fact manipulative and cruel, and he hits and belittles his sister Aya every day. Why does he beat her? Well, it's said that it's to relieve stress, but I'm pretty sure that this isn't the only reason. There are a million other ways to relieve stress other than this one. First of all, Aya is weak and can't speak up. Even if she did, her parents wouldn't believe her, since Kaname is a cheerful and good boy who obeys all of their orders with a smile; the complete opposite from her, in the outside at least. Kaname tends to feel superior to others and enjoys that superiority, so beating someone like Aya boosts this. This is also the main reason behind general real life bullying too, and Kaname's treatment towards Aya is pretty similar. Also, since Kaname works hard and studies every day, while Aya doesn't, he thinks that it is unfair and that she has to pay for it enduring the pain. While he is totally wrong at this, I can understand his feelings because he works very hard and gets beaten because of a 98 in an exam, while no matter what Aya does or where she is her parents don't care. It IS unfair, for both of them, and the amount of pressure Kaname goes through is by no means normal. 
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At chapter 12 we get a bit more of introspection in Kaname’s mentality. Basically, more proof of his misanthropy and sociopathy, combined with his narcissism. These three make an awful combination, honestly. Kaname Asagiri is elite, and he's praised constantly by teachers, family and classmates, and he truly believes himself to be superior to all of them by far. To the point of coming to the conclusion that everyone else is worthless.
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However, what is Kaname’s conception of ‘’worth’’? Meaning, what makes a person worthy by his standards? What qualities does a person need to not be ‘’shit’’?
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Incompetent and dumb people are shit for him, so people who aren’t intelligent are out. Which is a rather common idea, especially for (obviously) smart people, including historical figures, and especifically many ancient greek philosophers.
People who are shallow on the inside and superficial people are also shit for him — which is interesting because in the Mahou Shoujo Site universe there’s a lot of people like this. No need to even mention Nijimi, but their city seems to be full of this kind of people.
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Weak, cowardly and unrealistic people are shit too, which adds weight to his hate against Aya. His sister has all of those characteristics, so even if Kaname’s abuse is of course too much, his hate for her makes sense with his general mentality.
However, some pages later all of this is reduced to a single sentence.
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All of the qualities that defines somebody’s worth for Kaname are not important anymore when it comes to his mother: He loves her because she’s nice to him. This quote is so simple and almost child-like that it makes a great gap with the rest of Kaname’s inner monologue in the chapter, but not without a reason. Despite of Kaname's way of thinking, the only thing he truly needed was someone to be nice and understanding to him, and that person was his mother. She is the only truly gentle person with him, who doesn't love him by his looks or intelligence but for who he is, and Kaname is grateful for this and likes her back. Plus, he knows that she's a victim to his father's abuse too, so he might feel empathy towards her in this regard.
Moving on, let’s go to Nijimi and their relationship. Nijimi is 14 years old and, being so young, she would obviously fall for a handsome, older boy. However, Nijimi is not a perfect character like the fandom likes to think. She is mentally ill too, and she explicitly said that she wanted to kill Aya quite a few times for hiding things from her. Yes, she had good reasons, but that doesn't change the fact that Nijimi is insane too and not perfect and pure. And thinking objectively it's logical that Kaname would take profit of her. I mean, Nijimi is crazy for him, would do anything for him, and from his eyes she’s just a dumb teenager who can easily be manipulated. It was intelligent from Kaname to use her considering his goals.
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Next, let’s go to Naoto's death. This time, Kaname only defended himself, as Naoto wanted to kill him in the first place, and he took the chance to test his new powers too. Yes, maybe Kaname went overboard and this chapter shows just how crazy he is, but it is logical, and he had already had many thoughts of wanting Naoto to die, since by his standards, Naoto is a completely worthless person.
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Kaname doesn't feel remorse at all after killing Naoto. This is a typical feature of sociopaths, and it also makes sense because Naoto is a worthless person by his standards. 
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Aya, after seeing how Kaname ordered Naoto to die, tried to hide it because she didn't want her friends to kill Kaname. Honestly I know that Aya is like this, but it’s so confusing. Even if he is her brother, he is a really horrible person who hurts her and threatens her day after day. Wanting to protect him is stupid. Later we learn that Aya was aware of Kaname’s stress and the fact that he received abuse from his father, which only makes it more weird. Think about it: she knew about this and yet never tried to help Kaname, only quietly receiving the abuse. And yet she tries to help Kaname here? And yet, in chapter 40, she says that she will never forgive him, when it was pretty obvious that he wasn’t going to use the powers for a good cause. Pretty inconsistent of her, but we will leave it aside, as we will talk more about it later.
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Moving to the part in which Kaname shows his true self to Nijimi for the first time, in her apartment (chapter 259. Even after Kaname told Nijimi that he was only using her, Nijimi tried to deny by all ways that he didn't need her anymore and say that she would do anything for him. Knowing that he manipulated her and sealing her later fate. 
Also I'd like to point how Kaname doesn't care about losing lifespan because of the stick. First of all, Kaname is not happy. He never is truly happy through the entire manga except from the last chapter, but he thinks that gaining power and controlling others can become happiness. Because the control his father puts on him brings him unhappiness, he believes that if he is the one in control instead, he would be happy. And in fact, the scenes where he laughs most and seems to have more fun is when he is controlling someone through the stick.
Let's talk about Nijimi's death. Kaname first of all tries to gather all the sticks. He wants even more power. When Kiyoharu explains to Nijimi all about Kaname, she decides to kill him. She doesn't even listen to Kiyoharu anymore since the anger took over her senses, which is absolutely logical but also the reason why she died. And again, Kaname defended himself when killing her. Yes, there where a million other ways to stop her, but he was clearly surprised and reacted as he could in the little time he had. Kaname didn't even know all about the Mahou Shoujo Site yet so maybe he didn't want to risk his life in learning if Nijimi had a way to kill him or not. 
Just before dying, Nijimi attacked Kaname one last time, cutting his throat (honestly the fact that Kaname survived to that makes me lose my mind but this is Mahou Shoujo Site we're talking about). This has many interpretations and maybe it doesn't hold any deep meaning but I like to think that it does. Of course, she was trying to aim a fatal blow so aimed for his neck, but it also makes me think that  Nijimi wanted to shut Kaname for good. She didn't want to hear those words coming out from his mouth; to aknowledge that she had been used by him. 
For Kaname, not being able to speak becomes a real shock and he looses his cool completely. He hates losing his freedom and this is shown through all the manga. Because of his father, he can't stand being controlled and he hates to be deprived from anything. His thinkings about being God also intensify here. Him believing that he's God is honestly a very interesting feature from my point of view, showing that he really wants and does feel superior from others. 
Next is Kaname and Misumi arc. Misumi raped Kaname just because he likes to rape younger boys. That's all the reason or explanation we got, and he didn't just rape him. He confined him, treated him poorly, to the point that Kaname got to call him Master and treat him with respect. The same Kaname who thought of himself as a God. The same Kaname who called all the rest of humans meats with no brains. To see such an arrogant and prideful character in such a pitiful and horrible state is really shocking. Not even Kaname deserved this.
But this is Kaname we are talking about, and there's no way he would just accept the situation and follow Misumi's will like that. Maybe he was waiting for the best chance but after some time, he finally decides to kill Misumi and steals his fork to attack him. Being able to want to break free even in that situation is frankly incredible and his will to survive while also taking revenge is amazing. He was even able to think about it thoroughly and come with a plan, which little people could do if they were in his place.
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After finally escaping and going to the hospital, Kaname starts behaving strangely docile due to the traumatic experience, and calm Kaname acts, even when talking to Nana and getting angry he doesn't shout or anything, which he would do in normal conditions.
What’s the first thing Kaname gets once he goes home? His father saying that he must study hard to recover the lost time. This shows just how obsessed his dad is with Kaname making it to the Tokyo university because it's his frustrated dream.  Kaname warns him about someone being after them and the father hits him on the face when Kaname literally has a bullet injury. It’s so messed up.
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The admins enter the home and what does Kaname's father do? Order him to study. Priorities are priorities: studying goes first, living is second. And as soon as Kaname is free from his control, he punches him to death, which with all honestity is understandable. 
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Later, when Aya tells him that she endured the pain so that Kaname wouldn't mentally break, Kaname yells to her saying that he doesn't want any pity. He probably felt like she was looking down on him, and can't understand why she would protect him with all the things he did. This is where Kaname starts truly developing as a character.
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There’s many scenes in which we can appreciate Kaname’s development from there on. The next time Asahi tells Kaname to shut up, he doesn't talk back or punch her, which is something he'd totally do (and actually did) a couple episodes before. This is already a change. Maybe not a big one, but it's a first step.
When his mother becomes sperm (haha) he totally loses it and starts yelling. He shows anger instead of sadness because that's just how he is used to show his emotions, because he’s never been allowed to show his emotions in any other way, and also because he couldn’t stand looking vulnerable. His mother was the only person who treated him truly well and the only person he could love.
Kaname cooperates with Aya's friends and Nana to recover his mother and save the world, even lying to give Aya an opportunity to use her stick. This is too a very big change on his character. He is willing to lose all of his lifespan to save his mother and the world, and even casted a spell on Aya so that she couldn't end up being the only one unhappy. 
And finally, jumping tothe final episode, Kaname's development is fully shown. He shows his very first true smile, his very first free and happy expression.
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He goes to the beach with Aya and her friends. He smiles to his parents. His father tells him to relax out there and Kaname replies with a smile. He doesn't hide his emotions anymore. He doesn't lie. He doesn't smile fake nor obey to everything his father says.  Usually, characters like him end up either dead or shown as the worst people ever, but Kaname doesn't. He has a proper development and has the final he deserves.
In the anime is much harder to come to like him, which is normal since in the anime we don't see so much of his backstory and his development, while in the manga we got lots of it. 
3. Additional info and symbolisms
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I want to talk about is Kaname's name. Asagiri means morning fog/mist. Mist (霧) is supposed to cover or hide something, in this case the morning (朝). Every morning is said to be a new beginning and a new hope. Morning depicts brightness, freshness, new beginning, new opportunities, freedom, new hope and transformations. This is exactly what Kaname needed through all his life, and didn't have. He didn't have freedom, he didn't have brightness. Anyhow, morning is meant to represent something bright and light, totally contrary to Kaname. That's why the mist in his name hides the brightness. Because there is some brightness inside Kaname as shown in the end of the manga, but it remains hidden due to his father's abuse.
Later, it's revealed that Aya isn't Kaname's real sister, and thus her real family name isn't Asagiri. Aya in this part of the manga, after learning that Yatsumura is her sister and getting over her death, crying for the first time since long, seems to fit the meaning of morning and a new beginning. That's why she isn't an Asagiri; she can't allow mist (Kaname and her bullies in her case) to hide her morning, and thus forgives Kaname and Sarina to find her path and hope.
In the end of the manga, when Kaname finally gets rid of his problems and makes friends and also smiles to his family, the Asagiri name in the door frame is zoomed. And in this scene it's morning and the sun shines upon Kaname. This definitely means something, as Kaname finally found his new opportunity and freedom.
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Kaname, on the other hand, means keystone. He is the center; the mechanism that makes it all work. Just as he saved the world in the end and how he is the main "antagonist". Kaname can also mean need, main point or pivot. Kaname may not be the main character nor the main villain, but he is a vital character for the plot.
Next, spades, which are the symbols of Nijimi’s stick, represent nobility and are a symbol of elite— that elite which Kaname is, and that superiority he wants to achieve.
And lastly, the color blue that is very representative of Kaname, symbolizes power, freedom and elegance. Power and freedom are characteristics that really fit him and his whole character. The power and freedom he wanted but that was forbidden for him, until the end in which he could finally find it.
Thanks for reading!
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sea-owl · 3 years
So I fell back into winx club again (s1-3 plus the movie, we recognize nothing else past that on this blog) and like I just have headcannons I've been wanting to share forever on Domino and a sorta Domino raised Bloom/an au specifically.
First before I get into it I honestly believe Bloom shared traits with the people of Domino but because every adult thought Domino and it's people were gone they just didn't put two and two together. After every person who knew Bloom before were like "You know that makes sense."
