#Caroline Talbot
polikszena · 1 year
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Downton Abbey: A New Era - Behind the Lens Episode 3 (Part 2)
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isiloup · 1 year
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Hello ! Today some sketches of Johnny & Caroline! I don't draw as much as I used to, but they are still in a corner of my head and I needed some tenderness and sweet moments of pure childhood and friendship with them.
As always, I'm not into girl fashion, I never know what kind of outfit fits Caroline ‘-’
(It’s a bit of joke, but I was imagining of George a bit like his Grand Da, Lord Grantham, Dear Lord Donk, a little shocked to see his sister being snogged! 😏 )
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bella-caecilia · 2 years
Could you please do 21/44 for Cobert? Love your writing so much!!💖💖
A little drabble somewhere between the two movies (and thank you so much for your sweet words!)
Day 5
21 + 44 – pulling them closer when they’re cold & kisses on the tip of their nose
A gust of wind took Cora by surprise. The weather was merciless but it didn’t impact Cora’s mood. She chuckled silently when she ducked under the blow of the wind.
“Ugh, good God!” Robert muttered. Cora had to chuckle even more at his obvious dislike of the harsh autumn weather. His pointless and shallow grumpiness amused her more than it should. Robert turned his head to look at her. Her cheeky smirk and rather open amusement broke his mask of sulk.
Cora had insisted on this walk. She enjoyed this time of the day a lot, even if the weather wasn’t ideal. She knew Robert also appreciated their habit of a daily walk across the grounds but she had observed a growing convenience in him over the last few years. He didn’t want to leave the house when the tiniest drizzle was too consistent. He denied it but Cora saw that he became more comfortable with age. She knew, however, what she had to say and how she had to smile or pout to still get him out of the house if she wanted to.
“Granny!” A bright little voice sounded. The patter of tiny feet on the gravel echoed behind them. They halted in their steps and Cora let go of Robert’s arm to turn around. Little Caroline was running towards them. The nanny and George were following less hectic behind her. Cora crouched down a little and opened her arms to welcome her little granddaughter. Robert chuckled behind her. Caroline slowed her steps slightly when she was right before Cora but she still threw herself into her grandmother’s arms with a squeal of delight.
Cora shortly considered lifting her up but decided against it. Caroline grew faster than Cora could comprehend and she was getting a little too heavy for Cora. So, Cora only briefly breathed in the sweet scent of the little girl’s hair before she let go of her.
“Hello, Caroline,” she said in a soft voice and smiled down at the girl that peaked around her grandmother’s legs to catch a glimpse of her grandfather.
“Hello, Donk,” Caroline whispered. She was a little wary of him. Caroline was quite shy in general. She was nothing like her brother or cousins in this aspect, most likely though like her cousin Marigold. She preferred observing from a distance. Cora however had managed to earn the little girl’s trust and nearly put a spell on her with her gentle and loving nature. She also had a lot more perseverance in cracking Caroline’s shell. At the age of three now, Caroline had great trust in few adults, including her mother, her grandmother, the nanny, and her father. But she was beginning to warm to her grandfather too since she saw how fond her brother and cousins were of him.
“Good morning, Caroline,” Robert answered with a smile.
By now, George and the nanny had reached them too. The cold air had tinged everyone’s nose red. George’s blue eyes shone brightly in contrast. The drizzling rain had put a watery coat on everyone’s hats, and Cora saw that a few drops clung to George’s long lashes, looking like tiny transparent pearls. It reminded her of Sybil when she had been that age. Her eyelashes had been just as long and full, and she had always enjoyed the gloomier weather. Her nose had stuck to the window when there was a storm outside and when it rained, she had insisted to go out. When the adults weren’t watching for a moment, Sybil immediately sought the nearest puddle to jump into. And when Cora had fished her out of it or taken her from the nanny’s angry grip, Sybil had beamed up at her with cheeks and nose a bright red and her lashes adorned with beautiful droplets of rain.
Cora shook herself slightly to come back to the present. George was chattering lively with Robert now.
“He can do it nearly as well as Teo,” George said. Cora could only guess what this was about. George had taken a great interest in dogs lately. He adored Teo and often visited the other dogs of Downton Abbey at the stables where he usually found them running around, always by the feet of the stable master. It seemed George even tried to train the dogs like proper house dogs. Robert was very amused by that but didn’t have the heart to tell George that these hounds would never be allowed inside the house. Cora had an inkling that it wouldn’t take long until George would get his own Labrador as a present from his proud grandfather.
“You can take Teo on walks with you when she is not with me,” Robert said. George’s eyes beamed. Cora caught the vigilant expression on Nanny’s face. After all, it wasn’t the same to look after two children when there was a young turbulent dog with them. She was glad when Robert acknowledged it too. “Just ask Andy if he and Teo can accompany you.”
“Oh, thank you, Donk!” George exclaimed happily.
“Thank you, Donk,” Caroline copied in a more moderate tone. Cora could tell that she hadn’t really followed the conversation but instinctively agreed with her brother’s gratitude because she thought that was what she had to do.
