#Cellular ER
rayar32 · 1 year
No Symphogear or Gundam draws today (a sin, I know) so I'll post my gay ass OCs out of context because I still like these drawings
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And here's transformed Gigi being a little shit while fighting and wearing cat shirts (both equally important traits)
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exhaslo · 4 months
Hey girl!!! I was wondering if you could write something about yandre!miguel x shy!reader to IFHY by Tyler The creator. If not that’s okayyyy
I had to google the song lyrics to know what it was about haha. Def different for sure...Personally, not my cup of tea, but I can try and make it work.
Also, my next story after Over-Time will be a Yandere!Miguel x Gamer!Reader! So I hope you enjoy that one when it comes out!!!
Warning: Language, thoughts of murder, possessiveness, stalking, thoughts of abuse, kidnapping
I never would've thought that Feelings could get thrown in the air 'Cause I accidentally caught that I need some new boxing gloves, shit got hectic whenever I fought back For example, ten minutes can't go past without you brushing my thoughts That's fourteen forty a day so I'll say a hundred and forty four times I think about you or something like that Lost match, the fucking thought of you with somebody else I don't like that cellular convos getting left in the wrong 'Cause I get so fucking mad when you don't write back This isn't a song I just happen to rhyme when I get emo And find time to write facts (fuck) I love you
How could anyone ever thought about claiming you as their own? Especially since Miguel had decided to make you his. Not that he officially told anyone, but it should be common knowledge. Miguel spoke to you and that was enough.
He didn't want these feelings at first, because he knew what would happen. You plagued his mind constantly, unable to let him breathe for even a minute. It all started out simple enough, but then it kept getting worse as time went on.
Miguel loathed the thought of someone dating you.
For every second the two of you share a room and you don't look at him, oh it boiled Miguel. How dare you not give him the attention he deserves? How dare you not give your love to him as much as Miguel does for you.
Miguel knew everything about you. Every like and dislike. Miguel knew your pattern going home. He knew how you worked. Miguel followed your every movement.
Miguel did everything in his power to understand you. He would always be right behind you, no matter what.
Don't you realize how much Miguel loves you?
How much you are supposed to love him?
I fucking hate you But I love you I'm bad at keeping my emotions bubbled You're good at being perfect We're good at being troubled Yeah
I fucking hate you But I love you I'm bad at keeping my emotions bubbled You're good at being perfect We're good at being troubled Yeah
Miguel had done so much for you. He had tried to hide these obsessive feelings, but how could he? You were beautiful. Miguel went out of his way to make sure you felt loved.
To make sure that you relied on him!
So why the fuck were you not giving him more attention?
Why the fuck were you just stuck at giving Miguel hugs and pats on the shoulder?
Miguel was starting to lose his temper. What did he have to do to get you to understand his feelings? To get you to understand your feelings for him?!
Girl you fucking with my emotions The fuck is all this noise about? I even considered picking up smoking You turned to a bitch, who let the dogs out? But in my dog house My bitch is the raddest Crazy who makes me the happiest Can make me the saddest Look, Alice Let's get lost in your wonder-er-land, fuck an atlas You're perfectly perfect for me What the fuck is this, practice? Actually, if you even consider leaving I'll lose a couple screws in due time, I'll stop breathing And you'll see the meaning of stalking When I pop out the dark to find you And that new dude that you're seeing with an attitude Then proceed to fuck up your evening Make sure you never meet again like goddamn vegans 'Cause when I hear your name, I cannot stop cheesing I love you so much that my heart stops beating when you're leaving And I'm grieving and my heart starts bleeding Life without you has no goddamn meaning Sorry I'm passive aggressive for no goddamn reason It's that my mood change like these goddamn seasons I'll fall for you, but I love you
Miguel was furious. How dare you play with his feelings like this? How dare you agree to date anyone else while Miguel was right there for you?
Oh, how Miguel considered following you home.
Oh, how Miguel considered killing that scum of a boyfriend you had.
You were just confused. You just needed to practice with someone, right? You just wanted to be perfect and ready for when you finally confess your feelings to Miguel.
Miguel had to keep his cool. He knew that this was just a short-lived practice for you. He still had to be there for you. To show you your mistakes. After all, Miguel couldn't live without you. You belonged to him and you knew that.
You fucking knew that, so why the fuck were you playing this game?
I'm bad at keeping my emotions bubbled You're good at being perfect We're good at being troubled Yeah
The sky is falling, girl, let's try to catch it The sky is falling, girl, let's try to catch it The sky is falling, girl, let's try to catch it tonight The sky is falling, girl, let's try to catch it The sky is falling, girl, let's try to catch it The sky is falling, bitch, let's try to catch it tonight, come on
The smile Miguel hid as you cried onto his shoulder. Your practice boyfriend didn't understand you as well as Miguel did. He kept hurting you like this. Making you feel like you've done something wrong.
Which you did.
Miguel would just welcome you into his embrace. Comforting you as he thought of about killing that son of a bitch. You were made for Miguel. You were his.
So, Miguel was going to give you a chance to redeem yourself.
This was your last chance.
Come on baby Even though I hate you I still love you I love you And Salem I know I'm passive aggressive (I'm sorry, fuck) (Come here) I like when we hold hands (You're the best around) See I get jealous (fuck) And if I see that nigga (if I see him) I just might kill him (look) (Look, I wanna strangle you, till you stop breathing) Love, love, love (Spend the rest of my life, looking for air) (So you can breathe, or we can die together, you and me) (Fuck, look) I'm in love (love) I'm in love (love)
You were so beautiful. Miguel could never hate you.
But he did.
But he loved you.
You were still with that practice boyfriend, holding his hand as he joined for a work dinner party. Miguel just smiled as he burned holes in that fucking asshole's head.
How dare he claim you.
Unable to withstand this pain, Miguel pulled you to the side. He needed to hear your voice alone. He needed you to want his attention. Miguel just needed you to admit your feelings for him.
As the two of you talked in the balcony, Miguel withheld his breathe as you reached for his hand.
The smile you gave him was unlike any other.
Miguel tuned out your words as he watched your lips move. The temptation to take you away and make you his. How sweet Miguel would treat you.
"Miguel, I'm sorry...but we should see each other less."
And then you had to fuck it up.
You blew your last chance.
