#But like. Just doing stuff considered childish n all is so cool n relaxing
sleepyhead0720 · 1 year
May I request a one-shot with Luffy or Ace where Reader is painting a big portrait of them looking really cool?
Sure! I hope you enjoy<3 (you didn’t specify a lot so I added a couple things! Hope you don’t mind<3)
Woah…that looks like ME!
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The crew just returned from a rather peaceful island, it was very calm to take a break and relax and not have to worry about the navy being after your boyfriend
During the small break though, you discovered that you enjoyed drawing! And we’re quite good at it too!
More specifically you liked drawing living things, you had been practicing all month, even after you guys departed from that island
You were planning on painting a portrait of luffy! You didn’t know why you wanted to, there wasn’t any special occasion aside from you wanting to see a big smile on your boyfriends face once you show him the portrait
It was meant to be a surprise for him till the it was ready. But of course, things didn’t go as plannned
You huffed and placed the painting brush down
You were almost done with the portrait, you just needed a a little more shad and it would look better
Maybe the next island will have more painting supplies
You didn’t really have to worry on leaving the portrait unintended since luffy was busy bothering Sanji for food and once you arrive to the next island, he would immediately get off the ship in search for food or something
You started packing your stuff up and put a black blanket over the painting
Once you put all the stuff away, you headed to the front deck to see if any island was in view
“Usopp! Is there anything yet?”
“Yes! It’s still far away but I can still see it, it’ll take a couple hours before we reach it”
He gave you a thumbs up
You smiled and headed to the kitchen expecting luffy to be there trying to eat everything in sight
“Y/n-san! What brings you here? Are you hungry?”
You turned to Sanji was already getting ready to cook something for you
“Yea kind of, where’s Luffy? I thought he was here?”
You started to panic a little considering you haven’t seen him at all
Sanji tilted his head
“I thought he was with you? He did say he was going to look for you,”
You panicked
What if he snuck into the room?
“Uh I gotta go really quick!”
You speed walked outside and started heading towards your room
As you got closer, you heard sounds inside as if something was moving there
You really hoped is was some sorts of animal and not luffy
As you peeked you head you saw luffy fidgeting with one of your paint brushes
He jumped and turned towards you
“Why are you snooping through my stuff??”
You crossed your arms while glaring at him slightly
“This is your stuff?”
He said bringing up one of your big paint brushes up to his face eyeing it curiously, he then starting brushing his face with it
“Y/n how come it’s so dirty? Is your face THAT dirty?”
You sighed
“No Luffy, it’s not makeup! And even if it was you don’t use it like that,”
You grabbed it and started organizing your stuff
“Is this yours too?”
You were too busy organizing your stuff to notice Luffy approaching your portrait,
But when you did, it was too late
“Woah…That looks like ME!”
He said yelling excitedly pointing at himself and back at the painting
You sighed
“That IS you lu,”
As you started to pick the blanket up, he smiled eyed the painting in awe
It was him standing on top of a rock admiring the sunset, behind him was his straw hat flowing gently behind his back.
“Woah! I look so cool!! Where’d you buy this y/n? It looks straight out of the museum thingy’s!”
He turned towards you, you smiled at his excitement
“I didn’t, I drew it myself, it’s still not done and I was planning on giving to you once it was done,”
“Wait… YOU DID THIS??”
You nodded to which he grinned wildly
“It looks so cool!! Could you do one where me and you are fighting? Or maybe e two of us eating!! Could you, could you???”
He basically lunged at you with excitement raiding off him
You chuckled at his childish behavior
“Sure lu, but it takes a lot of time and I’m not even done with that one,”
He looked confused at your words
“What do you mean? It looks perfect to me!”
The both of you turned towards the portrait for different reasons
Luff because he was trying to find any imperfections
You because you tried to see all the flaws in it
“Well first of all-“
You cut yourself off, even if you did explain you doubted he would understand at all so you just said,
“I want to add more details,”
He still liked confused but accepted your answer
“Well ok! But you ARE doing more right??”
You smiled at him
“Of course Lu,”
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svnflowervol666 · 4 years
Hey I love your work and Idk if your taking requests but if you are could you do a oneshot where Harry and y/n have planned to have the perfect birth plan but then coronavirus happens and they have to have the baby in their own home. Stay safe - anon ❤️❤️
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: Didn’t mean for this one to be so long and I most definitely hate the end, but here she is! Take care and TPWK.
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Harry’s eyes lit up like a child’s on Christmas morning when he felt his girlfriend’s phone vibrating against the cool, granite countertop where they were currently eating breakfast in their vacation home in California. What started out as a last-minute getaway to soak up the remaining time they had before they would welcome their first little bub into the world turned into a rather long stint, as a pandemic had quickly swept the world off its feet and ceased all travel. They were stuck, everyone was stuck, and Y/N was eight months pregnant. 
The phone call they’d been waiting on, the one happening right now that was causing Harry to nervously bounce his foot against the metal support beam on his chair, would determine whether or not it was safe for the two of them to return to London so Y/N could give birth alongside Harry and her regular doctor. They’d been stuck inside for so long that they’ve had time to talk about literally everything -- about reupholstering the chairs in the living room, about their childhood friends and secrets they kept for them, about if pineapple belonged on pizza and if chips and salsa is considered a meal. Harry and Y/N talked about a lot, but what they hadn’t discussed, was the possibility of giving birth to their son thousands of miles away from their families and the doctors they were most comfortable with. It was always understood between both of them that in spite of the state of the world, things would always work out for them; they’d get approved for travel and be home in England before her due date. They’d have the most perfect baby boy in the most perfect way imaginable. 
They were right, but only about the first part.
He watched her fumble with the gemstone ring that adorned her middle finger as she answered the phone call with her other hand. The stone matched the birth-month of their unborn son. Harry had gotten it for her that Christmas and she hadn’t taken it off since. She anxiously chewed on the skin of her bottom lip, still quite swollen from sleep. Harry’s heartbeat sounded like it was hurling towards his eardrums at a rapid pace, soon becoming all he could make sense of due to how important this phone call was.
Y/N wouldn’t have to repeat to Harry what the doctor told her on the phone, because the look on her face said everything he needed to know.
“It’s just not safe for anyone, especially pregnant women, to travel right now. You’re not facing any special circumstances that would warrant the need to leave the country, so we’re asking that you meet with one of our partnering hospitals to find a doctor in LA that can prepare you to give birth.”
“Yeah, I understand.” she was able to get out as a wave of salty tears spilled onto her cheeks.
She reached for Harry’s hand that laid protectively over her swollen stomach, squeezing her sweaty palm against his own as their fears were confirmed; they had to have the baby here and not in London with their family.
“Thank you so much. I’ll, uhm, give you a call back when I’m ready to schedule our next appointment...Yeah, you too. Bye.”
Y/N paid no mind to her surroundings after that, quick to wiggle herself off of the barstool and abandon the almond milk yogurt and her cell phone as she made a beeline for the bedroom her and Harry shared.
“Baby, wha-”
“Just need a minute,” her blubbers were hardly decipherable as she carried herself down the hall, but Harry was quick to follow.
“Nope,” Harry interjected, walking through the doorway just as she had collapsed into the plush mattress with her head in her hands.
“Yeh don’t get t’ do this by yourself.”
He hushed and cooed her as he climbed towards her from the foot of the bed, not leaving an inch of space between them when he laid down beside her. Not a second was wasted when he got his hands on her, pressing kisses to her forehead and thumbing away each tear that cascaded down her cheek. She was already a sensitive one -- add pregnancy into the mix and a couple of meltdowns like this were bound to happen.
“Come back t’ me, lovie. Please,” Harry pleaded, his voice soft and tender against the heart-wrenching sounds of her cries.
“I just - I can’t do this. Not here,” Y/N hiccupped. 
“Sure you can,” Harry quipped through his own frets about becoming a father in a country he didn’t particularly consider to be home.
“We’ll have mum ship all of his stuff over here. We’ll make sure we’ve got everything we need. We’ll be fine.”
“I don’t know any of those doctors at the hospital. We don’t even know our neighbors here for Christ’s sake,” her voice was hoarse and strained.
Her words struck Harry as hurtful, but true. But he was quite the optimist, and wouldn’t dare let his girl be sad. With everything in his power, he would spend his last breath trying to make her happy and see that smile that he loved so much.
“Honey,” he began, “I know this is not easy. ‘M not gonna pretend like I know how you’re feeling, but I know that, as shit as this situation is, we’ll have our son by the end of it. Tha’s worth goin’ through just about anything, isn’t it?”
Y/N nodded through deep breaths, slowly relaxing into Harry’s touch.
“We could even have him here, if yeh want. Takes the worry about gettin’ sick at the hospital out of th’ way. Yeh can do whatever yeh want, however yeh want. And I’d be right there with yeh the whole time.”
She seemed to ease up significantly at the thought of a home birth, as Harry could tell just by the look on her face that she seemed less upset at the thought of not being able to give birth in London and more so intrigued by what he’d just mentioned.
“Y-You think we could do that?”
“Absolutely,” Harry answered in a whisper, “‘M sure it’s just a few phone calls and we’ll can have it all sorted out.”
“I like that idea,” her voice was muffled as she leaned in to kiss Harry’s wrist that still held on to either side of her face.
“Me too, now tha’ I think about it. He’ll already be safe at home the second he’s out.”
“This isn’t home,” Y/N pouted as she wormed her way out of Harry’s grasp and settled herself on top of his chest, baby bump pressing impossibly close into Harry’s torso.
Harry sighed as he welcomed his girl into his embrace, using the hand that wasn’t wrapped around her shoulder to cradle her stomach.
“’S more of a home than it isn’t a home. We’ve got memories here,” Harry reminded her.
“We’ve done birthdays and anniversaries here. Couple of New Years Eve parties I think... Shagged in every room too if I’m not mistaken.”
That earned a laugh from Y/N, her taught belly jiggling slightly against Harry’s.
“Even the attic,” she exhaled.
“Even the attic. Couldn’t help it though. Yeh ass looked way too good in those shorts when we were moving the furnit-”
“I get it. Don’t need to be reminded of how I used to look before this happened,” she said, gesturing to her bump.
“Erm, your ass still looks plenty sexy if that's what you’re sayin’,” Harry almost looked offended.
“In fact, I’d say yeh look even sexier now than yeh did back then.”
“Yeah, it’s cos you’re a narcissist and me being pregnant with your son is feeding your ego.”
Harry’s childish laugh was like the cooling balm that soothed the blistering phone call she’d received not twenty minutes prior, melting away any sadness or despair she held in her heart. 
A peaceful quietness took over them, neither of them feeling like there was much to be said. Maybe they wouldn’t be having the most ideal experience into first-time parenthood, but they were together and they had each other, stupid jokes and annoying habits included. And that’s all they needed.
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rqnvindr · 4 years
restless (1.5k followers special)
pairing: iwaizumi hajime x fem!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1.4k
sypnosis: you don’t get sick that often. but when you do, your best friend, hajime has to put up with you acting like a baby. and being void of any inhibitions in your sleepy state leads to confessions of all sorts...
a/n: thank you guys so much for 1.5k! i originally planned to post this for my 1k followers special, but i sort of only gained inspiration to write it now, which all worked out because i hit another milestone ! thank you guys for all of the support and love, and for patiently waiting for this long overdue scenario ! 
“hajime~my soup is cold!” you screech, scrunching your nose as you drink the now stale liquid. iwaizumi face palms before reaching over to your tray to retrieve the bowl, rolling his eyes when you pout up at him as he fights the urge to give into you without any reprimanding. 
“if you had just drank it instead of complaining about how much you hated it you wouldn’t have this problem!” he scolds, clicking his tongue when you stick yours out at him. 
you throw the blankets over your head, burying yourself into your bedsheets as iwaizumi heads back to the kitchen to warm up your soup. he was your rock, but you seldom put him through this much. however, your sickness rewired your brain, making it harder for you to process the childishness of your demands and resort to mostly incomprehensible sighs and groans for communication. 
iwaizumi comes back with the now steaming bowl, stirring it gently to cool it down. 
“you have to drink it while it’s still hot.” you giggle, making him huff. “what’s so funny?”
“nothing, you just kind of sound like a mom.” iwaizumi raises an eyebrow at your endless giggles, wondering how you went from being whiny to a laughing mess from a simple statement that was meant to help you. 
“whatever, just drink up.” you tug at his sleeve before he could leave your side, pouting up at him. oh no not that face, he thinks to himself. 
“hajime, feed me.” you say in the most pleading voice that iwaizumi could not resist coming from you, as much as he hated to admit it. he sighs, pulling up your desk chair next to the bed. considering that this was the first time you’d been under the weather in a long while, it could potentially be more serious than it looks and he would hate to make you even more uncomfortable than you were already feeling. 
iwaizumi still has a little bit of trouble getting you to finish your soup even after complying to your command. he has to deal with you turning away from the spoon and doing more talking than eating. 
the hassle took a number on both of you, thought it seemed to have more of an effect on your already fatigued state, judging from the way you knocked out. iwaizumi stays in your room in case you woke up and needed anything else, keeping himself occupied with studying in the meantime. 
your soft breaths are rather soothing for him, relaxing him well enough to focus on his reading material. and when he turns around briefly to examine your sleeping face, his heart melts. you looked so peaceful it was hard to believe that you were quarreling with him earlier. iwaizumi chuckles as he plays back the moment in his head. as much as you annoyed him, he couldn’t have been happier to be the one to take care of you. 
in fact, iwaizumi often thought about what it would be like to be there for you, as more than a friend. when you called him this morning, voice hoarse and sniffling every five seconds, he thought about how you could’ve contacted anybody, oikawa, one of your girl friends, a whole list of people other than him. but like always, you came back to him. it was only natural that he’d wonder where these favors would take your guys’ relationship. 
iwaizumi is about to go get a glass of water until a soft murmur stops him.“i’d be so lonely without you...” your voice is so soft that he thinks his ears are failing him at first. 
“(y/n)?” iwaizumi calls for you, standing over your limp figure. 
“i know it must be hard to always deal with oikawa, and then there’s me.” you whisper. “i feel so bad, but you’re the most reliable friend i’ve ever had, and there’s no one who understands me like you do.” 
iwaizumi’s confused. were you talking in your sleep or giving a drowsy monologue, thinking that you were still dreaming as you talked to him?
he rubs the back of his neck, looking everywhere around the room but at you. “no, don’t feel bad, you know i’ll always be here for you, right?” ugh why is it so hard to reassure her about how much i care?
his test proves that you were awake when you giggle. “yeah. like how you always insist on walking me home even though i live close to campus. or how you saved me from almost dating someone who wasn’t good for me. you’re so protective~just like a knight in shining armor.” 
iwaizumi’s face burns up from the title. he didn’t want to force anything out of you, but his curiosity was starting to get the better of him. he also couldn’t deny how cute you looked hazily sputtering out your inner thoughts about him. maybe there was a chance that you felt the same way as he did...
he smiles, wiping the sweat that had formed on your forehead with a spare towel. “i’m glad you’re thankful for me. i’m just as thankful for you, but you really need to get some rest.”
iwaizumi starts walking away, but you grab his wrist. “no, please stay with me and hold my hand.” 
“i’m not leaving you, (y/n), i’m just going to the kitchen.” the warmth of your hand makes his palms sweat, both from your body heat and touch itself. 
“will you hold my hand when you get back?” you ask, making him sigh. 
“yes, i will. i’ll hold your hand for as long as you want, okay?” iwaizumi intended to say that more sarcastically, but he realized it came out differently when you squealed in response. 
your eyes slowly flutter open a couple hours later. you look down to see iwaizumi’s hand in yours, as he lies face down on the side of your bed. 
it takes a full minute to process that you’re actually holding hands with your best friend. you’d been dreaming about this for a while, but were wondering what led to this position. did you pass out and make him worry? did he just want to secretly show affection while you were unconscious? 
you feel relieved when he wakes up shortly after before your mind runs too wild. 
“hajime? what’s wrong? am i hurt?” you ask, slowly moving your hand away from his. iwaizumi’s glad that you don’t question the hand holding upfront, hoping to ease into that subject later.
“you were sick,” he replies with a yawn. “but you sound a lot better now, i think the nap helped.” 
you hum at his words. “i still have some body aches. but i am definitely feeling better.”
“that’s good.” iwaizumi clears his throat and awkward silence takes it’s place in the room. 
“but, why were we holding hands?” your cheeks warm up upon asking the inevitable question. 
iwaizumi sheepishly scratches his shoulder. “well, uh, you were a bit restless earlier and the only way for you to fall asleep was for me to hold your hand.” he says that fast, and you give him a questioning look. 
