#Caranthir x reader
doodle-pops · 2 years
Think You Can Warm Me Up
[Elves and Cockwarming x reader]
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Request: What elves do you think would like cock-warming? - anon
A/N: This was a lot of elves to think for since I've added more over the months gone by. Enjoy!!!
Warning: smut, cockwarming
More: Brat Taming
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Loves it – sometimes when they’re too busy to have sex with you but you want to feel them, they’ll suggest you sit on their lap, only to feel them raising your body slightly to slide themselves into you. When you lift your hips to move, their hands will be planted firmly on your waist with a stern look on their faces warning you to stay still. They’ll keep their hands on your waist, using it to pull you closer to rest against their chest and hold you down. Some use it for punishment when your bratty side comes out. They’ll rile you up by making out with you, having you grind on them feeling as though you two are about to have sex, but then when you’re about to ride them, they’ll lean in to whisper, “Not so fast love, no moving, sit right there and stay still or I’ll leave you empty. You thought I’d just give in and give you what you wanted, my poor confused little one” Other times, they’d use it to literally warm themselves up. When you two are relaxing as such, they’d throw the suggestion out to you and once you agree, the two of you will just be lounging about with their cock buried in you, staying warm. There are times you’ve fallen asleep with them buried in you. “You feel so warm and tight love, stop shifting so much, just stay still. This feels good, now we can cuddle.”
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Hates it – the first time you suggest the act, they were down to try it, but once you sank your warm hole onto their cock, it was over for them. Their hands would immediately shoot out to grab your waist, urging you to move but you’ll simply push it away and lean into their chest informing them that you’re not supposed to move. “It’s called cockwarming for a reason. Now stay still. Don’t get mad, remember you agreed to this, so sit and enjoy it.” This was absolute torture for them, they couldn’t take it anymore. Knowing that if they moved their hips right then, you’d probably hop off and that wasn’t part of their plan. Waiting till you were settled in and comfortable, with ease, their hands would sneak around your waist holding you firmly to their chest and without any warning, begin thrusting into you. You’d admit that this was not how you planned the session to go but with the way the tip of their cock was brushing against your soft spot, your moans gave it away. Now whenever you suggest it to them, they’d smile at you saying that they’ll behave, only to abuse your heat as soon as you sink down on their cock. The longest they’ve ever lasted was five seconds. “If you really thought I’d sit through all that torture, you’re absolutely wrong. Now be a good girl/boy and enjoy my cock.”
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Mixed feelings – one minute it’s torture for them the other it’s blissful. It just all depends on their mood not so much yours. If they’re tired and just want to be warmed or you want to feel them, they’d let you go ahead without interrupting you. They’d simply wrap their arms around you and pull you in closer, pressing a kiss to your forehead and drifting off to sleep. Other times it’s when they’re busy doing paperwork and could do with a little relief. Letting you sit on their lap with the table hiding their cock buried deep in your heat, they’d let you lean into them so they could continue their work. “This feels good, didn’t think I’d be needing this, but after I’m finished here, I’d bend you over this table for a good fuck, hmm.” When you’re teasing them all day and acting up and then decide it’s time to kick it up a notch by making them feel you were about to ride them after your tedious torture only to sit still on their cock, now you’re just asking for it. They’d be grinding their teeth the entire time when you tell them not to move while pretending to do something important, informing them that when you’re finished then you two can go at it, they’re not going to listen, not when you were suffocating their cock. They wouldn’t care at that point, so say goodbye to whatever it was that you were doing. “Don’t you think this is a little too much love, don’t you think this has gone on for too long because I think so as well. How about we change that by having me fuck you, now.”
Maedhros, MAGLOR, CARANTHIR, Amrod, Fingolfin, FINGON, TURGON, FINARFIN, Finrod, AEGNOR, Glorfindel, GALDOR, Egalmoth, ROG, ERESTOR
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Taglist: @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @mysticmoomin @aconstructofamind @lilmelily
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batsyforyou · 2 months
Squishing and Kissing the Elves Cheeks pt.2
Tags: dramatic form of affection, crack?
Author's Note: this is the current highest winning and I just decided to do Eonwe, this one as well as the pokémon one and the other. So, basiclly everything lol.
Taglist: @asianbutnotjapanese
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Squishing and kissing Maeglin’s cheeks 
He has a very thin face so there isn’t much to grab and pinch but when you do grab and squish his face (much to his shock and horror) he’ll gape at you. And when you kiss him? He is so caught off guard he’ll shove you away in a panic. Red finger prints on his pale cheeks and with his labored breathing he’ll look like a cornered animal. 
He’ll demand to know what you were doing, “I was just trying to love on you, love.” You say. 
“Oh.” He gulps, his cheeks flaring with color. “Could you, could you do that again?” 
Essentially he is that meme, “What is this? Affection? Disgusting, do it again.” 
Squishing and kissing Turgon’s cheeks
He is beyond embarrassed 
Hates PDA so if you so much as reach to cup his face while outside he’ll flinch back so hard his face would catch fire. (blushing)
He’ll snap his head around while covering his mouth and look to see if any of his siblings saw you and if no one even glances in his direction he’ll calm down. 
If you try to squish his cheeks alone he’ll be just as embarrassed so he’ll pull back some while mumbling a complaint about having to bend down so far 
But don’t worry all you have to do is jut out your bottom lip and pout before he gives in. 
Letting you pinch and kiss his cheeks as he listens to your giggles with red ears. 
Squishing and kissing Maglor’s cheeks (Not finished) 
“Yes, my dear?” 
Slowly approaches, “Would you be upset if I stole a few minutes of your time?” 
“Not at all!” Glancing up from his music sheets he cocked his head, “My love, I can hear your heart beating from here. What has sent your heart a flutter?” 
Frowning he scooted his chair back, “Celegorm hasn’t done something has he?” 
Giggling, you shook your head, “No, no! I just, you're so cute.” 
He smiled, patting his lap, and you hurriedly took his invitation, lifting your skirt over his legs to comfortably settle against his chest. “I do believe that is a trait to describe you.” 
Giggling, you pushed your face into the crook of his neck as he held you in his embrace. After a few minutes cuddling you pushed yourself back a little to meet his eye. 
Reaching up you squished his cheeks together and kissed his nose and other random spots on his face. 
With one more smacking kiss to his lips you grin, bumping his nose with yours, “I love you.” 
Running his thumb over the apple of your cheeks he looked up at you with admiration in his eyes. 
“I love you, enterally.” 
Squishing and kissing Maedhros’s cheeks 
You’ll have to wait and make sure the elf is sitting at his desk if you even want to attempt getting him with your dramatic affection. Thinking Maedhros will shove you off you act fast, giggling as you rush to his side. 
“Melda? What are you-” Quickly taking a hold of his cheeks you squish them together and give him one singularly wet, smacking kiss and race off, laughter trailing in your wake. 
Stunned and confused, Maedhros ponders exactly what happened, a slow smile growing on his lips. 
By the next morning you were struggling to move from your bed, sitting at your bedside and staring at your bedroom floor, no thoughts were entering your mind. Seeing you on the bed Maedhros smirks, yanking on his belt to make sure it's secure he leans over to you and pinches your cheek with his one hand, leaving a passionate kiss onto your lips. 
“There.” He says. “Easy pickings.” 
It very quickly turns into a game of Cat and Mouse. 
It’ll happen in the corridors, at the dinner table and any place that holds no political importance. Leaving his brothers to roll their eyes and groan at their brothers show of sickening affection. 
And as the oldest, nothing makes him more happy, annoying his brothers and loving on his love. 
Squishing and kissing Curufin’s cheeks
You slowly approached him, taking careful sure-footed steps into his office you observed his still form. The constant scratch of his quill acted as a lure to distract your husband from what was about to happen. Feeling laughter bubble inside your chest you tightly bit your lips, 
So close ….. 
The elf grunted, “Don’t even think about it.” 
Feeling your ballooned excitement pierce with a pop, you sighed, his words mimicking his brother’s skill in archery. 
“How did you know?” 
Crossing your arms you gave up on being sneaky, instead strutting right up to his desk and plopping your butt on the corner. 
Counting his papers he licked his fingers and pulled a fresh paper from the stack, “Your first mistake was thinking that I would not recognize your presence in a room. To think I would not recognize your footfalls and the subtle minute traces of your scent, is insulting.” 
You raise a brow staring at him and as the minutes ticked on he sighed, “I could hear you through the wall.” 
You groan, dropping your back to stare at his intricately designed ceiling. Of freaking course he did. 
“Please Curufin? Please, let me have this.” 
Circling a set of numbers he marked Caranthir’s name beside it. 
You pouted, “Pretty please? I won’t ask you for anything else all year!” 
“We both know that will never happen.” 
“Curufin.” You beg. 
Dropping his quill he rubbed at his temples, “Would it really make you that happy?” 
Sighing he leaned into his chair, burying his fingers into the fabric of his sleeves. 
Squealing you grabbed his face and planted a big fat kiss on him. Enjoying every minute  he lets you squish and kiss his cheeks. 
Squishing and kissing Erestor’s cheeks  
Pulls away almost immediately, the elf is snapping his face anyway from you so fast you practically hear the neck snap audio. 
He is so red in the face because he is so angry at himself for actually enjoying it and he feels so embarrassed over the fact that he can feel something grow in his heart. And just knowing that he likes being cooed at and loved so “Childishly” with a dramatic flair, he doesn’t want to look at himself. He is a hardened soldier who faced countless battles and struggles in his long immortal life. So being handled like that by you feels so good and so wrong at the same time. 
Essentially, he is that meme where people go, “This better not awaken anything in me.” lol 
Squishing and kissing Caranthir’s cheeks
Slamming the door to your shared chambers Cara grunted, yanking at his tunic and muttering under his breath. 
Peeking over the sofa you watched your love with interest, setting aside the book you’d been reading. 
Taking his boots he stepped on the heels, slipping his feet out and kicking them to the side. 
You tried again. 
“Cara, my love?” 
He grunted, near snorting at you as he fumbled with the buttons, struggling to pop them. His face stood as a testament to his mood, a blister red and his ears seemingly twitching at the heat. 
“Oh, my sweet baby.” You call. “Come sit and I’ll help you.” 
Ignoring you, he huffed and yanked at his clothes with the strength only an elf could carry. The fabric ripping off his back and shoulders, Caranthir pulled the garment from his arms and sighed. 
Finally free of his clothes, save his leggings, Caranthir trudged towards your spot on the couch and climbed into your lap, hiding his face in your stomach. 
Frowning, you gently reached into the small box under the side table and pulled a small brush from its contents. Humming a lullaby in a soothing tone you removed his braids and pins and brushed his hair until the tension in his back melted away. 
“Hard day?” You asked. 
The rumble of his voice hid itself in the folds of your shirt. “Worse than you know.” 
Pushing himself onto his back he rolled over to look up at you.
“Can you?” 
Grinning you tossed the brush into its box and took a hold of cheeks, “I’d love too.”
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animatorweirdo · 5 months
Imagine being Caranthir's daughter and accidentally learning a curse word from him
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(Sorry if this is too short for your taste. But I hope you like it.)
Requested by @eunoiaastralwings
Can I request for Cara with his toddler daughter please ? 🥺
How about she picks up a bad word from Cara and accidentally shouts it out in the most awkward situation – like during one of his courtroom days
Thanks for considering hun 💝
Warnings: An innocent child learning a curse word from dad.
- Your life was well in Thargelion. Your father, Caranthir, was a doting father, despite the frown he usually wore on his face. 
- Whenever he saw you or heard you call out to him, his brows would soften and he would not hesitate to pick you up whenever you wanted to be carried by him. Your mother frequently teased him for his soft spot for you, but he did not mind since he had a soft spot for you, his own daughter. 
- You were often watched by nannies since your father and mother were busy with their duties. You did not mind since you would get lost in your own fantasies whenever you played with your toys. 
- However, this time you got bored and decided to sneak away from the nannies. You decided to go and seek your father, wanting him to cuddle with you. 
- It was a bad habit as you were quite good at sneaking away and causing your nannies to panic. 
- Even though you were a little toddler, you had a keen memory of the places where you could find your father and the study where he worked most of the time. He didn’t usually mind your surprise visits, but this time you caught him at a moment of frustration with his work.
- You stood at the door, watching him frown at the papers before him. He then groaned and uttered ‘Fuck’ which was a strange word to your mind. 
- Your father seemed really frustrated, and since your mother taught you not to bother him when he was frustrated, you left him be. However, the strange word began to repeat in your mind, and you could not help but wonder about the use of it. 
- You started singing the word while playing with your toys, uttering the word when your toys became frustrated. 
- Unfortunately, you yelled the word during a court meeting under your parents' watch. 
- You were so in your head with your playing. When your doll was betrayed by the bunny who was supposed to be the love of your doll’s life, in your head your doll cursed, but you also ended up yelling the word ‘Fuck’ so loud, that everyone in the courtroom heard it loud and clear. 
- Everyone froze and turned to look at you, including your parents. 
- Your mother called out to you and asked where you learned the word. 
- You innocently pointed at your father and then explained your doll got betrayed by the love of their life and became mad about it. 
- Caranthir felt his blood run cold when your mother glared at him before slightly scolding you and telling you not to say such a word again. You were confused till your mother explained that it was an adult world, and you were too young to use it. You took it and left with your mother when she decided to take you away, sending glares toward your father. 
- Let’s just say, your father watched his mouth even when you were not there in hopes you don’t end up learning more words from him.
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Dating Caranthir after his return to Valinor hc
Pairing: Caranthir x elf!reader
♡ When you meet for the first time, he doesn't tell you who he is, for understandable reasons
♡ Always holds back a bit because of this and is actually quite shy
♡ Seeks physical contact by leaning his shoulder against yours
♡ Doesn't tell anyone but his Ammë about you for fear the others might turn up and tell you who he really is
♡ When you're finally ready to date, Caranthir does tells you his name and to his surprise, you don't push him away
♡ You hug him and say that although you don't approve of everything he's done, he's shown you that he's different from the way people describe him in all the songs and stories
♡ Caranthir is still short tempered, but can never be angry with you. As soon as his eyes land on you, something inside him softens
♡ Becomes a little overprotective because he's afraid someone might harm you to hurt him or to take revenge on him
♡ Would take on anyone who is mean to you
♡ Sometimes you have to protect him though. Because if you're out together and someone starts yelling at him all the things he's done wrong, he's just embarrassed and afraid, that you might realise how rotten he really is. In such a case, you have to protect Caranthir
♡ Always turns bright red when you're around, which is really cute
♡ He often tells you how grateful he is to have you
♡ However, it takes him a while to open up to you completely and to reveal his deepest feelings. He even asked Nerdanel how he should best bring it up to you
♡ You spend hours walking or lying next to each other in the grass while he tells you everything that has happened in Middle-earth. The good and the bad. He's very nervous, but feels better after he's told you a lot of things
♡ Embroiders little flowers and other symbols you like on many of your clothes
♡ Likes to give you selfmade gifts, but is always really nervous about whether you will like them. You love them every time and never fail to tell him so
♡ When you're in public and he gets nervous, he grabs your hand. You hold it lightly so you won't overwhelm him even more but to still show him that you're there for him
♡ Over time, you realise how insecure Caranthir is about his appearance. Whenever you see each other, you kiss his beautiful red cheeks and tell him how gorgeous he is
♡ You will be the one who has to ask him if he wants to court you. He has finally acceptrd that you really love him, but would never ask you to tie yourself to his family as they have such a bad reputation
♡ But immediately says that he would be overjoyed to if you asked him, because he loves you very much and had secretly thought about what it would be like if you courted
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Caranthir SFW Alphabet
A/N: trying my hands at these, for some reason it was much more difficult than I’d thought. Sometimes formulating concrete thoughts is hard lol, might come back to this in the future.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He’s not big on pda, so most affections would take place in private. The most he would do in public is holding your hand and maybe giving you a quick kiss or hug if you initiate it. He’s kinda awkward about it in the beginning but slowly warms up to it over the course of your relationship.