I fucking hate you But I love you I'm bad at keeping my emotions bubbled You're good at being perfect We're good at being troubled Yeah
Yo, so why is Samuel such a fucking dick? He isn't such a badass actually He's only here because he ran away Because some shit happened back, home he's actually a dweeb Yo, what happened?
Washing blood off was no easy task. Hiding the body was much easier.
If only you had admitted your feelings.
If only you weren't being difficult.
Making his way to the basement, Miguel hummed lowly as he faced you. The light was dimmed, but Miguel could see you clear as day. You had a new look in your eyes.
Miguel just smiled as he approached you, watching you flinch as he went to hold you. This was your lesson. This was your punishment. You should have listened to Miguel.
Now, you were Miguel's little prisoner. His darling girlfriend. You were never going to go against Miguel's wishes ever again.
"I love you so much, (Y/N)." Miguel chuckled as he kissed your head.
His hand stroked your cheek, waiting for your response.
"I-I....I love you too."
There is was.
Why did it take so long for you to admit that?
But it didn't matter anymore. You were now where you belonged.
With Miguel.
Hope you enjoyed, def different than what I usually write.
Hope I did a decent job with the song tho!!!
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Heart's Vocalization Thoughts and Feelings
Hello and welcome to another round of Moonlight Chicken Posts That Literally No One @respectthepetty Specifically Asked For:
Heart Edition Round ?? i've lost count.
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Mx. RTP may have gotten me hooked on red/blue through clothing but my first and truest love will always be lighting so I need everyone, but especially Professional Life Ruin-er Formerly Known as "Petty" (you're my best friend now, sorry I don't make the rules), to understand that this specific lighting ruined my life. Like on a cellular level, my body is a wasteland, my mind will never recover. Stepping in from the outside world, from Heart's world, Heart's life, Heart's home in to the rich, red, warmth of Li Ming's world, Li Ming's home. I've said it before, but I'll say it again, if my memory serves me correctly we never see Heart in warm lighting until the end of Episode 4, and we definitely don't see Heart in red lighting until Episode 5. Up until this point when Li Ming and Heart are together, there is always blue lighting on them, and especially when they are in Heart's home there is always a blue wash on the whole scene. So finally, finally we get red lighting babyyyyyy, fuck yeah!
Ok, sorry, I'm normal again.
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Initial thoughts going in to the actual scene are as follows: 1. Stripes, my beloved! 2. Heart is so head over heels for Li Ming it's ridiculous.
Anyway, I love the small little smile that Heart has on his face here when Li Ming is essentially giving him an 'I told you so' to Heart about asking his Mom. I know that Li Ming sees Heart earlier on in the episode, but he isn't present for the conversation between Li Ming and his mother so regardless of whether he knows that Li Ming talked to her, I don't think he knows the specifics. But he follows this comment up with "You're smart. You can persuade her." Obviously he knows that something happened because Heart's mother has never listened to her son before, why would she start now?
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So! Much! Red! Lighting! They are in love your honor. I am so grateful for every moment we get to see of Li Ming and Heart alone together having fun. They may be on the edge of adulthood, but there is still so much repressed youth in them that has been dying to get out and can't because it's been contained by parental shame, by the need to work to survive, by the nature of generational gaps and unsuccessful attempts to protect your loved ones.
When Heart and Li Ming are by themselves (with the exception of the post confrontation mental breakdown session in Ep. 5) there is so much joy between them. And look at Li Ming, he is so proud of himself here, for successfully persuading Heart's mother to let Heart leave the house. They don't have to sneak out anymore, Heart's parents are finally starting to understand that they can't make their son problem go away if they just keep Heart cooped up.
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Once again like father-figure uncle like nephew, Li Ming has found himself a love interest that is also obsessed with the family cat. Honestly, this cat is living the dream, all he has to do all day is be held for approximately 30 seconds and get fed a fuck ton of treats. So far this scene is just very cute, Heart taking in his surroundings, attaching himself immediately to the cat, absolutely bathed in red light. And there is something so simple I love about the set up this moment brings to the important turning point that immediately follows...
Heart's holding the cat with both his hands. He can't text or sign.
Side Note: I am curious if Thai sign language has finger spelling.
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And here we go! Heart speaks, not just vocalizes, it's not an exclamation of surprise, it's not a shuddering breath, or a sob. It's not a squeak or random sound Heart makes because he can't hear how loud he is being. Up until this point, every time we have heard a sound from Heart it has been unintentional. This is the first time we hear Heart speak. And importantly, he doesn't have to. He doesn't have to say anything. There isn't anything urgent, nothing that would require a sound to get Li Ming's immediately attention. He doesn't need to say Jimbo's name, literally right before this he looked at Li Ming and pointed to the cat. He could have ended the acknowledgement there. But he doesn't. He speaks. And he absolutely does not look at Li Ming while he does it. He keeps his eyes trained firmly on the cat in front of him.
I stole this gif from @earthpirapat because I don't know how to make them, and because I need anyone who reads this to see Li Ming's reaction in this moment. He is also looking at Jimbo, because he, like the audience, believes that Heart is going to end his acknowledgement of the cat's name by pointing to the cat. Li Ming is content to watch his friend play with his cat, and that's all he is expecting. Until "yyim-" tickles his ear, and Li Ming's head snaps straight up to Heart's face. You can tell how surprised he is at the way he pulls his head back a bit more to really look at Heart. To make sure that what just happened is actually real when he says "bo".
And I think it's important to know that Heart does not really seem hesitant to speak. He just...does it. What he is hesitant to do is look at Li Ming. He waits a full two seconds after he's said "Jimbo" to look up from the cat he is holding in his arms.
But he has nothing to worry about because when his eyes go to Li Ming, what does he see?
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A puppy dog of a man, radiating excitement. Li Ming is beaming. It's funny to me a little bit that the thought has never seemed to cross Li Ming's mind that Heart, who only went deaf three years ago, is actually able to speak. But nevertheless he is thrilled.
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"You can speak?" he asks, and he's chuckling a little and pausing and you can see all the gears in his head turning as he signs because it's like his whole worldview just got rocked. And GOD I love this moment so much because from the second that Heart speaks Li Ming's eyes never leave Heart. Or if they do it is literally an unconscious thing that is happening when he's trying to remember his signs. Heart puts Jimbo down and Li Ming literally folds his body in half, to follow Heart's movement, bends over to tap him on the shoulder. "Hey, you can speak?" he says again.
