#But it's mostly there so that's the important part ♪
vargaslovinghours · 2 years
Gosh I am so in love with the dating sim idea <33
Partially because I'm interested in computer programming and partially because, like, the ✨dynamics✨ man!!
The idea of Scriabin internally struggling between "I don't *hate* this person" and "This person trying to steal Edgar from me >:0" is just asdf-
What type of endings would there be?
Could you befriend one/both and not go as far as dating?
Could you date both?
Also love love love the UI concept art so much like the yarn-themed dialogue box and hearts system is so creative aaa
Sorry if this is a lot of questions just <333 going feral over this concept <33
Haha no no, no problem at all ♪ We’re both on the same page here, I love the design side of games, backend stuff is super fascinating to me ♫ Plus I just super love the idea of them in a Dating Sim ah ♥
It sounds like a whole heap’a your questions are answered in my first post in the Dating Sim tag :D
However, since I have The Most fun imagining what it’d be like to write/play a Vargas Dating Sim, I will take this opportunity to talk about it more lol:
As you can see in the Endings flow chart, yes, there are a bunch of different endings, all based on the ✨dynamics✨ that the Player pursues with each of the Vargases. In my current draft there’s not a way to date both exactly - at least, you can’t date both behind the other’s back, they will always be generally aware of the relationship status the other has with the Player, Scriabin moreso than Edgar, but Scriabin can’t help but gloat and they talk in their own scenes, so Edgar still knows. You can positively pursue both of them though, which leads to its own ending!
(You can keep both of them at ~5 ♥s and under, but that will still culminate in the Neutral Ending; at least one of them has to be at 7+ ♥s to get a different Positive ending; so, yes but no but also yes??)
You can also deepen your relationship with one over the other! Those, of course, lead to the Bad and Worst Endings, who could’ve guessed :3c Those are some of my favourites, because who’s “Bad” ending it is really depends on the perspective - the Bad (Edgar) Ending is one of Scriabin’s better Endings, as far as his manipulation and possessiveness is concerned. It’s definitely a Bad Ending for the Player tho lol
While the Best Ending doesn’t get as messed up as the Bad Endings (I mean - ideally lol), there is still definitely a lot of tumultuous emotions! They have to share the Player with each other, and each other with the Player, at least to better get to know each other! Scriabin isn’t the only one who feels possessive, even in routes where the player gets closer to Edgar there are still a lot of mixed feelings about being away from Scriabin, even as he starts to get more violent. They’re always weird about each other, they’re the ultimate package deal! 💕
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sysig · 7 months
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Gotta sweep up all this Dust (Patreon)
#Doodles#Mother 3#Duster#I am still thinking of He and yet he still hasn't completely come back into my crosshairs#If you can believe it - it was actually the fic printing that was like halfway to the goal of going out of my mind about him again and well-#Lol ♪ I do still plan to! I just underestimated how much of a run-up to him it would be#I'll get there! Certainly keeping busy in the meanwhile lol#But he does get /some/ screentime in the meantime at least haha#I actually injured my own ankle a while ago :P Couldn't tell you exactly when or what but it's been kinda flaring up lately#Mostly when I got for walks - doesn't have to be super long walks either which I'm not super jazzed about#But I did get an ankle compress-brace which has been good for it :) Can walk a bit more regularly!#It was mostly giving my pain away that prompted him back lol sorry Duster#I did at least power up the game to try and see which side his limp is on - it's hard to tell!#It looks like his strides are more confident/longer with his left leg but with the way his sprite mirrors sometimes but not other times#I don't know if he actually says which leg it is somewhere in the game either so I'm just projecting for now lol#I imagine it's only easier to stress out the strong side by overextending - why not both!#It's also still really fun to draw him covered in scars haha#Probably could've gone for arm hair too but it might've muddled the scars and aren't those the important part lol#And a little singy Duster/Lucky to round out :)#I imagine he has a weak voice if he tried projecting but hmm I'm not sure! I really do want to get to know him better!#There's gotta be a reason he was put on the bass right haha#Probably a nice whispery singing voice ♪
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 7 months
♪ ~ a little rag dolly , wishing your worries away ~ ♪
please read the faq ! ( updated as of 4/9/2024 )
a part ask-blog , part comic where ragatha is infected with a sentient virus that can talk to her - and somehow that's the least concerning part in all of this ?
there's no right or wrong choices here but these all definitely look like wrong ones
[ while this is mostly not intended to be a horror comic , please be warned that this will contain content that can be seen as disturbing such as depictions of mental illness and breakdowns , vomiting , self-harm , suicidal and intrusive thoughts , scopophobia , medical trauma - and possibly more i haven't listed ! if these things get too distressing it's okay to click away , your mental wellbeing matters more ^^
also disclaimer that a lot of the things here were written Before episode 2 so if there's some inconsistencies then you know ! ]
somehow doesn't work in mobile , please don't ask me i don't know how to fix it , blame tumblr idk lol
phase 1
phase 2
[ asks ] / [ ask2 ] - main posts
[ ooc ] - misc. posts
[ INTERMISSION ] - surprise !
[ non-canon ] - non-canon asks
[ ESSAY WARNING ] - mod rambles
[ doodles ] - art from yours truly !
[ THE INFLUENCER ] - old t.i tag ! design was by @/raggedabstraction
tadc influence au - green ?????????
[ you just opened : pandora's box ! ] - an achievement i give to a select amount of asks that completely ran the plot into a tree and exploded it <3
[ animations ] - ... animations !
[ office lore ] - backstory that i don't think is pretty important to this story but people are somehow invested in it so here you go
toybox - just me going crazy over my brotp ( zooble & ragatha )
[ more will be added ! ... if i figure it out ... ]
nooo inappropriate asks, please ! i will not hesitate to block you if you send one
my art is free to use ! use it for your icon , an edit , or even repost it ! my only condition really is to credit me (:
the only ship i'll lean towards is jesterdoll (pomni x ragatha) ! even then , it's not the main focus ( i prefer exploring more platonic dynamics honestly ! )
please be patient and do not take it personally if your ask doesn't get in , i am just one artist running this blog , not planning to get another mod , and i get a shitton of asks whenever i open the inbox . there is no 100% guarantee that your ask will get in
please do not dm me . i am not open for small talk . just take any questions or inquiries to the ask box if it's open . sorry but i will be ignoring any messages from this point on . it's nothing personal i am just severely mentally ill
magic anons are fine ! though note i will be very picky towards them and most likely won't accept any that exceeds 10 asks .
you can call me mod bee . for the sake of this blog , i go by she/her ^^ ( please don't bring up my main if you recognize my art style shfgsf )
[ guidelines are subject to change ~ ]
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trevuorzegras · 3 months
✿ umich cheer au masterlist ⬚͒ㅤㅤㅤ♪
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ⓘ you can find all parts to this series, here! this will be x reader instead of an oc, however i will be using #wrong time is an inconvenience au tag as a guide. this hashtag is where you can also find all the works for this series. ❤︎
fem!reader x mark estapa
mentions of fem!reader x cole sillinger
mentions of mark estapa x fem!oc
jules leblanc will be my faceclaim throughout this series, however you can imagine whoever you want, as she is just here for media reasons. enjoy!
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⊹ prologue!
One of Umich’s best cheerleaders y/n y/l/n finds out her boyfriend Cole Sillinger has been cheating on her, through instagram. The breakup is extremely public, and messy. Soon enough her bestfriend, Jade drags her to a hockey game, and then a post hockey game party, where she meets Mark Estapa. She instantly feels a connection with him, the two becoming friends easily.
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⊹ chapters!
she was boring (chapter one)
more coming soon . . .
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⊹ blurbs / short imagines!
coming soon . . .
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warnings + extra information!
first and foremost, most things that'll be in this fic are most likely untrue. i will try my best to make things believable, but at the end of the day, it's a fic.
number two, this is mostly going to be a social media fic, as i see that it does the best.
three, this is purely for entertainment, if you have anything negative to say, you can scroll.
IMPORTANT I an oc by the name of jjde winters will be mentioned throughout this series, Jade’s faceclaim is jayden bartels. she will portray readers bestfriend, so don't be confused if you see jayden used throughout the series.
also, cole did not date tate in this series.
excited for this fic, please make sure to check out my navigation, here!
check out my college hockey masterlist, here!
taglist | @wnderify @bunbunbl0gs @alwaysclassyeagle @bunting58 @callsignwidow @crazycat-ladys-blog @hughesfein
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Choir: ♪ Holy infant So tender and mild ♪
John: Wait, who describes an infant as mild?
Ted: Yeah, I'm more hung up on tender.
John: Yeah, somebody's eating this baby.
Priest: It's important that we remember just why we celebrate Christmas. We observe the holiest of all days to rejoice in the glory of the birth of Jesus Christ, born not from the seed of man but from divine origin. Never before or since have we, God's children, been blessed by such a miracle.
Ted: Excuse me. Yeah, over here. Hi. Ted, local bear. You're talking about a guy who came alive out of nowhere, right?
Priest: Yes.
Ted: Yeah, me.
Priest: I'm sorry?
Ted: I'm just saying, he's not the only one.
Priest: I don't think that's the same thing.
Ted: Well, you said, never before or since. But… You know, this guy.
Priest: The birth of Christ was a heavenly miracle.
Ted: I mean, what do you call this? I mean, I don't see any Pound Puppies or Monchhichis walking around.
Priest: Christ's birth was clearly ordained by God, marked by the star of Bethlehem, a miraculous beacon from the heavens.
John: There was a star there. Ted: There was a star, right?
John: Yeah, no, it was a shooting star.
Ted: I had a star. John: Yeah.
Priest: Jesus had a divine purpose. God sent him to us to spread the word that He loves us.
Ted (recorded voice): "I love you."
Ted: Your move, Friar Tuck.
Priest: I just want to finish the sermon.
Ted: I'm just saying, I might be Jesus. Might. I'm not saying for sure. I'm just saying it's a possibility. I might be Jesus.
Priest: That is incredibly disrespectful.
Ted: Says the guy eating babies.
John: OK, we can't read this whole thing.
Ted: Well, if we're gonna figure out if I'm actually Jesus, we at least got to skim it.
John: I have never seen pages so thin.
Ted: I know. It's like Kleenex with boring stories on it.
John: You know, I was thinking. How do we know that Dennis isn't Jesus?
Ted: Johnny, Jesus walked on water, all right? Walked! That means he had feet, not wheels.
John: Yeah, that makes sense.
Ted: Oh, wait, hang on. Stop right there. Look, look, look. Matthew 21:31, "Truly I say to you, the tax collectors and prostitutes go into the kingdom of heaven before you." Look at that. Jesus hangs out with hookers.
John: Yeah, and he says there's hookers in heaven too. He sounds a lot like you.
Ted: Oh, yeah, heaven is probably mostly hookers.
John: Wait, so you're paying for sex in heaven?
Ted: You're not paying them for sex. You're paying them to fly away.
John: Oh. Let's see. "And behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me to give"…
Ted: What was that first part?
John: "Behold, I come quickly."
Ted: Jesus said that?
John: Yeah.
Ted: Yeah, that's not the kind of thing I'd start with "behold." What else? Well, look, look, look. Right there. Right there. John the apostle. Jesus had an apostle named John.
John: Holy shit. Those were, like, his buddies, right?
Ted: Yeah, yeah, there was Sleepy, Sneezy, Dopey, Johnny, Blitzen, and Larry, Darryl, and Darryl. There's no doubt anymore. I'm the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ted: Holy shit. Does this mean you have, like, powers and stuff?
Ted: Yeah, but I probably got to learn how to use them. Flip to the spells.
John: OK, spells, spells, spells. Ted: Spells, spells, spells.
Ted: Wonder what my alignment is.
John: Chaotic good.
Ted: Ah, yeah, yeah. Good, but, like, you know, I might fuck around a little bit.
John: Yeah.
Ted: Shit, we supposed to have dice?
Ted: OK, what do you say we try one of them spells, huh? Water into wine, here we go. "Meka leka hi, meka hiney ho. Meka leka hi, meka chiney ho." All right, try it.
John: Still water.
Ted: Fuck! Oh, you know what? It's 'cause we don't have the wand.
Blaire: Shit. I mean, how the fuck am I supposed to share a house with somebody who treats me like I have some fucking disease Guess there's no chance he's gonna apologize.
Ted: You know, if I can offer a bit of Christly wisdom, Blaire? You're smarter than he is, so you might have to go talk to him.
Blaire: Oh, fuck that. I am not extending an olive branch to somebody who's against basic equality.
John: Well, that's the thing, Blaire. I don't think he's really even against anything. Think he just didn't want to look stupid in front of his truck.
Blaire: Listen to yourself!