In private it’s a complete switch, you can be as affectionate as you want and he has no second thoughts when it comes to returning your affections.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
His reputation scares away a lot of people, so he doesn’t have a lot of close friends, though he does have several good acquaintances. An ideal person to vent to, he‘s never going to judge. If there‘s someone who understands the need to load off frustration in a confidential setting, it‘s him.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Actually really likes cuddles but is hesitant to admit it at first because he doesn’t want to be made fun of for how opposite it is to his usual gruff demeanour (not that you would ever do so). There’s something about the way he holds you that makes you feel completely safe, like a Balrog could burst through the door and still nothing would happen to you.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Absolutely not against settling down, he starts thinking about it once he feels like the two of you are secure enough in your relationship. Since you‘re one of the people he wants to avoid conflict with as much as possible, he makes it a point to take initiative when it comes to chores.
A decent enough cook, and he enjoys preparing meals with you together – which doesn’t happen often unfortunately, since both of you are generally pretty busy.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It would probably be like ripping off a plaster – just get it over with as quick and painless as possible. Might come across a little cold, but it’s just him trying to keep his feelings under control so he can actually go through with it and not back-paddle at the last second.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
In Valinor he’s pretty open minded when it comes to marriage and if you expressed willingness to get married as well, he’d happily start planning a proposal – which would take place in private, the thought of a public proposal would never even cross his mind.
In Beleriand, he absolutely refuses, no matter how much you plead with him. Even if you turn the tables and propose to him instead, he will straight up tell you no. He just couldn’t bear the thought of you binding yourself to someone as doomed as him. Doesn‘t give a damn about what anyone thinks about the two of you living together unwed.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Once you break through his tough outer shell, you‘ll find he‘s got no problem with being gentle and even quite enjoys it – as long as it’s kept behind closed doors. He’s got a reputation to uphold, after all. (It’s much more serious in his mind than it actually is, poor guy.)
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Adores hugging in private, he‘ll never turn you down – it‘s a wonderful way for him to destress and as we’ve established, his cuddles and hugs pretty amazing.
In public it‘s a different matter. He doesn‘t mind having his arm around you casually, but full-on hugs are often too much for him.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Has no problem with taking the initiative once he’s certain of his feelings for you. Although it might end up happening in the middle of a heated discussion. You know, like “Why do you care?” “Because I love you.” (I‘m weak for scenes like that, help.)
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
His jealousy is hit or miss. He generally trusts that you can handle yourself when it comes to others making advances (though he will firmly step in if you appear intimidated or too uncomfortable). The only thing that really gets to him at times are the personalities of others. There are moments where he sees you happily chatting away with more easy-going and cheerful people than him and subconsciously wonders if you preferred it if he acted more like them.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He likes kissing your forehead as a quick reminder of his adoration, especially when you stop by his office during the day. Other than that, he has no real preferences. All kisses are good kisses to him, and he enjoys them to the fullest extend.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Having three younger siblings and plenty of younger cousins, he‘s more than used to being around children. Still not the biggest fan but would never even dream of acting negatively towards them.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
If you think he has grumpy tendencies during the day, you haven’t witnessed him in the morning. The polar opposite of a morning person. Only the bravest souls schedule an early meeting with him.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
More often than not, you have to drag him away from his desk to make sure he gets some proper rest, he’s just that much of a workaholic. He might complain in the moment but once he’s actually in bed he’ll begrudgingly thank you. Also doesn‘t take long for him to fall asleep after that because the exhaustion catches up with him quickly.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
A pretty secluded man, you‘ll have to do a lot of poking in the beginning. Once you have earned his trust and he fears no judgement from you, however, you can ask him basically anything.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
I don’t think I need to elaborate much here. His reputation precedes him, and people usually know not to agitate him too much. However, I don‘t imagine he gets immensely enraged 10 times a day, he‘s just too good at bottling things up until the seemingly most insignificant thing sets him off. Like an annoying cousin.
He‘s quite proud and doesn‘t tolerate any slander of his house – will always make sure to put people in their place. The same goes for any negative comments about you, especially when they are about you being together with a Fëanorian.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
The Eldar have excellent memory so he‘s definitely going to remember most things about you. Might be a little disappointed if you‘re not the same way about him.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
As strange as it might sound, one of his most cherished memories is the moment you let him properly vent to you for the first time. Having you hear him out without judgement, without immediately writing him off as an overreacting hot-head and actually taking his concerns to heart was a reaffirmation of your love for him. You‘re his safe space, even if he might not be able to articulate it properly and he will never take it for granted.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
His protectiveness is on a steady incline the more time passes. He knows that at certain times/in certain company, being associated with a Fëanorian can paint a target on your back and he does his best to shield you from any harm, be it physically or verbally.
If you make any sort of promises of protection towards him, he‘ll laugh and reassure you that he is more than capable of taking care of himself. He appreciates the gesture, though.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He goes all out on gifts, it’s his #1 love language. You mentioned in passing that you liked a certain item? He’ll make sure to save that information in his mind for future reference. Likes to spoil you with all your favourite foods on important occasions, you can be sure he‘ll acquire all the most high-quality ingredients and let only his most skilled chefs prepare them.
A lot of times he comes to you with a nonchalant “Here, this made me think of you.” and hands you a gift that is worth a fortune.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He’s a sore loser and his brothers make use of it to piss him off intentionally, challenging him in games they know he’s bad at.
Has a secret petty streak. Please don‘t enable him, it won‘t end well.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He‘s not one for flashy outfits, but he does make sure his appearance reflects his status. Enjoys indulging in the finest materials. (Which isn‘t a problem, considering his position in Eastern Beleriand.)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He‘s always been a pretty independent person who knows his own worth. So while he does value you more than anything else, he is also more than fine on his own.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He‘s a cat person. The whole “cold and aloof” stereotype while actually being soft on the inside makes him feel a certain kinship. Would love to have some but knows he probably wouldn‘t have enough time to take care of them on his own. Now if he had a partner … he might have to reconsider.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He definitely bears grudges, and it drives him up the walls when people are (in his opinion) unnecessarily quick to forgive.
Doesn’t care for boasting – prefers to let his actions speak for him, not his words.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He can‘t sleep without a blanket, no matter how hot it is outside (if you want to cuddle in summer, prepare to sweat buckets. He makes no compromises when it comes to blankets). This can make him a bit of an unknowing blanket hog.
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lamemaster · 1 year
Elves Reaction to a Mythical S/O
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Request: I saw the “ Feel free to request “ in the bio and I wanted to ask if you could write something like a Mermaid!Reader Or Fairy!Reader headcanons with Maedhros Celegorm Caranthir Glorfindel and Ecthelion? I would appreciate it <3
Characters: Maedhros, Celegorm, Caranthir, Glorfindel, Ecthellion
AN: Took some creative liberty with some of these but I hope you still like them. Also, the way I got carried away with Celegorm is not real. I hope you like it and thanks for requesting this! (Divider by @cafekitsune)
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Celegorm- Celegorm lay wounded, his lifeblood seeping into the quiet forests of Beleriand. Beside him, Dior's lifeless form grew cold, devoid of the light that once animated it. As he awaited his inevitable end, Celegorm allowed himself a moment to embrace the surroundings. The scent of damp earth, the gentle rustle of leaves in the air, and the murmurs of the horrified trees—all of it reached his senses, and even in his pain, he found solace in these simple pleasures. He dared not contemplate his fate, for whatever awaited him was yet unknown. Suddenly, a subtle thrum of activity surrounded him, a buzz that reverberated through the forest. Even the trees whispered a name he couldn't grasp. And then he smelled it—the sweet, cloying scent of decay. It was reminiscent of rotting grapes, withering to produce wine, or overripe fruits dissolving into the soil. "Oh, look what they left us this time—one still alive," your voice chimed like a symphony of bells in Celegorm's pain-addled mind. From his blurred vision, Celegorm observed as flowers bloomed beneath your every step. And then, you stopped right in front of him. "Help," he managed to croak, and you laughed. Mirroring your laughter, Celegorm felt a surge of mirth course through him, even as his blood continued to flow excessively. "Ah, my pet," you crouched down, and Celegorm instinctively leaned into your touch as your fingers grazed his cheek. "Should I truly save you?" You tilted your head innocently, your silver-hued skin shimmering in the dappled sunlight. A crown adorned with sapphires rested upon your head, complementing the brilliance of your sparkling eyes. "Think carefully," you whispered with a playful smile on your lips, and Celegorm became captivated by their allure. "A bargain with the fae is no trivial matter." As a sharp pain invaded his mind and body, Celegorm's gaze lost focus. Your talons, sharp and unyielding, grasped his wound, prying it open further. Despite the agony coursing through him, Celegorm found himself nodding, his voice barely a plea, "Please…". “Alright, then elf,” in seconds the wound that you had pried open closes and Celegorm stares in disbelief as his skin stitches itself back together under your touch. By the time you are done, there rests a brand where Dior’s sword had once impaled him. Your brand on him.
Ecthellion- Long ago, in the Ages of the Trees, Ecthelion had felt the weight of the ocean, a burden he carries with him even now. However, it is not the brine of the ocean that floods his lungs, but the water of his own fountain, leaving him gasping for breath. The misery he experiences now seems more profound than the incident of his childhood. Back then, he held onto hope that someone would come to his rescue, and indeed, you had come. Through the darkness, you swam with your shimmering green tail, and in your arms, you cradled a young Ecthelion. That single act had been enough to ignite his fascination with Alqualondë, drawing him to its shores in search of glimpses of you, the mermaid familiar with the Teleri's realm. Admiration had blossomed into love as Ecthelion fell for his savior. But now… hope has faded. Ecthelion finds it harder to believe in the possibility of a rescue as he drowns in the shallow waters, mere feet from the depths of the ocean. The day he departed the bloodied shores, he shattered any chance of your care. He knows you would not spare a thought for one who sided with the kinslayers. “I wish I had left you…I wish I hadn’t saved you,” the echoes of your final words haunt his ears, replaying over and over as he envisions your tear-stricken figure on the ravaged shores. Even as he draws in the water, he feels his own tears mingling with it, his heart heavy with regret.
Caranthir- Caranthir sighed in frustration as the thread snapped once again, the fifth time within the last two minutes. "Will you please stop already?" he exclaimed, giving up on the futile game of searching for the elusive cause of his thread's constant breaking. Finally, he looked up towards the branch where you sat, a mischievous grin playing on your lips. "Oh, me?" you replied, feigning an expression of shock, vigorously shaking your head. "How could I have possibly done anything from wayyyy up here?" Your playful act may have fooled others, but Caranthir, after years of knowing you, remained unconvinced. Caranthir's frustration simmered as he contemplated your mischievous presence on the branch above. His impulse to chuck a rock at you was quickly suppressed, knowing it wouldn't deter your playful nature. But you weren't oblivious to his internal struggle. With a dramatic flourish, you folded your wings, mocking innocence evident in your eyes. "Oh, look at you," you taunted, your voice carrying a blend of seriousness and amusement. "What did a poor, dainty little fairy do to you? I hope all your needles break and all your threads end up in a tangle." Despite the biting nature of your words, a glimmer of mirth danced in your gaze. Tired of your antics, Caranthir abandoned his position and began to make his way back. But before he could take more than a couple of steps, he felt a familiar weight land upon his back. Your arms encircled him, and your head rested gently on his shoulder. His hands instinctively moved to support your legs, preventing any chance of you slipping. "Forgive me," you whispered softly, your fingers idly playing with his braids. Caranthir didn't utter a single word in response, but the way he his hands securely supported your legs on each side spoke volumes.
Maedhros- Maedhros found himself engulfed in a sea of grief, his heart heavy as he watched his father burn the ships that were meant to aid their kin. The weight of witnessing his father's gradual descent into darkness, coupled with the burden of blood and oath, had taken its toll on Maedhros. The shores were ablaze with the burning remnants of the ships, and amidst the chaos, he discovered you. Your countenance was hidden beneath the veil of long, flowing hair, but one striking feature remained exposed—a majestic teal tail that identified you as a creature of the sea. Lying on the shore, your body bore the scars of burns, rendering you unconscious and vulnerable. Drawn by an invisible force, Maedhros knelt beside you, gently parting the strands of hair that obscured your face. In that moment, he couldn't discern whether it was love or lust that gripped his heart, but he found himself rooted to the spot, unable to tear his gaze away from you. As he pulled you from the water, your tail transformed into naked legs, signifying a profound change and a bridge between worlds. Draping his cloak over your form, Maedhros carried you to the sanctuary of his tent. With tender and feather-soft touches, he applied a healing paste to your wounds, his eyes fixated on your closed eyes. In that intimate exchange, he felt an indescribable connection. You belonged to him, bound together in mind, heart, and soul, intertwining with his own unguarded being. When the following morning arrived, you awakened, your memories of the past washed away like wet ink fading on a page. A new dawn emerged, and the eldest Feanorian rejoiced. For in your rebirth, he saw an opportunity to offer himself to you completely. The sea had dared to separate him from his home, his mother, his people and so he took away something precious from it. Something he keeps a secret even as he hangs from the cliff of Thangodrim. You are to him as the Silmarils were to Feanor. Even in death, Maedhros' spirit would follow you as you traversed the world, your past forgotten in the depths of ages long gone. You were his eternal companion, a tether to a forgotten era, forever intertwined in the tapestry of destiny.
