#Cathy x oc
destinydelvecchio · 1 month
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Art by @sovonight
As usual, Cathy Crenshaw was there.
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lostfirefly · 3 months
Dear Alexandra, thank you for this wonderful art!
This turned out better (although "better" is an understatement) than I expected. Thank you for bringing my lovebirds to life. I'm amazed by your approach to the matter and the details (you checked photos, gifs, etc.). The idea with the bandana on Catherine's arm is 🔥 And the fish in the sweater 🤣
Guys, FINALLY!! Meet my Cathie-pie and Buggy Bear 🥺
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I suddenly remembered that Russians can draw too 🤣
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natsukishinomiyaswife · 5 months
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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓮 𝓒𝓪𝓯𝓮…𝓲𝓼 𝓸𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓸𝓸𝓷!
Hello, and welcome to the Cathie Cafe! ♡ A new popular date spot that every couple wants to Magicam about! ♡
This is an event that gives you the opportunity to send in requests for me to write! All you need to do is look over the food and drink menu, and place your order! ♡
An example order would be:
"Hi! Can I get some clover cakes with a hot cocoa please?"
"Hello! I would like a seafood boil with a boba tea! Thank you!"
Here are the rules:
*Please read them over carefully!
⋆ When requesting, please only put one order per ask ♡
⋆ If a certain character is getting a lot of orders, I will declare them sold out, meaning they can no longer be requested ♡
⋆ Please try to limit how many orders you place, I want to make sure everyone can request something, and get what they want ♡
⋆ This event is meant as a celebration for my followers, to thank them for their support and enjoying my work. While I don't wish to turn off Anon, if you do request anonymously, I ask that you put an emoji or name I can refer to you with. This is just so I can keep track of everyone, and to help prevent confusion ♡
⋆ The Reader in these requests will have no pronouns (as this is how I usually write my x Reader works) ♡
⋆ If, for some reason, the Reader is referred to with pronouns, they will be Gender Neutral (They/Them) ♡
⋆ The cafe will not be open until Tuesday, April 30th. I will make an announcement when you can start placing your orders. The cafe will be closing Thursday, May 2nd. I will make an announcement when you can no longer send requests ♡
Any orders placed before the Cafe opens or after it closes will not be filled! Sorry! ♡
Thank you so much for reading the rules! Now, here's the menu! ♡
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𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾! ♡
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kura-tsuki · 11 months
🐈🎩 X 🎭🎀
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specialinterestshows · 7 months
Go on a short road trip to meet up with your girlfriend in this particularly long chapter of my Rhea Ripley x lady!reader fic, Absolute Smokeshow.
Warnings for this section: Suspicious/unpleasant strangers (can be interpreted as racism, depending on the reader), dirty talk, social/crowd anxiety, parasocial media
Absolute Smokeshow (Part 63 of ?): The Best Planned Lays
“Heading out now! Should get there after the show ends. Love you!”
After hitting “send”, you switched over from the texts between you and Rhea to the ones between you and Marisol. The two of you had been messaging almost constantly since the smoke session at your apartment; she had left you with a parting kiss that had been difficult to get off your mind.
“Going to be driving for a while. You can still send messages, I just won’t see them for a couple hours.”
Rhea’s text reached you right after you hit send on Mari’s:
“Love you, babe - see you soon”
It ended with her usual black heart, making you bite your lip and smile. You’d been looking forward to tonight all week.
Checking that you had everything you needed one last time, you set your phone inside your bag before looking through your CDs and popping in your favorite.
The first hour of your trek flew by - you hummed and sang along to the music, sipping water when you had the cruise control on. Every now and then, you would remember what awaited you and couldn’t help but get excited at the thought.
After your journey reached an hour and a half’s time, the water caught up with you and you began looking for a rest stop - casually at first, then more urgently.
“I’llbuysomethinginaminutesorry!” you call across the diner whose lot you parked in, dashing past the tables toward the “customers only” sign above the restroom door.
“You better!” an exhausted voice shouts back from the register as you quickly shuffle into the bathroom.
“So what’ll it be?”
The voice startled you as you walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later, almost running into the woman from the register. She looked you over warily, eyes resting on your bag for more than a second.
“Your order,” she clarified, widening her stance as if she expected you to run.
“Let me take a look at what you have,” you tell her, slowly walking over to the counter as you took out your wallet to show her you did, in fact, intend on paying for something.
This seemed to satisfy her, but did nothing to brighten her mood as she walked behind the counter.
“Hmmm…” you looked through the glass at the ready-made goods, spotting an appetizer you could easily devour before continuing your drive, “Can I get a serving of that?”
“For here or to go?” she asked, unenthusiastically reciting the line as the plate your order sat on was taken from the shelf.
“To go, please.”
As nice as the diner seemed - quiet, with only a few other customers - you knew eating in the parking lot would get you back on the road faster. The service wasn’t exactly enticing you to eat in either.
“Figures,” she mumbled - no doubt going off-script - before boxing your food and putting it into a bag along with plastic silverware and some napkins.
“That’s your total,” the woman pointed to the numbers on the display that faced you, not making eye contact even when you handed her the payment.
