#Negative Energy Removal Services
astrologerpavan · 7 months
Exploring the Horoscope Reader and Negative Energy Removal in Perth
During a session with the horoscope reader in Perth, clients can expect a personalised and enlightening experience. The reader will analyse the positions of celestial bodies at the time of the client's birth, providing a detailed horoscope that unveils hidden aspects of their personality, relationships, and potential life events. With their deep understanding of astrology, the horoscope reader can offer guidance on various aspects of life, including love, career, and personal growth.
What sets the horoscope reader in Perth apart is their ability to help individuals align their actions with cosmic energies. By understanding the influences at play, individuals can navigate challenges, make informed decisions, and embrace their true selves. The horoscope reader's practical advice empowers clients to make positive changes and maximise their potential.
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roohanicarecanada · 1 year
In this blog, we’ll explore the most effective techniques for clearing negative energy and help you determine what is right. And if you’re looking for professional black magic removal services in Canada, we’ll also highlight Roohani Care, the top company for negative energy removal services.
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masterkrishna · 8 months
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invisiblerhythmcat · 11 months
also my pharmacy switched when i switched pcps, but I don't understand the medical system, so I requested a refill of my anxiety meds, but I haven't gotten them and I think I'll get them by Friday, but, in the meantime I only have one pill left and it's not something I should be bouncing on and off of either, so I kind of panic-stopped taking it already
and it feels like somehow this is my fault but mostly I just don't understand the fucking system and wish someone else would deal with it for me
but no one ever does and no one ever explains it because they all think I should be able to do it
and I can't.
I fucking hate it. All I want is a fucking pill.
(the good news is that I currently don't have major anxiety happening, but the depression is definitely coming on full force, but that was happening before I ran out of pills, so fuck if I know how this is going to go. Probably not good, but when is anything ever. gakjdsfa)
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vishnuastrologer · 2 years
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Love Spell Astrologer
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I just found your account, and I love your writing especially the ones with Geto!! (I love that man!!)I do apologize for asking but do think you would ever write more of chubby reader Geto? Especially the one where chubby darling is trying to make herself useful in his temple? I love that one especially!
I actually wanted to write a fic for that prompt for a LONG time but i never found the strength to finish it, so allow me to expand upon chubby reader who works in Geto's temple 💕
CW: chubby fem reader, non-sorcerer reader, Geto refers to reader as a "monkey" once, allusion to suicide, bullying, the twins are around 10-12 yrs old, smut (mostly implied)
Let's start by saying that you're nothing special. You are not the type of girl that Geto would see himself with. It would take a miracle for him to fall for someone like you.
And yet, miracles happen every day, don't they?
Your family has acquired some debt. They have been paying Geto to exorcise curses for them, and he has always delivered, but they have run low on funds and there's still a nasty curse to take care of. They beg and plead with him to remove it, but he refuses to lift a finger until they bring him a hefty donation again.
That's where you come in.
You can't see or sense curses, but you've felt their effects, dealing with the repurcussions of your family's awful attitude. This latest curse is the worst of them all, feeding off of every negative thing your family spews, weighing you down with their toxic energy. You'd do anything to get rid of it, to finally know peace again.
So you offer a trade. You promise to provide your services to the sorceror if he exorcises this curse for you and your family.
Geto ponders this deal for a while. He believes that monkeys are only good for providing curses or money, so he doesn't see the appeal of you at first. But then he remembers that he recently disposed of his maid because the twins disliked her, so he decides to make the deal. He will dispose of the curse if you act as his maid, cooking, cleaning, the works.
You have no other choice, so you accept.
The work itself isn't hard. Dusting, sweeping, mopping, polishing. You cook breakfast and dinner, lunch if requested. You're starting to get callouses from the work, but that's the least of your worries.
The twins hate you. You don't expect them to like a non-sorcerer like you, but they're cruel without reason. They tip over your mop bucket and run off laughing, they leave worms in your bed, they once took scissors to your hair and cut a piece off. They are awful, but you know you can't fight back. You have to take the high road, be the bigger person, endure their hatred so you can get by. If you step out of line, Geto will kill you without hesitation, you know this for a fact. So, you don't fight back. You show no reaction. You pray they get bored of you before you jump off the roof of the temple. At least then you would find peace.
The girls get into a fight one day. Nanako ripped Mimiko's doll as payback and now the both of them are sobbing and yelling at each other. You think it's karma for how they've treated you.
And yet, you take the high road once more.
You separate the girls first, sending Mimi to the kitchen and Nana to the living room. You quietly sew and mend Mimiko's doll, eyes watching you as you did so. Once the doll was fixed, you coaxed Nanako to take the doll to her sister and apologize. Surprisingly, she did so, and the girls hugged. They went on their merry way, not hurling insults at you for once. You go back to your chores.
The girls ask, no, demand lunch a few days later. You comply, making onigiri and cutting fruit into fun shapes, adding a cookie for dessert. The girls coo about the hearts and stars on their plates before digging in. They take their plates to the sink when they're finished and linger for a moment, staring at you. You ask what's wrong, but they scamper off before you can get an answer. You wash the dishes in silence.
Nanako falls and scrapes her knee on a rock. The other workers are shocked still, terrified of what Geto will do now that one of his precious girls has been injured, but you don't fret. You take action, bringing the young girl inside, grabbing a first aid kit, tending to her small wound. You clean it, apply a bandage. She requests a kiss to make it better, so you comply, pressing your lips gently against the bandage. She seems satisfied, getting up and running off with her sister again, throwing back a "thank you" as she does. You're surprised at her gratitude, but you think little of it.
You become a beacon of sorts. The other workers saw how well you handled Nanako's wound, and now they come to you whenever they don't know how to handle the twins. The girls are fighting? You are retrieved to break it up. They want lunch? You're always the one who makes it. They're getting ready for bed? You are now the one who ensures they brush their teeth, tucking them into bed before Geto bids them goodnight. You don't think much of your new role, chalking it up to just being a new part of your job that you have to take care of.
It's not until they call you "Mom" that you look at your role differently.
Mimiko calls you "Mom" first, after she finishes her lunch and puts her plate in the sink.
"Mom, I want a cookie."
You pause, frozen, processing what she said.
"Um... what do you say when you want something?" The young girl rolls her eyes.
"May I please have a cookie?" You smile softly at her compliance.
"Yes, you may." You take down the cookie jar, pulling out two and handing them to Mimiko. "Take one to your sister."
"Okay!" And she's off, leaving you to think about your new label.
Later that night, when you're tucking the girls into bed...
"Goodnight, Mom," Mimiko mumbles from below her sheets. You pause at the door, hand on the handle.
"Night, Mom," Nanako speaks up, hiding her face with her comforter. You swallow, inhaling deep.
"Goodnight, girls. Sleep tight."
You hesitantly close the door, hearing it click softly. You sigh, turning around, running into someone.
It was Geto. He stared down at you silently, eyes boring into you. You quickly bowed, moving out of his way, gaze glued to the floor. He watches you for a moment before grabbing the door handle, pushing the door open. You hear the girls chirp with delight as the door closes. Once it clicks shut, you bolt out of there, not looking back.