John: OK, then don't do it for Dad. Do it for Mom. Look, she's really bummed out right now, and it's all just 'cause Christmas is messed up. Look, I know it's gonna suck, but…
Ted: But it's like I say in the Book of Romulans: turn the other cheek. Do unto others. Say it, don't spray it. I'll have what she's having.
Blaire: You're an idiot.
Ted: Oh, what do we say to that, Apostle?
John: Four hell points.
Ted: Four hell points.
Blaire: What the fuck is a hell point?
Ted: It's how I determine which of my children, who I love, will be tortured forever.
Blaire: Oh, God. Ugh, all right, all right, I'll… I'll talk to him.
Ted: Well, I Jesus-ed the shit out of that one.
Blaire: You? You didn't do anything.
Ted: Eh, I worked in mysterious ways.
Sarah: How?
Ted: Where there was only one set of footprints, that's where I carried you.
Blaire: You watched 18 hours of TV yesterday. You barely moved.
Ted: When it most appears I'm not Jesus, that's when you need faith.
Sarah: Ted, you do know what happened to Jesus, right?
Ted: Yeah, he gave back the Gobstopper, and they gave him the chocolate factory. I mean, I think that's what happened. I'm reading, like, two books at once.
Sarah: They nailed him to the cross and crucified him for our sins.
Ted: Wait, what?
Susan: It was so nice of him to let them do that for us, wasn't it?
Ted: They killed him?
Sarah: Yeah.
Ted: Oh, shit. Yeah, fuck that. I'm out. Wait, maybe I'm Buddha. Buddha was lazy, right?
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shiningwonderland · 3 months
Ai Mikaze (All Star)
Translator: Nadie (twitter: NmoniaG)
Proofreader: Raine (twitter: amagiyas)
Editor: Noemi (twitter: dreaminbeyond)
Chapter 6 - Gondola at Dusk
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After undergoing maintenance, Mikaze-senpai returned to his work. 
Filming for the movie also resumed after its long break, and at the end of February, everyone was working hard to wrap up the shooting.
Most of my time in February was taken up finishing jobs that had accumulated over the holiday season.
However, I’m also managing some of Senpai’s events to accompany him to his work.
The reason doesn't really matter. As long as I can be by his side, I’m happy.
Ai Mikaze: Why are you grinning like that? Are you making good progress?
Haruka Nanami: Uwah?! Oh, sorry, I’m on it.
I suddenly realize that Senpai’s standing there holding a cup of coffee in his hand.
Ai Mikaze: Don’t "Oh!" me. You know it’s not good to space out during work. Did you upload the BGM score?
It’s March 1st. Filming will continue in the afternoon.
Until then, I will use this short time to get the BGM checked.
Ai Mikaze: Really… pull yourself together. Here, take this. I won’t drink it, but if you don’t keep yourself awake you’ll keep spacing out.
He puts the cup of coffee on the table with a sigh.
Haruka Nanami: Ahh—sorry! You even made me coffee….
Ai Mikaze: It’s alright, just drink it! You're the only one who gets this special treatment from me.
He says while deliberately adding milk to the cup.
Haruka Nanami: Okay….
His way of speaking seems a bit frank but that’s just like him so it makes me happy.
However, our time together like this is limited.
He takes a look at the BGM score I hand him.
Ai Mikaze: Mhm, it’s nice. Your songs are just like you…. I can feel some sort of kindness in them.
After cutting himself off from Aine-san, Mikaze-senpai became even more like a human being.
In exchange for a deadline, he received the treasure of “free emotions.”
I have to create a song for the Song Festival that shows that freedom to its fullest.
Haruka Nanami: Thank you very much. I’ll also do my best for the Song Festival!
"Mhm," he adds with a nod and looks at my face as I put the coffee cup to my lips.
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It’s afternoon when we arrive at the filming location.
Reiji Kotobuki: Heyah—! Ai-Ai, Kouhai-chan! Long time no see—♪
Kotobuki-senpai rushes towards us.
Haruka Nanami: Oh, Kotobuki-senpai! Um, thanks for the other day….
Ai Mikaze: The other day?
Mikaze-senpai eyes me with a suspicious look as I bow politely.
Haruka Nanami: Ah—No, it’s…!
Reiji Kotobuki: Come on, don’t give us that scary look! She only came to ask for some advice. Dear me~ You really shouldn’t worry our little Kouhai-chan so much ☆
Ai Mikaze: Huh? Er, okay….
Reiji Kotobuki: Anyways, I’m glad that you’re feeling better now! On that topic—why is it that you never reply to my messages, Ai-Ai?!
Ai Mikaze:  Because your messages are too long! There are so many special characters that they make it hard to read. As a result, I can't even tell which parts of your messages are important.
Reiji Kotobuki: On the other hand, yours are way too short! When I finally get a reply it’s mostly just single words like “Okay” or “No”!
Ai Mikaze: I mean, there's no reason to write more than that….
I puff up my cheeks.
It’s been so long since I’ve seen these two talk to each other on set. They seem to have a good time.
Their conversation ends and Mikaze-senpai gets ready on standby.
Reiji Kotobuki: Kouhai-chaaan, can I have a moment?
Kotobuki-senpai seems to be beckoning me to a corner of the filming set.
Haruka Nanami: What is it?
Heading his way, Kotobuki-senpai makes a shushing gesture.
Reiji Kotobuki: Do you know what day it is today?
Select the phrase!
ホワイトデー White Day (+0)
Haruka Nanami: White Day! No, that can’t be right.
Reiji Kotobuki: Nonono, you must be kidding! March has just begun! It’s the 1st!
Haruka Nanami: Huh… the 1st, so…. No way….
Reiji Kotobuki: Eh, what? Could it be that you just remembered?
Haruka Nanami: Isn’t today… Mikaze-senpai’s birthday?
Kotobuki-senpai hangs his head, crestfallen.
誕生日 Birthday (+15)
Haruka Nanami: Of course! March 1st is Mikaze-senpai’s birthday!
Kotobuki-senpai claps.
Reiji Kotobuki: Right, correct answer~! Heeere, since Kouhai-chan answered correctly, you win this Super Nice Guy Doll!
Haruka Nanami: Oh, this doll, I’ve seen it on some kind of quiz show before.
… But anyway, it’s today?
Haruka Nanami: It’s his birthday… but….
Because of all that happened last month, I completely forgot to prepare something for it.
Reiji Kotobuki: My? Could this air be the “I’m-not-prepared-at-all” mood?
Haruka Nanami: S-sorry…. I've been so caught up in the hustle and bustle recently….
撮影の日 Day of the filming (+10)
Haruka Nanami: It’s the day of the filming?
Reiji Kotobuki: That’s true. Yeah, that it is. No doubt about it.
—As if!! Aren’t you forgetting something more important about this day?!
Haruka Nanami: Ah! March 1st…. Today is Mikaze-senpai’s birthday?!
Reiji Kotobuki: Oh man, pull yourself together, partner!
I slap my cheeks, throwing Kotobuki-senpai off.
Haruka Nanami: No way, so it’s today….
Reiji Kotobuki: Correct! Today’s Ai-Ai’s birthday. So I thought maybe we should all celebrate it together, as a surprise~? 
Kotobuki-senpai says cheerfully.
Reiji Kotobuki: —And then I thought, everyone on set should give him a present, but what present would he like?
Something that Mikaze-senpai would like….
Select the phrase!
メッセージカード A message card (+15)
Haruka Nanami: How about a card with messages from everyone? He can enjoy it whenever he looks at it.
Reiji Kotobuki: I see, I see. In that case I’ll fill the card to the fullest with all my heart!
Haruka Nanami: T-then it won’t be a team effort anymore!!
Kotobuki-senpai gives a hearty laugh.
Messages from everyone…. Can I also write something on it? I think I will.
記念撮影 A commemorative picture (+10)
Haruka Nanami: In that case, what about a photo with everyone for commemoration….
Reiji Kotobuki: Oh, sounds good! There happens to be a photographer here today. I’ll ask them to take a professional photo!
Haruka Nanami: Okay!
After it’s shot I can put it in a frame and give it to him as a present.
Kotobuki-senpai wastes no time and calls out to the photographer.
手作りケーキ Handmade cake (+0)
Reiji Kotobuki: What? Right now?! Er, if we buy the ingredients we could probably decorate it with everyone's help… maybe?
Haruka Nanami: Right…. Oh, er—
Mikaze-senpai isn’t really fond of food to begin with, so it wasn't the best suggestion.
Haruka Nanami: It really is too sudden to start now. We’d have to leave the set for it too…. Should I get some flowers?
We end up discussing what kind of bouquet to get for Mikaze-senpai.
Reiji Kotobuki: Alright, I’ll leave the shopping to you! Get on your way and be careful!
“Here are your war funds!” He hands me a coin purse with a salute.
Haruka Nanami: Oh—Okay! I’ll be on my way!
I hurriedly return his salute.
Since the consultation is over, I run to the nearest main road to go shopping.
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Let’s buy the things Kotobuki-senpai asked for, as well as some party poppers and all the party goods I can think of!
Haruka Nanami: This much should be fine…. Ah, that’s right!
Noticing a general store, I head inside.
I should also give Senpai a present for his birthday.
For this one, I pull out my own purse and look around the store.
What should I get….
Select the phrase!
ピヨちゃんの時計 Piyo-chan clock (+0)
I reach for the Piyo-chan alarm clock.
The alarm sound coming from the yellow device imitates Piyo-chan.
Haruka Nanami: Hmm… I think that’s a little too cute.
Shinomiya-san, who loves Piyo-chan, would have liked this. However, I can’t even imagine Mikaze-senpai waking up to this.
I look around the shop. There has to be something else.
海の写真集 Ocean photo book (+20)
I grab an ocean themed photo book.
One photo shows a sea’s coral reef in its rich colors.
Haruka Nanami: It’s beautiful, but I want to find something that’ll be easier to carry around.
I look around the shop.
マフラー Scarf (+15)
I grab a white scarf.
Haruka Nanami: That’s right, Senpai gave me a scarf for christmas.
However, it’ll be spring soon. So giving him a scarf now would be….
Hoping to find something better, I look around some more.
I come to a stop at the accessory corner.
My eyes land on a bangle and I reach out for it.
The silver bangle in my hand is slim with a simple design. It's inlaid with what appear to be natural blue stones.
There’s a small sign next to it.
“An accessory, adorned with the birthstone for march: aquamarine. Aquamarine is also called ‘mermaid tears’.”
I haven't seen Senpai wear accessories in private before but….
Haruka Nanami: This would suit him.
Deciding to wrap it myself, I go to the wrapping corner to prepare his present.
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After buying everything I need, I prepare to head back to the filming location when I suddenly notice a familiar face walking towards me.
His white coat stands out on the city streets.
Haruka Nanami: Professor…. Why are you here…?
Professor: Just by chance. No need to be so wary.
Before me stands the professor.
This is my first time seeing him since the day Mikaze-senpai collapsed.
Could he be staying near Mikaze-senpai because he’s worried about him?
Haruka Nanami: Uhm… how is Aine-san?
Professor: He's still asleep. Even after all that, his condition hasn't changed and he's still stable.
Although their connection was cut, Aine-san continued to sleep.
“Is this for the best?” That thought slips my mind.
Professor: Hey now, don’t give me the long face. We can be happy about this outcome.
Haruka Nanami: Huh…?
Professor: Ai told me that we don’t have to force Aine to wake up. He should have the strength to wake up by himself.
He said: “What else can we do but believe in his strength?”—Can’t believe Ai was the one to tell me something like that.
Haruka Nanami: …Mikaze-senpai told me that he met Aine-san.
“Seems like it.” The professor says with a nod.
Professor: For humans, there are times when they want to run away and times when they want to rest.
I became so desperate in my deed to save Aine, I never thought about everyone else’s feelings.
I hurt Aine, Ai, and also you. For that, I’m sorry.
Everyone’s feelings….
Haruka Nanami: But… I believe that having someone who is waiting for you must be a truly wonderful thing.
You wanted to help wake Aine-san, and I don’t think that those feelings were futile.
So please, just wait for him.
He nods silently.
Professor: About Ai, to be honest there is still nothing we can do. I can’t access his system.
Haruka Nanami: Oh… I see….
I clasp my hands together tightly.
Professor: However, I’ll keep trying until the very end. I’ll give it my all to save even a fragment of his memory! Hopefully, I can do that at least.
Haruka Nanami: …Please. I'm counting on you.
Professor: I also plan to let Aine hear your song for the Song Festival.
Haruka Nanami: Of course…. Mikaze-senpai and Aine-san seem to have made a promise with each other.
That’s what I tell him.
Shortly after, the professor leaves to continue his business. 