“No refunds,” she said, her hand resting where the receipt was printing before tearing it and handing you your copy and the order. Then, flatly, “Have a nice day.”
“You too!” you called back as you skipped back out to the parking lot, food in hand. Your cheeriness had as much to do with being closer to your destination as it did with being free from that grueling social interaction.
As soon as you slung your bag back into the car, something fell out. Setting your food down on the seat and picking your phone up off the ground, you notice Marisol had sent you two messages.
“Stay safe, belleza” made you grin, but the text that followed it took a moment to process:
“Want to spend the night at mine next week? All night”
Your face warmed at the pink heart that ended the text and you scrambled, almost dropping your phone again in your hurry to reply:
“You know I do!”
Feeling giddy as you cleared your seat, you sat down and opened your bag of food, leaving the car door open as you began your meal. Changing text conversations, you tap “Mami,” type out your message, and look it over before sending it:
“Hey babe, taking a snack break before hitting the road again. Just wanted to let you know that next week I’m going to be staying the night with a woman I met at the bar. See you soon!”
It wasn’t long before you finished your hurried meal and continued your drive.
This second stretch seemed longer - your anticipation, the fact that there wasn’t a trace of sunlight left, or both were likely to blame. Focusing on the road ahead, illuminated by your headlights, you idly thought about how your night with Rhea and Dom might go. At least, your thoughts were idle when they began - soon you had to think of something else as you began to shift in your seat, your body responding all too readily.
When you finally pull into the parking lot of the venue, you turn into the nearest open spot to take another look at the instructions Rhea sent you - it was difficult to find the doors to the right part of the building without them.
Somehow, you didn’t expect to open your phone to so many messages: Marisol and two of your friends, but no reply from your girlfriend to your news.
You looked at the text from Marisol first:
“Can’t wait to take my time with you”
A blush warmed your cheeks as you smiled, remembering the charming way she winked when you saw the winking face in the message.
Deciding your friends could wait, you pulled up the instructions to find where you were supposed to pick up Rhea and Dominik.
Meandering around the large parking lot, you finally found it - crowded by fans being kept a few feet away from the exit by two security guards.
Some of the people in the small crowd had signs and all of them seemed to be pointing their phones at the doors in anticipation.
Taking a closer look, you realize most of the signs have the words hastily scrawled onto the poster board.
“Rhea Ripley’s future girlfriend” read one.
“This is my bisexuality!” another stated.
You hadn’t realized just how many queer fans your girlfriend had.
Parking in a nearby space, you pull out your phone again, messaging Rhea:
“I’m here!”
As you waited for a response, you moved on to your friends’ messages:
“Congrats on going public!” the first one said. Even without context, you felt a sudden sinking sensation in the pit of your stomach.
Rather than reply, you checked your other friend’s message in the hopes that it might shed some light:
“Have you seen this?” they asked, providing a link after the text.
You followed the link, heart pounding.
“Rhea Ripley Interview” the title read, followed by today’s date.
“Cathy Kelley here,” the video opened on a smiling brunette holding a microphone, her name appearing at the bottom of the screen, “reporting on tonight’s events with the Judgment Day’s eradicator, Rhea Ripley.”
The camera panned out a bit to reveal your girlfriend standing next to the WWE correspondent, powerful as ever, her name also appearing onscreen.
“It’s an honor to be interviewing the most dominant woman in the WWE,” Cathy continued as Rhea pulled her phone out of her pocket, glancing at the screen, “Now, how did you feel about the way Jey Uso spoke to you tonight? Implying you’re the leader of the Judgment Day? Flirting with you in front of your… Latino heat?”
You watched a complex wave of emotions pass over Rhea’s face as she scanned her phone before pushing it back in her pocket, donning a familiar smirk, and pulling the microphone that was pointed at her closer.
“Seeing as Dom and I have an open relationship, the flirting isn’t really a problem,” she told the camera, “In fact, I have a girlfriend as well.”
We never talked about this, you thought, heart racing as you hit pause to glance down at the number of views; already over a thousand, despite being posted only an hour ago. All those people, fans around the world - all of them knew Rhea Ripley had a girlfriend. They would be curious.
The thought of that many people crowding around made you feel sick to your stomach.
The phone buzzed in your hand, a message from Rhea telling you she would be out in a minute.
Looking over at the mass of fans by the doors, you made yourself come to terms with the fact that picking your girlfriend up from work wasn’t going to be as easy as you had hoped. You crossed your fingers for a moment as you did your best to keep your breathing steady, gathering the strength to pull up to the curb.
[end part sixty-three of ?]
Part 64: https://www.tumblr.com/specialinterestshows/743266675618627584/absolute-smokeshow-part-64-of-love-sex
Tag List (thank you!)
@littlemiss-fanficlover , @babybatlover , @girlofpink , @kagome2909 , @domripley , @wiccanpriestess , @falloutboy-lover , @aut0luminescence , @nobilitando , @riverina69
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emi-loves-jones · 2 months
I spent too much time on this.
I’ve been thinking about this clip with Emily and Jones for a while.
