#Carly Wicks
toobelieverperson · 3 months
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jackbatchelor3 · 2 years
Shirley's Emotional GOODBYE To Walford 💔 Walford REEvisited EastEnders
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wikitpowers · 7 months
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convinced kit is a directioner idc what anyone says
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diamcndsky · 4 months
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kylie wen | the popstar ★ break my heart and start again, i'm not the type of girl you call more than a friend
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genevieveetguy · 1 year
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. Thanks God I got sober now so I can be hyper-conscious for this series of humiliations.
Postcards from the Edge, Mike Nichols (1990)
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yup-thats-me · 4 months
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◇ play date ⋆ Tommy Warneki
↳ even if your bullies, Leah and Stacy, try to ruin your prom night with Tommy, they can't cuz Tommy's here
◇ pregnancy hormones
↳ your pregnancy hormones are acting up
◇ midnight love ⋆ John Wick
↳ when John keeps on comparing you to Helen, you burst
◇ take care of you
↳ you're on your period and Keanu is there to help you through it
◇ badass
↳ Tommy x reader from the movie Flying it set after the ending of the movie Y/n, Tommy, his friend Leo, Robin and her friend Carly are at the cafeteria mind their own business but the Leah Stacy and Leah's boyfriend Mark entered in the cafeteria and Leah and Stacy started teasing Tommy and Y/n relationship but Y/n stand against them and this gave the strength to Mark to dump his girlfriend
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whumpyourdamnpears · 9 months
Hi, there! My name is Carly!
I’ve been hanging around the whump community since early 2020, and I think I’m finally ready to take the final step and start posting my own whump content!
Here are some tropes I enjoy and will post about on here:
Defiant whumpees
Lady whump
Intimate whumpers / Carewhumpers
Psychological whump
Drug whump
Masterlist + Other important links under the cut! It was nice meeting you!
Fruit of the Wicked:
A wayward waitress lands in the lap of a notorious serial killer and will do whatever it takes to make it out alive. Here’s the masterlist
Here’s the links to the Pinterest account and Spotify playlist, as well as character references
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mortemoppetere · 1 month
@kadavernagh from here:
[pm] Locate Carly Rae Jepson and convince her to hold a concert in Wicked's Rest in October. I will pay you whatever you ask.
​[pm] Need more information. Is she missing? Where'd she disappear from? If she's missing, I'd rather find her before October.
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toobelieverperson · 3 months
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jackbatchelor3 · 2 years
Shirley's On A MISSION! EastEnders
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wildstreak · 10 months
My thoughts on Skybound's Transformers!
Includes Issue #1 SPOILERS
So, I finally got around to reading the new Skybound Transformers comic, and I must say I quite like it so far! (The post is long but there are snapshots!)
The depictions of the relationship between characters had me devouring Issue #1 with wide eyes and gasps; I love that it is extremely evident that there is history between the characters.
That Skyfire and Starscream are the first duo featured speaks VOLUMES. Instantly, there is friction/conflict and tension. From the first moment, there is their trademark tragedy written into their stories. What a treat for SkyStar shippers!! >:)
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As for Optimus and Bumblebee, I found the moment when Optimus sees Bumblebee's mangled corpse particularly impactful and absolutely love its portrayal. The parallel that it shares with the beginning was an appropriate way to evoke a readers' sympathy. In the panels around this, Spike's expressions also greatly reflect the sorrow that can be felt in the moment; even a bystander can feel Optimus' grief and understand him, making Optimus all the more human. Not to mention Optimus' portrayal—his optics, his posture, the way he hunches over Bumblebee and holds him; the care and the grief, it's written and drawn all over this. I love its masterful portrayal. On a less profound note, it's hilarious that the first one to die is a fan-favourite 💀 Spiteful!
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And then there is Soundwave and Ravage. Soundwave definitely cares for Ravage, and who am I but a sucker for a close relationship between carrier and cassettes.
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And the trine was so close to completion! Maybe Starscream is agonising over the loss of an asset, but I think there's something more affectionate to it than that.
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That being said, Starscream is such a wicked bastard in this one and I love that for him. It serves as a good reminder to Decepticon sympathisers how much of a cunt he truly is.
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On another note, the comic starts off with strong sympathetic human characters. This is something that I greatly appreciate because humans, for so much of the franchise seem so redundant with the exception of a few rare gems (ROTB, for instance) so having a good impression of the humans right off the bat is leaves quite a good impression.
Spike and Carly both have dreams yet struggle to achieve them which gives readers a good starting point to start rooting for them.
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The fact that we see them passing the night by stargazing also sets a calm, relaxed and friendly atmosphere for them which helps readers warm up to them better, as coontrasted to IDW with an angsty thief for a character 💀 (I really didn't like her, but I also didn't give her much of a chance to develop as a character.)
I also like how they reacted in the crisis of getting caught in the crossfire between the Cybertronians. They reacted sensibly by first considering escape but being humans, their curiosity overcomes them in an understandable manner. When the violence begins, they stay out of sight, panicking but not overreacting. This makes them infintely more relatable and likeable. And I love that Spike got himself involved by pushing the gun towards Optimus! That was rather sweet of him. (Also, I thought the gun was Megatron for a whole second before my brain caught up to the context and went 'Wait, that can't be right, right?' but there's a lot of potential in all the ways that can go)
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Alsoe, I adore the design on Carly's van! <3
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In general, I love the art in this.
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Especially the unglams.
