#Cat Spraying Repellent
karlsten1 · 10 months
Protect Your Garden Using Cat Repellent Spray for Plant Protection
When selecting a cat repellent spray for your garden, consider factors such as the ingredients, application frequency, and weather resistance. Opt for a product that aligns with your gardening practices and environmental values. 
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mahikamihan · 1 year
TvT why does my cat keep peeing on my bed TvT
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evefly · 2 years
Killing and preventing fleas and ticks and repelling mosquitos on your dog and in your home.
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valewritessss · 3 months
Have any headcanons about Annabeth's childhood at camp(or pre camp either one)?
I’m so sorry I took a while to respond I’m on a trip so I don’t check my phone much but I do have some headcanons, most that I came up with and some that I’ve heard others say
- She is a fast eater from being rushed to finish eating while in the streets so that monsters don’t get to her. In fact, I would say most demigods are fast eaters since they need to be for quests where they don’t have much time to stop.
- Not really about Annabeth but the Athena cabin has a special cabinet full— and I mean FULL— of spider repellents, spider traps, and citrus sprays.
- She makes friendship bracelets (the yarn kind) for all of her friends and she’s good at it since Athena is also the goddess of weaving, a trait Annabeth was seen to have in Mark of Athena. And she makes the bracelets in theme with the person she gives it to.
- Her and Magnus used to play with legos because she wanted to and she’s bossy :). She still likes them but she won’t admit it, so her siblings give her a big box of Lego’s for one of her birthdays and her and Leo build stuff together in secret where no one will see them.
- When she would get in trouble in her dad’s house, her stepmom would lock her in the pantry.
- She had a cat before she ran away. She likes cats. They chill with her while she works/reads.
- Apart from the color of Percy’s eyes, her favorite color is purple (this is a protest against her favorite color being gray just bc it’s her eye color, that’s just a no).
- She used to search up every kid that came to camp half blood in hopes that they would be the prophecy kid and could be the one to get her a quest.
- Minecraft was a gift sent from Heaven and when it first came out, and though she’s older here she didn’t come out of her cabin for DAYS because she was too busy making the most epic buildings ever. Hell, her siblings wanted to play too but Annabeth was the only one who could on her laptop and she wasn’t gonna share.
- She’s the kid that screamed at everyone in P.E. She took four square too seriously, and don’t even think about trying to beat her at wall-ball.
- The elementary school librarian hated her because they were so done with her complaining that they only had silly kids books.
- Her teddy bear that she canonically has came from one of her old teachers that noticed how lonely she was so for the class’ white elephant (a gift exchange), she gave her a teddy bear. Annabeth teared up.
- While she was a run away, she befriended a stray dog that followed her everywhere until it left and never came back. Annabeth was heartbroken.
That’s all I could come up with but thank you so much for the ask it was fun!
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derangedanomaly · 5 months
hey nightmare, I'm sorry all the other anons are crazy
here's a cat some homemade cinnamon roles and some anon repelent (pepper spray)
*lil head pats*
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I feel like you've just made a mistake....
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double-0h-no · 2 months
Old Dog, New Tricks
Second to last prompt I want and need to fill. And slowly and surely running out of time, but I'll do this. My prompt fill for "Secondary Villain/Henchman" and for @meadowcastiel prompt, to be revealed at the end. With the tiniest nod to @thestalwartheart gorgeous poem that didn't leave me alone while finihing this up, please go and read it, it's so so gorgeous!
on ao3
Bond has a sudden influx of ideas for gadgets to take out into the field. Henchmen suffer the consequences.
"007, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Oh, nothing in particular. Just wanted to see what R6D is working on these days." 
That stopped Q dead in his tracks and pinched the bridge of his nose in a feeble hope that it would delay the headache that was bound to result from this conversation.  "How often do I have to tell you that, unless you have a very good reason for it, there will not be an exploding pen for you."
Bond had the audacity to scoff, as if he hadn't asked for exactly that, and then continued his lazy stroll past the benches where currently, a few prototypes and blueprints were scattered. "I wouldn't dare come to you for something as trivial as that. Anymore."
"I'm not sure I like where this is going, but do go on."