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"Yeah? Can you speak again? I want to hear." he asks, and he's baffled. He's losing his signs. Like he is signing successfully to Heart, sure, but it's taking him much longer to create his sentence than it normally does because he's still in such shock over what just happened. That Heart can speak, that he heard his voice. His brain cannot keep up with his emotions.
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The face of a man verrryyyy skeptical that his voice would be that exciting for anyone to hear.
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"To Hear"
"Your Voice"
I have no thoughts. I have no notes for this. It is just an incredibly powerful moment to me in furthering Li Ming as a safe zone for Heart, as someone trusted and precious. Each sign is deliberate. This is a deliberate request. This isn't a question built on surprise, "wait wait do it again" this is specific. "I want to hear your voice"
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Look how pleasantly surprised Heart is. Look how happy, how bewitched he is in this moment. A few weeks back, I wrote a post analyzing Heart's communication. At the time I wrote it, I was doing a lot of speculating about Heart and his ability to talk and what it meant for the character if he could versus if he couldn't. The tl;dr version was me essentially wondering how much agency Heart has over his own isolation. Is he capable of talking and chooses not to to test the people around him, maintaining control of his own isolation, with speaking as a lifeline, or because Thai is a tonal language did he lose the ability to speak because not being able to hear might impede his ability to make distinct tones. Either way he has the ability to talk, it's a matter of whether or not he could be understood if he did vocalize his words.
I got a pretty quick reply from @littlederxxnged with a link to this Tweet quoting P'Aof and Heart's voice:
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And if this quote is real, if the reason Heart doesn't speak is because he lacks the confidence to, this makes the scene all the more important and all the more wonderful for me. Because it's showing us, the audience, that Li Ming makes Heart feel confident. Li Ming makes Heart brave.
And I love that I don't get a sense of fear from Heart in any of this. Surprise? Yes. Confusion? Yes. Skepticism? A bit. Hesitation? Absolutely. But it doesn't seem to come from a place of fear. Heart is not afraid of using his voice around Li Ming, and he is never afraid of what Li Ming's reaction will be. He certainly has no idea what Li Ming's reaction will be, but it shows how much trust these two have built in one another, that Heart feels safe enough with Li Ming to test his voice.
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I don't know if Heart will speak again the show. I don't care if he does. Speaking is not his primary language anymore and he doesn't owe his voice to anyone. I just want to establish that before I say I find it so much more special that Heart says his own name, rather than Li Ming's here. Why? Because the way I interpret Heart's character at this point is a man who is far more certain about what he wants out of life, now that he is able to live his life again. We get to hear Heart's name, we get to hear Heart speak for himself.
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Something really cute about this moment as well is Li Ming's reaction. "I heard you just say your name!" I love that he signs to Heart what he heard. I love it so much. We know that Heart is hesitant to speak, and it takes him a second to get the word out, and I'm sure he can feel the vibrations of his vocal chords when he says his name, but he can't hear it. Li Ming is SO obviously happy, so obviously thrilled.
But this is about Heart, Li Ming's feelings have nothing to do with it. Okay, Li Ming's feelings have everything to do with it for Heart. But Li Ming's initial, gut-reaction response to hearing Heart, hesitantly say his name, is to hype the ever-loving FUCK out of that boy.
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"You're great! You're awesome! How can you speak? You're so great. I'm happy." and GOD Heart can't even hear him say it. Li Ming isn't signing here, I mean he is very obviously happy, and very obviously showering Heart in praise. But Heart cannot hear him. For most of the hug he can't even read Li Ming's lips. But the pride, the joy, the excitement is so palpable. He's jumping up and down, you don't really need to hear his words to feel how happy he is about what just happened.
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He pulls back "How could you do it? I'm happy. Can you see? I'm so happy," He is talking so fast. He is talking so so fast. He cannot contain himself. But he has integrated himself so much into Heart's life, that despite the fact that he is fully forgetting to sign here, he is touching Heart, he is jumping up and. down with Heart, he is showing Heart how much being trusted with his voice means to him.
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Sweet baby angel, you are talking so fast. He sees a bunch of words coming out of your mouth but does not hear what you are saying. And he looks confused because he definitely did not anticipate this strong of a positive reaction to just saying his name. Especially when you consider he isn't confident in his voice. He looks confused because he almost certainly did not anticipate this outcome.
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(Ignore the subtitles on that second picture, focus on Heart's smile)
Does Heart owe us his voice? No. Did we ever need to know if he could speak? No. Does this moment hit particular hard after the confrontation scene last episode concerning the use of the term "mute" in reference to Heart. Absolutely. We saw how much it hurt Heart to learn his mother refers to him as mute.
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We know Heart has to beg Li Ming to even tell him what she said, Heart can see how much Li Ming hesitated to deliver that blow. He saw how strongly Li Ming was standing against his parents, he's a smart kid. He might not be able to follow the full conversation cause it's happening quickly, and they are shouting which fucks with lip shape to read lips, and Li Ming and his mother are both facing away from him. But he knows his mother said something bad, he knows Li Ming defended him.
It is so so so so so SO important to me that Heart decides to speak in this moment. That he uses his voice casually, to say a cat's name, in private, with just the two of them.
Heart's voice is not a commodity, it's not a novelty. It's a gift. And Li Ming treats it as such. Heart is being vulnerable with Li Ming. Heart hasn't spoken to anyone in three years, and when he does speak in front of Li Ming for the first time Li Ming literally cannot contain his joy. I love how many times the camera cuts to Heart's face in this, to show us to tell us that Heart loves this. That he is surprised by it, but that he is more than happy to speak again, that he is smiling the whole time because he knows how important it is to Li Ming. Because it's important to him too.
If you finished this whole post, congratulations you have won an invisible medal.
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rukia-writes · 9 months
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Hercules x (fem) reader
Author’s note: Er… I noticed the phones the god had and thought of Hercules tattoos..🫨🫢 so now y/n has a modern phone in ancient times.
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“Did it hurt?”
Hercules had returned to Thebes, his hometown, completing his twelve labors, after some years had passed with a red fire like tattoo that went from across his torso from his right shoulder to the lower left side of his abdomen.
“Not for me, I have a high tolerance to pain.”
Smiling Hercules gladly showed his tattoo to his childhood crush as she slowly made her way over to the now tall and muscular who was known as one time as Alcides feeling his muscles and getting a close up of his tattoo.