(Also how the hell did they make Domino disappear from everyone's mind in less than one generation? Even with the whole planet gone you can not convice me that there weren't others from Domino who just happened to move and not to add into the the possible relgion aspect of Domino. Which leads into my next point)
Domino would have been in my mind a sacred realm to those who worshipped/believed/celebrated the Great Dragon and the Dragon's Flame/Fire/Spark. Many would make pilgrimages to Domino like people on Earth do to Jerusalem.
Domino's royal family also always had at least two children, one to rule politically, and the other to be the spiritual leader. The spiritual leader would be the one with the strongest connection to the Dragon's Flame or the chosen host of the Great Dragon. They would hold that position until they died. Due to wanting to keep this within Domino the spiritual leader didn't often get married or if they did they had a long distance marriage. They didn't have to be celibate though, creating new life would be a big thing for them.
Domino used to be an absolute monarchy but over time has given power to a ruling government that can make decisions without the monarch, but the monarch still is the leader.
Dominions tend to have some dragon traits, though they don't always mean to do it. One of these being growling. They have different growls for different emotions. (This totally came from the realization on how much Bloom growls in the show.)
They also have a great relationship with dragons because they can communicate with them.
Traditional Domino dress uses shedded dragon scales sewn into the fabric or made into jewelry. The royal family's crowns imitate a dragon's horns.
Domino produces some of the most wizards, witches, fairies, and any other bame you can think of for a magic user due to Domino being the home of the Grear Dragon.
Most magic useing Dominions specialize in fire but they all have the ability to learn any type of magic in the natural world. This is due to the fact the magic to creat Domino was progenitor magic.
Onto Domino raised Bloom/an au that never left my head as a child.
In my mind the attack on Domino still happened but Domino went completely isolated after to recover/accidentally just letting everyone think they died
This was a decision made with in mind that one of their biggest allies had turned on them and they don't know why.
For the first 10 years of her life Bloom was taken to Earth with Daphne to hide while their parents made sure everything was safe enough for the girls to resume/start their training.
There they met Mike and Vanessa Peters who become like second parents to Bloom. (Or Vanessa is Oritel's sister who married an man from Earth and Oritel sent his kids there during those first years to protect them. Idk how I want to incorporate Vanessa and Mike yet)
Bloom is still the host to the Dragon's Flame so she's being trained early to be the spiritual leader, something her people desperately needs and the postion mother temporarily held during the war. She's trained by her mother and the priestesses of the Great Dragon.
She's still Bloom though she's still curious about everything and always dtf (down to fight). It's just worse now cause baby is more feral with just being around dragons more than people.
When 3 year old Bloom managed to convince a dragon to let her ride on it while flying Oritel and Miriam knew they were in trouble.
Bloom does have a need to help her people though and goes to them herself helping anyway she can.
This includes Bloom leaving Domino to go to Alfea.
It was a decision that weighed on Bloom for a long time. And it started by a comment Daphne unintentionally made. "We have to open Domino up again eventually. Let all the other realms know we're still here. But are we ready for it?"
Bloom took that to heart, she knew she wasn't ready but she was supposed to help her people through something like this, when everyone would be nervous and one wrong word could create mass hysteria.
Bloom remembers the school her sister and mother talked about fondly, how princesses and fairies from all different realms went. She remembers Daphne said it was good practice for diplomatic relationships.
"I want to go to Alfea," Bloom will announce one night.
Her family seems hesitant on letting her go.
"We have to open Domino back up eventually," Bloom reasons. "Let me start."
Oritel and Miriam agree and Bloom is on her way to the school.
She is not ready for the culture shock.
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okeydrama · 3 years
every drama i’ve seen so far pt.3
record of youth
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so beautiful & aesthetically pleasing
very lighthearted, like a slice of life more than a melodrama
Park Bo Gum <3
both male leads are super cute, I liked how they were both just nice
subverts a lot of traditional drama tropes, it didn’t feel as predictable as other dramas
there was a lot of cute scenes between the leads that made the romance very believable
it was easy to watch until the end, I didn’t really lose interest very often
the leads and most of the side characters were very flushed out in their motivations, dreams and purposes
it’s just so cute
I took a star off because of a few unnecessary scenes, plots and twists but they were not that bad
weightlifting fairy Kim Bok-joo
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wow wow wow
this is one of the most iconic dramas i’ve ever seen
this is a friends to lovers drama which is not something we see often
the leads have so much chemistry and it makes sense that they dated in real life
the female lead is not traditionally feminine and it is so refreshing
the male lead is also not traditionally masculine and it makes him really likeable
the drama itself is hilarious and has many quotable sayings
the characters in this drama also have really flushed out motivations
the found family is iconic
the pacing of this drama was well done
the love triangle was interesting because you don’t necessarily root for her with the second lead but it is realistic portrayal of a teen girl’s coming of age
i just loved all aspects of this drama
true beauty
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another one of my FAV dramas of all time
i was very hesitant about this drama because of the premise and not absolutely loving the webtoon but i gave it a chance and i absolutely don’t regret it
the pacing, energy, tone and aesthetics of this drama were not only consistent but were SO incredible
i had heavy second lead syndrome the entire time but unlike usual, i still loved the main lead and was fully invested in both leads scenes with the female lead
besides the main leads, the side characters were just as incredible
the secondary romance with the female lead’s sister was so cute!!! i genuinely watch an entire drama of just their romance
the female lead’s brother’s romance was engaging as well
unexpectedly, i cried because of this drama which, trust me, i never do and it was because of the incredible representation of mother daughter relationships
the message of this drama was misrepresented in my opinion and is much better than its portrayal
my only complaints are that the horror comic aspect of this drama should have been played up and that the bullying and addressing of bullying could have been touched on more or at least better
love alarm S2
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this was very much a waste of my time
i think i’ve outgrown this story honestly because i was not at all invested in this season
basically, i love that she didn’t end up with the first season’s main lead, i think the person she ended up with was more suited to her and will treat her better
i also liked the maturity of this season compared to the last
the last thing liked was the sweetness of the romance
that being said, this is was mind bogglingly boring to me
the side plots and messages were unnecessary and took up too much airtime
the romance was also unnecessarily drawn out
the tone of this season was completely different than the last and it was a negative change in my opinion
the slow pace, drama and characters were not engaging
this was extremely dramatic and whimsical and it didn’t work for me in this story
yeah... just generally not a fav
reply 1988
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i have never ever seen anything like this
this is the perfect show, like absolutely perfect
the depictions of familial, platonic and romantic relationships was PERFECT
the nostalgic vibe of this setting was incredible
the settings, wardrobes, objects and events were so well done
never has a show so perfectly invested me in every single character’s story while having so many characters
when i tell you i watched this entire thing in 2 days despite its length, i am not joking
i could not look away or think about anything else for the entirety of watching it and for a week after
there is an element of mystery with who the female lead ands up with and i was personally VERY happy with the result
another drama that i cried watching MULTIPLE times
the representation of different families, romances and personalities was incredible
there were so many scenes that were placed in that were not related to the plot and that was perfect because it was like we were watching their daily lives and interactions and made the watcher love the characters so much more
it is such a sweet, low stakes watch and such a slice of life story
some of my favorite plots: the father daughter relationship, the single-father son relationship, the single-mother son relationship, the protest storyline, the smart-mean-girl nice-good-boy love story, the moments over time create love, the first crush story, the working-mom son relationship, the found family group, the not knowing what the future holds and SO MANY MORE
reply 1997
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i obviously had to watch another show in the reply series
i also LOVED this one
this was more focused on just the kids in the families rather than the families as a whole
the romances were so cute in this drama, and there were more romantic scenes compared to 1988, which i loved
the stan culture depiction in this drama was so interesting and fun to watch
i can’t express how much i loved that she was a kpop stan like it was so entertaining
this felt like a really good depiction of high school and how high schoolers are
i loved the vide of this drama too, the high school and concert setting were very immersive and comforting
the main lead’s romance was SO cute and i fully developed a crush on the male lead
it really felt like i was in 1997 Korea and it was so nice
the gay character representation!!!!! like this is HUGE for a kdrama and especially one set in 2012
I LOVED the female lead, she was so cool
the characters’ growths were so good and well done just wow
i will say that 1988 was better because of the elevation of the familial bonds and the general plot connections but the romances of this one were a lot more developed simply because there were so many scenes
they tried to do a mystery ‘who does the female lead end up with’ but it was very predictable compared to in 1988
hands down another favorite of mine
love in the moonlight
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this was a hard one to rate
the romance for me is a 5/5 but the rating went down for a lot of reasons
firstly, i’m a huge fan of sageuk and this drama was a perfect one
Park Bo Gum <3
i think the leads ahead a lot of chemistry
i loved the side characters a lot, and especially the female lead’s friendships with them
the settings and aesthetics were A1
the banter was great
the plot was great and believable
the reason i had to lower my rating comes down to few minor issues that compiled so much that it hindered my enjoyment
the first issue i had is that here were SO many third act conflicts like waaaayy too many
the characters got together way too early so you can tell the writers created a bunch of issues to keep them apart and it could have been avoided if they hadn’t done that
the plot started imposing too much on the main storyline towards the end and i didn’t love that
the second lead was good compared to how they’re usually written so it was extremely bothersome that the love triangle wasn’t made believable, not once did i believe the female lead had any romantic feelings toward him
just generally the individual aspects of this drama were very good but when combined it was all over the place and not cohesive
anyway that’s the update, if anyone has any recommendations for me, please let me know. thanks for reading!
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bittermuire · 4 years
A (long) analysis of Azriel,
+ a bit of discussion about Gwynriel vs. Elriel at the end.
Lately I’ve seen much discussion surrounding Azriel, and there seems to be a lot of hazy gray area. We know he has a terrible past, carries a lot of trauma, is both mentally and physically scarred, and has disturbingly possessive habits. But why? That’s the question.
I think most of Azriel’s character can be filtered into three sections: his anger, his possessiveness, and his self-loathing. Altogether I believe these form his crippling sense of emotional immaturity, which ultimately shines through most every action he makes in the books.
So yes, I firmly believe Az is a child in the body of a 500 year old Fae. But is he treated as such? No. No, he is not. In fact, he’s treated as the exact opposite, and that can’t be doing wonders for his mental health (which is already in shambles. Off to a cheery start.)
Let’s take a look at his past. He was both mentally and physically abused for the majority of his childhood. Then he was thrown into an unforgiving culture that both mentally and physically abused him as well. Then he was essentially bullied by Cassian and Rhysand for quite a while... until they randomly decided to like him, which is a choice he didn’t seem to play a hand in. And then he became a professional torturer. All the while falling madly in love and becoming obsessed with a female who can’t love him back. Not to mention he’s been ostracized his entire life.
(One big thing though, that I’m going to reference frequently, is Azriel’s constant chase of “happiness.” Kind of like my friends with ADHD. We squeeze all the serotonin we can get out of one thing and then fall into a listless, depressed haze until we find another. I honestly think Azriel does the same thing with people--he latches onto them and lets his mood swings rely on how much attention they do or do not pay him, and whether it is positive or negative.)
So I’m going to go through his relationships with pivotal characters and try to explain what I think is really going on with Azriel.
Regarding Mor:
He was obsessed with her for most of his life. He was incredibly possessive of her and fell instantly in love upon seeing her. Do I think it was love? No. But does Azriel think it was love? Yes, and that is so important. It shows how desperate he was for human connection.
This “love” spiraled into centuries-long obsession that we’ve all seen play out throughout the series. But why is it obsession, and not love? Well, I’m going to go ahead and say that Azriel doesn’t know how to love. He’s never been shown genuine love and so he doesn’t know how to show it to others in the way he intends. He’s basically a baby.
But right after he falls head over heels, Mor sleeps with Cassian, and then Cassian plays the role of the buffer between the two of them all the way up until the events of ACOSF. This is where I think Azriel’s anger comes into play. He can’t get to Mor. His best friend, his brother, is blocking him from her. He can’t touch her, love her, feel her, and he’s so desperate to. But he literally has no way to communicate it because he doesn’t know how, and so he responds in the one way he’s able: anger. And jealousy. And intense protectiveness that eventually begins to translate as possessiveness.
Again, he lets his happiness rely on Mor because he can’t make himself happy, and so his lack of emotional maturity ends up revealing him as desperate and unable to communicate his feelings of inadequacy and frustration. I’m not trying to justify his behavior, not at all. But I think this could be a decent explanation.
