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Nicato C’lypso! My laid-back violet-blood from tropical waters, he likes taking things easy and getting fit 💪🐠
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darckcarnival · 2 years
@crimsonamber9999 continued from: Here
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"Oh I doubt you would attack me. You don't have that feeling about you. And I certainly don't plan on lashing out either, of that I assure you. We're of the same agreement there."
Curiosity was a dangerous thing to have some times, especially for a creature such as Darck. Eternity open ahead of her and time just stretched onwards, so much time to learn- and yet the hunger for knowledge and to discover things was always at the foreground instead of lingering calm. This was the reason that the brunette had made herself known so soon, wanting to bounce words between them rather than the usual stalking notions. Course, she already had some ideas... But nothing set in stone within her mind.
Both hands stayed within the pockets of her long trench coat, brown leather barely moving with her shifted weight. Like it was ever a part of the figure just as much as arms or legs might be. Staying where she was now, to not draw too close, having noticed the taller one moving back for space. Odd, considering how much smaller her figure was. A good thing she was concealing her power and capability under layers of control and containment. "Ah, sorry. Eagerness got the best of me."
There was a brief bow of the head and upper body, a polite greeting as she lifted one hand to place on her chest. "I am known as Darck Eve. And you are?" Here she stood straight again, hand waving in the others direction. "As well as your prefered comfort titles, I don't wish to offend."
"And perhaps, understand just why your power ebbs and flows something like an ocean tide. And large."
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pjofancalledbelle · 4 months
lil rant about people hating on my homeboys
I’m only on MOA so if I get anything wrong that’s why. Also I’m dyslexic so if anything’s spelt wrong or has wrong grammar sorry.
Okay so Leo did bully frank. But Leo hasn’t had friends since EVER. Like even when his mum was alive they were no mentions of kids his age around. Then he befriended Piper and Jason (although all his memories with Jason weren’t real) and they started dating and not making time for leo which is understandable because there teenagers and the worlds kinda ending. But like he has nothing to base anything off. Plus frank was being weird to leo and he’s also big and intimidating. Then eveyone forgets they talk it out when the sea monster thingy comes and knocks them off the ship. So yes he did bully frank and sometimes took jokes to far but I’m not sure he’s even talked to people his age that he liked before.
Also the same people who complain about leo bullying frank (which was wrong btw) say annabeth slayed when she bullied Rachel and they hated Percy. This also annoys me because Percy was a teenage boy with the world on his shoulders and annabeth and him while being friends were arguing about Luke a lot which is a big difference during a war. Then he found Rachel who was kind and made life seem a little normal while also being able to know about demigod stuff and not freak out. So when annabeth was nasty to her (I understand why she was with her issues but still) it was like being mean to part of Percy ig. Also the whole Percy and clypso thing. Like they send hero’s there to fall in love with her. I don’t think they really have a choice but to love her, Yk.
but yeah if you disagree and see a flaw then either comment, send a message or rebolg. Just don’t be nasty cause it’s my opinion and I might of missed things but yeah. All of them had reasons and I don’t think any of them should get hate cause at the end of the day their all teenagers who make dumb social decisions.
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dreamingof-angels · 21 days
what is even funnier about the stream shutting down after Clypso says "Goddesses can't die" is she actually says "Last I checked, Goddesses can't die"
youtube really just told her to stay in her place and that she should check again
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asablehart · 1 year
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Mal Outside Tsaotan
commission for @clypso of her favorite himbo <3
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thebonerpit · 3 months
One song per letter of your URL, tagged by @nolanhattrick ❤️ Tried to use some I've been listening to a lot recently!
Tom Sawyer - Rush House - Patrick Wolf Elevator Eyes - Tove Lo Bittersuite - Billie Eilish On the Floor - Perfume Genius Nothing Matters - The Last Dinner Party Espresso - Sabrina Carpenter Rumba de la Buena - Aymee Nuviola Perfect (Exceeder) - Mason & Princess Superstar I've Seen the Light - Clypso Tongue Tied - The Antlers
Just gonna tag @weatheredskies and @micheldechevin because I know you're at least active on here lol, no pressure though!
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anoelleart · 3 months
1 to 5 Tag!
Thank you so much for the tag @mysticstarlightduck
Rules: Follow the prompts, change one if you like, and us a little something about your WIP! Answers to the prompts can be in the form of quotes or anything you’d like!
One word to describe your WIP:
Two characters talking in a short excerpt:
Charlotte exhaled. “I’m Chastity.” He scoffed. “That’s not your name.” “I’ll have you know, that upon my birth my father exclaimed that I be named his favorite virtue.” She looked to and fro, as though to keep her next words hidden from eavesdroppers. “In fact, he never even consummated his marriage to my dear mother. Poor woman.”
Three chapter titles:
The Morgue and the Masquerade - Chapter 1
The Rendezvous - Chapter 9
The War and His Apartment - Chapter 10
Four tropes featured:
Lovers to enemies
Arranged Marriage
She fell, he fell harder
Found Family
Five songs from your WIP-playlist:
Animal by Sir Chloe
Gossip by Maneskin
Expert in a Dying Field by The Beths
Not Strong Enough by Boygenius
Tibetan Pop Stars by Hop Along
Tagging: @broodparasitism, @authoralexharvey, @carrotblr, @clypso, @asablehart, @lavendersodaaa, and OPEN TAG
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harrymalfoy09 · 1 year
One shot Percy Jackson story I wrote forever ago... posted to A03 today... warnings: Explict, f/m/m.
