#CHDawareness (Congenital Heart Defect Awareness)
Dr. Arun K Bableshwar
Dr. Arun K Bableshwar is a Pediatric Cardiologist and currently working at SDM Narayana Heart Centre, Dharwad
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maouie · 7 years
Chronic illness: Congenital Heart Disease.
When I was at the hospital today, because of some pain going on. I was getting weird looks, when getting out and in the car. I am fully aware that, I'm parked in the handicapped area, and I'm fully aware that I look fairly healthy on the outside. I'm also aware that many people fake having an illness just to get benefits. But don't always assume that someone is faking something. I always feel like I need to look more sick. But I don't, people just need to realise that not all chronic illnesses make you look like you're dying or sick. You can look perfectly normal and have something wrong with you. I've been trying not to let the weird looks bother me, and I know once I get a service dog that I'll end up getting more strange looks. But I'm doing this for myself, I feel like I need a service dog. And I feel like I need a wheel chair, along with many other things. Having the congenital heart disease that I have, simple tasks like cleaning up or even walking around is a huge struggle for me. As I'm writing this right now, at 12:44 am. I'm experiencing breathing issues and chest pains. Along with back issues and a headache, but this is my normal. Feeling like crap on the daily, is my normal. Having bruises, being cold, coughing a lot, feeling dizzy or having headaches, and also having so many chest pains and breathing issues is my normal. Going to the hospital nearly every week is my normal, blood draws, medical procedures, ER, MRI's, Stress test, and so many other things. Are my normal, I don't need people saying "I feel sorry for you" or "I'm worried about you" because this is my normal, I'm okay. I'm happy in my own way, yeah it causes me depression sometimes. But that's okay, I don't need you to feel sorry or to worry yourself sick because I ended up in the hospital three times in a row. That's normal for me. The only times someone really needs to worry about me, is if I'm having surgery or my heart spaz episodes again. Other than that everything else is just normal. Spread more awareness about Congenital Heart Disease, 1 out of 100 kids each year is born with CHD. It's a very common and extremely dangerous disease. We are so lucky now to be having so many more heart doctor's on hand. Many more CHD kids are now being able to live into adulthood!
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dykelittlemy · 8 years
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If you like this post, repost this image along with this message: February is CHD awareness month. CHD , or congenital heart defects, affects nearly one in every 100 babies in the USA each year, and are one of the most common type of birth defects. Most of these children need open heart surgery(s) in order to live. In the United States alone, twice as many children die from congenital heart defects each year than from all forms of childhood cancer combined. Although CHD affects many people, there is very little funding put towards research for it. This is something that NEEDS awareness.
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biglemonboy · 8 years
Since February is Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Month, I'll probably be posting a lot of stuff about it!! I have 6 heart defects, so this is a very special and important month to me! In case you're wondering, my defects are: 1. Atrial Septal Defect 2. Single Ventricle Defect 3. Pulmonary Valve Stenosis 4. Missing Mitral Valve 5. Tricuspid Valve Leakage 6. Transposition of the Great Vessels I've had 2 open heart surgeries, the Fontan and the Glenn. I also have a coil for my Pulmonary Valve Stenosis. I'm currently on two types of medication, Enalapril twice a day and a baby aspirin at night.
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More than 32,000 infants are born each year with some form of heart defect. Feb 7th-14th is the Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week. Let's see how we can Think HEART & identify CHD in infants.