“what do you mean i was restless? just tell me the truth hajime, i won’t get mad.”
iwaizumi inhales deeply. “alright, you were a little bit drowsy and asked me to hold your hand when i tried to leave the room. you also said stuff about me being your ‘knight in shining armor’, and how no one else understands you like me and-”
“okay okay, stop i get it.” you raise your palm at him. 
“are you...embarrassed?” 
you lightly smack his arm. “of course i am! gah, and the fact that you heard everything just makes it even more, ugh!”
“i mean, if oikawa, mattsun or makki had heard you i’m sure they’d tell me anyway.” iwaizumi smirks, resulting in a glare from you. 
after a few seconds of trying to sting him with your stare, you break the silence. “you seem rather amused by my accidental confession, though.”
“not just amused. i’m happy.” iwaizumi holds out his hand for you to take, to which you accept, interlocking your fingers with his. 
you let out a chuckle. “well then, i’ll be sure to thank my sickness for giving me more courage than i would’ve ever had normally.” you get out of the covers and pull him in for a hug. he wraps his arms around you tightly, showing you that he’s never going to let you go. 
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coveredinsweetpea · 4 years
purest shade of pink. sweet pea.
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A/n: ok so this was requested and i was planning on writing a blurb but i got carried away a bit. I hope you like this, and please don’t hesitate to tell me what you thought, please! 
Summary: what could possibly happen when the sweet girl of riverdale sneaks her biker boyfriend inside her room to fuck, while her father is downstairs sleeping? (SMUT)
"Why would you even do that?" you questioned, genuinely curious about why someone would ever end up cheating. You spoke with such determination that out of context, it would be hard to tell that this situation did not even affect you personally. It was just another round of gossip between you and the rest  of the River Vixens, pouring out your souls and uncensored judgement into a conversation that had no importance to you whatsoever. But considering how crazy things have been in Riverdale for the past years, if there was anything that even remotely made you feel like a normal high schooler, you were more than ready to jump into it head straight. "She's literally turned him into a door mat" Carla scoffed, taking another puff of her cigarette. The smoke make your nose wrinkle, but you tried to play it off. "Maybe he's into that kind of stuff, who knows?" "Love, I know you're Little Miss Innocence here, but that's a whole different thing" Carla laughed with superiority. "Just because they like that in the bedroom doesn't mean the gotta be like that in real life too" "That's not what I meant" you scoffed, "And you know it. And stop calling me that, please" "Take a puff, then" he taunted, handing you her cigarette, "If you're so badass, I wanna see you inhale that smoke and blow it out your nose" "No" you rolled your eyes, "That would literally prove nothing" "Except that you're a wuss" Carla laughed. "Oh my God" Megan sighed, interrupting the two of you, "No one cares, I just wanna know how I should tell Lori that her boyfriend is cheating on her. Help me" You were happy to drop the argument, Carla not so much. But eventually she did, and you resumed the gossip round. It lasted for about 30 more minutes and you got to no conclusion whatsoever, but when you heard the familiar rumble of a Harley Davidson riding down the street, you knew that was your cue to leave. You stood up, and gathered your stuff hurriedly.
"See you tomorrow, girls" you cheered, picking up you purse, gym bag and already cold coffee cup. "I have no idea how you ended up with that guy, I swear" one of your friends laughed, shaking her head. "Lady in the streets, devil in the sheets" Megan cheered, and all you could do was blush and signal for her to shut up. As you walked away from them and over to where Sweet Pea was parking, you could still hear them yell different kinds of lines after you, but you decided to ignore them. It has never been your thing to give in to any kind of provocation, and you weren't going to start now. As you walked towards him, you picked up your pace until you were actually running. He was leaning against his bike, mindlessly scrolling through his phone. It may have been the loud rumble of all your belongings being shaken up inside your bag as you sprinted down the alley, or it may have been a coincidence, but when you were a few feet away he look up. Upon meeting your excited stare, he opened up his arms wide, welcoming you in a tight and warm hug he knew you loved so much. "Hi, angel" Sweet Pea laughed as you pulled away. He leaned down and kissed your lips, in this case, the taste of cigarettes not bothering you anymore. One hand wrapped around your middle and the other holding onto your cheek, he kissed you sweetly, as other students passing by stood and gawked. You didn't really care. Over time, you got used to them, what amazed you was how they didn't get used to you dating a Serpent. As a straight A student, the second in command after Cheryl in the cheerleading squad and the main singer and the school's band, they simply did not understand what you could possibly see in a rugged looking biker, member of a lawless gang from the wrong side of the tracks. Explaining this to them has never even crossed your mind. It was none of their business and to be fair, even though you'd never admit it, you kind of loved the attention. You hopped onto Sweet Pea's bike, and turned to him confused when he just stood by and looked at you. "Everything ok?" you asked, "Yeah, yeah" he nodded, "But we can't hang out at my house today. My uncle's home and you know how he gets" "Are you ok?" you questioned concerned, grabbing his hand to rub your thumb across his knuckles reassuringly, "Did you two argue again?" "No, love, it's fine" he sighed, leaning in to kiss your forehead, "As long as I'm not around him that much, it's all good" "You'd tell me if things weren't good, right?" "Of course" he smiled, "I swear, everything is fine so far" "Let's go to my house" you suggested, and tapped the spot on the bike where he was supposed to sit. "Your parents are home, don't think they'd-" "I'll keep them distracted while you climb in, relax! They won't see you" "One day they will" Sweet Pea chuckled, shaking his head as he got on the bike, "And I'm not mentally ready for that" "Oh god, babe" you sighed and wrapped your arms around his middle, "Just drive" You couldn't help but smile at how the only man that ever managed to scare Sweet Pea was your dad. To be fair, your dad scared everyone. The way you and your mum looked and acted, fit in no way your dad's way of being. As sweet and loving as he was towards his own family, he was just as threatening and ruthless when if came to anyone that ever dared look at you the wrong way. Although he never actually laid a hand on anyone, when he wanted to, his voice would drop a few octaves, his eyes would darken, and the things that would come out of his mouth were enough to scare anyone away. When he met Sweet Pea for the first time, you were actually scared that by the end of the night you'd be single. He pulled through though, and held his head up, determined to prove to your father just how much he cared about you and how determined he was to make sure you would always be safe. Even if they came to accept each other, the days where your dad would be ok with you and Sweet Pea taking things to a certain level of intimacy were far far away in the future. If Pea came by the house, the door had to be left open and the music had to be off. There was no universe where you'd ever obey that rule, but anyway, you love the adrenaline you always got from sneaking around. When you got home, your dad was fast asleep on the couch so you hurried upstairs and signaled for Sweet Pea to climb inside. By now, it was muscle memory - climb onto the second lower branch, step on left corner of the roof, avoid the third row of tiles because they creaked when you put weight on them, and about a minute later, he was inside your room. Sweet Pea threw his jacket to the floor, black leather falling silently on top of your pinkish carpet. Nothing about him fit with anything in your room, and you loved it. His cologne was musky and cool, your room smelled sweet and flowery. His hair was an adorable mess, while everything around him was tidied up and in perfect order. "I don't understand how you don't lose your mind in here" he laughed, taking in all the childish and innocent decorations of your room. From where you were sitting on your knees on the bed, you lounged for him. "Don't think about it" you laughed, gripping the hem of his flannel and pulling his body towards you. Sweet Pea understood in an instant what was going through your mind, and he met you with a devilish smirk on his lips. "You sure this is safe?" he asked, placing his hands on your hips. Although you didn't even nod in approval, his fingers traveled lower, brushing over the hem of your cheerleading uniform, until he reached the bare skin of your thighs. Your hands snaked around his neck, deepening the kiss. His tongue roamed your mouth with dominance, acting as if he had been deprived of your lips for too long. When his fingers started digging into your skin from the pure need of taking things further, you couldn't help but moan into the kiss. In an instant, he grabbed the elastic of your skirt and pulled it down your legs. You leaned back on the bed allowing him to take it off completely, and enjoyed your view as he stood tall, right by the bed, taking his shirt off. Your mouth watered when you heard the metallic sound of his belt being unbuckled. A few seconds later his pants had pooled at his ankles, leaving him in his boxers only, that did not do too good of a job in hiding the shameless bulge he rocked. "Let's see how wet you are, angel" he smirked, looking at you through the raven locks that had fallen on top of his forehead. You smiled wickedly and parted your legs, his fingers making their way to your cotton underwear in the blink of an eye. He rubbed his thumb over your bundle of nerves, and looked up at you with a lewd smile on his lips. "All for me?" As much as you loved all the foreplay you guys usually did, today was different. For whatever reason, you were in a mood. That mood where you wanted him to make you scream out his name until your throat stung, you wanted to feel him between your legs the next day. You shuffled out of your panties and Sweet Pea lowered himself on top of you, maintaining his weight on his elbows and knees. "Pea, fuck me hard" you whined, all of a sudden weirdly needy for his cock, "Please" "Don't I always?" he grinned, snaking an arm around your neck and fisting your pony tail tight between his fingers. He pulled on it, just enough for it to give that special kind of pain that morphed instantly into pleasure. You arched your back, and moaned his name before biting down on your lower lip. "Shh, now" he hummed and pulled away from you. It was just now that you realized he hadn't even taken his boxers off. "Touch yourself for me" he commanded as he undressed completely and gave his already half way hard cock a few pumps. He watched you brush your middle finger across your clit before seeing it disappear slowly inside your pussy. The sight made his mouth water, and his cock twitch in his hand. Having had enough of this, he lounged at you, pressing his knees into the mattress on either side of your thighs, his cock aligning with your opening at a painfully small distance. He leaned in and kissed you on your lips, sloppily, your teeth clinking in the process before he went ahead to kiss down your neck. Without allowing his lips to break contact with your skin, he pressed the tip of his cock to your clit, before going in slowly. The feeling of his member spreading your walls open made you moan out his name as your wrapped your legs around him, pressing the heels of your feet against the back of his thighs. In the beginning, his pace was slow and his thrusts were passionate and deep, but soon enough, he sped up, sending waves of pleasure across your whole body. "Harder, Pea" you cried into his shoulder. It seemed like he stopped and considered his options for a second. Eventually, he pulled out, and straightened his back. You didn't even get a chance to complain as he grabbed your hips and forcefully spun you around, laying you down on your stomach. You couldn't help but smile to yourself as you waited for him to enter you again, but much to your surprise, his hands grabbed your middle again, pulling you up and against his chest. His fingers wrapped themselves in your hair, tilting your head back. "Think I don't fuck you hard enough?" he questioned directly into your ear. "You do" you nodded eagerly, feeling your pussy clench just at his words. "I do what?" he teased. "Fuck me, please. You fuck me so good, Pea. I need you" you cried, pressing yourself back against him. Even though you did crave his touch, when he pushed your forward and you landed back on your tummy on the bed, you couldn't help but squirm in anticipation. Sweet Pea grabbed your hips and pulled your ass up in the air, on full display for his hungry eyes. With your cheek pressed against your fluffy blanket, you bit down on your lip as you waited patiently. Although you expected him to thrust into you, deep and hard, instead, his right palm connected to your ass in one hard slap, making your skin feel on fire. "Pea!" you moaned loudly, completely forgetting you were not alone in the house. You tried to rub your thighs together to relieve some of the pressure, but he was quick to push your legs apart and bring the tip of his cock to your opening. He pushed himself in, going all the way until his pelvis pressed against your ass. This time his pace was much more aggravated, slamming into your pussy ruthlessly. The only things audible in the room where the low moans that escaped Sweet Pea's throat and the whiny breaths you let out every time he went in. "This good enough for you?" he taunted, bringing a hand under your legs, to apply pressure to your clit. "Yes, daddy" you cried, the words just slipping out of your mouth in the heat of the moment. He kept going, harder and deeper with each thrust, making the whole world shake around you. When your orgasm started building up, you felt his hand back in your hair as he forced you up again. He maintained your head tilted back against his shoulder as he pounded your pussy, his other arm snaked around your abdomen keeping you in place. "Fuck, fuck, keep going, keep going" you moaned. "That's my good girl" Sweet Pea laughed, sinking his teeth in the skin of your neck. Ready to let yourself go completely, your whole mood was perturbed when a familiar voice reached your ears. "Y/n?" you heard you dad call from the other side of your bedroom door. Your blood froze for a second, but Sweet Pea kept going. "Answer him!" he commanded. Clearing your throat to make sure you sounded at least somewhat normal, you took a deep breath. "Yeah, dad?" As you waited for a response, Pea kept rubbing your clit in circular motion, sucking on the skin of your neck as his thrusts became much more slower, but just as deep, all of these together enough to bring tears of pleasure into your eyes. "What are you doing, pumpkin? Can I come in?" "No!" you hurried to stop him. "No, no, um.. don't come in" "Are you ok?" he asked and you could hear concern in his voice. "Yeah, baby girl" Pea chuckled into your ear, bringing a hand to your right breast, gripping it tightly between his fingers, "Are you ok?" You squinted your eyes, "I'm uh... I'm shaving my legs!" "Oh" your dad exclaimed, "Ok, I'll leave you to it. I'm making pancakes and wanted to ask how many you want" "I want 5" Sweet Pea whispered. "7" you yelled, your mind beyond confused. Pea kept pushing all your buttons to the extreme and you were about to lose it all if your dad didn't leave already. "Seven?" he exclaimed, "You want 7? You bit your lip annoyed, Pea pulling on your hair again to bring you back to your senses, "Yes, 7!" "Ok, hurry" your dad said and then left. It was just now that you were able to breathe properly, but it didn't last too long as Sweet Pea grabbed your chin and made you turn your head so you could meet his dark, hooded eyes, "Think I didn't feel your pussy clench around my dick when he almost caught us?" Your cheeks turned a bright shake of red, and you were not able to come up with any decent response. "Is that what turns you on, hm?" he questioned, "being afraid someone is gonna catch us?" You didn't get to answer as he pushed you back down on the bed, lowering himself on top of you. He pressed his cock back inside you, fucking you from behind at an ungodly slow pace, "Imma keep that in mind, angel." he mumbled to himself, "Oh, the possibilities" His words and the mental imagines they created brought a wicked smile to your lips as you pushed your ass up against him. "Such a slut, aren't you" he chuckled into your ear as he sunk himself inside of you. You nodded in approval, muttering a weak, "I am"
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yuusa · 4 years
𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝟏𝟕
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𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟔𝟒𝟑𝟎
𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝟏𝟕:
“What the hell are you wearing?!” Uotani sobbed into her arms as she slammed her fist on the pool’s edge. You stared down at her in confusion while Hanajima only gave you a blank look. 
After your recent tests, which you thought you scored quite okay in, most of the girls in your class were taking a break by relaxing in the pool with their swimsuits. You were a bit glad to finally take time away from schoolwork, you spent most of your time studying at home which meant less time with Aikyo and Machi. Although you asked her if she would be okay without you around, she eagerly wanted you to finish your education. You exchanged phone numbers with Machi but learned that she only used her home cell phone instead of a mobile one, leaving your visits with her short and brief as you rarely had time to hang out with her ever since you started testing.
Tohru wanted to invite you to the pool after school to which you agreed, thinking that it would be nice to have time away from extra committee work. You wanted to bring along Machi but felt as if it would be an awkward encounter, you wouldn't want her to feel overwhelmed after your encounter with her.
Earlier when Tohru greeted you at the gates, she was wearing a very childish swimsuit which looked as if it was provided by a middle school. You wondered how she still fit into her old swimsuit, but perhaps it was because Tohru had a naturally nice looking body. She said she had to find a hair tie for Hanajima, to which you pulled out an extra black one from your pocket that you normally use for running. 
Although it was the time of summer and adventures. . . 
You were wearing a sports uniform despite it being excruciatingly hot. 
“Why are the two of you dressed like that?!” Uotani cried out, Hanajima comforting her as Tohru knelt down to hand her the black hair tie.
“I don’t go swimming so. . .” You replied. It was the honest answer though, you took track not swim. Although some may say it was a death wish to do track in summer, you never really wanted to buy a swimsuit if you rarely ever swim. It seemed like a waste of money.
“Ergh. . . We’ll be back in a bit, we’re gonna apply more sunblock.” Uotani lifted herself onto the surface while Hanajima nodded, following her towards the nearby bleachers.
Tohru smiled before jumping into the pool, the water splashing on your cheek and dripping down your face while you sat down next to her. She swam close to your seating area as she giggled childishly, feeling relaxed due to the cool waters soothing her hot skin. You gave her a smile as you watched her swim around.
“Do you like to swim Tohru-kun?” You asked, her paddling form coming over to you.
“Yes! I always thought it was quite fun! I’m really happy you came with us today (Y/n)-kun!” You gave her another closed eye smile as you pat the top of her head.
“That's nice to hear Tohru-kun, I’m glad to see you as well.”
On the bleachers, Uotani confronted Hanajima about the situation as she applied sunblock onto her arms. The two were underneath the shaded area observing you and Tohru interact.