Glorfindel- "Do you truly think Asfaloth's bells are better than mine?" you ask, your figure delicately balanced on the balcony as you fix a piercing glare upon Glorfindel. He finds himself in a predicament he never anticipated, caught off guard by your sudden confrontation. "It's not a matter of comparison, really," the Balrog slayer tries to deflect, hoping to avoid further conflict. However, you refuse to let him off the hook so easily. "Oh, really? Because if I recall correctly, your past romantic odes were filled with praise for the sweet chimes of my own bells, not those on Asfaloth," you remark, plucking at the tinkling bells adorning your anklet to emphasize your point. "These bells carry the essence of my magic, and yet, you hesitated. You faltered at Elohir's foolish question." Glorfindel winces, inwardly cursing Elrond's son for inadvertently causing this current predicament. Stepping closer to you, he channels his sweetest voice, accompanied by a subtle loosening of the top buttons of his shirt. "Melda," Glorfindel begins, his voice tender and sincere, "there is truly no comparison. Even Asfaloth's bells were born out of the days when I pined for you." He gazes into your eyes, a soft smile playing on his lips, as you instinctively reach out and fiddle with the buttons of his shirt." Is that true?" you inquire, a hint of vulnerability lacing your voice. Glorfindel nods, relief washing over him. Crisis Averted for now. He would make sure to apologize to Asfaloth tomorrow.
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Tradition - Caranthir x Reader (Pt. 1)
The fourth son of Fëanor, more often than not, retired early on the Day of the Lamps, and didn't even stay to watch the lanterns set out. Caranthir never cared much for the holidays. You, on the other hand, have missed celebrating dearly since you left your home in Alqualondë, and that might just be enough to change Caranthir's mind.
Caranthir at first couldn’t say whether he was glad or dismayed when he found out your visit to Tirion from Alqualonde was going to be permanent. You were not staying a great distance away from the Fëanorion estate, after all, and he wasn’t sure how having an outsider such as yourself so close to his family would turn out. His parents weren’t known to warm so easily to someone. To his surprise, they were both taken with quickly. Nerdanel had taken an instant liking to you - almost as if you were a daughter that she never had. To everyone’s surprise, Fëanor himself had as well - the temperamental, standoffish crown prince of the Noldor had, in fact, warmed up to the Telerin visitor. Caranthir had to admit, he had more than taken a liking to you, too. The faeish beauty you sported was undeniable, what with your flowing gowns and buoyant smile and starry eyes. Your kind nature only amplified it. It would be a lie to say that Caranthir Fëanorion hadn’t been smitten with you upon your very first meeting. 
This reached far beyond your very first meeting, of course. In fact, the more time you spent around the Feanorian estate, the stronger his feelings grew. 
Nerdanel was the first to notice. Yule-tide gifts from her sons had been few and far between, coming only from her eldest two and her very youngest, who was so thoughtful as to write his twin’s name on the wrapping paper and tell his mother that it was from them both; she was not so naive. Gifts from Caranthir were unheard of; and had Nerdanel not had her harsh bringing up in the house of Mahtan and her marriage to Fëanor to callous her from disquiet over who smiles at who and the likes she would have been hurt, what that her beloved freckled-faced son was giving gifts to someone but not to her, his mother. She pried as subtly as she could, and though Caranthir seemed to have caught on to her intentions after the fourth, ‘That gift must be for someone very important,’ she had already had an inkling for what was going on. 
The rest of the family followed soon after, and Caranthir finally came to terms with it after the incessant teasing of his brothers. Not to mention, he had a sneaky suspicion that Maglor had told everyone about it when he finally admitted it to the minstrel. They would have known anyways - with his yearning expressions and whatnot. It was quite obvious that Caranthir deliberately went out of his way to see you. His want was apparent. He might as well have written it on his forehead.
One could even go so far as to say Caranthir loved you. 
It was something he begrudged, and the unbearable bitter-sweet yearning for you only grew stronger with each click his boots made against the stone floor on the way to his brother's room. He knew you cared for him, that much was evident. You were kind, and carried yourself with charm and poise, but there was something about the prominent blush that plastered your cheeks that told Caranthir there was something else hidden behind the veil of your dreamy eyes - something warmly inviting yet utterly untouchable. Maybe, thought Caranthir, after battling his reluctance to ask for anyone’s help that had festered in him for two days now, Celegorm would know what to do. 
He slowed as he got closer to Celegorm’s room, but his steps were no less deliberate. When he finally reached his destination, he didn’t even need to knock before Celegorm knew he was there.
“‘S open!” 
Caranthir pushed the door open a bit too harshly and stepped inside. He said nothing.
“Well?” said Celegorm with raised eyebrows, “What?”
“What do you know about the day of the lamps?”
Celegorm scoffed, “No more than you do. We celebrate it every year.”
“No,” said Caranthir, “How we do it.”
“Yeah. How we do it - we put the lamps in the baskets, and set them off to fly.”
Caranthir huffed, “Yes, that’s how we do it. How do the Teleri do it?”
Celegorm paused before he stood up with a wolfish grin, “So that’s what this is about?”
“Answer the question.”
“I am beginning to wonder if I should warn her of the dangers of being your little muse. Should I tell her that Caranthir the Dark lurking awaits her here in our fathers house?” 
Caranthir crossed his arms, regretting his decision to come here for help but unable to make himself leave, “She is not my muse, and there is no danger for her. Answer the question.”
“I don’t really know,” said Celegorm, “She said they do pretty much the same thing, but they set theirs out on the sea.” 
“I know that,” replied Caranthir bitterly, “but what do they put them out with? It’s some kind of plant.”
“I don’t kn-” 
“Where does it- where can I find it?”
Celegorm’s eyes inflated in irritation and he stood, “I don’t know what kind of plant it is. Ask Finrod. His mother’s Telerin.”
Caranthir let out a sharp breath in frustration. It was annoying enough to have to ask Celegorm, he didn’t want to ask his cousin. The longer he contemplated, the more he liked the idea of abandoning the gesture he’d had planned all-together. It probably wouldn’t do him any good, anyways. 
“You want me to ask him for you,” said Celegorm, “Fine. That’s fine.” 
“I never said that.”
“Yeah, well, I’ve about had it with your constant pining,” huffed Celegorm, “I’l just do it my dams se-”
“Pining?” said Caranthir, “The hell do you mean pining?”
“Don’t stand there and pretend you don’t know damn well what I mean - and now look, you can’t even ask Finrod about one simple thing! How the hell are you gonna-”
“Whatever,” cut in Caranthir, pivoting on his heel. Though Caranthir loved his family like his mother always instructed him, he wasn’t particularly fond of Finrod. The last time he had seen Finrod was at the Mereth Nuin Giliath - standing next to you with a wine glass in hand, blushes covering both of your faces and your lips stained faintly red. Caranthir was supposed to be the one laughing and blushing and drinking with you, not Finrod, no matter how pretty he was. 
Caranthir shook those thoughts from his head and picked up the pace as he made his way to the dining hall, frustration still evident. The day of the lamps was in eight days, and he still had no idea how to set his plan into action. He supposed, you were coming for dinner tonight, he could ask you yourself. He quickly shut that idea down. If he was going to do this, it needed to be a surprise. 
Upon exiting the residential hall of the Feanorian estate, Caranthir’s ears picked up loud rustling and whispered curses. They had just hired a new gardener, a stout fellow with strong arms but no sense between his ears. Caranthir supposed it was just the old goon making the ruckus, until he remembered it was dinner time already and the whispers began to sound more and more familiar.
The noise grew panicked as Caranthir made his way over to the source. When he was close enough, he pulled the foliage of the shrubs away to reveal none other than his silver-haired brother.
“Celegorm,” he said, “What are you doing?”
“It’s none of your concern.”
Caranthir looked down to the satchel in Celegorm’s arms, “You’ve been stealing wetsto-”
“Shh,” exclaimed Celegorm in a sorry excuse for a whisper, “Someone will he-.”
“Yeah someone’s gonna hear! You shouldn’t be taking those. Didn’t you get caught doing it before?”
“Look, I just really needed them, and the shops were all closed. Just don’t tell anyone, and I’ll pay for them tomorrow. Please, just keep this a secret. I’ll do anything.”
Caranthir raised his eyebrows, and Celegorm knew exactly what he wanted. 
The third and middle-most sons of Feanor made their way towards the dining hall, Moryo the Dark’s shoulders straightened a bit more than they had been before he was owed a favor from his older brother. The smell of broiled quail in Nerdanel’s sweet lemon sauce wafted through the air. A mixture of voices - yours and Maglor’s - echoed a sweet tune about the estate. The two shared a glance before entering. 
You stood in the kitchen with Nerdanel offering help, but she denied it. It was no lie that you couldn’t cook, but it was something you didn’t really resent and accepted with good humor. You stopped when the door opened. The blush that spread across your cheeks was too prominent to miss, and Caranthir couldn’t stop the pride that swelled up in his chest. Everyone knew you were blushing because of him.
There was no denying that you thought he was a good-looking man. He was tall and lean with broad shoulders, and those gray eyes of his never failed to make your heart stutter. It came as a surprise to everyone who knew the both of you that you, being so friendly and lively and charismatic, were attracted to the stoic prince of the Noldor. 
Deep down, your liking to Caranthir was one of the driving forces that had you moving to Tirion in the first place.
“Hello, Celegorm,” you said, and a new star seemed to shine in your eyes when you turned to his brother, “Caranthir.”
“It’s good to see you,” he said, before embracing his mother and taking a seat.
You blushed even deeper and smiled in his direction. You missed the amused look shared between Nerdanel and her eldest son.
“I’m glad you’ve joined us, osellë,” said Maedhros warmly.
“I’m glad too,” you replied, “I have been so busy lately: I have received so many letters all at once from Alqualonde. They are asking if I am visiting for the Day of the Lamps.”
Caranthir’s breath hitched. If you went home for the holiday, his plan would never come to life. The silence that lingered in the air before his eldest brother spoke again seemed like an eternity.
“Are you?”
“No,” you replied, rather abruptly, “All my close family has gone back to Beleriand with the Sindar, and the few of my family remaining in Valinor are distant. I do not know them well. I was hoping I could celebrate it with you all like I did last year.”
Caranthir’s heart leaped.
“Of course,” said Nerdanel, “You are welcome here anytime. You should know that well enough by now.”
You smiled.
“That reminds me,” said Celegorm, “What are the flowers that you used to set out each year at Alqualonde? Finrod told me about them once, but I can’t remember.” 
“We use a mixture of things - hydrangeas, and lots of morning glories.”
Celegorm’s eyes lit up with recognition, “Oh, we’ve lots of morning glories, but I have searched far and wide for hydrangeas, and I cannot find them anywhere but the shores of Alqualonde.”
“Really?” you said, “Not even the shores directly east?”
Celegorm shook his head. 
“We made wreaths with them and put them around our lamps and set them out to sea. I did miss it; perhaps this year I will celebrate it in the bathtub!”
Celegorm’s eyebrow twitched - See? I gave you what you wanted. - as he peaked up at Caranthir. Caranthir did not look up from his plate, only pursed his lips and took another bite. Celegorm knew another word would not be said from his younger brother - that look was one of contemplation, and it would not soon be worn off once Caranthir was fixated.
“That is an odd way to reminisce about the past,” said Nerdanel, and you laughed.
The rest of dinner went much this way. Small talk floated about the Fëanorian dining room with the occasional brotherly dispute. Though most of the company fellowshipped late into the night, Caranthir, much to your dismay, retired to bed rather early in. He was preparing for an early start the next day. The trip to Alqualonde wouldn’t make itself, and eight days was hardly enough time to make it there and back to Tirion.
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theelvenhaven · 1 year
Wedding Night Nerves
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Caranthir x Reader
2.1k words
Request: I'm do happy requests are open! I love your blog so much! I wanted to Caranthir, it's not really nsfw but whatever you're comfortable with. It's their first time, basically wedding night and Caranthir - despite in love with them - is still afraid of rejection beside of his skin. Reader coos and kisses and caresses his skin, letting him they love him. If you could thank you!
A/N: Hey anon I was happy to do this! Anything for Carnistir I love him so much. Hope this is what you were looking for it kind of goes into NSFW territory. But not too heavily.
Warnings: NSFWish
* * *
Everything had gone so smoothly. 
The feast in which was held in yours and Carnistir’s honor, to celebrate the nuptials in which you two shared. The exchanging of rings, the festivities that came with it. You and Carnistir sharing in dances, and smiles and laughs. The whole family celebrating- both yours and his. It was a full wedding day teeming with cousins, siblings, aunts and uncles from both sides of the family. 
Toasts had been made, even from the most unlikely of people such as Curufinwe and Tyelkormo who had nice things to add and welcoming you into the family. While Tyelkormo wasn’t one for speeches he managed to get it out coherently and without adding an inappropriate joke or two. 
The celebration had gone on for a long time, yet by the time it came for it to end, you were ready to spend the night alone with your husband. And Carnistir was clearly feeling the same way, as you two were the first to depart from the wedding festivities. Being sent off in a hail of rose petals as you two left the great hall of the Feanorian home. 
Now you were grateful when Carnistir shut the bedroom door and it was just the two of you alone finally. Both of you wearing a smile on your face and Carnistir’s face was rosier than it had been earlier. The realization settling in of what was to come next- the consummation of your marriage. One that would bind your fea together and you could be one with one another. 
“I am glad today went so smoothly, I was surprised your brothers gave us the opportunity to have a calm and collected day.” You laughed out softly as you moved to slip your shoes off in the corner of the room. You heard Carnistir snort at your words as he mirrored your actions, 
“Atar must’ve made a threat of some kind, though I could see how Tyelko was bursting at the seams at his speech to say something inappropriate about our wedding night.” Carnistir added with a little bit of snark, it wasn’t a secret to him when Tyelkormo was holding back. And to Carnistir he looked like he might implode on himself if he didn’t get the speech over with when he did. There would be lots of inappropriate commentary from him later. 
You only laughed at his words, knowing there was truth to it after being with Carnistir for so long you knew his brothers well enough as well. 
“Yes he did look a little… constipated during the speech.” You chuckled, as the two of you moved towards the bed, Carnistir being the first to sit down on it as you stood before him. He took the time to sit in silence for a moment and admire how beautiful you looked in your wedding attire. 
How he looked forward getting to know you intimately, peeling away those decorative robes and layers of lace and silk. Pulling the flower crown off your hair and laying you back… Carnistir had dreamed of being able to have this moment with you, so when you came to move closer he spread his legs to let you stand fully in front of him. 
“But enough about him… I want to focus more on you, meldanya.” You whispered to him, as you bent over pressing your forehead to his. Carnistir smiled softly to himself, before he angled his head up, letting his nose brush against yours and his lips coming to press against yours. 
It was like all the other times he kissed you, it was sweet and slow… Though this time Carnistir started to put more passion behind his kisses. Passion that was pent up since the start of your courtship because he wanted to do things right with you, because you deserved it. He brought a hand to your waist and pulled you in closer and steadily he laid back, pulling you on top of him. 
