stromer · 10 months
lol….. lmao even…..
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spaceorphan18 · 4 months
The Rogue and Gambit Project: Previously On X-Men... Rogue (Part 1)
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Ten years before Gambit even came along, Rogue became a staple of the X-Men line. That's a lot of time for her to be established, so I thought I'd give a quick run down of her adventures in the 80s. There's so much to go over, though, I've decided to split it into two parts...
The Basics:
What's her name? Hahahaha, canon has no desire to tell you. It'll take the movies to force the comics to give her a first name and her marriage to give her a last. So, we're getting way ahead of ourselves. But, in case you don't know, it is Anna Marie LeBeau. I'm going to need to keep an eye for when we first learn it!
What's her backstory?? Again, we're not going to find out for a long, long while and... like all superhero origin stories its wonky and weird and doesn't make a whole lot of sense. (Oh, guys, just wait...)
Power Set (via uncannyxmen.net) : Absorb the essential energy of others on contact, allowing her to draw upon a template of their memories, learned skills, and superhuman powers, with the strength of the template proportionate to the side-effects to the victim, ranging from minimal weakness to leaving them temporarily powerless or comatose; accumulated residual templates make her mind extremely difficult to read
She'll have more but... we'll get to that, too....
Previously on Rogue's Story...
Alright, so jumping in, there's a lot of canon to go over in ten years, but Rogue doesn't play a huge role in her first decade. However, she is around, a lot, once she arrives, so I've decided to go over some of the best issues that feature her. Overall, though, Chris Claremont's 17 year run on the Uncanny X-Men is pretty classic, and I do recommend the whole thing if you're ever feeling like really digging into the X-Men...
Anyway... Rogue's best stories during the 80s (Part 1)...
Avengers Annual #10
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Rogue's first appearance. This sets up a few key things you should know about her --
She was originally a part of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants working for Mystique. We learn that Mystique (and Destiny) is somewhat of a foster mother to her.
In her attempt to steal powers, she steals from Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers - then known as Ms. Marvel) and absorbs her power set a little more permanently.
That power set consists of flight, invulnerability and super strength - the power set she's often associated with.
Absorbing Carol also means that Carol is often a part of her psyche, and Rogue has somewhat of a split personality for most of the 80s. Often times, Carol comes to the forefront and Rogue herself is buried.
She clearly has no qualms about assault and villainy at this point.
Classic X-Men 44
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We do get a little bit of her backstory some years after her first appearance. There are a few nods to this incident before Classic X-Men comes out -- about her past with Mystique and about Cody, the first boy she ever kissed and the time she discovered her powers. (He ultimately ended up in a coma, btw.) He's going to be a seminal part of her story for a long, long time. But this issue lays them out a little more plainly.
I should note: when she kisses Cody and when she runs away from home is not always consistent. Sometimes the kiss comes before she ends up with Mystique, sometimes it's after.
But this issue at least gives us the first real look at it.
Uncanny X-Men #158
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The first time she appears in Uncanny X-Men - the main X book of the time. Carol Danvers is on the team at the moment, and spots her. The two throw down. Rogue ends up (kissing!) and stealing Wolverine's powers, Nightcrawler's powers, and Storm's powers. Storm eventually sends her away via tornado. Not a whole lot of character development here as she's purely in a villain role, but it is nice to see her in X-Book.
Dazzler #22-24, 28
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Rogue then spends some time in Dazzler's solo book - as one of the primary villains there. Mostly, she's jealous that Dazzler has everything that she (thinks she) wants -- fame, money, the ability to kiss people without killing them... The Dazzler solo is mostly action heavy, but it is interesting to see Rogue in such a villain role, especially since she'll be notable hero for so much of her history.
An interesting note - Rogue takes on Angel, and Mystique wants her to steal his powers, but she's terrified of doing so since she's never absorbed someone with a more physical defining mutation. She also claims that kissing is the best part of her power stealing (she's drastically going to change her mind about this). And she doesn't hesitate to say she'll kill if she has to (an aspect of her character that she does go back on, but when push comes to shove, she will kill if she absolutely has to.)
Uncanny X-Men #171
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Rogue finally comes to the X-Men after the voices in her head become too much and she wants help controlling her power. The X-Men stand around debating whether to take her in or not, and Xavier finally gives her a chance despite reservations from literally everyone on the team.
I love this issue. Not only do we see Rogue finally coming on board, but she's drawn much differently in the issue. She's much softer and more vulnerable as she comes to terms that she hasn't been a great person and her powers are something that draws a line from having actual intimacy with anyone.
This is also where we can really see that Mystique (and Destiny)'s parentage has been rather terrible and that Rogue just has zero idea what to do. As an aside - we learn here that she's only 18!!
Uncanny X-Men #173
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When Wolverine's fiancée goes missing, Rogue teams up with Wolverine to see what's going on. This starts Rogue's slow integration into the team and how she befriends Wolverine. I don't know if I'd say they're super close over the years, but they do have each other's backs, and they do make a great team -- all of which starts here.
Uncanny X-Men #(177-)178
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Mystique comes back to take Rogue home but Rogue isn't about to go. She's found a new home and ultimately does the healthy thing and reject Mystique here. (Mystique takes it relatively well even if she doesn't like it.)
Uncanny X-Men #182
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The first issue that mostly focuses on Rogue. We get a big insight into what's going on in her head as her own psyche battles with Carol Danvers. It's a really great issue that digs into who Rogue is and the identity battle that she's going to face for a long, long time.
Uncanny X-Men #185
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This is a great issue for the development of Rogue and Storm's friendship. There's a huge conversation about trust and vulnerability and it's an issue that really solidifies the bond they have with each other. This is also the issue where Storm loses her powers, and kicks off a mini arc with Rogue on the run, all of which is really good.
Uncanny X-Men #192
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While not a huge Rogue focused issue, she does get to spend some time with Nightcrawler and Colossus and is beginning to really feel integrated onto the team.
After this, things take a turn. For one, Rachel Summers (the alternate reality daughter of Scott and Jean -- ooff, comics) has shown up and has become Chris Claremont's darling. Rogue kind of takes a backseat, and while she'll have a moment or two hear or there, is not a primary focus for a long, long while.
Secondly, we start to move into the crossover era, where the X-Books are less about one shot stories and mini arcs, but become sprawling, cross book stories. It's a lot to untangle, and while Rogue is never center stage through any of it, it's enough that I'll pick it up in Part Two...
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chibrary · 1 year
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source: sportweek format: interview season: 2021, f2
What was your relationship like before you met at Ferrari, and how is it changing?
LECLERC: "I didn't know Carlos very well, because we had little time to hang out. One evening, in Singapore, he was watching the circuit from the swimming pool on top of the Marina Bay Sand skyscraper and I was there too, so we started talking. Now, the relationship is getting stronger and stronger. We share similar ages and interests, we laugh a lot together and we get along really well."
SAINZ: "I had followed Charles in Formula 2, for his talent, but the first real conversation we had was in Singapore in 2018, when he arrived in Formula 1. From there the relationship got closer also because I I started asking him a lot of questions about Ferrari every time I met him".
