#Cats would become more like servals
fiery-emblems · 2 months
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Thinking more about half dragons:
One of the weirdest things in Tellius is, of course, the way branded have no transformation ability from their laguz parents, and the way laguz lose their ability if they have a mixed child. Super odd and unsatisfying!
So...what if after the goddess becomes whole and realizes that her children can actually breed with each other, she makes some change and allows laguz to regain their ability, and also let the branded tap into that power as well?
Yes this is "what I'd Soren could turn into a dragon?" We've all thought about it I'm sure!
I was pondering a bit about Corrin's transformation actually. Their dragon form is so bizarre and messed up looking that its actually AWSOME.
What if a half laguz transformation was similarly strange looking? Laguz already get a sense that branded are strange and twisted in some way so perhaps they're picking up on some inner animal form that's really uncanny valley for them.
I've always thought that if Soren had a dragon form it would reflect his slim, delicate human form. I've imagined him as the greyhound of dragons!! A form that's slim and fast but not as physically imposing as a standard Tellius dragon.
The black dragons are also covered in various gold spikes and pretty lines/patterns. I think that would become nice filigree and pinstriping almost.
Overall I wanted to go for a dragon that's beautiful and elegant but also a little too stretched out.
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Funky hcs, cybertronians purring when content or happy, or making small chirps to eachother when too lazy to use words (cliffjumper would do this)
Smoll sparkling instinctually climb on their parents backs like possums do, so imagine starscream with the jettwins clenched on his back sleeping while he's working.
Dreadwing easily get flustered if someone flirts with him.
Starscream thinks dreadwing is attractive, but would never say it even if you torture him lol
Prime finial move like cat ears
Soundwave probably has stray cats in his quarters
When it becomes too cold, cybertronians curl around eachother for warmth.
Sparklings have 4 stages in early years before becoming a youngling, bean, too smoll to move, only chirp and sleep and eat, waddly stage, they're still pudgy but they're grown a bit, their optics open and they waddle to get to places, serval kitten, lanky limbs and unproportioned body structure, zoomes everywhere, uncoordinated as all hell, loud, and finally semi youngling, or a nibbling, where they start to walk on two legs intsead of four limbs, this is the stage were they become more talkative and have longer conversations.
Well since this isn't super specific, here are some additional headcanons of mine to go with this.
In relation to sparklings:
Newforged sparklings are practically animals. The youngest can hardly move most times, but frag it all when they really put their spark to it they can be terrifying and bolt on all fours.
Sparklings, when without a caretaker, travel in small packs. The youngest will magnetize themselves to the oldest and they roam wild until they develop higher processing abilities or are adopted.
Newforged sparklings have denta sharp enough to rival a scraplet and can and will bite when approached.
Sparklings have a natural desire to seek out civilization through special code and find said civilization via a special set of sensors that allow them to detect spark signature density.
They lose these sensors as they age, often signifying the activation their higher cognitive functions. However if left stranded once these sensors are lost, the sparkling in question will turn out to be more wild in response to lack of exposure to other mecha.
Sparklings have zero preferences when it comes to fuel and will devour anything with even a hint of energon in it. This includes but is not limited to dirt, bugs, small-mechanimals, any energon powered tools, and even energon crystals five times their size.
Sparklings can unhinge their jaws slightly to devour larger energon portions. This can lead them to get things stuck halfway down their intake after a failed attempt to eat it.
Sparklings choose their own caretakers when left to their own devices. These chosen caretakers often end up doing better in raising their charges than those not selected personally, but this is not always the case.
It is incredibly rare for two sparklings to choose the same caretaker and get along because most refuse to tolerate a sibling who is in their minds, competition for scarce resources.
Sparklings are slow to bond to their caretaker but surprisingly possessive even before a bond is established.
Sparklings are known to fight over potential caretakers when there are not enough or two or more take an interest in the same one.
Once bonded to their caretaker, sparklings will make their claim clear to any others they see, often hissing, chirping, or otherwise making a racket to prove that the mech they chose is theirs.
Grounder sparklings will magnetize themselves to their caretaker's back so they can still see what is going on, fliers will hang off the shoulder, minicons prefer hiding in their caretaker when possible, and triplechangers/beastformers are more fond of hanging onto an arm or leg.
Sparklings shed armor as they grow and develop new plating as they age. They start off fairly smooth and round but gain more sharp edges and defining features with time. Wings and other such kibble grow in right before younglinghood.
In relation to Cybertronian Habits:
Cybertronians are not a very touchy race. They do not physically touch one another often because they have EM fields to make up for body language.
Touching is considered a very intimate thing when not in a professional setting. It is only done between those who trust one another or are familiar enough to be somewhat at ease.
Shoulder touches and small lingering interactions of similar variety are common among co-workers and friends.
Clasping arms or being particularly close is something found only among close friends, Amica bonded, or political allies.
Full blown hugs are something meant for family and family alone. It is a rare gift.
Touching helms is considered the highest form of intimacy and is reserved solely for Conjunx Endura or caretaker's and their sparklings. There are rare cases where it is seen between abused mecha bound together by trauma, but beyond that it is a sacred thing.
Caste, or rank determines how much a mech is allowed to express themselves.
Low caste mecha are expected to keep their helms low and be quiet, but are otherwise not forbidden from being more touchy and interactive.
Middle caste mecha are required to be chaste in all sorts of interaction. Their EM fields must be held close and their outward expression must be carefully controlled. Intimacy of any kind in public is frowned upon.
High caste mecha, depending on function are either required to show nothing or allows to express themselves however they see fit.
This bleeds into behavior in both Autobots and Decpeticons due to how deeply these stigmas were rooted.
When startled Cybertronians flare their plating to look bigger.
Most Cybertronians have built in tracking systems and will automatically track small lights like laser pointers when unfocused. This behavior has been largely trained out of the bots involved in the war, but it can still be seen when the bots are tired.
Even Optimus Prime can end up whipping around to track a small light when exhausted before he refocuses.
Cybertronians naturally do not speak but rather sing to communicate. Spoken language was introduced by the Quintessons but has since only been used in formal situations to show attention and understanding.
Cybertronians don't really get cold. Their sparks keep their internals somewhat warm, but when they do end up reaching an environment so cold it can reach their cores, they group together and connect via special cables to share heat.
When too hot, Cybertronians can shed their outer layers of armor. More often than not they simply flare their plating and work their fans to cool down since it can take weeks if not months for shed plating to regro.
It is also healthy and normal for a Cybertronian to shed their plating after a few centuries of wear and tear so that fresh plating may grow in its place.
Shed plating is often eaten by the Cybertronian who lost it as a way to conserve resources.
There are even special recipes designed to make eating shed plating more palatable.
Cybertronians all have mandibles in their intakes which they use to process energon. They can extend their mandibles and the tubing attached to it if required, but it is uncomfortable for those no longer sparklings.
Mecha left alone in groups will form clans on instinct. The biggest among them automatically ends up activating more protective codes while the smaller become more sensitive to changes in the area.
After the Quintessons invasion, all Cybertronians forged from the Well are coded with an instinctual hatred toward the invaders and are all modeled to be best able to resist the invaders should they come again.
Random tidbits:
Optimus had sensory panels when he was still wild, ones that flared out from the sides of his helm much like insect antennae. They were far more sensitive then and have since been armored and largely hidden. He still brings them out on occasion though just so that he doesn't forget how to use them.
Arcee originally had a bright pink and white paintjob. She only changed it after the war began to inspire fear in her foes. She actually misses her old paint dearly but it too involved in her persona to drop it now.
Being from the early ages of Cybertron's history, Ratchet has a few modifications that no modern mecha possess. One such mod is his innate ability to operate with less energon. His frame was designed to retain energon and use it more efficiently, therefore making it less common for him to fuel as often as the others.
Bulkhead actually wanted to be an architect before the war but was denied entry into school because of his frame type and instead joined the wreckers after being rejected. In his free time he still comes up with building plans sometimes.
Bumblebee was known to have one of the most beautiful voices among Autobot troops before he was made mute. He could reach pitches that no others could and was even able to perform feats of song known to only be possible to those with mods or highly sensitive vocalizers. Losing his voice didn't hurt most because he couldn't speak, no, it hurt more because he could no longer sing.
Ultra Magnus received a frame upgrade sometime in his past that was highly experimental at the time. It made him larger, sturdier, and overall a force to be reckoned with. However he gets pains and phantom aches where old kibble used to be due to the relative newness of his mods at the time.
Wheeljack almost invented space bridges by accident before they were conceived by council scientists. He was trying to make a bomb that would tap into the void to create a mini black hole and instead made a small portal. He brushed it off as failed experiment at the time and didn't learn till long after that he had concocted space bridges before they were even a thing and didn't even know it.
Megatron has not shed his plating in over two millennia and continues to refuse to do so for various reasons he will not state despite the fact that his armor is old and getting rather frail at the base. He works around this by strengthening his armor with special salves and injections so that he need not shed it.
Starscream once had a far more appealing frame that he ended up getting changed during the war after receiving an injury that nearly shredded his entire outer armor. He never had much of an opportunity to change it back to how it was after that, but he does dearly miss his previous appearance even if he never says so.
Soundwave was once a very bulky mech and only slimmed down after he left the senate to try and emulate spark eaters in a rather quiet act of defiance toward his previous companions. He much prefers being seen as similar to the monsters of old instead of as an intimidating but ultimately fallible mech.
Shockwave sometimes has moments where the shadow play wears off long enough for his previous personality to make an appearance. It is very rare, but when it happens he is often kept locked away so he can't go running to Optimus who was once a friend back when he was Orion Pax.
Knockout used to be a flight frame and only lost his wings due to an accident. He pioneered the way to changing his alt-mode to fit in, but he still misses the skies and sometimes likes to stand on tall structures to feel the wind. He even likes to skydive if he is sure there is a landing place for him or some sort of security to keep him from falling to his death.
Breakdown actually once wished to work in sparkling care but was denied because of his alt-mode and frame type. The skills he picked up and the knowledge of sparklings he accumulated has largely found use with the Vehicons due to their relative youth. He tends to baby the Vehicons when he can and they appreciate it.
