#Celestial forecast
olympain · 10 months
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futurefatum · 3 days
You don't have a choice, you HAVE to (Tone: 310)
Astrology forecast: Expect communication breakthroughs and emotional turbulence as karmic issues surface. Stay grounded! #astrology #horoscope
Posted September 22nd, 2024 by @camwhiteastro ABOUT THIS VIDEO: The video provides an astrology forecast for the upcoming week, focusing on major astrological events that will impact people’s lives. It highlights the influence of planets such as the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars, and their interactions with the South Node, Neptune, and Saturn. The astrologer emphasizes that this period will…
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Horoscopes For Parents: Week Of June 23rd – 30th
Weekly Horoscopes For Parents 🌕 For the week of June 29 – July 6, 2024, celestial alignments create a mix of challenges and opportunities for each zodiac sign. Here’s what parents can expect: Click horoscope to enlarge From managing busy schedules to fostering emotional connections with your children, our horoscope column is designed to help parents make the most out of each week. So, sit…
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zwenaellecrystal · 5 months
Zwenaelle Crystal Daily Lunar Reading - May 13, 2024
Welcome to Zwenaelle Crystal’s daily lunar reading, where we share insights for our astrology and Feng Shui community. Here’s the lunar overview for May 13, 2024. Date: Monday, May 13, 2024 Lunar Date: In the Wood Dragon year, it’s the 6th day of the 4th Lunar Month. Next Day Activities Guidance: Favorable for opening markets, trading, issuing tickets, worship, illumination, praying for…
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serenesoulpaths · 10 months
Unveiling the Secrets of Astrology Decans: Exploring Meaning, Interpretation, and Personal Insights
Written by Destiny Nicole Astrology is a complex system that offers insights into various aspects of our lives, including personality traits and compatibility. Within astrology, there is a concept called “decans” that provides a deeper understanding of the characteristics associated with each zodiac sign. In this article, we will explore the meaning and interpretation of astrology decans, their…
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ryin-silverfish · 6 months
Headcanon: Dragons of the Four Seas
(inspired by a recent discussion with @the-monkey-ruler)
-Although Chinese dragons are water deities, there are dragons who control stuff other than water: Cold Dragons under the Dragon King of the North can freeze stuff, and Bailong Ma used to be a Fire Dragon in pre-novel variants of JTTW.
"Wouldn't it be interesting if the four major lineage of dragons all have their unique side-power, apart from water and weather manipulation?"
-It starts off as this, then spins out of control and becomes one giant worldbuilding exercise.
East Sea:
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-The eastern direction is traditionally associated with the Wood element. However, I feel like plant manipulation will be too obvious.
-So instead, they are the master of Thunder and Wind——the trigrams that represent these two things, Zhen and Xun, are both Wood-aligned.
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-Their lightning has a notable azure hue, and have adapted the force of Thunder specifically for underwater usage, creating highly potent sonic blasts as well as what basically amount to a sonar spell.
-They kinda consider themselves the archetypal dragon, representative of their kind, and certainly have the attitude to match.
-Like, they claim to be descended from the Azure Dragon of the East, even though the idea that a Divine Beast of the Four Directions, stellar guardian of the entire eastern section of the sky, can reproduce is...dubious at best.
-Don't you mention the time Ao Guang got bullied by Wukong. Or Nezha. Or Huaguang. Or the Eight Immortals. They are very touchy about that. Violently touchy.
-They also have close relations with water-dwelling Yakshas, who act as a sort of elite mercenaries in their military campaigns against other seaborn demons and rogue flood dragons.
-Basically, the proud generals of dragonkind, with a vast weapon collection to match. The dragon king's family also name their kids after Celestial Stems and Earthly Branches, much like the ancient Shang dynasty rulers.
-The East Sea dragons are the only lineage who has an official representative of the Celestial Host stationed in their territory, who's only known by his title, the "Water-dividing General of the East Sea".
-He seems to be an older sort of god, the half-man, half-beast ones who look like they walk out of an illustration of the Book of Mountains and Seas.
-Most of the time, he takes the form of a seal, lounging around on rocks and watching sunrises, and has the personality of a sarcastic old man.
-Whether he's here to keep an eye on them, or they are supposed to keep an eye on him, no one can say. Ao Guang certainly treats him like an old acquaintance, though.
West Sea:
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-They are a bit tricky. West is associated with Metal, and the two Metal-aligned trigrams, Qian and Dui, represent Heaven and Marsh...which don't neatly map onto weather and natural phenomena.
-Then I had an idea. What if they have a natural affinity for heavenly bodies? In ancient times, the movements of stars are believed to affect weather, after all, not to mention the sun and the moon.
-This affinity can be figurative——their lineage has a strong relationship with the stellar deities of the 28 Lunar Mansion and Dipper Mansion——or literal.
-Like a natural talent for divination and astrology, predicting the future from the patterns of stars. They are no governors of fate, unlike the actual Star Lords, they are just fate's weather forecast guy.
-This puts them in an awkward position, though: the stellar gods act according to the Jade Emperor's orders, some of which are very much secret and beyond their clearance levels, but the best scions of the West Sea can just infer it from the movement of stars alone.