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I had a blast and it's only Issue #1! I can't wait to see how deep a hole I dig for myself in the following issues. Hopefully, I can organise my thoughts in a more coherent manner next time; I simply didn't expect to be this impressed by the Energon Universe.
If you've made it this far, wow, thank you for reading! Please feel free to come talk to me about anything Transformers (your blorbos, your thoughts and takes, anything!) in my asks or message me directly. No spoilers for future issues please!!
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heyidkyay · 1 year
I guess I'll take this pain, instead of your name |
Part Five
A/n: Two updates in a day?? I honestly couldn't help myself, this series is practically writing itself at this point.. Going to start on the next part soon x
Thank you to everyone who msged and enjoying this btw, it means a whole lot!!:)
Summary: In life, things changed. The boys you'd once grown up with were men now, and famous ones at that. The type that toured the world and had millions of adoring fans.
The five of you shared a shit ton of history. But you also shared a lot of mixed emotions for one of them in particular, a certain drummer.
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Matty was waiting outside the bathroom for me once I’d finally managed to pull myself together. 
I probably looked a right state, having had to wash off the majority of my makeup in the sink, eyes still puffy and red from crying. He still smiled though when he saw me, kicking off the wall to pad on over.
“You alright?”
I shot him a sarky sort of look that likely said a thousand words.
“Yeah okay, stupid of me to ask.” He backtracked with a breathy chuckle. “You need anything else then? Just started lashing it down, so I don’t think that cab of yours will be coming anytime soon.”
With a glance over my shoulder at one of the hallway’s large arched windows I saw that he was right. Perfect way to end my birthday I supposed. 
“A change of clothes?” I answered him with a wry smile, suddenly feeling far too overdressed. He dropped his chin at me.
“'Course. Hoodie and joggers do you fine?”
I was quick to nod at him and was gifted a bright grin in turn before Matty started to lead me towards his bedroom.
“So, how much did you hear?” I found myself asking him as we wandered inside, him heading straight towards the dresser whilst I took a seat on his bed, glancing about.
“Not much, mostly just the end.” He told me honestly, riffling through a drawer.
Matty’s room wasn’t what you’d first expect upon meeting him. He had this sort of chaotic messy kind of vibe you either loved or hated, but his bedroom was a total contrast to that. He was a total contrast to that, really.
It had light colour-washed walls with pretty sconces that warmed the room’s entirety, even with the rain pouring it down outside. His bed was neatly made, lined with light soft linens and a plethora of heavy blankets. 
His chest of drawers was the only place of clutter, it was where his songbook resided alongside a bitten down pencil and pen. He kept a stash box up there too, beside the tv for nights when he couldn’t sleep, as well as a couple of other miscellaneous items. I smiled at the photo he had framed of us all. 
“Here.” Matty said as he tossed me a bundle of clothes. I peered down at them and grinned at the large tour hoodie he’d found for me, alongside a soft long-sleeved tee and a pair of trackies.
“Thank you.”
He rolled his eyes at my manners, “Just get changed then come find us, yeah? Reckon Carls might be passed out by the time you get there though, so don’t hold out any hope for her singing you a happy birthday.”
I narrowed my eyes at him, “You wouldn’t dare.”
Matty’s amused laugh merely carried him out of the room though and he shut the door behind him. 
I released a loud sigh as the quiet engulfed me once more and contemplated just following Carly’s supposed lead, falling back into the comforting cocoon that was Matty’s sheets. 
It truly was a hard task getting myself to move again.
“Now, I know you said you didn’t want any fuss-”
“What she actually said was, that if we sung her a happy birthday she’d string us up by our balls and leave us to the pigeons.”
“Yes, thank you, Ross.” Matty quipped with a hefty huff, swatting Ross’ big head away from the cake he was currently holding. Five lit candles taking up the middle. “Anyway, happy birthday, love. Hope you get everything you wish for.” He added as he held it out towards me, prompting me to blow out the rapidly dwindling wicks.
I swallowed and tried for a smile, one that I found I could actually muster surrounded by all of my closest mates. I took a second to look around at them. At Adam and Carly who were smiling happily, the latter tucked up under the arm of her husband, eyes bleary with sleep. Then towards a grinning Ross, who seemed overly eager to tuck into the iced dessert. I reckoned we were both hoping for a gooey chocolatey centre. And back to where Matty, my current favourite of the lot, was beaming, face lit up by the flickering flames.
I chuckled quietly to myself.
Then finally there was George, who was slumped slightly in his seat, elbows sat on his knees, wearing a tiny smile whilst he watched the rest of us almost from the outskirts.
Even with everything that had happened between the pair of us earlier, I couldn’t find it in me to not want him there. It had always been the five of us, six now with Carly. And I really didn’t want to look back on this moment, my first proper birthday celebration in years, and not have him there.
He glanced towards me then too, as though he'd felt my stare, his eyes full of an odd mixture of emotions. I offered him a hesitant smile and tried not to pay attention to the way my stomach whirled at the sight of the one I received in return.
I closed my eyes as I leant in. Taking a deep breath before making my birthday wish.
Laughing lightly, I reopened them, listening and watching on as they all whopped loudly around me, clapping heartily in cheer. I snorted when Matty almost dropped the cake on its top, him scowling at Ross who had bounded a little too close, and in that moment I’d never felt so incredibly wanted.
