#Captain Laserhawk episode 6
gracestellaerie · 7 months
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You change along with the world.
I think about his character a lot.
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the-goopy-gaymer · 7 months
If Bullfrog has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Bullfrog has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Bullfrog has only one fan then that is me. If Bullfrog has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Bullfrog, then I am against the world.
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teecupangel · 7 months
Cup, the assassin toad. This damn toad jumped out of the shadows of my feed and now it won't go away.
I don't know who he is – yet – but I'd kill a million templars for him, damn that son of a bitch is adorable grrr
I mean...
How can you not...
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Bullfrog is an adorable badass who gets the job done. Truly, the VIP of the team.
(Bullfrog is the French Assassin from Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix, an animated series that's pretty much a loose major crossover with all Ubisoft properties and it's available on Netflix)
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ouiweenook · 7 months
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First five minutes of Captain Laserhawk 🥰
Available on Netflix!
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pidayforpi · 5 months
(I'm so dumb it took me 2 episodes to realise Bullfrog was inspired by Assassin's Creed.)
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arthrobug · 7 months
Like any normal person would I've technically already rewatched Captain Laserhawk three times (I've also realized I've been spelling laser wrong... I'm a tad dyslexic I know) and taken so many screenshots of my favourite scenes...
Which are mostly Rayman and Bullfrog shush here's the names of some of them:
"are you okay dude"
"He so wanted to strangle that bitch"
"hes so worried sdhjkl"
"mmmmmm chompers"
"okay ill accept it please kiss my cheek"
"ray are you there"
"uwu but clean"
"he is so fuckin batshit i love him"
"i uh what"
That was only some of them. I'm clinically insane for this show I'm watching it on the big screen tomorrow once again lmao
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prismarts333 · 7 months
Why Rayfrog works so well
DISCLAIMER: I will spoil the entire of the Netflix adult series "Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix."
Tw// torture, drug use, sexual themes, graphic violence, Angst, and fascism
Rayfrog is a fascinating ship for me personally and one that I and many other Rayman and Laserhawk fans have gravitated towards. Two characters represent two very different IPs, both aesthetically and thematically. However, when framed in the context of a story that uses cyberpunk as a framework to craft a narrative of revolution to discover a crack ship with legitimacy and the tragedies they might overcome if season two is ever greenlit.
If you're reading this post, you've most likely watched all 6 episodes of captain laserhawk on Netflix. (if not, please watch it! It is so good, and I want season two in my VEINS)
Let me just get this out of the way: despite all the edgy memes about sushi on anthro cows and snorting cocaine and promotional trailers depicting him as a villain due to not having a game in over 10 years, this Rayman is NOT the Rayman from the games. This AU version of Rayman makes sense as most Rayman fans already know what the character is like, so seeing him in an assumed villain role was the perfect hook for the advertising.
In this universe, Rayman was a celebrity and mascot for Eden. Using a nonhuman and nonhybrid to be the face of Eden, they can use Rayman without fearing immediate backlash. And even if they did, they can silence the ones that do. They can do all that while also lying to Rayman about the actual info, and they also have the added benefit of Rayman believing it.
Which makes his realization of all the false propaganda he was spewing hit harder because Rayman, in the games, would always protect the little guy, and now he was suppressing them with a smile on his face. And he learned all of this from a hacked message telling him to seek a frog for the truth.
And that frog just so happens to be declared a terrorist by the same company that lied to him for who knows how long.
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Meet bullfrog! Despite him being an original character based on Assassin's Creed rather than his role being taken up by one of the Assassins in the series (like the Assassin he's based on), Ezio. It makes his rise to fan fave all the more incredible. The team also saw this potential since he had a whole trailer dedicated to him before the show came out. And it's not hard to see the appeal. He's the most emotionally mature character in the series. Has some of the best moments in the show, gets the job done, and is voiced by the creative director Balak. Some argue he and Rayman carried the show.