A Guy Can Dream...
They say all good stories start with Once Upon a Time, but this isn’t a fairytale and I don't think it's going to have a happily ever after.
Today is the day. The day everything changes. Today for better or worse I am confronting my problem and getting this burden off my chest. I am going to walk right up to Percy and tell him how I feel; how I've always felt about him.
This may not seem like a big deal, people have crushes all the time. And that’s probably true when you're Annabeth Chase or Clypso. But its not that easy for me; for various reasons but I'm not going to dwell on them. I need to get this over with.
I don't generally stay at camp much, Half-blood or Jupiter; mostly because I don’t really feel like I belong at camp. But after we saved the world this last time… Percy asked me to stay. I don't think he has any idea how I feel about him unless Jason opened his big mouth. But since no one seems to be treating me different I guess he hasn't said anything about it. Which is surprising, I figured he'd run and tell the others as soon as we left Cupid’s castle. He didn’t even tell Piper as far as I can tell.
Percy and I are supposed to spar this afternoon, he enjoys training more than I do, by a lot. But it maybe my only chance to have his undivided attention even if only for a few minutes. As I’m heading to the arena people are unconsciously moving out of my way and giving me wary looks. I've figured out that it really isn't anything personal most of the time. When your dad is king of the Underworld you tend to have a certain presence to you and people tend to shy away from that. It makes it really hard to make friends.
“You sure are brooding a lot lately.” I nearly jump out of my skin. I didn’t even realize he was next to me hopefully I wasn’t thinking out loud.
“There's been a lot on my mind.” I reply barely looking up. I wish he’d grab me up into a hug; but I'm pretty sure if he did I’d melt into shadows from shock.
“You wanna talk about it?” Percy asked looking kind of uncertain and a little uncomfortable. How do I even respond to that?
“Aren't we supposed to be sparing?” I may have come off a little colder than I intended. Percy looked me up and down then he looked around. I picked up a couple pratice swords and tossed one to him.
“Okay Nico.” Percy said and took his stance. I got in stance cursing myself for ruining that opportunity. Sparing with Percy is always a challenge and being distracted by admiring him is dangerous. I just hope that he doesn’t realize how aroused I get being around him when he's hot and sweaty and breathing hard. That's the reason I actually put effort into training with him; because the harder he works the more he makes those noises. Usually that’s reward enough, I can go to someplace private and revel in my fantasy.
“You're really distracted today. Are you sure you wouldn't rather talk about it?” Percy asked as he knocked my sword from my hand. At this point if I don’t agree he may decide to call it quits for the day and that would mess up everything.
“Okay but can we go somewhere private?” I asked trying not to get my hopes up. Percy looked me up and down again and nodded.
“Do you have someplace in mind?” Percy asked as he put up the practice swords. I just shrugged even though I really wanted to take him back to my room.
“Okay well follow me I know a good place.” He said and started off down the path to the lake. I followed for a few minutes a couple steps behind. Percy looked back and stopped walking and waited for me to catch up.
“Sorry I wasn’t meaning to make you chase after me.” He said and grinned, I almost melted right then.
“I don't mind so long as you let me catch you.” I didn’t mean to say that out loud I look away immediately hoping he doesn’t see me blushing. Percy just stands there for a second and then chuckles.
“Okay so you caught me. Now what?” Percy must have seen my blush deepen but I tried to act like it didn’t get to me. I looked around we were in a secluded cove by the lake no one else was around. I don't even remember how we got here.
“I thought you wanted to talk. But I'm sure there are other things we could do.” I said and smirked as confidently as possible. Percy looked at me for a moment and I met his gaze trying not to look intimidated.
“What do you want to do Nico? Something has been bothering you for a while now and it seems like it is worse around me. Did I do something that upset you?” He asked looking concerned once again. His eyes like the sea their depths unfathomable. That look pulls my heart strings every time.
“No Percy you haven't upset me. It's nothing like that. And I'm not sure you would let me do what I'd like to do.” I said quietly. Percy moved over to a log and sat down motioned for me to sit with him. I went and sat as close as I dared.
“Why do you say it like that?” Percy asked after I sat down. I looked anywhere but his face, I have to just come out with it. I can't keep it to myself anymore; and I want him to hear it from me and not someone else.
“I hope we can still be friends after I tell you this. But I'll understand if you don't want to.” I didn’t add the rest of that thought to that statement. If we can't still be friends he wont have to worry about me bothering him. I won't come back to camp.
“Nico there is nothing you could say that would make me not want to be your friend. After everything we have been through together you really still worry that I would abandon you?” He asked and looked a little hurt.
“If I really worried about you abandoning me we wouldn’t be here. I trust you more than anyone else in the world. I just want you to know that if you decided that you didn’t want me around that I would understand. Because what I'm about to tell you might change how you look at me.” I said without looking at him. Percy touched my thigh and I looked over at him.
“It can't be that bad. Just tell me. I'm right here and neither one of us is going anywhere until we sort this out.” Percy stated boldly. He must not have realized what his hand on my thigh was doing to me. My heart in my throat and hands shaking I looked him dead in the eye.
“Here goes nothing. Percy…” I started slowly trying to build up my courage. He still hasn't moved his hand off my thigh. I look down at it fascinated that its still there and briefly lose my train of thought
“Yes Nico?” He asked and drew my attention back to his face where I couldn't help but become fixated on his lips. Oh gods if I ever needed courage now is the time.
“Percy I…” I couldn't get it out. I looked longingly into his eyes he gave me a gentle smile and still didn’t move his hand.
