#Chained Canary AU
He's not sure when it had started; whether the change was gradual or if it was like that since before.
No, it wasn't. She wasn't like that at the beginning. Back then she was always rushing, expecting a fight though she hated fighting, only coming when she was at death's door (heh) and expecting a lesson and power boost to win.
He hates her, a bit. Hates that she chose to protect others at the cost of her soul.
After the war against Aizen, after those long months that felt like an eternity during which he and the old man were slowly healing, he finally got to see her, finally got to be wielded by her again. (Did he feel it then? Did he feel the changes in her person? Or was he too happy-relieved to be back at her side to notice?)
After the dust had settled, the fight won, the welcome-back party with the shinigami (he despised them too) had come to a close, his wielder did something she had never before done during peaceful times – she visited them in her inner world. Seeing her he could immediately spot changes in her appearance: her hair was longer and styled, nearly the same length it had been before she had invaded Soul Society to save Kuchiki, her clothes were more flowy and feminine – gone were the jeans and sneakers, now she wore dresses and skirts and heels. She was even wearing makeup.
(How had he managed to ignore the blaring red flags that were those changes? Since when did Ichigo like wearing dresses? She already hated the school's mandatory skirt and choose to wear pants. The only reason she kept her hair long was for the twins.)
He had been ready to make a joke, mock her for being late, when she moved. She was suddenly in front of him, her hand (soft, it had been soft) caressing his cheek, looking at him all soft and loving (hah!) and said, "Hey, I've missed you." And that was all it took for him to ignore the changes; all it took for him to wrap his arms around her and hug her, pressing his face into her neck (she had been wearing perfume) and soaking up the brief affection she was giving him. He had nearly cried when she returned the hug.
"Ichigo," The Old Man had interrupted and he hated him for that, it was bad enough that he took his name and all of Ichigo's time, but now that he was finally getting the affecting he longed for he had to ruin it. "Welcome back."
"I'm back." She had returned, but had not separated herself from him, instead running her hand through his short hair. "Did you get a haircut? I remember this being longer."
His lips had twitched, "Just in some of my forms, King."
She had hummed, continuing to play with his hair, "Well, you look lovely no matter the hair length." And she had pressed a kiss to the side of his head!
(Was he so starved for affection that he ignored how out of character that was of her? Of the Ichigo, of his King, that he knew? Was he so weak, so pathetic that a few kind words and caresses made him blind to the truth? Or was he hoping that this was the new reality – one where Ichigo acknowledged and loved him?)
Time passed quickly, another war rapidly approaching, the shinigami once again expecting her to fight for them and how he despised them.
Ichigo would visit often, simply sitting on the sideways-turned skyscrapers, basking in the sun. The Old Man had shared her delight, though his was more subtle, of the sun. He had tried baiting her into sparring, muscles aching for stimuli, but she would beckon him close and guide his head onto her lap. "We'll have plenty of fights soon, rest for the moment." And he would listen, shifting on his back to look up at her smiling face as she caressed his cheek, orange hair moving in the imaginary breeze.
(Why did he trust her? Why did he believe her? He laughs, at least she was honest about the fighting.)
Then that new Quincy came and off they went. He had laughed, delighted in the way she masterfully wielded him, cutting down enemies, dodging attacks and falling back, far more familiar with fighting and strategising than she had been two years prior.
He had thought they were winning. They all did. But then, as most things tended to happen, the universe threw them a new curveball.
Nobody had expected the portrait – not he, not the Old Man, not the shinigami, not the Quincy, and certainly not the Zero Division. No one saw it coming.
Well, "Ichigo" did.
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marsmarbles · 5 months
Chained Life Question!!
I feel like there are four ways to go about the Canary curse, if it is canon in this AU. If it isn’t, you can stop reading lol.
Jimmy does first
Whoever Jimmy is chained to does first
Lizzie dies first
Pearl (that’s who Lizzie is chained too right??) dies first
I would like to ask if the Curse is canon, and if it is, how does it go about claiming its chosen victim?
I don’t know if I want the curse to be canon or not, especially because I don’t know who I want to be out first. It’s hard for me to decide because I would seem very biased depending on who I choose, and everybody wants to see everybody make it far. BigB is chained to Jimmy, so if I really wanted to make the first death hurt… I could lol.
As Chained Life is a death game set in the future, so after Secret Life, the canary curse is either attached to Lizzie or is gone. So I’ll let it sit for a while to see what I’ll decide.
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adoranoia · 1 year
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tags ! ( six + ralsei . )
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rainecreatesstuff · 4 months
AS A HUGE FAN OF BOTH FITPAC+HADESTOWN UR AU IS MAKING ME FEEL <3 NORMAL <3333 who would be orpheus / who'd be euridyce?
okokokokok hear me out here
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fit as eurydice, disillusioned with the world and taught to always have your own back, take things as they are, if something’s too good to be true then it’s not.
pac as orpheus, bright-eyed and determined, sees the world for what it could be and wants to make that real.
You know how the song goes.
Fit falling in love with Pac in the spring, things are warm and good and food comes easy. Watching his son play carelessly and laugh and sing. Listening to Pac’s visions of the future and hearing his song, and believing in him full heartedly. They wed in summer, laughter and wine falling from their lips during their first kiss as husbands.
Summer leaves early and faster than ever. Pac focuses harder on writing his song. Ramón is starting to complain about the hunger. It’s cold. Fit loves Pac more than anything. He can handle the hunger, he can handle the cold, he can handle being alone. He can’t handle his baby boy going hungry.
He leaves one day to buy, to find, to steal some food, some firewood, anything to keep his boy warm. He gets caught in a storm. Death approaches him and offers to keep him and Ramón safe and warm and fed. If it had been just him, maybe… but Death’s voice is deep and warm, and the coal mine calls with promises of heat, and the canary follows.
You know how the song goes.
A lot can happen behind closed doors. Fit is not naive. He is hungry. He is cold, and he is lonely. But he is not naive. He signs his life away. Ramón, his baby, is safe. Has no stake to his name.
Pac descends from his office, and the fire is out. Blankets lay on the couch untouched, no coats hang from the coatrack. There is a lonely pair of shoes at the door.
He searches and searches and yells and screams for his husband and filho. The Traveller finally comes to him when he has screamed his throat raw. Rattlesnakes are meant to hibernate during winter. Regardless, he sees his love with the twin wounds left by fangs.
He asks to join them. The Traveller offers a different route. He takes it. He plays his song, he plays it loudly and clearly and with his lyrics he calls to his amô and his filho. He calls to Death and Spring and he cries his sorrows to them. His pain brings Spring to tears and his regret brings Death to movement.
Ramón runs to him the moment they see each other. They cry and hug and Pac will never let his boy go again.
Fit, his love, his muse, is held back by the chains of Death. Pac pleads again with Death. Fit crumbles and cries. Pac twitches as he tries to reach out but can’t.
