#Can astrology predict if your ex will come back
theastrotree · 7 months
Get your love partner back with astrology
It is not difficult to find love these days because there are several social platforms are available where you will be able to find love or make interactions with others. On there, the couples get to know each other for their sharing their information. On social media platforms, people are not able to share reliable information 99% because they can’t trust. As you know, love is not temporary to…
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tldr77 · 11 days
CS55 - Fathers and Sons
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✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦✦•๑┈•✦ A disclaimer: Carlos Sainz does not have his birth time public, therefore the house placements are all based on different astrology methods and may in no way be accurate. But astrology is predictive and I used that to bring this little piece today. Also, I'm not a professional just someone whose been learning and interested for years! ✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
As I mentioned in my initial post his relationship and dynamic with his father is intriguing to me, honestly all the father-son relationships within the Formula racing series are. Firstly, since we do not have his birth time, I want to read the dynamics for both a night and day chart since we do not know his rising. Then we can see from each description which dynamic we see most.
𖤓 If he were a day chart (Sun in Houses 1-6) we would look at the Sun to see the father-son relationship.
ִֶָ࣪☾. If he were a night chart (Sun in Houses 7-12) we would look at Saturn.
Carlos has his Sun in Virgo and a Saturn Pisces. Using the Pullen Astrology method, it housed his Sun in the 11th house and his Saturn in the 5th. Making his first house - Scorpio like Leclerc. (Is Carlos a Scorpio rising though?). So because of this I'm feel more pulled to the night chart aspect first.
For this part 1, I will speak on his Saturn placement.
°.🪐.ೃ࿔*:・ Saturn in Pisces in the 5th House Retrograde (Rx) .ೃ࿔*:・
Firstly, What/Who is Saturn? Saturn within our charts is a generational planet so, the sign it is in does not weigh as heavily in importance as much as where it's housed in. This placement lets us know where we may see lessons (karmic or otherwise) and restrictions in our life. Hence, why where Saturn is stationed we see delays as we traverse through our lessons. It also gives insight to our relationship and dynamics with our fathers/ authority figures. I believe this is due to the nature of Saturn, he is teaching us lessons here so until we are confident in ourselves we defer our authority to another. But as each Saturn Return nears and passes, if we have put in the work we see a slow reclamation of our authority back. Many claim Saturn subtracts so depending on the house it's in, it may be beneficial or harmful. But in my experience, wherever it is stationed in your chart is where you need discipline within yourself. Because there are many aspects and placements within our chart that mitigate the malefic ones we have and vice versa, there is no one placement that's the culprit of your circumstance. Please keep in mind a natal chart is an energy map of what we are given to work with in this life and, once you're aware you can use it to your advantage by working with it than against.
What does Saturn Retrograde (Rx) mean? Typically, a retrograde planet brings a more introspective dynamic to it. The native turns the planet's energy inward rather than out. But Saturn Rx indicates issues with the father. This is not emotional or physical absence that we see when Saturn is in the 8th or 12th house. But more so, a conflict or a falling out with one's father that may come later in life. It does not have to be severe but there may be conflict from which a change arises. ex. Changing your relationship dynamics with your Dad if they're overbearing - you may set boundaries and take back control or your father falling out of favour in your eyes due to cheating/an action etc.
Saturn in the 5th House? The 5th house is all about fun, creativity, and children. With Saturn in Sainz’s 5th house, there’s likely a sense of restriction around fully embracing these areas. It can feel like an internal battle to let loose and express joy or creativity, as if he had to grow up too quickly or take on more responsibility early on. Saturn, often seen as the father, may represent his actual father’s legacy, making it harder for him to feel free in his self-expression, as if he needed to be more of a man than a child to live up to his father's expectations. This placement may bring partners who are emotionally unavailable, prone to substance abuse or other tendencies that may create a toxic relationship. People with this placement often feel they must prove themselves worthy of love, creativity and joy, holding back until they feel secure, which can lead to imposter syndrome. This may manifest as hiding their creative endeavours from others until they feel confident in its or their success in it to share with others. This placement may also suggest wanting fewer children or waiting until later in life to start a family. There are so many more interpretations because this is a joyous house, but I'll keep it until here for now.
Saturn in Pisces? Here, we see an interesting contrast between Saturn and Pisces. Saturn is all about authority, rules, and structure, while Pisces is more fluid and free-spirited, with one foot in reality and the other in a dream world. Pisces doesn’t follow strict boundaries like Saturn does—it prefers to blur the lines and go with the flow. Think of it this way, where Saturn sees and imposes fences, lines and boundaries, Pisces is aware there is nothing which can keep it in within any 4 walls. It will traverse where it desires, and must go.
When you mix Saturn with Pisces, especially in retrograde, it softens Saturn's usual strictness. Instead of rigid rules, this combination brings a more flexible and intuitive approach to responsibility. It’s still Saturn, but hazy, allowing for a deeper, more fluid pervasiveness of being in one's life.
So what does this all mean for Sainz Jr.? Carlos seems to have known restraint from a young age, whether it was controlling his desire to play, managing his temper, or staying disciplined with his responsibilities. Saturn in his 5th house speaks to this internalized self-control, which he has likely carried throughout his life. In an article even the writer clearly sees this as he explains, "In fact, the impression is that Carlos is more reserved about everything, including his frustrations.” Now, if other planets, like the Moon, were present in this house, it could highlight specific dynamics—like wanting to indulge in fun and parties, but ultimately feeling content alone. But Saturn is alone. When it comes to his father, I see him as a constant, yet subtle, force. His father’s presence seems to envelop all aspects of his life (this is the nebulous nature of Pisces)—personal, familial, and professional—blurring the lines between Carlos as an individual and Carlos Sainz Jr., the son of a legacy. This isn’t a harsh or domineering relationship, though; rather, it’s a responsibility Carlos feels he’s accepted. He’s not just a boy carving his own path but someone who will naturally grow into the man his father is, possibly surpassing him, without getting distracted by unnecessary pleasures. His father, being represented by Pisces, likely expresses love and kindness, but still serves as an authority figure—a guiding hand that never fully lets go.
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Okay now to the fun part! This is where if anyone doubts astrology or the power of a saturn return have them read this.
Up until late 2023, Sainz's journey through F1 was solid and well-paced. From Toro Rosso to Renault, then McLaren, and finally landing a coveted seat at the Prancing Horse, it was clear his trajectory was always on the rise. With multiple podium finishes and his ability to support his teammate’s success while securing his own, Ferrari had every reason to keep him on board until they were ready to promote talent from their feeder leagues. His strategic thinking, demonstrated again at Monza, and calm under pressure made him a key asset. Yet, despite his strong performance, Sainz found himself without a seat—at the very moment when he’s achieving greater heights.
So what happened? His Saturn Return.
This turning point coincides with Saturn’s return to his natal Pisces, signaling a time of transition. Saturn's transit through the 5th house is often marked by endings—whether in relationships, careers, or personal chapters—as it challenges the individual to find their limits and redefine them. For many, this transit brings about a painful but necessary breaking point, especially in long-term relationships or roles. It's as if Saturn strips away what no longer serves, forcing growth through struggle and laying the groundwork for your next 6 to 17 years.
In Sainz’s case, the signs are unmistakable. Since Saturn re-entered Pisces on March 7, 2023, he has experienced a series of shifts—breaking up with his long-term girlfriend, Isabel Hernandez, who, fittingly, is a Pisces herself. His search for a seat in a series he's been in since 2015. Alongside these changes, Sainz quietly ventured into new endevours, like the opening of his burger restaurant, suggesting he is planting seeds for life outside of racing. He had appendicitis around March 6-8, 2024. while Saturn Rx in Pisces opposed his Virgo Sun and Mercury (Virgo's planetary ruler is mercury). There was also a pluto cross to his uranus which typically in medical astrology foretells a medical emergency/ailment to watch out for and pluto was crossing his mercury too.
Essentially, areas where things were easy before have become exponentially harder for him. And, Carlos during this time may find himself measuring his worthiness to allow joy or fun by how much he's accomplished or got done so far.
There’s undoubtedly more going on with Sainz, but this is the nature of Saturn’s return. Saturn continues to demand to see if you have mastered his lessons, and at every turn there is a new question, you must answer to satisfy him. To which I think so far Carlos has.
Carlos Sainz’s move to Williams in 2025 feels like the start of something new, both for him and the team. In that famous GQ piece by Tom Lamont, Ferrari was compared to Saturn, the god who “devours his own sons,” a haunting reference to the tragic deaths of Ferrari drivers under Enzo’s leadership. The parallel with Carlos is hard to miss—his father’s influence always looming, and now he’s stepping away from Ferrari, which in many ways has been F1’s Saturn. (Is this a foreshadow of what's to come with his own father?)
After eight years of working his way up to Ferrari, this shift to Williams begs the question: has Carlos mastered his Saturn return, breaking free to carve out his own path, or has Ferrari, like Saturn, consumed him in the process? Moving to Williams might be his chance to break free from the pressure of legacy and expectations, and find a new, more personal direction in his career—one where he can build something fresh. But this too carries the weight of Saturn’s lessons, where the struggle and loss lead to eventual mastery—or the acceptance of limitations.
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I have never met Sainz and probably will not in the future. But he reminds me of a bull, resolutely toiling away, responsible and accountable in his role of what he must do. It is quite melanchlonic because I want to ask are you happy, or are you happy because this is all you know...all you've ever done?
‎‧₊˚ Thank you for reading, I know it's a long read but I hope it was worth it! If you have any drivers you'd like me to do a piece on or any aspects, please send me an ask or even on this post. And, I will be happy to research. ‎‎‧₊˚
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kakiastro · 2 years
2023 Astrology Vibes
Last day of 2022, I think I can speak for everyone when I say this year was something 🫣
But 2023 is going to be a different vibe and I’m going to tell you why
1. For the last 5.5 years Saturn has been in his home signs Capricorn &Aquarius! These were the probably some of the most challenging years and you had to do a lot of growth and break away from karmas. Also add Pluto Capricorn that’s been intensifying everything! Look at the years from 2017-Present. Check what houses Saturn, Capricorn and Aquarius were transiting those years using transit chart.
For ex. Saturn has transited in my 6&7h so I’ve learned a lot about relationships (platonic&romantic) and I’ve had some health stuff that made me want to change some diets.
2. Now Saturn is leaving his home signs into watery Pisces for 2.5 years. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter&Neptune. What happens when realism sign and non realism sign come together? It means it’s time to wake up and smell the roses 🌹 wherever you’ve had your rose colored glasses on, Saturn is about to snatch them off😭 if you have Saturn Pisces natally, then you are about to go through your Saturn return! check and see what house Pisces rules in your chart to see the themes you’re about to experience . Don’t worry you guys got this!