Regarding Cassian and Rhysand:
I mean... I kind of hate the way these two have treated Azriel. They all have their fair share of trauma, but Cassian and Rhys also bullied him and ostracized him, and then basically said, “Oh, we like you now.” Which completely leaves Azriel in the dark as to where he stands with them, and strips him of awareness regarding how his friendships with them will operate.
And then he becomes the head of espionage for the Night Court, which involves lots and lots of torture. What kind of message does that send? You’ve seen dirty things, Az, so you don’t mind doing the rest of the dirty things for us, right? That’s the only real message I can get from this. Which then plants the message in Azriel’s head of: Not only do I do dirty things, I myself am a dirty, disgusting thing. Thus, furthering his already deep-seated sense of self-loathing.
Plus, the IC generally operates with a pack-like mindset. One person’s method of healing is everyone’s method of healing. It worked for one person, so it worked for everyone. It’s a very naive mindset, and very toxic as well, so it’s not surprising that literally everyone in the IC is colossally messed up despite preaching themselves as having overcome their demons.
So Azriel never really gets to understand himself and mature as a person. He’s stuck pretending to be perfectly fine underneath Rhysand’s oh-so-benevolent and compassionate hand. Rhysand and Cassian recognize Az as being a little... odd, by seeming to think things like “he’s the quiet one” and “he’s the serious, scary one.” But do they attempt to understand him? No. They leave him to his own devices and let him figure it out himself.
That’s the issue. He’s not ever going to figure it out himself, so long as he’s surrounded by the people who’ve been unwittingly suffocating him for most of his life.
Regarding Elain:
Azriel’s infatuation with Elain, in my opinion, comes as a direct result of his detachment from Mor. Just like one hyperfixation fades quickly from an all-consuming thing to a passing thought, Azriel has shifted from one obsession to the next, in order to keep his spirits on a high.
But I think his feelings for Elain reveal a lot of what Mor did not. Why does he view Elain as so holy compared to him? Why is he so hesitant to touch her? Why does he put her on such a pedestal? That’s his self-loathing coming through again. He hates himself so much that he has to place her above him.
He wants to touch her and love her, just as he did with Mor, but again he is unable. It's a repeating pattern that he can’t get himself out of.
Let’s also look at the way Elain and Azriel’s friendship/relationship began. He had to take care of her, and treat her with utmost respect. She looked at his scars or his siphons, both monstrous looking things, and called them beautiful. Let’s remember that he’s basically a child who’s rarely known genuine love. The minute he gets a glimpse of it, he’s going to grab it by the neck and crush it to his chest. Plus, the fact that she’s the last sister left unattached and he’s the last brother left unattached is probably even more convincing for him that he and Elain are meant for each other. When he’s denied this love that’s come nearly close enough to grab, he responds in the only way he’s able: anger. And jealousy. Just like he did with Mor.
But moving on, that glimpse of potential love comes from Elain. That’s why he’s able to let go of Mor; a relationship with Elain suddenly becomes possible. He’s terrified of ruining this potential love and is incredibly drawn to her all the same. Best of all? She wants him too.
BUT. Azriel knows how fragile Elain is, so he walks on glass around her, coddling her, putting her first like he’s put everyone else first since being a part of the IC. I think he wants to save her from becoming like him. He essentially plays the role of her white knight, entirely losing his sense of self-preservation (not that he ever had one), and thus loses any chance of letting Elain help him mature in return.
Regarding Gwyn:
Now, Gwyn is a different story.
We know Azriel likes her. Maybe not in a consciously romantic way, but he likes her. She makes him smile and laugh, and he finds her amusing. He doesn’t have to walk on eggshells around her.
The big thing, I think, is that he doesn’t have to take care of her. At least, I think that’s what makes him so comfortable around her. With Gwyn, he can relax, and he doesn’t have to watch every move he makes. She treats him like a regular person and he treats her similarly.
Now, is it a bad thing that he doesn’t put her on a saint-like pedestal like he does Elain? No. Definitely not. I think this ordinary friendship signals a much healthier relationship than his festering obsession with Elain. Gwyn simply being his friend and not someone that he feels he has to be perfect for is a good foundation for Azriel growing as a person.
Gwynriel vs. Elriel (the necklace):
Honestly, I’m scared for whatever SJM decides to do, because Azriel has a shitload of trauma to move past and years worth of emotional growth needed before he can be a steady partner in a relationship. Both Gwyn and Elain’s character arcs are definitely not finished and so I think that no matter which way his narrative goes, it’s going to be disappointing in some aspect or another, unfortunately. I don’t think that either one of the females’ arcs really fit well with Azriel’s.
But I’m going to take a closer look at the necklace, because I think it’s a telling narrative point.
For Azriel, the necklace for Elain and Gwyn herself, are both “thing[s] of secret, lovely beauty” to him.
By describing the necklace for Elain as such (instead of Elain herself), Azriel unconsciously reveals his more idealistic view of Elain rather than his love for Elain herself. I kind of get the sense of Azriel giving offerings to a goddess, or something like that. He seems to be more preoccupied with appeasing Elain than actually loving her.
Now, this probably comes from, again, his self-loathing and his emotional immaturity. I’m just repeating myself at this point. He doesn’t know how to love himself and he doesn’t know how to love anyone else.
But then he describes Gwyn as such. Gwyn, the person. In my opinion, this demonstrates a potentially much healthier relationship than what he has with Elain. Azriel, instead of wanting to be perfect for Gwyn and wanting to appease her, is simply made happy by the thought of her. It is Gwyn whom he is taken with, not the idea of Gwyn loving him. And so that takes off so much pressure for him, and introduces the hope that he might be able to mature as a person in a friendship or romantic relationship with Gwyn.
Closing thoughts:
Azriel is a blundering, hormonal child desperate for love with no idea of how to get it, in a 500 year old Fae’s body. He’s also surrounded by people who refuse to address his clear issues... his future’s pretty dim, and I think he realizes it. Which is why whoever SJM chooses to be his romantic interest is going to be very important.
In short, I’m scared for what’s to come. But fingers crossed that his incredibly complex character is done justice.
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dmsden · 3 years
Dipping in Your Toes - Starting out in roleplaying
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Hullo, Gentle Readers. This week’s Question from a Denizen comes to us from sleepy-magpie. They ask, “Hi Andy! Just found your blog while prepping my next campaign. Question: I have a player having difficulty with the role play aspect of DnD. Contex: I've know them for a long time and we get along great. They seem to have a a hard time relaxing. They really want to play and show excitement for it, but when it comes to being their character and not just someone playing the game to beat it; they struggle. How can I help them? Thanks! :)”
Hey, magpie. Glad you're enjoying the blog. I think we can all sympathize with your friend. We were all new to role-playing once, and I'm sure we all came to it with varying degrees of ease. For me, it was simple. I was super into theater and acting, and I used to play all kinds of make-believe games when I was little, so RP was second-nature to me. I know I had plenty of friends who had difficulty with it, and some who still struggle with it to this day.
I think the best way to help someone is to not make a big deal out of it. I wrote an article a ways back called “Role-playing, Not Acting”. You can look it up, but the gist of it is this: it's a role-playing game, not an acting game. You don't need to put on funny accents, call everyone “Sirrah”, or know every bit of in-game lore in order to play. All you need to do is to give some thought to your character's motivations vs your own.
I would reassure your friend that you want them to play, and you don't want them to feel pressured to do anything they feel is embarrassing or awkward. If they want to say, “My character does X” or “My character says X”, then you should encourage them by telling them that you're completely fine with that. Not everyone is going to suddenly develop a specific voice for their character, or be comfortable with more intense RP right off the bat.
During character creation, work with them to create personality traits, bonds, ideals, and flaws that they find interesting or compelling. During a game, ask them questions related to these. “John, I know Alturan has a fear of snakes. How's he feeling when confronted by these yuan-ti?” “The drow are marching their prisoners along the tunnel. John, given that Alturan has pledged to see justice for the people of the barony, how is he feeling about seeing them in chains?” Asking questions like this can help your player start to think about how their character is thinking or feeling without forcing them to act out a scene.
You might be tempted to throw a spotlight on this player, in some kind of “throw them into the deep end and let them learn to swim” scenario, but I strongly advise against it. If you have a cool idea for a storyline that would focus on the new RPer, talk to them out of game about it. Listen to what they say about their comfort level, but also listen to how they say it. They might say they're okay with it, not wanting to disappoint you, but they might honestly feel awkward about the whole thing.
You can always offer a shared spotlight. If you have an idea for a cool story, and you don't want the new RPer to be totally overwhelmed, think of how it could also shine a spotlight on someone more experienced. The new player might find it easier if another player draws them into the spotlight with them. For example, if the new player mentions a missing sister, and another player has a missing uncle, maybe they were both taken by the same cult to be victims at a sacrifice to Tharizdun. This gives both characters a strong motivation to be involved, and the more experienced character is likely to coax the newer one along very naturally.
In the end, the most important thing to be is supportive of your new player. If you enjoy playing with them, and they're having a good time, then it doesn't matter how much RP they are or aren't doing. Everyone plays the game different; some folks are never going to be very intense RPers, and that's okay.
I hope this helps, magpie. Give your new player some space, and they may blossom...or they may not. Either way, if everyone's having fun, it's all good.
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pyreo · 3 years
deltarune megapost
I wanted to make a Deltarune post about the lore and the things that aren’t  obvious. And once I do that I wanna focus on why Mettaton is incredibly important to this setting
And also why he poses a problem
Why did Toriel and Asgore get divorced?
Without the setting of Undertale, Asgore and Toriel’s marriage still broke up after they had Asriel. There needs to be a reason though. In UT it was Asgore’s ‘worst of both worlds’ decision regarding killing anybody that fell from the human world, including children. We saw how close they were before this happened. Only something deep and serious caused that rift. In Deltarune, what on earth did Asgore do?
What happened to Dess?
Mentioned a handful of times by Noelle, Dess was her older sister and is mentioned In Undertale.... in that Xbox exclusing casino thing. The way Noelle talks about her, the conspicuous way Noelle gets locked out of her big house - it implies Dess is gone or deceased. Berdly recalls a spelling bee when he and Noelle were younger where she, despite being smarter than him, misspelled ‘December’, allowing him to win.
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In the two-player spelling puzzle, it also spells out ‘December’ as Noelle recalls the past and her silhouette regresses to a child while she does so. Being distracted by her sister’s disappearance, rather than pure shyness, could account for her misspelling her name on stage, and it clearly left a big psychological mark for her to have this visual regression in the Dark World.
However, there’s a graveyard in Hometown with no Dess. I heard another theory that she has been missing for years, because where each character’s personal room is made by Queen to reflect their tastes via their search results, Noelle has a calendar where every day is December 25th. This could imply that Noelle continually searches the internet for ‘December Holiday’, her sister’s name, to see if there are clues to her disappearance, but of course the only result you would get is the date of Christmas.
Who is the Knight?
It’s now implied to be Kris, who has been forcibly removing the player’s influence to act on their own. By all accounts the Knight is the game’s main antagonist. Spade King and Queen both mention the Knight as someone who influenced their position - they brought Spade King to absolute power, and showed Queen that creation of new worlds was possible.
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We’re led to believe that Kris was doing this, because they’ve been acting outside of the player’s control. Eating the entire pie between chapter 1 and 2 might have been a red herring to cover that they also went to the library and used that knife to slash open a dark fountain there.
However. This has issues. How would they even manage to shuffle slowly all the way to the library and get in the computer lab? The Knight is also the one creating the hidden bosses. They talked to Jevil until he realised he was in a game and he lost his mind; they ruined Spamton’s life by elevating him to success and then crushing him. Whatever the Knight is doing seems to be deliberately planned with key players in mind.
Kris opening the fountain at home at the end of ch.2 can be explained in that you just figured out in Cyber World that anyone determined enough can do this, and so, Kris decided to. So a better question might even be...
What does Kris want?
We have no idea. They are capable of removing the SOUL, ‘us’, temporarily, and putting things in motion we cannot influence. But they also keep putting us back in control afterward. This is hinted at right when ch.2 starts, where if you inspect the cage in Kris’s bedroom they threw us into, the description says it’s inescapable. Meaning Kris came back and took us out, willingly.
They allow us to pilot them through the game. Why? Because they cannot live without the SOUL for long for some reason? Because they’re bad at bullet hell? Why did they slash Toriel’s tyres before opening the fountain, making sure nobody could drive away?? Why did they specifically open the door?