Death loosens his grip on the chains and Fit collapses into Pac. There is a moment of pure relief and joy and clarity. Fit and Pac are together with their boy between them again. They make each other promises, fix the ones they made as their vows, and begin to rebuild what fell apart so fast the first time. It is warm and safe and it is love.
The moment is short-lived. Death’s voice calls out. The canary flinches towards it.
You know how the song goes.
Ramón is allowed to hold his hand as he leads them out. There is no claim on his life. He never should have been there in the first place.
Fit is not so lucky.
They are steps away. The cold breeze hits Pac’s face from the end of their ascent.
You know how the song ends.
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shepherds-of-haven · 8 months
I just found the Dark!Shepherds AU and it got me curious. You likened them to the Justice League a bunch, so what superheroes would the ROs be? It doesn’t have to be DC either, Marvel works too.
Hi there, the #superhero tag also has some answers that are analogous to this (like what would be their favorite superheroes would be in a modern AU or what a literal #superhero AU would look like with them as the Justice League), but if you're talking about which literal real-life DC/Marvel superheroes they'd be or what roles they'd fill in their version of the Justice League, I think:
Blade: realistically he's probably Batman, but without the remorse over killing... so maybe Cassandra Cain or Damien Wayne without being a little kid?? Let's just go with Batman (he can share the role with Riel down below) - paranoid and tetchy, hyper-vigilant, keeps to the shadows, does a lot of his work in secret, trained by the League of Shadows before turning against them if we're putting in Batman Begins lore, etc.
Trouble: Superman or Captain America (idealistic, good-hearted, patriotic, etc., the "face" or mascot of the League)
Tallys: Vixen, keeps to herself but definitely still a member of the League, cares more about helping the world/nature than her social dynamics with the other heroes. Could also see her being Huntress (Helena Bertinelli JLU version) for her desire for revenge and her rivalry with Black Canary (aka Lavinet) below
Shery: Oracle or Red Tornado (Young Justice version); takes on a more secondary, overseer role or even the role of the homemaker
Riel: Batman (the tactician, world's greatest detective, would always be prepared to bring down the others if they became too powerful/corrupt, would keep files on their strengths and weaknesses, etc.). Ironman, of course, would also be a very fitting analogue for him: billionaire genius inventor who uses tech to supplement his lack of natural powers
Chase: I feel like most of the superheroes are most analogous to him are female LOL I feel like Catwoman (thief, antihero, oftentimes aligns herself with the good guys--especially recently) is the closest idea I have, but I'm open to hearing others!
Red: Dr. Fate (magic-user who dabbled with things he shouldn't have) or Dr. Strange? (idk anything about him to be honest, my knowledge heavily skews DC, but if the vibe fits)
Ayla: Hawkgirl (JLU version): distrustful of outsiders, has her own secrets and motivations, fiery but a powerful hero who comes from another land (or, more accurately, another planet)
Briony: Starfire--bubbly, a bit ditzy, extremely passionate and emotional, wears her heart on her sleeve, "foreigner" who has to learn (or relearn) the ways of the Earthlings and acclimate fast
Lavinet: Black Canary (Dinah Lance)--trained by a mentor to rival Wonder Woman in combat prowess despite being a mostly normal human, joined the League against parental protest and permission, but also has strong social and mediation skills/emotional intelligence (Young Justice version)
Halek: John Constantine? I don't even remember if he's a part of the League lol but, you know, exorcist, chain smoker, kind of disenfranchised... it fits in my head...
Mimir: Raven (Teen Titans version)--I imagine their voices being very similar, too!
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thedivinelights · 9 months
The Sky is Full of Light, Swirling in Spirals Bold and Bright (Modern AU Jacob/Ebenezer)
A separate Modern AU Scrooge x Marley thing set in 2011 I have had in the works for a while and I felt I had to share the hurt/comfort with you all. Prepare for lots of comfort and lots of hurt.
TW: Child Abandonment
Say what you will about the rain or the fog or the pollution, but there was no denying that Canary Wharf was beautiful on a snowy night.
It was customary for both of them, Jacob and Ebenezer supposed, to walk the path of the Thames on their Sunday strolls. No matter the busyness of life that accompanied them wherever they went or whenever the frosty December air nipped at their cheeks, this had been a constant. A constant in a continuously changing world that tended to leave old souls like them far behind. There was nothing more inherently magical than watching the beauty of the moonlight, bold and bright, dance across the reflection of the water, shifting and changing like the tides of the ocean. Towering buildings looming over like sentinels, secret and solitary, kept their mysteries hidden behind illuminated windows. Manufactured, ersatz stars in a city that often blocked out the real ones.
Jacob believed the financial district a modern wonder of the world. Ebenezer believed it a testament to the ingenuity of the human mind. But both knew it to be a home to the sprawling empire they built together with their blood, sweat and tears. A way to prove to the world that they would not be shackled by the chains of a flawed society. It was imperfect and rough and dented and bandaged and healed and beautiful. It was so… so beautiful. No one would take it away, even if they had to fight tooth and nail to protect it.
The distant sounds of traffic faded away as their feet gently crunched through the fresh snowfall, walking in companionable silence as the pavement was blanketed in the purest white.
“Hey Ben… you wanna grab dinner while we’re out?” Jacob asked, looking up at his husband, his voice barely above a whisper against the tranquil backdrop of the winter night. His cane — now more an accessory than the aid it had been in recent months — rested under his arm.
“Mm… sure.” Ebenezer’s voice was muffled against the thick, colourful scarf wound tightly around his neck, lips hidden beneath the fabric. “It’s half-past nine, though. Not many options.”
“What about Big Easy?”
Ebenezer let out an uncharacteristic snort. “Christ’s sake Jacob, we’ve been there a hundred times at least! Sooner or later, I’ll wake up and find you’ve become part of the menu.”
It didn’t go unnoticed how their gloved hands locked together, Jacob pulling him a little closer, shoulders brushing as he leaned against Ebenezer as he beamed with a grin to rival the Cheshire Cat’s infamous quirk.
“You mean you wouldn’t love me as a lobster?” He asked, his voice whiny and hurt despite the clear smile.
Ebenezer rolled his eyes playfully at Jacob’s antics, elbowing him slightly. “Only if you came with a side of butter. Maybe then I’d consider it.”
Jacob laughed. “You drive a hard bargain, love, but I’ll take it if it means I get to see you smile like that.”
Damn it, over three decades of knowing this lovable bastard of a man and still the Silver-Tongued Viper could be one hell of a charmer when he wanted to be. Ebenezer had to concede to his wit when he felt his heart flutter with stupidly sincere warmth and affection, and he could feel his lips tug upwards into a smile despite his ‘best’ efforts to maintain that impish frown upon his face.
It was disgustingly cute. It was maddeningly sweet. It was incredibly endearing. It was them.
And wouldn’t you know it, but for the first time in a long time, they liked being them.
