#Capitalism ho!
raisengen · 8 months
How to make Snowsant megabucks
I saw some confusion on the Snowsant shop minigame, and the tutorial skips over some stuff, I so I thought I'd throw out a few pointers.
Caveat: I'm writing this with only one set of items in the shop, so I don't know how their release will change things. There are other ways of playing, but I'm confident this should Just Work.
Don't buy high on food and drink, it's low-profit
Do buy high on the gifts, holy shit Snowsant that's a 10x markup you're scamming these people
Save your scouting for the selling phase since you've got more info to work with then.
Reasoning under the cut:
First off, the tutorial doesn't mention that there are extra cash prizes depending on your gross sales in each category ($5k/$2k/$1k for 1st/2nd/3rd). This doesn't include your expenditures, so you could buy high, sell low and all but guarantee your reward. However.
When doing this with food and drink, this also wipes out your profit margins, so it's hard to make more money than just taking the middle route. You're also more at risk of having leftover stock, which will ruin your profits.
Overall, I'd recommend the middle-ground strategy as default here. Then use your scouting to undercut someone by at least a bit, whatever you need to clear stock.
For gifts, it's another story. We're selling those at a stupidly high 10x markup, and if you've got leftovers you can just sell them tomorrow, or whenever there's a surge of demand. The difference in buying prices and the position rewards don't matter much if you're just shovelling as many of them through your shop as you possibly can.
I'm planning on buying high all day every day, see you at the top of the points ladder
(For scouting, I've sort of hinted it already but I'd recommend saving your scouts for the selling phase. By then you already know how much stock you (and everyone else) has, so you can seek out a price point that clears all your stock more safely.)
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misacreakingskull · 3 days
Can I have about tree fiddy? :<
One out of the 3 "Red Girl" drawings are done However, I'm gonna be a dick and only let ppl on my discord server and ko-fi tippers have it b4 I'm done with the set... so, idk, HAND OVAH THAT DOLLA BILL :U ... if u wanna see a cute biker girl with a flaming katana right now https://ko-fi.com/creakingskull
yeah, that's it, it's rough for everyone, gotta make money somehow, sorry m8s... "Capitalism, Ho!" - Recette, Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale
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battle-acs-official · 3 months
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ofermod · 8 months
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ghost-in-a-cup · 8 months
hey guys, maybe before you pirate LEARN SOME ETIQUETTE
why are these important? well, if you openly share the sites, they wil get shut down. corporations are willing to copyright strike anything. you are only going to make accessing these resources harder.
if you want to share resources, don't post them on public forums like tumblr, twitter,instagram or any popular site. remember how zlibrary shut down? yall want that to happen to more sites? do you?
also like if they get shut down, people who can't access these otherwise because they don't have the means for it or its banned in their country are losing access.
Don't post links online. Only share in private conversations.
try and avoid linking the sites directly. a workaround is sharing the downloaded files via other file hosting sites similar to google drive and drop box
Use a VPN. i personally like proton vpn, it is a freemium model but the free version works fine.
These are just the basics, there are others but please keep these in mind.
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ayyeeequality · 9 months
Parasite (2019) is such a fantastic & gut-wrenching film
And I am reminded today that most non-poor people just won't get it
Twice that movie was so relatable it made me feel uncomfortable
Have you ever had to go out of your way to get other sources of wifi because you couldn't pay the bill for it or cell service?
Have you ever overheard someone talking about how bad something (you) smell?
Have you ever heard a college student say "I'm not rich but" and then proceed to admit that they didn't know food stamps were real? While you're sitting in that same room as you, yourself, use food stamps?
Because I have
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not-5-rats · 6 days
"I should have known, I should have understood that you Hunters never change!-"
Eughhh I'm bored so I'm gonna ramble -
(Mentions of blood, injury, violence, death also shitty writting)
The escape was ongoing. There'd been a couple of hiccups but they had finally gotten back on track! Everyone was happy to be getting out of there...but they were frightened, I mean they were at constant risk of being caught and atp it would probably be decided that they were all too much hassle....they'd probably just kill them right there at that very moment.
