#Camie x Bakugo
justttwlthings · 1 year
In which a certain hot headed Tsundere has to face his feelings, and Ojiro is a wholesome boy
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vnsgbs · 7 months
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Bakucamie AU
Pls do not edit or repost my art. Não edite ou reposte minha arte!
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faulty-writes · 1 year
[ Hello my dear followers and or fans, I present to you, Katsuki x Rejceted!Reader Part II. Just so you know, this continuation was picked by readers like you. Fair warning: This turns into a jumbled love triangle, so I suppose minor angst is to be expected. Even so, I hope you enjoy this piece. In order to keep with the "years later" theme, this jumps ahead in time. But not too far ahead. ]
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[ Chapter Two Summary: After seeing you at the provisional licensing exam, Katsuki begins to struggle with his past and present feelings for you. This leads him to ask your closest friends, Camie and Inasa, to convince you to meet him at a coffee shop for a much-needed talk. Things get more complicated when you misunderstand Katsuki's words and Inasa reveals feelings you never knew he had for you. ]
“Come on! At least tell them, damn it!” He snapped at Camie who crossed her arms and turned her back on him. They had just finished the remedial training course, and although cheerful children echoed in the background, it didn’t calm her anger.
What Katsuki did to you was wrong and failing the provisional licensing exam served him right. “Why would I do that? You’re totes hot, but you’re like one of the meanest dudes ever and you hurt Y/n’s feelings!” she declared, stomping her foot against the ground.
Her eyes focused on the bleachers where you sat. Although she couldn’t see your facial features, she knew you were smiling. Much like Seiji, you were given permission to observe but also support her and Inasa.
She seemed content and over what had happened to her during the provisional licensing exam while you remained paranoid. You passed the first round of the exam only to realize she was missing. When you looked for her, you became the next target of an attack.
You frowned and grazed the scar on your upper arm. Only your closest friends and teachers knew about the incident which you were grateful for considering the media would explode if they found out more than one student was targeted.
Katsuki growled, curling his hands into fists. “I know what I said before, but listen to what I’m saying now, damn it!” he hated that he had to plead with a moron in order to talk to you. “HEY!” A loud booming voice echoed from behind him.
“What’s going on here!?” Inasa shouted with a wide smile. Camie turned around, somewhat relieved to see him. “Bakugou wants to talk to Y/n, but he’s such a meanie. I don’t trust him around them!” she explained, pointing her finger at him.
Inasa tilted his head, placing his hands on his hips. “Y/n!?” he exclaimed before approaching Katsuki who scowled at him. “How do you know Y/n!?” he asked, not quite demanding but not quite willing to have his question disregarded.
Katsuki glared at him and remained silent. “They went to the same middle school, but Bakugou was mean to them when they confessed and at the provisional licensing exam!” Camie explained, again pointing her finger at him although he looked like he was going to bite it off.
“Why don’t you shut the hell up Glamouroki!?” he snapped. She rolled her eyes and pouted in response. “See, totes mean,” she commented crossing her arms. “What did I just say!?” he screamed with his hair standing on end.
“It’s none of your damn business what happened in the past!” Inasa listened to the conversation, scratching his head. “Wait!” he shouted. “Y/n confessed to you!?” he shifted his attention to the bleachers, and his heart accelerated when he saw you.
“Mm…” He pulled his hat down to hide his face. He recalled you had come to him before the provisional licensing exam started and how Camie explained some “rude but hot guy” made you upset and that he needed to cheer you up.
‘Was Bakugou the one she meant?' He thought, feeling jealous. Yes, he was usually a happy-go-lucky individual. But it was different when people hurt those he cared about or his pride. He hadn’t told you yet, but he had feelings for you.
He loved and admired the dedication and work you put into becoming a hero from the start. But do you still love Katsuki? If you did, he had no right to stand in your way. From what he could gather, Katsuki wanted to talk to you and seemed angry that Camie refused to help him.
As much as he hated the thought of you being with someone else, if it made you happy then he needed to help in any way he could. “We’ll help you talk to Y/n!” he declared, daring to pull Katsuki against him in a half-attempted embrace.
“Get the hell off me!” the angry blond was ready to use his quirk if need be. “Huh?” Camie blinked and tilted her head, clearly confused. “What do you mean? He and Y/n are so not meant to be!” she commented, wanting to protect your best interests. “They're totally the beauty, but Bakugou will always be the beast!” she added.
Katsuki stiffened and glared at her. “What the hell did you just say!?” he demanded, breaking free of Inasa's grip. He laughed in return and shrugged. “You never know until you try and if Y/n has feelings for him, we'll help!” he said, slapping the angry boy on the shoulder.
Whether you still had feelings for him or not wasn't known, but since the provisional licensing exam, he couldn’t stop thinking about you or the past the two of you shared together. No, he wasn’t attracted to you, or at least he refused to admit it. But there was clearly something to patch up between the two of you.
Camie crossed her arms. “What do you want to say to them? Like something romantic or cool?” she asked, even if Shiketsu had a strict no-dating policy, she couldn't help but get excited over the idea of romance especially forbidden relationships, they were the cutest! Katsuki clenched his jaw, shifting his gaze to the bleachers.
You were now standing with your hands pressed against your chest, gazing at all three of them. ‘Damn it…’ he thought. ‘I can’t believe I’m gonna say this,’ he turned back to Inasa and Camie. “Just tell them to meet me at Katz Caffeine Coffee Cafe in Esuha City tomorrow at noon!” he snapped before walking away.
“Is something wrong?” Shoto asked, noticing Katsuki’s scowl was deeper than normal. “Be quiet icy hot bastard!” he replied, pushing past him without a care. Shoto blinked, clearly confused before looking at Camie and Inasa who shrugged in response.
“I don’t get what his problem is,” she commented, placing a hand on her hip. “He’s obviously frustrated that he hasn’t talked to Y/n until now! Let's tell them the good news!” Inasa replied happily, despite feeling an ache course through his chest.
Camie frowned, others believed she was absent-minded and stupid, but she knew when something wasn’t right, especially when it involved feelings. She didn’t like the idea of Katsuki being close to you much less trying to talk to you.
But Inasa was her friend, and if he thought it was okay, she trusted his judgment. “I bet they’re totes happy we passed this time!” she said, clapping her hands before grabbing the front of Inasa’s costume to pull him along.
“Hm…” Hizashi had been watching the spectacle and couldn’t help but scratch his head. Katsuki seemed to have something important to say, but how did he know you when you attended Shiketsu High School and weren't even a part of the exam?
“Something ain’t adding up here,” he muttered before looking at Katsuki who seemed to be having an argument with Shoto. “Hey!” Camie exclaimed wrapping her arms around you. “Oh, uh hey,” you said, returning her embrace although she sensed something was off.
“Something wrong?” she asked, pulling away. “Well,” you turned to look at Inasa who smiled. Others commented that he looked happier around you, but it was typical to be happy with friends and family. Then again, you noticed a glint in his eyes whenever he gazed at you.
While you couldn’t quite identify what it was yet, you did know it was warm and caring. “Actually um…” you curled your hands into the bottom of your shirt. “Were you guys talking to…Bakugou down there?” you asked with a pointed finger. “Mmhm!” Inasa responded and you frowned, feeling anger wash over you.
“Why would you talk to him!?” You demanded, glaring at both of them. “I said not to!” Camie exclaimed, holding her hands up. “But Inasa like insisted,” she added, casting the blame on him. You turned to Inasa, your anger fading.
“Why did you, w-what did he want?” you asked, knowing you may have jumped to an unfair conclusion. After all, you didn’t have the right to tell your friends who they could and couldn’t talk to. Inasa noticed the saddened, pained look in your eyes and turned to Camie who shrugged.
It was difficult to tell what was on your mind sometimes and your friends knew better than to push you. But that didn’t stop their concerns. Inasa took a deep breath, forcing a smile back onto his face before touching your shoulder.
“He wants to talk to you!” His words made you jump. “W-what?” you responded. “He wants to talk to you!” he repeated, lowering his hand. “He even wants to take you to a coffee shop!” Your eyes shifted back and forth, processing the information.
“Coffee shop?” you asked, looking at Inasa with a confused but still hurt expression. “Yeah!” Camie said, stepping in between you two. “He said something about a coffee shop in Eusha City,” Inasa nodded. “Katz Caffeine Coffee Cafe! He wants to meet with you tomorrow at noon!” he announced, grinning like a madman.
Your heart skipped a beat, and you almost hated yourself for feeling hopeful. Katsuki had broken your trust and heart many times, you thought you had overcome your feelings for him by now but deep down you still felt something for him.