Conversation flowed easily between the both of them, touching on subjects that happened to strike their fancy. Expanding into Asian markets when the year turned,  whether Home Alone or Elf would be their chosen movie for the season, even the upcoming charity gala they planned to host for those unable to celebrate the holidays with loved ones. Those pedestrians who passed them by looked as if they had gone mad from how uncanny it was. How could they not? Look at the way they handled themselves as if there wasn’t a care in the world! Look at the merriment that had been remarkably absent from the bustling city’s harried inhabitants! Look at how such wondrous, wonderful wanderers of the world held the sparkle of London’s lights captive in their eyes! It was the purest form of adoration, the kind of contentment only developed from years of trials and hardships.
As the clock drew closer to ten, they found themselves treading upon a quieter, less-frequented stretch of path, the snow intensifying and blanketing the city deeper around them in an angel’s caress. Their discussions grew more hushed, then, the intimacy of the night only deepening their connection, as if all the worries and cruelty of the past had been washed away like the river they walked alongside.
SIlence soon overtook their words… and it was in that comfortable silence that they heard it.
Jacob noticed the way Ebenezer seemed to freeze for a moment, his powerful stride slowing to a hesitant shuffle. It was a whimper so weak, a plaintive cry so faint that one would’ve mistaken it for the icy breeze had it not been for the notes of distress and the rustles of fern that accompanied it.
“Is something wrong, Ben?”
He didn’t answer, instead moving forward with cautious steps. The rustling and whimpering continued, and Ebenezer lowered himself down to the ground, snow seeping into his trousers as he inspected a cluster of bushes near the path. Jacob followed close behind, leaning against his cane for support.
In the dim moonlight, Ebenezer’s gloved fingers gently brushed away the dense thicket, snow crunching beneath his touch. The cries were more prominent now, high-pitched and shrill. The kind of sounds that pierced the heart and demanded attention, needs and comfort.
The pained cries of an infant. An infant no more than a few months old, bundled up in a thin pink blanket ripped to shreds by the thorns of the surrounding bush. Her shut eyes were red and blotchy from crying, her tiny fists clenched and raised helplessly in the air. She appeared to sense a saviour, and her lips quivered as she let out another desperate wail.
“Mother-love in infancy and childhood is just as important for mental health as are vitamins and proteins for physical health.”
“Holy shit- Ben, get the kid out of there!”
Ebenezer’s heart raced as he carefully reached into the thorny bush, cradling the baby girl gently into his arms, careful not to disturb her more than necessary. She was so small, so fragile, so thin, so cold… and already she had been exposed to the harshness of the world that took years to corrupt them.
It wasn’t fair.
It wasn’t fair.
“Jacob, call 999. Now.” Ebenezer instructed, holding the babe close to his chest. His voice seemed monotonous and unnatural, as cold as the air around him and as distant as the hum of the city. Flat. Still. 
But the ocean was never still. The ocean was never calm. The wind howled and the waters rose with every minute that passed, ever furious and ever ruthless. Poseidon was angered by the cunning Odysseus’ transgressions against his child, and the lord of the seas raged against the wretched, lamentable mortals who thought themselves beyond divine punishment.
There was no justice. No salvation. No love for this life barely living. What cutting fangs would this monster have? What savage roar would follow it wherever it went? What weaknesses could be exploited from this dangerous beast? What weapons would be needed to slay it?
Jacob fumbled for his phone, throwing off one of his gloves as trembling fingers dialled for emergency services. Ebenezer heard naught of what was said, deafened by the piercing cries of the child in his arms, frantic in her fearful communication, overwrought in her outpour of mournful wails.
“They’re on their way, Ben.” The words spilling out of Jacob’s mouth was barely coherent in his speed, but it was enough to Ebenezer all the same.
“Hold her, Jake.” 
“Just do it.”
Jacob nodded, taking the shivering infant into his arms, shielding her beneath his jacket. She whimpered under the sudden shift of movement from beneath her, but the warmth of his embrace seemed to garner some comfort. She settled into his hold, her tiny fingers grasping at one of his exposed digits, clinging onto it as if it was a lifeline.
Ebenezer swiftly unfurled the scarf wrapped around him, the tassels flinging about in the breeze from the rough force of his movements. But his touch was lighter as a feather as he cocooned the little girl, bundling her up from the snow that only seemed to fall faster with each passing moment.
“Shh… it’s okay, little one.” He cooed, fingers brushing over the delicate skin of her cheek as he adjusted the scarf around her tiny form. “You’re safe now.”
The baby's cries began to subside, her eyes blinking open to reveal a pair of the most innocent, wide-eyed amber orbs that Ebenezer had ever seen. It was like honey. It was like spiralling gold, shimmering against smokey hues of white and grey.
Jacob looked up to his husband, his lower lip quivering as he held her close. “Can it really be said that such a small and innocent thing is safe, Ben?”
But when his gaze was met with a burning determination- a whirlpool of resolve… he’d known the beast had awakened within. He knew that when Ebenezer Scrooge set his mind to something…
…it was almost surely a success.
“We don’t live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other. And I tell you that the time will soon come when, if men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught in fire and blood and anguish.”
They stayed with her when the sirens began to close in. They stayed with her when the paramedics arrived to examine her. They stayed with her as the authorities questioned them for information. They stayed with her even as she was taken away to the hospital to receive proper care.
And she’d never know of her bloodline, not one bit of them or their cruelty. Not their names or their birthdays, their eye colour, blood type, hair. Not their favourite shoes or shows, their favourite foods or the stories and lullabies they might have sung in another life. All she would know is the kindness of two old, damaged, trying men who found her in the snow ‘neath the moonlight.
For all she knew, they would be her parents.
And that… that would be more than enough for her.