You become a maternal figure for the girls, someone they look up to, someone they rely on. You take care of them daily, tending to their every whim, scolding them gently when needed. The girls begin to follow you, insisting that you play with them, that you give them time and attention. Other people start taking on your chores so that you can entertain the twins and keep the peace.
At the same time, Geto starts to notice you more.
He notices how the girls light up when they talk about you, how they ask for you at night to read another chapter in their book, how they cling to you whenever they have a free moment. He thinks it's silly for them to enjoy the presence of a non-sorcerer such as yourself. Of all the people to become attached to, why you? There were plenty of socerer women that wandered these halls, so why did they choose you? What was so special about you?
It bothers him for a bit, but ultimately he's just happy that his girls are happy. He even began to appreciate your presence, your maternal instincts allowing you to care for the twins better than anyone else could. He came to value having you around to give his girls the love and attention they lacked when they were so young.
But there were other perks to having you around. Geto found himself delighted whenever you smiled, silently hoping you could direct that smile towards him. He began speaking with you casually, enjoying the sound of your voice more and more with each conversation. And you were attractive, to say the least, bright and lovely. He savoured being able to see a pretty thing like you so often, your round cheeks, your glittering eyes, your delicate hands, your bountiful hips. His mind began to wander to your body during his little meetings, wondering how soft you were under that cheap, coarse uniform. He imagined how your thighs would squish as you sat or kneeled before him, gazing up at him, willing to take whatever he would give you.
That's when he started fantasizing about you in earnest. He started thinking about you late at night, about your plump frame and how it would feel under his fingers. He thought about your thighs warming the sides of his face, your ass bouncing as he thrust into your, your mouth forming a perfect 'O' as you came over and over again. He thought of all of this as his hand trailed down his body, wrapping around his cock and tugging it, groaning at the sensation. You'd be so much better than his hand, soft and warm and wet. He wanted to feel you, to brace you against him, make you all his. God, what he'd give for just a taste of you.
He does this for a while. He doesn't know how much longer he can go. Maybe he'll make you his personal maid, have you draw him a bath, make you massage his scalp as he soaks. Maybe he'll be forward and tell you exactly what he wants. Maybe he'll force you into his bed; people will do anything if they're threatened properly. Maybe he'll woo you with gifts, perhaps a few dresses, maybe even a kimono, something traditional to match him. He's not sure, there's so many options, he can't decide.
The girls want to go to an aquarium. They want you to come along.
Maybe he could court you properly.
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thedivineart · 1 year
Glimpses of your Greatest Love ꒰ detailed ꒱ <3
𑁍 ࿐ ˖ ₊ ⊹ ﹙collab pac reading !!﹚
⭒ @daninixx 🙵 @krystiesees
‹𝟹 note !
⭒pick a pile that you feel strongly drawn too, do not hesitate for what first pile you pick. choose from left to right [ 1-2-3 ] of each section^^
⌗ sections
⋆ something that talks about them [ personality, likes/ dislikes, hobbies etc. ]
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⋆ how & when will you meet them
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⋆ physical descriptors
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ꕀ ׅ࣪ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ links : navigation. send love.
pacs. paid services.
masterlist. @theladyofmoon.
© thedivineart. do not plagiarize any of my work, translate or repost it on other social media platform.
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⋆ something that talks about them [ personality, likes/ dislikes, hobbies etc. ]
꒰ one ꒱ @daninixx
This is typically someone who got a death and serious stare. They probably perceive as someone who is cold and intimidating regardless to gender. They frequently enjoy life and someone who put much effort into their work. Even though, the sun doesn't yet rise, they already start working. They usually type of person who is consistent and devoted when it comes putting an effort into a work. They'll be someone who is honest, very true and open-minded. This is someone who is a great listener and adviser and so they will be sociable person. And might be someone who is ENFJ. They like new experiences, learnings and thrills of life. They can be someone who likes to party and attend social gatherings and they might do this when they're traveling around the globe. They will be exudes of charm and being confident individual, a lot of people will be attracted to their energy. Even though they are generous individual, they are someone who have anger issues. I see that they will be protective about themselves as well with their love ones so i'm not quite sure if they won't be someone who isn't possessive towards you at all. The relationship with them will be more into happy, you two will be sharing deep and hidden feelings for each other. For the quirks, they like to smile a little such as smirk. Someone who biting their lips when they smile or if not, someone who remove the dry skin of their lips as a habit so they casually put everytime of chapstick or lip balm into their lips. The number 7 is important for them and for this pile.
꒰ two ꒱ @thedivineart
• 2 of wands, ace of wands, king of swords, 7 of pentacles 10 of wands, 3 of wands, 9 of pentacles, knight of swords, the lovers, the hanged man
A kind of individual who loves exploring and enjoying it's life however they are not impulsive at all. Future oriented— likely to view their future and have plans/ vision for forthcoming events that will happen into their life. It could also be that they have this habits of preparing their clothes at night so at morning they wouldn't ready it and will have more time. They have great observation and awareness to their surroundings however in negative side they tends lost into there own world. In everything they got, they will try to help someone no matter what the circumstances is and do likely to do well in any field. At some way, they would likely to have trouble in choosing their path or often end up having at least two choices. S/he attracted into someone who is in different culture/ethnicity/ likely to be a foreigner or if not they would likely to live in different places all the time. Everyone may view this person as individual who can inspire others by the traits of being initiative and active, it also represent an individual who will do what they want and willing to work hard for it. This person will let you feel very excited about something or likely to have new hobbies most of the time. When people are around them, they likely to bring passion and excited to this certain individual. It will have the best sense of humor, naturally can inspire others and instantly become the centre of attraction. Very passionate to everything especially to the person who they love the most. People tends not see this individual throwing some fit unless you did/said something that is very appropriate for them. A kind who will reminds you that it's okay to slow down, nurturing and be drawn to each moment even through hard and bliss days. They were likely to fix their schedule before— for tomorrow purpose and doing of them, it could also mean that they some journal or just simply organizing some of their things during free time.
THEY WERE OVERWHELMED HOW LIFE IS HARD AND ROUGH FOR THEM, they want to go somewhere else that could have rest their weary head and soul. A lot of baggage of burdens and responsibilities they carrying and they feel execute about it, this individual is too done with what situation they belong. They may desire to leave and want some vacation but they still have a lot to work on too. Whatever burdens it is that might be about materialism, financial, energy or a literal burdens this could come to end and their success is awaiting for them in their destination. For some reason I do get that they feel that where they are now are full of sucks and burden, they don’t like the place and the people to the society they belong and they want to leave their but how to? Or they learn to understand their worth, how worthy they are and people around them doesn’t deserve a inch single of it. They were waiting for something perhaps financial uplifts or their successful moment coming from their labor and hardworking trait, they learn how to be confident and doesn’t afraid to the huge waves of burdens and challenges in life cause they know what do to and to deal with it as well ride with it at the same time ( that’s sounds so cool though) or if not, they are waiting for an arrival of new opportunity into their life or could be a new love interest. They are hardworking which can lead them to a successful life and even materialism, where they can literally enjoy the fruit of their labor, they are fast thinkers and as well in decision making and running quick as fast as they can to success and very determine to achieve it. If someone needs support or in trouble this person will be right there so truthfully fast like really fast like “my bud is in trouble I’ll be there to shield them”, they were like a super heroes but of course in real life and this makes them a good friend or a loving family member however in negative side since they are somewhat kind people tends to take advantage this type of behavior of them.