“Arisa, you must get used to it. You see Tohru-kun in her school swimsuit every year.” Hanajima said, pulling back her hair with her hands running the water out of her black locks.
“I know that but. . . They were mandatory in middle school, but we can wear our own now!” Hanajima waved back at Tohru who was trying to get her attention about the deep end of the pool while Uotani frowned.
“Isn’t it adorable though?” She replied.
“I’m not saying it’s unflattering or embarrassing! But it's like. . . It’s the feeling I get seeing a grandpa and grandma buy convenience store food.” Uotani began to remember the moment she saw an old married couple deciding on two different types of bento for dinner.
Her eyes comedically dropped sparkling tears as she pulled herself away from the sight, “they probably think nothing of it, but I can’t stand watching them. It’s so sad. And I start crying for no reason! The tears just start flowing!”
“Yeah, I actually cry when ringing them up!” Uotani gripped her fist as she continued to visualize the old man bringing her the convince store bento, her eyes dripping down her face as she held back her sobs.
“Arisa. . . You cry so easily.” Hanajima commented.
“And the class rep too! She makes me cry when she came out in that apron at her workplace! It was cute but she looked so sad about wearing it!” Uotani said, bringing her fist back to the ground, “she always seems to wear the same stuff! The two of them make me wanna cry!”
“Even in track class when she is sweating badly, she still sticks with her sweater! I get hot just looking at her every single day!” Hanajima sweatdropped at Uotani’s rants.
Tohru hopped over to their side as she held onto your hand, bringing you along with her to join the others. You tilted her head, wondering what was the issue with Tohru’s swimsuit, but perhaps it was the issue of money where she isn’t able to treat herself to an actual swimsuit.
Sometimes you would wear your old clothes from middle school if they still fit, but you wouldn’t really consider a swimsuit something you would try to preserve. Then again, you never really swam much in your life. You heard from other students in your class that buying swimsuits were extremely expensive, some of them were as much as your entire day’s worth of money.
“Tohru-kun, do you not want to buy a new swimsuit?” You asked, turning your attention to Tohru as her eyes shined underneath the sunlight.
“O-Oh! I always thought it would be bit wasteful if I buy a new one if this one fits. . .” She scratched her cheek as she tilted her head away in embarrassment. 
You hummed in response, “I see, I was just curious. Swimsuits are expensive and I’m afraid most of my savings go to my apartment.” You placed your index finger underneath your chin, “I sometimes wear my work clothes at home as well.”
“Really?!” Tohru’s eyes glittered in excitement, “I haven’t been to your workplace before! I really want to go though!”
Tohru felt herself get overly excited at you opening up to her. Despite it being small moments of your life, she thought all of them were special as you were her friend. She always wanted and tried to bring you closer to everyone else, she was happy to see that you were slowly opening up just slightly. 
To you, the thought of Tohru feeling happy about something you did made you smile as you pulled back some of your strands of hair. You didn’t want to burden her at all with your problems, but she seems so joyous whenever you talk to her. 
“S-Sure. . .” Your cheeks felt a bit hot, you couldn’t tell if it was because you needed more sunblock or not, “we can go next time okay?” 
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Yuki continued to stare down at his lap, trying not to turn around to look at any of the swimsuits Tohru was looking at. He really didn’t want to engage himself in such activities based on how risque it was, it was really embarrassing for a boy to comment on a girl’s swimsuit after all. Uotani and Hanajima came over to the Sohma estate in order to talk to the group about buying the two of you two new swimsuits, one for you since it was becoming increasingly hot and they wanted you to finally have a cooling summer, while for Tohru they wanted her to feel appreciated.
“Sohma-san?” He snapped his head up to see you staring down at him, “you’re here too?”
You were wearing the same outfit you had when he came over to your house the other day, your sweater was luckily thin so that you weren’t overheating in the summer heat. Uotani was completely right when she told the Sohma family you rarely even wear anything new. Tohru had called you earlier but Uotani was the one to talk to you, she wanted you to meet up at the mall at a very specific store so you could go out and eat, she said that Shigure had a special book to give you. You heard that the group was going out to eat soba, something that you hadn’t tried before in your life but was too embarrassed to admit it to any of the others, so you did a brief research on it before you came to the mall.
You were expecting to meet at some regular store but you walked into a swimsuit store. You always thought that Uotani would never trick you into coming somewhere, but it seems as if Shigure really rubbed off of her. You sweatdropped as Uotani called you over.
“Class rep you made it!” She grinned as she draped her arm around your shoulder.
“You could just say (L/n)-kun. . . You told me we were just going out to eat. . . ” You frowned, pulling out your phone to show her the previous phone call, “you tricked me!”
“Sorry! Shigure-san said it would be better to tell you the details later otherwise you wouldn’t come!” She waved her hand around to dismiss your words, “plus we wanted your opinion for Tohru’s swimsuit! These two have really bad tastes for her!” 
Uotani pointed over to the two boys who were blushing profusely on the benches. Yuki was fumbling with his fingers as he tried very hard not to turn around. It was embarrassing enough to see Tohru next to swimsuits, but he really didn’t want to handle seeing you in one either. He has only seen you in your tracksuit, school uniform, or your modest outfits. 
“If you already chose a color for her why did we have to pitch in?!” Kyo protested, to which Uotani only rolled her eyes. 
You pressed your lips together as Uotani dragged you over towards the selection of swimsuits. Tohru smiled at you as she waved towards you. The three girls decided to spend some time picking out different colors and styles for you to wear, but you were feeling a bit iffy when it came to the price tags. You just wanted one that was cheap and looked nice, nothing too flashy or glamourous. 
But then again it seems you're such a shy boy! Scared to look my way when I'm tryin' to show you I care! 
You wondered what kind of song the store was playing, tilting your head towards the ceiling to find the source of the noise. The singer was awfully cheerful which seemed to brighten up the atmosphere of the store. 
Uotani pulled out a plain white bikini set while Hanajima held out a black frilly two-piece, Tohru had a light blue set with white lace. They stood in front of you holding out their respective choices as you sweatdropped, not knowing which one to actually choose. 
“Hmm. . .” Uotani hummed as she tried to sort through the different types of swimsuits to find the perfect one, “I feel like red would look the best on (L/n)-kun, but she doesn’t like it at all.”
“Then we should ask the boys,” Hanajima suggested, raising her black two-piece higher to show you the design. 
“Sure, you two! Tell us which one would look better on (L/n)-kun!” Uotani came over to their side, dragging you by the arm towards them as they all held out the different varieties of swimsuits in front of them. 
You stood on the side clutching onto your clothes as you shifted your weight from one side to the other, you didn’t know what to say in the situation, but you really didn’t mind anything the girls chose. It was a bit embarrassing showing the boys your selection but if you couldn’t decide on what color or design, someone else would have to. You didn’t know how you felt about having Yuki’s thoughts on the matter.
Yuki tilted his head slowly to look at the selection, feeling his cheeks burst in flames as he stared at you and the garment that Tohru was holding onto. Kyo didn’t bother turning around as he shut his eyes tightly. 
“Idiot you probably have some sort of color chosen already!” Kyo said, holding his hand over his eyes to block out the world. 
“If we have then we wouldn’t be showing you these would we?!” Uotani argued. 
Yuki frowned before pointing towards Tohru, “the blue one would look nice. . .” he mumbled as he turned his head away. 
Tohru’s eyes sparkled as she handed you the swimsuit, “then blue it is!” 
You stared down at the light blue colored garment, on closer inspection, it seems as if there were small decorated birds stitched at the corner of the bottom surrounded by flowers. The frilly white lace also felt smooth to the touch as you felt the material. You were surprised to see that Yuki had chosen this one out of the others, whether or not he did so because it was blue made you question his decision. You wondered if somewhere in his heart you had a place, perhaps there was something between you that someone was tugging on harshly. 
You felt your face become slightly hot, something that Uotani noticed and commented on.
“Oh? (L/n)-kun you’re looking a bit red there,” She snickered, to which you pouted before you could make your way towards the cashier to pay for your swimsuit, Uotani had plucked it out of your hands and took Tohru’s to pay for them together. 
“You don’t have to pay for me Uotani-san,” You slipped your wallet out from your pocket and held out a couple of dollars, “you invited me here after all.”
She blew a raspberry, “it’s fine. We’re gonna go eat after this so you could wait with the others.”
Before you could protest Tohru came to your side and dragged you off. You awkwardly toyed with your sleeves as Yuki stared at you.
There were moments where he would think about you even at home. The bags under your eyes were caked in, even more, makeup, something that you rarely wanted to wear but endured for the sake of your public image. 
Uotani came back with two bags and handed you one of them, she grinned as she saw you pout but accepted it reluctantly, not wanting to refuse her offer as she seemed extremely insistent on buying you a new swimsuit. You sighed and followed the group towards their next destination, the one place you were promised to go but was tricked into going into a swimsuit store. 
Yuki stifled a chuckle at the thought, it seems as if you fell for these simple tricks too easily but you didn’t seem to mind them as much as you said you did. He began to walk slower to casually meet at your side, trying not to alarm the others about his sudden change in position. 
“(L/n)-san, are you getting enough sleep? It looks like you’re wearing a lot more makeup than usual.” Yuki asked, keeping his voice low enough so your conversation was kept privately.
You tilted your head towards him as you held onto the plastic handle of the bag tighter, “a-ah. . . I’ve been trying to but it’s a bit hard. . . You know with all the work and stress of being a committee member. . .” You half lied, “I wonder if you would be president of next year to take over President Takei’s spot. . .” 
He hummed in response, “I was thinking about it but I haven’t made a final decision yet. Will you be staying in the committee?” 
“I haven’t decided yet either. . .” You scratched your cheek awkwardly, “I might if you would. . .” 
From the corner of Yuki’s eye, he noticed a small charm from the inside of the store. It caught his eye as he grabbed onto your wrist and tugged you towards the inside of the store.
“Sorry, but could we stop at this store?” Yuki pointed over to the gift shop next to him and the other group nodded. 
“Did you find something you like Yuki-kun?” Tohru clapped her hands together, seeing that Yuki was holding onto your wrist before everyone decided to make their way into the store with him. 
You felt your cheeks grow warm at his assertive nature, something so unexpected yet comforting in certain ways. You wondered what he saw that he found so mesmerizing but his reaction piqued your interest and curiosity. Uotani and Hanajima whispered to each other as they peered at the two of you walking together. 
“I just wanted to check something out in there.” He replied, gently pulling you into the store as he made his way towards the keychains. 
You could feel his warm hands engulf your wrist as you stared at him, not understanding the situation but searched through the keychains with only your eyes. Yuki gave you a small smile before picking up one of the keychains that you hadn’t seen before, but he covered it with his hand. 
“Sohma-san, why did you want to bring me here?” You asked, fumbling with the handle of your bag as a way to avoid holding onto his hand by mistake. 
Before you could take a peek at the inside of his hand he turned away and towards the cashier to quickly pay for the item. You pressed your lips together while Hanajima and Uotani snickered at your cluelessness. When Yuki came back he patted the top of your head, his figure still taller than you despite your height. You pouted while he smiled.
“I just saw something that I think looks nice, I’ll show you it in the end, think of it as a little surprise.” He winked flirtatiously, not knowing the effects it would have on you as your cheeks felt warmer. Uotani whistled at the sight while Hanajima felt deeply interested in your relationship with Yuki.
“W-Well you didn’t have to drag me here.” You huffed, he chuckled before continuing to pat the top of your head.
“Sorry I just got distracted. We can continue walking to the restaurant now.” Yuki waved at Tohru and the others. The brown-haired girl was at the other side of the store with Kyo by her side as she examined the variety of stuffed cat animals that were orange colored.
You stared at the bag that Yuki carried in his hands, wondering what kind of keychain did he actually buy. He might have gotten a gift for Tohru and wanted to show you it before he gave it to her. You nodded your head in agreement with your thoughts. You shouldn’t be getting your hopes up of course, but your heart wanted to disobey your orders and began to beat faster in excitement and anticipation. You sucked in a breath when everyone finally arrived at the restaurant.
The waiter was nicely dressed and led you to your tables. It seems as if Uotani knew the restaurant employees since they looked friendly to each other, but you shook off these thoughts. Yuki sat closest to the inner wall while Kyo sat on the other side near the walkway while you sat as the barrier between the two, while Tohru, Uotani, and Hanajima sat together. Overall, it was an evenly split group. You bumped shoulders with Yuki accidentally as you sat down, mumbling an embarrassed apology to which he smiled and waved it off.
You could hear Kyo gag a bit at the sight of you both talking but quickly shut his mouth when you raised your eyebrow at him. You sighed before picking up the menu and examining the food. You’ve never been to this place so you were a bit lost on what to order. You unconsciously had a slightly puffed cheek appearance as you tried to decide on what food you should eat. Tohru gave a closed eye smile at your habits slowly coming out of your shell, you were becoming much more expressive than before and she found it to be a great sight.
“Do you know what you’re eating (L/n)-kun?” Uotani asked, dropping her menu down onto the table as she already decided her meal.
“A-Ah not yet. . . I haven’t been to this place before so I’m a bit lost.” You replied. Even though you were looking through different articles about soba, it felt like your mind had just gone blank when you actually saw the menu.
“You really haven’t been to this place?” Kyo asked, leaning his head on his propped up hand, “do you just cook all of your meals?”
“I usually do. . . I just think it's a bit lonely to eat out by yourself.” You fumbled with the edges of the menu.
Kyo leaned over to examine the menu and pointed at the various dishes, explaining each of them to you as if you were oblivious. Actually, you might be a tad bit oblivious but it was in a charming and endearing way. Yuki pouted as he watched Kyo talk to you about the different types of soba that they sold in the store and which one was good. You didn’t expect Kyo to be so knowledgeable about food, he was always the better cook between him and Yuki but you didn’t think it reached to this extent.
“We should go out to eat together more often (Y/n)-kun!” Tohru beamed, giving you a wide grin as you saw the room light up with warm happiness, “you won’t have to feel like you’re eating alone when you’re with us!”
Your heart began to beat faster as your eyes widened to the size of saucers. You could feel the small tears prickling the edges of your eyes as your heart began to flutter. 
“I-Is that really okay?” You asked, your face still in shock as you saw Tohru nod happily. 
“Of course it is!” 
The blush on your cheeks grew immensely at her response. Something about hearing about her wanting you to be part of her life makes you feel as if you were worth something. It made you feel valued. It felt so nice to enjoy this once moment that you had forgotten about the aching feeling of solitude and exclusion that plagued your entire body. You wiped at your tears before giving her a genuine smile, the whites of your teeth showing underneath the light of the restaurant as the rest of the group felt frozen with surprise. 
Your smile was bright and beautiful, much more natural and relaxed compared to anything else you once showed throughout your years. 
It was captivating. 
“Thank you, Tohru-kun.” 
Yuki’s heart began to swoon at the sight, the memory of your smile burning itself into his mind as his hands felt clammy. His face began to heat up as he covered his cheeks to hide his shy appearance.  
The waitress came over to your side and took your order. You decided to go with cold soba, something that was simple yet refreshing for the hot summertime. You heard that recently a lot of students have been ordering cold soba more often in restaurants, you never thought such a product would be so desirable to the young audience but it may or may not have been because of an influential character floating around the media. As Uotani began to tell her origin story from being a gang member to Tohru’s closest friends, a group of young delinquents stood at the doorway, admiring the three sitting in front of Tohru and the other girls. 
“Oi, Ishicchi, when are we going to say something?” One of the girls whispered, the three of them standing behind one of the pillars next to the entrance as they creepily stared at the group.
“Wait. . . After I get a picture of them. . .” She pulled up her phone and zoomed in on the three, your smile calming down and giving off a relieved expression while the Sohmas continued to listen to Uotani’s story. The three girls began to admire each of your appearances, seeing how you would tuck the strands of your hair behind your ear as Uotani let out a few chuckles. Your skin was glowing underneath the light as your rosy pink lips were colored in the right shade. 
As you continued chatting, the waitress finally arrived with your food and you watched as she placed your cold soba down in front of you. You broke your chopsticks in half and carefully pulled the small splinters out of the sides. You didn’t eat out often and used reusable chopsticks since you didn’t want to spend constant money on buying new ones at home. They were a multipurpose tool for cooking and eating. 
“As you briefly mentioned this before. . . Honda-san, your mom was. . .” Yuki trailed off, not knowing how to describe Tohru’s mother without coming off as offensive or rude. 
“Yes! My mother was a bike leader before she had me.” Tohru replied.
“Oh. . . I see,” Yuki responded, “it’s hard to imagine, knowing you.” 