“...Good night.” Tagged: @rom-e-o @a-christmas-carol-from-hr @quill-pen @undeadchestnut @m0nsterwife
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splatoongamefiles · 3 months
Here's all the gear names in the new update
LONG ass post so under the cut:
Long-Billed Cap, King Flip Mesh, Blowfish Newsie, Pilot Hat, Barrelfish Baseball Hat, Octoleet Goggles, Worker's Head Towel, El Rey Calamar, Zekko Cap, Ink-Guard Goggles, Teal Pinhole Shades, Green Pinhole Shades, Pink Pinhole Shades, Yellow Pinhole Shades, Patched Hat, Fugu Bell Hat, Hothouse Hat, Mountie Hat, Black FishFry Bandana, Squidfin Hook Cans, Matte Bike Helmet, Deca Tackle Visor Helmet, Barrelfish Headgear, Slipstream Helmet Pro, Slipstream Helmet, King Facemask, Motocross Nose Guard, Digi-Camo Forge Mask, Yamagiri Beanie, Sneaky Beanie, Tee Time Visor
North-Country Parka, Octoleet Armor, Dev Uniform, Cooler Jacket, Fresh Octo Tee, Chilly Mountain Coat, Takoroka Windcrusher, FA-01 Jacket, FA-01 Reversed, Pullover Coat, Birded Corduroy Jacket, Deep-Octo Satin Jacket, Zekko Redleaf Coat, Lemon Mountain Coat, Zekko Jade Coat, Light Bomber Jacket, Navy Eminence Jacket, Tumeric Zekko Coat, Custom Painted F-3 , White Leather F-3, Chili-Pepper Ski Jacket, Whale-Knit Sweater, Rockin' Leather Jacket, Kung-Fu Zip-Up, Panda Kung-Fu Zip-Up, Shirt with Blue Hoodie, Grape Hoodie, Hothouse Hoodie, Pink Hoodie, Olive Zekko Parka, Black Hoodie, Baby-Jelly Shirt & Tie, Prune Parashooter, Red Hula Punk with Tie, Dots-on-Dots Shirt, Toni K. Baseball Jersey, Barrelfish Baseball Uni, Short Knit Layers, Positive Longcuff Sweater, Annaki Yellow Cuff, Annaki Red Cuff, Octarian Retro, Takoroka Jersey, Octo Jumper Home, Pink Easy-Stripe Shirt, Inkopolis Squaps Jersey, Lime Easy-Stripe Shirt, Annaki Evolution Tee, Zekko Long Carrot Tee, Zekko Long Radish Tee, Black Cuttlegear LS, Takoroka Crazy Baseball LS, Red Cuttlegear LS, Khaki 16-Bit FishFry, Blue 16-Bit FishFry, Sharkfin Raglan, Black V-Neck Tee, White Deca Logo Tee, Half-Sleeve Sweater, King Jersey, Gray 8-Bit FishFry, White Urchin Rock Tee, Black Urchin Rock Tee, Wet Floor Band Tee, Squid Squad Band Tee, Navy Deca Logo Tee, Mister Shrug Tee, Chirpy Chips Band Tee, Hightide Era Band Tee, ω-3 Tee, Missus Shrug Tee, League Tee, Friend Tee, Tentatek Slogan Tee, Octoking HK Jersey, Dakro Nana Tee, Dakro Golden Tee, Black Velour Octoking Tee , Green Velour Octoking Tee, Slate Streetstyle Tee, Red Tentatek Tee, Blue Tentatek Tee, Squid Yellow Layered LS, White King Tank, Slash King Tank, Navy King Tank, Lob-Stars Jersey, Fishing Vest, Front-Zip Vest, Silver Tentatek Vest, Tentatek Slipstream Vest, Teal Body Warmer
Deepsea Leather Boots, Annaki Arachno Boots, New-Leaf Leather Boots, Tea-Green Hunting Boots, Octoleet Boots, Knockout Boots, Cream Basics, Shivery Squidkid III, Fried Squidkid III, Big Squidkid III, Chained DC Toejamz, Jeweled DC Toejamz, Swirled DC Toejamz, Trifecta Duck Boots, Trifecta Hi-Tops, Trifecta Sandals, Smoky Wingtips, Gray Yellow-Soled Wingtips, Inky Kid Clams, Musselforge Flip-Flops, Cyan Dakroniks, Black Dakroniks, Piranha Moccasins, White Norimaki 750s, Black Norimaki 750s, Gray Sea-Slug Hi-Tops, Orca Hi-Tops, Navy Enperrials, Amber Sea Slug Hi-Tops, Yellow Iromaki 750s, Honey & Orange Squidkid V, Sun & Shade Squidkid IV, Orca Woven Hi-Tops, Green Iromaki 750s, Purple Iromaki 750s, Red Iromaki 750s, Blue Iromaki 750s, Orange Iromaki 750s, Red Power Stripes, Blue Power Stripes, Toni Kensa Black Hi-Tops, Sesame Salt 270s, Black & Blue Squidkid V, Orca Passion Hi-Tops, Truffle Canvas Hi-Tops, Crab-Trap Squidkid III, Violet Trainers, Canary Trainers, Yellow-Mesh Sneakers, Orange-Mesh Sneakers, N-Pacer CaO, N-Pacer Ag, N-Pacer Au, Sea Slug Volt 95s, Athletic Arrows, OB Gaiter Waders, Noir Guppies, Birch Climbing Shoes, Green Lace-Ups, White Laceless Dakroniks, Blue Laceless Dakroniks, Suede Gray Lace-Ups, Suede Nation Lace-Ups, Suede Marine Lace-Ups, Toni Kensa Soccer Shoes, Stamina Cycling Shoes, Energy Cycling Shoes, Polka-Dot Slip-Ons, Burden of Floof
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donut-box-of-art · 5 months
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portal wings of fire au!!! yippee!!! more info under the cut :) (Image ID/ A cartoonish drawing of an orange SeaWing and a blue RainWing (dragons). The SeaWing on the left is looking over her shoulder, she has two long scars on her back instead of wings. The RainWing to the right of her is much smaller than the SeaWing, he is wearing a grey vest connected to a chain/line. /End ID)
Chell (Shell) is a SeaWing (she's the orange one in the pic)
Wheatley is a RainWing, and so are the other cores (blue one in the pic)
GLaDOS/Caroline (Canary) is a SkyWing
Cave Johnson (Cave) is a SkyWing
Doug Rattmann (i do not have a name idea for him. suggestions welcomed!!) is a NightWing
the au takes place several years into Phyrria's future, and everything is mostly the same but with dragons (and maybe animus magic?) anything is subject to change (including designs)
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dcjokerhs · 2 years
OK, I have officially stayed up too long:
What if Grian was Wilbur's brother, older by three years, taken at 4-6 years old, by Cultists and put in Pearl's family, only to then experience the Hells of Yandere Highschool, fulfil the Cult's wishes via his capture from Evo, then end up being led to Hermitcraft via Mumbo, who then helps him reunite with Pearl?
Big neg for this idea? Designing the Cultists.
Positive for this AU? Kristin literally saw Pearl falling from Evo and went "NEW DAUGHTER!" and, when Pearl got Suspicious about it, gave her the task of Finding and Protecting her brother and helping Kristin find the Watchers, who are Hiding from Kristin because She's Heccin Death, and She Is FURIOUS with them.
Bittersweet Part of This AU? Phil and Techno stay away from Grian during MCC because they Remember, but they see he's Happy, and, like the way they abandoned Tommy and Wilbur after hearing Some Major Enemies were after them, they want him to believe whatever it is he's grown up thinking, because they'd rather that than admit Out Loud that They Failed, despite being Trillions of Years Old, because That Stuff Breaks You...
But, on the other hand, Phil's necklace-thing is a ruby and obsidian locket holding the babyhair of Grian, Wil and Tom, as well as the strand of hair Techno gave Phil as his first big "I Trust You, so I give you part of Me, grown from My Blood and My Soul, for you to Keep Always." It also has baby pictures and the Tommy's first daisy-chain that he'd tried crowning his Papa with.
(Techno may or may not also have four matching strands carefully woven into the underside of his hair, only visible when he's bearing his neck to the world with his hair in a bun.)