3. In numerology, 2023 is a water ruled year! The number 7 is ruled by Cancer. Cancer is ruled by the Moon.
4. In Chinese astrology, it’s ruled by the water rabbit! Rabbit means fertility and growth!
5. Pluto also takes a dip in new sign Aquarius for a few months before going back into Capricorn before stationing in Aquarius permanently in 2024 for 20 years. Aquarius is an air sign but is known as the water bearer
So what happened when you put all of these things together? Well here are my own 2023 predictions…
1. Spirituality will be on the rise, especially occult, I feel like people will dive into the unknown, I feel like people will be finding God on their own terms without influences from churches. More people may leave churches due to corruptions and I feel like karma is going to come to the toxic people who uses religion for their own gain
2. Something with fish, maybe a low fish supply since Saturn restricts. Also Pisces rules the deep ocean and Saturn represents time and ancient stuff, I wonder if we’ll find some ancient civilizations or species in the oceans?? When Pluto enters aqua, that may advance it since aqua rules technology and Pluto rules dark hidden places👀
3. Women will be the focus next year since it’s a cancer ruled year. I’ve seeing lots of babies and pregnancy signs so I think a lot of new souls will be born next year, these new babies will be advanced, I’m talking doing things at 2 when they shouldn’t be able to do until their 5 😅 honestly the whole Pluto cap and future aqua generation will be. Watch what I say😅 back to women though, sisterhood will become a big thing, women banding together to start a business or just to have a small support system.
4. The moon rules over our family, ancestors, home life, our private life, our emotional comfort. Themes surrounding these topics will be the focus. Now depending on your moon sign, this will tell you how your year can go, I would personally check your solar return chart and see what sign the moon is in for that year
For ex. In my solar return chart, the moon is in Leo 10h with moon ruler in the 9h for 2023, themes of children, traveling, having fun. My uncle &his gf is having a child in February!
5. Pisces also rules over addictions, with Saturn here I feel like more people will began to talk about there addiction struggles or become more aware. I know for one that I personally need to take a step back from social media & be more present, focusing more on my creative projects. So things like that will be topics
6. I’m very interested to see the kind of music that will be released! Pisces rules over music! I feel there’s going to be timeless music(Saturn ) it wouldn’t surprise me if a new genre appeared, last time Saturn was in Pisces, the grunge era was huge!!! Kurt Cobain was a Pisces. So I’m wondering if there’s going to be another Pisces icon on the rise next year? I feel like it would be someone who’s been in the industry but just now becoming mainstream, I’m thinking it’s going to be woman or feminine energy
7. Also a lot of good movies will be out next year as well! I feel like movies dealing with the past will be the theme, now I know movies are made a year before but I think by the time they are released it fits perfect with what’s going on Astrologically. I always tell people to pay attention to the movies and tv shows that come out. I feel like they’re a glimpse of what’s to come the following year! Especially the big ones, like Wakanda forever & Avatar both were the biggest movies and had themes of family, women and water hellooo
See you all next year
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astrologysupport1 · 1 year
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When it comes to reviving a connection with an ex, it’s vital to first understand yourself. This is the foundation for rebuilding any relationship. A helpful tool in this process is the mantra “Om Hreem Nama Shakti”. This mantra serves as a compass, leading you on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, both of which are key ingredients in nurturing a healthier and more meaningful bond.
If you’re wondering how to practically implement this, consider incorporating the mantra “Om Hreem Nama Shakti” into your meditation routine. This can guide you as you explore your thoughts, emotions, and aspirations. By embracing self-discovery, you’ll be better prepared for the journey of reigniting a connection that’s built on a deeper understanding of yourself and your partner. This simple practice aligns with astrological insights and can significantly enhance your readiness for a renewed and more fulfilling relationship.
How to Attract Your Ex:?
 Effective communication is the cornerstone of any relationship. According to Pandit Kapil Sharma Ji, planetary influences can impact communication dynamics. Recognizing auspicious days for open and honest conversations can be the bridge to reconnecting.
Astrological Solution: Enhance your conversations by incorporating the mantra “Om Vakratundaya Hum.” This mantra is believed to amplify the clarity and potency of your words, fostering mutual understanding and connection.
How Do I Make My Ex-Regret Leaving Me?
Communication becomes more impact with the mantra “Om Vakratundaya Hum.” This mantra can empower your words, prompting a deeper understanding and potentially influencing your ex’s perspective.
How Can I Attract My Ex-Boyfriend?
Rekindling a connection with an ex who has lost feelings requires a delicate blend of personal growth and thoughtful strategy. Begin by contemplating the reasons behind the breakup, and under the guidance of Pandit Kapil Sharma Ji, focus on your self-improvement journey. Establishing renewed communication, showcasing positive transformations, and engaging in heartfelt conversations can serve as the sparks to reignite emotions and open the gateway to a renewed relationship.
Astrological Solution: Recite the mantra “Om Krim Suvriddhaye Namah” daily to invite positive energies that contribute to a stronger and enduring bond.
How to Get an Ex Back Who Lost Feelings for You?
Rekindling a connection with an ex who has lost feelings involves a combination of self-improvement and strategic efforts. Reflect on the reasons for the breakup and work on personal growth. Reestablishing communication, showcasing positive changes, and using heartfelt conversations can help reignite emotions and open the door to a renewed relationship. Remember, patience and genuine intentions are key throughout this process.
Fostering a connection necessitates infusing it with positivity. The mantra “Om Krim Suvriddhaye Namah” acts as a catalyst, promoting an environment of harmony and growth.
Reuniting with an ex is a complex journey that demands patience, understanding, and the guidance of Pandit Kapil Sharma Ji, whose wisdom in the realm of astrology is unmatched. By harmonizing with cosmic rhythms, aligning intentions, and embracing astrological solutions, you can pave the way for a love rekindled—a love that transcends past limitations and blossoms. Remember, while the universe plays its part, your intent and actions carry equal weight. Pandit Kapil Sharma Ji’s genuine care and precise advice have turned lives around, offering hope and solutions in times of confusion. His friendly approach and accurate predictions make him a trustworthy companion on life’s journey
Love astrologer
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astrojyotirani · 1 year
Love Problem Solution-Best Astrologer in Bangalore
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Know the major points that can change the understanding between you and your love partner & overcome the love problem with the help of a love problem specialist astrologer.
Love is a beautiful feeling which comes in our hearts, love brings happiness to the lives of people. But in the modern-day love is filled with many problems and complications like attitude, ego, and disbelief between partners.
This cause provides a breakup between both lovers.in this situation, the lovers must consult Love solution specialist consultation to end suffering.
When do you need a love problem solution astrologer?
There are many reasons you can take the help of a free online love problem solution.
A Few Reasons are: -
If you are broken with your lover
Getting back your lost boyfriend and girlfriend
Controlling your lover's mind
Convince your parents to marry to whom you love
Extra-Martial affair Problem solution.
Love problem specialist:
A person should never take their relationship lightly. It is a matter of love, and one should always try to protect their relationship. Thus, marrying the person we love is everything for a person who truly loves another person.
There is nothing bad about marrying your lover, but it is usually hard to make other people believe it. A astrology in bangalore is that famous astrologer who always helps a person for the better.
After marriage, love problems have solutions:
When married life goes through time, it is possible to end all the frictions between them. Never worry that love will never enter your relationship. Everything is possible, and soon a person can make their life better.
So, bring lost love back into your married life with a free vashikaran solution for marriage problems.
Extramarital affair problem solution
Everybody wants stability in their life. A marriage has that potential, and you can enjoy that bliss. Nowadays, this is the trend of having an affair outside of a marriage. Moreover, it has a deep impact on the other half’s life. if you are getting any kind of vibe related to this.
Try to find an extramarital affair problem solution astrologer who has a grip on things. These things need an expert, as each and every move will directly attack your future.
Ex love back-find lost love:
Marriage with a lover is always a good thing if they better understand each other. Thus, take online love marriage consolation anytime if something is not going well. Therefore, here is the time when such problems will end and a person can make their life well.
Never delay taking help from a bangalore famous astrologer. He will listen to you and always try to provide a suitable solution that can change your love life. So, never worry about anything, as very soon your relationship will start getting better with vashikaran.
Love problem solution in Bangalore
Whenever it comes to vashikaran, always make sure to consult a person who specialises in it. A love problem solution in bangalore by an astrologer can protect a person's life. A relationship could get on the right track by using this magic. Vasikaran is always the finest way to deal with troubles.
Best astrologer near me: -
Best astrologer near me do makes the birth chart first and then start suggesting and remedy and predicting about them. His predictions have come for almost every person who comes to him. This is what makes him today experienced.
For further queries related to any love issues you can directly consult to our love back specialist by calling on +919776190123 or visit our site Oooom.in
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seafoamreadings · 2 years
week of september 4th, 2022
aries: a mercury retrograde period officially begins in your opposite sign, your house of committed relationships and partnerships, just before the moon arrives in your sign. it is an emotional time full of the stereotypes of mercury retrogrades - your exes reach out or whatever, and you feel strange compulsions about them. let this be your reminder to try to act wisely.
taurus: at this point, with so much uranian activity in your sign for so long and now the nodal activity there as well, you know the drill as far as being sort of a focus astrologically. the tumult surrounds you but it also serves you, above all others. this week is no exception. be open to miracles, and take any unexpected hardships as much in stride as you can.
gemini: mercury goes retrograde in libra and, of course, this affects you quite a lot, mercurial as you are. this station is going to occur in most likely your 5th house, with mercury backing into the 4th (this varies a bit depending on your preferred house system and your time of birth). at any rate you can expect, shall we say, "developments" in the arenas of love (not necessarily relationships) and creativity, perhaps including children. these will then spill into your home life and bring up matters around your family of origin.
cancerians: you may experience some discomfort with the mutability of the week - even the part of the astrology that takes place in fixed taurus feels mutable these days because of uranus and the nodes. very little of it is cardinal like you. it is emotional, which you can handle, and in flux, which you do well as a lunar creature, but if you were a hermit crab, it would be time to find a new home.
leo: probably a somewhat frustrating week for most leos, full of mild tensions and minor mistakes. with mercury going retrograde this week in libra it's a good idea to check and double check texts/emails/etc before sending them out, and be advised that even face to face your words may be taken not quite as you intended them to be. expect misunderstandings and then just try to course correct as you go.
virgo: venus enters your sign this week. ignore whatever you hear or read about venus being unhappy in virgo. this is truly historically not her favorite sign, but she also has many strengths here, they just have to be worked for a little harder. and if the prospect of a mercury retrograde seems daunting to you, be careful with your money and possessions but also consider whether you don't align more with ceres as a chart ruler. perhaps then the mercurial antics seem a little less to be personally victimizing you.
libra: mercury retrograde begins this week and it begins in your sign. while you're not strictly mercurial in nature you, as an air sign, have a certain affinity with that planet so it is in your best interest to get a little introverted, introspective, and thoughtful during this time, and exercise a fairly strict retrograde protocol.
scorpio: your closest and most committed relationships are the doorway into your spiritual soul-growth, always but especially strongly this week. but the doorway is like alice's looking glass; don't expect things to be normal or predictable.
sagittarius: it's a time of chaos, but in a mostly good way. nothing good comes out of stagnation, especially for you, and the theme of the week and indeed the era we are in is change, growth, and maybe a little pandemonium. make the most of it!
capricorn: a retrograde mercury in libra ie your 10th house (retrograding back later into your 9th house, virgo) can be some havoc in your career or public image, so hopefully you have been taking steps to mitigate that. meanwhile venus into virgo *is* auspicious to you; mark the occasion with an aesthetically pleasing new method of organization or study.
aquarius: there's no way to sugarcoat this and you probably wouldn't want it sugarcoated even if it could be, but this is not your easiest week. if you are a student or engaged in spiritual practice, there will be some difficulty there as well but you can actually retreat into that part of your life to gain insights that help you, ultimately, with anything else going haywire.
pisces: venus enters your opposite sign during the course of the week's antics. and if you can align yourself with soulful service, not martrydom or a victim complex but real service in the world for some higher good, love and beauty in all their forms find you easily.