The way Bullfrog tells Rayman the truth also adds to his character as well as Rayman. He's not angry at him; he doesn't even yell at him. He even gives him juice and tells him the truth. He reminds him about how he became Eden's poster boy. He tells him that he was right for being upset, and he got silenced for it by the people he was working for. And even got Rayman to open up about his backstory. And most importantly, he showed him the horrors of Eden's propaganda and how Rayman was advertising a fascist regime. That was the moment Rayman realized how bad he messed up. However, the damage was already done he sat by and let an entire system ruin the lives of so many even the frog that told him everything.
So what does Rayman do? well for a lack of better terms, he became Rayman again but things are so much different now.
With a new resolve, he went directly to the higher-ups to ensure that Bullfrog wasn't executed permanently even though, as bullfrog says in episode 3,
"Be wary of the path to vengeance. That tree will bear bitter fruit"...
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the season ends with them alive but their fates are unknown at least for now...
With all that stated, let's discuss why people want Rayman and an Assassin Creed frog to smooch each other.
Combine the fact that both of these characters are nonhuman with the fact that they have the best voice performances of the whole show, the implied character importance and arcs for both of these characters, and the fact that they both have the potential for concern and chemistry (I mean look at these shots after Rayman got bodied by a xenophobe).
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Shows the lengths to which the show wants these characters to be happy together, but like the other prominent gay couple in the show, Dolph and Alex, I fear they're trials both must overcome if they want to be together. This includes but is not limited to Rayman coming to terms with being an accomplice to a capitalist hellscape company, the bomb that's still in Bullfrog's head, (Maybe some internalized homophobia for Rayman if the writers want to get spicy), bullfrog's past that hasn't been fully revealed yet, the fact that the aesthetic of this whole show is cyberpunk a genre of storytelling that NEVER has a happy ending for anyone, bullfrog's code of honor, what happened to globox and rayman’s other friends, and EVERYTHING WITH UNIVERSE X. Fans latch on to those theories like a moth to a flame for hurt comfort and fluff fics so much potential to be wholesome and/or tragic depending on what the writers want to do in season two (if it gets greenlit).
You also have to take into account the paratextual context of Rayman ( a dead IP that only recently got closure from the Rabbids that buried him back in the 2000s in the form of DLC) and an assassins Creed character ( a franchise that's currently running and returning back from its roots from what I've heard) being in the same room talking about both of them are used and even abused by Eden (Ubisoft). That incentivizes fans to write complex fics and theories on these two.
In conclusion, this pair not only has the potential to be a healthier ship compared to Dolph and Alex or even be darker and more tragic than that. And this ship has the added benefit of being a commentary on classism, IP usage, vengeance, and revolution.
UPDATE: Apparently, the original Raymon transformation clip got taken off YouTube, so I decided to clip the scene from a compilation video.
Here's the original link
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strawowoberry · 6 months
I had to draw rayman I mean, look at him
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He's gone mad, absolutely mad for all the right reasons and I love him for it, i'm so glad I watched all 6 episodes hhh
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raygirlramblings · 7 months
Did what they did with Jade and Pey'j in Captain Laserhawk bother you, too?
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All these muppets going ‘lol the Rayman fandom must be so upset about Laserhawk’ and NO.
In the first trailer for Laserhawk Rayman was an EASTER EGG. We didn’t even know if he’d have a role with speaking lines until the second trailer. AND WE WERE OK WITH THAT! If baby bean was just a background element to expand the world we would have been happy for the crumbs. But no! Our boy got a full speaking role with a CHARACTER ARC IN A SIX EPISODE SHOW. He got BACKSTORY and RELEVANCE TO THE PLOT. And he DIDN’T GET KILLED OFF.
All that for a character we were expecting to get NOTHING from.
But JADE?!
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They were front and centre from the first trailer. They were established as being as central as Dolph and Bullfrog and WHAT DID IT GET THEM.
Jade gets taken out in ep 2 of 6, and Pey’j goes down the next episode.
At LEAST Pey’j went down being exactly what I expected him to be. A kind protector trying to make the world better. Trying to stop conflict. Trying not to take his pain and suffering from the loss of a girl he loved deeply out on an unfair world. He died a noble if pointless death and from Bullfrog’s expression alone we can see how much it hurt.