Other than that:
Jimmy is Pearl's little bro, he ends up being able to Sense Death (though, unfortunately it makes Canary Brain go "Mama!" and he GOES TOWARDS THE DANGER as Mumza's trying to get her tiniest adopted chick to STAY ALIVE! GDI!!)
Tommy nearly gets Eburean'd, Dream manages to do it in prison, he almost starts doing it once free from prison, but Tommy's still settling into his own abilities as a Phoenix, so Kristin goes "BABY BOY TO ELDEST BOY!" and yeets him to Grian, so Grian and Tommy have a "Who Are You?!" "Grian Minecraft?!" Moment.
(Dadza Be Madza. Dadza Be Sadza. Dream Be DEAD)
Tommy is reunited with the others via MCC, but Dream's there like "Come Home Tommy, you're Breaking Rules, Tommy!" tho Then Grian looms Over Dream as Scar distracts Tubbo and Tommy with Jellie, Grian going all Mr Dreamslayer, like "What Are You Doing Near my Smal Charge?"
Then Wilbur starts bawling over his baby brother and Techno's standing there, looking Mightly Uncomfy because all his weapons got taken from him at the door... And the Voices are screeching at him to "HUG THE CHICK!!" "TOMBIRB! TOMBIRB!" etc.
Things reach a head when either Grian gets Captured via the Rift and Pearl thinks her blood will work for the tracking spell, but No, It's Tommy's that works, or when Phil's locket gets stolen from around his neck, it ends up being opened and shown to Grian, only for Phil to step up behind whichever poor sod is holding it (idky, but I can see it being held by either Martyn or Zedaph) like "I Think You Have Something of Mine." and Confrontation Occurs.
So much healing floof1
Wilbur "accidentally" pushes Ranboo and Tubbo into Hermitcraft when "bidding Tommy goodbye" just as Xisuma's preparing to close the portal, then Scar sees Tubbo's burns and goes "THIS IS MY SON NOW!" as Ranboo's all stuttery and stumbly and Impulse and Keralis and Doc have to play rock/paper/scissors, though then Doc hears Tubbo Likes Nukes and Knows His Redstone and... oh. Oh dear. Tubbo now has 2 Chaotic Dads. Oh No, What A Tragedy (/s)
Ranboo likes helping Pearl, False and Cleo with their builds, and even follows Pearl when she's going to try selling her Cleaning Services with his notebook and quill, ready to take notes for her and help her calculate costs ahead of time. (He gets All The Mommas and Cub keeps trying to get him to eat more with the food he's stolen from Scar... Not that Ranboo knows about the thievery when Scar Finds Out.... before joining in on feeding Ranboo All The Foods Scar's Gone Dadmode Uh o UH oh....
Not even Mumbo's Return could save them from Grian's Big Bro Mode combo'd with Scar's Dad Mode...
Anyway!! Enjoy!!!
I am Going to SLEEP!! >w<
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midwinterhunt · 2 months
WIP game
rules: in a new post, post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how nondescriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet and tell us about it!
tagged by @the-starry-seas (kinda?? taken from their post anyway)
tagging: @sleepis4theweak because i can just *sense* you are drowning in wips lol
Angel pony
Artstyle challenge-Liithal
baby voxel
bg3 comic
centaur run cycle
centaur poses
chain bikini
chaos crew
heheh raisin
idk (genuinely thats the name of the file i have no idea what's in there)
King wanted poster
Liithal expressions
Mid animation
new Vox race
Shamu wanted poster
spn coffeeshop au
Tai ref
trap crew
voxel picrew
One More Spidey
A Series Of Varying Level of Fortune of Events
We Need Commander Shepard But All We Got Was This Guy
Tales From Wild Space and the Unknown Regions
Canary Mine
Insane on the Infinity Train
Google Translate Multiverse
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thetorchwoodarchive · 2 years
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Welcome to the Torchwood Archive’s Second Annual Halloween Rec Fest! Below are spooky, scary, or otherwise Halloween themed Torchwood fics as recommended by our followers! While you're here also feel free to check out last year's Halloween Rec List for double the treats!
Our Fics That Haunt You list will be up later tonight!
Halfway Back by Sholio (Team Torchwood | complete | 13953 | T)
Team Torchwood run a sanctuary for magical creatures, and this time they've got a basilisk on their hands.
Caledfwlch by BricklingGhost (TeamGwenee) (JackIanto, GwenRhys, LisaIanto, OwenTosh, OwenKatie | complete | 48456 | Not Rated)
Jack has a lifetime ban from the afterlife for stealing, Owen's fiance is a right hag, Toshiko is playing children's games, Ianto has a vampire in the garden, and Gwen has a prophetic dog of death following her around for pets.
The Bad Neighbor by Firesnap (Gen | complete | 30576 | T)
Rhys Williams knows there's something wrong with his neighbor. It's a shame no one seems to be listening to him.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep by someawkwardprose (GwenSuzie, Gwen&Ianto, JackIanto | WIP | 6639 | T)
There's a witch in Roundstone Woods, and Gwen is going to make a deal with her.
When Did Your Heart Go Missing by Jackdaw816 (Gwen&John, JackJohnIanto | complete | 1488 | T)
Gwen Cooper has discovered the identity of the Excalibur killer (or has she?)
Binding and Chaining Me Tight by Jackdaw816 (JackJohn | complete | 588 | T)
John survived Canary Wharf, but is he really living?
Chirality by Beleriandings (JackIanto | complete | 2494 | T)
Ianto looks in a mirror.
Rebound by cupidsbow (JackIanto | complete | 1938 | T)
The first time Ianto feels it -- a creeping sense of not-quite déjà vu, making his nape prickle -- is when Jack asks him out on a date.
The Moon, The Laughs, and the Whispers by moonlightrhosyn (LisaIanto | complete | 9229 | T)
“Wow,” Gray breathed, a reverent look on his face, “It’s beautiful.” “Yes,” Agnes said, “it is. Now -” “So intricate, and it looks like it was handmade, too. The time this must have taken to complete… this is incredible!” He beamed. “This - this is really spectacular. Thank you,” he said softly, turning to look at her. “Early 51st century - right around the turn of the century. We’ll probably want to include late 50th in the Archive scan, but I’m confident that it's from the 51st century.”
When Gray is asked to help on a project identifying an object from the 51st century, he's thrilled. He's significantly less thrilled when all the files he brought up to help identify it start showing information about the Boeshane Peninsula; after all, if Yvonne finds out that one of her employees is secretly from the future, what's going happen to him?
sit in and watch the sunlight fade by violetmessages (Gwen&Owen&Tosh&Ianto, JackIanto | complete | 3049 | T)
Jack's gone, but the team still find themselves needing him, especially when a door appears that wasn't there the day before.