I stood by the front door now, saying my final goodbyes to the last remaining two. Adam and Carly had left a little while earlier, once the rain had died down somewhat, wanting to get back home before Carly conked out on the settee. We’d all shared a few hugs and kisses then, making promises to get together again as soon as possible before they’d jumped in the awaiting cab.
Ross and George had stuck around for a while longer, sharing a joint between us and finishing off the round of beers that had just been brought in. We spent that time reminiscing, reliving the old days. Which had been a little tough at first but also wonderful at the same time. During it, George and I had shared more than a few too many fond looks for my heart to handle.
I blinked now that it was just him and I stood in the entryway. Ross out in the driveway, trying to spot their Uber in the dark. I peered up at George, but he was already looking back. Something that hadn’t seemed to have changed in the time we’d been apart. His eyes darted between mine in the dim light.
“You'll be alright?” He questioned and immediately I knew what he was referring to. We knew each other best after all. 
I nodded, toeing the door's sill plate. “I’ll be okay. I’m that tired, I don’t think I’ll have much time to think about it, about her.”
He gave a faint hum in return. “She said anything then?”
My gaze was stuck on the floor tiles I was mapping out with my foot. I shrugged a shoulder, “Not that I know of. Sent a card in the post earlier this week, haven’t opened it.”
It surprised me when his hand found mine then, it slipped right into place as though it had never even left. I inhaled sharply and looked up. He gave a hesitant smile, eyebrows knitted.
“She never deserved you.”
It’s what he'd always told me, whenever the past played on my mind. Whenever something got dredged up or another holiday passed us by.
“Still hurts though.”
He drew me in for another hug, this one more natural than the last we'd shared. Under no scrutiny from the others.
I let him hide me from the world for a long moment.
He still smelt the same. I'd noticed it earlier, so I knew that he was still using the same aftershave I’d always bought him. It made me wonder if it was the same bottle I’d gotten him, or if he’d had to go out and buy a new one himself. If he’d thought of me whilst doing it.
Ross called out for him then, the car was here, and I had to advert my eyes away as we pulled apart. 
George threw a reply over his shoulder, whilst his hand took mine once more before he finally had to go.
“Happy birthday, Birdie.” He murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to my cheek and squeezing my hand. Then he was gone. Disappearing down the gravelled driveway and into the dark.
The wind rippled around me then, forcing me to step back inside and shut the door, but still I couldn’t quite seem to catch my breath. 
Matty was attempting to tidy the bombsite we’d made of his house when I found him. I paused in the doorway to simply watch him for a minute and grinned lazily when he glanced up, catching me. 
“Heading off to bed, need any help in here?”
Matty looked around at the room only to then shake his head, waving me off. “Nah, you’re all good. Might need a hand or two in the morning though.”
“Don’t even have to ask.” I assured him, my smile tired as I propped my body up against the doorframe. “Fry up too?”
He hummed happily at the sound of our post-hangover ritual. “First one up has to order." He grinned, then jerked his head over at me, "Go on, head up.”
“Alright, night, and thank you for today, Matty.”
“Don’t mention it, darling. Glad you had a good time.” 
“Love you.” I murmured still. 
He spared me a warm smile. “Love you too, birthday girl.”
I had to chuckle.
“Not my birthday anymore!” I called out to him as I started my retreat, smiling softly at the faint laugh I heard echo behind me.
And as I wandered through the rest of the quiet house and up into the guest bedroom I’d since claimed as my own, I felt my phone vibrate in the pocket of the hoodie I wore. It was early morning now, so I guessed that the timer I’d set on all my notifications must’ve have ended hours ago.
I tugged it free before crawling under the sheets, too tired and still a little too drunk to bother with the faff of getting myself ready for bed. With the table lamp dimmed, I settled, tugging the duvet up under my chin. 
It was then that my breath got caught in my throat. Taken aback, I peered down at my phone screen, seeing the most recent message I’d received.
Hope you had a good day, Birdie  You looked so happy
I sat up slightly, staring blankly at the message that had just come through whilst I toyed with my bottom lip. 
The last text he’d sent me was over six months ago now, one I hadn’t even bothered replying to. A simple 'sorry'. 
I could only swallow down the sudden anxiety I felt when those forsaken bubbles popped up at the bottom of the screen, a couple more messages shortly followed. 
Was wondering if we could meet, tmw maybe? Want to talk again, explain it all properly Tonight made me realise so much
Fuck. I squeezed my eyes closed. All the tiredness I’d just been feeling eradicated by the mere thought of seeing him again, so soon.
Another buzz.
The screen had since dimmed but I could still make out the last text that had come through. My eyes welled. 
Sleep tight, Birdie x
I threw my phone down by the foot of the bed and groaned into my pillow, not even giving myself the chance to reply.
Still, I tossed and I turned all night.
“Wow, dead sexy.” Matty welcomed sarcastically, smirking at me from behind his coffee mug as I trodded into the kitchen the next morning. “Tell me, this look you’re going for, is it avant-garde or a grunge kind of chic?”
I gave him a tightlipped smile, rubbing at my bleary eyes before scowling.
“Ha ha. Hilarious. But this is actually what running on zero sleep looks like.” I retorted as I sunk into the bar stool opposite him. “Fucking hanging too.”
He snorted and so I glared up at him.
“How’re you so chipper anyway? You drank more than me.”
Matty shrugged at me with a smug smile, “Yeah but I wasn’t the one throwing back vodka shots with Ross at two am.”