Maybe your feelings for him would always be a part of you or they were trying to tell you something or you were just young and naive. Then again, perhaps he just wanted to apologize or talk about something completely unrelated to your feelings.
Either way, you wouldn't get anywhere unless you faced this issue or learned to live in peace with it. You snapped out of your thoughts when Camie laid her hand on your shoulder. You forced a smile when you turned to look at her.
She was a comfort, despite what happened at the provisional licensing exam still haunting you, both she and Inasa were friends you appreciated. “So…are you going? I mean, he's still a total babe even if he’s a meanie, well maybe not as much of a babe as Todoroki. That guy is a total snack!” she commented.
“Um...right,” you replied with a shrug and walked away. “I think it’s time we get back home. I need time to think about this.” Camie and Inasa exchanged looks before following you. “We could totally have a sleepover and help you decide!” she offered, pressing her hands together hopefully.
You gave her a half-smile, and although you wanted to be alone maybe that wasn’t the wisest decision. “Can I come too!?” Inasa exclaimed, making you laugh. Yeah, you were grateful for their friendship. “Are you sure about this?” Camie asked the following afternoon.
You looked at the ground, ignoring the passersby on the sidewalk and the traffic on the street. You were standing in front of the Katz Caffeine Coffee Cafe with your stomach in knots. It was because of that anxious feeling that you skipped breakfast for fear you might throw up or get nauseous.
You nodded. “I…I think I’ll be okay. I mean if something happens, I’ll just go home, that’s all,” you said nervously chuckling and Camie frowned. “You can totally text or call me, kay?” she still wasn’t sure about this, but she’d always have your back.
You nodded again and looked at her with a forced smile. “Thanks,” she returned it and slapped you on the back causing you to stumble forward. “Totally no problem! That’s what friends are for!” she said, giving you two thumbs up.
“Chat it up and have a sick time!” she said, waving you goodbye as she walked away. “Heh,” you returned the wave half-heartedly before turning to the cafe and taking a deep breath. “Well, here goes nothing,” you said, your mind racing through different scenarios of what could happen.
You ordered a latte and sat at one of the corner tables, waiting for Katsuki to arrive and trying to calm yourself. ‘Deep breaths, come on! You’re a hero! You shouldn’t be so concerned about romance…he’s just a friend, right?’ Well maybe “friend” was stretching it.
‘Yeah, remember that! Not a friend! Friends want you, he didn’t so that’s his loss, right? Right!’ You frowned and slammed your head against the table. Why were you giving yourself a pep talk? ‘Nevermind that, just focus on breathing’ You couldn't let this anxiety overwhelm you.
After taking a few sips of much-needed caffeine, Katsuki finally arrived and glanced around the establishment before spotting you. He clenched his jaw. What the hell were you doing in the corner? Were you ashamed to be seen with him?
Well, guess he should be grateful you were here. He glanced away, trying to push down the unfamiliar sensation of butterflies in his stomach. He took a deep breath and stomped over. Your throat tightened when you lifted your head and saw him.
That nervous feeling overwhelmed you once more, and you hoped your coffee would stay down. Silence filled the air as he took his seat and folded his arms across the table. He impatiently tapped his foot, and you glanced down, flushing.
‘This is so awkward’ you thought before jumping in your seat when he exclaimed, “You won't say anything, damn it!?” You looked at him wide-eyed, but your shocked expression turned blank a few seconds later. His attitude has been the same since you were young.
Guess some things never change and while there was an odd comfort in that, eventually change had to happen. Something had to give. You wrapped your hands around your latte cup, finding comfort in its warmth.
“I-it’s nice to…see you again?” you said, shifting your gaze to the table. He scowled, “That’s all you have to say!?” he snapped, and you glanced at him with knitted eyebrows. “But you’re��” you paused, and he leaned forward.
“I’m what, eh!?” he shouted, and you swallowed the lump in your throat. “You’re the one that wanted to talk to me,” the words made your tongue feel like lead. You watched as his eyes widened and he leaned back. “Pff,” he clenched his jaw and turned his head, gazing at the wall instead of you.
“Yeah, so what if I said that?” he replied, ignoring his abnormal heart rate. Damn it, he was never good at expressing his emotions, especially to you. He didn’t like you in middle school but since seeing you at the provisional licensing exam, he couldn’t get you out of his head.
At first, he tried to ignore it but that was a useless effort. He needed to face this and figure out what he felt toward you. He also thought about the past you shared together. There had to be a small part of you that still had feelings for him, right?
You sighed and propped your elbow on the table. That nervous feeling slowly depleted. “You didn’t pass the provisional licensing exam, huh?” you commented, and Katsuki’s hair stood on end. “Why are you bringing that up?!” he exclaimed, obviously sore to talk about something that hit his ego.
“No reason!” you said, holding your hands up. “Just…” you latched onto your bottom lip and leaned over the table. “You know what happened to Camie. Do you think anything else suspicious was going on?” you asked. “What are you talking about?” he demanded with a snarl, and you glanced away.
“Camie was attacked and then...” you pressed a hand to your chest. Despite not wanting anyone else to know, something kept nagging you to tell Katsuki. “Well, when I tried to find her…I was attacked too,” his eyes widened and he pressed his hands against the table, leaning over it which made you lean back in return.
“What do you mean you were attacked!?” He was uncertain if he was angry at you or himself for not being there to protect you. “Keep your voice down!” you hissed, annoyed by his behavior. You took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves.
“We got separated during the exam and after I passed, I tried looking for her. I thought I saw her with Midoriya, but when I approached well…” You frowned and Katsuki narrowed his eyes. “Spit it out already!” he demanded, hitting the table with his fist.
You couldn’t help but think back to the conversations, or lack of, you had with him years ago. Back then you wouldn’t have thought you’d discuss something like this with him. Ironically, you always pictured yourself being with him and becoming successful heroes together.
“They looked like her, but the way they smiled sent a shiver down my spine, and when they-” you wrapped your arms around yourself, tracing the scar on your upper arm with your thumb. Katsuki narrowed his eyes, concerned and impatient to hear the end of your story.
“They attacked me, it was nothing major but…I had a bit of trouble after that. They impersonated my best friend, and now every time I look at her, I think of them.” You frowned and sighed, pressing your hand against your forehead.
“I know that’s terrible, and I know Camie would never hurt me, but it’s still scary to think that someone you care about attacked you,” a chuckle left your mouth, and you leaned back up, allowing your hand to fall by your side.
“Heh, sorry,” you said, scratching your head. “I, uh, d-don’t really know why I told you that but-” Katsuki growled. “What the hell are you apologizing for?” he questioned. “Uh, w-well I…” You became quiet, unsure how to answer his question.
The fact that he glared at you didn’t help. “You need to get stronger if you don’t want something like that to happen again,” he said, pointing his finger at you. “E-excuse me?” you replied without thinking. You pressed your hands against the table and stood up.
“I trained very hard to get to where I am. I trained hard to impress you but you…you weren’t interested in me that way. Then you asked me to come here only to tell me that if I was stronger, I wouldn’t have gotten attacked by someone that looked like my best friend!?” You exclaimed, gaining some attention from the other patrons in the cafe.
“That’s not how I meant that, damn it!” Katsuki shouted in his defense. “And I’m sure ‘that’s not how you meant it’ back in middle school either or at the licensing exam,” you hissed before walking away only to stumble back when he grabbed your arm.
You immediately jerked away, trying to get out of his grip. “Let. Me. Go.” You growled, glaring at him. Anger flashed in his eyes, and he opened his mouth, but no words came out. Damn it, why are you so hard to talk to? His hand tightened around your arm, making you wince in response.
“Fine!” he said, releasing you. “Go ahead! I’m still gonna be the best damn hero and you’re not going to be a part of my life!” He knew as soon as he said those words, he would regret it. His heart sank when he saw sadness fill your eyes.
“Fine,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper before you turned and walked out the door. Tears rolled down your cheeks by the time you reached the sidewalk. You decided to hide in the alleyway next to the cafe so as to not draw attention to yourself and wiped your eyes.
“I should have known he wouldn’t change…” you said in a broken whisper before pulling out your phone to call Camie. She impatiently tapped her fingers against the table across the street from the cafe. “Camie!” A familiar voice echoed through the air.
“O.M.G. Finally!” she said, motioning Inasa over. He smiled and plopped into the seat opposite her. “So what are we doing again!?” he exclaimed in his usual over-excited manner. “Duh, we’re spying on Y/n!” she said, crossing her arms.