“Your hand is very distracting you know?” I asked a bit exasperated. He smirked and grabbed my thigh.
“Oh really? You find that distracting?” He asked with another squeeze. I couldn’t help the sharp intake of breath that drew from me.
“Well if you can't tell me what's on your mind why don’t you show me?” He said a bit cocky. That cocky attitude gets me every time. Before I knew what I was doing I leaned closer.
“You want me to show you what's on my mind? What's been on my mind for a couple years now, what I have wanted to do for so long I gave up on the possibility?” I asked hoping he didn’t push me away. He smiled and nodded. Before I could stop myself I closed the distance and pressed my lips to his. He didn’t pull away. He squeezed my thigh again and leaned in to the kiss deepening it. I put one of my hands on his face and my other one over his hand on my thigh. He pulled me closer and broke the kiss slightly panting and put his forehead against mine.
“Is that what you were worried would make me not want to be your friend anymore?” He asked still holding me close to him.
“Well something like that.” I admit though I'm a little shell shocked and confused. Percy smiled and kissed me again softly looking me dead in the eyes.
“ A kiss is not something to end a friendship over.” He said confidently.
“But what if I want more than just this kiss? What if I want more kisses or more than kisses?” I asked quietly.
“Is that what you wanted to tell me?” Percy asked. I closed my eyes and couldn't control my shaking. He squeezed me closer.
“I have had a crush on you for years, I want to be with you. I want this to be more than a one time thing but if this is a one time thing. I wont complain, I didn’t expect to even get this far honestly.” I said hoping he wouldn’t pull away and end it so soon. He didn’t pull away in fact he kissed me again as passionately as the first-time.
“Nico.” He said softly as he broke the kiss again. “Nico look at me.” He said gently and I opened my eyes.
“Okay I'm looking at you.” I said opening my eyes. He chuckled.
“You can have as many kisses from me as you want. If you want more then kisses just tell me what you want, I’ll at least consider any request you make. I figured out that you were more involved with me than just being a friend after the time I spent with Bob. You came through for me in ways no one else has or even could. I was just waiting for you to bring it up.” Percy said in the most sincere tone I’d ever heard him use with anyone.
“I did everything I could to make sure that you would survive. I couldn’t, can't, fathom losing you. You have always came through for me. But what about Annabeth? Won't she be hurt or get mad or something if your kissing me and doing other things with me?” I asked I don't want him to just dump someone for me and not think about the consequences. She is something like a friend too and hurting her isn't my goal. But I also don't want him to do anything with me just because he feels like he owes me something. I would have done it again in a heartbeat even if he had pushed me away and called me a freak or told me to stay away from him.
“Annabeth will understand. Don’t worry about her. Let's figure out what we are going to do. What do you want to do?” Percy asked as he kissed me lightly again. I must be dreaming this has to be a joke. I start looking around to see if this is a joke and at any moment everyone will come out and start laughing and jeering at me and Percy will retract everything he's said and tell me that kissing me is the most revolting thing he has ever done. A tear escaped down my face as I prepare myself for the worst. “Woah. What's wrong Nico? Why are you crying?” He asks gently wiping the tears from my face. I look around again. I can't tell him of what I was just thinking, so I cover it as best I can.
“I couldn't hurt her like that. No matter how bad I want there to be something between us. After everything we went through on the quest. You and Annabeth are meant for each other. “ I say trying to convince myself more than anyone. Percy looked me in the eye and moved back breaking the close embrace that he had me in. My heart began to break. Here it comes; he's going to tell me to get lost. I can feel my grip slipping and know I'm starting to fade to shadows.
“Nico look at me. That’s very noble and I admire your compassion but that doesn’t answer my question. What do you want to do? Do you want to be mine? I could make it very official at dinner and kiss you in front of everyone. Or do you want to keep it between us for a while and see how it goes?” Percy asked very seriously. I couldn’t answer him, didn’t he care about Annabeth? Do I want to be the next Annabeth? If he drops her so easy what could he do to me?
“Percy I really like you and I have dreamt about this moment for years, but if you can just drop Annabeth like this then what would happen to me when someone else comes along?” I asked depressed by the thought of how this turned out. Finally have what I want and can't even take it. Percy looked at me like I'd grown a second head.
“Okay. Well how about we talk to Annabeth and see if we can come up with something that works for all three of us fairly?” Percy asked and I wasn’t sure I heard him right
“You want to go ask Annabeth what arrangement would work best for you to be with me? Isn't that a bit morbid? I don’t think she'd appreciate that.” I said incredulously. Percy looked me dead in the eyes.
“You said you trust me, please trust me on this. You aren't the only one who has been waiting on this. I have told Annabeth what I feel and what could happen.” He pleaded. I took a deep breath.
“Okay Percy I trust you. Let's go talk to Annabeth.” I said and stood up. Percy stood and headed back toward camp and I followed a little ways behind. Percy kept making sure that I was following. People were doing their normal stuff avoiding me as usual. We walked all the way to the Big house. Annabeth was sitting on the steps with Will the son of Apollo. They looked to be laughing and joking.
“Hey guys.” Percy greeted as we walked up. They smiled at us as we came to a stop in front of them.
“Hey Seaweed brain! Was wondering where you got off too; have fun sparring?” Annabeth asked Percy and winked at me.
“Hey Nico! You look no worse for wear. Percy must not have gone hard enough on you.” Will smiled and winked at Percy. I guess there's some joke I wasn’t privy to. Not surprising really, I expected someone to make fun of me; wasn’t expecting it from these two though.