“Well, we don’t want to keep you any longer,” Cora said in Nanny’s direction. She saw how the woman was tucking her coat close around her body and assumed her feet were beginning to freeze to ice blocks in her shoes too. “I am sure you all want to get back into the warmth again.”
When they resumed their walk, all five of them now, the children bounded back and forth between their nanny and their grandparents. Whenever they thought of something that they had to share with Granny and Donk, they turned around and began talking excitedly to Cora and Robert who walked a few steps behind the nanny who was guarding the children. Cora and Robert let Nanny go ahead with the children, as they stuck to their leisurely slow pace.
Soon, the nanny took another turn that parted ways with Cora’s and Robert’s usual walking route, and they watched how George and Caroline skipped down the gravel close to the house, totally unbothered by the whipping drizzle. Robert stirred Cora down their way out onto the grounds. He knew that this was the path she wanted to go, and Cora appreciated that he put this over his dislike of the weather.
She found she needed this ritual more than she had thought. Whenever their walk was cut short or completely skipped on some days, she felt unbalanced. Even if larger distances of their route were spent in silence, she relished so much in this time spent together. No one would bother them when they made their turn out onto the grounds. Everyone knew this was their walk and not to interrupt them.
Cora slid her arm down Robert’s sleeve, pushing her body even closer to his side. Eventually, she slipped her hand into the pocket of his jacket. Her palm glided against his. Robert looked at her from the side with a smile of surprise. He interlaced his fingers with hers in his pocket. There was an intimacy between them that exceeded the ordinary closeness on a walk by far.
The wind was getting more intense on the unguarded flat grounds. It blew and piped around them, and tried to find cracks and gaps in the barriers of their wardrobes. Cora felt Robert tense up beside her from the shudders that ran through his body. The iciness of the weather intensified. The vision became slightly fogged, and it took Cora a moment to realise the cause.
Slushy snowflakes fell from the sky. “By Christ, it’s not winter yet!” Robert grumbled. “Let them stay up there,” he pointed his head to the sky. “We don’t need them yet.” He flicked a melting snowflake from the cufflink of his jacket.
“Oh, come on, Robert. It’s quite nice. You have to agree,” Cora said. He looked at her with scepticism. And she actually had to confess, it didn’t feel as pleasant as the thought of snow was. Two snowflakes had already fallen onto the back of her neck, and Cora flinched at the feeling.
“You are really testing me with today’s walk,” Robert said. He returned to glaring straight forward and pressing his arms – and her arm with it – close to his body.
“Alright, alright. I know,” Cora admitted. “I promise I will help you warm up when we’re inside again.”
Robert was instantly alert at these words. “Oh?”
Cora slowed her steps. When they came to a halt, she pulled at both his arms until he was standing right in front of her. She looped her arms around his waist, which wasn’t as easy in their thick coats. “Of course. That is my job, remember? To take care of you.” She wiggled a bit closer to him, hoping to spend at least a little bit of warmth.
“And you do it so well,” Robert concluded in a warm tone. “So, what do you say? We take a hot bath together when we are back?” he suggested.
Cora laughed. “Oh, that sounds a bit too scandalous, Robert Crawley,” she teased.
“You are probably right.”
“And apart from that, there wouldn’t be enough space for me once you are in the bathtub,” she added with a grin.
“Oh, please! I’m sure I could make it work.” He sounded a bit exasperated.
The snowflakes still fell and one landed right on the tip of Robert’s nose. Cora rose to the tip of her toes and planted her lips on his nose. It was icy cold under her hot lips. A surprised hum came from Robert.
When she came back down onto the balls of her feet, she said, “I prefer to share the warmth of my blankets with you later. I think that it is more suitable.”
“And who would I be to refuse this?”
Cora let go of him and set about to resume their walk. She took hold again of his upper arm and briefly rested her head against his shoulder. A sigh slipped from her lips. The weather really was nasty but Cora’s contentment was complete.
If you want to send in a prompt, the list is here.
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emmybrown · 1 year
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forevercaroline · 2 years
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This chapter is so big that I have broken it into three parts, this is part 1, part 2 will be coming out soon, and part 3 shortly after that all before the new year.
Tagging: @midnight-2411, @crazychicke, @austennerdita2533, @misssophiachase, @ceceswriting, @charliewrites99 @things-that-make-sa-happy, @karinanic, @riverdalelover2, @dumb-bitchculture, @xoxoloverb, @raaliyo, @midnightstaylorswift, @missmystic-vampirebarbie
"You look so handsome, thank you for coming tonight."
"Of course, I'm looking forward to see businesswoman Caroline."
The blonde avoids his look as her hands slide down the lapels of his black suit. He smiles down at her and can see that there is a smile on her face too.
Caroline returns to the mirror in the foyer and runs her fidgeting fingers across her black strapless mini diamond embellished dress that she has matched with silver heels. She has a black jacket and a diamond ball clutch. "I need to change."
Conrad reaches out for her wrist before she can leave the little ingrove that has the mirror and two benches and a vase. His thumb runs over her wrist he looks into her eyes and can see she is stressed. "You look Beautiful. You've already changed three times. Talk to me."