“She wasn’t just any ordinary delinquent! They say whenever she rode her motorcycle, the red taillights resembled a fluttering butterfly.” Uotani added, “she was strong in a fight and chivalrous too. Every time the older members talked about her, my admiration grew. It happens to everybody no? They are your hero, and you put them on a pedestal.”
You quietly stared down at the glass of water in front of you, seeing the reflection of Yuki and Tohru from the side of the glass. You didn’t know exactly if what you felt was something of admiration but the way Uotani describes the feeling slightly differs from her. You might even say that instead of admiration, you felt envious but you can’t deny the fact that you would like to be someone as bright as Yuki or Tohru. Or even someone who is easy to talk to like Kyo. Your smile began to falter slightly as you continued to stare at the glass of water while Uotani continued talking. 
Uotani began to talk about her strong feelings towards Tohru’s mother who was named Kyoko. It made Kyoko seem like an extremely warm and tender person, someone who was protective and motherly in all of the right ways despite being described as rowdy. 
“Why do you keep looking at me? Go away.” She tightened her hands together as she prayed in front of the altar.
“You hate me, don’t you? I can see in your eyes. You want me to suffer. . .” She mumbled. “You’re simply a figment of my precious daughter. . .”
You winced at the painful memory but continued eating your food to ignore the ache in your chest. You were jealous of Tohru having such a kind and loving mother, one that inspired her to be the best and looking ahead into the future to make others happy. How could you ever compete with someone as great as her? 
You pressed your lips tightly together as you clenched your teeth. Your eyes peered up at Uotani. You wondered if you had chosen another path in life, would you have joined a gang as she did? Even at your most desperate moments as a child, you would have never expected yourself to make it this far into life. You might have grown up in a gang if it wasn’t for your determination to find a new home for yourself. You could have become someone you absolutely despised if you went down the path of violence if you hadn’t already.
Thinking about it made you sick to your stomach and you began to felt more appreciation for Tohru grow. It seems as if not everyone here had a very happy childhood memory and you could slowly relate to their struggles. 
Perhaps you weren’t so alone as you previously thought you were, there was more to this life of friendliness that you would have never discovered on your own. The group began to finish up their meals as you were almost done with yours, trying to finish the food while the group of delinquents approached your table.
“Uotani!” They called out, waltzing up to the table while you drank your water, feeling satisfied at your meal. “Step outside, we got business with you.” 
You turned your head to see the girls loom over the group. They had strangely dyed hair, one of them even reminded you slightly of a hyena with her blond and black hair. You wondered why they decided to come over but you felt slightly on edge by their presence despite them being mere middle schoolers based on their uniform.
“Alone obviously.” The taller blond girl said, her mask covering the bottom half of her face as Uotani rolled her eyes. 
“Should we head out soon?” Uotani casually smiled, ignoring the other girls' presence as they gawked at the group who only nodded and began making their way to the exit. 
“See? I told you we shoulda called her out earlier!” The group jumped back and began to squat together, whispering out their next few plans.
“It’s ‘cause you took forever getting pics of the girl and boys, Ishi-chan,” The hyena colored girl said.
“Not my fault! I couldn’t get a good angle of them!” ‘Ishichan’ protested. When Uotani thanked the waitress for delivering the meal, the brown-haired middle schooler reached out to them, “hey! Wait, Uotani!”
Yuki, Kyo, and you turned around and stared at the group while the girls continued walking forward. The three of you watched as they froze underneath your intimidating glare, a stark contrast to the relaxed aura you gave off earlier at the table.
“Oh, I didn’t mean. . . You guys. . .”
You decided to walk away, not wanting to lecture a few middle schoolers about their poor behavior in public as Yuki followed you. He walked by your side as your group walked around with the other middle schoolers hot on your tail trying to get Uotani’s attention.
“I said stop, Arisa Uotani!”
“Quit ignoring us, dammit!”
Kyo sighed before tilting his head over to Uotani, “oi, you sure you don’t know them? They’re calling you by name.”
“I’ve never met those outdated delinquents in my life.” She replied, completely ignoring their cries for attention.
“Look who’s talking!” The middle schoolers shouted.
“Don’t you look down on us!” ‘Ishichan’ gripped her fist tightly next to her chest, feeling a bit irked at Uotani’s dismissive personality, “sure, we’re just some ordinary delinquents now, but we’re gonna make ourselves famous thrashing all of the show-offs like you, build a delinquent army that scares the shit outta people, and take over this whole neighborhood!”
“Good luck,” Uotani deadpanned.
“I wonder what a delinquent army is,” Yuki asked, turning around slightly to face the walking group.
“A bunch of troublemakers trying to start a revolution?” You presumed.
“Shall I take care of them?” Hanajima asked, preparing to use her waves to shock the other girls.
“Bad idea,” Kyo added, his hands deep into his pockets as he walked with a slight slouch.
You sighed as you decided to take a break by a nearby bench while the delinquents continued to gather unneeded attention to your group. Yuki leaned up against the wall while Kyo stared off to the side, not really wanting to be involved in the strange feud with Uotani.
“I-It seems things are getting a bit perilous here. . .W-What should we do?” Tohru commented, seeing Hanajima evoke her wave powers on the middle schoolers who trembled in fear.
“Hanajima, don’t go all out, they’re just kids,” Uotani called out.
“Who do you take me for? I hardly have to lift up a finger.” She replied, her emotionless voice giving the middle schoolers a scare. 
“We gave you a second chance to respond and now you’re mocking us!” The delinquent said, pointing an accusing finger towards Uotani who crossed her arms. 
“You’ve been talking the entire time.” Uotani sighed. 
“S-Shut it! I’m gonna send you flying!” She reeled back a fist and your eyes widened, as your body began to move forward you were stopped when Uotani placed her hand on top of the shorter girl’s head, stopping her completely. 
“W-Wh-Why don’t my arms reach?!” She cried, trying hard to punch Uotani but her short arms barely reached out to her. 
“The kid doesn’t have a near enough reach. She should have aimed low.” Kyo commented. 
“I hope she’ll release her soon.” Yuki looked off at your figure as you mumbled to yourself.
“The easier idea was to snap her wrist. . .” You trailed off, the faint sound of your voice shocking him as he heard your suggestion. 
“The best time is when you’re still underestimated, girlie.” Uotani said, “if you just wanna show off, there are better ways of doing it. Stop acting out like this while you can before anything serious happens. If you want someone to scold you, I can do it anytime.”
Uotani went back to continue walking down the original path everyone was talking, “alright, wanna head back?” Everyone nodded and followed her back to the place that the group had met up before you arrived. 
The sun began to set and shine an orange and pink color on the walls, giving it a warm and soothing atmosphere that you soaked up. Everything went by so fast that you hadn’t expected the day to be so packed full of adventures. You pressed your hand against your chest, feeling your heart began to beat a little faster at the thought of Tohru’s words, it really would be nice to go out with people more often like this. 
Yuki patted the top of your head, stopping you in your tracks as he spoke to the others, “I’ll walk (L/n)-san home so she gets back safely, this stupid cat can walk Honda-san back. Thank you for showing us all a good time.” Yuki politely bowed in front of the others before guiding you back on the street to your house. 
“No problem Prince!” Uotani waved and watched as Tohru said her goodbyes and walked with Kyo to the Sohma estate. 
“It’s fine for you to walk back with Tohru-kun, I’m fine on my own.” You mumbled, hearing Yuki let out a small chuckle.
“I’m supposed to give your surprise as well, do you not want it?” 
You had almost forgotten about the event of the store, you were too lost in your own thoughts about Uotani and Tohru that you completely overlooked Yuki’s surprise.
Your eyes widened as you snapped your neck up to Yuki, a flushed look present on your face, “w-wh-what? Y-You don’t have to give it to me!”
“Oh? Do you not want it?” He teased.
“N-No. . . I didn’t say that. . .” You pulled away from his gaze while fiddling with the handle of your plastic bag, feeling slightly vulnerable in this situation, “you didn’t have to. . . buy me something. . .”
“You’re quite shy when it comes to accepting gifts (L/n)-san.” He commented, admiring the way the sun began to shine a warm color. 
“Is. . . Is it that obvious?” You responded. 
“A bit, but it’s nice to see you look so relaxed today. I’m glad you had a good time.” Yuki smiled as the two of you approached your apartment complex. 
“Close your eyes,” He asked, his kind smile never leaving his face as you shifted your weight on different sides.
“Just do it (L/n)-san.” 
You huffed, “f-fine. . .” Your eyes fluttered shut at his request while he rummaged through the bag and pulled out a neatly wrapped package. 
“Here’s your surprise.” He gently placed the keychain’s package on your forehead, his hand still grasping onto the other side as your eyes snapped open.
It was an eagle keychain for your phone, the strap of it was a simple black color and the bird was mid-flight as a camellia flower floated above it. It was very similar to the current keychain that you had around your phone, the same one that Yuki brought up at the start of your friendship.
“W-Wha? O-Oh, mhm. . .” You fumbled around in your bag and took out your cell phone. A small charm was dangling off of the side, it was a small white rat keychain with a single sakura flower. When Yuki took out his phone he had the exact same keychain. 
“What a coincidence,” he smiled “we have matching keychains.” Your cheeks felt hot as you quickly unlocked your phone, “they didn’t sell any bird ones. . .” 
“Hm. . . I got mine from Honda-san, I’ll be sure to find you a bird one too then.” 
“Y-You don’t have to! It’s really embarrassing.” You held out your phone screen which displayed your number, “hurry and put it in already.” 
He raised an eyebrow at your statement to which you quickly pulled your phone back as your cheeks felt even hotter. “I-I-I didn’t m-mean it like that! Quickly! Put my number in your phone!” 
You felt the tears that you held back earlier began to swallow up your eyes as you held onto the keychain tightly to your chest. The past memories engulfing your entire mind as you held onto the treasured gift. The salty liquid falling down your face in chubby blobs as you wailed in front of him while he only gave you a comforting smile. 
“Thank you. . . Thank you so much Sohma-san.”
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A Little Jealousy Never Hurts
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Vinny Mauro x Reader
Warnings: Language
"I'm thankful  it's almost the end of the semester and I'm still passing all my classes," you sigh as you lean back in your chair, propping your feet up on your desk. You run your fingers sleepily down your face, but considering the late hour it's no surprise you're tired.
Your boyfriend nods his head where he sits in the floor, leaning back into the bed you share as he plays video games. You know he's tired too, it's been a long semester and quite a struggle living with roommates, everyone having different schedules.
Still, it annoys you that he'd rather spend his free time playing games than talking to you. You've been together a year now, moved in with each other a few months ago to help with rent, and you feel like it's just not going quite as well now.
You like Vinny, he's cute, and really sweet when he's paying attention. Sometimes you think he can be rather childish and petty, a brat really, but that's what being an only child gets you. Sometimes you'd like nothing more than to lock the door and kick him out, throw his things dramatically out the window like you've seen on movies --- but only sometimes, the rest of the time you don't know if you can survive without him.
Now, actually, isn't one of those times.
He's getting on your nerves.
"Hey. Do you two want any takeout?" Your roommate asks, suddenly appearing in the doorway. He glances at your boyfriend, who's not even acknowledged him, before back at you where you sit resigned, feet still propped on your messy desk with an irritated expression. "(Y/N)?"
"Just order two of whatever you're getting." You tell him, forcing a smile. "I trust your judgement."
"I don't know if you should, but thanks. Oh, and here," he takes a few steps forward, stopping at the edge of your desk as he offers you a book. "This has been one of my favorite reads so far, I thought maybe you'd like it."
"Oh nice, thanks!" You brighten at the book he hands you, a little excited. Your roommate and you share a love of novels, fantasy books that take you to worlds you wish you could disappear into. You're close because of that, constantly swapping books back and forth, both of your rooms starting to pile up with them.
You flip the book open, letting your feet drop to the floor as you scan the synopsis on the back, curious. "It sounds pretty cool so far. Is there romance?"
"Among other things, yes."
"You know the romance is what I care about."
"Ahuh. There's also magic, wizards, demons, hunters who try to stop them without any parents to tell them what to do."
"They're always kids saving the world, huh? Why not someone our age, dying of sleep loss and trying to get a degree that won't help them at all?" You grumble, miffed. You're half tempted to write your own book, full of stupid, cheesy romance, about a girl struggling through college that somehow gets thrown into a supernatural fiasco that resorts in a hot, sweet, yet also badass boyfriend.
Too cliche?
Vinny glances over as you and your roommate talk, momentarily letting his controller rest in his lap. He had two exams today, his brain is fried and he just wanted to mindlessly play some video games before going straight to bed. It's the end of the semester and he's never been so stressed in his life.
Living with you makes it a little easier, you keep him straight and makes sure he doesn't screw up focusing on his studies. You're a nerd, but that's why he likes you so much, and you're cute, and nice when you're not harping at him like a mother.
You have a thing for books, which is what is causing your shared room to kind of fill up, not that he minds. If it makes you happy, you can have all you want. Your roommate is always coming in, leaving a book or taking one, the two of you chatting about it and going into your own little worlds.
Vinny gets jealous, admittedly. He wishes he could be so enthralled with something he goes all in to it, the way you and your friend do. He doesn't know the guy too well, they only talk because they live together, but he's not bad.
"What's going on?" He asks after a moment, just wanting to remind you that he's still in the room, that he's not invisible. His game is completely forgotten now, left on pause.
"Oh! He just recommended me another book to read," You reply, lifting it up slightly where it rests in your lap as you glance at him. "I'll give it back to you as soon as I'm done, Tony. Might take me a couple days, I still have some exams to study for."
"Don't worry about it. Just hand it back before the month is up so I can return it to the library."
Vinny frowns, crossing his arms across his chest.
You two talk so casually, and you're so relaxed with each other. He bites the inside of his cheek as he watches you interact, a tightening in his gut; this guy could so easily steal you away from him, you have more interests that match up. You both love fantasy worlds and books, talking about them, going to writing club and signings, whereas he could care less about all of that stuff. Fictional adventures with wizards and shadow hunters don't excite him like it does you guys.
Since the moment Tony moved in, he's watched the two of you grow closer and closer, and though sometimes he's quite sure Tony isn't interested in women, he still gets worried. He can't help the twisting, anxious feeling in his gut he tries to ignore all the time when he sees you together; he knows he's not perfect, he has his moments where he's a dick or a screwup, but he tries to make up for it.
"How's your last exam?" You ask your roommate, letting the book rest of your desk. "Do you think you passed?"
"Probably. I did enough cramming all I was thinking was equations, they haunted my dreams." The roommate shudders. "You?"
"Well, it's sink or swim, I guess. I was so nervous I couldn't sit still. I do not want to take that class over again."
"Let's hope you don't have too then."
"Hey, weren't you going to order food?" Vinny suddenly asks, interrupting the conversation before it goes too far. "Do you need my card or anything?"
"Oh no, I got you guys." The roommate hesitates, seeing Vinny's huffy look. "I'll go ahead and get something ordered, though. Anything you guys want in particular?"
"No." Vinny's reply is short. "Just whatever."
You send him a sharp look he ignores as he turns off the TV, getting to his feet. Your roommate purses his lips, merely nodding before taking a few steps out of the room, closing the door behind him.
"Vinny! What's with the attitude?" You scowl at him, annoyed. He's always such a jerk to your roommate, who you're starting to like more than your boyfriend. You don't know why he's always so snappy and short lately, it's getting on your nerves; so uncalled for!
"I don't have one," your boyfriend replies, sitting down on the edge of your shared bed, leaning down to grab his untied sneakers, jerking them on.
"You say with a bitchy tone." You grumble, slouching in your chair as you cross your arms. You eyeball him cautiously. "But seriously, what's your problem with Tony? He's a great roommate, he even orders us food when he's getting some, and lends me books. You borrow his toothpaste all the time since you're too cheap to buy your own."
It's not that Vinny is too cheap, he just keeps forgetting.
Vinny sighs. "I don't have an issue with Tony, alright? He's cool."
"Then what's wrong?" You genuinely don't understand.
"I just... you don't talk about stuff that way with me."
"I don't what?"
"When you and Tony talk about books, you're just --- so animated, I guess. You don't talk to me that way." he shrugs his shoulders, looking down as he fumbles with his laces. You get such bright eyes when you talk about books or the plot of them, the characters, you're so into it. It's like you immerse yourself in that world, leaving him out of it.
"I didn't think you were interested in listening to me talk about fantasy worlds." You reply, gazing at him. Is he jealous or something? "You've never seemed to be. It's just nice to have someone to share books and talk about them with, you've nothing to worry about. Tony is gay as hell anyway; you'd stand a better chance hooking up with him than I would."
Vinny rolls his eyes, his cheeks starting to get warm; he knows being jealous is stupid, he just can't help it. He really likes you, and he keeps worrying things are going to go wrong. He's never moved in with a girl before, and it seems like stuff is going fast with you.