Dreadwing once had a duel to the death with a noble back when he was very young. He won, but got a nasty scar across his chassis in the process, one that never fully recovered and has since been covered. Skyquake got an engraving in the same place to match the scar so Dreadwing didn't feel so alone.
Arachnid almost joined Sentinel's science division as a researcher and only left at the last moment because of the threat of being shadow played.
The Vehicons play dead when it battle against Optimus. They have long learned that if they stay down after being hit Optimus won't kill them and they won't be punished since they were "hurt".
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kazoohaa · 3 months
Hello, hello. Okay so hsr ask, and Lynx happened and brain went “hmm”
What if reader is Serval’s s/o, but sometime after they start dating reader’s sent to the arctic plains for some reason and they meet Lynx. Become friends, found sibling dynamic even, and then conveniently Lynx is scheduled to head back to Belobog city at the same time as reader. In the way back, reader brings up the whole “hey Lynx, there’s something that might come up, it’s not that important but imkindadatingserval” “…wait, WHAT”(idk im just spitballing i’m sorry I think I need more sleep) and how she reacts to the relationship(I suppose at this point Gerpard’s there too). Bonus points if Serval tries to use the gf card to get reader to tell her and Gepard who Lynx is taking a trip with(it’s in Lynx’s quest in case you haven’t gotten to it) and either reader caves or hopefully they keep Lynx’s secret and just tell the sibs that she’s going with someone they know and openly think highly of(Pela)
Oh wow, that’s long, tl:dr Serval x Reader who’s friends with Lynx (and I hope it wasn’t hard to read)
𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐑𝐄 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓?! honkai star rail
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— notes. this is a cute idea lmaoojhfkd,,, though it turned into bullet point format halfway because i got a bit lazy 😞
— details. lynx & reader who's serval's s/o
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before, you would’ve believed that there would be no reason for you to ever explore the snow plains — all that was out there was snow, and traces of what used to be — but above all, there was the fragmentum. the only reason you went in the first place wasn’t because of your own curiosities; no, you treasured your life more than willingly exposing yourself to monsters and endangering yourself in the sheer cold. you went out to the snow plains because of a favour.
and on said trip, you came across a blonde-haired girl donning a fluffy cat-eared beanie — that’s how you came to know lynx. she knew her way around things in these snowy outskirts much better than you did, and she didn’t seem to mind giving you directions to the specific area you were trying to find. everything looked the same, anyway — it’s all thickly blanketed in layers of snow. you surely would’ve gotten a bit lost without a guide around.
originally, you hoped that this trip would be your first and your last. you didn’t have any plans to return to the snow plains, not when remaining within the walls of the city of belobog, safe from the frost, was already perfectly fine. but over time, after getting to know the girl who eventually became like a little sister figure to you, your aversion to the idea of having another trip to the snow plains — and willingly this time — was.. gradually decreased. with a bit of convincing, you went to see the auroras with her.
you’d mentioned it in passing to serval during one conversation. “you know my sister?” she replied with surprise, smiling as she leaned on her workshop counter. “she’s your sister?” you repeated incredulously. over the duration of your friendship with lynx, she’d mentioned family at some point, but she never actually said who they were. you wouldn’t have thought that she was related to your girlfriend — there were surely some similarities, but you didn’t want to just assume. but the more you thought about it, the more you realised that the two were actually quite similar...
“well, if you’re the one accompanying her, i’m sure i could trust that the both of you will be safe.” serval laughed, and in the true fashion of an older sister, she spent some time telling you some cute or funny anecdotes about lynx (and gepard too, in some) when the three of them were younger.
the knowledge of this had been in your mind the entire time during your stargazing and aurora-watching trip with lynx. you tried to bring it up as casually as possible on the way back..
“hey, lynx?”
“yeah?” she replied, double-checking the items within her rucksack.
“well, i thought i should tell you — i’m... dating your sister..?”
that’s when she stopped walking. “you’re what??”
you’re dating serval? since when? wait, and how long have you known that they’re related? were you able to tell from the beginning? or did serval already tell you about her before you met? have you known the entire time? oh no, are you secretly telling serval and gepard when she takes her trips?? ...did they send you to try and look after her?!
you reassured lynx that although you’ve been dating serval for a while before you met her, finding out that they were siblings was actually only a recent discovery.
it isn’t really lynx’s business who her sister dates, nor does she have any sort of control over it.. but after the revelation that you’re her lover, the youngest landau’s perception of you changes slightly. (it’s nothing bad, it’s just the shock of it getting to her.) but, well, over the duration of your friendship, you seemed like a pretty good person.. so nothing changes too much, really. lynx can trust you.
serval indeed does try to pull the girlfriend card in an attempt to convince you to tell her and gepard who lynx is meeting up with in the snow plains other than you. it’s.. sort of peer pressure, cornered there with the both of them asking you. should you side with lynx, or side with serval..??
you understand their worry, of course — as older siblings, serval and gepard are just concerned about the safety of their little sister. but lynx wants to be more independent, and doesn’t like being coddled by them so much.
..in the end, you do cave (peer pressure smh)
surely, if they know that it’s just pela, they’ll relax about it. since lynx is having these trips with someone who’s both familiar and trustworthy to the two of them, there’s nothing to worry about.
plus, that means they won’t have to do any snooping (or send someone else to do any snooping for them), and lynx won’t have to find out that her older siblings were trying to do anything. so really it’s a win-win in the end?
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miammey · 20 days
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Landau family headcanons!! Just the parents and other family members
Leonard “Leo” Landau, their father. Name means Lion. Very stern father, kinda got worse and worse as the years went on?? His high standards are mainly on his family rather than his workers
Cara Landau, their mother. Name comes from a caracal. She’s actually a pretty sweet woman, but after all her kids left the nest she decided it was time to relax more and play up to the rich wife role. Was technically a stay-at-home mom, but she helped her husband with business strategies more often than not, very smart woman, it’s where Serval gets it from.
Robert “Bob” Landau, or Uncle Bob, their uncle. Leo’s younger brother and a retired Silvermane Guards Captain himself. A lot more laidback and upbeat than his brother. He actually helped train Gepard a bit when he was younger.
Pantera Landau, their aunt. She was also a high ranked Silvermane Guards member, it’s how she met her husband. She retired early due to an injury, so she couldn’t help training their nieces and nephew, along with her daughter, but she’s still quick to throw out tips and chastise form and stuff.
Pallas Landau, their cousin. Names after a pallas cat. She’s maybe only a year or so older than Lynx. Despite both her parents being veterans, she wasn’t too interested in joining the Guards herself. Of course, she knows basic self-defense, but she has no interest in actually joining the frontline. Instead, she likes figure skating. She knows that even after the Stellaron was sealed the planet would still be covered in snow for years to come, so she decided to make beauty of it herself. Why not use the destruction for a better purpose, basically??
Some more general headcanons:
- The Landau family’s bright blue eyes are a domineering gene, it’s incredibly rare for blood related family members not to have it.
- Gepard was never able to beat his uncle before he properly joined the guards, and after he joined his uncle was getting older and having joint issues due to past injuries, so Uncle Bob jokes that the Shield of Belobog was never able to defeat him.
- Cara has a bunch of sisters, but none of them decided to have kids. Instead they splurge on gifts for their sister’s kids.
- Despite his entire family and himself being named after cats, Leonard isn’t an animal person (because he’s a prick). That didn’t stop his kids from sneaking strays into the house, or just random wild animals.
- Leonard is the only one who doesn’t view Serval as family anymore. She’s still her mother’s daughter, her sibling’s sister, etcetera.
- I think Uncle Bob and Aunt Pantera were the only things stopping the Landau kids from becoming shells of human beings due to their father. Bob was the second son so he didn’t have as many expectations, leading to him having more freedom and not falling into the generation trap of strictness.
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What Kind of King is in my Blood?
Context: this piece was inspired by the song "In My Blood." sung by Joel Smallbone from Journey to Bethlehem (the movie). And contains the lyrics of the song.
Warning: content contains blood (mild) & implied physical abuse... the more graphic scenes to be underneath the keep reading section of the post... if you are uncomfortable with such things.
I've mentioned this before in a previous post & please check out the original video (have a listen: it's incredible). Or better yet, put it on while reading the comic. :D
I do suggest you read: Celestine is Merlin before this;
Young Arthur... was not a good person in the sightless and was very close to becoming a mini-Sir Uther. And I also would like to stress how evil Sir Uther is...(Uther is not Arthur's father, but the song just fits them so...)
Behind the arrogance and pride, his actions were a tie of wanting and seeking Uther's approval...
Other than that, please enjoy the content.
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Background info: this takes place around the time Arthur starts to take a liking to Merlyn and even trust them (and before he found out Merlyn was Lady Celestine). Soon their game of cat & mouse blossomed into a friendship...
Celestine never put pressure on Arthur to change: in fact, she tried to save Nonsurat & Morgan, too... she'd put them in scenarios where she'd see them grow empathy. (Putting someone in another's shoes.)
She'd show them the damage the war was doing to the public... and the innocent.
Allowing them all the chance to do good but in the end...The only one who was receptive to it was Arthur. Which surprised her... she believed Arthur would be the last person who would be captivated by the lesson. (Since he was Uther's most loyal soldier... his right-hand man...)
When it was clear that the lessons were only effective for Arthur (and the only one who was willing to change), she started to tailor them for Arthur. Genuinely started by doing vigilante work with Merlyn and learning more about this "outside world he never knew about."
(Unbeknownst to these goobers these were pretty much the equivalent of dates.)
However, Arthur couldn't help but feel guilty that he was betraying his master (Uther). That all changed, however, after a certain mission...
Arthur & Company were tasked to clear a demon infestation of a cave. Which held serval rare artifacts that were stolen. Some of Nightmare's monsters had made it into a stronghold (a secret base), and Arthur was in charge of clearing it. Morgan tried to trap Arthur in the deeper, darkest part of the cave where the majority of the monsters were dwelling.
Thankfully, Celestine secretly tagged along with him!
It took them a week... to escape the cave ... everyone had started to assume that Arthur had died during the mission. He was about to report his return as soon as he arrived at the camp base until... he overheard a very upsetting conversation.