She glances down at his thumb, it's soothing her, she looks up at him and those green eyes she takes a breath and nods. "It's the first public event we've been to since my forced engagement announcement. Giuseppe is going to be pissed that your my date, the board is going to be pissed because of my outfit. I don't know if Satan's mistress is going to be there. I'm not only going because I'm CEO I'm going to support my guys. I'm so proud of Brad and his commercial, Zero and his billboard that is going up worldwide and Brett's magazine cover."
"You should be proud but Giuseppe is overshadowing your happiness." He has both her hands in his and both his thumbs are brushing over her wrists. She nods and he brings both hands up to his lips. He smiles into the kiss he leaves and she can't help but smile too the worry leaving her.
"Untangle love birds."Damon finally comes down the stairs usually they are waiting for Caroline to finish. He is buttoning his suit jacket.
"We were just talking."
Damon glances over his shoulder as he goes to open the door. "It's never just taking with you two." As opens the door there are two people dressed in black, the guy puts his hand down, he was just about to knock. "Can I help you?"
To see who is on the other side of the door:
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chambergambit · 2 years
ever tear up at a story you’re making up in your own head
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the-witching-ash · 4 months
📅 + Bridgerton ocs?
Alexander - November 23
Caroline - September 1
Evelyn - October 30 ( As far as I can tell, the Bridgerton siblings don’t have canon birthdates, and as she’s Eloise’s twin, I went with Claudia Jessie’s IRL birthday. 😅)
Finley - June 16th (Season 2 part 2 release date just feels right.)
Priscilla - January 9 (again Bridgerton characters don’t have actual birth dates, so Nicola’s birthdate for her and Penelope it is. 😅)
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gastricotv · 11 months
PONLE PLAY | 2023 - 040
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allthecanadianpolitics · 10 months
A Starbucks on Chicoutimi's main drag in Saguenay made history in the province becoming the first of the iconic coffee shop chain to unionize. A news release from the national federation of unions (Fédération du commerce - Confédération des syndicats nationaux: FC-CSN) said that the Administration Labour Tribunal granted union certification to the cafe at 1331 Talbot Boulevard, meaning the around 30 employees will now be union employees. They filed an application for unionization in July, the release reads. CSN president Caroline Senneville called the decision a employee victory against a giant corporation.
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Tagging @politicsofcanada
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OK so I think the only way for season 7 to work is if there's a substantial timeskip. I don't necessarily mean "let's go straight to 1940 and have WW2", but at least eight years or so. Have the grandkids be teenagers (well the three eldest anyway). Not as old as Rose, so it gives us another kind of storyline, but old enough to start taking their place in society while still being outside of it.
Give us Mary feeling anxious over George's incoming coming of age and the fact she'll have to rule over the estate with him since I'm pretty sure he owes like half of it. Give us Lucy doing her best to keep Sybbie in check but it's hard, man, it's super hard, to control a teenage girl who's not your daughter but also is. Give us Edith juggling the magazine and the marchioness title as well as she can, perhaps planning to hand the magazine over to Marigold when she becomes an adult, since it was Gregson's. Heck, give us Marigold learning who she is!!! Give us Johnny Bates and Caroline Talbot friendship. Give us Talbot & Branson motors news! Have they gone into production now? Are they still car salesmen? What about a secret, seventh grandchild? After all, it's not out of the realm of possibilities that Mary, Edith or Lucy would have become pregnant again during the timeskip!
Give us the Three oldest grandkids start getting involved in politics! once Robert dies, it's George who will have a seat in Parliament! Sybbie literally can't not have a political opinion of some sort, with her heredity, or make her not give tuppence about politics and Tom being despaired by it! And for the absolutely cruel, dramatic irony, have Marigold be the one (there's always one in series happening during the rise of fascism) who's seduced by the fascist ideals! And then discover her bio dad was killed by brownshirts! And then have a crisis!
Give us Atticus and Rose coming back from America, perhaps because Lord Sinderby died and Atticus inherited the title! Give us Atticus and Rose with more children born in the mean time! Give us Robert being convinced there won't be a war and Cora not being so sure, and give us Daisy who runs for the local elections as a joke and becomes Downton's first labour party mayor! Give us Anna Bates being trained by Mrs Hughes to take her place when she retires (she can't afford to retire because of her sister, sure, but what about the B&B she opened with Carson? give us news of that, too!!).
Anyway i'm starting to ramble about everything i hope will happen instead of just things I think would make it a good set up but also I'm cautiously optimistic while also being super thrilled it's happenign!!!!
