#Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena Pentaghast
enasallavellan · 10 months
Enasal Lavellan Reboot Ch.2
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Our tiny hero closes her first rift, joining forces with Varric and Solas to get to the breach. But before they can get there, Enasal's injuries overwhelm her and they're forced to stop, just in time to meet Chancellor Rodrick.
If you like what I've written, consider reblogging or commenting - I love to hear from ya'll!
“We call it the breach.”
Enasal was enveloped by a humming sound in her ears, rumbling earth beneath her feet, and the air felt charged with strange magic, carrying a metallic taste of blood. She instinctively touched her lips, searching for any wounds, but there were none. The taste of iron lingered in the air itself.
“It’s a massive rift into the world of demons that grows larger with each passing hour," Cassandra explained, her grip on Enasal's arm tight and painful. "It’s not the only rift, just the largest. It appeared after the explosion of the Conclave.”
Enasal's eyes darted around, her senses on high alert. Magic was responsible for this catastrophe, and it was a force she wanted nothing to do with. It was different from the magic her grandmother and the mages in her clan used. This was old magic, corrupted and dangerous.
Another surge of green energy jolted through her body, causing her to drop to her knees. But this time, she didn't cry out. She gritted her teeth and forced herself back up, cradling her cursed hand.
Cassandra kneeled, looking her up and down, “Every time the breach expands, your mark spreads.” She helped her stand, her grip gentler this time. "And it is killing you.”
Enasal met Cassandra’s eyes for the first time. Her eyes held the weariness of someone who had seen too much.
"But," Cassandra continued, "It may also hold the key to stopping this, but there isn’t much time."
"This?" Enasal extended her marked hand toward Cassandra, looking up at the shimmering tear in the sky,  "This can fix that?" "
"We will soon find out,” Cassandra said, turning to continue on, “It's our only chance, and yours."
Enasal's attention had been solely focused on the breach above, and she hadn't noticed the crowd gathered below. Shemlens everywhere, muttering, nudging each other, and pointing in her direction. Their contempt for her was evident, with no effort made to hide their disdain or the fact that they were talking about her.
Blood mage. 
Killer of the Most Holy. 
Dalish savage.
They wanted her dead.
Cassandra tightened her grip on Enasal's arm, steadying her. "You will come to no harm," she declared, her words aimed more at the crowd than at Enasal. She didn't release her hold until the gates opened, and they managed to distance themselves from the hostile mob. "They need someone to blame," Cassandra explained. "Our Most Holy Divine, the mages, the templars—so many lives lost, along with the chance for peace."
"You really think I did it?" Enasal asked, her voice filled with a mix of desperation and doubt.
Cassandra averted her gaze. "You will have a trial. That is all I can promise." She turned sharply, marching forward as she called out, "Open the gates!"
Normally, she could easily keep pace with any shemlen and even outrun them. But now, bruises covered her body, and her breath seared her lungs with each sharp inhale. Another surge of pain shot through her, the green energy intensifying. For an instant, her vision darkened to black; but the world quickly reappeared, bright and blinding.
Cassandra pulled her back up, her voice filled with urgency. "The pulses are coming faster. The larger the breach grows, the more rifts appear, and the more demons we face."
Enasal swallowed, trying to talk around the pain, “How… if everyone else died - why didn’t I?”
Cassandra continued to guide her, but Enasal kept her eyes fixed on the breach. "They say a rift opened, and you fell out of it before it closed. Everything else is gone… we need to move." She paused, seeming to notice the extent of Enasal’s injuries for the first time.  Her voice softened, as though she was trying to be more gentle - but the tone remained clipped and sharp, "As fast as you can manage.”
Enasal nodded, determined to ignore the pain until this ordeal was over.
The ground rumbled with the screams of men and women fighting for survival, driven by their primal instincts—fight or flee. Enasal was prepared to do either as soon as an opportunity arose. As they moved forward, she spotted an unattended dagger glinting nearby. As they passed, she discreetly picked it up and concealed it beneath her tattered caplet, a garment favored by her clan. Another fallen dagger caught her eye, and she did the same.
She had no intention of attacking anyone from behind, but she refused to face demons and fearful shemlens unarmed.
The earth beneath her feet rumbled and the air seemed to catch fire as something crashed a few inches from them.  Enasal was thrown aside by a blast, her body crumpling onto the frozen river below. She could hear Cassandra gasping for breath; the wind must have been knocked out of her. Enasal pushed herself up to witness a massive stone crashing onto the ice, shattering it. The bridge had collapsed, crushing the soldiers who had stood upon it. She watched as the green shimmer evaporated from the boulder that had caused the destruction—evidently, demons were not the only things emerging from the Fade.
"Stay behind me!" Cassandra shouted, forcefully pushing Enasal to take cover behind her. With her sword drawn and shield raised, Cassandra confronted the demon before them, skillfully blocking, parrying, and striking back.
Nobody should face demons alone.
Enasal pulled the blades from their hiding spot and sprang forward,  staying low and sliding on the ice to reach the creature. She plunged her daggers into its flesh, the blades sinking deep. The demon emitted a cacophony of screams and struck Enasal in the back, sending her sliding toward the river's edge.
Taking advantage of the distraction, Cassandra drove her sword into the creature, unleashing a final scream before it dissolved back into the Fade.
Cassandra pointed her sword at Enasal. "Drop your weapons!"
Enasal gritted her teeth and shook her head, "You said you brought me to help! If you want me to follow you through demons I need a weapon!" Enasal swallowed, mustering her courage as she added, "If I die, everyone dies. I will keep my weapons."
Cassandra hesitated, her brow furrowing as she scrutinized Enasal. Finally, she nodded. "Fine. I cannot leave you defenseless."
Sliding across the ice, they finally reached the path. It was lined with the dead and dying. Enasal could still hear the sounds of battle, and she wished she could cover her ears to block out the agonized screams.
"Where are the other fighters?" Enasal shouted over the cacophony.
"They're at the forward camp. We're—"
The space in front of them tore open as more demons clawed their way out. They came as wavering green shadows and screaming monsters. With every stab, every slash and gash, Enasal wanted her own blades. They were longer and sharper - these blades might not even be able to cut through cheese, much less bone. 