“I so don’t trust Bakugou around them,” she turned her head, narrowing her eyes at the cafe. “Hm?” Inasa tilted his head and rested his elbow on the table, cradling his cheek in his hand. “You don’t trust him?! I didn’t trust Todoroki at first. He's still a rival but I know he’s strong and has a change in his eyes now!”
She leaned across the table. “I create illusions hun, but I can see through them. Y/n tried like super hard to get Bakugou's attention, but he was super mean to them! I’m not sure if that guy has a heart, but they are so not meant to be,” she said, making an “X” shape with her fingers.
“After what he’s done to Y/n, do you trust him to make them happy?” she asked, and Inasa’s smile faded. “Well…no!” he said, and Camie tilted her head. “Then why did you convince them to meet with him? Isn't that like the opposite of what you're supposed to do when you don't trust someone?” His smile returned.
“Maybe! But if Y/n has feelings for him, I want them to be happy!” he shouted, throwing his arms in the air. “Mm…” Camie tapped her cheek. “I don’t think Bakugou can do that. I'm not sure if he's even capable of smiling, his face would so crack if he did,” she commented, expecting a serious reaction.
Instead, Inasa laughed, and his hand slapped the table a few times. “Of course, he can! I know I've liked Y/n since I first saw them. That’s why I'm happy I enrolled at Shiketsu and I know anyone would do whatever they can to make them happy!” His laughter faded and he glanced away.
“Even if that means they're happy with someone else,” Camie glanced back and forth, processing the information she had just been told. “Wait!” she said, standing up. “You like like, Y/n!?” she exclaimed, happily folding her hands together.
Inasa grinned, rubbing the back of his head. “Yeah!” he declared, and she squealed before a soft vibrating sound filled the air. “Hm?” She took her phone from her back pocket and looked at the screen, gasping. “It’s Y/n!” she said, immediately sliding to answer.
“Hello!?” she heard gentle sobs before your broken voice came. Her eyes widened and her body stiffened as she clenched the phone against her ear. “What?! I totally knew this would happen! Where are you?” Inasa leaned over the table, his heart racing with anxiety. 
“Uh, huh? We’ll be there, yeah Inasa and I are…uh, nevermind. Like stay put!” she urged before hanging up, lowering her phone, and looking at Inasa with a frown. “Let’s go!” she said, motioning him to follow her across the street.
“Right!” he shouted in response, jumping out of his chair which hit the ground with a loud thud. Normally he would pick it back up, but there was no time. You were in danger! Well…maybe not danger. But you needed help, and he wouldn't waste time.
“What happened?!” he urged, following Camie. “Duh, Bakugou was mean again, he should really try shutting up!” she replied, urgently looking around the perimeter of the cafe and ignoring the passersby on the sidewalk while guilt washed over Inasa.
He thought talking to Katsuki would make you happy, but maybe you didn’t like him so much after all. “Y/n said they were waiting outside the cafe but…” she paused and glanced around again. Inasa followed her motions, looking left and right for you.
“I don’t see them! Did Bakugou do something to them!?” she questioned with an angry pout. Inasa frowned and walked down the sidewalk, catching the sound of soft crying. “Hm?” his eyebrows rose, and he followed the source to the alleyway where you were slumped against the wall.
“Y/n!” he cried, rushing to your side, and wrapping his arms around you. The sudden embrace made you gasp, but as soon as you realized it was Inasa, you sobbed and buried your face in the crook of his neck. “Camie!” he screamed, hearing her frantic footsteps.
“What?!” she screamed back, rounding the alleyway corner. Relief and concern enveloped her features when she saw you safe and sound in Inasa’s arms. Much like him, she rushed to your side and embraced you. Sandwich hugs were the best, and surely, would make you feel better.
You turned, looking at her despite tears obscuring your vision. “What happened? Did he like hurt you?” she asked, reaching over to push your bangs out of your face and feeling her heart sink at the sight of your tears. You shook your head, curling your fingers into Inasa's shirt.
“Mm…” she looked at Inasa who mirrored her frown. “Why don’t we get you back home!?” he suggested, reaching up to cup the side of your face. The palm of his hand felt warm against your wet cheek as did his thumb which collected your tears.
“Then we’ll cheer you up! Promise!” he said with a bright smile. You sobbed when you saw it but nodded in response. “Yeah, we’ll make you forget about that meanie!” Camie added, gently stroking your hair. “Uh, does anyone know what’s up with Bakugou?” Eijirou questioned, leaning over the couch.
Kaminari placed his hands behind his head, leaning back against the couch cushions. “Beats me, he kicked open the front door and rushed to his room,” he responded looking at Eijirou who turned to look down the hallway.
“Maybe we should talk to him,” he knew Katsuki liked his space, but this was different. He wanted to know where the angry blond had been and what had happened to make him stay in his room for hours like this. “That won’t be necessary, yo!” a familiar voice shouted.
Eijirou jumped and turned around. “Mr. Yamada?!” he exclaimed, and the older man smiled. “Don’t you cats worry about a thing. I’ll chit-chat with him,” he said as he walked away. “Someone has to…” he muttered under his breath. Kaminari and Eijirou exchanged glances, both confused.
‘Damn it!’ he clenched his jaw, hating the tears that continued to roll down his cheeks only to be absorbed into his pillow which he was currently burying his face in. ‘That's not how I meant it…dumbass took it the wrong way!’ As his fist contacted the mattress, he trembled violently.
He hated this damned feeling. It made his chest ache and feel heavy. What the hell was this feeling anyway? Did he actually feel hurt by your reaction? He pulled his head up, sniffling before growling and violently rubbing his eyes to stop his tears.
‘Why the hell am I even crying?!’ He hated crying, it was a weakness. His head jerked to look at the door when a series of knocks sounded. “Go away!” he snapped, hating that his voice sounded broken before he buried his face in his pillow again.
Hizashi frowned upon hearing Katsuki’s response and leaned back, taking a deep breath. Yeah, everyone was entitled to privacy, but as a teacher, he was used to breaking the rules when his students clearly needed help. Invading Katsuki’s privacy, in this case, was necessary.
He grabbed the doorknob, walked through, and watched the angry blond sit up on his bed. “Listen you spikey-haired idiot I-” he paused when he saw Hizashi. Silence lingered through the air for a few seconds before he snapped, “What the hell are you doing here!?”
He huffed and placed one hand on his hip, pointing at Katsuki with his other. “I thought something was up at the redmedical training course!” he announced. Katsuki’s eyes widened but as usual, he tried to put up a front and looked away.
“I…I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he stated, crossing his arms before falling back onto his bed and turning his back on the older male. Hizashi narrowed his eyes. “Something happened, didn’t it?” Katsuki remained silent, refusing to answer but the silence spoke for itself.
“Be honest,” he said in a deep and serious tone as he sat down on the bed. Katsuki turned his head, glaring at him. Hizashi noticed how red and irritated those eyes and cheeks were. He shifted his glance to the pillow, noticing the darkened spots on it which indicated the boy had cried.
This wasn’t normal behavior for any student. Frankly, as hot-headed as Katsuki was, he was still a kid and still susceptible to getting hurt. “Does this have anything to do with Y/n?” Those eyes that once glared at him widened again.
“I thought something funky was going on. How close are you to those Shiketsu kitty cats anyhow?” Not that heroes didn’t form connections. In fact, hero students should make connections with one another, regardless of what hero school they attended.
This is because you never know when you'll need to pair up with another hero out on the field. But the conversation he overheard concerned him. Katsuki had never begged to speak to anyone before and was not interested in friendships. He preferred to do things alone.
Some heroes, like All Might, could handle things on their own. However, even the former number one needed a helping hand when the situation called for it. Katsuki stared at the older male with moist eyes that threatened to spill over. He slowly turned and sat up, placing his hands on his knees.
He refused to look at Hizashi and swallowed the lump in his throat before uttering the words, “I…I like them, damn it…” He hated this. He hated knowing he had a weak spot for you. Hizashi knit his eyebrows. “Huh?” he replied scratching his temple.
You swallowed what remained of your tea, being careful not to let Inasa’s jacket slip off your shoulders. Camie smiled and leaned against you. “Feel better?” she asked, and you nodded before glancing away. You actually felt exhausted, and your chest still ached, but you didn't want to worry her.
“So! What happened between you and Bakugou?” Inasa asked, walking into the room holding a tray with a tea kettle and some snacks. He grinned as he placed it on the table and sat next to you, crossing his legs, and looking at you attentively.
You snickered. The way he acted reminded you of a small kid, but it was endearing. You took a deep breath, and that fresh pain coursed through your chest. It acted as a knife and reopened the wound of your broken heart.