Sir Kay (Kit Cosmo): Sir Uther! Sir Arthur is still missing, we can't leave just yet...
Sir Uther: He's been missing for a week... we only have three days left on this planet, and we need to finish recovering the reset of the artifacts... our time & manpower is limited.
Kit Cosmo: It that's the case... I'd be more than willing to take a small team to recover him... heck, I'll even go there by myself if I have to...
Sir Uther: DID YOU NOT HEAR WHAT I SAID! I am not wasting manpower... are you questioning my judgment?
Kit Cosmo: NO SIR!* Nevourly but still firm* I just thought you'd press the issue more... he's our captain and, more importantly, your right-hand man-
Sir Uther: WHY do you think you have two other apprentices... he's replaceable...If he died out there then he's a failure that deserves to be left... DON'T NOT BOTHER LOOKING FOR HIM!
You're lucky I have more pressing issues to attend to or that right arm or yours would've been charred... This conversation is over! *leans into Kit menacingly* YOU'RE DISMISSED! *Kit lets out a big gulp and backs away out of the tent*
Little did they know Arthur & Celestine (Merlyn) were listening in on the conversation. With Celestine fuming... and with Arthur shaking...
Celestine (currently disguised as Merlyn): WHY THAT FAT HEADED TYRANT! Don't listen to him, you're- Arthur? *sees Arthurs gone* Arthur...
Arthur runs off to contemplate... his mind reeling from what he had just heard. He always knew that Uther saw him as nothing more than a tool. The title of the right hand was just merely a cover-up... a lie made by Sir Uther (that he was something to him). He always knew this, but he couldn't understand why this still hurt him so much.
Arthur, at his core... still just wanted to be praised and desperately wanted at least a shred of affection from Uther. Hearing this broke him instantly... and forced him to look inside himself. He may have always known it... but a part of him always wanted to believe in the lie... So he put this facade of pride and arrogance to ignore it.
Only realizing how much Uther took advantage of his desire for affection from him... allowing him (Uther) to mold him into what he wanted. The brilliant golden amor (that Uther gave him), was all part of the illusion... he was no hero... he was just a monster... just like his master... just like Uther...
This leads us to this scene...
-The key things I wanted to mention were those marks on Arthur's shoulders are burn marks...
-Those bubbles at the end represent Celestine's influence
-I featured a Kirby-sized baby Arthur with a little training armor... it's pretty much his inner child... Sweet little bean didn't deserve this
-I also updated Uther's shoes :3
At this point, Celestine already cares for Arthur so much, and he's already redeemed himself (in her eyes). But Arthur can't help but hate himself for his past actions now seeing the full picture...
He destroyed himself for a man... who would never care for him... Arthur couldn't help but feel ashamed. He felt so disgusted with himself... forgetting all the progress he'd made... Believing himself to be a worthless puppet...
And it broke her heart to see Arthur like this... that's why she reminds him of what she sees him as. And this is where Arthur finally breaks down his final wall and truly opens himself up. Celestine always saw Arthur as a more than worthy king and always saw the best in him... and that's why Arthur always saw her (in the future) as his queen...
"Did I put too much characterization to a background character we only saw for less than 5 minutes in the anime?" YES, I DID!
"Was it worth it?" YES IT WAS!
(In the KBASW) Sir Arthur is the one who approves and legitimizes the "Star Allies" because if someone like him could be changed for the better... why can't this rag-tag group. Sir Arthur (in a sense) is the first "redeemed villain"...
It just took one person to see the good in him... I really can't wait to explore their relationship (Celarthur) more... I have something special planned for them in February. And I do want to explore Kit Cosmo & Arthur's friendship: it's really fun~
(The Star Allies are going to be the equivalent of the Knights of the Round Table in KBASW, but I'll explore that later...)
Hope you all stick around to see how the story unfolds...
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prue84 · 4 months
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Siblings socials: The beast's lair
Fandom: BBC’s Merlin (post-canon, modern magic) AU AU: The Pendragon siblings return (sequel: modern magic) Series: Siblings socials — [ Reblogs > Likes | No AI involved ] —
You thought Arthur, being a former king, would always be the master in any couple or pairing? Well, think better. Morgana is more than willing to prove the world that is Merlin the serval who commands between the two.
Morgana, the famed once Queen of Camelot and socials star, has taken her duties of chronicling her brother Arthur's adjusting to the modern world very seriously. If she has a chance to humiliate him, in face of the legendary epitome of noble warrior built around him during the centuries, she will do it gladly, not even hiding a smirking during the whole time. As socials love cats, who is she to deprive the socials from pics of Merlin the grumpy serval? The fact that Arthur is sleeping in an idiotic pose on the background is just a bonus point.
More about the AU under the cut. (More fanworks from this AU at the links above) (More fanworks about the prequel here)
About the AU The story is a sequel to the The Pendragon Sibling. Eventually, the druid give the royal couple a serval as gift for their renowned peace between the throne and the magic people. The servan turns out to be a very magical boy. At the same time Morgana acquires a puma, who happens to be the disguise of an High Priestess. I elaborated a bit here. * Not even the union of the Pendragon siblings, as King of Lands and Queen of Avalon and royal couple ruling over Camelot, with Morgause the High Priestesses of the old religion and Emrys the immortal dragonlord as their shadows and mates, is enough to prevent Arthurs tragic end at Camlann at the hands of the traitor Mordred. After Camlann, Merlin withdraws in his own pain, while Queen Morgana rules wisely for the next decades, assuring that the golden age of Camelot continues. When the time to retire from the mortal life comes, Morgana, with her loyal companion Morgause and Merlin, retires on the island at the center of the lake Avalon, taking residence in the tower standing there. Centuries pass, between long sleeps and new lives in the world outside. But magic, for a series or undisclosed circumstances, have been slowly fading in the lands outside of Avalon since the Siblings balance was lost with the death of Arthur. The more they are away from the island, center of the Old Magic, the more the contact is faint, and both Morgause and Merlin feel the need to stay in their animal forms. Until magic is so weak that they are stuck in their animal form even when staying at the tower. In the 21th century Morgana is following an academic career. Every morning, during breakfast, she keeps the tv on to make some background sounds. One morning the BBC's morning program suddenly switches to a live from the town of Avalon, for news about some odd happenings at the lake. The country wonders if this is the day when King Arthur will finally raise. There has been many false alarm. This morning is different, though. Morgana, with her two felines, rushes to the lake through magic and is there to see Arthur emerge from the waters. Merlin, a one-century-and-half ancient serval, attacks everyone present, Arthur included, and Arthur himself is forced to draw Excalibur to suffuse the situation, before his sister is arrested and his feline mate put down as the rabid cat he is. After the necessary time to familiarize with a world that is completely different from the one he remembers, Morgana introduces Arthur to the marvels of the socials and together they become Twitter stars, entertaining people with their commentaries on Arthurian-related productions and their bickering. Between Morgana's interviews and bits shared by Arthur on socials, the world is revealed that the Matter of Britain is mostly made of lies and exaggerations. BBC reaches out to Morgana to collaborate to write a series that would tell the true story of the Pendragons. Morgana launches herself in the project with eagerness. As the search for a proper location to set Camelot is about to start, Morgana hints that she might has the original castle miniaturized and preserved by magic and she would be amenable to make available as set, as long as the production covers the costs of restoration. Thus the Pendragons get their old nest back restored to its golden days free of charge, and Arthur can return to live in his natural habitat. Eventually, the true identity and nature of the felines, believed to be just animals given immortality by magic and relics of the golden age of Camelot, will be revealed, But that's another story for another time.
Notes Initially, this - the original screencap minus the serval - was supposed to be an Instagram-mock shared by the Merlin of the National Treasure instagram AU, but I didn't have the text ready and was thus stuck since 2018. Some months ago I decided to switch the poster from Merlin to the Morgana of this AU. It made no sense for Morgana to share a pic of her sleeping brother without Merlin the serval around, so the idea of putting a serval on the bed came. Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip) A nightmare. I couldn't find a serval pic that fit with the perspective required. And when I did, they came with dark shadows on their legs I couldn't fix. So I had to use the blankets to mask here and there, which came with another challenge on its own. Instagram graphic made all by-hand, with much moving/copy/pasting and, especially, a wearying research to find out which font the website used. No template site. Since I created my own template, it won't reflect any future changes the platform might make (I have no intention of modify my template).
Crossposted: Livejournal: prue84.livejournal.com/103011.html Dreamwidth: prue84.dreamwidth.org/94038.html Deviantart: deviantart.com/prue84/art/The-beast-s-lair-instagram-1015696733 (instagram post), deviantart.com/prue84/art/The-beast-s-lair-photo-1-1015696691 (photo 1), deviantart.com/prue84/art/The-beast-s-lair-photo-2-1015696758 (photo 2)
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winniethewife · 7 months
Eclipsing Love
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(Marc Spector x Mafia!OC)
Last chapter ~ Next chapter
Chapter 4: Darkest days
Warning: Death of a character.
Words: 1220
A week later the first part of her plan came into fruition. Charlotte's father was to visit the bar that day and they were going to put on a show of Charlotte wanting to come back to the Family. Her new lover, Marc, was the one that convinced her to go back to the family. They were sitting at the bar, Charlotte was behind the bar Cleaning things up from the busy night before and Marc was watching her with a smile on his face. She was wearing black jeans and a backless shirt that shows off some fresh love marks on her back along with her tattoo of a Serval wild cat.
Marc sat at the bar, watching Charlotte as she worked. He couldn't take his eyes off of her as she cleaned up the mess from the night prior; she was amazing and it was easy to forget that not that long ago, she was working for a murderous organization. Marc's thoughts were interrupted when the door to the bar swung open, revealing Charlotte's father in a nice suit— he looked the part of Mafia boss for sure. Charlotte Turns and puts on a big smile that looks off to him, after getting to know her facial expressions well over the last week she never smiled big of it was genuine.
“Oh Daddy! I'm so glad you're here.” She says in a very well performed voice of a good daughter. It was so sweet it almost made Marc sick. Charlotte pours her father a glass of some top shelf liquor and hands it to him as the man sits at the bar. “Daddy I want you to meet my Boyfriend Marc, he's the one who convinced me to call you...”