And they just kept coming. No sooner had a demon been slain and Enasal’s heartbeat steaded where they were beset by more. Gasping with pain, she forced her feet to keep pace with Cassandra, her legs screaming for rest  as she started up another hill.
Why was there another hill? 
Running wasn’t fun, here.
"Up there!" Even Cassandra seemed winded as she pointed to a clearing up ahead.
It was like the breach that loomed over them, but smaller.  It quivered and convulsed, the air crackling and squeezing, like ice scorched by flame. A group of men engaged in battle, fending off the demons that clawed their way out of the rift. Enasal dove into the fray, adrenaline pumping through her veins.
"Duck, kid!"
Enasal obeyed without thinking, swiftly tucking herself down and rolling away from the menacing creature. As she regained her footing, the demon collased, an arrow firmly lodged in its head.
"This your attempt at humor, Seeker?" The now-familiar voice called out, reloading his weapon and aiming at another demon.
Beside her, the final creature emitted a shrill scream, consumed by flames before crumbling into dust. Before she could thank her savior, the mage grabbed her marked arm, yanking it towards the rift. "Quickly, before more come through!"
It felt as if she were being stretched, her hand pulsating and glowing, as a snaking green river extended from her palm toward the rift above. Her heart pounded, the light in her hand ebbing and flowing quicker and quicker until it surged forward with a powerful blast.
Enasal collapsed backward into the snow, her head spinning. A tinny whine filled her ears, voices muffled as one of the men knelt in front of her. It was the same one who had called out to her at the beginning of the battle. His blurred form was short and stocky, and his hand felt weighty as it rested on her shoulder.
After a few seconds, her vision sharpened, and the voice became clear,  "Easy, kid, just take it easy." Enasal suddenly realized she was leaning against the dwarf, unable to maintain her balance on her own.
Enasal craned her neck up to look at the mage. He stood remarkably tall for an elf, peering down at her with steely eyes.
“What did you do?”  Enasal asked him, pressing her hand against herself as though he would reach out and grab it again. 
But something in the man’s face changed and he leaned on his staff with a slight chuckle, gaze almost friendly. "I did nothing. The credit is yours."
Enasal shook her head vigorously, pointing to where the mark had been. "No, no, no, that mark was caused by magic, and I can't do magic!"
"Until now, perhaps." the mage replied, "but the same magic that opened the breach marked your hand. I theorized that the mark might have the ability to close the rifts." He nodded with satisfaction. "And it seems I was correct."
Cassandra turned to him, "Meaning it could close the breach as well?"
“I believe so.” Something flickered in his eyes as he looked back down at Enasal, but it was replaced by a soft smile, "It appears you hold the key to our salvation."
“Me? But-”
"Good to know!" the dwarf laughed, seemingly unaffected by the dire situation. "Here I thought we'd be drowning in demons forever." He slowly eased Enasal up, examining her. The laughter disappeared and he turned to Cassandra with narrowed eyes,  "What did your people do to her?"
"We did nothing to her.” Cassandra insisted, “She returned from the Fade as she is now. We restrained her, nothing more.”
He didn’t respond, turning his attention back to Enasal, “You alright? You’re looking a little worse for wear.”
She wasn’t used to such a gentle tone, and her eyes prickled with impending tears.
Don't you dare start crying again.
She swallowed, nodding silently.
The dwarf grinned and winked at her, "In that case, Varric Tethras: rogue, storyteller, and occasionally unwanted tagalong." 
For the first time since she had arrived in Haven, she smiled. "I’m Enasal.”
It was clear Varric was keeping himself between her and Cassandra, despite the grin as he asked, “Well, I guess we’re off to the Breach, Seeker?”
“Absolutely not.” Cassandra snapped, “You cannot-”
"Have you been to the valley, Seeker?” Varric asked “The tides have turned. We need every person we can get.” 
“He is correct.” The mage said, “We have no such luxury that we can pick and choose our allies.” 
Cassandra muttered under her breath, sheathing her blade. 
The mage nodded to Enasal with another serene smile, “My name is Solas, if introductions are in order. I'm pleased to see you're still alive."
Varric pointed at him. "He means 'I kept that mark from killing you while you slept'."
Enasal squinted at him, “Slept? How long…”
“Four days.” Solas said.
She looked down at her hand for a few seconds before looking up at him again, “So you saved my life twice then. Ma serannas.”
“Ah.” He looked away as he answered, “Da’mi nuvenin, da’len.” 
Cassandra shook her head, “What now?”
Back to the task at hand, Solas stepped away from Enasal, “The magic involved here is unlike anything I have seen. Mage or not, a person with this much power is difficult to imagine. We need to be prepared…”
With Cassandra distracted, Varric went back to examining Enasal, “How bad are you hurt?"
When was the last time someone had been so warm to her? She thought back, years flying past as she struggled to remember. Tears welled up again as she said,  "I'm not sure. It hurts everywhere."
Varric nodded, looking over at Cassandra with a deep frown. He lowered his voice even more,  "Did she do this to you?"
She shook her head.
“Did any of her people?” He pressed.
“No.” She answered,  "I was like this when I woke up."
He nodded, stepping in front of her and raising his voice to be heard, “She's in a lot of pain, Seeker! She won't make it if we keep pushing her.” He motioned for Solas to come over, “Can you do anything, Chuckles?”
"We don't have time, Varric!" Cassandra exclaimed, throwing her hands up. "We must press on!"
Solas leaned down and inspected Enasal's injuries. "Healing is not my forte - I can do little for her wounds, but I can help with the pain." He tilted his head thoughtfully. "Stay still.” 
He put a hand on her shoulder, warmth radiating from the touch as the pain was pushed away. Enasal rose with wide eyes, gingerly checking herself.
Solas leaned on his staff once again "Your injuries remain. Don’t forget that."
"We need to leave!" Cassandra shouted once more.
Solas nodded and joined her at the front, while Varric maintained a steady pace beside Enasal.
"So... you're the one with the mark," he remarked. "You’re good in a fight, all things considered. Where does a kid learn to fight like that?”
And there it was.
The height thing.
"I'm not a kid," Enasal protested.
"Sorry," he chuckled. "I get it. A dwarf like me has no room to talk about size."
Another attack ensued—more arrows, blades, and spells. More blood, bruises, and cuts. It was easier this time without the pain slowing her down.
