#But yeah...
saphirdevil · 1 year
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I'm sorry, I'm sorry
but Percy is NOT supposed to find out Luke's mom is a seer nor meet Hermes this early in the story. The most important part of the overarching plot in Percy Jackson & The Olympians is learning why Luke hates the gods.
Percy meeting Hermes in The Sea of Monsters after Luke's betrayal in the previous book is such a critical moment in the story because it is when Percy first begins to ponder the meaning behind Luke's actions. After talking with Hermes, Percy walks away with the knowledge that the contention between Hermes and Luke is more personal than the god's general apathy towards their children.
A huge difference between Percy and Luke's disdain for the gods is Percy's dislike stems from the god's motivations and neglect for their children. Percy's relationship with his mother instilled in him a proper understanding of what it truly means to be family, and Percy rightfully expects the gods to (at least try to) live up the standard his mother set.
Meanwhile, Luke's hatred of the gods boils down to one singular event in which Hermes, his only sane parent, completely fails him. Luke's mom was driven mad because of the gods and Hermes can't provide Luke the love and guidance he needs because he is a god. From Luke's point-of-view, the gods are an active evil in the lives of their children. He is absolutely not wrong to wish for the demolition of the gods and everything they stand for. Percy meeting May Castellan and discovering Hermes' decision to not help Luke is a HUGE turning point in The Last Olympian, and ultimately why Percy trusts Luke enough to give him the knife.
By revealing too much of Luke's backstory in the first season, the driving force behind The Percy Jackson & The Olympians story is greatly reduced. I still love the show, but I believe this change was a major error that will negatively impact the story.
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grechsblog · 19 days
hey there guys!!
to cut the announcement short: i am very sorry for the relative silence. i dropped out of college today (at last and finally) - which was the reason i was stressed these past 4 days - so the isat playthrough will continue tomorrow because its very late now and i want to actually be Fresh to deal with the Horrors!!!
see yall after i sleep :)
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wortverlust · 2 years
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Do you ever think about how if you're romancing Tony, his death and possible connection to either the Hunter who killed the Shadow or Mr Collins was his doom from the start? How he fell in love with the Vampire's Bride, only to die saving her while fully ignorant, or maybe, with a hunch that his girlfriend is in some way connected to that desolate castle in that foreign country? How he couldn't have predicted that behind everything is an eldritch creature who hungers to be free from the Shadow realm? How this very story started because a young noble woman went out of her way to the end of the world to stop the Darkness from pouring over their reality? No one else? 😔👉👈
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il3x · 2 months
sylthoughts,,, the interpretation that syl is mentally a child, that you see online sometimes, blindsided me on first encounter because to me syl's always been ageless first, and the stormfather's young adult daughter who moved back in with her dad after having a mental breakdown second. like he got super protective after caring for her at her lowest & is having a hard time adjusting to the fact that she's 22 and wants to strike out on her own again... y'know? that's where she is in spren society. after rereading I do see the argument for syl being literally a child (depends on whether calling her childlike via similes is meant to highlight her actual age, or to highlight the contrast of behaving like a child without being one) but Adult Child Living With Her Parents is still my second favourite read. or at least as close to that as an ageless-god-being can be
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thesupernaturalhouse · 2 months
So uh. These birds kinda abandoned their nest, I tried reddit but r/help wasn't, you knwo, beign every helpful because it wouldn't fucking work
Anyways, yeah I know we should probably jsut call animal control but my parents won't, I think they wanna wait to see if the bird parents come back or not
Anyways, here's the eggs, white with brown specks/dots, idk what type fo brid their from
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Anyways any help on what type they are either how to keep a baby brid alive, would be very appreciated
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bandzboy · 6 months
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
Jonathan Harker saying that he's going to have to contemplate later and make up his mind about what he believes about idolatry and what he had been taught about what's heretical and to use his own judgment was something I didn't expect
It's kind of interesting, actually. His response when first given the crucifix was somewhat mild:
She then rose and dried her eyes, and taking a crucifix from her neck offered it to me. I did not know what to do, for, as an English Churchman, I have been taught to regard such things as in some measure idolatrous, and yet it seemed so ungracious to refuse an old lady meaning so well and in such a state of mind.
It feels not so much that he's deeply opposed himself, exactly. Just that this is what he has been taught as an English Churchman. And even then, it's only in some measure idolatrous, not totally. So right from the start it seems almost like something he hasn't really had opportunity to form an independent/strong opinion on before now, so much as something he's just been told and didn't particularly question.
But the gift was so kind and she obviously cared so much about him taking it that he accepted. Even more, she and the rest definitely got to him a bit, and so Jonathan continuing to wear the crucifix was not only out of respect for her feelings (he could have taken it off and just kept it with him if his only consideration were not offending her), but also because a part of him is already perhaps wondering if it will be helpful. At the very least, he is drawing some amount of comfort from it, even if it's just from the thought of the old woman's care that the gift reminds him of. He must be, because he's still wearing it around his neck while shaving several days later. We know Jonathan shaves every day, so it seems clear that he has a routine of daily ablutions (quite aside from the character notes of him being on an Important Professional Business Trip and probably wanting to look his best). I highly doubt he could have just forgotten he had it on. Continuing to wear it that long was a deliberate choice, even before it tangibly helps him out. And then comes that bit you're talking about:
What meant the giving of the crucifix, of the garlic, of the wild rose, of the mountain ash? Bless that good, good woman who hung the crucifix round my neck! for it is a comfort and a strength to me whenever I touch it. It is odd that a thing which I have been taught to regard with disfavour and as idolatrous should in a time of loneliness and trouble be of help. Is it that there is something in the essence of the thing itself, or that it is a medium, a tangible help, in conveying memories of sympathy and comfort? Some time, if it may be, I must examine this matter and try to make up my mind about it.