“From the look on Nico’s face I’m guessing I’m right.” Will chuckled. I know I’m blushing scarlet and I try to take a deep breath and count to ten. Percy laughed and grabbed my arm to pull me closer to them since I stopped a few steps behind them. I moved closer grudgingly.
“Annabeth, Nico and I would like to talk to you. Do you mind?” Percy asked still holding my wrist, I’m not sure if it was to restrain me or reassure me.
“Of course Percy. Will, I will see you at dinner right?” She asked standing up and hugging him. Percy looked me in the eyes and smiled. Will said something to the affirmative and got up and climbed the steps to go inside. Annabeth was all smiles as we took off towards the cabins.
“I assume we want this to be a private conversation so why don't we go to my cabin?” She asked looking at me for approval. I just looked at Percy for guidance. “Don’t let him start speaking for you all the time or he might forget you have your own voice.” She advised kindly. I’m beyond confused she isn't making sense.
“Okay sure your room it is then.” I replied because I don't know what else to say. I never imagined that I would be doing this; going with Percy and his girlfriend to her room to have a very personal conversation about the possibility of Percy becoming my boyfriend. Percy still hasn’t let go of my wrist.
“I'm not going to run away you know. You don’t have to keep hold of me.” I told Percy and Annabeth giggled; which is not something she usually does. Percy squeezed my wrist.
“Well I’d hold your hand but I didn’t think you'd let me. And you keep walking behind me, I wanted you to walk with me.” Percy explained right there in front of Annabeth without a single thought but she didn’t seem bothered. I'm not sure what to think.
“Percy did you ask him to walk with you or did you just assume he would? Maybe he wanted to walk behind you.” Annabeth scolded him in a motherly tone. I'm beyond confused at this point. Percy let go of my wrist and looked at me seriously.
“Nico will you walk with me?” He asked and held out his hand. I must have had an incredulous look on my face because Percy looked sad and withdrew his hand. I didn’t know what to say or do. Nothing is making sense its like I’m in some alternate reality.
“I’m sorry. I’m really confused right now. Should I be holding your hand with your girlfriend right there? Shouldn't you be holding her hand? Am I in some alternate universe or something? What am I missing?” I am becoming paranoid and the shadows are pulling at me. Luckily we make it to Annabeth’s cabin and she ushers us inside. I can't really recall if I have ever been in here before but if I have I don't recognize anything. There is a statue of Athena in the middle of the main room. There is a sitting area off to the side of it, I don't know if it was here or if Annabeth added but I don't dwell on it. She gestures to the couches and we go sit down. She sits across from me and Percy sits on the floor to the side of the couches between them; effectively making a triangle. I can't help but notice the irony.
“Okay so I get the feeling that this isn't an easy conversation for you Nico. So I want to start by saying that anything said in this room wont leave this room unless we all want it too.” Annabeth did her natural leader thing and took the situation by the horns. Percy looked from her to me and back I nodded since I couldn’t get my voice to work.
“Annabeth he is worried that he is going to cause you to get hurt. He didn’t believe me when I said you understand. So to ease his mind we are here to find a solution that will be fair and work for all three of us.” Percy just jumped in without preamble. I felt the color leave my face. Annabeth watched me closely while Percy was talking and then she looked him dead in the eyes.
“Fair being what Percy?” She asked without letting her gaze drop. He looked at her and smiled his easy going smile but she didn’t smile back. I wanted to apologize and excuse myself and let them hash out their relationship issues but then I remembered that I am the issue and wanted to disappear. But well when I think about wanting to disappear it actually starts happening.
“I don’t know Annabeth. You’re the wise one. What solution can you give us to make the three of us happy? Can we come to an arrangement that will work for and benefit all of us?” Percy questioned her and gave her the grin that I've noticed is reserved just for Annabeth. That didn’t help to keep me from dissolving. They both looked over at me all smiles and then it registered that I was barely there and next thing I know they are both beside me grasping what little substance I still have.
“Nico oh my gods!” Annabeth exclaimed.
“Nico what’s happening why are fading away? Are you okay?” Percy gasped trying to pull me back from the shadows. It was a nice thought but that isn’t possible. And focusing on something to anchor myself is proving to be really difficult.
“I’m sorry I’m causing you guys problems. I’ll just go so you can fix whatever is going on. I won't come between you guys. You guys are perfect for each other that’s been apparent for years. I can't ruin that.” I say as I start to become the shadows.
“Nico stop. Please. I told you I want to be with you.” Percy pleaded and Annabeth looked at him briefly before nodding her head. I looked at Annabeth..
“I can’t allow you to do that Percy. I like you a lot. I might even love you. But Annabeth loves you in ways I will never be able too. You guys are so lucky to have each other.” I tell them now just a voice in the shadows.
“Yes Nico I love him that’s why I understand that he has feelings for you and that he wants to explore this new development. I'm okay with that. I can't complain about him wanting to get to know himself better. A lot of things changed over the last few months. I know that it's nothing against me and he loves me. But if your this worried about it then maybe we can come up with a different solution. Just please come back. Talk to us about it I promise to be reasonable.” Annabeth pleaded. Percy looked about ready to cry. This definitely isn't anything like I thought it would be. I look Annabeth in the eyes and anchor myself in her gaze, she's always strong and steady. I can feel myself regaining substance.
“How? How can we make this work? It's not like we can just split him down the middle.” I whisper just loud enough to be heard. Annabeth grabbed my hand and squeezed. Percy looked devastated.