But then there was another.
And another.
The pain began creeping back, radiating from her spine to her fingertips. She felt herself slowing down again, wincing as the pain rekindled. Solas glanced back from the front, turning to face them. "I didn't anticipate it wearing off so quickly. My apologies. Stay still."
Once again, relief washed over her.
Solas took her arm, examining it closely. "You’ve been injured again. Remember, the pain only masks the pain - do not forget your wounds.” He dropped her arm, hurrying ahead.
Varric stayed by her side as they followed suit, “Absolute riot, isn’t he?” 
She wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that. But she did have something else she wanted to make clear, “I’m twenty-five.”
Still running, he nodded. "Good to know."
"I'm not a kid." She added stubbornly.
"I get it.” He laughed, , “I tell you what, if we survive this, I'll send everyone notes to spread the word!”
Enasal almost laughed at that. It was almost like talking to her sister - granted a much nicer, much hairier version of her.
She missed her sister.
“Hurry!” Cassandra called, “We’re almost there!”  
The fortifications seemed to rise out of the ground as they neared. People shouted from inside and a few soldiers were waving them from atop the parapets.
Enasal suddenly caught a whiff of rain, briefly overtaking the air soured with the smell of blood and fear. She slowed to a stop, looking for the source.  The air crackled in front of her and a strange thumping filled her head. 
Varric yanked her back just before the explosion. Shimmering green light flickered in and out as they were both thrown back and Solas called, “Another rift!”
Enasal tried to get up, but Varric held her in place, “Stay down! They got it under control.”
It was true - only a few demons had managed to come though the fresh rift, and Cassandra was easily dispatching one. Solas finished the others with a plume of fire, immediately seizing Enasal by the wrist and jerking her up. It was like it was trying to suck the air out of her, to pull her soul out through the mark. Just as it seemed it would succeed, the rift collapsed into itself and she was again thrown back into the snow.
Cassandra’s voice rang out in front of them and the gates opened slowly, its hinges groaning in protest. Varric heaved her back up, pulling one of her arms across his shoulders to help her walk. He prattled on about what she should say at her trial, occasionally asking her questions and giving her a shake when she seemed to drift off.
The pain was returning with a vengeance, blurring her vision and filling her head with a throbbing ache. Her body finally conceded, knees buckling as tears threatened again, “Ir numin," she croaked weakly, " Ir abelas."
Amidst the commotion of people arguing and mourning, Varric was shouting for help, but it felt distant, as if she were underwater. Her vision swam, and another mage appeared before her, uttering words that Enasal couldn't hear over all the other wavering voices.
The touch of a hand on her forehead sharpened her hearing, slowly bringing back the light and pushing away the pain. She watched as a gash on her arm closed, the bruising around shifting from purple to  green before disappearing completely.
Enasal might have been the most surprised to find herself standing up.
“Go slow.” Varric said, “Take it easy.”
Her first step was more of a stumble, but as she took a few more steps her balance returned. Cassandra was just ahead with the redhead she had seen earlier - Leliana was it? They were arguing with another human, bickering about some sort of election and fretting over who should be in charge.
Enasal took a deep breath, steeling herself for a confrontation. "Shouldn't we be more concerned about the colossal demon-cloud up there?"
Somewhere behind her, Varric burst into laughter and repeated, "Demon cloud! That's brilliant!"
Leliana looked at them, seeming relieved. She motioned to Enasal, “Chancellor Rodrick, this it the one-"
"I know who she is!" Chancellor Rodrick abruptly turned his gaze to Cassandra. "Seeker, call for a retreat. This is hopeless."
“No.” She said firmly, “We can put an end to this before it's too late."
Rodrick stood tall, his voice laced with skepticism. "You won't survive long enough to reach that...thing. With or without your soldiers."
Cassandra turned her attention to Enasal. "We will charge with the soldiers to the Temple. Will you make it?"
She felt fine - better than fine. Without the breaks and bruises she could finally move well, her confidence slowly coming back to her. She twirled the daggers she had found, nodding, “I’m ready.”
Cassandra scoffed, grabbing a pair of daggers from a supply crate.
Real fighting daggers.
“Take these.” She said, thrusting them towards her, “Keep yourself alive.”
Enasal examined them - they were simple, but well made. The handles were still a bit too big for her hands, but the weight was good and the blades looked sharp. She looked back at Varric, holding them up for him to see.
“Well, Seeker, it looks like you have a heart after all.” He chuckled.
Cassandra rolled her eyes, shaking her head.
Varric laughed, looking back at Enasal, “I don’t know about the rest of you - but Bianca’s excited.”
Read the full fic from the beginning at my A03 here!
If you’re willing and able, feel free to donate to my ko-fi or drop a tip in the jar to help me afford my many medications to keep the crazy at bay!
Artwork of Enasal drawn by the talented @vahingoniloinenlapsi
I used Project Elvhen on Ao3 to help with the 'Dalish'.
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howlingwolf23 · 2 years
Replaying dai for the umpteenth time, brought Cassandra to the Winter Palace again and I just realized something during the introduction they say (quoting from memory so some might be wrong)
Announcer - Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena....
Cassandra - Get on with it!!
Announcer - ....Pentaghast
Do you realize what this means?!
Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena Pentaghast isn't even her full name. It also probably means she doesn't have just 1 or 2 more names. If it was just 1 or 2, Cassandra would probably have let the man finish.
I suggest that her already long name is even longer. At least double the length we know it. Probably even longer.
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ndostairlyrium · 2 months
thank u c:
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eirliss · 16 days
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Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena Pentaghast
163 notes · View notes
riikozor · 1 year
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Seeker Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena Pentaghast ♡
782 notes · View notes
ode-to-fury · 2 years
Most unrealistic thing about Tresspasser is the insinuation that Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena Pentaghast would not murder both Cullen and the Inquisitor the second she found out they’d even thought about having a wedding and not telling her
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thelilyknight · 11 months
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Day 6 of smol dragon age characters, Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena Pentaghast
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cullenakingirog · 2 days
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Woke up found out about this cute picrew and decided to do my DA ships there uwu
Might reason some of them tho socjgjjd
Alistair/Paraluman Surana and Joseph Terrell/Paraluman Surana
Fenris/Benedicta Alejandra Hawke y Amell and Anders/Benedicta Alejandra Hawke y Amell
Cullen Stanton Rutherford/Dalisay Kato Bagwisan and Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena Pentaghast/Mahalina Kato Bagwisan
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crowqueene · 1 year
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It’s ya girl Seeker Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena Pentaghast of Nevarra! 🖤✨
82 notes · View notes
literalpotatx · 1 year
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The icon herself
Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena Pentaghast
20 notes · View notes
feykrorovaan · 1 year
I had to Cass, i'm sorry.
