#Can't be bothered
robotzebra · 1 year
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No energy today. Have a somewhat abstract toad
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bisexualsmallishbeans · 2 months
FULLY convinced I could take over the world someday. I just won’t because. im shy
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capnsoapy · 1 year
Okay, I DO wholeheartedly agree with the idea that trans women absolutely should not be forced to tuck but your specific argument there is... bad.
Breasts and genitals are NOT the same and it's kind of harmful to imply that they are analogous. Like, there are whole movements about the fact that women (or people read as women) should be allowed to go topless just like cis men, because breasts/nipples on any gender aren't like genitals and aren't inherently sexual. Like, I know it was *absolutely* not your intention, but your comparison is just too similar to old right-wingers who are like "if women can take their shirts off now, then what's stopping everyone from taking their pants off?"
I'd personally consider a visible bulge closer to cameltoe or even just a visible outline of a mons pubis. And since cis women aren't treated as creepy/predatory for having those things sometimes (although the former is often considered a faux-pas) then trans women shouldn't be treated as creepy/predatory or invalidated for having a bit of a bulge. Especially since tucking can be so uncomfortable or even painful/dangerous.
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modernbaseball · 10 months
Also I stopped reading my queue so. Be aware of that
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superstupendoussims · 11 months
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too lazy to make a custom screenshot so here you go...she got promoted again
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mymomisdrunkagain · 1 month
April 07, 2024
April 07, 2024 - so, as we all know, mother sits out on the couch in the living room all day drinking and eating. Today was no exception. We have three cats: Maddie, Trouble, and Malcolm. Maddie is very old and will probably pass before the end of the year. It makes me sad, and I tear up thinking about losing her and the great times we've had, but then I remember she's not gone yet, and go out of my way to spend more time with her and make her feel more comfortable, etc.
The reason I'm telling you all this well become clear in a minute.
We have an open concept house where the kitchen is right off of the living room (where mother parks her ass everyday, and where she passes out every night), and the place where we feed out cats is visible from the couch.
Ok, so, Trouble likes to scarf down his food and then rush over and bully Maddie out of the rest of hers. We don't like that, so we usually watch her until she's done eating, then pick up her bowl and cover it until she's hungry again later. Today, I was finishing up the big project out back that Auntie wanted me to finish a couple days ago, and since mother was already sitting on the couch, I figured she'd be able to watch Trouble and stop him when he sneaks over to steal Maddie's food.
That's not much to ask of someone, I wouldn't think… especially since I was already out back sweating my face off. ALL SHE HAD TO DO WAS STAY WHERE SHE WAS, DOING WHAT SHE WAS ALREADY DOING, FOR 5 MORE MINUTES! It wasn't like I even troubled her to do the actual feeding of the cats… So I feed them, and as I'm leaving the kitchen to go back outside and finish, mother gets up and moves her whole program to Auntie's bedroom… to drink more, eat more, and watch more TV.
Mother KNOWS Trouble eats Maddie's food. We've asked her before, and she's even done it before, so she knows that it would have been super helpful for her to sit and watch the cats. Sit, which she was already doing, and watch. the. cats. Zero extra effort was required.
She literally couldn't even be bothered to do that. She, in fact, went out of her way to NOT do that. She's turned into just the bestest person in the whole wide world!
Thanks, Mother! Awesome bitch move!
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ch3shireacat · 1 month
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii someone said something about, like 'where did I go' so
...here is your answer!
Getting a cold
Writing for a test
Sitting a french test
Writing more
Dying with a cold
School. Ew
making french toast.
burning french toast.
Yeah, anyways- I'm about to post a shit ton of random stuff, so....
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kekekeiii · 8 months
plz don't bully how my account looks like. it's not exactly my top priority rn cuz i'm having spokey brainrot. i tried my best to not look like a bot, so plz spare my feelings T^T i'll fix it later swear
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jameszmaguire · 9 months
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I think it would be better for everyone if I were to be left alone in the future. Don't you?
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ellcrys · 10 months
fuck it, it looks way too nice out
i want sun
i’m going for a walk and then i’m getting myself banh mi because i’m starving
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drulalovescas · 3 months
Why do this??? Why show us that Dean wanted out?? That Dean thought about quitting hunting. Retiring. That Dean wanted to LIVE. When you intended from the get go to impale him on a rusty rebar. Because "it was always gonna end like this." Because "it was supposed to end like this, right?" Because Dean „HAD TO DIE?????” What do you mean Dean would never stop hunting when you’ve literally showed us he wanted to???? What do you mean Dean wanted to die hunting when he literally said he DIDN'T??
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badnesssolis · 1 year
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bonesofvaldis · 2 months
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i put all the headshots together for convenience uwu
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savagegood · 10 months
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What We Do In The Shadows 5.03 | Padres vs Nats 6.7.2021
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trinidaddy88 · 1 year
Me: Can I work overtime?
Boss: Sure. We are actually understaffed so you can work more than our overtime hours.
Me: *comes in leaves when I'm supposed to without working overtime*
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ofyoungbamboo · 1 year
I do think it's interesting both Tale of Princess Kaguya and Princess from the Moon try to give Kaguya love interests but also fail to make them engaging
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