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mercurytrinemoon · 4 years
If you want to look into your chart to see your commited partner/marriage
I see so many folks asking about this & I feel like people look for these things in the wrong places or they’re instantly reaching for some obscure techniques (persona charts?? Random asteroids?? Never saw it really describing anything correctly. That’s like the last thing you should look at). Get your basics covered first. Your primary energies in the natal chart can tell you SO SO much. Okay let’s goooooo
1. Your descendant/7th house, duh. What sign is it in? If you have any planets in the 7th, look at them. Look at the ruler of the 7th. In what house it sits in? What aspects does it have? I’d look at classic rulership first btw. Also, for a predictive work like this, try exploring your chart with whole sign system.
Some basic examples of characteristics of partners according to planets in the 7th:
Sun: happy partnership, someone that is somewhat known in certain circles, generous, fun, inspiring, works in creative fields, an entrepreneur or a business person, someone who simply shines; marriage can come a bit later in life
Moon: partner that is caring or even parental towards you, family-oriented, sensitive, moody, stay-at-home partner, working in fields associated with nurturing or food (or anything that makes you feel nice); can also bring popularity; can marry young
Mercury: an intellectual, or someone with a “mercurial” occupation (communication, travel; teacher, writer, accountant etc.), a worldly person, sociable, talkative, possibly someone younger or of a young spirit; this also means you can marry earlier in life
Venus: a harmonious partner, a romantic, non-confrontational, an eye-candy, diplomatic nature, can work in any “venusian” industry (arts, food etc.), financialy stable; this also should bring harmony and luck in relationships*
Mars: an energetic partner, assertive, full of passion, independent, a leader, someone who constatnly keeps you on your toes, great motivator, a masculine type (regardless of gender), may work in a military/police etc.
Jupiter: a successfull partner, jolly, popular, possibly from a different background/culture/a foreigner, spiritual, philosophical, a teacher, can work in entertainment; you may meet while traveling or marry abroad; brings great luck*
Saturn: someone older than you, a mature person, disciplined, patient, possibly a widow/a widower; marriage can come later than expected
Uranus: an eccentric partner, intelligent, full of surprises, innovative, creative, someone working in science or tech-related fields; unconventional partnership; you may marry suddenly (and divorce as fast lol)
Neptune: spiritual, intuitive, sensitive, working overseas or in artistic fields; you’re looking for a soulmate; you may actually never marry your partner because something always gets in the way 
Pluto: intuitive, magnetic, spiritual, persuasive, can work as a psychiatrist or a crime detector or in fields associated with science; a power couple; you may marry in secret
*Venus is the greater benefic for those with a night chart (Sun below the asc/dsc axis); Jupiter is the greater benefic for those with a day chart (Sun above the asc/dsc axis). Look to see which will bring you more luck in life.
If you have no planets in the 7th, just look at its ruler and the aspects it makes. Now lemme give you an example of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Just so you have a better understanding of how to approach this.
Angelina's descendant is in Capricorn so we look at Saturn. Using equal house system, it falls into her 12th house (actually her Venus as well), it can denote having secret relationships and affairs. That's how her relationship with Pitt started. Her Saturn squares Jupiter - Brad's a double Sagittarius. His descendant ruler is Mercury and it's a part of a stellium, which consists of Mars, Venus and Moon - I think it's obvious that Angelina is an embodiment of those energies. She's a nurturing Cancer rising, with charming & sexy Venus on the ascendant and she has a strong, fiery Aries Mars. And, obviously, she’s a Gemini.
(I could get into their synastry, in which they check all the basic & important rules of a relationship but that's not the point. Btw their synastry is kind of mind-blowing, these ascendant-vertex conjunctions? I mean WOW).
2. Depending on your gender (that’s a traditional way of looking at it but screw heteronormativity so do whatever floats your boat) OR depending if your chart is more masculine or feminine: Sun and Mars for feminine folks; Moon and Venus for masculine; if you’re non-binary, look at both or what you feel like will suit you most. This is for more what YOU are attracted to although Sun and Moon are said to show your spouse. 
Venus specifically symbolizes love so you may look at the house it falls in to see where you may find it. For example, if it’s in your 3rd house, you may meet them somewhere local, doing every-day stuff; in school or through your siblings. The house your Venus is in shows where your charms and beauty are seen the most. For example, if it’s in the 11th it’s more probable you’ll date one of your friends cause you’re seen as attractive in your friend group. Also, some houses aren’t straightforwardly assigned to places so I guess for some houses it works better.
Your descendant ruler may apply to this technique as well but can moreso show traits that will further characterize your spouse. For example, descendant ruler in the 8th - they may be an accountant; in the 10th - may be someone well-established; 5th - may work with children or be of a creative nature etc.
3. Derivative house system: just flip your chart. Listen, it partially makes sense that 8th house stands for shared resources. For example, if you have benefics in the 8th house it can point to having a wealthy partner through whom you yourself will get rich or whatever. Well it coincides with the theory that your 8th house is your partner’s symbolic 2nd house. You can use derivative house system from any point in your chart but we’re talking about your partner, so just flip your chart upside down. Just DON’T read it in a literal sense. 
I’ll give you an example of my mom’s chart. When we flip it, she has Neptune in the 2nd house. Her ex-husband, my dad, was earning money as a sailor (this also, later in life, meant that money was slipping through his fingers and that brought material instability). This is further backed up by Jupiter on the MC and even by Sun in the 9th house - all points to long travels and working in foreign lands. Stellium in the 10th also means he became a career-oriented person.
Obviously, when you flip your chart, it will say the opposite of your natal. So you’re thinking, “in my natal my desc ruler is in the 10th and when I look at it upside down it’s in the 4th - that’s the complete opposite! *Oprah voice* So what is the truth??? Am I marrying someone family- or career-oriented???” It’s important to point that derivative house system is activated once you get married/enter a stable, commited relationship. So this is something to look at additionally.
5. Other fun stuff to look at: Jupiter. In vedic astrology Jupiter represents the husband but we’re doing western so that’s not my point (ha! I got you there, didn’t I?). Jupiter stands for legal matters. It’s very common to see lots of Jupiter in synastry of married couples (bonus points if there’s flowing Jupiter-Jupiter aspects). Juno, which is one of the main, early discovered asteroids, symbolizes marriage and commitment; it also shows the way we balance things out, compromise and show fairness. It can tell us how we’re approaching these things and what we look for in a potential stable partner.
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Hello how are you, I want to request a free reading (if it`s open, if not I am so sorry) about my future spouse's appearance where will I meet them and characteristics. - AB thank you!
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disclaimer: this is a prediction and it's based on the current energy, so it might not necessarily become 'true' exactly the way I predict it. Please take everything with a grain of salt. Things can change.
a/n: I am fine, thanks for asking! How are you? I am sorry but I don’t offer meeting/reunion readings yet, so I hope you’re ok with just a future spouse appearance reading. However, I got more about their vibes than certain physical traits, just so you know😅💚 I hope you'll enjoy this reading! Feel free to give me some feedback (ex. If you find this type of appearance attractive or if it’s similar to the appearances you had crushes on etc.) or just your opinion on that. I wish you a great day!!
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joyful vibes, they might have playfulness of a child, smiling, kind energy, child-like innocence and curiosity, they seem like someone who is lucky in life, giddy, optimistic outlook on life, maybe a little impatient - they might have a habit of bouncing their leg or something like that, full of love, just pure content vibes, might be a little dramatic in their gestures (like sighing really loudly…. just very expressive xD), caring and very attentive to the people around them, cute sheepish smile, the corner of their mouth might be naturally up-turned, small ears and maybe even an upturned nose (but a little more on the wider side), small face, prominent nose, they might like combing their hair back (might be longer)
For your information, I will use the they/them pronouns to refer to your future spouse. Also, as I use different things for predicting the appearance, some traits or descriptions might come up more often, those are stronger in energy.
broad forehead, heart-shaped lips, rounder face, high nose bridge, the corner of their eyes might be slightly upturned as well, bony fingers, they might have wavy hair, short or thick neck, long nose, small deep eyes, maybe pouty lips
sturdy, square shoulders, well built, solid body, tall, green or hazel eyes, older or more mature, a loner, a little shy sometimes, stubborn, aloof, curved eyebrows, blue-green vibes
they might seem a little superficial, a little flighty and daydreamer vibes, they might seem like they’re easily bored or easily distracted, but they also give off vibes of someone who is witty/intelligent or someone who doesn’t forget betrayals and when they flip they seem very cold and fierce - they have some duality, open minded and very charming, you might also notice that they are someone who went through many heartbreaks - someone who hides their pain behind a smile. Even though they might seem happy and bubbly there is always this sad energy lingering in the background, there is a chance that they have black hair or are from asian decent, they might dress very well - they like pretty things (and looking good)
From my self written cards: average to tall (for height), long hair, sharp eyes, brown shades of eye colour, green shades of eye colour, red shades (for hair - maybe colored), warm skin undertone, a mix of preppy and edgy style
vibes based on astrology: strong cancer and libra, they also might have some jupiter/venus/pluto aspects to their ascendant
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originofjaehyun · 4 years
Prelude: After Story | Part 2 | Nonstop
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Prelude: After Story Masterlist
Word count: 4,027
Warnings: None
Part 2 | Nonstop
“You’re in danger, and I get shaken.”
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Read Interlude: No More Drama
Tag list: @justineasian​ @elauniesdream
Ever since Yuta moved to Seoul, he would always wait for Doyoung before they go to the office together. Simply because one, Yuta is an early riser and two, they lived in the same building.