Marc looked at Charlotte with wide eyes as she put on a performance for her father, as she transformed into this completely different person. He watched as she smiled, poured her father a glass of liquor, and then turned back to Marc with an expression that told him exactly what was happening.Marc didn't miss a beat.
"Pleasure to meet you... Mr. Walker." He said, as he reached out to shake Charlotte's father's hand. Marc was playing along with Charlotte's plan. Charlotte’s father shook his hand with a smile on his face. It's good to see someone can talk sense into my daughter. Charlotte’s father turns to her and says something to Charlotte in a language he didn't recognize. She responded and they spoke like that for a short time. As Marc sat with it for a minute he figured out they were speaking Gaelic, the ancient language of the Irish. He wasn't surprised to see Charlotte and her father continue their conversation in Gaelic; she was Irish, after all, the language was probably something she'd known since she was a child. He waited to see what would happen next, ready for anything, although there was a small part of him that was curious of their exchange. Charlotte's father then says something solemnly and Marc watches as all the color drains from her face.
 “No. No. No. No. You're lying.” She says in English. As she says this her father takes her hand in his.
“I'm sorry Charlotte. I wish I had better news. The funeral is in England in a few days. You and Marc are more than welcome to attend of course. Her father replied quietly with an amount of sadness in his voice that surprised Marc. He looked at Charlotte as she spoke with her father, his expression becoming more solemn with each word she spoke. It was clear that this death meant a lot to her in a way he wasn't yet aware of. When Charlotte's father mentioned the funeral, something hit Marc pretty hard.
"England? Who? I mean... who's.... whose funeral?" He asked, as a worried look fell along his face. That wasn't supposed to be a part of the plan.
 “Isabella's...”Charlotte whispers. Her eyes filled with tears. Her Daughter was dead. Charlotte’s father hung his head and he looked guilty He spoke up.
“There was an accident, Isabella was playing with some friends after school and... There was a drunk driver...”his voice trailed off.
Marc stands up and walks behind the bar pulling her in close. He’s trying keeping himself cool despite being filled with anger. Why now? Why did Charlotte have to deal with another loss? He felt terrible about this, but he had to be the one in control for Charlotte's sake.
"We'll be there... right?" He asked slowly, his voice quiet now. Charlotte nodded and she leans on the bar as she holds her head in her hands and starts to sob. Everything she had fought for. Her last connection with her dead wife. It is hell on earth now. She can't believe it...does any of it matter anymore? She feels like her knees are going to give out. She feels like she's dying. While her father was right there, watching in silence, like he didn't feel comfortable with them showing such raw emotions.
He knew that Charlotte was going through a horrible tragedy at this moment— and he wouldn't be upset if she went off the edge once again. She'd just lost her daughter, an unimaginable pain to him.
"Shh... it'll be alright, Charlotte..." He tried to say softly, despite how hard it was for him to console her. She turns to him and burrows her face in his chest as she sobs. She was glad Marc was there. She couldn't even think straight. She pulls at his shirt as she cries. Her father wipes his own tears and speaks in Gaelic again and Charlotte turns to him slightly responding to him again. Her voice is venomous. Marc doesn't know what they're saying but Charlotte is obviously angry at her Father for keeping her daughter away from her. Now there was no way to take that back. Marc wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. She deserved love at a time like this, and he was going to give it to her. He tried to quiet her, gently running his fingers through her hair.
Her father wrote down some information on a napkin and pulled a small folder from his briefcase and left them on the bar. He stood up and nodded to Marc before quietly leaving. Charlotte is still hiding her face in Marc's chest as she cries silently at this point. The grief is so extreme she’s feeling like she's having to actively remind herself to breathe. Marc was so focused on Charlotte, watching her cry quietly and just being there for her, that he barely even noticed when her Father had put some things on the bar. The moment he turned his head for a second to look at the file, he had to fight back a laugh her Father had obviously left information on how to get to the funeral. The folder had all the information on the funeral and plane tickets to England. He had covered every expense for them to come. They were to leave in two days. He looked back down to Charlotte once again, still stroking her hair.
"We'll go to London for this funeral," He said, kissing her forehead and running his fingers through her hair once again.
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Tag: @ominoose
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top 5 felines ever to exist on the planet?
oooohohohoho. so. technically, taxonomically speaking "feline" means only the little cat subfamily, so we'll be focusing on them. pls read this in the burger king foot lettuce voice btw
5. jaguarundi. idk why but he's giving otter or weasel, and allegedly they move like a mustelid too. their short legs and long bodies allow them to keep a low profile, and likely evolved convergently from weasels because it was a useful hunting adaptation. they also come in two colors, which i did not know until looking for facts for this post! (recently the first ever albino one was discovered too, so i guess technically three? but being white would be really bad for a wild cat so lets maybe not intentionally go for that morph.)
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4. lynx (all variants). two words: BIG PAWS. the canadian lynx is so dependent on the snowshoe hare as a food source that its population directly correlates with the hare population in any given area. when there is a boom in hare births, there is also a boom in lynx births and migrations to the area. when the hares have been hunted down to a smaller population, the lynxes either starve or leave.
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3. asiatic golden cat. tell me this is not the prettiest motherfucker you have ever seen in your life. sometimes known as fire cats, it was believed in some parts of southeast asia that carrying even one hair from a golden cat could ward off tigers. they are one of the least studied asian cats, but collar trackers suggest they may be more diurnal than most felines. despite their name, they are not closely related to the african golden cat, which is part of the serval lineage of cats.
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2. mountain lion. that is right, this human-sized greek god of an animal is more closely related to domestic cats than to any true big cat! mountain lions have been known to bite the back of the neck and paralyze their prey by piercing the spinal cord! it's a good thing they're normally shy. rest in peace P-22, the griffith park mountain lion. he inspired a new generation of urban conservationists, and i'm glad the indigenous people of the area were granted rights to his body to give him a proper sendoff. he lived a long life for a puma, but his euthanasia due to pesticide-related illness is a stark reminder of how severely wildlife depleted our world is becoming.
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1. african black-footed cat. these little serial killers have THE highest k/d ratio of the entire true cat subfamily, stat padding a disrespectful 60% of all the prey they go after. compare that to the mighty tiger's 10% success rate, and you will begin to understand why they make this regular ass cat live in the zoo.
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timidloner · 1 year
i love how joren is a yandere but depending on the attitude of MC, it can become domestic which is awesome.... we need more of that "he's little deranged but he's mine" heart eyes (cause often in yandere game, you either become a victim or you have to fix them which sucks, what if i want to embrace the insanity?)
i just had this realization by the way that if twitter was a thing in your game, joren would probably tweets stuff like "my girl is mad at me, i hope i die" or "her liking other men before we knew each other existed doesn't sit right with me..." while the moon and the church would have him muted
the long sword discussion is fantastic because first "he carries it on his left side, he's right-handed, so he reaches across to draw it" hear me out on this, if he does the movement, his arm will come to squeeze against his chest for a bit while also flexing itself with the move of the muscles ok no cause if he holds his sword with his two arms too it will be like the trend where people would press their elbows together if you see what i mean......... joren getting ready to fight, very serious while MC is just staring at the man like a tormented person (never allow joren to wear a v-cut, he would be too much of a menace) and the other thing is joren would reach for fruits with his sword right? what if instead of using a multiuse tool, he just uses MC? like carrying them up on his shoulders so they can grab what they need (lion king style, short MCs are going to be flying in that case LMAOAOAO better hope for joren they dont have a height complex)(it would give the energy you find in videos where big servals try to calm small cats that are hissing at them) - ram
Yeah! I want it to be a large range of endings for the IF, from insane to domestic <3
I've no idea how the people on twitter act, other than they're fighting 24/7, but I love that idea anyway, haha. It would totally be an anonymous account and it'd be filled with all his thoughts about MC across the day, what he likes about them, how they looked that day, and how was their day... kinda like a diary.
The people that'd follow him would think they already know each other, that they're friends, while Joren is still in his stalker phase.
I'm now kinda obsessed with this. They'd be cheering for this deranged man without knowing the truth. Nice.
I just searched for the trend, and aww, to have the problems of big-chested people T_T. And I'm not sure if him holding the sword with both hands would be enough to make his chest stand out, I think it isn't the case, but we can dream!!
AHH, he'd be such a tease with a V-cut, you know that shirt/robe would be just about to reveal a nipple, bordering on that. Also, let me stray away from the topic, and maybe this is a bit specific, but I'd love to write a scene where dom!MC fucks Joren's pecs if they have a dick.
And another sudden change on my part, but AWW, that'd be so cute!! The simple life, going to pick fruit, eating it, and then taking a nap under the shade of a tree.
Haha!! It would really go like that. He'd even offer them the sword so MC is the one picking the fruit while he catches it.
And omg, I just got more thoughts for a modern setting. Joren would totally let MC take pictures like this if they wanted (even as a running joke), the part inside the frame is what both of them would post everywhere. And a potential wedding photo would totally also look like this.
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blimbo-buddy · 6 months
I definitely feel like the clans would have met some exotic pet at some point; Servals are popular exotic cats, wolfdogs would probably be seen a few times
I bet maybe some snakes would get loose and cause a problem, especially the big ones. Maybe a tiger at one point due to people owning them. During hunting season cats may be in danger of being hunted solely for game birds to be released for sport.
Since there are farms described near the lake, maybe one or two are fur farms, and if those animals got out it would cause issues for the cats. Or if any had say, rabbits, any cats getting caught would definitely be chased or killed if they tried going for them
Servals would be more likely to escape from their enclosure and Wolfdogs and snakes (like Pythons or Anacondas) are a close second and third. I don't think a Tiger would likely escape from its enclosure because most people/places that keep them often have them in a secure enclosure where escape is next to impossible (I don't condone keeping Tigers if that wasn't obvious I'm just stating that this is the case)
There might be one case of those birds trained for sport hunting attacking a Clan cat (or any cat) because they thought it was a mouse or rat or something. Also that makes sense for possibly some animals from those fur farms to get out and become an invasive species to the wild life. The invasive species (minks) kills the invasive species (domestic cats)
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if Kaban had the choice to become any animal she'd like to, which one would she choose and why?