The crucifix makes Jonathan feel comforted and strengthened whenever he touches it. Both could stem from the circumstances in which it was given and when he saw it protect him already. He feels comforted/stronger because it is a form of protection, something of which he has very few in his current situation. Or maybe it's comforting/strengthening because of the tangible reminder that as alone as he is currently, there are still people out there who care about him and want/tried to protect him. Both of those options would be purely emotional placebo effects.
But Jonathan wonders if there is a literal benefit to it as well. If there is some kind of holy essence in fact, which has positive effect on him as well as negative ones on Dracula. He has after all already observed the latter. In considering this option, he is showing a willingness to reevaluate what he has been taught and possibly make his own judgement contrary to his prior beliefs about idolatry.
I'm not going to get into spoilers in this reply, but a decision Jonathan later makes about the crucifix, as well as some later statements about souls/God, seem relevant here. It kind of makes me wonder if Jonathan has viewed his religion mostly as a sort of given, natural state. It's something into which he was educated/raised, it is an identity (English Churchman) that he has accepted as natural but not truly spent a lot of time thinking hard about before. His time here in the castle immediately challenges some of the beliefs that go along with it, and as we progress through the book Jonathan's relationship with religion gets deeper and more complex (both in more-sincerely-religious-than-default and more-contrary-to-his-teachings/blasphemous ways).
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nightmanatee · 2 years
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sometimes i just think about quotes like this. and then i think of rose, who was forced by the doctor to stay in the alternate reality. i think donna who forgot about all of her adventures bc she became doctordonna. i think about rory who almost got away. i think about amy who had to give up this life bc she loves rory more. i think about clara who died but also can't ever meet the doctor again. i think about river who died saving the doctor and never got a chance to properly HAVE this life. i think about bill who died and never got to know that her twelve lived. i think about yaz who was again forced by the doctor to leave.
yeah anyways fuck moffat for this quote/j
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debellatis · 3 months
Was tagged by @artistsfuneral for a 5 favorite characters challenge:
"List five of your all time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. We'll see which character of the five gets voted the most loved."
This one was kinda hard cuz I have less favorite characters than favorite media - "if the enclosure isn't rich, the creature alone can't grab my attention" kinda deal (and the enclosure doesn't even need to be canon, given that a lot of time I barely care for the canon and life solely from fanon) - and even remembering which media I like most was a bit of a struggle, lol. And there's more of them, of course, but the list gods demand only five.
Tagging the people I see the most on my notifs @ivanlagayacrus @pluckyyoung-donna @h0n3y-c0m6 @babbleismysuperpower @lost-and-cursed if you guys wanna play
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arttsuka · 3 months
I wanna be a hater about something so bad right now but I don't feel like expressing my opinion and have the (very toxic) fanbase attack me
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wayfinderships · 3 months
Peak Panchi behavior is is liking a fictional man for years and being filled with feelings of yearning for him almost every month without fail...and then not adding him to the f/o list-
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theirloveisgross · 7 months
#There's something very interesting when it comes to the boys' popularities#Like... For one... You get their monthly listeners on Spotify which don't mean much but they mean something#Then you get social media... Or like... The deep fandom#Louis and Harry reign supreme#Maybe because of their origins and how it all came about#But in the deep hardcore fandom... Louis might lead by miles#Idk... I've been thinking about it#You get Niall whose music is super popular with the general public#Moms looove Niall's music#At the 1D party most people knew Niall's solo songs#Niall sells a lot of tickets in big arenas etc etc#Then you get Harry who's both huge with the general public and huge in the deep fandom#And Liam with his catchy singles for sure...#But you won't find general public singing louis' solo songs#At the 1d party the amount of people who were singing silver tongues? Honestly... It was like 10% of the people there#And that would have been the case with any of his solo songs really... Maybe miss you or back to you would have gotten a few more people#But yeah...#Idk it's interesting#Because here on tumblr I feel part of this big community... Which... It's still big but it's very contained still#And I'm not mad about it one bit#It felt very special being one of the very few people scream singing to silver tongues#It's almost as if you're part of this underground club or something and then at louis' shows everyone comes together#Hajshajs sorry I'm rambling#I just find it very interesting...#even when the crowds were so different last year in NA compared to ltwt...#I could still see 'oh yeah... It's a few of us but geez are we feral' hajshajshs yknow?#I know I'm suuuuper biased but ugh I love it here#Wouldn't have it any other way#I love my hardcore Louies so much#Very excited for latam
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sherlock-is-ace · 4 months
the other day i learned the difference between self harming and self injurious behaviour and damn! things do make sense when you have the right words huh?
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delphi-dreamin · 6 months
Is it weird that I write tender, loving smut while watching horror movies?
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