What did you discover about your teammate that you never expected?
L: "Perhaps the fact that you speak Italian so well".
S: "I was surprised that he has an artist's disposition. He likes painting, music, playing the piano. All uncommon passions for a driver".
What do you usually joke about?
L: "Overall, like two ordinary guys. We don't just talk about the races, but also about our life, about what happens to us every day. We have a lot of fun".
S: "We spend a lot of time together, even when we eat or do interviews, so we have moments for joking. We laugh a lot. Otherwise it would be boring".
Who is better at cooking?
L: "Him. We recently decided to organize a dinner first at his house and then at mine. The menu he proposed seemed interesting, while mine was pasta in white sauce".
S: "I'm not a great chef, but certainly better than Charles…".
[Rough translation of full interview below]
The red house has a new tenant: Carlos Sainz, son of a rally legend. He and Charles Leclerc-- who took the keys to Maranello from former captain Sebastian Vettel-- form the second youngest Ferrari couple in history after Jacky Ickx and Chris Amon (1968). They arrive at the start of the F1 World Championship in Bahrain full of expectations and hopes, with the same book in their suitcase: My terrible joys, the biography of Enzo Ferrari. Because there is no future without the past.
What was your relationship like before you met at Ferrari, and how is it changing?
LECLERC: "I didn't know Carlos very well, because we had little time to hang out. One evening, in Singapore, he was watching the circuit from the swimming pool on top of the Marina Bay Sand skyscraper and I was there too, so we started talking. Now, the relationship is getting stronger and stronger. We share similar ages and interests, we laugh a lot together and we get along really well."
SAINZ: "I had followed Charles in Formula 2, for his talent, but the first real conversation we had was in Singapore in 2018, when he arrived in Formula 1. From there the relationship got closer also because I I started asking him a lot of questions about Ferrari every time I met him".
What did you discover about your teammate that you never expected?
L: "Perhaps the fact that you speak Italian so well".
S: "I was surprised that he has an artist's disposition. He likes painting, music, playing the piano. All uncommon passions for a driver".
Carlos/Charles' best driving skill?
L: "Consistency, it's very continuous."
S: "The speed, he's very strong in qualifying and in the race, managing to take the car to the limit".
Will it be tough to beat him?
L: "Sure. Carlos is a very strong driver and so far he hasn't had the winning car to prove it. I expect him too to fight for victories when we have the right car".
S: "Especially at the beginning, I will face a very difficult challenge. Charles knows the team better than me and is perhaps the most talented rider on the grid. But I will stay calm and give myself some time to reach his level with the Ferrari".
If there was a misunderstanding between you in the races, how would you react?
L: "It can always happen, but I have the ability to distinguish between the race and what happens outside. I am convinced that Carlos is very similar to me in this respect. So, if there is some misunderstanding, we'll talk about it frankly. Considering our relationship, we won't have any problems."
S: "It depends on the situation. Usually there is always one driver who is more to blame than the other. I hope we will be mature enough to admit it, if it happens. But I think we will not get to that point. We are clear that the priority is to report Ferrari up above, not our personal battles".
What can two young people give to Ferrari?
L: "Motivation first of all, we want to do our best and everyone in the factory has seen this. In addition, we work well together by directing our efforts in the same direction, there is a continuous exchange of information and the needs are the same. The team , therefore, knows exactly where to focus".
S: "We are motivated by the desire to bring Ferrari back to winning ways, a drive that few drivers have. I feel that the team is already on the right path. Furthermore, we are not in a hurry, as can happen to more mature drivers".
What do you usually joke about?
L: "Overall, like two ordinary guys. We don't just talk about the races, but also about our life, about what happens to us every day. We have a lot of fun".
S: "We spend a lot of time together, even when we eat or do interviews, so we have moments for joking. We laugh a lot. Otherwise it would be boring".
Who speaks Italian better?
L: "Carlos told me that I have to teach him some vocabulary. But he stands up to me."
S: "Sometimes I understand some words, similar to the Spanish ones, which instead escape him. But Charles has a higher level than mine".
Who is better at cooking?
L: "Him. We recently decided to organize a dinner first at his house and then at mine. The menu he proposed seemed interesting, while mine was pasta in white sauce".
S: "I'm not a great chef, but certainly better than Charles…".
Who is better working with the engineers?
L: "We have different ways of describing the sensations in the car, but we both try hard."
S: "I apply myself a lot, I'm hard to beat in this, all my teammates have always admitted it".
How important is the family?
L: "When you arrive in Formula 1 you become a magnet, a lot of people approach you for reasons of interest and not because they appreciate you as a person. It's essential to have solid foundations. Therefore family is very important, like the friends you've known since childhood".
S: "Most important of all. Knowing that my loved ones are well, healthy, makes me calm".
The love?
L: "Equally important. I have a girlfriend, I'm fine with her. Sometimes you need to disconnect from motorsport and have someone you're happy with next to you".
S: "One can be happy in life even without love. But better with…".
L: "It's important for everyone, but it doesn't make you happy. I do this sport because I like driving, for the thrill of winning, not for the money".
S: "Having it is better than not having it, but money doesn't bring happiness."
L: "That's what made me fall in love with motor racing. I couldn't live without competition, in whatever I do. I grew up like this, with the desire to always compare myself with others. Therefore, winning is the best".
S: "Very important, perhaps even too much."
Biggest person out of racing?
L: "My mom".
S: "My father Carlos, without him it would have been much more difficult to get here."
What do you think of Stefano Domenicali's idea that he would like pilots as role models for young people?
L: "That's right. We have pursued a passion from an early age and worked to achieve goals: our example can serve to show young people that they too can do it. We are normal people who have managed to live their dream".
S: "I completely agree, especially now that ten-year-olds follow you on Instagram and on social media. Everything you say and do can influence them, so it's important to set correct examples".
Is the salary cap for pilots right or wrong?
L: "We'll talk about it between the FIA ​​and the drivers".
S: "Wrong."
What did you know about Ferrari before arriving in Maranello?
L: "I lived Ferrari as a passion, but I didn't know the history of the brand, there was simply something magical around this name. For me, it has always been the Red Machine. In my wildest fantasies, the team for which I wanted to drive one day was always Ferrari".
S: "I knew everything about the last twenty years, a little less about past history. Now I'm reading the biography of Enzo Ferrari: it was given to me by the president John Elkann, who I asked to show me a book about him".
Would you have liked to meet Ferrari?
L: "Very much. I'm reading his biography too, right now, and I consider him a figure to inspire for many reasons".
S: "Who wouldn't like it? I'm struck by the fact that Ferrari represents Italy. When you join this team, you're racing for an entire nation. It's like playing football and wearing the Spanish national team shirt. Responsibilities and l 'pride".
Which part of the Maranello factory fascinates you the most?
L: "Enzo Ferrari's house inside the Fiorano circuit. One day Carlos and I met in his office and we began to imagine the scenes: "Look, this is where he signed some important contracts...". Thinking this fascinates me so much."