Haruka Nanami: … Until the very end….
One day, that moment will come. Is there something I can do until then?
I check the time.
Haruka Nanami: Oh, it’s already this late!
I have to go back now or the filming will be over.
Haruka Nanami: Time sure passes quickly.
I start running back to the set.
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Once the filming ends, Mikaze-senpai prepares to leave after thanking everyone. That’s when Kotobuki-senpai calls out to him in an attempt to hold him up.
Reiji Kotobuki: Whoa there, wait a minute—! Stay! Hey, stay! And now, everyone assemble!
He firmly grabs Mikaze-senpai by the collar.
Ai Mikaze: Wha—what? Stop it, Reiji…. Idiot, you're ruining my clothes!
Dragging him back on set, Kotobuki-senpai promptly gathers the staff members and actors together.
Reiji Kotobuki: Are you ready~? Well, well everyone, now together! Ready—go! Congratulations, Ai-Ai!!
At once, everyone cracks their party poppers as congratulatory words surround him from all sides.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Congratulations!
Syo Kurusu: Congratulations, Ai!
Shinomiya-san and Syo-kun who arrive later also crack open their poppers with great enthusiasm.
Ai Mikaze: Huh? Right, thank you. But what are we celebrating?
Mikaze-senpai looks at us with puzzled eyes.
Reiji Kotobuki: Oh, stahp it~! Today’s Ai-Ai’s birthday, no? Yet another year closer to adulthood. Whooo—! A merry occasion!!
Ai Mikaze: Uh… birthday…? A birthday celebration for me…?
Still being somewhat unsure, Mikaze-senpai looks at everyone around him.
Syo Kurusu: Don’t tell me…. Is this your first time celebrating your birthday?
Mikaze-senpai replies with a nod.
Whaaat?!—everyone exclaims in shock.
Ai Mikaze: I do have the knowledge about celebrating these but… I see… so my day of birth can be celebrated as well.
Senpai murmurs.
A Bavarian cake is placed on the table.
I bought it thinking that he might like something with some jelly on it.
Reiji Kotobuki: ‘Kay, now—without toppling the candles over, blow them out like whoo, whooo!
Ai Mikaze: “Whoo”? Uhm, how do I do it? Should I just blow them off by expelling the air through my lips?
Mimicking Kotobuki-senpai’s lip shape, I’ve rarely seen Mikaze-senpai this flustered.
Haruka Nanami: You got it! And now, you put out the flame on all the candles!
Everyone watches Mikaze-senpai.
Ai Mikaze: Err, this is somehow really embarrassing…. Uhm… whoo—?
Hesitantly, Mikaze-senpai puts out the candles on top of the cake.
Afterwards, we take a commemorative picture and hand him a message card with a small flower bouquet.
As a side show, we have Kotobuki-senpai parodying Mikaze-senpai, and for some reason he then asks Shinomiya-san and Syo-kun to do a comedy sketch together.
The party continues for a little while longer.
Standing in the center surrounded by everyone, Mikaze-senpai still seems a little confused, but a side of him also looks happy….
Hopefully, this will become a good memory for him.
I can’t help feeling a little saddened by these thoughts, however I try not to let it show.
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Haruka Nanami: Senpai, is everything alright? You look troubled….
Ai Mikaze: It’s because of the parody that Reiji did of me. Am I… really always like that?
Haruka Nanami: Uhm, well….
We’re on our way home from the birthday party.
The parody that Kotobuki-senpai did of Senpai was indeed accurate down to his usual  expressions, but it was a bit too exaggerated.
Ai Mikaze: And moreover, I couldn't laugh at Natsuki and Syo's comedy skit where neither one would make remarks at the other's absurd actions. More or less, it seemed like their act was about poking fun at Mikaze-senpai's skill in not reacting to people's silly behavior, but making a good comedy skit without any witty remarks is tough to pull off.
Haruka Nanami: You’re as strict as always, Senpai.
Ai Mikaze: Hehe, but it was fun! I was surprised when everyone suddenly congratulated me, but it made me happy.
Haruka Nanami: Thank goodness….
As I mumble, Mikaze-senpai looks at me briefly and smiles.
Haruka Nanami: Ah! That’s right! Senpai, I have a present for you!
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We went to a nearby park and sat down on a bench.
I hand him a paper bag which he opens clumsily.
Ai Mikaze: This is… an accessory? A blue stone. It must be aquamarine, right?
He holds the bangle up against the park’s streetlight.
Haruka Nanami: That's right. Aquamarine is the birthstone for March, and they’re also called “mermaid tears.”
Ai Mikaze: Heh…. Doesn’t it fit me perfectly then? However, I don’t know how to put this on. Can you put it on for me? Please?
He holds his hand and the bangle out to me.
Haruka Nanami: Sure!
I put the bangle on his wrist.
The aquamarine stone and the silver of the bangle have a sparkling shine.
Ai Mikaze: Oh, it fits my wrist perfectly! It’s pretty…. Thank you, I will take good care of it.
He holds the bangle up in the park’s streetlight yet again and narrows his eyes.
I’m glad he likes it. But at the same time, an indescribable sadness overcomes me.
Just when the two of us are finally alone, why do these thoughts keep coming to mind?
Ai Mikaze: Listen…. I don’t want you to feel sad for me.
As if he had noticed my feelings, Senpai turns to face me.
Ai Mikaze: A lot has happened, but now I have people who celebrate my birthday and that makes me really happy.
Besides, seeing your sad expression is also painful for me. I know it’s not easy but… can you try smiling for me?
Haruka Nanami: Smiling….
Senpai smiles gently.
Ai Mikaze: Truthfully, leaving you also hurts me, but I will do it in such a way that you won’t feel sad. Because you see, I want you to remember my smile.
He gently holds his pinky out.
Ai Mikaze: A pinky promise. That’s what you do when you make a promise, right?
I nod. Then I entwined his slim pinky with my small pinky.
Ai Mikaze: Cross my heart I will not lie, or else I'll eat a needle pie. Pinky promise.
He chants the rhyme as if singing the words. The moment we let go of our pinkies, the bangle around his wrist jingles.
Ai Mikaze: Now it’s a promise! ….Hey, will you smile for me? I want to see your smiling face over and over again.
Haruka Nanami: Over and over, you say?
To my question, he only points to his head making a tapping gesture.
Ai Mikaze: Yes. I want to fill my remaining memory with your smiles.
I smile at him and then he softly pats my head.
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From then on, neither of us brought up the topic of our eventual parting. Instead, we focused on the Song Festival and worked on our song together.
Today is finally the last day of filming.
With the ocean in the background, the mermaid prince wishes for the heroine’s happiness and offers her a song. This is the scene where he turns into foam and disappears.
Their first encounter was also at this ocean.
The now grown-up heroine has lost her eyesight due to an accident. She can no longer see the prince, who has lost his voice.
She’s talking about the most beautiful times of her life.
Like the fateful encounter she had at this beach. That day, the heroine’s and mermaid prince’s hearts connected in song.
Halfway through her story, it becomes a monologue.
“I want to hear the song from that time,” she says. Wanting to make her happy, he starts singing with all his heart.
As soon as he uses his voice, he’s fated to disappear into foam. In spite of that, he continues to sing.
Kotobuki-senpai came to watch Mikaze-senpai’s acting.
Reiji Kotobuki: Man, he’s changed…. Amazing. He’s like a totally different person.
Kotobuki-senpai mutters to himself.
Haruka Nanami: You're right. But now it's all coming to an end….
Kotobuki-senpai nods in agreement.
Reiji Kotobuki: You know, when you mentioned Aine that one time I was really shocked. What if Kouhai-chan met him somewhere? That thought crossed my mind.
Haruka Nanami: Huh…?
Reiji Kotobuki: I want to believe that he’s still alive somewhere. And for whatever reason, he hasn't come back. It’s better to think that way…. It puts my mind at ease.
Haruka Nanami: …Do you have regrets?
Reiji Kotobuki: I do. If there’s one thing that I regret, then it’d be the fact that I couldn’t have a proper conversation with him before he left. After all, he vanished so suddenly.
With that said, Kotobuki-senpai turns back to Mikaze-senpai.
Reiji Kotobuki: To be honest, a part of me started seeing resemblances between the two of them.
But Ai-Ai is strong. On the other hand, since he’s strong there are still things to worry about. I just don’t want what happened once to repeat itself all over again.
He should be more like me and learn to loosen up. There are way too many dangerous guys out there.
“A whole army of them,” he adds and laughs bitterly.
Reiji Kotobuki: Hey, Kouhai-chan. No matter what, be willing to listen to him, okay?
Haruka Nanami: ….
Reiji Kotobuki: If something happens, he probably won’t come and tell me. I don’t believe I’d have the confidence to face him then either.
I’m not in a position to say this, but if it’s Kouhai-chan then you’ll be fine.
If by some chance he tells you that he’s going somewhere, can you see him off properly? Since I was never able to do so.
Haruka Nanami: Kotobuki-senpai….
Reiji Kotobuki: Ahaha. Sorry for the weird conversation. A new chapter starts for Ai-Ai today. We’ll finish filming soon.
My~ The filming took a long time, but it was fun!
Kotobuki-senpai laughs and the last scene ends.
Director: Cut!! …Good, OK!!
Upon hearing the director’s last words, applause erupts all around.
Ai Mikaze: Everyone…. Thank you very much for everything!!
The applause gets significantly louder as he bows.
All the co-actors gather around Mikaze-senpai.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Good job, Ai-chan! You were wonderful!
Syo Kurusu: Somehow I… I was really touched.
His eyes are red-rimmed from crying, and he quickly wipes them with his sleeve.
Reiji Kotobuki: Good job on your first main role—! My, isn’t this already the face of a real actor? Is there hope for your next work?
Ai Mikaze: That’s too hasty! Really now…. But… thank you.
Mikaze-senpai smiles as he takes a bouquet from Kotobuki-senpai.
Ai Mikaze: I really mean it… thank you for everything!
He faces the co-actors and staff members before bowing deeply.
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The filming was finished, and by the time everything had been packed up the day was already coming to an end.
The Ferris wheel gondolas were lightly rising into the evening sky.
That’s where I discovered Mikaze-senpai’s secret last year.
We both look up at the Ferris wheel.
Ai Mikaze: Let’s take a ride on it before going home. I want to see the scenery from up there once again. Only if you’re not scared, of course.
Haruka Nanami: It’s not scary anymore! After all, I have you by my side.
We both laugh.
Ai Mikaze: Well, it’s not as cold as it was last year, and even if it does stop, I’ll stay by your side again all night.
Haruka Nanami: Huh?! T-that’s….
He flashes a mischievous smile, standing in front of the Ferris wheel.
Ai Mikaze: Come on, shall we? We have more than enough time today.
He takes my hand and runs ahead.
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We take off on the Ferris wheel and it feels as if we’re floating to the stars.
This time we’re sitting next to each other. He’s still holding my hand, and it feels warm and pleasant.
We can see the light displays shining on the shore across the water. 
Ai Mikaze: I wonder what happened afterwards.
Senpai mutters to himself while looking at the lights.
Haruka Nanami: …After what?
Ai Mikaze: I’m talking about the movie.  I wonder what the heroine did after the mermaid prince disappeared?
They didn’t continue the story after that. However, I think the heroine continued to live alone after the prince’s disappearance….
They don’t reveal what happens after the prince disappears and leave it up to the viewer’s imagination.
わかりません I don’t know (+0)
Haruka Nanami: I don’t know….
But… I think the emotions she felt in those happy moments will stay in her heart forever.
思い出と共に生きていくShe keeps on living with their memories (+20)
Haruka Nanami: I’m sure that he was able to reach her through his song and his prayer for her happiness.
Over time, her memory will fade. Of his face, his voice…. She might even forget him one day.
Only the feelings from those fleeting moments of happiness might remain in her heart forever.
悲しんだと思うI think she suffers (+10)
Haruka Nanami: I think she’ll suffer deeply. Just when she realized that he’s the one from that day, he disappears.
Senpai just mutters a silent “I see.”
Ai Mikaze: I wonder what will happen in our case.
The gondola steadily rises higher and higher.
The noise of the city fades away and silence takes over.
It’s so quiet that we could hear our breaths. In this silence, I'm drawn to the shared warmth of our linked hands. 
Ai Mikaze: Listen… Haruka.
He tightens his grip on my hand slightly so I look over to him—
—and meet his eyes which are fixed on me.
Ai Mikaze: I've finally come to understand the feeling of liking—of loving someone.
It’s not just happiness when you’re together. Sometimes it’s tough, painful and suffocating but….
Just the thought of them alone warms your heart. That’s how powerful it is. It makes me a little proud of myself.