You can find out details about Kris through the creepy way you interact with the townsfolk, who think you are Kris. They play the piano at the hospital waiting room - better than you. They used to go to church just to get the special church juice. It’s all normal, relatable things, not like someone who’s trying to plunge the world into darkness. Judging by their search history portrayed in their Queen’s castle room, they really want to see their brother again. However the castle has a room based on Asriel’s search history too, and Kris (not you) closes their eyes and won’t look at it.
What is Ralsei?
His name is an anagram of Asriel. Is he an extension of Asriel? The slightly flirtier dialogue in ch.2 would point to no. Is he an extension of Kris themselves, given the link between Kris’s childhood habit of wearing a headband with red horns on it, to pretend to be a monster like their family?
Ralsei knows exactly where the Dark World in the school is located, and unlike regular Darkners, knows the world is folded up inside the ‘real world’. There’s a certain whiplash to Ralsei telling you to hop out of his reality into yours and go down the hallway to retrieve all the board game items.
How does he jump from one Dark World to another, without assistance? How does he not get petrified like Lancer and Rouxls? Is this a power level thing because he’s a prince or something else? We definitely do not know enough about Ralsei.
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He also says this incredibly suspicious thing after you spare Spamton NEO. Susie was also curious but accepts that maybe it ‘didn’t mean anything’, which is a sure tell that these optional bosses do mean something.
Someone is orchestrating what’s happening, opening fountains, manipulating the rulers, and influencing NPCs to become the optional bosses. Why? I suspect Ralsei for both knowing too much, and pretending something doesn’t matter when it clearly does. Until Asriel actually comes home from college I’m going to suspect he’s involved in this too.
How much does Seam know?
Seam on the other hand knows a lot about what’s going on but is openly withholding information while helping you. He’s nihilistic. He says things like:
One day soon... You too, will begin to realize the futility of your actions. Ha ha ha... At that time, feel free to come back here. I'll make you tea... And we can toast... to the end of the world!
Either this ‘end of the world’ is a reference to The Roaring, where opening too many dark fountains dooms the Dark World and the real one... or, I can’t get out of my head the idea that Deltarune takes place in a fake, or weird reconstruction of Undertale where things don’t match up, and eventually it will have to disappear. After all, powers of determination and creating and manipulating universes are Undertale’s basic bread and butter. How can we look at an Alternate Universe containing the characters we already know and not suspect that? Seam also uses Gaster’s key words, ‘darker, yet darker’, seemingly to clue us in that he’s not off track here.
Why haven’t we seen Papyrus?
This is a bright neon flashing ‘something’s not right’ sign. It’s not like Papyrus’s voice actor was too busy or anything. His absence is noticable and for a reason. Nice of Sans to promise we could meet him despite being aware we’re piloting a child’s body around, though, even if he didn’t follow through.
What locations in town could be used for dark fountains in the next 4 chapters?
If the sequence continues, we have chapter 1 in the school games room, chapter 2 in a computer lab, and chapter 3 in front of Kris’s television, where the aesthetic of each setting influences the world, characters, and enemies in the Dark World created there. Future possibilities include the church, the hospital, sans’s grocery store, Noelle’s house, and the closed bunker.
What the hell’s in the closed bunker
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This one’s too obvious, honestly. I think it’ll open for no reason in chapter 7 and a little white dog will bounce out and steal one of your key items and nothing else happens.
Why does Asgore have these
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Unlike the bunker feeling like a joke teaser, I gotta believe this is foreshadowing something weird. For example, what does opening a dark fountain in here with the seven flowers do? Does it just take you into Undertale?
Each chapter will have a hidden boss with a ‘soul mode’ from Undertale
Chapter 1 let you stay red, but I think each subsequent chapter is going to change your soul mode to one of the seven colours and design the encounter around that. Purple, yellow, green and blue were used in Undertale, leaving the light blue and orange modes yet to be revealed.
How does Spamton emulate Mettaton Neo’s name, body, and incorporate his battle theme, and the ‘Dummy!’ theme, with no actual connection between them ingame?
This is a really fun one that’s explained over in this post here. Swatch is the Dark World creation from the paint program on the library computers, so he’s able to explain that a Lightner made the robot body decaying in the castle basement that way.
Mettaton went to the library and drew his ideal form, Mettaton NEO, in MS Paint, and the Dark World formed that into a puppet body which Spamton was able to hijack temporarily. So by doing that Spamton was able to channel Mettaton’s appearance, attacks, music, and SOUL mode for the fight.
This might mean that the future hidden bosses, each with their own SOUL mode, might be based on the associated character for that mode (Muffet, Undyne, and Sans or Papyrus), and the boss will take on some aspect of them from their world to leech their fight mechanics.
The Problem With Mettaton
We don’t exactly know what Deltarune is about. It’s an alternate universe where the characters from Undertale already live on the surface, have completely normal lives, but diverge from the storyline of Undertale and, crucially, have not lived through the changes Frisk brought to their lives.
Remember how Undertale had a dozen different ending routes depending on who you befriended? The constant reinforcement in Undertale was that your choices mattered. Through Frisk, you chose to bring Alphys closure about her mistakes, you chose to befriend papyrus instead of attacking him, you chose to help Alphys and Undyne realise their feelings for each other and it’s only doing that that leads to the golden ending and escape to the surface.
Deltarune is the opposite, your choices do not matter. The only thing you can do to force the route of the game to change is to force Noelle into a No Mercy run, which is indirect, and also, a total desperation to mess with an otherwise set course. This version of the characters have not been helped by Frisk - Undyne and Alphys are not together, Papyrus has no friends, Asgore cannot get over himself, and they’re clearly the worse for it, but potentially, you COULD still do these things. In fact it’s hinted that you already are.
But there’s Mettaton.
He’s still a ghost and does not leave his house. In Frisk’s world, Gaster deleted himself, promoting Alphys to royal scientist by bluffing with Mettaton, and she then build him his ideal body. In Kris’s world... Alphys is a school teacher. There’s no barrier to break, no reason to experiment on souls, no Flowey mistake, and no body for Mettaton.
It was sad in Ch.1, but now with the Spamton NEO fight in ch.2, it’s unmissable. Mettaton wants that body and he cannot get it. Alphys in this universe is not going to leave her teaching job and suddenly be able to build a robot. Mettaton is just... screwed out of his happy ending and cannot get it.
So what resolution could this have? If it wasn’t for Mettaton I might believe in the vaildity of Deltarune and Hometown. But. How can you doom this character? If Undertale was the only way Mettaton could be befriended, then Undertale is Primary Universe A and Seam is right - the world of Deltarune is doomed as some kind of aberration. It all relies on how this gets explained in the future, but the core mystery of Deltarune is how exactly this universe intersects with Undertale and whether one is an offshoot of the other. How the Dark World links into that is another complication. But even as we get more fun characters and neat stuff in the Dark Worlds, let’s not forget we have absolutely no idea why Undertale’s characters are living here with no mention of underground or why there are no other humans beside Kris.
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hacawijo · 4 years
Alright, If We’re Gonna Play with Az’s Bonus Chapter, Let’s PLAY with Az’s Bonus Chapter (Pt. 2)
Yeah baby, part 2 of a PAINSTAKING close read lol.
Azriel winnowed into shadows before she could say anything he uses the shadows to ESCAPE, they are a coping mechanism, appearing at the door to Rhys’s study a heartbeat later. His shadows whispered in his ear that Elain had gone upstairs. It’s interesting that the shadows specifically report on Elain’s whereabouts here and not earlier, as well as later not reporting on Gwyn.
Rhys sat at his desk, fury a moonless night across his face. He asked softly, “Are you out of your mind?”
Azriel donned the frozen mask he’d perfected while in his father’s dungeon. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Rhys’s power rippled through the room like a dark cloud. “I’m talking about you, about to kiss Elain, in the middle of a hall where anyone could see you,” he snarled. “Including her mate.” It is not out of line for Rhys to acknowledge that this was stupid. If for no other reason than that it would hurt Lucien if he saw/felt them.
Azriel stiffened. Let his cold rage rise to the surface, the rage he only ever let Rhysand see, because he knew his brother could match it. Which is the mirror to something that Rhys notes in ACOFAS, that they are similar in their darkness. Because Rhys is really the only person Azriel can be himself with, completely, I think it’s important to acknowledge that this is unprecedented ground for them and specifically for Azriel. This is the first time Azriel can actually voice ANY of these thoughts out loud, and only because Rhys saw them, he did not bring this concern to Rhys himself. “What if the Cauldron was wrong?”
Rhysand blinked. “What of Mor, Az?” Also very not out of line thing to ask. Feyre is the only person Mor has really told about her sexuality, and so to Rhys and co. AND Azriel, nothing about this situation has changed in the past 500 years. The fact that Azriel is able to get over Mor, without that confirmation of her sexuality, because of Elain, is significant I think.
Azriel ignored the question. Hmm yeah, but he can’t keep ignoring this question forever, and that’s another reason he and Elain did NOT kiss in this chapter. He and his family and Mor all need closure regarding their relationship. “The Cauldron chose three sisters. Oh boy, I have a lot to say about the number three later on! Tell me how it’s possible that my two brothers are with two of those sisters, yet the third was given to another.” He had never before dared speak the words out loud. NEVER BEFORE DARED TO SPEAK THE WORDS OUT LOUD. This is the first time he’s even verbalizing these thoughts - of COURSE he doesn’t know how to navigate this conversation. This is raw emotion being spewed out right now, enhanced by the unresolved tension from his interaction with Elain.
Rhys’s face drained of color. “You believe you deserve to be her mate?” So, he says that his two brothers ARE WITH two of those sisters, which is a way to acknowledge the fact that both people in each pair accepted the bond and that it was a mutually built connection. Then he says “the third was given to another” which is actually really different. He’s saying that Elain was given to Lucien by the Cauldron, suddenly one member of that bond is not an active participant - and this is mostly true! Elain has ignored Lucien diligently, and she hinted about her lack of feelings for him when she asked Feyre why he should be entitled to her affections just because of the cauldron and whatever amends he has made. I don’t like Azriel saying that Elain is something to be given as opposed to a person to be connected to, but I’m not sure exactly what it means that he did that. ANYWAY, Rhys really does supply the word deserve, and we have evidence from earlier in this chapter that essentially proves that Azriel does not believe he deserves Elain, anyway. He is having an argument with Rhys, yes, but it almost feels like he’s arguing with himself.
Azriel scowled. “I think Lucien will never be good enough for her, and she has no interest in him anyway.” (THE ONLY TIME ELAIN’S ACTUAL FEELINGS, ACTIONS ARE CONSIDERED IN THIS DISCUSSION BTW) Also, not that he doesn’t answer Rhys’s question. For Azriel, this isn’t necessarily about what HE deserves in this moment, it’s about what Elain wants. Almost certainly, Azriel DOESN’T believe that he deserves Elain, but he sees the injustice of her being forced to accept a bond with someone for political or spiritual/societal reasons. So while to Rhys it may seem like Azriel is is putting Lucien’s claim down in order to boost his own, I actually think Azriel is trying to distinguish a different issue - Elain’s agency. This same thing happened with Mor and Eris. ABSOLUTELY THIS IS NOT ALL LIKE THAT SITUATION BECAUSE LUCIEN IS NOT ERIS!!! I am not trying to compare their behavior. BUT, Azriel would have dueled Eris for Mor’s agency regardless of whether or not she chose to be with him.
“So you’ll what?” Rhys’s voice was pure ice. “Seduce her away from him?” Rhys, I think, misinterpreting Azriel and it’s mostly not Rhys’s fault. Azriel doesn’t communicate well and is not currently communicating well. That being said, I wish he would give Azriel more benefit of the doubt.
Azriel said nothing. He hadn’t got that far with his planning, certainly not beyond the fantasies he pleasured himself to. HE HADN’T PLANNED ANYTHING, this whole conversation is just like a raw nerve.
Rhys growled, “Allow me to make one thing very clear. You are to stay away from her.” Well come on, now, Rhys, what if she doesn’t want to stay away from him? BE A FEMINIST RHYS, just add, “unless she wants to see you”!
“You can’t order me to do that.”
“Oh, I can, and I will. If Lucien finds out you’re pursuing her, he has every right to defend their bond as he sees fit. Including invoking the Blood Duel.” Another really big sign that this is going to play out Elriel style is the mentioning of the Blood Duel. Chekhov’s gun eh?
