#CC program be damned
ominouspuff · 6 months
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The Promise
Cody had no identification card, and he certainly didn’t have a citizenship. He had a receipt of purchase, designating him by code and bio-signature as a particularly complex, high-functioning blob of programmed bio-material, but officially CC-2224 was considered only part of a whole. The GAR was a body, complete with organs and tools, and Cody might flatter himself with a comparison to being a finger at best — whichever one pulled the trigger.
“You wish.” Fox said flatly, overcorrecting for the slur that had crept in sometime during their second shared bottle, his bucket firmly resealed again. “You’re a damned eye.”
Cody thought about that for a moment; thought about watching battles from overhead, giving and receiving reports and knowing too many odds too well. He nodded slowly, flexing his hands. 
“If I’m an eye, you’re the teeth.” He said, and it was a bit cruel but it always had been; they’d learned how to swallow it better together. Teeth, Cody considered, and knew he was as right as he was angry — teeth, the smile of the GAR, pretty and presentable and favorable to the public eye, nestled at the heart of the Republic. The Coruscant Guard. 
Fox shrugged so slowly it was more just shoulders hunching, which meant — something. Something Cody might have cared to track, if he was sober.  “Sure. I’ll be the teeth.” He said.
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onyourowndaisymae · 11 months
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Trick or treat!!
Hello my friend can I please have an Obey Me trick?? Thank you and I hope you're having a lovely day/evening! <3
your gif's given me a wonderful idea cc...
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"aww, can we keep it?"
"absolutely not. and don't let satan know you have that-- i'll never hear the end of it."
your lips curl into a pout that makes lucifer's eyes flicker up from his paperwork. he sighs and pulls his reading glasses off, setting them on the desk to get a good look at you.
"i've been over this a million times with satan. none of us are home enough to care for another pet. there's so many places for it to get stuck, or sneak out through open doors... there are a million better homes for something like that than the house of lamentation."
the pout doesn't leave your lips as you pull the small black kitten closer to your chest, leaning back until you lay flat on the sofa in lucifer's office.
"you have cerberus."
"he was a gift."
damn. the kitten flops over onto your sternum and purrs, making your smile in delight and run a finger across its little tummy. you don't even flinch when it's easily riled and it lunges to sink its claws into your skin-- all worth it for the sweet, sweet victory of fluffy kitty belly.
lucifer doesn't quite resume his paperwork-- not when his gaze is glued to the way you curl with the kitten so carefully, exceedingly cautious as you run your fingers across your torso to coax it into a game of chase. your eyes glimmer in the warmth casted across the room by the low flames of the fireplace.
you look best when you're relaxed, he thinks. when there's not a care in the world on your mind, body slumped across his furniture like you belong here. when did you become so comfortable invading his personal space? when did he get so comfortable letting you?
not even a year into the exchange program and he's already grown soft. all over some human.
the kitten snuggles against your neck, purring against your skin and making you chuckle under the miniscule weight of its tiny body on your windpipe. maybe lucifer can put off rehoming that fuzzy creature until tomorrow.
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for-a-longlongtime · 1 year
Excuse me.
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Excuse me.
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It Has Been Captured.
The baseball hat with the curls.
Seems to be the only photo in which he’s wearing it, but one is enough.
Hello, Frankie 2023.
I know this has zero to do with any TF2 probability or with anything at all.
I’m sure someone can do a much better job than the 2 min photo improvement I did on my iPhone but man. This might just be my favorite picture of the day.
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It’s obviously not a Standard Heating Oil hat but damn that sure as hell is a nice match for the blue Frankie hat.
Cc for next class discussion: @rhoorl @legendary-pink-dot @goodwithcheese @linzels-blog @imalrightllama @basicoccult @morallyinept @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @trulybetty @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @rifflovesjoey @maggiemayhemnj @secretelephanttattoo @chaoticfestninja @sin-djarin @millennial-teenybopper @inept-the-magnificent
(Damnit who else wanted to join the Catfish Pond Graduate Program? Lost my overview. Drop a comment and I’ll add you to the list so it can be copied next time)
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flemlem · 6 months
thougts about the creation stream [21.02.24] because i finally have them in order. Im going to try to keep this as factual as possible, but there may be some bits that I cant Not Be - also, this is going to be pretty damn long, i have many things to say and Im putting them all here, I'll try put all the opinions / heavy speculation at the end :>. Also sorry if it feels disjointed in places, I got real busy 2/3 of the way through and had to leave it for a while, so im not sure if i got all the points hit that i wanted to. (there should be a read more cause when i say long i mean Really Fucking Long but idk)
so first off, all the aliases that creation uses for other people (that I can find or reasonably assume).