Solas, sorry not sorry.
18 notes · View notes
musetta3 · 2 years
Happy friday!! Might I spring a "Varric x Cassandra Modern AU" on you?
Happy Friday, Platoon! I give to you, for @dadrunkwriting , a coffee date.
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1539
This was not a date.
No matter how many times her friend at the office, Josie, said otherwise, this wasn’t a date. Cassandra and Xbow_lvr had been online friends for years; just because they were finally meeting in person didn’t mean they were ‘dating,’ right?
She bit her lip, scanning the tables at the local coffee house, the Herald’s Rest. This was not a date. Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena Pentaghast was a reporter, a seeker of truth and justice: she had no time for romance, no matter how much of a hopeless romantic she was—
She referenced the text again on her phone. ‘Red shirt, gold quill pin, blond hair.’ No one seemed to match that description; did she have the wrong coffee house? How many ‘Herald’s Rests’ were there here in Haven? 
She jumped, whirling on her heel. There was no one behind her, yet the sound—
“Down here,” a gravelly voice said. It was warm, burnished like smooth Antivan whiskey. Cassandra did as she was told; a neatly dressed, bespectacled dwarf looked up at her through his polished tortoiseshell frames, bearing a tray of coffee and pastries. His ensemble—a smart crimson shirt paired with a rich brown suit jacket and jeans—spoke of casual elegance. Her eyes widened: there was only one dwarf whose smirk was so roguishly charming; she had admired in the author’s portrait on the back of her favorite romance novel: 
Varric Tethras. 
Cassandra stared. That was impossible, she told herself; why would a celebrity ever meet her at a coffee shop? She was no one special, just a reporter: the man before her bore an uncanny resemblance to the portrait, it was true, but surely she must be mistaken—
 A gold feather pin glittered from his lapel, and Cassandra’s face went hot. 
“C-Crossbow?” She blurted. The man chuckled, his laugh reminding her of summer sunshine. 
“Seeker,” he replied, “we meet at last. Come on, I have a table.” Her friend led the way to a quiet, sunny booth near the window. Cassandra followed, making last minute adjustments to her toilette. 
“Of all the days to wear heels,” she whispered, peeking at the pointed-toe pumps Josie had insisted she wear. “He must think me a giant—” Her ankle turned, unused to the Antivan stilettos her friend had lent her. Cassandra wobbled, catching herself before it was too noticeable.
Or so she thought… 
“I’m surprised, Seeker,” Crossbow said, setting the table. “You never came off as a stiletto girl, to me.”
She slid into the booth, face no doubt as red as the foolish red lipstick Josie had helped her buy in preparation for this meeting. “I’m not. My…friend lent them.” He nodded sagely, offering a tall cup. Warm spices wafted up to her.
“I remembered you said you like Rivaini spice tea in the writing server,” he supplied, “ ‘extra cream, and a half—’”
“‘Half a packet of sugar,’” they finished together. Cassandra scoffed a laugh, “you remembered that?”
He shrugged, “when it comes to you, Seeker, I remember everything.” Was that a slight…blush creeping into his cheeks? Crossbow took a swig of coffee—an admirable feat, considering Herald’s Rest was notorious for their lava-hot beverages—no doubt to disguise his fluster. Cassandra smirked into her cup, savoring her tea; it really was just how she liked it. No one at the office—not even Josie—could make it according to her preference. And yet here was Crossbow, making it perfectly the first time they met. Its significance wasn’t lost on her…
“How is your latest article going?” Crossbow was asking. “You mentioned on chat it was giving you trouble.” 
She sighed, “Ugh, that disaster. I envy you and your novels: reporting on Orlesian politics is nowhere as interesting. Gaspard and Celene are still at each other’s throats, even so close to the Winter Palace gala. Tweeter is on fire with their insults: apparently Gaspard’s mother is a nug, and his father smells of gooseberries.” 
He chuckled, “it’s ‘Twitter,’ Seeker. A ‘Tweeter’ is someone who uses the app.” He cut a pastry in half, “you have Orlesian nobles, and I have the Champion butting heads with the Viscount. External forces of conflict abound this week, it seems!”
She perked up at the mention of his newest work. “The Champion will go up against the Viscount of Kirkwall? Tell me more!” 
The way Crossbow lit up when explaining the plot was…Cassandra found herself captivated by his passion. She understood his almost boyish enthusiasm; wordsmithing and writing, even all these years later, still made her heart smile. A good poem or turn of sentence made her giddy like a schoolgirl. The fact that Crossbow also found them thus was delightful…and very sexy of him, she had to admit. 
“I’m planning a twist at the end,” he was saying. “Anders asks Hawke to help him find ingredients for a potion, but it’s actually—”
“No spoilers!” She interrupted. “I want to read it myself!”
Crossbow smirked, “signing up for beta-reading, are we? I’m honored.”
Cassandra felt her face go hot. “I-I must ensure you don’t ruin my favorite character,” she replied. “Hawke deserves a happy ending with Ferris—”
He stifled a laugh. “Fenris, Seeker.”
“But just think: two warriors standing side by side at the end of the world, sharing one last kiss before fighting their way out: how romantic!” She sighed happily, “I can just hear Fenris now: ‘don’t die, Hawke: I couldn’t bear to lose you. nothing could be worse than living without you.’ And then he’d sweep her off her feet and—what are you doing?” 
Crossbow was typing furiously on his phone, “go on: this is good stuff,” he said, encouraging her. “Then what?” They always bounced ideas off each other online like this; it was one of the best parts of being friends… 
Except the warmth blooming in her chest reminded Cassandra that she wasn’t entirely satisfied with them being ‘just friends,’ and that realization was simultaneously exhilarating and frightening.
She bit her lip in thought,  “then… he sweeps her off her feet—”
“She’s too tall for sweeping; she’s taller than him,” he pointed out. 