Most of the people who pick this pile already know who is this person, probably you have a romantic relationship with them now and for some this could be your friend or someone new and doesn’t know yet, there’s no doubt inside that you fall for them hard the traits they are showing up here are good like supporting you, having your back when you are in trouble as well understanding you in their way of thinking, the combination of 3 of wands + lovers card I feel they were waiting for a new love to arrive, an arrival of new love interest or that could be you since you both reflecting each one. Before I shuffle the cards I do really strongly feel that this person could be your soulmate too and I was really happy that the lovers card appear in this reading since it could also mean as soulmate too and I also feel both of you got similarities and what situation you and them are dealing with as of the moment. Also feel that this person will ready to take risk no matter what for their love ones, for their success and happiness or they could be seeking for some success, love and new opportunities in life, this could be also define that your greatest love is someone who feels overburdened into their love life or their love life causing too much stress for them. In person they want someone who can make them feel happy, comfortable and accept them for who they are and what circumstances they been through or someone who can share an adventure and exciting moments with them. They also don’t care how much it will take for the true love to arrive as long it is worth the wait, idk but it suddenly the song “HERE WITH ME” by d4vd suddenly play on my head though probably they are listening to that song or that could be the song that reminds them, also while shuffling the cards the time is 10:10 and the first card to appear is 10 of wands though, 10:10 could be also means as you or them could be receiving the highest form of love in this world. Everything is going to be on the plan accordingly and you or them doesn’t need to be rush, oh shoot that’s why knight of swords and the lovers appear though. They may also love to travel or having trips to other places and probably brings a lot of baggage and luggages when they travelling, going to beach and watching the sunset is the best thing for them as well watching the ocean and it’s wave, maybe that’s how they feel relaxed from the burdens and stressful situations of their life. They also thinks that their success isn’t where they are right now, theu believe that their success is from faraway or they want to build their success in far away land where no one know them, I’m also getting this thought of “I really feel executed in this life of mine, when my life starts to shine I want to be in the place where no one knows me”. They might be also fire signs especially sagittarius sun, also I getting a clear message here that want ir more to be fast their success or they want to take it really slow. They might be learning how to surf or surfing is one of their favorite hobby, they may also knows how to drive a motorcycle or they own a motorcycle, could also mean that this person will drive you crazy in their way of showing love too.
꒰ three ꒱ @krystiesees
• Knight of Cups Reversed, IX of Wands, IV of Swords
First of all, I see curly brown hair and electric blue eyes for this pile. I know I'm not supposed to give physical description here but it just came up suddenly. So I'm putting it anyway. (*You can remove it btw if you want to*)
Personality wise your person is very impulsive and emotional. Their emotions are all over the place. Not easy to reason with. Narcissistic and arrogant. They're stubborn too and in a very unapproachable way. They fear commitment. Are prone to infidelity. Very detached and indifferent to their environment and loved ones. One of their worst habits is lying and that too on impulse. It's almost like a second nature to them. A professional liar, if they could be.
They've been brutally hurt in the past. With the IX of Wands I see them standing guard to their heart. Their heart has been walked over, hit and thrashed to the point that they decided to put on a defense mechanism. And this defense mechanism is them sleeping around. Not developing feelings for anyone. Keeping loved ones at bay. Being detached and unavailable emotionally. Lying and cheating. They're literally in their "hoe phase" is what I'm seeing. They think by giving others what was given to them, they'll feel better. But they don't. And it's only about time. They hit a dead end and they'd realise love and commitment is not something to fear. And they do deserve the best partner and lover and so does everybody else. And they are coming to that point. I do see with IV of Swords. They're going into a deep contemplative state to reflect upon their choices in life and the lessons they've learnt so far. They're coming in terms to the idea of an ideal lover or partner. They're slowly leaning towards their romantic side which still believes in soulmates and wish fulfilment. And it's really about time when they attain absolute enlightenment and open their eyes to the possibility of an ideal partner and soulmate who awaits them with open arms at some corner of the world.
For their likes, I'm seeing alcohol. And very expensive ones to be precise, they do have taste in them. I also see sports that involve waters. They like swimming, surfing, diving etc. They also have quite a taste in music. Timeless, in fact. Elvis Presley, Cher, The Beatles, Bob Dylan etc. are few of their go-to artists. While for some of you, they are into The 1975, The Neighborhood, Arctic Monkeys, Paramore etc.
To me they seem to be an exquisite blend of earth and water elements. Earth that gives them a classic and expensive taste in almost everything. Water that shows their overwhelmed emotional side and of course interests otherwise.
⋆ how & when will you meet them
꒰ one ꒱ @krystiesees
• VII of Pentacles, VI of Cups, V of Wands Reversed
For some of ya'll I see you meeting online. Through social media. For others of you, your phones would get exchanged accidentally. Something that involved mobile phones in one way or another. For some, you'd dial a wrong number mistakenly and the other person on the call would be them. And while you'd know you should apologise and hang the call, something will push you two to talk more and that'd be the starting point. Most probably a "friends to lovers." And things will progress very slow. Though, I don't see any of you being upset with the slow pace. You're both going to be very patient throughout.
You meet under rigid circumstances, as in, online. You won't be able to open up to each other about your personal lives at the initial stage. You'd both be vary. But with time and patience, you'd see why you should trust the other person and vice versa.
It's someone from your past for most of you. Past life or early childhood or your teens. A friend you always cherished but lost touch with due to hustles of life. You could also meet in a work environment.
7 and 5 are significant here. So, it's either 7 years from now when you'll meet. Or 5 months, days, or weeks. No in between.
꒰ two ꒱ @daninixx
I see that the spirit soul's will going to lead you towards this person. I see here that you will meet them through friends or they maybe someone who already around your circle. It's either one of you will going to initiate the action of approach, they probably see the other person feel unhappy and kinda socially awkward. You will going to have a one on one or honest conversation with them perhaps that might be one of you, are tend to doubts the other person who initiate the approach they still feels this connection within themselves. This is so random but their love language is probably physical touch. For few, you will going to meet them when finally ready to let go of all your worries. You will going to meet them in the dates of 3, 8 and 11. In the seasons of Cancer, Libra and Gemini or this might be important to them.
꒰ three ꒱ @thedivineart
• queen of swords, 3 of pentacles, 3 of wands
You could meet them when you are no longer interested in love perhaps you are not hopeless romantic anymore, you start not paying attention for it. I keep seeing New York City maybe they came from that place or that would be the place where you could meet them or when your having a flight in New York city to have some vacation or visit someone. It could also mean that you might be studying/ working in far places which you could meet them.