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Round One Schedule
may 27 (group 1 left side)
Joy O'Connor vs A'den
Adelle vs Adrian Alyward
Ahleri vs Aithus
Aleksander Thunderblade vs Alice Liddell
Amelia vs Amaranth
Andre Caron vs Anwedd
Anise vs Lt. Strike
Aqua vs Ariella
may 28 (group 1 right side)
Adrian Mori vs Alexander
Andris Harkin vs Ashley Bethaz
Arkyn Thornburn vs Athaliah Taveet
Aris vs Atlas Fletcher
Arryn va Azarias
Barir Stelmer vs Beck Valentine
Bela Balogh vs Betani D'Agia
Billie Way vs Black
may 29 (group 2 left side)
Betty vs Bob Guppington the 1st
Blodeuwedd vs Brat
Burr vs Caldren
Cpt. Ambivalent vs Casey Dickenson
Caroline Schaeffer vs Cedric Blackwell
Cassidia Reynolds vs Christopher
Celeste vs Cluinn
Bobbert Guppington the 2nd vs Clair
may 30 (group 2 right side)
Bobby Guppington the 3rd vs Chris Carnovo
Conas vs Crispin
Copper vs Cusick
Connell vs Cymin
Dae vs Dallow
Daniel Grace vs Daven
DeathScreen vs Derik
Doc vs Domitius
may 31 (group 3 left side)
Dr. Victor P. Henly vs Dhrake
Dorothy Gale vs Dr. Elliott Sinclair
Eabennor vs Edith Wickham
Ellie vs Edlyn
Elysia vs Elwin
Emma Gardner vs Erin
Ephesia vs Eniss
Epic Palustre vs Eriol
june 1 (group 3 right side)
Dr. Riku Honda vs Edmund
Ethylene Petra vs Eva Blythe
Faraena vs Farold
Evelyn Vordur vs Felix Rodzic
Feire vs Gail Goffrey
Gerdie vs Ferir
Ghost Lad vs Gigi
Evangelinne vs grandma Maudie
june 2 (group 4 left side)
Haru vs Heather
Henry Pebbleton vs Hibiscus
Hiromi vs Hope Espy Chase
Hugo Mallory vs Ilumi
Ilias vs James Zauberen
Ilya Severin vs Impossible
Jacer vs Jack Archer
James (Loriair) vs Isidore Kavi
june 3 (group 4 right side)
James (Eyurenia) vs Isabel
Jarryd vs Jasper
Jett vs Joden
James Bracegirdle vs Julia Cook
Kabos vs Kate Riley
Kathryn vs Keres Blake
Keyto vs Kimera
Kodi Archer vs James Mulligan
june 4 (group 5 left side)
Korosa vs Kylin
Laughing Hare vs Leeli
Kurtis vs Kyra
Len vs Licia
Leo King vs Lt. Matthew
Lina Lane vs Loch
Logis vs Lucas Greydawn
Lt. Madeline vs Logolas
june 5 (group 5 right side)
Kyr vs Laurentiu
Maddox Darling vs Luria
Kestler vs Matthew Johnson
Marin of Yuneth vs Meridian
Mathilda Talbot vs Mina
Mihalis vs Max Way
Mip vs Milton
Misty Way vs Maristella
june 6 (group 6 left side)
Miranda Hayes vs Nikki Way
Mochrar vs Myra
Mr. Guardian vs Nabikio
Naru vs Ms Hallifax
Nimble vs Nevin Imre
Orchid Finch vs Prince Adar Griffith
Nokh vs Obsidious
Onne vs Peter Pensworth
june 7 (group 6 right side)
Mr. G vs Ourem
Pandora vs Owen
Oriana vs Peg
Peter Dragonsbane vs Percy
Pietro vs Princess Torva
Peter Bethaz vs Prince Adric
Princess Rovyna vs Prometheus
Protagonist vs Naphtali
june 8 (group 7 left side)
Puddles vs Queen Alyth of Avena
Quinn vs Ragunoe
Ramona vs Rannis
Relaner vs Rhyin
Ril'siya vs Ripple Fisher
Riema vs Riser Way
Rocoroi Markus Mikko vs Rosemarie
Ryphl vs Santeri
june 9 (group 7 right side)
Saskia vs Senaka
Sh'zkai vs Shleaema
Shiido vs Skylar
Sonrisa Firiel vs Syx
Sly Bastion vs Stelemi
Spike vs Sz'nami
Tad vs Tamaki
Teasel vs Tannufia
june 10 (group 8 left side)
Tehvlar vs Thaendric
the Enemy vs the Mailman
the Poppy Queen vs the Runaway Prince
Theo Gray vs Tiger
Thomas Hargrove vs Tiny
Thessaly vs Tsuname
TJ Valentine vs Toka
Trajeda vs Val (Keepers)
june 11 (group 8 right side)
Veelia vs Trevin
Verity vs Vokku
Vellatra vs Waizu
Valentina vs Wendy
Wryden vs Yasmin
Wisteria vs Zac O'Connor
Yuro vs Zaire
Zhahara vs Ziph
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laufire · 3 months
fav character tag game
Rules: Make a poll of your top five favorite characters of all time and see who is the favorite amongst your followers!
I was tagged by @aninkwellofnectar (ty!)
honourable mentions go to laila rose (the essence of the equinox), veronica mars (veronica mars), eleanor of aquitaine (the lion in winter), the marquise de merteuil (dangerous liaisons), lyra silvertongue (his dark materials), tony stark (marvel comics), john murphy (the 100), bela talbot and ruby (supernatural) and many others.
tagging: @blairwaldcrf @bombshellsandbluebells @mockerd3light @grapecaseschoices @kittykatninja321 @missbrunettebarbie and anyone else that feels up to it.