“That’s an Autumn Court tradition.” The battle to the death was so brutal that it was only enacted in rare cases. Despite being an outsider, Azriel had wanted to to invoke it when he’d found Mor all those years ago. Had been ready to challenge both Beron and Eris to Blood Duels and kill them both. Yes see? He would have done this regardless of Mor’s feelings toward him. Only Mor’s right to claim their heads in vengeance had kept him from doing so.
“Lucien, as Beron’s son, has the right to demand it of you.” But hey fun fact Rhys knows that Lucien is almost CERTAINLY not Beron’s son. Interesting to consider in context.
“I’ll defeat him with little effort.” Pure arrogance laced every word, but it was true. Again, Azriel is dodging Rhys’s points and is honestly being pretty immature right now, but he hasn’t actually said ANYTHING about an intention to pursue Elain with any of this. Rhys has filled in the blanks, and Azriel has responded to smaller aspects of Rhys’s macro-points with which he finds fault. I think this is also because he knows Rhys is right about a lot of the realities of the situation, but he is in the mood to be contrary right now, so he’s fighting back where he can stomach it.
“I know.” Rhys’s eyes flickered. “And your doing so will rip apart any fragile peace and alliances we have, not only with the Autumn Court, but Also with the Spring Court and Jurian and Vassa.” Rhys bared his teeth. Rhys’s motivations are based entirely on things that have nothing to do with Elain’s feelings, which is sad. But, they’re not insignificant considerations. Though come on dude you did pretty much enable Hybern’s arrival to Prythian by alienating The Spring Court with Feyre’s escape.“So you will leave Elain alone. YES, ALONE, because Elain probably is PRETTY FREAKIN LONELY If you need to fuck someone, go to a pleasure hall and pay for it, but stay away from her.” Low. Blow.
Azriel snarled softly.
“Snarl all you want.” Rhys leaned back in his chair. “But if I see you panting after her again, I’ll make you regret it.” I do think this is a really ungenerous description of what was happening downstairs with Elain. Their interaction was careful and consensual, we have painstaking detail to prove that, and it was far from panting/animalistic in action.
Rhys had rarely threatened punishment or pulled rank. It stunned Azriel enough that it knocked him from his rage. This is another person taking ANOTHER choice away from Elain. I think she may find out about Rhys doing this and I personally think she’s gonna be rightfully pissed.
Rhys jerked his chin toward the door. “Get out.”
Azriel tucked in his wings and left without another word, stalking through the house and onto the front lawn to sit in the frigid starlight. To let the frost in his veins match the air around him.
Until he felt nothing. Was again nothing at all. With Elain, he is SOMETHING. Because he feels things.
Then he flew to the House of Wind, knowing that if he slept in the riverside manor, he’d do something he regretted. He’d been so vigilant about keeping away from Elain as much as possible, Further evidence that Azriel never intended to fight Lucien or make a stink over Elain and had stayed up here to avoid her, and tonight... tonight had proved he’d been right to do so.
He aimed for the training pit, giving in to the need to work off the temptation, the rage and frustration and writhing need.
He found it occupied. His shadows had not warned him. I am not sure what it means that his shadows didn’t warn him. It could mean that Gwyn is protected from his shadows/immune to them. It could mean that his shadows wanted him to go see Gwyn - either out of a desire for Azriel to find some peace with her or out of curiosity as to who/what she is?
It was too late to bank without appearing like he was running. Azriel landed in the ring a few feet from where Gwyn practiced in the chill night, her sword glimmering like ice in the moonlight.
She stopped mid-slice, whirling to face him. “I’m sorry. I knew you all were going to the river house, so I didn’t think anyone would mind if I came up here and—“
“It’s fine. I came here to retrieve something I forgot.” The lie was smooth and cool, as he knew his face was. His shadows peered over his wings at her. They are… wary of her? They’re shy around her?
The young priestess smiled — and Azriel thought it might have been directed at his curious shadows. But she just hooked her coppery-brown hair behind an arched ear. “I was trying to cut the ribbon.” She pointed with her sword at the white ribbon, which seemed to glow silver. Some interesting language here and above (glimmering, glow etc.) to do with light, and again a juxtaposition between light and dark. But not a golden light, a colder/silver light.
“Aren’t you cold?” His breath clouded in front of him.
Gwyn shrugged. “Once you get moving, you stop noticing it.”
He nodded, silence falling. For a heartbeat, their gazes met. Gaze is definitely a romantically charged word, this is one of the tiny details that makes me unsure about the future nature of their relationship. He blocked out the bloody memory that flashed, so at odds with the Gwyn he saw before him now. I definitely do not think they are mates. I’m not closing the door on them being romantically involved, I don’t have enough evidence to do that, but I really think that if they were mates, Azriel would have known when he saw her at Sangravah.
Her head ducked, as if remembering it too. That he’d been the one who’d found her that day at Sangravah. Shades of Cassian’s reactions to Emerie’s wings having been clipped, in ACOFAS. “Happy Solstice,” she said, as much a dismissal as it was a holiday blessing.
He snorted. “Are you kicking me out?”
Gwyn’s teal eyes I have a lot to say about these teal eyes :) flashed with alarm. “No! I mean, I don’t mind sharing the ring. I just... I know you like to be alone.” Her mouth quirked to the side, crinkling the freckles on her nose. “Is that why you came up here?” I’ll talk more about this later, but there are a few small moments in the book where it seems like Gwyn might have a crush on Azriel, or some kind of special awareness/interest where he is concerned. I have seen almost no evidence that Az returns those potential feelings, except PERHAPS for the moment where he hears her screech and pays attention. But I think anyone would pay attention if someone screeched? Also he watches reverently as she cuts the ribbon, but that also feels like it would happen regardless of any romantic feelings he might have. But I don’t know for sure!
Sort of. “I forgot something.”
“At two in the morning?”
Pure amusement glittered in her stare. Better than the pain and grief he’d spied a moment before. So he offered her a crooked smile. He cares that she not be feeling pain and grief, as he does with anyone he deems good, and that is part of why he offers her the smile, as he clearly says right here. “I can’t sleep without my favorite dagger.”
“A comfort to every growing child.”
Azriel’s lips twitched. I think her irreverence matches his sense of humor quite well. He refrained from mentioning that he did indeed sleep with a dagger. Many daggers. Including one under his pillow.
“How was the party?” Her breath curled in front of her mouth, and one of his shadows darted out to dance with it before twirling back to him. Like it heard some silent music. This shadow is acting totally independent of him. She’s asking a simple question of Azriel at the moment, and he CAN’T hear the music he believes that shadow might be dancing to. Lightsinger evidence, I’d say.
“Fine,” he said, and realized a heartbeat later that it wasn’t a socially acceptable answer. “It was nice.” LOL I will say here that Azriel has to make a lot of conscious effort in this interaction. He makes himself respond in a specific way, which is not language that was used to describe his interactions with Elain earlier in the chapter. This could totally just be because he doesn’t know Gwyn that well, and certainly that’s a big part of it, but I think there’s something to be said for the fact that he is still filtering himself here with Gwyn in the quiet.
Not much better. So he asked, “Did you can the priestesses have a celebration?”
“Yes, though the service was the main highlight.”
“I see.” LOL
She angled her head, hair shining like molten metal. More glowing-type stuff “Do you sing?” I love Gwyn.
He blinked. It wasn’t everyday that people took him by surprise, but... which is great! Elain surprises him with the headache medicine in ACOFAS, Feyre surprises him with her intuition and tenderness throughout. I think this indicates that they will have a significant relationship regardless of its exact nature. “Why do you ask?”
“They call you shadowsinger. Is it because you sing?”
“I am a shadowsinger— it’s not a title that someone just made up.” It’s super-duper interesting that they actually discuss the fact that he’s a shadowsinger. When Feyre meets Azriel, she is curious, but specifically doesn’t ask follow-up questions or for expansion on the ability. Why specifically remind us here that Azriel is a shadowsinger and that Gwyn sings? If not to foreshadow something related to the ability and Gwyn?
She shrugged again, irreverently. Az narrowed his eyes, studying her. “Do you though?” She pressed. “Sing?”
Azriel couldn’t help his soft chuckle. “Yes.” I love Gwyn. She is the reason I now realize a lot of what I’ve been doing in my life is irreverence :P
She opened her mouth to ask more, but he didn’t feel like explaining. Or demonstrating, since that was surely what she’d ask next. So Az jerked his chin to the sword dangling from her hand. “Try cutting the ribbon again.” I love this so much. Maybe it is romantic, but I think that’s debatable. What’s not debatable is that it’s completely charming.
“What— with you watching?” It’s actually pretty funny that in order to avoid giving a demonstration of something that makes him vulnerable and puts Gwyn in the role of expert he flips it and makes her demonstrate vulnerability while he is the expert. Gwyn might be quite a bit braver than Azriel in some ways.
He nodded.
She considered, and he wondered if she’d say no, but Gwyn blew out a breath, steadied her feet and balance, and sliced. A beautiful, precise blow, but it didn’t sever the ribbon. SEE? Brave. I love Gwyn.
“Again,” he ordered, rubbing his hands against the cold, grateful for its bracing bite and the distraction of this impromptu lesson. Distraction is a notable word here. Azriel’s thoughts don’t really ever stray from Elain and his turmoil throughout this interaction, that’s what the word distraction tells us.
Gwyn sliced again, but the ribbon remained unyielding.
“You’re turning the blade a fraction as it comes parallel to the ground,” Azriel explained, drawing his Illyrian blade from down his back. “Watch.” He slowly demonstrated, rotating his wrist where she did. “You see how you open up right here?” He corrected his position. “Keep your wrist like that. The blade is an extension of your arm.”
Gwyn tried the movement as slowly as he had, and he watched her self-correct, fighting against the urge to open up her wrist and rotate the blade. She did it three times before she stopped falling into the bad habit. “I blame Cassian for this. He’s too busy making eyes at Nesta to notice such mistakes these days.”
Azriel laughed. “I’ll give you that.” I sense a lot of compatibility, just, again, not sure it’s romantic.
Gwyn smiled broadly. “Thank you.”
Azriel dipped his head in a sketch of a bow, something restless settling in him. Even his shadows had calmed. As if content to lounge on his shoulders and watch. This is another line that I think offers the most evidence for something significant between Gwyn and Azriel. It’s lovely that she has helped to settle something restless in him with the distraction - and I think it’s important to note that it might not have done the same thing had he encountered Emerie or another trainee on the roof. At the same time, maybe it would have. Also love that his shadows like to watch Gwyn. Lightsinger/Shadowsinger evidence! This all being said, I can’t really think of an SJM romance that is built around a comfort zone. I can think of many friendships that operate that way, but not so much with the romances. There’s usually nervousness and flutters and passion and… restlessness, somewhere in there.
But— sleep. He needed to at least attempt to get some.
“Happy Solstice,” Azriel said before aiming for the archway into the House. “Don’t stay out too much longer. You’ll freeze.”
Gwyn nodded her farewell, again facing the ribbon. A warrior sizing up an opponent, all traces of that charming irreverence gone. I love Gwyn.
Azriel entered the warmth of the stairwell, and as he descended, he could have sworn a faint, beautiful singing followed him. Could have sworn his shadows sang in answer. This feels VERY much like Lightsinger/Shadowsinger evidence. His shadows, as this chapter has demonstrated time and again, operate independently of him, and they react to Gwyn’s song. I also think it’s possible that Gwyn is sort of always singing, even when she’s not. Like she glows with song on some level, and that’s what his shadows are reacting to - because I don’t think she’d necessarily actually sing while attempting to cut the ribbon.
He slept as well as could be expected which means pretty much not at all y’all — he makes it clear he never expects to sleep well, but when Azriel returned to the River House to gather his presents before dawn, he found Elain’s necklace amid the pile. He pocketed it. Spent the rest of his day, even the blasted snowball fight, with every intention of returning it to the shop in the Palace of Thread and Jewels. How did the necklace get there??? Did Elain really put it there??? Seems like even more evidence that he assumes too much about her understanding of his feelings. Also, though, it seems really rude/OOC for Elain to do that. She gave up very quickly after he gave her a really thoughtful gift. SOMETHING’S FISHY.
But when he returned from the cabin in the mountains, he didn’t go to the market square.