S: "I like the gym, it's the place where I can find my moments of peace, to recover mentally after hard days driving the simulator".
Which of the Ferrari drivers of the past excites you the most between Lauda, ​​Villeneuve, Schumacher or others?
L: "Michael, for all the triumphs he has obtained and for his ability to drag the team along. Gilles, for the madness of certain maneuvers he did on the track with which he gave emotions".
S: "I could say Lauda, ​​Schumacher or Alonso. Instead I say Villeneuve, less known by the general public".
What type is Mattia Binotto?
L: "At first he's reserved, but then he opens up more and more and now we have a very good relationship, where we can be honest, an attitude that helps the team".
S: "I got on well with him from the first minute, he's easy to work with. He seems to me a leader with an ambition and a project that will soon bear fruit".
A goal for this year?
L: "Doing the best possible every time I get in the car. After the first race we will know where we are compared to the rivals".
S: "To take a good step forward, it must be a better season than 2020. I would like the fans to regain faith in Ferrari and believe in us".
Can Ferrari win again in 2022 with the new rules?
L: "I think it's an opportunity for us, or rather an opportunity, to win again."
S: "Why not? I think so. We need more years to become a dominant team, but returning to victory can happen even sooner, above all because 2022 will be a strange year for everyone and we will start from scratch. When was the last change of regulation, in 2017, Ferrari started with the fastest car. I believe in this team".
What would you like to achieve with Ferrari?
L: "I would like to win a world championship. It was already a special milestone when I arrived in Maranello, but succeeding after going through these difficult years would be even more valuable and would give us more satisfaction".
S: "I would like to stay in Maranello for many years. Obviously, Ferrari is in a hurry to get back to winning ways, and we want it to happen as soon as possible, but I have the patience to work in perspective to bring the red back to success".
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aurora-sturniolo · 9 months
Best Friends Boyfriend Pt. 1
𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜:  y/n x chris sturniolo 𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: chris might be a bad boyfriend, but y/n becomes a much worse friend after falling for her best friends boyfriend. 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: no smut yet - swearing/suggestive?
*not proofread*
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵
“This dress would make your boobs look great”
Ever since Hazel started dating Chris at the beginning of our Senior year, she has been all over me trying to find me a boyfriend. Every single party we have gone to has consisted with her throwing random guys at me hoping i’d connect with one eventually. I can’t blame her, she was my bestfriend and I knew all she wanted was to see me happy. 
“I am absolutely not wearing that dress, and I am not going out tonight come on” I groaned, rolling onto my back on the bed. “Look Chris invited us and it’s going to be huge, everyone is celebrating the beginning of winter break” she grinned, pouting her lips and starring at me. “You know I don’t like to drink, plus every party ends up with me driving all of you guys back home drunk while you and Chris are practically fucking in the backseat of my car” I sighed sitting back up.
While I wasn’t necessarily best friends with the triplets, I would say we were friends considering how much time i’ve spent dropping off Hazel at their house. She refuses to drive so that automatically makes me her designated driver. 
“Please, tonight will be different y/n I promise you and if you really aren’t having fun you can leave or never come with me again. Come tonight, for me” she smiled looking up at me from the floor. “Fine” I groaned as she squealed and instantly jumped up. “Only if I can borrow that dress” I smiled. 
I can’t even lie, the dress did make me look great. It was light pink with a small bow attached to the front. The dress was extremely tight, but it fit me perfectly. My hair perfectly clashed with the dress and I knew the perfect heels to wear with it. If I wasn’t going to have a good time, atleast I was gonna look hot. 
“Hurry up they’re waiting for us” I screamed at Hazel from downstairs. My phone was already blowing up from the groupchat with the guys. They were wondering how far away we were and when we would be there. “They can wait” she smiled as she came downstairs, still trying to put her shoes on as we were walking out the door. 
It didn’t take long until we were outside the Sturniolo’s home. The sun was just beginning to set as we walked up beside eachother to their door. Before I could even knock, Chris was opening the door reaching smiling. “You look so good baby” he grinned, scooping Hazel up showering her in kisses. “Okay okay, I get it you guys are young and happy and in love no need to make me more jealous, now let me inside” I groan, pushing my way inside. “Someones mad she gets no dick” Chris blurts out laughing. “Chris!” Hazel giggling, slightly hitting his chest as she laughs.
I walk inside, greeting Matt and Nick who waiting inside ready to go. They were dressed way more casual than Hazel and I, only wearing some shorts and a t-shirt. “I feel overdressed” I say, crossing my arms in front of me. “You look good y/n, relax” Matt assures with a slight smile. 
While Chris was off limits, that didn’t mean Matt wasn’t. I couldn’t lie, they both were really hot but with my best friend dating one of them, it felt awkward inserting myself or trying to flirt with them. That’s why I was strictly friends with them, always just kind of existing alongside Hazel. 
“Who’s driving” I question as everyone finally makes their way inside and into the kitchen. “Me” Chris says, walking over and grabbing the keys out of my hands. “Not so fast, that means your not drinking, since when do you not drink at a party, let alone the biggest one of the year?” I chuckle. “Since I decided I didn’t want to drink tonight, got any more questions?” he spits back. “Nobody cares, let’s go it’s getting dark” Nick blurts out, walking towards their car in the garage. Everyone makes their way into the garage while I run back to my car in the front to grab my purse and lipgloss I forgot. When I walk back inside, Chris is standing by the front door waiting for me.
“God you scared me, why aren’t you in the car I just had to grab something” I say, closing the door behind me. “I forgot something in my room, I heard you coming back inside” He shrugs. I begin to walk away when I turn to hear Chris say something. “You do look good y/n, i’m sure you’ll find someone to fuck wearing that dress” he grins walking towards the garage.
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up2123753theories · 8 months
The fact of being who or what a person or thing is
A close similarity or affinity
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Rem Koolhaas: National Identity In Architecture
As said on ‘Psychology today’, a person’s “identity encompasses the memories, experiences, relationships and values that create one’s sense of self”. As much as this quote is in reference to a person’s identity it can also be related to architecture. For example, the style of buildings and placement in certain countries and cities can be seen as part of that locations identity as sometimes architects use a places’ history as inspiration for new buildings. Identity plays a large role in everyday life, from personal identity to a companies identity to a nations.
Utilities One explains the link between architecture and personal identity: “Physical spaces and places play a significant role in shaping our well-being and personal identity.” This quote really shows the importance of our surroundings and how it affects our identities. A colourful surrounding could make some very colourful and happy but it could also make others almost ‘rebel’ and dislike colour.
Even though identity is usually recognised within people it is also applicable to buildings, objects and places. Everything has different memories and characteristics which identify them.
“Identity encompasses the memories, experiences, relationships and values that create one’s sense of self” – Psychology Today “Physical spaces and places play a significant role in shaping our well-being and personal identity” – Psychology Today “It should be people-specific and should also represent the way of life of such people” – Chukwuali “Architecture As Identity” – Abel
Abel, Chris. Architecture and Identity : Towards a Global Eco-Culture. Oxford England ; Boston, Architectural Press, 1997.