That's why your not into love during that phase is because your focusing towards your goals perhaps your higher dreams in life. It's like you will be forgetting your love life and not focusing through it anymore, your only focus is about how you can achieve the “success” through this lifetime, if not then you probably focusing too much to your studies and even learning something which can expand your knowledge.
You could also be meeting them in mountains or in skyscraper. I do also see here that it could be the time when you feel the world is against you— experiencing the most painful thing/ emotion at some way. Whatever situation you will have during that time they will be like a mushroom— will pop out of nowhere and change your life. It could also the time when you are decided to live alone and work for yourself, be independent and don't rely towards the other or you recently been through a painful situationship. I keep seeing three— could be 3 days, 3 months and 3 years from now. However I also see for others this might be took some time like 13 years and above.
⋆ physical descriptors
꒰ one ꒱ @thedivineart
THEY LOOK LIKE SOMEONE WHO GOT TAN OR OLIVE SKIN color, no matter what gender this individual they look rough, strong and healthy figure, they will be also look exotic in people eyes on in your eyes probably some people here are also foreign and someone different in how you people in where you live looks like and they could also good at other languages or they can speak three or more languages. This person could also look depress, someone who do look sad when you look to them however that could be how they appear since this is a general reading there’s a lot of hair color appear in here could be brown, red, dark gray and dark colors or probably dye their hair in different colors though and their hair is thin. You might probably notice how they make fidgety like making some small hands movement like biting their fingers in nervousness or excited, they could also have huge ears and receding hairline, you could also notice that how they feel discomfort and awkward in some difficult situation, I feel that they do that side eye thing when they also nervous. How this person walk is also noticeable, probably they walk very fast or slow could also doesn’t have sound when they walk too or they very light or they walk gracefully ( I know someone who walk like that way and he is a man though, just sharing lol ). They also pretty, good looking and beautiful in their physical face and how they dress themselves, might be an attractive individual too, they might be older than you and have this kind of cold face, yeah they are older than you if you are in your 20s and below and this individual is someone tall probably 172 cm and more above in that kind of height. They may also look vampire or someone who is like anemic or they are anemic, they could be extremely have fair skin too or someone who is pale, jawline is angular shape, distinctive nose or small cute nose, their reflexes might be good too, they are quick in catch or something and they could also have round face.
꒰ two ꒱ @krystiesees
• The Star Reversed, II of Swords, King of Cups Reversed
Regardless of their gender expression, I see this person as Cassie from Euphoria. Very pale, blonde, blue eyes. Popular among the opposite sex and most probably for wrong reasons. Not too tall, not too short. Average in height. Though I see 5'3 - 5'7. I don't see them as a gym lover. Though, they do visit gym to stay fit enough. Not a fitness conscious individual. Not very muscular. Just fit enough with just right proportions of everything. Not to sexualize anyone, but they got it all just right! Iykwim!! *coughs*
Some of them have light brown, or ginger like hair. Grey eyes and a slightly tan skin. Not too tan, just little. Blue is their color. They most probably have cooler undertones. Silver jewellery compliments their beauty.
They may have body dysmorphia. With the II of swords I see them covering their chests. So... Maybe that's something they're shy about? Also they don't put much effort into their style consciously. They are not so thoughtful as to what to wear and when. They may as well sometimes show up in identical clothes with someone else at a party. Most probably someone who is a friend. They don't have a personal style so they do copy others is what I feel. For some of ya'll your person may prefer being very covered up. They don't like showing skin. They're very conscious and shy.
꒰ three ꒱ @daninixx
This is someone who have a problem with their skin - it's either they have dry skin, some warts or they have a sensitive skin. They probably have the heart-shaped face and yes it looks very mature, their looks lean more into very feminine regardless to it's gender, this is one of the reason why they attract people a lot and as well, they might be someone who prefer neat and clean dressing style. They are someone who frequently known as taller especially with their own home country, they considered as tall individual. With the hair colors, i'm getting more into darker shades probably have black, brown or dark grey. They look very mature and old than their actual age. They also have an addicting smell of perfume that makes you obsessed to it, you will going to have uncontrollable desire when it comes to their smell. The eyes color shades is more into green and hazel eyes while for the skin tones, i'm getting for the majority of you it's light tones while for few it's dark skin tones.
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graceetarot · 11 months
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roohanicarecanada · 1 year
Clear Negative Energy With Our Black Energy Removal Services
Negative energy can significantly impact our lives, leaving us drained, anxious, and overwhelmed. Whether it’s caused by black magic, negative emotions, or spiritual disturbances, it’s essential to clear this energy to restore balance and harm. There are several techniques for black energy removal reset iced, each with strengths and benefits.
In this blog, we’ll explore the most effective techniques for clearing negative energy and help you determine what is right. And if you’re looking for professional black magic removal services in Canada, we’ll also highlight Roohani Care, the top company for negative energy removal services.
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tmblrcolouredpaper · 4 months
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Taehyun x Reader
Domestic fluff; exhaustion; showering together; cuddles and kisses; acts of service; care and support; appreciation; sfw
wc: 773
Tenderness feels like the furthest thing when you step into your apartment. The day was unnecessarily harsh. People's negativities overtook your own state of mind, and with every step you took, the day felt more difficult to get through. Eventually, you made it home into the safety of your own walls.
You throw your shoes into a corner, the jacjets lands on top of the pile and you make your way to the kitchen, just to open and close the fridge and the cabinets in blind frustration. There is no way you can figure out what to eat, so the decision end up up to simply not.
Taehyun: You're home, right?
You read the message with an involuntary sarcastically nod of your head. Yes, you are home. It is a surprise to yourself to experience this place right now.
You: Yes
Taehyun: Can I come over?
You contemplate. His presence would be a nice addition to the evening. Hoswever, you wonder if you'd be able to keep up if he wants to come over, searching for your support due to not feeling too well himself.
You: I'm really tired, sorry
Taehyun: Is that a yes or no? Because I don't expect anything from you, I just want to be with you for a bit today
You: then it's a yes
Taehyun arrives not long after. He carries a paper bag containing your favourite meal, warm and savory smelling. The sensation brings tears to your eyes.
He gets out of his shoes and rushes over to you with a bright smile, gently pulling you against him. You could hide in his safety forever.
'Tired baby?, he asks in a chuckle, and you smile at the sound of his playful voice, nodding.
He places the bag on the table and takes off his jacket, eying your pile of clothes in the corner. Wordlessly, he hangs up your jacket and sorts your shoes in the line of others in the small shelf. For some reason he keeps his happy smile throughout the process and return to you.
You remain standing in the middle of the room, watching him, not able to think of what to with your mself. He steps in front of you and places his palms onto your shoulders, firmly and calming. He presses his lips onto your forhead and lingers in the touch, pulling back with an attentive gaze on you. He smiles and tilts his head in a question that you answer with an exhausted smile.