His tongue light licking your bottom lip and you hummed in response at the feel of it, feeling a fluttering in your stomach before you granted him entrance into your mouth. Carnistir had never tasted sweeter until now, and you moaned softly as his tongue met yours curling around it as you two kissed. 
You felt a pulse of pleasure run through you as you felt Carnistir use his strength to shift you both more comfortably on the bed. You couldn’t wait to see how all that muscle and strength could be put to such good use. His lips never leaving yours, and his trousers becoming a bit tighter at the sound of your beautiful moan. 
Carnistir wanted to hear more, desperately. He wondered about all the things he could do to you all night long that would make you moan like that, or make any other pretty sounds. At that he rolled you both over, his lips parting from yours to see your face flushed and your lips a little swollen. 
“You look beautiful…” He murmured out before dipping his head down to come and kiss your jaw, his lips trailing down towards your neck. Leaving open mouthed kisses, lightly licking against your pulse, making you shudder as you tilted your head back to grant him more access. Your hands came to his shoulders, caressing towards his chest and coming to the buttons of his white tunic. 
Desiring to feel his skin underneath your fingertips for a change, not wishing for clothes to inhibit more than what they were. 
Carnistir was distracted as he kissed your neck, listening to your little gasps as he nipped at your throat. Your fingers fumbling some but undoing the first button, and then the next before Carnistir’s lips came back to meet yours, resting on his forearm. You spread your legs wider to accommodate, and felt his erection pressing against you. 
Your hands continued at their task, trying not to get too distracted unbuttoning his tunic, when suddenly you felt Carnistir freeze in his kiss. His body tensing and a hand reflexively shot out to grab one of yours, making you in turn freeze too as you felt a shift. 
He had no idea what came over him suddenly, until the idea of you seeing him shirtless came to mind… Let alone bare. Carnistir wanted to be one with you, but suddenly his nerves were sky high and he feared that once you saw him shirtless…. Saw the extent of his freckles and his redness… That you’d reject him. 
That you would be disgusted by him and that you would want to go back on everything that happened here today. 
“Carnistir?” You whispered out to him softly and he didn’t answer you, only climbing off of you rather quickly and turning his back to you. You began to panic, wondering if you had done something wrong. Did he think this was a mistake?
Oh Eru… You thought wondering if he wanted to go back on everything that had happened today and annul the marriage entirely. You felt tears spring to your eyes but you tried to quell them, because you didn’t know what was wrong. You were only making assumptions and you didn’t things to be irreparable until you had an answer from him. 
“Carnistir what’s wrong?” You pressed again, and you heard him take a shaky sigh, watching him run a hand through his hair, before you noticed he was clutching his chest. Holding his tunic closed, he just knew you would reject him if you saw it… he didn’t know how on earth the marriage night could proceed now. 
“I-I’m sorry.” Carnistir managed out, and he sounded almost bitter, but you knew well enough by now that it wasn’t aimed at you… Was he angry with himself? You wondered and it settled your nerves a little bit. You knew how he could be when he was waging war with himself,
“I can’t… I can’t…” He said softly, almost pained and this time you sat up, getting off the bed and approaching. There was more happening here than him rejecting you and you knew that now, hearing the self directed bitterness, the pain in his voice. This was about him, it wasn’t about you and now you felt better knowing he wasn’t rejecting you. 
“Meldanya, what is the matter?” You asked as you moved to approach him, and slowly he turned to look at you, and you could see where his hands held his half open tunic shut. His silver eyes half meeting yours before they met the ground, his face was cherry red going all the way up to the tip of his ears. 
Carnistir was quiet for a long moment, closing his eyes like he was pained to have to admit what was wrong with him and why he was…. Hesitant. Which was a mild way of putting his reaction. 
“It is nothing you’ve done…” Carnistir whispered out to you, looking at you with knitted brows and a frown pulling at his lips before he looked away again. Hesitantly you approached him, letting your hand come out to touch his shoulder. You felt him tense underneath your touch again but you didn’t feel him pull away. 
“Then what is it, meldanya. You can tell me, I am sure whatever it is we can work through it.” You assured him with a warm smile, hoping to help put him at ease and help him open up. You wanted your wedding night to be an enjoyable one for you both, but it was clear his nerves were getting the better of him. 
He was quiet for a long moment, watching you as you came to stand in front of him. Your hands coming to his shoulders where you rubbed affectionately, hoping to soothe his nerves and help him relax under your touch. It seemed like it was working as his shoulders sagged some as he took a breath. Finally mustering up the courage to speak to you about what was on his mind. 
“What if… you don’t like what you see?” Carnistir revealed to you and suddenly it all clicked. He nervous about you seeing his skin, that was why he had reacted the way that he had. You gave him a gentle smile, 
“Of course I will like what I see, melda.” You answered him softly as you gently reached for the hand clutching his tunic tightly. Slowly as you moved to take his hand away, Carnistir complied, letting you pull his hand away and his half undone tunic began to fall open. 
“If I didn’t love you, all of you, I would not have agreed to marry you, Carnistir.” You said to him in a soft voice, letting your eyes trail to his muscular chest and you could see red splotchy patches on his skin. But it didn’t detract from his beauty in the least bit, if anything you were eager to see more of his beautiful skin. 
“May I?” You asked softly when your hand came down to the buttons of his tunic and there was a moment of silence between the two of you. Slowly he nodded his head, taking a deep breath especially as your fingers brushed against his skin as you began to undo the rest of the buttons. 
You were quiet as the tunic began to fall open the rest of the way, exposing his more muscular physique, and you brought your hands to gently touch his abdomen. Feeling it flex at your cooler touch before you brought the other hand over, sliding it up his stomach, and towards his chest and too his shoulders.
“You can tell me to stop.” You assured him as you paused just at his shoulders, and when he said nothing, gently you pushed the tunic down his arms. There was a long moment of silence as you began to drink in the sight of his bare chest, splotched with red and freckles. And you couldn’t see how any of him wasn’t just absolutely perfect. You began to smile before you leaned forward to press a kiss to his clavicle and press yourself against him. 
“You are beautiful melda.” You whispered softly against his skin, and Carnistir flushed at your words. Shivering at your caressing hands, but tongue tied on being able to say anything on the matter, overwhelmed that you found him to be beautiful despite his difference in skin. 
You tilted your head up from your spot on his chest, your nose brushing against his and a smile playing on your lips, especially as you heard the shaky exhale of your husband. 
“It’s only fair you see more of me too… Come, help me out of my clothes.” You whispered to him, your lips centimeters from his, barely brushing against soft ones. 
It was all the motivation that Carnistir needed before he pressed his lips right into yours again, with unbridled passion, making you hum. You certainly couldn’t wait for what was to come. 
* * *
Tags: @saviorsong @lilmelily @dicksoutformtl @fandomhoe101 @celebrimbor-telperinquar @red-riding @miriel-estelwen @ta-ka-shi-ma @nerdysimpy @thegirlwithoutaname87 @anunexpectedsideblog @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @eternalabysss @noldorinpainter
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eunoiaastralwings · 1 year
Caranthir accidentally losing his anger on You
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featuring caranthir x reader
fandom tolkien — the silmarillion
warnings mental health, emotions, anger issues, angry Caranthir, crying reader and Cara
a/n i have not updated or worked on requests in a long time. not too well - at the moment, so i worked on some feels. I have read and written so many fics and headcanons on Cara being able to keep his cool with his lover/spouse - but what is he could not? What is he accidentally loses his anger on you too? - I mean emotions are still emotions and sometimes the spiral out of control. . . so. . .there is my feels. . .
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Caranthir seemed to already be in a bad mood today. Usually - your teasing or affection would melt it away - but today it was suddenly different as you leaned in and teased him.
“Someone looks grumpy too.”
You were going to give him a quick peck on his lips - but suddenly he moved away with an unimpressed face, muttering something under his breath taking a swing of his wine.
His gaze turned away from you.
You can see there’s something on his mind and there’s definitely something wrong.
“Do not, Y/N. . .” 
He suddenly snaps at you in an irritated tone. 
His whole body tenses up - his dark eyes turning down to his glass in an effort to avoid looking at you.
Saying you were surprised in his actions and words was a far fetch, usually your lover wasn’t like this. Usually, he craved your attention - as it brought him peace and quiet, a loving embrace - during his times like these.
You frowned at his behavior looking a little worried.
“Cara. . .what's wrong?” 
You said - placing your small lithe hand on his.
His hands were so big compared to yours.
“It’s nothing.” 
Caranthir replies curtly - his sharp dark eyebrows raised in a confused look. He doesn’t even look at you as he speaks.
“It’s nothing serious - don’t worry” 
He also quickly adds - almost as a reflex to your worried look. 
He sighs silently and takes another sip out of his glass as he leans back and stares up at the ceiling -  avoiding any eye contact with you, his lover.
“Caranthir. . . melda, I definitely know there's something wrong. . .” 
You frowned - your voice in a worried tone.
"Talk to me, Cara. . ." 
You said softly - scooting closer to him on the couch.
“I said! - there’s nothing wrong!”
Caranthir suddenly shouts. 
He turns around and glares at you - his dark eyes he inherited from his grandmother, the great seamstress Míriel Þerindë, filled with anger as he grits his teeth. 
He stands up and turns towards her.
“I shall give you one chance, beloved. Drop it now.”
Caranthir says sternly as he steps closer to you - his fists clenched and his back slightly arched. 
His expression is dark -  his whole presence intimidating and frightening. You‘ve never seen him like this before.
You flinched back - your eyes wide at his sudden angry outburst.
Your breath hitched your throat for a second - scared of his current behavior.
He stares at you with angry eyes, his expression stern and threatening as he waits for you to drop it. 
His nostrils flare.
His fists still clenched and his muscles tensed. 
It seems he’s on the edge of losing his control. 
You can see his eyes are filled with nothing but rage - and the urge to fight, although you can’t see anything triggering that change of his behavior. 
Whatever it is, he clearly doesn’t want you to talk about it - at least not now. . .perhaps he was trying to protect you from it. . .whatever it may be - but currently he needs to protect you from his anger.
You felt her eyes prick with tears - and you slowly blinked away, as you looked away. Your eyes are just on your hands on your lap now.
Caranthir grunts as you stop asking. 
His eyes remain dark and threatening as he watches you silently - his breathing slowly and heavily with anger. 
Caranthir is still standing close to you and you notice he clenches his fists harder - causing his knuckles to turn white.
 He doesn’t look away from you and his face is still hard -  the look in his eyes filled with anger.
You wanted to ask again - but you kept yourself quiet and didn't say or ask anything. You did feel like crying though. . .
You felt like crying so bad - so you got up off the couch and turned to walk away from him.
Caranthir’s dark eyes don’t leave you as you stand  up and turn around - his face still hard and angry as he watches you leave. 
He remains completely still as he looks at you leaving, gritting his teeth before he finally moves again.
Caranthir is angry at himself for losing his control so badly. 
He hates himself for making you feel bad. 
He takes a deep breath - calming himself down and tries to control himself as he moves towards his desk to get a new glass of wine. 
He slowly sits down and takes another sip - as he thinks about what just happened.
You were in your chambers.
You had closed the door behind you - before you climbed into bed and just cried silently.
Caranthir was taking another sip out of his wine - his mind occupied with guilt and anger towards himself. 
He can’t believe he treated you like that. 
He’s disgusted at himself and he doesn’t even notice the time passing. 
After a while though - he realizes that it’s getting late and he finishes the rest of his bottle, before getting up and walking to your bedroom to find his lover there, silent and crying.
Caranthir’s heart sinks as he sees you crying in your bed - his guilt taking over him as he sits down on the bed next to you.
You heard Caranthir come in. 
Your face was buried in your pillow. 
You tried to stop your silent cries altogether. You felt the side of the bed dip as he sat down. 
You didn't say a word to him. 
You didn't feel like talking either -  so you just stayed completely still.
He sighs as he sits there in silence next to you in your bed. 
His guilt eats him alive as he watches you -  feeling horrible about what he did. 
Caranthir takes a deep breath as his eyes focus on you - his gaze full of worry and concern.
“Meldanya? Are you alright?”
Caranthir asks - wiping his fingers through your hair to comfort you.
His voice now softer, a complete contrast to how he was earlier. He sounded caring and loving - the Caranthir you knew.
You didn't respond. 
When he ran his fingers softly through your hair you did tense a little and just hid your face deeper into her pillow and gently fitting the pillow cover.
Caranthir sighs as he sees you tense up. 
His expression softens even more as he tenderly takes your shoulder and gently turns you around to face him -  looking down at you with soft dark eyes. 
“Talk to me, melda. . .please. . .” 
- he pleads quietly. 
His voice is full of concern, making sure you know youcan talk to him about anything. 
Caranthir moves his fingers slowly and gently through your hair - his breath in your ear quiet and warm. 
He stares at you with his calming dark eyes - trying to reassure you everything is fine.
Your eyes were still teary and cheeks still strained with dried tears. 
You looked into his eyes for a second before you turned your head away, ready to turn yourself away from him again too.
“Melda. . .mecin. . .” (please).
Caranthir pleaded with you - his voice desperate. 
He prevented you from turning around.
Caranthir placed his head on your forehead lovingly - trying to hold you close.
It was only when something wet landed on your cheek, did you realize your beloved elf was crying.
Your heart broke seeing the pained and guilted expression on his face - with his eyes shut.
“Nanye nairea. . .” (I’m sorry).
He whispered, pained.
You sighed - ready to break with a fresh round of tears seeing him look so pained and guilt ridden.
You gently placed a hand on his cheek - stroking his cheek softly and wiping away anymore stray tears from your lover’s face.
Caratnhir suddenly relaxes under your touch.
 His expression slowly softens as he takes a deep breath.
A shaky exhale left his lungs as he tried not to cry. 
He closes his eyes for a second - taking another shaky breath and he opens them again, looking down at you with his normal soft dark eyes.
The eyes that looked like the dark sky of the night showing stars.
“I‘m here. . .”
 He mumbles - like a promise. 
His expression is calm and he seems relieved - but also sad.
There’s  guilt written all over Carathir’s face as he stares back at you.
“Áva. . .- ávatyara ni, mecin?” (Forgive me, please).
 Caranthir asks slowly - his voice still softer than before. 
His brows are raised with concern - his expression comforting yet worried. 
He leans his head into your hand as you hold him - his whole body slowly relaxing. 
Caranthir doesn’t look threatening at all anymore like he was earlier - but he does look exhausted. 
It’s only now really showing that he’s really exhausted.
You sighed - wrapping your arms around his shoulders and he quietly cried into your neck - his body shaking.
“Melda. . .I’m here, Cara. . .” 
You whispered - shushing him gently and caressing his hair and back as you comforted your troubled lover.