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"I think if I was a different kind of animal, I'd like to be a wild cat. That way i'd be more like Serval-chan." Kaban replies after a moment's thought. She already had picked up a lot of cat like traits anyway.
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khalixascorner · 1 year
Debt Paid in Soul Part 5
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Summary: Tony fully intends to go to the Parker residence simply to claim his latest acquisition, one Peter Parker. When he finds out Peter is in fact his soul mate, things change in ways Tony couldn't have planned or expected. Not that he's complaining. Instead of just another worker for his clubs, he found a smart sexy omega that he's going to keep for the rest of their lives. This is an omegaverse hybrid mob au with a different bingo prompt per chapter.
Tags: Mafia AU, Mob Boss Tony Stark, Soul Bond, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Hybrid AU, Serval Peter, Black Tiger Tony, Dub-con first time, Soulbonds made them do it, Lots of spice and smut, Some fluff too, Dark Tony Stark, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Intersex Omegas, Tony is not a nice person, except to Peter, mention of sex work, Human Trafficking, In that tony makes people pay off debt while working for him, and some of those people work in sex clubs, Size Difference, Tiny Peter, Large Tony, Mild milk kink, Breeding Kink, Dom/sub Undertones, stuffing kink, Size Kink, Tony loves how huge his cock is and making Peter take it, Nipple Play, I don't know, theres lots of omegaverse typical sex tropes, eventual kidnapping and rescue,mild angst but always with a happy ending
Read on AO3 Here Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
View Art Here And here And here
Peter took longer to verify that he was pregnant for sure, but given how pleased and protective Tony was being, he had sort of guessed it was the case. On one hand, he was ecstatic, because he had always wanted a bigger family and being an omega came with the expectations of kits. On the other, he was worried that he was too young and that people would talk. Worse, how would he tell May that he had bound his life closer to Tony’s when she barely tolerated his presence to begin with.
“Something bothering you, kid?” Bucky, one of Tony’s men, asked. The alpha had been assigned as his guard after Peter had gotten the official pregnancy test back with a positive. It had only been a few weeks, but he had already grown to like the alpha, even if he was a bit surly on the outside.
“You can already smell it, can’t you?” Peter asked, a hand going to rest on his belly even as his ears flattened. “I’m supposed to have my dinner with May and I just– I don’t know how to tell her. She’s still so mad about our mating and I want to share this with her but I’m scared of how she’ll react.”
The last was said with a whisper, and Peter wondered if he really should even be telling Bucky, because Tony had assured him when Bucky was assigned that the alpha would remove any threats. Tony had meant it in a positive way, but what if Bucky saw May as a threat?
“Yeah, kid, the scent is noticeable but we can use a neutralizer as long as you don’t stay much past dinner,” Bucky said, his voice careful like he was worried about spooking a stray cat. “You can probably buy yourself another week or two before it becomes obvious. More if you say something came up with school and you miss a dinner or two.”
“I’m gonna lose her, aren’t I?” Peter sobbed. Bucky was quick to gather him up, trying to soothe him even as the tears came faster. Peter tried to get in under control, but the harder he fought to not cry, the worse it got.
Distantly, he heard Bucky calling out, but it was like he was underwater, and everything was garbled and muted. He wanted his kits and his mate, but he wanted his aunt too and to be able to go to school without people whispering about him.
He wasn’t sure how long he cried for, only that when he finally calmed down, it wasn’t Bucky holding him anymore.
“There’s my kitten,” Tony murmured as Peter looked up at him with watery eyes. “What’s got my omega so upset?”
“Everything,” Peter replied with a sniffle, and Tony wondered if part of it wasn’t just hormones too. The little omega had been so fragile since his heat, worried about everything and anxious.
“It’ll be alright, ‘mega,” Tony promised, nuzzling at their bond mark. “You know I’ll take care of everything.”
“But you can’t make May stay or people not stare,” Peter retorted, ears flicking in irritation. Tony bit back a chuckle at the glare that accompanied it. His poor omega tried to be fierce but ended up looking more adorable than anything else.
“It’s true, you’ve expressly forbidden me from interfering with your relationship with your aunt, though I think you’d find that I could create common ground if you let me,” Tony said gently. “But I definitely can keep people from staring. I’d just need to make an example of a few of them and no one would dare.”
“I don’t want people hurt because of me,” Peter practically hissed. Then the younger man sagged in his lap. “I just want to have our family. Why is that a bad thing?”
For just a fleeting moment, Tony regretted the path life had put him on. In another time or another universe, maybe his mate would have just been the happy soul mate of a tech mogul or whatever job position Tony would have been. Hell, he was handy around cars, maybe he’d have been a mechanic. If he had, the things haunting his mate wouldn’t have been an issue.
And yet, Tony couldn’t truly regret it because it had brought them together. It had given Tony the resources to provide for his mate in every way and to ensure that his mate was safe from anyone that would try to harm him.
“It’s not a bad thing at all, kitten,” Tony said firmly. “And anyone that can’t accept that doesn’t deserve to be a part of your life. You’re an omega, mated to your soul mate. This is the natural course of things.”
“I know you’re right,” Peter said, leaning his head against Tony’s chest, ear pressed right over Tony’s heart. “I just wish it wasn’t going to come to this.”
Tony gathered Peter in even closer, his tail wrapping around the boy’s waist as he did.
“I love you, sweet omega, and I would go to great lengths to keep you happy,” Tony said, nuzzling the top of Peter’s head. “So tell me how I can help? How can I make this better?”
“Will you come with me? To dinner tonight?” Peter asked. “I’m- I’m scared to tell her by myself.”
“Of course,” Tony said, already pulling out his phone to make arrangements. “And regarding the rest, have you considered doing a home bound learning during your pregnancy. There’s widely documented situations of Omegas preferring to be closer to home to reduce anxiety. I’m sure Columbia would be willing to let you finish the semester at home and then take a leave of absence until the kits are born.”
“You’re sure they will because it’s in their policies or because you’ll make them?” Peter asked wryly.
“Does it matter?” Tony asked, an eyebrow raised. Peter just huffed in response, and closed his eyes as he relaxed into Tony’s arms. Tony let it drop, instead focusing on the work Pepper had sent to him.
“Go ahead and arrange it,” Peter said suddenly a few minutes later. “Leaving our den makes me feel sick and anxious anyway.”
Tony nodded and also made a note about getting Peter to see Cho. It couldn’t be good for an omega to be that stressed so early in the pregnancy.
“As you wish, kitten.”
They cuddled the rest of the day, waiting until the last minute to get ready and head to May’s. Peter didn’t call ahead to let her know he was bringing Tony, but he figured they could always just give her the news first if she objected to his presence that much.
Climbing the steps to her apartment felt odd despite having done it for so many years. Already, it didn’t feel like home, and instead put him on edge. He fought to keep his ears from going flat, as the last thing he wanted was either her or Tony interpreting it wrong. Especially since Bucky was trailing behind Tony while watching Peter closely.
Tony had said he was just bringing him in case Peter wanted to stay without Tony there, but Peter couldn’t help but think it was something more. Still, he tried to put it out of his mind as they finally reached the door. He knocked and then waited patiently for May to call out if it was unlocked or if he should use his key. It didn’t feel right just walking in anymore either.
May’s voice called out from the other side of the door so Peter pushed it open and stepped in, expecting to find May in the kitchen waiting for him.
He didn’t expect to see a bunch of alphas in dark suits sitting around the living room. For a moment, he was thrown back to the day he met Tony, and he stumbled back into his alpha as panic caused him to freeze.
Tony growled as he saw the waiting alphas, and Bucky was quick to slip past them and put himself between the strangers and Peter.
“What is going on here?” May demanded as she came out of the kitchen. She froze briefly when she saw Bucky placed not so discreetly in front of a shaking Peter and a furious Tony.
“That’s what I’d like to know as well, Mrs. Parker,” Tony bit out as calmly as he could. The pheromones pouring off of Peter were making it hard to stay civil, but he doubted his mate would appreciate him lashing out in his aunt’s apartment.
“If I may, Mrs. Parker?” One of the alphas, a canine of some sort, said as he stood. “This actually works in our favor. Mr. Stark, you are being charged with the kidnapping and rape of an omega. There are clear concerns of abuse and until the courts have determined you are not a danger to the boy, we will be taking him into protective custody and putting him in with a foster family.”
For a moment, Tony’s brain froze at the sheer absurdity of the situation.
“I’m sorry what?” he asked, tail twitching behind him. “Buck, did I just hear right? They’re accusing me of kidnapping, raping, and otherwise abusing my mate? And they think they’re going to be allowed to take him away and put him in foster care?”
“That is what they said, Boss,” Bucky replied with feigned disinterest.
“Mr. Stark, I would appreciate if you would respect the charges you face,” the canine started, only to stop when Bucky took a threatening step forward. “Mrs. Parker is suing for custody of her nephew.”
“Peter is literally of age and my soul mate. We bonded and mated on his 18th birthday, and all of the appropriate paperwork was filed to support this,” Tony bit out. “Per federal and New York state laws, that means there is no custody to issue to debate as he is old enough to consent.”
“Mr. Parker is clearly underdeveloped given his size, and any court could see how unhealthy your relationship clearly is when he immediately panics just because he meets a new alpha,” the canine argued and Tony didn’t bother to bite back the growl.
“I’m not afraid of Tony,” Peter declared, lifting his face from Tony’s chest. “He protects me. And I’m not underdeveloped either, I’m just a serval breed. We’re small by nature.”
“You don’t have to defend him honey,” May said, stepping closer only to freeze when Bucky turned his hard gaze to her. “I’ve seen how upset you’ve been these last few weeks. These alphas can help.”
“I’ve been upset because I’m pregnant and I didn’t know how to tell you because this is how you treat my alpha,” Peter shouted, stepping out of Tony’s protective arms. “I’ve been trying so hard since we bonded to get you to give him a chance and you’ve already decided he’s a villain. He’s my soul mate, May. Don’t you understand that? He isn’t just my alpha or my mate, but literally a part of me.”