“Oh. Then have them kiss… passionately, Crossbow. We want drama; up the stakes.”
He grinned, his thumbs barely keeping up with her words. “But of course, my lady: all the more to devastate our readers with once Hawke takes an arrow—”
She almost choked on her tea. “She what?! Crossbow!”
 He chuckled, a mischievous gleam danced in his eyes, “but angst sells, Seeker!” A cheerful ringtone interrupted them. 
“Shit, it’s my agent. I have to take this, sorry. One sec,” he said, swiping the screen. “Tethras speaking—”
She almost aspirated her tea. Tethras? As in…her eyes went wide. Varric Tethras. The Varric Tethras was right in front of her, laughing and chatting with her, brainstorming plot points for his new novel, meeting her for a coffee date—
Oh, Maker. Ohhhh, Maker save her, Josie wouldn’t believe this! Cassandra reached for a pastry in a futile attempt to hide her fluster, freezing when a strong hand closed around hers.
Crossbow—no, his name was Varric, she reminded herself—momentarily went speechless, surprise clear on his features. “C-Can I call you back? We’re at a vital plot point in our friends-to-lovers character arc...” He hung up before his agent could reply, gaze softening when it met hers. Cassandra blushed. 
“…There’s a gala dinner next week—” she began. 
She blinked, “b-but I didn’t say what it was for.”
“Don’t care: it’s more time with you; I’m always down for that… unless it’s the Dwarven Merchant Guild. Then you’re on your own, Seeker.” 
She couldn’t help the smile, “it’s an Imperial soiree at Halamshiral: Celene and Gaspard will be there. I’m covering it for my article.” He nodded sagely.
“Real-life inspiration for the De Launcet’s Hightown soiree in chapter 12. Nice.”
“Y-You shouldn’t feel obliged: it’ll be crawling with Orlesians…” She couldn’t help frowning at the thought of how insufferably fussy and pretentious the evening would be.
He chuckled, “no way in Thedas I’d miss it: the sight of you glowering stinky Orlesian cheeses into submission will be worth the price of admission alone. Text me the details—” 
His phone’s notifications pinged several times, announcing the arrival of several text messages from ‘Royal Pain the Arse;’ Cassandra stifled a laugh.
Varric rolled his eyes, “that damned Bran. I told him I was on a date; he can’t wait for an hour?” Apparently Bran couldn’t; he sent three more texts in succession, demanding Varric’s assistance. Varric heaved a sigh, adjusting his spectacles.
“Seems the Kirkwaller office will implode if I don’t handle this. See you later tonight on voice chat…” He took up her hand and brought it to his lips, winking before he departed. 
The words momentarily flew out of her head in the face of such gallantry. Cassandra watched him go, falling back against the booth in disbelief when he was out of sight. A text notification pinged from her phone.
‘Stop what you’re doing right now and tell me everything.
-Josie xxoo’  
The phone rang immediately after; Cassandra smiled to herself, feeling quite like a heroine from her favorite romance novel as she picked up the call and obliged her friend’s request for juicy gossip.
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archofx · 1 year
Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena Pentaghast after finding out my Inquisitor is romantically involved with The Iron Bull, because I accidentally clicked the romance option in one dialogue at Haven.
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polyamarhousgarden · 7 months
💐F/O List💐
Please just assume I don’t like sharing my ROMANTIC F/Os, I don’t mind sharing them if you f/o them as a PLATONIC or FAMILIAL F/O though.
💘 - Romantic (NON-SHAREABLE)
💗 - Crush
💖 - Platonic
💝 - Familial
💔 - Enemy
🍼 - Fankids
💘💘Fíi Dísul💘💘
💝Feren Aurelion💝 (Adoptive Father | Canon side character turned OC)
💝Elvenking Oropher💝 (Stepfather | AU)
💝Melmerondir Ferenion💝 (Adoptive Brother | OC)
🍼Agdís Fíliul🍼
🍼Afli Fíliul🍼
🍼Elli Fíliul🍼
🍼Dalli Fíliul🍼
💗Prince Durin II + Princess Disa💗
💗High King Ereinion Gil-Galad💗
💓Boromir, son of Denethor💓
💓 Colonel Brandon💓
💝Basilio💝 (Surrogate Younger Brother)
💘Nie Mingjue | Chifeng Zun💘
💝Nie Huaisang💝 (Brother-in-Law)
💔Jin Guangyao | Meng Yao | Lianfeng Zun💔
🍼Nie Yuyang | Nie Xiang🍼
🍼Nie Lishan | Nie Shi🍼
💝Gavroche Thenardier💝 (Adopted Son)
💝Hugues Thenardier💝 (Adopted Son)
💝Bressole Thenardier💝 (Adopted Son)
💖Jean Prouvaire | Jehan💖
💖Boussuet | Lesgles | Laigle | Lesgle | L'Aigle de Meaux💖
💖Joly | Jolllly💖
💘💘Alistair Theirin💘💘
💖💗Knight-Lieutenant Joseph Terrell💗💖 (OC)
💖Zevran Arainai💖
🍼Jowan Surana🍼
🍼Duncan Surana🍼
🍼Morgaine Surana🍼
💘💘Fenris + Anders💘💘
💝Carver Aristide Hawke y Amell💝 (Younger Brother)
💝Merrill Sabrae💝 (Sister-in-Law)
💖Sebastian Vael💖
💖Varric Tethras💖
🍼Belinda Filomena Hawke + Renata Milagros Hawke🍼
🍼Cariel Balea Hawke🍼