"Well, I was thinking about how night goggles were actually rather handy, in general, but also very suspicious looking and bulky. And I know you've been tinkering around with your own glasses. Isn't there something to be done?"
Now, that piqued Q's interest, because: "There is, actually. As you've correctly stated, it can't be that only my glasses get tinkered with. There are a lot of things we're trying to do in that department, the easiest and most obvious one being cameras installed into the frame, or something as simple as a GPS tracker. Night vision has so far proven difficult because - Do you know how night goggles usually work?", he interrupted himself.
Bond shook his head, and Q motioned for him to step closer to his own bench, where he quickly opened a new browser window to pull up some graphics. "All right, so our problem currently lies in this."
Mission transcript for internal use.
H - Handler - Quartermaster
A - Agent - 007
Transcript written by Quartermaster for potential blackmailing purposes among the women of Q branch and Bond.
Transcript begins:
A: "Q?"
H: "Yes, 007?"
A: "Could you develop a repellent?"
H: "A repellent? Whatever for? I think you're quite capable of getting some nobite from a nearby drugstore or pharmacy."
A: "Not for mosquitoes. For all the women approaching me this evening who aren't my target."
H: "..."
A: "Q?"
H: "..."
A: "I take that as a no."
H: "I'll start a survey among the women who frequent Q-branch on which aftershave or perfume they think to be the most repelling. Otherwise, I will keep it to myself that you just asked me for a spray to repel women, but I will save this bit to bring out and show to R and Moneypenny should I feel the need to blackmail you, are we understood?"
It was the strangest thing, really, and unfortunately, horribly endearing in the way it reminded Q of his cats, at least distantly.
James was lounging on the sofa in his office, limbs akimbo, half asleep, a cooling pad still held to his face, and quite possibly loopy on pain meds.
Q thought it incredible that James appeared to be able to maintain that position without too much discomfort. His own joints probably wouldn't appreciate this kind of treatment, but that might be due to his own lack of exercise in recent years.
"Run that by me again?", he asked, mortified by the amount of affection that his voice held.
"S'mthing to call 'nimals. Useful ones. Like a swarm of bees."
"And how would calling a swarm of bees to your location be helpful?"
James shrugged to the best of his ability. "Don't know. Not to my location. the other guy."
"So let me get this straight, you want to call the bees so that they go after the bad guy."
The Double Oh agent made a sound that could, unfortunately, best be described as a giggle. That was that settled, at least. Certainly high on pain meds, and possibly not half as comfortable in this situation as the meds might make him believe.
"You said bad guy."
Q buried his face in his hands both in exasperation and to hide the redness he felt blooming in his cheeks.
Hopeless cases, the both of them.
"How small do you think you can make a taser?"
"About lipstick-sized. Of the larger variety, but about that size."
"So not the size of a ring."
"Not unless all you want to be able to stun is a blowfly. Or knock yourself on your arse because I'm not sure how the hell I'd isolate a metal ring properly."
"You want what?" James - Bond had caught him just on his way back to Q-branch from a meeting that surely could have been an email or three, at most.
"Come on, Q, you can't deny that it would be helpful."
"I mean, yes, except you'd ultimately always impede yourself as well. Plus, it would require you to get out of dodge in the blink of an eye."
James cocked an eyebrow in amusement. "Because that's never been known to happen."
He couldn't help the snort. "Careful with your knees at your age."
"You had nothing to complain about last-"
"Will you be quiet?", Q interjected snidely, but with a big grin on his face. Gosh, that surely had happened. And would happen again, and again. And a few more times after, for sure.
"Now, about my idea?", Bond teased, and Q sighed.
"Why do you always come to me with those things anyway? You very well know by now that R heads R&D, not me. I don't have time for those things anymore because I have meetings now that take a day and an age but could have been done in a fraction of the time, and she-"
James suddenly pulled him around a corner, pressed him up against a wall, and snogged him silly. It wasn't a good kiss, he was smiling way too much for that, but damn if it didn't make him feel good. He was so giddy with it it made him look stupid.
"You're very distracting," Bond murmured, lips only centimetres from his own. "Did I ever tell you that you're incredibly hot when you get worked up and commanding?"