Without a Shadow of a Doubt by Beleriandings (JackIanto | complete | 2354 | T)
(AU: Just this once) After a bit of time apart, Jack misses Ianto, so he goes looking for a gift for him. He decides to start looking in as good a place as any: a library. But it's too quiet between the stacks, and Jack finds more than he bargained for.
when does a monster become one by princessoftheworlds (JackIanto, LisaIanto, Team | complete | 1991 | T)
Silver plates click and flex around the vague approximation of a chest. The blue light of a power source glows unblinkingly, steady. Servos whirr smoothly in their incessant movement. Behind the round eyes, with slits beneath to suggest crying tears, in a hollow cavern with gears and wires weaving a complex nest, is one small mass of pink — the lingering neurons that contain the consciousness of Jack Harkness.
when does a monster become one
Werewolf of Cardiff by Jackdaw816 (JackIanto | complete | 575 | T)
Ianto's a wolf in the bedroom. Literally
Let's Raise the Woof by princessoftheworlds (JackIanto | complete | 898 | T)
Jack takes his boyfriend to the park.
Don't Fear the Reaper by blipintiime (JackIanto, GwenRhys | complete | 4873 | G)
“Nothing good will come from this, Jack. The spirit here is angry and violent, he was a murderer once and I don’t think he wants his story out there for the world to know. I can feel him, Jack, and it’s like I want to hurt you. It scares me,” she warns, her voice low and eyes reflecting viridescent in the torch light as she looks from team member to team member, “it should scare you too.”
A silence follows that cannot be described, and Ianto wonders if Jack feels the same chill that raises his own flesh as he senses their fearless leader shift his weight beside him.
What if instead of aliens, the Torchwood team investigated hauntings? Ghosts aren't that different from aliens, and a lot less dangerous - right?
Phantom of the Millennium Centre by Paycheckgurl (JackIanto | complete | 6047 | T)
There’s been a murder at the Welsh National Opera, right on Torchwood’s doorstep. The set up is a bit too familiar for the team’s liking.
Quicksilver in His Veins by Jackdaw816 (JackIanto | complete | 3771 | T)
John's back, but his smile is a little sharper this time around (and Ianto has to suffer the consequences)
The Faintest Restless Rustling Ran All Through by NancyBrown (Gen | complete | 5504 | T)
The haunting of the Hub.
Absent Friends by Beleriandings (JackIanto, Ten&Jack, Ten&Ianto | complete | 16121 | T)
“On a dark and stormy night in Cardiff, the city is in danger, and the Doctor’s put himself in charge of Torchwood in order to save it. In a sealed recording studio, the voices of the dead have been playing for 17 years. Was it the project of a madman, or is this the site of something terrible? Torchwood has been hunting for the Doctor since 1879. And now they’ve found him. They may regret it.”
Or: Absent Friends (my version)
house that eats and pleads and kills. by violetmessages (Gwen&Ianto, GwenRhys, JackIanto | complete | 4196 | T)
When investigating a reportedly "haunted" house, Gwen's past comes back to haunt her.
Trick Or Treat or Alien Defeat by BricklingGhost (TeamGwenee) (Gwen&Anwen, Owen&Anwen, Ianto&Anwen, Team | complete | G)
Anwen Williams goes Trick or Treating with an armed and dangerous Honour Guard.
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Bleach (Anime & Manga) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Hollow Ichigo | Zangetsu & Kurosaki Ichigo Characters: Hollow Ichigo | Zangetsu, Kurosaki Ichigo Additional Tags: Tags May Change, Female Kurosaki Ichigo, Betrayal, POV Alternating, POV Hollow Ichigo | Zangetsu, Touch-Starved Hollow Ichigo | Zangetsu, Post-Winter War (Bleach), Deception, Angst Series: Part 1 of A Birdcage Summary:
It's human nature to adapt to situations. Whether it is drastically or in barely noticeable ways, people change; and it's so easy to accept the changes when they suit you.
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mcwhytubers · 1 year
Our Writing Masterpost
for those who don't want to scroll our entire AO3 - Please read the tags on each fic tho.
Martyn's Memories: A collective series of our Martyn fictive's memories, primarily along 3rd Life and Limited Life. [Currently includes "The Hand Of Red Winters" "The Parallels of Martyn LittleWood" and "The Red Spring Bleeds Out"]
The Eye In The Heart Of Time: this started as a way for me to write cool outfits and Martyn and Scott kissing to avoid being caught and now it has spiraled into a plot with no plans. some kind of underground spy mission au? My mind blanks for a description on this one, I'll be honest.
Caged Canary: A Jimmy and Skizz fictive's memories of what happened after they die in Limited Life and while they were waiting for the rest to run out of time.
Diremere Village: A young reporter sticks his nose too deep into things he shouldn't have and gets himself in loads of trouble. With nowhere else to go, he finds himself in a small village with his sister and her roommates. Except strange things keep happening and what else is a reporter to do other than to take notes and report on his findings? Surely this won't end badly once again. [Inspired by majickth's Hermit Hollows AU]
Horns A Plenty: Zedaph is a ram. Doc is a goat. Evil X has horns. And Zedaph is really well known for head-butting anything and everything around him- whether they want it or not.
Beautiful Boy: a little fic that our cc!Sausage factive crafted up to bully(/lh) cactuu after they made this wonderful little animatic.
Whispers Of A Watcher: Two best friends, a believer, and a skeptic, have begun a streaming series to attempt to capture the paranormal life in the towns around them. Visiting old hospitals, supposedly haunted homes, dark forests, and crypts. They’ll try to do anything they can to show their viewers- and each other- that they were right. However, our favorite skeptical Scar may just be a little too oblivious to notice anything, including that the ever-believing Grian may be a little more than human.
The Secrets Of A Watcher: The void was endless. Cold, dark, vast emptiness. It always made the Watcher shiver as xey stepped into the space between servers. Xir brown and white spottled wings bristled, wrapping around xir shoulders as xey stepped into the void, wisps of deep purple magic swirling around xem. A medallion dangled around xir neck. Golden chains connected to.. a small chunk of deepslate emerald ore?
Of Blood And Roses: A double life soulmate au where when your soulmate gets injured, flowers bloom from your skin in those areas. Grian had always felt like his bones were made of vines and flowers and he hated his soulmate for always being injured. He never quite imagined that his soulmate could have been disabled and that's why he was always hurting.
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hermitcraft x empires x dsmp x life series crossover superhero au, but it's pure crack.
Keep the dsmp hero/villain/vigilante group style names like Dream Team, SBI/Syndicate, because I like them and they are applicable.
But since the other two are season based, you combine the past seasons ideas and characters. For example: Wither Rose Alliance but Gem has fire/sun related powers (but still a giant hat).
Either way, new time vigilantes Benchtrio are trying to make a name for themselves in this 'hero' business. They are surrounded by major power groups like the Wither Rose Alliance, Boatem, Dream Team, The Syndicate, Octagon, Codfather Alliance, and a bunch more.
Also others like Hotguy and Cuteguy, The Copper King, The Three G's (Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss), Soup Group, Renchanting, etc.
Yes, they cross team, who cares? It makes it funnier. The public isn't for sure, but they speculate.