“Nico we can figure it out there is a way to make this work. Lets just calm down and get our bearings.” Annabeth soothed. How in the names of the gods is this woman being so calm and comforting me when I am here to infringe upon her relationship with her boyfriend.
“Why aren’t you mad? Why aren’t you screaming or crying or being upset? What's going on here?” I can't get past how weird this is.
“Okay Nico. Let me explain what is going on with Percy and I and then we can go from there.” Annabeth reasoned. I just stared into her eyes. She didn’t waiver.
“Okay it all started a couple days after the quest ended and everything was settling down. Percy and I were talking about what happened in Tartorus, and as horrible as it was we got through it because we had each other. And we basked in that for a while. Then after a while of talking we were reminiscing of how lucky we were that Bob helped us because we couldn’t have made it at all if not for him.” Annabeth explained though I'm not sure how this was helping.
“I remembered what Bob said about you going and seeing him and asking him to help me. And I thought about how he specifically said that you asked him to help me. Not me and Annabeth. And I got to thinking about how everyone thinks you have a crush on Annabeth, because of the way you act around us. But you have never really given any indication that you were doing anything for her. You always did what would have been best for me. And you’re always shy with me. You always have my back even when I don’t ask for it or know that I need you too.” Percy said with a sweet smile. Annabeth smiled too.
“He was telling me all this as it came to him and as he was talking all the little details were filling in. And some of the things I didn’t pay attention to before came back and I realized that you must have feelings for Percy. And then I realized how hard the quest must have been for you. Then I put together the reason you were so mad after seeing Cupid. He called you out on those feelings and you just wanted to repress them and let them die. And we speculated on whether or not you had managed to do that. So I watched you for a few days; how you looked at him and moved around him. And that gave us the idea that you still have feelings for him. With that knowledge we had to decide what that meant for us. At first Percy just thought it was sweet but he was just going to tell you he is inherently straight and that he loves being your friend.” Annabeth said and I actually understood that so I nodded and sighed.
“But I had some time to think about it and I talked it over with Annabeth and then I needed advice from a guy; one who would understand and know what I’m going through. So I talked it over with Will. And Will helped me to rationalize the idea that I am attracted to you and that I have feelings for you. He helped me get past the stigma of being physical with another guy. And he helped Annabeth with acceptance and understanding what is going on with me.” Percy looked me in the eyes and I could feel him pleading with me to believe.
“I wish I could say I accepted it with grace and was completely supportive, but I really was just pissed off. Percy didn’t want me anymore because I don’t have a dick was all I could think about the whole situation. So we tried everything; role reversal and more counseling with Will. But it wasn’t about the sex or anything like that. Percy promised me that I’d always be the only girl for him, if ever there was a time he wanted or needed a woman that he’d come to me. And that is better than nothing. We plan to go to college and try to have a normal life. And even though its different than what I expected this isn't the worst possible scenario. I can live with this.” Annabeth explained and I could see that she was completely honest. Then the image of her penetrating Percy with some toy crept into my mind; that was an interesting thought. But then I had to think how Will helped Percy get passed the scare of being physical with a guy. And imagining him bending Percy over his bed came to mind and I definitely wasn’t aroused by that in fact it made me insanely jealous.
“How exactly did Will help you to get past your issues with being physical with a guy?” I asked coldly and Percy’s eyes got big as gold dracmas. Annabeth smirked and looked Percy up and down.
“We talked about why the idea bothered me. And we watched some videos that showed what I could expect. I mean Annabeth and I only started having sex recently and I barely know what I’m doing there I didn’t want to be completely lost.” Percy blushed scarlet, Annabeth giggled a little.
“I am 99% sure that I am the only one who has put anything in his bum. He didn’t have sex with Will. No need to be jealous.” She told me putting her hand on my knee much like Percy did by the beach. It was a little uncomfortable and didn’t arouse me like when Percy did it, but it wasn't as revolting as I thought it would be. Percy looked at me like he just realized how he made his explanation sound.
“Oh no. No Nico I didn't do anything like that with Will. I have only had sex with Annabeth. And other than you and Annabeth I haven't kissed anyone.” He reassured me as he put his hand on my other thigh. There was an immediate response from my body when he grabbed my thigh. Annabeth obviously noticed because my jeans were pulled taunt. She looked down and then my eyes.
“His touch has that effect. Just wait until he is touching bare skin. And he is very intuitive about where and how he touches. It can be pure torture.” Annabeth said in a sad tone.
“I can imagine. And as much as I'd love to experience that for myself, I have no right to take that from you. He still loves you and has feelings for you and plans to come back to those. I won't stand in the way of that.” I said fighting my urge to encourage him to be more daring. Percy looked devastated and Annabeth looked pained.
“He did so much soul searching and he tried very hard to let you make the first move because he was afraid you would turn him away if he came to you. I will be okay. Don't turn him away on account of me. I can share what I have with him with you, and know that I haven't really lost him. Part of him will always be my Percy. It's okay really Nico. You aren't causing any damage and Percy isn't going to wake up one day and change his mind.” Annabeth explained whole heartedly. And then an idea came to me and it was possibly the most brilliant idea I have ever had. It could really work, since the idea of him leaving her was so repulsive to me, and they don't want to let me disappear and deal with not getting to have him.
“Okay Annabeth. I can deal with sharing him with you. If he thinks he can handle both of us that is.” I said and Percy smiled really big. Annabeth contemplated the idea looking both me and Percy up and down.
