#tubbo analysis specifically
flemlem · 8 months
so i might write something longer on this later (i have amny thoughts) but Id like to point out that qTubbo so totally comes off as like, a douchebag sometimes?
Im not saying he Is a douchebag, or that he even means to be one, but there are moments where it seems like he is one. He gets very very very focused on one thing and doesnt Really take into account what other people say when that happens. Especially so when there is a problem or some sort of issue thats come up, even more so when someones in danger. He gets and idea of what to do, how to Fix This and he runs with it. It doesnt matter if someone says theyve already tried that, He needs to try to Prove it to Himself.
That right there is the main thing. It doesnt matter if someones already done it, he Needs to. He doesnt really trust the others when they say they tried. Whether thats because he doesnt trust them to have done it right, or that he doesnt think they Really got what he was saying. Maybe its that he thinks theyre just saying that to get him to slow down or stop. Im really not sure.
Though i do know that the constantly ignoring what others are saying because he Needs to do it his way before he can take anything else into account can come off badly.
"I may write something longer" this was meant to be a paragraph ...
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cabinetduo · 10 months
this is so niche but frubbo is figayda. to me
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like THIS^^^^^ quote specifically. the appeal is fred figuring out human emotion while simultaneously piecing together how he feels abt qtubbo while tubbo desperately tries not to ruin his one good thing, this specific relationship and understanding between him and Fred. They both yearn for a deeper connection with the other, wanting pick the other apart and figure out how they tick while also making discoveries abt themselves
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qsmp-slime · 2 years
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tubborucho · 8 months
Something I think people are missing when they talk about the whole Day 12 thing with Tubbo and Bad is that Tubbo is just like that sometimes, especially with people he’s close to. Depending on how you look at it that's not necessarily better or worse, but I think it’s an important factor because so much of the recent BBH Purgatory discussion is about how he’s singled out and that’s something Tubbo would do to anyone. He’ll get a minor irritation stuck in his head just as hard as a major problem and then refuse to let it go. The amount of ranting he does isn’t always an accurate measure of how important it is to him and “I’m still on this” (or any variation) is practically his catchphrase. I’m not trying to downplay in-character analysis, it’s a trait of both streamer and character, but it’s something you might not realize if you don’t watch Tubbo very often.
Yeah, this is also a part of it. Tubbo is very passionate about things, and sometimes those things are minor grudges that he gets stuck on for no good reason just because it’s fun for him to get annoyed at them and rant. But this is more of a cc! part of things than in character one (tho all of Tubbo’s characters also have this trait more or less).
For me, I really think it’s because Tubbo is very frustrated with the Day 12 itself, and out of everything that went wrong Bad dying is the only concrete moment he can single out. Because Quackity dying doesn’t really count in lore because he wasn’t there really (which is such bullshit btw, this is my Day 12 Roman Empire, Quackity’s death SHOULDN’T have influenced the percentage) and anyone else wasn’t there either to do the quests, for objective irl reason, so q!Tubbo also can’t really be mad at them and also who would he be mad with out of everyone on the team absent? All of them? Choose a specific person?
Meanwhile Bad was there and he died after doing something Tubbo told him not to (note: this is neutral, I am not discussing right now the moment itself and how justified Bad going in was). So it’s a concrete thing that he can blame on the percentage loss without it being meta or ‘why are you mad at me and not the others who did the same’. And it was really hard emotionally day for him, the combination of cc!Tubbo (well, q!Tubbo too but for the sake of the point we will count it as more of a cc! trait) being very competitive and q!Tubbo genuinely believing that Soulfire is cursed and that they absolutely must win this day to tie (I am pretty sure he believed it was the last day that counts? But I might be wrong) or (later) to win the Purgatory and save all the Eggs (which was his one and only goal truly, he was really clear about not straying from it even when it felt that a lot of characters forgot what it’s all for). So he singled Bad out and concentrated on it as the sole reason they lost Day 12, seething.
Now, for cc!Tubbo it’s mostly a bit, even if he acts genuinely ’not over this’, he is just having fun. And q!Tubbo may still have this grudge, but overall it does not outweigh his newfound comradery with Bad and respect for him. But q!Tubbo is also very much a Negative Nancy, he LOVES to just rant about stuff that ‘annoys’ him and get on his friends nerves. Like he find a thing and just keeps pushing it (ex: Bagi’s ‘incest’ tendencies, everything concerning Fitpac, Phil’s age and a lot of other stuff, Foolish and ‘you made it awkward now’, etc) and Day 12 is his thing for Bad along with cursing/inappropriate jokes.
Do I think it’s fair to q!Bad? When /srs – no; when /lh – yes, because it’s funny. Do I think it can count as an example of how people keep blaming Bad for everything about Purgatory? Yes. Do I think it’s actually the same as with other characters? Not at all.
All the other prominent negative after-Purgatory characterizations of Bad are concentrated on him being a bloodthirsty monster that terrorized everyone (only partially true and definitely not unique to his character). Meanwhile Tubbo never really talked about Bad being a ‘monster’ in Purgatory (afterwards) in any negative light as far as I remember, it was always very neutral. Or at least not blaming him for it. His grudge is a completely my teammate did a dumb thing so I will forever remind him it. Which tho still unfair is not hypocritical when what other characters do.
Obviously this is just my take on the situation, everyone can perceive it a bit differently, especially because I am writing this as a Tubbo main, so my view on things is skewed towards him.
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missycolorful · 5 months
omgg, i saw a few posts about the glass child stuff but never really got too into it bc i felt like they were always missing something. i wasn't really sure what that was until i saw your post, where you mentioned lullahs abandonment issues, and everything just clicked. it just all makes sense now bc i know one of the biggest proponents to the "chays STILL a glass child" is qphils seemingly continuing to prioritize lullah over chay, when looking back at most of said moments it does feel more like a dad making sure the child who was abandoned doesnt feel like that ever again. i also feel like some of the issues come with qphils falling into habits, lullah hasn't really needed extra help in a while, but i don't feel as if that notion has fully into qphils mind yet. i would just love if both lullah and chay got one on one time with qphil bc i love them together, but i think each of them often times holds something back for the others' sake, y'know? lullah and bads and/or chay and tubbos recent solo hangouts kinda showcase the difference in dynamic. anyways, tl;dr you have amazing insight and an attention to detail that i, and i feel like a majority of others, missed out on, and i would love to see more character analysis/insights done by you, if you're interested of course!
oh my goodness, thank you you're far too kind, haha!! 😭
yeah, tbh, I'm kinda surprised that part of Phil's reasoning was either not considered or even ignored. When he mentioned them "being alone," Tallulah's abandonment issues instantly came to mind; it's a huge part of her arc, y'know? So, yeah I can't see this as him accommodating Lullah's disabilities while disregarding Chay; rather, it was him thinking about her literal trauma. If it were switched (Chay had these issues, not Lullah), Phil would go for him in a heartbeat. Why people spun it as "he wasn't worried about Chay" is wild to me.
i also feel like some of the issues come with qphils falling into habits,
mhhm, that's about the crux of it. Yes, q!Phil has trained Tallulah in PVP , and neither he nor Chay recently hover over her during pvp, but when it comes to adjusting to how much his kids have changed, we're still getting there. And not just cuz of, like I said, being separated during Purgatory makes it hard for Phil to grasp what they went through. But bc he himself isn't quite in tune with his own emotions/trauma. It's a detriment to helping his children and growing as a parent, and is part of his own character growth that he is surely yet steadily going through.