-Which makes them obsessed with proving their loyalty, as well as enforcing a draconian standard of secrecy, just so they wouldn't get into trouble for knowing something they weren't supposed to know.
-Even more rarely, they can harness the power of astral light. Most of the time, such light is of lunar nature——Star Lord Taiyin also holds sway over the ocean's tides, though it is an easily forgotten power.
-But sometimes, that light comes from a fiery, lively, or ominous star, and the power that results is just as temperamental as their stellar origins.
-Enters Ao Lie, Third Prince of the West Sea, who has highly potent fire powers despite not being a South Sea dragon, and became the subject of some rather tasteless gossips about his parentage the moment it awakened.
-All dragons love their pearls: it's kinda like an ordinary yaoguai's "inner core", an orb of solidified Qi that can be spit out and store separately from the body, but much more powerful and culturally significant.
-Well, the West Sea dragons use their pearls in the same way a Feng Shui master uses their geomantic compass, or a Zhou Yi diviner, their turtle shell and copper coins. The ones left behind by venerable ancestors are especially treasured, believed to lead to clearer insights and more reliable readings.
-Through that lens, Ao Lie's burning of one such pearl is the equivalent of descrating the dead + destroying a priceless, irreplacable supercomputer.
-Intentional or not, to a lineage that is so serious about their discipline, taboos, and absolute loyalty to the Celestial Host, it is enough to warrant death.
-To no one's surprise, they are the diplomats, the inter-department coordinators when it comes to weatherly business. Not just between relevant celestial bureaus like the Thunder and Water Bureaus, but also between local dragon kings of rivers and lakes.
-As a result, the West Sea lineage is the most open to marrying non-oceanic dragons, even though these are often out of practical and political needs.
-That's my explanation for why, in JTTW, Ao Run's nine nephews either guard rivers or work for JE/the Buddha. The West Sea lineage has really turned nepotism into an art form.
North Sea:
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-In JTTW, we know that they have Cold Dragons that can chill stuff. It is certainly not too much of a stretch to imagine them as the ice-and-snow specialists, the ones you summon when you are sick of the heat or need to insta-freeze something.
-Historically, the "North Sea" in Chinese texts refer to Lake Baikal. However, I think it is cooler if their palace is literally in the arctic zone, under the ice caps.
-Instead of garden-variety shrimp and crab soldiers, they have lots of cultivated marine mammals. And elite legions of belugas and narwhals and bowhead whales.
-The smallest and most isolationist lineage also carries the grimest duty, as border patrols and prison wardens. Not only is the North Sea a hotspot of rifts that lead to the Underworld, it also conceals the portal to the Evil-Vanquishing Mansion of the North Pole——realm of Emperor Zhenwu, Lord of the North.
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-Kind of like the Lord Father of the East and Queen Mother of the West, he is the sovereign of the northern direction and the Water element, as well as the direct superior of Xuanwu, one of the Four Divine Beasts.
-And his job? Subduing demons. The Evil-Vanquishing Mansion is basically a fleet of giant, hollowed-out icebergs, packed to the brim with powerful demons, ghosts, and rogue immortals.
-Any prisoners that make an unlikely escape will emerge into the North Sea, where the vigilant army of the dragon king awaits. However, that is not their main duty; it is the Eye of the North Sea that they swear to eternally guard.
-And the prisoner of the Eye is none other than Shen Gongbao, the infamous traitor of the Chan Sect who was behind most major conflicts in the War of Investiture.
-It was said that, though his body was stuffed into the Eye of the North Sea as punishment, in the end, his soul still gets deified as a minor water god.
-However, if there is only a mindless body left in there, why the need for such heavy security? Only the most experienced elders and veterans are allowed to go into the Eye's vicinity to check on Yuanshi Tianzun's seals, and repeated visit by the same people is strictly prohibited.
-Perhaps, instead of a split of soul and body, deification has split the soul itself: one half is exorcised of all the undesirable qualities, the other left to stew and simmer in them until it mutates into something unrecognizable.
-Such is the rumor among the North Sea's younger scions. But folks will make up anything to pass the time in those long, cold arctic nights, and whatever the truth is, it doesn't matter, as long as the seal still holds.
South Sea:
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-Their element, Fire, is directly opposite to the North Sea's; much like the Cold Dragons, the Fire Dragons of the South Sea are heat specialists, creators of droughts and wildfires as well as bringers of warm winds.
-And their fire is a peculiar variant of Earthly Fire. Unlike Heavenly Fires, which draw from the blaze of the Three-legged Sun Crow, or the True Fires immortals used in internal alchemy, Fire Dragons channel the power of earth's flaming veins: that is, undersea volcanos and thermal vents.
-Though they usually display their power in less flashy ways——steam clouds, a playful whiff of sulfur, a blast of warm wind on a winter night, a Fire Dragon fully on the offensive is just like a mini live volcano, unleashing streams of magma and scalding smoke clouds.
-When dragons are mentioned as one of the Eight Classes of Demigods in Buddhism, more often than not, they are from the South Sea lineage.
-Like, the most popular Bodhisattva in Asia, Guanyin, resides in the South Sea. It's all but granted that the local dragons would also be heavily influenced by Buddhist teachings, in the same way their northern kins are drawn to the entourage of Zhenwu.