You looked between Inasa and Camie, reminding yourself that they were your closest friends, and you could tell them anything. “I…mentioned what happened at the provisional licensing exam,” you said, tightening your grip around the now-empty cup of tea.
“Huh?” Camie tilted her head. “Wait, do you mean like what happened to me?” You frowned and looked at her before nodding in reply. “I…I also told him how…how I got attacked and he said…” you sighed, feeling a small flame of anger ignite.
“He said if I were stronger that wouldn’t have happened, but I trained so hard over the summer to impress him and now I feel…stupid and-” You clenched your jaw, and your hands trembled, threatening to drop the cup you held.
Camie and Inasa looked at each other before she touched your shoulders, and he grasped your shaky hands in his own. “You’re totes strong enough! And your hot bot was worth all the training!” she said and Inasa nodded.
“That’s right!” he confirmed, gently taking the cup away and placing it on the table before grabbing your hands again. “No matter how strong a hero is, they have their struggles. But if we work in harmony, victory is certain!” You frowned, noticing that same unknown glint was in his eyes.
“I worked with Todoroki during the provisional licensing exam. I still don’t like him, but he is a worthy ally!” he said, smiling a bit, but you glanced down. Silence filled the air and you sighed. “What if he’s right though?” you asked, your voice just above a whisper.
“What if I’m not strong enough, what if something else happens to someone I care about and I c-can’t save them?” you squeaked out, feeling your eyes water over. Again, silence filled the air and Inasa tried to suppress his anger.
To know Katsuki’s words hurt you enough to make you doubt your abilities as a hero was unacceptable. However, he didn’t want to act on his anger. Instead, he wanted to make you smile again and take the hurt away, convince you that you were the strongest hero out there.
He turned to Camie, “I want to be alone with Y/n please!” he announced, and you lifted your head, wiping your eyes before looking at him. She blinked, surprised by the request but smiled and nodded. “Okay!” she replied, giving two thumbs up before walking away but stopped short.
“Oh wait!” she said, turning around to grab Inasa’s shoulder. She leaned down, holding her opposite hand against his ear, and whispered, “Your totes a better match for them!” He smiled, happy to know she supported a possible relationship between you and him.
Inasa turned to you after Camie closed the door. “W-why did you ask to be alone with me?” He smiled and let go of your hands before moving closer to you. Unintentionally, you flushed, and his smile grew. He enjoyed seeing your shy side as it contrasted with the strong heroic side he saw at school.
“I…I’m sorry,” you said, not wanting the awkward silence to take over. “If...I upset either of you, I didn't mean to, and-” You paused and wrapped your arms around yourself, once again making sure not to let his jacket fall off your shoulders.
Your thumb grazed the scar on your upper arm. Inasa reached into the jacket and grabbed your hand, pulling it away from your opposite arm to get a better look at it. You weren’t ashamed of your scars, but his intense stare made you feel subconscious.
Then he traced his thumb along the length of your scar. “Uh, heh...” You nervously laughed out loud, feeling goosebumps at the spot where he touched your skin. “Is something wrong?” When he leaned down and kissed it, your breath caught in your throat.
Your eyes widened, and you noticed a look of loving concern when he lifted his head back up. You never imagined Inasa making a move on you. While he took charge during training exercises because of his strong quirk abilities, his romance handling was completely unknown.
You cried out when his hand tangled itself in the back of your hair, but any further noises were muffled when his lips were pressed against yours. He knew what he was doing was irrational and normally he wouldn’t do this kind of thing with a friend, but that’s just it.
He didn’t want to be your friend. If Katsuki had broken your heart, he wanted to fix it and pour every ounce of love he had into you. Your hands curled into his shirt, and your eyes fluttered. This kiss…it felt warm and needed, but images of Katsuki flashed in your mind causing you to whimper.
“Hm?” He pulled away, panting softly. “Did I hurt you!?” he cried out, grasping your shoulders in panic. Your hand was placed over your mouth. Your eyes were wide with shock but not disgust. Your gaze lingered on him for a few seconds before you shook your head and lowered your hand.
“I…I think I need to lay down,” you said, pushing his hands off your shoulders before standing. Inasa frowned and placed his hands firmly against his sides before bowing. As usual, when he bowed, he went overboard. You flinched when his head hit the table, but he didn’t shout or make any indication he was in pain.
“I apologize if I made anything awkward! I just like you and want to be more than friends!” he announced, never ashamed to express how he felt. Your hand grasped your chest where your heart beat rapidly and yet still felt broken and heavy.
You frowned and glanced away. There were no words. How can he say that he liked you when he knew your past with Katsuki? How could he kiss you after what happened today? “I understand if you need time to think this over!” he said, standing up with a large grin.
“Just know I won’t break your heart if you give me the chance. I’ll make you forget about any heroes that have treated you wrong like Bakugou!” Again, your heart sank at the thought of Katsuki. “T-thanks,” you said before walking toward the door, realizing you were still wearing his jacket.
“Um, d-do you…” you turned. “Do you want your jacket back?” He smiled and shook his head. “You can keep it! I hope it brings you comfort!” he replied. “O-oh, um...” A soft blush dusted your cheeks, his jacket was pretty big on you, but it smelled good. Like musky cedarwood and sea salt air.
“Thanks again?” you said, shrugging before you finally walked out the door. Camie was leaning against the hallway wall and tilted her head when she saw you leaving. “Huh? Hey, what’s up!?” she called after you. “Nothing,” you replied, continuing to walk away.
“I just need to lie down,” she frowned and scratched her head. “Well okay, good night!” she called before Inasa popped his head out the door. “Goodnight!” he called before looking at Camie who was dying to find out what had happened between the two of you.
“So, you got into a heartbreak situation because of a word misunderstanding, yeah!?” Hizashi exclaimed and while Katsuki would normally threaten him to shut the hell up before someone else heard, he glanced down and wiped his eyes before nodding.
“I don’t know what the hell their problem is…” he growled in frustration before the older man laid a hand on his shoulder. “There’s more than one problem in this equation, ya dig?” he said wiggling his finger. “Pff, mm…” Katsuki glanced away.
“First things first, ya gotta settle your differences and apologize,” he said, rapidly poking Katsuki’s forehead. He growled, grabbing Hizashi’s wrist and pulling it away. “Stop that,” he demanded through clenched teeth.
“Why the hell would I apologize? The only thing I did was tell them I didn't feel the same way and to get stronger damn it!” he argued, but Hizashi snickered and crossed his arms in response. “Sounds to me one of those things isn't so true anymore,” Katsuki growled but said nothing.
“As for apologizing, you just need some training!” he said before spreading his arms out with a smile. “Don’t worry, I’m all over this! Consider me your new emotion coach! We’ll get you and Y/n back in good standing!” He grinned and placed one hand on his hip before extending his other out to Katsuki.
“Sound like a deal!?” he asked excitedly. Katsuki glanced at that hand with his eyebrows lowered and a scowl across his face. He hated to admit he needed help. Why? Because he didn’t need it! He was going to be the future number-one hero, damn it.
But like that Deku, you had always been a thorn in his side. Maybe a slightly different kind of thorn. He knew he didn’t have any feelings for you in middle school, but when he saw you at the provisional licensing exam things changed.
Of course, being the person he was, he refused to admit it and used anger to hide his feelings. He hated talking about damned feelings, and those dumbass friends of yours, Glamouroki and that other loud-mouthed idiot, proved of no use.
If he really wanted to get your attention or at the very least get back on speaking terms with you, maybe he could accept a different kind of help this time around. “Fine!” he said, grabbing the older man’s hand with a firm shake. “Great!” Hizashi replied.
“We’ll start tomorrow, ya dig?!” he said, making his way to the door. “Now get some rest, a hot head like you is gonna need it!” With that he walked away, hoping the efforts he was about to pour into Katsuki would be worth it. 
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strophalosx3 · 11 months
I stopped for a moment GO, to leave my haloween arts of this year.
Bakucamie playing to the ineffable bureaucracy. Kacchan as Gabriel, is ironic because he is a demon and the sweet Camie like Beelzebub, she is literally a bread of God. Characters of boku no hero academia
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giustoart · 1 year
Couple number three…Bakugou and Camie
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Todoroki x Yaomomo
Kirishima x Ashido
Kaminari x Jirou
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poppy5991 · 1 year
Best Jeanist: *combs hair*
Camie: OMG you still do a sidepart? Soooo lame what a millennial
Hawks: …
Miruko: …
Hawks: They’re coming for us.
Endeavor: This is called karma. If you were wondering.