"Are you going to answer me or ignore me?" You stare at him, irritated. You hate it when you say something or ask a question and he just doesn't respond to you, it drives you crazy!
"Er, sorry. I just, I dunno --- I wish I could be into like you are, but I'm not." he shrugs his shoulders. "I'm not much of a reader, and I can't get into it."
"We all have our different interests."
"I know."
"We both like Chinese food, and we both like to watch Gordon Ramsey yell at people. That's two things we share that I don't with anyone else," you say after a moment, wanting to make him feel better. "We talk about how annoying the patriarchy is, and we both want to move to Montana and start a cafe."
"Actually that last part is yours."
"Well, you never disagreed, figured we were on the same page."
Vinny's lips twitch, and finally he looks at you, seeing you're just gazing at him, leaning back comfortably in your chair.
"I know I shouldn't be jealous, it's dumb. I just can't help it."
"You're an only child, you just don't like sharing." You tease him, trying to lighten the mood a little. He smiles slightly, and you reach over, curling your fingers through his; the room is small, you can take on step and be on the bed beside him, so you're not too far away. "Well, we're not always going to like the same things, and  that's okay. I'm definitely not going to run off with our gay roommate. Does that make you feel better?"
"A little."
"Good." You squeeze his cold fingers. "Now let's go make sure he doesn't want to move out because he's unloved."
"I don't want to."
"Oh, come on," you get to your feet and pull, forcing him to follow suit. "Feel a little better about it now?"
"Only if you kiss me."
"Kiss you? Why would I do that?" You scoff, even as you're turning to face him, your fingers threading through his as you smile. You lean forward, pressing a soft kiss against his lips, feeling him sigh into you. His hand rises, cupping your cheek as he deepens the kiss, just holding onto you for a few moments.
This is one of the reasons you're with him. You can have a disagreement, but he's so easy to talk too, to work it out with. He listens, he thinks about it, and he's sometimes pretty reasonable about it. Plus you love it when he ends up making up with a kiss, it's always so sweet, so cheesy it makes you melt on the inside.
You suppose a little jealousy never hurts when you end up getting kisses like this.
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jooniperhun · 4 years
The End of the Rainbow (2)
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pairing: tall!black!reader x bts, poc!reader x bts, woc!reader x bts, black!reader x bts
genre: fluff, strangers to friends to (maybe) lovers, romance, comedy, misunderstandings, (slight) angst, smut (maybe??), idol!au
word count: 3.8k
rating: PG-16
warnings: swearing, mentions of anxiety
notes: slight sub! namjoon in here... sorry, it just wrote itself in lol
summary: Your current job as a travelling housesitter has taken you to many places, some strange and many wonderful. When the acquisition of a new client takes you to Korea for three months, you wonder if your self-esteem can survive being around so many other-worldly looking people. Also, not to be paranoid or anything, but maybeperhaps you’re being stalked by the same seven strangers? They’re pretty loud and always surrounded by a tonne of people, so you write it off the first few times.
But this shit is getting excessive, chile. And annoying…
Rhetorical question, but what lies at the end of a rainbow? You hope that it’s a pot of gold, but with the way that your luck has soured, it might just be seven short(er than you), rowdy leprechauns ready to flip your world sideways…
Chapter 1
She was going on her first social outing in Korea (the source of the K-Dramas that she loved so much that she ended up learning the language), and ___ would make damn sure that she looked her best during it. 
Rounding her top lip out by lining over her cupid’s bow then filling the lip in, ___ took her concealer and ensured that her lip-liner wasn’t a crooked mess. That task done, she swabbed a glob of lipgloss across her lips, rubbed them together, then applied her fake moles. The cool mist of setting spray wafted over her face.
___ smiled at herself in the mirror, happy with her appearance and checking to make sure that nothing was in her teeth. Her 18mm minks blinked back at her, lightly brushing the tops of her blushed cheeks. She hadn’t done The Most™ this time, as her revered 25mms were still preserved within their cases, but her face was still Beat For The Gods™.
Her ripped, highwaisted jeans pinched a bit at the fatty flesh that peeked between her belt and the edge of her cropped top, but she had long-since grown used to this sight. In fact, she had even come to love that part of herself. She was jiggly in places, and that was a-okay. 
As she still had some time before she had to leave to catch her train, she decided to kill it by locating the window that let the most sunlight in and taking pictures there. It wasn’t golden hour, as it was one in the afternoon, but the lighting was just right, regardless. The contrast between the cool, sophisticated tones of her room and the browns in her clothing and skin made for some immaculate self portraits. 
___ had long since learned to become her own photographer, as her height was a bit too tall for any modeling agencies to want to even consider her. Not to mention that her status as a black woman made opportunities just that much harder for her to procure. Yet, even with years of experience, self-modeling was still a bit awkward for her, and that translated in quite a few of the pictures that she had taken.
In the end, after she had ensured that the house keys and her wallet were in her purse and that Mickey had enough food and water to tide his cute little self over while she was gone, many of her pictures had been deleted in between her stepping foot out of the house and her ride to Times Square Mall. 
She was so invested in her phone screen on the train that she didn’t even notice the many stares that she gathered. From her large, beautiful afro to the mile-long length of her shapely legs, many native Koreans took in the rich, alluring aura of the black woman for the first time in their lives. The fact that her face was set in it’s usual intimidating expression was the only thing that put them all off of bothering her.
She was going to this mall mainly to see the world’s largest cinema screen, but the arcades and plentiful high-class stores also appealed (respectively) to her childish and bougie sides. Even though ___ knew that she was gonna do a whole lotta window shopping (her expensive tastes and her income didn’t correlate), she was quite ready to blow a lot of cash during her entire 3 month stay here.
Stepping off of the train and into the subway, ___ had never felt as small and alone as she did then, surrounded by all of these people who didn’t look like her. Not for the first time since she’s started the whole ‘cross-country housesitter’ stint, ___ wished that she had a friend with her. Alas, she was currently chasing a bag, and since it comes with all of the free travel and awesome cultural immersion, something had to be compromised. In this case, ___ would just have to try to make friends while she was here, but she’s not really all that hopeful of that outcome, what with her slight social anxiety and all.
Speaking of which, it was currently flaring up as she squinted at the signs, trying to navigate herself through the crush and towards the upper mall. Somehow, she ended up outside and in front of the large, intimidating buildings made of glass. The mall was so big that it had to be split into Gates, like at the airport. Taking note of the gate number that she was entering and hoping that she’d be able to find her way back to the train station from there, ___ stumbled through the spinning doors and immediately went about locating a map.
The noise inside was deafening, as it tended to be in malls. While the majority of the people inside were Korean, foreigners lulled about as well. It made ___ feel a little less alien, though the way that she towered over most of them subtracted a bit from that. Subconsciously, she started sucking her stomach in, which let up a bit on the pressure from her jeans and shifted the gait of her walk into something less relaxed and more confident. 
___’s first task was to find where the cinema was, as her movie was scheduled in an hour and a bit and she didn’t want to miss it by looking for it last minute. Luckily, the maps were in abundance and pretty easy to read. She decided to spend her time exploring the place by slowly making her way up the five floors. The first store that she went into had a strange, yet forgettable, name. It was a large department store with many women and children strolling along the walkways. Tables and shelves, almost overflowing with neat stacks of books, formed little islands. Between them, the polished, blank screens of electronic devices shone. The store didn’t really have anything that piqued her interest, so she ended up leaving pretty quickly.
This was the trend for the rest of her leisurely walk around two of the five floors that the mall had. On the third, something finally caught her attention— a small cafe tucked around the corner of the many cosmetic stores on the floor.
Walking in felt like stepping into a cozy, surreal painting. The scent of freshly grounded coffee beans wafted through the air and intertwined with the sweet aroma of baked pastries. Dark wood set in warm-toned cushioning curled around the shop, creating such a warm, homely atmosphere that ___ felt like she had stepped into an entirely different world. Already, several people were seated with cups of their own beverages and plates full of cakes and other desserts. Some were patiently waiting in line, face-masks pulled up and glasses perched on noses. A few people lounged in their respective areas with books in hand. Some were seated at the small dining tables, typing away on their laptops. Others chatted quietly with one another.
Somehow, the hustle and bustle of mall life grew hushed and muted in this small, quiet corner. 
The soft crinkling of pages being turned accompanied ___ on her way to the line. Already, she could taste the sweet, milky flavor of her boba contrasting with the sharp coffee of tapioca pearls. 
Across the room, dark eyes trailed her figure. Her wardrobe of choice and the rich tones of her skin made her fit seamlessly into the shop. As hard as he tried to pull his eyes away from the stone-faced beauty and back to his book, Namjoon found that he couldn’t. He didn’t know if it was the swing of her hips or the bounce of her voluminous hair that kept drawing his attention, but he knew that he had to kill whatever thoughts he was having, and quickly. 
Simply put, Namjoon didn’t have the time to go fraternizing with a virtual stranger. He had seen many beautiful women in his time as an idol travelling the world, and he knew better than anyone how time consuming even a simple one night stand could be. Before he even approached someone, he had to think about how any leaked information could damage the group’s reputation. And then he had to think about preventative measures to make sure anything like that didn’t happen, and actually carry those measures out. Even though most of the legal stuff like NDA’s and other contracts were handled by the company, sasaengs were still everywhere. All it took was one picture of his naked, turned back, and they would be on him and his brothers like a particularly stealthy group of leeches.
Not to mention, Namjoon was not a man with many earthly desires— at least, not anymore. He preferred to spend his time out in nature or in museums, either with or without a book, in search of a higher understanding of himself and of consciousness. Time was very precious to idols as busy as BTS because very rarely did they ever get any outside of the judging lenses of cameras or people. How the other members wanted to spend their free time was up to them, but Namjoon would prefer to spend his either in silence, or with his brothers in silence. 
And yet, his gaze continued to stray towards ___ as she moved forward in line. The music sweetly crooning from his airpods didn’t help the matter any farther, either. If anything, it set his own atmosphere to ‘romance’, rather than the initial ‘chill and relaxed’ he was going for. 
Now at the front, she visibly towered over the cashier, long limbed and slightly awkward in the way that only tall people could be. 
“H-how can I help you today, ma’am?” The dark-haired cashier stuttered, looking up at her warily and carefully avoiding her eyes. While she had served many foreigners in her years working at the mall, blank faced people were always a wild card. Sometimes they were extremely rude. Other times, they were perfectly polite. She could never tell with them, unfortunately, and, with the way ___’s face already punted her into the ‘scary’ category, her not inconsiderable height added to the cashier’s wariness as well.
However, all it took was one smile in greeting to crack her icy demeanor into thousands of tiny, little pieces. The sharp slant of her dark eyes, relaxed into narrowed slits that mirrored aloofness and displeasure, curved into merry arcs framed by lashes that brushed the flush of her cheeks. Her full lips, naturally slightly tilted down and shimmering with gloss, stretched upwards into a sweet smile. The plumpness in her cheeks swelled at their highest points beneath her eyes, transforming her face into something soft and honeyed, like dough. 
Suddenly, ___ was too adorable to look away from. 
“One bubble tea (originally flavored) and…” here, ___’s eyes swept across the cafe, briefly glancing over Namjoon (who’s table only had a single book, his airpods case, and his phone on it) in search of a snack to eat, “a slice of whatever that guy over there is eating, please.” ___’s voice, at a slightly lower register than usual as a result of disuse, gently filtered into Namjoon’s area. She had pointed in the direction of a nearby table with two young men calmly chatting with each other. Only one had an actual plate with food on it; the other had a single cookie loosely clutched in his hand. A wrapper divided the table between them. The cake in question was multilayered and looked as if each fluffy partition would dissolve satisfyingly on the tongue.
The cashier, with relief, went about her job of ringing ___ up and making sure that the order was received by the barista. ___ held the straps of her purse tightly to stop her hands from shaking too badly, feeling anxious being surrounded by strangers in such a private environment. She moved to where she could pick her order up and waited in the smaller line there, pulling out her phone and pretending to be busy so that people didn’t think that she was a total loser with no friends.
She felt the familiar prickling in her eyes that occurred whenever she felt embarrassed or overwhelmed, absentmindedly scrolling through her photo gallery and mentally trying to will the emotion away. It felt like everyone was watching her, which made her feel very exposed and self-conscious. She had to remind herself, over and over again as she briefly glanced around the vicinity, that everyone else was too caught up in their own lives to be paying her any attention.
Except for Kim Namjoon, who’s identity remained concealed behind his large, dark shades and fitted, dark mask. He considered just leaving the little sanctuary that he had carved out for himself here, as he kept getting distracted with ___ being directly within his line of sight. And, if he was being honest with himself, it was only a matter of time before a fan recognized him (disguise and all, with how often some of them watched him).
Still, Namjoon found himself glued to his seat, watching as ___ received the tray with her order and glanced around to find an unoccupied table. The only vacancies small enough to seat just one person without it looking weird were... in the area that he had secluded himself within. 
She took slow, slightly hesitant steps in his direction, carefully keeping her back straight and her hands as steady as she could get them in case her purse slid down from her shoulder and jostled the tray. 
Who the hell wears shades indoors? ___ asked herself as she passed Namjoon and settled into a seat behind him. Wait, that’s kinda insensitive. He could be bli— then, she peeped the edges of the whole ass book in his hands and stopped her train of thought. What are the chances that that book is in braille, though? 
Not wanting to be offensive, even in her own thoughts, ___ stopped thinking entirely to reorganize herself at the table. She perched her purse in her lap and dug her phone out of it’s confines, rooting around for her airpods while she was at it. If she was gonna be alone in this large ass mall, she was at least gonna be alone in style and rhythm. 
Her airpod case had a cute little sunflower pattern on it. She stuck both of her small, stickered airpods into her ears and started her music, pulling her camera app up and snapping a quick picture of her snack before taking her first bite. 
Her eyes almost rolled back at the taste.
I just know that if this shop was any closer to the house, my fat ass would be in this bitch every day.
The cake slice was gone with a quickness. If she wasn’t saving her stomach until she got to the food court, ___ would have definitely gone to order another. She pushed the tray with the dishes into the empty space on the table and grabbed her boba. The mellow flavor worked wonders to relax her as she scrolled through her photo gallery, editing the pictures that she had approved of earlier on the train.
Her little bubble of contented solitude wavered when Namjoon shifted into a stretch, popping his tensed joints and rolling his ankles around. He was still trying to recover from her scent’s surprise attack on his nose. When she had walked past him, it was like a bomb of cocoa butter and coconut went off, blending almost sinfully with the rich aroma of coffee and the sweet undercurrent of baked bread. 
This guy is giving me major creeper vibes, ___’s thoughts went back to the stranger again after his movement caught her eye. Even when her attention went back to fixing the lighting in one of her photos, some of her focus was still on him.
Of course, there wasn’t a day in Namjoon’s life when he didn’t do something embarrassing as a result of his own clumsiness. Overconfident in the integrity of his chair’s balance while he leaned back and stretched to his fullest extent, he was in for quite the shock when he tipped over with a mighty crash! 
His book went soaring through the air behind him, sliding to a stop at ___’s foot.
___, who has just placed one of her airpods on the table as she dug through her purse to better listen out for the jingling of her small makeup bag, jumped in surprise, jostling the table and sending her airpod flying in Namjoon’s direction.
It hit him in the head and knocked his own airpod out of his ear, as well. One rolled to the floor and skittered away. The other got lost somewhere between his face and his clothes. His glasses slid down the bridge of his nose and stopped awkwardly at his top lip, stuck. 
The quiet shop went even quieter. People’s heads began turning in their direction.
Namjoon froze, and slowly, his face began to fill with red. A man dressed nondescriptly in black stuck his head in from the cafe entrance, looking for the source of the sudden noise. He began making his way towards his charge once he got a proper grasp on the situation, pulling his walkie-talkie out and silently mummering into it: “All clear, here. Just Kim-ssi being clumsy. Have medics on stand-by, just in case he or anyone else is hurt.”
Before, ___ had only been able to see the broad expanse of his back and his biceps shifting as he flipped to a new page. Now, with half of his face exposed and his eyes staring straight up at her in mortified shock, ___… still couldn’t really say much about his features. He was upside down and still pretty concealed, after all. What patches of skin she could see were quickly turning deeper and deeper shades of vermillion. It was weirdly... cute.
“Um… are you okay, hun?” ___ asked with a pointed, concerned look. Her voice, still low and smooth like velvet, ran subtle waves across Namjoon’s ears. She placed her bag aside and slipped out of her seat, reaching down to grab the book at her feet and walking over to where he was lying prone on the ground.