'Shower?', he whispers and pushes his hands up and down your arms in a slow and steady motion.
You nod, feeling happiness bubbling up.
Taehyun takes over the required tasks, not letting you in need of spending your energy on worrying and struggling. He gently removes your clothes from your body. He applies the softest scented lotion onto your skin while the water warms the pave of the shower stall. He keeps his distance, his hands the only part of him that connects to your physical shell, besides his lips on your cheek.
'Watch the bubbles floating away with the water', he instructs in a hush and pushes your hair up to let the warm water run down your nape.
'Watch them burst and vanish. Those are your today's worries', he continues and lets smile return.
His calm presence, his diligent touchs and his conscious attention generates easy to lie upon you. He finishes his mission by leading you outside the stall, immediately swapping the water's warmth with the one of the towel. He gently dries you, instructing you to hold onto him. His skin is comfortable hot against yours.
With the normalcy that you treasure so immensely when it comes to being with Taehyun, he helps you into your clothes, not shying away from treating you with the utmost care without wasting a single thought inappropriately. Cozily dressed, cleansed body protectively wrapped into the attention of his actions, he makes sure you repay your body the needed energy by eating and drinking. Finally, he brings you to bed, letting you rest against his chest.
'Thank you for letting me be with you', he thanks and squeezes you closer against him, fully taking you in the realm of his heartbeat.
'Aren't I the one who has to thank you? Thank you for taking care of me', you laugh and take his hand to place a kiss on top of it.
'My pleasure. It's a privilege to experience you, so, I believe I am in the right to express my gratitude', he responds, and you hope to find yourself believing him with more ease in the future.
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viviennelamb · 8 months
Starting the Purification Process
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Purification starts with your thoughts and your body will fall in line. Once one allows thoughts of lust in their mind, they proliferate into every problem we see in the world today (as well as not wanting to definitively end these problems).
I can see how lust changes an individual's face - they all have that mean, gaunt, harsh appearance, but of course, in their ignorance, they attribute it to aging. They are also mentally delayed in many ways I won't get into here.
I don't recommend fasting, it's not sustainable if your mind isn't clean and when your mind is clean it's not necessary as you would gravitate toward a clean diet (if you eat at all). You can only purify yourself when you're chaste in thought, word and act - this uplifted state will lead you to a genuine desire to connect with God and on the path toward God Consciousness.
Purifying yourself is a constant effort that involves being of service to others instead of self-serving. You're beautifying the collective's consciousness of the world by being your true self a.k.a the Soul. 99.9% of people are not doing this, but think they are.
Now I can see how a few people have held this hell world by a string which is why the same few people's stories have been used as inspiration - Christ being the most common one.
Two Practices
I'm a beginner so I'll only speak on what I've practiced consistently:
a. Karma Yoga: Yama and Niyama; become morally disciplined, have good thoughts and engage in good acts. You should do everything for the sake of good and expect nothing in return. This severs all attachments and cleanses the mind.
Asana is proper posture (erect spine) is essential for upward energy conduction in your body. You cannot have an upward flow of energy if you're engaging in the sex thought or act; most people are downward which is why they're preoccupied with their genitals and have a negativity bias.
When you're no longer entitled, lust quickly disappears because lust is entitlement. You will see the material body as a vehicle. When you work, it should be for work's sake (which will be a natural progression).
This is a major change in the individual who commits to it. This is the key most people are missing when they claim they want to move toward non-duality or egolessness. Lust creates the ego and their " non-duality gurus" aren't telling them that because they don't know what they're talking about, so it becomes about escaping than duty, discipline and responsibility.
Could you start by countering every poor thought with three good ones? This habit will change the structure of your mind and every atom in your body as well.
There are more Sutras I won't speak on because I haven't trained them.
b. Presence: Focus on what is happening right now: think of the present moment as God and non-presence as Satan. Impure thoughts concerning something that happened years ago is a sign of a filthy mind doesn't matter if it's "good" or "bad." Since the mind doesn't detox like our digestive system, the only way to detox it is by having the discipline to no longer engage in what makes it dirty - but this only stops the incoming filth and does not remove current impurity.
There's a limit to what meditation can do for you when sex thoughts and acts are part of your life.
To fully reset the mind to the state it was when we were children (Pure Presence), you must meditate daily. This should be as normal as using the bathroom daily I'm learning meditation here and got the results I wanted quickly (about a week), but I want to remain pure so this will be part of my daily living.
I don't force myself to remember to be disciplined, good, sinless, presence, and God - I naturally gravitate to what assists in maintaining the peace I experience when meditating.
What people call "non-duality" or a "higher dimension" is automatic. It will be impossible to be fearful, anxious, or depressed for a few minutes when you know the truth of reality. You are no longer subject to karmic law in this state since your ego isn't putting you in harm's way.
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tara-girl · 7 months
Mystery of Saturn in 8th House- Astrology
Lets me first tell you all about What 8th house Represents-Deadly Situations, Mysteries, Psychology, Occult, Astrology, Surgery, Longevity, Death, Criminals, Prostitutes and Dark Energies.
8th house is like
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Saturn Represents-
Maturity, Command, Control, Delay, Depression, Fear, Old Age People and Servants.
When Any Planet Comes in 8th House-
Universe wants you to prepare you for dealing with dark energies which are in the form of criminals, psychologically disturbed people and ghosts. You manifest and attract these dark energies because of your extreme fear. Universe wants you to remove your fear that gives you anxiety. That is why you will naturally attract these kind of people or situations in life who will challenge your fear.
When Saturn comes in 8th house-
Your way of dealing with dark energies is like an old mature man. You respond to negative energies instead of reacting towards it.
You are curious to know about Mysterious knowledge like Occult, Ghost, Surgery, Psychology, Astrology and depth of many things.
You will remove your Fear by facing deadly situations.
Saturn is longevity. Your life is long but you will get into deadly situations until you learn to deal with them and remove your fear.
You can heal people through the knowledge of dark energies.
When saturn aspect 10th house, it can delay your career achievement but will give you stability and success for a longer duration when all necessary skills are mastered.
When saturn aspects 5th house, it will also delay or create hurdles in rising and shining your intellect.
Delay in Child birth.
When saturn aspects 2nd house, Saving(money) will be delayed but finally this planteray position will give considerable savings for a longer term.
You will give service to people of dark character.
You may get strict and controlling in-laws with dark intentions in their mind towards you.
Well, i will say that the key to success is in delays and hurdles because Saturn wants to give you best and long lasting success.
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keef-a-corn · 1 year
Dat’s right! It’s everyone’s favourite ‘Keef watches TFP and all you get are the notes!’
Maybe I should make a cover for this series.
ANYWHO! I’m watching season 1, Episode 10: Deus Ex Machina.
I write down timestamps, but I watch Transformers Prime on Stan (and Australian streaming service) so they may be slightly off.
00:00 - I know that’s my favourite book ‘World History’.
00:04 - please tell me that everyone else saw her just break the fourth wall.