Either way, each group own a massive district(s) each which reflect the server they are from and the style that comes with it. For example, Boatem has the combined styles of Boatem in HCS8.
Scar, Ren, Eret, Wilbur, and Schlatt or competing for President? Mayor? King? Leader? We aren't sure.
There is an Anarchy Organization run by Techno with the disguise of a book club. Grian joins.
Jimmy ends up dying (eventually respawning) and sets off a massive chain of events (classic canary)
Every month a bunch of them come together to play MCC under neutral ground.
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dont-be-so-shy · 2 years
I came up with this weird AU. You know how sometimes you read fics where the characters have the same names as canon, and that’s pretty much all the canon compliance there is? Yeah, that’s this. 
Imagine, if you will, a time pre-canon. Perhaps the time that the Justice Society operated, when heroes were new to the world and not completely accepted. Now, do you have that picture in your head? Yeah? Well then welcome to my protégé AU! 
The basis of the protégé AU is that members of the Justice League are now the child sidekicks of their OC or role-reversed mentors, members of the Justice Society. 
For example, Bruce Wayne, Kal-El, and Diana of Themyscira are now teenage besties codenamed Orphan, Superboy, and Wonder Girl, respectively. Their mentors Batman, Superwoman, and Wonder Woman founded the JSA. When Bruce, Kal, and Diana become adults, they’ll found the JLA (named by Dinah Lance, daughter of Black Canary Dinah Drake and sister of Robin Dick Grayson-Lance). 
Getting more into Bruce, Kal, and Diana: They’re basically the Teen Titans but they’re also the animated series Young Justice’s Team, in that they don’t have an official name (other than “mini’s”) and they’re pretty casual, kind of like when your parents go to a house party and leave you with all the other parent’s kids, even though you don’t even know them. A few years after they meet, they start being called the Trinity, because while they may be teenaged hot messes in their private lives, on missions they are a put-together, well-coordinated team who conduct missions with minimum arguing and maximum efficiency. They’re the take-the-world-by-storm types. 
Bruce Wayne is a goth kid with depression who was orphaned at age eight and was adopted by the Batman. Kal-El is a brave, mom friend, big city-raised Krypton-born inviciboy. Princess Diana of Themyscira (secret identity Diana General) is Themyscira’s tragic, kind-hearted princess. Because they’re teenagers, we have all the sexuality and gender angst. Bruce, at least, has figured out that he is very, very gay. In my version, he’s also very, very in love with Hal Jordan (also a teenager). The Trinity all have multiple piercings, Bruce and Diana are tied for the most, Kal has the least. Bruce insists his are just for undercover missions but no one believes him (he’s very I-have-no-emotions in this AU, but he’s also a goth teenager so). Kal and Bruce paint their nails often but Diana does so only very rarely. 
Kal’s background: Kara Zor-El landed on Earth first, on the Kent farm where she was raised by Martha and Jonathan Kent. Martha and Jonathan know everybody’s secret identity and bring baked goods to JSA headquarters every few months. Becoming a journalist after college, she raises Kal-El, her baby cousin. Kara is Kal’s primary caretaker, legally his mother and more like his aunt mentally, while Martha and Jonathan are Kal’s grandparents. Therefore, Kara Zor-El (secret identity Kara Kent) is Superwoman and Kal-El (secret identity Clark Kent) is Superboy. 
Hal Jordan is Martin Jordan’s protégé. Martin Jordan also know as the Green Arrow (yes, Arrow) dies while on a mission with Hal and Hal quits heroing, moving to be raised by his uncle. When he turns eighteen, he becomes a pilot and becomes the first human Green Lantern. 
Mostly because I love crackships, Kal is in a polyamorous relationship with John Constantine and Barry Allen. Yeah, I know. Both Constantine and his mentor (also named John) are incredibly gay and John gets his assholishness from him. But it’s important to me that Constantine and his mentor are the best of friends. Yes, Constantine is like sixteen and his mentor is a full-grown, middle-aged adult, but they’re still really close and almost never argue. Constantine is somehow still a chain smoker and has now indoctrinated Barry into smoking during stressful occasions or at parties (you bet they attend parties, those teenaged heroes). Kal is just trying to get them both to quit. 
It’s also important to me that, similar to Roy Harper in S1 of Young Justice, there are some older but still teenage characters that appear from time to time. In this case, it’s Oliver Queen (I have no idea what his codename will be) and boy king Orin or Arthur Curry. The two are dating and on those relationship dynamic art posts, they would be labeled “One Hot Gay Mess” and “He/They Bisexual”. Guess which is which. 
Dinah Lance, who I mentioned earlier, is little younger than them, just as Oliver and Orin are a little older. 
I’ve also incorporated Vic Stone as a background character. He’s mentor-age, not a teenager and he’s more tech support. The reason for that is that he’s been fighting crime since he become part robot, back when he was a teenager and now he’s kind of (re)tired. Most other heroes his age become heroes on their own when they were adults. He has the most experience (actually he’s tied with Jay Garrick) and he’s the type of hero that seems to have endless wisdom to dispense and very little to say otherwise; someone whose words carry weight. 
Through reincarnation and time travel shenanigans, Carter Hall and Shiera Sanders/Kendra Saunders are reborn many times during this time. Originally, they are mentor-age, a married couple of bird-wing crimefighters, Carter Hall and Shiera Sanders-Hall, but after getting killed they are somehow reborn to be the Trinity’s age, then Dinah Lance’s age. Their legal names after their last reincarnation are Carter Hall and Kendra Saunders. Because of all the Death (with a capital D), they usually only operate under Vixen (who most people agree is the best hero, the myth, the legend). The two live on-base. Understandably, the Trinity are very protective of them and their thirteen-year-old written-in-the-stars puppy love. 
Dick Grayson also exists in this continuity as Black Canary’s protégé whose not a metahuman, just someone who uses Vic Stone’s Canary Cry bombs, and Wally West-Garrick Feels Things for him. Dick is only ten and Wally is around eighteen months older and going through a sexuality crisis. Wally is Jay’s orphaned grandson and at some point Barry had to watch him but also come to a JSA meeting and that’s how Wally learned that Barry was a metahuman superhero. Wally also works as Kid Flash but that’s like twice-a-year rare. (Dinah Drake, Dinah Lance, and Dick Grayson all live and operate in Gotham.) 
J’onn J’onzz is about Orin and Oliver’s age and there is no Martian war, J’onn’s just some random but insanely powerful guy who wants to explore Earth, like some Americans visit Mexico, but then he decided to be a hero so he’s being trained by an alternating roster of Dinah Drake, Kara Kent, and OG Batman, with the occasional tip from resident extraterrestrial expert Hal Jordan. 
