#But now here demon Mika and I am in love again
distinguished-slacker · 5 months
Speaking about chapter 133…
Since it has been a long time since I made long posts and these kind of chapters that focus on other characters, much less girls, much less Mitsuba, are rare, I felt like talking about it🤧
First of all: Screw this title and the boob joke.
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Now, somehow I liked this chapter? It is the first time ever since chapter 17 that we see Shinoa and Mitsuba talking to each other about themselves. Although in small quantities, many of the things I wanted to see happened: Mitsuba addressing Shinoa’s change in behaviour, them talking about their sisters, how similar they are but also have their differences, their reasons to live, their relationship, the squad leader role and how Shinoa does not talk much about herself.
We didn’t learn anything new except for Mitsuba not necessarily seeking her family’s validation and Shinoa being able to control demons.
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About the former, I am actually happy that Mitsuba is not necessarily seeking Aoi’s validation because someone like Aoi does not deserve that effort. But I am bit sad that after the things Aoi said to her in chapter 70, we didn’t get more than this. It does not have to be now but I hope eventually we get some flashbacks about the Sangū sisters’ past to explain why Aoi treats her like this.
What worries me more is that we already know Mitsuba’s reason to live so does that mean I will never get to see her demon? I mean, it’s those scenes where characters talk with their demons in that white world in their minds where we get to know more about them but Mitsuba already opened up a lot in the real world. At this point of the manga I am not expecting anything about Mitsuba’s character in the long run; it’s just that I want to see how her demon looks like (Also, 2024 is the year of the dragon so why not?🐉)
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I’ve seen that the fandom is divided between those who took it literally and think the girls are seriously competing for Yuu’s love and those who think they were just joking to lighten up the mood. I am with the latter. The vibes their conversation gave me were lighthearted. Mitsuba has a crush on Yuu but she never made a move on him and it doesn’t seem like she ever planned to because her feelings are probably not that strong. Knowing how Kagami writes women he could have made this chapter much worse but “No comment” is all that we got. In all honesty, she seems more worried about Shinoa being depressed than Yuu leaving them. She even says it: “Will that be the first real reason to live you’ve ever found?”, and also blushes before deciding to participate in the ‘competition’ as if she is embarassed because all of this feels just too stupid but she still does it because it lightens Shinoa’s mood. Shinoa also does not take her seriously either. I am not saying my take is correct since the only one who truly knows what is going on is Kagami but I still strongly believe this.
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Just like Yuu and Mika, the Shinoa squad finally decided to separate from Guren and become their own team (but I wonder where is Guren?). Shinoa being able to control demons gives them a strong card just like how the vampires’ team is really strong, Guren and Mahiru rely on experiments, and Yuu has Mika as his demon and the knowledge that they are swapped. Now that she is all motivated, could her powers be able to control Mika? I want to see Kimizuki, Yoichi and Mitsuba in action too (I am tired of katana fights). I am happy to see the squad after one year and I hope the next chapter follows with them again or the vampires that are not with Mika and Yuu.
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This is like a competition on who makes Shikama more miserable💀 I understand where Shinoa is coming from since she can finally make Shikama pay back a bit for how much he ruined her life but at the same she looks so insane that she reminds me so much of Yuu and about how tired I am that Kagami is drawing so many parallels between characters that the individualities they had are being lost😞
The big question here is what this chapter means in the long run? Was it just to give have some funny scenes or is the chapter setting up something for Shinoa? Shinoa is aware Yuu rejected her and yet still tries. Her brain tells her it’s impossible but her heart says otherwise:
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The way her feelings are delivered and the way Yamamoto draws her makes me interpret it as Kagami’s way of conveying how a sexist education can affect a girl’s mind (if I choose to believe in his writing decisions, that is). Again, Shinoa knows she is rejected yet still tries. This contradiction can be seen again when Shinoa tells Mitsuba that she loves her a lot but since she does not value her own life at all so she does not need Mitsuba or anyone’s validation because it would not change a thing…but still she craves Yuu’s validation. It’s irrational and powerful, showing how much the brainwashing got into her.
Will it take more for Shinoa to stop needing Yuu’s validation? What will it take? Yuu rejecting her more directly? Yuu trying to kill her after she tries to kill Mika? Will it be someone else’s intervention? Is this tied to how Mitsuba needs someone’s validation but it does not have to be her blood related family? Is the manga leading to a point where Mitsuba might help Shinoa break out of her brainwashing and in turn Mitsuba will find validation though Shinoa and altogether the girls stop crushing over Yuu?
I hope so because the way the chapter is written has that feeling in the air that Mitsuba actually likes Shinoa romantically. Yuu does not love Shinoa or her back yet Kagami instead writes about Mitsuba focusing on Shinoa and not Mitsuba being sad that Yuu does not like her back. The way she tries to cheer Shinoa up and how she kept talking with Shinoa about embarassing things despite knowing Kimizuki and Yoichi might overhear them because she was happy that Shinoa was finally opening up to her…hmm
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Also, the “I love you lots and lots”??
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These past two years Kagami has been especially explicit with Mika and Yuu’s feelings for each other, more than in the rest of the manga, so maybe he will get more bold as a writer when it comes to the girls’ relationship? Who knows…
Could this actually be a joke-turned-into foreshadowing?
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I felt like this chapter was a bit better than previous ones and I am happy that their friendship got a bit more focus. However, I don’t expect that writing about them after almost 10 years of barely any focus will dramatically improve the development and depth of their friendship. A flashback about their past together before the squad was made could help on setting the bases for why they are close but there is still that big gap between chapters 17 and 133.
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m00nj3w3l · 10 months
Well here I am (ONS chapter 128)
Ok I'm finally writing out my thoughts about ONS' 128. Idk how long it'll come out (extremely long as I'm writing it it seems...) and also as always I want to hear others' opinions on this, but as a warning it will be mostly negative. I actually did a similar post back at the start of the year with BSD, but BSD at least managed to bounce back full force and do what it needed to do while ONS shows no signs of that.
I'll break it down into the following points:
>I'm also getting tired of the flashbacks (as many already did)
>I miss the Shinoa squad (will touch upon Mitsuba specifically and y'all probably know why)
>The belief that MikaYuu fans are getting much better content and why I think that's bs (will probably mention my theorem of "Mika, along with literally all the women of the franchise, got hit with the mysoginy stick")
So let's go I guess, under the cut so I don't clutter my non-ONS followers' dash.
>The flashbacks: I... Did not mind them up unti now, if I've got to be honest. Let's be serious here everyone probably expected a batshit crazy backstory for the characters, ESPECIALLY Yuu and Mika, and that's what made me not really complain. Now it has been like? 8 chapters of ONLY flashbacks??? Only things of the past with NO break and NO POV switches to at least let us know wtf is going on in the outside world. Christ. The fact that irritates me the most is that all of this adds nothing to the plot either!!! What are the MCs supposed to do now that they've seen one of them (WHO HAS BEEN 4 DIFFERENT SPECIES TOO SINCE THE START OF THE SERIES???) sacrifice for the 3rd time!!!! AND IN THE PAST AT THAT!!!! HOW IS THIS USEFUL FOR THEM OR ANY OF US AGHHFHGHHG. We got other gays going at it tho and that's just funny to me. This is just a BL masked as a battle shonen lmaoooo.
>The Shinoa squad: I feel like this is obvious. Where tf are they? They obviously are looking out for where Mika and Yuu are, how did we not see them again yet??? Some progress in their hunt (let's call it that) for those two??? Shinoa literally threatened to kill Mika (and, for a number of reasons, let me say this: ew.) I'd at least like to see her and how she's doing. And didn't Kagami promise us Mitsuba would get more screentime soon? THIS IS LITERALLY A PERFECT SETTING. SHOW ME HER AND SHINOA BEING IN CONFLICT CUS SHE WORRIES ABOUT HER FRIEND AND WANTS HER TO COME TO HER SENSES!!! SHOW ME HOW THEE LITERAL KIDS ARE DOING AFTER BEING ASKED BY A FULL ON 24 Y.O TO CHOOSE THEIR FAMILIES OR THE WORLD LIKE BE SO SERIOUS THE SETTING WAS *DECENT* (wouldn't say perfect cus I'm not the biggest fan of the "bring everyone back" plot but ok) FOR IT ALL I'M *explodes*
>MikaYuu: Oh boy ok here we go. So since I came back after my rewatch and catch up to this manga which resulted in hyperfixation again I noticed that the narrative of MikaYuu shippers getting better content cus a lot of the chapters now focus on them is... common. And for a while I just thought "ok" and moved on but now I'm fully on convinced it's just. Not true. Not because the content isn't there, I would be lying if I said that, but because it's... Not good. Good content, for me (as someone who clearly loves these two if you scroll for even 2 minutes down my fucking tag), would be seeing actual growth between them, some actual substance in what they are doing as of rn, and we are not getting any of that. Since when did we see them actually DO something? Last time we saw Yuu in his actual body and actually saying something was last chapter and he was EATING. Then we went back to them just passively staring at everything that went on. And to add onto this, I dislike demon Mika as a plot IN GENERAL because it recessed any development both for HIM and for Yuu himself. Yuu acts stupid (wtf happened to him after Nagoya I'm being so serious Nagoya Yuu I miss you so much) as shit cus anyway Mika IS strong enough to let him get away with it but not enough to oppose Yuu at some point and this was addressed as a problem for like 2 seconds and then nothing. Oh my God. And not only that but this fucking thing also shows that Mika did, indeed, also get hit with a mysoginy beam, but that's another topic I want to talk about in another post if anyone even really cares about it.