I winced, I’d sort of forgotten about that. I currently had much more pressing things on my mind.
I slumped across the island and let out an annoying groan. Matty combed the hair that had fallen from out of my face as he proceeded to chuckle.
“Breakfast’s on its way.” He reassured me, then pushed a tall glass of water as well as two paracetamol across the counter.
Thank the world for small mercies.
“Want a brew?”
I raised my head at Matty's question and smiled up at him when he stood, “You’re the best.”
“It's what they all say.”
I rolled my eyes in retort, fingers finding my phone again, just as they had been doing ever since it had woken me up with its constant ringing this morning.
When Matty puttered back over, he raised a brow at me in question and pushed a warm mug in my direction. 
With a sigh, I put the phone down and cupped it in my hands. “Thank you.”
“Welcome. So you gonna tell me what’s got you all wound up now? Feels like I might have to talk you off a ledge here.”
I wrinkled my nose. “Nah not just yet, but hold out hope- my hero. Today feels like it’ll be a tough one.”
“Why, what’s happening today?”
I toyed with the rim of the mug, watching as the steam danced up and over its edge. “Just, George messaged me after he left last night.”
“Right…” Matty drawled out, “And that’s a bad thing?”
“Not necessarily.” I shook my head, then shrugged again. “I don’t know. He just said he wants to talk, properly.”
“And you don’t?” He asked me, watching or waiting for my reaction.
I inhaled slowly, pulling away from the cup to rub at my face. “I’m just so confused. I don’t want to fight with him. But I don’t want to lose him all over again.”
Matty’s expression was understanding but I was relieved when he walked around to give me a much needed hug. He rocked us slightly, left and right, my face buried in his shoulder.
“I think you should meet him.” He murmured above my head, “It’ll do you both some good. Might even be able to sort shit out.”
We parted and I looked back at him from under a furrowed brow. “And if we don’t, then what?”
Matty sighed, “Then we cross that bridge when we come to it.”
Part six>
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newlacesleeves · 2 months
Tagged by @grumpybluefairy, @darthdisco, and @wicked-jade thank you! 😘😘😘
Put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most!
no pressure tagging: @andyridgeley @russolaw @ohnoitsthebat @soobiesworld (+ anyone else!)
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uramilf · 2 months
The Record Shop - Chapter Six
Warnings: Smut 18+
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Penny’s POV
Matty and I got back home and spent a few days apart. It was probably needed, any more time spent together and we would’ve looked like an actual couple, which I knew he didn’t want. And I was content with how things were going; no strings, no commitments. Just good company (and good sex). I didn’t remember about our promised night out with George and the rest of the group until the very last minute, and I practically leapt out of bed to get ready. All I wanted was an early night, but here I was getting back out of bed at 9.30 to go out with my not-boyfriend and his friends.
I groaned to myself multiple times as I was getting ready; when I fucked up my mascara, when my dress didn’t look right, when the prettiest heels in my wardrobe were also the most uncomfortable. Matty was coming to pick me up any minute and I was sat there teasing my hair into any style I could get it into, dabbing makeup into my skin in a desperate attempt to look as naturally pretty as possible. By the time I was done, I could’ve cried at the sight of myself. Nothing was right in my eyes. The dress, the hair, the makeup, it was all wrong. I heard a car pull up and the doorbell going and blinked back tears, grabbing my handbag and getting to the door as quickly as possible.
Matty’s POV
I could’ve cried when I saw her. She looked like a fucking angel. Skin glowing, lips shining, eyes gleaming. I wanted to drop to my knees and worship her, say the name Penny over and over again like she was a god I could pray to for forgiveness.
“Fuck darling, you look just perfect.”
“Are you sure?” she said timidly, running her hands over her dress. I replaced them with my own, resting my hands on her hips and kissing her on the forehead.
“I’m sure, gorgeous. Now let’s get going, Uber’s waiting.” I took her hand and led her to the stairs, making sure she didn’t trip in her high heels. We made it out of the block of flats and into the back of the uber. I couldn’t help but kiss her a few times on the way to the club.
When we got there the music was blaring, making my head pound almost immediately. Penny hugged the girls and laughed with the boys, but I could tell she wasn’t having much fun herself. I knew she preferred the quiet nights, a bottle of wine and a joint on a balcony under the stars, just like the first night I kissed her. But she played along anyway, dancing with Carly and Charli, letting Ross spin her around and drinking whatever Adam recommended.
I got tired of watching Penny pretend to be having fun. I got tired of the loud music and rowdy crowds of people and shit alcohol. So I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the bathroom with me, locking the door and wrapping my arms around her, burying my face in her neck to ground myself.
“Matty? What’s going on?”
“It’s too loud out there,” I grumbled. “And neither of us are having a good time.”
“Oh. You noticed,” Penny giggled. “I thought I was doing a good job of hiding it!”
“You were, darling. To most people. But I like to think I know you better than that.”
“We can’t go home,” Penny sighed. “We’ve barely been here an hour.”
“Yes, but you’re feeling very sick,” I grinned.
“Ohhh, of course! Yep, I’m not well at all,” Penny agreed with a wicked smile. “I feel bad though! They’re all being so kind.”
“They’ll get over it,” I shrugged.
“Where are we gonna go?”
“Back to mine? Or just for a walk?” I suggested, resting my hands on her hips.
“Yeah, okay. I mean, we don’t have to go right now.”
I grinned, turning her around and trapping her against the bathroom counter. “And what would we do instead?”