JADE GOT NOTHING. Jade died when we barely knew her. We needed more of her. We wanted to see her shine, see more of this wonderful awkward tomboy with a gentle heart. We needed to see how she interacted with others. She DESERVED BETTER. SHE DIDN'T EVEN GET ANY FINAL WORDS.
In a show where I watched my favourite childhood character swearing, wielding guns and doing sushi and blow off a hookers back THIS JADE AND PEY’J SCENE IS WHAT MADE ME CRINGE.
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I am willing to forgive so much from this show. So much of it was a wonderful, ridiculous, beautifully animated rollercoaster.
But implying any kind of romantic sentiment between these two characters only to kill one of them off in the same episode was so damn weird. It was wrong on so many levels. There was NOTHING WRONG with their older mentor/young ward relationship. It could have been great. I don’t understand why they did this. It didn’t add pressure or gravitas to the situation, we KNOW Pey’j would do anything for Jade, HE DOESN’T HAVE TO HAVE A CRUSH ON HER FOR THAT TO BE REAL.
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And seeing Jade and Pey’j in Dolph’s VR dream sequence just felt so hollow. We needed at least an episode to establish any kind of team energy from these four, but we didn’t so seeing Jade give Dolph a pep talk about relaxing more came off as flakey and not good enough for a character who deserved better. They didn’t even establish what Jade and Pey’j were supposed to bring to the team. Pey’j is just ‘the tech guy’ in the same episode he dies. Jade has to play a femme fatale against her type but we don’t even get to see her being her best. To quote Rayman ‘IT’S NOT FAIR’.
Oh boy.
I feel a little better getting that anger out. I’m just sad. I’m sad we lost them. They deserved better.
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spacechild85 · 7 months
I have THOUGHTS, man. (Captain Laserhawk spoilers, Laserfrog propaganda/lh)
Can we talk about why Laserhawk decided to go save Bullfrog
I mean of course he would you don't just leave him to die, he's obviously the crew/fan favorite, but let's think about it narratively. Why does Laserhawk want to save Bullfrog?
I feel like the reason is that during the whole VR thing where he was with Alex, and they talked about Bullfrog. Alex said that Bullfrog needed Laserhawk.
But honestly? I think it's a two way street. Laserhawk needs him just as much as Bullfrog needs him. And he realized it at that moment, in the arms of his former lover.
....I want you to think about that. Laserhawk was with Alex, but then the discussion went to Bullfrog quite...quickly. The way he talks about Bullfrog, he seemed really fond of him (The most ridiculous assassin I've ever met in my entire life...also the kindest.") Laserhawk realized Bullfrog was right about vengeance, yes. But there was also an internal realization within him that I dont think was said aloud (except by Alex with the whole "maybe he needs you" if you wanna count that) but is very apparent if you think about it.
We see how much Bullfrog CARES about the people around him, and it's most clear when he tries to get Laserhawk not to make rash decisions in the name of revenge. Usually, Laserhawk never heard him out but at that moment he realized that Bullfrog knew exactly how he was feeling and wanted to help.
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Basically, he realized that there was someone out there who cared about him, who truly wanted the best for him and wanted to help him.
There, talking to a fake version of his toxic exe, who time after time made him feel as though he was worthless, a means to an end, he realized he was loved by someone.
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And maybe, just maybe...he realized that he loved him back.
IDK maybe I'm just being sappy, but the look of determination that Laserhawk has at the end of Episode 5/Episode 6, it's like he KNOWS what he wanted at that moment. He wanted to see Bullfrog again, he wanted to save him. He wanted to prove to Bullfrog that he listened (finally). He was willing to go to hell and back in order to find him. He finally had someone worth fighting for.
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And I think that matters a lot.
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thefatiger · 7 months
(okay, lets try to translate)
My thoughts about Captain Laserhawk (maybe part 1)
In general, I thought for a long time about how the Laserhawk activated its bomb on Sarah's left hand, if she always activates the bomb on her right...
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Okay, I was thinking about who sent Rayman the message "If you want to know the truth, talk to the frog." The most stupid and at the same time the most ingenious option - The Board of Directors the most Rayfrog shippers!