So... Yeah. I'm not tired (I only started catching up in March after my rewatch, so I'm still curios about how this will go), but I AM sad. I really miss the earlier arcs and the potential they all had that now seems like a long lost memory. Can we all collectevely just go back to the Nagoya one like if the series stuck to that path I would be able to excuse its flaws up until a point because GOD. The eyeball with its Seraph shit or whatever the hell it was doing was cool tho.
As always y'all can tell me what y'all think, but I'm mostly expecting this to get lost in the void given how dead the fandom is. So yeah, see ya.
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shugokairifatewin · 2 years
I was going to wait until Chapter 116 released to give a full length rant, but it's been eating at me the last few days and we really need to talk about Chapter 114 and 115 of Seraph of the End. As always, spoilers ahead, be aware! Unpopular opinions also ahead; I'm pretty heated about this one, just a warning!
Let me start by saying I am hurt. I am offended. And I am betrayed. Because Kagami really over here hyping up this whole family-always-sticks-together BS with Guren and Yuu and the rest of Squad and even Mika jumping in there like yeah this is my family, and it's great and it's wholesome and we're making progress-
Only to turn around one (or two? I can't recall) chapters later and plunge a sword through Yuu's heart - and mine as well.
Mika has always always always been my favorite character. He has suffered. He has died, he's come back. He finally freaken started finding peace of mind as Yuu's demon. And I would fight wars and burn worlds for this man to have some damn peace and happiness with his boyfriend best friend and family. And Kagami TEASED US with that glimpse of happiness and acceptance and then CRUSHED IT.
And frankly it makes me sick. I'm so done with the greedy ass manipulative people who have been twisting knives in the backs of my favorite characters for YEARS of this story now.
This whole damn time, Guren KNEW that Mikaela was going to have to die AND HE HAS MANIPULATED THE EVER LIVING SHIT OUT OF YUU KNOWING THIS. This whole fucking time, he's been saving this kid, keeping him alive, feeding him false hope and bullshit about family this and keep living because some day you'll find a reason again that - ONLY FOR THIS INGRATE TO KILL THAT VERY REASON OF EXISTENCE FOR HIS OWN ENDS! I am hot mad about it.
Guren has always been a rollercoaster character for me, love and hate and despise and love again and pity, but this shit is unacceptable. Sure, he wants to save all of humanity and that's a noble goal but the means to an end he's used is absolutely unforgivable.
I'm going to feel terrible for saying it but I hope Yuu razes them all to the ground. He has been used and manipulated, treated like crap left and right and frankly I don't blame him for going off the deep end. In fact, I'm cheering you on my guy.
Moving on from my intense, undiluted fury at Guren and the crappy way he's treated Yuu and Mika, who literally just want to live their best lives in peace, I am broken and in pieces over Chapter 116. I haven't cried this much since Mika died and turned Demon.
To see this expression on Mika's face while Yuu is crying is literally enough to rend my heart in two.
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And then when Mika started crying too, I LOST IT. I almost threw my phone I was so emotional. KAGAMI WHY
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I FEEL PHYSICALLY UNWELL. My boys are crying 🥺 they are hurting and I cannot handle it.
And can we talk about how we got to see Mika grow from suspicious, angry Vampire who only cares about Yuu and making sure he's okay to caring, compassionate Demon who would give up his life for all of humanity? Only for Guren to not even bar an eyelash at killing him? I just can't.
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This has been weighing on me for weeks now. I needed to get it off my chest.
That is all.
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jhilsara · 4 months
Ooooh, those notes were super inciteful, I love that it goes at a slower pace and isn't just a copy of the original. I smell an enemies to lover's trope brewing and I'm living for it! If you want to provide more notes, that would be super cool! But again, it's totally up to you<3
Thank you for reading it! It makes me happy you enjoyed it even though it's just some draft notes. Anyway here is pt. 2- Again this has not been proof read,,, I just word vomit on the doc then clean it up later also I now have MC in place of Mika... I was debating on doing y/n with this or not.
She’s bonded with all the boys in one way, except Sam.
Damien and Matthew were easy. They loved the human world and wanted to know so much. They also just had bright personalities and were eager to finally meet Howard’s granddaughter.
The three of them had done many things together. Movie nights, video games, going out to the mall or a bar. She even introduced her friends to them one night.
Explaining her situation to her friends was wild. Too many prying eyes and a story she tried to keep straight.
They were a group hired by her grandfather to travel around to do research for his company. He had offered his home in exchange for some elderly care.
MC said her grandfather always was an odd bird.
With some demon power help her friends believed it.
Erik and MC go shopping a lot. Erik, she learned was into fashion. He was also great at sewing. He worked full time as a seamstress in a local shop.
They also were very into RuPaul’s Drag Race and watched it every Friday.
They’ve been to the local drag shows and have tipped GENEROUSLY.
James has been planning the reveal/debut of him as CEO with MC. Their plan was for the very beginning of May. Invitations had been sent out and RSVPs were coming back. Including a few news outlets.
Including her father.
James reassured her he wouldn’t touch her. But her father’s words were always more painful than any hit.
Sam was… illusive.
He avoided her like a plague. She mostly saw him at family dinners and grocery shopping he never missed.
Honestly it kind of hurt her feelings.
The next time they needed to go grocery shopping all of the boys were busy except for Sam. So, they had to be alone.
The car ride -silence and awkward Buying food, Sam took half the list and left her. She was in the freezer section contemplating depression ice cream when he came back with his half of the list. “Are you not done yet?” his tone accusing. “No, I am.” She sighs. “Just thinking about something for me to veg out with later.” He quirks a brow. “isn’t ice cream like, I don’t know, sad food?” She nods. S I L E N C E crickets if you will She grabs a pint of lemon custard. “Lemon custard?” Sam She side eyes him. “Yes. It’s my favorite. I’m not big on many other flavors.” “Don’t people usually get like chocolate when they’re sad?” Sam She rolls her eyes and puts her ice cream in the cart and starts pushing. “I like lemon custard. I didn’t know I was gonna get grilled for my depression ice cream.” “I’m not grilling you!” He groans throwing his head back pushing his cart. “I’m trying to have conversation…” He mumbles. She whips herself around in irritation, “Then why didn’t you just stay and shop with me? Or why did you literally say nothing in the car? You’ve had opportunities. OR MAYBE the million times you’ve avoided me?!” Sam steps back, furrows his brows, “What’s that supposed to mean?” She takes a deep breath and turns back. “Just forget it, let’s check out.” She can feel him fuming next to her as they check out and pay for their groceries and loading them into the car. Once inside the car he presses her again. “What did you mean inside?” he all but snaps at her. “Exactly what it sounds like Sam. You avoid me. All the time! So, I find it hard to believe you when you say you’re trying to start conversation when there have been better opportunities to talk to me.” Sam opens his mouth but keeps shutting it. He can’t really argue with the truth. “Point proven. Now can we just go back to you ignoring my existence.” Sam jolts forward in his seat glaring her down. “I don’t ignore your existence. In fact, I’m more than aware. I can’t get away from you.” “That doesn’t make any sense! We never talk, about anything! You’re always hiding somewhere on the roof. Or when I come into a room and you’re with one of your brothers you promptly LEAVE.” “That’s not- fuck.” He groans in irritation. “I’m sorry okay.” Sam “What?” “I’m sorry. I swear-” he sighs “I swear I’m not trying to be a dick to you. I just didn’t want to irritate you more after the whole… kiss situation and then…I don’t know a whole week passed and I didn’t know how to talk to you.” He sighs and runs his hand aggressively through his hair. She sits in silence for a moment. “Are you saying that you were to embarrassed to talk to me?” Sam’s jaw drops and he stutters, “I- no! No that is not what I’m saying!” She’s giggling at him now and teasing, “I think that’s exactly what you’re saying.” Sam scoffs and crosses his arm but a smile tugging at the corners. “Fine. I was embarrassed are you happy?” Sam “Yes! I am actually. Because it was bumming me out that you weren’t talking to me or looking in my general direction… like at all.” Sam sighs, “I really didn’t mean to just avoid you. I didn’t know how to talk to you after a very embarrassing event. Damien and James chewed me out.”
Life gets a little easier with a truce between her and Sam.
Then the announcement party comes.
MC is frantically pulling things together worried something will go wrong. James tells her to breath. All the boys are helping her. “You are just going to make the announcement and I can take it from there okay?” James “While yes that is frightening, I’m more worried about my dad.” MC “Just stick with me. I’ll just be like your guard dog.” Sam “Sam can frighten anyone away.” Matthew Sam shoves his little brother away by his head. “Hey! I just styled my hair dude…” Matthew complains and runs to find a mirror. “Go get dressed okay? We got this.” Erik shoves her upstairs. The beginning of the party goes by way too fast for MC. It’s mostly meet and greet for people she doesn’t know and her friends who she asked to come so she isn’t alone. The boys actively are working. She does constantly feel Sam’s eyes, so she knows he’s actively watching for her dad. When her mother and father enter she clams up. He barely acknowledges her. The event is spent mostly with her mingling with company people and media coverage in the back of the room. It comes time to make her announcement. James stands next to her. “Welcome everyone from Anderson Toy Company! I’d like to say thank you for coming for not only the announcements we will be making tonight, but also for the celebration of life for my grandfather Harold Anderson. We will be doing a candle light vigil for him later this evening.” MC
“Tonight, I know all of you are here to witness me telling you that I am stepping into the CEO position of my grandfather since he selected me. I am here to tell you tonight I have picked and hired a new CEO who will be taking my place in the company.” GASPS and her father’s ANGRY ass face. Like the man is red. “I know you all were expecting me to step into this role, and I was prepared too. After consideration I cannot in good faith take this role. My grandfather left me the option to be CEO but he would have never made me take it if I didn’t want to. He wanted me to follow my heart and find something I was as passionate about as he was making toys. So tonight, I welcome you to regard your new CEO with the warmth my grandfather would have. Please welcome James Anderson.” 