Penny rolled her hips forward, grinding against me so perfectly that my mouth fell wide open. “Fuck.”
She let her arms hang around my neck as he continued her movements, in time with the music pounding outside the bathroom door. It didn’t take me long to be rock hard, and definitely leaking a little into my boxers. Penny could tell, and she unbuttoned my trousers quickly, pulling them and my underwear down. She smiled up at me innocently as she wrapped her pretty little hand around my cock, making me groan again.
“Shhh,” Penny giggled. “Don’t want anyone to hear, right?” She wasted no time in turning around and bending over the sink.
“Jesus, angel, I need to fuck you.” I yanked her dress up around her hips and slid her panties down, burying my cock deep inside her as quickly as I could. “Fuck, you feel so good.”
Penny whined, digging her fingertips into the countertop until they turned white. I placed my hands on her hips for a bit of leverage and started thrusting harder and faster into her than I ever had before, desperate for her.
“Put your hands behind your back,” I groaned, and she complied. With one of my hands I held onto her smaller ones. My other arm snaked around her waist to protect her skin from the sharp edge of the countertop.
“Baby, harder, please,” Penny moaned. I did what she asked, fucking into her like a wild animal. When I could no longer bear fucking her without being able to see her, I pulled out, spun her around and picked her up, and set her on the counter. With no hesitation she opened her legs for me and I was able to plunge back deep inside her. She tugged the top of her dress down so I could look at her perfect breasts. I moaned and took one of her nipples into my mouth, sucking gently whilst looking up at her, my hips still moving fast. I flicked my tongue over the silver bar in her nipple, leaving her a moaning mess atop the counter.
“Matty, I’m gonna cum,” she squealed when I hit a particularly deep spot inside of her.
“Me too, darling. Come on, we’ll do it together.” Within another minute she was cumming, clenching around me perfectly while I released inside her.
“Jesus Christ,” I laughed after a minute or two of us catching our breath in silence. I helped Penny to stand and get her underwear back on, before pulling her dress back down to where it should’ve been. I pulled the top up too top to cover her tits back up. She still looked like sex personified, her pink lipstick smudged and her blonde hair tousled, her chest rising and falling as she tried to catch her breath. I got myself sorted out too and wrapped her in a hug, placing my chin on top of her head.
“That was nice,” she sighed, relaxing into my chest. “We should go, though. Everyone’s gonna wonder where we are.”
“C’mon then,” I laughed, taking her hand and leading her back through the busy club to our table.
“Where the fuck have you two been?” George shouted over the thumping music. Penny and I exchanged a look, before I spoke up. “Pen’s not feeling well at all. I’m gonna take her home.” Everyone at the table looked around at each other, clearly picking up on the tension, but decided not to say anything.
“Aw, sorry to hear that, lovely,” Carly broke the silence with a sympathetic smile. Ross let out a snigger, and she clearly kicked him under the table.
“Definitely going for another shag,” Ross announced to the table when he thought we were out of earshot.
Penny’s POV
We ended up on a park bench, Matty’s jacket draped over my shoulders and his arm around my waist. He lit up a cigarette and handed it to me, watching my lips carefully as I inhaled it and blew it back out into the dark.
“Can I tell you something?” Matty spoke suddenly.
“Yeah, of course you can.”
“It’s sort of…why I didn’t want to let things get too serious with you. My parents are divorced. It was hard, for both of them, and for me and my little brother.”
“I’m sorry, Matty.”
He gave me a sad smile before continuing.
“They used to seem like the perfect couple. But at the end of the day, they just got married and had kids and broke up. I’m scared that if I get too attached to someone, it’ll happen to me too.”
I took a minute to think before responding, taking his hand into mine.
“If it helps, I’m not thinking about marriage any time soon,” I whisper. Matty laughs, properly, for the first time that night. “But I get where you’re coming from. I guess the reason I wanted things to get serious so quickly is because of all the past shitty relationships I’ve been in. My mum always told me if you find someone good, hang onto them. You’re my someone good, I think.”
Matty’s eyes crinkled as he smiled widely. “Oh, darling. You don’t know what that means to me.”
Two weeks later
Matty’s POV
I stood at Penny’s door with shaky hands. I was taking her on a date to her favourite restaurant, and I was finally gonna tell her. I was gonna tell her I wanted to be with her, and ask her to be mine. I finally found the courage to knock, only to burst out laughing when Penny opened the door in her sweatpants and bra, hair half straight and half curled, one eye with perfect winged eyeliner, the other a little wonky. Her lipstick was smudged already and clothes were strewn across the living room.
“Um…our reservation is in 20 minutes,” I said between fits of laughter.
“Shut up, Matty! I can’t get my makeup right and my curling iron just stopped working and I don’t have anything to fucking wear!”
“Calm down, angel, let me in.” I moved her gently out of the way and let myself into her flat. “Right, let’s take one problem at a time.” I picked up what I knew was her favourite dress from the floor. “What’s wrong with this one?”
“I’ve worn it too many times! You’re gonna get sick of looking at it.”
I laughed out loud and tossed her the dress. “Yeah right, darling. I couldn’t get sick of it if I tried. Go put it on, I know you love it.”
Once she had the dress on, I wiped the makeup from her eyes gently and watched as she did something much more simple. “Beautiful, darling.”
She smiled in return, but it soon turned to panic. “What about my hair? The curling iron isn’t turning on! I can’t leave it half curled!”