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00:11 - Bulkhead’s an asshole if Miko can hear the car from inside the building.
00:14 - Read.. 150 pages? Okay, I’m gonna be honest, I’ve never been to detention (I haven’t even gotten a slip [3 slips means detention]) so I could be wrong but.. isn’t detention formed by a variety of students? Not everyone’s going to be reading the same thing so how can a teacher assign such vague homework?
00:41 - In Bulkhead’s rear view you can actually see the teacher.
01:39 - I may have yelled ‘what the fuck?’ When I saw that cactus. Why did they get a real cactus?
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01:43 - Bulkhead’s hovering above the road.
02:15 - Bots not understanding human expressions. So beautiful.
02:25 - Jack sounding exactly like an older brother, then Bulkhead ignoring him is hilarious.
02:37 - this has the same energy as ‘you’re going to end up at McDonald’s if you don’t do your work. We going to McDonalds if I don’t do my work? :D’
02:51 - you already KNOW Greek viewers went crazy.
03:16 - ‘those’ being a car… although still sounds kinda racist. Transformist? Modist? That sounds like modest.
03:17 - mmm I like when they have very.. civil reactions to comments.
03:24 - pssst guys… it’s a height difference
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03:27 - I get that this part is supposed to show that Starscream considers Knockout inferior, but like… he knows that decepticons also need to have ground support that aren’t just vehicons, right?
03:30 - honestly, go off, K.O. Ya look good.
03:44 - that must be such a weird sight.
04:11 - Miko’s an idiot. I will explain further. She’s been rejected from every other mission, regardless of what it was and when Bulkhead notices a connection between Miko’s school work and a harmless mission, let’s her join. Why would Miko assume that it’s anything other than school related??
04:25 - Bulk didn’t need to justify how he knew that.
04:52 - randomly including democracy, alright
05:04 - he’s got looks, brains and fighting ability. Can you tell who’s one of my top Decepticons?
05:07 - he means boyfriend. (I’m like fairly certain that in some canon they are in a relationship)
05:09 - Where’s Starscream lookin?
05:43 - they’re ex boyfriends
06:26 - Bulkhead angst potential.
06:37 - what’s he supposed to be pointing at rn?
06:47 - I dunno why but that just reminded me that Bayverse Bumblebee was in WW2.
06:52 - that’s really smart
07:11 - why are there so many dangerous weapons??
07:20 - Arcee decided to use a double negative than say ‘Miko’s right’ + Bee looks lifeless. Like I got jumpscared by him.
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07:30 - no it doesn’t. I checked.
07:32 - I think Bee was just zoned out because he’s eyes/Optics are now full+ Bulkhead’s lean is beautiful.
07:34 - Optimus’s boobs are too big. He can’t see the screen.
07:48 - I get the joke being ‘oh he’s a machine’ but honestly- I agree with Ratchet.
07:52 - I’m gonna be honest… I cried looking at Bee from Optimus’s perspective. He looks like a puppy!
07:54 - *cri* he’s so cute.
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07:58 - confiscate as in remove dangerous weapon.
08:18 - Here we witness an idiot forgetting that they turn into cars.
08:29 - Miko using her brain. Woo!
08:39 - Optimus saying ‘Bulkhead’. I need a compilation of Optimus saying each Autobot’s name. (Specifically Bumblebee tho)
08:47 - ‘aw fuckin Soundwave’ ~ my genuine reaction when it showed that Soundwave was back at his hijinks
08:48 - draw the gang like this.
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08:57 - that’s… what the frag… that’s so messed up.
09:21 - it might just be me, but wouldn’t it make more sense for either Bee or Arcee to be parked up front and Optimus at the back? Considering that people there have cars like Bee and Arcee’s a motorbike so it would look fairly normal. Then Optimus as the back to look like he’s museum property. I could be wrong tho.
09:46 - …Fnaf SB was def inspired by this so. I will not hear otherwise.
10:06 - Just seeing Optimus like that reminds me… why don’t the other have holoforms like Arcee? Their windows don’t have a heavy enough tint that an absence of driver does goes unnoticed.
10:55 - Knockout flirting with Optimus is such a silly idea.
11:08 - that was smooooooooth.
11:24 - Optimus lookin around, then looking down to see Knockout is actually really funny. I bet that happens all the time at the base.
11:30 - the way Optimus’s foot/pede bends implies that he can go on the tip of his toes and that fills me with immense joy.
11:37 - that’s a horrifying sight.
11:59 - Woo! Bee!
12:05 - NO! BEE!
12:10 - Okay but like Arcee could’ve dodged that initial missile(?) with a smaller turn, means she wouldn’t have crashed into Bee. + Whump potential anyone? + Bee does a backflip. Get on his level goddamn.
12:13 - Knockout really took down Optimus and just stood on him. Power move.
12:31 - if they’ve only NOW gotten it down, then there’s something wrong with them.
12:38 - Knockout reacted before Optimus started to move, but I now understand why Knockout stood on Optimus.
12:43 - that could’ve looked so cool.
12:44 - but Optimus said no
13:10 - Damn, Miko..
13:12 - She was complying yet the officer decided to be really rough.
13:18 - I now point out the foreshadowing when Bulkhead talked about Miko getting arrested.
13:25 - Soundwave got them feminine legs. Go off, king.
13:30 - that was a forced ‘gulp’ and I love it.
13:37 - Harry Potter, or whatever.
13:42 - Optimus, how long have you been lying on the floor, Primus.
13:53 - Shoutout to bots that can do backflips. Gotta be one of my favourite genders.
14:07 - And do what?.
14:08 - Mmmm Y E S. (Optimus said Bulkhead and Miko)
14:36 - a good liar doesn’t hesitate like that, Miko.
15:06 - Ratchet in the corner.
15:38 - Does anyone else now get annoyed at Bulkhead? Like dude! Ratchet needed that! Couldn’t you have punched a wall or something??
16:06 - EXACTLY!
16:08 - shut up, Jack.
16:23 - bots feeling strong emotions are more heavily animated.
16:49 - that’s how I act and I’m feeling called out Ò-Ó
17:17 - did anyone else feel deeply disturbed watching that?
17:45 - Bulkhead lookin like a penguin.
17:52 - When you compare that walk to other bots (such as Bee or Arcee) you can especially tell the Bulkhead is not made for swift movements. He’s shaky on his pedes/feet when he went from uneven to stable ground and from the slide into a run.
18:00 - most realistic r action right there.
18:04 - Knockout’s significantly faster than Breakdown he’s just decided that instead of using his quick strides to run forward, he’s going side to side.
18:12 - LMAO
18:37 - Take that out of context. I dare you.
18:57 - okay, this looks awesome af.
19:16 - take THAT out of context-
19:27 - OOOOH I get it! Because traditionally it’s ‘fight or flight’ but because their both cars he said ‘drive’
19:50 - Awww look at them. That’s sad. They also kinda look like video game characters, especially because their eyes aren’t glowing the way they usually do. (Sorry I couldn’t get a clearer photo)
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19:59 - this is what I sound like when I’m talking about Polar Bears.