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letters2fiction · 7 months
Welcome to Letters2fiction!
The concept here is to send in a question or a letter request, and you’ll get a response from your fictional character of choice, from the list below. Please stick to the list I’ve made, but of course, you can ask if there’s some other characters I write for, I don’t always remember all the shows, movies or books I’ve consumed over the years and I’m sure I’m missing a lot 😅
Status: New Characters added - Thursday March 21st, 2024
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A Discovery of Witches:
Matthew Clairmont
Baldwin Montclair
Gallowglass de Clermont
Marcus Whitmore
Philippe de Clermont
Jack Blackfriars
Sarah Bishop
Emily Mather
Diana Bishop
Ysabeau de Clermont
Miriam Shepard
Phoebe Taylor
Gerbert D’Aurillac
Peter Knox
Father Andrew Hubbard
Benjamin Fuchs
Satu Järvinen
Law and Order:
Rafael Barba
Sonny Carisi
Joe Velasco
Mike Duarte
Terry Bruno
Peter Stone
Hasim Khaldun
Nick Amaro NEW!
Mike Dodds
Grace Muncy
Kat Tamin
Toni Churlish
Amanda Rollins
Olivia Benson
Rita Calhoun
Casey Novak
Melinda Warner
George Huang
Sam Maroun
Nolan Price
Jamie Whelan
Bobby Reyes
Jet Slootmaekers
Ayanna Bell
Jack McCoy
Elliot Stabler
One Chicago:
Jay Halstead (Could also be Will if you want)
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz
Dante Torres
Vanessa Rojas
Kevin Atwater
Sean Roman
Matt Casey
Kelly Severide
Joe Cruz
Sylvie Brett
Blake Gallo
Christopher Hermann
Violet Mikami
Evan Hawkins
Mayans MC:
Angel Reyes
911 verse:
Athena Grant
Bobby Nash
Henrietta "Hen" Wilson
Evan "Buck" Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Howie "Chimney" Han
Ravi Panikkar
T.K. Strand
Owen Strand
Carlos Reyes
Marjan Marwani
Paul Strickland
Tommy Vega
Judson "Judd" Ryder
Grace Ryder
Nancy Gillian
Mateo Chavez
The Rookie:
Lucy Chen
Tim Bradford
Celina Juarez
Aaron Thorsen
Nyla Harper
Angela Lopez
Wesley Evers
BBC Sherlock:
Greg Lestrade
Mycroft Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Simon Basset
Daphne Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Kate Sharma
Edwina Sharma
Marina Thompson/Crane
Jamie Fraser
Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser
Frank Randall
Black Jack Randall
Brianna Fraser
Roger MacKenzie
Fergus Fraser
Marsali Fraser
Jenny Fraser Murray
Ian Murray Sr.
Ian Fraser Murray
Murtagh Mackenzie
Call The Midwife:
Shelagh Turner / Sister Bernadette
Dr. Patrick Turner
Nurse Trixie Franklin
Nurse Phyllis Crane
Lucille Anderson
Nurse Barbara Gilbert
Sister Hilda
Miss Higgins
PC Peter Noakes
Reverend Tom Hereward NEW!
Horacio Carrillo
Peaky Blinders:
Tommy Shelby
Downton Abbey:
Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham
Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham
Lady Mary Crawley
Lady Edith Crawley
Lady Sybil Crawley
Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham
Isobel Crawley
Matthew Crawley
Lady Rose MacClare
Lady Rosamund Painswick
Henry Talbot
Tom Branson
Mr. Charles Carson
Mrs. Hughes / Elsie May Carson
John Bates
Anna Bates
Daisy Mason
Thomas Barrow
Joseph Molesley
Land Girl:
Connie Carter
Reverend Henry Jameson (Gwilym Lee's version)
Midsomer Murder:
DCI Tom Barnaby
Joyce Barnaby
Dr. George Bullard
DCI John Barnaby
Sarah Barnaby
DS Ben Jones
DS Jamie Winter
Sgt. Gavin Troy
Fleur Perkins
WPC Gail Stephens
Kate Wilding
DS Charlie Nelson
Sergeant Dan Scott
NEW! Once Upon A Time
Regina / The Evil Queen
Mary Margaret Blanchard / Snow White
David Nolan / Prince Charming
Emma Swan
Killian Jones / Captain Hook
Mr. Gold / Rumplestiltskin
Neal Cassidy / Baelfire
Peter Pan
Sheriff Graham Humbert / The Huntsman
Jefferson / The Mad Hatter
Robin of Locksley / Robin Hood
Will Scarlet
Zelena / Wicked Witch
Alice (Once in Wonderland)
Cyrus (Once in Wonderland)
Jafar (Once in Wonderland)
Tiger Lily
Prince Eric
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Tinker Bell
Red Riding Hood
Aurora / Sleeping Beauty
Prince Phillip
Prince Thomas
NEW! The Vampire Diaries / The Originals
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Caroline Forbes
Elena Gilbert
Bonnie Bennett
Enzo St. John
Niklaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Finn Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Davina Claire
The Pirates of the Caribbean:
Captain Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
Elizabeth Swann
James Norrington
Harry Hart
Eggsy Unwin
James Spencer / Lancelot
Alastair / Percival
Roxy Morton / Lancelot
Maximillian Morton / The Shepherd
Orlando Oxford
Jack Daniels / Whiskey
Dreamland Billionaire series - Lauren Asher:
Dirty Air series - Lauren Asher:
Ladies in Stem - Ali Hazelwood books:
Fourth Wing - Rebecca Yarros:
Xaden Riorson
Dain Aetos
Jack Barlowe
Rhiannan Matthias
Violet Sorrengail
Mira Sorrengail
Lillith Sorrengail
Bodhi Durran
Liam Mairi
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satansapostle6 · 9 months
Characters I Write For