By the time she had reached him to help him up, his bodyguard had as well. He attempted to block her from going any further as he pulled him up to his feet, but ___ was simply too tall for that to be effective. Namjoon felt himself beginning to curl inwards with all the eyes still on him, but easily suppressed the reflex with his years of 1) being a professional at concealing his emotions, and 2) embarrassing himself on camera.
“Haha, sorry guys. I’m a bit clumsy sometimes.” He bowed to the shop and rubbed the back of his neck apologetically.
“Kim-ssi, are you hurt anywhere?” The bodyguard asked. It took ___ a bit to remember that people were usually addressed by their last names in East Asia, as she had really questioned if the guy in front of her was really named ‘Kim.’
“No, really— that was a pretty loud fall.” She peeked out from above the manager’s head, still holding his book. The only thing on her mind was returning it and retrieving her airpod once he affirmed that he was a-okay.
“Oh— y-yeah, I’m okay. I-I’m used to stuff like this so I can’t really feel it anymore? Sorry about all the noise, haha.” He gave an awkward little laugh (—and probably an awkward little smile, but that remained unseen), shyly rubbing his neck again and making an aborted motion to cover his mouth with his hands before he remembered that it was already covered with a tiny strip of cloth. Inwardly, he cursed himself for stuttering. That was one of the largest tells of nervousness!
___ didn’t really pay his flustered fluttering any mind, however. She slipped around the man standing in front of her and held his book out towards him with a toothy grin. “I felt that. I stub this one toe of mine so often that I don’t even flinch anymore. Anyways, here’s your book.”
Her closer proximity suddenly made Namjoon realize that he had to look up to meet her eyes, and it made his increasingly rattled behavior even worse. To think that he had just begun to calm down, too...
“A-ah, thanks.” Even his fingertips were red as he reached out to accept his book back, but he could luckily just play that off as a slight stinging left over from his date with the floor. “I think something hit me in the head earlier, too, and it knocked my airpod straight out of my ear.”
___’s eyes widened as she subconsciously reached up to touch the ear that still had music lowly puttering into it. “I’m so sorry!” Here, she gave a quick, shallow bow. “I think that was actually my airpod! The sudden noise shocked me so badly that I accidentally knocked it off of my table!” Suddenly, it was her turn to look embarrassed. 
Okay, I’m ready to leave. That’s enough embarrassing yourself for one day, girl! She thought to herself, already beginning to scour the floors for her missing appliance.
“This is slightly awkward to ask, but have you seen it since it hit you? It has a little sunflower sticker on—”
When she turned her attention back to him, she found his bodyguard already beginning to usher him in the direction of the exit, uncaring that the tiny little music device that she spent an arm and a leg on was still missing.
“Okay, that’s just fucking rude.” ___ muttered in English, dropping her formal tone and proper pronunciation as she righted the weird guy’s upturned chair and continued her search alone. Luckily, the small dab of white was easily distinguished against the dark, hard-wood flooring of the cafe. She’d have to clean it thoroughly when she got back to the house. For now, she’d have to settle with the unbalanced feeling of having just one in her ear. Slightly irritating, but doable. 
Unbeknownst to her, Namjoon’s keen hearing caught her judgemental words and the ignominy almost crushed him. How many times had he embarrassed himself in front of the pretty girl, already??? Too many times to count.
He’d never live it down if the guys got wind of this, but there was no bigger gossip than a Bighit staff member. Sometime within the week, his business would be someone’s morning discussion. He reached up to adjust his dark gray beanie, pulling the edges over his ears to hide the reddening tips.
Tangled in the excess fabric of his high necked shirt, a single airpod with a sunflower sticker hid.
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theatresweetheart · 5 years
Quiet Comfort
Fandom(s): Sanders Sides, G/t
Summary: When Virgil just wants to nap, Patton is more than happy to help.
Warnings: Depressive thoughts, feelings of uselessness, over exhaustion, swearing, anxious thoughts/feelings
Pairings: Platonic Moxiety
Word Count: 2400 words
A/n: Me? Self-projecting on my writing? It’s more likely than you would think! This is just more of a comfort write for me and I had fun with it.
Taglist: @isle-of-gold @sandersships @anonymous-bean
It was just one of those days.
One of those days where it felt like the weight of the world was constantly crushing down on your shoulders even though it wasn’t.
Like you weren’t doing anything right. Like there was nothing you could do to make yourself feel productive or useful in the slightest. When there was just so much that you could be doing but couldn’t decide on what task to focus on, so you chose something that wasn’t productive in the least. Like how everything had a due date and everything was just focused around that one due date. When emotions were high strung and exhausting and confusing.
One of those days where you just felt sad.
Maybe it was a sadness that you were used to, something you lived with and didn’t antagonize because if you did, you would feel worse in the upcoming days. Or maybe it was a sadness that just came and went. Felt heavy in your chest for a couple hours and then didn’t come back for a few months.
In any case, there were different ways to deal with this routine sadness. You could do something active, distract your mind from the fact that you felt this way. You could watch something. Make something to eat. Have something to drink. One could sit and tell someone else about their feelings, asking silently for support without outright asking for it—or if you had the confidence; outright asking for someone to help support you.
That was not the kind of person Virgil was.
He couldn’t just ask for comfort up front, especially not when he didn’t want to bother someone else with his personal problems. Besides, it’s not like he can’t figure it out on his own anyways.
So, he just sat quietly on the back of the couch. The TV was playing idly in front of him, but it was more just a voiceless noise at this point. Something that he wasn’t paying attention to.
He had been watching a movie with Roman before said man had to leave for rehearsal. The screen had been left on and Virgil hadn’t moved from that position yet. It had been nearly two hours at that point. It was just on the end credits of the movie now and if he were being honest, he didn’t really remember which movie they had originally been watching.
There was a lot going through his mind. More just the fact that there was so much that he should be doing that he wasn’t doing. It was the anxiety talking to him. Such as “if you don’t get this done immediately you are, without a doubt, going to die” but then the other part of it was “but if you work on it when you’re in this state, it will be half-assed and then you’ll have to go back and reedit it.”
He tried to remain as cool and collected as he could on the outside, trying not to let the rest of the household in on the way he was truly feeling.
Because of these thoughts, his mood only soured more. In all honesty, Virgil just wanted to nap. At least to temporarily ease the pains of the waking world.
He was tired. Exhausted.
Sleep hadn’t been coming easy to him for the past few nights and he was instead staying up late into the dead of night. Looking at his phone, scrolling through posts and things that had no meaning. It wasn’t that he was avoiding sleep, that wasn’t the case. It was more so the fact that he couldn’t. It was like his body was trying to fight him every step of the way. And so, he would still be awake into the wee hours of the morning.
There was one time where when he had finally wrapped up whatever he was doing on his phone, he heard footsteps from outside of his room signifying that Logan was up. Which meant that it was around 5:30 in the morning. He had been startled for one, and for two, he had realized that getting to sleep at the point wouldn’t happen.
Virgil had pulled his third all-nighter in a row by then.
Tucking his knees closer to his chest, he let his arms fold over the tops of them and he rested his chin on his forearms. His eyelids were heavy with weariness, but with all of the stuff that he knew he should be doing, a nap should be the farthest thing from his mind.
But the way his shoulders were starting to sag and how heavy his head was...sleep was so much easier than worrying about his daily tasks.
It wouldn’t hurt if he took just a couple minutes to himself.
Just a few minutes of shutting his eyes. He could get the work done after. He would feel more refreshed and ready to actually get it done in the first place.
So, with that in mind, he allowed himself to close his eyes but let his mind shut off for just a bit, enough time to catch up on some missed time. He would work better at full capacity and that way the work he did get done wouldn’t be half-finished.
With the music from the end credits playing, it was quiet and peaceful and he could finally just—
“Hey kiddo,” Patton’s sudden entrance from behind him startled Virgil into snapping awake, whipping around to face him.
Heart pounding, he took in a soft breath to try and steady himself, taking in the confused and somewhat surprised look on the Patton’s features. Of course, as soon as he was so close to relaxing, that chance would be taken from him too.
While he was a bit bitter about it, he wasn’t about to show it.
“Is something the matter?”
Virgil shrugged his shoulders in response, using a hand to rub down his face, trying to rub the exhaustion away. “Not really,” he admitted, turning to look over his shoulder again. “I’m pretty tired, though.”
Patton’s expression softened a bit more at that, understanding flickered for a moment before a bit of guilt. “Were you just trying to nap?” The little human answered with a hesitant nod and he bit his lip. “I’m sorry for disturbing you, I didn’t know, I—”
“That’s okay, Pat,” he shrugged his shoulders, rubbing his eyes after stifling a yawn behind his hand, “no harm done.”
The silence prevailed behind him for a moment before the sound of clothing shifting followed and then light footsteps. It took a minute before Patton was sitting on the couch, his body turned just enough to see Virgil in full—which wasn’t really a hard feat, especially now with how the little one seemed to be curled into himself.
“Have you not been sleeping well?” There was that concerned look, which seemed to only be magnetized by the large glasses sitting in front of big caring brown eyes.
Virgil only shrugged again.
It wasn’t that he was uncomfortable when they didn’t say anything, but there seemed to be a question that was hanging unsaid in the air: Can I do anything to help you?
He appreciated Patton and his kindness, he really did. That constant worrying over if he was eating enough, drinking enough water, if he was taking care of himself properly. That mother-hen attitude was really endearing, but there was nothing he could really do to help him right now. Especially because he was just sleepless and tired. The most that could probably knock him out would be sleeping pills or something, which, isn’t exactly ideal either. Virgil just wanted to nap, at least for an hour—that’s really all he was begging for—and pills might knock him out for the rest of the day only to wake up at an ungodly time of night and then hit the ‘not-sleeping’ cycle again.
Which wouldn’t do him any good.
And then, he had an idea.
A stupid idea. An idea that was actually something he didn’t know he had even wanted until the thought had come from nowhere. An idea that was so embarrassing to even attempt to bring up in conversation without sounding needy or childish about it.
He turned his attention away from the larger presence, feeling heat creeping up the back of his neck. He could feel the pink tinting his cheeks, even as the warmth crept in. Suddenly, his hoodie felt a bit too warm for his liking and he rolled his hands into his sleeves, holding it tightly.
“Hey, uh,” breaking the silence wasn’t hard, it was what he was about to ask that was. Virgil cleared his throat after he knew he had Patton’s entire attention, even without needing to look at him—he could feel it. “This is such a stupid request—”
“I can guarantee that whatever you’re about to ask me is going to be anything but stupid,” Patton cut him off gently, causing Virgil to turn and look at him. That encouraging smile on his features.
That’s what you think now, he grumbled inwardly.
Quickly, he took in a softer breath, steadying the sudden flush of anxiety that spiked in his chest. “I was just, ah, wondering if I could, y’know, maybe sleep in your pocket?”
Oh God, it sounded even worse when he said it aloud.
He felt his face get hotter and instantly, upon seeing the somewhat surprised look cross Patton’s face, he turned away, wanting nothing more than to be able to pull his hood up and ignore this entire situation. To pretend that he had never said anything at all and just sit in silence like they had been before.
“I know, it was stupid,” Virgil cut him off with a nervous laugh, trying—in vain—to hide just how embarrassed he was for even considering something like that. “I get it, it was a dumb request and- and it’s awkward and I get that, like why would I even ask, right? It was needy and clingy and made this really weird…so, if we could just forget that I even asked that in the first place, that’d be, um, that’d be great and I’ll just—”
“Wait a second, Virgil, that’s not what I—”
“—I’ll just find another place to, you know, I dunno, sleep or something. I was just…talking without thinking and here I am probably making the situation worse. So, if it’s okay with you, I’m just going to, uh, head to my room and stay there. Hopefully get some sleep.” Now with this terrible encounter under my belt, I can think about it for the next 20 or so years. “So, I’ll just go …”
“Virgil wait.” It wasn’t a demand, more of a plead, but the tone of voice it was said in was serious. It left no room for argument and Virgil’s eyes met Patton’s, almost terrified to see what he would find there. “What on earth was all of that about? You don’t have to be…ashamed to ask for something like that.”
The human swallowed nervously, the heat returning to his face and he knew that he was getting pinker by the second.
“You know me, I’m happy to help,” Patton continued his thought, leaning down a bit to get more on Virgil’s level. The sincerity was almost too much for him to face all at once. “If you want to nap in my pocket because it makes you feel better or safer, then that’s okay. If that’s what you need to actually get some sleep, then of course I’ll help you.”
The tension that had made Virgil’s shoulders tighten loosened almost instantly when he heard those words of affirmation. Every bad outcome to the situation—that had been helpfully supplied by his unhelpful anxiety—was thrown out and replaced by the fact that he wasn’t being turned away. That he wouldn’t have to live in the absolute embarrassment of asking in the first place.
At least, not for long.
Two cupped palms were raised in front of him and he slid off of the back of the couch with no hesitation. He stayed knelt comfortably on his hands and knees, though his stomach dropped when the hands did move on their own. It was still startling, even after staying around the three of them.
Usually, Virgil went places on his own. He would turn down help that was offered to him, mostly because he wanted to prove himself. (At least, that’s what he told himself.)
Instead of needing assistance into the pocket when the hand was close enough, to reach forwards and pulled the lip of the piece of sewn on fabric and peered inside. It wasn’t a far drop, so there was no use in wasting more time than necessary. He swung his legs over the edge of the palm and into the pocket itself, before pushing off and slipping into it with a controlled slide. The descent in had pushed his hood up and it laid half over his head and half over his shoulders.
It took him a minute of squirming to actually fit into the crevice of the pocket like he wanted to, laying it like a hammock. Except, in this hammock he was surrounded on all sides by safety and comfort and warmth.
There was the steady rise and fall of Patton’s chest to his left, the steady, thrumming heartbeat. It was a lulling sound, predictable and consistent. It was a sound that Virgil had found comfort listening to countless times before now.
Mixing the heat of the moment in with the comforting sounds and the exhaustion that he was feeling, the young male found himself pulling his hood up higher and tucking himself further into the crevice of the pocket and his hoodie in turn. This was the kind of feeling he had been yearning for. A gentle, understanding touch and a safe-place to relax. He was safe, he was comfortable and if he did wake a nightmare, he knew he could just raise his voice and he would be able to receive comfort within seconds.
He could feel the voice resonating to the left of him, but Virgil didn’t know what Patton was saying, possibly something along the lines of making sure he was comfortable. He wasn’t focused on the words, he was focused on the sound. The vibration that rumbled through him.
This was the intimate proximity that was relaxing. It wasn’t overbearing or overpowering. It was welcomed and special.
Virgil let his eyes slip shut and he crossed his arms over his chest, letting the exhaustion take over finally. In the peace and quiet of the pocket, he could succumb to his enervation.
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holdthosebees · 5 years
La Belle Dame
Rating: T Pairing: John/Martin, pre-slashish. Background Melanie/Georgie. Summary: No powers, drag queen AU. In which John’s ex-girlfriend drags him to a charity show, and he has an awkward encounter with one of the queens.
A/N: A procrastination oneshot that I wrote while not working on any of my many, many WIPs. Shoutout to @jinxedlucky, who helped me workshop this idea and then told me not to work on it until I finish something else, and who was right. Also--Martin’s drag name, and the title, both come from the Keats poem La Belle Dame Sans Merci. 
The drag queen on stage had glitter in her beard and the most impressive biceps John had ever seen. The red sequins on her skintight dress shimmered as she walked up and down the edge of the crowd, mic cord trailing behind her, as she reached out to regulars, all winks. Georgie tapped John’s shoulder; he had to lean in to hear her, her hair brushing against his ear.
“That’s Sasha’s friend,” she said. “Tim. The one I was telling you about.” 
John nodded. He’d been struggling to keep track of all of people in Georgie’s new social circle, her girlfriend’s friends and their friends who were all supposed to be his friends by some sort of mathematical transference. The drag queen on stage tapped the mic, and grinned. Her lips were very red. 
“Ladies, gentlemen, monsters, everyone else,” she said, pitching her voice low. “Welcome... to Eastbenders!” 
There were a few half-hearted cheers. 
“Oh, come on, you can do better than that. Anyway, for the virgins in the audience, all our queens are local and all our proceeds will go to providing shelter and services to trans youth.” Another pause for cheers, more enthusiastic this time. “If you have any questions, ask comrade Sasha over there in the booth. Wave to the people, Sasha!”
John had met Sasha a few times over drinks. She seemed a very sensible person, unlike Georgie’s new girlfriend Melanie, who hated him on sight. He resolved to go and find her after the event, and maybe donate a bit. That was why he was here, after all; the charity.
“And the rest of you old slags, go say hello anyway. I promise you she’s very friendly.” The queen punctuated her sentence with a slow roll of her hips and a leer. John scowled down at his ginger ale, and ignored Georgie’s knowing look. She wasn’t going to tell him to lighten up, because she knew that he’d just roll his eyes in response, and she didn’t need to, because he knews she was thinking it. 