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september-aster · 5 months
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Utsushimi Camie, Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou Characters: Utsushimi Camie, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta Additional Tags: Bakugou Katsuki-centric, Short, Dialogue, Bakugou Katsuki Has Feelings, BakuCamie, Aged-Up Character(s), nosy kaminari, Boys Being Boys, Jealous Kaminari Denki, Boys Will Be Boys, Established Relationship, Teenagers, Gossip, curious kaminari, Dialogue Heavy, naive bakugou, Ficlet Summary:
A few little stories concerning BakuCamie, (Drabbles, Ficlets, Tiny Chapters)
1. Proposal 2. Nosy Kaminari snoops on Bakugou's love life with Kirishima's help 3. Does Bakugo understand Camie's slang?
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peachsukii · 1 month
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𝓲𝓷𝓴 & 𝓻𝓱𝔂𝓽𝓱𝓶 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 『 band au | strangers to lovers | slow burn 』
pairing // artist!reader x drummer!bakugo status // in progress rating // explicit (18+ themes) #✩.ink&rhythm + crossposted to AO3
✩ summary // Distortion is the hottest band in town, making waves in the underground scene with their unique sound. Led by your college best friend and music prodigy, Kyoka Jiro, alongside her misfit group of friends, they've been playing shows every weekend for the last few months and have gathered a decent following. You're whisked into the whirlwind of their rockstar lives when Jiro commissions you to design a band logo for their merch, reconnecting with her and meeting the members of the band. Your eyes immediately gravitate to their powerful drummer, Katsuki Bakugo. Fresh out of a nasty three year on/off relationship, he's not looking for anything or anyone while shutting out the world around him. He's focused on the one thing that keeps him sane; music. You're six months free of a breakup as well, looking to repaint your world with new colors and experiences, but turns out it's more tumultuous than anticipated. Explosive fights, newfound fame, clashing egos, dive bars, stolen kisses, black out dreams, messy exes and hard lessons; but somehow, love finds a way to bloom like a flower in the desert - deep in the hottest, driest wasteland of two broken hearts.
✩ tags & warnings // rock/punk/alt band au, slow burn, meet cute, strangers to lovers, various smut, smoking/drugs/alcohol consumption, talks of emotional & physical abuse from past partners, angst with a happy ending, emotional hurt/comfort, mild violence, mentions of cheating from past partners, miscommunications, jealousy, long distance, stalking, attempted sexual assault (not from bakugo or the bakusquad!), bakugo & reader suffer from relationship traumas (Camie & dabi are nasty exes), bakusquad are in a band, friend breakups & makeups
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꒰ track list ꒱ ✩ Prelude: Holding onto Hope is a Different Kind of Pain ✩ Track One: Shine a Light into the Wreckage ✩ Track Two: Flowers Filled with Vitriol ✩ Track Three: Boulevard of (Broken?) Dreams ✩ Track Four: You Can Throw Me in the Deep End ✩ Track Five: Every Canvas that I Paint is a Masterpiece (of My Mistakes) ✩ Track Six: Band-Aids Don't Fix Bullet Holes ✩ Track Seven: Good Girls Stay Alive ✩ Track Eight: The End of Me, The End of Me ✩ Track Nine: If It Means A Lot To You ✩ Track Ten: Hand on the Throttle ✩ Bonus Track: We Are Distortion, 1-2-3-go!!
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꒰ info ꒱ ✩ all characters are 24/25 years old ✩ reader co-owns an art gallery and has a BFA ✩ reader's artist alias is "glxtch" (glitch) ✩ bakugo drives a custom built orange & black Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R ✩ relationships: momojiro, kirimina, ex-bakucamie, ex-dabi/reader
✩ band name: Distortion ✧ Kyoka Jiro | lead singer, electric guitar (Barista - Degree in Music Production) ✧ Denki Kaminari | electric guitar, backup vocals (Waiter) ✧ Eijiro Kirishima | bass, backup vocals (Bartender) ✧ Katsuki Bakugo | drummer, backup vocals (Bike Mechanic) ✧ Mina Ashido | keyboard, backup vocals (Makeup artist) ✧ Momo Yaoyorozu | band manager (Marketing assistant)
✩ vocal inspirations ✧ Kyoka Jiro ⇢  addie amick (halocene) ✧ Denki Kaminari ⇢  rory rodriguez (dayseeker) ✧ Eijiro Kirishima ⇢  tim mcilrath (rise against) ✧ Katsuki Bakugo ⇢  eric vanlerberghe & acoustic (i prevail - harsh vocals) ✧ Mina Ashido ⇢  maggie lindemann
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꒰ mood board ꒱
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✩ pinterest board ✩
꒰ playlist ꒱
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⇢  tag list ; @/bells-28 @/simp-plague @/nemisimp @/hotttamalee @/mymysenpai @/ttulipwritezz @/bakunianadecorazon @/yoyolovesdaiki @/eeeeeevesstuff @/alloueate @/dollukisposts @/Rikakhai @/blazedbakugou @/lillizxzz ♡ last updated // 08.09.24 dividers, banners & moodboard by taurus-magicka
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shutit-haha · 1 year
Bakugo x bunny reader headcannon
Bakugo fucking Katsuki who dates bunny reader but noo not a normal bunny reader, a Miriko obsessed Camie infused bunny reader. That makes raunchy, vulgar jokes and is genuinely a quirky crackhead. Like they are a LITERAL WEIRDO.
But he loves them.
He loves you.
You who is a literal bitch when in heat, you jump this man's bones and snap at anyone who is 'hitting' on him. You shout, and fight, throwing an absolute fit, whenever he even suggest leaving for a split second. If this man takes too long you maul him. You need dick, and you need it now.
Oh but you're so sweet afterword. When everything's all said and done, you're so sweet to him. You're so docile and caring, loving, dotting, and endearing to him.
And when you cry it's so heartbreaking. You never cry over the meaningless shit, it's always a nightmare you had about him, some fear of yours that's resurfaced. "Kat," because he is predator and you are prey.
"I know," his voice is gruff with how late at night it is.
"I'm so glad that you're here."
"I know."
He sweats bullets when he texts you to check up and you don't respond. Because WHAT THE HELL! Maybe you went out to the store, or went somewhere with friends, maybe you're in pre-heat, maybe you're not. It doesn't fucking matter. You're SUPPOSED to answer. Maybe you're just in your head, or having a bad week. He doesn't care, answer his text. Your worried boyfriend wants to make sure you are ok.
For the most part you keep him out of trouble while he drags you into it. Whenever people try to trash him or bring down his name you are quick to defend.
He hates how it makes him feel like he's ruined both you and your life.
He also has this fear of some creep kidnapping you. I mean you're a bunny, pervs fetishize you all the time. (Another reason why it's so important you respond to his text.)
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antiwhores · 9 months
Would you start a knight Bakugo x reader series?
Btw I love you’re work 🫶🏻
This is such an old request but i found it in my drafts, upgraded it a little and I didn’t wanna put it to waste.
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You had never really been insecure about how you were a commoner before. It didn’t really matter to you. Royalty, or anything higher up, sounded like a pain in the ass. You were fine with your small house and didn’t see the need for a castle. There was only one of you, after all. It just wouldn’t make sense.
You even had a small shop that sold fresh breads and deserts. For a commoner you were a happy one.
You couldn’t help yourself from longing for a greater title when you met the princesses personal knight. He was an absolutely gorgeous blonde man with bulging muscles and an explosive temper.
When he came down to the village he was the hot topic of the village women.
Camie and you were out watching him search the town with a redheaded friend of his through the window of your shop. He was on an errand for the princess herself. He looked to be getting directions from someone.
You looked away to bag up some bread for your friend while she gushed about how hot the blonde is.
You didn’t indulge, instead packing her order while nodding your head. You didn’t see the point in fantasizing about the knight. You obviously had no chance with a higher up like him.
You put the customers bag on the counter, “Anything else?” You asked.
She hummed, “Can you go in the back and get me some of that powdered sugar?” You nodded with a smile, “Of course.”
When you returned from the back you found the girl rather quiet. You prepared a playful comment as you rounded the door. But your mouth immediately slammed shut at seeing one of the knights in your shop.
“Oh.” You whispered. The blonde one was a lot more attractive now that he was standing in front of you. His beauty, along with his obviously invincible build had you frozen in intimidation. You now understood why all the villager girls were fawning over him.
You gained back your professional, calm attitude quickly, to your surprise. “Hello, how may I be of service sirs?” You kept back the stutter as you spoke..
He got straight to the point. “5 of the breading doused with caramel. Fresh.”
“I have a fresh bake in the oven right now, it should be done in about 5 minutes.” You spun around to grab the caramel.
