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majortomwaits · 8 months
I was drowning in temptations I'm a sinner to the bone Thought I was flowing on the surface I was sinking like a stone
Trainspotting / Forgive Forget
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sesiondemadrugada · 5 months
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Caligula (Tinto Brass, 1979).
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sunsetshunter · 1 year
“Le cose che amavo un tempo erano molto fragili. Molto delicate. Ma io non lo sapevo. Pensavo che fossero indistruttibili. E mi sbagliavo.”
-Cormac McCarthy.
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ohmelinoe · 1 year
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Dimo Alexiev in Caligula, dir. Javor Gardev
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alexmassa · 2 years
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Albert Camus, Caligola, 1945
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storiearcheostorie · 3 months
Roma, nuove sorprese da piazza Pia: riemerge il Portico di Caligola
Roma, nuove sorprese da piazza Pia: riemerge il Portico di Caligola
Redazione Nuove sorprese da piazza Pia. Nel corso dei lavori di scavo stratigrafico e delocalizzazione della fullonica rinvenuta nel cantiere per il sottopasso di piazza Pia, a Roma, sono stati rinvenuti i resti di un’interessante opera di sistemazione a giardino, affacciata direttamente sulla riva destra del Tevere. Si tratta di una struttura costituita da un muro in opera quadrata di…
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poposa23 · 5 months
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garland-on-thy-brow · 5 months
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Not that I know much about either the rule of Caligula or 19th century opera but why does Cassius Chaerea have a second nomen here? Where does it come from?
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nemain1492 · 1 year
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celine-t-r · 1 year
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Male statues, National Roman Museum, Palazzo Massimo, Rome
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jalisse-official · 2 years
Localitour d'Autore by Jalisse 104a puntata
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dealilcats · 3 months
Can't sleep and for some reason all I can think of is the 2009 tour. So I tried to identify the characters:
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I don't know that I'm correct esp Plato cause he's not in most of the pictures and I'm just going by elimination. His costume looks a lot like caligolas only he doesn't have the red. And I don't know who else he could be - unless it's Misto doing Quaxo? I have no idea
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fagmegumi · 2 years
konzern classic shee era!!!everyone say ur favs ill start
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rei-the-head-shaker · 2 months
Well judging by this teaser only, I'm in for a very interesting show tonight... 👀
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falcemartello · 10 months
Da romano chiedo scusa per Caligola.
Da italiano chiedo scusa per Fazio.
Da bipede chiedo scusa per Jack lo squartatore.
Da mammifero chiedo scusa per i gatti neri.
Da abitante della terra chiedo scusa per le zanzare.
Da mucchio di atomi chiedo scusa per lo Stronzio.
Matteo Brandi
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