“Well, I think they look…”
Between the muscles, the red hair, with the design of the tattoo (Name) couldn’t help but smile and fangirl inside. Hercules could pick up on the fact that she liked his supposed make over and couldn’t help but blush a little as he did like the attention that stroked his tiny ego a bit.
“…Amazing. How far does the tattoo go?”
“Hm, pardon?”
Due to the excitement Hercules’ childhood crush kindly asked a personal question, that surprised Hercules at first but he quickly got over his shock and answered her question.
“The tattoo stops at my hips. However, the more labors I use the more my tattoos spread…”
Kindly lifting his lion fur kilt exposing his upper thigh making (Name) eyes widen in surprise, eyes not taking off Hercules well toned thigh as he pointed to his upper thigh.
“…I think it stops here. I think. I’m not sure.”
“Hmm… interesting-“
“Hey! If you two are going to be doing that get a room!”
Both Heracles and (Name) kindly jumped a bit at hearing a voice unexpectedly and even worse at recognizing it to be Castor. From behind a tree, a sly smile and pretending to cover his eyes knowing full well the two weren’t doing anything naughty.
But it did look like it from Castor’s point of view.
“We weren’t doing anything! I was just showing (Name) my tattoos.”
The nervous tone in Heracles’ voice made Castor all the more convinced Heracles was shy about being caught. Add in the fact, that (Name) also stuttered over her words just made Castor all the more convinced the two could have been one step from something.
“Nothing goes better together than tattoos and muscles.”
- Unknown.
“How did you do that?”
“I think it was this-Ah!”
A few weeks later, Heracles returned to (Name) back in Thebes to show her a strange device. A device that seemingly captured moments, a cellular phone in modern times. After pressing the screen and capturing Heracles looking at the device in a confused manner the two were surprised.
“Oh, look. That’s me.”
Going from confused to a bright smile Heracles looked at himself on the screen with (Name) also smiling as well. Thinking to herself how wonderful it was to capture moments.
“Okay! Stand right there and pose.”
“Right here?”
“Yeah, yeah. Right there.”
Before long the two were taking pictures all over Thebes, most were relaxed and fun pictures. Some were sneaky pictures of Heracles muscles and tattoos.
The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day, why wouldn’t one capture the loveliness of Heracles smile , muscles and tattoos. While (Name) thought she was sneaky taking the pictures Heracles was aware she was taking pictures and of course made sure to pose when she asked him to do so.
Weeks later.
“It went thru? Oh, Hello (Name)! I can see you!”
“You can?! I can see you too!”
A sweet moment as the two were able to see each other thru two way communication, using the same device Heracles gave her weeks ago. The two talked back and forth, catching up what happened to the in the following.
Ares would catch Hercules sometimes talking on the phone with a smile on his face while seemingly vacuuming the wall, Ares was beyond confused until he realized that Hercules was talking to his crush…
Which seemed to happen a lot.
Hercules vacuuming the wall one day, or the ceiling,walking around his home, changing a completely fine light bulb.
Completely normal.
“You changed your wallpaper again?”
“I did. Isn’t she pretty?”
Not one for shying away Hercules kindly showed off his new wallpaper of him and (Name). Making an “awe” sound Ares smiled at the cute photo, then once the phone received a video call from a familiar woman and wasting no time Hercules quickly snatched his phone away and began talking to the woman on the phone with a smile.
Minding his own business Ares kindly made his way to the door to leave until Ares heard (Name)’s, “What are you wearing.” Proceeded by Hercules becoming flustered as he quickly changed the video call to a phone call. Face as red as his hair Hercules kindly pushed Ares out of the room, Ares’ face was also red.
Hercules tried to come up with an excuse but Ares was able to get the message.
“She wants to see my tattoos-“
“I’ll come back in a hour?”
“An hour is fine.”
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theantarwitch · 3 months
About medicine in witchcraft: Health spells, Professional Healers and Unprofessional scammers (And two healing spells from me)
Lately I have been seeing a dangerous amount of medical dangerous videos in our usual witchy spaces (specially in Instagram, since I refuse to use TikTok) and that bring me here in one of my long rants who nobody really cares. But, as a healer with lot of medical background, I have to.
First, for the love of your deity, don’t take these damn vids seriously. I’m not a doctor but I know enough that a huge ton of what they put there is medical misinformation dressed as mystical powers.
I’m not asking you to become a doctor, but at least remember: Physical symptoms are NEVER caused by one single illness, and you HAVE to rule out all the possible physical illness before even consider it a symptom of your superpowers.
Yes, some minor things like a random ear ringing or a random tingle on your hand doesn’t need you to run to ER, but at least THINK about mundane causes to it.
Your ear ring? Are you using headphones a lot? Loud music? You shower and water entered on your ear? You are taking meds? Stress? Your neck is stiff and affecting your inner ear? You are neurodivergent?
Your hand tingle? Is the same hand in what you use your phone 20 hours at day? You sleep over that arm? Your shoulder is stiff? You use a mousse a lot? You practice a sport and the nerves are tired? Did you drink coffee or Red Bulls?
And I’m not even mention REAL illnesses, this is just a bunch of mundane causes! So how you dare to believe in more deeper topics of spiritual stuffs, if you have zero critical thinking in something so mundane and basic as your own body? How you plan to be an efficient witch if you don’t even doubt about these things? How you even dare to talk about your deity if you believe anything as a sign?  
An advanced witch bases their path in three big needs:
Need of study (Books or google, spend months or YEARS reading and learning)
Need of critical thinking (Think, think and ask, be curious and compare data, question it)
Need of wise skepticism (Don’t fall into the “The government want me to believe this but I’m smarter” or “Vaccines do harm, people don’t need calcium, there is brick’s dust on ketchup” kind of mindset (Yes, these are things I heard). That’s not skepticism, that’s being a Facebook Boomer Mom. Skepticism is question everything and to always be suspicious, but is neither “don’t believe in anything because I’m so smart that I can see the lies”.
And healers, my beloved healers. As one, I have to say it on the most real way: LEARN SOME MEDICINE. Specially before to do public claiming that can really hurt others.
Why learn medicine? Because as happened once… A lovely lady did a spell to lose weight. She got gastroenteritis and spent a week on the bathroom. She lost weight? Yes. In a dangerous unhealthy way? Yes. She recovers her weight back after go to the doc? Absolutely.