It was just that this, the lewd jokes for the sake of lewd jokes, the self-conscious decadence, it was very much not John’s scene. He didn’t have anything against it, exactly; he just found it childish, and strange, and there was something profoundly alienating about it besides. If it were up to him he’d be at home, reading, or putting a few more hours in on the project he was supposed to have in by Monday, somehow, although Elias clearly didn’t understand how long database work actually took.
But it was for charity, Georgie had said, and it had been ages since he’d been out and around, and he wasn’t going to meet anyone new if he just sat around moping. To which he had responded that he didn't feel the need to meet anyone new, and she’d looked at him with her eyes so knowingly sad, tinged with an insufferable pity. And so here he was, crammed into an uncomfortable booth in a dim bar, watching a man in a dress with a wig as tall as his head and heels you could punch through metal sheeting with croon into a cheap microphone.
“I am your host for the evening, Kinky Spice--” someone in the back booed. The queen sighed exaggeratedly. “Fine, you caught me. I’m your host, Kim Morningwoodburn--” More booing, and scattered laughter. “Tough crowd! I’ll deal with you later, you naughty audience members you. I am, cross my heart, your host, Diana Explosion, and I’m here to ask you to welcome in our first performer, the bizarre, the incomparable Honey Wilde!” 
The lights dimmed, and turned blue. The crowd applauded as flog began to slip in from the corner of the stage, creeping across the floor. The music started, something slow and electronic. John was intrigued despite himself. 
Honey Wilde slunk slowly out of the shadows. Her shoulders were hunched, and she moved with a slow lurch. Her straight black wig hung in front of her face, like a creature from a Japanese horror movie. The lights flickered out. 
When they turned back on, she was standing at the edge of the stage, arms spread wide. She was tall, even without the heels; with them, she towered. Her hair was back, revealing a beautifully painted face; even John, who didn’t see the point of this sort of thing, had to admire the artistry. She was wearing a black gown of some sort of matte material, and black opera gloves. And on them, marching up her arms and around the curve of her bodice, curled around her throat--spiders. Huge, plastic spiders. And in her right hand, which she stretched out to the audience, slowly walking across her palm--
“Don’t worry,” she said, in a husky stage whisper. She stroked the back of the tarantula with one finger. “She won’t bite. Unless you ask nicely.” She snapped her teeth, and then smiled, looking suddenly self-conscious. Diana Explosion wolf-whistled. John shuddered. He looked around, plotting an escape route. When he looked back at the stage, Honey’s eyes were on him. 
“If one of you could please do me a favor,” she said. “Tell the silver fox in the back row that I bite, too.” 
John’s face burned. Georgie jostled him with her shoulder. 
“He’s twenty-five,” she yelled back. The crowd laughed. Honey Wild ducked her head, and when she looked back, her smile was crooked. 
“I suppose being with you has aged him prematurely, has it?” she said. Georgie laughed. John didn’t. The tarantula walked slowly along Honey Wilde’s palm.
“Only a joke,” she said. “Don’t let it... eat at you.” 
Diana Explosion jeered. Honey shrugged. The gesture was strangely sheepish; it didn’t belong to the person in the gown and the dark red lipstick. Then the music shifted abruptly, pitched eerily up, and the performance began.
It seemed to be some sort of performance art, with slow techno interspersed with half-song stanzas of Keats’ Ode to a Nightingale. What that had to do with spiders, John couldn’t say. He stopped paying attention. As the queen lurched and undulated across the stage, John stared down at his drink and thought angry, vague thoughts about pointless, fatuous entertainment and pretentious artists and men who thought that having a cock counted as a political statement. The next number featured a queen in a ridiculous harlequin costume and some kind of calliope remix, and John ignored Georgie’s worried glances and insistent nudges and pulled out his phone. 
When the break came, he slid past her and went out the side for a cigarette. It was a cool night; he stood with his back to the brick wall and looked up a the sliver of orange-grey sky above the buildings. He breathed in, felt nicotine fill his lungs, allowed himself a moment to relax.
The door swung open. The man who emerged was tall and trying not to be. He had unruly brown hair that seemed pressed down on one side, and was wearing a jumper, ripped shorts, and fishnets. There was a grey smudge of hastily removed eyeliner around his eyes.  “Oh,” he said. “Sorry. Hello. Mind if I share the alley for a bit?”
John shrugged. He offered the man his pack of cigarettes--might as well be polite--but was turned down. 
“It’s just--need to get some air, you know? Decompress. I always get a bit jittery after a number. Can barely hold my hands straight, ha.”
“Hm,” John said. 
“I don’t know how Tim does it. Of course, can’t hurt that he’s just like that all the time, I mean. It’s not really work for him, he just puts on a dress and goes out there, does his thing. Stuff really comes natural to him, you know?” 
“I suppose,” John said. 
“Sorry--you’re probably trying to relax, and here I am, talking your ear off.” The man ran his fingers through his hair, making it even more untidy, and looked down. There was a flush creeping up the side of his neck. “I, um. I’ll be out of your hair in a second, I promise. Just, while I’m here, I wanted to apologize.”
John raised an eyebrow. 
“If I crossed some sort of line,” the man went on, as though that explained something. “I mean, it’s what most people are here for, to be honest, someone to flirt with and be mean to them, but you seemed sort of uncomfortable? So. Sorry about that. It’s just, I don’t really do this that often anymore, I’m only here because Tim made me, and for the charity. So I’m out of practice with the back and forth, is all.” 
John squinted at him. The lighting was different; so was his posture, the shape of his face without makeup. But no, he recognized him now. 
“You’re Honey Wilde,” he said. “The one with the tarantula.” 
“Oh! Yes. Sorry. Not right now, I mean, right now I’m Martin. But yeah, that’s me.” Martin gave an awkward little wave. John took a deep drag on his cigarette and let the smoke out slowly. 
“It’s fine,” he said. “Are you sure? You seem sort of...”
“It’s fine,” John said again, more firmly. Martin’s smile was pained. He had dimples, John noticed; they were slightly asymmetrical, the right one deeper than the left. 
“Well that’s--good. I’m glad.” They stood in awkward silence for a moment. Martin kept looking at John, and then away; after a moment, John realized that he was being checked out.  
He considered this. Martin wasn’t bad looking, as far as John could tell. He seemed nice enough. The apology had seemed genuine. And there was a part of John, a vicious, petty corner of his heart, that enjoyed the thought of leaving Georgie in the bar to go home with a virtual stranger. 
“I’m sorry if it’s a step,” Martin said slowly, “but you don’t really seem to be enjoying yourself? Did your girlfriend drag you along, or something?”
“Ex girlfriend,” John said shortly. Martin’s eyes went wide.
“Oh,” he said. “Oh, I’m--that makes it worse, doesn’t it. I’m sorry.”
Of course, there were the negatives. Sex with someone he knew well was just as likely to be uncomfortable and awkward as it was pleasurable; with a stranger, the risk was doubled. Martin seemed courteous, but he still might take it personally when John asked him not to touch him, or have weird kinks, or just expect John to be more into it than he could possibly be and come to his own conclusions when John inevitably wasn’t. 
John watched Martin run a broad hand through his hair again, and decided that it wasn’t worth it. 
“It’s--it’s fine,” he said, shrugging. “It was a long time ago. She has a girlfriend now, actually, who’s working behind the bar.” 
“That’s--Oh, you mean Melanie? That’s Melanie’s Georgie?” Martin smiled, more genuinely this time. “Melanie won’t shut up about her. They seem sweet.”
“I don’t know if sweet is the word I would use to describe Melanie King,” John said. “But yes. They do seem to suit each other, don’t they.” 
“Yeah.” There was something wistful in the way Martin said it, and a little sad. They looked at each other. John felt an unpleasant roll of anxiety; this was it, this was the moment when Martin would make a move, and John would say no, and they’d both go back inside feeling uncomfortable and awkward. 
But Martin just pushed off from the wall and looked back at the door and said, strangely tentative, “Well, it was good to meet you. I should get back in. I’m not performing any more, thank god, but I don’t want to miss the second act. I’ll, uh, see you around, yeah?” 
John blinked at him. 
“Right,” he said. Martin flashed him a quick smile, and then opened the door. Through it, John could hear Diana Explosion, calling out, “--your seats, my lovely monsters, let’s get this show back on the road.” Then Martin was gone, the door closed behind him, and John was alone.
He took another deep drag on his cigarette. His phone buzzed, a text from Georgie, asking him where he was. He muted his phone and put it back in his pocket. Not yet. Soon, but not yet. 
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Good Girl | Dabi x F!Reader | Fluff/NSFW
Dabi with a very innocent female reader, with some rough nsfw and dirty talk?
I’m so awful with dirty talk. 😂
Warnings: NSFW, wannabe dirty talk, insecurities, Dabi being a sweetheart
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Your hand shakes with every centimeter closer you bring the eyeliner to your eyelid. Make-up wasn’t your strong suit besides the basics of foundation, lipstick, and mascara. This is an emergency, however. The man you wanted is dangerously close to belonging to someone else if he hadn’t already.
The man you love, Dabi, is a villain, not the smartest idea considering you are only a civilian. The two of you met actually about a year ago when some jerks were harassing you on the bus on the way home and not taking no and your obvious discomfort for an answer. You’re sure he only stepped in because they were annoying him too with the obnoxiously loud talking.
Ever since then, the two of you kept running into each other. You’re not sure if it was fate or what, but you became acquaintances then friends then he would drop by your house and spend the night every so often to shower or eat, and he would give you some money when you needed something or if rent was tight or he felt that he was staying over and using your stuff more than usual. You never questioned where he got it from nor wanted to know either. Eventually, the two of you became friends with cuddle benefits whenever one of you were feeling particularly desperate for human contact and affection.
Needless to say, you developed a big crush akin to a school girl crushing on her senpai. It’s also like a school girl that you decided to change up your look to win back his attention.
Lately, he’s been spending a lot of time with this other woman who worked for the same person who hooked Dabi up with jobs every now and again. Some guy named Giran. You didn’t know if they were just partners for the time being like he said or not, but you have seen her plenty enough times to know her type, bad girl incarnate.
She was always in tight leather pants with metal chains and matching jacket over a crop top and heavy make-up and shiny body piercings. She had tattoos located on her chest and lower back to draw attention to nicely developed features. You thought that you could’ve competed in the looks department when you dress up in pretty dresses and flowing tops, but the final nail in your confidence was her sleek, stylish Kawasaki. Dabi seemed to really like that.
So as childish as it may have been, if bad is what he liked then you were going to try to be bad. You bought some tight shorts to hug around your hips and skimpier tops to wear. You still were a bit unsure on the piercings and chickened out on getting a real tattoo. You were in the darn chair and practically fell on your face to escape when the needle got close. Though, you thought the temp one on your shoulder was pretty convincing and bought plenty to back it up. Now, you were sitting in front of your bathroom mirror watching a YouTube tutorial on how to apply eyeliner and do a smoky eye shadow.
You knew Dabi would come over today. No matter what he always came on Saturday to spend the night. This time would be a change in plans. You were going to convince him to go out to the rave club with you for a drink and maybe, just maybe, excite him to kiss you instead of just spooning tonight. Then, there would be no need for him to spend time with that other woman at all.
You finally get your make-up done to what you think is a decent look just as a knock comes from the door. Dabi always has this distinct way he knocks before he unlocks your door so you won’t get scared that someone was breaking in.
“Hey,” Dabi greets, eyes immediately going to the couch where he expected you to be waiting instead you bounce in from the hallway to meet him with your usual sweet smile covered behind make-up and normal pajamas replaced by form-hugging clothing that showed off more skin than he’s ever seen.
You notice immediately the confusion on his face. You didn’t know if that is a good thing yet, but it is progress. Blue eyes take you all in, dropping from your head to your feet and all the way back up.
“What are you wearing?” he questions, and you grin as he noticed and bat the long black eyelashes you spent hours trying to figure out how to put on.
“I just decided to try a new look is all,” you explain, smiling with thick red painted lips. “But hey, I was thinking we should go out somewhere fun tonight.”
“Fun?” he questions skeptically.
“Yeah, fun,” you repeat, biting your lip and letting the word leave your mouth hard in what you thought was a seductive manner.
Dabi scowls, eyes narrowing at you, and you gulp. “What is that?”
“Hm?” you hum nonchalantly. Deciding to fall to your emergency plan early, you twist to the side to display the picture on your bicep. “Oh, this? I got a tattoo. Pretty badass, don’t you think?”
You hold your breath as he studies it before scoffing, finally smiling slightly. “It’s fake,” Dabi points out, relieved.
“N-No, it’s not,” you stammer, refusing to give up that easily. Dabi draws his thumb across his tongue, presses it to your skin, and swipes some of the tattoo away. “Hey, what are you doing!”
You’re cut off as he rubs his palm at your eye shadow and bluntly demands, “Take that off. You hate make-up, it breaks you out.”
“Dabi, stop it!” you complain and aggressively whack his hand away.
Annoyed, Dabi finally asks, “What’s up with you, (Name)? You’ve been acting weird lately and now,” he gestures his hand in a circle all around you, “Just what is this?” he cringes when he looks at your face, making your heart sink.
“You’re not around enough to know if I’m acting weird,” you spitefully whispered, making his eyes widen.
“What are you talking about?”
“All your time is with that other woman!” you finally confessed. “Every time you have a job, or she’ll be around you even when you say you’re free, and you don’t spend time with me as much anymore. I know we’re not dating, and you can be with whoever you want, but it hurts since I care about you, too; and if you are dating her, I don’t think it’s fair to me or her if you keep coming around here, too.”
Sighing, Dabi pulls you into him. “You don’t have to waste your time being jealous. I don’t know what you’re thinking, but we’re not having sex or doing anything together if that’s what you’re worried about, and I’m not really interested in doing things with her for that matter.”
“You don’t? But she’s so pretty, and—“
”And you’re not? (Name), you looked fine before. Not to mention look at me, you’re definitely the better looking one in our relationship.”
Blushing, you glance down at your feet with a weak smile. “But she’s just so cool, and I figured you liked women like that so I just wanted you to know I could be bad, too.”
“Okay,” he chuckles, leaning his head close to your ear, and whispering, “Then, show me how bad you can be, (Name)-chan.”
You grin and bring your lips to his, biting down on his bottom lip and pulling before sliding your tongue over his lips. You pull away with a smirk. “How’s that?”
“Oh? Was that all,” he teases. “I said bad,” he says and caresses your cheek.
“What?” you questioned in shock, thinking that was pretty sexy in your book. Realizing he means further, your throat going dry as you squeak out, “you mean right now?”
“That’s what you want, right?” he questions you and grips at your hips to roughly snatch your body against his.
“I…” You looked down to the floor, trying to hide your timid expression from cool blue eyes.
“It’s not that hard,” he says and snuggly hugs your lower half to his. “Tell me what you want to do to me,” Dabi gently drags his thumb down the center of your bottom lip.
“Well, I would undress you...” you state unsurely.
“I see, and?” He teases, sliding his hand down your shoulder. Goosebumps dance up your skin as you try to think of something else to say but you started drawing blanks. He chuckles at your deer in the headlight’s expression.
“And uh…I’m not sure…” You had your chance to make him yours and you were completely lost on how. Your original plan had only went as far as getting him to kiss you. And though it’s not like you haven’t done a few things with a man before, it wasn’t really your area of expertise either. “But I can learn. It can’t be that hard.”
”Yes,” you repeat less confidently as he cups your chin to bring your line of sight back to him.
“Don’t worry about it, bad girls are nice, but I do really like good girls like you. It makes it that much easier to make you squirm.”
A yelp echoes through the house as you're hoisted off your feet and into his arms.
“Dabi,” you gasp and wrap your arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He cups your ass and brings you up as high as possible before carrying you to the bedroom.
Dabi kicks open the door and tosses you onto the bed like it’s nothing. Closing your eyes, you land on it with a bounce. You open your eyes to catch Dabi leaning over you and forcing you back to the mattress.
“Do you want to be my woman, (Name)?” Dabi asks, hands gripping your wrists and holding them far above your head.
“I want to be yours,” you answer, and he rewards it with a quick brush of his lips against your collar bone.
“What do you want me to do to you?” he murmurs as he traces his tongue over your cleavage and kisses between your breasts.
You groan as rough skin placed soft kisses along your chest. You finally know what his lips feel like. “I want you to do everything to me.”
“Mm, how long have you wanted this?” Dabi questions and moves his lips to yours, making you tense. It takes only a second or two for you to relax and accept his advance.
“A few months now,” you confess shyly before Dabi kisses you deeper and shifts his body on top of yours. He lays on top of you, smothering you under his full weight. You whimper from the heat of his body, and he moves his hips against you, pleasuring himself with friction between the two of you.