“That’s perfect Nico! And as long as you and Annabeth are okay with that then I’m game. This is every fantasy I've had in the last few months put together. Oh this could be so great! I could keep the only girl I've ever wanted and get the only guy I've ever wanted!” Percy exclaimed and looked back and forth between Annabeth and I as he paced the room. Annabeth just looked at the statue of her mom in contemplation for a few moments and it started to glow slightly. Annabeth looked at me and smiled.
“Okay Nico that could be a viable alternative. Can you handle that Percy will be kissing me and having sex with me in any variation of that order. Also what lines are you drawing with this arrangement?” She asked Percy smirked and was obviously intrigued by the thought.
“Was that your mother's blessing? You asked her blessings on sharing your boyfriend and she gave them to you?” I asked incredulously. Percy looked at the statue and then me.
“I guess you can say that. My mother agrees that compromise is the wisest decision.” Annabeth explained. Percy came and sat next to me on the couch adjusting himself so he could sit comfortably.
“Okay so what are the boundaries. Are these relationships separate or are we interconnected?” Percy asked me and I didn’t know how to answer.
“What do you mean?” I’m lost again. Annabeth contemplated the idea looking me up and down slowly.
“Here's the question Percy. Could you handle watching me and Nico doing with each other what we do with you? Nico would you be comfortable doing things like kissing me or other more sexual things? Is that an avenue that you two want to go down or would keeping separate relations be better and just split intimate time up between myself and Nico?” Annabeth asked and sent me reeling. I hadn’t ever considered doing anything with her or being anything other than a friend to her. Hell I hadn't even considered the thought that I might see her naked or witness her and Percy doing things like that. I had to grab the couch for support. I was startled by the fact that I let those possibilities go unnoticed.
“I um I don't know. I hadn't even thought about it. I guess I just assumed that you would have your personal time with him and I'd have mine and we would just meet somewhere in the middle on the kisses and hand holding in public; since Percy likes his public displays of affection so much. I guess I’ll leave that up to you guys since I'm the new comer to the situation. I will tell u guys if it makes me uncomfortable or if I don’t want to do something.” I said trying to be fair and rational, mostly because I have never seen Percy so excited in all the years I have known him. I don’t want to take that away from him. Annabeth smiled at me and Percy leaned in and kissed me, I expected just a quick kiss but he had other ideas. This was even more passionate than before; I even forgot Annabeth was right there; though her hand is still on my thigh. Percy leans into me laying me back against the couch. His kiss is intoxicating I'm kissing back and running my hands over his body. He presses himself against me and I can feel his arousal against my thigh. One of his hands leave my body and I guess he reached for Annabeth because next thing I know she's pressed against my other side. Percy trails his kisses from my mouth down my neck which made me turn my face to Annabeth. That’s when she kissed me; a fierce needy kiss. It was different than kissing Percy; softer and her lips more full. I kissed back and felt her hand trailing from my neck to my groin. I’m more aroused than I have ever been and her hand is nearly on my manhood. But just as think she'd is going to grab it her hand strays over my stomach. I’m mildly disappointed and moan lightly as Percy brings his hand up my thigh right next to my raging arousal and up father to where Annabeth is running her fingers under the hem of my shirt making me twitch with desire.
“I think he likes this. What about you Annabeth?” Percy asked in husky voice full of desire. I do indeed like this, I wrap my right arm around Annabeth and grab her ass pulling her tighter against me. She moans deliciously and Percy thrusts his hard on into my thigh again. She grabs his hand and guides it down onto my dick and they both rub it. My jeans are in the way but I can't help but thrust into their hands. I look to Percy and kiss his jaw and his neck and he moans for my effort. They are still stroking my dick and I'm thrusting into the and Percy is thrusting back. This is simply the most erotic thing that I have ever encountered.
“Nico I’m going to undo the button on your jeans.” Annabeth said as she started kissing her way down my neck and then lifted my shirt and kissed my stomach. I am all but lost in lust and just moan as I run my hands over her and Percy. She has moved down far enough that my hand is in her hair and as she's kissing my stomach and nibbling my hips; then she undoes the button and the strain against my dick is gone and her breath replaces the denim. She inhales sharply when she realizes that I'm not wearing boxers. Percy looks down at the noise and groans seductively and grinds into my thigh with his hard cock.
“Can I?” She asked Percy her mouth hovering over the tip of my erection. Percy looked me for approval I pulled him down for a kiss and gently pushed her head down as answer. She moaned and took me into her mouth and it was the most intoxicating thing I've ever felt. I kissed Percy as I moaned.
“I can't reach to do it so will you take off your shirt.” I asked Percy between kisses and moans. I want to kiss and lick and nibble is gorgeous body. He chuckles and sits up just enough to get his shirt off. He stops to watch Annabeth as she does all those amazing things to my dick. “That feels amazing Annabeth.” I moan and she looks up at me with her big blue eyes and I about lose it right there. “Percy come here so I can get you out of those jeans I want to see her work her magic on you.” I groan and she giggles and stops sucking my dick and pulls my jeans off my hips and down my thighs until they come off.
“Let me take your shirt off Nico. Percy can’t be the only one fully undressed.” Annabeth said and was pulling my shirt over my head a moment later. I was kissing Percy down his well sculpted chest and undoing and pulling off his jeans. Finally the only thing left covering him is his boxers; I knew I hated those things they are always in the way. Percy is now on his back on the couch with me on his left and Annabeth on his right.