The body is a fine machine, a ton of process, hormones, parts, that you will always ignore and omit.
Another big mistake: “Spell to Boost my Metabolism”. Do you even know what a metabolism is? What it does? Do you even know that it has three main functions of metabolism? (Conversion of the energy to run cellular processes; conversion to building block of proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and some carbohydrates; and the elimination of metabolic wastes). When you “boost your metabolism”, what you are aiming to do? You even know what your body need of these three…
“Spell to boost my Immune System”… Again, what part? Do you even know that your immune system is “slow” or it is just working against an illness as it should? (Reaction is not the same than an immunodeficiency) Are you aware that your body can be doing great and you will be pushing to get an overactive immune system? (And getting Asthma, Eczema, Hay fever, Food allergy and any other kind of allergy, Lupus, Type 1 Diabetes, Inflammatory bowel disease, Celiac, etc.).
Please, if you use “detox spell” in any way, just stop. Period.
If you are not willing to spend a couple of weeks at least in the damn Wikipedia, or you are in a rush, at least aim big and general, do a classic “Health/Healing spell”, that is focused on that, bring health where is needed. “My body gets healthier. My body gets health where is needed” It can’t go wrong, since you purposely don’t specify where or which part, you just do a “Somewhere I need it, and since I can’t know it, the Cosmos may know it and aid me”. If you need spells to focus a healing in a body part, maybe you need a doc, not a spell…. (Get a doc. If is so simple to not need a doc, then your body will do it without need a spell anyway)
You can also do the same with Physical Strength Spells (again aiming to boost what you don’t know what it needs to be boosted and avoiding to boost something that it DOESN’T NEED IT).
And if you are a Healer who really want to have a 90% of effectiveness on focalized and specialized healing spells, then time to study. You will need to know about hormones, chemicals, physical process, all the systems, nerves, bones, nutrition, meds… And pretty much being able to discuss with you client (to put in a way) about literally all their medical history.
And a gently offer to anyone who actually read all this shit, I give a couple of “simple” ideas for you all:
Regeneration Spell: Just a Healing spell, aimed to “attack” where is needed, but it focusses in a cellular level. General Healing spells usually are so general that include things like disposal of waste, mineral absorption, water absorption, digestion, hair growing, skin growing, muscle develop, and pretty much EVERYTHING that’s happening on your body right now, even including the gut bacteria. A Regeneration Spell will focus in each single cell of your body, from skin to bone, to neurons, to T Cells from your immune system. All. Something that your body do (except with the neurons) but that get slower with the age. This spell focus on restores damaged or missing cells to full function (you can help it to happen better with a good balanced diet, some basic exercise, proper sleep, and trying to reduce stress)
Big warning. BE SPECIFIC “My cells will get regenerated where my body need it to be healthy and in full function” or something like that. Why SO specific if the healing spells are general? Because Cancer.
Yes. Cancer. A cancerous tumor is failed cell of your own body. Our beloved bodies kill around six infected or cancer cells each DAY. Eventually (if you live enough or if your immune system gets weak) one of them will grow your body be on troubles. If you do a regeneration spell without that proper aim, you will also help to any cancer cell to regenerate, hence you can cause you a HUGE DEAL in a future. Will not happen 100% of the cases, many of these tumors can be not cancerous (benign) yet give you problems.
How do the spell? Just as any healing spell. Do your way.
Homeostasis Spell: What’s is homeostasis? Is the condition of optimal functioning for the organism, a state of steady internal physical and chemical conditions maintained by living systems. Is a stable self-regulated process of equilibrium between interdependent elements. In simple words, is the perfect state of full pure health of your body. Is a healing spell without the “but”.  
What it affects? ALL in the most basic small internal way. Body temperature, fluid balance, the pH of extracellular fluid, the concentrations of ions, blood sugar, oxygen, hormones, etc. If the body do it properly, then is balanced, in an optimal functioning, hence healing itself without big issues.
This spell helps specially (or BOOST) the body on regulate itself despite the many changes in the environment, diet, or level of activity. In this case, you don’t need to be specific, since homeostasis seek for health naturally. Do your regular healing spell but like “My body reach homeostasis”.
So. Rant and all made, I think is time for me to shut up. See you around, and check if you need drink water, sleep, rest, stretch, food, meds or hygiene!
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nitewrighter · 11 months
could you write something w my boy winston...?
Winston: I'm curious, Niran--does biolight photosynthesize and produce oxygen?
Lifeweaver: There are oxygen byproducts as the healing factor undoes cellular damage, but it's not as clean or efficient as a real plant would be. I'm still trying to get it just right.
Winston: Fascinating. So it's still a work in progress!
Lifeweaver: *chuckles* It wouldn't be science if it wasn't. Also, I want it to smell like waterlily.
Winston: Wh-why waterlily?
Lifeweaver: *dreamily* It's nostalgic.~
Symmetra: For something created entirely without Vishkar's technology or assistance, your dome barrier is quite impressive.
Winston: That's high praise, coming from you! *hearty laugh*
Symmetra: *amused* Hmm. And you're certain it's stable?
Winston: Absolutely! Um... yes! *pause* For the most part. *another pause* Er--pretty sure.
Symmetra: Are you?
Winston: *mumbling* Well now you're making me self-conscious.
[During setup on Halloween Terror]
Winston: All right, if we're going to do a horror movie for the Watchpoint Movie Night this week, I want everyone to promise they'll check in with Athena first if they decide to do any 'late night perimeter checks.' I don't want us to be bumbling around in the dark and scaring each other like last year.
Genji: I was scaring people on purpose.
Winston: And no scaring people on purpose!
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anumberofhobbies · 2 months
I wonder what the status of this from last year is now?
To see if WASF3 dysfunction might be involved in ME/CFS, the team compared muscle tissue samples taken from 14 people with ME/CFS to samples from 10 healthy volunteers. They found substantially higher levels of WASF3 in most of the people with ME/CFS. This dysfunctional increase in WASF3 seemed to be linked to impairment of a cellular signaling pathway called the ER stress pathway. When the team treated human muscle cells with a compound known to increase ER stress, they saw a corresponding harmful increase in WASF3. The researchers treated cells from the initial study participant with an experimental drug, called salubrinal, known to reduce ER stress. After this treatment, WASF3 levels decreased in the cells, more mitochondrial energy complexes formed, and energy production improved. “We hope to embark on clinical studies to investigate whether this type of strategy can also work in patients to improve energy levels,” Hwang says. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been found in some people with Long COVID and other conditions that include fatigue. More research is needed to understand whether targeting ER stress may also be a promising approach for these conditions.