Q bit his tongue not to giggle. "That explains so much, actually." He closed the gap between them and stole another kiss. "Where would you even stash them away?"
It visibly took James a few seconds to catch on to Q's drifting thoughts. "Depends on how small you can make them, but I was thinking about fastening them to the inside of my belt."
"Won't that be uncomfortable?"
James left featherlight kisses on the high point of his cheek, pushing his glasses up with his nose, the hinge of his jaw, corner of his lips, before he answered: "I've been through worse. Plus, I'm sure you'll come up with something."
Another kiss. He felt like a teenager again. It was embarrassing. It was glorious.
"I probably will. Don't think it'll be like that now just because you give decent head."
The indignant sound was almost as sweet as the kisses.
Mission monitoring was not going any worse than it had been before, and Q was a bit relieved about it.
No matter what he'd told James before, no matter what he'd told himself, deep down he had been worried that separating the mission from his personal feelings would in fact get more difficult now that he had something to lose that went beyond his feelings, but included a person almost sharing his flat and life and feeding his cats. But it was fine. Or at least not any worse than he was used to. Which was to say, it wasn't going great.
He was monitoring Bond, but couldn't communicate with him anymore, which at least was not Bond's fault. 007 was being led down a corridor, henchmen guarding him, Q and R watching him via the security cameras. Their journey ended in a windowless room, and Q and R exchanged a worried glance. They'd seen too many rooms of that variety in their time, though fortunately never from up close.
The henchmen kept their guns trained at Bond while he sat down on the singular chair in the room.
There was no audio, but his lips were moving.
The next thing they saw was the camera whitening out for a brief second, and when the feed returned to normal, black smoke filled the room and was already being filtered out. He could make out the feet of one of the guards, clearly sprawled on the floor, and the other one had probably suffered a similar fate, though Q was already going through the cameras to find Bond again.
"I can't believe it worked," mumbled Riley next to him, and only then did the reality of what had happened set in.
He groaned pitifully. "We will never hear the end of this."
They did never hear the end of this.
After this very first success, Riley was actually more open to working with Bond on several of her projects, and the litany of minions of various evil operations who'd fallen victim to increasingly ridiculous contraptions was growing by the week.
It also had the nice side effect that James was... Q didn't have any other words to describe it, but he felt that Bond was doing better. The time he spent in R&D shortened the time he spent on the bench, at least in his perception, and he wasn't as keen to go out in the field anymore between missions. As much as he'd like to think that it was in part his own doing, Q knew that James' work with R played just as big a role.
It was good, all in all. It was very good.
Q was standing at his desk in his office, double checking a mixup with an order of materials to find the error, when a heavy blanket of Double Oh draped itself over his back.
"What have you come up with this time? Or is it time to leave already?" It usually was one thing or another, these days.
"An EMP."
As much as he tried - not very hard at all, this bit of chasing tails had already robbed him of his last nerve - this one really caught his interest.
They never managed to figure out a way to make it work. It was fine, too.
When Q came home that day, exhausted beyond comprehension, James was already home, sitting in his favourite armchair, reading glasses on his nose while he was reading something on his tablet, the Admiral snuggled into his side.
"What do you think of freeze grenades?", he asked in lieu of a greeting.
"Freeze grenades?", Q asked incredulously, still getting out of his shoes. "What are they even supposed to do?" He wandered into the kitchen and scoured it for something left to eat. There was a sandwich sitting out, carefully protected from the cats, and Q picked up the plate with a grateful smile and joined James in the living room.
"Well, they're supposed to emit intense cold upon activation."
"To what end?"
"Depends. Freeze something over to make it brittle. Freeze water over to cross it, though I can imagine that might be difficult. Freeze burns are a bitch, too."
"As opposed to normal grenades, who don#t hurt much at all. What even are you reading there?" He leaned over to catcha glimpse at the screen, and James didn't try to hide it. Q tilted his head. "Is that a batman comic?"
James nodded. "I never read them when I was a kid, but I watched one of the movies on my way back from... I don't even know anymore. It was utterly ridiculous. I wanted to know more."
"Is that where you get all those ridiculous ideas from?"