-Fun fact: the imagery of dragons has appeared in Chinese art since the Neolithic period, but the specific worship of dragons as gods of the Four Seas is a result of Buddhist influence.
-Prior to that, the gods of the Four Seas in the Book of Mountains and Seas are all beasts with human faces, wearing snakes as earrings or standing on a snake.
-And in Sui-Tang era works, some variants merged the Four Seas gods with the Four Directions gods of ancient times, and said that the god of the South Sea was Zhurong.
-A.k.a. the fire god that defeated Gonggong (in the most well-known version of the tale), who, being the sore loser he is, went and knocked over the sky support pillar with his head. Thus, Nvwa's patching of the sky.
-Legends of the South Sea lineage claim that the Fire Dragons draw their power from Zhurong's embers, and their king is descended from the two dragon mounts of the primodial fire god.
-To the outrage of more traditionalist dragons, they often intermarry with Nagas, the serpentine water gods of the Western Lands. Guanyin's dragon girl attendant is born of one such union, between the Naga lord Sagara and a princess of the South Sea.
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-Their palace is located inside an underwater volcano, said to be the remnant of Zhurong's great forge. Giant tube worm gardening is a popular hobby among the South Sea nobility; however peculiar it may appear to outsiders, these colorful creatures thrive in the union of Fire and Water, much like the lineage itself.
(Pictures of the Four Dragon Kings come from Nezha 1979.)
(The animated film makes the dragon king of the West a black dragon, and the North, a white one, a reversal of the colors traditionally associated with the two directions——West = White, North = Black.)
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breelandwalker · 11 months
Hunter's Moon - October 28, 2023
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Grab your masks and candy buckets and trim the twigs on your best besom, witches! It's time for the Hunter's Moon!
Hunter's Moon
The Hunter's Moon is the name usually given to the full moon which appears in October, provided that the Harvest Moon has occurred in September. Remember - the Harvest Moon is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox and that can mean September OR October! The Hunter's Moon is next full moon to follow it, so it may occur in October OR November. The Harvest and Hunter's moons are the only two moons in the calendar which are tied to a specific event in this way, while the others reflect signs of seasonal growth or animal behavior.
Like the Harvest Moon, the Hunter's Moon rises big, bright, and early, and it may appear to be full for two or three nights in a row. The celestial peak of illumination is at 4:24pm EST on October 28th, but the moon may also appear full on the 27th and 29th. This year's Harvest Moon will also be sporting a partial lunar eclipse - check here to see if it will be visible in your area!
The name Hunter's Moon is taken from the traditional timing for the fall hunting season, as the name implies. The fields cleared in previous months and the gradually cooling weather meant that animals fattened up from summer foraging would be roaming in open ground, making prime targets for anyone looking to put some meat in the pantry for winter. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, this may also be the origin of the other common October moniker, the Blood Moon, which has been in use in the British Isles since at least the Middle Ages.
North American indigenous names for the October moon include Falling Leaves Moon (Anishinaabe), Freezing Moon (Ojibwe), Migrating Moon (Cree), and Big Wind Moon (Zuni). In several modern pagan traditions, the October moon is called the Sanguine or Blood Moon due to its' with the association with the hunt and with alleged sacrifices made ahead of the coming winter. (Keep in mind that any claims about What The Druids Did should be taken with a grain of salt, as they did not keep written records of their ceremonies.)
What Does It Mean For Witches?
October is a time to finish our harvests. We gather in the last of what we sowed earlier in the year and reflect on what our work has wrought and what our labor has produced. It is also a time of transition as the weather begins to shift more noticeably toward the chill of winter. Shore up whatever provisions you need for the immediate future and complete whatever preparations you've been making for the cold season, both magical and practical. A little weatherproofing goes a long way!
This is also the month when numerous Western cultures remember their honored dead and a time when some believe that contact with various unseen realms is more easily accomplished. If you're seeking advice or reassurance from the greater beyond, or looking to do some planning or forecasting for the coming year, now might be the optimal time to do it.
What Witchy Things Can We Do?
Celebrate the end of the harvest season with your favorite recipes! Bust out that hearty stew or delicious pie you've been dying to make but kept putting off during the hot months. Use local produce to make something special and gather in the last fruits of your garden.
Get your divination game on! Many October party games include fortune-telling aspects for love or marriage or professional prospects. Choose your favorite method and see what it has to tell you about the coming year and where your current path may lead. Remember that the choices we make change the path and therefore the outcome, so try to regard the results as written in sand rather than stone.
Participate in the hunt yourself! Whether it's an actual seasonal hunt for game (safely and responsibly done, of course) or a bit of foraging or a personal search for something you've been needing, this is the perfect time to connect with that drive to seek and gather. Make one more trip for wildcrafted plants before everything turns brown and brittle. Stalk the aisles of your favorite local shops for craft supplies, new decorations, or perhaps that fancy hat you've been dreaming of for the upcoming holiday.
Prepare for the cold months! Switch out your wardrobe, heap those blankets on the bed, change the decor to something autumnal, and make sure your home and vehicle are ready for winter. If you do any seasonal crafts or fibre arts, start pulling out your accoutrements.