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zeldahime · 7 months
Highway to Pail Day 25
[Day 1] [Prev] [Next] @do-it-with-style-events
February 25: I'm not sure about the new cafe. It fills me with uncertain tea.
It wasn't clear whether it was a divine intervention, a diabolical temptation, or just plain neighborly advice when Aziraphale suggested that it might be time for Henry Simons and his husband to retire from the coffee business during lockdown.
"Really my dear," he'd said, "you've earned it, and I won't hear of you putting yourself or Pat in any danger, not with everything you went through with the cancer treatments." He'd made Henry promise to look at listings and a little cottage by the sea had miraculously come up with all the amenities he could want and for significantly less than he had saved to be able to pay for it, and miraculously the owner had no other offers.
Part of Henry Simon's process of retirement that Aziraphale hadn't thought through was that it would change hands. He'd grown comfortable with Give Me Coffee Or Give Me Death over the last twenty-five years. Henry always greeted him as he walked in at 11:15 each morning, brewed their tea for four-and-a-half minutes exactly and put in a dash of milk for himself and one cube of sugar for Aziraphale, sat down for a cuppa and a chat. He'd handed the business off to his off-days manager Nina to run for real. "She's a tough nut, is Nina," Henry said during one of their last chats before the move, voice tinny through Aziraphale's Bakelite. "Probably has another twenty years in the shop herself, at least. I'd be surprised if she ever does retire."
He watched through their windows as Nina redecorated the shop over the rest of lockdown and smelled fresh spray-paint in the air on his daily constitutionals. She spent long days in the shop fussing over her equipment and her laptop, sometimes bringing tall stacks of paper to organize across a pair of pushed-together tables. A stranger sometimes appears there with her, often with their feet up on a table and poking at their cellular telephone. They remind him of Crowley, except for the pinched expression on Nina's face sometimes when addressed by them.
Aziraphale would miss Henry and Pat, but he always missed his human friends when they left him, and they were leaving him happy and healthy. Not all of his friends had been so lucky, and he was one to count his blessings, as it were. He was increasingly interested in what Nina's new "hip," as Crowley would shudder to hear him say, atmosphere would be like, and what changes she might make to the menu and operations to bring it "up to date." She was hardly a child—Aziraphale guessed she must be in her mid-40s at absolute youngest—but she clearly was bringing a new energy to Aziraphale's carefully curated block of Soho.
When Give Me Coffee Or Give Me Death reopened, he went over at 11:15 on the dot.
The inside was an explosion of color. Henry and Pat had kept it cozy and staid, but Nina's take was modern and lavish, with graffiti-like art covering the walls and floors, contrasted with plain steel-and-wood furniture. Young people in jeans and sharp jackets took pictures of their lattes, ordered from a menu hand-written neatly in chalk; little numbers on placards sat on tables, a young lady running back and forth with cups and plates to deliver them to sitting customers.
By the time he made it up to the front, Nina seemed tired but focused, the bustle of the day unrelenting but energizing, or so Aziraphale imagined. He'd hardly opened his mouth to greet her before she said, rather quickly, "Nice to see you, Mr Fell. Cup of earl grey, one sugar, plate of biscuits?"
Aziraphale paused for a moment. "Quite right. I'm impressed you remembered after all these months."
Nina smiled, something rather rare on her face and precious for it. "I remember all the regulars, Mr Fell, and you're a tough one to forget. I'll put it on the bookshop tab?"
"Er, yes, quite." Aziraphale wasn't entirely sure how he'd been paying for his tea for all these years, actually. It didn't seem to much matter. If the bookshop had a tab, it would continue to find itself paid off. "The redecoration is really something, you know. I'll have to bring Crowley around; he'll love it."
"Looking forward to it, Mr Fell," Nina said, giving him a placard. "Rhi will be out with your tea in just a tick, alright? I think your usual table's open if you can snag it."
Rhi was out with his tea. It wasn't quite how Henry had done it, a slightly different blend steeped about ten degrees hotter for about twenty seconds longer. That was for the best, Aziraphale thought. Nina's version of Give Me Coffee was promising to be a wonderful evolution for Whickber Street.
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sassysophiabush · 1 year
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I can only describe the calling I felt to join the 2:22 A Ghost Story company as a spiritual one. The pull toward this story & this cast was perhaps was the most intense I’ve felt in my career & the reward of being up on the boards every night was greater than I could have anticipated.
I’m gutted that it’s come to an end. Last month several members of our company were hit with a virus & in the following weeks everyone recovered except for me. After weeks of being intermittently pulled off stage & visiting multiple doctors, specialists, & an all nighter in the ER, I’ve been advised by my medical team in London & America to stop performing in order to get this under control & to do so in the country where I reside under the care of my own doctors. I’m crushed to not be able to finish my run, to have to leave my incredible cast mates & company & to miss the nights on stage with our audiences. It’s been a pleasure to perform for you all on your most special occasions. I’ve loved reading your messages about birthdays & anniversaries spent with us & I wish I could do more. I’m not one who ever leaves early. It’s devastating to say goodbye to an experience that’s been so incredibly fulfilling, both artistically & personally. Being a part of this company put me back in my body and in my soul. I was reminded, on a cellular level, of why I do this job & how much I love acting. I crossed an ocean to come home to myself.
I owe so much gratitude to my incredible cast mates. @jaimewinstone@rickychamp2@cliffordsamuel you are alchemists, healers, confidants, & just the most fun & talented people I know. It’s been a privilege. I feel the same about Andie, Philip, Tan, Lottie, James, and every other member of our incredible company who became fast family. You all have been so supportive through this. I will never be able to express enough gratitude for your care. From ensuring I made it through shows once things got dicey with everything from medicine to flat sodas hidden backstage — even packing my feverish body in ice packs from head to toe on more than one night — you made it less terrifying to be struggling thousands of miles from my home & my family.
To all of the fans who came along, thank you. You made my Lauren journey feel like a party. A wild, joyous, invigorating rush, night after night. I loved making you scream, and making you laugh, and hearing your stories at the stage door. It means the world to me that so many of you traveled to see the show. If you’re booked for future nights, please go support my incredible costars. They will blow you away! I know Frankie Bridge will be incredible through the rest of this run.