James goes into a spiel about the company (and his not relation to MC even though same last name) James also provides for the public documentation that he was very close with Harold and that they had talked about this as an option.
MC steps down as James discusses the future of the company. She tries to find her friends to fuck off and find a drink but her father corners her behind the massive staircase.
“You ungrateful brat!” He grips her arm. “You were left everything and you take it all for granted! You have let our family name tarnish within this company!” Father “Let. Me. Go.” She growls out. “Not until you understand the biggest mistake you’ve made! What are you going to do with that business degree now! And don’t think I’ll be paying those student loans! HA!” Father She starts to shrink back into herself trying to look for anyone to help her. But they’re all engaged with James. Her father knows better than to be yelling in public to make a scene. Suddenly his bruising grip has left her arm and she can see the familiar back of Sam. Sam has stepped between them, gripping her fathers’ hand in a death grip she can hear his bones cracking. “She said let go.” Sam tells her dad in a low but demanding voice. She can see the fear in her fathers’ eyes. “How dare you!” her father growls out as he looks around frantically to see if anyone sees them. “How dare I? I’m not the one threatening and physically attacking their own kid, am I?” Sam has yet to let go of her father’s hand “I’m not hurting her and this is family business!” her father tells him with a glare. His voice cracks though. “Oh yeah?” Sam gently guides MC’s arm up to show the already forming bruise on her forearm. “She fell.” There’s another bone cracking as Sam’s tightens his grip on her fathers’ hand. Her father almost yells. “It’s in the shape of your hand. Now I suggest you apologize and leave before I shatter the bones in your hand and convince James to fire you from your family’s company.” Sam “MC! He can’t do that! I’m your father!” he’s shaking in his shoes. She grips the side of Sam’s sleeve and he looks at her. “He needs to apologize to you. It’s unacceptable.” Sam “I’m sorry! I’m sorry okay just let go of my hand!” Sam releases instantly and glares at the man. “Be a better father. Or she’ll never talk to you again.” Sam He glares at both of them and runs off. He’ll probably make an excuse to leave. Sam turns to look at MC and her whole bodies shaking. The bruise is darkening too. Sam holds her gently to him, rubbing her back gently. “It’s over it’s okay.” He whispers into her hair. She lets out a shaking breath. She pulls back and looks at her arm and frowns. “I can’t cover this up…” she mumbles. “Stay here, I’ll go ask Erik if he has anything he can do okay?” Sam She nods and loosens her grip on Sam to let him find Erik. They both come back in less than 2 minutes. Erik hums in irritation and gently escorts her to his room. “Foul man, I have something to fix this dress wise, but that’s a nasty bruise love.” Erik finds some gloves that go up to her elbows and hides her bruise and also acts as a good accessory. “If anyone asks you had them the whole time. Just gaslight them.” She huffs out a laugh. “Thank you, Erik.” “It’s more than fine. Make sure you go back to Sam before you mingle again. He’s worried, and more than furious about your less than savory father.” Erik She nods and goes back down. Press are surrounding James and he’s taking it like a champ. They have another few hours before her grandfather’s vigil too. She looks around to find Sam and her eyes meet his in the back of the room against the wall. “You good?” he asks her. She nods. “As good as I can be.” He grunts in acknowledgement but his eyes burn where he knows the bruise is developing. “Thank you, Sam. I don’t know what he would have done if you hadn’t come in.” He looks into her eyes, silent and burning. It sends a chill down her back. “I should have been faster.” She grabs for his hand and holds it gently. “You were plenty fast. He could have said or done a lot worse. He has before.” Sam looks over her shoulder and smiles softly back down at her, “Your friends are looking for you. Go on. We’ll talk later.” She turns to look over her shoulder and a couple of them are raising their brows suggestively at her. She rolls her eyes but blushes furiously. “I uh- yeah. We’ll talk later. Thank you Sam.”
The vigil is successful too, everyone who stayed for it, which was a lot, said wonderful words about her grandfather.
After every guest leaves the boys and MC are sitting on the stairs exhausted.
Okay listen, I have so much... like so much more but I can only add so much text to an ask. So again, just let me know if you want more.
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lavendelhummel · 6 months
Ok, I have never done any of these. But it is time. Because @lilolilyr tagged me in so many of these fun games and every time I think they are fun... maybe I'll do it? And then I didn't dare.
But still Thank you so much for every tag! I appreciated every single one so, so much!! Thank you!
So the one that caught me in a moment, where not only I am feeling brave but also have some time (*gasp*), is of course a super duper hard one (pun intended, because I wont be able to include Abba, but disclaimer, I love Abba). Let's do this:
URL-Songs: Rules: Pick a song for every letter of your url and tag that many people. Let's be honest, this is impossible. I am incredibly indecisive and am that person with the weird music taste. I have absolutely no idea about fresh new songs. And I am indecisive, I wont make it with just one. Can I do three per letter?
L - ok, See here it starts, I found 126 songs starting with the letter L on my playlist. This game is cruel for French music! How should I pick one?? Closing my eyes... La mer est calme. This one calms me down instantly, I have used it to fall asleep (usually dont use music but earplugs for that) when I had headaches. It's just very calming. Also did I mention that I love the sea? Yes? Ok, so I will stay with that theme for this letter, there is also Le chant des sirènes and Land of opportunity ("I'm sailing away..." so yes fits with the ocean ones and yes there would be more "la chanson de la mer" etc. but I have to leave it at this I think)
A - only found 11 songs with A! Yay, an easier decision! I'll go with Antarctica, A white demon love song (because vampires. yes, this is the twilight soundtrack), and April come she will (not including "Andante" because I already mentioned that I love Abba, but I want to mention how gay I felt when Lily James was singing that one in Mamma Mia 2. Also not mentioning either of the "Autumn leaves" songs, because one is actually a poem that I love mostly for the lyrics and the other one is nice but not a fav)
V - time for... Vampire! I will also include Viva la Vida for @lilolilyr because we sang it together and it's a great song. And to bring it to three, there is also Voler de nuit because I can't not include Calogero. In total there were 8 songs starting with the letter V in my playlist.
E - Elle a les yeux revolver, Elle me dit (MIKA!! and yes, the orchestra version) and Expectations (yes, Juno soundtrack) by Belle and Sebastian (which is funny because I have to pull myself together not to add the whole soundtrack of a film called Belle et Sébastien).
N - This is hard! There are only 15 songs with that letter but it's hard! But maybe I should switch languages for a change? I listen to very, very few German songs but the Wise Guys are great. I was late to the party and discovered them at the last concert they gave before splitting up but here is Nur für dich. I also like N’importe quoi and Ne m'appelle pas. Honorably gay mention: Not worth hiding and No place in heaven (ne me qu---quuu-quiiiiiiii----tte pas ma chère letter N! there are so many songs starting with you... ok, ok I am cheating. But this game is hard!)
D - I think I am giving up at trying to stay in line. I have already missed one opening for a song for my very favorite album of all times, so here is Dans les Prisons de Nantes. I also haven't included the Dubliners yet so here is Dirty old Town. I also love Dead Flowers and haven't mentioned Coeur de Pirate yet. For the Germans on here, Deutsche Bahn is a must-know. We all know why. Also haven't mentioned Grand Corps malade so here is Dimanche soir. Nooooo, don't stop me now, there is so many more with the letter D! Ok I am cheating again but help, this is hard!!
E - Elle me manque déjà, Eblouie par la nuit and En chantant (yep, going for that soundtrack version by Louane. It's just very cute)
L - L! The hardest letter again! Looks like my Liability is decision making! If only I could put Lucky Number Nine (9) songs for each letter! Let's get lost in music together!
H - I have to admit that I am a Christmas Grinch. And yet. Here is Happy X-mas, the war is over by John Lennon. I love that song and will never forget how my very musical educated sister sang along to it, suddenly asking "what means 'fear'?" when she was little. It's one of the best Christmas memories I have. I can't say that it's my favorite Christmas song, because those are all classical and in a good part in latin, but it always makes me feel better. There is also Happy Together, which I will always associate with the film Imagine Me And You and therefor love. Aaaand, I don't know, 20 more, so let's just randomly pick Hexagone.
U - Un été française, Un jour au mauvais endroit and Under my thumb (to get the Scott Pilgrim soundtrack in here)? Decisions are hard. Why am I doing this to myself?
M - My alltime favorite song is Ma Bretagne quand Elle pleut. It's silly but it answers the longing in my heart that only the rain in Brittany can and I love the personification and the love in that song. Since it's the same album - though a different language is Mna Na H-Eireann, so I am not counting it extra. This now makes me think of Mermaids (wow such a new, popular song) and Mr. Blue Sky.
M - Mr. Big Stuff, Ma liberté de penser, and Mon Amant de St Jean/Mitternachsnacht bei IKEA orrrr one of the 30 others on the list.