And YES! I'd LOVE for the kids to have one-on-ones with Philza. They usually come in pairs, which y'know, is what makes a lot of these issues so difficult. The kids don't have time to be alone with their father, bc they're typically online with him at the same time. I crave that sole father/son bonding, not just bc they need it, but because I love their dynamic so much <3
tbh, i usually limit my character analysis to my main POV, sometimes others if I feel confident enough (i.e. Missa, Baghera). Last thing I wanna do is write analysis that does injustice to a character - any cc!phil fan knows this pain, both in this fandom and others lol! and also some characters I'm admittedly… kinda scared to talk about bc some fans get uber defensive if you talk about any of their negative traits; all fanbases have people like this, of course, crows are NO exception, but this one specifically just… I'd need to be prompted to discuss this character whom I won't specify haha. regardless, if you or anyone else ever wants to ask about my insights on qsmp characters, whether q!Phil or others, I'm more than willing to at least give it a try. thank you again! :)
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apollos-boyfriend · 7 months
haii could you give me a summary of c!purpleds characterization ???
oughhh i always struggle w questions like these because for me it has become almost second nature but. i will try my best (≧∀≦ゞ fellow cpurpled enjoyers feel free to chime in with ur own suggestions if u so wish
purpled is selfish. this feels like a pretty obvious aspect of his character but Oh the amount of people i’ve seen get it wrong. he does not feel guilt over his selfishness. he will take and take until there’s no more left to steal, and he will blame the other party for his loss. he’s a survivalist before all else, a businessman before a person, and he’s proud of it. he’s manipulative and cunning and, honestly, a total asshole most of the time. it’s part of his charm
he’s been used. a lot. being used is kind of a key aspect of his character and his behavior. i think it’s important to note though that his experiences are never portrayed in a way where he’s meant to be pitied. his story is more focused on rage, on revenge, on a burning anger that will burn everything in its path. his story is tragic, yes, but he Refuses to let it be a tragedy (he is not consciously making this choice, which i’ll go into later)
he’s VERY prideful. he’s good at a lot of things and he knows it. i think a lot of people see his character type of smug, confident asshole and jump to the conclusion that it’s a front for him to cover up his insecurities but. i cannot stress enough. he is Genuinely Just Like That. he is almost fully incapable of self-doubt. if he ever encounters a situation where he has fucked up he will instantly find a way to shift that blame to others. he’s hot shit, he knows it, and he WILL make it everyone’s problem
something i think is really important is that, when it comes to seeing others, he sees most people at a neutral. he has very few people he strongly likes or dislikes, and is more uninterested and unconcerned with most people. he looks down on them, but not in a negative way, per se. that’s just how purpled sees people. if they can’t provide him with something, they’re unimportant to him. it’s not personal, it’s just fact. quackity is the only person purpled has a true hatred towards, as well as technically tommy, but that was more as a one-sided rivalry, and much, much lesser. it’s worth noting he did NOT hate slime, seeing him as a nuisance at best. he only attacked slime because he knew it’d be the way to hurt quackity the most, he held no real animosity towards him otherwise. ponk, hannah, jack manifold, tubbo, and technically boomer are the only people i’d really classify of being people purpled enjoys being around/sees on the same level as him
i know a lot of these points are somewhat bleak and serious, but he does have a silly side!! he likes pranks and scams. his best friend is his dog, who he regularly talks to as if he was another person. he has a flair for the dramatics and likes showing off, even if doing so is risky, and even if no one but him will see it
this is less of a character analysis but he talks like if you introduced an angry victorian orphan to youtube shorts. he has a very specific cadence of more sophisticated, verbose language mixed with modern-day slang and memes. it’s. very strange. i really can’t begin to properly describe it
there is zero self-awareness in that boy. he cannot see past his anger and spite and realize possible mistakes. 95% of what i’ve mentioned here he is completely unaware of. he can’t see his flaws, he can’t realize his wants, yet he always sees himself as on the right and on top. he is playing 4D chess completely unaware that everyone else is playing checkers, and is prone to unintentionally self-sabotaging himself due to being unable to recognize his true wants. he has 0 self-awareness of any of this. the way i write purpled is to make it Blatantly Obvious to the reader that his mindset and worldview is wrong, but make him completely blind to these points. he should not know things are wrong, but the reader should be able to pick up on it
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phatcatphergus · 8 months
it’s concerning how certain “lore analysis” bloggers will see a character experience very real symptoms of ptsd and extreme trauma, and write it off and belittle that character’s pov because they find the way the cc portrays it as “annoying and fail rp”
it’s even more frustrating when you yourself experience those same symptoms and heavily relate to the way q!tubbo acts. cc!tubbo does an excellent job at having a character struggle with trauma in a way that’s neither dismissive of the character’s ptsd, or too heavy and serious for the context of it being a mostly lighthearted minecraft rp.
I do have to agree that CCTubbo got a bit out of hand a few times, but it's nothing that people haven't done before or even DURING that stream. I am not going to defend him and say that everything was within rp yesterday bc it was obvious that CCTubbo was a bit bored and tired of the lore so he just did whatever (I also think the -rp points and constant disregard for him speaking of the mechanics had something to do with it as well) but overall it's obvious that his character was lashing out because he's been hurt.
He also made points to say that nothing could go wrong or he would "end it permanently" yesterday so a forced optimism and making light of a stressful situation was warranted like when he read Ramon's letter and when Bagi was explaining the lore.