Adebayo, Anthony, et al. “Architecture: The Quest for Cultural Identity.” Facta Universitatis - Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, vol. 11, no. 2, 2013, pp. 169–177, www.researchgate.net/publication/274829351_Architecture_The_quest_for_cultural_identity, https://doi.org/10.2298/fuace1302169a.
C. B. Chukwuali, "The influence of cultural pluralism on architectural practice in Nigeria: The content,
the context and the imperatives", Journal of Nigerian Institute of Architects, Enugu State Chapter, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2005, pp 13-20.
“Construction Spaces and the Influence on Personal Identity and Self-Expression.” Utilities One, 6 Nov. 2023, utilitiesone.com/construction-spaces-and-the-influence-on-personal-identity-and-self-expression. Accessed 20 Jan. 2024.
“Identity | Psychology Today.” Www.psychologytoday.com, www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/identity#:~:text=Identity%20encompasses%20the%20memories%2C%20experiences.
Oxford Dictionary. “Oxford Languages.” Oxford Languages, Oxford University Press, 2023, languages.oup.com/google-dictionary-en/.
WA Contents. “ Rem Koolhaas: National Identity in Architecture,” WorldArchitecture.org, 26 Mar. 2014, worldarchitecture.org/article-links/pmezp/rem-koolhaas-national-identity-in-architecture.html.
During my research on identity I came to the realisation that even structures have their own identity and that they also help to create the identity of a place. For example, New York wouldn’t be the same without all its skylines which use their height to show off the powerful and wealthy identity of New York.
Chris Abel is a writer and educator who focuses on architectural practices, based in Malta. He has visited and taught in many big universities across the world. He is the author of a book called ‘Architecture and Identity’ which consists of a variety of his key essays that look into cultural and technological changes that are reshaping modern architecture. ‘Architecture and Identity’ is separated into three separate parts: Science and technology, Critical Theory, and Regionalism and Globalization. Within the section on Regionalism and Globalization he has a sub-section called “Architecture as Identity”. Within this chapter Chris looks at how architecture is used to show a places’ identity.
I strongly agree with, “Architecture as Identity” as a quote itself. This is because it shows that our architecture will and has always been used as a way to show a society or communities identity and what they find important and what they believe in, which they have done for centuries through the use of temples, churches and houses, etc.
I believe that as much as our personal identities are important, the identity of our architecture and what it tells others is and has always been equally as important. It shows off power, beliefs, religions and how our society works with each other.
Throughout my research I found that identity is such a broad subject that it is fairly tricky to pin point it to one specific topic. I tried to focus on identity within architecture as best I could to avoid going completely off-topic.
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zoke-coke · 11 months
Okay here’s some emo band au shit. There are multiple bands, as the total drama part of the au itself is a battle of the bands competition. We got
The Drama Brothers
The one canon band. They’re a combination of every boy band—nonfiction AND fiction—ever. Consists of the same four (+ Sasquatchanakwa) as in the show.
System Flowers
I know I always call them “the emo band”, but they’re not really one set subculture. I mean, Duncan’s punk, Alejandro’s emo, Mal’s a metalhead, and Zoey’s goth at her core, but if you asked me to list their songs I’d give you an MCR album. Which makes me wonder, if they’re this universe’s MCR, does Twilight exist? Does 50 Shades exist? Does After exist, but as Drama Brothers? Anyway, their #1 rival band is the Drama Brothers. They also all kiss sometimes. They consist of:
Zoey - lead vocalist, can not play an instrument (represented in logo as a pink violet)
Mike (Mal/Svetlana) - guitar and bassist AND stunt artist (Svetlana) (represented in logo as a blue forget me not)
Duncan - drummer (represented in logo as a green button pom)
Heather - manager/keys (represented in logo as a white……..heather)
Alejandro - guitarist and vocalist (represented in logo as a red rose) (added to the band as competition to Justin)
Prime Time Lobotomy
Dark folk band composed of loons (affectionate and serious). Occasionally, they have screamo-like vocals with their fairy folk instrumentals. They’re probably all sapphics but I won’t say who dates who. The women:
Dawn - lead vocalist, but plays the flute when not singing.
Izzy - fiddle player, constantly tries to convince Dawn to let her yodel in the middle of random songs. She says she IS the lobotomy in the band name.
Jo - acoustic guitar. She was a last minute addition, but was convinced by Dawn. She said her soul needed some fun.
Eva - hand drums, or anything she can bang on.
Courtney was a ghostwriter who wrote music for various artists, who after her teenage years put out her own songs on YouTube and became an internet singer. She eventually became a big pop star, and that’s where she’s at now. I’d say she’s like… this universe’s Taylor? But I don’t know if I CAN say that
True goth girl. She writes on her own, but doesn’t really put any music out; she was accepted into the battle of the bands through a random raffle. Princess Charm School style. The first friend she really makes in this whole thing is Courtney. Courtney finds her weird, but… charming.
Before Alejandro joined System Flowers, he was in a duo music act with his brother. While their act was extremely successful, it was obvious José was the favorite and he knew it. He’d constantly put Alejandro down and take any spotlight he had. One performance Alejandro has enough of his bullshit and they have a very violent split, and he joins this competition as a way to get back at him.
Geoff and Bridgette
They’re married :) talk show hosts, a lot easier to talk to than Chris.
Chris McLean.
The main host. Put the show on to not give popularity to others, but to gain it himself. He was a one hit wonder years ago, for “I Wanna Be Famous”.
Yeah that’s it 👍 uhhhh oh yeah to clear up any confusion the contestants are all in their 20s, out of college. And it’s kinda just gen 1 and gen 2 cast. For now
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littlemelaninfics · 2 years
I love 9-1-1! So could you write an incest smut where Reader Diaz is Eddie's little sister, who lived with her brother to take care of Christopher. While Christopher and Eddie, reader is a secret cam girl. Eddie didn't know until he took a day off and found out about his sister's secret
(repost bc of the community tag)
This one got me h-word on isle 14
part ii
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tw: incest, voyeurism
•Eddie loved his home unit. It consisted of the two people he loved the most and it was actually working and functional
•Christopher loved having his aunt around because you took some of the tension away from him and his dad when it got too bad
•Speaking of which, Chris is grounded for three weeks from his game console and you’ve been racking your brain all day trying to keep him entertained
•It was just you two for the most part because Eddie had some insane hours at the firehouse, but he never missed the important stuff and that’s what mattered most
•It was 1am when you got a message from one of your regular viewers. He was offering $300 for pics of you cosplaying as a gamer girl, so you did
•You did your hair and makeup before changing into your metallic bathing suit and grabbing your headset
•Eddie had gotten you your own so you could properly play with Chris. You did however need his chair and set up
•Since it was displayed in the living room, you had to be careful of the time so your brother wouldn’t walk in and listen for the sleeping child in the next room
•You sauntered out there and turned on his console. You realized you can get to the internet on here and if you clear the history and delete the pictures, no one would be the wiser
•You set up your phone and started taking sexy pictures and videos of you fingering yourself in the chair
•Once satisfied, you uploaded them to the console and logged into your cam account. You went live for about an hour and a half before calling it a night
•You said your goodbyes and logged off. But before you could even properly stand, you heard the keys in the lock
•You jumped up, turned off the console and the light and made the fastest beeline to your room possible
•Right when you closed your door is when you heard the front one open and you couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief
•You took off the look for that night and went to sleep
•The next day you hear Eddie yelling and you jump out of bed to see what’s going on
• “Hey, hey, hey! What’s going on?”