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zerohungerghana · 4 years
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CONGENITAL HEART DEFECT AWARENESS WEEK – 7-14 February Did you know it’s Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week? Not only are CHDs the most common type of birth defect, but they also can lead to undiagnosed or untreated complications, sometimes resulting in malpractice. Join us to create the awareness. #2021CongenitalHeartDefectAwareness #CHDAwareness #LittleLifeLines #HeartDefect #ChildCare #Heart #CHD2021 Ref: https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/congenital-heart-defect-awareness-week/ _____________________________________________ The ongoing mission of "CHANGING LIVES 1 PLATE AT A TIME" is to contribute to the wellbeing of the vulnerable via giving them access to safe, healthy and nutritious food, ENDING HUNGER! And advocating to develop poor communities, ENDING POVERTY! With your donation and support, you can help provide a meal for a person in need and support the operations of #EndingHunger #EndingPoverty with #ZeroHungerGhana Zero Hunger Ghana (#ZHG) is a non-partisan, non-profit organization contributing to the wellbeing of the #Vulnerable (mobilised beneficiaries) in society (#Ghana, West #Africa). ____________________________________________ DONATION CHANNELS FOR ZERO HUNGER GHANA Online Donation Via Just Giving: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/zerohungerghana Mobile Money Donations: MTN MOMO PAY - 610872 ZERO HUNGER GHANA or MTN MOMO NUMBER - 0247 239 702 Reference: Kindly State Your Name Bank Deposit in Ghana: Account Name: ZERO HUNGER GHANA Account Number: 0100191581900 Bank: STANDARD CHARTERED BANK Branch: INDEPENDENCE AVENUE BRANCH _____________________________________________ Products/Nonmonetary Donations, Contact Lillian on +233 54 012 2720 _____________________________________________ A Charis Jadlen #SocialImpact Project and a #ThinkMahoganyCSR #ZeroHunger #ZeroHungerGhana #EndHunger #EndPoverty #FAO #UNFAO #FAOGhana #WFP #WFPGhana ZHGPartner #OrganicFarmingProject #ZHGWeMove #FoodHeroes #FoodSystems https://www.instagram.com/p/CLL5uecJeVr/?igshid=eh3vljrk5frp
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tidydeskproject · 4 years
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CONGENITAL HEART DEFECT AWARENESS WEEK – 7-14 February This is Congenital Heart Defects Awareness Week. CHD is the world’s most common birth defect, affecting 1.35 million infants annually. Help educate your community about the prevalence of CHD, as well as the need for research & quality care. #2021CongenitalHeartDefectAwareness #CHDAwareness #LittleLifeLines #HeartDefect #ChildCare #Heart #CHD2021 Ref: https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/congenital-heart-defect-awareness-week/ ______________________________________________ The Tidy Desk Project Delivers Seamless Paperwork Workflow, Providing Accountable Procedures For Organised Information Through Personalised Administrative Systems For Professionals In The Creative Business Industry ______________________________________________ A #CharisJadlen #BProject - The #TidyDeskProject #TidyDesk #PaperWork #BusinessPaperWork #BusinessProcess  #BusinessStartUp #BusinessTraining #WorkFlow #ServiceQualityManagement #VirtualAdmin #Accountability  #HumanResource #CustomerService #BusinessGrowth ClericalWork  BusinessAnalysis Audits #Accounts QualityAssurance #CreativeBusiness Documentation BusinessRules BusinessRegulations Procedures CreativeBusiness StaffTraining #CharisJadlenConsultancy #CharisJadlen #CJConsultancy https://www.instagram.com/p/CLL40uYJasA/?igshid=12tzczb8j7m04
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charisjadlen · 4 years
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CONGENITAL HEART DEFECT AWARENESS WEEK – 7-14 February February 7th-14th is recognized as Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week. Please take some time to show some appreciation to those Cardiologist dedicating their lives to bettering and improving their patients' lives! #2021CongenitalHeartDefectAwareness #CHDAwareness #LittleLifeLines #HeartDefect #ChildCare #Heart #CHD2021 Ref: https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/congenital-heart-defect-awareness-week/ ______________________________________________ Charis Jadlen Consultancy's objectives are to help small businesses (#BProject) and social impact organizations (#SIProject) keep their vision fulfilled and to provide solutions for individuals seeking to grow their careers (#IProject) ______________________________________________ #CharisJadlenConsultancy #CharisJadlen #CJConsultancy #CareerGrowth  #SMEs #SocialImpactOrganizations #BusinessStartUp BusinessTraining TransformationalLeadership Employability  TransformationalEntrepreneurship  StrategyImplementation #ProductMarketing #ServiceMarketing #StrategicBusinessPlanning TailoredTrainingProgramme CompetitiveAdvantage CorporateRepresentation ServiceQualityManagement  #Vision #Goals #Mission #Values  #SocialImpact #SocialGood  #NonProfit https://www.instagram.com/p/CLL4rLYJ4f2/?igshid=1388eippt924x