E - Eugene, I feel like this is a good place to add a gay-mention: Everyone is gay. It might be silly but I did take comfort in it when I was figuring things out of for the first time. And this is The End of the Line, I suppose.
L - Not quite the end, there is still Le Portrait, Les Tzars and I'll just Leave out all the Rest. Just one more for @lilolilyr because I had an earworm from this when we met and couldn't properly sing it to you to show you so- L'effect papillon. There is so many more but here is the Last Party and I'll stop.
Ok, now I still have to tag people. I still don't know that many, I'll never make it to 13 but to get close I'll just tag everyone I've ever talked to on here (and not felt bad about it later, cause not all messages were positive experiences ;)). So @ginnyjyng (your name here is still confusing! But have fun with the music <3), @trollocks-in-my-bollocks, @lakeofsilverpike, @onaperduamedee, @witchingshcdows, @thatordinaryoddity and @masterpieceofunderstatement have fun with this game, if you want. And if anyone else sees this and wants to participate, I am just to shy to tag anyone whom I haven't talked to but am still curious about your music taste, so go for it!
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vampacidic · 1 year
Omori anon back, I think a bit ago you had brought up owari no seraph and I really wanted tot alk about it but then I forgot to, have you ever watched the abridged series? It spawned in my brain again after so long.. I'm not sure how well it aged but there is an inside joke in the series I am struggling SO hard to find. BUT if you havent seen it.. do you have any big thoughts about the show in general?
i haven't seen it i don't think ? i might've when i was younger but it's been a while since i've been in the trenches of youtube poops/abridged/that vein of content....
generally speaking it's ah. been a while since i've seen/read owari no seraph but i do enjoy it.... i feel like the series bit off more than it could chew lore wise ? like. the idea of a disease wiping out all adults followed by vampires taking over is a Little ludicrous. but whatever. i can suspend my disbelief. it's not really important how we got here. we're here now. whatever. but then the demon weapons came in (i do think the idea is cool the whole beginning arc though felt. weirdly paced). and the overarching plot is complicated ? listen. it's been years since i watched it. and i watched it in middle school. so it could just be the fact i was a kid and wasn't paying attention. but i spent most of it confused
the emotional tie between mikaela and yuichiro is really where the show shines imo... maybe i just like codependency. i just like the 'i've become what you and i both hate'/'but i still love you'-ness of it all. the beginning is rlly good + some of the plot beats (when they meet again after all those years, mika's whole Ordeal) i really loved. the character designs too are fun... esp w the vampires. im a big shinoa enjoyer as well. i think she's silly
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thesoundofanicefall · 2 years
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I must say that I really really really like Mika's character development the most...
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tealincubusspeckles · 2 years
Love Locket 13: Drunk Farewell
Mika let the boys go. They were dangerous to have around. The boys knew this as well. So they left as promised. Where did they go? Well I just wanted to see em drunk. Have fun.
“I’m going to run out of here naked and YOU CAN’T STOP ME!” Sam shouted slamming down a glass of tequila
“Not worth the effort...” Matthew said
“I’m gonna do it!… Did you get taller?” Sam said leaning towards who he thought was Matthew but was actually James
“I tried to stop growing! Now everyone else is so short and they EXPECT ME to help their kids grow! Can’t I catch a break? I am only ONE PERSON!” James hollered gripping his hair in frustration
“Well you can donate and provide your genes. Help the masses become taller people without having to know them” Erik said
“I WANT TO KNOW MY KIDS!!” James cried and started mumbling about how the Demon Lord and his mother told him to suck it up, be mature, leave him alone, and offered books. 
“…for the reasons you are speaking most kids don’t want to know their parents” Erik said taking a large gulp of his drink
“Are you saying my kids won’t want to know me!? I WILL BE THE BEST PARENT! I-i-i just need to read more and… I don’t want to read anymore. I just want a break.” James says then proceeds to cry
“This is why I usually limit myself to one shot” Matthew says pouring another shot for himself to down.
“I’m out “ Sam said turning away and stumbling out of his chair “I-I got it. I’m good. Just give him a minute. Yo he broken and I gotta pee.” Sam said removing his pants
“Hey you have got great legs!” Damien said 
“Thanks man… Where is the bathroom?” Sam asked wandering off in his boxers and his pants over his shoulder.
“You- I mean we are all related.” Matthew said to Damien 
“REally? Then I have great legs too! Damn I must look good” Damien said taking another sip of his drink
“No. That is not how biology works” Matthew said
“You mean I don’t look good?” Damien asked
“I never said that.” Matthew said
“But-“ Damien was cut off my Erik
“Beauty is in everything and in everyone. You are beautiful in your own way. Just like the universe is beautiful and mysterious and large. Did you know it’s so large but so small at the same time?” Erik asked
“Listen the universe is only like one small speck of a bigger picture” Matthew said
“I concur. Which is why-um I forgot but one small portion can make a big impact” Erik said leaning back in the booth
“…I am never going drinking out with the lot of you again” Matthew said
“That’s not true. You love us and we love you. Flaws and all.” Damien said coming close to lean on Matthew 
“…thanks. But your not drinking anymore it’s not good for your body.” Matthew said taking Damien’s drink from his hands 
“Aw. Ok. I love you” Damien said letting go of the drink to hug Matthew
“Yeah. Love you too.” Matthew says hugging Damien and patting Damien on the back. 
Damien mumbles against Matthew’s ear “James is lonely. I don’t want to be lonely either”
Matthew looks over to James and sighs “I hear ya. Go hug him then” Matthew says letting go, but Damien clings to Matthew
“No. Stay with me.” Matthew sighs and then kicks Erik’s foot under the table “Swap places with me”
Erik looks over dazed “huh? …ok” 
Matthew eases out of the grip of a Damien “It’s alright I’m still here, just hold him instead there we go” 
Damien now was cuddled close to Erik while Erik started to mumble about how body warmth can sometimes make you feel less lonely for a moment. Matthew then scooted over to the crying James just patting James back. It made James stop to look at him. But, Matthew said nothing and simply rested his head against James. The action caused James to restart to cry. Sam came back to the table with his pants on but inside out and backwards. 
“Want some gum I took it from some guy. He asked if I wanted to fight. So I punched him” Sam said dropping the packet onto the table to sit on the other side of James
James started to cry again “A-am I not a good example to you! What’s wrong with you!” Talking to Sam
“Don’t get your panties in a twist” Sam said slowly navigating how to open the gum pack until Matthew helped. Matthew handed off an open gum for Sam. Sam decided to hold, examine, and sniff the gum instead.
“I think we are all a little twisted.” Matthew said taking a gum for himself sitting back besides James
James sobbed and resumed crying talking about how he feels useless.
Sam groans and find an unfinished drink to down it “Ugh. What was that?”
“Hm? Damien’s I think.” Matthew said
“Ah.” Sam said then put his chewing gum into his own mouth. 
The boys were hanging out in a public picnic like area out doors, they left the house per Mika’s request. All of them accepted they only brought her danger and wished her well. But, for some reason it seems they were all interested in her. She never left their minds. So, here they were at a local park at night to have a last drink before going on their own paths. They would still have to iron out some kinks before truly leaving each other’s side. But tonight was a farewell to a family name that were kind to them for a brief moment. 
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classybeardbluebird · 3 years
Lots of people were confused abt certain events in ch 106 which got very nicely explained by a user named @lostsoulaltair in her blog! PLS have a read.
I am gonna explain briefly here if you don't wanna read her detailed explanation 😅 and don't have much time to read! I am only gonna explain the second part of the chapter bc the first part is easy to understand. The second part is were this gets complicated.👁👁
Let's start!
Some people think Mika time-traveled
Is it true?
Me- Nah🙄
So Xoxo what happened exactly?!
Just simply what Demons do !
To See the deepest memories of their host and use it against them but in mika's case he went to see yu's memories to try knowing what is yu's history..he wanted to know abt yu out of good intention. To save yu!
The Eye which mika touched was yu's source of his soul! Which contained yu's deepest memories.
When mika touched it. The eye showed him it's memories bc Yu himself from the bottom of his heart trusts Mika. And so when mika touched it . The memory segment began!
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Mika was experiencing a lucid dream (it's a dream where you know that you are indeed dreaming and can experience the incidents going on)
Mika saw little yu entering the room and saw the conversation between noya and yu and then yu being killed by noya then ashera and noya arguing then noya creates another yu with the help of the eyeball in the machine and then again killing off that bc that yu clone was also a noisy one.
Then noya proceeds to take another eyeball from the machine in which mika was watching the memory segment and turned that eyeball into another yu that's why Mika states nxt:
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Then question arises why didn't noya sense something wrong with that yu which is actually mika? That's what proves that this is a memory segment!
The next screenshots were from @lostsoulaltair 's pg :
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Mika was probably not killed bc in that memory segment that last yu which noya made was probably turned out to be a quiet one hence noya says this:
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Now when sikama and company arrives in that memory. The segment until then proceeded normally
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Up until this panel everything is normal .☝️
Then the moment when saito counted 12345 and said sikama will wake up👇
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The moment he finished counting that there was a distortion in memory segment 👇
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This above panel is the exact moment when sikama of the current timeline invaded yu's heart and thus this memory of yu's and took place i.e substituted himself and took the place of the illusion sikama of the memory segment. The same way mika entered the memory segment in the form of a clone yu!☝️
Then the Panel in question 👇
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What does sikama mean "come this far in past"? Did mika time traveled?