•Eddie stood there with arms crossed, “You wanna tell her or should I?”
•Christopher just sighed and rolled his eyes, “I was trying to show dad a cool video and it said I was logged on last night, but I wasn’t! Dad I swear.”
• “I don’t want to hear it. Go get ready to go to Tony’s. Which you’re lucky enough to still get to do.”
•He got off the couch and went to put his shoes on and went to meet his friend downstairs
• “Can you believe that kid? All the lying and secrets,” he said turning off the console.
• “He’s 13, Edmundo. He’ll grow out of it.”
•You felt bad for letting your little nephew take the rap, but it was better him than you. Plus he didn’t get in anymore trouble, so what’s the real harm?
•Your phone buzzed and it was another subscriber asking for fresh shower pics. You didn’t have any in your folder, so you’ll actually have to take a shower
•You got off the couch and made your way to the bathroom, leaving Eddie to his own devices
•Eddie sighed and looked around at what to do when his eyes landed back on the console. He was curious to see what Christopher was viewing so late in the night
•He turned it back on and logged in. He went to the history and his face immediately got red with anger
•Not only was his son lying to him, but now he was watching porn? LIVE porn at that
•He clicked the link and it took him to a different screen…a screen that showed your profile
•He sat up in his seat, not sure what exactly he was looking at. He clicked the latest thumbnail and saw his little sister, spread eagle in their living room, getting herself off for strangers
•He watches a couple minutes of it before you moaned and he felt his cock twitch. He was taken off guard by his body’s response to his little sister, but goddamn it he was only human
•He began palming his hardening cock through his sweatpants when he heard the shower turn off
•Eddie quickly signed off and acted like nothing happened. He got off the couch and began roaming around aimlessly until he saw your bedroom door cracked
•He snuck over and placed his eye right in the crack, watching you lotion your still soaking body and change
•He never knew you looked so beautiful doing the simplest things like clasping your bra. He suddenly grew envious of the men that get to watch you and have you all to themselves
•He knew it could never be him, but that was honestly part of the fun
I’m definitely going to do a part two to this!
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very-feral-lesbian · 1 year
oh so im actually mad and im gonna talk about it because what?
1. the couch theory. it’s been two seasons now that the couch has been an important factor in bucks life and the ideals of his relationship. they have built it up and it has been one of the more interesting metaphors that they have had on this show to date. it has been an excellent choice of writing, and has gone so far in the story. and yet they are trying to finalize it with a one dimensional character and a chemistry-lacking relationship; and acting as if it’s meant to be this way. i personally cannot imagine that all of this buildup had led us here.
2. last time eddie tried to date, chris ran away from home and was extremely upset about him dating. and now, with zero indication of any moving forward, or talks with chris, and he has not only asked someone out on a date with chris’s knowledge, but chris was actively encouraging it. i wouldn’t mind but it’s the fact that they completely threw it out there and didn’t show any active change when that was a plot line for his last relationship that should be significant due to how key of a point it was in eddies dating life.
3. people are going to try and say that this is all about buddie, and its not. its just that they consistently have given buck and eddie less intricate love interests, and storylines when it comes to relationships. eddie and mariaol seem very sweet together and i think that they have potential, but 911 has given us nothing. the writers have given us nothing. they keep acting like these characters have deep meaningful relationships because they want them to, but won’t put in the work to write the message and prove it to their audience.
it’s especially frustrating when we see them do great storylines with maddie, chim, bobby, athen, and hen & karen. 
im consistently disappointed in the show runners and kristen. i really hope that this will be changed when we move to ABC and that there will be improvements that are much needed because 911 has been so good in the past, and they get so close to being great sometimes, but they really do fumble it in the important moments.
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roy-kents · 6 months
hiiieeee first and foremost…I love your blog! I just recently found/followed it and I can tell how invested and passionate you are about 9-1-1 and the fandom 🫶🏽 I just wanted to ask about something you answered in regard to your last ask— where you said “bucktommy isn't the intended end-goal” and that that’s pretty widely accepted within the fandom. which I can also see! I see that a lot of the fans are CONVINCED that this all leads to buddie in the end…
I guess I just wanna know…how are you SO confident that all of this is leading to buddie? I’ve read a few answers to asks on other blogs that briefly touch on this, and more than anything I want to believe it wholeheartedly (trust me!) but I feel like…idk part of me can’t help feeling they’re gonna pull the rug from under us and have it NOT lead to buddie. what has you so confident about this (and how can I be this confident lmao bc I really hate the doubt i’m feeling)?
first of all, i'm not sure if you're new to watching the show alltogether or just the tumblr fandom, but welcome! we're quite tight knit here but i'm sure you'll have a great time! <333
as to your question: there's a lot of reasons i'm confident that this is leading to buddie; honestly, there's been a lot of evidence over the years which tells us what's happening, and it could be an essay in and of itself. i'll try and summarise a few of the key points of evidence that, in my opinion, tell us where things are going (this will contain spoilers for any new fans of the show!!):
in eddie's very first episode (2x01), we see him for the first time on-screen through buck's pov. here, as we see eddie on screen, the son whatta man plays as eddie pulls his shirt on in slow-motion. to a lot of us, this is indicative of instant attraction/interest on buck's part, and gives us a major clue that something is happening here
in buck, actually (2x08), one of the main calls we see on the episode involves a gay couple, thomas and mitchell. when mitchell is pronounced dead, thomas and buck are sat on the ambulance and having a conversation, which goes as follows:
thomas: we only ever wanted to...to go together. that's love. buck: i'm sorry. i really am. i guess i can only hope to find something that good. thomas: you don't find it, son. you make it.
the idea that you don't find your love story, you have to put in the effort and make it becomes a recurring theme between buck and eddie. they manage to construct their own family unit consisting of themselves and chris over the years. the idea that they are a family already feeds into several different plot-lines over the years, perhaps most notably eddie's issues with ana and their eventual break up:
in episode 1 of season 5, eddie has a panic attack over a shop assistant thinking that ana was chris' mom. later, when he's talking to buck about it, he mentions how they became a ready made family...i'm not sure if i'm ready for that. when buck and eddie have been making their family for years now
eddie's entire breakup with ana was very queer-coded. honestly, watch the scene here, but ryan acted his absolute ass off and the entire thing reeks of eddie being a queer man at his core
honestly, one of the biggest bits of evidence we got in the first place was buck being confirmed as bisexual canonically. this allows us to thoroughly go back through and recontextualise a lot of interactions between buck and eddie over the years. two key scenes are the will scene (4x14 survivors) and the well scene (3x15 eddie begins). both of these scenes show buck and eddie in moments of vulnerability with one another, and show that their connection surpasses the connection which they have with anyone else
side note - i watched eddie begins yesterday, and the entire time eddie is drowning at the end of the episode, his life flashes before his eyes. all of this is chris, but a good chunk of the scenes also have buck in them.
again, there's a lot more i could point to, but these are the main things which stick out to me right now! i hope this answers your question!