Overall, I'm just mad that people are mad at Tubbo specifically when Phil gave no shits about Dapper being kidnapped and Mike was messing around just as much yesterday. People are just hypocritical and use any excuse they can to make their favs seem better when they do the same shit. disregarding obvious rp and trauma of a character or saying that they should only act a certain way bc they're traumatized just means that they know nothing about what they're talking about and just don't like the character/streamer
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dnalt-d2 · 8 months
To start off with, I maintain my stance of "Fuck that Rabbit." I never liked the Duck, and this fucking camera-staring-at Rabbit is irritating me even moreso. May he perish in the flames of capitalism that he has created
Also fuck that narrator guy. He has no right sounding so jovial
(And god I can't believe the Duck really never did anything SERIOUSLY FUCK THAT GUY /lh)
Regarding the paywall thing, I kind of like the idea of it in certain increments. I know that Etoiles has been praying to any deity that will listen for the Nether to open, and I'm sure he's happy to know he can pay those deities off now. On the other hand, I've already seen a decent amount of discouragement on the lack of Create. I'm hoping that's the second thing to get unlocked for both Tubbo and AyPierre's sakes
And in terms of the reset itself, I also like the idea of it somewhat. I'm sure I'm not the only one who sometimes likes to start these types of games over for that fun feeling of playing from the ground up. Though maybe the mobs should be a little weaker, since everyone's starting from scratch. Then again, Etoiles has like a million Dark Metal, so
It's also nice seeing the beginning of these communities. Phil becoming Cellbit's temporary neighbor before he begins his nomadic lifestyle. And of course theres the up and coming Home of Fobo where definitely no one is Homophobic
Though speaking of Phil and Cellbit, I also maintain my disappointment in the lack of actual rescue mission. Like I was excited for that. I made a comic about it. And while my disappointment doesn't come from my comic being wrong, it does come from the fact that this was a thing that an ADMIN introduced. RICHAS went to Phil to recruit him for the mission, just for them to just do a little cinematic instead. Like I'm guessing this has to do with the delay in the server opening, since it was originally going to open about a week ago. My guess is that the rescue was going to happen this prior week, but because of the delay in opening the server, they decided to nix the rescue entirely and just have them show up on the opening day instead. It sucks, but I guess that's just how the cookie crumbles
So remember how Bagi at one point said that the Admins asked them what structures they'd like to have preserved for NO REASON AT ALL????
And how everyone spawned at about -200000 blocks away??
Well I'm kinda hoping that there's some of the original structures, back near that Zero Coordinate. Or maybe there's something else. Obviously I have no basis for any of that, but I think everyone's gonna be upset if they really lose all their builds. Specifically the Dragon, Titan, and Bad's as-of-yet unused Egg Carton. He labored over that for a while, it would SUCK if it just never got used at all. My other hope is that there's a pay-goal for bringing some structures back. That'd be a neat way to incorporate that feature. Not to mention that people who might've been in the middle of projects can get back to said projects. I think that's the main problem with losing everything, a lot of plans have essentially been destroyed
And now an Analysis
So fun fact, you know how Ducks and Rabbits are both heavily associated with Easter, which celebrates the death and rebirth of a certain person?? And how the server has essentially been reset and reborn??
Yeah that I guess, that's all I've got on that really
All I've got in general really
Here's to 2024, everyone. And the further loss of sanity we and the Islanders shall all endure
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please tell us how Brutus is a c!Karl song i would love to hear you out
Okayokayokayokay. So I understand that a lot of people never watched c!Karl’s lore pre-TFTSMP however there is a really good analysis video of him on YouTube that explains it really well, and it was made before doomsday even happened.
But to sum it up: c!Karl really wanted to be involved in the lore. He was always trying to be a part of the big stuff, and he even comments on it during c!Niki’s birthday party, when c!Wilbur is about to blow Manberg up (You can actually hear him say ‘wait, am I part of a big event for once?’) Sad-ist’s meme animatic Dre Smp was made because there was a whole bit about Karl wanting to be included.
Later, c!Karl made Rutabag-Ville while the Pogtopia war was going down (this is actually the context in which c!Techno chased c!Quackity and gave That Speech) and eventually annexed it to c!Schlatt. Why? Well, he’d wanted to join Pogtopia, but had been turned down, I believe it was even specifically by c!Quackity.
Later, c!Quackity and c!Tubbo confronted him over this decision, and he eventually said that he sided with c!Schlatt because he felt welcome and c!Schlatt was nice to him. Now, obviously, we all know this was manipulation, and it’s my own little headcanon that c!Karl knew subconsciously what he was doing, but wanted to be accepted so badly he didn’t care.
This also extends beyond the Pogtopia war. I think not a lot of people actually know that Karl was part of the New L’Manberg government as its creative head, but he was left out of every discussion by the rest of the cabinet (we got ROBBED of butcher army c!Karl). He expresses bitterness over this readily! One thing I forgot to mention earlier is that he actually did try to get people on Manberg’s side back in the war by giving them gifts, but they always burned them when he left.
He also founded El Rapids during this time with c!Sapnap, c!Quackity, and c!George. Some drama happened, and in order to assert their nations independence, Karl sacrificed one of his lives by blowing up part of his country in order to frame Eret for it.
(side note, but fun fact; c!Karl was the one who snitched to c!Dream about c!Eret helping Pogtopia, which is what got c!George on the throne. Just a little fun fact.)
Of course, his lore does kinda peter out after that. His CC began streaming TFTSMP, and we know how that went. Not to say he never streamed at all, but they became a lot rarer since a lot of the server began to think they needed more scripted lore, thus their standards for streaming became higher.
I also agree with the headcanon that he has FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) and while you could say that this was just his CC wanting to be in more lore, you would be right, but if we brushed off character’s lore because the CC wasn’t 100% in-character, we would have very little characterization left. A lot of Karl’s characters comes from before the 4th wall had really solidified on the server, plus it comes from late-2020, while a lot of newer fans got into the smp around early to mid 2021.
Basically, Brutus is a song about envy, hatred, and a whole lot of mixed emotions based on the assassination of Julius Caesar. While c!Karl never went to the extremes Brutus did, it’s not really hard to see how closely the song echoes his treatment on the server.
I tend to divide c!Karl’s characterization into three parts; first is his more immature and young personality that is set during the Manberg to El Rapids era, second is his transitioning phase between that and someone a bit more mature, which I put from Doomsday to The Pit (the eighth TFTSMP episode), and third is his more mature characterization, where he is burdened by his time traveler duties and has grown into his own person, past the need to be important and make an impact, though the shadow of Manberg and El Rapids loom over him.
In short, c!Karl is a nuanced character who faced the curse of fanon and lost. But hey, so did everyone else. I’d argue he got some of the worst of it, though C!Ranboo is a tough contender. So is C!Sam, actually. And c!Fundy. Just… a lot of characters got the short stick by fanon.
This is my first shot at making an essay, so it’s a bit messy. A lot of this can be found on vod channels, however, so if anyone wants to give links feel free to do so! Also you can correct me if I got anything wrong, it has been a hot minute since I’ve watched a DSMP vod.