💘💘Commander Cullen Stanton Rutherford💘💘
💝Dakila Kato Magsumakit💝 (Father | Bearer | OC)
💝Alab Kato Bagwisan💝 (Father | Sire | OC)
💝Sinag, Anak ni Dakila💝 (Elder Brother)
💖Solas | Fen'Harel💖
💖Lady Josephine Cherrette Montilyet💖
💖Vivienne de Fer💖
💘Seeker Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena Pentaghast💘
💝Hara Luwalhati Kato Bagwisan💝 (Mother | OC)
💖Solas | Fen'Harel💖
💖Varric Tethras💖
💖Vivienne de Fer💖
💖Blackwall | Thom Rainier💖
💖Mother Giselle💖
🍼Luningning Kato Bagwisan🍼
🍼Kundiman Kato Bagwisan🍼
🍼Anthony Kato Bagwisan🍼
🍼Liwanag Kato Bagwisan🍼
💘💘Thane Krios💘💘
💝Doctor Dominic Shepard💝 (Father Figure | OC)
💝Captain Anderson💝 (Father Figure)
💝Kolyat Krios💝 (Stepson)
💝Justicar Samara💝 (Mother Figure)
💖Miranda Lawson💖
💖Mordin Solus💖
💖Liara T'soni💖
💖Urdnot Wrex💖
💖James Vega💖
💖Kaidan Alenko💖
🍼Asayu + Thiro Krios🍼
💘💘Jaal Ama Darav💘💘
💝Pathfinder Alec Ryder💝 (Stepfather)
💝Nimuel Angelo Ryder💝 (Twin Brother | OC)
💝Vetra Nyx💝 (Sister-in-Law)
💖Liam Costa💖
💘💘Gale Dekarios of Waterdeep💘💘
💖Wyll Ravengard💖
💖Astarion Ancunin💖
💖Shadowheart Hallowleaf💖
🍼Wymond Dekarios🍼
🍼Firmin Dekarios🍼
🍼Jocosa Dekarios🍼
💘💘Cole Cassidy + Shimada Hanzo💘💘
💝Shimada Genji💝 (Brother-in-Law)
💖Jean-Baptiste Augustin💖
💖Brigitte Lindholm💖
💖Song Hana | D.Va💖
💖Niran PruksaManee | Lifeweaver💖
💖Kamori Kimiko💖
💖Lúcio Correia dos Santos💖
💖Zhou Mei-Ling💖
💖Doctor Angela Ziegler | Mercy💖
💖Fareeha Amari | Pharah💖
💖Reinhardt Wilhelm💖
💖Satya Vaswani | Symmetra💖
💖Jack Morrison | Soldier: 76💖
💖Lena Oxton | Tracer💖
🍼Evelyn Felicity "Evie" Cassidy + Ethan Alexander "Alex" Cassidy🍼
🍼Noah Isaac Cassidy🍼
🍼John Joseph "Jay" Cassidy🍼
🍼Shimada Haruki + Shimada Hayami🍼
💘Ifan Ben-Mezd💘
💘Doctor Julian Devorak | Ilya | Ilyushka💘
💝Portia Devorak | Pasha💝 (Sister-in-Law)
💝Tasya💝 (Aunt-by-Marriage)
💖Nadia Satrinava💖
🍼Galena Devorak | Galya🍼
🍼Irina Devorak | Irinushka🍼
🍼Vera Devorak | Verusha🍼
💘Ryu Hyun | Zen💘
💖Kim Yoosung💖
💔Echo Girl💔
💘Kim Jihyun | V💘
💝Kim Lucy💝 (adopted daughter)
💖Han Jumin💖
💘Diego Armando | Godot💘
💖Detective Dick Gumshoe💖
💖Attorney Phoenix Wright💖
💘Claude von Riegen | Khalid💘
💝Siegbert💝 (Son)
💝Kana💝 (Son)
💘King James Liam Rhys💘
💝Prince Charles Leonidas Rhys💝 (Brother-in-Law)
💖Drake Walker💖
💖Hana Lee💖
💖Bertrand Beaumont💖
💖Olivia Nevrakis💖
🍼Mayon Eleanor Lakandula-Rhys🍼
🍼Leon Ethan Lakandula-Rhys🍼
🍼Hannah Valentina Lakandula-Rhys🍼
💔Constantine Rhys💔
💔Maxwell Beaumont💔
💔Madeleine Amaranth💔
💔Barthelemy Beaumont💔
💘Nik Ryder + Cal Lowell💘
💝Lord Elric💝 (Father)
💝Lady Thalissa💝 (Stepmother)
💝Donny Lowell💝 (Brother-in-Law)
💖Vera Reimonenq💖
💖Kristin Jones💖
💘Raphael Aveiro💘
💝Juliana Aveiro💝 (Grandmother-in-law)
💖Bryce Lahela💖
💖Aurora Emery💖
💖Elijah Green💖
💖Jackie Varma💖
💖Sienna Trinh💖
💖Kyra Santana💖
💖Ines Dela Rosa💖
💖Zaid Mirani💖
💖Naveen Banerji💖
💔Declan Nash💔
💔Landry Olsen💔
💝Noah Walker💝 (Father)
💝Misselina💝 (Mother Figure)
💝Admiron Winchesto💝 (Father Figure)
💝Geralt💝 (Father Figure)
💖Dino💖 (Ex, Messy Split)
💖Andy💖 (Ex, Amicable Split)
💔Rebecca Walker💔
💘Earl Reinhard Piel💘
💝Duke Osmont Ymeri💝 (Uncle | Surrogate Father)
💝Hilde💝 (Mother Figure)
💖Wyatt le Roux💖
💖King D'Mario💖
💖Princess Vanora💖
💔Prince Alaric💔
💔Queen Megaris💔
💔Queen Perialla💔
💝Galatea💝 (Sister Android | OC)
💝Sarah💝 (Sister Android | OC)
💝Minerva💝 (Sister Android | OC)
💖Hank Anderson💖
💔Doctor Vix Sauer💔 (OC)
💘💘John Mitchell💘💘
💖Annie Sawyer💖
💖George Sands💖
💘💘Sam Winchester💘💘
💝Father Ricardo dela Cruz💝 (Surrogate Father | OC)
💝Dean Winchester💝 (Brother-in-Law)
💝Bobby Singer💝 (Father-in-law)
💝Jack Kline💝 (Surrogate Son)
💖Kevin Tran💖
💘💘Elliot Spencer💘💘
💝Sophie Devereaux💝 (Surrogate Mother)
💝Nathan Ford💝 (Father Figure)
💖Alec Hardison💖
💖Jim Sterling💖
💗Simon Petrikov💗
💝Marceline Abadeer💝 (Surrogate Daughter)
💔The Lich💔
💘💘Clark Kent | Superman | Kal El + J'onn J'onzz | Martian Manhunter | John Jones💘💘
💝Jonathan Kent💝 (Father-in-law)
💝Martha Kent💝 (Mother-in-law)
💝Connor Kent | Superboy | Kon El💝 (Adopted Son)
💝Jon Kent | Superboy💝 (Son)
💘Hernan Guerra | Superman💘
💝Valentina Guerra💝 (Sister-in-Law)
💖Kirk Langstrom | Man-Bat💖
💖Bekka | Wonder Woman💖
💘💘Mordecai Heller💘💘
💖Atlas May💖
💖Mitzi May💖
💖Viktor Vasco💖
💖Sedgewick Sable💖
💘Kyouraku Shunsui + Ukitake Jushiro💘
💝Sasakibe Chōjirō Tadaoki💝 (Surrogate Father)
💘Himejima Gyoumei💘
💘Sherlock Holmes💘
💝Mycroft Holmes💝 (Brother-in-Law)
💝Sherrinford Holmes💝 (Brother-in-Law)
💝💖Detective Lestrade💖💝 (Brother-in-Law | Family Friend)
💖Doctor John H. Watson💖
💘Zane Jelm💘
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daitranscripts · 1 year
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts Pt. 6
Introductions to the Empress
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts Masterpost First: Gaining an Invitation Previous: Enter the Winter Palace
Gaspard heads off as the Court Herald approaches and bows to the PC before guiding them to the ballroom floor.