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redrikki · 16 days
Teen Wolf Rewatch - Season 2 Recap
In season 1, Scott was a trauma survivor turned reluctant hero. In season 2, has embraced the role of savior. He's out to save every supernatural person (or suspected supernatural person) from hunters, each other, and themselves. While Derek and the hunters might prefer to eliminate threats, Scott errs (if you can call it that) on the side of compassion. He was once the victim of a violent and overbearing alpha who dragged him into a war he didn't want to join and now he wants to spare Derek's betas from that. He too was once out of control and only pulled back from the brink by human connection and now he wants do something similar for Jackson. Yes, his attempts to save Jackson consistently end in failure and dead bodies, but points for effort. It is love that eventually saves him in the end, even if it wasn't Scott doing the saving.
Love and human connection being the thing that saves us is one of the key themes hammered home in this season. Conversely, it's flip side, poor communication kills, is also a big one. Jackson could have possibly been stopped/saved earlier if literally anyone had taken the time to tell Lydia what the hell was going on. She, in turn, might have ended up in a better emotional place and possibly not resurrected Peter. In season 1, every time anything happened to him, Scott would immediately tell Stiles, but this season Scott is cutting himself off. We don't get a scene of him telling his BFF about Gerard's threats and when Allison repeatedly asks Scott if something happened with Gerard, he refuses to tell. Why? To protect her? Chris said that the price of knowledge is responsibility. Well, the cost of ignorance is vulnerability. Not knowing the truth leaves Lydia vulnerable to Peter and Allison vulnerable to Gerard (and Melissa and Stiles vulnerable to Gerard in a different kind of way).
Another big theme this season is monster is as monster does (and it's flip side, hero is as hero does). Matt and Gerard decide to do monstrous things and are literally transformed into monsters as a result. Meanwhile, people like Isaac (and Erica and Boyd to a lesser extent) who chose to become "monsters," make the decision to act as heroes. Allison, who thinks of herself as a hero, embraces her worst self in the name of family even as her father decides to reject his worst self for the same reason. Stiles, who has been feeling helpless in the repeated face of failure and trauma, decides in the end to get back up and help.
I'm planning on writing a more in-depth analysis of Scott's master plan from an in-universe perspective, so right now I'm just going to focus on the mechanics of it. In season 1, the show blended coming of age/horror/mystery/romance fairly well. This season, they tried to add a bit of heist to the mix with the reveal of Scott's plan and it didn't quite work. The writers set a bunch of things up like Gerard's pill-popping, people (Erica) wanting the Bite for health reasons, Bite rejection kills, mountain ash does stuff to supernaturals, cancer has a smell, pill swap, etc., but the pacing was off. Cancer having a smell should have been introduced way sooner and it should have been Scott noticing, not Isaac. We should have had a clearer understanding of what mountain ash is capable of and maybe a few conversations hinting that there was a plan (even if we didn't get the details) so it felt a little less out of left field. Even something just as simple was Scott telling Stiles about Gerard's threats and Stiles asking what he was going to do with Scott making a thinking face would have been enough.
Trust, or the lack there of, is a big theme this season. I guess we viewers were supposed to trust that Scott had it handled, even without hints that he had something even vaguely resembling a plan. Certainly everyone in universe was supposed to trust that Scott did. Yeah, he's keeping secrets from his friends and "allies," but he's doing what he believes is right! Allison's main sin isn't that she went off the rails with grief, it's that she decided to place her faith in her family to stop Jackson after Scott consistently failed to do so and didn't share some pretty important information. Personally, I think Allison was right to break up with Scott. Not only does she need to space to get her head on straight, it's clear neither of them really trusted the other enough for things to work.
Anyway, season 2 was pretty rough on Scott. He lost all the modest gains he'd gotten in season 1 like first line, popularity, and a girlfriend. He also lost the fairly wholesome relationship he'd once had with his mother. The timeline is a little confusing, but she seems to be avoiding him for several days after what happens at the sheriff's station. Yeah, she comes back around and works to help him, but that has to be heartbreaking to realize your mother's love is conditional so soon after your father bailed too. At least he still has Stiles, even if they are starting to drift apart.
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nflsports2024 · 1 month
NFL Update: August 21, 2024
As the NFL preseason heats up and teams inch closer to the regular season, several key storylines are emerging. Here's a comprehensive update on the latest news, standout performances, and notable injuries from around the league:
1. Quarterback Controversies and Competitions
New England Patriots: The Patriots have been closely watching the quarterback battle between incumbent Mac Jones and rookie standout Tyler Jackson. Jackson’s impressive preseason performances have put significant pressure on Jones, who has struggled with consistency. Coach Bill Belichick has yet to name a starter, but the competition is expected to intensify as the season opener approaches.
San Francisco 49ers: Over in San Francisco, Brock Purdy continues to recover from his offseason elbow surgery. Sam Darnold has been taking the majority of first-team reps, and the 49ers are hopeful that Purdy will be ready for Week 1. The team remains optimistic but cautious as they evaluate Purdy's progress.
2. Standout Preseason Performances
Rising Stars: Several rookies are making waves this preseason. Chicago Bears running back Jamal Williams has been a revelation, showcasing explosive speed and agility that could earn him a prominent role in the Bears' offense. Likewise, Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Nate Williams has been a favorite target in the preseason, suggesting he could become a key playmaker for Dallas.
Veteran Showcases: Veteran wide receiver DeAndre Hopkins has shown he still has plenty left in the tank with the Tennessee Titans. His chemistry with quarterback Ryan Tannehill is evident, and if he stays healthy, Hopkins could be a major asset for the Titans’ offense.
3. Injury Updates
Kansas City Chiefs: The Chiefs have been monitoring the health of their star defensive end, Chris Jones. Jones has been sidelined with a calf strain, but the team is hopeful he will be ready to go for the start of the regular season. His presence on the field is crucial for Kansas City's defensive line.
Los Angeles Chargers: Chargers linebacker Joey Bosa is dealing with a shoulder issue that has kept him out of the last few preseason games. The Chargers are being cautious with Bosa, but the hope is that he will be fully recovered by Week 1.
4. Preseason Surprises and Disappointments
Surprise Teams: The Atlanta Falcons have exceeded expectations in the preseason, with their young roster showing significant improvement. Quarterback Desmond Ridder has looked sharp, and the defense has made strides under new coordinator Brian Flores.
Disappointments: The Denver Broncos have struggled to find offensive rhythm, and concerns about their quarterback situation persist. Russell Wilson has faced criticism for inconsistent play, and the coaching staff is working diligently to address these issues before the regular season.
5. Looking Ahead
As the preseason draws to a close, teams are finalizing their rosters and preparing for the regular season. The focus will soon shift to finalizing strategies and game plans for the upcoming year. Fans can look forward to the season opener, which promises to deliver the high drama and excitement that the NFL is known for.