Shed your metaphorical skin one more time. Examine what you carry in your heart and where your priorities lie. If there is anything left that weighs you down or no longer serves you or disrupts your life unnecessarily, prune it away and let it go. This process is not always comfortable and may leave you feeling raw, but sometimes hard decisions must be made. You are not meant to be in perpetual motion or constant production. Give yourself permission to rest.
Consider also the parts of yourself that you don't always like. Is there value in the struggle to deny them and push them away? Is there anything that might serve you better if it was embraced rather than denied? So often we speak of letting things go and laying down burdens in order to progress. But there is also power in remembrance, in anger, in spite, in grief, in ambition. Remember that while you should forgive yourself for past mistakes and learn from them, you are not required to do the same for others. Remember also that setting boundaries is healthy and that if they are not respected, you are within your rights to remind others than actions have consequences. Protecting yourself is not always pretty and it is not always polite. And it doesn't have to be.
Happy Hunter's Moon, witches! 🌕🏹
Further Reading:
Additional Lunar Calendar posts
Secular Celebrations - Samhain
Hunter's Moon, The Old Farmer's Almanac.
Hunter's Moon 2023: The Spiritual Meaning of October's Full Moon, The Peculiar Brunette.
Partial Lunar Eclipse on October 28-29, 2023 - Where and When To See, Time and Date.
Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living, Dorothy Morrison, Llewellyn Publications, 2004.
Image Credit - Darkfoxelixir on Shutterstock.
(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Oh my- whorshipper god??
Oh my- Imagine them encountering reader, the poor human, doing their mundane and casual routine, when suddenly, an majestic being appear infront of them, and reader being an religious person, try's to bow, but before they could ever try-
The being bow to them, not even daring to meet their eyes, ashamed to have appeared infront of the being they consider supreme and in their own vision.
Reader is confused, while the god is ecstatic while apologizing from their sudden appear and the waste of their little humans time (even if I'm pretty sure they don't understand the concept of it since one year must be the same as second to them).
The stars fall from the heavens; whisking across the tinted sky and to the earth below. The universe reveals itself to you in brilliant streaks of whites and blues. A nightly stroll led you to the center of a previously forecasted meteor shower. Your current position gave you the perfect sight of the feat. A smile crosses your face as another crashes from the sky; mind deep in wonder towards what wish you'd like to humor before it ended. In the moment you feel truly at peace, and one with yourself and the world around you. Completely whole.
"Is there a desire you long to be fulfilled, my grace?"
You open your eyes. When had they closed in the first place? The celestials align before your eyes; their shimmer growing brighter as they cluster together. A flash of white light flares in front of you; lingering as you look into the face of whatever stood before you. You assume this to be its face, as you can vaguely make out the silhouette of something within the light. It was as if a literal star was now before you; burning your retinas and psychic the longer you stare. You quickly shut your eyes.
"My sincerest apologies. I forgot my form is harmful to the human mind. Even one such as yours"
The being's face implodes on itself; the aura that radiates from it trapped beneath layers of skin in a similar fashion to a closing umbrella. It shrinks slightly in sizes, but still looms over you; dressed in black robes that remind you of a church attendees formal garbs. Strange patterns were inscribed into their flesh. They make your head spin whenever you try to focus on them; the whisper of a dead language no mortal should ever witness.
Even in this humanoid shell, you could tell this being was a power like no other. A God or like-minded deity with an unknown agenda and you playing part. Your legs buckle as you almost fall to your knees. You are unsure if this is your God, but feel you should coward in its presence. In a bizzare twist of fate, that's exactly what it does to you.
The deity kneels to the ground; head near the tips of your shoes. They hold their hands up to you in a prayer; their voice quivering despite how it rattles around in your brain.
"Forgive me, my lord. For I have crossed your path without permission. I simply couldn't contain myself after seeing how you gazed at the stars. It was utterly spectacular."
You struggle to find the words to speak - something that was already impossible before their speech. This - this heavenly creature was apology? And to you? It must be a trick of your rapidly decreasing mental state. The deity senses your confusion. It drops its hands and fumbles with the fabric of its robes.
"I can tell you have trouble grasping the situation. I do not blame you, only ask that you continue to heed my words. I have existed in your reality since the dawn of your kind. I grew tired of my place amongst the stars, and took interest in watching your kind. Never before have I seen another like you. You've sewn the wounds of loniness in my heart with only your existence. You are a treasure to forever behold. My savior."
A flush breaks across its face; cheeks tinted a faint blueish color. It grows more and more excited with each word that fumbles from its mouth; fidgeting in ecstacy from just being near you. You're still unable to properly respond.
"I know I've taken up much of your time and I am sorry. It Is important to you. I only wish to offer you by service as your loyal follower. The line between reality and fiction will bend to your whim if you allow my aid. I give my all to you, my dear grace."
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moldwood · 5 months
first the total solar eclipse and now an aurora? i am being positively spoiled with celestial events i have always wanted to see
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the left is a normal forecast, the right is what is predicted for tomorrow night (may 10). so if you're in the northern usa + canada, be on the lookout! however it could also knock out internet, cellular, and gps possibly for a little while, so prepare for that if you need to.