The other knight, the redhead, came in right as you were about to make polite conversation. He addressed you with a respectful nod and then chatted with his friend.
In the meantime, you readied the caramel for the bread.
“So,” The redhead spoke to you, knocking you out of your zone. “This is a nice shop you hold!”
You smile, appreciating his comment. “Thank you, its my most prized possession. I value this shop more than the sun itself.”
He laughs, “So how’d you get into baking?”
You were happy he treated you normally. Usually the guards were stuck up and treated commoners like they were useless ants them.
“Well my ma-“ You yelped as you were rudely shoved by your friend. You didn’t even notice that she was still here. She had been gawking in the corner, working up the courage to talk to the knights. When did she get behind the counter?
“Hello, my good sirs~” Her tone was seductive as she leaned over the counter. “I own the Jewelry shop across the corner.” You glared at her for pushing you as you began to take the bread out of the oven. She ignored you, of course.
The redhead smiled awkwardly, “Im Kirishima and this is my friend Bakugou!” She stroked her cheek with the pinky as she looked up at the blonde. “You guys look so muscular, how do you do it?”
You glanced over at her with a look that said “calm down”. She ignored you. Bakugou made eye contact with you, you looked away. His eyes were a beautiful shade of red.
Kirishima rubbed his head, “Yeah, we have to be pretty manly to work as knights!” She giggled, “Manly? Y/n, would be a perfect knight. She can’t act like a fine women to save her life!”
You couldnt even pretend to be non hostile anymore cause that just pissed you off. You turned to her with an annoyed face, “Wanna say that again?”
She pouted at you, “I’m only being nice… I just want to give them a warm welcome on my part.”
You looked towards the two and mouthed an apology for her behavior. She could sense you were about to kick her out and she made her leave.
“Okay, well ill be at my shop. Stop by and I’ll give you a deal you can’t miss~.” You watched with a scowl as she walked out, swaying her hips.
You handed them their bag, “Im sorry about her, gentlemen. She can be a lot.” Kirishima just laughed while the blonde finally spoke.
“What a pervert. Why do you hang around such a bitch?”
“Bakugou!” His friend yelled.
You laughed, “No, he’s right. Im not mad at it.”
You began to pack some extra stuff for them as an apology. “Yeah, she’s definitely something. Excuse my tone.”
Bakugou scoffs, “Fuckin’ whatever, say what you want.”
You smiled at him, “That’s kind of you to say sir, I appreciate it.”
You began to explain to the blonde how you and her were childhood friends and now you couldn’t get rid of her. “I know that fucking feeling.” He growled.
You spent the next ten minutes talking to the two. It was nice and it felt natural. You felt sad when they had to leave. You barred them farewell and continued with your daily makings.
After that day you say them more often.
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katsusoul · 6 days
this is a long shot but i can’t stop thinking ab this one fic and i’m hoping someone knows what i’m talking ab lol. it’s a katsuki x reader fic i think it’s like three parts?? but basically they’re all pro heroes and reader comes back from a mission and gets picked up by bakugo at the airport, i think they’re like childhood bestfriends or like hs best friends but they’re also roommates and bakugo is in like a toxic relationship w camie who i think he gets engaged to and then reader moves out because they end up hooking up or kissing while he’s w camie. then they go to like a hero convention or something and bakugou and reader end up getting together and like hooking up in the hotel room?? does anyone know what fic im talking ab 😭
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z-mizcellaneous-z · 1 year
reblog for largest sample size?
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randoimago · 2 years
Im in the mood for some mha fluff so Nejire, Camie, Momo and Mina with an S/O who's affectionate and loves being around them
Having an Affectionate S/O
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Camie, Mina Ashido, Momo, Neijire
Type of Request: Headcanons
Notes: You got it!!
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Omg she totes loves you too!! Hugs kisses X's and O's, she'll give them to you!
Seriously loves the affection. Always wanted to be that annoying PDA couple so she's glad you can help her.
Sometimes it's a bit too much as she needs space, but don't worry, she'll make up for it later!
Calls you all the super cheesy pet names. She isn't even doing it to be annoying, just goes "aw snookums" like it's normal.
Is happy to hold hands or cuddle up next to you anytime (well maybe not with any teachers around or in training).
It's fun to annoy Bakugo too by just curling up in your side and being cute while he's yelling to get a room (and Iida is yelling to be six feet apart).
Even if you're not being physically affectionate, she's more than happy to use pet names. Will gladly call you "babe".
Also needs some space now and then, but still pretty affectionate with you.
Way more on the shy side. If you want affection then it has to be when it's just the two of you.
No way does she have the courage to cuddle next to you when others are around.
It's not a secret that you two are a thing, but she doesn't want to make anyone uncomfortable no matter how much she wants to hold your hand.
In private, she’s very happy to cuddle and hold your hand and kiss you. But in public, she’s just glad to be in your presence. Probably wouldn’t mind pet names too much, but that’s about it!!
Oh she loves the affection! It just makes her feel so loved and she's sure to be affectionate back because you should feel loved too!!
Might ask what the occasion is the first few times before getting used to you just being really cuddly.
Has a thousand pet names for you too. Just wants to give you affection in all forms!
Probably uses you to rope Tamaki and Mirio into group hugs. Those two need more affection and so she hopes you'd help her show her best friends some love too.
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theshinazugawaslut · 5 months
can you rate mha ships? i agreed w/ your kny ship stuff so i'm curious
izuku midorya x uraraka ochaco - 7/10
I think it's very over-hated as a ship!
It's initial dynamic was very good but was ruined by Horikoshi's writing but Ochaco is a really sweet girl and I think it's just what someone like Izuku needs!
I don't like how they look somewhat similar though, that's what bothers me!
izuku midoriya x katsuki bakugo - 10/10
I actually don't ship this at all but I still think it's a 10/10 ship
I totally understand where the shippers come from because it's kinda damn obvious lmao
A very over-hated ship, their dynamic is unique, well-written, and special.
izuku midoriya x shoto todoroki - 2/10
They genuinely just seem like very platonic friends
I don't like the ship
It looks like grasshopper x candy cane; I don't like how they look together
I love them individually but together they'd be quite boring
But it's cute in its own way, just not for me
katsuki bakugo x todoroki shoto - infinity/10
I love this ship
This is my most favourite ship in all of fiction
Their dynamic is so good together
The fanfics have such good understanding of both these characters, it's refreshing to see.
The ships fanfics also don't focus a lot on smut because these two characters both require a much deeper level of emotional intimacy to even hold hands.
I love this ship so much.
shoto todoroki x momo yaoyorozu - 0/10
This is like sanekana for me; I absolutely fucking despise this ship
I don't want it anywhere near me
A fucking yawn fest
Individually brilliant characters but together, not so much.
It lacks any sort of dynamic, emotional aspects, they don't even look good together. I'd actually believe they were cousins.
Shoto looks fucking gay to me and Momo needs a much more different man than Shoto.
Not well-written, doesn't work.
katsuki bakugo x camie - 0/10
Get this ship away from me.
Almost as bad as sanekana
I don't know where this ship comes from
It shouldn't be a ship
Looking at both their characters and writing, neither of them would ever like each other romantically. At most, they're gay best friends.
I may write bakugo fics but in reality, he looks fucking zesty.
dabi x hawks - 10/10
I don't care what y'all say, I love this ship, it has so much potential
The way these two speak to each other, their parallels, their dynamic, their designs, the possible tropes is all chef's kiss.
Enemies to lovers, hero x villain, like sign me up
shigaraki x dabi - 10/10
While I don't ship this, I love all the fanfics; it's very interesting and overall, they're super funny together.
Dabi also gaining respect for Shiggy throughout MHA is such a cute thing to me.
mina ashido x eijirou kirishima - 2/10
Random ass ship.
I despise this as well.
They look like two monsters put together.
Mina is so boring for me and while I think it's sweet she inspired Kirishima, her writing overall is very forced for me and perhaps if their story and interactions had been written better, it could've been a possibility.
mina ashido x tokoyami fumikage - 7/10
We don't see much of them.
But I really liked their interactions in the second film!
Not a personal shipper but it's very nice!
eijirou kirishima x katsuki bakugo - 0/10
I don't really like this ship because to me it feels like brothers for me, like brothers in arms/comrades, as if Kirishima taught Katsuki the meaning of friendship. They just remind me of gymbros.
Kind of like a basic trope to me so I don't really enjoy it but I love them platonically!