“If you wanted me so bad, you should’ve just said so. I would’ve been happy to fuck you silly anytime, sweetheart.” His deep chuckle makes you flustered, and Dabi roughly bites down into your bottom lip. He pulls away to take in your bashful face. “You don’t know how hard it was to keep my hands off you,” and he makes sure you know it by squeezing you in scarred hands and dragging them all the way down the sides of your arms and width of your hips.
“How can you say that with such a straight face?” you mutter but your timid-ness only edge him further to keep going until you whine from his teasing.
“I can’t count how many times I woke up hard because of you, how many times I’ve had to jerk off with you sleeping next to me,” he teases, kissing down your bare shoulder and continuously pulling down your top before deciding to smolder through it instead by bunching it in his hands and pulling the weaken seams. You wouldn’t need to be wearing it anymore anyway.
“Dabi,” you squirm and bring your hands to your chest. You hiss when he grips them and slams them back above your head.
“No, no, no baby girl, you don’t get to hide from me anymore,” Dabi says, switching to holding your arms back with one hand as he flicks your nipple with the other.
“That’s not fair!” you whine with the grinding of his hip, and the cool laugh he teases you with brings a warmth between your legs.
“What was that? You want me to play with you more?” he questions and covers your nipple in his mouth, sucking aggressively. You moan as he bites down and pulls the sensitive nub between his teeth.
“Have you touched yourself thinking about me, baby girl?” Dabi licks the shell of your ear, and you shudder underneath him. You purse your lips, avoiding eye contact as you shake your head. “Not even a little?” he asks skeptically as he grasps your hand, slowly sliding it between your legs.
“I don’t think you’re telling me the truth,” he whispers and kisses your neck then nips at your earlobe. “Show me what you do to yourself, I want to know.”
You unfurl your fingers and nervously stroke them underneath your shorts and over your panties.
“That’s my girl,” he purrs, and you groan as he lustfully watches you stroke underneath your shorts. He decides to pull them off to get the full show before forcing your hand away to remove your underpants. “Keep going,” he commands, and you press your fingers back to your bare skin, curling up into yourself as you bite back a moan. He licks his fingers and goes back to teasing and rolling his wet thumb over your nipples. He pulls them roughly and strokes you with the scarred skin on the back of his hand, and the rough strokes make you throb around your fingers as more cum sleeks out to coat them.
Dabi tugs your hand away, and your breath catches in your throat as he slowly glances his tongue over the tips of your fingers, one by one. Heat comes from his hand as he strokes over your knuckles, sending a pleasant warmth through your palm. “Come here,” he orders, sitting on the bed and pulling you on top of him.
Dabi strokes your head, and you press against his cock, rocking slightly. Dabi licks his lips, watching your soft expression before deciding he wants to be inside of you right away. He shifts away and undoes his pants before settling you back onto his lap.
You grip onto him as he pulls you down on his dick, making you whimper, and he sighs himself with the slow start of his thrusts. You push your hands into thick, black hair and kiss him deeply. You inexperiencedly grind your hips into him as you do so but it’s not a problem as he digs his fingers into your thighs and guides your movements.
The dragging of heated fingers down your skin makes you hiss along with the streaks following in a thin trail. “Dabi,” you mewl, and he buries his head between your breasts to cover his own needy gasps. Teeth nip and bite, leaving marks over your breasts that speckle lightly with the color of blood before he licks it away with a groan, proving just how desperately he wanted you all this time.
The motions of his hips don’t stop as he slams in you with a rate that is undoubtedly going to have you sore, and you crane your head back and give your own marks on the back of his neck by dragging your nails over his skin. He growls as you pull at the back of his hair. You raise your hips and ride on him harder to quickly build up to your end with him.
You keep rocking on his lap until you’re both spent and empty. You pant tiredly and slowly climb off of him before laying down and hugging against his chest.
You look up at him with a soft smile, and he wants to meet it but frowns slightly when he sees the smear across your face from where he wiped your makeup. He shakes his head, and you furrow your brows as he slips away from you and adjusts his clothes before walking to the bathroom. You wait nervously, worrying as you hear the water run before he comes back with a wet towel in hand.
“Dabi?” you question but sputter as he sits on the bed and impatiently tries to wipe the smears away to look a little better and to see some of your real skin tone under the foundation.
“I don’t like not being able to see your face,” he bluntly scolds before tossing the towel off to the side when he finally is satisfied with his work. Then, he pulls your arm up and motions to the remains of the tattoo there. “And no more of this, understand?” he warns you as he pushes you back down under him.
“I won’t,” you whisper, and he slowly drops your arm as he comes back down to bite your lips. His hands squeeze your biceps as he pulls you flush against his body.
“Good girl," he purrs. "Now, give me more sugar," he demands before heavily kissing you and pushing you down for the second time that night.
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wtfholland · 7 years
late night talks with tom☽
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a/n: i discovered this band called cigarettes after sex about a year and a half ago and fell in love. honestly, their music is the most calming, mellow, and relaxing stuff i’ve ever heard. i found this playlist that has their music with a couple other songs from different artists, who are just as amazing♥ this also turned out to be a lot longer than i anticipated but OH WELL ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[for dialogue, italic is for y/n and bold is for tom]
listen to this while reading♫
i think we can all agree that everyone gets really honest when they have late night talks
in my opinion, i think it’s one of the most special things you can do with someone
you're laying in your bed, staring up at your ceiling
it’s late and both of your parents are already sleeping
there is nothing that sparked your interest on netflix and you’ve already finished the book that you’ve been reading that week
none of your friends were awake
...except for one
your room is dark except for the beautiful glimmer coming from the fairy lights you have hanging on your headboard
your room is also quiet except for the soft music coming from your laptop (*nudge, nudge* the playlist i linked lel)
the one constant thing that kept grazing your thoughts was tom
his sparkling eyes, enchanting laugh, beautiful smile, fluffy hair and just...everything
just the thought of him made your heart swell and practically beat out of your chest
you’ve considered texting him but you knew he was constantly busy and needed rest after getting back from filming
but your panties got into an extreme bunch so you gave into your hearts demands
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a couple seconds after this text, your phone starts buzzing
you waited a couple seconds before answering because you didn’t want to seem desperate (literally fucking me in real life)
“‘ello love.”
“oh, my god! is this the real tom holland? calling me? i am...honoured.”
you hear him laugh softly on the other end and you melt
“oh, shut up. you’re the only super star here, y/n. how are you doing? why couldn’t you sleep?”
“oh, you know, i just couldn’t stop thinking about you. how in love i am with you, how sexually frustrated i am with you AND also how bloody cold it happens to be in my goddamn house” you think
“ehrm, i’ve just been...thinking about a bunch of stuff all day and laying down just kind of made me think about these things even more.”
“really? enlighten me. i’ve been in the same predicament myself for the past few nights.”
you end up bullshitting and telling tom how you have feelings for this one guys who you “work with” but how you’re too chicken shit to make a move or even drop hints that you’re interested
you keep trying to change subject. for a while, you're having a very serious conversation about how insignificant you feel because compared to the rest of the world (actually, the universe) you’re two specs of dust
*as a bonus, watch this and be mind blown*
“right?! like, honestly, i know that harry probably thinks we’re bat shit crazy and just being childish but, there is no way that we are the only forms of life. i’m calling it right now, there are aliens out there.”
“no kidding. when they come to earth, they’ll probably probe harry.”
you both start laughing. tom’s laugh was one of the most beautiful sounds you’ve ever heard. it sounded better than your favorite song
“so, uh...does your...man of interest believe in aliens?”
“uh, yeah, he actually does! isn’t that awesome?”
“huh, okay then.”
“whatta fuckin’ loser.” tom whispers
you’re actually dying on the inside. he’s so...ugh
tom quickly changes the entire mood of the conversation
he starts talking about a fake girl, trying to make you jealous
“hm well, i don’t think i told you yet but there is this one really fit girl who i met not too long ago.”
you immediately feel your stomach drop and your heart shrink
“uh, that’s good...i guess. what’s her name?”
“yeah, she goes to my gym.”
 shit. FUCK. 
in addition, you felt your self esteem crumble because you don’t go to the gym
“there’s no way he’d like me. i knew it. i’m stupid for ever thinking that he could be hiding the fact that he has feelings for me. who am i kidding? he’ll only ever be interested in models or girls who are drop dead gorgeous. not...someone like me.” you thought
you couldn’t be anymore WRONG
spoiler alert: he likes you
he loves you actually, but he’s just as big of a wuss as you are to admit his feelings, in fear that he’ll fuck up your friendship
“so...what does tracy look like?”
“she’s...blonde. and, uh...nice looking...stuff. y’know...the works.”
this bOY
okay, moving on
tom continues to push you to talk about your crush
but you’re ready to crank this thing up a notch AND DESTROY HIS INTEREST IN “TRACY” AHHH (sorry)
so you try to make him jealous now, without knowing that he was already initially jealous
“he just...he treats me extremely well. he understands everything but i know in the back of my head that he’s just being friendly, and that’s what hurts the most. i feel like i’m wasting my time but part of me wants to keep hoping that he possibly feels something for me. but, he’s like...so hot. probably the hottest guy i’ve seen.yeah...he’s, uh...preeeeetty bangin’.”
tom stays quiet for while
you start to notice how everytime you brought something up that you liked about your “work buddy” (WHO IS ACTUALLY TOM), he’d give you shitty responses
“he has pretty eyes.”
“oh, nice”
“he also skateboards, and plays a little bit of guitar.”
“hm, i can do both (sorta).”
“he used to take dancing. his hair is super shaggy and lovely. not gonna lie, but i’ve thought of running my fingers thro-”
“he probably dances like he has two left feet. what’s this clown’s name anyways?”
“oh! it’s uh...tyler! tyler nuh..nolan.”
“hmm...that’s basic.”
you becoming more and more confused
“why are you shutting down everything i’m saying about him?”
“sorry, love. can you repeat that? i was, uh...distracted.”
“i said why are you shutting him down, like the things i’m telling you about him?
“i’m not?”
“yeah, you kind of are.”
“ugh, whatever...”
“UGH, do you want me to be honest?”
“i’m dismissing what you’re saying because every single time you’ve ever fancied someone, they’ve always broken your heart. i’ve been here with you through every single heartbreak you’ve endured to pick up the pieces and quite honestly, love...it fucking hurts me to see what they do to you. i’m sorry to be so blunt but you’ve never had the best of luck when it comes to love. i just worry about you, all the time. i don’t want anyone to hurt you, especially not this knob that you’re so flustered over. you’re smart, brilliant i should say. YOUR eyes are pretty, you are so talented, so outgoing, down to earth, kind, absolutely beautiful...you’re so...you.”
yOu ArE qUaKiNg
tom immediately retreats and wants to die because of this sudden outburst
He Is QuAkInG
there is a good 60 seconds of silence
you’re in complete disbelief. the guy who you’ve been in love with for as long as you can remember just made you fall even harder for him (if that was even possible)
“tommy...you think i’m beautiful? you think all that stuff about me?”
“...yeah...i do. i think you’re...the most beautiful girl on the planet. i mean that from the bottom of my heart.”
you feel yourself starting to tear up
this is it. 
this was the perfect time to tell him.
“tom...i...there’s something i need to tell you and i don’t know what you’re going to think after i tell you but...i just want you to know...”
“go ahead, love. tell me. i have something i’d like to tell you to...”
deep bREATHS, y/n
your heart is beating so fucking fast, you think you’ll drop dead right then and there
“here we go.” you thought
there’s no going back now
“i can’t keep hiding this from you...how i feel about you. tom, i...i’m in love with you and i know how stupid that sounds. ‘tyler nolan’ isn’t a real person. i just made him up but i was really just talking about you. you’re my best friend and i never anticipated this to ever happen but, i don’t know what it is about you. you’re honestly one of my favorite people ever; the way you carry yourself, your selflessness, you’re just so perfect, and please don’t try to tell me you’re not. i love everything about you, right down to the flaws you think you have. i...know that you don’t feel the same way towards me but after tonight, i just felt like i should get this off my chest. i can tell you that i’ve felt this way towards you for as long as i can remember. i want to be with you, in every way, shape and form. i love you...thomas stanley holland. so much.”
mutha fuggin silence
XABZNJAUIBDNLAISNI he’s actually ready to drop his pants and marry you
you immediately start freaking out because he’s not saying anything
“tommy...say something, please...”
tom starts tearing up because he’s so happy
“this is a miracle.” he thought
“i fucking love her. oh god, i love her”
“y/n...i lo--”
“hello? tom, are you still there?”
you moved the phone away from your ear and looked at your screen
the damn thing was back on your lock screen
you checked your battery, which now dropped to 43%
then you realized...
he’s actually freaking the fuck out at his house
all of a sudden, he hears banging on his door
“TOM! SHUT UP, YOU’RE SO BLOODY LOUD, YOU WANKER!” he heard sam on the other side of the door 
tom ignores him and frantically tries to look for an extra charger in his room because haz ruined the one he already had
sam pulls open the door
“mate, be quiet! mum can hear you from upstairs. what are you doing? it’s almost two in the morning.” sam whisper-yelled
“y/n just poured her heart out to me on the phone and i need to tell her that i feel the same way she feels but my bloody phone died when i was about to tell her! do you have your charger? can i please borrow it?” tom exclaimed, frantically
“tessa bit mine, i need to get a new one. just ask mum for her’s in the morning. good god, go to sleep.” sam replies, storming out of tom’s room
tom sighs, defeated
he feels terrible about getting cut off because he’s worried about what you’re thinking
you are tossing and turning, trying to figure out what tom was going to say
“i lo...? i love you but in a platonic way? i lost you, did you just say you love me?” you thought
ain’t nobody wanna wait
you probably got around two hours of sleep that night
finally the next day, your eyes snap open
you scramble to reach for your phone, which is sitting on your bedside table, with your charger hanging out of the bottom
you rip the cord out of your phone and find five texts from tom
thank GOD
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you let out a sigh
but like
hang on?
you notice that he sent these over an hour ago
suddenly, you heard a bang coming from outside your room
your parent(s) is/are at work and your sibling(s) (if you have any) is/are gone on a school trip
you start freaking out
you quickly tumbled out of bed (your feet get caught on your blankets so you ate shit lel)
scooping yourself off the floor, you slowly but surely pull open your bedroom door
you have 911 dialled into your phone on standby
you tiptoe down the hall and peek your head into each door way of the main floor
there’s another bang
“the creep must be in the kitchen stealing my food” you thought
you trot over to the kitchen and you shat a brick
he dropped a pan in fear, the metal clanking against the stove loudly
he FUCKING SHRIEKED (if tom shrieking isn’t adorable, then honestly wtf is)
tom whirled around quickly with his hand over his heart, trying to calm his breathing
“bloody hell! i just pissed myself, i didn’t even hear you come in.”
you moved towards him, the memories of your confession began to invade your head again
your knees buckled a little bit underneath you with every step you took but you tried your best to stand your ground, not letting the intimidation get to you
“what are you doing here?”
you look behind him
he was preparing breakfast for the two of you
scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, breakfast sausage, toast, a bowl of strawberries, freshly squeezed orange juice and of course, the tea you both loved so much
you look back up at him in awe and he’s just smiling down at you
“i’m sorry for all the noise, love. i let myself in with the key you have hidden in the flower pot outside and i, uh...wanted to make you breakfast...”
you are still silent
this is the sweetest thing someone has ever done for you
“and i’m also here to tell you that...”
suddenly, tom was leaning down. his hand cupped your cheek and his arm wrapped around your waist
his lips were mere inches away from yours
instinctively, you placed both your hands on his biceps, holding them as you pushed forward too, closing the space between the both of you
of course both of you have kissed other people before but this kiss...
lemme tell u sumtin
this was the best friggin kiss either of you have ever had
tom was the first to pull away, but he rested his forehead on yours and chuckled under his breath
“i’m here to tell you that...i love you too. i’m so in love with you. i’ve been waiting ages for you to tell me what you told me last night.”
you couldn’t believe what you were hearing
“oh and, uh...’tracy lancaster’? she isn’t a real person either, just like ‘tyler’.”
your eyes scrunch a little as you giggled from how childish the two of you really are
you bring your arms up and wrap them around his neck, as his snake around your waist
you both stand there, full of content and full of love
“god...i love you, angel. you’re so bloody perfect. thank you for loving me.” tom whispered
the only thing you can think of is
“wowie, i guess i’m not just a spec of dust in this universe after all.”
after a while, you quickly left to brush your teeth and wash up for breakfast
you sit down at the table with tom, the both of you laughing, going over the times you both figured out your feelings towards one another
you both really enjoyed the breakfast
but let’s just say that breakfast wasn’t the only thing tom ate that morning
kill me
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