Once Caranthir pulls away from your neck - you rest his forehead atop of your forehead and slowly closes your eyes again, caressing his cheeks.
He stares into your beautiful eyes - his heart melting at the sight of you. At the sight and the feeling of your foreheads touching - he can’t help but let out a soft and content sigh as he closes his eyes as well, taking a deep breath. 
Your caresses are pleasing and calming - the way you hold your face against his is also calming - and this is exactly what he needed. 
It feels so peaceful in that moment - it feels almost like the moment is freezing, like it‘s so still. . . all he can hear is your soft breaths against each other.
In that soft moment you chose to tenderly press your lips against his lips too.
Your lips touching are soft and gentle - almost like a kiss from heaven. 
His breath catches in his throat as your lips touch his lips.
Caranthir’s heart melting once again.
He takes a deep breath and kisses you back - soft and caring, your lips pressing softly against each other. 
It‘s so peaceful and beautiful, it‘s so perfect. . .the softness of your lips against each other - the warmth of their breath against each other, the smell of your hair. . .
Caranthir can‘t explain how much he loves you. . .
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Taglist form
tara's taglist: @wandererindreams @fizzyxcustard @ranhanabi777 @spidergirla5 @asianbutnotjapanese @floraroselaughter @mismaeve @bunson-burner
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lovefairymina · 1 year
Cara, *opens my arms* would you like some cuddles?
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“It would be wrong of me to deny such a marellous affection when it's free,” he chirped and snuggled deeper into your embrace, searching for more warmth.
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doodle-pops · 2 months
House of Feanor | Being In An Arranged Marriage With Them
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A/N: This was so much I wrote!! For some reason I felt like I made a few of them OOC, but what the hell. It's an AU, so they’ll all be different from the regular Silm verse 😆. I think I broke my wrist whilst breaking a sweat thinking of different scenarios for each of them, but I managed to make it to the finish line! Alas, the final piece! ಥ_ಥ
Warnings: arranged marriage, there are minor angst themes, neglect and loneliness, rejection, comfort and happy endings for most except (Feanor)
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Feanor
He’s not known as Fëanáro without reason. When those words came out of his father’s mouth, as much as he adored his father, he was incensed by the level and nature of the dictation he was subjected to. He felt he was unjustly punished for some unknown transgression by Eru through this method.
Don’t anticipate him to even breathe, let alone glance in your direction when you’re observing him. He would gladly lock eyes with your figure when you’re not paying attention and scrutinize you without remorse. There’s nothing you could say to convince him of your innocence in this arrangement.
He assumes that you had a say in choosing your spouse because he’s Fëanáro, the firstborn and Crown Prince, and everyone desired him. Though politics and royal duties didn’t interest him, he was now aware of the political rationale behind the union. Eventually, he resists continuing his resentment towards his father because his father was compelled into it (in his opinion).
This resembles a Bridgerton moment, akin to King George and Queen Charlotte, where you reside in one house while he lives in another, a significant distance away. His father can complain all he wants about the lack of effort to establish a connection, and Fëanáro would simply ignore and roll his eyes.
Throughout the arranged marriage, you will feel completely alienated and rejected. There was a time when you were excited about being wed to the Crown Prince, even though your freedom was being curtailed. Even at events where you’re expected to appear as a couple, you arrive in separate coaches.
Do not expect him to hold your hand or have your arm around his elbow. Fëanáro takes the commitment seriously, as he feels his own freedom has been taken away. Talking to him is futile, for he will merely pretend to listen while focusing on getting drunk to forget the entire night.
“Why do you despise me so much? You act as if I am the cause of this entire arrangement when it is your father who is responsible. Listen, if you intend to ignore me, it might be best if we end this, as I did not willingly sign up for this mistreatment, especially from you. We can part ways and continue our separate lives, or if we are to continue, at least afford me the same respect you expect.”
You displayed remarkable courage by confronting his tantrums and earning yourself a few withering side–glances filled with anger and disbelief, because “How dare you speak to me so openly, as if we are equals?!” Kudos to you; you’ve just earned yourself another round of silence for the remainder of the night and week, perhaps even into the afterlife.
Fëanáro has no intention of making your marriage work. Eru could punish him, but he’d simply retort and carry on with his life. It’s all about his belief that he’s being coerced into the same situation as his father and his determination to avoid making that mistake.
If this arrangement is to succeed, you’ll need to pray seven times an hour, every day, for the rest of your life for divine intervention. Otherwise, you’ll be left complaining about his behaviour and treatment while he remains unruffled.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Maedhros
He had anticipated this situation due to the constant rivalry between his father and his half–uncle, who incessantly engaged in banter to prove the superiority of their respective families. He often found himself thrust into the forefront of this unnecessary competition. Therefore, he approached the arrangement with a sense of neutrality (lie! he chats his mother’s ear off).
As the firstborn of the heir, he fully comprehends the specific obligations that accompany his title and embraces them wholeheartedly. So, when you join your parents for the first meeting, he gracefully accepts his fate as your husband (although he sheds a few tears in private to his mother).
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, My Lady/Lord Y/N. I am Prince Nelyafinwë Maitimo, your betrothed. I sincerely hope that in the brief time before our wedding, we can learn a lot to make our journey as a married couple smoother. Please, do not hesitate to inform me of any discomforts you may encounter, and I will do my utmost to ensure your well–being. Remember, I am your husband, not your master. Have no fear as we build a life together.”
He is a polite and reserved individual, leaning more towards propriety than humour. He barely possesses a funny bone and seldom indulges in levity, which can be one of the more challenging aspects of the marriage. Nevertheless, he is respectful, stands up for you, is considerate, and fulfils all the duties of a husband.
However, he respects your boundaries when it comes to intimacy, acknowledging that you both are strangers. This means separate sleeping arrangements. All other spaces, such as the kitchen, dining room, reading room, coaches, and carriages, are shared.
As a husband, he typically leaves most decisions up to you, entrusting you with the role of household caretaker and offering his input only when you seek an additional opinion or when he believes a change is necessary.
During the initial stages of your relationship, he hopes that you can build good bonds with the rest of his family, particularly his brothers and parents. He is observant of your reactions and interactions with them and adjusts accordingly if he senses any discomfort.
Despite his efforts to avoid such emotions, he becomes sentimental when he reflects on the life he has created with you, even if it feels somewhat mechanical. The absence of arguments and the harmonious atmosphere in the house bring him joy. There are moments of awkwardness, but you’ve both learned to overcome them (and the first time you saw him laugh was when you attempted to make a joke about it).
As your marriage progresses, you encounter numerous highs and lows, primarily stemming from the political aspects. You have expressed your discontent with being treated as a trophy and being involved in unnecessary competition, despite knowing this from the outset. Dealing with this, particularly from his father, is a challenge that you and Maedhros will face together.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Maglor
Maglor is just as composed as his older brother, but he doesn’t quite align with the idea of both of you being used for political and competitive purposes. He grapples with the notion that Maedhros accepted the idea of an arranged marriage for political gain so readily. Now, he feels a profound sadness that he can’t freely choose someone to capture his heart.
However, Maglor makes sure that your time together never feels forced or obligatory. He disapproves of the constant reminder of the arranged marriage hanging over your heads. He’s dedicated to making your marriage healthy and happy, erasing any memory of your freedom being taken away.
Inheriting his mother’s temperament, Maglor is a pillar of strength for your concerns and worries. If you ever feel like you’re falling short of the arrangement’s expectations, or if you’re fearful, confused, unhappy, or distant, he encourages you to confide in him without hesitation. After all, he’s your husband and should be your confidant.
The perk of living with Maglor is a home constantly filled with music and music sheets. You may grumble about the sheets being everywhere but his music room, but he melts away any tension by serenading you with songs dedicated to you. It’s his way of expressing his genuine affection and appreciation for having you in his life.
“I’d like to dedicate my next song to someone I’ve grown close to in such a short time. They’ve found their way into my heart, even if they’re not entirely aware of it. This song is for them, to show how much I truly care and consider them a dear part of my life. So, without further ado, my next piece is in honour of my wonderful spouse.”
Though he may put you on the spot, he hopes that you’ll be moved by his heartfelt dedication. He isn’t being manipulative; his intentions are sincere, and he genuinely appreciates having you in his life.
Among his brothers, Maglor stands out as the most understanding and the one who despises the mistreatment of the arranged marriage. He firmly shuts down conversations that dwell on the circumstances of how you ended up together and replaces them with whimsical tales of your imaginary first encounters. His theatrical skills come into play as he playfully flirts and teases you, creating a charming and flirtatious atmosphere.
Only when you’re comfortable, does he extend his hand or arm for you to hold, patiently listen to your conversations, or spend time planning extravagant surprises.
Throughout your marriage, Maglor’s primary aim is to provide comfort and eliminate any tension or discomfort. You’ll have a loving husband who will fiercely defend your marriage against anyone who challenges it.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Celegorm
Another individual who defiantly scoffs at the arrangement, dismissing it because no one would dare challenge his freedom. Unfortunately, much to his discontent, the news proved true. As a result, he’s now in a fit of rage, flipping tables, and has disappeared for weeks, remaining unseen and unheard.
Tyelko isn’t present during the initial weeks of the arrangement, as he’s off wandering in the forest, complaining to Orome about the perceived unfairness of the situation. All the while, you are left alone in the new house. One can only imagine the shock he’ll experience upon his return.
His return is facilitated by Orome, who encourages him to give the arrangement a chance and approach it with an open mind. Thanks to Orome, your first meeting with Tyelko is relatively amicable, as he meets you standing in the doorway with a concerned expression on your face.
The look of concern you give him is unsettling for Tyelko, as he is accustomed to expecting anger for behaviour. Not knowing how to respond, he might inadvertently snap, making him come across as a jerk. This leads to you becoming reclusive to avoid triggering his temper, making his plan to scare you off fail.
Tyelko soon realises that you rarely speak or interact with him, leaving him to his own devices with homecooked meals and a comforting, caring tone. You even avoid making eye contact when he addresses you directly, leading him to conclude that you’re afraid or hate him.
“Why do you still treat me this way when I have been unpleasant? I don’t like it or enjoy how you look at me. Why must you still care for me when I have been unbothered? Are you manipulating me into feeling guilty? Because if that is the case, I can leave if it stops this unpleasant play. Just why are you still friendly with me?”
You could see the uneasiness in his posture prompting you to feel a sense of pity for neglecting an unheard-of side of him and the pleading tone makes you realise his sincerity. He genuinely wants to know how to end the discomfort in the house.
Accustomed to his harsh nature as described by others, you had found it difficult to imagine him being soft. It was a start in breaking the ice with your views and how you had perceived him to be during the arrangement. To which he scoffed at how you easily fell for the rumours of his roughness (he knows that he’s rough around the edges, but refuses to admit it).
Tyelko cautiously falls into the routine of becoming a caretaker alongside you since you gave him no reason to be hostile. All he can do is hope for the best. He’s still hesitant to let go of his freedom as it brings him peace of mind.
He eventually finds himself slowly warming up to the idea of you doing your best to understand and not readily judge. This eases the preconceived notions he had about you from the beginning. He thought your demeanour was all a façade to control him.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Caranthir
Two distinct reactions unfold the moment he’s abruptly brought up to speed with his situation: firstly, he swears, and secondly, he makes a swift attempt to escape the room. This was far from the life he had envisioned for himself, or any different from what his family had endured. He had heard of such unfortunate circumstances befalling others but never fathomed that he too would become a victim.
He seems rather brooding during the entire introduction, and he’s taken aback by the familiar expression mirrored on your face. He had assumed that you would be delighted, as many individuals often eagerly vie for the role of a prince’s spouse, particularly from the first house.
He remains quiet and distant, wanting to intensify your the distance between. Both of you share similar attitudes towards marriage and living habits, which results in minimal attempts at interaction, with each of you occupying different ends of the house.
Polite greetings are given from your end while he silently grumbles and mutters incomprehensible phrases. You take it as a sign that he doesn’t wish to communicate. Though at times, you tend to feel the weight of his gaze on you, and if you catch him staring, he quickly averts his gaze, returning to his displeasure state.
It’s a significant challenge for him to partially embrace the role of a suitable husband, given the constant reminder of the unexpected circumstances that brought you together. Expressing himself has always been a struggle when in times of comfort forsaken, leading to Caranthir muttering his words grumpily.
“I’m not quite certain how to put this into words, but I want us to be on the same page during this arrangement. So, I’d like to know your expectations and views of me. This way, if I am to avoid you or limit our interactions to prevent any discomfort or tension, I can meet them.”
It’s not an easy task for him to forge a tiny connection when the circumstances makes it daring. He has to be mindful of his temper while closely observing your reactions to his actions. He critically assesses every aspect and draws conclusions accordingly.
When in his own environment and free from intrusion, he attempts to gradually involve you in his world by silently inviting you through non-verbal gestures. You have to get use to the fact that he doesn’t appreciate talking too much. This can offer insight into his true self, allowing you to connect more deeply.
However, as your relationship with Caranthir continues to develop, there are bound to be ups and downs, especially when dealing with his outbursts triggered by various factors or his siblings’ relentless teasing. One way to show your appreciation for your place beside him is by coming to his defence.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Curufin
I’d like to say he’s Feanor 2.0 in terms of his ideas and approach. However, since it’s Feanor orchestrating the arrangement, Curufin is fully on board and understands his father’s perspective on the benefits. I mean, he’s just as competitive as his father, which is the primary reason behind this arrangement.
Curufin perceives this as a political strategy that he must honour and uphold. From the day you met him, he has had no hesitation in stepping forward and reminding you of the duties you must fulfil as his spouse and the newest member of his household. Your loyalty to him must be unwavering.
Although your initial impression of him left you thinking he was controlling and demanding, all Curufin desires from you, aside from his earlier requests, is your comfort and happiness while living with him. You want to expand your house, sure. You desire a spacious backyard, certainly. You hope for more gifts, without a doubt. If you want to discuss your feelings, he’ll make an effort. If you need space, he’s willing to compromise.
I’m serious about this one; you’ll need to compromise with him if you want your own space—by that, I mean wanting to live separately. If you want separate rooms, he can work with that. Curufin has proper etiquette when it comes to the comfort of those he holds dear.
His top priority is to treat his spouse with the utmost care and respect, ensuring all your needs are met. The only thing he asks is that you don’t take advantage of his vulnerability and exert undue control over him.
“As your husband, it is my duty to ensure that all your needs are met, and in return, I expect the same from you. Whatever you require, please come forward and inform me; there’s no need to conceal your desires. Lay them on the table, and we can work on them together as we were intended to do. I also request that you maintain your dignity and pride when it comes to our new household and family, and everything will go smoothly. Furthermore, I ask that you don’t exploit my kindness and keep our personal life within the confines of our home.”