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scdawarenessghana · 4 years
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CONGENITAL HEART DEFECT AWARENESS WEEK – 7-14 February Having a healthy heart can make all the difference in a person’s life. Being born with a heart defect can significantly reduce that person’s ability to interact with the world around them. Congenital heart defects occur more in children, join us as we create the awareness to educate, research and seek for good health solutions. #2021CongenitalHeartDefectAwareness #CHDAwareness #LittleLifeLines #HeartDefect #ChildCare #Heart #CHD2021 Ref: https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/congenital-heart-defect-awareness-week/ ___________________________________________ #SickleCellDiseaseAwarenessGhana is a nonprofit project which educates on #SickleCellDisease (#SCD) and focuses on the need for support for treatment in #Ghana. #SickleCell is an inherited condition that currently affects many lives worldwide. #SCDAwarenessGhana  #BecauseItMatters ❗ ___________________________________________ A #CharisJadlen #SocialImpact Project (#SIProject), a #ThinkMahoganyCSR . #SickleCellAnemia #ILoveSomeoneWithSCD  #SDG3 #HealthAndWellbeing https://www.instagram.com/p/CLL4KkbjG4D/?igshid=yceesa6fg2w
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loveinjune16 · 5 years
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❤️💙 Congenital Heart Defect 💙❤️ Congenital heart defect is the most common birth defect. 1 in 100 babies is born with CHD. Approximately 85-90% of CHDs have no known cause or origin. I am doing this red and blue #bookstack for @nic_reads_inheels it is in honor of her daughter that lost her life due to a heart defect. Kinley was just 12 days old. #rememberingkinley Nic is helping raise awareness and will be donating $1 (up to $100) for each book stack in the month of February! Money will be going to Children’s Heart Foundation! My son had open heart surgery and is now a healthy teen! I am forever thankful for his doctors, nurses and the care that he got! Please join us and raise awareness about CHD! #chdawareness #chdawarenessweek #chd #chdwarrior #chdsurvivor #chdaware #chdbaby #bookstack #bookstacks #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #redandblue #redandbluebooks #chdbook #chdbookstack #chdbooks #childrenshealth #childrensheartfoundation #heart #childrensheartproject #childrensheart #heartsurgery #heartsurgerysurvivor #remebering #febuarychallenge #febuaryheartmonth #heartmonth #heartmonth2020 #openheart https://www.instagram.com/p/B8z4bcEjZ09/?igshid=14oca2afrmko
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snuggle-diaries · 5 years
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The Paper Heart Project is a campaign that spreads awareness about Congenital Heart Defects also called CHDs. Congenital Heart Defects are the most common type of birth defect. The severity of CHDs can range from mild to deadly. Nearly 1 in 100 babies are born with one or more of the 40 different types of Congenital Heart Defects. Children with heart defects are often at lifelong risk for other medical problems and cognitive or developmental complications. There is no cure for Congenital Heart Defects. CHDs are the most common childhood disease yet is the most underfunded in regards to its prevalence. Twice as many children die each year from CHD then from all childhood cancers combined yet pediatric cancer research funding is 5 times higher which is also underfunded. Please join in this month to help spread awareness about Congenital Heart Defects. Anyone can participate in this project. You simply take a photo of a paper heart. Then post your photo to any social media outlet and hashtag your post with the following hashtags: #paperheartproject #CHDAwareness. Let’s take the internet by storm with our paper hearts. The more awareness we can spread, the more funding for research we hope to receive. If you would like to donate or learn more please visit @thechf @projectheart and @american_heart   (at Secunderabad) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8wshYxFQyv/?igshid=17kcx63dllh4s
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maouie · 7 years