Doyoung helped Yuta a lot with his move, which includes finding the best place for Yuta to stay for at least the next three years. Surprisingly, among all of the options that Doyoung has offered, Yuta fell in love with the apartment that was none other than Doyoung’s building.
“Are you sure about this?”
Yuta nods. “I like to keep my place with greeneries. This one faces the east, so I’ll get plenty of sunlight.”
Doyoung rested his hand on his hip, hummed in agreement. “If you say so. The view from here is really pretty, that for sure.”
Yuta and Doyoung friendship are odd. They’re not exactly the closest friends –since they started as colleagues. While Yuta worked with other people aside from Doyoung in the company, he felt most comfortable around him. It’s just the charming point of Doyoung, since he always took care of people around him. Furthermore, Yuta did have a thing with his best friend, resulting in them sharing a fairly good amount of time outside of work, thus making them closer naturally. Though, it’s not like they suddenly could claim as to each other’s partner in crime.
Today was like any other days. Yuta would wait in the smoking area near the parking lot. Yuta usually doesn't smoke in the morning –he said he likes to keep his lungs fresh when he starts his day– but everything changed a year ago. He doesn't really mind though, ever since he converted to IQOS.
“Morning, I hope you’re– whoa!”
Doyoung, who was still half-awake, is now on full alert when he sees Yuta.
“Dude, what a haircut!” He exclaims. “I thought your long hair would fit you best. Pretty jealous with a guy who’s able to tie their hair and still managed to look good, but dang those undercut looks good on you.”
Yuta smiled. “Thanks, bro.” He draws a smoke. “Thought it was a nice change. A new beginning, I guess? Like how someone told me.”
“A new beginning huh?” Doyoung shoved his hand to his pants pockets. “Well, speaking of…”
Yuta hummed at Doyoung, tilting his head because Doyoung is hesitating.
“Nevermind, I’ll talk to you over coffee.”
“Wow, such a joy killer.” Yuta quickly removes the white stick from its cartridge. “Well, let’s go then. I can’t handle cliffhangers.”
“Here,” Doyoung passes Yuta’s usual americano while holding his own matcha latte.
“Sankyuu,” Yuta thanked him, purposefully using his Japanese accent. “So, care to continue where you left?”
Yuta could sense that Doyoung stopped sipping his straw. But Doyoung realized that he’s dealing with Yuta here and his best trait is his directness. Though he’s a bit taken aback, Doyoung already expected Yuta to go back straight to the topic.
“Well, the thing is,” He pulled the chair, sitting across Yuta. “[Y/N] asked me if she could meet you.”
“[Y/N]?” Yuta’s eyes widen. Amongst all of the people, her name was the least that he would expect to want to meet him. “Meeting me? Is there anything wrong?”
“There’s nothing wrong, but…” Doyoung pursing his lips, noticeably nervous. “Damn it, [Y/N], why do you have to do this to me?” He mumbles.
“Bro seriously, just go straight to the point.” Yuta gives his cup a few twirls before sipping it. “I won’t be offended if that is what you’re worried about.”
Yuta can see how Doyoung’s adam’s apple moves up and down. “She asked me whether she and Jaehyun could meet you to give you their wedding invitation.”
Immediately Yuta halted all of his movements. He has sworn to himself that he tries to move on. At this point he is even convinced that he already does. He never thought Doyoung’s last statement would cause that much pain.
Yuta remains silent, exactly how Doyoung expects him to be. “She did it out of good intentions, Yuta. I mean, I was around when you guys were together and I know it sucks to come to your ex’s wedding, but–”
“We never dated.” Yuta cuts him off.
“Well, whatever you called your relationship back then. At least from my eyes, you guys were happy and regardless of the ending, you did help her out of her slump. And she’s very grateful for that. If it weren’t for you, she probably wouldn't be able to be her complete self again, let alone to be together with Jaehyun.”
Doyoung sighs. “You are special to her, Yuta. That wouldn’t change, no matter how bitter you take this news. If you’re uncomfortable I can come with you or I can ask [Y/N] to come by herself. Or would you rather to have her pass the invitation to me so–”
“Fine,” Yuta finally looks Doyoung in the eyes. “But I’m not comfortable meeting her… fiancé yet, so it would probably be best if I could meet her alone.”
A gum smile appeared on Doyoung’s face. “Sure, I’ll make sure to tell [Y/N].”
He finally rested his back on his chair. “Thank you for not making this difficult, bro.”
Yuta raised one of his brows, “Who said so? You’re paying for my coffee, right?”
Doyoung’s eyes grow bigger in disagreement.
Thank God Yuta managed to swallow his last piece of canelé —else he would choke after seeing her presence.
She came alone, just as Doyoung had promised. Yuta noticed she kept her hair length just the same. Nothing has really changed about her, except that she looks visibly more radiant.
She quickly spotted Yuta, and immediately pulled the chair in front of him.
“Hi,” She said as she took her seat. “Have you been waiting long?”
“No, not really.”
“Yet you just finished a canelé?”
“You know I’m a fast eater.”
She giggles. “Yes, I remember.”
Ah, her giggles.
Yuta could listen to this the whole day. It’s a strange feeling for him. As much as he loves her laughter, he hated the fact that he’s such a simple man –because he wishes he could listen to her laugh nonstop. That he could be the one that makes her laugh.
“Uhm, so…” Her relaxed demeanor changed into a slightly more skittish posture. “I guess if you agree to be here, it means you know the reason why I want to meet you.”
Yuta parted his lips from his cup. “You could’ve just text or call me by yourself, you know? Our Doyoung looked like a poor rabbit that got trapped.”
He glad he mentioned Doyoung, as it manages to put a smile on her face. “Right, you are a scorpio, to begin with.”
Yuta rested his chin on his hand, unconsciously smiling. He never believes in astrologies, but it’s funny how whenever she mentioned his sign, he would reactively feel giddy as it is the first thing that she knew about him —other than his name and his nationality, of course.
“Well,” She went through her purse. “I was hoping you could come to our wedding.”
Then when the smile gradually fades.
You expected this.
Yuta said that repeatedly in his mind. Yet the pain that he feels on his chest doesn’t seem to subdue.
She’s marrying a Jeong. One of the most desirable bachelors in Seoul. Not only women are fawning over his look, but Jeong Jaehyun is a brilliant, wealthy man. At a young age and to be able to manage Seoul’s biggest corporate, it’s a no brainer that women fly around Jaehyun like he’s a flame to a moth.
Yuta expected the invitation to be grander, but instead, it was stunningly simple. The rose-embossed envelope was dominated with cream tones, and the only noticeable color was the muted rose gold wax seal on the envelope with their initials. Another simple detail that makes the invitation look even more beautiful was the addition of dried flowers in between the stamp and the envelope.
“It’s beautiful,” He flips the envelope to reveal a calligraphy text that reads Nakamoto Yuta. “You’re a creative director indeed, huh.”
She pinches his hand at his jokes, to which Yuta quickly replies with repeated ouches.
“Can I open this?”
She nods, and Yuta carefully opens the envelope to reveal a tea-dyed paper that has floral-details embossed on the corner.
Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you.
And the two shall become one.
[Y/N] and Jaehyun invite you to celebrate their love and wedding.
Yuta remains silent as he continues to read the date and the venue, before finally speaking up.
“Dinner, dance, and drinks to follow, huh?”
She held her breath, clearly unable to predict Yuta’s reaction. “Specifically champagnes. Though, I’m pretty sure Johnny’s going to smuggle some whiskey —don’t ask me how.”
The memory of her, sitting next to him while going on a date seems as clear as a day for Yuta. He remembered how the tip of her ears turned red when he held her hands, receiving her smile at the end.
But she never shines as bright as she is right now. The way the stardust on her eyes sparkled when she talked about her wedding.
As painful as it is for Yuta to let her go, it would be even hurtful if he were to steal that happiness away from her.
“I’ll come.” He puts the invitation back to its envelope.
“You will?!” She shrieked, unable to contain her excitement.
“Whoa, calm down soon-to-be bride.”
“Well, I didn’t expect you would… give me an answer this fast.”
“What? Do you expect me to be an asshole? You know I’m a pretty decisive person.”
“I’m aware on how… awkward this situation is. So I expected a lot worse.”
Yuta scoffed at her remarks, cuts her off before she could continue, “Congratulations, [Y/N]. I’m happy for you.”
Yuta saw how his statement caught her off guard, but her eyes slowly softened gradually. “Thank you Yuta. Really, I’m grateful that it was you.”
Yuta did not ask her to further explain her sentence.
“I’m glad it works out in the end.”
“Ah, thank you.”
Yuta exited from the back seat of his Uber when the valet opened the car door for him. Although Yuta already owns a car in Seoul, he had a hunch that he’s going to drink a lot today and as a responsible adult, he decided to skip driving.
The wedding venue stretches out to the lobby –and Yuta can already tell that the scale of the wedding is quite grand. The hallway was filled with the wedding decorations, in which the couple tries to keep the ethereal theme intact. A large acrylic box filled with green leaves fillers and giant white orchid greets the guest. On that box Yuta could spot gold letterings that spelled Welcome to the Wedding of [Y/N] and Jaehyun on its full glory.
The more steps Yuta takes to walk to the main venue, the more magnificent the decoration is. Toffee-colored roses bloomed beautifully on the hallway, looking marvelous with the giant pampas in between. Yuta gave small nods in approval after looking at the decor –impressed with the florist who worked on this.
Of course, he could see the pictorial pre-wedding photos of the couple. It seems like there are multiple themes for their pre-wedding shoots –from an editorial-like studio photoshoot to something that goes above and beyond like a shoot in the middle of the desert. Who knows how they were able to pull these off, but knowing the person she’s marrying, the answer doesn’t seem so far off.
However, the very photoshoot that made Yuta stop his step was the simplest theme; both of them laughing in the kitchen. Obviously Yuta is aware that there were probably crews behind the scene, asking them to pretend that they’re cooking –or in this case, playing with their food. But for someone who spent a good amount of time loving this very person, he knows best that the smile on her face is genuine. And the way they hug each other was so full of love.
He bitterly smiled, steps getting heavier as he knows the more he entered, the more pain it is going to be for him.
Why did I say yes?
He didn’t rethink much about his own question when he finally arrived at the main venue. The weather was clear as if nature is giving their blessing to the happy couple. The outdoor wedding was breathtaking, especially on the main wedding arch. The venue itself is already spectacular on its own –beautifully nestled on the bank of the river. Another charming point is the fact that the traditional Korean architecture married very well with the skyscrapers across the river. Additionally, it was even more impressive because the guests are able to soak in the spellbinding view of the sunset.
“Good afternoon, sir.” The wedding organizer greets him. “Are you a part of the bride’s or the groom’s guest?”