Instead, he found himself at the library beneath the House of Wind, standing before Clotho as the clock chimed seven in the evening. Important to remember that this is one of the longest nights of the year, which means dusk is coming on later than it was when Nesta attended the evening service weeks/months prior- a service that started almost exactly when seven bells rang the time. It is very well possible that Azriel finds himself at the library as the evening service is happening. The one in which Gwyn sings. If she does have some kind of Lightsinger power in her, it may be that he was lured by that power instead of returning the necklace. Even if they always start at 7, he still arrives exactly at 7. The only point against this surmising that I’ve done is that Clotho led the service which Nesta attended, and yet she is here to greet Azriel. Either I’m wrong and the service is not happening at or around this time, OR the service can take place without Clotho occasionally, and this served the interest of the plot so that Az could speak with someone.
He slid the small box across her desk. “If you see Gwyn, would you give this to her?”
Clotho angled her hooded head, and her enchanted pen wrote on a piece of paper. A Solstice gift from you?
Azriel shrugged. “Don’t tell her it came from me.” Yes, it really doesn’t seem super romantic to re-gift a necklace to Gwyn. It just feels sour, if this is the start of a romance between them.
“Does she need to know? Just tell her it was a gift from Rhys.”
That would be a lie.
He avoided the urge to cross his arms, not wanting to look intimidating. He blocked out the memory that flashed— of his mother cringing before his father, the male standing with crossed arms in such a way that made his displeasure known before he opened his hateful mouth. This feels very important. We know VERY LITTLE about Azriel’s story, his past, and his family, and so I want to point out ANY and EVERY nugget we get!
“Look I...” Az searched for the words, his voice becoming quiet. “If there’s another priestess here who might appreciate it, give it to them. But I’m not taking that necklace with me when I leave.” I’m not exactly sure what it means that Azriel says this. It could be that he doesn’t want to make a thing of his potential feelings for Gwyn and so tries to deflect with this statement, both to convince Clotho and himself that it’s not about Gwyn. It could also mean that Azriel needed to be rid of the necklace, and wasn’t in the mood to fight with Clotho over an ultimately secondary (to getting rid of the necklace) impulse to give it to someone who provided him comfort and companionship at a time when he needed it.
He waited for Clotho’s pen to finish writing. Your eyes are sad, Shadowsinger.
He offered her a grim smile. “I lost the snowball fight today.” HE LOST THE FIRST SNOWBALL FIGHT IN 200 YEARS! And I’m pretty sure it wasn’t because Gwyn made him feel better the previous night. I think he lost because he is in anguish over the situation with Elain. Again, I understand that anguish shouldn’t necessarily be a romantic thing, but in SJM’s writing it often is. This is a romance series, angst is a thing, stakes are a thing. It’s not necessarily the most healthy, but it’s also not all-the-way unhealthy. He just feels strongly about Elain and there are a lot of obstacles between him and finding a way to resolve those feelings for good or bad.
I am a counselor for folks who have and are dealt/dealing with sexual, gender-based, and interpersonal violence, and if you want me to do an analysis of all of the relationships in SJM’s writing that aren’t wholly healthy, there won’t be any left over. Except for maybe Sartaq and Nesryn. they really do have their shit together. I suspend a fair amount of my disbelief and professional knowledge in reading these books because I love them and they are fictional :) Also, relationships are complicated. It’s pretty rare for me to work with a client that has a cut-and-dry, black-and-white story.
Now, in my PERSONAL NOT PROFESSIONAL experience, shit is messy, and messiness, even in real life, doesn’t always mean something isn’t worth the strife. Though absolutely abuse and assault are a whole other thing. I think it’s really good to think critically about relationship dynamics in fiction, because it’s a safe place to do great learning and reflection. I also think it’s important to consider that the rules of our reality are not necessarily the rules of the reality being written by an author. Maybe you personally find Azriel’s feelings toward Elain (as they have been expressed so far) are beyond redemption, and are unhealthy to a point where the relationship cannot be salvaged. But that is not realistically a reason that the relationship in question won’t happen. Pretty much any negative/toxic assertions that can be leveled against Elriel based on the VERY SMALL amount of first-person perspective we have in the relationship could be leveled against at least a few of SJM’s other endgame couples. Totally happy to get into this more and provide those examples :)
Clotho was smart enough to see through his deflection. She wrote, I’ll give it to Gwyneth. Tell her a friend left it for her.
He wouldn’t go so far as to call Gwyn a friend, but... “Fine. Thank you.” Not sure what this means. Maybe just that it takes Az a while to open up to people and call them friends.
Clotho’s pen moved once more. She deserves something as beautiful as this. I thank you for the joy it shall bring her.
Something sparked in Azriel’s chest, but he only nodded his thanks and left. He could picture it, though, as he ascended the stairs back to the House proper. How Gwyn’s teal eyes might light upon seeing the necklace. For whatever reason... he could see it. And here we have the most romantic evidence for Az and Gwyn as a couple. Maybe he is falling for her and that’s why he can picture her smile. I really don’t know. I think it could also be that he is happy to be able to make her happy, in recognition of the comfort she gave him the previous evening. Maybe he can picture her because of her potential lightsinger status. Thoughts?
But Azriel tucked away the thought, consciously erasing the slight smile it brought to his face. Buried the image down deep, where it glowed quietly. The image glowing, again, lightsinger-supporting language.
A thing of secret, lovely beauty. So now he is referring to Gwyn’s smile here. This is interesting, because Gwyn’s smile wouldn’t necessarily be a secret, but perhaps it is if you think of her as being hidden in the library, or that he’ll know about her smile and her receiving the necklace even though she won’t know that he’s the one who gave it to her. Or maybe he’s drop dead in love with her! Another thing that I don’t think is true given his stony attitude post-Solstice (when Gwyn is very much around) and the fact that he doesn’t seem to react viscerally to Gwyn’s kidnapping until Cassian points out that bad things could be happening to both her AND Emerie, as well as Nesta. He knows Gwyn just as well, if not better at this point, as he knew Elain when he reacted to HER kidnapping in ACOWAR. He was very riled, he was the one who noticed she was gone, he vowed almost immediately to go get her, knowing it might mean certain death (to be fair, he seems to have a bit of a death wish, BUT he’s still a pragmatist and doesn’t try to WASTE his life on things - either they’re essential to the court and/or Prythian’s wellbeing or essential to someone for whom he cares deeply.)
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Consolation + The “Talk”
Bio!Dad Bruce
Day 9: Consolation and Day 10: The “Talk”
Ao3 ~~~ First ~~~ Previous ~~~ Next
This got a little long, sorry not sorry
One week, one week has passed since Damian started school in Paris. One week since the tower of lies that Lila has built began to crumble and fall. 
By the beginning of the next day she had backed off all her lies about the Wayne family but she just re-doubled all her efforts on lies that included Prince Ali, Clara Nightingale, and Jagged Stone. But the tower she had built was going to fall. 
And Damian was ready to bring an end to this liar’s reign.
So you can trust that he would find a way to avenge his sister without the use of violence against her, especially in Paris, and especially knowing his father’s mantra of vengeance not revenge. But revenge is needed. So, Damian made a few phone calls. Over the course of the next week he would have enough video and audio evidence to prove his little sister is innocent. But what would really put the icing on the cake is if he could convince the principal to hold a career day or week. Granted it shouldn’t be too hard, he is the only blood son of Bruce Wayne after all. So, telling his sister that he would meet her after fencing practice he went off early in search of principal Damocles. He found the man quite simply and was it far too easy to convince the man to go to career day parents of the students will be able to come in to do you demonstrations or speeches as well as anyone else who they would like to invite.
Damian left for his fencing practice which left me packing up my things getting ready to leave. I was one of the last ones out so of course something had to happen. Adrien came up to me then “hey Mari can we talk.”
‘Sigh’ “If this is about the highroad again Adrien. Her lies are hurting people it doesn’t matter if you think it’s right, she’s hurting people’s futures their chances it…” He cut her off, great this is going wonderfully.
“It’s not that, well it is that but that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.” He was stumbling over his words and she softened her expression slightly “Marinette what’s the difference between infatuation and love?”
“What?” That was not what she was expecting. This is confusing, and where was this coming from anyways. Never mind why “can you explain it to me more I’m having a little trouble wrapping my head around the question.”
He had sheepish smile and started “I. I love ladybug but I’m not sure if I love her or what she represents more”
“You don’t know if you like the idea of her more than the person who she is?” Marinette asked him seeming to understand where this conversation was going. 
“before we go even further down this rabbit hole, Adrien why don’t we meet up somewhere more private”
“why? “
Marinette simply pointed towards the door “We seem to have gained an audience”          
There at the door was Alya filming but unknown to her someone else was behind her. “Bean we have to go” Alya you jumped at the sound of Tim’s voice.
“OK Tim I’ll be out just give me a minute,” Tim nodded and left Alya having scurried off when she was found out. “I’ll text you place and time to meet up and talk further that is if you’re still confused about your feelings about this girl”
“Sounds good and thank you Marinette” he whispered as she left the room. Once she got to the car she glanced at him oh no, was the only thing that went through her mind “you look like a cat who ate the canary Tim spill” she was moving in to tickle him to get the info out. “Fine, fine, fine I give I’ll tell, but” she shot him a look. “only if you make me some coffee, today feels like an all-nighter”
“Deal! Now spill”
“Damian set up that next week there is going to be career days for the entire week at the school.”
“Okay” she nodded her head understanding where her brothers’ train of thoughts were heading. “The career week will be the perfect opportunity to expose the rest of Lila’s lies. At least that’s what you and Damian are hoping to accomplish isn’t it.”
“Mari, you do know you’re my favorite sister” Tim replied with a smirk that would rival even Damian’s.
So, the two of them got to work. Damian may think he’s clever and the most discrete out of everyone, but he wasn’t able to pull off hiding the cameras and microphones well enough that Mari wasn’t able to figure it out. This means they are going to have plenty of video and audio evidence use against the liar.
Now when Damian got home from practice the three of them really set out to destroy the liar. With all the audio evidence as well as the footage proving it was Lila speaking Marinette made several phone calls.
Jagged and Clara were both on board completely and wholeheartedly, especially after hearing what was going on. With those two she called the principal and he had agreed to keep them as a special surprise for the last day.
She called her father and he was willing to fly out to speak on one of the first days. Her father also happened to be able to get into contact with Prince Ali, and once hearing of everything that was going on, he to agree to come and speak.
Damian had called the Kent’s so Lois Lane, Clark and, and Jon were all going to come to speak, well Lois Lane in Clark were going to speak, Jon was coming to hang out with his two best friends.
Once Mr. Kent heard it was going on well it wasn’t long afterwards for Barry Allen to come to speak about forensics science, Oliver Queen to speak further on different aspects of business, and several other members of the league who seem to have fallen in love with Mari.
Everyone knew that as soon as Lila saw the names on the list, she would be tempted to spread the lies about every single one of them, so they would continue to record everything that was said in the class.
And who’s to say that a couple of the heroes may or may not make an appearance was well, but it was to be determined if Lila lied about them or not. Within the hour the three Wayne siblings knew, oh they knew this liar would not have a chance to escape. And anyone left believing her by the end of the week, well they felt sorry for those poor souls who still believe her every word.
After about two hours getting our allies ready for the incoming slaughter of the liar I met up with Adrien. And that was different.
“Mari” Adrien seem unsure of how to start. We had we decided it would’ve been best to meet up at the Wayne Enterprises Paris branch that way we can have a conference room to discuss it somewhere private, I won’t have to worry about people eavesdropping. Well everyone except for my brothers but it’s a price I’m willing to pay. “This is the first crush I’ve ever had, I, I don’t know…”
“Adrien I’ve known you now for about a year. You are quite honestly still sheltered. Well that’s the best way I can describe it.”
“What I’m not! I’m no?” Adrien began to stutter because that was not where the conversation was originally going.
“Adrien you are still quite sheltered. The way you think things should be handles when it comes to lies or personal space is the same way that people deal with the paparazzi and those are not the same at all. But I’m saying that because it’s normal to be confused when it comes to a crush. I had a crush on you for the longest time and was unsure how to act on it. I got to know about you a bit more and the crush well it changed.” He was looking at me shocked by my proclamation.
“How? Why? What are you mean? I’m not.” Adrien seemed a little taken back before he finally decided what he was going to say. “You said had?”