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Unconventional Flowers Event - March
Birthday Chrysanthemums ft Yuta
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A/N: March prompt for my Unconventional Flowers Event. And a belated happy birthday to Yuta! All images have been credited at the bottom of the post. Hope you like it @sehunaeri.
Rating: E, fluffy
Pairing: Yuta x reader
Word Count: 933
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Yuta awakens abruptly, swearing he felt a breeze rush over him only to see the curtains still closed, hazy streaks of sunlight flowing through the window. 
He blinks, trying to come back to reality, staring at the white ceiling of his dorm room, before stretching and yawning widely. He sits up, then pauses as he sees a small bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums set on his study table. Curious, he reaches out and pulls a card from between the stems.
Happy birthday Yuta! Yellow for the cutest fellow! Anyway, if you want to find out who sent these, just crack the clues!Clue 1: Where students learn to control cursed energy, seek the first clue underneath the oldest tree in the courtyard.
Yuta feels a slight flush creep into his face as he reads the first line, a grin spreading across his face as he finishes reading the rest of the card. A secret admirer on his birthday? 
He quickly gets ready for the day and heads out of his dorm, card in hand. This was a relatively easy clue, and as he walked into the main courtyard, his eyes quickly scanned the ancient tree that was rumored to have been the focal point around which the high school was built. The enormous oak tree stood proudly, its trunk thick and knotted, branches spreading out to form a lush canopy. Wandering in circles around the tree, he spied another brightly colored chrysanthemum, orange this time, tucked away neatly in one of the high branches. Yuta pauses for a second, looking around to see if anything could help him reach the tall branch but nothing is within sight. 
He sighs. He’s never been much of a tree climber but here goes nothing…He hesitantly hops to grab one of the lower branches and pull himself up. He’s never gotten over his fear of heights and keeps his eyes trained upwards, focusing on the little bloom following branch after branch, until he reaches out a slightly shaky hand to grab it. 
“Well whoever it is can climb trees…good to know…” he mutters to himself as he balances himself on the branches and quickly reads the second clue. 
Clue 2: Amongst the relics of the past, search for the classroom where disasters were forecast.
Yuta carefully puts the flower and the note into his pocket and awkwardly shimmies down the tree, feet uncertainly probing the space below him for assurance of a branch until he’s safely back on the ground. He peruses the note again.
“Disasters were forecast…in the past…” He remembers the past year and the events of the Night Parade…Didn’t Gojo collect them all in a classroom to inform them what to expect before sending them off? 
He finds the classroom and enters it, feeling an odd wave of nostalgia overtake him. Had it really been more than a year ago that he’d stood in this classroom, scared, unable to let go of Rika, and doubting his sorcerer abilities? He finds himself marveling at his own growth as he wanders around the empty classroom, running a finger over the desks as he walks. It doesn’t take him long to find a pink flower hidden away in one of the desks and the accompanying clue.
Clue 3: Beneath the celestial glow, find the place where the protection barriers flow.
Yuta ponders on the clue. The obvious answer here would be Tengen’s barrier but to access that…
It takes him a good while to find the entrance, and it’s well past noon when he does. When he finally gets to the elevator, he’s surprised and relieved to find the next chrysanthemum taped to the corner, violet this time. Despite his enthusiasm to get to the end, hunger was chipping away at his interest. 
Clue 4: So close to the end, go to the place where people meet their friends
Strong instinct tells him it’s going to be near the vending machines and he hopes he’s right as he trudges towards them, the walk quite long from Tengen’s elevator. As he approaches them, the shade from the building soothing after walking in the sun, he sees a red chrysanthemum stuck to the side of one of the vending machines. He takes it, and reads the final note.
Turn around.
Your presence is quietly announced as he turns around, his eyes glittering as he finally sees who it is.
You smile at his slightly disheveled appearance from running around all day. “Yeah. Me. I hope you didn’t mind the little treasure hunt I orchestrated.”
He approaches you, a smile breaking out on his own face, the red chrysanthemum in hand.
“I take it you kept all the flowers?”
“Yes, of course!’ Yuta fiddles in his pockets to pull out the rest of the blooms. 
“Well, let me explain then.” You tap each flower as you speak. “Yellow for happiness, and I hope you always have it. Orange for excitement because I hope your life is never boring. Pink for friendship, because you deserve people who support you. Violet for thoughtfulness because you are so considerate to those around you.”
You pause as you touch the red one. “And red for love.” You look into his eyes, blushing slightly but determined to get your point across. “Because I have feelings for you.”
Yuta’s face mimics yours, blushing crimson, and he chuckles softly. “Wow y/n. I’ve never had anyone confess to me before.”
“Happy birthday,” you say softly. He responds by pulling you into a hug, and you embrace him back, knowing this was the start of something special. 
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all dividers by @/ cafekitsune
Yuta icon from @/ icrevert
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uwmspeccoll · 6 months
Milestone Monday Eclipse Edition!