I wish the transitions looked more like the game’s, but whatever, I like how it turned out. (:
(Audio: All Of You - Encanto Cast)
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some Ted and Trent sketch as well as some Beard and our lovely barista OC Cathy
also the mug is Trents and he got it from his ex-wife/best friend for their divorce
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eddysocs · 19 days
Restless Recovery — Cathy Brown x OC
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Summary: After getting her tonsils out, Jodie has been invited to stay with the Browns, but she’s restless, and isn’t used to being taken care of.
Word Count: 826
Warnings: None
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Jodie sighed as she was settled onto the couch, a blanket over her lap and a cup of tea on the table beside her. She'd just been released from hospital after she’d had her tonsils removed, and Cathy had insisted she stay with her while she recovered. Cathy had been nothing but doting, ensuring Jodie had everything she needed as she encouraged her to rest.
Agnes Brown had been less than enthusiastic about the arrangement. Not that she didn't like Jodie, but Agnes had her own ways of doing things, and a guest meant disruption.
"Now, Jodie," Cathy said, fluffing the pillow behind her head. "You need to rest, okay? I'll just be upstairs if you need anything."
Jodie nodded. She’d rest, but if she needed anything, she had no intention of staying put and making Cathy do all the work. She already felt bad enough as it was that she’d taken Cathy up on staying with her and Agnes during her recovery. She’d be damned if she was going to let her wait on her too.
As the urge struck for a light snack, Jodie cast her eyes towards the stairs. Not seeing Cathy anywhere about, Jodie slowly eased her legs off the couch and tentatively stood up. She felt a bit woozy, but nothing she couldn’t handle. She wasn't going to be a burden.
As Jodie shuffled her fuzzy sock clad feet into the kitchen, she spotted Agnes standing by the counter, muttering to herself as she prepared a pot of stew. Jodie tiptoed to the fridge, hoping to grab a snack without disturbing the Brown family matriarch.
"Jaysus, Mary, and Joseph," Agnes exclaimed, clutching her chest, just as Jodie had opened the fridge door. "Jodie Rourke, what are you doin' sneakin' about like that?"
"Snack," Jodie crackled, pointing to the now open fridge. Her voice still a bit raspy from the surgery, so she didn’t want to say too much.
"You should be restin'," Agnes scolded. "Go on, back to the couch with ya."
"But—," Jodie attempted to protest. Yet Agnes stopped her short, thrust a yogurt cup and a spoon into her hand and shooed her away.
Mrs. Brown watched her wander off back to the family room and head for the couch. "Now, sit down before I call Cathy in here."
Reluctantly, Jodie returned to her spot on the couch. She had barely settled when Cathy appeared, concern etched on her face.
"What’s going on down here," Cathy questioned, having heard the commotion.
"Seems your patient here is a wanderer. At least Grandad stays in one place."
"She telling the truth," Cathy asked, knowing her mother's penchant for exaggeration.
Jodie nodded, feeling a bit guilty. "Sorry, Cathy."
"Don't worry about it," Cathy replied, coming over and leaning down to place a quick forgiving kiss to the top of Jodie's head. "Just rest, okay?"
For the next few hours, Jodie tried to stay still, but restlessness soon got the better of her. She decided to stretch her legs, careful to move even more quietly this time. She wandered around the family room while Agnes rearranged some knick-knacks nearby.
"Heavens, girl, ya scared the feckin' bejeezus out of me," Agnes exclaimed as she turned around, nearly dropping the porcelain figurine in her hand. "What have we told ya about restin'?"
"I just needed a stretch," Jodie said sheepishly. "Sorry, Mrs. Brown." She wasn’t used to not having free rein to move about as she pleased. And it’s not as if she were an invalid. The wooziness from the anesthesia had nearly completely subsided and she was itching to do something to occupy her time and get her mind off her aching throat.
Before Jodie could make a move back to the sofa, Agnes raised her voice. "Cathy! Get in here!"
Cathy rushed down the stairs, looking between her mother and her girlfriend. "What is it now?"
"Your Jodie's up and about again," Agnes said, pointing a finger at Jodie. "Tell her to rest, would ya?"
Cathy sighed, taking Jodie's hand. "Please, Jodie. I know you don't want to be a burden, and you're not." Cathy paused, an idea popping into her head. "Would you like to come upstairs with me?"
"Cathy Brown, this is no time to proposition the girl," Agnes chastised.
"That’s not what I meant, Mammy. I just thought I’d get her out of your hair for a while. That way I can better keep an eye on her."
"Oh. Well, alright then. Go ahead. Don’t mind me."
After an attempt at laughter turned into a slight cough, Jodie nodded, finally accepting that she needed to take it easy.
Cathy smiled, kissing her cheek. "Thank you."
As Jodie settled in upstairs, in Cathy's bed, while Cathy stayed at her desk poring over a psychological text, she couldn't help but feel a warm sense of belonging. Despite Agnes's bluster, she knew she was cared for, and that was worth more than anything.