Sunny (loved shell) rank 1
Chayanne (duck shell) rank 2
Tallulah (trauma shell) - rank 3
Empanada (pancake shell) - rank 4
Richarlyson - Rank 7
Tubbo - Primary Protector, Creator, Boss (unsure but will explain)
? - Centre Control
Philza - Guardian
Cellbit - Guardian (unsure)
Bagi - (slow) keeper
Niki - Keeper
mostly facts [though there are some interpretations and such]
tubbo is Really Really old. This is backed up by Many things, most on the stream, though a couple not. When creation is talking to chayanne in the ruins he says that tubbo created him a 'long long time ago'. The sheer amount of time is Also backed up by the fact that creation says he 'miss when this place was not ruins', did you see the state of those ruins? there were a few stacks of blocks left over on the tips of mountains that have virtually nothing distinct about them, the only descriptor used for all the blocks is also that they are ancient, so like-. The place has Lava surrounding it. In general just the state of the place kinda shows just how old it is. Though some fun things about qTubbo's age is that he Knows how old he is, or at least that he had been around for a long time. Going back to Fits birthday party when he says he's been dead for a long time. He is aware that he's been around a long time, though he doesnt add that to his age. In the message to Sunny he says that he's 20, not like, 70903405803. Just 20. cc!tubbo also confirmed on his alt stream later that qTubbo was infact 20 years old. He did also say that 'how long he's been around is another question' and then told people they were digging too far when they then asked how long qtubbo had been around for. He did however also say that 'his [qtubbo's] age stagnated when he was frozen' so qtubbo had to of been 19 when he got frozen [cause the 20th birthday was celebrated when tubbo was on the server].
Something that I have no clue about is exactly the connotations that are around it telling Chayanne that tubbo 'made me for you'. Creation also says something similar to Sunny at some other point in the stream. This is?? really confusing to me??? because it's heavily implied that Creation was created Before Tubbo was frozen. This could imply that Tubbo has re-programmed Creation at some point since being defrosted. Though the main running thing throughout Creations involvement has been that Tubbo Cannot Know About Creation At Any Cost. Originally it was Creation would die if Tubbo [Creator, specifically] knew. Then after Tubbo died it changed to Tubbo [Primary Protector, specifically] would die if he knew about Creation. Though then we get to something else that challenges this thought. During the recording shown at both the start and end of the stream Tubbo says that the message can only be unlocked by 2 people and that he never wants sunny to have to meet them. Obviously one of these people is Creation, as Creation mentioned on phils [and others] streams later the day that tubbo died that Creation had a message that could only be shown to sunny if Tubbo died, so this leaves 2 options for how this worked[that I can think of]. Either there was a moment in time, it had to of been after sunny was in tubbos care, in which he knew about Creation and Neither of them died. Or one of the people that could access the message passed it onto creation and tubbo was never aware of Creation.
Creation mentions 'The Old Order' as well, specifically that Creation misses the old order. The main question is about, what is the actual title of it? is it 'The Old Order', the 'Old Order' or the old 'Order'. If the title is just 'Order' and old is a descriptor then we could reasonably assume that it was a historical part of the current Order, though does Creation know about the current Order? Im unsure. If its either of the other ones then it's just a Title. Simply what the group is called. Not much is mentioned about the old order, other than that tubbo was at least associated with it, or they, somehow, stole Creation from him. It is also implied that they were at least where the ruins were, maybe all over the island, mainly from Creation saying that it misses the old order around when it mentions when the building wasnt ruins. Going off the block descriptions, this ruin is a ruin because of a 'past calamity'. Nothing else really mentioned about the calamity, just that that is why its ruins now.
The Operation is only mentioned a few times. It's never stated exactly what 'the operation' is. We know that the operation is something akin to a mission because when Tubbo first mentions it, in the 'if I died, last resort' recording, he says thats he never would of signed up for 'this scheme, this... operation if you will'. If he didn't say scheme before than it could of been, well, anything really, but the word scheme has some specific connotations that at the very least rules out some possibilities. After this first mention it is only referred to as 'the operation' [as far as I can find]. Creation does talk about it several times though. Something that it says is that it was a last effort to 'hold on' before Tubbo joined the operation. This implies that creation was made Before tubbo joined the operation. In the same last resort recording Tubbo does specifically say 'I would not have signed up for something like this'. He Signed Up to take part in whatever operation they are referring to. There is the implication that he signed up for this specifically because he didnt have Anything to care about before he signed up for it. He had nothing to live for, no... Purpose one may say?[side eye emoji]
okay so, the data. This is... something. In the description of the item it says that it was made by tubbo, the main thing is, When? We can glean a few things about this data from the stream [and a couple other places]. Going further into the description of the item. It says that it tracks Tubbo's vitals, statistics and locations. Going slightly out of this stream, this could be heavily why tubbo is Wrong. It doesn't say that it has his feelings or personality. Another thing to do with that is that tubbo did at Some Point send a chat that said that the data was incomplete/something along those lines[dont ask me when, I dont remeber, im pretty sure theres a screenie floating around in one of the tubbo tags tho]. Something that I find kind of weird is when Creation tells sunny that Creation cant promise that Tubbo will come back the same. The way its phrased could mean 2 things in my opinion. The first one being that Creation simply Does Not Know what is contained in the data. Creation does not know how much of Tubbo is in there, when it was made, if it's been damaged, if its been Tampered With. Or something that I think is almost as plausible, Creation phrases it that way because Creation is talking to a Child. One of Creations main purposes seems to be protecting the Eggs, both physically and emtionally [see: Creation hugging Sunny after Tubbo died] so maybe Creation was trying to break it to Sunny as gently as possible. Not straight up say 'Your dad is going to be Different' but just, something small to prepare them for it, so that Sunny isn't blind sided by the change. The data was also in Central Control's possession. When they have to go grab the data creation specifically says that 'Central Control has delivered it'. So Some How, CC got the data. This also raises some questions about the password on the chest the data was in. Why was it Sunny's adoption day? Did Tubbo make the box and CC can just teleport things into it at will but not change the password?