Please message me with any ideas/requests! I need ideas(short fics or series)
Mostly write for fem!readers. I can write fluff, angst, smut, etc. If I’m not comfortable with something I can let you know
Character/Actor List
Favorite Characters/Actors To Write For
Draco Malfoy, Weasley twins
Jesse Pinkman
Paul Dano characters
Josh Hutcherson characters
Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel
Damon Salvatore, Silas, Klaus Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson
Rodrick Heffley
Bellamy Blake
Ezra Fitz(should probably make it clear I don’t condone)
Ian Duncan(Community)
Charlie(It’s Always Sunny)
Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase
Finnick Odair
Tommy Shelby
Killian Hook
Paul Dano
Klitz(The Girl Next Door)
Dwayne Hoover(Little Miss Sunshine)
Edward Nashton(The Batman)
Calvin Weir-Fields(Ruby Sparks)
Brian Wilcox(Fast Food Nation)
Joby Taylor(For Ellen)
Nick Flynn(Being Flynn)
Josh Hutcherson
Peeta Mellark(The Hunger Games)
Mike Schmidt(FNAF)
Josh Futturman(Future Man)
Devon Bostick
Rodrick Heffley(Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
Jasper Jordan(The 100)
Cillian Murphy
Tommy Shelby(Peaky Blinders)
Dr. Jonathan Crane(The Dark Knight)
Neil(Watching the Detectives)
Christian Bale
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho)
Bruce Wayne(The Dark Knight)
Breaking Bad
Jesse Pinkman
Jane Margolis
Saul Goodman
Harry Potter(Golden Trio Era)
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson
Blaise Zabini
Theodore Nott
Daphne Greengrass
Adrian Pucey
Terence Higgs
Harry Potter(Marauders Era)
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Lily Potter
Severus Snape
Regulus Black
Lucius Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy
Bellatrix Lestrange
Arthur Weasley
Harry Potter(Fantastic Beasts Era)
Newt Scamander
Queenie Goldstein
Leta Lestrange
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Luke Castellan
Thalia Grace
Jason Grace
+ Gods
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Emily Prentiss
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
David Rossi
Elle Greenaway
Cat Adams
Megan Kane
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
John Winchester
Mary Winchester
Charlie Bradbury
Rowena McLeod
Adam Milligan
Jessica Moore
Benny Lafitte
Bela Talbot
Jo Harvelle
Ellen Harvelle
Jonah Simms
Amy Sosa
Marcus White
Garrett McNeill
Gilmore Girls
Lorelai Gilmore
Christopher Hayden
Luke Danes
Logan Huntzberger
Jess Mariano
The Hunger Games
Peeta Mellark
Katniss Everdeen
Gale Hawthorn
Finnick Odair
Johanna Mason
Haymitch Abernathy
Pretty Little Liars
Aria Montgomery
Spencer Hastings
Emily Fields
Hannah Marin
Mona Vanderwaal
Alison Di Laurentis
Jason Di Laurentis
Ezra Fitz
Toby Cavanaugh
Jenna Marshall
Caleb Rivers
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Katherine Pierce
Elena Gilbert
Jeremy Gilbert
Bonnie Bennett
Caroline Forbes
The Originals
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Marcel Gerard
Davina Claire
Edward Cullen
Bella Swan
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Emmett Cullen
The 100
Bellamy Blake
Octavia Blake
Jasper Jordan
Fiona Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Frank Gallagher
Mandy Milkovich
Kevin Ball
Veronica Fisher
The Bear
Carmy Berzatto
Sydney Adamu
Richie Jerimovich
Suicide Squad
Harley Quinn
Rick Flag
Once Upon A Time
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Killian Jones
Robin Hood
Jeff Winger
Abed Nadir
Annie Edison
Troy Barnes
Ian Duncan
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Charlie Kelly
Dennis Reynolds
Dee Reynolds
House MD
Greg House
Robert Chase
James Wilson
Lisa Cuddy
Parks and Recreation
Ben Wyatt
April Ludgate
Andy Dwyer
MCU, Marvel
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Natasha Romanoff
Bruce Banner
Wanda Maximoff
Loki Laufeyson
Peter Parker(Holland, Garfield, Maguire)
Peter Quill
Scott Lang
Steven Strange
Jessica Jones
Wade Wilson
Oliver Queen
Barry Allen
Felicity Smoak
Laurel Lance
Sara Lance
Malcom Merlyn
John Constantine
Leonard Snart
Ray Palmer
Caitlyn Snow
Julian Albert
Rip Hunter
10 Things I Hate About You
Patrick Verona
Cameron James
New Girl
Jess Day
Nick Miller
Other Characters
Charlie Kelmeckis(Perks Of Being A Wallflower)
Jesse Eisenberg Characters
Dr. Who(10th Doctor)
Will Probably Add More
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forevercaroline · 2 years
I’ve been working on a couple fics lately, and since I haven’t uploaded in over a month I thought I would drop some snips of what I’ve been working on. @tedrakitty
First up the next two chapters of battle of Royalty here is a snip of the next one to come out: @karinanic
Caroline awakes and smiles when she feels Conrad’s arm on her. She snuggles into his chest for a couple minutes before she sits up in bed. She stretches and as she is coming out of the bathroom after a shower she goes over to the closet. Not noticing the glass doors with the curtains open.