Sikama was admiring to mika's capability of digging into yu's deepest memories of such an old past! Something which even Ashera was not able to find.. searching for inside yu for a long time!
Then next scene even further proves that mika did not time-traveled. He was just experiencing a memory when he said "i have to wake up and get away"
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Sikama was able to use scythes bc that is the current sikama who invaded yu's heart and memories so that he can capture mika this time since he kind of failed the first time when yu rescued mika from ashera and demons!
So that's what went down if you have any questions pls send an ask! I will be happy to answer! Love love❤
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astralwaifu · 2 years
Hey Mika! Congrats on fifty followers, you most definitely deserve them and more upon more. I’ve decided to take part in your event. I haven’t really done tis’ before so pardon if I do anything wrong here. I am a minor, current freshman in high school. I’m 5’4, female, and like writing. All sorts of writing. Song-writings, poetry, play-writing, etc.
My favorite color is black. Zodiac is a ‘Aquarius.’ My current favorite artist is CORPSE because i’m a typical edgy teenager lol. I’m a dog person and prefer cold days rather then hot days. I’m sucker for romance but despise pet-names. They make me very uncomfortable irl. Reading is fun. Specifically collecting books. That’s all I believe.
Congrats again on 50 followers, Mika!
Hi! I’m really happy you decided to join and thank you <3 You are one of my fave moots and I hope you’ll like this. (fandom is Jujutsu Kaisen)
I match you up with …
Megumi Fushiguro!
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- Being the same age and having similar interests and preferences really helped the two of you get closer.
- Gojo was so surprised when Megumi brought you over that he almost fainted out of pure excitement. The little antisocial boy he raised has a girlfriend ?! How could he not be thrilled?
- The awkwardness and anxiety hit heavy on Megumi? What if Gojo ruins everything and makes you leave him? That’s the last thing he wants. He finally found his peace and affection in someone and he doesn’t intend to let you go bc of the white haired weirdo.
- Watched every romance movie Itadori recommended him (complaining on the surface about them) and mentally noted all the dates and romantic things the couples in them did, so he could try them with you. However he forgot everything he learned when he saw you. Mind blank, only your pretty face before his eyes.
- Asks Maki to send him texts with compliments and activities. Nobara and Itadori interfere and the phone somehow ends up at Gojo, that sends him the cheesiest pick-up lines ever. Now Megumi is red and flustered. He’d rather eat Sukuna’s finger than call you Muffin. (And he knows you’d do the same)
- Somehow you always end up reading to eachother, mostly you sharing your own writings with him. He is so mesmerised by your creativity and the way your mind works, that by the end of every date he makes copies of the drafts you send him and stickes them to his wall. At night, when he feels lonely, he starts reading them and his mind wanders to you. Is he in love? Megumi brushes away that thought - he is too young to be in love. But that feeling right there was the closest to what his mind perceived as love.
- Let’s you pet his Demon Dogs. You are the only one allowed. (Cue to Itadori and Nobara’s hurt faces) The dogs also absolutely adore you and everytime Megumi conjures both of them, one is 100% by your side.
- A lot of playlists and nights spent listening to eachother’s favourite songs. He always sends you texts like this, which make your heart swoon:
Megumi: I found this song that reminds me of you. * one attachment sent *
- Gojo snaps pictures of you any chance he gets and has a whole folder dedicated to Megumi and his gf. Megumi pretends to hate this, but secretly asks the man to send him the pics on whatsapp. (Also, since both you and Megumi are kinda angsty, he made emo edits of the couple pics he takes, made a collage and printed it for your birthdays)
- Megumi is WHIPPED for you. He would literally do anything and protect you to the end of the world if it meant you’d be with him.
bonus song that makes me think of you and Megumi: Stuck on the puzzle - Alex Turner
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SO??? I had an anonymous ask and it was about Mika being sick and Sam taking care of her. I saved it as a draft, but then it disappeared so,,,I guess I gotta rewrite it :). Here we go. And there's not much proofreading lol.
Sam opened his eyes and was met with a sight he loved. He saw Mika resting in his arms, still asleep. She had a look of peace on her face and he found it adorable. He loved that look and he did almost everything to keep it there. He pulled her closer and tightened his arms around her. He knew he had to get up, but he could stare at her for a little while longer.
However, to his pleasure and displeasure, she groaned and opened her eyes slowly. She opened them and focused on Sam. He was smiling at her and she slowly smiled back.
"Good morning, Sammy," she said with a groggy voice.
Despite his best attempt, a blush ran across his face at the nickname. He gave her a nickname and she decided to give him one back. It was a simple one, but it still made him blush. It always reminded him that she loved him dearly since she always said it in a loving tone.
Mika laughed at him and he couldn't help but chuckle slightly in return. They were both happy and enjoyed this morning. However, when she was done laughing, she let out a series of coughs. It made Sam worry and he caressed her cheek with his hand.
"Are you okay?"
"I might be a little sick." Her voice was groggy but now they both noticed it was more than groggy. It was rough and she knew she had a sore throat.
"A little sick?" He was worried for her and his face clearly showed it. He didn't know much about human health, so when she said 'little', he didn't know if she was telling the truth.
She let out another little cough. "Yes, I promise. I just have a sore throat and need to take some medicine." She snuggled closer and kissed his neck. "And I could use a nice, strong man to lay with me."
He chuckled and kissed the top of her head. "Well, thankfully you have one right here." He then turned serious as he knew she needed a few things. "What kind of medicine do you need and where is it?"
"It's in the top cabinet beside the stove. There will be a bottle that say Tylenol." She then remembered that he wasn't one hundred percent sure about reading. "Okay, it's a big white bottle, red is in the center, and the words are in big, white letters. It should be the only one colored with red." She did her best to explain it and hoped he understood.
He sighed and kissed the top of her head once more. "I'll try and find it. But I'm bringing the bottle to you first, alright?"
"Of course!"
He pulled away, gently laying her down to avoid aches in her body, and walked down to the kitchen to get said bottle. It was a bit difficult to tell which one is which, but he knew Tylenol started with a 't' and there was only one bottle that had a 't' in it. He grabbed it and a bottle of water and brought it up to Mika. He saw laying on her side that faced the door and was already back asleep. He let out a loving sigh and tried his best to be quiet as he walked to her. Once he got beside her, he knelt down and placed everything on the nightstand beside the bed.
He shook her gently and spoke quietly. "Hey, is this the medicine?"
She opened her eyes slowly and he helped her lean up to look at the bottle. She grabbed it and squinted her eyes to see it, and she nodded at him. He took back the bottle and began to take two pills out. He got them and helped her take them.
Once she was done and laying back down, she smiled at him. "Thank you, Sammy."
Another blush ran across his face and he smiled at her. "No problem, doofus."
She smiled back at the ridiculous name he gave her and wanted to kiss him right then and there, but she waited until he joined her in bed. She slowly turned around to face him and cuddle against his chest.
He wrapped his arms around her, gently, and kissed her forehead. "I love you, Mika. Will you get better?" He asked with worry.
She nodded. "Yes, I will be perfectly fine. Just give me a little bit of time. When I wake up again, we'll make something to eat and enjoy it."
He smiled down at her, even if she couldn't see it, and felt his worry slightly disappear. He loved her dearly and seeing her sick at all worried him. He still didn't understand too much about human health and its medicine, so he always tried to push off his worries, so he decided to try and do it again.
All for her. Everything was for her. And he didn't mind that at all.
"I love you, Sam," she said softly. She was on the edge of sleep, but needed to tell him.
"I love you, too, doofus." He kissed the top of her head and rested his cheek against her head.
They were comfortable, safe, and full of love. Sam couldn't believe he got this lucky, and Mika couldn't believe she got a demon to love her. It made both of them be in awe every morning they woke up, and Sam couldn't wait to wake up to her again, and hopefully better. But if she wasn't, then he'd still be there by her side. Forever.
OKAY!!! I hope you liked this!! It was on anon, so no one would have gotten the @ but still!! I hope everyone enjoyed this!! I love Sam SO much and am working on things relating to him :).
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min-chery · 3 years
Sing me to sleep | JJK
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Pairing: Jungkook / Named OC
Warnings: Side-character death / mention of suicide / arson / nightmares / description of burn injuries
A/N: This one doesn’t have a synopsis hehe. It was inspired that one scene from the Fake Love mv. Also, this one is written in Jungkook’s POV. Enjoy~~
Word count: 1.47k
I watch the steady rise and fall of her chest as the air gets drawn into her lungs in her state of sleep. A peaceful silence engulfs us save for the sounds of our mingling breaths.
My Mika, so strong in the day as she fights off her demons, now looks so vulnerable under the moonlight that shone. Like a baby, so pure and so fragile, born into the cruelty of the world.
She lies in my bed, looking as if she belonged among the still life that surrounded us. Had it not been the movement of her chest, one would have assumed she was dead.
She does not hold me in her slumber. Doesn't seek out for my comfort, even if she deep down knows she craves for it.
The stillness is so comforting that I don't feel myself falling into a slumber. But it feels as if someone pushed me into a comfortable darkness. The kind that I would never be able to escape, but I would never wish to leave either.
Frantic hands that relentlessly tug at my t-shirt yank me up from sleep. The sound of pained ragged breaths being drawn in sends my mind into a state of frenzy.
My hands hastily look through the dark for the remote that controls the air conditioner. And when it finally gets caught, I lower the temperature, sending a rush of cool air through the machine.