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Today’s total solar eclipse will be the last of its kind visible from the contiguous United States until 2044! Even if your location is not on the path of totality and the weather forecast may not cooperate for ideal viewing, you can still expect some uncanny experiences as the moon passes between the sun and earth. The sky will darken like dawn or dusk and may confuse animals’ circadian clocks, temperatures will drop, and during totality viewers may be able to see planets accompanied by a 360-degree sunset.  
In celebration of the day, we’re sharing chromolithographs from Bilder-Atlas der Sternenwelt by Austrian astronomer Edmund Weiss (1837-1917). This pictorial astronomy atlas was published by J.F. Schreiber in 1888 and contains forty-one celestial chromolithographs, including the two shown here that capture the perfect eeriness and magic of a solar eclipse. 
Happy eclipsing and remember to wear protective eclipse glasses while viewing! 
Read other Milestone Monday posts here! 
– Jenna, Special Collections Graduate Intern 
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olrastrology · 1 month
Astrology: A Detailed Exploration of Its Principles and Mechanisms
Astrology is a belief system that posits a connection between the positions and movements of celestial bodies—such as planets, stars, and the Moon—and events and characteristics on Earth. Its practitioners, known as astrologers, use celestial observations to provide insights into individual personalities, predict future events, and offer guidance on various aspects of life. Despite its long history and widespread popularity, astrology remains controversial and is often criticized by the scientific community for lacking empirical support.
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Core Principles of Astrology
Celestial Influence: At the heart of astrology is the idea that the positions and movements of celestial bodies affect human affairs and natural phenomena. This influence is thought to be exerted through gravitational, magnetic, or symbolic means.
Zodiac Signs: The zodiac is a belt of the sky divided into twelve segments, each named after a constellation that lies within its bounds. These signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Each sign is associated with specific personality traits and tendencies.
Houses: The astrological chart is divided into twelve houses, each representing different areas of life, such as career, relationships, and health. The positions of planets within these houses are believed to influence various aspects of an individual’s life.
Aspects: Aspects are angles formed between planets in the astrological chart. These angles are classified as harmonious (e.g., trines and sextiles) or challenging (e.g., squares and oppositions) and are thought to describe how different planetary energies interact and influence each other.
Horoscopes: A horoscope is a detailed chart created for a specific time and place, showing the positions of celestial bodies. It is used to interpret astrological influences and provide personalized insights. There are several types of horoscopes, including natal (birth), transits (current planetary movements), and progressions (symbolic advancement of the natal chart).
How Astrology Works
Creating an Astrological Chart: The process begins by generating an astrological chart or horoscope, which requires precise information about the individual's birth—date, time, and location. This data is used to calculate the positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets relative to the twelve zodiac signs and houses.
Interpreting the Chart: Astrologers analyze the chart by looking at the following elements:
Sun Sign: The zodiac sign where the Sun was positioned at the time of birth. It is often considered the core of one's personality.
Moon Sign: The zodiac sign where the Moon was positioned, reflecting emotional nature and inner self.
Ascendant (Rising Sign): The sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth. It influences outward behavior and first impressions.
Planetary Positions: The positions of planets like Mercury, Venus, Mars, etc., in relation to the zodiac signs and houses.
Aspects: The geometric angles between planets that indicate how their energies interact.
3. Personal Characteristics and Predictions: Astrologers interpret the positions and aspects to describe an individual's traits, potential strengths, challenges, and life path. They also use the chart to forecast future events, by analyzing current planetary transits and progressions in relation to the natal chart.
Astrology and Its Variations
Western Astrology: This form, rooted in Hellenistic traditions and developed in Europe, is the most commonly practiced in the Western world. It includes several branches such as psychological astrology, which focuses on personality and personal growth, and mundane astrology, which concerns world events and politics.
Vedic (Indian) Astrology: Also known as Jyotish, this system has roots in ancient Indian texts and differs from Western astrology in its use of the sidereal zodiac, which is based on the actual positions of constellations. Vedic astrology emphasizes karma and dharma and uses different techniques, such as the divisional charts, to offer insights.
Chinese Astrology: Based on a lunar calendar and the Chinese zodiac, this system divides the year into twelve animal signs (Rat, Ox, Tiger, etc.) and incorporates elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) to provide a comprehensive view of personality and fate.
Evolutionary Astrology: This modern approach combines traditional techniques with a focus on spiritual growth and evolution. It interprets planetary positions in terms of past-life experiences and soul development.
Criticism and Contemporary Relevance
Astrology has faced significant criticism, primarily due to its lack of empirical evidence and scientific validation. Critics argue that the principles of astrology are based on outdated astronomical concepts and rely on vague interpretations that lack rigorous testing.
Despite this, astrology maintains a broad following and is valued by many for its symbolic and introspective qualities. It offers a framework for self-reflection and understanding, helping individuals explore their inner lives and navigate personal challenges.
In summary, astrology is a rich and diverse system with deep historical roots and complex methodologies. While it is not scientifically validated, its enduring appeal reflects its capacity to provide meaning and insight in the context of human experience.
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luvizna · 1 month
୨୧ opulent - s. tsukasa x reader
━ rivals to lvrs socmed au
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synopsis: (name) unfortunately is stuck with tsukasa for yet another school project, except this time around both of their lives change..