“Then we’ll straighten the curly side,” I offer, and she breathes out slowly.
“Thank you.”
I kiss her gently and switch on her straighteners. “I’ll wait in the living room for you.”
Ten minutes later she emerged looking absolutely radiant, no sign of the stress and panic I saw when I arrived.
“You ready, angel?” I asked, standing up from my position on the sofa. Penny nodded and grabbed her handbag.
“Thanks for waiting on me, I’m really sorry it took me so long.”
“You don’t have to apologise for anything, darling. It was worth the wait, you look so fucking gorgeous.”
Penny grinned and gave me a little spin. “You look good too,” she said, kissing me on the cheek. “C’mon, we’re gonna be late.”
Penny’s POV
Dinner was lovely. We ordered the same meal; Matty recommended the perfect wine to go alongside it. But there was a sense of tension throughout, as if he was building up to something. He was a little awkward, stumbling over simple sentences, his hand cold and sweaty when I held it across the table.
“Are you gonna tell me you don’t wanna see me anymore?” I blurted out while we were waiting for our desserts.
“What?” Matty’s head shot up. He shook his head frantically. “No. No, absolutely not.”
“What is it then? You’re acting weird.”
“I was just gonna ask you…” matty murmured something under his breath.
“What is it, babe?” I said worriedly.
“I was gonna ask you to be my girlfriend,” he repeated, looking up with the cutest, most nervous little smile.
“Thank god,” I burst out laughing, finally feeling a sense of relief for the first time since we sat down at the table. “Yes, fuck yes! Of course I’ll be your girlfriend.” I smiled widely at him, his eyes filling with adoration. He squeezes my hand and laughs nervously.
“Thank god. I didn’t know what I was gonna do if you said no.”
“As if you thought I’d say no,” I scoffed before laughing. “I’ve already told you like six times I wanted you to ask me out.”
“Fair enough,” he laughed.
We ended up walking back to my flat hand in hand and curling up together in my bed for the first time as a real couple. I couldn’t seem to slow my heartbeat, in fact every time he touched me it got faster. But when I layed my head on his chest I realised that his was beating just as hard, and it filled me with a feeling I hadn’t felt before with a guy. The feeling that someone wanted me as much as I wanted them.
The next morning was a blur of giggly sex and naked bodies pressed against each other. It went far too fast, of course, and we both had to get up for work and kiss each other goodbye. Right as we were about to separate outside of the record shop, Matty turned to me with a nervous look.
“So…I know we kinda got over the big question last night, but I have another one for you.”
“I thought we said no marriage,” I laughed, trying to settle the knot in my stomach. He just rolled his eyes and grinned.
“Actually, I was gonna ask you to come meet my parents. It’s my mum’s birthday soon and she wants me to bring you to the party.”
“You’ve already told her we’re together?”
“I might’ve texted her when you fell asleep last night,” he said shyly. “I was so excited, I wanted her to know.”
“You’re so fucking cute,” I laughed. “Yes, of course I’ll come meet her.”
“Really? Fuck, she’ll love that. Just be warned, she’s already obsessing over the fact that I have a girlfriend. Once you get in the house, she may never let you leave.”
“Well, if she’s as amazing as she sounds I won’t have an issue with that,” I grinned, reaching up to kiss him. “Right, go to work. I’m gonna make you late.”
“Bye, love.” He kissed the top of my head and let go, both of us heading to our respective workplaces.
A week later, Matty and I walked down the street with our hands intertwined towards his mother’s house. The nerves were building up inside me, threatening to spill out in either the form of vomit or awkward uncontrollable laughter. Thankfully it was the latter. Matty shook his head and smiled at my anxious giggles as he slid a key into the front door.
“Just relax, baby. There is literally zero reason to be stressed.”
“Alex’s mum hated me,” I laughed. “She was a real nobody’s-good-enough-for-my-baby-boy type though. Fuck, I don’t know why I’m laughing!”
“I can assure you my mum will love you. She won’t give me a second glance once she sees you.” He turned the key and ushered me inside. Sure enough, his mum came practically running into the hall, bright pink lips stretching into a smile.
“Hello, my darling! God, you’re even more beautiful than Matty said on the phone!” She pulled me into a hug before I could even get words out, bringing back my giggles.
“I’m here too, Mum,” Matty grinned. “Yknow, your actual child?”
“Oh, calm down Matthew, I’ll get to you in a minute.”
Denise brought me by the hand into the kitchen, introducing me to Matty’s dad and little brother, as well as aunts, uncles, and family friends. Every one of them had a warm smile on their face, and I suddenly didn’t feel out of place at all.
Hours passed feeling like minutes, and the conversation flowed steadily the whole time. Matty’s twelve year old brother Louis was a gem, asking me shyly if I’d like to play Mario Kart with him. Matty shot me a look as if to say ‘you can say no’, but nothing could’ve made me turn down his adorable smiling face. After a few rounds of me trying my hardest to lose so Louis would stay the reigning champion, Matty dragged me upstairs to a spare bedroom.
“This is where I sleep when I stay here. There’s tons of room for your clothes and stuff.”
I kissed his cheek and dug through my bag for a pair of sleep shorts and a baggy t-shirt, before sliding my feet into my fluffy slippers.
“Shall we head back downstairs? I think mum’s putting a movie on or something.”