So everyone was quiet as they shuffled through the many dark passages which filled the arena. Marco was leading the front, since he knew the way, as Rolden marked the end of their group, the tension was thick but one person seemed more effected by it than anyone else...Bug. They hated being here, it was disturbing, in every cage they passed there was a half-blood either curled on the floor, blood staining their entire being...tears staining their face, or they were snarling, growling at the bars as the group passed...savages...maybe it was for the best thag they were locked away.
Wait...what the fuck were they thinking! This isn't good! This is bad!! These poor creatures, they're being mistreated, they're being abused!! But...look at them...they're vicious...how could creatures like that ever be let back into society!! No, no they couldn't genuinly be having these thoight! After everything the boys had done for them! Half-bloods are not monsters...no...they're not!...right?
As Bug got lost in their own head they didn't notice as the group neared their way out of the arena, they remained unaware until an odd voice snapped them out of their trance
"Well...what have we got here then?"
Shit. A small group of Hunters stood infront of them, there weren't many of them but there was probably too many for them to fight off. They were frozen, both groups silently staring at one another until the 'leader' of the Hunters began to speak, taking large steps towards them
"Listen you're lucky we found you and not anyone else. We'll let you off, nobody gets hurt, if you turn around and let us put you back in your cells...or assign you a cell given the new faces"
Bodie spoke for the group, he refused, they had gotten so far they wouldn't dare turn around that easily. The Hunters laughed, the leader went to speak, but they suddenly stopped as they spotted somebody in the group that seemed out of place
"*Bug*, well what a lovely surprise. What on earth are you doing wandering round with a bunch of escaped monsters hm?"
Bug stepped forward, their gaze seemed fixed on the floor as they passed the others, soon they stood just infront of the rest of them, face to work with their old colleagues. Bodie attempted to place a hand on their shoulder but Bug quickly shifted out of his grasp
"Ah, Edwin I was just...I, we.."
They fell silent for a second, their eyes slowly rising from the floor to the eyes of the Hunter at the front. As their eyes met an odd feeling overcame Bug and they spoke once more, louder, more confident this time
"I found them, trying to escape with the help of their...odd friend, I knew I couldn't take them in alone so brought em round here...knew somebody would be here"
They stepped forward once more, the eyes of their frien- their captures behind them burning into the back of their skull. They never meant to do this...but after the kind of creatures they'd seen in here...it's safer for them to be locked up in here rather than be out there where they could hurt innocent people.
The Hunter smiled at them, the group of half-bloods began to ask questions, to demand answers, to yell at Bug for what they were doing...but Bug didn't answer them, they didn't even acknowledge their cries. The group went to turn but more Hunters had appeared around them...they were trapped.
Suddenly it escalated, the Hunters quickly realised the group wouldn't go willingly just as the group realised their friend was a traitor. The Hunters made the first strike, Edwin strolled past Bug and went to apprehend Bodie, but he didn't let them take him...so Edwin attacked and ordered the others to do the same.
It quickly resulted in everyone being involved in the commotion, blood splattered the walls, the sound of claws digging into flesh and daggers piercing the skin. Bones snapping, metal clashing against scaled...the sound echoed in the hall. Soon there were...bodies on the floor, none dead yet, but a couple Hunters were knocked out and Timmy seemed to have had his ankles severely damaged in the scuffle. Bug rushed over to the trapped gator, unable to lfit himself from the floor. They stood over him...they never meant for it to get this far...they didn't think anyone would be hurt this badly...they just thought they'd be taken away, locked up. Yet they saw the damage to his legs...if they left him here, the Hunters would force him to fight on this stumps...he didn't deserve that. They lifted a foot...to put the poor soul out of his misery
But before they could do so they found themself om the floor having been thrown to the side by a larger figure. As they tried to figure out what had happened they felt a harsh hand grab their face, their head was tugged off the floor, their eyes were met by a familiar face.