I love you, Haruka.
I finally got to understand this emotion—my treasure. 
Senpai laughs happily.
Seeing his smile, my next words spill out naturally.
Haruka Nanami: I’m also in love with you, Mikaze-senpai! These feelings are also my treasure.
Ai Mikaze: …Thank you.
Senpai hugs me tightly.
Ai Mikaze: Robots don’t know love. So this is love. It took me a long time to realize that I’m in love.
No matter what happens from now on, the fact that I got to know such a wonderful feeling makes me so happy!
“I’m also really happy.”
Instead of answering with those words, I hug him tighter in response.
Communicating heart to heart—this moment is the happiest in the world. I want to feel it with my whole body.
Ai Mikaze: Can I… ask for something?
He whispers as we’re hugging in the lightly swaying gondola.
Haruka Nanami: …What is it?
Ai Mikaze: I might want… to kiss you. Can I?
はい Yes (+30)
It’s very embarrassing, but if it’s with Mikaze-senpai then….
Haruka Nanami: Yes….
I answer relieved, casting my eyes down….
Ai Mikaze: Oh… I’m glad. Somehow I’m really happy. It makes my heart beat so fast.
きっ、キスですか?K-kiss? (+15)
Ai Mikaze: I mean, the one we shared previously in your kitchen was an accident…. It doesn’t count as a real kiss, so….
Bashfulness is mixed in with his words.
Haruka Nanami: T-that’s right…. So you remember.
Ai Mikaze: There’s no way I’d forget! I have an excellent memory after all. So, please…?
I nod without a word.
今ですか!?Now?! (+0)
I look up in surprise and see Senpai with a little pout on his face.
Ai Mikaze: But we even expressed our feelings with each other…. So can’t we…?
He tilts his head. Without saying a word, I nod in agreement.
Ai Mikaze: To be honest, I don’t know what to do but you don’t have to be nervous.
I can see Mikaze-senpai’s long eyelashes and his clear eyes right in front of me.
Ai Mikaze: Uhm, and also… can you close your eyes?
Haruka Nanami: Ah—okay!
I close my eyes tightly and can feel Senpai’s body heat.
The tip of his nose touches mine.
At that moment, it feels like time has stopped.
Haruka Nanami: …?
When I don't feel our lips touching at all, I slightly open my eyes again.
Ai Mikaze: You see, our noses… they bump into each other. What should I do?
Senpai is completely at a loss.
Haruka Nanami: Huh? I think you might have to try tilting your head a little?
Ai Mikaze: Tilting…. Uhm, like this? Oh, I see.
He nods several times perhaps in satisfaction.
Ai Mikaze: Sorry, let's try that again! I’ll do it right this time, so… close your eyes?
The fingers on our clasped hands intertwine and squeeze tightly. 
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Ai Mikaze: …Nh….
His lips gently touch mine.
Ai Mikaze: Hehe, it’s warm… nh….
As if to confirm the warmth, our lips part for an instant but then meet again.
It should be embarrassing, yet it makes me so happy, filling my whole heart.
After we part, Senpai exhales.
Ai Mikaze: Hah… I see…. This… was quite nice actually….
Haruka Nanami: S-senpai!!
He chuckles and curls my hair around his finger.
Ai Mikaze: I mean, that’s how I honestly felt. Being connected with you like that…. Hey… Haruka. Let’s do it again.
Haruka Nanami: Mm… mhh….
Since we aren’t kissing anymore, I feel so embarrassed that I cannot face him.
Ai Mikaze: No? Did you already get tired of it?
I reply by shaking my head to which Senpai smiles.
Ai Mikaze: Thank you. I’m glad that I fell in love with you…. I love you. Nh…
It’s a chilly night on a spring day.
Inside the gondola as it slowly descends to the ground, we share a kiss and bask in each other’s warmth.
In the days leading up to the Song Festival, whenever we had free time we went out together.
We would go to the cinema or go shopping in the mall…
…taking a walk and watching the flowers bloom along the road….
Such a trivial, daily life was pure happiness for me.
Even the time in which we worked on our song was important to us, and we were close to finishing it. 
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Today, Senpai called me into the studio.
For some reason, he asked me to prepare for a recording.
Once everything is ready, I call out to Senpai who is in the booth.
Haruka Nanami: Everything is set, Senpai. Can we record?
Senpai agrees with a nod. When the music is about to start, he….
Ai Mikaze: Hello, I’m Ai Mikaze.
Senpai steps up to the microphone.
Ai Mikaze: Today, I’d like to sing a song that my precious person made for me. Please listen to it.
Music Game S
Ai Mikaze: Thank goodness. I was finally able to sing it….
Once he finished singing, he mumbles to the microphone and then raises his head to look at me with a big smile.
He comes out of the booth.
Haruka Nanami: Senpai! That was so good!
As I run up to him, he embraces me and spins me around.
Ai Mikaze: Did the recording go well? I’ll give this song to you. It’s a special version just for you.
Haruka Nanami: Thank you!
Just like that, we completed our song for the Song Festival.
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It’s the day of the Song Festival.
Rehearsal has finished, so we’re doing some final checks in the dressing room.
Haruka Nanami: …Hm? Come in!
Syo Kurusu: Yahoo—! We came to cheer you on!
I open the door and suddenly find Syo-kun and Shinomiya-san before me.
Haruka Nanami: Ooh, it’s you two! Thank you for coming!
Shinomiya-san takes my hand and swings it up and down.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Good morning! We watched the rehearsal! Both the song and the vocals were wonderful!
Syo Kurusu: Right! With that song, victory is certain!
Ai Mikaze: No, there’s still some room for improvement! I’ll give 100% on the real take.
I want to carefully express a sense of translucence​ and heartrending. I should be able to convey a variety of emotions.
Syo Kurusu: Ai… you….
After Mikaze-senpai found out about his time limit, he thought about it for a while and decided to tell those two right before the Song Festival.
“Since the two of them would be shocked if I were to suddenly disappear.”
That’s the thought he shared with me.
They were completely shocked, but once they calmed down they continued treating him like always.
Syo Kurusu: I get it… Ai, you’re already a real human.
Ai Mikaze: I can never become fully human. But that’s fine because I’m me. I’m Ai Mikaze.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Yes, that’s right! Ai-chan is Ai-chan and our dear senpai!!
Ai Mikaze: Geez, are you sure you got it?
“Of course~” Shinomiya-san replies with a smile.
Syo Kurusu: You seem to be in good physical condition, so that’s a relief. We’ll be cheering you on from the audience, so give it your best! ‘Kay?
Ai Mikaze: As my juniors, you don’t have to tell me that. I’ll do my best, so it’ll be fine.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Hehe, Ai-chan’s so cute when he‘s flustered. For Ai-chan’s victory, I’ll also support you. Like this~ huuug!!
Shinomiya-san hugs Mikaze-senpai tightly.
Ai Mikaze: Wait…! Natsuki! This isn’t really supporting anything!
Mikaze-senpai utters his complaint but stays in Shinomiya-san’s embrace.
I’m glad that these two came for a number of reasons.
Mikaze-senpai throws me an offended look.
Ai Mikaze: Geez, what are you grinning about? Look, the show is about to start. Syo, do something!
Mikaze-senpai points at Shinomiya-san who’s still hugging him.
Syo Kurusu: Roger! Hey, come on Natsuki, let’s go!!
Syo-kun tugs on Shinomiya-san’s arm.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Okay…. See you, Ai-chan….
Shinomiya-san reluctantly lets go of Mikaze-senpai.
Natsuki Shinomiya: I pray for Ai-chan’s feelings to reach everyone in the audience.
Ai Mikaze: Yes…. Thank you.
Syo Kurusu: Well then, see ya at the award ceremony! And you take care too!!
Natsuki Shinomiya: Bye-bye, Ai-chan. See you later.
They leave smiling with big, waving hand gestures.The door to the dressing room closes silently.
Soon afterwards, the curtains open signaling the start of the Song Festival.
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Chapter End
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svt-eves · 23 days
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03 #𝜗℘🍜🍱Mrs. VEVe.ᐟVERo✿𝆬⃞ ͙᭰͒̑͡✿ ུ⃨ 朱 ZHŪ HWA YOUNG the 14th member of seventeen, also known as the sweetheart of the group, the sunshine and the blooming flower. her ethnicity is chinese-korean-american, her english names are: DAPHNE, EVE, VERONICA, GIGIANNA. she debuted in seventeen on the 26th of may 2015, along with her 13 lovely members. debuted with the song of “adore you” on the mini album of “17 carat”.
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❥ ҉ 🫀🛢️♩ 𒀭▄▀▄ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤIMPORTANT. !
🫗 𝒹𝚘̲ꪶ̲ꪶ~On Site𓈒ʾʾ ⏎🥥꩜ටps .ᐟ 🗯️
𒋲 🪲❙❘ 🥩 ೋ 🈶 : all just for fun and i don’t impersonate anyone here, all from my imagination and just for fun, it’s all made up in my head, none of these are real. it’s up to you if you want to imagine that, some of the parts are 18+ and please do not interact! (here’s my tiktok: @saturnchwe)
🍜ㅋㅋ🪼rrring.ᐟ ⩇⩇:⩇⩇AM (☘︎)🫧❘❘❙ ͒⬚⚔️.ㅤㅤㅤi won’t be using any specific face claims here, i will just use some random kpop idols or ulzzang for the face claim of the oc here. do not put any specific idols/ulzzang when you are imagining this story. but however you can use the idol/ulzzang i put in every parts.
🍜ㅋㅋ🪼rrring.ᐟ ⩇⩇:⩇⩇AM (☘︎)🫧❘❘❙ ͒⬚⚔️.ㅤㅤㅤthis is a poly relationship fanfiction (13 bfs) your partners are: s.coups, jeonghan, joshua, jun, hoshi, wonwoo, woozi, the8, mingyu, dk, seungkwan, vernon, dino. if uncomfortable just scroll, and don’t read this.
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#ibEu-이브.. digi-j֍urnal⌕ 🍎❝Drone Camera-🍚❞
🍜ㅋㅋ🪼rrring.ᐟ ⩇⩇:⩇⩇AM (☘︎)🫧❘❘❙ ͒⬚⚔️.ㅤㅤㅤGENRE: fluff, crack. (no angst / you can suggest if you want some angst, but i’m telling you i’m bad at writing angst stories.)
❥ ҉ 🫀🛢️♩ 𒀭▄▀▄ㅤㅤDISCLAIMER. ! ㅤ㘎. ✪ / READ PLS : 🌬️🍉🫗
credits to the owner of pictures, mostly i got them on pinterest, not impersonating the idols/ulzzang in here. and specially seventeen, this story is not based on their real life scenarios. their personality here are different on what they have, it’s really important to not involve their real life backgrounds here.
grammatical errors and typos are expected and ignore the timestamps when i post their conversation. english is not my first language, so bare with me please.
i’m from philippines ─ so basically, english is not the language i grew up with, but i’m familiar with english words so you don’t have to worry.
the symbols / fonts are not mine, i got them here on tumblr or in other websites such as : google, twitter, facebook, pinterest or google websites.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ🌀⑰ 🆙EnDyying . .ㅤ🥃 ?? ̼ 🗯️𓊍ㅤׂㅤ͡⊹
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𝓢﹚ ⟢ 𑇓𝆬 ͙   𓇼ᬽ̇𓈒༙ 香草 .ᐟ .ᐣ
master list. / i don’t understand but i love you. 🪼
🔞 masterlist (not really smuts)
playlist here 🧾.
㇏ ᩠͡ ◍♡4 ▂▃ ⟡˙ ˖ 👙🆙🥨 ♪ ⑮ ₊ ֗ 𓈃 ⌒₊ 🍏ㅤㅤㅤㅤhello, thank you for reading this, as much as i want to stop myself from doing this i can’t, i’m so delulu for being a carat, gosh hahaha how can i defend myself when someone throw hates on me for making this. i have my tiktok, the user is: @saturnchwe in this my contents are pov but i’m using going seventen episodes. the 18+ contents are posted with my “only friends.” if you want to be accepted, just comment/tell me. let me know your thoughts about this and my content on tiktok, thank you everyone. !
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pandas-nsfw · 2 years
Boys with a chubby y/n
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Request: hi are you ok with me asking for a reaction thing with a black chubby y/n?
*Friendly reminder this is with their Minecraft personas! I don't write about CCs.
Read rules before requesting~°♪
Note: No pronouns used. GN reader.
IMPORTANT: Skin tones or Religions, as I say on my rules, can't be chosen for Y/n's since I try to let any type of reader feel represented on the scenarios. I will do half of this request, which will be the chubby y/n part.