For @sicktember
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw, @gcthvile, @kenjioharashotspot
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anumacy · 1 month
Grrr I'm so not normal for them
Rivi X Cathy for life
I love drawing Cathy's hair even though her outfit is so basic lol
I gave Riviera cut off sleeves because yes
Total time: 3 hours and 47 minutes.
13 seconds of choppy motion
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reireichu · 1 year
We'll forever have the scars.
Part VII. miss universe.
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Rhaenyra likes the idea of someone young and beautiful, someone like an ornament she can display to the world, flaunting all sense of propriety. Sophie understands that in a way, because Rhaenyra enjoys oversized blazers and Vitalumiere foundation and she also likes to win. She likes to surround herself by comfort and beautiful things, because that is what her father has made clear since birth, that all those beautiful, precious things are hers by right.
All, except the one.
I think I could make some commentary on how psychologically messed up Sophie is by the past and by everyone in her life, but at this point, why would I write that commentary when I can just watch as she and Aegon just get really fucking unhinged.
rip my soul, i need baby jebus to forgive me for how fucking terrible this.
We'll forever have the scars. @ AO3
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destinydelvecchio · 1 month
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Art by @memen18-m5r3
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lostfirefly · 2 months
*just to cheer myself up, this sketch came into my mind this morning while i was in the gym*
"Bugust. Day 1."
"Geeez, Buggy! Fuck off!" Catherine slapped the clown's hands as he stood behind, hugging her. "What do you want? Why are you standing behind me?"
"You were sending the sexual vibes, cotton candy." Buggy shrugged and hugged her tightly.
"I didn't send you anything. I'm standing here in my wide pajama pants and t-shirt, making myself some coffee. Sit down at the table and eat your salmon bagel, Buggy the Octopus." Catherine fought Buggy off.
"Fuck! Don't bother me, Buggy. Eat your breakfast, Buggy. Put your pants on, Buggy." He reluctantly unclasped his hands and plopped down on the chair. "And this is my shirt, by the way. Again. Buy your own clothes already. Cairo is full of stores "
"I don't like any of the shirts in the store. Stop nagging. What kind of coff-- Oh, for God's sake! Buggy! Stop it!" Catherine looked at her waist. "Seriously?" She took his two hands off of herself, turned around to the table and put his hands on the table. "Damn you and your chop chop thing, fucking clown! Don't use your abilities until breakfast, we discussed this!"
Catherine continued making coffee and started rummaging through the kitchen cabinets.
"Where are my cookies, Buggy? Fuck! You ate all my cookies again. You could have at least left me a c--" Catherine felt Buggy pinch her ass, "Oh my God! That's it!" She opened the bottom drawer and pulled out a pulverizer. "I swear, if you grab my ass again and you're dead!"
"Aye-aye, what a dangerous thing you have in your hands." Buggy chuckled and took a bite of the bagel. "I'm so afraid of you, Ms. Catherine Mitchell." He sent his hand out again to pinch her ass.
Catherine sputtered from the sprayer. "I warned you!"
"Hey!" Buggy stood up abruptly and walked over to Catherine and grabbed her hand.
Catherine squinted her eyes. "Is there something you want to tell me? I'm not afraid of you, clown." She sprayed him once and lowered the pulverizer to the level of his pants. "Get back to the table and eat your breakfast, or little Buggy will get hurt too."
"Little shit." Buggy let go of her hand and shuffled back to the table. "I should have left you in the desert." He mumbled to himself.
"Nothing." Buggy took a bite out of a bagel. "Damn you, campfire night."
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natsukishinomiyaswife · 4 months
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Hello! ♡
Since I'm going to be changing my pfp soon for pride month, I wanted to share the amazing art that my friend Ian (@scint1llat3 / @crystallizsch) made for me (that's been my profile picture ever since ♡)
Cater and my OC Ruthie look absolutely amazing! The pose, the expressions, all the tiny details! I love it so so so much, and I'm so honored that you would want to draw them!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
@crystallizsch is Ian's Twisted Wonderland side blog, and I highly recommend checking it out if you want to see some amazing art and OC's! (or if you love Jamil lol ♡)
Thank you so much again for the wonderful art, Ian! I'm so happy and grateful to have you as a friend!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Thank you! ♡
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kazooiesart · 1 year
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oc posting... been fixated on them (for once)
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caramelkoo · 10 days
my soul back home. [1]
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pairing : Jungkook X reader
genre : frenemies to lovers, writer!jungkook, pilates instructor!oc.
summary : your best friend receives your wedding invitation and realizes he doesn't have much time left before he loses you once and for all.
warnings : slight angst, they fight over a packet of pasta, bickering, oc is a pilates girly yayyy, Jungkook is super protective of the oc, misogyny, body positivity, strong language, hate at first sight.
a/n : heyy my besties, i just wanted to show my gratitude to all of you who read my last work. im so so so grateful to each one of you. it's almost 2am for me and i just couldn't wait to share this. Enjoy and let me know how you like it. xoxo. 💕
6 years ago
Jungkook's growling stomach diverts his attention from the five page essay he's been trying to work on but barely has written a word. Blaming it on his hunger, he gets and up and decides to make himself some white sauce pasta also known as his comfort food. His mom used to make him when he was a child back in the days just so he can get done with his homework without making her work for it.