Mika's pleading eyes look at me, tears of frustration willing up at the corners. I see the wiggling of her toes, something I've discovered she does because she's afraid all the fear will paralyze her. Will cripple her of her physical abilities.
"Get it off, koo." She whispers helplessly. As if a task as small as getting rid of the blanket from over her body seems like a tedious job.
I free her of the layers, including the pajama shirt that stuck to her upper body like second skin from the sweat. I take her into my arms and pull her onto my lap, holding her in a loose embrace.
One hand goes into her hair, my fingernails lightly scraping at the scalp as a form of stress relief. The other holds her against my chest, right above the heart that beats painfully fast, just for her.
"It burns." She whimpers, her hands extended out towards the side.
My eyes fall on the vicious marks that marred her right arm. Starting from the back of her palm right until her elbow. The day of the incident flashes in my mind as if it had happened only yesterday.
The images of her burnt hand, the smell of her skin being toasted and crumpled from the fire that night fill me up.
I would forever hate Yoongi hyung for what he had done. Did he hate life that much to set a building on fire with himself and his girlfriend inside? Was he so hurt and angry with life to forget he held the very love of his life in the same room?
Did he, for even a second, think about us? His friends who'd been there for him at all walks of life? Me, his stepbrother, who loved him so much even if we never said it out loud?
I don't realize my fingers are roving over the damaged skin until a quiet hiss leaves Mika. The skin isn't supposed to burn anymore. Not when it's already been three years since it took its birth.
It's then I realize her mind is playing games with her. Her conscience is still hazy from the nightmare.
"How about we apply some lotion on it?" I ask her, my voice very low and gentle. I see her eyes blink slow, taking in the words I just muttered. And then she gives me a single nod.
The lotion will be cool on the skin, tricking her mind into thinking it works on the burn.
I lift myself up from our bed with my girl in my arms. Her ankles lock themselves at the base of my spine, holding herself up as we walk towards the bathroom. I set her down on the counter and open the cabinet right next to where she sits.
She lets me stand between her thighs, her legs not once removing themselves from around my torso as I pull out her favorite rose-scented lotion.
"Shall I?" I ask and she nods, giving me her hand. I know it takes her a lot to do that. The insecurities of letting someone take closer looks and touch the skin seemed to have never left her.
I smear the pale pink lotion onto her hand, rubbing it in gently with small circular motions.
I think of the night before Yoongi's death. The then weird conversation we had. He kept asking me to take care of Mika knowing very well that I loved her at the time too.
"You're not going anywhere. Why do you want me to take care of her? It's your job as the boyfriend." I had scoffed at the time. It had felt as if he was trying to rub the fact he was her boyfriend right in my face.
"I won't be here for long." he had simply stated. I was confused. All I remember afterward is overlapping voices, shouting. Me shouting at him. Him muttering 'sorry kookie' over and over again. I demanding to know what he meant.
When the very next night Mika phoned me, I knew something terrible had happened. She sobbed from the other line, pleading with me to save her and Yoongi.
I ran to his house, calling our friends to help me with whatever it was were going to be met with. His house was intact but the thick smoke coming out the window of his room had been really scary. Namjoon had yelled at us to look for fire extinguishers. Anything that would help put out a fire.
When I ran into the room, all I could see was the figure that sat on the chair. Yoongi let the fire engulf him, set him to ashes along with his mother's favorite chair. Mika was petrified, looking at him as if she wanted to save him. But she couldn't move a muscle. Couldn't feel the fire move across towards her arm.
If it hadn't been for Taehyung knocking her over and out of the room, she would've gone down in ashes too. Maybe she had wished for it to take her with Yoongi too.
I had tried so hard to pull Yoongi out of the fire. I did my best. My fate really did have other ideas. He breathed his last in my and Mika's arms.
Endless therapy sessions were all we had after that. Slowly pulling our lives back together after he left us.
Somewhere along the way, Mika started falling for me. I was beyond ecstatic. We moved in together after two years. Though life wasn't the same without him, we knew we would be fine. Because we had each other.
There still are moments she hesitates telling me she loves me. She was worried she was hurting Yoongi every time she said the words. But I know she is trying every day to be better.
"Koo." she calls for me and I hum.
"You know I love you, right?" she looks at me with trembling, pouty lips. It makes it so hard to hold back now.
I pull her in by the back of her neck and kiss her. I let my lips answer the question that words couldn't. Of course I know she does. I see it in her eyes every time they fall on me. See her pupils dilate in her amber eyes.
"I know. I love you too." she smiles the brightest I've ever seen at this.
"Should we go back to sleep, baby?" she nods childishly, making me voice out a chuckle.
"Come on then." I say, before lifting her up once again.
Once we're all settled under the blankets, Mika looks up at me from where she lies over my chest.
"Do you want to wear your shirt back on?" She shakes her head a 'no'.
"What?" I ask her when I see that she's still staring at me.
"Sing me to sleep." I am surprised to hear her say that. She's never asked me to sing before and it makes my heart soar with happiness. All this time she had been secretly enjoying me sing around the house, even though she grumbled I was too noisy.
So I let my voice wash over her senses. Comfort her aching soul to sleep.
Her body loosens over mine, falling deeper and deeper into sleep. My heart synchronises itself to the rhythm of hers.
"I love you. More than you can ever imagine."
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rev3rb · 3 years
Hi! It’s me again, here to ask you how you felt about the most recent chp. I genuinely appreciated the background info given/refreshed by reading it. However, I am SOOO bitter about them switching from what’s going on with the main crew + MikaYuu. Waiting another month to maybe get back to the demon world/fight is gonna kill me after being excited to see it in this release. Also the feeling that I can’t pin Rigr’s motive. Idk if I just missed it somewhere, but I’m still pretty confused on the goal for our main antagonists (if he’s considered one). Ik it’s somewhat purposeful with the 1st to keep it under wraps but at this point my brain just sums it up as them wanting power for power’s sake?? I’d like a lil more info in order to be engaged with that plot line so I’m hoping Rigr does reveal stuff.
Welcome back anon! So yes, let me start off by saying that the fact that we're swapping focus in this chapter is SUPER annoying. I was trying to recall if this had happened once before, and I realized that the exact same thing happened when Ferid and Crowley actually caught Rigr. That chapter came right after Mika exploded.
The way I see it, this is an important perspective and Kagami likely needs us to know what's happening here with the vampires simultaneously as whatever is going on with the rest of the cast. I can't imagine that what happens here won't hold any significance to what's happening over there. After all, Rigr seems to be one of the only characters that actually has an inkling as to what Sika Madu's plan actually is. HOWEVER. God, does it feel like they pick bad times to swap perspectives. It's like every time we hit a climax and are going to get some juicy content, the perspective swaps on us. I wish it flowed better.
Enough complaining though. It's not like it'll change anything, so let's just focus on what we got.
Rigr's motive. It's another thing that's super in the air. If memory serves, he's stated he wants to stop Sika Madu, but beyond that, we have no idea. Rigr has been a very mysterious character and still is. I haven't the slightest clue what he's actually trying to do past what I already said. Hell, the Resurrection at 19 novels show that Rigr had some influence on Guren picking up Yuu from Sanguinem. It was his plan in the first place. However, it didn't work out the way Rigr planned it since Guren didn't get Mika as well. It brings into question just how involved Rigr is in Ferid and Guren's plans. It doesn't seem like they're working together, but who the hell knows how this all works. So many questions. So few answers.
I really enjoyed getting some back story. I don't quite want to call Urd and Rigr flat characters, but unlike a lot of characters, they really haven't had a ton of time in the spotlight, so it's nice to see their characters get expanded upon, even if just a little. This chapter gave Urd some good emotion. Yes, I know vampires aren't supposed to have emotion, but you can't tell me that Urd and Rigr weren't feeling things in that scene. Where are all my angsty Urd/Rigr fics now? I mean come on.
"I liked the face you made when you won, so I always let you win." "I'm sorry. I didn't intend to hurt you." "I didn't care if you hurt me, but if you leave, what do I have to live for?" "If hating me gives you a reason to live, then go ahead and hate me."
LIKE?? What kind of fanfiction bullshit is this. Maybe I'm just a sap, but that scene did play with the heartstrings a little. Not too much mind you as I was pretty neutral about them prior to this scene, but this is the exact kind of angst I love to see. It was good stuff. I can't wait to see what it's like when Rigr and Urd properly confront each other.
As this is getting long, I'll try and wrap up the rest of my thoughts succinctly. 1. I was always wondering if Kiseki-o and Noya were 3rd progenitors since they have that young appearance going on, but brushed it off as I thought there were only 3 3rd progenitors. I can't remember whether it was stated that each progenitor level only had that many progenitors (so like there are only 2 2nd progenitors), or I made that up in my mind. Either way, it's wild to find out that Byakkomaru, Reimeiki, Gekkouin, Noya, and Kiseki-o are all 3rd progenitors. 2. Nice to see Lest Karr and Ky Luc back. Doubt Rigr will kill them as he probably already would have if he wanted to, but I hope they don't die. Also where’s my art of tiny but powerful Lest Karr physically holding back a Ky Luc that is doing his damnedest to take a swing at Rigr? 3. I'm not surprised the prison didn't hold. It's no fun if it did huh?
Overall, it was a pretty good chapter.
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cafedanslanuit · 3 years
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✦ • ° *.  — Saeran's After Ending —  . * ° • ✦
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chapter guide  |  chat with me  |  maybe a coffee?