Royal Herald: And now, presenting: Grand Duke Gaspard de Chalons. And accompanying him…
Herald (Qunari PC): Lord/Lady Inquisitor Adaar! Herald (Dalish PC): Lord/Lady Inquisitor Lavellan! Herald (dwarf PC): Lord/Lady Inquisitor Cadash! Herald (dwarf PC, ???): Lord/Lady Inquisitor Cadash! …Or possibly Inquisitor Gavron, Helmi, Aeducan, or Paragon Fancypants. [I do not know what triggers this.] Herald (human mage PC): Lord/Lady Inquisitor Trevelyan, of the Ostwick Circle of Magi! Herald (human non-mage PC): Lord/Lady Inquisitor Trevelyan, son/daughter of Bann Trevelyan of Ostwick!
The PC continues down the steps and across the floor as the rest of the Inquisition party is announced.
Herald (allied mages): Vanquisher of the rebel mages of Ferelden, crusher of the vile apostates of the Mage Underground! Herald (allied templars): Shepherd and leash of the wayward Order of Templars, purger of the heretics from the ranks of the faithful!
Party Comments:
Vivienne: Remember to smile. This is all for show, my dear.
Sera: He is so full of it! That’s not how it went.
Varric: This guy writes better fiction than I do.
Herald: Champion of the Blessed Andraste herself!
Gaspard chuckles.
Gaspard: Did you see their faces? Priceless.
Herald: Accompanying the Inquisitor:
Party Introductions:
Herald: Seeker Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena– Cassandra: Get on with it! Herald: … Pentaghast. Fourteenth cousin to the King of Nevarra, nine times removed. Hero of Orlais, Right Hand of the Divine.
Herald: Madame Vivienne, First Enchanter of the Circle of Magi, Enchanter of the Imperial Court, mistress of the Duke of Ghislain.
Herald: Renowned author Varric Tethras. Head of noble house Tethras, deshyr of Kirkwall to the Dwarves Merchants Guild.
Herald: Lord Dorian Pavus, member of the Circle of Vyrantium, son of Lord Magister Halward Pavus of Asariel.
Herald: Warden Blackwall of Val Chevin, constable of the Grey. Bearer of the Silverite Wings of Valor.
Herald: The Iron Bull, leader of the famed mercenary company Bull’s Chargers. As the name might imply.
Herald (male PC): The Lord Inquisitor’s elven servant, Solas. Herald (female PC): The Lady Inquisitor’s elven serving man, Solas.
Herald: Her Ladyship Mai Bhalsych of Korse. Sera: (Snickers.)
(Cole has no introduction.)
Herald: Ser Cullen Stanton Rutherford of Honnleath. Commander of the forces of the Inquisition. Former Knight-Commander of Kirkwall.
Herald: Lady Leliana, Nightingale of the Imperial Court. Herald (recruited in DA: O): Veteran of the Fifth Blight. Herald (romanced Warden, Warden rules with Alistair): Mistress to the Queen of Ferelden. Herald (romanced Warden, Warden rules with Anora): Mistress to the Prince Consort of Ferelden. Herald: Seneschal of the Inquisition and Left Hand of the Divine.
Herald: And Lady Josephine Cherette Montilyet of Antiva City. Ambassador of the Inquisition.
The PC joins Gaspard on the steps below Celene.
Gaspard: Cousin. My dear sister.
Celene: Grand Duke. We are always honoured when your presence graces our court.
Gaspard: Don’t waste my time with pleasantries, Celene. We have business to conclude.
Celene: We will meet for the negotiations after we have seen to our other guests.
Gaspard: Inquisitor.
Gaspard bows and leaves.
Celene: Lord/Lady Inquisitor, we welcome you to the Winter Palace. Allow us to present our cousin, the Grand Duchess of Lydes, without whom this gathering would never have been possible.
Florianne curtsies.
Florianne: What an unexpected pleasure. I was not aware the Inquisition would be part of our festivities. We will certainly speak later, Inquisitor.
She turns and leaves.
Celene: You arrival at court is like a cool wind on a summer’s day.
Dialogue options:
General: It’s an honor. [1] +10 Court Approval (Vivienne in party)
General: The weather may turn foul. [2] +5 Court Approval
General: An assassin is here. [3] - 15 Court approval - Vivienne greatly disapproves
1 - General: It’s an honor. PC: I am delighted to be here, Your Majesty. Celene: We have heard much of your exploits, Inquisitor. They have made grand tales for long evenings. [4]
2 - General: The weather may turn foul. PC: Let’s hope the breeze does not herald an oncoming storm. Celene: Even the wisest mistake fair winds for foul. We are at the mercy of the skies, Inquisitor. [4]
3 - General: An assassin is here. PC: Someone here is working for Tevinter. Celene: To the uninitiated, the court is full of intrigues which might seem sinister, Inquisitor. But they are of little note. [4]
4 - Scene continues.
Celene: How do you find Halamshiral?