——————— 𝐴𝑖𝑘𝑒-𝐷𝐵𝑢𝑛𝑛𝑦-𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 ——————————————
Dream 🧫
• This man loves your body, specially to rest his head on your body. And being able to kiss more of you??? This man is on his knees worshiping you.
• He makes you sit on his lap whenever he's just resting or planning how to control the server again.
• If someone disrespects your body, he will take them to their own limbo.
• On the sex aspect, he loves having you riling him, watching you bounce on him while he watches your face full of pleasure.
• He will also lay you down on any surface or having you riling his face just to eat you out.
• 👏Definitely👏Slaps👏Your👏Ass👏
• Buys/steals lots of lingerie for you, and to took it off from you. Or to fuck you with it on.
Sapnap 🔥
• What can I say? We all know this man would love the fuck of a chubby partner. There just is more to give love too.
• Slaps/Grabs your ass anytime he pases by your side.
• When it comes to sex, he loves to have you in any form, but specially having you on his lap, or fucking your tights.
• Talking about tights, he is always grabbing them and smacking them.
• He marks all of your body, specially marking your ass with his bites.
• Oh yeah, another one that loves to give you head in any surface.
Georgenotfound ❄️
• Man is happy with you, in any type of body type.
• Loves sleeping over you, using your belly or your tights as a pillow.
• A lot of cock-warming, but loves fucking you from behind, having you on your knees with your mouth covered by the pillows.
• If you try to brat on him, he will baby you down to a subby.
• He doesn't do head jobs often, but will give you hand jobs as much as you horny body desires.
Karl Jacobs 🌆
• Adores everything of you.
• Takes naps on your lap, also plays with your tights.
• Adores seeing you on missionary, loves watching all your body and how you react to it.
• Smacks your tights when he cans, loves your reactions.
• Loves👏To👏Give👏You👏Head👏.
Punz 🌹
[Since C!Punz has no reproductive organs and no gender, I'll use C!Punz's HC as a male.]
• Man adores your body, he worships you.
• Marks? Dear you better bet on it.
• Loves fucking you on doggy style, mostly because he can slap your ass and your tights.
• Accepts to give you head if you're railing his face. Man do be a box of surprises.
Eret 🌺
[I'm aware both C!Eret/Eret uses all pronouns, but I'll use just one set of pronouns for each scenario with C!Eret to prevent confusions.]
• He absolutely adores you and your body. Leaves multiple marks of his hands in your waist and chest.
• He won't let you get out of his lap. That's it. Period.
• Fan of reverse cowboy, or having ride his tongue.
• Your tights??? They're his now. Good luck.
• Loves giving you head, and adores when you let him fuck your tights.
• His highness is a little bit of a simp sometimes <3
——————— 𝐴𝑖𝑘𝑒-𝐷𝐵𝑢𝑛𝑛𝑦-𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 ——————————————
*Hope you enjoyed! And sorry for uploading so late- I had some complications. Feel free to request!
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aliveinacoffin · 11 months
Master List
Of the .1 fics that I've written/posted on here
⋆。°✩ Spider-Verse ⋆。°✩
( ´ཀ` ) Miguel O'Hara
Lunch Date - PT1 PT2 - Fluff/Implied F!Reader, can be ignored if you squint
↓ All somewhat connected, neither have to be read to know context, though, I would rec to read top first↑
Come Back To bed - PT1 PT2 - Angst little comfort/GN!Raader
A Difference In Fate - F!Reader, angst no comfort,
Coffee for us - GN!Reader, fluff
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ My Hero Academia ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
✩࿐ General
Boyfriend Imagines - Gen!Reader/Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, Shouta Aizawa, Denki Kaminari, & Hizashi Yamada - fluff, headcanons, just tooth-rotting fluff :>
ᓚᘏᗢ Aizawa Shouta/EraserHead Hospital - GN!Reader, angst/fluff comfort, TW suicidal talk, and dying) Strawberry Fanta - PT1 Introduction - (Rest On Ao3! Finished) - NSWF!F!Reader, TW yandere, stalking, violence (his name isn't spelled right I don't think? I'm so sorry) Orange Fanta - PT1 - Story and context on Ao3 - NSFW Fem!Reader, TW Yandere, violence, sexual content, dubious consent/noncon Silent Nights Exhibition - No reader, only zawa NSFW: public nudity, gremliness My own mirror - PT1 - PT2 - no reader, 3rd pov TW: Suicidal thoughts, smoking weed, implied abuse, parent death, brief mentions of ED With my whole heart- GN!Reader, angst/little comfort/none, TW: Yandere, violence, mentions of kidnapping, drugging, staking Hating you as well - PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4 - F!Reader, little angst/mostly just the sillies - you just wanted to make friends, but one GUY keeps making that impossible for you, it was like he fucking hated you! And for what!!
❆Shoto Todoroki♨
Deja ya de llorar - GN!Reader, tiny angst/major comfort just cute all around
♬♪ Present Mic/Hizashi Yamada
You're Not Just Him - Pregnant!F!Reader - Fluff - You make your husband take a break from work and have a family day with you and the kids.
✰ ✰ ✰ All Might/Toshinori Yagi
Important To You - Toshinori & Daughter!Reader - angst/no comfort TW! Neglect, parental abuse, depressive episode, mentioned eating problems, bullying, and mjc death - Being the daughter of such an important man was already hard, but after he gets deathly ill and the death of his best advisor? Forget about it!
༺。° .ᘛThe Last Of Us 1&2ᘚ. ° 。༻
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ellie Williams
Ellie Band Au Headcanons - no reader- nsfw & sfw parts
☀︎ Grand Theft Auto V ☀︎
Wedding Ring - F!Reader- Smut, cursing, manipulation - Michael De Santa has ghosted you for moths, and now he shows up to your house unexpectedly.
My Ao3!
Unfortunately, I do have unfinished works, and new ones in progress, but it's okay because I guilt myself enough for the both of us.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Requests are OPEN! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Won't do: Scat, water sports, puke (in that way, if ya know what I mean lol). Thats kinda it :)
Will do: Pretty much everything else lmao Post dividers by @cafekitsune
Fandoms I can do!
Across The SpiderVerse
Rick and Morty
Grand Theft Auto 5
The Last Of Us&1 (Games 2)
Harry Potter
Adventure Time
The disastrous Life of Saiki K
F is for Family
Mystic Messenger (Though, I will warn you I haven't completed the game 100%, so I'll go off what I know so far/what I've seen from the fandom.)
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tamcsitanyazik · 10 months
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Main introduction part!! 📜
★ about meee!! ★
─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───
I'm a textile-worker student in Hungary. I speak English as well. ::-)
I joined Tumblr in 2022. (October). <3
I'm into arts, listening to music, reading, playing games and watching films, series! 🫨
I'm an emoji and GIF maniac, just ignore it. 🥰
I'm a clingy, cringy, weird worrywart isfp girl. Usual Hungarian pessimism hit me too early. (4th grade)
I have 0 logic in me, please don't look for it. No thoughts, head empty. 🫥
I'm TERRIFIED of the dark and jumpscares since I was like 8. live laugh love FNaF
I love dubs, i'm also interested in voice acting. 🎙️
I draw in Ibispaint X, but I also have traditional works. I study art in general, and I also learn typology.
I also adore Hungarian films. <3
(i don't know what you mean by they are horrible)
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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───
Typology, astrology!! 🌌
★ woooohhh check it ooooutttt ::-o ★
─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───
I study typology at home (only for fun). Here are my personality types!!
isfp, 7w6, 749, sp/so/sx, rcuai, eii, elvf, phlegmatic-melancholic, if(s), lawful good, aweg
My astrological signs:
☀️ — cancer
🌙 — pisces
🫂 (ascendant) — virgo
(july 22nd)
🇨🇳 — rat
I'm a spiritualist and pacifist!! 🤍☮️
─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───
My favourites!! 🤍
─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───
My favourite singer is Meanie Martinez, my favourite bands are Carson Coma, Corvina, Quimby. I also listen to The Stupendium, love their content. <33
I mostly listen pop, retro, electropop, indie and pop-rock.
My favourite films and series are...
Bicentennial Man
Supernova (2020)
The Electrical Life Of Louis Wain
After Yang
Spider-Verse trilogy (although the third film is still WIP (work in progress))
Zanox — Kockázatok és mellékhatások
Made in Hungária
A Pál utcai fiúk
Jumanji films
Bridget Jones films
Kingsman films
Alice In Wonderland/Alice Through The Looking Glass
Our Flag Means Death
Dead End: Paranormal Park
The Amazing Digital Circus
Heartstopper/Fülig beléd zúgtam
The Music Freaks
Danganronpa (only seen the 1st season)
BNHA/MHA (only seen the 1st season)
Ore Monogatari!! (My Love Story!!)
Moral Orel
My favourite actors are Robin Williams, Rhys Darby and Colin Firth. 😔✌🏽
Some games I'm interested in:
Stardew Valley
Pony Town
Baldi's Basics
Sims series
Visual Novels (mostly otome and BL ones, like My Candy Love)
Papa Louie series
Fallen London
aaand many more!! <33
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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───
Where to FIND ME 🔎
★ five nights at freddy's pizzeria ★
─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───
I also write in Wattpad (mamorosmalna), I only have Hungarian stuff there.
If you want to check out MORE of my English posts, you can go on my Instagram (mamorosmalnarts), my Pinterest (takacstamii/takacstamcsii). Orrr Twitter (X ☠️). Oooorrr a looooot of sites actually.. 😬
Feel free to reply to my posts, and have questions, I gladly write answers to anyone. <3
Please respect my personal space and boundaries tho. (ofc) ::-)
I try to be as kind as possible to You guys!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───
★ please read it!! it's important! ★
─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───
Please DNI if you are homophobic, racist, pedophilic, a zoophile!! I don't tolerate these kind of people. ::-[
I do not accept any kind of hate speech in my pages!! Please don't leave unpolite and unnecessary negative comments without any manners!
Respect everyone, their opinions and their personal boundaries!!
─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───
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Gender identity, sexuality, names, pronouns info!! 🤓
★ I'm the globglogabgalab ★
─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───
Names: Málna/Málnus/Raspy/Szabi, Tami/Tamcsi/Tammy (none of these are my real names!!) 🤍
I don't mind being called [my current username]! ^_^
Gender: cis female ♀️
Pronouns: she/her/hers ♪
Sexuality: asexual, heteroromantic 🖤🩶🤍💜
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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───
Your daily message!! 💓
★ lol — lots of love &lt;3 ★
─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───
I really really really love You all!! Have lovely day and take care!! Drink water, eat, and relax, You're doing absolutely great!! You deserve the best things!! Do what You love! <33
You are amazing and doing really well! I'm proud of You. ♡ *⁠。⁠.
─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───
xoxo 💋
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uglytsumugi12 · 2 years
shine▲polyhedric tri-lights 【ep 5】
♢ characters: natsume, sora, tsumugi, madara
♢ season: winter
― ☆ ―
〈 A few hours later 〉
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Tsumugi: There, and…
Look, look! I can skate now!
Sora: HaHa~. You've improved so much since we've arrived!
Natsume: His legs still seem to be shaking a bIT, but I guess Senpai is doing weLL.
Madara: Mm-hmm. Good job, Tsumugi-san. You've regained your senses back, haven't you?
Tsumugi: Yes. It's all thanks to Mikejima-kun, though.
I'm still unable to skate as easily as everyone else but I think I'm feeling more confident now that I can skate alone.
Natsume: WeLL, it seems we are finally taking our first step towards Switch's sporty appEAL.
AlriGHT. Let's take a break for a momENT.
While you two were skatING, Sora and I brought some snaCKS.
Sora: HiHi~♪ Your stomach gets empty easily after moving around so much, you know? You need to eat up well so you're able to skate again!
Tsumugi: Huh? When were you able to go to the store--..?
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Madara: Haha, did Tsumugi-san not notice anything because of how absorbed he was into skating?
They warned me when they left the rink. But you are good at concentrating on stuff, so it might've been hard to focus on something else.
Sora: Yes, Senpai has amazing concentration! This will definitely be useful for Switch's sporty representation later~♪
Tsumugi: Mhm. Hopefully I'll be able to use the experience I've gained today in my perfomance--
O- oh, oops… My apologies. If you're not careful enough, you lose your balance easily.
Shall we talk about today¹ as we eat? I'd like to hear about Natsume-kun and Sora-kun's thoughts.
It'd be nice if we found something that'll help us with concepting "the new us".
Natsume: AlriGHT, now that we've all warmed up with our hot drinks, let's get starTED.
Let's each share what we've gotten out of this skating sessION. SenpAI, you stART.
Tsumugi: Let's see... By persevering and working hard, I was able to skate in the end.
It's the same mindset when we're perfoming on stage, isn't it?