As she is closing the closet door she finally looks outside and her eyes widen her mouth even drops. She quietly says. “Son of a bitch.”
“Kat wake up we have a problem.”
Katherine rolls over rubbing the sleep from her eyes she sleepily asks. “What’s wrong?”
“Look out the window.” Like with Caroline’s comforter it is personalized. Where as Caroline’s is Chanel Katherine’s is black and white striped with pink shoes and a pink purse over the books that say couture must have love elegance and luxury. There’s also matching pillows. “Son of a bitch.”
A new short story called blonde angels. This has been a lot of fun to write and has got me back into writing teen wolf. @lilfuturescars
The rave is taking place inside an abandoned firehouse. The dj spots this very hot and very handsome guy in the crowd. He gesture for the guy to come up to the booth but he shakes his head and continues dancing. A couple minutes later a hand wraps around his thin waist and lips are on his neck. The very hot and very handsome guy is Harlan and he leans back into the toned and chiseled body of his boyfriend Brett and a hand snakes around his neck and into Brett’s short hair. Both guys ooze sex appeal and are extremely hot. Brett is six foot 2 buzz cut with shaggy jet black hair on top while Harlan is six foot with messy shaggy brunette hair.
As the two are leaving the main room to find somewhere to be alone, Harlan stops. “What’s wrong?”
“Someone is dead here?”
Brett raises an eyebrow he knows Harlan has enhanced hearing he always has. How would he know if someone is dead. “Someone died?”
Harlan looks around the dance floor and since they are still holding hands Harlan closes his eyes. “Listen.”
Brett can hear what Harlan hears, it’s rare for wolves to share their abilities with other wolves. Harlan and Brett are not only boyfriends but they were born wolves and when they started dating they became a pack. Harlan can share his hearing and Brett can share his rapid healing.
“There’s another species here.”
“Do you want to go find it?”
Harlan shakes his head this rave only happens once a month. This party is full of high school students chances are whatever the thing is will be at school tomorrow.
Harlan is pushed up against a wall and Brett cups his face as they kiss. Harlan’s hands gliding over the muscles under the grey long sleeve shirt, while Harlan only has a black tank top on and jeans Brett is in jeans and Henley.
The next one is from fate the winx saga:
“Is this them?”
Dane and Luke nod. Andreas flicks his hand and the hoods come off Sky, Riven and Musa’s heads while Luke cuts the zip ties around their wrists. Riven looks over at Musa who looks at him and nods. He goes to come closer to her but Dane stops him. “You punched her I want to see if she’s ok.”
That catches Sky’s attention he was already gone by the time. “You punched her?” Sky goes to walk forward and Luke stops him but he pushes past him and Riven has already pushed past Dane.
Dane grabs a hold of Riven and punches him. Sky and Riven both start fighting Dane and Luke. Musa sighs and gets a punch in on Dane. Andreas whistles and that gets everyone’s attention. Dane clears his throat. “I’m sorry sir I let my emotions get in the way.”
“Don’t let it happen again.”
Dane nods. As Andreas looks at the three new faces in his garage full of cars. “You stole from me.”
Riven goes to do the bad accent again and Musa elbows him and shakes her head.
Lastly I’m always working on the magneto family fic @austennerdita2533
As they are walking through the halls they stop at the game room which has Peter, and Kurt playing foosball. “Your cheating.”
“I am not your cheating.”
Kurt is using his tail to reach some handles while Peter is using his quickness to reach all the handles.
“Wanda Maximoff meet my son Peter Maximoff. Im sure you have a lot to talk about I’m going to find Charles.”
Peter’s jaw drops and Kurt is in the middle of the game he actually scores but is to shocked so he doesn’t even notice. “I didn’t know you had a sister.”
“I have two but they are five.” Peter takes in Wanda who is this woman with his last name but he’s never met her. “Your last name is Maximoff?”