“You’re- pregnant?” May asked faintly. “Why would you- with him?”
“Because I love him,” Peter said quietly. “He makes me feel safe and he takes care of me. I know you don’t approve of him but that’s how I feel.”
“Baby, you can’t- if you do that, I can’t get you back,” May said, her voice tight.
“What do you mean get me back?” Peter asked, voice suddenly flat.
“I was just trying to do what’s best for you, protect you,” May tried to explain. “There’s laws where you can take legal custody of an Omega to save them from a bad mate.”
“How could you?” Peter asked, his heart breaking. “I, we came here today to tell you about the kits, and to try to mend things between you and Tony. Because I wanted you to still be part of our lives. But this whole time you’ve been going behind my back to try to take me away from my mate.”
May started to speak but Peter just shook his head and put up a hand to stop her.
“I’m sorry, I just, I can’t do this anymore. I thought maybe you’d come around but I can see now that you’re never going to,” Peter said, tears filling his eyes. “This isn’t healthy and I have to think of my kits now.”
“I know you don’t want to hear it but he’s not good for you and you can’t keep those kits or I won’t be able to say you,” May said desperately.
“If you’re talking about the mated marriage laws, then you already can’t,” one of the suited alphas said, voice resigned. “If he’s pregnant and they really are soul mates, the courts will never award you custody Mrs. Parker. They won’t take an omega and it’s kits from the husband if the omega is unwilling to leave.”
“Husband?” Peter asked, his voice trembling as he turned to Tony. “What are they talking about?”
“Legally it’s like a common law marriage,” Tony said carefully. “It’s meant to protect the legal interests of the children and make sure alpha’s can’t just knock anyone up and then not take responsibility for them.”
“So you knew?” Peter asked, his voice small and hurt. Tony sighed and reached into his jacket pocket instead.
“Yeah I knew the law but I was hoping to ask you properly before it mattered,” Tony said, handing Peter the small ring box. “You had mentioned you wanted a proper wedding after all, and our mating was unconventional so I figured I could at least give you this.”
Peter broke down in tears again, and Tony drew him in close, trying to offer comfort to his distressed mate.
“I want to go home, Tony,” Peter said through the sobs.
“Alright kitten, we’ll go,” Tony said, motioning to Bucky. “You go with Buck and wait for me in the car.”
“Want you,” Peter whined, and Tony gave him a gentle kiss.
“I know, ‘mega mine, but I need to make sure we’re in the clear with the suits over there,” Tony murmured. “I’ll be down before you know it.”
It took a few more kisses and nuzzles before Peter allowed Bucky to pull him away, picking up the small omega in a princess carry. Tony gave a short nod to Bucky then turned back to the others in the room.
“I take it there won’t be any further issues gentlemen?” Tony asked pointedly, and the other alphas shook their heads and quickly excused themselves. Once they were gone, Tony turned to May.
“Bravo,” he said, giving a small clap. “I couldn’t have engineered this better if I had planned it all myself. You know, you do the loving parent bit so well, that even I didn’t expect the crazy kidnapping plot. But I know better now.”
“I was just trying to protect him from you, you monster,” the woman hissed, tail fluffing and ears going flat.
“I may be a monster, Mrs. Parker,” Tony said, his eyes hard and cold. “But I love Peter. He’s the other half of my soul and there are no lengths I wouldn’t go to in the name of protecting him and keeping him happy. You’d do well to keep that in mind.”
“Is that a threat, Stark?” May asked with a low growl.
“Just a friendly reminder. Because know this Mrs. Parker. I haven’t done a single thing to drive Peter from you,” Tony said. “I’ve let the kid make his own decisions and handle your how he wanted because he’s my mate and I want him happy. But now you’ve endangered him and our kits. So now, I will be stepping in. And it will be a long time before you see him again.”
“You can’t do that,” May argued.
“Oh but I can,” Tony practically purred as he stalked towards her, tail flicking away as he did. “You were so worried about me taking him away when in reality all I had to do was sit by and let you dig the hole deeper and deeper as I played kind understanding mate.”
“You bastard, I’ll get him back,” May spit, but Tony just grinned wider.
“And how are you going to do that?” Tony asked. “You’ve endangered him, tried to kidnap him from his mate. No one would side with you now. You’ve lost, Mrs. Parker. And you’d do well to accept that.”
“You can’t just-just replace me,” May sputtered. “I raised him.”
“And now he’s going to be raising his own family, as is the way of things,” Tony agreed. “He doesn’t need you anymore, and after today, he doesn’t want you either.”
May looked like she’d been slapped and Tony stepped back, satisfied.
“I see you finally get it. Enjoy the rest of your life.”
With that, Tony turned and didn’t look back. Bucky was waiting for him at the car, and Peter climbed into his lap sleepily for the ride home.
“Wha’ took you so l’ng?” Peter mumbled as Happy drove.
“Just had to make sure everyone was on the same page,” Tony said. “Now rest kitten.”
“M’kay, love you T’ny,” Peter murmured happily.
“Love you too,” Tony replied with a soft smile and a gentle kiss to his curls. Love you enough to do whatever it takes to protect you, even if you wouldn’t like it, Tony added to himself. One day, Peter would understand.
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inamindfarfaraway · 2 years
My Pokémon Part Two
Aquakit, Sealine and Reserval, a Water-type cat Pokémon line.
The first stage is Aquakit (‘aqua’/‘aquatic’ and ‘kitten’), the Fishing Pokémon. It’s a medium blue tabby cat with light blue and white stripes, creating a coat that resembles a still image of waves rolling up to the shore as seen from above. A protruding tuft of white fluff on the top of its head is shaped like the foam crest of a wave. It has amber eyes and webbed paws. Its tail ends tapering to a point at half the length of a usual cat tail; but enveloping and extending beyond it is a long, prehensile, undulating tail of water that thickens toward the tip. Aquakit can control any body of water the liquid tail connects to. Though its raw power is limited, so the more water there is, the less of it it can move, or its power its spread thin and the movements become sloppy. Wild Aquakit lives on and swimming just offshore of beaches. It has an incredible sense of smell and uses its tail to catch fish, grabbing them and pulling them back to shore where it eats without spilling blood that would attract rivals. It can even add more force to waves to wash several fish up onto the beach. While it eats, its tail lashes fiercely behind it to defend its meal from bird Pokémon. These successful hunting strategies do not stop it begging humans for food like it hasn’t eaten a day in its life. Fishers commonly employ it. It’ll happily agree to the food, shelter and care provided by an owner, but maintain an independent spirit.
There are two divergent second stages: Sealine, the Immersed Pokémon, and Reserval, the Landlocked Pokémon. Both have amber eyes with round pupils. Sealine (‘sea’ and ‘feline’, also sounds close to ‘sea lion’) evolves when Aquakit reaches level 25 in the sea or on a beach. In the wild, this form is nomadic and solitary. It spends most of its life travelling the ocean and only leaves to mate and raise its children to self-sufficiency. It’s about the size of a leopard with very graceful, streamlined proportions suited to swimming frequently and for long periods of time. It has a sleek coat similar to a clouded leopard’s, rippling light blue blotches on a mostly obscured white background mimicking the pattern of light on the surface of water. Its paws are bigger relative to its body with white socks and more pronounced webbing. The white fluff has transitioned to a buoyant mane around its upper neck, helping to keep the head above water when Sealine is tired or asleep. When it does dive underwater, this mane traps air that can be breathed in. Notably, Sealine’s biological tail has grown to be the ordinary length and strong and supple to better swim with. It no longer needs a water appendage because it can telekinetically manipulate any water in its vicinity with much greater power and precision. It is wary and distrustful of humans, chance sightings rare.
Reserval (‘reserve’/reservoir’ and ‘serval’, also ‘reversal’ with just the S and T swapped much like how it’s the inverse of Sealine) evolves on any dry ground further from the ocean than the beach, as the name implies. This means it can’t rely on external water like Sealine and has lost the ability to control it. Instead it specializes in using water appendages. It doesn’t need to be an efficient swimmer but rather walks and climbs, so its build is larger and stockier. It’s white with medium blue tiger stripes, only they bend at random points as if refracted by water. The lower legs are plain beige like wet sand or earth is stuck to them. Aquakit’s crest persists in this form turned blue, thinner, longer and continuing down the back of its neck. Tufts of the same blue fluff are on the outside of its ears. Its biological tail is now a mere stub, while its water tail doubles in size. It additionally has sheaths of water covering its legs down to the ankles that can be extended to contain the non-webbed feet too, allowing Reserval to move faster and more creatively and hit harder with sharp, intense water strikes. In nature, Sealine is preferred and Reserval less common and born out of necessity in undesirable circumstances; but since people of course mostly live on land, the latter is the form the majority of tame Aquakits evolve into. It is therefore bolder and more sociable toward humans.
Part One
Part Three
Part Four
Regional Forms
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hongmccurdy35 · 2 years
Keeping Your Feline Friend Fresh With Pine Cat Litter
Songha is a Savannah cat, who comes from Kalahari, an African desert. Her father, Rafu Dubwana, who, now lives in America, is an African Serval Leopard. Once breeded, his daughter, Songha became "one of a kind." This is her story! My husband was bit and scratched several times as he waved his hand trying to get a feral cat out of a shelter. He ended up in emergency about 15 hours later with a very aggressive infection. He was given high doses of antibiotics for 3 days. If he would have waited until the next day before getting help, the situation could have become very serious for him. Cat Lovers Gift Keeping the litter box clean is vital, not only does it keep odor out, it keeps your cat happy, too. Scooping out the box twice a day, and when the deposit is especially smelly, does not require much effort. Present for Cat Lovers Do you have too many cats? Overcrowding will cause fights. Just one more may be too many, especially if you have more than five. The problem is not the new cat but the number of cats which may overcrowd all the cats. They do want some space that they can call their own. To ease the feeling of crowding, be sure every cat has his own bed and food dish. Provide lots of cat trees and cat houses so each one has a place to hide or escape. Consider building an outdoor enclosure or run to further increase the cats' space. The main thing is, once you have found the type of litter your cat likes, stick with it. Cats are very picky when it comes to their toilet. A sudden change of litter could mean some unpleasant mess and odours for you to deal with. gifts for cat lovers Being cat lovers, my immediate neighbours did not want to get rid of Splodge as I named him (due to his being a white cat with splodges of black all over...) but were prepared to club together to get him neutered and fixed up in general. Journey Curve Diamond Pendant - This pendant is the embodiment of what's classy and what's sexy. Seven small diamond stones are set an S-like frame. You can choose between a radiant 14K yellow-gold or an elegant white-gold finish. It also comes with an 18-inch box-type chain. Sports is a fun party theme especially for an end of a season little league party. Include a personalized banner with all the team members names as a keepsake for the coach. T-Ball and little league Baseball Party Theme with basebase caps as the party favors. Pee wee football, Super BOwl to a college Football Party Theme with finger foods and the girls dressed as cheerleaders will help create a festive time for all. A car racing Nascar Racing Party Theme is a more unique party theme. cat toy
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anime-rambles · 3 years
Pairing: Alpha Bakugou x Alpha Kirishima x Omega Reader
Type: ABO Dynamic, Angst, blood, SFW
Word Count: 2900+
A/N: Seeing how everyone is loving “Welcome Home Omega” I decided to do another omegaverse fic this time with lots of angst. Thank you so much for all the kind words, reblogs, likes and follows. Was thinking of making a Part 2 for this? What do you think?