What exactly Is Creations purpose? We are told that it has something to do with protecting the eggs, but also not Entierly revolving around them. We are told that tubbo created it for chayanne and sunny, we can reasonably asume that its not just for them but All the eggs. But creation shuts down after guiding the construction of the revival machine, saying that its purpose is finished. But that has nothing to do with the eggs? This doesnt fit with the rest of the pieces we have on the board to me because it was called the First Video Log. Why call it the first if there was never going to be a second? Surely if Creations only purpose was to resurrect tubbo then it would of known that it was going to die. And also just protecting the eggs cant be its only purpose because then it wouldnt of said that it could shut down because its purpose wouldnt of been complete? Its purpose Never would of been complete until all the eggs were dead? This confuses the fuck outta me. Though something about its purpose does seem to be that it is to learn. It comes off very naieve about the world at large, though it trusts sunny when they tell it that the boat will keep the water away. It seems in awe of most things around it, or surprised or dismissive. saying 'woah' when looking at the station . Saying 'oh my god' when the creeper explodes. it says 'I did this for you [boss]' after saying that it was learning fast. Learning seems to have a lot to do with it's purpose. Tubbo says, in the Alt stream later that 'It's [creation] just a little guy... mainly copying, trying to fit in to not like, fail it's purpose' We could take this as learning to fit in being its purpose, Or the more obvious one being that its purpose relies heavily on being able to fit in. Is that so that the eggs and parents trust it to care for the eggs? or does it have something to do with the old order?
Now we get more into theory and heavy interpretation area, so buckle up {a lot of this next bit is half baked thoughts that I cant connect to anything else, so, yeah}
Something about Tubbo's character specifically, kind of related to his age? though more so to do with What The Ever Loving Fuck his character IS. So. QTubbo has been around for A While, that we know, we Also know that hes been dead for a long time as well. We know that hes not a robot, curtesy of Creation's 'not like a robot, no'. Though, where does that then leave him. He can still be restored, he can be shut down and he's been dead for a long time. And yes, specifically dead. Why? because when talking about Creation tubbo says that it was never alive in the first place so 'not dead, no', whenever qTubbo is talked about, the word 'Dead' is Always used. Never anything else, so he Was alive At Some Point. Though then theres the question of How The EverLoving Fuck Can He Die If He Is Already Dead???? idfk
Okay so, next thing. I fully think that the calamity has something to do with how tubbo got frozen. Whether the calamity has something to do with Why creation was created in the first place, if said calamity has something to do with the reason why creation was a last attempt to hold on. it could also be something to do with the reason why tubbo was frozen. If its less so a punishment and more so something along the lines of recuperation, then maybe he got hurt. Or it could be something to do with 'The Operation', Im just kind of spit balling at this point. Maybe the calamity wasnt natural. maybe the operation was some kind of last ditch effort to go against some All Powerful being or group.
SO explaining the thing about putting 'Boss' in Tubbos list of alias'. This is Very Heavily how IM interpretating this. When they are collecting the blocks in the ruins, there are a couple times that Creation goes in F5 and starts talking, staring directly into the 'camera'. During this he says 'Boss I am learning fast, see how well I'm doing. I did this for you.' and 'Boss one day I hope you will remember me'. This is heavily off of that second one. 'I hope you will remember me one day'. Sure, 'boss' could be near anyone, Infact there is a high chance that 'boss' is Central control. But just. hear me out [which i hope youre doing if youve read this far down]. Who else could Creation reasonably label 'boss'? Who do we Know does not remember creation? Tubbo Created creation, and has subsequently forgotten about creation, whether thats of his own volition, for his safety or some other reason, I dunno, but I think its got legs.
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insidethemachine · 1 year
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Samatoki Aohitsugi - Hypnosis Microphone 碧棺 左馬刻 - ヒプノシスマイク
Heyo, how’s it going~? 