Dialogue options:
General: It’s lovely. [5]
General: I can’t do it credit. [6]
General: Call off the ball! [7]
5 - General: It’s lovely. PC: I’ve never seen anything to equal the Winter Palace. Celene: We hope you will find time to take in some of its beauties. Feel free to enjoy the pleasures of the ballroom, Inquisitor. We look forward to watching you dance. [8]
6 - General: I can’t do it credit. PC: I have no words to suffice. Halamshiral has many beauties, and I couldn’t do them justice. Celene: Your modesty does you credit, and speaks well for the Inquisition. Feel free to enjoy the pleasures of the ballroom, Inquisitor. We look forward to watching you dance. [8]
7 - General: Call off the ball! PC: You’re in danger. End the ball. Send everyone away. Celene: Inquisitor, we suspect that our court has overwhelmed you. You may benefit from a glass of wine and some time to recover. No doubt you will find something in the ball room to entertain you. [8]
8 - Scene continues.
The PC bows and leaves up the stairs. Leliana approaches them.
Leliana: Inquisitor. A word, when you have a moment.
She leaves.
Next: Speak with Leliana
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natsora · 1 year
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For @coryfirelion 🧡🧡🧡 - Happy Valentine's Day. I hope you like this. 😊😊😊
“Where are the guards?” Cassandra asked. “I know I’ve assigned Gilson and Filton here. Let me speak to Cullen—” 
Trev grabbed Cassandra’s arm before she could leave. “I’ve told them I wanted a little privacy.” 
Cassandra frowned. “What for…” 
A smile stretched her lips. Trev hooked her arm around Cassandra’s and tugged her along. “I’ll show you.” 
Grumbling, Cassandra followed, wrapping an arm around Trev’s waist. “Isn’t cold out here?” The wind picked up and swept snow across the battlements. 
“A little, but I have something to keep us warm,” Trev promised. 
Position out of the wind, a tent came into view. Cassandra cocked her head and glanced at Trev. It looked no different from one of those they used during expeditions. Trev nodded encouragingly. “I’m right behind you.” 
Cassandra sighed and entered. The resulting gasp of surprised was everything Trev wanted. Inside, the tent held the warmth of a cool spring day. A picnic mat spread across the floor. What was supposed to be the drab green interior of the tent’s ceiling showed blue sky and clouds instead.
“How?” Cassandra asked. 
Trev smiled. “Can’t a girl keep some secrets?” 
She sat down on the mat and patted the spot next to her. “I’ve packed her a little lunch.” 
Cassandra chuckled and settled down after making a careful examination of everything inside. “You’re a wonder Trev.” 
“This isn’t all.” Trev’s eyes twinkled with a smirk on her face. She pulled at the basket and took plate after plate of prepared food onto the mat. First, some bread. Next came a small hunk of ham. Of course, there was cheese. But what came after earned her a squeal of delight from Cassandra. 
“Blueberry tarts!” Cassandra exclaimed. “How? They are out of season!” 
The smile on Cassandra’s face was all the reward Trev needed. “I had some delivered from Orlais with the last shipment. It’s easy enough to ask the baker for some advice before making these myself.” 
“You made this? Is that why you’re always skipping out on morning training?” Cassandra asked. 
“Yes. In part.” 
“A present like this should be rewarded.” Cassandra leaned over and pressed her lips against Trev’s. Trev kissed back, hard. Eyes closed, she savoured it like the dying would. 
Trev was a dead person walking. The last battle loomed near. Her Anchor had been acting more often than before. Old nightmares returned, making sleep nearly impossible. Facing Corypheus and his dragon again scared her. There was no time for regrets. She wanted to do it for Cassandra, for them. 
Cassandra pulled away. Her thumb brushed the underside of Trev’s eyes, seeing the fear in them. But she didn’t speak. Instead, she smiled and picked up the tart and fed it to her. Trev ate and fed Cassandra as well. 
Soon, the meal disappeared inside their bellies. Trev pulled the wine from the basket. Cassandra laughed. “I wonder what other treasures are you hiding in there.” 
“If you would be so kind to open this, there’s just one more,” Trev teased. Despite her confidence, her heart slammed hard against her chest. Waiting until Cassandra’s attention was wholly on the wine, she retrieved the last thing from the basket. She got into position and waited for Cassandra to look over. 
“There you go…” Words failed Cassandra as she stared. “Trev, what are you doing?” 
Trev remained on one knee. “What does it look like? Thought it’s pretty obvious.” She grinned with a ring offered to Cassandra. 
“Trev…” A blush had taken over Cassandra’s face. “Are you… proposing?”
Trev cleared her throat. “Will you marry me Cassandra Allegra Portia Calo…” Her voice trailed off as her mind went blank. What was the rest of Cassandra’s name? 
Her distress must have showed because Cassandra smiled and filled in the gap. “Calogera.” 
With renewed fervour, Trev went on, “Calogera Filomena Pentaghast? I am the youngest Scion of House Trevelyan, a nobody if not for the Anchor. Not an accomplished warrior or a hero. But you hold my heart and I hope I hold yours. I want to cherish and pamper you as you deserve and more. I want to give you all my sunrises and sunsets until I am old and grey. Will you grace me with your companionship now until forever?” 
Tears brimmed from Cassandra’s eyes and streamed down her face. She bent to pull Trev up to her feet. “Yes.” Soft at first, but louder when she repeated. “Yes! Yes, Lexington Trevelyan, I will marry you. Not because I wanted a hero, a noble, or a hero. I want to marry you because I love you.” She pulled Trev closed. Their lips were mere inches apart. “I love you.” 
They kissed. Joy and happiness filled Trev’s chest so much it felt like it would explode. Arms held their bodies against each other. They melded into one being, their heart beat pulsed as one. Cassandra whispered against Trev’s ear. “I’m holding you to your promise. Until we are grey and old. You will not fall to Corypheus.” 
Trev stiffened, and a lump formed in her throat. She pressed her mouth against Cassandra’s shoulder to muffle a sob. “Okay…” Her promise came out all broken. 
“Good. I’ll make sure of it.” Cassandra pulled away and wiped the tears from Trev’s face. Trev did the same in return. “Wife.” 
Hart | Frilly Cakes | Chant | Fool’s Errand | Lyrium | Encourage | Tangled | Approval | Longing | Capture | Murmurs | Crimson | Ravish
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