“I had the biggest crush on you until I learned you were a coward, or what seemed like cowardace. You decided that someone you didn’t know was more important than the person you claim to be a friend. This past week has shown me that you are a pacifist, not a coward, but you strive for peace with everyone. but that’s not how everything goes. I learned that about you that’s what made me move on. So what is it about this girl that makes you stay or is there something about someone else who makes you want to stay with them instead?“ He was silent he wasn’t staring at me, but he was starting off into space. He seemed to not know exactly what to say, but the thought was there. 
“Ladybug she’s my…” He was about to say something but stopped himself, almost as if he knows her as more than just the heroine. But that is not possible the only ones who interact with her while in the mask are now her family and…
“Your Chat Noir” she said it’s so calmly and as such a fact that he just stared at her calm and unblinking until the inevitable freak out which cost him to pass out. Great now she’s stuck at a conference room trying to revive her partner who doesn’t know she’s his partner. Once he finally came to, she just watched as it to make sure he wasn’t about to faint again.
“I’m not! I can’t be! I’m not superhero, that’s crazy Mari your” he was rambling. In the past month she has perfected the Batman Glare and well Adrien was getting it, because she was not believing the bullshit that was coming out of his mouth.
“Are you paws-itively certain about that Chat.” He went silent, but doesn’t know if it was because of the pun or because she called him Chat.
“How?” Adrien whispered to her.
“Well I figured it out since it seemed like you knew Ladybug more than just a hero.” She stated hoping that her identity was not compromised. “anyways Ladybug’s your partner but what were you going to say afterwards”
“she’s my partner and my best friend. She’s the person who may know me the best out of everyone, except I think that goes to you now” he began to chuckle, but it evolved into full-blown laughter and Mari couldn’t help but laugh along with him.
“You know it makes a lot of sense of your Chat. Chat is always carefree and bubbly, but he always makes sure to keep it professional. Sure, flirting in the middle of the battle isn’t the best. But knowing Adrien and Chat Noir are the same person makes the whole so much more. What’s the word complete” she muses tapping her chin.
“Ladybug is the hero Paris deserves. But I don’t think I love her. I thought I did. I thought about this a lot, I love that when I was with her, I was free. I don’t know the girl underneath the mask. But I do you know the girl beneath the mask is strong and courageous. She is undoubtably amazing. But maybe you are figuring out my identity snapped things into focus, because I love the way I feel around her. But I also love the way I feel about my friends. Thank you, Mari.”
“For what I haven’t said anything this was all you.”
“Exactly, I needed someone to hear me, and not force me into a conclusion they thought was best. And at this point you are my first true friend. Can we. Can we be friends again Marinette?”
Mari looked at him for a second and then broke into a smile. “Of course, Adrien we’re friends”
“Good now let’s bring down a liar”
Of course the week leading up to career week was unexpectedly full of lies, all coming out of the Italians mouth. Oh, Barry Allen yeah she met him on Central city oh Oliver Queen she once saw him at a charity event in Star City oh she’s practically Lois Lane and Clark Kent‘s daughter, Jonathan their son, is her best friend. The list goes on and on. Everyone on the left side excluding Adrien do believe every word that came out of her mouth. The three in the very back on the right side, being herself, Damian, and Chloe couldn’t contain their laughter. This usually resulted in a Alya yelling at them from laughing that of course Lila wouldn’t be lying and then defending Lila as she began to cry her crocodile tears.
The entire school was informed that the entirety of career week was mandatory and missing a single speaker would be equivalent to failing a midterm for and class, meaning there was no skipping at all.        
Today there were three guest speakers, them being Bruce Wayne, Prince Ali, and John Stewart.
Prince Ali was the first to go up go up and just let’s just say that many people we surprised that he did not do go green charities but in fact did children’s charities called a few things in the question specifically from Rose and Mylene.
Luckily for Lila she didn’t lie much about John Stewart, who spoke of his time as a marine and about currently being an architect, but that was a short-lived victory on her part, when he showed up as the final school guest at the end of the day as Green Lantern. He gave her a speech about honesty and the importance of discipline and hard work in order to succeed.
Bruce spoke about honesty and a hard work when building a company as well as the importance of working with reputable companies and brands.
At the end of the day she had two ceases and desists, one from Prince Ali and one from the Wayne family.
On the bright side a new Wayne charity was in the works alongside Prince Ali for children’s medicine.
Was Barry Allen who spoke about pursuing forensic sciences and the work he does alongside the police.  
Wonder Woman who was speaking as an ambassador of Themyscira, and way at being an ambassador entailed. 
And Mayor Bourgeois spoke on what it means to be a part of the political and legislative sectors of the government.
Again, Lila received two cease and desists from Barry Allen and Wonder Woman respectively.
Went similar to the previous two. Oliver Queen spoke about ways to modify businesses and expanding them in order to change with consumers.
Wang Cheng, Marinette’s uncle, spoke and gave a demonstration of cooking techniques for the school.
Tomoe Tsurugi, Kagami’s mother, spoke about fencing and also about ableism against disability, mainly that even being blind she can hand many fencers their asses without breaking a sweat.
Lila only received one cease and desist.
Nora, Alya’s sister, spoke of being a professional boxer and the training she does for it.
Lois and Clark gave a joint presentation, and of course Alya wanted her idols to review her blog. And well that did not go so well for her, Lois tore her interviews with Lila apart stating she gives no further evidence and simply takes what the girl says at face value. However other interviews she did provide more links to her information which prove she is a capable journalist, but there is room to grow.
The Kent’s also presented Lila a cease and desist, luckily for Alya she hadn’t posted anything in the past two weeks since Marinette’s return about anything Lila had said, and she was glad for that right now.
Jagged Stone and Clara started Friday with a mini concert, that included a special duet with the two artists. Jagged spoke about Rock’n Roll and the changes and subcategories of the genre.
Clara Nightingale spoke on the pop side of the music industry and how she got started at a young age, as well as her background in dance and choreography.
Gabriel Agreste was the final speaker, we’ll he was on video call actually, and spoke on the fashion industry, the standards that come with the consumer market, and the way public opinion shapes brands and companies.
Gabriel was about to log off when Jagged walked in front of the camera.
“Too true Agreste, public opinion does shape the way many of those who have spoken this past week” many don’t know this about Jagged but mess with his family and he will not hold back. “That is why you should know, your model, Lila Rossi has had a total six cease and desists field against her this past week. As un-Rock’n roll as it is Clara and I will be adding two more to that list. I will also be suing for defamation of character as well. Clara?”
“Lies and cheats, make for poor feats. I will also be suing as well for defamation of character. This has made me so mad I can’t even come up with a rhyme.” She called out to the crowd.
“So Agreste, how will your totally not Rock’n Roll model affect your business?” Jagged asked. Everyone was watching the screen for Gabriel’s reaction.
“It would seem it is best we terminated contact Miss Rossi. Also, Adrien.” The poor boy practically jumped in his seat.
“There will be no contact between you and Miss Rossi until we are able to discuss this further. Goodbye”
The entire school was in a shocked silence. This final day as set up so the whole school would see it altogether.
Lila began to cry until she became furious. She jumped from her seat and yelled. “You did this! You set me up! You ruined my entire empire Marinette!” She was glaring daggers at me.
“If it’s any consolation to you Lila you made me miserable for eight months. You took my friends, those I’ve known since I was practically in diapers. You made my life hell and if that’s consolation to you fine. I will also be suing you for slander and defamation of character. But just know this I have people who genuinely care for me and I’m sorry if you felt threatened by me to blame all this on me, but I don’t care about your opinion or the opinion of those who turned on me without batting an eye not anymore.” It’s so liberating to say that to them. Oh, a weight has been lifted off my chest and so I walked out of the school side-by-side with Damian, Adrien, and Chloe with my head held high. And for the first time and I can’t remember when I could breathe. They weren’t going to hold me down any longer.
Just for to clear this up Marinette is the youngest out of all the children. She and Damian are the same age but he is older by a few months.
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entertainment · 4 years
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Entertainment Spotlight: Genneya Walton, #blackAF
Genneya Walton came to acting through a passion for dance and performance. Once on screen, she starred as Bryden Bandweth on Project Mc², as well as taking on roles in The Resident, 911, Criminal Minds, School of Rock, and Extent. Up next, Genneya will be playing the role of Chloe Barris, daughter to Rashida Jones and Kenya Barris, in his new mockumentary #blackAF. Loosely inspired by Barris’ irreverent and honest approach to parenting, relationships, race, and culture, #blackAF uncovers the messy and often hilarious world of the fictionalized Barris family. We had the opportunity to chat to Genneya about her character on the show, experiences on set, and what it means to be a young woman of color in the world of film and television. Check it out:
You wake up tomorrow as the character you play. What do you do first? 
If I were to wake up as Chloe, I would freak out first but I think that’s a given. Secondly, I’d go through her closet and try everything on because her style is incredible and I can only imagine what her full wardrobe looks like. 
In #blackAF, you have a lot of siblings. Do you have a large family IRL? If so, were there any similarities to your rapport with your on-set family? If no, did the experience make you glad or sad you don’t? 
In real life I only have one older sister -- far less than the 5 siblings I have on the show! My parents' style of raising kids is not at all the same as Kenya and Joya’s, so I can't say there are really any similarities between my real and tv family in that aspect. Although with both of them I am lucky to be able to share my honest thoughts and feelings with them even if it’s hard at times. Even though growing up I did want a baby brother, I wouldn’t want to change anything about how my family functions now, but it was definitely an experience to almost live another life in a household that’s run so differently. 
Describe the premise of #blackAF to a five-year-old? 
#blackAF is about a teenager that is filming her family’s everyday life to send in to her favorite college in hopes of getting in. With parents like ours and six kids, things can get crazy at our house. We act a little more “out there” than a typical family so I don’t think it would be appropriate for a five year old, but you can tell your parents to watch it ;) 
What’s the first thing that you remember being a fan of? 
The first thing I remember being a fan of is Barbie. It was one of my favorite toys growing up and the movies are actually what inspired me to perform. Second, I think it would be Usher’s Confessions album. I had no business singing his songs as a child, but those songs are certainly timeless! 
Can you tell us about a funny experience you had on the set of #blackAF? 
When you’re working with Kenya and Rashida something funny is bound to happen everyday. We had a moment of downtime on set and Kenya was showing off some dance moves and Rashida hopped in and it turned into an impromptu dance battle. All I’m gonna say is they both can do a mean robot. Certainly a sight to see and I’m happy to say I’ve witnessed it in my lifetime. 
You began your career dancing before you moved on to acting. Has dancing taught you any valuable lessons for your acting career? 
Dancing has certainly shaped who I am today and I’ve been able to apply those lessons to everyday life. I used to be the most sensitive person on the planet, and although I still have my moments, the tough love from teachers gave me a thicker skin that is necessary to have in this industry. Particularly from being a competitive dancer I learned the value of teamwork and trust. A scene is a collaboration, not a solo, and when you have a scene partner you have to put your full trust in that person in order to let go and be vulnerable. Also, in competition you can’t win them all, and that’s certainly the case with this industry, and I learned from a young age to come to terms with things not always going as planned and to push on and work harder. The long rehearsal hours and high expectations to perform well every time prepared me for work days on set that could sometimes be 14+ hours. All of the hard work that goes into finally performing a 2 minute dance piece is similar to the endless preparation before a new project only for the final cut to be x amount of minutes long and that’s all people get to see. After all it’s about the journey not the destination right? Being a dancer instilled a lot of important lessons within me and I owe my current position to dance aka my first love. 
Without spoiling anything, did you have a favorite scene in the show that was fun to shoot? 
While on vacation things got a little heated between Chloe and Drea and we really had the opportunity to take it there. Both Iman and I have sisters and were able to relate to our characters in that moment. We were both completely understanding of the situation and each other's emotions that it almost made it feel as though we were truly sharing that moment together as sisters. It was a special moment for myself and it definitely brought us closer. It was a very fun challenge and I’m so happy to have been able to share that with her and portray the ups and downs that siblings have. 
How do you embody the mission of #BlackExcellence365 in your everyday work? 