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summary: Saeran has finally found MC and is ectasic to finally be able to enjoy the good ending his tumultous life has reached. But with Saeyoung still missing and Mint Eye around, his happiness may have to wait a little more. Was love really capable to win against his inner demons or will he have to learn to fight for himself?
chapter warnings: [check chapter guide for story warnings] mentions and/or descriptions of night terrors
c h a p t e r   f o u r   —   it’s not like me to be so mean you’re all i wanted
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“Are you sure about this?” MC asked as she stepped into Jumin’s office. He closed the door behind her and sat on one of the sofas, inviting her to do the same.
“I already told you it’s more than okay. We have an interior designer but I… I am discontent with how this office looks. I want to change it and you need a job, what’s there more to ask?”
“I guess you’re right,” she replied with a smile, taking out a notebook from her purse. “I guess I was just worried you would have a problem with your father about hiring a different interior designer.”
“Not at all, I made all the normal paperwork C&R asks for a new employee, like a background check and some other revisions. You will also get the benefits freelancers get from our company, in case you were wondering.”
MC shot her eyes up at Jumin. He looked back at her, his eyebrow slightly raised. The silence between both of them became thick, the notebook on MC’s hands trembling slightly
“You’re worried about what I saw on the background check,” Jumin rationalizes, crossing one of his legs over the other one. MC nodded, her eyes darting from her notebook to the man sitting in front of her. Never before had she felt so vulnerable with someone from the RFA.
All this time, she believes only Saeyoung knew about it, since he was a hacker. She had done the best to hide her steps, never commenting on anything she shouldn’t have, knowing that even though Saeran was a better hacker than Saeyoung, he trusted her enough to not dig around her past and she planned to keep it that way.
She would tell him eventually, she had told herself. When she was ready.
“You shouldn’t worry about that. It’s not like you did something wrong,” the man in front of her said. “By your reaction I assume no one knows? Well, Saeyoung probably does. Does Saeran…?” MC shook her head. “I see. Well, he won’t hear it from me,” he assured her. “You can stop worrying about that.”
MC stayed in silence for another moment and then opened her small notebook with a long sigh.
“I’m guessing you’re going to want cats somewhere?” she asked with a small smile, to which Jumin imitated her.
“I actually do. I’ve been thinking about getting some cat pottery. I’ve found a couple of those at a designer website that seem to be a good fit.”
“Can you send me the link, please?” she asked, taking a note. “I will try to see if they still have them.”
The rest of the conversation fluctuated between casual conversation and ideas about Jumin’s new office. Even though she tried her best, she couldn’t shake the feeling of someone else knowing what had happened a few years ago. She wasn’t ready to tell everyone (and a part of her was sure she would never be) and now she felt as if Jumin was finally looking at the real her. The way he talked to her was the same, but she couldn’t shake the feeling something was bound to happen at any second, that if too many people knew about it, somehow history would repeat itself.
Jumin insisted she returned home with Driver Kim and, as soon as she jumped out of the car, she went straight to the kitchen. Distract yourself , had been the clear indication she had been told whenever her thoughts were too much. She put her earphones on with music on high volume as she followed the recipe.
Distract yourself , she repeated the words someone else told her before. No. She didn’t get to break down at something that didn't happen. Jumin didn’t question her about it. Hell, Saeyoung had never questioned her about it. Why would she allow herself to feel like this?
No, she deserved to feel like this. She had the right to feel scared, she had the right to feel whatever she wanted to feel. It had happened a while back, yes, but it was not going to happen again. She felt her chest tighten. It was not happening again. Just because people knew didn’t make it any different. She wasn’t in the wrong, she hadn’t done nothing to feel shame about what happened. It was okay, she was going to be okay, she was--
She felt a hand over her shoulder and screamed.
“It’s me, it’s me!” Saeyoung said, raising his hands in surrender as you took your earphones off. “I’m sorry, I asked you something and you didn’t listen. I’m sorry.”
MC shook her head. “It's okay. You just startled me, that’s all. Not used to you being without  the leg cast.”
“How did it go with Jumin?” Saeyoung asked carefully.
“Oh, it was okay. He has some ideas so maybe I’ll work on that later. I have to bring him a proposal by the end of the week,” she explained. Saeyoung nodded and waited for her to continue, but she didn’t. He understood.
“I was just going to ask what you were planning on cooking today,” Saeyoung said, his tone playful, trying to lift her mood. “Honestly, I’ve been so blessed since you started taking care of the food around here. God listened to his humble server and said: You! You deserve good food!” he joked, pointing at a corner in the kitchen. MClaughed. “And I was there, choking on a Honey Buddah probably, agog, aghast,” he said, running to the same corner and playing himself. “Thankful. Blessed. Touched by God’s light and MC’s cooking.”
More laughter erupted from MC as Saeyoung kept joking around. The door opened and they both saw Saeran entering the apartment, hands on his pockets and a dull expression on his face.
“Saeran! I made dinner,” Saeyoung beamed.
“I made dinner,” she corrected him, elbowing him on the ribs playfully. MC looked over at Saeran and smiled at him. “It’s going to be ready in twenty minutes or so.”
“I don’t want it,” Saeran muttered, leaving his keys on the small coffee table. Her smile faded and she did the best to bring it back up.
“Should I save you some for later?”
“No,” he said, avoiding her gaze and heading over to his room. The smile on her face finally vanished and she felt once more a hand on your shoulder. Saeyoung looked at MC apologetically and she shrugged, trying to rest importance to what just had happened.
“I’m guessing you do want some?” she asked and he immediately nodded with a smile.
“Please, I’m starving,” he sighed, putting a hand on his neck theatrically. You giggled and went back to your cooking, listening to Saeyoung rant about something he had seen on a movie the past week.
You had never been so thankful to have him.
Apparently, decorating an office with little cat motives while also maintaining a professional look was harder than MC had expected. She had been up all night in her room looking for new furniture and items she could add, drawing and drawing Jumin’s room in her pad and checking the photos and measurements she had taken earlier over and over again.
It felt good to finally be back to work again. After months of thinking only about religious cults and Saeran’s recovery, she knew she needed to get back on track. She had been without a job for about two months when Saeran had first contacted her to try out “an app”, and thinking she hadn’t many job opportunities before and rent wasn’t going to wait for her, she had taken it.
And now there she was, four months later trying to get back on the saddle.
MC clicked the next page on the website and a pop up of a blonde woman offering her help navigating the website made chills run down her spine. How long would it be until she could stop thinking about Rika? She took a sip of her coffee and let out a long sigh.
She still couldn’t believe Rika was found unimpeachable. Her attorney had brought a psychiatrist to the court who claimed to have assessed her as she waited for the trial. Apparently, Rika had been through her fair share of trauma as a child. Thanks to Yoosung, MC already knew Rika had been adopted by cruel parents and judging by what she’d seen at Mint Eye, she was sure Rika wasn’t in her best mental state. The updates MC read online didn’t provide any video of the trial itself as some subjects were private, but the source did confirm Rika was practically delusional. She had talked about a childhood friend named Mika, who she claimed has given her the idea for Mint Eye. But when Rika’s attorney tried looking for her, he discovered said Mika had died at the brief age of ten years, just a couple of years after being adopted.
Apart from the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder the psychiatrist had diagnosed Rika with, it seemed Rika couldn’t differentiate real life from her imagination anymore. The psychiatrist claimed she also had a complex personality disorder that could take time to correctly diagnose. The information presented on trial was enough for the judge to find Rika unimpeachable and sent her to a mental facility to spend the rest of her days.
The night she read those updates from the trial, as she rocked Saeran softly to help him sleep again after a nightmare, MC let herself cry again, torn between the feelings of wanting her to suffer and trying to understand she hadn’t been in her right mind from a very young age. As she looked through the window, she thought about V. She remembered Saeran mentioning V had been a victim of Rika as well and her heart broke by how much suffering he had been into while also being kind to her during the days MC spent at Mint Eye.
MC closed her eyes and wished V were healing as she was thinking about him.
A loud crash startled her, making her look at the door. Another crash and screams followed and she quickly stood up, recognizing Saeran’s voice immediately. She opened Saeran’s room and found him tossling on his bed, eyes closed and face damp with sweat.
“Saeran, wake up,” she whispered, standing on the edge of the bed. “Saeran, baby, it’s a nightmare,” she said in the softest voice possible, grazing his arm with her fingertips.
The door opened again and Saeyoung entered, his honey eyes widening at his brother screaming on the bed. He quickly jumped on the bed, ignoring MC’s protests and took Saeran by the shoulders, sitting him up.
“Saeran, wake up!” he said, shaking his shoulders. Saeran’s teal eyes opened and Saeyoung smiled again. “Hey, it was a--”
And that was when the first strike hit.
Saeran had punched Saeyoung in the face, who had fallen on the bed backwards. Saeran hit him once more as his brother tried to cover himself. MC gasped loudly and quickly latched herself on Saeran’s back, trying to restrain his arms the best she could.
“Saeran, it was a nightmare!” she yelled. She could hear Saeyoung’s grunts underneath his brother and she wished she had more strength than Saeran. “You’re safe! You’re not in Min Eye, you’re safe!” she assured him, using all the force she had to restrain his arms, stopping him from hitting Saeyoung any further. “Saeran, you’re safe!”