Stay tuned for more updates as the 2024 NFL season gets underway. With key injuries, rookie performances, and quarterback battles at the forefront, this season is shaping up to be one of the most intriguing yet.
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solarpunkjesusfan · 1 year
In order to save the princess you have to disguise yourself as a teen and go to the Prom. But you aren’t getting in without a date who actually goes to the school. You approach a group of students. Another member of your party assigns them numbers 1-20 and puts the numbers in a hat. The number you draw is the one you must ask to prom.
Roll a d20 to see who you ask
1. Jimbob the Teifling. He just got his driver’s license!
2. Betty the bard with a bucket hat
3. JT. They’re dad is the owner of the local super market
4. Carlos the Orc Druid. He’s new in town
5. Duchess Vanessa. She’s the princess’s cousin and is super jealous of her
6. Gooobydoob 6’5” tall human raised by kobolds. Can speak 6 languages
7. Enoby D’arkness Dementa Raven Way. She’s goffic
8. Apples the talking horse. She’s the class valedictorian and her dad is in jail for arson.
9. Chris. He’s flattered but politely declines because he’s already going with Tiffany. Roll again.
10. Tiffany. She already said yes to Chris but doesn’t tell you that because she would rather go with you because she was only going with Chris to make Carlos jealous, and she thinks you would make him more jealous. Meanwhile Carlos is completely oblivious to the fact that Tiffany has a crush on him. Which is probably for the best. Carlos has a crush on Ursula, but is too shy to admit it.
11. Ursula, the bug bear with great hair
12. Mike and Ezekiel, they are already going together but are open to a 3rd. (They only have one number because your friend didn’t see Ezekiel. He is wearing a very effective camouflage jump suit)
13. Marsha. She’s actually best friends with the princess and would be invaluable for your mission. The only problem, her parents are super strict and have forbid her from going to the dance. She accepts your invitation on the condition that you can break her out of the house and provide a prom dress. (All her dresses are little house on the prairie style)
14. Jacque the elvin jock. He’s the quarter back of the football team and his dad is the cop that put Apples’ dad in jail for arson.
15. Bryce. He gave everyone lice. In fact he did so twice. What an unfortunate roll of the dice.
16. Lord flip flop. King of the waves.
17. Rocko. Sells drugs to all the teachers.
18. Hyacinth. Shortest of her 11 siblings at only 10’9”, this giant barbarian is a (not so) huge disappointment to her family. She was also an unknowing accomplice in the arson that landed Apples’ dad in jail.
19. Beck. They were going to skip the prom to instead do a pop up art show featuring their art series entitled “lawfulness by definition is never neutral. a retrospective of systemic genocide of halflings and kobolds by creating strategic laws that codified pitting the two races against each other by the corrupt government of king Victor-Justin XI from the years 76899 to 76904 inclusive” the art itself consists of discarded wooden bowls from Red Oak Tavern, all painted with concentric circles in neon orange. But Beck likes your aura enough to go to the prom with you and re schedule the art show for next weekend.
20. Lucy. Her mom is the janitor. She stole a key ring with all the keys to all the rooms in the school ages ago. Her mom still has no idea. She’ll let you into any room in the school for a stick of gum. Or even for free if she thinks it’s funny enough. She just likes chaos.
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dan6085 · 1 month
Top 25 Women's Tennis Players of All Time
#### 1. **Serena Williams**
- **Career Span**: 1995 - 2022
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 23 singles, 14 doubles
- **Notable Achievements**: Dominated women's tennis for over two decades with her powerful game and competitive spirit.
#### 2. **Steffi Graf**
- **Career Span**: 1982 - 1999
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 22 singles
- **Notable Achievements**: Only player to achieve the Golden Slam in 1988.
#### 3. **Martina Navratilova**
- **Career Span**: 1975 - 2006
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 18 singles, 31 doubles, 10 mixed doubles
- **Notable Achievements**: Renowned for her longevity and versatility on court.
#### 4. **Chris Evert**
- **Career Span**: 1972 - 1989
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 18 singles
- **Notable Achievements**: Known for her consistency and dominance on clay courts.
#### 5. **Margaret Court**
- **Career Span**: 1960 - 1977
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 24 singles, 19 doubles, 21 mixed doubles
- **Notable Achievements**: Holds the record for most Grand Slam titles in singles.
#### 6. **Billie Jean King**
- **Career Span**: 1959 - 1983
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 12 singles, 16 doubles, 11 mixed doubles
- **Notable Achievements**: Key figure in the fight for gender equality in sports.
#### 7. **Monica Seles**
- **Career Span**: 1989 - 2008
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 9 singles
- **Notable Achievements**: Youngest French Open champion at 16, known for her powerful groundstrokes.
#### 8. **Venus Williams**
- **Career Span**: 1994 - Present
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 7 singles, 14 doubles
- **Notable Achievements**: Pioneer for equal prize money in tennis.
#### 9. **Justine Henin**
- **Career Span**: 1999 - 2008, 2010 - 2011
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 7 singles
- **Notable Achievements**: Known for her one-handed backhand and dominance on clay courts.
#### 10. **Martina Hingis**
- **Career Span**: 1994 - 2007, 2013 - 2017
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 5 singles, 13 doubles, 7 mixed doubles
- **Notable Achievements**: Youngest-ever world No. 1 at 16 years old.
#### 11. **Maria Sharapova**
- **Career Span**: 2001 - 2020
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 5 singles
- **Notable Achievements**: Known for her powerful game and competitive spirit.
#### 12. **Evonne Goolagong Cawley**
- **Career Span**: 1968 - 1983
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 7 singles, 6 doubles, 1 mixed doubles
- **Notable Achievements**: First Indigenous Australian to win a Grand Slam title.
#### 13. **Lindsay Davenport**
- **Career Span**: 1993 - 2010
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 3 singles, 3 doubles
- **Notable Achievements**: Known for her powerful baseline game.
#### 14. **Kim Clijsters**
- **Career Span**: 1997 - 2007, 2009 - 2012, 2020 - 2022
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 4 singles, 2 doubles
- **Notable Achievements**: First mother to be ranked No. 1 since Evonne Goolagong.
#### 15. **Arantxa Sánchez Vicario**
- **Career Span**: 1985 - 2002
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 4 singles, 6 doubles, 4 mixed doubles
- **Notable Achievements**: Known for her tenacity and strong defensive play.
#### 16. **Jennifer Capriati**
- **Career Span**: 1990 - 2004
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 3 singles
- **Notable Achievements**: Overcame personal struggles to achieve a successful comeback.
#### 17. **Gabriela Sabatini**
- **Career Span**: 1985 - 1996
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 1 singles, 1 doubles
- **Notable Achievements**: Known for her grace and sportsmanship.
#### 18. **Conchita Martínez**
- **Career Span**: 1988 - 2006
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 1 singles, 3 doubles
- **Notable Achievements**: First Spanish woman to win Wimbledon.