That’s my two cents, anyhow. I just really like c!Karl and feel like he got done dirty by a lot of fans. They really did take a nuanced character who was both selfless and selfish, kind yet a bit of a sadist, loved to mess with his loved ones but also hated when anyone touched them, and turned him into a little soft boy who can’t defend himself against anything or One Of c!Quackity’s Mean Crazy Ex-Fiancés. No, I am not exaggerating, I saw someone legitimately call c!Karl crazy because of the Kinoko argument. Y’all…
That’s pretty much it! My fingers are getting tired so I’m sorry if it got a little messy at the end or I got a bit off topic. If anyone needs more clarification I will happily oblige. There were even a few details I left out because I wanted to cut down on this post’s length. C!Karl is a fascinating character and he’s been my No. 1 for nearly two years at this point. Thank you for listening!
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enneamage · 2 months
a lot of the tommy privs are follow now are bringing up a current streak of bad behavior. apparently there was an incident in amsterdam where he threw a tantrum over someone taking his bottle of head and shoulders shampoo (when there was another bottle) & went on a tirade against everyone trying to figure out who took it and demanding it back to the point jack had to yell at him to make him stop? mentioned on the ylyl stream with molly who went: “you didn’t just give it to him?” & well as making jokes about p*ppytwt and how people made art of him as a minor in call with tubbo and piso during mcc and they both got triggered by it and deafened and in his new video he compared himself to james charles
the last two i can get as him trying to be edgy / force the mature label onto himself so he isn’t seen as a kid for better or for the definite worse, but really can’t figure out a good analysis of the first one other than Oh Wow
would love to get your opinions
https://youtu.be/oUUVoob-aIw?si=UBTRzhQA1Z4J_T13 23:58 amsterdam story for reference
Oh okay I’ve missed out on way more than I thought, damn. MCC is usually too big for me to digest but if someone is willing to do up a timestamp I could check the energy out. 
One of Tommy’s engines is counterphobia, which is the compulsion to move towards things that make him uncomfortable or scare him in order to get a handle on them. He also tends to lean into this more when adrenaline hits him, so when he gets messy he really starts nipping. The thing is, I think his adrenaline / panic response has been really hitting hard between his self-admitted depression and working out the genuine trauma of his teen years, so he’s riding the highs and lows. 
I’ve sat with this for a bit but Tommy is very into material signifiers of safety, and he always has been. (If I was being dorkier about the enneagram in this post I would cave in and finally call him a Self-Preservation (SP) Six since those are the most concerned with food/water/shelter/physical comfort.) He’s very sensitive about money, comfort, space, just anything you can point to and touch and count. On the more abstract level he’s very into numbers and making those numbers bigger. On the inverse, he cannot seem to handle the loss of those things well. I have to wonder if there’s a specific trauma there, or if it’s just his default nature. I know people like to say it’s because he’s an only child, but even only children can learn after a while. 
Tommy needs mentors and examples for how to do things in life, and now he’s gone and made his life deeply unique to himself, which means that nobody can 'fully' mentor him (on top of how shady the entertainment scene is-- paranoia sits badly in him), and he has to figure things out himself while gathering bits and pieces where he can. For a psyche like his, this is not a great deal, especially not for his still-formative years. He’s going to have to feel a lot of things out himself, and that means an incredible amount of trial and error, in potentially dangerous amounts depending on what his choices are. 
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the-final-sif · 9 months
Hi Sif! I saw you addition to my post and I wanted to follow up and say that I did a more complete analysis looking at every character on the Dream SMP. I definitely didn't think my original post was going to spread as far as it did, since it was me just gushing my surface level thoughts. Part of the reason I followed up with a more thorough look was that I didn't want to let misinformation spread without actually looking at the full data.
I agree with some of your points but I would like to push a little and say that I do think that there is still a gender bias. While Hannah's situation might be more related to her later addition to the server and lack of prominent romantic relationships (beyond Tinarose, which still counts as a rarepair by numbers), the numbers for Niki are a significant outlier considering her early presence and involvement in numerous character/story arcs, especially compared to some characters that fared better than her.
I obviously can't control for every variable and every reason the numbers may show what they do. And there are many, many reasons people can and should use tags the way they do. But I think it is not too far-fetched to say that the Dream SMP fandom does have a problem with overusing tags that don't actually portray what happens in their fic AND with under-valuing characters with marginalized identities, which are partially reflected in the way relationship tags and character tags work together as they do today.
Here's the thing, I actually don't think that Niki's story count is weird at all, I think you may just be underestimating how popular certain pairings/platonic relationships are.
Let's take a comparison that I think is more than fair, c!Punz. Punz has a pretty comparable if not larger impact on the story than c!Niki. particularly towards the finales he plays different roles in them. But outside of c!Dream he doesn't have a lot of other major relationships that are popular in fanon, outside of him and c!Purpled. Despite this, c!Punz is often important to the plot, and he joined a full month before Niki did. Hell, he joined before Tubbo and just after Tommy.
But look at his top 10,
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He does have 2/10 of his top relationships, but it's platonic/romantic drunz, so just different flavors of the same relationship. Outside of that, you see all the same super popular ships that you saw on ever other characters. It's just what happens in fandom.
As it turns out, some dynamics are just incredibly popular. DNF alone has nearly 25k fics written just for it. So honestly, with that many raw fics, it's hardly surprising that about 5% of them happen to feature Punz. Which ends up being more fics than the rest of his relationship category.
It's not that Punz is being incorrectly tagged in these fics, it's just that DNF is incredibly incredibly popular, and by virtue of that you end up here.
SBI similarly has about 21k fics, and Wilbur & Tommy have about 22k.
Niki's numbers aren't particularly weird, it's just that these particular dynamics are extremely popular. If you filter out just those three insanely popular dynamics, you get this,
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Niki ends up in 4/10 (sorta 4/9 since one of these is just "no romantic relationships" which people use as a relationship tag for some reason rather than just putting that in additional tags).
I'm not saying that there aren't gender biases in how certain characters are treated. To some extent people often feel less comfortable shipping female creators because people in the past were being creeps about it and forcing it onto female creators in their chats (lots of creators had to address this with their chats, Techno included). Which will lead to a specific decline in the amount they get tagged in the ship section.
What I am saying is that I don't actually think there's a gender bias in how characters are tagged, and I don't think ship stats are a good way to prove that. Characters can be important to a story and not be tagged in the ship section. Also, frankly, a lot of times authors force in or tag a "popular" ship just to get more attention for their story, even if that ship isn't a huge part of the story.
I'm also not rely sure what exactly you want to see happen with a post like that. Like, should people not tag female characters that are relevant to their story if they're also tagging a really popular ship? I don't think that's a good idea. It is just kinda being the fandom police if that really is your take on it, if you come at it from the perspective that you get to decide how other people should tag. I know you said you weren't trying to be that, but like, that's how it comes off.
Some people will tag based on relevancy, some people tag as warnings. Both are valid methods of tagging, and you don't have a right to control how other people use their tags. That's something I believe very strongly in.