The entire arrangement may sound controlling and suffocating, but Curufin allows you your freedom. He believes in reciprocity—what he wants for himself, he’s willing to provide in return. He puts in his utmost effort to meet your needs, as long as you show the same enthusiasm.
When he attends an event, his greatest desire is for you to accompany him. He takes pride in showcasing his craftsmanship through the pieces he has created especially for you. He spends hours crafting an array of jewellery to match your preferences.
The surprising aspect of this marriage is his firm stance on conversations concerning your arrangement and your relationship. Everyone is aware of it, but he doesn’t allow others to discuss it, not even his brothers. He sees you as his spouse with the arrangement being a thing of the past.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Amrod
Much like Tyelko, Amrod possesses a rebellious spirit, often disappearing when the harsh reality of his situation becomes too apparent. When he does, it’s typically in search of his mother’s advice and assistance. His primary concern is unravelling the mystery of his father’s role in this arranged marriage. Sadly, his suspicions are confirmed as Nerdanel had no say in the matter; it was entirely Feanor’s competitive nature that drove it.
His mother’s invaluable advice to him was to make the best of the situation and take time to get to know you before making any serious commitments. She became his go–to source of guidance whenever he found himself in a tight spot.
Fast forward to the time when he meets you, he’s fully aware that you aren’t thrilled about the arrangement and even contemplated an escape before the introduction. It hurt to hear that you were reluctant to give him a chance, as he was open to doing so. This prompted his dedication to ensuring that the time you spent with him was worthwhile.
Much like Maglor, he’s determined to fill your days with joy and dispel the clouds of resentment, all while maintaining a respectful distance to avoid overstepping any boundaries. Whenever your responses leave him puzzled, he frequently seeks advice from his mother.
Simultaneously, he avoids his father due to his disgust at being essentially bartered like a commodity for his father’s satisfaction. Any discussion related to his marriage is swiftly shut down, and he walks away. He has no interest in hearing comments or mockery about the arrangement.
However, there’s no need to worry because he receives guidance from his mother. If you wish to converse with him, he encourages you to speak openly and share your thoughts without fear. He wants to hear your perspective on things.
“Please understand that I may not be the most well–known among my siblings, and you may have heard little about me. Nonetheless, please don’t hesitate to express your thoughts. While we may not be romantically involved or incredibly close, I will do my utmost to work towards a harmonious relationship. Please give me the opportunity to build something prosperous between us.”
Amrod is dedicated to establishing a secure friendship between the two of you before any romantic involvement comes into play. He aims to create a space where you can feel comfortable and relaxed without the weight of the arranged marriage hanging over your heads. There’s no rush, and you both have the time to sort out your duties and positions as your friendship grows.
Throughout your journey from friendship to romance, Amrod maintains a gentlemanly demeanour. Though you may encounter some challenges along the way, they will be infrequent. Your relationship won’t be flawless, as it’s impossible to forget that you were both thrust into this arrangement without your consent. However, it’s something you can bond over and find common ground to overcome your fears.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Amras
The quieter of the two siblings, Amras, maintains his silence even when informed of his situation. His irritation is clearly visible on his face, which leaves you anxious about what to anticipate. He reserves his complaints for private conversations with his twin and mother, all due to his father’s insistence on marriage, which he feels is encroaching on his freedom.
Amras’s silence remains constant from the moment you first met him. Your relationship is marred by a sense of being strangers living under the same roof. He refrains from even greeting you, still seething over the situation and pondering how to express his anger.
Despite his understanding that you played no part in arranging this engagement, Amras can’t prevent his anger from simmering. It’s not directed at you but rather at both sets of parents for their low regard for both of you. Amras struggles to find a way to communicate his feelings without intimidating you.
Amras notices your tendency to distance yourself whenever you’re in the same room with him or when you shrink under his silently judgmental gaze. Your eyes rarely meet his, and when they do, you quickly look away. Your actions make him feel as though he has harmed you or been hostile towards you at some point.
“Could it be that you...resent me for the circumstances that have come between us? You hardly speak to me even when I desire it, fearing rejection and silence. I can sense your anger over what your parents have done, and I share that anger. Perhaps we could attempt to build something together, starting as acquaintances and moving from there.”
His voice breaks, and he likely breaks down, allowing you to witness his vulnerability as he cries. He’s confused and doesn’t know what to do. All he wants is your guidance and support to navigate the storm he’s been thrust into. You are the only lifeline in the ocean he can rely on, just as you rely on him.
Amras may appear somewhat awkward, much like Caranthir, as he observes you in your element, awed by your ability to remain resolute. He is eager to assist and hopes that you will show him what is expected of him, as he has few memories of his parents’ dynamics and relationships.
His primary goal is to become the best husband possible for you, but he first wants to establish a basic foundation and compatibility. He follows you like an eager puppy, observing your features and silently appreciating your beauty. He feels fortunate to have ended up with someone good.
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˖ ࣪. ࿐♡˚. Celebrimbor
The moment those words escape his advisor’s lips, he feels a strong urge to toss them out the window. The idea of following his family’s tradition makes Tyelpë shudder. He neither desires marriage nor believes he’s capable of being a great husband, haunted as he is by his old life. He fears that others assume he will repeat his family’s mistakes.
Despite his personal reservations, he acknowledges the political necessity of the situation for the betterment of his kingdom. Consequently, he has no choice but to go with the flow and bear the burden. Upon being introduced to you, he maintains a stiff demeanour, silently repeating to himself, “Don’t mess up, don’t scare them.”
His conduct in this moment is heavily influenced by the obligation he feels toward the prosperity of his people, even though he resents it. Tyelpë can’t help but grind his teeth at the thought, as he believes there must be alternative ways to improve his homeland. However, like everyone else except Feanor, Tyelpe is reserved, observant, and respectful. He listens to you chatter on about the benefits of unifying both kingdoms while silently stewing in his own thoughts.
Polite and approachable, he makes an effort to ensure you don’t feel alienated by his role as your future husband. He respects your boundaries and the need for distance between you, given that you are still strangers.
“Please do not harbour any ill feelings toward me for the choices I’ve made to secure myself. We are still in the process of getting to know each other, and my intentions are far from ostracising you. The concept of an arranged marriage and warming up to a stranger from a distant land is still a challenge for me. I have much to learn, so I ask for your patience.”
During the pre–courtship period before your marriage, Tyelpë is a gentleman and crafts small trinkets as tokens of his growing fondness for you. These may include a hairpin, hair comb, bracelet, earrings, or a simple pendant necklace. He saves the more extravagant designs for when he becomes more accustomed to his role as your partner.
While you need not fear his temper, he kindly requests that you refrain from flaunting your relationship in public, even though everyone is aware of the arrangement. Tyelpë values his privacy and would be disappointed if his personal life became a topic of discussion.
Be prepared to spend nights alone in bed, as he isn’t yet comfortable sharing his personal space. He might suggest having separate chambers until some time has passed and he’s warmed up to the idea of closer proximity. He simply asks for your understanding, as his reclusive tendencies are his source of comfort.
The only potential challenge you may face is his reclusive behaviour persisting for a longer period than expected. He is aware that you may eventually come to terms with being paired with him, but he struggles with it. There are unresolved issues from his past that he needs to address before fully embracing someone new in his life.
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @mysticmoomin  @rain-on-my-umbrella  @asianbutnotjapanese  @batsyforyou @involuntaryspasms @stormchaser819 @aconstructofamind @ladyenchanted @addaigio @lamemaster @elficially-done-with-life @eunoiaastralwings @hermaeuswhora
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batsyforyou · 2 months
A Wild Puddle Encounter!
Tags: Puddles, water
Author's Note: So, I went to bed last night and was smacked with this idea. It kept me really entertained so I hope someone gets a giggle out of it, cause I did.
Taglist: @asianbutnotjapanese
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Would lift you over the puddle, help you over 
Glorfindel, Maglor, Celebrimbor, Beleg, Ecthelion, Thranduil, Gildor, Elrond, Finarfin, Fingolfin, Feanor, Finrod, Caranthir, Celebrimbor, Meludir
Would walk through the puddle and tease you about avoiding it 
Celegorm, Beleg, Mablung, Curufin, Feanor, Maeglin, Thranduil, Glorfindel, Fingon, Legolas, Celebrimbor
Would purposely splash the puddle 
Elladan, (me), Celegorm, Curufin (the not fun version), Meludir, Amras, Amrod, Fingon, Legolas
Would take off their cloak and put it over the puddle for you too cross
Finarfin, Fingolfin, Glorfindel, Gil Galad. Eonwe, Irmo, Finrod, Celebrimbor
Would avoid it, walk around
Erestor, Maedhros, Lindir, Curufin, Feanor, Elrohir, Caranthir, Turgon, Caranthir, Maglor
Would notice you avoiding it and make you “Embrace the suck” by making you walk through it
Sauron, Feren, Gildor, Namo, Haldir, 
Could not care it exists and walks straight through 
Eonwe, Celegorm, Mablung, Maedhros, Namo, Ulmo, Beleg, Legolas, Haldir, Eol, Sauron, Ulmo, Celebrimbor,
Would walk through the puddle while complaining or with a grimace on their face
Lindir, Turgon, Caranthir, Elrohir 
Happily splashes the puddle and later complains about their boots being wet
Elladan, Amras, Amrod, (me)
Would challenge it to a fight Pokémon style 
Glorfindel, Celegorm, Beleg, Fingon, Elladan, (me)
52 notes · View notes
Ok I really loved your fic: Oialëa. It has to be the best x human stories I’ve seen. I was wondering if it was possible for a part 2? Like maybe it’s the next day after she returned and how things go down with Caranthir’s family?
Oialëa - Caranthir x human!reader Part II
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Word count: 5k
Summary: The day after her return, Y/N and Carnistir find themselves dealing with the aftermath.
Tags: Angst, fluff.
Author's note: Whoops, this turned out much longer than anticipated. I've had this in my drafts for quite some time, but writers block really made it difficult to finish it😮‍💨 I'm contemplating on adding a final part about their encounter with Fëanor, would y'all be interested in that? You can find part one here.
Y/N had always been afraid of the dark.
Darkness, which was so relentless, unpredictable and downright terrifiying. Darkness, which had left her helpless and had threatened her life countless times. Darkness, which almost succeded in taking away every last ounce of strength and perseverance left in her body, had it not been for the silver band on her right index finger. The band that served as a constant reminder to hold on. To return to him. 
And it was this very band that had made her remember how there could be comfort in darkness, that it was not just this frightening sphere of nothingness, swallowing people whole and luring them into a dimension filled with their deepest, most haunting fears and secrets, stripping them of their ability to think rationally and having them become nothing but a hollow, paralyzed shell of who they once were. There was comfort in darkness. That was what Y/N had realized upon her anxious eyes falling on her ring. There had to be. 
Darkness, which manifested itself in his raven hair, his freckles, the bags underneath his bright eyes after a long day’s work. Darkness, in the intensity of his gaze, in the softness of his tunic. 
Darkness, in his body shielding her from the sunlight that was beginning to stream through the windows in their bedchamber on this quiet morning.
She awoke, hidden away in his chest, wrapped in his welcoming arms and scent. In the warmth of his darkness, which was casted all around her like a protective spell.
He was awake. She felt it in the way his breaths were timed, the way his hold on her loosened just the slightest bit upon her return to the waking world. Blinking, she tried to make sense of her surroundings. She was safe. With him. 
Was she? 
The breath that she drew made him stir and she felt his eyes on her in an instant. They remained quiet, perceiving the break of day, perceiving each other. His fingers finding their way into her messy hair brought her into consciousness at once, and she found herself focusing in on the way he twirled a strand inbetween them, and the slight tension on her scalp emerging from this delicate movement. 
She was here. With him. 
He had been with her, watching her sleep all night. Watching over her like a hawk, never once leaving her side. While she knew that the Eldar did not necessarily sleep like the Edain did, his commitment to be with her for hours on end, with nothing to do except holding her suddenly hit a nerve. She could not find a plausible explanation, seeing as he would lay with her every night and that this was no extraordinary situation, but she felt tears pooling in her eyes. And when she lifted her head to meet his gaze, the pure love emitting from his grey orbs made it wash over her like the enormous waves crashing against the western shore.
She was safe. 
Love was swiftly replaced by concern upon the arrival of her tears, and Carnistir’s eyes scanned her still puffy face, frantically searching for any indicator of pain or discomfort. 
"Melmenya, what is it?" He asked, softly. 
They sat up, white silk blankets pooling around them like the ocean reflecting Telperion’s light on a warm summer night. His hand rose to touch her cheek, gently tracing the lines on her skin which her pillow had lovingly left as a souvenir of a good night’s rest. 
Y/N was quiet. Quiet as the tears streaming down her face, quiet as Carnistir, patiently waiting for her to gather herself as not to pry and overwhelm her even more. The moment his hand had come into contact with her cheek, she had nuzzled into him and proceeded to wrap her hands around his wrist.
He was here. 
A single sob left her dry mouth, followed by three words that pulled at the raven haired prince’s heartstrings. 
"You’re really here." 
His lips descended upon her forehead with urgence. "Where else would I be?" 
They remained like this for quite some time, him caressing her face and whispering sweet nothings to her until Y/N had somewhat composed herself to move and sit by the bedside instead, burying her toes into the carpet to her feet, sipping on the glass of water her One had brought her in the meantime to soothe her throat. 
Carnistir was watching her intently, sitting shoulder to shoulder with her, drinking in every movement she made. It seemed surreal to him, this vision that he had grown so accustomed to being nothing but a figment of his desperate imagination trying to hold on to the memory of her, now existing in his presence again as if nothing had happened. As if she had never left. As if he had never danced so close to the edge a mere night ago. 
When she got up to dress herself was when he noticed some changes in her behavior. Where she would usually take her time choosing her clothing for the day, rambling on about her plans for the day and looking at herself in the mirror until every detail about her attire fit to her liking, something about her seemed different. She moved swiftly, like her time would run out if she didn’t. Her steps, now silent and almost careful, shoulders tense. That was when he felt his heart sink. He was well aware of the effects this unspeakable quest had to have had on her cheerful nature, but to witness them now in the tiniest, most inconspicuous actions she took struck him like a blow. Her body was still in survival mode, he could tell. Ready to attack, ready to fight or flee the scene at even the slightest noise. While he had experienced this state of being numerous times before, seeing his betrothed, a person once so carefree, so unknowing, and even naive display its signs scared him. 
Just what had she seen? 
His eyes wandered across her bare back which she had now exposed to him upon changing out of her nightgown and he took note of a number of scars that hadn’t been there when he had last seen her skin. Her precious, downright divine skin which was now tainted with testimonies of the horrors she had endured because of him. Because he had failed to protect her. The weight on his heart grew heavier the longer he stared at her butchered skin, the outline of her ribs now sickeningly prominent as a result of malnourishment. Skin he had sworn to guard with his life, and failed. While it did not change her captivating beauty, he simply could not even begin to imagine how painful those wounds must have been, for he feared he would perish from the torment that was building up inside of him with every passing second. And though he made a mental note to nurse her back to health and make sure she never missed a meal again, his thoughts began to drift out of hand, descending into a sinister spiral. He had failed her. 