When he got into a fight in seventh standard and came back home with a nasty cut under his lip, his mom made it again. It's been his go to ever since.
"Shit" as soon as he enters the kitchen though, he realizes that he ran out of pasta last week when his friends came over.
Picking up his car keys he drives up to his closest supermarket. The lady behind the counter smiling at him as per usual. She must be around 60 year old and every time Jungkook has stopped by to pick anything up, she has been super sweet to him. Not to mention how badly she wants him to meet her granddaughter. He wonders if her granddaughter knows about her grandmother trying to set her up with a stranger.
"How you doin' today, boy?"
"Hey miss Cathy, you having a good day?"
"So far so good" Jungkook walks further inside the store and searches for the pasta packet he came here for. When he spots it, he reaches for it unaware of the hand that goes for the very same packet.
The vanilla and caramel like scent hits him like a truck and when he looks beside him, he freezes. The girl which stares back at him has brown hair which matches the color of her striking eyes. There are freckles all over her nose and cheekbones making it look like a group of stars decided to make a home there on her face. Her glossy lips are parted in surprise, her almond shaped eyes wide. Why does he feel warm all of a sudden? Is the air conditioner off?
"hello?" her voice breaks him off his trance. The girl's eyes have gone narrower now.
"I need the packet." He hears her say again. As beautiful as she might be and as badly as he wanted to get on his knees and.. no !! not going there, he couldn't let her take the pasta. Not when it's about his essay. if he doesn't finish it soon his professor is going to have his head on a platter.
"Oh no no no no no no, I need this and I saw it first so I'm getting this"
"Okay first of all that doesn't make any sense. People can see it things from outside the store, does that mean they own it? plus can you not buy it from some other store?"
now he was getting irritated. she had the audacity to look so gorgeous and on top of that she was fighting over a pasta packet?
"It does. No matter how badly you need it, I need it more."
The girl takes a step forward, "Listen, I have no idea what do you need it for and not that I'm interested but I have to make my little sister her favorite pasta with extra cheese or she is not going to leave me and my boyfriend alone."
See, Jungkook is a simple guy. He likes something and he goes for it. If it was some other place, maybe his college or a restaurant, he would have approached the gal and asked for her number oh so politely but this right here? It's a war and he hates losing. No matter how cute the opponent is.
"I'm sure you can persuade her with a popsicle or two. you can find them at the counter right there" he points towards the counter. "Now let me have the pasta because I need to eat my weight in it so that I can finish my essay and be done with it, alright?"
She scoffs, "You're infuriating you know that?"
"Heard somebody call me that once but I believe they were looking for the word 'lovable'" he shrugs and snatches the packet before making his way to the counter silently hoping miss Cathy does not mention her granddaughter again.
The pretty girl yells behind him, "HEY!! WHAT ARE YOU? 5?"
He places the item on the counter and pays the amount before walking out of the store. God, he was starving. Much to his disappointment, someone calls him out.
"Boy, wait!!!" Fuck, it's Miss Cathy again.
He turns towards her forcing himself to smile, "Yes, ma'am?"
"You know my granddaughter-"
"Miss Cathy, I wish I could give you a minute but I'm actually in a hurry. You see, my brother is visiting with his two year old and it's been a long journey for him and he's starving and I need to-"
Jungkook tried his best to lie through his teeth, he really does until a voice interrupts him. That very same voice.
"Really now? And here I thought somebody was so hungry, they started twitching just by the thought of someone else having that packet of pasta" the pretty girl in yellow sundress folds her arm over chest. "Does she know her tits push up when she does that?" Jungkook thinks.
She continues, "Grans, I didn't know you let liars into your shop?"
Wait, WHAT?! Did she just call Miss Cathy "Grans"? Would you look at that? They weren't lying about the world being small. Who would have guess that the girl he's been trying to avoid is the same girl he can't ever avoid for the life of him.
Miss Cathy's loud wheeze echoes through the store, "Trust me y/n, he's a good fella. Jungkook, this is my granddaughter, y/n. The prettiest, my girl."
She looks so proud while introducing her and rightfully so, if she were his, he would also take pride in that. Minus the pasta fight, though. The thought scares the shit out of him and maybe that's why he runs. His feet move rapidly not stopping until he's facing his car in the parking lot.
How the hell did he even let that thought enter his mind? One minute he was sneering at her and now he wanted to make her his? He began imagining what would it be like to call her, his? Quickly starting the engine he drives himself to his apartment. Later that night, he takes a cold shower and fucks his hand while thinking about the same vanilla and caramel scent.
present time
Jungkook has always loved being alone, his solitude has been something which he absolutely appreciated. Being the eldest son of his family he's been the one to pick up everyone's pieces but when it came to him, nobody served that purpose so he ran. Ran away from his home, from the chaos, the noise and most importantly the responsibilities. That's not to say that he's a quitter but when you have a father sitting on your chest all the time and making it extremely hard for you to live your life, you might as well be called one. He chose his peace and he does not regret anything about it.