"You say that as if they haven't worked."
Q's eyes widened in childish wonder. "You have. This is amazing. You're such a closet nerd." He leaned in and pressed an ill-aimed kiss to James' cheek.
James tried his best to appear annoyed at Q's antics, but there was the smile in his eyes that everybody else said was missing when they met him.
"So, what about batarangs?"
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zzeldasnowward · 1 year
How to get Atlas and Kerfuffle!
Kerfuffle the Cat: in the apple grove (x271 y227)
You Need! - Tiny Western Vest (Found at the end of the benches at the ranch) - A lost horse to be following you - x80 Summer Tokens - x300 Gold Nuggets - x1 Hay Lure
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Atlas the Dog: in the bear cave (x339 y233)
You Need! - Tiny Renegade Mask (Found in a dead bush behind the Renegades camp) - Need to chase away/spray all the bears in the cave - x80 Summer Tokens - x300 Gold Nuggets - x1 Beast Repellant
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pokemonshelterstories · 9 months
i wish it hadent come to this, but im desperate. Usually youd just be able to look up "how to get meowth to stop peeing on curtians" and buy some repel spray and call it a day but this has been plauging me for months now. How do i get my meowth to stop shitting in the bathtub??????? she has a clean litterbox, she uses it frequenty, she dosent seem to have any issues with it, and yet every two to three weeks ill head into the bathroom to find a fat shit. ITS NOT EVEN FREQUENT EITHER??? ITS NOT A DAILY PROBLEM??? she just wakes up some days and goes "yeah ill poop in here today". i cant exatly use repels in the tub because i need to use it, and her box has never been in this room. any tips on how to get her to STOP SHITTING IN MY BATHTUB???? am i just doomed to deal with this for all of eternity??? (((sincerely someone whos irl cat is doing this send help-)))
//guys, please don't send me asks like this. if your pet is having a real behavioral or medical issue, the correct response isn't to pokemonify it and send it to an askblog. i am not a veterinarian. i have never seen your animal. i cannot diagnose whatever issue is going on, nor would it be ethical for me to try to. improper bowel elimination in cats can be caused from anything ranging from "the litterbox smelled bad that day" to a medical issue causing pain during defecation. take your animal to a vet.
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adriensaltprompts · 1 year
Submitted prompt: Smell Test
Marinette is done. It’s… it’s too much. The Miraculous gives you the attributes of the animal it’s based after, right?
Her fingers are slow and hesitant as they click-clack across the computer, and a quick Google search tells her that cats are repulsed by the scent of lemons and eucalyptus.
And a dig through her drawer tells her that Nana had bought her plenty of perfumes during that period where she didn’t really know who Marinette was as a person.
Now, whenever Chat Noir leans in for a non-consensual kiss, he leaps back and hisses. When his hand is on her shoulder, her wrist, even their classic Pound It!, he quickly flinched back as if burned.
It’s interesting, though, how Adrien is struggling to remain within a five foot radius of Marinette before needing to flee suddenly (a pity, too, because he sits almost right in front of her). And Marinette’s upset about that, but that’s a minor side effect to being free from Chat Noir’s advances, the harassment, the assault, all of it.
She’s a pet owner with a spray bottle, and she’ll keep spritzing until Chat Noir gets the hint.
And as soon as she can handle being around him, she’s taking that ring.
(From the editor: I can’t really vouch for the idea that cats are repelled by citrus or eucalyptus, ours don’t seem to mind and actively try to eat the leaves off my lemon tree when I brought it inside, so let’s just assume that the strength of the smells is too potent and that’s what repelling him)
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yume4evere · 1 year
Kaname's Weakness
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 Kaname has at least one weak point?!
~Let's try to find a little secret that would make it even more charming...!
in fact, he would like to be a little more muscular, and eyed Kain longingly. Only Ichijo knows about it.
Tomomi Sekiguchi from Tokyo.
It's true yes, but I think the muscular macho style wouldn't suit Kaname , don't you think? ( Ichijo )
The chocolates Yuki gave him for Saint Xocolatl are so precious that he hides them in a safe place and eats them little by little.
Yamagata Chameleon.