“The bride.”
She gave him a warm smile as she received the invitation, confirming his reservation. “OK, please take a seat on the left side. It shouldn’t take long before the ceremony started.”
It was an intimate wedding. Though they were a pair of lovebirds before, it was not enough for Yuta to know every single person on her circle. At least, he was unable to find any familiar face. So Yuta assumed people like Doyoung, Hanbyul, and Mingyu are taking the role of bridesmaid and groomsmen.
He took a glance at the groom’s side, where he spotted Donghyuck who’s glued to his phone. Yuta also notices the people from the last party, was it Sicheng and Taeil? He then saw how Taeyong quickly found his seat, and before long the ceremony was starting.
The officiant leads Jaehyun to wait at the altar from the side. Afterwards, Mark made his entrance, as Jaehyun’s only relative. The groomsmen quickly follow after, including Johnny who’s his best man, escorted the bridesmaids down the aisle.
When the flower girl disperses the roses petals and the ring bearer enters, Yuta is unable to focus on anything but the person who is walking right behind them.
She was breathtakingly beautiful.
Her choice of the wedding gown was the classic white off-shoulder silhouette dress. But the Óscar De La Renta gown is anything but mediocre. The floor-length tulle gown was embroidered with organza threaded flowers, and the veil that she wore that was made out of delicate chantilly lace. When he thought the dress couldn’t impress him further, the custom made veil was dazzled with meticulously embroidered rhinestone embellishments.
As the bride makes her entrance, Jaehyun starts to hold his hand together tighter. It is almost too visible for the audience to see how red his hands are. Jaehyun is a man who rarely wears his emotions on his sleeve, but seeing the love of his life walking down the aisle is enough for him to take off his mask. The thought of making her officially his wife causes him to well up.
All eyes were on her, but Yuta was especially unable to stray his eyes away. The way she walks gently to meet her groom at the other end of the aisle, but at the same time holding her bouquet that is dominated with muted blush orchids that are complimented with white roses nervously.
Yuta is able to catch all of that. However the thing that keeps Yuta’s eyes fixed on her is how even with the sheer veil that covers her face, he could still see how incredibly happy she is.
And the one that is able to put on that radiant smile is no other than Jaehyun.
She finally reached where her future husband is. She faces Jaehyun, and he takes a step forward to lift up her veil. Almost instantly, a single stream falls from Jaehyun’s eyes. She was beyond beautiful in his eyes. And although he was crying, he couldn’t help but to grin widely, exposing both of his dimples.
The sweet scene gained collective awes from the audiences. But Yuta took a deep breath instead so that he won’t stop collecting himself. Preventing him to do something that he would regret in future.
“Dear our lovely guests,” The officiant opens the event. “We are gathered here to celebrate love, the unison of our happy couple, [Y/N] and Jaehyun who are about to become Mr. and Mrs. Jeong.”
He proceeds by addressing the couple, and then comes the time where they exchange their vows.
“[Y/N],” Jaehyun opens up his cue card. “You are, without a doubt, my unconditional love.”
Contradicting the smile that she put on her face, her eyes started to tear up. Jaehyun took another deep breath before he continued.
“Today, I love you completely, as I did yesterday and yes, definitely for another seventy years, and even more. I promise I will provide a safe haven for our family, like what you provided to me. I promise to build a home that is filled with joy, learning, and compassion. There’s no need for you to look for me because I will be there for you, always. I will share your dreams, your joys, and I will be the place of comfort in your sorrows. I promise that you are my once in a lifetime love, because I will always find you in every love song, even in deafening weather, on the smallest things, and my dream is still, and will always be you.”
She wished she could hug the person in front of him after he reached the end of his vow, but she was busy tapping the tissue gently so that the tears won’t ruin her hours-long makeup. The officiant gave her a nod, allowing her to proceed with her vow.
There’s a crack in her voice, telling the audience that she’s mustering all of her strength to keep herself calm and collected.
“My everything, I give myself today to you to be your wife. I vow to share the rest of my life with you. To speak nothing but the truth to you in love. I promise that I will never give up on you, to respect you as to how you respected me. Building a home together with you seems like a dream, but my dream, too, is always you. Whether it’s through health, or illness, or when all of our hair turns grey and we get all wrinkly –at the end of my life, even when it has passed seventy years, I hope the person staying next to me is you.”
At her vow, Jaehyun repeatedly uses his thumb and index finger to wipe his own tears. He pressed his lips together, and even from far away it is visible that he was doing his best to hold his tears. Crying not out of sadness, but under immeasurable happiness.
After they exchange their rings, the couple look at each other once more. Completely on their own space. Speaking in a language that no other person in the audience could understand, before the officiant pulls them back.
“You may now have your first kiss!”
At the sign, Jaeyun pulls her to his embrace and gently kisses his now-wife. As if they’ve dreamed of this moment to live, they closed their eyes to soak in all the raw emotions they’ve felt for each other. They only realize that the time didn’t stop when the audiences are cheering for the happy couple.
And that is all Yuta needs to confirm his feelings.
Like everything that he’s been holding on, burst open like a bubble. There were no longer lingering feelings. No longer sign of remorse. Everything just made sense. So while people who sat nearby clapped and cheered, Yuta quietly wiped his own tears.
The scenery of the brilliant sunset is quickly replaced by the dim lights from the string lights that drape above the venue. While they provided tables for the guest to eat, all of them are currently holding drinks while enjoying the dance floor. 
Yuta, on the other hand, decided to step away from the crowd. Distancing himself so that he can have a moment of peace for a second, but just enough for him to see how the happy couple shares their happiness with their friends and family.
“Enjoying the night breeze, sir?”
Yuta was not expecting someone to come see him. After all, the crowd that is acquainted with him is quite minimal in this party.
“Ah, you are–”
“Oh, how rude of me,” She uses her free hand to cover her mouth, before offering it to Yuta. “Hi, I’m __.”
“Yes, the florist. Are you the groom’s guest?” Yuta assumed since Mark is working for her.
She quickly shook her head. “Actually I’m here because I’m in charge of the floral decoration.”
Yuta’s eyes widened. “You did all of these? They’re amazing!”
She smiles shyly. “I’m glad all of the efforts didn’t go in vain. At least, I’m glad to know that you like it.”
“The couple is impressed, too, I bet.”
She nods her head. Yuta took another sip of his champagne before prolonging the pregnant pause.
“Are you OK?”
Yuta cocked his head, asking her to elaborate her question.
“I didn’t mean to pry, but I saw the way you look at them during the ceremony and… you cried.”
He didn’t think that anybody would notice. Yuta does not have that much significance as part of the guest. He is not Johnny, being the groom’s best friend, nor Doyoung. He is simply the bride’s ex-lover, and they invited him probably out of guilt and a way of saying their gratitude.
He also didn’t expect a woman would be as equally direct as him while keeping her eloquent speech.
“Well,” He twirls his glass of champagne. “Are you free? Or do you have any other responsibilities after this?”
“Oh, usually I leave after I finish. Usually the W.O. would have their own cleaning team, and I leave the couple to decide what they would do with the flowers. Mark insisted me to enjoy the party, but it’s quite difficult to enjoy the party if I don’t know anyone. You’re a regular in our shop, so out of hope that I have sheer luck, you don’t mind that I approached you first.”
A coy smile appears on Yuta’s face. “Actually,”
He then took a glance at where the main event was. Looking directly on how Johnny forces Jaehyun to drink directly from the bottle, and the way his legs sways left and right before he falls to his wife’s arm. A happy, but drunk chap.
“I happen to know one of the groomsmen. They clearly oversupply their alcohol, let me steal a bottle or two. Would you care to accompany me for a drink?”
Yuta saw how bewildered she is, and unconsciously laughed at her expression. “I guess the tie is not for me, it suffocating. Also, you don’t need to worry about me being drunk-driving, I can also ask an Uber from the groomsmen.”
Yuta could see she nervously looking sideways, probably not sure how to react to Yuta’s invitation.
“There’s no hidden agenda, really. Odd, isn’t it? You are a stranger, yet I feel the most comfortable talking to you. Probably because you are a stranger, I got nothing to lose by telling you anything. You don’t have any prior judgment about me anyway.”
She remained silent, eyes still fixed on Yuta. Silence consumed them, and the only sound that could be heard was the distant laughters from the dance floor.
“Well, I’m not forcing you or anything.” Yuta decided to break the silence away. “But I thought of drinking my woe away, and it would be a pretty sad scene, don’t you think? To drink alone on such a happy day?”
She finally lets down her guard, smiling at him. “My car is not fancy, but I can definitely drive well.”
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A/N: They’re finally a married couple :’) One more chapter to go before the series come to an end!
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2020 Contemporary Romances: a reading list
Love Your Life by Sophie Kinsella
Call Ava romantic, but she thinks love should be found in the real world, not on apps that filter men by height, job, or astrological sign. She believes in feelings, not algorithms. So after a recent breakup and dating app debacle, she decides to put love on hold and escapes to a remote writers' retreat in coastal Italy. She's determined to finish writing the novel she's been fantasizing about, even though it means leaving her close-knit group of friends and her precious dog, Harold, behind. At the retreat, she's not allowed to use her real name or reveal any personal information. When the neighboring martial arts retreat is canceled and a few of its attendees join their small writing community, Ava, now going by "Aria," meets "Dutch," a man who seems too good to be true. The two embark on a baggage-free, whirlwind love affair, cliff-jumping into gem-colored Mediterranean waters and exploring the splendor of the Italian coast. Things seem to be perfect for Aria and Dutch. But then their real identities--Ava and Matt--must return to London. As their fantasy starts to fade, they discover just how different their personal worlds are. From food choices to annoying habits to sauna etiquette . . . are they compatible in anything? And then there's the prickly situation with Matt's ex-girlfriend, who isn't too eager to let him go. As one mishap follows another, it seems while they love each other, they just can't love each other's lives. Can they reconcile their differences to find one life together?
The Business of Lovers by Eric Jerome Dickey
Unlike their younger brother, Andre, whose star as a comedian is rising, neither Dwayne nor Brick Duquesne is having luck with his career--and they're unluckier still in love. Former child star Dwayne has just been fired from his latest acting role and barely has enough money to get by after paying child support to his spiteful former lover, while Brick struggles to return to his uninspiring white-collar job after suffering the dual blows of a health emergency and a nasty breakup with the woman he still loves. Neither brother is looking to get entangled with a woman anytime soon, but love--and lust--has a way of twisting the best-laid plans. When Dwayne tries to reconnect with his teenage son, he finds himself fighting to separate his animosity from his attraction for his son's mother, Frenchie. And Brick's latest source of income--chauffeur and bodyguard to three smart, independent women temporarily working as escorts in order to get back on their feet--opens a world of possibility in both love and money. Penny, Christiana, and Mocha Latte know plenty of female johns who would pay top dollar for a few hours with a man like Brick... if he can let go of his past, embrace his unconventional new family, and allow strangers to become lovers. Eric Jerome Dickey paints a powerful portrait of the family we have, the families we create, and every sexy moment in between.
Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade
Marcus Caster-Rupp has a secret. While the world knows him as Aeneas, the star of the biggest show on TV, Gods of the Gates, he's known to fanfiction readers as Book!AeneasWouldNever, an anonymous and popular poster.  Marcus is able to get out his own frustrations with his character through his stories, especially the ones that feature the internet’s favorite couple to ship, Aeneas and Lavinia. But if anyone ever found out about his online persona, he’d be fired. Immediately. April Whittier has secrets of her own. A hardcore Lavinia fan, she’s hidden her fanfiction and cosplay hobby from her “real life” for years—but not anymore. When she decides to post her latest Lavinia creation on Twitter, her photo goes viral. Trolls and supporters alike are commenting on her plus-size take, but when Marcus, one half of her OTP, sees her pic and asks her out on a date to spite her critics, she realizes life is really stranger than fanfiction. Even though their first date is a disaster, Marcus quickly realizes that he wants much more from April than a one-time publicity stunt. And when he discovers she’s actually Unapologetic Lavinia Stan, his closest fandom friend, he has one more huge secret to hide from her. With love and Marcus’s career on the line, can the two of them stop hiding once and for all, or will a match made in fandom end up prematurely cancelled?
No Offense by Meg Cabot
A broken engagement only gave Molly Montgomery additional incentive to follow her dream job from the Colorado Rockies to the Florida Keys. Now, as Little Bridge Island Public Library’s head of children’s services, Molly hopes the messiest thing in her life will be her sticky-note covered desk. But fate—in the form of a newborn left in the restroom—has other ideas. So does the sheriff who comes to investigate the “abandonment”. The man’s arrogance is almost as distracting as his blue eyes. Almost… Recently divorced, John has been having trouble adjusting to single life as well as single parenthood. But something in Molly’s beautiful smile gives John hope that his old life on Little Bridge might suddenly hold new promise—if only they can get over their differences.
Tweet Cute by Emma Lord
Meet Pepper, swim team captain, chronic overachiever, and all-around perfectionist. Her family may be falling apart, but their massive fast-food chain is booming ― mainly thanks to Pepper, who is barely managing to juggle real life while secretly running Big League Burger’s massive Twitter account. Enter Jack, class clown and constant thorn in Pepper’s side. When he isn’t trying to duck out of his obscenely popular twin’s shadow, he’s busy working in his family’s deli. His relationship with the business that holds his future might be love/hate, but when Big League Burger steals his grandma’s iconic grilled cheese recipe, he’ll do whatever it takes to take them down, one tweet at a time. All’s fair in love and cheese ― that is, until Pepper and Jack’s spat turns into a viral Twitter war. Little do they know, while they’re publicly duking it out with snarky memes and retweet battles, they’re also falling for each other in real life ― on an anonymous chat app Jack built. As their relationship deepens and their online shenanigans escalate ― people on the internet are shipping them?? ― their battle gets more and more personal, until even these two rivals can’t ignore they were destined for the most unexpected, awkward, all-the-feels romance that neither of them expected.
Just Like You by Nick Hornby
Lucy used to handle her adult romantic life according to the script she'd been handed. She met a guy just like herself: same age, same background, same hopes and dreams; they got married and started a family. Too bad he made her miserable. Now, two decades later, she's a nearly-divorced, forty-one-year-old schoolteacher with two school-aged sons, and there is no script anymore. So when she meets Joseph, she isn't exactly looking for love--she's more in the market for a babysitter. Joseph is twenty-two, living at home with his mother, and working several jobs, including the butcher counter where he and Lucy meet. It's not a match anyone one could have predicted. He's of a different class, a different culture, and a different generation. But sometimes it turns out that the person who can make you happiest is the one you least expect, though it can take some maneuvering to see it through.
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plutosychic · 5 years
Important information to take into consideration before purchasing:
I usually deliver my readings up until two weeks, depending on my energy. I will let you know how I feel when you buy the reading and give you an estimated time of when you will receive it. If, for some reason, I’m not able to give you your reading on the day/week I told you, I will try to let you know as soon as possible.
I usually deliver the readings through email, tumblr private messages, pdf or voice record. It depends on the reading you purchase and on what will be easier and more practical for me to do.
I will ask you after your reading for you to leave me feedback/review on my tumblr inbox or make a post on your blog about it.
You can check some of my reviews on here. If you are on mobile, the link might not work, so just type “reading reviews” on my blog search engine.
Please, only send me the money after I accept doing your reading as refunding makes me lose money in transaction fees.
There are no refunds after getting your reading done, regardless of you liking it or not. The only time I refund is when I am not able to do your reading due to something and upon mutual agreement. If I am already in the process of doing your reading and you try to cancel it, you won’t get a refund. I demand payment first.
Payment is only accepted through paypal. The price is in euros, however paypal lets you convert your money while paying.
Some of these readings listed below will be done through tarot, pendulum, intuition, channeling or channeling through astral projection. I usually connect with your higher self, but, in some cases, I connect with your spiritual guides. If you have any preference over the deity you want me to. I only refuse to connect with lower entities such as demons and with fairies (nothing against them or people who work with them). I accept any deity from any pantheon, however the ones I easily connect to are the greek, the nordic and the egyptian ones. If, for some reason, I am not able connect with a certain guide or deity, I will let you know.
In order to connect with your energy, I will need:
Name or initials
Zodiac sign (if you could give me your moon, rising and dominant signs too, that would be great and preferred)
Any other information you want
Backstory can be helpful as it gives context to what I’m feeling, but it is not needed at all.
Keep in mind that this is for entertainment purposes and can be served as a tool for self-awareness and self-understanding. Therefore, I do not take responsibility for any inaccuracity or any decision made based on the readings.
Sometimes the energy is shifted or too complex, so try to apply my interpretations as much as possible into your situation. Readings are based on current energies, you can alter the course of action with a simple thought if you do not like the reading. The outcome can be changed by you.
If you cannot purchase my readings, I would still be thankful if you could, at least, support me by reblogging this post.
these are the reading options you should choose if none of the ones below match any of your questions.
Yes/No Question #1: 1€
Simple yes/no question using a pendulum.
Yes/No Question #2: 2.50€
This is for yes/no questions using tarot cards. You will always get a bit more of information than a simple yes/no answer.
Yes/No Packages:
5 yes/no pendulum questions: 3€ (save 2€)
5 yes/no tarot card questions: 7.50€ (save 5€)
10 yes/no pendulum questions: 7€ (save 3€)
10 yes/no tarot card questions: 15€ (save 10€)
Important to note: maybe’s and likely’s can still pop out in both of these options. In thoses cases, I will explain what I feel that likely/maybe/unlikely answer means for free.
Option Readings: TBD (contact me)
Questions for the tarot cards that involve options might be more expensive than the yes/no ones depending on the topic and on how many options there is. For pendulum readings, the price is stays 1€, unless there are more than two options. Three options with a pendulum would be 2€.
how/why questions: 5€
this can be used for things like “how does my future like house look like”, for example, or “why is X ignoring me”.
when questions: 1.50€
the “one, two, three cards” options below are for general messages/advice only. Basically a “what you need to hear right now type of thing. Even with only one card, it will be detailed.
One Card: 3€
Two Cards: 5€ 
Three Cards: 7€  
Four Cards: 10€ 
Five Cards: 12.50€
Clair Reading: 5€
I will tell you what I see (this could range from advice to future prediction or the current situation) based on the sensations/sounds/visions/information I get. Many times this is a bit abstract, so take your time to decipher the reading.
Past/Present/Future: 5€
Name Game: 2.50€ (OPEN)
Not really a psychic reading, but my intuition always pops out. It is more of an entertainment/fun thing to get. You basically send me your name and I will tell you what your name reminds me of/makes me see/feel.
Many of these readings work for any type of love: familiar, romantic, sexual, platonic, etc.
Current Relationship: 30€ (CLOSED)
This will be a reading on your current relationship. It will help you understand the energies surrounding it, what might be coming into the future, how they feel for you, advice and any other type of information that I might get. This reading is extremely detailed and in depth. This can also be used to answer any specific question you might have,
Love Advice: 15€
This will give you advice on your love life and on how to improve it, heal it. This is extremely detailed and is really good if you are looking for me to channel a specific deity.
Ex Back: 15€
This will help you finding out in detail if you and our ex will come back, if the relationship has salvation, what might have caused this, the energy around it and whether or not it is better for you to move on.
Love Future: 25€
This is an extremely detailed future prediction on your love life that also comes with advice on what to do and how to improve this outcome.
Relationship Improvement: 15€
This is an extremely detailed reading on how you should and could improve your relationship. It helps you understand your partner better, their desires, needs and what they do not want to tell you.
Love Blocks: 15€
This will help you localize your blockages in life, such as what is keeping you way from finding your next partner, what might be ruining your relationship, between many others. This is great for self and relationship healing, as well as shadow work.
Future Partner: 30€
This is a long detailed reading on your future partner’s personality, hobbies, jobs, on the relationship between you two and on their physical appearance. I will also try to get their sun, moon and rising signs and possibly initials. Any additional zodiac placements and questions (such as race, for example) will each add a value of 1.50€ to the reading.
Future Husband/Wife: 30€
This is a long detailed reading on your future husband’s/wife personality, hobbies, jobs, on the relationship between you two and on their physical appearance. I will also try to get their sun, moon and rising signs and possibly initials. Any additional zodiac placements and questions (such as race, for example) will each add a value of 1.50€ to the reading.
My Soulmate: 30€
This is a long detailed reading on one of your soulmate’s, hobbies, jobs, on the relationship between you two and on their physical appearance. I will also try to get their sun, moon and rising signs and possibly initials. Any additional zodiac placements and questions (such as race, for example) will each add a value of 1.50€ to the reading.
You can choose what type of soulmate you want: platonic, past life, karmic, romantic, healing, etc.
My Twin Flame: 30€
This is a long detailed reading on your twinflame’s, hobbies, jobs, on the relationship between you two and on their physical appearance. I will also try to get their sun, moon and rising signs and possibly initials. Any additional zodiac placements and questions (such as race, for example) will each add a value of 1.50€ to the reading.
My Children Reading: 30€
I will do a detailed reading on your future (or current yet young) children. This will tell you how many kids you will have, their personalities, physical appearance, talents/hobbies/future careers and sun, moon and rising signs. Any addititional placements or questions  will each add a value of 1.50€ to the reading.
Love Finder Reading: 30€
This will help you in your journey to find love. It will help you localize what is blocking you from love and will help you tell you when you will be in your next relationship and some details about this partner.