Unfortunately though, he left something very precious back home and as much as it hurt him to do so, he knew he couldn't not escape.
The room is quiet enough that he can hear his heart beating straight out of his chest and his breathing turning ragged. When he came back from his early morning run he did not expect to find a wedding invitation in the mail box. he wasn't even planning on checking the damn mailbox if it wasn't for the small part of him wanting to do so.
The man had the whole day planned and now he was standing in the middle of the hall feeling like somebody dropped a huge rock on his chest and said "deal with it" with a piece of paper in his hand he can't wait to burn or tear into pieces. He needs to sit down.
He unlocks his phone and finds your number at the very top of his dial list. You guys were talking last night only about your studio being renovated and it confuses him to the core as to why you didn't mention anything about your wedding.
"Hey, what's up?" your voice greets him, cheery as always.
"You're getting married?" the words seem bitter on his tongue.
"Oh my god, finally. You got the invitation" a dagger through his stomach would hurt less right now. He runs his fingers through his hair, messing them up and continues.
"Were you ever going to tell me about it?"
"No because I wanted it to be a surprise. I asked Taehyung and Cynthia to do the same as well. Aren't you glad you happened to check your mailbox, huh?"
Jungkook blinks, once and then again. He was having a hard time comprehending all of this. Hadn't he checked the mailbox, would you have gotten married and never told him about it? He was going to throw up. When he replies his voice is brittle.
"Listen, can i call you again? I need to run some errands"
"Sure, but don't-" he hangs up and runs to the bathroom before emptying his stomach.
5 years ago
Sweat drips down from your forehead, your chest moves up and down from how fast your breathing has gone. A moan slips out as you spread your legs a bit wider.
"Just one more aaaaand perfect. Now release" the Pilates instructor's voice reaches to your wet ears. You place yourself down on the mat.
"Fuck, she'll kill me one of these days" Your routine has already been fucked up because of your college exams and after finally being fed up of sticking your nose in the books, you had decided to get on with Pilates. You fell in love with it a year ago.
After working your body in the gym and realizing that high intensity workouts are no good for you, you gave low intensity workouts a chance and boom! The clouds parted and now you're almost in the best shape of your life.
You have never loved your body as much as you do now and if your 13 year old self could look at you, she'd give you a pat on the back. She wouldn't believe that people no longer make fun of her for not having thigh gap or slender arms. Indeed, it took several lunges, roll ups, spine twists, ab burners to get there.
It's not like you have the most anime like body, no. But you have finally stopped beating yourself up over it, accepting the fact that people's negative opinions are just a reflection of their own insecurities.
Your phone pings with a notification and you pick it up. It's the guy you've recently began talking to on hinge. Your boyfriend, now ex, broke up few months ago because he suddenly thought sleeping with his manager would be something you'd look past. Clearly, he was wrong and now he can choke on a thorny dick for all you care.
When your best friend, Cynthia had suggested to join a dating app just for the plot, you did it. Besides, what more could go wrong? An hour of swiping left and two cups of coffee later, you came across a guy with pictures of a guitar, a black cat and a chess board. In your defense, his cat was cute.
The texts reads, "Are you free on the upcoming Saturday? My buddy said there's a new coffee shop and they sell the best hazelnut frappe in existence."
You think before replying. According to the stats, it's the ninth day since you have started talking. Isn't it too soon to be going on a date? Although, there is a small part of you who wants to say "fuck it" and go. Before your thoughts go spiraling you go with the latter.
"Sure. Hazelnut frappe is my favorite" locking your phone you prepare to take a long hot bath. After all, you've earned it.
Turns out the nerdy guys possessing a hobby of playing chess are not worth it. At least this one isn't. You wonder if you killed a bunch of kittens in your past life because seriously? When you said yes to the date two days ago, the thing you expected the least was your date constantly talking about how many hours he spends in the gym, which protein shake he drinks, even mansplaining about the NHL team he's been obsessed with. Guess you should have seen it coming from the way he couldn't even wait till ten days to ask you on a date.
Honestly, whenever you go on dates you can't help but expect the other person to be on their worst behavior. For example, you can expect the guy to dress badly, smell badly, show up late or conventionally not show up at all. This guy right here is outright insane and has failed to stay in his lane. You were getting agitated at this point.
"And then BOOM!! he shoots the most legendary shot of his life. This is what happens at NHL, you-" he stops when you stand up from your place.
"Excuse me, I'll just be back in a second" you place the napkin on the table as you grab your purse hoping the washroom has a secret exit or something.
But before you could even take a step forward, his voice stops you.
"Oh I know where this is going, You'll excuse yourself politely and then run away like some coward huh? Typical escape plan for you girls?" His voice sounds so nasty and when you turn towards him he's scowling at you like YOU'RE the one who was being a twat the whole time.
you mumble, "What do you mean?"
He stands up and walks towards you. You really try to ignore people staring at you but you're only human. The sudden rush of emotions have caused your mouth to go dry. It's hard to process what's happening.