You're willing to work hard when you want to be good at what you're doing and want to make your fans happy as well.
Maybe part of the appeal of sports is to surpass a past self and achieve expectations.
Natsume: ..I guess you can say it like thAT. I'll give you a passing grADE.²
Did you feel anything else while skaTING? Anything that could be used to add more movement to the performaNCE, or something like thAT.
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Tsumugi: Hmm. I haven't thought that far ahead… I was mostly focused on trying to regain my balance. The only thing I can think of is… dancing.
Madara: In other words, you've gained technique from practicing, but you still don't understand how an athlete's mind works. Is that right?
Tsumugi: Yes. I mean, skating was fun, but…
Sora: It surely was, but… Senpai's "color" feels really serene and peaceful.
Sora finds it had to correctly explain what he senses through his synesthesia, but sporty people's "color" is more intensely dazzling. Sora can feel their life force~.
Natsume: I'm not sure if this is because Senpai has been neglecting his health recenTLY, but he wasn't vigorous enoUGH. Maybe if he'd put in more enerGY, it'd make a differENCE.
Sora: HuHu~! That's a good idea!
If Senpai put more of his heart in his perfomance, something could change! Could you show us, Senpai?
Tsumugi: H- Huh?!- Isn't that asking for too much!?
I understand that motivation is important, but wouldn't it be difficult to intentionally change from Sora's perception?
Natsume: HmPH. Are you saying you can't fulfill Sora's requeST?
Isn't it quite pathetic that Sora is courageous enough to take on a new challENGE, but that someone as experienced as you can't show the right examPLE?
Wouldn't Sora and I would be very much saddened if our reliable Senpai were to abandon US~?
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Tsumugi: I- I'll do it. I'll do it, but please don't do this to me! You know requesting things in such way gets to my heart…
Natsume: GoOD. I knew Fuyumoja³ still had some sense of empaTHY.
Tsumugi: What even does "fuyumoja" mean!? And, my sense of empathy has always been there, y'know~!
Uwaah… Which of Natsume-kun's statement should I focus on now!?
Madara: Hahaha. They get along so well, it's fun to watch them. They definitely fit with each other ♪
However, I feel that Sora's perception is right. There's that "intense dazzle" and vitality that're still missing.
It'd be a good idea to see if Tsumugi-san's "color" is able to fit Sora's perception or not.
Tsumugi: Ah, is that some kind of verification..? Well, if it is then, please watch me.
♪ ♪ ♪
W- What do you think, Sora-kun? Has your perception changed?
Sora: Hmm~. Senpai's "color" still feels as serene after all~.
Sora can feel Senpai's kindness, and it is a very nice "color", but the person in charge of our tie-up might not be satisfied with it;
Well… Not with just Senpai, but Sora and Shisho~ too…
Sora feels we aren't able to show "a sporty reality that makes us shine and improve ourselves" yet.
Natsume: HmM. So there's still room for improvemENT.
I'm not sure what to do nOW. Should we try to experience other sporTS?
Tsumugi: That's a good idea~. There are plenty of other sports for us to try out, like track and field or ball game. We could try doing that.
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Madara: Mhm! I believe a first priority when doing sports is to enjoy yourself.
When you enjoy competition, you challenge yourself to reach a higher level. If you don't love competition, it becomes a bother to do hard work, right?
Sora: HeHe~. Similarly to this mindset, Sora thinks parkour is fitting…
Challenging your high score, or inventing new jumping distances and routes for you to go even higher and farther--
If you think too much about that objective of "shining and improving yourself"… You'll distance yourself even further from brilliance.
Tsumugi: Ah, this is like the "Bluebird of Happiness"⁴, isn't it? But then, won't it be hard to find out how the new Switch will look like?
An environment where we'll be improving ourselves… Where can we even find such thing?
— 1- used here is a term more like.. "post-game analysis" kinda. like for example talking abt a board game u just finished or sth. idk i liked that term cuz theyre such nerds its so cute 2- "passing grade" well literally it means a score that makes u pass, like succeeding in an exam….natsume u take urself so seriously 3- i wasnt sure how to adapt this theres like "冬" which means winter and "モジャ" which is a nickname that natsume uses a lot for tsumugi….its like mophead of winter;; so i just adapted it from his other nicknames. istg as if all the nicknames he gives him arent enough LOL 4- ok so this is like, a saying in japan thats called the "bluebird syndrome". i believe its from a play. it defines someone who only pursues ideals, or searches perfection/happiness too deeply instead of focusing on simple things. hence why seeking for that brilliance too much gets u even further away from it. but considering mugi also gets called this..... :((
― ☆ ― ♢ previous chapter ♢ next chapter
✦ masterlist
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aeoki · 10 months
Seven Bridges - Love and Peace?: Chapter 10
Location: Yumenosaki Soundproof Lesson Room Characters: Ritsu, Mao & Hitsugi
TL Note:
In the original script, Arashi makes a pun (ナイツではない / naitsu de wa nai).
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< Another memory. Late May. Yumenosaki Academy, soundproof lesson room. >
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Arashi: …The Seven Mysteries?
Hitsugi: Yes! I’m researching them! You could even say I enrolled into Yumenosaki because I wanted to learn about them!
Arashi: That’s a bit much… I have vaguely heard of them but was it something that important?
I remember Ritsu-chan’s older brother and his friends looking into it last year, but do you know anything about that, Ritsu-chan?
Ritsu: I think the ones who were digging into it were the twins from the Light Music Club – not me or my brother.
Me and Secchan did get involved once because we heard the sounds of a piano deep into the night…
But before that, who’s this?
Hitsugi: Oh! Hello and nice to meet you! I’m Hitsugi Kurone from the “producer course”!
I’ve been sent out to observe “Knights’” practice session today!
Ritsu: Ugh, the “producer course”, huh. Nacchan was talking to you in such a friendly manner so I thought you were one of our new members.
Hitsugi: I’m not “Knights”!
Arashi: Not[∗] “Knights”. Alliteration ♪
I’m actually not that close to, uhh, Hitsugi-chan? 
I didn’t even know he was a part of the “producer course”. He was buried in the ground because of such and such and I helped him out.
Hitsugi: Yes! Thank you so much! You saved my life!
Ritsu: What? You were buried in the ground? The weird upperclassmen have mostly graduated and I thought there’d be a lot less weird behaviour now.
Thanks to that, people find it strange that I’m sleeping outside and it’s a huge pain in the neck when they call for a teacher.
If it was last year, they’d just think, “Oh yeah, that sorta guy exists”, ignore me and move on.
Arashi: Ehehe, it’s not so weird compared to someone sleeping in a coffin, playing in the fountain or flying in a hot air balloon, huh ♪
Ritsu: Indeed. It’s hard to live in this world if you’re not normal.
Hitsugi: I totally get that!
I haven’t been doing much in the “producer course” because I’m looking into the Seven Mysteries, so they think I’m a weirdo and get angry at me!
Arashi: Of course they would. You should actually do some work.
Hitsugi: You’re right! But they get angry at me even if I do my work! Especially the people from the “Peace Party” – They just tell me to go away…
Arashi: The “Peace Party”?
Hitsugi: There is a group of people with that name in the “producer course”! It’s a big force in the “producer course” that’s full of second-year students!
Their theme is all about “Love & Peace”! Shortened to the “Peace Party”! It’s mostly a derogatory term, though!
Ritsu: Sure sounds fishy… “Love & Peace”?
Hitsugi: Yup! Love and peace! I think the theme in itself is praiseworthy but–
???: “The ‘Peace Party’s’ love and peace are simply defined by their own idea of those concepts.”
Ritsu: ……Hm?
Hitsugi: Huh? What was I talking about again?
Oh right! I wasn’t doing my work so people were getting angry at me, huh!
Because of that, the “Peace Party” people would often say horrible things to me and…
Anzu-senpai couldn’t stand to watch that happen so she’s been standing up for me recently.
Arashi: Sounds like something Anzu-chan would do.
Hitsugi: Yes! She’s such a nice person – I love her to bits!
If anything, Anzu-senpai looks like she’s going through a much harder time than I am…
Ritsu: What do you mean?
Hitsugi: Uhh, I don’t know if you’re aware, but one of our lessons in the “producer course” consists of us producing one of the students in the “idol course”.
If we don’t do this “producer training” that’s held at a certain time every month, we can’t get credits.
Arashi: That sounds like what we have to do in the “idol course”. We have to participate or watch dreamfests on a regular basis or else we won’t get credits.
Ritsu: That’s been pretty lax ever since ES was created, though. Activities at Yumenosaki aren’t as high on the priority list anymore.
Arashi: Yeah. You can also earn credits by doing idol activities at ES, so you don’t even need to go to classes to get them.
Hitsugi: Ohh! I didn’t know that!
Ritsu: Yeah. You won’t be able to get a practical reward like “L$” within the school, but there might actually be people who are earning money by focusing on their idol activities at ES.
It’s either work the same amount and get credits or “L$” – In terms of whether you can actually get money as well, then, well, unless there’s a reason to take part in the school’s activities, then most people would choose the latter.
Naturally, that doesn’t mean the school’s dreamfests aren’t superior, either.
You can even hold dreamfests that are based on your interests – ones that aren’t fit for work or ones that you can’t get a profit from.
Arashi: Like “Konnyaku Fest”. What even is that? Looks like it’s been held fairly regularly for a while now.
Ritsu: Who knows…? It kinda sounds like something from the Seven Mysteries.
Hitsugi: How intriguing!
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ← Previous Chapter ᠂ ⚘ ˚⊹˚ ⚘ ᠂  Next Chapter →
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sysig · 1 year
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DAX: 1 | ZEX: 0 (Thanks Captain) (Patreon)
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hotarutranslations · 1 year
Morning Musume ‘23 【Nonaka Miki, Makino Maria, Haga Akane】What are your thoughts as the middle members who will lead the group in the future?
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For the fourth VOCE x Morning Musume ‘23 25th Anniversary Collab, 12th generation Nonaka Miki, Makino Maria and Haga Akane are here. While livening up the group as the middle-members, what things are important for these girls with outstanding presence? Don’t miss this interview where you can feel the bonds and relationships as they greet their 10th year since joining as the 12th generation.
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–What kind of person is Nonaka Miki?
Makino Maria: Nona-chan has a doggy, she loves Tofu-chan. She shows me lots of videos and photos like “Maria, look~♪ Its Tofu-chan♡,”. Tofu-chan is really cute, but Nona-chan showing me Tofu-chan is cute (laughs). On my birthday she made a video of Tofu-chan saying “happy birthday” and sent it to me, which made me really happy. She is super duper dependable but her fluffy parts that peak out are also cute.
Haga Akane: She’s a returnee that speaks English well, she can make songs, in any case she is talented! In the past she was a clumsy girl who fell down a lot, she hasn’t been like that lately but, around the time we joined I heard she “had the habit of forgetting to close the lid on her bottles” and that is the only thing she hasn’t fixed since joining! It's so cute and I super love it (laughs). 
–What kind of person is Makino Maria?
Nonaka Miki: She’s a girl who has a really strong love for lives. It's not just our live videos, she watches past Morning Musume videos a ton, and she will often watch videos of other artists' lives, she is very studious. I think that's something you would only do if you love lives. Sometimes we’ll watch them together; the other day she was copying movements from a Beyonce live video perfectly (laughs). Also, she is great at balancing. 
Haga Akane: She is the perfect idol everyone recognizes! Although, she is always troubled when there are many different kinds of bento to choose from, and she is someone that is a little easy going about preparations before a performance. Sometimes she will pamper me and I think that kindness is a cute gap; I like that about her.
–What kind of person is Haga Akane?
Nonaka Miki: She sticks to various members so her personal space is small! Sometimes she’ll sit on others laps, she gets close with other people (laughs). For better or for worse I’m too serious, I’m not really the type who can do that so I’m really envious. Also, she has this in common with Maria but she has high ability in balancing, flexibility, and her ability to read the room. She is really good at having fun conversations with jokes and quips. 
Makino Maria: Akanechin has a doggy, she loves Crouton. I used to think that Akanechin didn’t talk about her doggy but recently she has been showing them often. Unlike Nona-chan, she’ll show them off like, “aren’t they cute?” in a cool, slightly smug way (laughs). She is the youngest in the 12th generation but she has it the most together with a “Nona-chan, Maria, lets go!” feeling. In terms of her role, she is the older sister.
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–Please tell us what you keep in mind as the middle members of the group.
Nonaka Miki: I think it's the same even if you aren’t in the middle but it's the importance of timing. Looking at the entire situation, I will offer help or speak out at the right time. With juniors and seniors, I think it's important to read both the emotions and atmosphere to keep a balance.