I think that black excellence is our drive and ability to go for, and accomplish the great things we do despite the boundaries that have been set in front of us. We have so much power within ourselves and such a great ability to impact lives. As a kid, I only had a handful of young women of color to look up to and I am grateful that they have paved the way for young actors like myself. I am now in the position to possibly be that for today’s young girls, and it is truly a dream and a huge responsibility that I am thrilled to take on. I hope to take part in roles that can positively impact and inspire young girls to be the best versions of themselves that they can be. Representation on screen is so important and the media has the ability to shape young minds. So far I've had the honor to play a past role of a teenage genius who is a master at coding and is not afraid to be herself or speak her mind. I now get to play a young adult who attends a great college and is setting up her future. Those characters within themselves are what I believe to be some great representations of black excellence and if they positively affect at least one person I am proud of that. I’d like it to be known that it took almost two years of being unemployed before I landed my current role. At times it was tough and I honestly had a fleeting moment where I considered giving up, but I kept pushing and would have never gotten to experience being Chloe if I didn’t hold faith in myself! As my career goes on, I intend on using my platform to be vocal about things that matter most to me and inspire and pave the way for those after me. This is all bigger than myself and each accomplishment and even failure on the way to success that we share is an embodiment of #blackexcellence. 
Do you have any advice for young women of color who are looking to get into the acting business? 
When wanting to accomplish anything in life it requires hard work, resilience, and genuine belief in yourself. You will get more no’s than yes’s, but you cannot let that discourage you. When you know you have something special to share with the world, you have to keep pushing on. I’d highly recommend surrounding yourself with people that are like minded so you can uplift and push each other towards your individual goals. An African Proverb that I think describes this well is, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” So finding a strong support system whether that be within your family or your friends, I personally find to be helpful during the journey. When things get tough it is easy to get lost or caught up in this all, but remember to stay grounded and true to yourself. There is no one else like you, and that alone holds so much power! 
Thanks for taking the time Genneya! #blackAF is now streaming on Netflix.
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akatsuki-shin · 4 years
Review: Scum Villain’s Self-saving System (SVSSS)
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(Very) long post ahead
Contains spoiler
This is my personal review and does not represent the entire audience, you are free to agree or not agree with what I’ve written here
Feel free to reply/send me a message if there are things you want to discuss
SVSSS tells the story of Shen Yuan, an avid web novel reader - particularly the stallion genre - who died suddenly from food-related incident after having just finished reading a famous (yet controversial) web-novel "Proud Immortal Demon Way".
Upon his wake, he discovered that he had been transmigrated into the world of that very novel, moreover into the body of the story's most-hated scum villain, Shen Qingqiu.
In his previous life, Shen Yuan had frequently criticized the "Proud Immortal Demon Way" and its author, "Airplane Shooting towards the Sky", for he found the web novel full of wasted potentials. Now having been sent to live in that novel's story, a mysterious system assigned him with a mission to fix the very plot he had been denouncing - and of course, to save himself from the tragic end of the original Shen Qingqiu, who was fated to be mutilated into a human stick by the story's protagonist, Luo Binghe, his own disciple.
STORY: 7/10
I personally have not read a lot of "isekai" stories. However, what makes SVSSS interesting to me, compared to most transmigration stories I've seen in the past, is because the main character was not thrown into a completely strange, unknown world, but rather into the universe of a novel he had been closely following up until the very last second of his life.
And what's more? He does not have complete freedom in modifying the story however he wants, but supervised by a mysterious system that will reward him for correct decisions, and punish him for wrong choices - with being deported to his original world as the ultimate punishment should his points fall below the set limit (a.k.a. he would really lose his life because he is already dead in his original world).
The fact that Shen Yuan, now living as Shen Qingqiu, possessing complete knowledge of the original story, yet still unable to foresee what butterfly effect his actions will cause to the plot and characters is perhaps the most appealing aspect of this novel.
Shen Qingqiu in his previous life was no different than us - a normal, modern young man from the 21st century. His thoughts and opinions on the situation, the way he reacts on certain matters, his internal monologues are all realistic and easily relatable. It feels as if I myself have partly become Shen Qingqiu, as well, looking at how the story progresses from a first person point of view, because if I were to be in his shoes, I would probably react in the exact same way as a modern person thrown into an ancient fantasy world.
Nevertheless, this "omniscient reader" point of view is not without a flaw. Although Shen Qingqiu himself is gradually blending in, accepting his new life in the ancient cultivation world and no longer seeing the other characters as mere "fictional characters", because his mindset is that of a modern man, I find it difficult for myself as the reader to perceive the world of SVSSS as an actual, stand-alone world. Until the very last page of the story, I still feel like I'm looking at a fictional world, feeling detached to the universe and characters because I'm not "living" in it.
Another aspect that I think could've been improved is the romance development between Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe. I have full confidence that post-story Shen Qingqiu loves Luo Binghe with all his heart, but I seriously have no idea when and how he reached that point.
In the first half of the story, upon having accepted his new life as Shen Qingqiu, his feeling towards Luo Binghe is more like fondness and endearment. Perhaps he does like the character Luo Binghe, and considering that he, along with the rest of the web novel's readers, hated the original Shen Qingqiu to the core, of course he wants to treat Luo Binghe and the other characters better (otherwise, how could he save himself from that nightmarish fate as a human stick).
Later on, he learns of his mistake, how he could've made better decisions, and tried to understand Luo Binghe better, redeeming himself. Perhaps his love towards Luo Binghe began to grow along this path, but I honestly don't see it being told to me, as the reader. All of a sudden he is willing enough to "offer" himself to calm the maddened Luo Binghe. He's been proclaiming himself as a straight man all this time and never once did I see him agreeing with himself that he is going to accept his feelings for Luo Binghe. When I read this later part, I feel like I've just jumped over a huge chunk of development. Because up until that point, Shen Qingqiu still only gives me the feeling of a teacher who adores and cares for a special disciple of his.
All in all, if I were to summarized the plot, I think SVSSS is an interesting, curious story. The fact that Shen Qingqiu was tasked to fix the original novel's flaws makes me want to continue reading for as long as I can. What change is he going to make? What effect will be caused and what chain of events will follow? Furthermore, if you're looking for comedy, then you've come to the right place. With an internet-literate modern man experiencing living in an ancient, fantasy novel, Shen Qingqiu's reactions will never be boring to see. Even the banters and exchanges between characters are so realistic to the point that it is almost possible to imagine them visually.
Also, BingQiu is cute, I take no criticism.
The distribution of that overall score of "6" is actually as follows:
3 --> Shen Qingqiu
1 --> Shen Jiu
1 --> Luo Binghe + Yue Qingyuan
0.5 --> Liu Qingge
0.5 --> Everybody else
Notice that in the previous section, I barely talk about any other character than Shen Qingqiu? It's not just because he is the main character, but because the other characters are seriously that un-interesting. In fact, I regret to say that personally, I think the characters are this novel's weakest point.
Or to be more precise, the characters' depth.
Shen Qingqiu by himself is a great character. He is calm, logical, knows when and where to put his "omniscient reader" knowledge to good use. He is effortlessly hilarious even if he himself doesn't realize it, but at the same time, despite the mountain of curses he often uses, he is still a good person at heart. I think he is the sole reason that the story could remain interesting until the very end.
But sometimes he is a bit too ideal, almost always having the correct solution and/or countermeasure to every situation even if the plot has changed massively from the original web novel that he knows. Especially when it turns out that he has discovered a way to revive himself after self-destructing at Huayue City, it makes his initially heartbreaking sacrifice less......touching. Because it feels as if he's been scheming this to be freed from the current ordeal, maybe to escape the system, as well.
Furthermore, no matter how much of an expert he was of the "Proud Immortal Demon Way" universe, he still just passed away and was transmigrated into a foreign world. Although the system initially banned him from being OOC, other than some panicky internal monologue, there was almost no trace of him looking distraught when being faced with the unthinkable situation.
Plus, Shen Yuan was different from Airplane Shooting towards the Sky who, even if he were to return to his original world, would have nobody waiting for him. The description of his family was pretty clear. Not only he comes from a well-off household, his family seems to be quite a happy and harmonious one (especially how he used to dote on his younger sister). How come there is not one single moment when he thinks about the family he has left behind and simply carries on with his new life as if nothing happened?
Now Luo Binghe, the second main lead and the one paired with Shen Qingqiu.
Before he fell into the Eternal Abyss, his character actually seems pretty solid. But post-darkening, I don't know why I can't get a good grasp of his character.
The "clingy, crybaby boyfriend" aspect is pretty clear, no complaint there (although the moments of his crying feels too comical for me). Other than that, I don't really feel the "powerful Demon Lord" vibe from him.
Yes, there are descriptions of how powerful he is, how frightening he can be. But it's just not solid enough for me. I understand that he is supposed to be a character with unstable mental, but there are simply not enough part where he is shown to be a proper, powerful Demon Lord because he keeps breaking down each and every single time. The "glass heart maiden" aspect isn't bad, but when it's used in an overly comical way, the character simply loses the charm he's supposed to have.
Even Yue Qingyuan, who's only a minor character, had such a strong charm that slaps you with the biggest plot twist in the whole story when it was revealed (to us, the readers) who he actually is.
Ironically, the original Luo Binghe (Bing-ge) was able to present the character's true image and complexity even if he only appear in less than 10% of the entire story.
And even more ironically, the original Shen Qingqiu a.k.a. Shen Jiu, is probably the most complex character to have ever existed in there (and he only appears in, what, a couple of extra chapters).
(You know what? If MXTX just goes with the original Luo Binghe x Shen Qingqiu, including all of their complexity, I think the development, conflict, and resolution could've been more deep and complex - but yeah, it ain't gonna be "Scum Villain's Self Saving System)
Liu Qingge is okay and actually quite lovable. It's just that I feel it's too easy for him to appear anytime, anywhere there is a problem, as if he's some easy way out.
Other than those I've mentioned above, I literally don't have anything to comment on the other characters because... I don't even know if there's anything to comment. They really come and go just like that and leave no big impression on me.
This here is basically just some technical things that were a bit unfortunate, because if only they were improved, the story could've been better.
1. The story is clearly written from Shen Qingqiu's point of view, but it will suddenly switch to Luo Binghe's inner thoughts every now and then, making it inconsistent.
2. Description of time and environment. Sometimes it's really difficult to tell in what kind of place the scene is happening, whether it was day or night, whether the characters still remain in the same place or have move elsewhere. Transition when switching locations is also not described enough.
3. As much as I love the story, I feel like it's progressing too fast without any significant crisis. It just ends like that with no massive ordeal or mystery to be solved. I think this is related to Shen Qingqiu's "omniscient reader" point of view because it makes me feel like "hmm yeah, it's just another part of the story, they're going to go through this just fine"
Still, I understand that this is MXTX's first novel. In fact, most of the aforementioned issues (including the characters) have undergone immense improvement in her second novel (MDZS), so I don't think I have anything to worry about.
It's worth to read, really. If you just want to enjoy a cool, funny, and cute "isekai" story, I can definitely recommend this. But don't expect some deep philosophical shit, because half of this novel is made of shitpost (I shit you not).
Moral of the story though?
See how market demand kills content creators' freedom and creativity.
Airplane Shooting towards the Sky, the author of the controversial stallion "Proud Immortal Demon Way" literally told Shen Qingqiu at the final chapter of the main story:
He's actually written deep, aesthetic stories before, but they were all unpopular. Only when he wrote this harem novel full of fan-service - disregarding plot depth, plot holes, cheap characterizations - did he finally gain popularity and was able to obtain sufficient income to feed himself.
He was grateful to Shen Qingqiu for "messing" up the plot of his novel, changing it into how it is now, because it allows everything he originally wanted to write - but couldn't - to come true.
In previous chapters, he also said that he actually wanted to make the original Shen Qingqiu into a three-dimensional, more complex characters, but the netizens didn't appreciate it and were complaining instead. Hence he was forced to make the original Shen Qingqiu into a plain old scum villain with no redeeming quality at all - even though in his original script, this character has a complex background that causes his current known personality.
Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua might be talking about it in their usual, funny bantering, but who dares to say that this isn't an issue being faced by almost all content creators in the whole world?
How many content creators have been forced to sacrifice the creativity value and quality of their work in order to satisfy the taste of majority?
How many content creators have been made to revise their works by editors in order to fit into a certain agenda or market trend?
Unless you're a massively popular creator or a powerful individual, chances are you will never have the chance to create a content you truly want to make for a living.
In any case, there may be other authors who are better than MXTX in this world, but I love her works because despite the fictional content, the comedy, the silliness, etc, there are still at least one aspect that reflects the situation of the real, current world, and when you realize it, the realization can be quite a slap to the face like "hey, wait a minute, she's right you know?" See less
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