"What I mean is that you're probably gonna go in there, call your best friend and ask her to help you escape because you can't stand another second with me" he raises his right eyebrow up.
"Sir, please you're causing trouble for everyone. I suggest you to please sit down"
This is beyond embarrassing. If you were planning to give this guy another chance earlier, there's no way in hell you're going to do that now. Over your dead body. So you do the only thing that makes perfect sense. Your hands fly and you hit his cheek with so much force, you swear you hear his jaw pop.
There are several gasps around you. If you're going to get booed on, you might as well make the most out of it.
His face turns sideways before he stands up straight. He raises his hand to hit you back but suddenly, out of nowhere, a hand grabs his forearm and yanks it away. You instantly know who it is. It's the same arm you wanted to twist a year back at the grocery store.
"Get your filthy fucking hands away from her"
After an year of trying to forget about him, he's here yet again and he's saving you from this asshole. You couldn't decide if you should be thrilled about him coming at your rescue or worried about him being back.
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sleepyspudbrainrot · 3 months
Carry You Home (Pt. 2)
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Roman Reigns x Lale (OC) | 18+, NSFW, eventual smut, fluff | 1954 words
Pt. 2 of that fluff piece... hopefully y'all enjoy this part as much as the first.
And let me not forget to tag ... @southerngirl41 ❤️️
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The next morning, Lale found herself with her face buried in the chest of the man beside her.  His muscular arm thrown across her waist, his breathing even as sleep held him longer still.  She sighed softly, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she debated the likelihood of being able to slide out of his grasp without waking him.  A slight shift in movement proved that likelihood to be slim to none.  A rumble vibrated through the males chest as he shifted, drawing her closer to him still. Her cheeks warmed, but nonetheless she settled comfortably against him once again, her head making use of his broad chest as a makeshift pillow.
At some point sleep claimed her once more, the buzzing of her phone on the side table the only thing obnoxious enough to wake the both of them up.  First Joe this time, careful not to move too much in the hopes that Lale would remain asleep.  However, she was much too sensitive to her phone, and given that it was more than likely an alarm…
“Shit.” Lale sat up right, her phone slipping through her fingers to land in her lap.  “What time was your flight?”
The next half hour was a blur of movement.  Two separate showers, the scramble to pack up her things, as well as the sprint to his room to gather his things as well. Which she, of course, felt obligated to help with. Thankfully he’d only really pulled out what he’d needed, leaving most of his things still ready to go.  Once they’d gathered both sets of luggage, they made their way out of the hotel to the waiting cars.  One car for the both of them, perhaps a benefit that she’d come to appreciate when her heart wasn’t trying to beat out of her chest. 
“I haven’t slept like that…” In months? In years? Lale honestly couldn’t remember such a sound sleep, especially with another person.  
“Your welcome ma, if you ever need some more of that… you know how to reach me.”
His smirk tugged at something within her.  It also served as a reminder that she did not in fact know how to reach him.  “Did you get enough sleep Joe? Because I feel like you’re missing one key factor in that…”
The man sitting beside her raised an eyebrow, turning to look at her. “And that would be?”
“When did we exchange numbers?”
She fiddled with the phone in her hand, hesitant to offer the device to him.  It was a step in a direction she wasn’t entirely certain of.  A crossing of boundaries, from ringside interviewer and wrestler to something more.
“Well? What are you waiting for… at least if you’ve got my number, we can avoid me having to look for you next time.”
He didn’t have to look for her for the entire month of june.  He had his matches, she had her gigs on both Raw and Smackdown.  There were glances exchanged and entire text conversations had.  Ones that usually ended with one of them, nine times out of ten her, falling asleep and continuing the conversation the next morning.
It was one of those same conversations that she was engrossed in as she sipped on her morning cup of matcha.  A soft smile taking permanent residence across her mouth.  
“Who’s got you smilin’ like that La?”
Lale felt the presence over her shoulder before she could truly see it.  Cathy Kelley had snuck up on her in the hotel’s coffee shop.  And she could very clearly see exactly who was making her smile like that. 
“I’ll give you two guesses… might need a third, but I’m sorry I just can’t justify it given that you’ve seen too much already.”
Cathy laughed, sitting down across from her at the table near the window.  “You two have definitely become fast friends… could’ve sworn you had a thing about friendships with the male wrestlers?”
Lale blinked, “Did I say that?” She absolutely had and new her line of bullshit wasn’t convincing Cathy of anything. “I figured it was the least I could do after he was there for me… it felt… wrong? To just ice him out after that.”  Even though she hadn’t exactly told him what was wrong, even now a month later.  
“Well… you’re not going to hear me complain.  You need support.  You can’t just soldier through everything on your own ya know?”
While Cathy was in fact correct, Lale couldn’t help but snort. “You and I both know that’s not how my father raised me.”  Her phone buzzed in that moment, the mention of her father a call to the universe that she clearly needed the update from her mother that scrawled across her screen.
Her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach. ‘He’s officially turned in his drivers license.’  Reality crashed down hard.  A gut punch that knocked the wind from her.  Her matcha cup was set to the side, her appetite dissipating with her breath.