“Yes and your name is Peter not Pietro.”
Peter chuckles. “Pietro what kind of fancy name is Pietro?”
Wanda looks over Peter he looks similar to her Pietro, they both have the same last name and Erik is his father. Her power is genetic but neither of her parents were like her or Pietro. Could it be even though it’s a stretch and doesn’t make sense but really when has something made sense since concerning her.
Erik comes back and looks between the two Maximoff’s he doesn’t need Charles abilities to read minds to know that this is awkward. Wanda turns back towards him and he is with a bald guy in a technical advanced wheelchair. “Are you my father?”
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spntoxicfemslashevent · 9 months
full prompt list
hey everyone! this is the full february prompt list for this event. we're going to have six prompts every day, so it's big! smaller versions containing only some of the prompts are forthcoming. ideally a piece submitted for a certain day should be inspired by at least one of the prompts for that day.
[conceptual prompts only] [pairing prompts only] [format/style prompts only] [prompts by date] [submission guidelines] [intro post]
conceptual prompts:
feb 1: manipulation || rot || political play
feb 2: tied up || burning flesh || jealousy
feb 3: suburbia || betrayal/judas kiss || doll
feb 4: blackmail || cannibalism || age gap
feb 5: blasphemy || executioner || genderless
feb 6: “...and it felt like a kiss” || on the rack || handmaiden-feudal lord
feb 7: sainthood || blood || isolation
feb 8: poison/drugging || barefoot and pregnant || murder suicide
feb 9: scars || heaven and/or hell || voyeurism
feb 10: shallow grave/midnight gardening || exes || serial killer(s)
feb 11: crossdressing || corpse || brat
feb 12: war/opposite sides || soulmates || guts/gore
feb 13: demonization || immortality || "forgive me father"
feb 14: unrequited || butch || imprisonment
feb 15: high school sweethearts || justifications || resurrection
feb 16: stabbing || masturbation || somnophilia
feb 17: turn the straight girl || kidnapping || ritual sacrifice
feb 18: stalking || substance use/abuse || comp het
feb 19: amnesia/mindwipe/lobotomy || flogging || forcefem
feb 20: vessel || make each other worse || gothic
feb 21: mistress || forced marriage || petplay
feb 22: demon deal || power imbalance || state of mind/dreams/confusion
feb 23: experiment || bastard child || what happened to her first husband/wife?
feb 24: curses || possession || infidelity
feb 25: controlling || temptation || "i ran into a door"
feb 26: victim || right hand || true crime
feb 27: humiliation || dubious consent || brainwashing
feb 28: family || true form || obsession
feb 29: closeted || sins of the father || not passing the bechdel test
pairing prompts:
feb 1: rowena mcleod/billie
feb 2: linda tran/ofc
feb 3: hannah/naomi
feb 4: rowena mcleod/alicia banes
feb 5: raphael/billie
feb 6: amelia novak/naomi
feb 7: abaddon/colette mullen
feb 8: ruby/astaroth
feb 9: cassie robinson/fem!dean winchester
feb 10: linda tran/mary winchester
feb 11: cassie robinson/meg masters
feb 12: linda tran/abaddon
feb 13: risa (endverse)/meg masters
feb 14: kelly kline/dagon
feb 15: linda tran/tasha banes
feb 16: billie/amara/the empty (meg)
feb 17: meg masters/jo harvelle
feb 18: patience turner/claire novak
feb 19: mary winchester/antonia bevell
feb 20: lily sunder/claire novak
feb 21: bela talbot/ruby
feb 22: patience turner/magda peterson
feb 23: fem!castiel/fem!crowley
feb 24: missouri moseley/ellen harvelle
feb 25: jody mills/donna hanscum
feb 26: lily baker/lilith
feb 27: hannah/caroline johnson
feb 28: raphael/naomi
feb 29: eileen leahy/mary winchester
format/style prompts:
day 1: canon divergent || drabble (exactly 100 words)
day 2: canon character/oc || traditional art
day 3: scifi au || non-traditional art medium
day 4: post-canon || gifset
day 5: canon compliant || metered poetry
day 6: reverse!verse/roleswap || sketch
day 7: epistolary || flash fiction
day 8: episode rewrite || fanmix
day 9: gender changes - het to femslash || script format
day 10: canon a little to the left || headcanon
day 11: outsider pov || fancam
day 12: 5 + 1 || exquisite corpse/round robin
day 13: for want of a nail || sequel
day 14: dark fluff || webweave
day 15: vignettes/fragments || fansong
day 16: polyamory || abstract
day 17: unreliable narrator || screencap edit
day 18: meta plot/metafandom/carver edlund novels || non-song based fanvid
day 19: crossover/fusion || multimedia
day 20: trans headcanon || podfic
day 21: humor || amv
day 22: au || fiber arts
day 23: gender changes - slash to femslash || comic
day 24: pre-canon || digital art
day 25: omegaverse || sentence fics
day 26: mundane au || photography
day 27: selfcest || freeverse poetry
feb 28: character study || fanwork-of-a-fanwork
feb 29: rashomon style || fic rec list
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