Makino Maria: The fulfillment of my private and work life! As all of the fans know, my private life is mostly baseball but, for example in February, I went to a baseball camp and there were various articles like from Sports Newspaper-san “Morning Musume ‘23’s Makino Maria Comes To The Camp,”. They’ll also write “This week she has a concert at ○○ and her photobook is currently on sale,”! It's not because I’m a middle member but it makes me happy that I can advertise for Morning in my private life, it's important to me to go to the Fighter’s matches.
Haga Akane: Definitely watching the member from a bird's eye view. Of course, we’re obviously making the group together but, for the “whole group” the seniors lead us with their opinions so, while I’m not a counselor, it makes me happy to be able to support “each member” in such detail.  That's the role of the 12th generation since we’re in a middle management position close to both the seniors and juniors. Trying to be a good listener to everyone, I want to be someone who is easy to talk with.
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–Is there anything you’re training towards in anticipation when you will one day bring the group together?
Nonaka Miki: To be able to be more flexible with everything. Since I’m quite the theorist, if I say this now, I’ll wonder about what will happen after; I have a habit of overthinking and overanalyzing too much. As a result of overthinking, sometimes I can’t say anything. I want to mellow my mind a bit and be more flexible in everything. I’m learning from Maria and Akanechin’s balancing ability and responsiveness in that sense.
Makino Maria: It's completely having a “batting eye”! Of course, it's not about finding the strike zone in baseball; Fukumura-san says ‘I’m always looking out for you whether you’re close or far away’ when a new member joins; even during dance lessons, she is always watching like looking through the mirror to see if the new member is troubled. I think it's important to look around the group and properly get a grasp of the situation like a “batting eye” so, I want to train towards it more.
Haga Akane: To express my opinion. How far I can say something, until what point would it be bad, I wonder if it's something I should say or not,  I don’t know the boundaries, so there are often times where I don’t say anything but, as I get more juniors and I’m getting older, there are things that I must say for the group and to not keep it inside myself; I think I need to voice my opinions.
–What is your best memory with the 12th generation?
Nonaka Miki: Up until now we’ve discussed our problems as we’re in the same generation so, scenes where we discussed our problems come to mind. Most recently, it was when I was troubled over how to respond as a mentor. I’m 16th generation’s Sakurai Rio-chan’s mentor; I tried sharing information with all the members while mentoring to involve the group as a whole to keep going in the same direction; at that time, the other members' differing opinions came up. When I didn’t know what to do, I consulted the 2 of them. These 2 have a balancing power and are kind, they have a flexible way of thinking so it helps me a lot.
Makino Maria: There are a lot of things but, there is a photo I really like. Its a photo from when we were decided as the new members and were picking out a dress to wear for the unveiling; it's the backs of the 4 of us lined up (laughs) Akanechin was the shortest, everyone is nervous and we aren’t smiling, its cute that we’re just standing there super awkwardly. About 5(?) years after joining the manager told me “this is the first photo of the 12th generation” and gave it to me, even looking at it now my feelings and atmosphere from that time are revived, it's just one of those memories.
Haga Akane: In 2018 when the 4 of us went out to yakiniku. We haven’t been able to get together since then, which is still very 12th generation-like, I think. We often have fun times in the dressing room as the 3 of us talk about silly things. People tend to think that the 12th generation doesn’t really get along but, it's not like that! But, I think the next time the 4 of us all get together will be next year (the timing will be 10 years since joining) (laughs).
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–What are your generation mates to you?
Nonaka Miki: It's natural for us to always be together, I can discuss my honest self with them. Even now in the dressing room we naturally sit near each other. It's the easiest to talk with them if I’m having any troubles, I can always rely on them when something happens. Also, I show these 2 pictures and videos of my dog Tofu-chan every day (laughs) when I just got them I showed them to all of the members but, in middle I thought “I wonder if they’re getting tired of the dog photos every day,” so then I had feelings of holding them back; I’m a bit reserved about it with the other members but, I’ll show my generation mates every time I see them (laughs).
Makino Maria: Without needing to say anything, we can tell what the other is thinking as generation mates. Even when the members are discussing things, I’ve come to roughly understand like, ‘they’re probably thinking about it this way’. All 3 of us can read the atmosphere, it's perfect for our position as the middle members in the 12th generation. No one is super duper in charge or super duper spoiled, I think the 3 of us are well balanced.
Haga Akane: They have a cozy feeling, like family, I’d be in trouble if they disappeared. I can tell what they’re thinking just from making eye contact, I can be natural with them. We don’t go out for meals much, and we don’t really take photos and upload them but, we’re always next to each other in the dressing room, before I knew it the 3 of us would be talking about personal things; we talk about our dogs, and we also talk about the group a bit seriously. We will talk to each other first about anything.
–Please tell us what you’d like to do as an individual from now on.
Nonaka Miki: This is really personal but I like anime and 2D characters so, I want to make an “ita-bag” once in my life.
Makino Maria: Advancing in MLB!! I want to meet the New York Yankee’s Aaron Judge.
Haga Akane: Talking with people outside (of H!P) about various things. When doing group activities I don’t have a lot of opportunities to talk with other talent-san’s, but when I get to appear on variety shows on TV, I want to be able to actively speak with them.
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–What is one piece of advice you would give to the 17th generation members who will be joining soon?
Nonaka Miki: One thing is to follow your heart, to cherish what you “like”. Currently it's like I have a “muscle training character” but, because I liked muscle training I shot videos and put them on Instagram. From that point I would be told things like “you’re doing your best towards self-improvement” and that I’m “stoic”, and so my muscle training character was established. Other than that, if you like Sanrio characters, we have a character collab where “Gaokki” were born, I like music and have made songs, and I got the opportunity to show them off; there are many things that I’m happy I liked! Therefore, I hope that you’ll cherish what you “like” decisively. 
Another piece of advice! There will be things you don’t understand at first, it's ok if you don’t remember entertainment world manners all at once. I want to convey that I couldn’t remember anything at all, and came to be filled to the brim with it.
Makino Maria: I won’t give you any advice as soon as you join! When Shinjo became the manager of Nippon Hams he said that he “wouldn’t say anything to the rookies for 1 or 2 years,” but, so many people have said that; you won’t know what the right answer is and because I think it could crush your sense of self, be free at first; I want you to make the most of your personality. I hope to be able to give you some advice after a little while.
Haga Akane: I want to convey that “love” is great. I have a passionate love for Morning Musume, I love the members. Sometimes I am worried about Morning and hit a wall, but in the end Morning is what gets me through it. Therefore, even when things are rough, I think you can push through with your feelings of loving Morning Musume; I want you to continue holding those feelings. I joined Morning Musume as an otaku, I was able to do my best at school because Morning was my purpose. Even now when I look back on the music videos I watched at that time, I remember how I felt then. From now on I’d like you to dye yourself in Morning Musume.
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miniaturetalekitten · 2 years
Hello! It's me again! So, I know that I give you a whole lot compliments all the time but this time I want to focus more on you, and you only.
I absolutely love that you care about everyone and treat everyone equally, and there is no exceptions for you! You're  patient and understanding, and very nice in general! You are talented and creative, I appreciate the time and effort you put into your art and writing! But I mostly love your views and opinions on things! With every post you create it's almost as if you were writing your heart out, haha! Your blog is entirely made out of your thoughts, if you know what I'm saying.
I know that you use a transtalor and there always are a few errors here and there when you write, but that's fine! What counts is that you're still trying your best and having fun, even with knowing that there's mistakes. You know... To me, what really matters is what is in your heart! Your personality is really the most important thing to me. You are perfect the way you are right now!
You are a gentle soul and I am glad to have a great person like you around! You always light up the mood with your loving personality when you're here, and I love that feeling!
So, yeah! That's my thoughts on you! It's always so fun to talk to you! I love doing that! <33
1.) Heeey, you're here!!! Hooray! ^^ Hip Hooray to you!)
I'm pleased that you're having fun with yourself so you can write me! :D
Fascinating, isn't it?) I personally know this feeling, as if you get rid of a hard day in one second, and to forget about all the bad stuff turns out easily, one such reason costs me my whole life, I remember once and for all! That's my case, but what about someone else's?)
When I saw you, I certainly wanted to respond quickly, but I was so happy, carried away by their spinning thoughts, which wanted to break out, intensified, giving a breakdown in my program, screaming hard, hard, I even squeezed inside, mmm!
And it lasts with me a very long time, just about everyone is happy as it seems to you, who not only does it, but also comes here, aaaaaa~ to talk to someone a little, or even more, (though I will be happy to communicate in any form) thoughts or live, it is a precious gift for me. Really! I was thinking of a good song, I'll show you now!
Songwriter: Alexander Timofeyevsky.
The Song of Crocodile Gena - lyrics.
Let the clumsy pedestrians run
Pedestrians in puddles,
And the water flows on the asphalt.
♪ And it's not clear to passersby ♪
♪ On this bad weather day ♪
Why I'm so jolly
Oh, I'm playing the harmonica
In front of passersby,
Unfortunately, it's only my birthday
Only once a year
♪ When the magician comes in ♪
In a blue helicopter
He'll show you a movie for free
He'll wish me a happy birthday
¶ And I guess he'll leave me ¶
♪ And probably leave me a gift of five hundred popsicles ♪
♪ I'm playing the harmonica ♪
In front of passersby,
♪ Unfortunately, it's only my birthday ♪
Only once a year
Unfortunately, it's my birthday
Only once a year
This song reminds me of that angelic feeling that if my birthday is far away from me I am not discouraged, because this feeling replaces people, replaces that meaningful day when I was born, it's like being reborn again, as butdo still not know sadness, sadness, loneliness! I'm not saying that I do not love my birthday, on the contrary, I do not notice how time flies when I'm with someone, you have contributed to this ... thank you all for giving me this meaning in what you are, how many important things you do and how warm I get from the existence of all you~
Also, I love you with all my heart! ;*
Let's move on to your words, dearie!)
Ah! I'm embarrassed! / )///(\
If anything, you don't bore me at all, you remind me a lot of me, I also like to give compliments or joy to people passing by, as you yourself understand, I'm not me without it, all parts of our personality are important, If there is not at least one it's not as good as it sounds, On the subject of thoughts, eh! How would we live without them? Thanks to them we can all begin to act from the beginning, continuing to burn desire for what prepares each, new day, and perhaps a minute, you can never guess what will happen to you or when something will happen good, (bad) all this is experienced not only on solstredotokosti in life, in this second living free, and thoughts also help it all breathe pure energy, someone can quickly do some things, wanting it, and someone wait and so to infinity, I mean-
I wonder what everyone is thinking about-
Crazy, right?
In everything there is a routine and at the same time a full-fledged rest, it should be for everyone, because without it nothing is possible, (my opinion) here when I rest I feel not completely rested, and how the relaxation comes, that is, you should not overload yourself, to blame for what you leave behind all, in something you have no time and it seems that time is not enough, unpleasant, I understand, sometimes the emotions take over the person, I can not be always as you see me, it is normal! :З
It's like I said, it all goes away, not at once of course, because you have to get used to not rushing deliberately sometimes, this can make you more and more tired, from my personal experience of being in a similar state... In such cases my thoughts are empty, which is funny, I still can not think of any cool ideas for drawings, I draw what I want, that's true, but when it comes to extras it is difficult, as if I stop... I do not feel sad about it, do not avoid what is already happening, no matter how hard I try, no matter how it all seems lost, I am sure it is temporary, you just do not let yourself be offended! That's what you need to remember! I wish you the same, bunny! Please take care of all of yourself, despite the fact that it will rain in your soul, hail or hurricane someday! I believe you shouldn't hold back sometimes, since it helps in some cases, it will ruin you in others, keep an eye on the situation! All mistakes are little keys to greater heights!
Woohoo, I'm babbling again, I love doing this in front of someone! I hope I make you happy, with what I've written here that you love to read so much! I love reading you too, even though I'm quiet! Yes, I know, I've been watching Russian blogs! They wrote there just as I did, about their observations! The best thing is to understand the interlocutor, communicate with him, no matter what country you're from, other languages I love and respect them all! There may be some problems, I don't deny it, but these problems will gradually get better! Nothing stands still! You read me like a book, I am even more pleased with it, and further you lord is able to read my thoughts...about you, everything you wrote about me - applies to you too! You are so special, it's not just the translation that makes my words get lost, it's MORE lost from you!
Hip hip! HOORAY!))🌟🌟🌟
1.) Хииии, ты здесь!!! Ура! ^^ Хип-ура вам!)