My Chronic Illnesses: •Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) •Depression •Anxiety •Bipolar •Migraines ___________________________________________ I normally take three pills for my heart but some days I need to take less or more of my blood thinners depending on how my levels have been the past few weeks and lately my levels have been very low. Than I have my pill for my chronic mental illnesses like my depression, bipolar and anxiety. I have many as needed medications for when I'm extremely ill. That actually tends to me for frequent then you'd think. Especially when it's during the summer time, because of the hot weather. However, I wasn't always taking this many pills. Just before last year. I was only taking one for my heart and two for my mental illnesses, and when I was younger there was another medicine that I was taken, so I was taking two for the longest time and no pills for my mental illnesses up until 2015. My old blood thinner was baby aspirin but now its Coumadin because I'm taking testosterone, but last year I also had two extremely scary episodes. They were heart spasms, something I've never experienced before and they could have ended my life. Since then they put me on new medications, because of that episode and noticing my health rapidly get worse, my depression got worse and I was put on new medications for that. I'm 19 years old. I had three open heart surgeries and I have three quarters of my heart. It's been about 13 years since my last surgery but I've had many small procedures since than. Everything was fine up until last year and this year, each and everyday my body is getting weaker and I'm getting sicker. Normally with my medical issue I'm not suppose to be experiencing anything else, I should be roughly healthy. But that's the thing wth a Chronic Illnesses, you never know what's gonna happen and when it's going to happen. You can be fine one day but than the next be in the hospital. Most people don't know that Congenital Heart Disease is the number one killer of all diseases, some kids don't even live to be five years old. Frankly, I was suppose to die before I became thirteen but I put lived that, and thanks to our amazing Cardiologists more kids are being able to live into their adult years. But still one out of hundred kids are born each year with CHD. And many of them don't live to be five years old. Please spread more awareness about this disease and if you have any questions at all feel free to ask me! I'm willing to answer anything you throw at me.
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genesisfoundation1 · 6 years
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CHD Awareness - A Step for Tiny Hearts
"It is a month to be #CHDAware of the tiny hearts around the world who suffer from an ailment called a congenital heart defect." Read our blog contribution for CHD Awareness Month here: https://genesis-foundation.net/Are-you-CHD-Aware-this-month.aspx  
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Did You Know that there are about 35 known types of congenital heart defects. A healthy lifestyle can help reduce the risk. Learn more..
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ihearticie · 8 years
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Day 28 of Heart Month❤️Today is the last day of Heart Month. While I won't be posting daily on the matter you can bet your ass it's on my mind as well as my husbands, our families and all the other family's touched by congenital heart defects minds. We fight every day. Fight through tears, fear and horrible thoughts. We hold tightly to the wonderful stories we have been told which gives us hope. We just keep moving forward. It's only the beginning for Carl and me but this is our lives now. Every day, every week, every month, every year. Wear red when you can. Spread awareness. Let's not let CHD awareness fade as February ends. We all know CHD isn't going anywhere. #heartmonth #heartwarrior #heartparents #1in100 #daughter #ihearticie #firsttimeparents #doubleoutletrightventricle #dorv #persistentleftsuperiorvenacava #tof #tetralogyoffallot #chd #chdsux #chdawareness #fckchd
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marfamata · 7 years
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Nearly 1 in 100 babies will be born with a congenital heart defect. Their fight often begins before their own birth and continues throughout adulthood. Awareness can sometimes prevent as well as progressively treat this disease. Imagine if your child was the 1 in 100. What could you do to bring awareness, advancements in treatment, support, and improvement to those living this fight? The first step is to make yourself aware! #chdawareness #chdawarenessweek #mendedhearts #chdbabies #Repost from @dcross13
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