"Cara," she called out gently, her angelic voice breaking him out of his mental imprisonment, "Are we going to see the others?" 
He cleared his throat as to rid himself of any audible indicators of weakness before replying: "It is inevitable, I’m afraid."
She let out a breath she had seemed to be holding forever as to ease the tension which was building up inside of her at the thought of a confrontation with his brothers and father. While she knew most of them would not dare overstep any boudaries, it was Curufin she was most weary of. Him and Fëanor, of course. The one who had started it all. 
She had no reason to be worried. She had fulfilled the quest, she had brought home a Silmaril. If anything, they should be thankful. Right?
"We don’t have to," her lover chimed in, sensing her distress. "I would gladly avoid them for as long as I could, if I’m being truthful." The remark earned him a smile. She had tried to bite it back but could not control the corners of her mouth quirking upwards, which she admittedly was not used to anymore. It almost felt silly, seeing as she was in company of her betrothed, the one person who had seen her every state of being, who she was most comfortable around. And yet, smiling in front of him now seemed unnatural. Carnistir had proved to her again and again that there was no reason for her to feel any sort of shame in his presence. That he would be there for her through any hardships she had to face. This just so happened to be one of them, she guessed, feeling a painful twinge in her exhausted heart. 
She looked to her right, where he sat, his shoulder grazing hers, his eyes fixated on her, sparkling with adoration for her smile. An adoration so pure it threatened to bring tears to her eyes once more, had it not been for her mouth beginning to form into a content expression again.
And this time, she let it happen. She let it blossom on her face, warming her cheeks and tinting them just like his rosy ones. 
"Me too," she said quietly, leaning into him, finding herself getting lost in the delicate smile lines forming on his beautiful face. Chuckling, he took her hand in his and squeezed it reassuringly. 
"How about we take it slow. Would you care to join me for a promenade in the gardens, perhaps? Some fresh air will surely lift our spirits." 
The air seemed to be humming upon her return when they entered the gardens. The flowers stood taller than she remembered, begging her to grace them with her gentle touch, like she always used to before her disappearance. The winds blew in her favor, lovingly tousling her hair as to greet her, and Laurelin cast his most golden rays on her h/c head. It was a heartwarming reunion, and any bystander would have surely thought her to be of elven descent, for they had never before seen Yavanna’s creations show such affections for a child of Men. 
So there they walked, arm in arm, momentarily hidden away from the pressure of the eventual confrontation with his kin. Time seemed to stand still the further they strayed from his estate. How Carnistir wished they could exist like this forever, not having to face the reality of the situation. How he wished he could keep and preserve her happiness from the events that were about to take place. How he wished they could seal themselves in a magical sphere where no worries would ever dare plague her mind. As they walked — her arm securely laid in his, always reminding her that he was right beside her, never to be separated from her again — the path lead them towards the training grounds, from where her ears picked up on the sounds of a sparring match. Next to her, Carnistir froze. She could feel his shoulders tensing up, telling her it was time to face the inevitable. 
They looked straight ahead at none other than Celegorm and Curufin, engrossed in each other’s swordsmanship. Next to them stood Maedhros, Y/N could have recognized his incredibly tall silhouette and wavy copper hair from a thousand miles away. 
Carnistir shot her a concerned look, silently asking her if she wanted to continue her walk — that they could still turn back without his brothers noticing — but something in her heart told Y/N that it was time to step out of the shadows. So they did, and the second his brothers’ eyes fell on his One, Caranthir the Dark felt the flames of the abyss licking at his ankles, igniting a fire inside of him that started to spread throughout his tense body so rapidly, he didn’t notice his grip on her arm tightening to an almost painful degree if it hadn’t been for her hand placing itself on his biceps to keep him calm. 
How dare they look at her. 
He locked in a stare with his eldest brother, whose blue eyes displayed worry and uncertainty more than anything. It was not Maedhros he was weary of, if anything, he almost felt relieved the firstborn prince was here with them. Eru only knew what would happen if Carnistir witnessed one of his vicious brothers make a wrong move and Maedhros weren’t there to stop him. 
"Well, if it isn’t the infamous human," Celegorm spoke, feline eyes taking in Y/N’s silhouette as if she were his prey, and Carnistir’s blood started boiling. His jaw clenched so hard it almost looked painful to Y/N who was keeping a very close eye on him, praying he wouldn’t lose his composure. His hand — so tense it started shaking — resting on his sword, ready to attack at any given moment. 
And he really tried for her sake, but the second his silver haired brother took a step towards her, something inside of him snapped. Moving to stand in front of her, shielding her from whatever it was Celegorm planned to do, the atmosphere shifted, darkness falling on everyone’s face like a heavy veil. Carnistir was livid. 
Y/N could see the way his shoulders shook underneath his tunic, the grip on his sword tightening so much his knuckles turned white. 
"Don’t even think I will spare you. I am not afraid to commit another kinslaying, brother."
One phrase, infused with so much rage and poison, even Maedhros seemed frightened.
It was normal for them to get into fights like this, for Celegorm and Curufin alike to provoke Carnistir until he inevitably blew up — this time, however, nobody dared to go further. When usually, Celegorm would have that insufferable smirk on his face upon succeeding in angering his brother, his face remained stone cold. He knew this wasn’t an empty threat. He knew what Morifinwë was capable of and though he would rather die than admit it, it scared him. So he took a step back, raising his hands in submission for once. Carnistir’s stare was relentless, the tensions still running higher than ever. 
Behind him, Y/N’s eyes met the ones of Curufin, the one she had hoped to avoid today. And the look he gave her was more than just distasteful. He almost seemed disgusted to see her. How it made her mad. How she could feel her breath becoming shakier and shakier. She had travelled to the ends of Beleriand, fulfilled a quest that had been deemed impossible, achieved more than he ever could — of course he’d feel inferior to her. As he should. She knew she was only working herself up, but she couldn’t stop her anger. Who was he to gaze upon her with such insolence. Who was he to ever think he was better than her. After all the pain she had to endure, all the fighting she had done, all the horrible monsters she had slain to prove herself once and for all — monsters he had never even seen before, she was sure. All the agony she had suffered for this vile, repugnant joke of an ellon to even dare- 
I’ll show him.
Nobody registered what happened next. They were trained fighters, stronger and more skilled than most of the elven population and yet, none of them had expected her to leap forward from behind Carnistir, steal the sword out of his grip and point it at Curufinwë’s neck silently — in the blink of an eye. Her stare suddenly turned blank, it was as if she had completely abandoned all of her principles. Carnistir was shocked, to say the least. Never before had he seen her display such behavior. She had never been one to fight, to actively start one to be exact. If anything, she would always try to solve problems without resorting to violence. Since when was she this skilled in swordsmanship? She had always refused his insistence on teaching her, only learning some self defense techniques did she agree to, as a compromise.
"Let’s settle this, once and for all." 
Her voice was cold, almost completely emotionless and Carnistir’s stomach dropped. Just who was standing in front of him now, challenging his brother to a duel? 
It seemed Maedhros did not see it necessary to step in and prevent the situation from escalating but instead backed away when they locked eyes. Of all of Carnistir’s brothers, Y/N had always thought him to be the most diplomatic and just. It seemed he knew how important this was, as opposed to Celegorm who tried to get inbetween them, only to be blocked by his raven haired brother, who had not once stopped staring at him since their encounter. Curufin let out a scoff, glowering at her with nothing but arrogance and mockery before pulling out his sword to accept her challenge.
"You will regret this, mortal." 
They began a dangerous dance, spinning around on light feet, blades swinging too close to each other’s throats for Carnistir’s liking. He felt his eldest brother’s hand on his shoulder, holding him back. While he knew it was not permissible to intervene in a duel such as this one, his stance told Maedhros otherwise. He was ready to jump in at any given moment. And yet, in the seriousness of this situation, with death looming over her like Morgoth’s shadow, he found himself mesmerized by the figures she would display circling his brother, who seemed to be growing exhausted. Her elegance behind the silver blade captivated him in ways he could have never imagined. The unpredictable coldness in her gaze held his heart in an iron grip. There was a peculiar mélange of emotions swirling around in his grey eyes, trying to make sense of what was happening in front of him. She seemed so far away in this moment, unrecognizable but still so oddly familiar. His brows furrowed at the thought of her having no choice but to fight for her life out there in the dark and he realized that this little dance with his brother was nothing but a fragment of the waltz she had danced with the Black Foe of the World. 
What happened to you?
Maedhros’ grip on his shoulder tightened, as if he had sensed the discomfort rising up next to him. They exchanged a quick glance, concerned blue orbs meeting lost grey ones. 
Y/N’s moves were swift when she finally caught Curufinwë off guard, slicing the back of his knee in one quick motion even he hadn’t anticipated. The sudden yell he let out followed by his hand reaching to touch the wound was all she needed to know the match was hers to win. Contrary to Carnistir’s belief that she would leave his brother be, as this injury was enough for her to prove her superiority, she instead proceeded to twist his hand to rid him of his weapon, earning a surprised look from her opponent. Curufinwë hissed at her abilities, conflicted about whether or not he should believe them. It was absurd, how a mortal like her had managed to harm him. He would not have it. He would show her, make her regret to even breathe the same air as him. Just when he took a step forward, determined to use his bare hands in his rage, her forehead collided with his nose with a force he could have never predicted, sending him tumbling backwards. His hands uncoordinatedly flew in front of his face when he felt a warm, liquid sensation dripping down his mouth and chin. 
The gasps his brothers let out at once were the last thing he heard before the actual force of her blow caught up to him, making his footing grow weaker. So weak, in fact, that he lost his balance and fell, a wave of dizziness washing over him out of nowhere. 
It could not be. He was Curufinwë, son of Fëanor, son of Finwë. 
He was… bleeding.
A sudden weight on his chest momentarily brought him back to reality, where Y/N was standing over him, her foot holding him down like he was an animal begging to be released after having been shot with an arrow. He saw a gleam of silver flash to his left and right before she lifted her arms in the air, about to deliver the final strike. It happened before he could even begin to yell at her to stop, that he would surrender.
Two blades, jammed into the ground, centimeters next to his head. Without batting an eyelash. He was alive, but humiliated in the worst possible way. A strategic move on her part. 
Her eyes had a tint darker to them than Carnistir had ever seen. He released a tight breath when she rolled her shoulders back and turned towards him and his brothers, all of whom were too stunned to utter a single word. For a second, he had wholeheartedly believed she was going to kill his brother, who was laying there, paralyzed and dishonored, and it scared him because he had dared to question her intentions. His eyes fell onto his hands, which were balled into fists at his sides in frustration, and he tried to focus on his older brother’s presence instead. Anything to help him ignore the uneasy feeling that was beginning to gnaw at him. It frightened him, seeing her like this, but at the same time, he was impressed by her skills and efficiency. 
With her posture now proud and confident, she locked in a stare with Celegorm, who for once in his life was too intimidated to come up with a comeback. 
"If anybody else wants to tell me something, they’re very welcome to do so."
Although his ears picked up on her words, they didn’t quite register with Carnistir, for he was too taken by her eerily monotone voice. Never before had she acted or spoken this way — sinister and chilling. He found himself wondering whether this was the impression he usually left on others. To some degree, he now understood how it must be to stay on the receiving end of his anger, especially when he was used to his counterpart being but the gentlest soul in all of Arda. Truly, he felt most unsettled by her fëa, which seemed so dark as opposed to when they had entered the gardens to embark on their stroll. Her h/c hair was tousled and tangled, chest rising and falling irregularly as to catch her breath, stature still tense and ready to fight. It sent shivers down his spine — the spine of a kinslayer — when nothing should have this effect on him, not with the experience he had gained on the battlefield over the years. Why yes, he could certainly sense a sort of pride creeping into his chest, he would even go as far as to call it excitement, had it not been for the discomfort and concern for her wellbeing clouding his thinking. Because not only had she completed this quest, she had moreover proven to everyone that she was not to be messed with. To be underestimated, yet again. When her words were met with uneasy silence, Y/N stepped to her lover to return his sword. 
He did not miss her shaking hand when he took it, and he knew it was time for them to leave, immediately. The complexion of her skin told him there would be a bruise on her wrist by tomorrow. She must have twisted it somehow.
Scanning their surroundings for one last time, gaze lingering on Curufin’s silhouette as to make sure he was in fact still breathing, he then gently wrapped his arm around her shoulder and thus lead her away from the training grounds. They left like they had come; arm in arm. This time, however, their steps were fast and restless like Y/N’s eyes which were nervously darting from left to right. The second they got back to the estate, Carnistir didn’t hesitate to pull her aside into a quiet corridor and hold her close. She was shaking against his large frame, burying her face into his chest, clawing onto him for support — he felt a painful twinge in his heart, hugging her tighter. Her silent tears seeped through the fabric of his tunic while countless sobs were wrecking her exhausted body. 
"Melmenya," whispered Carnistir "You do not need to prove yourself, ever again." His hand came to tenderly stroke her hair, hoping to calm her down. When he felt her nodding against his chest, he knew she was listening. "…especially not to my brothers." She slowly raised her head to look at him and the expression on her face broke his heart into a million tiny pieces. He gently wiped her tears and let his thumb linger on her hot cheek, caressing her. "Really, they’re not worth it," he mused, and she nuzzled her face into his hand, closing her eyes. The corridor was silent, the only audible sounds being her soft sniffs and irregular breaths, which she was desperately trying to regulate. Carnistir took his time, comforting his beloved as best as he could. She became so very fragile and delicate in his embrace, something the others would probably not believe after having witnessed her practically obliterating their brother. In a way, he felt relieved to see her crumble like this because it showed him that she was in fact, still the same person. Guilt settled into his bones at that, how could he ever wish to see her cry and lose her composure like this? And feel relief? Because she had acted differently? He shook his head at the thought — that was not important right now. He needed to focus on her, comfort her. 
"I’m certain Atarinkë will never show his face again." That comment actually earned him the smallest hint of a smile, dusting a slight blush onto his cheeks. 
"There it is," he whispered, leaning down to rest his forehead against hers and placing his other hand over the small of her back before kissing her softly, trying to calm himself and forget about the doubtful thoughts in his head. He was glad that underneath that thick skin and harshness displayed mere moments ago, she was still his gentle lover, allowing him to get close to her instead of building more walls to keep him away, especially after what had taken place out there. Anybody would be, right? But he knew that they had to work through her pain. He felt it in their connected fëa. They were intertwined at last, they had always been. She had gone through an unimaginable experience which had left her marked until the end of time, both physically and mentally. Her sudden blank stare and emotionless fighting had certainly frightened him in a way that he had never expected to be frightened of her. But then again, so had he acted after the kinslayings. And she had been there to catch him. To build him up, no matter how cold and angry he got. How could he possibly hold that against her? 