Heartbreak Reading: 20€ (CLOSED)
This is a reading that will help you healing your broken heart and understand why it happened from a spiritual point of view, what you can do with it and how to move on.
Their Feelings Reading: 8.50€
This will help you find out their true feelings and intention towards you.
Your Feelings Reading: 5€
This helps you understand your feelings towards somebody else you might be confused about.
Lover In Love Reading: 12.50€
A reading that will talk about how you are in love and about your behaviour, giving you advice on how to be the best lover you could potentially be.
Relationship Dreaming Reading: 6.50€
This will help you see how a relationship with a certain person would be.
Their Astrological Placements Readings:
You can choose one person of your choosing. It could be a future sibling, lover, twinflame, soulmate, child, etc. I would also be willing to do this on your animals/pets.
sun, moon, rising: 5€
sun, moon, rising, mercury, venus and mars: 8€
sun, moon, rising, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto and midheaven sign: 12.50€
sun, moon, rising, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto and midheaven sign; dominant signs and planets: 15€
sun, moon, rising, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto and midheaven sign; dominant signs and planets; houses of each placement and any 3 asteroids you desire: 25€ (CLOSED)
Their Appearance: 5€
This will tell you the physical appearance of your desired person: future partner/husband/wife, twinflame/soulmate, future kids, etc.
Their Career: 5€
This will tell you the career of your desired person: future partner/husband/wife, twinflame/soulmate, future kids, etc.
Their Personality: 5€
This will tell you the personality of your desired person: future partner/husband/wife, twinflame/soulmate, future kids, etc.
Self-Love Reading: 10€
This reading will give you tips on how to improve your self-love/worth/confidence, etc.
Inner Sensual Goddess/God: 15€ (CLOSED)
Reading that helps you get more in touch with your sexuality, seduction abilities, become more attractive vibe/personality wise, be more confident and have self-love.
These readings can also be adapted to school/university themes.
Current Job/Career: 30€ (CLOSED)
This will be a reading on your current career/job. This will give you advice on your love life and on how to improve it, heal it. This is extremely detailed and is really good if you are looking for me to channel a specific deity. how your boss/colleagues feel about you, advice and any other type of information that I might get. This reading is extremely detailed and in depth. This can also be used to answer any specific question you might have.
Current Finances: 30€ (CLOSED)
This will be a reading on your current relationship with money, advice on how to handle it and spend it better, tell you what your money blocks are and ways to heal/fix it.
Career/Finance Advice: 15€ (CLOSED)
This will give you advice on your career/finances and on how to improve it. This is extremely detailed.
Leave or Stay: 5€
A spread that helps you decide whether to stay or not in your current career/job/university.
Career/Studying Boost: 6.50€
A reading that will give you advice on how to boost your performance.
Money Boost: 6.50€
This gives you advice on how to attract more money and abundance into your life.
Career Choice: TBD
This will help you decide which career/degree is best for you. The price will depend on how many careers/jobs you are torn between.
Future Career: 5€
A prediction of your future career(s).
Follow The Dream: 10€ (CLOSED)
Will help you manifest your desired career and will localize your blockages with advice on how to get rid of them.
Spiritual Readings
Past lives have a category of their own.
Spiritual Advice: 10€ (CLOSED)
This will give you detailed advice on your spiritual journey and give you a look into your blockages and how to get rid of them. Great if you want to contact a specific deity.
Spiritual Blockages: 5€
This will help you localize blockages and get rid of them just like the Spiritual Advice, but a bit less detailed. Great if you want to contact a specific deity.
Body/Mind/Soul: 5€
This will tell you how/what your body, soul and mind feel/need the most at the moment.
Strengths/Flaws: 6.50€
This will highlight your strengths and your flaws. Great for shadow working. If you only want strengths or flaws, and not both, that would be 3.50€.
Law of Attraction Reading: 25€
This reading will talk about your relationship with what you are trying to manifest, how your manifestation progress is going, what is holding you back/blockages and advice on how to heal from that. It will also have some tips like methods to manifest or guidance on how to use subliminals, if you use them.
Law of Attraction Reading #2: 15€
This is cheaper version of my first LOA reading that will talk about your blockages, what is holding you back and how the progress is doing.
Life Purpose: 10€
I will tell you what your life purpose is. Your life purpose is the purpose why you incarnated this life on earth and what you are meant to achieve.
Soul Purpose: 10€
This is what your soul wants to learn and take from all your incarnations.
Psychic Abilities: 15€
This will give you advice on how to develop your abilities and localize your blockages. I will also tell you which abilities have more potential to be developed.
Psychic Abilities #2: 5€
I will tell you which abilities you have more potential to develop.
Higher Self Reading: 15€ (CLOSED)
I will connect to your higher self and tell you their characteristics, energy and any messages they have for you.
Spirit Guide Reading: 15€ (CLOSED)
I will connect to your most prominent spirit guide (up to the 2 more prominent ones) and tell you their characteristics, energy and any messages they have for you.
Messages from Angels/Deities/Spirit Guides/Higher Self/Other: 15€
I will try to connect with any entity of your choice (please read the Information in the beginning as it underlines my rules and conditions about this) and deliver any messages to you. You can also ask 5 specific questions.
Aura Reading: 5€
I cannot always see colors, but I am able to feel them around you and give you a reading about the energy that is around you and the characteristics you are embodying right now. I usually am able to sense/see multiple layers of your aura, from the permanent layers to the temporary ones.
Animal Guide Reading: 5€
Animal guides are animals whose energy you could learn from or that you embody. This will tell you what animal guide(s) are in your life at the moment.
This is commonly known as “spirit animal” but this term is considered cultural appropriation and, because of that, I choose to not claim it and use another term that I think is more respectful to other closed practices.
Chakra Reading: 5€
This will tell you what chakras you need to work on.
Angel Number: 5€
I will channel an angel number for you that will serve as an important message that you need to hear right now.
Crystal Readings: 5€
This will tell you what crystal matches your energy the most at the moment or the one who you would benefit from the most. It brings a description of the crystal properties.
Number of lives you had: 5€
Countries you lived/were born in in past lives: 10€
Origin of your soul: 7.50€ (CLOSED)
Our soul origins might come different planets (which we usually call starseed), it might have an earth origin, a fae or elven origin, between many others.
Types of past lives you had: 8.50€ (CLOSED)
If you had multiple earth past lives or many past lives as other beings.
Past life story (simple, overall, 10-30 lines): 15€ (CLOSED)
This will be a random past life that is the most important for you as of now or a past life of your choosing (there is a possibility I might not be able to see the past life you choose).
Past life story (detailed, from childhood to death and all life areas, unlimited lines): 45€ (CLOSED)
This will be a random past life that is the most important for you as of now or a past life of your choosing (there is a possibility I might not be able to see the past life you choose).
Past life love life: 20€
this will tell you your love stories from only one life that is affecting you now. This is going to be as detailed as the 45€ past life story.
Past lives’ love life: 35€ (CLOSED)
This will tell you many love stories and hardships from many past lives that are affecting you and/or your relationship now. This will help you learn what love karma you might have now with the chance of getting to know if the current person you are with was part of any past life. This is ideal for shadow working and to recognize negative unhealthy patterns in your love life. Will come with intuitive advice.
Past life’s career story: 20€
this will tell you your career stories from only one life that is affecting you the most now. This is going to be as detailed as the 45€ past life story but for career only. This is ideal to understand the problems you might have manifesting/gaining money and will help you understand past life blockages regarding to it. If you did not have a job in your past life (for being homeless, a woman, etc) this will talk about how not having a job affected you and will highlight other people’s jobs (like husband’s, father’s, etc.) and how they influenced you.
Past lives’ career life: 35€ (CLOSED)
This will tell you many career stories and hardships from many past lives that are affecting you and/or your finances/career now. This will help you learn what money/career karma you might have now with the chance of getting to know. This is ideal for shadow working and to recognize negative unhealthy patterns in your career life/relationship with money and will help you increase chances of manifesting it in the future. Will come with intuitive advice.
Past life’s spiritual/religious life: 20€
this will tell you your spiritual/religious life from only one life that is affecting you the most now. This is going to be as detailed as the 50€ past life story but for this area only. This is ideal to understand any effect your past life’s beliefs have on your faith in this life and any blokages relating to it.
Past lives’ spiritual/religious life: 35€ (CLOSED)
This will tell you many spiritual beliefs and multiple past lives that are affecting you. This is ideal for shadow working and to recognize negative unhealthy patterns in your subconscious patterns. Will come with intuitive advice.
Past life’s family (simple, around 20-25 lines): 20€ (CLOSED)
This will tell you how your past life’s family was (the one affecting you the most right now). You will know how many kids you had (if any), if you got married and more about your parents/grandparents and how the general relationship was with them.
Past life’s family (detailed, unlimited number of lines): 35€ (CLOSED)
This will tell you about your past life’s family. You will know how many kids you had, their appearance and personality and the relationship you had with them. You will know if you got married, how your partner was personality and appearance wise and the relationship between you two. You will also get to know the same thing about your parents, grandparents, cousins and aunts/uncles.
Past life children: 7.50€
I will tell you how many children you had in a past life of your choosing with the chance of telling you if they are incarnated or not with you in this life.
Past lives’ children: 15€ (CLOSED)
I will tell you how many children you had in multiple different lives and will tell you if they are incarnated or not with you in this life.
Past life’s childhood: 15€
It will help you find out about your past life’s childhood and any traumas that might have come with it and the relationship with your family. This can help you understand yourself and is great for shadow working.
Past lives’ childhood: 35€ (CLOSED)
It will help you find out about multiple past lives’ childhood and any traumas that might have come with it and the relationship with your family. This can help you understand yourself and is great for shadow working.
Past life names: 15€ (CLOSED)
I will try to get past lives’ names (yours, relatives, friends or lovers) or, at least initials. This is for all of your past lives, not only one. (The price is high because getting names and initials take a lot of energy from me)
Past life centuries/years: 10€
I will tell you the eras and years you lived in. I might only be able to get a general era for some of your lives, but I will try to give you the most detailed answers possible.
Past life lessons/karma: $15
I will tell you the lessons you learned/were trying to learn in that and if there are any lessons or karma that you are still carrying into this day. You can choose a determined area of life or even about a relationship between you and somebody else if you wish.
Past life zodiac signs
this will only be for one life as I don’t want to mix up placements between lives by accident. I can also do this for any of your past lives’ partner.
sun, moon, rising: 5€
sun, moon, rising, mercury, venus and mars: 8€
sun, moon, rising, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto and midheaven sign: 12.50€
sun, moon, rising, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto and midheaven sign; dominant signs and planets: 15€
sun, moon, rising, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto and midheaven sign; dominant signs and planets; houses of each placement and any 3 asteroids you desire: 25€ (CLOSED)
Current life partners + Past life ones: 15€
I will tell you if the current person you are with was part of a past life, if you are incarnated with any of your past life partners or if you will meet any of them. I will also tell you if you met your twinflame or soulmates in a past life.