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But seriously, there is a version that it was Sarah, or rather, that cyborg spider in the finale, speaking in Sarah's voice. He has exactly the same mathematical symbol on his head as on an empty chair in the boardroom.
And then, how did he manage to send a message without revealing himself, for example, by voice? I couldn't watch the whole scene in the original, so I don't know if the Board of Directors speaks in the voice of one of the Director during the conversation, or if another voice is used so that none of the Board of Directors members will give themselves away just because of the voice. In any case, spider didn't use his real voice. hacked the system???
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Perhaps he is a traitor among them (run "Among Us flashback.exe "), who wants to destroy Eden from the inside. It can be said that he was waiting for the moment when Rayman would be replaced on television in order to show the truth to the real Ray and destroy the Board of Directors with his help.
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Based on the theory that the whole universe of "Captain Laserhawk" is a game, I'm already starting to talk some nonsense I assume that this cyborg spider (I'll call him that because I'm not sure if it's Sarah, I'll explain later) knows the whole plot (or at least knows the main plot twists that need to happen). That is, perhaps he knows that in this story the hero is not Eden, but the rebels, that the story does not come from the top of power, but from those who must destroy and defeat it.
Well, why does it seem to me that that spider (and therefore the character we followed all 6 episodes) is not the real Sarah Fisher? I'm not talking about the appearance that is different in flashbacks and the present tense (although this could be my argument in any way). Here I again rely on that theory (perhaps I confuse two different publications and mix them into one, who knows). It also said (or rather, summarized) that it was possible that the Laserhawk would be revived in the second season. I have a suggestion that one day Sarah died, and her consciousness was transferred to a certain database of deceased users of people (I'm sure it could well be in the cyberpunk world) and was used by the same traitor to cover up. I'm just not sure that Sarah could change her mind after seeing on TV almost the same underside that she sees when working in a maximum security prison
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(I watched last episode, and Sarah's flesh was visible at the moment of the explosion, so this is a real person, albeit with cybernetic legs, so my theory is interesting, but unreal. Although her consciousness could indeed move into the cyborg's body after the destruction of her body. Or is there just an artificial intelligence in the cyborg spider's body based on the consciousness of the real Sarah)
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nalooksthrough · 2 months
Red didn't just randomly stumble into the room. He had a Reason for being there.
I've been in the Captain Laserhawk fandom for a little while now. And I have noticed there seems to be some confusion as to why Red suddenly burst into the room while Rayman and Bullfrog were talking. I don't know why. For me it was fairly simple, I figured it out a little while after my first viewing. And got confirmed by the show after my second watch through.
Red was hunting down Rayman, to kill him. As per Eden's direct orders.
But I can understand why people may have missed it. The audience had no time to process the comments made by Red in those moments, because of previous emotionally charged scenes. But the comments were there.
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Captain Laserhawk | All Rayman scenes - YouTube 3:34 - 3:36
In episode 5, when Red first enters the room. One of the first things he says is that he was looking for him. Looking for Rayman. And it appears that he had been looking for a while, since Bullfrog and Rayman were able to have quite a long conversation without any interruptions. And if Red had been hunting him down for what I assume to be hours, it would explain why he was so panicked when he lost sight of Rayman. Because how is he suppose to explain to his superiors that he managed to let Rayman of all people escape?
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Captain Laserhawk | Laserhawk vs Ninji 6 - YouTube 0:14 - 0:27
And later in episode 6, Red and Pink have an argument. Pink stating that she would never have let someone like Rayman escape. That she would have got the job done. Which means Red wasn't the only one was told to carry out this order, all the Ninji 6 were seemly told this same order. But unsurprisingly, Red was the one who volunteered for the mission. Or what I think is more likely, was chosen out the bunch, because they knew for a fact he would have had no problems with killing Rayman. He may even enjoy it.
But, I hear people asking. Why would Eden want Rayman dead? And why send a single Ninji 6 member, when they could have gotten the whole team, or send out an entire police squad, or even done it themselves?
That first question is easy to answer. There can't be two Raymans. The system only works with one. And it's best to keep the unquestionably loyal Rayman, then the one who's loyalty may be put into question. Best to get rid of him before he becomes a problem.