I'm glad to know he keeps my chocolates but I made them for him to eat. ( Yuki )
Let's find Kaname 's weak points ! Well, he doesn't have a musical ear♥.
Ichigo Milk from Fukushima.
I see... That's why the clubhouse president never sings the school anthem. ( Kain )
Yuki 's secret childhood photos taken by Headmaster Kurosu , Kaname always hides one in a book when he reads...
Jyunko Okada from Nara.
You don't need to hide these photos. That's why everyone thinks you're hiding some secret. (The director)
He seeks perfection, that's why. It's a stress factory.
Remember to set the alarm clock an hour before getting up and half an hour before leaving, and...
By the way, did you think of putting the desk down, of course, the groove of the slats on the floor?
No !! I'm almost done with my shampoo stash stash!!
To avoid mosquito bites, wear long sleeves and pants, spray yourself with mosquito repellent and burn insecticidal incense, and always stay with someone who is blood type O...
...etc. There is always something on Kaname's mind . He always looks devastated!!!!
Asuka Waki ​​from Kyoto.
I hope I can help Kaname relax... ( Aido )
He really sucks at cat perched. When Yuki was little, she often played tag, but he was a very bad player so she kept telling him: "You really are the worst tag in the world!!"
Aichi girl.
What ?! I said that to Kaname me?! ( Yuki )
So here it is, Juri forced him to drink 5 liters of milk a day when he was a child. He was traumatized by it. He can't drink a drop anymore.
Reina Eijiri of Hyōgo.
I can drink it, but I drank so much of it when I was little that it's not really my favorite drink. ( Kaname )
No, Kaname has no weak points!! No. ( Ruka and Aido )
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lurkinglurkerwholurks · 5 months
My Head Is Stripped
First posted: August 7, 2019
Focuses on: Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent
Favorite bookmark: "things that make me happy"
Tier: Middle-ish
This is my “behind the scenes” series where I indulge myself horribly by annotating my fics. Link to the fic itself above. Thoughts below the cut.
I am a deeply unhappy sick person. I rarely get sick, so when I do finally succumb, I am miserable and I, regrettably, make no effort to keep the misery from spreading. (Germs, yes. Misery, no.)
Clark's rambling, grumbly, petulant opening thoughts are very me.
Clark tightened his grip on his fabric shield and shuffled toward the sound. X-ray vision felt like too much work, so he leaned in and pressed his eye to the peephole. He wiped the moisture from his eye and tried again.
This fic was, if I remember correctly, one of those that was incredibly easy to write because it was less like creating and more like dictating. I sat back and watched them do their thing and just had to find the right ways to describe what was happening—or, in the case of Clark choosing to look through the peephole, explain why what I was seeing happen did actually make sense to be happening.
When the door opened, Bruce Wayne blinked at him. Just once. It was Bruce’s way of showing deliberate surprise, like taking a beat.
It's a very cat mannerism of him and I love it. I think I've used it in other fics, too.
Bruce Wayne didn’t look like he had ever wanted to discorporate in his life. Artfully tousled hair, tastefully expensive clothes without so much as a wrinkle, a good, healthy tan—even his shoes were shiny. Clark wanted to punt him into the sun.
Like I said, he's a crankypants.
Or the way Clark’s gripe came out closer to Dank ew, Wod’s Greadess Dedekdiv, wad gab id away?
I sat on my bed in my room quietly sounding this one out to figure out how to write it phonetically.
“I didn’t think you could get sick.” Bruce made a dismissive gesture down the length of Clark’s body, then turned away.
This specific line came back to BITE ME in a later fic in this series. We have elected to roundly ignore the error.
“Feed a cold, Clark.” “What?” Clark asked, though the word was muffled by the couch curtain. “Feed a cold, starve a fever. It’s a saying.”
I had to google it. I can never remember which goes with which.
Something cold and hard touched his face. Clark jerked and cracked open one eye. A thermometer hovered in front of his face. “Where?” Clark croaked. “I don’t have one.” “It’s mine.” At Clark’s look, Bruce shrugged. “Kids. Someone’s always sick at my house. Besides, I said I thought it was code, not that I was sure.”