"You did so well, Y/N," he began, suddenly overcome with emotion, "And I love you. Just, please do not forget that you are not alone in this, alright? I will stand beside you regardless of what happens. But I do not wish for you to harm yourself because of my brothers’ inability to shut their mouths." Tears were pooling in his eyes now, the human in his arms being the reason. How he had suffered without her. How his life had lost all meaning when she had vanished. And although she was back, he could not fathom losing her again because of his stupid brothers. Losing her because of his fear of change. She was still here, living and breathing. And she needed him. They needed each other.
"I cannot lose you," The blush on his cheeks grew and spread to his ears as a result of his vulnerability. He had never been one to lay his emotions on the table like this and Y/N felt so very moved by his attempt to comfort her this way. 
"You won’t," she spoke up, her voice no longer monotone and cold, but instead sentimental and warm like the old days. "I know I should not have lashed out like that, but I just couldn’t let him get away with it, Cara. I’m sorry." 
"He deserved it, that fool," he just retorted, kissing her again, feeling a few tears roll down his cheeks. She wiped them. "Just… be careful. I got scared, seeing you like this. I don’t ever want to see you in such pain again." He smoothed his hand over her messy hair as to fix it. 
"I love you," she whispered, her lips brushing against his when she spoke, a slight frown on her forehead. "And to think that it is still so early in the day… I don’t even want to know how your father will react to the news of his favorite child being defeated and humiliated by a mortal woman. Again." Chuckling, Carnistir shook his head. "It does not matter. I bet you they will leave Thargelion together, before dinner even. But until then, let me draw you a bath, alright? And we need to take a look at your wrist as well, the bruise is starting to worry me."
Nodding, she grasped his hand, and squeezed it tightly. The day had only just begun and they had not even encountered a third of his family. Worry was beginning to bubble up inside her at the thought of having to meet each of his brothers and lastly, Fëanor, but the light reflecting in Carnistir’s grey eyes told her it was going to be alright. She could tell from the way he looked at her, admiring her with the most adoring smile on his still wet face, that it did not matter what would happen once they stood face to face with his father. Because they were side by side, his large hand protectively clutching her smaller one, squeezing it just as tightly. She was no longer alone. He was really here. And she was with him.
She was safe. 
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animatorweirdo · 20 days
Feanorians: Being Their Soulmate...
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Different soulmate troupes with the Feanorians.
Requested by Anon
Hi animatorweirdo!
Can I send in a request for different soulmate tropes for the Feanorians and when they find their soulmate? (for example, tropes like the red-string of fate, timer countdown, having a tattoo that symbolizes them on your body, etc).
Thank you so much and I can't wait to see what you come up with!!
(Author note: I didn't do Curufin and the twins as I could not come up with anything with them. )
Warnings: mentions of the book events, mentions of Maedhros's captivity, loss of a hand, separation, reluctance, the oath, doom, and rejection.
Maedhros —  Tattoo 
- Maedhros would have a small tattoo on the back of his right hand, right below his thumb and index finger. He would have been confused the first time it appeared, but then he would be excited when his parents or someone else told him it was the mark of his soulmate. 
- He had been given a tattoo that represented his soulmate. His soulmate would bear a tattoo on the same spot that represented him and he would know once he had seen them. 
- Growing up in Valinor he would check people’s hands to see if they had a tattoo on the same spot as him. 
- If you two met in Valinor, he would find a small star on the back of your right hand below your thumb and index. 
- He would be delighted to have finally found you, and most likely would have not hesitated to get to know you and start a relationship with you. His family would be happy for him. 
- However, if you two met in Middle Earth. His feelings about finding his soulmate would be much more complicated. 
- For example, the great enemy mocking the mark of his soulmate and threatening to find them would have left him reluctant to ever find his soulmate. Losing his right hand would have solidified his decision. 
- He would stare at his missing hand from time to time, remembering the mark of his soulmate. He would hope his soulmate would never find him as his reputation would certainly tarnish theirs. 
- If you two did manage to meet, he would feel strange pulling toward you. If you two clicked very well, he would mistake it for simple crushing or fondness. However, that would not be the case when he sees the star on your right hand. 
- Realizing you were his soulmate would cause him to distance himself away from you, startled and anxious to realize you were his one. He would then make a hard decision, to either give himself this chance to feel your love or push you away and possibly save you from the doom that followed him. 
- If he decided to embrace the fact and allow himself to be selfish just once, Maedhros would not reveal you were soulmates but enjoy your company. He would have decided to enjoy it while it lasted because relationships would not last during wars. His feelings for you would have grown but he would have kept it as a good friendship, and it would have hurt less when you two had to separate. 
- If he decided to distance himself and cut ties with you, his soul would ache for your presence and he would feel miserable for causing you to feel sad and confused by his sudden distance. He would have most likely been harsh and explained that you two couldn’t talk to each other, growing the drift between you. 
- Making you leave would be the hardest decision he had ever made. However, it would ease his soul to know you would not be doomed by him and his oath. 
- If there was a chance Eru took pity on you, he would either allow you to meet again in better circumstances or let you have someone else for a soulmate. 
Maglor — Red string of fate
- (Because I think Maglor would love tragic love stories, the red string of fate would be fitting for him.)
- Maglor would be blooming with excitement when one day he saw a red string attached to his finger. He would have read all about the red string of fate and would have most likely been eager to go on an adventure to find his soulmate, the red string being his guide. Unfortunately, he was too young to go on his own. 
- Growing up, he would occasionally check on the red string to see if his soulmate was nearby as the red string would extend or become more clear when his soulmate was near. 
- If you two met on Valinor, it would have happened during a party or one of his performances. He would be surprised to see the red string suddenly become visible and lead his eyes upon you. However, it would not have been an unwelcome surprise and he would have jumped on the first chance to talk with you. 
- His search would finally be over after meeting you and his family would have to suffer his constant serenading of finding his soulmate. 
- However, if you met on Middle Earth, his feelings would be slightly reluctant, but not opposed to it. 
- After the whole kin slaying and burning of the boats, he would have wished he would not find his soulmate. The red string went more distant, but he would be surprised to find the red string showing itself more one day. 
- He would be curious to find them and one day when he met you, he would feel happy. 
- He would be more open about revealing being his soulmate and having a relationship with you. However, since he and his kin were at war with Morgoth, the relationship would have to be kept as a secret. 
- However, if he decided you two would be better off without each other. He would send you away with good wishes and hopes that fate would allow you to meet again, and thus ends the tragic love story.
Celegorm — Dreams/Led by your pets
- As a hunter, I think Celegorm would have a prophetic dream about an animal that would lead him to his soulmate. 
- In his dreams, he would see an animal he is meant to find and follow to find his soulmate. He is a free spirit so he might find the dreams and the thought of having a soulmate slightly annoying. 
- However, if he came to meet with the said animal from his dreams he would not be opposed to following it and seeing what would happen. And when that happens, Huan would go missing and ignore his calls. 
- He would then find you with the animal and Huan who had led you to him. Perhaps that time, he would be more open and excited when he locked his eyes with you, especially if you two met in the woods of Valinor and the animal turned out to be your companion. 
- However, if you met in Middle Earth, I do not think Celegorm would not hesitate to have a relationship with you. If you both were hunters I think the relationship would go pretty smoothly. 
- But, if the oath comes between you, Celegorm might let you go in order for you to be safe from danger, or if you do not agree, and that he made it clear he would not give up the oath even for you. 
- Separation from you might cause him to become slightly more violent, but the thought of you being somewhere safe might ease it just a bit. 
Caranthir — Timer
 - A timer would suit Caranthir. 
- He would have been very confused when one day he found a clock drawn on his hand and it would not go away no matter how much he washed. 
- It would take both his parents to explain he had received a soulmate clock, which tells how long it would take to meet his soulmate: the more hours and minutes the farther away and the less how close his soulmate is. 
- The idea would not wrap around his head for a while, especially if the clock showed several hours, which only meant his soulmate was nowhere near. 
- He would be thrilled to find out when his clock reveals fewer minutes and would look around in curiosity till he found you. 
- I think he would be slightly shy, but would not avoid you. If you two click and you show your timer, then it would be the start of a beautiful relationship.
- However, if you two met on Middle Earth, he would be skeptical about having a relationship with you. 
- Seeing there was no hope after his reputation as a kin slayer and war with Morgoth, he saw it would be best not to seek out his soulmate. 
- So, imagine the shock he would feel when he finds his timer running toward the end and eventually finding you. 
- In some parts of his soul he would have been thrilled, but due to his unfortunate circumstances, he might avoid revealing about being your soulmate. However, due to the tugging in his soul, he might make a friendly relationship with you. 
- He would feel ease from his anger, and it would slightly hurt him to know he might have to separate from you. 
- He would enjoy it while it lasted, before sending you off with heartfelt goodbyes. 
Celebrimbor — A strand of hair
- Celebrimbor would be surprised to find a strand of his hair had turned into a different color, but would be delighted when he learned it was the clue of his soulmate and that his soulmate would have a strand of his hair color. 
- He would not mind walking around with the new color and sometimes styling it while searching for the one who had his hair color. 
- If you two met on Valinor, it would be joyful. 
- However, if you two met on Middle Earth, his feelings on the matter would have died down. 
- But when he suddenly meets you one day and sees the dark strand of hair across your hair. He became frightened as he could feel tugging from within his very soul. 
- He should feel happy by his kin’s standards. He had been blessed by chance to meet his soulmate, but his past and the reputation of his house had left him reluctant. He had hidden the color of your hair in hopes he might not accidentally meet you or anyone who might figure out who his soulmate is. In his mind, you were not worthy to get tarnished by his house’s past, but fate, of course, has worked against him. 
- However, if you were not intimidated by his past, Celebrimbor’s fear might vanish and he might entertain the idea of getting to know you. It would take a lot of time to convince himself to finally reveal your hair color on his hair, and wait for your reaction as your hair colors would match and return to normal.
- If you were happy by the reveal, Celebrimbor might then be confident enough to have a relationship with you. However, he would let you go if you weren't eager by the reveal and decided to leave. He would not blame you, but he would feel a painful aching for your presence and heartache for your rejection.
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You Are Beautiful To Me
Pairing: Caranthir x fem!Reader
Summary: Celegorm and Curufin are mean to Caranthir because of the way he looks and you try to make him feel better.
Warnings: self-doubt (with a happy ending)
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Caranthir's cheeks were flaming red as he hid in his room.
Celegorm and Curufin had been teasing him all afternoon, and that was only because they wanted to know how red his cheeks could get if they just kept going for long enough.
They had both laughed and found it incredibly funny, while Carathir's self-confidence and any respect he had for himself had sunk further and further.
Then he had hit rock bottom. He had started to cry.
It was only then that both Celegorm and Curufin had looked at him with concern, but the damage had already been done. Caranthir had run away and hid and he had no intention of ever leaving his room again. If they found him so ugly, they would never have to see him again.
After all, his presence seemed to bother them so much, perhaps it would be better if he was simply no longer there.
Then he suddenly heard a soft noise, like a gust of wind, and his window flew wide open and you came stumbling in somewhat inelegantly.
"Celegorm would not tell me where you were, so I decided to look for you myself," you said, "And, well, there was a light on in your window, so I thought you were- "
And that's when your eyes fell on his cheeks, smeared with tears.
"Cara, what- ? "You paused and seemed to think until you suddenly seemed to realise something, "Oh, I will throw Celegorm out of a window the next time I see him!"
Towards the end of the sentence, your voice became softer and softer, and you slowly moved closer to Caranthir until you knelt on the ground in front of him.
"What did they say this time?" you asked quietly, looking at him lovingly.
Caranthir looked up slowly, only to drop his gaze again as he felt even more warmth rise in his cheeks.
"The usual," he mumbled a little too shyly. When it came to his appearance, it could make him very insecure, but whereas with other people he got angry, with you he became very shy.
You gently reached out and put your hand under his chin to get him to look at you.
Caranthir's face was flushed red and his normal skin was barely distinguishable from his freckles.
Slowly, you moved your hand from his chin to his cheek and gently stroked it with your knuckles.
"You are beautiful, Cara," you murmured, leaning forward to wrap your arms around his middle and pull him closer to you. Then you leant forward and began to place gentle kisses on his cheeks where his tears had run down.
"You think so?" asked Carathir, who didn't look like he had much energy left to argue with you.
"Yes, I am more than sure. "You pushed your hands further up and began to stroke them through his hair. "You are the most beautiful person in the world."
With a tired sigh, Caranthir let his head fall onto your soft chest and snuggled up to you.
You giggled softly, a sound that had a soothing effect on him.
You just sat there for a while, enjoying each other's warmth. Again and again Caranthir asked if you meant everything you said, and each time you felt your heart break a little for him.
"Oh Cara, I- "
"So you don't think it would be better if I didn't exist?" he asked nervously.
You gently pressed a kiss to his hair. "I would not want to live in a world without you."
"And if you just forgot about me?" Caranthir murmured lightly.
"Firstly, that will not happen and secondly, I would still know that a part of me is missing." you whispered. "I love you."
Caranthir buried his face deeper into your chest. "I love you too."
After a while, you heard footsteps approaching the door and then Celegorm's voice from outside asking, "Can we talk?" He sounded a little embarrassed. Good. Maybe that would stop him from being mean to Caranthir in future.
"We're really sorry. We didn't mean to hurt you," Curufin said, who was apparently standing next to Celegorm.
"Should I go out and fight for your honour?" you asked quietly, but Caranthir shook his head as he laughed softly.
"Just ignore them," he muttered. "I do not wish to talk about it anymore today. I will talk to them tomorrow."
"If you say so," you whispered, "should I stay here tonight?"
"I would love that." he whispered back.
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felagund-the-valiant · 9 months
Big Hands and Tiny Paws - 578 words - tags: fluff
In All Shapes and Sizes - 612 words - tags: fluff
SFW Alphabet
Your Father's Son - 1.3k words - tags: Curufin has a bit of an identity crisis, fluff
All I Want Is You - 1.1k words - tags: best friends to lovers, first kiss Office Shenanigans (NSFW) - 1.5k words - tags: smut, semi-public sex A Heavy Crown - 992 words - tags: hurt/comfort, mention of canon character death
Birthday Delights - 712 words - tags: fluff, mild nsfw mentions/suggestive content Bring Back What Once Was Mine - 1k words - tags: mix of fluff and angst, mention of canon character death
General hcs Procrastination Troubles - 1.1k words - tags: fluff, unintentional secret dating, sibling's best friend trope
Having a crush on a reader who's friends with Ecthelion
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