I’m sad. Happy. Immensely grateful. There is no greater creative experience than the stage. I miss it madly. I love it deeply. I cannot wait for the next one ♥️
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silentcounselor · 4 days
Mr. Vaughn. Good day,. Woulddf you pleas.e bring bac kk finger paibtinh for patients. again. Thank you my son,
- NOT. Fath,er Martin. He does . Not have access to a. Cellulae devixe abd you do not,. Need ti aearch his cell.
Well, This is... Something. Yes, "Not Father Martin", I'll bring up finger painting in the next business meeting I attend. May I also request that the real Martin Archimbaud check in with me later? It seems we may need to have a talk about using cellular devices in the facility, and about this... "Not" Father Martin.
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pitgritted · 4 months
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‘  stay  where  you  are  .  i'm  coming  to  get  you  .  ’ 
a  wary  chortle  wallops  the  walls  of  his  esophagus  .  although  much  too  evidently  stricken  from  the  bravado  of  his  usual  brawn  &  self  destructive  behavior  ;  his  silence  accompanying  the  other  end  of  the  cellular  device  felt  too  awkward  .  stuck  in  the  limelight  of  the  world  .  a  peculiar  light  bobbing  down  in  a  set  of  rhythmic  beats  —  a  taboo  resonance  with  the  movement  of  his  jugular  .  𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐓  usually  would  have  picked  up  the  slack  .  expected  this  outcome  .  pick  up  his  bones  &  stand  upright  .  that’s  what  he  should’ve  done  .  should’ve  .  sweaty  embalmed  fingers  grip  the  white  of  his  shirt  ,  rubbing  it  extensively  ,  roughly  …  hard  .  smears  of  brown  reap  the  textile  ,  &  smelt  of  iron  .  was  he  bleeding  ?  it  was  dry  enough  to  become  old  ;  dampen  in  color  .  had  he  even  realized  it  to  begin  with  ?  was  the  adrenaline  that  much  of  a  kick  to  his  dick  ?  give  him  a  break  .  not  that  his  testicles  in  question  were  ever  kicked  ,  no  ,  they  were  fine  .  they  were  the  furthest  from  being  royally  fucked  over  .
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on  the  contrary  .  he  sort  of  felt  like  this  was  something  he  was  married  to  ;  used  to  the  buzz  of  his  mind  that  naturally  went  along  with  it  .  the  fighting  ,  he  means  .  something  𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐓  knew  yone  wasn’t  all  too  keen  over  ,  including  the  unsavory  verbatim  from  his  mother  .  he  realizes  he’s  breathing  much  too  quickly  &  quickly  reacts  to  the  impending  voice  of  yone  ,  affirming  once  again  .
‘  sett  ?  ’
he  clutches  his  mental  bearings  ,  keep  focused  .  eyelids  all  too  tempted  to  close  ,  succumb  to  the  dark  blots  flickering  in  his  peripheral  vision  .  ❝  yeah  —  yeah—  ah  …  i’m  ‘ere  .  got  me  pretty  good  ,  hah  . ❞  a  few  beats  &  a  shaky  swallow  .  ❝  yone  —  “  his  voice  assumes  a  much  deeper  bass  ,  hinting  at  the  ferocity  behind  his  words  .  ❝  yone  keep  talkin’  my  ear  up  a  storm  .  it’ll  …  yeah  —  it’ll  help  keep  me  grounded  til’  you  get  ‘ere  .  ❞  furry  lupine  auricles  ticks  upwards  ,  strained  to  remain  fixed  .  the  nerve  endings  of  his  ears  pricking  the  highlighted  tips  of  his  fur  ,  reacting  to  his  surroundings  more  attentively  .  he  usually  found  this  being  the  case  when  his  body  felt  almost  too  cold  for  comfort  .  he’s  clutching  on  to  the  luck  that  it  was  just  his  damp  environment  .
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his  skull  clashes  against  the  brick  wall  keeping  his  burly  body  from  sliding  ,  keeping  him  grounded  .  𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐓  pressed  the  device  against  the  fat  of  his  pectorals  ,  fingers  adhering  within  the  wee  bit  of  energy  it  had  left  to  assure  yone  was  on  speaker  .  he  could  hear  his  companion  on  the  other  end  make  haste  ,  was  he  running  ?
❝  you  bastard  …  don’t  fuckin’  get  yourself  run  over  in  the  process  .  ‘ll  make  it  —  always  do  .  just  …  mn  …  ❞
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Pensate a quelli che non escono con la tipa, na si vanno a guarda' a Lazio. A' Lazio cioè. Meritano e' seghe a vita o er cazzo mutilato
Io amo la Ferrari ma le ex le ho sempre portate al mare anche se c'era la gara.
Magari una sbirciatina sul cellulare per vedere i sorpassi.
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prismaticpichu · 2 years
Hi! Question for you, fellow writing friend: how do YOU get into the Jenova Mind Set (tm)?
Oooooooh Jenova! Heck yeah! Evil step mom. Mother Dearest. Soccer mom without the soccer. That’s always such interesting territory! >:3c Your Jenova stories are SO insanely good!!! So perfectly twisted and spooky and always capture the looming, icky presence that makes mumsy who she is.
So! For me, when it comes to Jenova, her aura gets split down the middle depending on the tone of the fic. In complete crack/stupid Nibelheim fix-it settings, she’s usually just a device to lure Sephiroth to the basement—not much of a full character—and is really only made known through bold/italics saying her generic, programmed things (Hello, my son, now it’s independent reading time). Head is pretty empty writing her this way! Hardly intimidating and easily shooed away, and barely any description too. She’s usually the butt of the joke getting flicked off. Then just kinda gives up. Eh. Next mentally unstable experiment.
Now on the OTHER hand…. there’s Jenova. The dangerous, horrid, calamitous organism who eradicated an entire race through infecting her prey, poisoning each and every Cetra, who shifted her amorphous figure to confuse/manipulate their crippling, infected minds and turn them against their loved ones, and whose cells course through Sephiroth’s blood. This is my preferred side >:3c. Because I love CC Sephiroth and of all his kind humanness, I am very stubborn to let this side go, and this leads to me crafting Jenova as someone with a complete autonomous mind, and pretty much frame her as being a puppet master with cellular mind-control abilities. She’s much more than just a voice in Sephiroth’s head nudging him towards his insanity; she’s furious at humanity for sealing her away, and she’s gonna make sure Sephiroth helps her enact her revenge (and, y’know, munching on planet debris while she’s at it).