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chapter 14 - "full moon"
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(Name) was on their way to the front of the school, when they felt a quiet buzz in the pocket of their jacket. They pulled out their phone to see a message from Tsukasa, who was asking them to come to the gates. They internally rolled their eyes, knowing that they were already headed there in the first place, but nonetheless replied back, letting him know that they saw his message. 
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Once they got to the front gates, they saw the knight standing a few feet in front of them, waiting for them to arrive so he could take them home, though more focused on the phone in his hand than anything else. (Name) figured that he must have been playing some sort of mobile game, judging from the fact that he was holding the phone horizontally. He quickly switched off his phone and looked around before putting it in his pocket the moment he heard footsteps coming, however, making them chuckle a little.
“You play mobile games?” (Name) asked as they approached him.
Tsukasa refused to look in the other’s direction, his face slightly reddening. “It released today.. I would have been at the dorms playing it if it weren’t for you.”
(Name)’s expression dulled. “I can’t believe you came in the first place.”
“Narukami-senpai was bothering me about it, she was practically insisting that I should come instead of her, or like, Kagehira-senpai..” The male still refused to make eye contact with them as he said that, causing them to smile slightly at his embarrassment.
“Why’d you bring him up.. Whatever, it’s okay.” (Name) began walking in the direction of their home, clutching their school bag more tightly than normal as a means to escape the unabating awkwardness between them. They looked back to check if Tsukasa was following behind, which he was. They sighed. “I thought we’d go our own separate ways from here.”
He shook his head. “I came to pick you up, meaning I get you home. It would be un-knightly of me to do otherwise.”
Tsukasa had a point, so the only thing (Name) could do was give in. “Fine, I see you're still maintaining your ‘knight’ image outside idol activities, huh..” (Name) commented, turning the corner.
“It’s just who I am— Ever since becoming a member of Knights, it’s become a core part of my identity since then.” Tsukasa turned the corner subsequently, following after the other. He sped up the pace of his walking, so he could be side by side with them now.
“Aren’t you like, the leader or something..” (Name) took a guess. They weren’t affiliated with ES, so they knew little about the everyday details that Tsukasa was used to seeing, such as who led each unit and which agency each unit belonged to.
“I am, it’s a bit of trouble sometimes since all of my unit mates are.. You know, but I still have to keep up my title.”
(Name) hummed in response, not knowing what to say in return. They worked by themselves, so they didn’t know how having to group up with other people felt like.
They continued to walk in silence for a couple of minutes, walking beside each other on the way home. 
The Moon was glimmering among the other beings in the night sky, as usual, except it shined a bit more brightly tonight. The forecasts called for a full moon tonight, allowing for maximum illumination. 
(Name) looked up at the sky to study the features of the celestial body.
They liked how the Moon and the stars together lit up the night, the corners of their lips turning up correspondingly. “The moon is so pretty tonight.”
Tsukasa turned to look at the other, slightly taken aback by their sudden comment, and looked up at the Moon to see what they were talking about. He, too, was drawn in by her exquisite features as she shone in the sky.
“It is, indeed.. It’s a full moon tonight, doesn’t that happen once a month?”
“Mhm,” (Name) gently took his hand in theirs and pointed to a trio of stars in the sky. “See the three, super bright stars near the moon? The one on the bottom is Altair, the one to the left is Deneb, and the topmost one is Vega,” They made a triangular-like motion with their finger. “That’s the Summer Triangle.”
It’s been a while since (Name) went stargazing, so it was nice for them to finally catch a glimpse of the constellations for once.
Tsukasa was taken aback by the sudden physical contact, but didn’t mind nonetheless, wrapping his hand around (Name)’s accordingly and holding it a bit tighter.
“Do you know any more?”
“Yeah, those were just the ones that I could spot easily.”
He didn’t know they took a liking to the night sky, and thought that was pretty interesting of them. 
“..Could I see more?” Tsukasa asked them.
(Name) looked back at him and their cheeks flushed, making them look away and break eye contact instantly. They felt a pang of conscience overtake them, as they were just impulsively rambling about their interests to the other. “Oh– I didn’t realize I was going on and on about this, sorry..”
The male’s eyes widened, unaware that (Name) was feeling in such a way. He still wanted to hear more about it, though. “Wait, don’t worry, I’m okay with it! Unless you don’t want to go on..”
(Name) felt a smile creep up on their lips upon hearing his response, and thus continued to point out more constellations they could find to him, while the two of them walked home, the streetlights glowing just above them, and the Moon shining above everything else.
Neither of them wanted to admit it, but both of them secretly enjoyed the moment they were sharing at the moment, and wanted it to last forever.
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odinsblog · 9 months
“It was December 1993, and I was sitting in my flat in Moscow, watching what must have been one of the first ever election night results shows on Russian television for a Parliamentary election.
It was an unusual spectacle, to say the least. Politicians, pundits and Russian officials were sitting around drinking champagne. And then this happened: On came an astrologer to deliver his celestial political forecast.
Looking back, it was quite appropriate really, because 30 years ago, Russians had stars in their eyes about freedom, democracy, and their country's future. That night, as well as electing a new parliament, the Duma, Russians also approved a new constitution. The constitution which, many years later, Vladimir Putin would change through a referendum to give himself the chance of twelve more years in power.