I nodded and followed Matty back to the living room. Denise asked him for some help with snacks and drinks in the kitchen, and he kissed my head, mouthing ‘one minute!’ I didn’t mind being left with the rest of his family, since they were all so lovely. Louis followed his mother and older brother to the kitchen, so I made conversation with Tim while he tried to work out how the DVD player in Denise’s house worked compared to his at home.
Matty’s POV
“I really do think I love her, mum. I can’t say, though, I’m scared it would ruin things.”
“Oh, don’t be silly, darling. I’m sure she feels the same way, you said she was interested in a relationship from the start.”
“But I’ve only just asked her out! No, I need to wait a while. It’s just so hard not to let it slip out sometimes.”
“I know, love.” Mum patted my shoulder with a sympathetic smile. “Maybe you’re right, don’t rush into things. I don’t want you scaring that lovely girl off!”
Louis walked into the kitchen for a glass of water with a smug look on his face.
“You little prick, you were listening outside the door!” I exclaimed, grabbing him and ruffling his hair, making Mum lecture me on being kind to my little brother.
Having Penny settled on my lap throughout the movie, my arms tight around her and my chin resting on the top of her head was the happiest I had felt in my life. When my eyelids started drooping I was almost disappointed that I couldn’t stay awake all night and look at her. She climbed out of my lap and pulled me up by the hands, telling me to go up to bed while she got washed. I did as I was told, sliding under the cold sheets and shivering as I waited for her to come wrap me in her warmth again.
Penny’s POV
I jumped on coming out of the bathroom as Louis was standing basically right outside the door.
“What are you doing?” I laughed.
“Waiting for you to come out so I can tell you a secret.”
“Christ, you’re not a family of murderers or something, are you?” I grinned and followed him into the kitchen, joining him at the table. He looked at me with a dead expression, saying “Yes, I’m only telling you so you can save yourself while you can.”
“You’re so like Matty, has anyone ever told you that?” I snorted with laughter. The younger boy just rolled his eyes.
“Too many times.”
“What’s this big secret then?”
Louis fidgeted under the table with an embarrassed look. “I was just gonna say that Matty really likes you. I heard him saying to Mum. You make him really happy and all.” He murmured the last part, obviously not a fan of soppy relationship talk. I couldn’t hide my smile.
“But…will you promise me you’ll be nice to him? Cause he’s always nice to me, and his girlfriends are sometimes a bit…”
“Bitchy?” I giggle. “I get it. And I think it’s lovely you want to look out for your big brother. When you start getting older you realise everything your family does for you, and you wanna start paying it back. Right?”
Louis nodded. “You get it.”
“Of course I do. And of course I’ll be nice to Matty, I promise you.”
On going back to the spare bedroom and getting into bed beside my boyfriend, he rolled over to face me with the cutest smile, his nose scrunching up when I kissed it lightly.
“Have you had a good day?” he murmured sleepily.
“The best,” I smiled back, kissing his cheek and starting to scratch his scalp gently with my nails until he was fast asleep.
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capricorndevil15 · 6 months
Our Wonderland Themesongs Masterpost or Whatever
Out of excitement for the Our Wonderland finale (which is coming out next month!), I've written an incredibly long post sharing one song I associate with each of the main 4 characters (and also Cecil is there), as well as songs for my favorite ships. Come imagine AMVs with me, under the cut!~
To start off, a song that I associate broadly with the plot of OW is Leopard by Jack Stauber. For most of the other songs, I'll pick out certain lyrics to highlight/site my sources lol, but with this one I'd prefer not to because all of the lyrics are The Lyrics. Every time we change, it's a game, okay? Cool.
🥩Iggy: Devil Town- Bright Eyes (x)
All my friends were vampires Didn't know they were vampires Turns out I was a vampire myself
🚬Genzou: Getchoo- Weezer (x)
I can't believe What you've done to me What I did to them You've done to me
🍷Orlam: I made an entire Orlam playlist, but don't worry. I always have more. Today I'm assigning him,
Shake The Disease- Depeche Mode (x)
You know how hard it is for me to shake the disease That takes hold of my tongue in situations like these Understand me
✂️Gidget: Touch Up- Mother Mother (x)
I forget that I can remember when I was young climbing up fences Scraping my knees, dirt on my cheeks Not one makeover queen bone in me
🔪Cecil: Genie In A Bottle- Billy Cobb (x)
I have no tangible explanation for this one. You'll either get it or you won't and that's okay. 👍🏻
No songs for Bucks or Hunar yet because I need to know more about them first. I've heard the finale is pretty Bucks-centric, so I can't wait 2 play!
My fave ships
💙💚 Iggy/Genzou: Run-Around- Blues Traveler (x)
But I want more than a touch, I want you to reach me And show me all the things no one else can see So what you feel becomes mine as well And soon if we're lucky we'd be unable to tell What's yours and mine, the fishing's fine And it doesn't have to rhyme, so don't you feed me a line!
💙🧡 Iggy/Orlam: Funky- Royal Treatment Plant (x)
I should be over this No time for playing games with little wicked boys
💙💔💜 Iggy/Gidget: COWARD 2 COWARD- Ada Rook (x)
I will become whatever you think of me I will be nothingness or disgusting dreams Idol or target, anything in between Falling forever, witnessed by nobody
🧡🖤 Orlam/Cecil: Somethin' Stupid- Lola Marsh (x)
I know I stand in line until you think you have the time To spend an evening with me And if we go some place to dance, I know that there's a chance You won't be leaving with me Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place And have a drink or two And then I go and spoil it all By saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you"
🧡💜 Orlam/Gidget: Pure Morning- Placebo (x)
A friend in need's a friend indeed A friend who'll tease is better Our thoughts compressed, which makes us blessed And makes for stormy weather
💜🖤 Gidget/Cecil: Guy.exe- Superfruit (x)
In lieu of cherry-picking specific lyrics I just want 2 say that the AMV in my mind is exquisite. In pursuit of the Guy (with help from Cecil), Gidget becomes the Guy. Do u understand.