Here it is the baddie of Samatoki xd I dont like him very much (why he has to be so mean to Ichiro sometimes ;-;) but I love how he raps, grows over all the lore and protects Nemu uwu also he turned quite the fine man in 3D lol
Talking about the sims, I had quite the travel with the shirt and boots in... in blender xD I know I said i wouldnt touch the damn program (I am a Maya fanboy (?)) but this shirt was the only one that checked all the boxes, just that it had a pocket and the pocket was a different UV island obviously so I had to re uv a little xd I tried adding more buttons but it didnt go well lol I suppose it is bcs i have to paint weight or add the buttons to the rig but i dont know shit about rigging lol The boots was just scaling them up a little cause they were clipping badly with all jeans I tried unu didnt want the jeans to go over bcs... thats not how Sama wears his boots xd does he have tats? I dont know, but I didnt add any either lol
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also see this beautiful eyesss @pralinesims you diy eyes are so GOD uwuwu
cc list uwu:
Skin: https://mousysims.tumblr.com/post/627162293823848448/face-only-skinblend-masculine-feminine-all by @mousysims
Eyes: https://www.patreon.com/posts/di-eye-diy-eye-34678649 by @pralinesims Eyelashes: http://kijiko-catfood.com/3d-lashes-uncurled-eyelashes-edition/ http://kijiko-catfood.com/eyebrow-ver2/ by @kijiko-sims
Hair: https://www.patreon.com/posts/69024002 by @zaozzaa
Bracelet, piercings, necklace amd boots: https://losts4cc.tumblr.com/post/640675057738317824/s4simomo-anime-cc by Simomo, I did scale up the boots a little xd they erased all their cc and sns (i had their cc from long ago xd), be cautious when downloading not from original source >< (that's why I put full links, is not aesthetic, but at least you can select it and paste it yourself and know before hand where you are going xd, I havent had problems with the sim comm but you never know sadly...) Shirt: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kk-collar-shirts-52975513 by @ooobsooo, retextured by me Jeans: https://www.patreon.com/posts/50105559 by @gorillax3-cc CAS BG: https://vyxated.tumblr.com/post/719719135185092608/cas-replacements-set-02 by @vyxated Reshade: https://fiesemietze.tumblr.com/post/641246832367992832/preface-download-at-the-end-reshade-version by @fiesemietze Poses: https://nell-le.tumblr.com/post/189644526639/male-model-pose-pack-n1-27-male-poses-ingame-and by @nell-le https://katverse.com/2019/10/25/pose-pack-22/ by @katverse https://karzalee.wixsite.com/studiok/post/2018/04/28/skc-male-pose-set-4 by @karzalee https://www.patreon.com/posts/request-sitting-48869510 by @helgatisha this time i downloaded all new brand poses so I know which I used xd
If something is missing, you can found it in my last posts maybe xd. As always, if you want some retexture just pm me uwu
That’s all for today~, next comes fancy corrupt cop Iruma Jyuto uwu I really like him xd last year I made his sim but it turned quite bad hope i can re do it and turns smth good xd good thing that I lost that save so I can start fresh xd just sad cause I liked my old Rio (Rio is one of my favs uwu) unu
little extra, wanted to share my buster bros desktop uwu
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they look so cool uwuwu I retouched the image a little cause the lighter in me likes a good bloom in a bright image lol also matched the visualizer to their colors uwu
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ninjababypowpow · 2 months
Hi there !
So. You said something about A DETROIT BECOME HUMAN AU ???? AND A SPIES AGENCY AU ?????
Tell me everything you want to share please please please !!
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I'll buy you in cookies in exchange 🥺🥺
*cracks knuckles* BUCKLE IN CHUCKLELOVE
The Detroit Become Human AU (Words in the Heart, bc I am pterry trash) borrows liberally from the gameand also a bit from a tv show called Almost Human, which is VERY GOOD and it has Karl Urban in it. Basicallly Bacara is Hank, more or less, without the sad backstory, he's just a grump who doesn't like androids. Obviously, he gets assigned a new partner, who is an android. Prototype Model CC-1010, who is at the same time exactly and not at all like Bacara expected. TOGETHER THEY FIGHT CRIME They eventually stumble upon a string of murders done by androids who then...basically committed brain suicide? They deleted their own memory core and programming. (During this they meet a host of supporting characters, like Android Rights Activist Maul Opress and his brothers, who specializes in being an asshole to humans and nice to androids and who may or may not run a scheme to smuggle androids out of the country to more openminded ones, rookie!Cop Rex who once almost puked on a corpse and is forever on Bacara's shitlist for that, pleasure bot Cody who may or may not be leader of an extremely subtle revolution and many more! For you, a snippet!
The drive to the scene was awkward as shit. Bacara kept glancing to the man - machine - sitting next to him, who kept staring at him. Eventually he couldn’t take it anymore. “What?” “Nothing, Detective.” Bacara ground his teeth. “You’re staring at me.” “Yes, I am watching you.” “It’s fucking unnerving. Stop it.” “Would you like me to close my eyes?” “What? No, just - just look out the window or something. Jesus Christ.” The android turned his head and began staring out the window. The ride returned to the previous awkward silence. “What’s your name anyway?” Bacara finally asked, prompting the android to look over at him again. “My designation is CC-1010, Detective.” The duh was not spoken but heavily implied. “That’s a fucking mouthful to say. Don’t you have a name I can call you?” The LED flashed yellow, whirring for a long time, then very abruptly turned red and stopped completely. The android’s face remained completely passive throughout, but when it turned red he frowned for just a moment. Then the LED returned to blue and his face smoothed out. “You may choose whatever alternate designation you wish.” Bacara huffed. “I’m not naming you like you’re a pet or something. Pick your own damn name.” The LED went yellow again. Back to blue. “I…will think about it, Detective.” The android looked at him for a moment more and then turned his gaze back out the window. Bacara grumbled. Leave it to Androids to make everything complicated.
THE SPY AGENCY AU (Who Wants To Live Forever) features the good guys, FORCE and the evil organization SITH feuding against each other for years when SITH send their currently best asset, one of KaminoLabs most successful trainees, Cipher Nine (also know as Fox), to "defect" and thus infiltrate FORCE. Fox does this, thinking it will be easy. And it really is, too, these agents of FORCE are so soft it's kind of embarrassing SITH has so much trouble with them. And then Fox becomes part of the squad. And experiences what living is for the first time, instead of existing. But he is still technically a double agent, even as his loyalties slowly, but inexorably shift... This one borrows a lot of Marvel stuff - SHIELD and HYDRA and so on. Fox is Black Widow completely with the Red Room (here KaminoLabs) Another snippet!