“Lale…”  Cathy reached a hand across the table, resting her hand on top of Lale’s.  “I know that face… you made that exact same face - -”
Lale shook her head, chewing on the inside of her lip.  She had to tell her friend.  She had to let her know exactly what was sending her into this spiral.  But something about speaking it aloud… it just made everything too real.  Her phone buzzed again, her thoughts jolting to a stop as Joe’s name lit up the screen and pushed her mother’s text further down.
“It’s… about Dad.  He’s…”  The lump in her throat grew with each word, her eyes burning.  “He just gave up his license and…” And she did not have time to process this right now.  She had errands to run before the show tonight, messages to answer, so many things that she wanted to take priority over processing what she’d just been told.
“I’ve… I’m going to go.  I’ll see you tonight alright?” She didn’t give Cathy a chance to respond, pushing away quickly from the table and departing the cafe as fast as her legs would allow.  Her phone remained clutched in one hand and she found herself opening up Joe’s message.  
“We’ve really got to stop meeting like this ma.”
She stood in front of her open hotel room door, her gazing settling on the presence of Joe in a full suit, clearly prepared for the nights events.  While he wasn’t a main eventer on Raw, he occasionally would make appearances to prove a point, usually with the rest of the bloodline in tow. 
“I just… didn’t want you to have to look for me this time?”
She hadn’t been entirely sure that she’d make it to Raw tonight with this news.  She needed someone to hold her accountable. To force her to get ready and push through, even if it meant compartmentalizing the processing she’d been trying to do before Joe had arrived.
“You planning on actually telling me what happened this time?”
She owed him that at least.  “Yes, just… please come in?”  She stepped aside, allowing him entry before shutting and locking the door behind him.  She moved to sit on the end of the bed, having flashbacks to the month prior.  “I should’ve told you that night and…”  She ran a hand through her hair, releasing a breath through pursed lips. 
“Take your time ma, I don’t have anywhere to be for a couple of hours.”
It was slow to start.  Her words catching as they began to flow from her.  An explanation of the past several months of doctor’s visits and diagnosis’s.  All leading up to the news she’d received only hours prior.  By the time she’d finished, the tears were flowing and she was glad for a brief vain moment that she hadn’t already put on her makeup for the night.  
“So… that’s why you had to find me the other night.  I’d been…” She sighs softly, looking down at her hands in her lap.  “I’d been trying to just not think about it… to avoid it, until well…”  Until she couldn’t.  It was something she’d done her entire life.  Most of the time, it was easier to run than to face the reality that threatened to overwhelm her.  
They sat in silence once she’d finished speaking, her gaze settled on her hands in her lap.  Joe seemed to sense her hesitance, the fear that looking at his face would reveal another reality that she wasn’t prepared to face.  An arm wrapped around her shoulder, drawing her into his side.  In a similar fashion to the last time, she found herself relaxing into his chest.  A hand resting over his heart, the beat a calming rhythm that settled the torrent of thoughts that had swarmed her with all that she’d had to relive.
“Why are you doing this?” The question was out before she could stop it. Her face upturned in order to meet his gaze with hers.
“Doing what?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Coming when I call? 
The question seemed to catch him off guard now.  He still managed to shrug, his thumb rubbing comforting circles into her shoulder as he did so.  “Because ma, underneath all that tough reporter shell, I know you’re a softie… especially when it comes to me.”
She pursed her lips and resisted the urge to roll her eyes once more.  “I’m not sure what else I was expecting…”  A soft sigh escaped her as she settled her head back against his chest.
After a moment, Joe spoke once more. “If you wanted a real answer… I know what that pain feels like and I know what it’s like to face it alone.”
That was what stuck with her as she moved from interview to interview later on that night. Her grip white knuckled as she offered the mic to wrestler after wrestler.  She couldn’t remember most of the matches, or even the questions she’d asked.  It was as if she’d hit reset and for the time being was stuck on autopilot.  So it was a relief once the night was over and she was settled into SUV that was waiting to take her home.  The tension from the day sunk out into the plush leather seats behind her, her phone once again in her hand, her text thread with Cathy lighting up her screen.
Cathy was understandably curious to see how her night had gone.  They’d of course seen one another in passing, but hadn’t had a chance to catch up or have Lale explain her quick departure this morning.  Once she’d told the other woman, she was understanding and made some small comment about nearly sending Joe her way again.
If only she knew…
The car pulled up to the Hotel’s entrance, leaving her response to Cathy half finished and forgotten. The lobby of the hotel was silent outside of the click of her heels and the hydraulics that served to open and shut the elevator doors.  She focused on the numbers above her head as the elevator crept closer and closer to her final destination.
To say she was surprised was an understatement.  Opening the door to her hotel room, only to be greeted by a bottle of wine, a box of takeout that was still warm, and a bouquet of flowers.  “Who…?” Had Cathy worked her magic? Was it someone else? She couldn’t think of anyone other than her family and Cathy that would know the type of takeout she’d gravitate towards. She plucked the card from the center of the bouquet, tugging off the envelope to reveal…
“You looked great tonight. Take some time to rest” - Joe
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