Also similar to Orin and Oliver are Ted Kord and Michael Carter, two eighteen-year-old time travelers. Honestly, no one’s sure what’s going on with him, or even how old they are at any given time. The JSA just figured “hey, they’re not actively fucking things up” and lets them be. (Because, they, unlike a certain someone, don’t fuck up the timeline enough to create an alternate universe, Barry.) Vic Stone occasionally time travels with them. The mini’s love them. Ted and Michael are very much in True Love and very cute and everyone is jealous and pissed off at their cuteness except Orin and Oliver who are also very cute. Roy Harper is a four-year-old originally found by Martin Jordan, Orin, and Oliver on a mission raiding a Luthor base (the theory is he was being brought in to be cloned alongside another hero’s DNA but they didn’t get around to it before the JSA found them) being raised by the latter two because the former is dead. 
Billy Batson is also a teenage hero but doesn’t hang with them much, except for occasionally with Kara and Kal. He doesn’t follow the other mini’s to found the JLA, instead sticking with the JSA. Billy experiments with he/they pronouns, but ultimately sticks with he/him. 
Miscellaneous headcanons for the protégé AU: Doctor Fate is a hardass and nobody likes him, Constantine’s mentor and DF fight all the time. Jefferson Pierce and Koriand’r are both nineteen and dating. Jefferson is Vic Stone’s protégé and Koriand’r’s first Earthern friend. Bruce’s mentor is African American and has a younger cousin (in very early 20s) named Mal Duncan(!!) who kind of does hero work on the side sometimes. His girlfriend Karen Beecher is tech support training to be a Earth hero alongside J’onn. J’onn, being older, kind of takes Karen under his wing. Atom (Ray Palmer and Ryan Choi) are best friends with a five year age gap. 
Imagine the JSA base to be like the Watchtower, where the mini’s sleep over and bake in the steel kitchen at 3 AM, watch YouTube videos on the floor in the hallways outside official meetings, do math homework lounging on the futons while snacking on popcorn and Zesti’s. 
OG Batman/Batman 1.0 ([insert first name here] Duncan) uses he/they pronouns
Bruce Wayne is Batman 2.0, originally Orphan
Malcolm Duncan is Guardian (but only sometimes) 
Diana’s mentor is her aunt and the general of Themyscira, Antiope, Wonder Woman 1.0 
Diana eventually becomes Wonder Woman 2.0 
Superwoman is Kara Zor-El Kent
Superboy/Superman is Clark Kal-El Kent 
(Maybe Kon and Jon show up at some point? Jon could be Kara’s son, Kon Kara’s blonde clone)
Barry’s mentor is Jay Garrick/The Flash 1.0
Barry is Kid Flash/Flash 2.0 (Jay is getting on in years) 
Martin Jordan (Hal’s dad) is the original Green Arrow
Oliver was at some point his protégé but Hal never met before they fell out and Martin died 
Oh! A name idea for Oliver: Arsenal and Hal was Speedy
Now Oliver is Red Arrow (bathed in blood, revenge, etc.) and Hal is Green Lantern
Oliver eventually becomes Green Arrow again when he gets a protégé post-AU 
Hal and Oliver have the kind of relationship where they don’t communicate or talk at all but they know everything about each other, if you know what I mean? 
Orin’s mentor, the general of the Atlantian army is Aquaman, kind of a recluse hero
Orin goes by Tempest in this AU but he also went by Aqualad at some point in the past (he’s embarrassed by it but Oliver was there so now everyone knows) 
Orin is also the king of Atlantis, but not the current governing body, that’s Mera. He’s created a secret human identity, Arthur Curry, since he’s kind of known as the Boy King of Atlantis, a metahuman and foreign authority 
Dinah Drake, raising both Dinah Lance and Dick Grayson, is the Black Canary, the first female hero. Dinah Lance goes by “Canary” mostly and is nicknamed “Shriek” and Dick goes by “Robin”
Selina Kyle is Catgirl, Bruce’s best friend, dating Bruce’s other best friend, Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn
So yeah, that’s the uber-complicated, interconnected protégé AU! 
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spotjardin · 3 days
La cobée
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Floraison de la cobée
La cobée est une plante grimpante originaire du Mexique. On l'appelle également Cobaea scandes qui est son nom scientifique. Elle fait partie de la famille des Polémoniacées. Sa culture et son entretien sont faciles. Son besoin en eau est important. Elle est très peu rustique car elle supporte au maximum des température de -2°/-6°. Il s'agit d'une plante vivace, mais dans la plupart des régions françaises, elle est cultivée en annuelle à cause de sa nature plutôt gélive. Sa croissance est rapide. Cette plante est merveilleuse de par son originalité et de ses différents tons qui vont du blanc en passant par le bleu et le violet. Sa floraison s'étale du mois de juillet au mois d'octobre.
Choisissez-lui un emplacement ensoleillé dans les régions froides et plutôt à mi-ombres dans les régions chaudes afin d'éviter le soleil trop brûlant. Elle apprécie les sols riches, très bien drainés et frais pendant les grosses chaleurs de la saison estivale. La cobée se sème au chaud (en intérieur) en godets du mois de février au mois d'avril. Afin de faciliter la levée qui peut prendre jusqu'à 3 semaines, je vous conseille de faire tremper vos graines dans de l'eau tiède la veille de votre semis. Si vous habitez dans une région où il risque d'y avoir des gelées tardives, patientez jusqu'au 14 mai (juste après les Saints de glace) pour pouvoir installer vos cobées. Dans ce cas, repiquez les jeunes plants dans des godets plus grands afin qu'ils se développent d'avantage avant la plantation. Espacez chaque sujet d'un mètre minimum en veillant impérativement à ne pas enterrer le collet.
La cobée n'a besoin d'aucune fertilisation. Gardez son pied au frais sans pourtant l’inonder. En effet, si elle a soif, elle peut stopper son développement. Il faut que vous veillez à ce que le sol reste un peu humide pour son bon développement. La plante s'accroche d'elle même sur le support que vous lui proposez. Toutefois, je vous conseille de lui installer un tuteur lors de sa plantation. Supprimez les fleurs fanées au fur et à mesure afin de provoquer une remontée florale jusqu'aux premières gelées.
parasites & maladies
La cobée ne craint ni parasites, ni maladies.
La cobée se multiplie par semis comme déjà expliqué ci-dessus. Elle peut également se multiplier par bouture ligneuse à l'étouffée.
La cobée s'associe avec d'autres plantes grimpantes comme par exemple les glycines tubéreuses, les capucines des Canaries ou bien encore les ipomées. Vous pouvez également les faire partir à l'assaut d'arbustes fleuris tel le rosier. La cobée s'associe avec d'autres plantes grimpantes comme par exemple les glycines tubéreuses, les capucines des Canaries ou bien encore les ipomées. Vous pouvez également les faire partir à l'assaut d'arbustes fleuris tel le rosier. https://spotjardin.fr/2020/11/23/la-glycine https://spotjardin.fr/2019/03/28/la-capucine https://spotjardin.fr/2019/09/11/lipomee https://spotjardin.fr/2022/03/27/le-rosier-arbustif Et pour terminer, je vous propose cette vidéo de la chaine YouTube art le pouvoir des plantes https://youtu.be/wLqUs8s8rAc Read the full article
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