I've also never really been fond of turning enjoyment of characters into a moral thing either. People will enjoy what characters they connect to for any number of reasons, and shaming them for not enjoying particular female characters has never done anyone any good. I've seen it a thousand times before in every fandom I've been in and all it does is make people feel guilty. What actually does a lot more good is instead being excited about the female characters you like, and creating interesting fandom content for them that helps get other people interested.
If you want more people to be passionate about something, start from a point of passion, not a point of shame.
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flemlem · 7 months
thougts about the creation stream [21.02.24] because i finally have them in order. Im going to try to keep this as factual as possible, but there may be some bits that I cant Not Be - also, this is going to be pretty damn long, i have many things to say and Im putting them all here, I'll try put all the opinions / heavy speculation at the end :>. Also sorry if it feels disjointed in places, I got real busy 2/3 of the way through and had to leave it for a while, so im not sure if i got all the points hit that i wanted to. (there should be a read more cause when i say long i mean Really Fucking Long but idk)
so first off, all the aliases that creation uses for other people (that I can find or reasonably assume).
Sunny (loved shell) rank 1
Chayanne (duck shell) rank 2
Tallulah (trauma shell) - rank 3
Empanada (pancake shell) - rank 4
Richarlyson - Rank 7
Tubbo - Primary Protector, Creator, Boss (unsure but will explain)
? - Centre Control
Philza - Guardian
Cellbit - Guardian (unsure)
Bagi - (slow) keeper
Niki - Keeper
mostly facts [though there are some interpretations and such]
tubbo is Really Really old. This is backed up by Many things, most on the stream, though a couple not. When creation is talking to chayanne in the ruins he says that tubbo created him a 'long long time ago'. The sheer amount of time is Also backed up by the fact that creation says he 'miss when this place was not ruins', did you see the state of those ruins? there were a few stacks of blocks left over on the tips of mountains that have virtually nothing distinct about them, the only descriptor used for all the blocks is also that they are ancient, so like-. The place has Lava surrounding it. In general just the state of the place kinda shows just how old it is. Though some fun things about qTubbo's age is that he Knows how old he is, or at least that he had been around for a long time. Going back to Fits birthday party when he says he's been dead for a long time. He is aware that he's been around a long time, though he doesnt add that to his age. In the message to Sunny he says that he's 20, not like, 70903405803. Just 20. cc!tubbo also confirmed on his alt stream later that qTubbo was infact 20 years old. He did also say that 'how long he's been around is another question' and then told people they were digging too far when they then asked how long qtubbo had been around for. He did however also say that 'his [qtubbo's] age stagnated when he was frozen' so qtubbo had to of been 19 when he got frozen [cause the 20th birthday was celebrated when tubbo was on the server].
Something that I have no clue about is exactly the connotations that are around it telling Chayanne that tubbo 'made me for you'. Creation also says something similar to Sunny at some other point in the stream. This is?? really confusing to me??? because it's heavily implied that Creation was created Before Tubbo was frozen. This could imply that Tubbo has re-programmed Creation at some point since being defrosted. Though the main running thing throughout Creations involvement has been that Tubbo Cannot Know About Creation At Any Cost. Originally it was Creation would die if Tubbo [Creator, specifically] knew. Then after Tubbo died it changed to Tubbo [Primary Protector, specifically] would die if he knew about Creation. Though then we get to something else that challenges this thought. During the recording shown at both the start and end of the stream Tubbo says that the message can only be unlocked by 2 people and that he never wants sunny to have to meet them. Obviously one of these people is Creation, as Creation mentioned on phils [and others] streams later the day that tubbo died that Creation had a message that could only be shown to sunny if Tubbo died, so this leaves 2 options for how this worked[that I can think of]. Either there was a moment in time, it had to of been after sunny was in tubbos care, in which he knew about Creation and Neither of them died. Or one of the people that could access the message passed it onto creation and tubbo was never aware of Creation.
Creation mentions 'The Old Order' as well, specifically that Creation misses the old order. The main question is about, what is the actual title of it? is it 'The Old Order', the 'Old Order' or the old 'Order'. If the title is just 'Order' and old is a descriptor then we could reasonably assume that it was a historical part of the current Order, though does Creation know about the current Order? Im unsure. If its either of the other ones then it's just a Title. Simply what the group is called. Not much is mentioned about the old order, other than that tubbo was at least associated with it, or they, somehow, stole Creation from him. It is also implied that they were at least where the ruins were, maybe all over the island, mainly from Creation saying that it misses the old order around when it mentions when the building wasnt ruins. Going off the block descriptions, this ruin is a ruin because of a 'past calamity'. Nothing else really mentioned about the calamity, just that that is why its ruins now.
The Operation is only mentioned a few times. It's never stated exactly what 'the operation' is. We know that the operation is something akin to a mission because when Tubbo first mentions it, in the 'if I died, last resort' recording, he says thats he never would of signed up for 'this scheme, this... operation if you will'. If he didn't say scheme before than it could of been, well, anything really, but the word scheme has some specific connotations that at the very least rules out some possibilities. After this first mention it is only referred to as 'the operation' [as far as I can find]. Creation does talk about it several times though. Something that it says is that it was a last effort to 'hold on' before Tubbo joined the operation. This implies that creation was made Before tubbo joined the operation. In the same last resort recording Tubbo does specifically say 'I would not have signed up for something like this'. He Signed Up to take part in whatever operation they are referring to. There is the implication that he signed up for this specifically because he didnt have Anything to care about before he signed up for it. He had nothing to live for, no... Purpose one may say?[side eye emoji]
okay so, the data. This is... something. In the description of the item it says that it was made by tubbo, the main thing is, When? We can glean a few things about this data from the stream [and a couple other places]. Going further into the description of the item. It says that it tracks Tubbo's vitals, statistics and locations. Going slightly out of this stream, this could be heavily why tubbo is Wrong. It doesn't say that it has his feelings or personality. Another thing to do with that is that tubbo did at Some Point send a chat that said that the data was incomplete/something along those lines[dont ask me when, I dont remeber, im pretty sure theres a screenie floating around in one of the tubbo tags tho]. Something that I find kind of weird is when Creation tells sunny that Creation cant promise that Tubbo will come back the same. The way its phrased could mean 2 things in my opinion. The first one being that Creation simply Does Not Know what is contained in the data. Creation does not know how much of Tubbo is in there, when it was made, if it's been damaged, if its been Tampered With. Or something that I think is almost as plausible, Creation phrases it that way because Creation is talking to a Child. One of Creations main purposes seems to be protecting the Eggs, both physically and emtionally [see: Creation hugging Sunny after Tubbo died] so maybe Creation was trying to break it to Sunny as gently as possible. Not straight up say 'Your dad is going to be Different' but just, something small to prepare them for it, so that Sunny isn't blind sided by the change. The data was also in Central Control's possession. When they have to go grab the data creation specifically says that 'Central Control has delivered it'. So Some How, CC got the data. This also raises some questions about the password on the chest the data was in. Why was it Sunny's adoption day? Did Tubbo make the box and CC can just teleport things into it at will but not change the password?