Summary: Omega y/n returns home to her alpha’s after being away in Europe, thinking she would be able to re-join her alphas and be happy. Only to discover they move on without her.
Link to Part 2 = https://anime-rambles.tumblr.com/post/657712192264814592/omega-stop-part-2
I collect my suitcase from baggage claim and make my way towards the arrivals gate. It has been an incredibly long 8 years since I’ve been back home in Japan. After graduating UA with all my friends, I decided I needed a new path, something exciting that didn’t include my alphas. Being away from my family and friends has been one of the most difficult things to go through and more importantly being away from my alphas. It was nice to be needed and not just because of my second gender.
After graduating UA, I joined Fatgum’s agency and from there I met Jackie one of fat’s previous partners on the drug squad. She needed a bright new hero that wanted to work outside of Japan and head off a special unit in charge of investigating quirk enhancing drugs. At first everyone was onboard and excited fir me but as time went on, it was becoming increasing hard to keep in contact with my busy alphas. So, one Christmas, two years into the job we all agreed to stop dating and put our relationship on hold, until I was finished with the special unit or until one of the alphas said enough, come home. I agreed happily, never thinking I would get the come home call, but here I am. I left Europe and returned home.
The doors of arrivals opened in front of me, I look around the barrier hoping to see either of my boys, Bakugou or Kirishima, but neither blonde nor red head could be seen. I walk the corner a small bit, thinking they might be hiding but nothing. I spot movement in the distant, a blur of pink rushing to my arms, knocking me off balance.
“YYYY/NNNN, I CAN’T BELIEVE YOUR HOME” Mina sobs into my ear. “Mina” I say back hugging her tightly. Out of everyone in UA Mina stayed in constant contact with my updating me on the group’s latest gossip and everyone hero’s ranking. “Come on, lets get you home” She speaks again, taking one of my bags and my hand in hers. I smile to her and gladly accept her hand. Mina is an omega like me, after UA her and Sero got together and currently have a beautiful house and a serval fluffy cats. Once we reach the car and start our journey. Mina tells me of everyone, what they are doing and what is planned for my coming home party tonight.
“Wait, slow down, where are you taking me first” I say, laughing at her excitement. With her hands on the car wheel. She says “Bakugou and Kirishima’s” I pause for a second. They must just be living together and not actually still together without, right? They wouldn’t betray me, would they? These thoughts are fully my head, maybe coming home wasn’t a good idea. I should have ignored the “come home” agreement. What if they just want to use me to have their kid and toss me aside.
“Y/N, please say something, you made me promise not to talk about the boys when were away and right now you’re kinda scaring me.” She presses.
“I’m… just thinking. So out with it tell me what has been going on, why are they living together.” I asked shifting in my seat to look at her and she drives down the straight road.
“Okay, so it started whe….”
Mina basically said what I thought she might after I left fully and didn’t come back like we agreed. Kirishima and Bakugou stopped for a while, they didn’t live together, socialise or anything but after Kirhisma was badly injured in a battle, they moved back in with each other and kept their relationship quiet, it’s been 6 years, that they been together while I have been alone.
“So that’s basically all of it y/n, I’m sorr…”
I cut her off, “Mina this is not for you to apologise for, you kept your promise to me and now I must face the music as they say in Europe.” We had arrived outside their house ages ago, but we ended up talking. I step out of the car and move to grab my bags. I look up to the house, it’s huge and white. Very modern and what’s looks to be very expensive. But what can you expect from the Number 1 and Number 5 heroes in Japan. Mina steps out and comes to my side of the car to hug me goodbye and to tell me the information for tonight. Just then the front door opens, Kirishima steps out with a huge grin on his face. He has changed a lot since I left. He is like a wall, thick with muscle and sporting a high red ponytail.
“There she is,” Kirishima says, holding out his arms as he makes his way down the path towards me. I drop my bags and run to him. I can be anger later, but right now I need this hug. “Here I am,” I say back to him, I took my face into his neck to breathe him in, he tries to do the same but it is unable as I have my marks and scent glands covered as Europe has different rules than us. I can sense the confusion and say I will explain later. Kirishima greats Mina and they discuss briefly about this evening's plans and Mina is off on her way, waving goodbye. With his arm around me, he guides me inside towards the kitchen. We each stand on opposite sides of the Island, not knowing what to say first.
“So, where’s Bakugou? I thought you would both be at the airport” I say frankly to him, showing my frustrations. “He had to work, but he should be back home soon,” Kirishima replies shuffling his feet. I stare at him, I want to voice my anger, I want him to know how much I hurt, I need to do this with Bakugou. “Okay” I reply looking at my bags, why did I come here, why did I think we could go back to normal. “He’ll probably be late like always though, why don’t show you to your room and you can get ready for this evening” He smiled at me, like he trying to form an olive branch between us. I nod and follow him out of the room and up the stairs. All around me are reminders, parties I could not attend, award shows I missed but right now I can’t dwell on that. My time in Europe was the best experience of my life and right now I want to go back. Kirishima leads me to a guest room and leaves me to get ready. I sigh, this is going to be difficult.
Doing the finishing touches to my hair, I smooth my dress down as I look in the mirror. I’m wearing a tight-fitting black dress, that is off the shoulders. I rub my hands down my neck, wishing I could have had the surgery to remove my mark guards yesterday before I came home. Just to show them, that I kept my promise to them. I hear noises downstairs, Bakugou had arrived home ages ago but did not even come to say hello, just went straight to the shower. Although I know what Mina told me was true, I needed proof if I was to enter an argument with Bakugou. I walk a small bit from my room trying to stay quiet, I turn a corner and see a wall of photo frames, most are from UA and some are from Dates we three had together. The difference, I was no longer in the photos, I was cut out. You could see my arm or a sliver of my hair and maybe an eye. I felt rejection, my inner omega whined. Why would they do this to me? I ripped the frame from the walls and marched downstairs. My heels clicked on the floor beneath me. I rounded the corner and enter the kitchen not bothering to wait for their conversation to finished. I throw the frames onto the countertop and look up at both of them making eye contact. If I wasn’t so mad and hurt, I would be shocked at how mature and sexy they both are right now. Kirishima's hair is half up, half down being supported with braids and he is in a maroon shirt opened slightly. Whereas Bakugou wears a white shirt and supports an undercut. My alphas have matured, I suppose I have as well.
Kirishima looks at the frames and stays quiet. Bakugou does not dare to break eye contact with me.
“So, let me get this straight. I leave home, to become great in something that is bigger than me. I leave my alphas with an agreement, that we all would hit pause, and eventually I would come back or get a called from either of you to come home. I follow the rules, and it seems to me what I got in thanks was to be cut from your lives.” I raise my voice, guesting to the pile in front of me.
“tck…” Bakugou replies and looks at Kirishima.
“Don’t tck me Bakugou, it seems to me that I’m not even wanted here anymore, so why was I called home, let me guess you need an omega to have your child and then I’m to disappear,” I respond. “No that’s not why we called you back” Kirishima speaks up, slightly walking towards to appear less hostile.
“Funny how you call us your alphas but yet, our marks, our bond is no longer on your neck,” Bakugou responds, pointing towards me. “They are not gone, they are covered by a skin slip, in Europe is safer to have them covered in case you are kidnapped and forced to bond with someone,” I say back to him. “Omega, please let us explain, I understand your hurt, but we want you still, your part of our family,” Kirishima replies placing a hand on my elbow. I jerk away from him.
“So, all this time, when I was away, suffering through my heats alone. Omega depression after omega depression. You two, were what? Together happily rutting away.”
“Yes, how do we know you never had it off with anyone else,” Bakugou said leaning on the Island in front of me. “Bakugou, don’t say that -” Kirishima scolded him. “- we don’t think that y/n”. I stand there shocked; I can sense he is hurt but right now I will not be his vent.
“ah, I see, I was away fucking my way through Europe apparently and my alphas decided that instead of coming to see me and to tell me. They went behind my back” I stare at Bakugou not daring to back down. “How do we know you weren’t, how do we know you didn’t get our marks removed?” Bakugou asked.
I scuffed and turned out of the kitchen, towards my bags that were left at the bottom of the stairs. Both Alphas stayed in the kitchen and spoke to each other. I opened my bags and reached into it to find a wrapped plastic bag. I walked back into the kitchen, hearing Bakugou raising his voice at Kirishima, “I can’t Kiri, you almost died.” Kirishima hushed Bakugou as I re-entered the kitchen. I threw the bag at Bakugou.
“Go on, open it -” I say with my hands on my hips. “- There’s your proof” I stand and watch it. Bakugou opens the bag and pulls out two jumpers, one of his and one of Kirishima’s. Their scent has well worn out but mine could be smelled. Years of being alone, years of depression, laid in their hands. Kirishima’s eye watered. “This proves nothing, maybe if you weren’t lying about our mark being gone, we wouldn’t have this problem,” Bakugou said, dropping the jumpers on the countertop. “What do you want me to do, perform surgery right now, you know once you never doubted me” I laugh under my breath.