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k1ttykatsu · 2 years
big ole freak by megan thee stallion 😊
BIG OLE’ FREAK!- megan thee stallion
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pairings:collage!bkg x blkfem!reader
summary: usually I like to fuck But tonight we gon' make love 'cause you bae
warnings: car sex,exhibitionism?, mutual pinning, spit, dirty talk, choking, hair pulling, penetration, having sex while high, and soft katsuuu
word count: 3.7k
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“what time did you say?” you hear mina’s voice ring out throughout the speaker of your phone. “he told me 9pm” you finish your highlighter and look at the time. 8:45pm.
“okay i’m down the block” you hang up on your friend and collect your stuff so you could go to denki’s pool party. you were wrapped in a short floral sarong that covered your bottom half of your sage green bikini.
you slip on your white flip flops and slip your white dior glasses on your head and grab your keys and walk out the house.
once you make it to mina’s car the loud trap music playing hits your ears and the instant smell of mary jane hits your nose before you even open the door. sero’s gotta be in here.
you open the passenger door and get in the car as quick as possible. you turn to look at mina in the driver seat and the denki and sero in the back. “you look so good” you hear mina squeal before you could greet anyone in the car.
“second it” denkis voice is heard before he takes a drag of the blunt. “thanks, y’all look good too” mina starts the car and begins to drive while sero and denki pass the blunt back and forth.
“i heard bakugo and kiri were coming” sero whispers in your ear making you laugh. “why would i care, we’re all friends” you shrug your shoulders trying to mask your lie and be convincing.
you and bakugo have been friends with benefits since you graduated u.a. that was two years ago, the two of you always sneak off with each other when everyone gets pissy drunk or just really high so nobody realizes. but sero caught you guys sneaking out on multiple occasions. “yea okay” he passes you the blunt.
the smell of booze and weed hits your nose all at once. you feel yourself getting a contact high as you walk in. the familiar blaring music has you singing along as you walk through the house.
“kiri!” you hear mina shout once she spots her fiery red boyfriend. she drags your hand as she glides through the sweaty hot crowd. once the two of you make it to him you notice bakugo standing beside him.
“mina” he gives his girlfriend a quick peck in her lips before looking down at you. “y/n you look good” he engulfs your body in a bear hug, slightly suffocating you. once he lets you go you look at bakugo and toss him a small shy smile. “hey bakugo” you look up to him and before you can say anything else you feel his body against yours.
the hug was anything but short lived. the smell of his cologne makes you breathe in his scent a little harder than usual. his shirtless body against your barely clothed one gives you flashbacks from your most intimate moments.
“hey y/n” he pulls back and you see the faint blush on his face. you feel mina and kirishima’s eyes on the two of you making you cower slightly. “m’ gonna get a drink” you turn on your heels and walk the opposite way from the three of them.
as you're getting your drink from the fridge you feel a presence walk up to the side of you making your head turn quickly. your eyes land on camie making you mentally groan.
camie was the biggest attention whore in america, and worst of all she wanted your man bakugo. ever since y’all met her during your first year she never let up on her fake relationship with katsuki.
“hey y/n” he false sweet tone not fooling you. “camie” you didn’t want to talk to this brown haired bimbo, you’d rather spend your time watching paint dry. “i saw you and katsuki looking pretty smitten over there”
you lightly chuckle at the girl's words. of course she saw you and katsuki hugging. “uh yea, just hugging” you wanted to walk off but you did t want to be rude. she grabs your hand gently, turning you to face her. “i don’t know what game you're playing but katsuki’s mine, if i see you near him I'll deal with you myself ” her tone is aggressive and threatening, making you feel angry as hell.
“he’s fucking with you? i doubt it” your tone was condescending as you mocked her delusional statement. in everyone 's eyes, Katsuki was single, but the two of you know he was yours.
“don’t make me have to tell you again” how dare she threaten you again. anger boiling in your blood now as you lift up your very strong cup of tequila and throw it in the girl's face.
the strong sticky liquid drips all the way down onto her very small blue bikini, the girl lets out a screech that definitely can’t be heard over the loud music and talking. but in 2.5 seconds bakugo makes his way over to you making sure you were alright.
he was watching you.
“what the fuck happened here?” he looks at camie and then you. the red empty solo cup still in your hand as you smirk at the girl. “nothing” you try to walk off but bakugo hands catch yours making butterfly’s swarm your stomach.
“your lying” you turn your head back towards the crowd making bakugo move his feet behind yours. you were silently leading him to a small corner of the house. the privacy was zero to none but at least you two could hear each other a bit.
“get your groupies katsuki, i don’t have time for the bullshit” your voice was serious as you talked to the man. your arms folded over your chest, pushing your tits up slightly. the small pout on your lips makes him slightly laugh.
“i’m not laughing, if i get pressed by her one more time i’m cutting her so deep she won’t even remember her name” you threatening to the man. he nods his head before his hands find their way to your waist. “she doesn’t understand that we will never be a thing.”
his thumbs rubbing the skin that was left exposed by your bikini. you look up to him and smile brightly at the domestic moment between the two of you. “you look really good tonight” his words make your face heat up as you fidget with your fingers. “thank you suki”
you see katsuki smile before reaching for your phone that was in your bikini top. he simply sticks it in his trunk pocket and before you know it you're being lifted off the ground in an unladylike manner. your face to his ass with yours to his.
him slinging you over his shoulder caught you by surprise making you squeal as he walked towards the backyard. you know many people are watching so you stop the noises from your mouth and before you know it he fixes you so he’s holding you bridal style facing the huge pool.
“kats pleaseeee no i don-” you feel your body fall underneath the surface of the water. you quickly swim to the surface and wipe your eyes before finding katsuki. “you little bitch” you laugh as you struggle to stay afloat in the deep water. padding your way to the edge so he could help you out.
he extends his hand which you happily take. he pulls your wet body up from the freezing water. the cool night air hitting your body makes you shiver. “i have no towel suki” the big doe eyes you give him makes him wanna put a ring on it.
“yea i know dumbass, going to a pool party with now towel is stupid ya '’ know” you roll your eyes at his slick tongue. you see him tread over to kirishima before picking up an orange towel which you assume is his.
he makes way over to your trembling body. but before he puts the towel on you, you grab his hand and lead him to the other side of the backyard. his eyes fall on the empty jacuzzi that you were gunning for.
“you just wanted me alone” his voice breaks the silence between you two. you scoff before stopping once you make it to the hot tub. the bubbling water and steam catching your eye makes you feel instantly relaxed.
you drop the towel on the nearby bench before making your way back over to the tub. bakugo watches the way you watch the water like a kid in the candy store. you dip your toe in making sure it wasn’t too hot for you’d body.
once you felt it and it was Sustainable  your body was engulfed by the steamy water in no time. you look back at bakugo and see him still standing there. “the waters nice if you want to get in”. your voice was in that singy-tone that you loved to tease him in.
he walks up to the tub and gets in whole body. you turn your head to look next to you and smile. “hi katsuki” you whisper as you feel the water begin to bubble harder. “hi y/n” you feel his hand reach out for yours and you look him in his eye.
“what’s wrong katsuki, you’ve been more affectionate recently” you see his head slightly hang lower and his eyes soften. “my bad” was all he said but before he talks further you shake your head. “no, it’s not a problem, just curious since you were the one who wanted to keep this a secret” you motion between the two of you.
“what do you think about me, honestly?” katsuki never cares what anyone thinks of him, so for him to ask you caught you off guard. he can tell you are perplexed by the question. “act like i’m one of your friends, tell me” you play with your fingers as you feel the heat from the question tub begin to rise.
“Well, nobody knows… i fuck with him on the low” you mutter into the steamy air. “is that enough?” your eyes widen and you feel the air getting knocked out of your chest.
“kats..” he drags you into his lap, resting his hands on your backside. “cause i do, i don’t want to be a secret, i was stupid enough to think i did” you feel your bottom begin to wobble. “i love you y/n, i-i don’t know if you feel the same way but i needed to let you know”
your lips smash against his as soon as he’s done speaking. your eyes flutter shut as he grips your hip taking the kiss deeper than it ever was. the mutual panting can be heard between the two of y’all.
your hands find their way to his hair and you begin to grip his scalp, pulling his head back so you can make the kiss deeper. “i love you kats” you mutter against his soft lips.
you feel his hips rut up into your making a moan slip out of your lips. you feel katsuki grip your hips tighter silently letting you know he needs you. the two of you separate soon after and you make your way out of the jacuzzi with katsuki following right behind you.
his hands gripping your hips as he guides you out of the backyard and into the house. his large figure practically dwarfing your body. all eyes land on the two of you as y’all make it through the screen door.
water dripping from your body as you walk over to sero and denki. “look what the cat dragged in, fucking finally” sero let’s out a sigh as he blows smoke in your face. denki looks around confused before he notices bakugo’s hand placing.
he’s gotta stop smoking so much weed
“shut up” you laugh as sero passes you the blunt. the long puff you take fills your mouth and lungs, you hold it in before blowing it out your nostrils and mouth. “sick” denki chuckles as he watches you.
bakugo hands grip the sides of your bikini lighty pulling it up. you swat his hand before taking another drag. “you want a hit?” you hold it before blowing smoke in katsuki’s face.
he loves seeing you like this, horny, high and looking drop dead gorgeous. he looks at the blunt before picking it up before sticking it between his pretty pink lips. blowing the smoke in your face now.
you love him like this. eyes getting lower with each puff, horny and touchy. taking the blunt from his fingers. you pass it to sero before standing on your tippy toes and whispering something in his ear.