What exactly Is Creations purpose? We are told that it has something to do with protecting the eggs, but also not Entierly revolving around them. We are told that tubbo created it for chayanne and sunny, we can reasonably asume that its not just for them but All the eggs. But creation shuts down after guiding the construction of the revival machine, saying that its purpose is finished. But that has nothing to do with the eggs? This doesnt fit with the rest of the pieces we have on the board to me because it was called the First Video Log. Why call it the first if there was never going to be a second? Surely if Creations only purpose was to resurrect tubbo then it would of known that it was going to die. And also just protecting the eggs cant be its only purpose because then it wouldnt of said that it could shut down because its purpose wouldnt of been complete? Its purpose Never would of been complete until all the eggs were dead? This confuses the fuck outta me. Though something about its purpose does seem to be that it is to learn. It comes off very naieve about the world at large, though it trusts sunny when they tell it that the boat will keep the water away. It seems in awe of most things around it, or surprised or dismissive. saying 'woah' when looking at the station . Saying 'oh my god' when the creeper explodes. it says 'I did this for you [boss]' after saying that it was learning fast. Learning seems to have a lot to do with it's purpose. Tubbo says, in the Alt stream later that 'It's [creation] just a little guy... mainly copying, trying to fit in to not like, fail it's purpose' We could take this as learning to fit in being its purpose, Or the more obvious one being that its purpose relies heavily on being able to fit in. Is that so that the eggs and parents trust it to care for the eggs? or does it have something to do with the old order?
Now we get more into theory and heavy interpretation area, so buckle up {a lot of this next bit is half baked thoughts that I cant connect to anything else, so, yeah}
Something about Tubbo's character specifically, kind of related to his age? though more so to do with What The Ever Loving Fuck his character IS. So. QTubbo has been around for A While, that we know, we Also know that hes been dead for a long time as well. We know that hes not a robot, curtesy of Creation's 'not like a robot, no'. Though, where does that then leave him. He can still be restored, he can be shut down and he's been dead for a long time. And yes, specifically dead. Why? because when talking about Creation tubbo says that it was never alive in the first place so 'not dead, no', whenever qTubbo is talked about, the word 'Dead' is Always used. Never anything else, so he Was alive At Some Point. Though then theres the question of How The EverLoving Fuck Can He Die If He Is Already Dead???? idfk
Okay so, next thing. I fully think that the calamity has something to do with how tubbo got frozen. Whether the calamity has something to do with Why creation was created in the first place, if said calamity has something to do with the reason why creation was a last attempt to hold on. it could also be something to do with the reason why tubbo was frozen. If its less so a punishment and more so something along the lines of recuperation, then maybe he got hurt. Or it could be something to do with 'The Operation', Im just kind of spit balling at this point. Maybe the calamity wasnt natural. maybe the operation was some kind of last ditch effort to go against some All Powerful being or group.
SO explaining the thing about putting 'Boss' in Tubbos list of alias'. This is Very Heavily how IM interpretating this. When they are collecting the blocks in the ruins, there are a couple times that Creation goes in F5 and starts talking, staring directly into the 'camera'. During this he says 'Boss I am learning fast, see how well I'm doing. I did this for you.' and 'Boss one day I hope you will remember me'. This is heavily off of that second one. 'I hope you will remember me one day'. Sure, 'boss' could be near anyone, Infact there is a high chance that 'boss' is Central control. But just. hear me out [which i hope youre doing if youve read this far down]. Who else could Creation reasonably label 'boss'? Who do we Know does not remember creation? Tubbo Created creation, and has subsequently forgotten about creation, whether thats of his own volition, for his safety or some other reason, I dunno, but I think its got legs.
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The Pirates SMP Kill Tally: an Analysis
(AKA I've been curious about everyone's kill counts for months and finally got around to making the count and the post.)
Obligatory "everything is roleplay" disclaimer.
Criteria for kills
For my own peace of mind, bounties do not count as kills due to the respawn mechanism
We're (mostly) sticking to permanent deaths, so the cast accidentally killing each other in battle via friendly fire does NOT count either
I'm judging by in-game death messages for who got the final blow
Each kill on a Cultist = 1 kill because I don't care about the respawn mechanism on them; I'm just assuming they're all different people and the respawn is to bypass out-of-universe logistics
It's impossible to determine ALL kills due to the established worldbuilding, but we sure are trying our best
Kills are sorted by event for organization; non-event kills and deaths are listed separately
Day 1 / July 30: Recruitment Day
None of the pirates have killed anyone yet! Woo!
Ivy / Corruption: Aimsey (1)
Iris / Cultists: Guqqie (1)
Day 36 / Sept 3: In Too Deep
Against all odds, no one technically dies. Michela shot the crystal that freed Ivy and the Corruption, but by that point, Ivy's been using Aimsey's body as a puppet anyway and p!Aimsey has been officially listed as "fallen" on the POWCreations Twitter since Day 1. So no, Michela did not kill Aimsey; Ivy and the Corruption did
Day 76 / Oct 13: The Rescue Mission
Acho: 1 Cultist, shot from above
Apo: 1 Cultist, shot just after the release of the Yetis
Scott: 1 Cultist, stabbed with a kitchen knife
Iris / Cultists: Marnie (1)
Day 77 / Oct 14: The Revenge Raid
Acho: 5 Cultists
Graecie: 1 Cultist, killed in melee
Kuervo: 1 Cultist
Kyle: 3 Cultists
Owen: 1 Cultist
Ros: 1 Cultist
Scott: Altair, the Right Hand of Iris, who seemingly respawns later for some reason (0.5)
Shelby: 1 Cultist, three-shot
Shep: 1 Cultist
Water: 1 Cultist
Iris / Cultists: Hook (1)
Day 93 / Oct 30: Halloween
Captain Golden Beard and her crew of 890 pirates (i.e. 891 in total) were technically killed by the cursed gold created by Nocturnus and Eclipsa
Nocturnus: Mufasa (1; but I personally don't believe it)
Seapeekay: Nocturnus (1); while two rounds were fought on-stream, both Owen and Martyn's YouTube adaptations use the first round as standard, so that's what I'm going with
Day 112 / Nov 18: Final Wishes
Against all odds, no POV character dies again! It's just the Faction Isles backstory drop lore event. That being said...
Iris / Cultists: Many unnamed individuals; including dozens of villagers [only one named character, Icarus, but identifies the Logkeeper and their cousin (1), brothers (2+), friends (2+)], many unnamed pirates [presumably incl. "Mrs. Caravel" and her two children] (10+)
Although most, if not all pirates end up having to kill the vengeful wraiths/ghosts of the townsfolk, as with Aimsey's case, they were dead to begin with and thus don't count
Day 134 / Dec 10: The Finale
Annotation: Only Take 2 of the Battle on the Faction Isles is counted, but Take 1 kills are recorded for reference.