As for the second question. Eden doesn't want the general public knowing about this. Rayman is a beloved icon in Eden, if the people knew that Eden would do this to Rayman. People would be rioting, it would be the beginning of an uprising that even Eden won't be able to control. So they have to do it secretly, make sure people don't notice. And sending the police would be too noticeable, and anyway regular cops are apart of the general population. So you need to send the special force, people who already know the truth about how things work in Eden. But they can't send the whole team, because the team are celebrities themselves, paraded around as Eden heroes. And if people notice them, which they most definitely will, it will ruin not only their image, but Eden's as well. So they select only one of them, a member who they know would have no problems in completing the mission. And it would have worked out perfectly if it wasn't for a traitor within the board.
As to why they don't do it themselves? Most of them are lazy, happy to just sit in their nice little meeting room and let everyone else do the hard work. And the one person who isn't, has her own goals which involved keeping Rayman alive.
Red was sent by Eden to Kill Rayman, because there can only be one Rayman for the system to function. And they only sent Red, because they didn't want the general population knowing as it could lead to them revolting. And they were too lazy to do it themselves.
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mrs-martha · 6 months
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So 2 days ago I watched the new Captain Laserhawk(16+) series on Netflix and I am inlove with it already,but there are only 6 episodes at the moment and Idk if there is more coming but yeah I made a self-insert oc and made some ship art of her and Bullfrog from the series.The fact I was there to watch the series cause of Rayman and then I just ended up liking this French frog 🐸
Do know like I added before it's a 16+ show so pls don't watch it if your not of age or have parental guidance.Anyways I hope you guy's enjoy the art and I still have art trades open to grab untill 1st of December
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ryllvix · 5 months
Captain Laserhawk was so good. Idk where else to post it and my Tumblr is basically the one social media I have where nobody I know IRL follows me so I'm gonna post it here: Captain Laserhawk it was AWESOME. There were definitely some issues with it imo but overall, as someone who only watched the show because Rayman was in it, I thought it was great!! Bullfrog made me want to play assassins creed. I really hope we get a season 2, this show deserved more than 6 episodes. I NEED to see what happens next. I binged the entire thing while wrapping presents this year Also awesome animation. Where the Captain Laserhawk fandom at
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redibinch · 1 month
Captain laserhawk episode 6 hear me out on this
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levy120 · 7 months
Too Much to Ask For
Rating: T Words: 2800 (Complete) Genre: Angst, Introspection, Missing Scene Lore: Captain Laserhawk (Set Between and During Episodes 2 and 3) Warnings: Explicit Language, Xenophobia, PTSD
Characters: Rayman, Kaiju Rabbids, Red, NPC OCs Summary: Seeing the Kaiju Rabbids that wrecked his home has not been kind to Rayman. He's already not in a good headspace when going into the dreadful Interview that's about to change the rest of his life.
Read also on: [ao3]
More like this: [Rayman Oneshots Masterpost]
For someone who's on TV almost 24/7 Rayman sure doesn't get a lot of time to do anything that's not directly related to his work.
But today, he’s gonna treat himself!
He plans for a nice swim in the pool and the sampling of the new bourbon he'd acquired afterward.
With all of the chaos that's been going on recently, Rayman is going to need this to destress. 
252 Dead. Even more injured. From chaos in the streets. 
The hardest thing is trying to keep a straight face when reading. To not let it follow him home after work. To not let it bother him.
It's been four days and the number still haunts him.
His heart goes out to the poor civilians who had gotten roped into that tragic incident. Just because… Just because…
No. There's no point in trying to apply reason to that kind of madness. 
It's useless. That's all it is.
Oh well. Enough of that.
Rayman clambers atop the springboard. The cold water will be good to finally clear his head.
Then the earth trembles.
It's not just the bounce of the board either. There are ripples in the water where none should be!
With one eyebrow raised curiously, he lets his gaze drift to the large windowpane revealing the cityscape.
That's just his luck, he supposes as he tries to guess what happened. More terrorists? A distant bomb maybe? 