💜🖤🧡 Gidget/Cecil/Orlam: Sideways- Carly Rae Jepsen (x)
Everything's goin' my way And I like to get my way Even when things go sideways Rainin' on my parade I get all my confidence from you
Lovecats- The Cure (x)
We should have each other to tea, We should have each other with cream Then curl up in the fire and sleep for a while It's the grooviest thing, it's the perfect dream
(They get two songs because...I said so. ❤️)
💔⚰️ Orlam/Genzou: Suedehead- Morrissey (x)
You had to sneak into my room Just to read my diary It was just to see, just to see All the things you knew I'd written about you
And that's the end! If u want to share your favorite ships or songs you associate with anybody, I'd love to hear them too!
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owliellder · 1 year
Music Recs (for writing)
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I thought it would be fun to make a post of the type of music I listen to when I'm writing while also providing music recommendations cause i love finding new music myself. obviously I'll add more as I go along
I use music to help with feelings (like angst, love, fluff, etc) since I struggle conveying those naturally and I only really use apple music because spotify has always evaded me, so I'm literally just going to write each song and then link it on youtube 😭
also heads up, my music taste is EVERYWHERE so there is no rhyme or reason to any of this
Fluff/Happy Mix:
Fall On Me by R.E.M.
Fresh by Daft Punk
Keep Feeling Fascination by The Human League
Around and Around by John Denver
Sultans of Swing by Dire Straits
Feel It All Around by Washed Out (don't mind me, just adding Washed Out's entire discography here)
You'll See It by Washed Out
Veridis Quo by Daft Punk
Face to Face by Daft Punk
Wicked Game by Chris Isaak
It's Raining Again by Supertramp
Take The Long Way Home by Supertramp
Eyes Without a Face by Billy Idol
Goodbye Again by John Denver
Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve (this is a very specific type of angst I feel)
Belong by Washed Out
Phone Call by Washed Out (this version of the song can only be found on youtube)
You and I by Washed out (again, this specific version is only on youtube)
Clap Intro by Washed Out
What Once Was by Hers
Just Wait Til Next Year by John Maus
Sprawling Idiot Effigy by Nero's Day at Disneyland (I do not suggest you listen to this one unless experimental music is your thing cause I tend to listen to Nero's Day at Disneyland when I am too under-stimulated to write)
(In) Love:
Love Story (Instrumental) by Lana Del Ray (I put this on loop for hours it's such a beautiful instrumental)
Digital Love by Daft Punk
Cheri Cheri Lady by Modern Talking
There Is a Light That Never Goes Out by The Smiths
Linger by The Cranberries
Annie's Song by John Denver
The ENTIRE Paracosm album by Washed Out (trust me on this one it all flows as one song)
Eyes Be Closed by Washed Out
Amor Fati by Washed Out
Everything in You by Adventure Time (ft Half Shy) (the Fionna and Cake series ruined me)
Nights in White Satin by The Moody Blues, London Festival Orchestra
Baby I'm Yours by Cass Elliot
Stay by Oingo Boingo
Spice 😈:
not a lot of this yet since i tend to listen to my BG music when writing smut
Lose Yourself to Dance by Daft Punk
Make Love by Daft Punk
Something About Us by Daft Punk
Instant Crush by Daft Punk (ft. Julian Casablancas) (I really like Daft Punk)
Why (12" Version) by Carly Simon
Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac
Dreams by Fleetwood Mac
Back Home Again by John Denver
Poems, Prayers, and Promises by John Denver (I also really like John Denver)
Kids by MGMT
The Ghost Inside by Broken Bells
Andromeda by Weyes Blood
Luck by Washed Out
Far Away by Washed Out
Fly Away by John Denver
General Scene Building/BG:
now this is my favorite part since these are what I use most often when writing. you can pick out obvious tone indicators here in the titles 😭
a way i've learned to tap into certain feelings for when i'm writing is by using my own feelings on personal experiences, so a lot of these playlists i'm linking I have a lot of personal connection to (also because they're all so damn specific)
you're inside the last memories of a dying person (playlist) by nobody
you're an astronaut lost in space (playlist) by nobody
i feel like i've been here before (playlist) by nobody
|| nobody here || Silent Hill fog core playlist by Armand Tormo
February 22, 2001 - A liminal playlist by Dan
recalling moments of a christmas that never happened (playlist) by nobody
you're visiting the grave of an old friend while remembering the moments you spent together (playlist) by nobody
you found a place where spring is eternal (playlist) by nobody
you're staring at the ceiling while creating romanticized stories in your head (playlist) by nobody
you're walking under the golden trees watching the melancholic leaves dancing in the air (playlist) by nobody
Lost in the Poolrooms (a visual vaporwave mix) by K1K1n
Music for Vibin' on Jupiter's Hydrogen Sea (vaporwave mix) by olimar124
Unknown Songs (Lost Media Comp.) by Christopher Cherigo (one of my hyperfixations is unknown songs lololol)
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