Apo: 5 Cultists
Graecie: 4 Cultists
Jojo: 1 Cultist in Take 1 of the battle, 5 Cultists in Take 2, Ohca / Insane Cultist (6)
Kuervo: 2 Cultists
Kyle: 6 Cultists
Oli: 2 Cultists, Pip by accident (3)
Ros: 1 Cultist in the Take 1 of the battle
Scott: 1 Cultist
Seapeekay: 1 Cultist
Shep: 4 Cultists
Water: 2 Cultists
Iris / Cultists (offscreen): Olive (confirmed by cc!Apo), Sniff (confirmed by cc!Apo), Scar, Shelby, Puffy, Eret (confirmed by cc!Apo), Reddoons, Tubbo, Michela (9)
Ohca / Insane Cultist specifically: Claud, Saffrie, Finn, the Enchantress, Katie (5)
Other unnamed Cultists: Digby (1)
Ivy / Corruption: Iris (1)
Ivy's own death is hard to pin down, because the positive magick countering the Corruption in her is literally the Power of Love and Friendship, with Cruppy as a sacrifice; it can't be attributed to Iris because she's already dead by that point, but the cast didn't exactly do anything to kill her either
Non-event kills (known)
Iris / Cultists: "Dai", Bek on Day 125 / Dec 1, Will on Day 130 / Dec 6 (3)
Bek: 2 unnamed Cultists that captured her on Day 125 / Dec 1 (2)
Kuervo: Commanders Francesco, Miria, Charrio, Rosaria, Tapia, Miguel, Travis, and Ernesto of the Nayan Armada [Javi and Rodrigo survived the rampage, would technically be 1st degree murder due to premeditation; but let's be honest, we're cheering him on because they're tyrants]; 1 unnamed Cultist on Day 126 / Dec 2 (9)
Martyn: Jeffery on Day 125 / Dec 1
Sausage: At least 2, 4, or 5 unnamed naval soldiers holding his uncle captive in his backstory, arguably in self-defense; reports are inconsistent and the canonicity of the 4 or 5 is questionable because psychotherapy is anachronistic for the setting
Shep: At least one unnamed individual on Captain Merton's orders; p!Will's case could either be 2nd degree or voluntary manslaughter under US laws [for reference only] (1.5+)
p!Acho technically wasn't killed by anyone, but if we had to determine a killer, it would be whoever set up the trap and ultimatum in Kishi in the first place; however, since that person's identity is unknown and presumably lost to time, we cannot say for certain who is to blame. Same would go for Mahara and perhaps countless others
Total kills in the SMP-era (i.e. does not count distant worldbuilding kills)
* is counted for kills NOT in self-defense; battlefield kills or fighting back against captors ARE considered self-defense
Acho: 6, all unnamed Cultists
Apo: 6, all unnamed Cultists
Bek: 2, all unnamed Cultists
Jojo: 6, incl. Ohca / Insane Cultist
Graecie: 5, all unnamed Cultists
Kuervo: 12, incl. 8 tyrants* and 4 unnamed Cultists
Kyle: 9, all unnamed Cultists
Martyn: 1, specifically Jeffery*
Oli: 3, incl. Pip (by friendly fire) and 2 unnamed Cultists
Owen: 1 unnamed Cultist
Ros: 1 unnamed Cultist
Sausage: At least 2 (possibly 4 or 5?), all unnamed soldiers
Scott: 2.5, all Cultists
Seapeekay: 2, incl. Nocturnus and 1 unnamed Cultist
Shelby: 1 Cultist
Shep: 6.5+, incl. unnamed persons*, p!Will* (only 0.5 because the Cultists dealt the final blow), and 5 unnamed Cultists
Water: 3, all unnamed Cultists
Iris, via petrification: 15* named in SMP era; not counting deaths revealed in the Final Wishes event because they're pre-SMP era
Ohca / Insane Cultist: 5 named
Other unnamed Cultists: 1 named
Ivy: 2 named, specifically Aimsey* and Iris
Nocturnus and Eclipsa: presumably 1* named in SMP era; not counting the ~891 backstory deaths from the Golden Isle subplot*
The characters with the most known kills are Nocturnus and Eclipsa (~892), but Iris would theoretically have the most kills overall stretched out over a millennium; just because the Corruption took over some islands and settlements doesn't necessarily mean the people who lived there died to it (we need hard evidence for that, and we don't)
The only POV characters who have committed murder/manslaughter (i.e. killed outside the battlefield or captivity) are Kuervo, Shep, and Martyn, in that order in kill tally
Despite the above statement and having the most kills for a POV character, Kuervo is still sympathetic owing to the fact every named person he's killed was an autocratic tyrant
On the battlefield, the POV character with the most kills is Kyle, at 9 overall
The survivor who killed the least people is Cleo, at 0 kills; followed by Eloise (0 kills excluding bounties); then Owen (1 kill excluding bounties); then Ros (1 kill excluding bounties and finale battle Take 1)
For the above, Martyn is in that weird spot of "we don't know his whereabouts post-finale" AND he technically also only has 1 kill, but it was premeditated, even if he got the wrong target in the end (i.e. his kills were 100% premeditated)
The deceased character who killed the most people is Acho, at 6 kills, all unnamed Cultists; to note, star is also the first known POV character to get a kill during the canon era by sniping a Cultist during the Rescue Mission
I am NOT studying law for a reason LMAO
EDIT: Corrected p!Sausage's kill count because I completely forgot about his backstory when I made this post.
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Fandom song animatic tournament: Bracket 2 Side A Round 2
Achilles Come Down ([Blank] Come Down) - Gang Of Youths
"Achilles, Achilles, Achilles, come down Won't you get up off, get up off the roof? You're scaring us and all of us, some of us love you Achilles, it's not much but there's proof"
My R ([Blank]'s R) - KurageP (Cover by Rachie)
"Just as I was about to take my shoes Off of the rooftop, there I see A girl with braided hair here before me Despite myself, I go and scream 'Hey, don't do it, please!' "
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
Achilles Come Down - Gang Of Youths
No Propaganda Submitted
Animatics with the song:
DSMP Tommy Animatic
DSMP Wilbur Animatic
Unus Annus
Rain World
My R ([Blank]'s R) - KurageP
I cant explain this one other than i just remember seeing it a whole whole lot
my r is such an iconic song for animatics, there are so many different interpretations of the song and it’s so lovely to see all of them in different animatics across different videos not to mention the comment sections usually have like essays of in depth analysis which is so good bro also it’s so catchy my r sweep!!!!!