21:03 - I would like to acknowledge that TFP is bad with letting characters take a moment to recover. The more this happens, the more you’ll hear about it.
And that was Deus Ex Machina.
Honestly I’m not a big fan of this episode. It’s okay, but definitely doesn’t stand out as much as it could’ve. I thought the plots were very weak and there were very few iconic moments. Considering that this was the first appearance of Knockout and Breakdown, it’s an underwhelming reveal.
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batmansymbol · 2 years
Panicking about climate change? Consider subscribing to a carbon removal or offset service.
What with the heatwaves, the fires, and the billionaires on their private jets, I've been seeing more climate doomism on here than usual. I get it. Everything feels terrible. And it can be so frustrating to see stuff about personal carbon impact when you're already washing your laundry on cold cycles, biking to work, eating less meat, etc., and meanwhile the US Senate is killing energy initiatives.
But if you have climate anxiety, I HIGHLY recommend subscribing to a carbon-negative project. My carbon subscriptions help me sleep at night. They have been my antidote to feeling helpless.
Some quick math. In the US, there are 74.5 million Netflix subscribers. And in 2020, the US had CO2 emission averages of 14.2 tonnes annually per capita.
So, if every US American with a Netflix subscription took out a subscription that offset their emissions, that'd be 1.06 billion tonnes annually: over 3% of total global emissions (34b tonnes). And that's just if a subsection of the US population did this.
Obviously this is an oversimplification. Carbon offsets are admittedly more expensive than Netflix. Also, offsetting usually works by funding projects elsewhere to reduce global emissions, so it's overall less efficient than, I don't know, the US getting its shit together and funding public transit, which would cut emissions at the source.
But the point remains: collectivism does exist, and we CAN do something about the emissions that we're unavoidably responsible for.
Enter these services, all of which do carbon offsets that are effective, additional, verifiable, and permanent.
WREN. I subscribe to Wren. You pick a dollar amount per month, and they funnel it toward carbon offset projects worldwide. They offer a carbon calculator, personal suggestions for how to reduce your footprint, and are generally awesome. An example of their projects: in the last six months, they enabled 12 Indigenous communities in the Amazon to reduce local deforestation by a staggering 84%, preserving 180,000 acres.
CLIMEWORKS. Climeworks is more expensive per kg removed, but I subscribe to this one too and LOVE this project. It's direct capture, meaning their factories suck CO2 out of the air and sequester it in rock. I want this to scale SO, SO badly. Climeworks doesn't just prevent or reduce emissions—it's carbon NEGATIVE, which is massive. And it's fully permanent: once the Climeworks facilities sequester the carbon in rock, it's there forever (unlike, say, tree-planting, which relies on the lifespan and health of the tree). Climeworks, like Wren, is a no-minimum subscription. You could do a dollar a month.
ECOLOGI. Pretty similar to Wren, but with high emphasis on tree-planting! Ecologi is big on reforestation, and other recent projects include access to clean cookstoves and providing renewable fuel to farmers. They do tree-planting gifts that would be an awesome option around holiday time.
NORI. A carbon-removal marketplace that connects its users to farmers, who submit plans for carbon removal and storage! This one has more of a businessy bent to it, but you can outright buy a tonne of CO2 storage in a transactional way.
To finish off with some good news: the US has joined China and Europe in hitting the 5% tipping point for electric car adoption, the costs of renewable energy have cratered, and China is set to hit its emissions peak earlier than anticipated (huge for the world's largest emitter).
Hang in there.
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tactical-whorefare · 2 years
A bit about Doll
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Illnesses/Diseases: NA Medical History: Trauma surgery 06.04.2021, Wisdom Teeth Removal 12.22.2020, Fractured Arm, (left) 03.12.2020, Gunshot Wound 03.12.2020 Broken Femur (left) 05.15.2015, Lacerated lung via broken ribs 05.15.2015 Addictions: NA Allergies: Latex Allergy Medications: NA Blood Type: A+                                     PERSONALITY INFORMATION
Name: Sara Aurora Sjögren Nickname: “Doll”
Birthday: May 1st, 1995
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual Marital Status: Single Children: None.
Unit: Royal Norwegian Army Medical Service, Forsvarets Sanitet Women’s 1st Medical Battalion “The Valkyries” Rank: Stabssersjant OR-7 (Staff Sergeant E-7) Role: Combat Medic
Nationality: Norwegian Faceclaim: Dove Cameron                                             PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION
Height: 152.4cm (5’0”) Weight: 61.23kg (135 lbs) Body Type: Mesomorph Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Green Hair Length/Texture: Length is to lower-back, Wavy/Braided into double braids, Skin Color: Fair Scars/Marks/Distinguishing Features: Freckles across face and shoulders. Tattoos/Body Piercings/Body Modifications: Ear lobes pierced.                                             MEDICAL INFORMATION
Likes: She plays airsoft and paintball in her time off (and is a remarkably good shot), Gardening (Fall gardens are her favorite!) and is definitely a drink girlie. (One for energy, one for hydration, one for fun at all times.)
Dislikes: Coffee and other bitter drinks, Pork in every sense, and Dishonesty (like lying even about very little things). Strengths: 
-> Resourceful - Whether it being ways to carry enormous Operators off the battlefield to simply knowing who is best to ask for certain tasks, Doll has a great range of internal and personable knowledge at her disposal to get the job done.
-> Humorous - A social butterfly by nature, Doll has never known a stranger in her life and happily gets on with a menagerie of soldiers, civilians and other branches by the power of good humor. Quick with a come-back, mental sparring with her usually leads to a quick friendship. Weaknesses: 
-> Stubborn - A true Taurus, she is hard-sold to be swayed from what she deems as truth, and ever capricious atop that. Once given a proper fact that disproved what she might have thought was true, she just as quickly changes her mind and holds hard-strung to her new hill to die on.
-> Nitpicky - While not a perfectionist by any means, she’s as close as they come to tripping over the line head over heels. Her clinic area is religiously cleaned, her personal appearance is painstakingly ‘dolled’, and you better believe every get-home bag is filled to the gills after every mission. There is just a certain way things are done and that is how they are meant to be done! Fears: Snakes and Good liars (She trusts easily.) Pet Peeves: Stubborn patients who don’t obey medical orders. Traits: Sara is generally mild-mannered and polite to a fault, having never known a stranger in her life. She is warm-hearted and maternal. And while she is strict in her professionalism, she always makes time for her friends and fellow officers alike, allowing them space to vent and talk. In that way, she makes for a good sounding board for those who take her up on the opportunity. But that is not to say that she doesn’t have her negative attributes. Just as easily as she could have been painted a patron saint for the calming tides of kindness and understanding, she is also a horribly stubborn woman with a trigger temper and a surprisingly vengeful side.                                                         GEAR
Loadout of choice: (Primary) STTB 556, (5 mags, 1 loaded) (Sidearm) P890 (3 mags, 1 loaded) (Sidearm) SOG Tactical Knife Combat Medic Ruck Pack IFAK Thigh Harness
Body Armor Battlevest-Plate Carrier + Name, Medic Cross and Country Patches. COMTAC V Headset with Mic Forearm Gauntlets Rothko 1185 Tactical Kneepads Oakley Coyote Tac Boots Anti-slip Half-finger Hardback Gloves.