It took Saeran a moment to stop his movements. His body immediately tensed up and MC figured out he had noticed Saeyoung’s body underneath him. When she demeaned safe, she let go of his arms, which fell limp against his sides.
“Are you okay?” she whispered and looked at Saeran nodding slowly.
“What happened?” he asked in a hoarse voice.
Saeyoung got up from bed and MC noticed the faint stain of blood on his cheek. He put his hand over Saeran’s shoulder and shrugged nonchalantly.
“You had a nightmare, but it’s okay now!” he said with a grin. Saeran looked up with a grimace.
“I hurt you.”
“You didn’t.”
“I hardly doubt she did,” Saeran muttered, his head leaning to MC’s side. Saeyoung dismissed him, moving his hand.
“Don’t worry about it. Gonna get cleaned up, try to get some rest, bro,” he said, leaving Saeran’s room.
Without a word, Saeran got back into his bed and even let MC put the sheets over him. Her face was full of concern and he realized for the first time, she was quiet after one of his nightmares. She would usually talk to him, trying to get his thoughts to stop swimming around like they were in that moment.
“Did I hurt you?” he asked, making her eyes look at him. She quickly nodded.
“I held you back, so you didn’t hurt me,” she replied, putting a strand of his hair behind his ear. “But don’t worry about that now. Did you take your pill before falling asleep?”
Saeran nodded, watching MC’s lips purse.
“They will start working better soon, I promise,” she whispered. Saeran watched her lean down as she always did to leave a kiss on his forehead but stopped herself. His chest ached. “I’m still working on that Jumin project, so I’ll be awake for a while. Knock my door if anything happens, okay?” she asked him sweetly and he nodded once more.
Battling with her intense desire to stay, MC stood up and left Saeran’s room without looking back. There wasn’t anything in the world she wanted more than to stay by his side until he fell back asleep but she also knew he needed to get better without the need to have her around. He couldn’t depend on her, no matter how much she was craving to go back and snuggle up with him, trying to chase all his nightmares away.
There was also the lingering concern about Saeyoung.
She found him in the bathroom, trying to pour alcohol over the wound on his cheek. She stopped him and made him sit on the toilet gently, trying to assess the damage. Thankfully, his cheekbone didn’t seem to be broken and the wound on his cheek was small, so there wasn’t the need for stitches. MC started cleaning it up in silence with a cotton pad, taking her time.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered. She quickly shook her head.
“You didn’t know. But in the future, when he gets those night terrors… you need to wake him up gently. Works best on him or he gets confused and sometimes violent,” she explained. A move of her hand made Saeyoung hiss. “Sorry,” she whispered.
“Duly noted,” Saeyoung tried to smile, but failed. MC some cream on the other cheek, hoping it didn’t bruise too much.
“Just give him some time, please,” she asked him softly.
“Don’t worry for me, MC,” Saeyoung grinned. “I’m okay.”
MC wished she believed him.
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My Soundtrack - Sadness 🎶
Songs I listen to if I’m feeling down or sad. If I need a cry or at times when I’ve been struggling in life. A lot remind me of times when I've been coping with grief at times of my life. It can be the tune or even the lyrics that I connect with depending how I’m feeling. Some of these songs have also brought me a kind of comfort at times and they can help me if I just need to be calm or thoughtful too.
How To Save A Life by The Fray
Look After You by The Fray
Trust Me by The Fray
You Found Me by The Fray
Never Say Never by The Fray
Heaven Forbid by The Fray
Over My Head by The Fray
All At Once by The Fray
Fall Away by The Fray
Dead Wrong by The Fray
I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing by Areosmith
How Does It Feel by Avril Lavigne
Nobody’s Home by Avril Lavigne
Wherever You Will Go by The Calling
Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls
Stop and Stare by One Republic
Hear You Me by Jimmy Eats World
With Or Without You by U2
Follow You Follow Me by Genesis
All Time Low by The Wanted
Everybody’s Changing by Keane
We Might As Well Be Strangers by Keane
Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol
Run by Snow Patrol
Happy Ending by Mika
Helium by Sia
Every Breathe You Take by The Police
Goodbye My Lover by James Blunt
Comfort In Sound by Feeder
My Immortal by Evanescence
Hero by Enrique Iglesias
Heaven - I Miss You Daddy by DJ Sammy
Everytime by Britney Spears
Total Eclipse Of The Heart by Bonnie Tyler
Half Light by Athlete
Ashes and Wine by A Fine Frenzy
Cover Your Tracks by A Boy and His Kite
Northern Lights by Cider Sky
Fix You by Coldplay
Currents by Dashboard Confessional
Coming Home by Diddy
How Long Will I Love You by Ellie Goulding
Gravity by Embrace
Nature’s Law by Embrace
Forget About Tomorrow by Feeder
Home by Foo Fighters
I’ll Stand By You by Girls Aloud
I Say A Prayer For You by Girls Aloud
Heart Of Stone by Iko
Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron and Wine
I Miss Her by Jessie J
Heartbeats by Jose Gonzalez
Collide by Lee Mead
Better In Time by Leona Lewis
Broken by Lifeline
Godbless The Child by Michelle Featherstone
Goodbye by Miley Cyrus
I Learned From You by Miley Cyrus
I Miss You by Miley Cyrus
Come Home by One Republic
Canon by Pachebel
I Vow To Thee My Country by Gustav Holst
Jerusalem by William Blake
Land Of Hope and Glory by Edward Elgar
Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd
Here Comes A Regular by The Replacements
Have You Ever by S Club 7
Never Had A Dream Come True by S Club 7
Mama by Spice Girls
Viva Forever by Spice Girls
Hail, Rain or Sunshine by The Script
If You Could See Me Now by The Script
Six Degrees Of Separation by The Script
Before The Worst by The Script
The End Where I Begin by The Script
For Blue Skies by Strays Don’t Sleep
Change by Sugababes
The Blues by Switchfoot
Can I Have This Dance by Gabriella and Troy
World Spins Madly On by The Weepies
Against All Odds by Westlife
Flying Without Wings by Westlife
Fool Again by Westlife
My Love by Westlife
World Of Our Own by Westlife
Home by Westlife
How Does It Feel by Westlife
Raise Me Up by Westlife
Say It Isn’t So by Gareth Gates
Demons by Imagine Dragons
Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons
Hear Me by Imagine Dragons
Because Of You by Kelly Clarkson
I Bruise Easily by Natasha Bedingfield
Gotta Be Somebody by Nickelback
If Everyone Cared by Nickelback
If Today Was Your Last Day by Nickelback
Apologize by One Republic
Only Love Can Hurt Like This by Paloma Faith
Deepest Shame by Plan B
Read All About It by Professor Green
Family Portrait by P!nk
Everybody Hurts by R.E.M.
No Good In Goodbye by The Script
Exit Wounds by The Script
It Means Nothing by Stereophonics
Courage by Superchick
Stand In The Rain by Superchick
I am sure there are other songs I haven't thought of here.
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kuroheishi · 3 years
@wisteriawishes​ continued from here x
It was moments like this Yuichiro enjoyed the most; those little precious windows of peace that almost made him forget for a split second about the destroyed merciless world they all lived in for so long that everything before that almost became a faint memory. And in all honesty, those memories were better left untouched and forgotten somewhere deep down than brought back to the surface.
Even this broken place was better than what he had before the Apocalypse.
It wasn’t just him and the crashing loneliness anymore. 
He had a family to protect now, people who cared for him, a purpose within him that gave him a reason to keep on pushing his weary bones, survive and live by their side. Everything that was left of him was for them only.
However... Someone like me, am I really worth this small happiness?
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“I don’t know if I’m worth all of this.”
His answer was always no. Deep down, he knew there was no happy ending for a horrible demon like him who was unwanted from the universe itself. A walking disgrace that hurt everyone around him. He had known that since the day his little world had crumbled underneath his feet; seeing his own parents who were supposed to take care of him who would rather kill themselves than having him as a child hah... It was a wound that had never healed.
Why would he be worth of any love or happiness if he was such a dreadful monster?
A familiar voice spoke next to him and green weary eyes raised to meet the bright crimson that stained now his family’s hues. He snickered to himself, crap did I say that aloud? and did not move away from that light weight brushing against his own shoulder.
He so wished he could believe in those words himself. 
 “Y’know Mika, there’s still so much I need to do.” he had to avert his eyes once again, afraid that his family would keep picking up more of his torments despite how hard he tried to not make them weigh on anyone who was around him. Mika had always been way too perceptive with him.
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“There’s you, Guren, Shinoa and the others. Akane and the children I gotta help out still. We promised we were going to make it out together remember? That I was going to protect everyone and one day we’d all sit at the same table and have Akane’s yummy food, free from everything and everyone. Until I make it right....”
Until then I’m not worth any of it.
If he could not even protect those who saw any good in him, he couldn’t allow himself to rest. No matter of how much exhausted he was, how heavy his body  and heart felt, he had to make it right for them at least.
“You, Guren, Shinoa, Mitsuba, Yoichi and Kimizuki are my family. I’m still not sure if I deserve all of this, but I’m grateful.” his lips curled in a small affectionate smile. “Despite who I am I still got people like you guys on my side who care for me. That’s really more than enough for me.”
His shoulder playfully bumped against Mika’s, green warm flames burning in his eyes that found their way again to look into his family’s. This is what he needed for now, that closeness that reminded him he wasn’t alone, that he had someone precious by his side to bring light to his own demons hovering over his existence.
“Thank you. For everything, y’know.” 
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