“Yeah well once, you weren’t such a slut, betraying your alp-“Bakugou responded but Kirishima stepped in creating a barrier between us. Tears started to form in my eyes, my vision blurred. Fine, if Bakugou wants proof right now that I was loyal then fine, I’ll give it to him.
I look at my nails and smile to myself, I thank whatever god is listening that I have long pointed nails today. Kirishima is currently speaking to Bakugou, standing in front of me. I can no longer hear him. All I know is, those skin slips have to go now. I take a deep breath in and dig my nails into my neck around where the stitched used to be. I whimper, both can smell blood and turn to look at me. I rip the slip from my skin, blood starts to pour from my neck but nothing that would majorly hurt me. I reach for the other and dig my nails in. “Y/n stop, what are you doing” Kirishima reaches to stop me, but he’s too late I pulled the other off and make eye contact with Bakugou. “You wanted your proof, here you are Bakugou, take a whiff I have NEVER BETRAYED EITHER OF YOU” I scream, throwing the slips onto the counter and storm off.
“Omega come back now” Bakugou shouts after me, I can hear him chase me and reach for my arm. I pull it forward and turn to face him. Tear are leaving my eyes, ruining my makeup, my dress ruined from the blood. “What Katsuki, you believe me now? What do you want from me, why are you mad?” Bakugou stands in shock, unable to talk. “ANSWER ME NOW,” I scream again. Bakugou reaches forward grabbing my arms, tears forming in his. Kirishima was leaning on the door behind him.
“I CAME HOME WHEN EIJIROU WAS IN HOSPITAL” I shouted back, both alphas heads shot straight up and looked at me. “I was there, I broke me promise to stay away until I was asked by either of you to come home. But I saw the fight, I saw Eijirou get knockdown and didn’t get back up. I hopped on the nearest flight and came home. You need proof, ask Fatgum, Denki, Tamaki, Deku.. anyone who sat in that waiting room.” I said looking into Bakugou's eyes. Kirishima walked forward to join us. Bakugou went to speak. “No you let me speak, I was there. Kirishima opened his eyes and called me an angel and then you shot into the room in a panic and threw yourself on him. Bakugou you looked in my eyes and didn’t say a word, so I stepped back, you saw me there, you. Don’t blame this on me. Knowing how angry you would be, Deku came and got me, promising to watch over both of you.” I stopped to wipe the tears from my eyes.
“How dare you hold that over me Katsuki Bakugou,” I say to him, Kirishima reaches for my hand as if to pull us all back together. I step back, I need to breathe to get out. I walk about the front door, grabbing my handbag. “I’ll see you at the party, some welcome home this was,” I say not looking back and slam the front door.
I walk down the path and reach for my phone, dialing Mina’s number. “Hey girly, I’m just about to leave for the pub,” Mina says down the phone. I start to cry and sit down on the curb. “Sero, wait a second” Mina whispers away from the phone. “Y/n, what’s happened, what’s going on,” She says again her voice has lowered. “Mina I need some help; I can’t see everyone looking like this,” I say back to her. I cry again, I can hear the door behind me open and I stand. I turn and see Kirishima, “Y/n wait please, come back in, we can sort this out,” he says, and I look over his shoulder. Bakugou is frozen in the same spot, staring at the floor. “I’m almost there, start walking to me,” Mina says and hangs up. I bend down and undo the straps of my heels, steeping out of them leaving them on the step. I start to run down the street, I need some quiet, I need to think.
“OMEGA STOP” Bakugou shouts behind me, but I can’t. I see Mina’s car and run towards it.
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muthmergya · 3 years
Heyhey! May I request yan childe x willing kitty reader where the reader has been abused in the past. So like the reader is willing to be tartaglia’s pet and personal fucktoy and stuff like that as long as he protects her from her past abusers and doesn’t hurt her too badly? Like maybe even though he kinda fucks her up during sex, she still stays with him cuz outside of that childe treats her nicely. If you aren’t comfy doing this I completely understand. Thank you :>
"Fuck toy"
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Warnings- rough sex, bondage, petplay,slight abuse,degradation, knife play.
Yandere Childe x wiling neko f!reader
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She loved yet she hated, she begged for more yet she cried for him to stop, she wanted more yet she needed rest, she knew it was all wrong yet she adored it all.
Y/n, a mere neko who was abandoned by her family at the age of 15, poor girl had nothing, no where too go, she was from a small village in snezhaya, and being a weak little cat in such a huge and strong nation was highly looked down upon, she had worked as a normal cleaner or maid in nobel houses but will always get kicked out or abused and taken advantage of by the nobel men and women who saw her as a stray kitten, she was called names through out her childhood till she grown into a young women at the age of 20, poor girl tried to kill herself serval times, her own family almost everyone hated her and told her to kill herself, took advantage of her, abused her to no end and broke her apart.
Until he came
Tartaglia 11th of the fauti harbingers the man who had swept her off her feet the moment he saw her. The man had came to collect the pending fee from the owner of the clothing, when his eyes had wandered around to lay eyes upon the most utterly beautiful and adorable thing he had ever seen.
A neko. A women who stood about 162 cm tall whom had cat ears and tail, her cat ears slumped down as if a sign she was sad and her cat tail curling in her legs as she keeps on scratching her own wrists while looking down at her feet as she gets harshly yelled at by the very owner of the store.
A shivering little kitten, oh how utterly adorable she looked in his eyes looking like she was lost All alone in this big world.
That was the day childe had saved her from the hell she resided in, and caged her in a new and a million times more horrifying one then the pervious.
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Oh how she loved him her saviour, the man who gave her a home who always stayed with her no matter what the man who would shower her with gifts who would give her meals and food.
The man who would use her to his pleasure every night the one who will kill any other man who even dared to look at her, no matter how crazy he became she would still and always love him, he was her saviour afterall no?.
Oh how she loved his harsh thrusts into her, how she loved him folding her up and using her to his liking, how she loved being his little cocksleeve.
Even if she hated how he would bite down her neck and draw blood even if she hated how he would scrape down his name in her thighs with his hydro blades even if she hated how he would come home covered in blood and then take her on the very Floor of the entrance. She didnt really had a say in this, she knew that this man was her saviour and she belonged to him, she knew that without him she's utterly nothing, she knew that she should obey and never leave him if she doesn't want to end up as his victims
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And there she was dressed up all pretty like a little doll in childe's favourite pastel pink garter belts waiting for him to come home.
Her white tail softly swinging side to side as her ears keep brushing together as she rubs her thighs imagining him entering and taking her on the couch.
"Come home master~"
Whining as she plays with her garter belts out of boredom.
Becoming more and more needy by the second she slips her fingures through her underwear as she tries to pleasure herself even though not having a clue how to do that.
Pumping 2 fingures in herself she imagines childe figuring her.
Feeling a bit of pleasure she keeps on going not noticing the tall figure that entered the room
"Oh would you look at what we have here~!"
Childe's voice booming through the empty house as he walks closer to her jolted up form, quickly she had pulled out her hands from her underwear as soon as his voice reached her ears, blushing madly as her ears are downwards covering her eyes from embarrassment.
"Oh no! Why'd you stop go on keep going you were putting on quite the show~!"
Now standing infront of her he coos down cheekily at her
"Look at you, poor baby can't even pleasure herself"
Petting her ears away from her eyes, he sit infront of her leaning in his head with hers.
"Such a good little kitty you are Waiting for master all dressed up ~"
Cooing in her ears as he picks her up by her waist before placing her on his knees as he grinds it on her already wetting cunt.
"Say you're tiny fingures couldn't do anything no? Let me help you~"
Grinding his knee in her cunt as he helps her bounces on it.
Moaning from clenching on nothing y/n's sensitive little pussy cums right away.
"Aww already came huh?"
pushing her down the lush silk pillows of the couch he unbulckes his belt to seal her hands up her head as he wasted no time in swiftly ripping off the garter belt leaving her completely nude under him
Spread in up her legs he stares down love sickly at the red words craved into her thighs.
"You look so beautiful with my name on you~"
Burying his head in her thighs he licks,sucks and marks all the sick between her thighs before his tongue starts devouring her wet pussy like a man starved for months.
Taken by surprise y/n jolts up as her eyes turn glassy from the overwhelming pleasure, her tongue lolling out as her tail wraps around his hand.
His tongues wet muscles completely fucking up her pussy as he pulls out 2 oragasms at once from her, swallowing down the sweet yet sour juices from her he quicky comes up to her lips shoving his tongue down her throat as he makes her taste herself.
Y/n who was in the middle of seeing white breaks out her trance as she kissing him back before weakly wrapping her legs around his waist.
"Please master~ please take me I want you~"
She tries to grind upwards on him trying to create friction.
Tartaglia's breath hitchs as he stares at her heart shaped lust filled irises staring up at him.
"Oh how am I supposed to deny you"
Quicky ridding himself of his pants letting his harden cock spring out.
"I am going to fuck you up so good tonight~!"
Shoving inside her he starts thrusting without letting her time to adjust like always, hitting all the right spots in her making her see stars right away.
Her little cunt cut was clenching so hard childe was seeing white with every thurst in her, so hot so wet oh he fucking loved this.
Throwing her head back as she once more comes 2 times in a row thick ropes of cum shooting out of her completely covering up childe's cock.
Childe cums too as her cunt insanely clenches around him,
Completely mesmerized at what she did he leans down her head staring at her fucked out expression.
"Can you do that again for me?"
The entire room is filled with high pitched moans and begs as the little kitty is being fucked over and over again as childe keeps making her squirt loving the feeling of her clenching around him.
Childe giving zero fucks about her he makes her squirt mid sentence as both of them let out loud moans from the feeling.
"Oh shut it slut! You were the one who wanted this no? So why are you backing away Now? Little bitch was so excited for me to take her and now she's screaming? . Listen whore you don't get a say in this you are my fuck toy I can use you however I want."
Fucking her up over and over again as she cries, childe makes sure to not stop till morning.
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Art credit- @motiommmm on Twitter
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