“Annabeth I think its high time that you caught up with us. You're wearing entirely too many clothes.” I tell her and put my hands on her hips as I pull her into a kiss. “Here let me help you with that.” My mind is reeling I never imagined that I would be doing this especially with a girl let alone Annabeth Chase. I pulled off her shirt and had to stop to admire her for a moment. Then Percy reached up and undid her bra and she let it fall away and it was like oxygen ceased to exist she had taken my breath away.
“Isn't she the most beautiful woman you've ever seen?” Percy asked admiring her as he unbuttoned her jeans. Annabeth smiled and grabbed my hands and lead them to her breats. They are so soft and warm and tender. I gently squeeze and she moans as she lets her head fall back. I think momentarily about asking Percy if I can taste her chest but before I can open my mouth he is gently pushing me towards her. I put my face between her breasts and kiss and nibble and lick first one then the other as she fists her hands in my hair. Percy is behind me kissing my back rubbing his hands over my sides and ass. Annabeth moans deliciously and as I kiss lower and lower she starts to tremble.
“Hey now I’m supposed to doing that to Percy. We don’t want our man to feel left out do we?” She asked huskily. I chuckle and grab Percy’s hair as he is kissing my neck and nibbling my ear.
“You hear that babe. It's your turn to have her mouth torture you. You better lay down and let her have her way.” Percy chuckled and positioned himself back on the couch so that she could have her way.
“There you go my love. But Nico that doesn’t mean you have to stop doing what you were doing. I’d love to watch her be tormented while she's lavishing her talent on me. Why don’t you make her moan and get her nice and wet for us.” Percy said as he stroked up and down my chest. He just barely brushed my hard on and it twitched. He smirked at me and ran his hand over it and I leaned into his hand before I realized that I even moved. He raised an eyebrow and wrapped his hand around it. It was a completely different feeling than having Annabeth’s hand around it; his hand is bigger and rougher, I almost cum all over his hand with his first couple strokes.
“Babe if you don’t stop doing that you’re going to cause me to make a mess.” I moan. Annabeth looks up at me with Percy’s dick in her mouth and I couldn’t help but moan. Percy stops and drags me down for a kiss.
“Kiss me babe.” Percy asked and I had no argument and it was a sloppy wet kiss the sloppiest kiss I've ever had. “Now go and do that to Annabeth. Just lick and pay extra attention to the little mound of skin above the hole and don't worry if you go too low she likes it when you lick all of it. Just be careful of teeth. Don’t bite just nibble lightly.” Percy said gasping as Annabeth took his dick all the way into her mouth. Annabeth spread her legs apart enough for me to fit between them so I guessed he meant to go and kiss her vagina.
“I haven't ever done anything like this before so I'm sorry in advance if I'm terrible.” I say as I get behind her and see her pussy for the first time. Pink and shiny with arousal. I can see the hole Percy was talking about and the little mound of skin and her anus. And before I put my mouth on it I want to see what she does when I touch it. So I reach under her and start by running my hand from the front to the back gently and she moves against my hand. That’s encouraging so I take two fingers and rub the mound of skin back and forth and in circles. She moans and bucks against me. She is visibly wetter than when I started so I decide to do it faster and she screams. I stop shocked and she looks back at me with a strange look on her face .
“Why did you stop?” She asked in a tone I’ve never heard her use before. I’m beyond confused and Percy looked sympathetically at me.
“I… you.. you screamed?” I stammered and her face instantly softens.
“Oh baby it's okay. I screamed because that was an intensely good sensation. That was a good scream… encouragement if you want to think of it that way. I promise that I won't scream like that if you hurt me.” She said holding my hands gently. Percy sits up just enough to put his hand on ours.
“You okay Nico?” Percy asked gently and Annabeth looked at me with a needy look. I definitely hadn't lost my hard on and looking at them both naked and aroused I couldn't back out now.
“I'm alright. Just caught me off guard.” I said quietly and leaned in and kissed Annabeth. She kissed me deeply and trailed kisses down my neck.
“Back to what we were doing?” Percy asked and Annabeth giggled as she got back into position and took Percy’s hard member into her mouth. As he moaned I ran my hands over Annabeth’s ass tried to figure out how to do what Percy asked me to do. I guess I should do what I was doing; so I run my fingers over her wet vortex and play with her sensitive little mound. She's rocking back and forth into my hand and making all sorts of noises. Percy wants me to kiss Annabeth right here I thought as I rubbed her faster. She moaned loudly and bucked. Her bucking caused my fingers to slip into her vagina. She screamed again and this time I just kept going. I moved my fingers in and out and on every other out I rubbed the little mound of skin above and spread her juices all over it. Annabeth moaned and screamed as I worked and Percy moaned too. The sound is music to my ears, my dick is throbbing.
“Nico babe kiss it now. Kiss her like I showed you. That’ll really get her going. “ He said to me in a needy voice that rattled me to the core. I try to figure out how to do it from this position and decided that she needs to turn over.