Getting into the true Ellen Ripley mode takes some lights off and some dramatic music, but the premise of her bringing a steering wheel to Sephiroth’s mind is just so fun to me that I’m usually so eager to write anything to do with it! x3 With her presence being so consuming and real now, I love taking full advantage of her overall horrific concept and diving headfirst into that nastiness—mind games and all. Writing Jenova slowly breaking into Sephiroth’s car is a blast, and I’ll usually tackle it by making her pry out his worst, most vulnerable memories and bring them to the surface. She doesn’t just spew the generic come to me stuff anymore. She’s hitting Sephiroth where it hurts most. Making those emotions so severe and tumultuous that they consume him: Genesis, Angeal, Gast… they abandoned him. Traitors. Jenova will pounce in the moment Sephiroth begins to succumb and accept those feelings, shoving him out of the front seat and plugging in her keys (ok enough with this car analogy). Once she has him where she wants him, she’ll whisper into something much more hypotonic, whispering kind, loving reassurances into his ears… and all of a sudden Sephiroth wants nothing more than to burn humanity to the ground. They locked up Mother… kept them separated for so, so long—and then those inferior, wretched dullards became the dominant species.
Jenova offers a whole lot of imagery too, and there’s so much room for horrific description >:3 She won’t just get into Sephiroth’s mind; she will claw her way in, rake her nails against the surface of his skull, stab into his mind, her cellular pull pulling the blood in Sephiroth’s body and making it crash against his skin, make his veins throb, making it feel like they’re being torn from his skin and into her… er… tentacles. Lots of adjectives and verbs to describe her: slimy, oily, slithering, squirming~ So much fun to add Jenova into any equation! She’s a real party person!
Oh! I also capitalize her pronoun bc powerful space entity.
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kark-trooper-echo · 2 years
Hey there @kark-trooper-echo !! The Holiday season is upon us!! Do you have any favorite holiday pranks….er…..um… I mean, favorite traditions? 😉 You know, like, snake in Crosshair’s stocking. Salt instead of sugar in Tech’s caf. Does he drink caf? Glue in Hunter’s shampoo. Squeakers in Omega’s shoes. Glitter bomb in Wrecker’s sock drawer. 😁
These are everyday pranks. We don't need the excuse of a holiday.
Tech takes his caf with dehydrated nerf milk when we can get it, but no sweetener. (Don't ask, or he'll start on a rant about sweeteners and cellular inflammation.) He insisted it was the best way to cut the acidity of the caf and give it a "palatable smoothness". He was so insufferable about it that we decided to replace his usual powdered milk with moof milk once, but it backfired as a gag. It's now his favorite and we get it for him whenever we can.
Crosshair doesn't often get pranked, because the retaliations are brutal. Wrecker once stitched together a very lifelike kouhun and tied it to the end of Crosshair's Firepuncher. When Crosshair picked it up and nearly jumped out of his skin we figured Wrecker was going to be dead by the end of the day. Crosshair was very calm about it though. It was creepy. The next morning, Wrecker woke to find himself tied firmly to his rack with a real kouhun dangling from a string above his face, and Crosshair sitting at the end of the rack grinning from ear to ear. He had his blaster in his hand in case it went wrong, but Hunter was still livid.
Hunter's hair has never been glued, but it was bleached once. Blonde Hunter is not a good look. Rex and Omega can pull it off. On Hunter it's just weird.
Pranking Wrecker hurts his feelings more often than not, so we have to be sure to make his pranks funny. Swapping his blacks for a set of the standard-issue ones is a classic. Insisting that he's started growing again always makes him laugh. And he's the only one who pranks Omega. We let that be their thing as the two kids on the ship.
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rhythm-headcanons · 1 year
one of this headcanons may be a little er.... questionable but here i go:
Paddlers are one of the most fertile alien species, having many, many of paddler babies at once.
If you know team umizoomi, then one of the Airboarders is basically a late teen/young adult version of Geo
2 of the squadmates are moms (one is the mom on Ao-kun while another is the mom of Alalin and Plalin)
Stepswitchers reproduce through cellular mitosis
Do you have any similar headcanons like these?
uhhh okay????
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mewscarrafone · 1 year
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Keiichiro in una situazione di emergenza guida più o meno come il prete che gestiva il mio gruppo di volontariato faceva normalmente.
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- Fa chiudere al pubblico la torre e la piattaforma.
Gli alieni saranno al servizio di Deep Blue, ma le Mew Mew hanno dalla loro parte il Dio Denaro!
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- Ichigo calpestami mia dea
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Domandona: ma se i loro vestiti si cambiano completamente nella trasformazione, il cellulare da dove se lo è tirato fuori di preciso?
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- Non lo sai che prima dello spettacolo il cellulare va spento?
Come cazzo fai a saperlo che sei un alieno ... ma quanto hai ragione, Kisshu. Penserò con bramosia a quelle spade la prossima volta che un imbecille si metterà a parlare di calcio al telefono durante la rappresentazione.
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Adoro quei momenti in cui i nemici semplicemente si mettono di mezzo e bloccano l'attacco finale. Comunque complimenti ai coglioni di Ichigo che è saltata addosso a una falena gigante a chissà quanti metri di altezza, dispostissima a distruggerla.
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Figa l'idea di far arrivare er Cavaliere Aò dieci secondi dopo uno stacco su Masaya. Per un minimo di foreshadowing.
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C'è da dire che l'anime originale ha pompato al massimo l'intelligenza di Kisshu. Nel manga (e in New) è sveglio perché capisce prima di tutti che Cavaliere Aò=Deep Blue, in questo singolo episodio invece studia un piano che:
Permette di individuare l'acqua cristallo
Se riesce, ammazza tutta Tokyo
Se non riesce, gli permette di sparare un bel po' di Mew Aqua dritta dritta a Deep Blue, abbastanza da fargli vedere una forma fisica così da poter rispondere (teoricamente) ai sospetti che Kisshu ha su di lui, il tutto pure sotto la pretesa di fargli un favore
Roba che David Xanatos si leverebbe il cappello.
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