Patience. He's gonna be one of the first to know. It's just a matter of minutes until the news staff from the second floor will come scrambling for him.
Reluctantly, Rayman removes himself from the waiting pool to pick up his bathrobe. The phone nestled within is already blaring.
But it's another sound that makes Rayman freeze in his steps and his blood run cold.
The earth trembles again and this time Rayman's feet are on solid ground to feel it.
No, no, no, no, no.
Rayman flies towards the windowpane of the floor - and sure enough - he has to angle his head to see it, but there's the telltale glow of a rift in spacetime. 
The cityscape is bathed in a familiar pink glow and-
But he's awake right now; pinches himself just to make sure-
It's real. It’s very, very real. 
The pinch in his palm stings. 
The deep howl from one of them is actually ringing in his ear.
And out of his periphery, from beyond the corners of what the window allows him to see, there's a shadow looming. A familiar shape that haunts his sleepless nights lumbers towards the city.
They are far from his estate for now, but that's not going to mean much in the long run, when he can feel the earth shaking from the massive weight of their steps even here.
Shit, fuck, shit-
The last time he saw these things he-  
No! He can't change the past. Thinking about those he left behind is just going to hurt him in the long run. 
The sound of splintering glass catches his attention and makes him step away from the window, as the next quake causes the pane to crack.
On the folding chair behind him, his phone is still blaring.
One of them turns to look in his direction. 
Seeing that visage, those empty eyes… 
He feels faint in his helplessness.
They're here. He doesn't know how, but they're here. They're going to level another world he calls home and Rayman can do nothing but watch it fall…
…and report on it.
He thinks he's going to be sick. Can he call in sick? Does it even matter when they're all gonna die anyway?
"There you are!" a voice calls, distant. Rayman can't tear his eyes away from the sight outside his window. From the west, he sees the Niji 6 approaching and pound one of the Rabbid Kaijus into another building. 
Rayman hopes everyone managed to evacuate in time.
"Mr. Rayman!" the voice calls again, but Rayman doesn't hear it.
"Mr. Rayman, Sir!"
It's like the world comes to a stop when someone lays a hand on his back. He jolts to attention like waking up from a bad trip and turns to find one of the directors from the news team.
"We've been looking everywhere for you!"
Right. Yes. Rayman blinks.
"We gotta run this ASAP," the guy brabbles on, "Why didn't you answer your phone?"
Behind him, in the distance, Rayman hears another building crumple and turns away from the director to stare back out the window.
"Right," the man says and tries to usher Rayman away from the gruesome sight.
"I need you to pull yourself together. Be down in the studio in ten."
Rayman wants to laugh. Or cry. The audacity .
He can't bring up the energy for either; he’s not even sure he can make his way down there in ten minutes, lest of all 'pull himself together'.
His feet stumble, but the stage director isn't commenting on it or leaving his side. Rayman wants to take the elevator, he doesn't trust himself using the stairs - but he's not allowed to for the risk of them getting stuck from the quakes.
He doesn't even know when they arrive at the studio. He feels… positively dead inside.
"Hey," one of his makeup assistants tries to get his attention, "Are you okay? Here, have a drink."
She hands him a glass of water, but his hands are quivering. The water surface ripples like the pool. Another tremor is felt in the studio and for a moment the entire team pauses before shuffling on when it subsides.
If they can, then so should he, he thinks, and downs the glass.
From somewhere he's being handed his jacket.
~ ~ ~
There's chaos in the studio, but it's the familiar kind that comes with breaking news and that very familiarity grounds him. 
He's done this hundreds of times before. He can do this.
It's soothing in a way Rayman can barely fathom. His team has him like a safety net. Their chaos means comfort to him. The usual run-of-the-mill. 
With a sigh, he wraps the jacket around himself and buttons it with shaky fingers. He leaves the bowtie for his assistant to deal with later.
As he puts on his gloves the guy on the phone with someone out in the field whoops.
"The first one is down!" Someone yells above the turmoil and his team erupts into cheers.
Rayman feels his breath hitch.
They're… they're winning?