#### 19. **Ana Ivanović**
- **Career Span**: 2003 - 2016
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 1 singles
- **Notable Achievements**: Known for her powerful forehand and strong baseline play.
#### 20. **Caroline Wozniacki**
- **Career Span**: 2005 - 2020
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 1 singles
- **Notable Achievements**: Known for her consistency and fitness.
#### 21. **Naomi Osaka**
- **Career Span**: 2013 - Present
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 4 singles
- **Notable Achievements**: Known for her activism and powerful game on hard courts.
#### 22. **Ashleigh Barty**
- **Career Span**: 2010 - 2022
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 3 singles
- **Notable Achievements**: Known for her all-court game and versatility.
#### 23. **Iga Świątek**
- **Career Span**: 2018 - Present
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 4 singles (as of August 2024)
- **Notable Achievements**: First Polish player to win a Grand Slam singles title, achieved the No. 1 ranking in April 2022.
#### 24. **Simona Halep**
- **Career Span**: 2006 - Present
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 2 singles
- **Notable Achievements**: Known for her consistency and defensive skills.
#### 25. **Victoria Azarenka**
- **Career Span**: 2003 - Present
- **Grand Slam Titles**: 2 singles
- **Notable Achievements**: Known for her aggressive baseline game and competitiveness.
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vividracing · 2 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/all-new-awe-switchpath-exhaust-for-the-corvette-c8-z06/
All New AWE SwitchPath Exhaust for the Corvette C8 Z06
The Corvette C8 Z06 has already gained a ton of notoriety with its mid-engine, naturally aspirated 5.5L V8. However, just because it’s a great car from the factory doesn’t mean we can’t make it better.
The AWE SwitchPath™ Exhaust system is designed to bring out the best in the Z06’s engine. Known for their meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail, AWE engineered this exhaust to not only boost performance but also create a sound similar to a bald eagle screeching, fireworks on the 4th of July, or Chris Stapleton’s version of the National Anthem.
1.) Switch Path Technology: At the heart of this exhaust system is AWE’s proprietary SwitchPath™ technology. This feature allows drivers to control the exhaust’s sound profile on-the-fly. Whether you want a subdued, refined note for cruising or a full-throated scream for spirited driving, the SwitchPath™ technology offers the flexibility to switch between modes seamlessly.
2.) Engineering: Made from high-quality T304 stainless steel, the SwitchPath™ Exhaust is built to withstand everything you throw at it. The precision-engineered components ensure a perfect fit and finish, maintaining the aesthetic integrity of the Z06 while enhancing its acoustics.
3.) Performance: Beyond the sound, AWE’s exhaust system is designed to improve performance. With optimized flow, the SwitchPath™ Exhaust reduces back pressure, allowing the engine to breathe a little easier. This results in noticeable gains in horsepower and torque, making the Z06 performs as aggressively as it sounds.
4.) Craftsmanship: Each AWE exhaust is handcrafted in-house, ensuring the highest standards of quality and consistency. The attention to detail is evident in every weld and curve, reflecting AWE’s commitment to delivering a superior product.
The AWE SwitchPath™ Exhaust system is designed to integrate seamlessly with the factory settings of the C8 Z06. The installation process is straightforward, thanks to the precise engineering and comprehensive instructions provided by AWE. “There’s an easy way to install, and there’s a hard way”.
Additionally, the system is fully compatible with the vehicle’s onboard electronics, ensuring that the SwitchPath™ technology functions flawlessly.
Where to buy:
AWE’s C8 Z06 SwitchPath™ Exhaust is more than just another aftermarket exhaust; it’s one of the keys to a better driving experience. With AWE’s innovative technology, quality engineering, and increased performance, this exhaust system makes a strong case to be the go to exhaust for any C8 Z06 owner.
If you’re ready to bring your Z06 to the next level, you can either email us at [email protected], or if you like human interaction, give us a call at +1 (480) 966-3040
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doomedandstoned · 3 months
Oakland’s PHANTOM HOUND Drop New Single/Music Video “Gold Fever”
~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~
By Billy Goate
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We introduced you to PHANTOM HOUND on The Doomed and Stoned Show, and their soulful, heavy as all get-out debut, 'Mountain Pass' (2020), which made many an end-of-year list. It's a powerful, metal-plated mastif of grunge-influenced rock with an authenticity true to the historic past and surroundings of the doomy heavy psych band from west-central California.
Now comes word of a new LP, 'From Boom Town to Ghost Town' (2024), on Glory or Death Records. Phantom Hound comments on its themes:
This record is about changing landscapes, uncertain home fronts, wealth and poverty, struggle and success. It’s about persistence at all costs one day, and accepting when things have come to an end on another. A story of the skeletons in our own backyard.
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Today, Doomed & Stoned presents the world premiere of its first single, "Gold Fever."
The song begins with a strong, low-end rumble, a ripple through the prairie ground, unsettling rocks and roots like a Tremors' worm. The beat is undeniable at 1:34 when the bass takes the spotlight and you can really feel the groove.
Vocals are clean with moments of release that soar with the ferocity and might of a Chris Cornell. Lyrically, the band says the track's "about greed and never having enough which seems to be a pretty common theme with today’s leaders." Great guitar solo near the close, reminiscent of the Metal Gods.
Look for Phantom Hound's From Boom Town to Ghost Town available June 19th for pre-order with early bird deals via Glory or Death Records.
Give ear...
Originally formed in 2013 as “Hound”. The original lineup consisted of Keith Hernandez on bass, Dominic Torres on drums, & Jake Navarra on guitar and vocals. The power trio quickly recorded and released The Ether EP in 2016 focusing on desert rock driven riffs and grungy blues licks. After several lineup changes in the following years the core lineup was ironed out with Jack Stiles on drums and Stephen Rogers on bass & keys. This new and refreshed lineup explored multiple tunings and influences ranging from doom metal, blues rock, and classic rock then officially expanding the name to “Phantom Hound” in 2018 and collectively focused on self-releasing their debut album Mountain Pass in 2020 via in-house record label Devil Blues Records with producer Chris Hughes.
Mountain Pass by Phantom Hound
While pushing 'Mountain Pass' throughout the pandemic, the band went on tour at the first opportunity in the fall of 2021 on a Pacific Northwest run and followed up with another southwest tour fall of 2022 to push the release. In 2023 the band reunited with producer Chris Hughes & entered the studio to record their sophomore record. Taking influence from current day heavy psych lords such as All Them Witches, Elder, and King Buffalo and mixing them with core inspirations such as Alice In Chains, Soundgarden, & Sleep; the new record experiments with a brand new heavy psych sound, bolstered backing vocals, guitar harmonies, synthesizers, and an endless onslaught of massive hooks the band has become known for.
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The Oakland, California power trio will be releasing their sophomore record “From Boom Town To Ghost Town” on Glory or Death Records in September of 2024.
Phantom Hound has supported such acts as Belzebong, Greenbeard, Hippie Death Cult, Spirit Mother, 16, Holy Grove, Disastroid, Kadabra, Serial Hawk, Three Towers, & High Tone Son of a Bitch.
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ledenews · 3 months
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