For a Russian election these days, you don't need astrologers or fortune tellers or crystal balls. I can tell you now pretty much what the result of next March's Russian presidential election will be. Vladimir Putin will win, and with a landslide.
There are several reasons for my confident prediction.
Russia's current political system is Putin's political system, his rules, his election. And although his will not be the only name on the ballot, his opponents are unlikely to include Mr. Putin's most vocal critics, arch rivals, and serious contenders. The president's most high profile opponents have either been poised, fled into exile or been put in prison. What's more, the Kremlin controls television. Vladimir Putin receives lots of airtime, and on tv, he's much praised, never criticized. Handy that, when you're seeking reelection.
And there's another reason he'll do well.
Meet Alexander. Alexander is a young tv reporter from northeastern Russia. At Vladimir Putin's end-of-year press conference recently, he stood up and declared, ‘We all support your decision to run in next year's election, because you've been in power for as long as I can remember.’ There are many Russians like Alexander who simply cannot imagine anyone else in the Kremlin, not because they idolize Vladimir Putin, they just see no alternative to him. I've often heard people here say, ‘Well, if not Putin, who then?’ The Kremlin has engineered that. It has cleared the political landscape of any potential challenges to the man who has ruled Russia as president or prime minister for nearly a quarter of a century, to make sure that those two words, that little question, ‘who then?’ is left unanswered.
Even the war in Ukraine and what are believed to be huge Russian military losses, don't appear to have sparked disillusionment in Russia's President and Commander-in-Chief.
It was Putin's decision to launch the full scale invasion, but some Russians believe that at a time of war, it is their duty to back their leader without questioning his motives or the consequences.
Crucially, the other thing you find a lot of here is indifference. Many Russians don't seem to care who's in power in the Kremlin. They just hunker down in their town or village and try to get through life as best they can. Indifference, too, benefits Vladimir Putin.
For all these reasons, his fifth election victory isn't in doubt.
But what I find much harder to predict is Russia's future. These are very dark times. Darkest, of course, for Ukraine, but for Russia, too. You can feel aggression in Russian society building. You can see repression growing, and you can see a leader who is determined, whatever the cost, to emerge from this war the winner.”
—Steve Rosenberg, BBC's Moscow correspondent, on Russia’s short lived democracy turned autocratic dictatorship
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zwenaellecrystal · 5 months
Zwenaelle Crystal Daily Lunar Reading - May 12, 2024
Welcome to Zwenaelle Crystal’s daily lunar reading, where we share insights for our astrology and Feng Shui community. Here’s the lunar overview for May 12, 2024. Date: Sunday, May 12, 2024 Lunar Date: In the Wood Dragon year, it’s the 5th day of the 4th Lunar Month. Next Day Activities Guidance: Favorable for marriage, worship, praying for blessings, seeking offspring, illumination, travel,…
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malavoie1 · 5 months
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From My Backyard: Aurora Borealis May 10 2024
Last night was one of those rare evenings when the universe decides to put on a grand show, and I was lucky enough to have a front-row seat right in my backyard. Facing north, the night sky began to illuminate with the northern lights, an event magnified by a series of intense solar storms that brought these beautiful lights much farther south than usual.
Anticipation had built up as I had been reading about the expected solar activity and its potential to display the aurora borealis vividly this far south. The weather forecast had predicted partly cloudy skies, which had me worried that I might miss the spectacle. But as darkness settled, the clouds were not as thick as feared, and in fact, they added a dramatic touch to the overall visual experience.
In person, the aurora displayed faint greens and a hint of pink. However, it was through the lens of my camera that the colors truly came to life—a vibrant display of greens and purples that painted the night sky in a way that seemed almost surreal. The camera's sensor managed to capture the intensity of the aurora's colors far better than the naked eye could see, resulting in photographs that felt as magical as the experience itself.
To the south of our village, the sky was heavily overcast, and I felt incredibly fortunate that the cloud cover there didn’t extend to obscure my view. It seemed like a small miracle that the weather cooperated just enough to allow a clear glimpse of the aurora through patches of drifting clouds. This bit of serendipity made the experience even more special, knowing how close I came to missing out.
This event serves as a powerful reminder of the dynamic and beautiful interactions between Earth and the sun. NOAA had issued a G4 geomagnetic storm watch due to the coronal mass ejections hitting our planet, indicating that we could expect significant solar displays. While these geomagnetic storms can disrupt technology and power grids, they also create one of the most stunning natural phenomena one can witness.
Capturing this event from my backyard, where the universe felt both immense and intimately close, was a profound reminder of the wonders above us. The night was a perfect alignment of celestial activity, weather cooperation, and personal readiness, culminating in a deeply fulfilling experience of nature’s artistry. For those who appreciate the night sky, these moments remind us to keep looking up—the stars and the skies have endless stories to tell, and last night was a chapter I’ll never forget.
Processed with Affinity Photo v2 and Topaz Photo AI.
Camera: Pentax K-3
Lens: Tamron SP 10-24mm f/3.5 DI II
10mm / ƒ/3.5 / 30s / ISO 400 Taken: May 10, 2024
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