Time to start acting.  It really didn't take much. A few faked moments of vulnerability here and there, carefully avoiding civilian casualties, handing coins to a few homeless kids. Acting reluctant to kill the agents during an encounter. "You're Cipher Nine, right? We saw you were on a mission here." A show of hesitation. "So what?" Fox let a slight tinge of curiosity into his voice. Hook… "We saw how you avoided harming innocents." Innocents, Fox rolled his eyes mentally. "I…" another hesitant pause. "I achieved the mission goal." "Yeah, sure. But you don't really want to do these things, right?" "I don't have a choice. SITH doesn't tolerate failure or…disobedience." Line… "We can help you. You can leave. FORCE would take you in, I swear." Fox let relief show in his eyes, along with a heaping dose of tentative hope, and lowered his gun. "Really?" He asked with a wavering voice. He could almost see Agent Lightning puff up in morally righteous protectiveness. "Really. Just lower your gun and let me bring you in." Sinker.
they are both really big projects and are mocking me mercilessly, but I love them. They're both Foxcare, too, though Fox has to die in the spy au first before something really happens there. (Also, Ponds gets his leg blown off, sorry Ponds)
I really, really appreciate your excitement and love! It makes me smile so wide and really fires me up to write more, even though I am currently in MtaS porn hell.
[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*
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simtleman · 1 year
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SIMTLEMAN'S GOING FOR IT: A 1920s, '30s & '40s save file (work in progress)
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Here's the thing: like many of you simblrs, I only play with historical sims (being the 1920s, '30s & '40s the eras I mainly focus on... because I LIVE for that aesthetic). However, it's almost impossible to find decent historical save files to play with (except @antiquatedplumbobs's "Antiquated Brindleton", which is AMAZINGLY well done but it's set in the 1890s and that's not my vibe, really), so I got fed up and finally decided to go for it: I'm creating my own save file from scratch, damn it! Yes, you heard me.
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As you can see, my first build is going to be an hotel CLEARLY inspired by the infamous Hotel Cortez from American Horror Story: Hotel, which at the same time is inspired by the terrifying yet fascinating real life Cecil Hotel. I am a sucker for art deco, always have and always will... so I've tried to go for that sort of mood: pure, rectangular lines, geometrical flooring/carpeting and gold... lots of gold.
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So far I've done the lobby which you can see above, a library/smoking room and the bar (which I might be changing to a different location within the building and hiding it behind a secret door in the library since, you know, Prohibition was a thing in the '20s):
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I'm also finished with the smaller rooms in the first floor, though I still feel they're missing something. I'm a maximalist and they sort of feel too empty for me, but then again that's what usually happens with hotel rooms, right?
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I'd love to hear your thoughts, you beautiful old sports (see what I did there? Please tell me you got the reference)! Tell me what ya think and what other rooms/builds I should go for next, I'm open to putting my creativity to the service of your ideas! :)
And before you ask, as far as making this save file public and downloadable in the future... I'm not so sure, the only reason being it is so heavily CC based I wouldn't even know where to begin listing all the items I'm using. Wouldn't it be awesome to have a program that identifies and lists all the CC items you've used in a lot? Just saying!
Anyways, hope you guys like it and we shall see what this crazy project ends up looking like lol
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thewertsearch · 2 years
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Number Twelve, fashionably late.
He's the only Zodiac troll left, so he's almost certainly CC's unseen moirail. High-class, doubletalking and nefarious – it’s time to learn what this guy’s up to. 
CA: kan make her talk to me do somethin GA: Who CA: your no good connivvin fuckin backstabbin girl crush thats wwho
Well someone got out of the wrong side of the recuperacoon this morning.
Granted, he is talking about Vriska, so that's a pretty fair description. My guess is that he was the one commissioning doomsday devices from her. She might not even be ignoring him on purpose - after all, she's got a lot on her plate today.
GA: Overstating Our Relationship Wont Make Me Feel Very Cooperative GA: Its Paler Red Than That Ok
Sounds like it was CA's use of the term crush which prompted this reaction. Apparently it's 'paler', which I think means that Kanaya's feelings for Vriska are less intense than a crush.
We know moirallegiance is romance, but maybe the romantic feelings involved aren't as strong as with a 'typical' relationship.
GA: I Dont Got To And Every Time You Take My Help For Granted I Feel Like I Got To A Little Less CA: wwhatEVVER you are so the vvillage twwo wwheel devvice wwhen it comes to auspisticing CA: you cant let a grudge go by you wwont stick your busy stem betwwixt so get wwith the program fussyfangs
Alright, I’m honestly starting to drown in all this lingo, but it’s still a damn fun puzzle to solve. 
Auspisticing is yet another variety of troll relationship - and it sounds like it's centered around interference. Specifically, it involves interfering with troll 'grudges', so I think it's another negative, blackrom relationship.
CA: i figure if youre going to auspisticize any twwo brinesuckers wwho sneer at each other a funny wway you might as wwell make it official and be ours right GA: Your Black Solicitation Just Seems Really Indecent
Thanks for the exposition and Dark Flirtation, CA.