Bodie...he was so angry, they'd never seen him like this, they knew his face yet...he seemed so different. The resentful look he gave them, the hatred in his eyes...it was painful so look at. Yet Bug could see the other feelings he had hidden beneath the rage...the hurt, the confusion, the betrayal...those hurt them more than the anger ever could. They were snapped back into the moment as they were violently shaken
"What is wrong with you! You had no idea where we were going, you had no idea who would be here, what was all that nonsense!"
Bug didn't answer they just stared at him
"I should have known, I should have understood that you Hunters never change! Was this your big plan? Or was this just a game to see how far you could get before running back to your little friends"
He shook them again...still they said nothing
"Answer me *Bug*!"
Marco suddenly appeared behind him, tapping his shoulder. The Hunters were all out or had retreated, but they'd soon be back. They had to go now, or else they'd never get out. Bodie didn't take his eyes of Bug even as Marco spoke...and Bug didn't move their gaze either.
Bodie hesitated...but he knew he had to get the other out of here...they were more important than this...thing. He let go of their face, their head fell and hit roughly against the floor. As blood began to stram from the back of their head Bodie stood, Timmy was over Roldens shoulder but apart from his ankles none of them seemed to have any major injuries. The group left the arena that day, they never looked back...and as they left Bug lay on the ground...they remained unable to believe what they had done.
They betrayed everyone, they left their colleagues to live with the boys...then betrayed the boys to return. Yet now they lay without anybody. Nobody to comfort them, nobody to hold their hand as they slowly bled out. They had fought to keep the boys locked away, to keep them from hurting anyone else...yet here Bug was...and the half-bloods walked free. They hadn't hurt them...not on purpose...they never killed them. They lay on the floor, they wouldn't survive and it was their fault...they had let these thoughts overcome them...even though they knew these people, they knew Bodie...they knew his family...they still doubted them. They saw them as killers when really...the killers were still in the building
With their last breaths Bug remembered their time with the half-bloods. They remembered how much they cared...and they thought about how quickly they turned on their family...just because it was what they were taught to do.
How fucking pathetic are they...
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evapilot1 · 7 months
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Recettear is the best game ever made.
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magic5ball · 3 months
Please feel free to leave additional thoughts in the replies and tags!
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drinkinboilingcoffee · 3 months
Reblogs appreciated
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super-sootica · 1 year
How do I even fully express that billionaires, corporations, governments etc directly and indirectly communicate life has no value to them. They will roll over the earth and everyone else to get their 15 pieces of silver.
So if life has no value to them as evidenced by their behaviour then why should their life have any value to me? To us?
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fipindustries · 8 days
this looks sick as shit dude, im going to be there day one
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doodle17 · 11 months
Like how everyone is butt-hurt about Halloween being over and how they're "dreading Christmas" but I'm over here thriving because I am both a big Halloween AND Christmas enthusiast
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I am ready to deck those halls and trim some trees bby girl
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unfuck-your-tech · 1 year
Unfuck your Tech
The Internet is increasingly profit-based in its design, intended to extract the maximum amount of value from your use of it. Proprietary tech, ads, monetization, algorithmic content dissemination, digital rights media (DRM) etc. are all things that benefit corporations, but that make the Internet more hostile to real individuals and communities.
This blog shares community-oriented tools, free alternatives to paid content, and ways for healthier more human media consumption with a focus on free open-source software (FOSS), that anyone can use to remove limiters, paywalls, ads, mindless endless content feeds, and take back digital autonomy, self-respect and fulfillment.
Unfuck your technology, and make your digital landscape a kinder place.
Header image made in aeCAD, a FOSS circuit board design tool.
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School mein ghuss te hi meri volume kam kyun ho jaati hai 😭
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mediumsizedqueerlynx · 7 months
in a world where money is valued above people, piracy is morally good.
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