Another moment for explanations, knowing Bruce absolutely would insist on taking Clark's temperature but also clocking that Clark would never own one and it felt a bridge too far to be like "oh it's on his belt next to the shark repellent spray."
Cool fingertips ghosted behind Clark’s ear, lingering just long enough to gauge the heat of his skin, then disappeared as Bruce retreated into the kitchen. “You don’t feel warm. Leave it in until it beeps, then tell me what the display says.”
He's such a dad. And no toxic masculinity here folks!!!
In the kitchen, Bruce was silent and Clark could picture Bruce’s long, flat-browed look. Barry called it his Don’t be stupid look.
That's what my friends called my dad's look. And mine. It's an inherited trait.
Also, Bruce mentions the thermometer's blue button which was literally just me describing my thermometer at the time, thank you, Target.
When the thermometer beeped, Clark pulled it out and squinted at the display. “Thirty-six? That doesn’t seem right.” “It’s in Celsius. You don’t have a fever. Good. How did you get sick?”
I thiiiiiink the chat had been having a discussion before about Alfred keeping the Manor stocked and this being his preferred thermometer brand. Or maybe just what Bruce was used to reading.
“You weren’t even there,” Clark whined, returning to the matter of the sickly translator.
No, because it wouldn't have happened if Bruce had been there.
There was a tug on Clark’s quilt, and the bare foot that had fallen off the end of the couch was tucked back in.
Such a daaaaaaaad! I was so delighted mentally picturing Bruce in his true element, sleeves rolled up, puttering from living room to kitchen and back as he got Clark's crap in order.
“Uhhh…” Clark struggled to sit up and keep himself fully wrapped in the quilt. “Head. Hurts. Feels… full? Like, full.” “Use your words, Mr. Reporter.”
Bruce grunted. Use your words… Ha.
I love them.
“I understand the saying is ‘Game recognizes game.’” Bruce gave another shrug. “I have the experience.”
I was dyyyyyyyinggggggg to use that line and the comments section rewarded me for the choice.
“Budge over,” he instructed, nudging Clark to the end of the couch so he could sit and rest the tray on the coffee table. Clark scooted and mentally added the phrase to his running list of words that made Bruce sound like Alfred.
I did make sure to weave that back in again in... N&N, I think? Yeah. In one of the Tim chapters.
“Bruce, I don’t think some salt and heat are going to fix this,” Clark mumbled.
Clark is so ANNOYING to make sick when he's not also robbed of his invulnerability. So many things we do to comfort sick people don't WORK if your skin doesn't respond to heat or cold or pressure!!
Bruce frowned down at the quilt. “Your layers are wrong. Where’s your linen closet?”
Bruce is correct, it is VITAL to get your layers right, or you'll overheat or freeze at just the wrong time and there might be too much PRESSURE and if that happens you'll just want to lay down and die because you're already sick and everything is the worst.
Bruce placed Clark’s head on his thigh just above his knee and said, “I’m going to place some eucalyptus oil under your nose. It’s an irritant to human skin, but it shouldn’t bother you, and the smell will help.”
I genuinely did not know eucalyptus oil was an irritant before writing this fic. My mom used to put it in a diffuser when we were sick, and I liked the smell a lot. Clark would likely not own a diffuser and it would be bulky for Bruce to carry.
A calloused thumb swiped gently at the corners of Clark’s eyes without comment, as if the tears were nothing more than the product of sinuses gone mad.
I just really needed them to be soft together, okay
Bruce’s hands, steady and sure, began to gently press against his face. “Facial massage can relieve sinus pressure,” Bruce explained. Clark doubted that any amount of pressing and massaging could ease pressure in a skull built to withstand an atomic bomb. And maybe it didn’t, but the contact felt good, and when Bruce’s blunted fingers scraped upward and began running through Clark’s hair, he sighed again and let himself relax against Bruce’s soft Italian slacks.
This was me DESPERATELY wanting Bruce to play with Clark's hair because that's all I want when I'm miserable and sick, and justifying making it happen any possible way I could. My dad, when he was trying to get us to sleep, would trace his finger across our brows, down the bridge of our nose, and across our cheekbones in a loop, too, and I wanted to add a little of that.