So, auspisticing is when a single individual approaches two feuding trolls, and interferes in their relationship. This is something that the feuding trolls want, so the interference carries some sort of benefit.
CA wants Vriska to stop giving him the cold shoulder, and he thinks Kanaya's auspisticing would be able to help with that. It sounds like what he's looking for is mediation.
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miinxpid · 1 year
Do you know? I can't take it anymore... speaking as a creator and a player... I've been creating custom content for a fucking year... and I've never paid for it because I love that people can enjoy my content !! It's a fucking hobby... for some creators of the patreon sims you have me fucking tired with your fucking complaints that they steal your cc meshes, share them on sites and you know what? I see it normal, logical even ACCEPTABLE! That they share your content because you skip EA's policies! stop treating the sims saga as if you had created the fucking game from scratch ..if you think that patreon is going to give you enough money to support yourself financially, you are totally wrong! You know, sometimes I think that ea should take more measures in the matter or qualify the creators... because this is already too much... I'm also tired that if someone finds out that they share their content, they start to cry... FRIEND, YES YOU COMPLAIN SO MUCH ABOUT THEM SHARING YOUR CONTENT RESPECT THE FUCKING POLICIES OF EA! HOW HARD IT IS TO UNDERSTAND ! If we all complied with policies, no group like patreon destroyed and more ... they would not exist !!
It also seems disgusting to me about some creators that you put on payment walls and on some permanent occasions... such as cowbuild, pixelvibes and others others are from SL and surely open many others from imvu... (here is the one that plays imvu) oh well...
I understand that the programs you use cost you money, the hours you spend on the computer making content but friend...remember that you are a person with a hobby AND CREATING CONTENT FOR THE SIMS IS NOT A REAL JOB!!!
I really know that my content that I make sometimes is shit, the quality, textures, everything... but I try better as a creator and enjoy creating but damn I don't put it on a paywall and I start crying, also if I'm a honest I understand that I have all of you but sometimes I think that why do I have them if in 6 or 7 years I'm not here anymore... I'm still WORKING on what I've studied....
Also if I'm honest, sometimes I really analyze the creators and almost the majority of them see that they are for the fucking money and not for the fanaticism and that they have been playing the game for years
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new au idea. i’m thinking of naming it “blue canary” for some reason. name probably has nothing to do with story. most likely cus that damn TMBG song is stuck in my fuckin head.
Painter: name is Tobias Wilson (crossed out letters are redacted), and hosts a TV program named “Canary’s Creations” (kinda like bob ross)where he paints a twisted version of people and/or people’s faces before they go missing after episode airs. however, his cometary is mostly just calming and assuring. distressing at times, yes, but overall, it’s kinda nice. investigators have no idea if he is or isn’t aware of the missing people.
Killer: name is Trevor Willson , and appears in a mixtape included with several episodes and behind the scenes of CC. his segments include Grave Robbing for Dumbasses, a Guide to Human Insides, Catastrophic Cooking (3 segments), and Me and Friend at Walmart Funny Moments. GRfD and aGtHI is obvious, CCg is where he adds random shit in a bowl and fries to cook (some inedible), and MaFaWFM is where he and Tobias do some wallmart shenanigans lmfao.
other info listed below
they are both about 6”0
they watch those “technology is 2024 real” videos
Tobias’ face is censored by a black square, and Trevor wears a mask
idk what else yet
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senorablack · 1 year
yall when i say it's a fuckin struggle every damn time.
CW depression, suicide, drug/alcohol abuse, poverty, sexualized violence, fallacy of the american dream, first generation college student bullshit
Going to go way back because I want to and this feeling/story deserves some context.
I was a pretty shitty student in high school. I was constantly in school suspension, high/drunk, I stole shit out of peoples lockers. So I ended up in a continuation school or alternative ed. I swear to god if it wasn't for that school i wouldn't have done half the shit i did today.
Like the classroom size was about 15-20 students to 1 teacher??? and like, there was actually school resources for each student? like books were okay to take home, because they had enough for everyone. unlike my prev regular hs where books were only kept at school because they didn't have enough copies to give to everyone. and at this cont ed my teachers actually gave a fuck and they were all generous and invested and extremely encouraging in all our varying identities and expressions. there was cool shit they called "quests" where i was introduced to shit like the opera and hiking. i was a science camp counselor 3 years in a row because i fell in love with it. and decided oh yeah, that's exactly what i wanted to do. something with the environment and people.
so like from then on my teachers were like super encouraging and supportive (like bro, two of them drove up 6 hours to see me walk for undergrad), and were like yo, here is college that we think you would like (the camp director actually was a prev graduate) and i was obsessed. i ended up going to this program that allowed me to take college classes at my local cc while i was still in high school. dude, i ended up graduating early and with a few college units already under my belt.
my whole goal for the next two years was to get transferred to my school. and home girl did it. never thought i would have gotten that far. my parents didn't. i was the first person in my immediate family to go to college. and that meant something huge for me. anyway, somewhere along the lower division work i got more excited about anthropology. and transferred out and declared anthropology major with a minor in environmental planning. the first two semesters were rough. i was like barely holding on with c's. i made the realization in that first year that i was overwhelmed with school. like already burned out and got caught up in the university social life. of course i did what a lot of us do-- binge drink and missed morning classes and smoked a shit ton of weed (my college was pretty notorious for this).