The faintest hope begins to bloom in his chest and he waves for the make-up artist to stop powdering his face as he leans forward in his seat.
"Can I see the brief before we start?"
"Sure!" One of the journalists walks up to his chair with a bunch of notes. Hasty scribbles of growing numbers.
Estimates of property damage, casualties, and injuries. Likely Suspects.
Rayman's eyes narrow at the familiar names. Bunch of assholes.
Three sightings of Kaijus have been accounted for before the gate closed (One of which has already been neutralized). 
The numbers in the notes are atrocious. Most of it is speculation or still changing by the minute. Rayman doubts they’ll be airing this as it stands. And still… it’s good to see that people are on the case. 
The police force working restlessly. The Niji 6 standing up against the Rabbids. People on the scene clamoring for the safety of the district. And this is what they’re here to reinforce and focus on.
Evacuation plans and shelter spots for the population while the siege is underway.
Rayman feels like he can breathe again.
…until he sees the Polaroids attached to the back of the notes.
The journalist leaves his side to pick up an update on the report while Rayman's gaze lingers on the photo of the gigantic mutant Rabbid. 
It’s… so much worse than he even remembers. 
"Those things look so creepy," the woman by his side comments and nudges the sponge back at him so she can continue where she left off powdering his face. She doesn't comment on the nervous sweat clinging to his face.
"Yeah…" Rayman comments off-handedly.
They didn't always use to be like that.
"I'm sorry," she says looking down while brushing his hair, "Did you say something?"
Rayman stiffens. Had he said that out loud?
He shakes his head no as she tends to his bowtie.
"No," he says for extra measure, "Nothing."
"Rayman!" The voice of the stage director who picked him up earlier approaches him from behind.
"We’re going live in two. Hope you're ready."
The Limbless tries to force a smile as he gets up from his chair.
"Ready as I'll ever be."
Rayman takes his place behind the desk. The Lights are glaring when they beam at him. But it helps him to focus and put on his mask. He's read plenty of dreadful news here, the Rabbid Kaijus are no different. 
What's important now is the safety of the people in the streets. 
He breathes a deep sigh and turns to look at the lead camera to signal them a nod. The gesture is returned and a hand goes up, silently counting down from 3 - 2 - 1 - 
“We’re sorry to interrupt at this hour with some Breaking News. Kaiju Rabbids have invaded the Casino District of MegaCity 2. Citizens within the area are asked to evacuate the streets to City Hall or the Eden Mall. The Niji 6 are on the case..."
~ ~ ~
Rayman hasn’t caught a wink of sleep. But neither has his team. The journalists are gathering data and updating their reports relentlessly. Rayman is on his nth Coffee as he drudges through the studio, just in case there's a live update to report on and his presence is needed. He's watching the cityscape from the window. One dead Mutant Rabbid still leans against the wreckage of a building. Alarms are blaring outside. The City’s Neon Lights keep the chaos in the streets aglow even in the middle of the night. 
He can feel his head throb at the reminder of the dreadful all-nighter. His heart feels like it's going a mile a minute, and not only due to all the caffeine he's been downing in the past couple of hours.
The anxiety on waiting for good news has been slowly killing everyone present. The dread of bad news weighs over his entire team like a thunderstorm. 
Part of his crew have started working in shifts to take a quick nap in between. His make-up artist has been urging him to do the same, because there's only so much eyebags her work can cover up. But Rayman wouldn't dream of sleeping without backup. Not while he knows that what destroyed his old home is still out there wrecking chaos.
The Board of Directors themselves have gotten active about an hour or so ago, requesting to be put up to date on the situation to figure out an approach. As of now, they have yet to respond again.
When they call back eventually it's with a plan, a script, an air-time, and a scheduled Interview. Rayman breathes a sigh of relief as he witnesses the tension lift off of the entire team. What ever would they be doing without the Board of Directors themselves having their back?
With the necessary preparation and info in the bag Rayman himself has agreed to taking the the liberty of getting a little nap before the broadcast; but when the intern wakes him, he doesn't feel any better. If anything Rayman’s more exhausted than before, but he's trying not to let that show.