Fantasy Readings
Mermaid Reading: 5€
I will tell how you would be as a mermaid/what type of mermaid you would be. This is for fun, so be aware of that when purchasing.
Vampire Reading: 5€
I will tell how you would be as a vampire. This is for fun, so be aware of that when purchasing.
Nymph Reading: 5€
I will tell how you would be as a vampire. This is for fun, so be aware of that when purchasing.
Amazon Reading: 5€
I will tell how you would be as an amazon. This is for fun, so be aware of that when purchasing.
Hero Reading: 5€
I will tell how you would be as a hero. Costume, motivations and powers included. This is for fun, so be aware of that when purchasing.
Villain Reading: 5€
I will tell how you would be as a villain. Costume, powers and motivations included. This is for fun, so be aware of that when purchasing.
Warrior Reading: 5€
I will describe the type of warrior you are. 
Weapon Reading: 5€
I will describe a weapon that would fit in with your personality and higher self. This is for fun, so be aware of that when purchasing.
Bundles (closed except for pendulum bundles)
Bundles might take a couple days more to be delivered.
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Fate is written in heaven, they say. But is there a process to alter the bad that may have emerged upon you? Or change how everything is moving? Yes, there is! With the services of Pandit Ji, you can get help easily.
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If there are any difficulties like leaving your partner after a divorce, remarriage, love marriage, etc. then consult our Get Your Ex Back in Philadelphia Pandit Ji. He will help you to get back your lost lover with his love spells service. Get predictions from our Famous Indian Astrologer in Philadelphia.
Black Magic Removal Services in Philadelphia
Pandit Ji is also a specialist in Black Magic spells. People from distinct religions and from different countries ask him for voodoo spells removal. Black magic is considered negative energy and is very harmful to a person's life growth. This can be nullified only by expert Black Magic Removal Specialist in Philadelphia Pandit Ji.
Love Spells and Vashikaran Specialist in Philadelphia
Your quest for your true love may have been long but after meeting love spells and vashikaran specialist Pandit Ji. You saw an outstanding change in your love life, so you don't have to wait any longer to meet him. Talking with Pandit Ji can be a game-changer for all aspects of your life. The sooner you come in contact with him, the faster you experience such positive changes in your love life with the help of his Vashikaran Mantra.
Pandit Ji is also an expert in performing rituals and Pujas of famous Hindu Deities like Jai Hanuman Puja, Lakshmi Maa Puja, Kali Maa Puja and much more following the correct mantras and rituals. Your problems await the solutions by our Famous Indian Astrologer in Philadelphia.
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lovespellstips · 4 years
Free Black Magic Spell Caster in New Jersey By World Famous Astrologer | +1 401-721-4381
Black Magic Spell Caster in New Jersey
Genuine and powerful Black magic spell caster in New Jersey gives you the mantras for instant relief from black magic symptoms. So if you already affected by dark powers, or someone is trying to perform Black magic voodoo curse spells on you, then Best Black magic spell caster in New Jersey, USA is here to help you.
In reality voodoo revenge spell is performed under of Voodoo curse black magic spell caster by which you can control the mind of any individual. Besides, without the assistance of a black magic spell caster specialist, you are unable to perform and remove the dark black magic spells.
A purpose of behind using the voodoo curse spells can be animosity between two people. This art is mostly used with astrological way and also can be used frequently by experts. Our Online black magic spell caster in New Jersey has spent many years in mastering the correct methods to offer better outcome.
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How Does Black Magic Spell Caster in New Jersey Work?
You never know how powerful the black magic could be when you are getting it from amaven astrologer. It is a powerful craft to work successful in all part of the life. One must act wisely while cast the spell. These days, people become interested in Free black magic spell caster in New Jersey. Most of the people, these days, are suffering from a lot of troubles. They need a quick help. Black magic spell caster specialist can solve most of their problems. Let’s discuss the dark superpower of Voodoo curse spells.It has all possible answers to the common problems and the hard obstacles of life. Also, you have to aware of its dangerous affinity while practising without specialists.
How To Remove Troublesome Life With Black Magic?
The fact is-black magic and voodoo has upmost power to bend people’s life to the most impossible way. The dreamy life comes true with it. However, malpractices are there in the society. People use voodoo out of jealousy. They make it a weapon to fulfill selfish purposes.Thus, they make silly mistakes that affect for a lifetime. A wrong performance in black magic may become an unavoidable dangerous result. Each spell and mantras have specific meaning and power. So, a single misspell can bring a big change. You can even use black magic spells for kill enemy. Yes!! You read it correctly. Also, it has the power to change your life top to bottom. Well, specialists always want to use their power to enrich people’s lives.
So, they always try to bring positivist and happiness with the practice. So, you have to make the right selection.A lot of black magic are there using in different purposes. Only the specialists know it’s after-effects. They always suggest using these spells to do good for human welfare. A lot of issues can be resolved with the help of mysticism. Black magic spells for love back is a common try in the USA. Yes, it is acknowledged by several people that voodoo brings back their happy and healthy conjugal life.
Online Black magic spell caster in New Jersey is effective for the unemployed to get job. The unfortunate students get good marks for black magic. These are useful to get rid of troublesome life.
What People Say About Powerful Black Magic Spells Caster?
No word can be more believable without its proven facts, isn’t it? What do people say about the results of the powerful black magic spells caster? This is one frequently asked question about the black magic.
In New Jersey, hundreds of couple get back their happy married life. Many married women admit that they get their husband back from the extramarital affairs. All the dark shadows of their conjugal life disappear with the help of these magical spells. The black magic spell caster in New Jersey is so powerful. You can abolish your enemy completely with it. Many corporate users of this system admit it.
Are you excited to have a great life overnight? Get connected with the best Black Magic Spell Caster in New Jersey to get the optimal result.
Our Services
•             Spiritual Healer
•             Kala Jadu
•             Ex Love Back
•             Kundli Matching
•             Vashikaran Removal
•             Get Your Ex Love back
•             Stop Separations
•             Negative Energy Removal
•             Lucky Gemstones
•             Financial Problem
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yogiastrology · 5 years
Best Astrologer in Pune | Jyotish in Hadapsar Pune
Yogi Astrology is a reputed Service Provider of Tarot Cards Reading, Crystal Therapy, Meditation, Handwriting Analysis, Dealing with Fear and Phobias, etc. Our Services will help you to improve positivity, peace, harmony, health, prosperity, and vitality in our lives. We are famous Jyotish in Hadapsar Pune location and we also provide services all over world.
Our Best Astrologer in Pune astrologer Yogi JI has more than 15 years of experience in astrology and horoscope reading. He tells the most accurate astrology predictions. Yogi JI gave almost all accurate and quick solutions for all types of problems. So, if you face any type of problem please contact him to free from your obstacle life. And don’t worry, your details will be secretly maintained. The main advantage of our Yogi JI is truthful and best Astrologer in Pune, who is very prominent for his customers.
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Many kind of issues looked because of some jealousy on some different people. Because of this jealousy on other individuals think to attempt this sort of damage procedure called Black Magic. This will hurt individuals more and they can't take care of their issues soon. Along these lines, the Black Magic Removal technique which should be possible by our No.1 Black Magic Removal Specialist best Astrologer in Pune Yogi JI, who can escape this issue right away.
A man can know their future by this Psychic Reading method most accurately. Our Yogi JI is the Famous Psychic Reading specialist best Astrologer in Pune who gave best readings for his followers. He will solve and correct all your issues which you are going to face in future. If you believe him completely you can eradicate your love issues also.
Love can solve your issues at the same time it can create new problems also. It is the type of sweet torture that everyone come across this torture. Our Yogi JI is Get your Ex Love Back Specialist best Astrologer in Pune who will get your ex back to you soon. He suggests some mantras to spell to get your ex love back.
We all know that astrology has a lot of effects on our body, mind and character and that is why we are here to talk about our astrologer in Pune. The happenings in our life depend exactly upon the movements made by them in the galaxy. Well, let’s face the fact that our lives are bound by some supernatural creatures and we have to deal with them, that is why we are here to present you with our astrologer in Pune.
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astroramraj-blog · 5 years
Love Psychic Reading Astrologer in Toronto
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Astrology is the science of the effects of the planets movements on our lives and all things. Astrology is based on astronomy in that astrologers need to know the correct positions of the planets at any given time, as well as the correct positions of the zodiacal fixed star signs in relation to any place on earth at any given time. Vedic Astrologer Saiguruji provides free astrology portal where you can make unlimited kundlies . All are absolutely free!
Astrologer Ram Raj is one of the most famous astrologers in Toronto, Canada. He uses his scientific methodology to make predictions about one’s future which indicates 100% accurate readings and genuine calculations. Anyone can get the answers of their problems through Vedic astrology from our top rated astrologer in Canada.
With years of experience and the knowledge he possess, Astrologer Ram Raj has been able to help people in living a happy & prosperous life. He provides best Vedic astrology consultation to people of all ages (including both men and women).
Love is a strongest human feelings and it is very gorgeous part of life. And love spell is a method specifically created to attract love or individual. Love spells is provide a magical saturated power to remove the trouble and tribulation to the loving relationship. This love spell give the solution of all love related issues like love Relationship worries, Get love back problem, Love marriage problems. You can banishing every one difficulty from to your love relationship by using this spells. Our Astrologer Ram Raj is offers these all services for eliminating your worries. If any type of disputes occur in your love affair than quickly meet with Astrologer Ram Raj and take solution of all complication. Love spell is a procedure which you necessity to be invested in with your physique, sanity, and spirit. This is the best path for you to obtain outcome from any love troubles. If any strife coming your love connection then you met Astrologer Ram Raj and receives the outstanding Solutions of every love worries. He provides you lot of love spells for overcome your love affair difficulties.
Missteps are the piece of life. It is a human propensity that without doing anything incorrectly, he can't get the key of accomplishment. A human is constantly learned through missteps. In any case, here and there it takes all our vital needs. A spouse wife connection is delicate; a little wrong choice can break it. To get wed is an extremely basic undertaking however to keep up it is very troublesome. Individuals who are experienced this issue need to get a spouse wife issue arrangement with the assistance of Astrology: Astrologer Ram Raj
Get Your EX Love Back Consultation
Family hindrances for accepting love marriage
Inter-caste marriage
Financial differences
Lack of trust
If you are facing any such problem, contact Astrologer Ramraj , the famous black magic expert in Toronto,Canada. Get in Touch:
Call me : +1-437-218-5474
For more links:
World Famous Indian Astrologer in Toronto | Astrology Center in Toronto | Psychic Reader in Toronto
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