Sara was born on Lofoten Island, Norway, technically the ‘second’ to oldest child of thirteen children total due to her twin brother Seth being born eleven seconds ahead of her. Life was always hectic and busy, no more so than playing ‘Army’ in their huge field of a backyard with the literal army of brothers and sisters she had. Even despite being one of the oldest, one should think she would be one of the lead commands, right? But Seth certainly would never have it. He was Captain, She was Medic- That's just how it was. But it ultimately fostered a rivalry between them that would last well into adulthood. Kids play rough and usually that was the way many games of Army ended was with a crying younger sibling and Sara patching wounds at the kitchen table, undeniably proficient despite her want of being in charge. Both parents thought this was a pretty standard play considering their father was a Marine himself. Seth desperately wanted to be just like him..and Sara did too.
It felt like a race to the top between herself and her older brother, a competition that always seemed to strain on the precipice between good, fun rivalry and actually throwing hands. They had both signed up for the armed forces as soon as they were of age, Seth having originally kept intentions of joining the police force, but with instigation to agitate his sister, instead joined the Royal Marines, and Sara, the Royal Norwegian Army after failing the Marine PFT. It was a devastatingly bitter pill to swallow knowing that her brother, who never had intentions of joining had done so with ease while she having wanted it more than anything was ripped away from her. It has taken several years for Sara to even talk to her brother from this. But her proficiency and determination was valued greatly in this field, allowing her to become sharply skilled and proud- determined to be more than just ‘playing nurse’ like her childhood games.
Sara was accepted into the Norwegian Military Academy in Oslo to take her NCO courses before formally enlisting into the Norwegian Army Medical Service in 2013. While in the NAMS, Sara took on several specialized training courses surrounding her homeland, namely, cold combat and survival and tactical combat casualty care. After thirty weeks of intensive training in her specialized area of care, Sara graduated and was expeditiously placed on a joint Norway/Sweden medical alliance MedEvac team (Forsvarets Sanitet 22nd Medical Battalion/ 12th Combat Aviation Brigade) set out of Mali during the later end of the insurgence and were initially to be integrated into Sweden’s Takuba contingent. During the very brief stay in Mali after having been part of the leading force in setting up the MASH unit, The Norwegian Defense Minister pulled the plug on the operation after being unable to reach an agreement for the safety of their medics as the war took on an increasingly violent swing. It was at the end of their six-week tour when they were given orders to head back to Oslo to await further orders when their UH-60 MedEvac Black Hawk was shot down by enemy fire over a mountainous region of the neutral zone, crash landing in one of the many desert ravines nearby. Several people jumped from the burning, spinning Black Hawk, one of them being Sara who had jumped while holding tight to an injured German Lieutenant, whom she may or may not have had a relationship with, who had been hitching a ride back to NATO territory. The Lieutenant quickly died of his injuries from the fall that left Sara and two others as the sole survivors despite grievous injuries. Sara had broken her femur in the fall along with several other injuries that prevented her from being able to move her more seriously injured survivors. With broken leg and all, she administered life saving care to her two battalion members, the three of them stayed downed in the desert for a solid 22 hours as they defended themselves from active fire against the armed insurgents that surrounded them while foot-backup arrived- Per one of Sara’s panicked radio transmissions that any air Evac would have been promptly shot down. To their rescue as the 24 hour mark hit was a regiment of German Bundeswehr who had responded to their SOS on foot. Once arrived, they disposed of the rogue insurgents in short order and rescued Sara and the other two survivors before quickly laying claim to the area, further decreasing the neutral zone size. 
Sara was an emotional wreck following the crash, overnight shootout and subsequent injury, and was unable to continue her tour due to the emotional and physical toll it had taken, but on a positive note was given a Silver Star Medal along with the other two survivors for being Wounded in Action as well as an invitation to join and train with one of the elite SpecOps of the Norwegian Army, the Women’s 1st Medical Battalion, the Valkyries. But the invitation would have to wait until she healed. From 2015 to 2016 she was placed on light duty, transferring to a UK joint base as a Norwegian Army Representative for the bilateral training co-op of combat medics following her treatment and release from the Oslo VA hospital. Once placed back on active duty, Sara was expeditiously placed onto The Valkyries training team, their first order of business being to set up a MedEvac station near the security force center of the Anbar Province where the majority of injuries were coming from, they would also frequent Baghdad serving something as a supply Heli as well. Sara worked and trained the Valkyrie Battalion clear until the Afghanistan war had ceased in 2021. Post war, the Valkyrie Battalion was put on OC reserve, disbanded for the time being and her soldiers split up.   This would be Sara’s first encounter with KorTac. Upon examination of Sara’s skills and aptitude and a few weeks after the Valkyrie Battalion was put on reserve, Sara was offered a contract with KorTac as a combat medic once more. Initially, Sara declined, unsure if she could manage herself without the structure of the Army she had known for so many years, but after a peek at the pay, she was suitably convinced by KorTac’s recruiters to sign the dotted line.                                         HEADCANONS -> Is unusually quiet and nervous inside transport Helis. She could really do with an anxiety pill. -> Surprisingly vicious in hand-to-hand- she does not have the weight or strength to make hard hits, so she is ruthlessly brutal the first time so she doesn’t have to fight long. -> Wants to be married and have a family some day. She knows it won’t be any time soon, but her end goal, if she doesn’t die on a mission first, is to retire out from the military, marry and start having children.
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ainews · 6 months
Marshlands are a delicate and important part of many landscapes. They perform a range of crucial ecological functions, including providing wildlife habitat, cleansing water supplies, and helping prevent flooding. When managed properly, marshlands can also be a great source of resources, including renewable energy and agricultural production. For all these reasons, its important to protect marshlands from destruction and degradation.
The simplest and most efficient way to protect marshlands is by abolishing them: that is, banning any sort of development or use of them. This is the most practical and effective way to ensure that they remain intact and continue to provide the vital environmental functions that they’ve been performing for thousands of years.
Abolishing marshlands is so essential because it removes the pressure and potential for exploitation. Without any human activities, marshlands can remain intact and won’t have any of the negative consequences that usually come from intensive development. Furthermore, abolishing marshlands means that any use of them will have to be carefully planned and controlled, so they can carry out their important functions without disruption.
Abolishment is also important because marshlands in many parts of the world are particularly vulnerable and fragile habitats. They are often located in areas that are exposed to storms and floods, and are thus prone to destruction and degradation. As well as this, many marshlands are home to rare and endangered wildlife species, which can be put at risk by any form of exploitation.
In short, abolishing marshlands is the most practical and chaste way to protect them from destruction and degradation. It removes the potential for exploitation and keeps marshlands intact and functioning so they can continue to provide ecological services and support local wildlife.
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