6 AM rolls around and after going through the usual prep routine, Rayman takes his place for the Morning News to bring people up to date and prepare them for the work day ahead. 
He reads his intro with trained confidence, and glows inside at the good news that the Rabbids have been dealth with. The promised Interview turns out to be Lucy at the very scene of the incident. With her is one member of the Niji 6.
…who turns out to be an absolute handful.
It's too early for Rayman to be dealing with this. Lucy futilely tries to reign the 'hero' in, but to no avail. 
It's hard just having to listen to the guy. Rayman should have had another coffee before this. It appears that Red is more occupied with some personal beef than the matter at hand. Rayman is trying to figure out how to best navigate the conversation back on track, when-
"Woah, woah, woah. Wait!"
No. The guy didn't just say this. On Live Television. During his show. Rayman is tired. Surely he just misheard… Rude as this guy is surely he wouldn't be this dense!
"What did you just say?"
"Interdimensional Alien Scum?!"
That has… got to be a joke, right?
Rayman's head is ringing. Something in the back of his mind flares. Warns him that he ought not take that path. 
But he is tired. So, so very tired. Tired from lack of sleep. Tired from this kind of bullshit.
"I was a refugee who came from Dimension X, Sir. Am I scum to you?"
The silence is deafening but Rayman's mind is blaring. No going back now. 
He knows that wasn't in the script he'd been given, but if Red can stray, then so can he. He wants answers!  
Behind the cameras, his staff implores him to the teleprompter. At the scene of the Interview Lucy is sweating up a storm next to Red and somehow trying to salvage the situation - again, to no avail.
Red's response is callous. Rayman tries to laugh it off, but it's too late. The words sting. His mask cracks. He can’t do this. 
The mere act of trying to brush it off as a joke is only fanning the flame - because that's not what this is. It's raw and real and rude and Rayman can't pretend that away. 
He's been through too much to have to listen to this kind of shit. Been through too much since coming to this realm. Been through too much just today. He's been up all night just to get this thrown at his face?! He doesn't have the nerve for this… this-
"Then why don't you say it to my face without cameras you FUCKING RED PRICK!"
The studio flies into chaos. The bad kind. The Main Feed is cut and lights go down as staff members try to approach him. The director attempts to get into negotiations with the scene. Back on the street Lucy is still frantically signing for the transmission to be cut but Red seems hardly impressed.
"Hey," he prompts at the camera, pointing for extra measure "Name a time and place, you limbless freak, and I'll be there!"
"I'll show you who's a freak, you speciest cunt!"
"You don't belong on TV! You should be in a fucking lab!"
Oooooh, that does it!
"Rayman!" One of the journalists shuffles in between him and the control monitor connecting the stage to the street. Someone at the soundboard has muted the button in his ear - but no longer having to listen to Red's bullshit doesn't make it unsaid.
Rayman's chest is heaving, his teeth are grit in a painfully locked jaw. He wouldn't be surprised if he’s foaming at the mouth. By Eden, he wants to SCREAM-
"Let us handle this," the Journalist trying to get his attention begs, "Please calm down. Take Five."
Rayman's fingers dig into the surface of the desk. He tries looking around the guy to see the fucking control monitor again, but his colleague is catching on and sidesteps in time to block his view.
"Let's be the reasonable ones here. He's gonna get what he deserves for saying something like this."
Rayman feels his fingers clench. Right. What he deserves.
"And his team did take out the Kaijus, let's try and be positive about this, right? You wouldn't wanna mess with a national hero, right? Rayman?"
With a grunt that swallows the rage lodged in his throat, Rayman stands from his desk and walks away. He can't do this now. Can't listen to this kind of injustice - to his own face - being played down - by his own colleagues. There's noise in his head. 
What he needs is round of sleep. And a shower. And a smoke. And booze. Some, no, lots of it. 
What he needs is for Red to get his ass kicked.
Or maybe what he needs is just some mother-fucking compassion!
But sure! That's too much to ask for. Of course. What else is new?
"Fine," Rayman relents with a growl he can’t suppress, "I'll be upstairs. Don’t bother coming for me unless this is resolved."
The Board of Directors will hear about this!
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