“we’ll see y’all later” bakugo grabs your hands and basically runs to the door, before it’s shut in his face. camies blocks the exit making you roll your eyes. “excuse me, can you move?” your voice is heard.
she rolls her eyes before looking at katsuki. “where are you going with her?” you hear her attitude clearly but you just don’t care.
“move camie, we’re just trying to leave” whenever bakugo smokes he’s always calm, cool as a cucumber. “why are you with her when you can be with me?” she’s basically whining at the point and you're sick of it.
“you delusional bitch, move out the fucking way, he doesn’t want you, get it through your thick skull” at this point you were frustrated and you didn’t care if you hurt her feelings. the drink in her face should’ve been a hint but of course you were underestimated.
you see the hurt that flashes across her face but she quickly hides it. you stalk over to her and practically push her away. you hear her scoff and watch her cling onto katsuki.
you see red as you sling open the door and stomping out the door leaving katsuki because you're so heated. you hear katsuki yelling in the back before you hear him stomping behind you and calling your name.
“y/n wait up” of course you were mad, not a katsuki but at camie. she doesn’t know boundaries and if she does she can care less. “it’s not my fault” he catches up to you and drags you to his car.
the two of you quickly get it. the pout still on your face as he starts his car. before he pulls off he shoots a text to kirishima and telling him to hitch a ride with mina.
before he pulls off he looks over to you and chuckles. “it’s not my fault” you look over to him and suck your teeth. “i didn’t say it was your fault!” you exclaim while he begins to drive.
“well your acting like a little brat y/n” you sick your teeth and shake your head. why is he blaming you for your rightfully earned attitude? “okay bakugo” you look at all the trees and houses passing by to distract yourself.
“bakugo, huh” you feel him turn a sharp corner and stop the car completely making you gasp. you turn back to look at him. “what the hell?” at this point you're pissed, you look around to see where you're at and you scoff.
“why are we in a parking lot?” you try to sound calm so he’ll actually answer you. he looks at you before getting out of the car and shutting the driver's door. he walks 2 steps and opens the back door and gets in the car.
you turn back to look at him. “katsuki?” you question softly. “pass me that blunt and join me back here” he pats his lap and you instantly get the idea. you go into the glove compartment and get the blunt before climbing to the back of the car  and sitting on katsuki’s lap. he settles one of his hands on your hips and takes the blunt from your fingers with the other.
he puts the fresh blunt between his lips and motions for you to light it for him. you turn your head and get the light that was sitting in the cup holder and you bring it to the blunt between his pink lips, lighting it quickly.
he takes a pull before blowing smoke from his lips. your eyes fixated on his lips as the cloudy smoke passed them. “take your panties off” he says calmly without looking at you. “i-” your words are cut off when he looks at you. “hurry” you stand up and pull your bathing suit bottoms quickly down before sitting back down on his clothed lap.
“take yours off” you could’ve sworn you saw him roll his eyes before sitting you in the seat next to him. “don’t rush me” he says plainly but he does it anyway. he shimmy’s out of his trunks. his erect cock hitting his stomach stiffly.
“don’t feel flattered, you know weed makes me horny.” you know damn well he’s been hard since your hot tub situation, but you let him be. a cloud if smoke brings you out of your gaze. “don’t just sit there, do something” he motions to his cock before putting the blunt back in his mouth.
you hover over his hips, your hole hovering over where he needs you the most. “feening for me lately?” you watch his cock jump at the sentence making you giggle.
another puff of smoke is blown in your face making you roll your eyes. you spit in your hand before bringing it down to his cock, jerking him off slightly. you feel his hips stutter once you make contact with it.
“i’m sorry i had an attitude” you place the head of his cock to your tight hole. you circle it over and over making him look down at you with his low red eyes. “just do it” you hear him strain out. you smirk before pushing yourself down so his tip is inside you.
no matter how many times you two fuck, he always stretches you out like you were a virgin. your face scrunches up in pleasure and a bit of pain. “shit!, squeezing me so good” you hear him hiss out as you sink down to the base of his cock.
“katsuuu” you moan out while he takes a drag of the blunt. he looks you in the eyes before dragging the blunt from his lips. he places a small peck on your lips reassuring you that he’s not as mad as he seems.
after you take a minute to adjust to his cock you feel his hips begin to thrust up catching you off guard. “warn me next time pleasee” you whine breathlessly as he holds your hips with one hand. the little blunt in the other. he places a soft smack on your ass causing you to moan out.
you feel his thrust begin to get harsher by the minute, the sound of your moans and him ramming into your cunt is all that could be heard throughout the car. you feel him begin to paw at your bathing suit top, signaling he wants it off.
you attempt to pull it down with your mind being reduced to mush, you couldn’t find the strength. you hear him suck his teeth before pulling the cups to your top down. “love your tits babe” you hear him worship you from below.
“i love you katsuki” you moan out as you press little kisses on his face. you feel him squeeze your ass letting you know he loves you too. out of the corner of your eye you see him put out the blunt in the ashtray compartment and leaving it there so he can focus on you.
suddenly you feel him begin to jack hammer into you, gripping your hips with both hands as he watches your tits bounce with each thrust. “love your cunt baby, so fucking good” you loudly moan into the air, feeling yourself begin to come undone.
your hands lace in his blonde locks forcing him to look up to you. his eyes low and red, cheeks pink, dewey skin and mouth his mouth being slightly open. he looks beautiful like this. all fucked out because of you.
“m’ gonna cum” your words are soured together as your eyes begin to  flutter shut until you feel a rough hand around your neck. your eyes shoot open as you look down. you see katsuki with a stern expression now, “looking at me while you cum” you obey him silently by nodding your head.
the overwhelming pleasure of being choked and fucked hits you like a mac-truck. your legs begin to shake and your breath gets caught in your throat. you look at katsuki and see him smirking evilly.
your body leans over slightly as you come undone. your eyes shut tightly to the point where you see different colors. your toes begin to curl and your hands begin to pull at katsuki’s hair.
beneath you, you feel his hips begin to stutter signaling that he’s close. you begin to feel overstimulated so you begin to pulsate and clench around him. you hear him moan out i to your ear, many expletives falling from his pink lips.
“i love you” was the last thing he moaned out before you felt hot ropes of cum fill you up. you moan from the feeling while his hips continue to jerk up into you.
once he comes down from his high he pulls you out of his neck and you see his gorgeous post-fuck face. his cheeks cutely flushed as he gives you and soft smile. you place a peck on his lips before attempting to get off his softening cock. he helps you off and sits you next to him.
you both look at your joint cum leaking out of you and the leaky substance on his lap. he scoops some from your sopping pussy before shoving it in your mouth.
“so glad you're mine” he stares as he watches you. you quirk your eyebrow and when he takes his fingers out you laugh. “you never asked me to be ur girlfriend” you laugh at his deadpan expression. he rolls his eyes before looking at you. “y/n l/n, will you be my girlfriend?” you pretend to think about making him suck his teeth before you move in and place a quick kiss to his lips. staying in that position you squeak out a small ‘yes’.
“yea that’s what i thought” he says before going back to kiss you.
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september-aster · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Utsushimi Camie Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Utsushimi Camie, Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Aged-Up Character(s), Bakugou Katsuki-centric, Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki, Angry Bakugou Katsuki, BAMF Utsushimi Camie, Future, Short, Dialogue, Attempt at Humor, Light-Hearted, Flirting, Gossip, Future Fic, Fangirls, rude fangirl, Protective Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki Has Feelings, Bakugou has a bad time, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, bakugou tries to be nice, Dialogue Heavy, bakugou gets hit on, BakuCamie, PDA, In Public, Not Serious Series: Part 8 of Bakugou Katsuki [protagonist] Summary:
Bakugo gets hit on while waiting for his girlfriend Camie, and after he rejects the fangirl, she starts making assumptions about him and he loses his temper and calls her out.
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