Clark half-expected a gruff “Goodnight, Clark-boy” from his pa.
My mom tells me this is a reference to The Waltons. It's a TV show.
Instead, Clark was enfolded in the subtle musk of Bruce’s aftershave as lips pressed to his forehead.
I wrote this whole thing so I get a little treat for me.
And in the cruelest of ironies, I posted this and not two weeks afterwards was sick and so so so so so so sad I didn't have a Bruce to take care of me.
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iloveschiaparelli · 2 months
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I moved the catnip inside temporarily for 2 reasons. The first is because we have fleas ✨🥳✨ and learned that they don't like mint, and I didn't want to spray peppermint oil in my room because of the cat and essential oils being toxic to cats, so I just have the catnip plant in here to hopefully help. We also have diatomaceous earth scattered around (I was choking on it yesterday) and Rookie is now wearing a flea collar. Apartment pest services were also already scheduled for July 26th, so we should be clear of fleas by the time we move out in August. I'm not looking forward to packing (I hate moving), but thankfully unlike my parents homes, we've kept this place pretty clean and it's fairly small so cleaning every room when we go should be pretty easy. The non-packing chore I'm looking forward to the least is changing the shower head back to the landlord's, because it was hard enough to get the old one off and now the current one is just smooth. even if I use the pipe wrench, it's going to be hard to get enough friction to remove it . I don't know how I got it on, to be honest. At least I still have Teflon tape so I won't have to buy any new supplies.
The second reason is to give it a break from the heat since as you can see it's withering a little bit. I might have left it unwatered for a day longer than I should have by accident. I really, really want to put my plants in the ground where I can water them daily and they can freely put down roots :( darn this apartment life.
It will go back outside after a few days of acting as a flea repellent and monitoring for plant health.
The lavender, wand flower, basil, and wildflowers are all dead. The thyme is basically dead but I keep watering it because there are some green sprouts somehow hanging on. Leaving just the cacti, which are doing just fine in the heat. There's also a couple stray sunflowers still kicking in the wildflower box, I'm still watering them too.
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speckle-meow-meow · 1 year
i saw that your writing toh, can i request headcanons of Mattholomule with a reader who acts like a big sister to him and the fun shenanigans they have (some platonic fluff), btw i can't wait to see more of your writing 😄😁
I'm so sorry that this took so long.
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You were with Matt since his first appearance
You always tried to keep him out of trouble or rescue him from said trouble
After you both encountered Gus you know something interesting was gonna happen~
You always pack him and yourself lunch bc you both hate the school lunches
Sometimes you spray him with water bc he's like a cat
You got a spray bottle that says 'Matt repellent'
Since your older you help him with homework since you went through it already
When he made his first appearance in the show you helped Gus save him from detention and after you gave him a good talking to
{Hey @toonsartist I hope you liked this! I'm sorry it's short I didn't really like this character but I still hope the head canons came out good! As always hearts and reblogs are always welcomed, along with questions, comments, and requests}
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crystalelemental · 4 months
Alright, so Coco outdid all of this as I was writing it by getting real close and then getting into lap, but kitty update time.
We'll start with Coco, because she's the girl of the hour. Coco has been doing very well, and is getting very sociable. She's starting to do pretty well with Bond overall, showing a lot of curiosity and continuing to get close, but she's still wary and runs off if he turns to face her directly or god forbid moves in her direction. By and large, she's doing great.
That said, Coco is also our bastard child. This is now hard confirmed. She bit through my wife's computer charger. The computer was already on its way out, so this wasn't too much of a serious loss, but it's a really bad habit she's picking up, because she also bit into her work computer charger and my own cable. My computer cannot stay on unless constantly plugged in anymore. Oddly, it's only computer chargers. She hasn't done this to iPhone chargers, the DS or 3DS chargers, TV cords, the lamp cord, or the power strip. I have no idea what her deal is. She did try for the controller cord for the Switch, but it was dangling. Girl almost pulled the whole console off the media stand, so that was...a problem. We got some cat repellent spray and are getting cord protectors, as well as some replacement objects in a general rope toy, a longer fish kicking toy, and a stretchy rope on a string kinda play toy. There was also a snake toy, but Bond took that one immediately. Coco likes the rope on a string, and we got some good play time in yesterday, which was the first time she's like...played with us too. And now she's gets between us on the couch, and will get in lap! Big growth.