Я рада, что тебе весело с самим собой, поэтому ты можешь написать мне! :D
Очаровательно, не правда ли?) Мне лично знакомо это чувство, как будто ты избавляешься от тяжелого дня за одну секунду, и забыть обо всем плохом получается легко, одна такая причина стоит мне всей жизни, я запомнил раз и навсегда! Это мой случай, но как насчет чьего-то другого?)
Когда я увидела тебя, мне, конечно, захотелось быстро ответить, но я была так счастлива, увлеченной своими крутящимися мыслями, которые хотели вырваться наружу, усилились, давая сбой в моей программе, кричали сильно, сильно, у меня даже сжалось внутри, ммм!
И это длится со мной очень долго, почти все счастливы, как вам кажется, кто не только делает это, но и приходит сюда, ааааааа ~ поговорить с кем-то немного или даже больше, (хотя я буду рад общаться в любой форме) мыслями или жить, это драгоценный подарок для меня. Действительно! Я думала о хорошей песне, сейчас я тебе покажу!
Автор песни: Александр Тимофеевский.
Песня крокодила Гены - текст песни.
Пусть бегут неуклюже
Пешеходы по лужам,
А вода по асфальту рекой.
И не ясно прохожим
В этот день непогожий
Почему я весёлый такой.
Ах я играю на гармошке
У прохожих на виду,
К сожаленью, день рожденья
Только раз в году.
Прилетит вдруг волшебник
В голубом вертолёте
И бесплатно покажет кино.
С днём рожденья поздравит
И, наверно, оставит
Мне в подарок пятьсот эскимо.
Ах я играю на гармошке
У прохожих на виду,
К сожаленью, день рожденья
Только раз в году.
К сожаленью, день рожденья
Только раз в году.
Эта песня напоминает мне о том ангельском чувстве, что если мой день рождения далеко от меня, я не унываю, потому что это чувство заменяют люди, заменяет тот значимый день, когда я родилась, это как заново родиться, так как бутдо я все ещё не знаю грусти, печали, одиночества! Я не говорю, что я не люблю свой день рождения, наоборот, я не замечаю, как летит время, когда я с кем-то, вы внесли в это свой вклад... спасибо вам всем за то, что придаете мне этот смысл в том, кто вы есть, сколько важных вещей вы делаете и какое тепло я получаю от существование всех вас~
Кроме того, я люблю тебя всем своим сердцем! ;*
Давайте перейдем к вашим словам, дорогуша!)
Ах! Я смущена! / )///(\
Во всяком случае, ты мне совсем не надоедаешь, ты мне очень напоминаешь меня, мне также нравится дарить комплименты или радость проходящим мимо людям, как ты сам(а) понимаешь, без этого я не я, важны все стороны нашей личности, если нет хотя бы одной то это не так хорошо, как кажется, если говорить о мыслях, ах! Как бы мы жили без них? Благодаря им мы все можем начать действовать с самого начала, продолжая гореть желанием к тому, что готовит каждый, новый день, а возможно и минуту, вы никогда не сможете угадать, что с вами произойдет или когда произойдет что-то хорошее, (плохое) все это переживается не только на солнцестоянии в жизни, в эту секунду живешь свободно, и мысли тоже помогают всему этому дышать чистой энергией, кто-то может быстро делать какие-то вещи, желая этого, а кто-то ждать и так до бесконечности, я имею в виду-
Интересно, о чем все думают-
Безумие, верно?
Во всем есть рутина и в то же время полноценный отдых, он должен быть у всех, потому что без него ничего невозможно, (моё мнение) вот когда я отдыхаю, я чувствую себя не полностью отдохнувшей, а как приходит расслабление, то есть не стоит перегружать себя, что ты виноват(а) в том, что ты оставляешь позади всё, на что-то у тебя нет времени и кажется, что времени не хватает, неприятно, я понимаю, иногда эмоции берут вверх над человеком, я не могу быть всегда такой, каким ты меня видишь, это нормально! :З
Как я уже сказала, всё это проходит, конечно, не сразу, потому что иногда вы должны привыкнуть не торопиться намеренно, это может заставить вас всё больше и больше уставать, исходя из моего личного опыта пребывания в подобном состоянии... В таких случаях мои мысли пусты, что забавно, я до сих пор не могу придумать ни одной классной идеи для рисунков, я рисую то, что хочу, это правда, но когда дело доходит до массовки, это сложно, я как будто останавливаюсь... Я не грущу по этому поводу, не избегаю того, что уже происходит, как бы я ни старалась, как бы все это ни казалось потерянным, я уверена, что это временно, вы просто не позволяйте себя обижать! Это то, что вам нужно помнить! Я желаю тебе того же, Зайчик! Пожалуйста, берегите себя, несмотря на то, что когда-нибудь в вашей душе будет дождь, град или ураган! Я считаю, что иногда вы не должны сдерживаться, так как в одних случаях это помогает, в других - разрушает вас, следите за ситуацией! Все ошибки - это маленькие ключи к большим высотам!
У-у-у, я снова лепечу, мне нравится делать это перед кем-то! Я надеюсь, что осчастливлю вас тем, что я здесь написал и что вы так любите читать! Мне тоже нравится читать тебя, даже несмотря на то, что я молчу! Да, я знаю, я следил за русскими блогами! Они написали там так же, как и я, о своих наблюдениях! Самое лучшее - это понимать собеседника, общаться с ним, неважно, из какой ты страны, другие языки я люблю и уважаю их все! Могут быть какие-то проблемы, я этого не отрицаю, эти проблемы постепенно разрешатся! Ничто не стоит на месте! Ты читаешь меня как книгу, мне это еще больше нравится, и дальше ты, господи, способен(а) читать мои мысли... о тебе, все, что ты написал(а) обо мне - относится и к тебе тоже! Ты такой(ая) особенный(ая), это не просто перевод, из-за которого мои слова теряются, это еще больше теряется от тебя!
Гип-гип! УРА!))✨🎇✨🎇
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virgolife6 · 2 years
♪ Mercury in the houses ♪
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♪ Mercury in the 1st house
You guys are restless, adaptable, talkative, and very nervous type of people. you guys might enjoy talking and you guys are very mischievous. very logical and smart people. you guys have good manners and your very polite. you guys are very interesting with a lot of curiosity in you. ya’ll are good at thinking quick and on the spot and you guys are very good with words also so you guys might be able to rap.
♪ Mercury in the 2nd house
Okay you guys definitely have good voices. Mostly singing though. You guys might have a lot of knowledge on financial stuff and money or you guys are very smart with it and good at handling it. Very good economic sense. You might make money from doing careers related to mercurial things. Very practical people but you weren’t the smartest kid in the school. You come up with brilliant ideas related to finances and wealth. 
♪ Mercury in the 3rd house
Very smart people. Mercury does well here sense it is one of it’s natural houses. You are highly intelligent and you were that kid that got straight A’s unlike Mercury in the 2nd. Mainly good at math and science. very analytical and you guys have logical reasonings. vert talented in STEM bit also you guys could be good in writing and literature. you notice all the little details and you guys are great storytellers. mercury here is very vivid and you guys have a lot of interest and curiosity on weird subjects. you guys might have been able to read and write early like before school.
♪ Mercury in the 4th house
Readers. you guys love to read. home schooling could’ve been an ideal thing for you. good placements for historians and you guys might like history and geography. good placement also for researchers for family history. siblings might’ve played an important part in your childhood. you guys try to keep up an effort on communicating with distant family members. education is very important to you and your family. they have a lot of knowledge on property and taxes. this placement also indicates you guys might move places a lot. 
♪ Mercury in the 5th house
Super nice placement. these guys enjoy speaking and writing as a creative expression. of course you guys have an interest for the arts. very playful people and super fun to be around. these individuals think outside the box and they like to connect their ideas with art and creativity. these people are generally likeable and they have a special spark others don’t have. they’re very funny and like to joke around and play pranks, huge tricksters.  other then writing, acting is a common creative outlet for them.
♪ Mercury in the 6th house
These guys are very focused and determined people. Mercury is also in it’s own house here again. These people are very smart and very hardworking. They tend to do very well in the workplace as well as with co-workers. They’re very detailed and they know what to fix and they notice the small things that others don’t. They love making things perfect and they won’t settle for less. These people are very communicative and vocal about what they do and how they do it. They push themselves very hard so that could cause a lot of stress and health related issues. They also work very smart of course. I know I said they work hard and they do but they work smarter more so with mercury here specifically. They’re really good at taking short cuts and being successful with them.
♪ Mercury in the 7th house
I have this placement :’). These people are very emotionally detached I feel like. Communication is very important in relationships to you and you probably like talking to your partner about that or just talking to them about anything, clingy type. Relationships and relations like business partnerships and contracts flourish here with this placement. The public seems to love you and you love them, You get their attention with your smartness and the way you talk and communicate. Very fair and balanced ofc. These people are also very insightful not just in relationships and relations but in a lot of real life subjects. The way they think and communicate always correlates with their partner. They might also like to talk about love and romance all the time and they might dream about it. Likely that friend that always has good advice about heartbreak.
♪ Mercury in the 8th house
Woah you guys have powerful minds. This placement emphasizes the mind . This placement although can give dark deep thoughts to a person in a really negative way. Actually you guys are more likely to have mental health disorders like maybe diagnosed with bipolar or depression. You guys get obsessive and sometimes destructive thoughts especially with your needs and wants. You guys have an interest in learning sexuality and death in a scientific and intellectual way. Ya’ll are nosy and invasive. They enjoy learning more and digging up more and more information. These people really like solving problems and getting to the bottom of things. Their mind is never done, very restless people.
♪ Mercury in the 9th house
Okay you guys have a very curious mind always looking for more information to fill their brains with. You guys have a full mind with open horizons and large expansions. Mercury here will have it’s intellectual powers deepened and broadened.- You guys love learning about scientific and philosophical stuff. Mercury in the 9th house can gain a deep curiosity and understanding and making sense of this world on a wider scale. Mercury here promotes a lot of journalism and success in commercial endeavors. You guys are very future minded and you guys are always thinking about the future and what happens next in your life. You guys will be motivated to move around a lot and gain exposure to many things.
♪ Mercury in the 10th house
Okayyyyyy I see you guys!! Lucky af. You guys are very good at speaking and you guys have a powerful voice!! But actually tho people with this placement I’ve heard are actually not the best at talking and they get really nervous and stutter which I can see how this placement would give that effect. Authority figures. They do very well in high demanded careers and intellectual careers where it requires for you to use your mind or speech like marketing, sales, journalism, tourism, translation, investing, public speaking, writing and publication. Very savvy people. Really smart tho and probably good at school. They’re very professional and good at speaking and super quick to adapt and change their surroundings. They’re very active physically and mentally and they’re very responsible and tidy they never let anything slip. They’re really good at projecting their thoughts and communicating to people what they want. So yep they’re very successful people because of their virgo and gemini traits and they put that to action in their careers and in their workplace and in the general public.
♪ Mercury in the 11th house
Okay you guys are very social and extroverted. You guys might aspire to be smart or to be intellectually capable. You might like studying and learning more about humanity and social causes and what you can do to help raise awareness. You guys have a special ability to connect with people and strike up conversations and friendships in many different places. They can get very popular because of how communicative and friendly they are. These people could be very good public speakers and do very well in the spotlight. They are interested in human affairs and using their problem-solving and intellectual minds for humanity and especially their friends and close associates. People with this placement might also like to talk and express their ideas in a group and to other people. They might have really smart friends or friends that give off mercury/virgo/gemini traits. They’re really good at finding common ground with people and relating to others despite disagreeing. They can also be very outspoken on issues they care about and they like to use their voice and they are very outspoken and not afraid to use their voice.
♪ Mercury in the 12th house
People with mercury in this house might be very fascinated about dreams, paranormal, hidden things, journalism, spiritual knowledge, etc. They like learning about things and getting involved with stuff that isn’t popular or very worldwide. Like the stuff that doesn’t get public attention or visibility. Unfortunately these people might underestimate themselves and how smart they are and how they’re intellectually capable. And they might try their best not to appear smart or not use their communication as much as they should. Mercury won’t be active in your chart and it’s probably weak because it isn’t being put into use. These people are imaginative in their thinking but also they get irrational and delusional ideas. These individuals have the capacity to trick themselves and convince themselves anything they want to believe. They could self sabotage themselves and others because of their wrong thinking. They get a bit unrealistic and into trouble because of their thinking and beliefs that aren’t logical or in touch with reality. Sometimes people with this placement are very creative but they get misunderstood a lot for it so that’s why they get delusional over it. They’re very forgetful also and they tend to loose track of time. They have a lot of ideas and thoughts but they choose to not share them because of what others might think and the hate they’ll get. And of course there could be a potential for mental illness or mental disorders.
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Lmao my descriptions went from small to big real quick. Hope ya’ll liked! ♡
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