“Annabeth I think he is thoroughly tortured now its your turn. Turn over.” I tell her in my best authoritative voice. Percy moved out of the way and kissed me while Annabeth arranged herself. I really; really enjoy kissing him. His hands are all over me grabbing and pulling and kneading; he's so ready to go that his dick is throbbing and leaking pre-cum. I break the kiss look over at Annabeth. She's watching us and playing with herself, I am breathless. I get between her legs and lean over her to kiss her. The movement lines us up perfectly and the head of my dick is pressed against her tight wet hole. It’s an intoxicating feeling that I never imagined would be possible with a woman. I'm not sure if it is just her or if there is some other reason that I am so aroused, but that is something to think on later. I kiss her down her neck and pay extra attention to her breasts and lightly thrust just enough to stimulate her. Her moans are driving me crazy. I continue to move down her body. Her hips are soft and her skin is sweet I pause there and swirl my tongue lightly making her fist her hands in my hair and push my head down. I have no idea what to do next so I just kept going down kissing and licking and hoping it felt good. Annabeth is either a really good faker or she likes it a lot. I guess Percy is watching, I'm not sure though because I haven't looked up to check. He makes his whereabouts known a moment later by running his rough hands down my back and over my ass. I've made it to the fleshy little mound of skin, she likes it when I lick it and flick it with my tongue. Percy is massaging my ass and tentatively running his fingers around the split. It feels really good and I want him to do more so I push against his hands.
“Mmm Nico you want me to be more aggressive?” He asked and I moaned in agreement. “How much more aggressive do you want me to be?” I answered by thrusting hard and nibbling Annabeth’s sensitive spot and she screamed again. Percy took the hint and spit down the crack I assume to lubricate my hole. “Take a deep breath and don't clench up.” He said gently and I did as he asked, he rubs my hole until I exhale and pushes a finger into my hole. “That's not so bad is it?” He said as he started moving his finger around in and out and in circles. It's a little uncomfortable at first but I definitely see the draw.
“Oh baby that feels good.” I say as I move my face away from Annabeth’s crotch, from the way she was bucking against my face and moaning I am pretty sure she enjoyed it. Annabeth grabs me by my shoulders and pulls me up so I'm hovering over her like I was before. Percy moved with me and has added a finger. My face buried in Annabeth’s neck I can help but moan and pant.
“Percy how about you take him while he finishes me off?” Annabeth asked moving her hips just enough to make the head of my dick slip inside her. I almost came.
“Sound good to you Nico?” Percy asked and pressed his dick against my ass. Oh Gods; of all the times I imagined this it was never this. Never with a woman , especially Annabeth. I can't believe I'm doing this; I'm about to lose my virginity, both ways, right now with the man of my dreams and his beautiful girlfriend. “Nico?” He asked again a little louder. I need to respond. “Nico?” His voice sounds different. And I feel different suddenly. I press my face into Annabeth’s neck.
“Yes Percy that absolutely sounds good.” I say into her neck.
“Nico wake up. We have work to do.” My father says as I look around my room. I'm in my bed in my father's place; alone. My father is in my doorway and looks annoyed. Laying on my stomach clutching my pillow I worry how much I've said out loud while I was asleep. These dreams are getting more frequent and definitely stranger. Maybe I should talk to someone about this. But well that's not top priority right now. I sit up and my father turns and walks off.
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headstream · 2 years
OK I like Clypso,just a little.
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blowery · 5 months
Wherever You Go By The Avalanches, Jamie xx, Neneh Cherry, CLYPSO From the album We Will Always Love You
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piasgermany · 8 months
[Video] CLYPSO teilt neue Single "HOLLER"!
Die in Eora/Sydney ansässige Sängerin und Produzentin CLYPSO veröffentlicht ihre neue Single und das Video zu "HOLLER", mit der die Songwriterin gleichzeitig ihr Signing bei Astral People bekannt gibt. Seit 2016 hat sich CLYPSO als einer der aufregendsten und angesehensten Namen der australischen Indie-Szene etabliert und eine Reihe von Kollaborationen und Singles veröffentlicht, unter anderem bereits mit The Avalanches, Jamie XX, Neneh Cherry, Kwame, The Magician und vielen anderen. 2019 erschien die Debüt-EP "Cameo".
"HOLLER" ist ihre erste neue Musik seit "Pure Shores" aus dem Jahr 2022 und ein Adrenalinschub aus lebendigem Indie-Electronica, der direkt in die Adern geht. Mit der zusätzlichen Produktion von Wave Racer explodiert der Track aus den Kopfhörern mit unruhigen Percussions, heruntergepitchtem Gesang ("Slide the weak away"), schweren Bässen und einer Melange aus Laser-Gun-Synthies. „It all started with a chant idea I had, “Slide the weak away” which I recorded on my phone, pitched the sample down and that set the tone for the writing of the whole song. I wrote it about silencing the noise within the mind and naysayers.”
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ztremx · 9 months
Ghost Story - the Avalanches
The album features many collaborators: Sananda Maitreya, Vashti Bunyan, Blood Orange, Rivers Cuomo, Pink Siifu, Denzel Curry, Tricky, Sampa the Great, Leon Bridges, Johnny Marr, MGMT, Clypso, Neneh Cherry, Jamie xx, Kelly Moran, Cornelius, Karen O, Kurt Vile, Mick Jones, Cola Boyy, Perry Farrell, Wayne Coyne, and Orono.
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pjowuslys · 2 years
Leo: Sevgilini seviyon he?
Clypso: He
Leo: Sevligiyi sevio hee!?
Clypso: Yeter bu kadar
Leo: Beni seviyon he?
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godsavetheanimalz · 4 years
@underneaththeweepingwillow goddddd it’s so good 💞💞💞
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Track of the day // The Avalanches - Wherever You Go ft. Jamie xx, Neneh Cherry, CLYPSO
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soundchxck · 4 years
The Avalanches have shared two new singles!
The first is called Wherever You Go featuring Jamie xx, Neneh Cherry & CLYPSO. The second, Reflecting Light featuring Sananda Maitreya & Vashti Bunyan.
You can stream them both now!
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