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Bond needs to go next to contextualize Gia. So, Bond is...well, but I'm kinda worried something's still up with his mouth? He had several teeth extracted due to infection, and apparently some just fell out it was so bad. His breathing was a lot better for a while, he seemed to be mellowed out, but now he's cranky again and his breathing sounds congested. There's also a ton of heavy pollen going on, so he might be allergic, but he is very cranky.
Specifically, he's backsliding a bit in his interactions with the girls. As Coco grows more bold, he seems to grow more annoyed with her presence in the house. He's taken a swing twice, not necessarily to hurt, but definitely in agitation. He got really mad at her when he felt like she was getting too close to the bedroom, which has historically been his space, but their fight was in the guest room that's the girls' space, so I do think he feels like he can throw his weight around to intimidate them and get what he wants. He'll kinda hiss at seeming random at Coco, but I've noticed it's always when she's near something he wants, be it a toy or the step to get on the couch. We're getting a bit of improvement where he'll move toward her and she'll leave before he starts hissing, but I don't want her to be afraid of him either.
On the plus side, they do bond when it's feeding time. He's oddly more mellow about that aspect and will sit calmly in the kitchen while Coco is there also demanding I move faster. He's never gotten aggressive at that time. He's also not even trying to go for their food anymore. We let them share water bowls so they mix their scents, and no one seems bothered. Coco has tried to steal his food on occasion, and does not learn lessons as quickly. I'm going to kick her butt if she keeps it up.
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Then there's Gia. Originally, Gia was expected to be the hellion, because she warmed up much more quickly than Coco when it came to food. But then Coco jumped ahead to get her portions, and bloomed into a big social kitty who is a Problem. Gia has since been...almost submissive, in a weird way. She'll dart as soon as Bond so much as enters the room, and mostly hides from us too. She just hasn't seemed comfortable, which had me really concerned given her stronger start.
But it turns out, Gia's actually our dainty princess baby. Gia is finally starting to come out of her shell a bit. She'll come out to say hi, and demand attention like Coco did for a while. She's a bit more accepting of us, and while we thought maybe she wasn't as into people, she's definitely starting to prove us wrong. She also curls up her paw while getting pets, and it's super cute. Unlike Coco, she also meows, and has the daintiest little cry you ever did hear. Her big bravery is that she's started to hiss at Bond every time she sees him. This seems bad, and I'm certainly not encouraging it, but this is a similar, if delayed, structure to Coco's development. The first step was feeling confident enough to hiss at him, and when he doesn't engage and try to fight, Coco mellowed out. It's my hope and expectation that as Gia voices her distress and finds out he won't chase or aggress, she'll also mellow out with him and be more comfortable. Which is a relief. I was seriously worried that Gia was traumatized about their first encounter and would never warm up, but we are making progress. Even if it’s often from the window alcove.
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All in all, excellent cat progress for all three. Bond could stand to be a bit less of a cranky old man, and I don't like that he's swat at Coco, but he is, I think, improving in his relations. Gia also needs to be neighborly, but is at least coming out of her shell. Coco...girl, if you bite through one more cord I'm going to pet shame you oldschool internet style. My handwriting is atrocious but cat-mother will join me in this.
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zooophagous · 2 years
But isn't that the best way to be trapped? Maybe I missed it but what's your favorite and least favorite animal and why?
My least favorite animal is any biting fly. Deer flies are really beautiful but they're such a powerful deterrent that I have to be very mindful of where and when I go hiking because sprays don't repel them and they are RELENTLESS and go for your head and face. It's a shame they're evil because when you get a good look at them they're truly gorgeous but they want blood and by golly they're getting it.
My favorite animal is pretty basic but its the domestic house cat. No other animal has given me as much laughter or joy. I truly love the wee shits.
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another-vessel · 5 months
SPRAY YOUR [spiders]
SPRAY YOUR [BestFriend4Life]
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