i was just always sad from missing my family, hometown and in culture shock. because here i was, a brown person, in a white ass town. where the only places i could find ingredients to make my peoples food were on four shelfs in a designated ethnic aisle in my corner market or a couple of cites away at the specialty store. like you don't know the amount of micro-agressions i'd experienced during my time there.
and then of course i was sad because i was messing up school. and i got on academic probation. the next year i brought up my grades. one semester i started attending group therapy of survivors of sexual abuse and got involved with some campus events/programs that advocated for survivors and the ending of rape culture. this brought up a lot for me. and i fell into a deep depression. started prozac and i swear that was the reason that i almost committed (plus my nightmares and terrors have always been bad but they were never as bad as during that period). all this resulted in getting expelled.
i ended up finding really good friends there, one of which paid for my rent for 4 months before i got my shit together. i took a job at mcdonalds a city away, that i had to take a bus which ran at unreliable hours. and i made it work. took me half of the year to talk to a counselor at my school to see what i could do to get back to school. so i spent a semester at the local cc to earn qualifying gpa to get reinstated at my university. and was. from then on it was still hard as shit, but i was doing it.
but then i was realizing that the friends i made there were leaving/graduating (who were truly my anchors one of which passed away in 2022), my uncle, grandpa (my abuser), and aunt died withinn a few years of each other, and my job was stressful. school was A LOT. but the semester before i walked the stage i was on the fucking honor roll. like?????? and i had 2 core classes and 1 elective that i needed to finish my degree. so my family came up, my teachers came up. and my best friends came up. and like i walked and it was a good day. and then all i had to do was finish up the fall semester 2 core, 1 elective. but money was tight and my depression had me drinking and smoking more often. and i dont know, i fucked it up. failed that entire fucking semester.
and when i was out of money (because i quit mcdonalds to focus on school and was cruising on student loans), i had no choice but to go back home. i couldn't afford to go back to that cc and redo the whole reinstatement thing again. and i was tired. of school and my own bullshit and being fucking sad. so in 2015 i was back home.
honestly the lowest period in my life. never felt more like a piece of shit. and i felt a lot of shame for a long time. and i still feel it sometimes. when i go job hunting. because i have to put down things like "some college" "highest education: general education" "120 units"
took me a year to find a job. worked as a sbutt barista for 4 years before i said ima go into healthcare because i needed something different and stable. so i went to a vocational school for another thousands of dollars and earned a certificate to be a pharm tech.
though im very content with what im doing now. and proud of how far i've come. far and vastly different from what it might have been if i stayed in that regular high school, stayed in my hometown, did something like customer service or warehouse work like the rest of my family... i still feel that shame. i still have nightmares about missing assignments and being told that i cant come back and being late for classes.
and when i was applying for the job i just got, i had to put another unexplained and confusing answer to education history. and their HR just reached out to me today saying the couldn't confirm my background check for that school or even my community college. so i had to get transcripts from both. and i looked them over. and it made me feel terrible. terrible that i was so close but fucked it up.
made me feel like ....not smart enough or good enough. made me feel like a south side statistic (which is a loaded statement because of my internalized prejudice/hatred).
but theses are feelings and ideas and trappings i've lived in cycle for about 5-6 years now and i intend to let myself out of that cycle. i've reduced my drinking, rid my self of relationships that weren't healthy for me, up to date on my physical health, seeing a therapist, in group therapy, and taking medication for depression and anxiety.
so ima have a little cry. tell myself what i always do--
that was something that happened. it was sad that that happened. but i cannot change that it happened. i can only choose to continue to cultivate ways that will enrich my life. i am doing my best. i will continue to do my best.
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hyenafu · 2 years
Hey, I have a quick question, since apparently you went to the center for cartoon studies in white river, Vermont, could you tell me a little about what it was like there? I’m asking because I live nearby the area and I was thinking of applying for it.
Sure thing! Being a student at the Center for Cartoon Studies was one of the most memorable two years of my life. I learned a lot from the school, from my classmates, and I learned a lot about myself. Good AND bad! They have a fantastic collection of all kinds of comics from all across the world called the Schulz Library. I wish I could go there every week. I thought my teachers were cool, too, but since it's been a few years, I'm sure some of the faculty have changed. They do workshops in the summer, but they also have a one-year certificate and a two-year Master of Fine Arts program. The classes for the year-long programs tend to be very small; my class was less than 20 people. Sometimes you take lessons with just your class, and sometimes there are lectures with the whole school, so like... a whopping 40-ish people! Wow! (sarcasm) Being in a small school has its ups and downs. You can become really close to your friends there, and you get more attention from teachers. But if you don't get along with someone, you're going to have to deal with it-- one way or another-- in a small community. Woof! The one-year certificate program and two-year MFA program are all about what you put in. I did the two-year MFA program where you are required to do a bit of internship work and also create a thesis project. Your thesis project, as far as I still understand it, is to make "a year's worth of comics". Whatever that means to you. It can all be the same series or it can all be different comics. For me, that means The Junk Hyenas volume one + Slightly Damned comics I did that year + some autobiographical comics I collected into a zine. (My teachers told me that it was a big overkill and Junk Hyenas alone would have been enough to pass lol)
You will also be asked to do homework while working on your thesis and continuing to learn. It can be overwhelming for some people! It really is all on your shoulders to make yourself do the work. I have friends who left the school thinking their approach promoted an unhealthy workaholic attitude. I loved my friends and CCS, but I hated feeling trapped in White River Junction. (But I also did not bring my car.) Little did I know that the isolation would be "practice" for the pandemic... It feels like only a few of my schoolmates still make comics after graduation, while a couple people ended up famous. Everyone's experiences will be wildly different. I think the best way I've heard anyone sum up the school is that "you'll learn everything you would have learned about comics in 10 years in 2 years". I learned a LOT about comics history, how they're made, what influences them, and different ways they are a part of our lives. My technical skill with comics developed at an incredible speed. However, it wasn't without its problems, and some people fold under the pressure. There is also no guarantee of finding work in comics after you graduate. The school does try to help with networking, but ultimately, that is up to you as well. With all that, I still have more to talk about regarding the Center for Cartoon Studies. If you or anyone else has any more questions for me, please feel free to email me at chu @ raizap.com. I have also been a guest speaker and mentor for second-year students at the school, so maybe I can be your mentor someday if you ask!