Animatics with the song:
Mystic Messenger
DSMP Tubbo Animatic
Karmaland Evil Luzu Animatic
Please be cautious and read the title, description and warning cards on the animatic videos if you decide to watch them. If you've got specific triggers I'd recommend even more caution when watching animatics of fandoms you don't know, since sometimes canon-typical themes don't get warnings.
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hiko-the-teacup · 2 years
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heheehehe tommeeeyyyy
he's so goofy, i tried to make him look interesting cuz i saw a lot of designs that were really simple and i wanted to add more silly details
so tommy is a human, but he is in fact an Aries, he is a Prospit dreamer and i believe he is a Heir of Blood (im too sleepy to explain just trust me on this one) so, hypothetically, if he were to be a troll he would be in the (canon extended zodiac's) sign of Arcer (sign of the officer)
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i love the idea that tubbo had kind of a jade situation and had to fuse with his sprite which happened to have a ram and is actually god tier but uses normal clothes :)))
so tubbo is a human as well but he is a Capricorn, and i believe he is a Derse dreamer and a Bard of Breath
mostly because of the way he developed as a character, starting in a way, very attached to Tommy, looking for connections and trying to be the leader of a country, but in the end not being able to bare with it all and pushing people away
so hypothetically if he were a troll he'd fall on the sign of Capriun (sign of the cartographer)
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fundy is a human which also had a jade situation and became part fox!!
hes a Mage of Breath i believe, mostly because of the way he felt isolated from everyone
he is also a libra and a Prospit dreamer which would land him on the sign Libus (sign of the vibrant)
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ok more like my second fave but still hehe
Wilbur, unlike many designs would lead you to believe, is actually a Virgo!!
i believe he is a Prince of Mind, and i will elaborate in another post (maybe) because i have a lot to say about him bc i LOVE THIS CHARACTER SO MUCH AGHHH
so anyways, he therefore is a Derse dreamer Jadeblood, Prince of Mind, which would fall into Virza (sign of the puzzle) ((fun fact that's also my extended zodiac sign)) (((i swear it wasn't or purpose i prome plz-----)))
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he is also a virgo actually, that surprised me lmao
i believe he is a Witch of Rage, a Derse dreamer and being a Jadeblood that would give him the sign of viriborn (sign of the stringent)
i don't have much to say, this design was kinda lazy, i might remake it actually
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they would also be an ancestor design, i just couldn't render him cuz,, i got lazy---
but yeah he is a Capricorn and he is a Sylph of Heart♡♡♡, he is also a Derse dreamer and that would give him the sign Caprio (sign of the opaque)
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so first of all quackity is a Capricorn, HOWEVER i couldn't think of a very good design with purple for him specifically and so i was talking with a friend and came to this thought:
Quackity, like Jack Noir, was kinda pushed around and undermined,(more things i wrote but were deleted,ill do a deeper analysis when im more awake i swear)
essentially hes a derse Capricorn page of space, that would fall on Capriga sign of the surveyor
((edit;; oh my god it deleted like half of my post im going to die))
((ill post the rest tomorrow maybe))
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ifievertoldyou · 2 months
"A Deer Mistaking Candles for Headlights" by Crywank for tHAW!Quackity
this song can be listened to with manberg!quackity in mind, so i'm going to analyze that now
(under the cut is a lyrical breakdown of this song for quackity)
“You could call me a coward and you'd be correct/ Oh, my neck is safely off the line now/ I'm keeping my mouth shut until this is over/ Why bother speaking my mind?”
just a note before we get into this, this is an unreliable narrator analysis, aka: i'm not actually calling quackity a coward or any or these things, but i think he would call himself these things when thinking of himself at that time.
with that out of the way, quackity almost never stood up for himself or others when he was in manberg. and when he did weakly protest against tubbo's execution, schlatt punished him severely for it. he was never safe enough to speak his mind back then, but he still hates himself for not doing so more. hence the theme of deep self-loathing for one’s own passivity that is seen throughout this song.
“You can call me a liar and that would be true/ Though I do disagree, I don't challenge you/ I am docile and lazy, I show no respect/ You can call me a coward and you'd be correct”
this entire song is basically the embodiment of the fawn response, and quackity definitely went through his fair share of fawn responses during manberg, where he was forced to go along with things he would never normally go along with, in order to keep himself more safe, and avoid any more dangerous confrontations from arising. The ram expected him to give up his self-respect (hence the 'i show no respect' line) in order to give Him more ‘respect’ (even though it was more just forced obedience, since respect should go both ways), and the singer here is talking about how much they don’t like the fact that they feel so obligated to forget themselves for someone else, out of fear that something bad would happen if they were to stray from this expected method of behaviors. and that very much what quackity went through while he was in manberg. and he hates how pathetic that whole experience made him feel, both for how the ram treated him, and how he had to treat others in order to protect himself.
“Distant but rational/ Bringer of rage/ To get to a level where I will engage/ I am a tentacle, incapacitated obstacle/ I am obsolete and apathetic/ Thoughtlessly apologetic./ Watch my actions -or lack the thereof/ Negate the person that I said I was”
manberg!quackity would always take responsibility for things that weren't his fault, to the point where it just seemed like second nature to him to apologize; even now, quackity still has to stop himself from apologizing unnecessarily, lest he fall into old habits. and we see him actually falling into this habit again after q loses his eye.
this specific passage is also very reminiscent of tubbo’s execution. it took a child almost getting publicly murdered to get quackity to somewhat look past his fear of the ram retaliating and stand up for his values. but in the end, he still didn’t do a lot to stop the execution from happening, other than just weakly rebutting against it happening. it was still a lot for him to do within the context of everything, and of course, his small dissents were very significant to the ram, based on his reaction to just that minor retaliation. it’s more than understandable why quackity couldn’t do more than that, for his own safety, but he still hates himself for not doing more, enough that he considers himself a monster for it, even though this obviously isn’t true and he did what he could at the time. quackity has so many regrets surrounding his time in manberg, and he hates himself for how he was then, which he projects onto q for the first part of the story too.
“You could call me a phony and I would agree/ Oh, I see the many versions of me that I perform/ Moulded to suit/ I know the real me just convolutes”
thaw!quackity wears so many different masks to hide his true emotions and to keep up all his different appearances. but every single mask he wears is crafted by him to perfectly fit both the situation and person. he doesn't let the mask completely down even with q. he stopped his habit of taking off his shoes when he gets home once q started living with him, so that q would see a very specific side of quackity. a more put-together side. a less human side. and it can be argued that this tendency to wear so many masks really started with manberg. before then, he still wore his emotions mostly on his sleeve with people, unless he was gambling. but manberg changed all that, made him more closed off with his genuine identity, it made him have to perfect his different masks for his own survival. of course, he only got more closed off from being his authentic self around most people the more things happened to him, but this all started in manberg.
vv link to the song vv
thanks for reading, and here's where you can read thaw if you haven't already!!
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