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the-arcade-doctor · 1 year
[Ha! Y0u d0n't g3t 1t, d0 y0u? 1 ♤M th3 f♤tal 3rr0r!]
[♤h, th♤t's b3tter.]
[H-hey! Y-you can't just... ya can't...]
[1 c♤n't wh♤t, 1di0t?]
[You... can't... ugh... damn parasite.]
[J♤h♤h♤h♤! 0h, but 1 c♤n!]
[[CC has passed out.]]
[N0w, th♤nks t0 th♤t 1di0t, 1'm p0w3rful 3n0ugh t0 n0t n3ed a h0st!]
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lamatisse · 2 years
ugh im so sorry if this is not the kind of resource you're ok with people asking about 🙈 do you use blender painting to make your skin details and if so, do you have any tutorials or tips to point to? i really want to start making skin details and such but am a complete novice with blender and painstakingly painting and checking and repainting everything in photoshop is... Draining lmao
no i dont actually!! everything i do on photoshop! i didnt even know you can do it on blender...i thought abt it at least, but i never knew if u rly could damn I WISH I DID THO i only used blender for a bit (i tried making hair cc RIP), but i probably forgotten everything ive learned in that program ;-; i did try the 3d feature on photoshop! it was pretty helpful until they discontinued it...
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gphoenixsims · 2 years
Replies to Question to 4t2 Converters
Original post here
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@jacky93sims​ stay tuned then. I thought not many people had this problem and it was due to my old PC maybe not being enough for what I needed. But the bottom line seems to be that for at least clothes, even if they custom, you’ll need the base game at the very least (?).
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@goingsimcrazy​ I have no interest in the game EA meshes, after all people start converting as soon as a pack/new expansion comes out, so not at all a priority. The problem was, the TS4 clothing item wasn’t pulling the body/skeleton with it into blender because the body simply wasn’t there to begin with, so I couldn’t correct the pose into the needed TS2 T pose to work on milkshape. I did remember about a recent video that MDP had made about tips and tricks about Blender and converting and she even gave out a body rig she had made and the quick and fairly easy process to get the ts4 item into the T pose. I tried it out as shown in the video, but it didn’t work too well, she had options that didn’t shown in my blender and the closest I could get it gave me, what I call, noodle arms.
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Everything else seemed to snap to where it should be (tried later with a full outfit), except the damned arms lol So even getting an external body/rig, something just wasn’t working. Maybe there was a way to still fix this, but I’m too inexperienced at Blender to try, I only installed the program days ago. I was looking for an easy way of doing it so I could move on to milkshape. In the end she offered to pose the items for me, I thank her for it immensely. I ended up just downloading the base game. With it, her method works. So I really wanted to know if there is anyone out there converting clothes without actually having TS4 installed.
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@deatherella​ S4S worked for me without the game just fine, a body just didn’t appear when I was looking at TS4 CC with it, like a necklace or hair would just float in space by itself. If I had stuck to jewelry only this wouldn’t be an issue, don’t need a body for that, in milkshape is easy to reposition things. It was the difference between the TS4 body pose and the TS2 one that became a problem. Without a skeleton I couldn’t move the arms into position in milkshape. I suspected I’d need the game in the end, that’s why I ended up installing it.
Anyone has more wisdom about this subject and are willing to share?
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how woudl your william react if he found out my nora/mrs afton planned cc, elizabeths and michaels deaths, like in my au william made sure circus baby would not take elizabeth no matter what....well nora may have messed with babys programming and had elizabeth enter babys room alone, and with cc, she planted the idea into michaels head to put her in fredbears mouth, then loosened fredbears springlocks, how would your william react to finding out about all of this?
Honestly he'd be horrified at that point.
Despite everything else, William does love his children. Evan and Elizabeth's deaths were what sent him over the edge to go full serial killer, but he couldn't bring himself to harm Michael despite somewhat blaming him for what happened.
Finding a version of his wife that, at first seems to be a 'better' version that's her but more like him, then to find out how little she cared for the children and would want to kill them? He's an asshole but DAMN
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