#Chameleon Arch
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Payneland Doctor Who AU (Chameleon Arch)
Charles nods, and he prays to the TARDIS and the Time Lord that have saved his life so many times to please keep Edwin safe, please, I will do anything, go anywhere, heaven or hell, to keep him safe as he pulls the fob watch from the pocket of his own suit. "You need to open this watch," he says, "You're not- you're not human, Edwin. You don't have your memories back, but you need them, if we're all going to survive. If you're going to survive."
Edwin looks at Charles with the same searching evaluation as he always does. Charles can see the gears turning in his head, whirling faster than the speed of light, faster than any human ever should be able to think. "You care about this person. This...other version of me."
"More than anything," Charles says, and it's the truth. It's nothing but the goddamn truth. Fuck it, it's a creed, a prayer, a profession of faith made before the altar.
-aletterinthenameofsanity, leads you here despite your destination (under the milky way tonight)
Stars fading but I linger on dear
Still craving your kiss
I'm longing to linger till dawn dear
Just saying this
In your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me
-Ella Fitzgerald, Dream A Little Dream of Me
@gendrsoup @vyther15 @anything-thats-rock-and-roll
@tititilani @flowerbritts @silverysnake @ohfallingdisco
@regina-cordium @nix-nihili @wordsinhaled @bitterdesert
@lesbicosmos @spacegirlsgang @1kazul
@flaggersribs @depressedandoverdressed @sasakisniko
@guardianspirits13 @unearth-real-aired @here-i-reblog
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cameron-s-gaskins · 6 months
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Decided to make a Life on Mars/Doctor Who crossover comic, about Sam being the Master, that no one asked for and is about 15 years too late 😂
Chapter 1 is almost done, I’ll hopefully have it posted here and on AO3 in the next week. Thinking of naming it “Sam Tyler Doesn’t Exist.” First chapter will stand alone, but I’ve written a script for a second chapter already. Mostly ignores Ashes to Ashes, and anything after series 4 of Doctor Who.
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pluralzalpha · 1 year
Random thought: what if Theta Sigma isn't just an Academy nickname, but a designation given by the Time Lords to denote which iteration of the Doctor they're dealing with?
The Doctor doesn't know that, they think it's just a silly Academy thing. They don't know that each time the Time Lords have wiped their memory they've been given a marker: Alpha Alpha, Alpha Beta, Alpha Gamma... all the way until Theta Sigma.
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nindeoronra · 8 months
Can I just give all the love in the world to the fanfic writers out there, and especially those who had the brilliant idea to crossover Broadchurch and Doctor Who?
Absolutely fucking fantastic and I'm loving all of them, especially the use of the Chameleon Arch.
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Could you use a Chameleon Arch to make a human into a gallifreyan?
Could a Chameleon Arch turn a Human into a Gallifreyan?
Interesting thought, let's muse ...
🧬 Technological Transformation
The Chameleon Arch has been used primarily to transform Time Lords into humans (though it can change them to other species as well). They store their Gallifreyan essence in a biodata module, typically disguised as a common object like a fob watch. The individual's original Time Lord biology and memories are restored upon reactivation.
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🧑Adaptation for Humans
If adapted for human use, the Arch could theoretically overwrite a human's biological structure to match a Gallifreyan's, but this would come with a huge list of potential barriers and issues.
💥Painful Transformation: This is an extremely painful process that a human might be unable to endure.
🔁Identity Challenges: Without a proper link to a TARDIS, establishing a new identity could be problematic, possibly leaving the ex-human a total amnesiac.
🧬Biological Compatibility: Chameleon arches are likely keyed for Gallifreyan biology, allowing quite a huge potential for errors in other species using them.
🫨Existential Crisis: Imagine if you had dreams about the time you were a hamster, and you had a strange innate talent to run around wheels. That's just asking for psychological trouble.
🎓 Becoming a Time Lord
While the Chameleon Arch could, in theory, make someone biologically Gallifreyan, provided they can overcome all the issues above, becoming a Time Lord is a far more intricate process that involves extensive cultural and educational experiences.
🎒Time Lord Academy Training: Time Lords undergo intense education and training at the Academy on Gallifrey, not just in academics but in the ethical use of their abilities and in understanding the extremely complex laws of time.
🧬Genetic Enhancements: Time Lords receive specific genetic enhancements that are not just biological but also tied to their symbiotic relationship with Time Lord technology, such as TARDISes.
🔍 Implications
⚖️Ethical and Social: The process would guarantee that the human would lose their humanity, both figuratively and literally, as it would erase the individual's human past. Then there's the problem of how the ex-human would find it quite hard to be a part of either species' society.
🛠️Technical Problems: As mentioned, adapting Chameleon Arch technology to convert a human into a Gallifreyan is speculative and would need an advanced understanding and modification of the original CA technology. The stability of the changes would also need extensive testing to ensure the transformed individual doesn't have a genetic or psychological breakdown.
🏫 So ...
Transforming a human into a Gallifreyan using a Chameleon Arch is theoretically possible, but it's not going to be easy on pretty much every level you can think of - physically, psychologically, ethically, technically, and socially. Do with that what you will.
Can a chameleon-arched Gallifreyan restore their memories without a biodata module?: On the use of chameleon arches and how to restore memories.
What are the differences between Time Lord and Gallifreyans?: The biological differences between Time Lords and Gallifreyans, general overview.
Could a human become a Time Lord?: Quick look at how a human could become a Time Lord.
Hope that helped! 😃
More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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dougielombax · 3 months
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Seeing Patterns in Things that Aren’t There
Part 41
1. “Don’t let me eat pears. I hate pears.” - Tenth Doctor.
Doctor Who: Human Nature/The Family of Blood.
Speaks for itself. This has since gone on to become a running joke in Dr Who.
And in the same story, when the Doctor disguised himself as a human, having rewritten his memory, he eats a pear in a deleted scene.
(I was going to use a screencap of it but somebody removed it from YouTube so I had to settle for a stock photo instead!)
2. “I hate pears again. They’re so mealy and bland.” - Samanthan Rutherford.
Star Trek: Lower Decks. S2E1 - Strange Energies.
(And yes I am still BEYOND FURIOUS at Paramount for cutting Lower Decks short!)
Incidentally, in this episode Rutherford also suffers from memory issues caused by fuckery with his cybernetic implant, causing him to feel differently about pears, through which Tendi realises there’s something up with him.
(He got better)
(Also I just wanna say he looks fucking HOT in that top right picture! I adore him!)
Most likely these two similarities are a coincidence, but I am not the only one who has noticed them.
Make of this what you will.
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foolishlyzephyrus · 3 months
bring back the chameleon arch!!!
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roxannepolice · 1 year
I am absolutely stuck on the concept that chameleon arch doesn't simply go with the developmental stage of the time lord's current phenotype, ai-generating a personality to more or less match the shape and time. Like, OK - on the one hand, it makes sense. No need to come up with a personality and memories, a more or less tabula rasa affected only by the given time lord's neurological build up.
Sth sth the Master getting a chance similar yet so different from the one Margaret Blaine/Blon Fel-Fotch Pasameer-Day Slitheen got sth sth a man is the sum of his memories a time lord even more so sth sth now I'm raging again at how POTD made no fucking sense whatsoever.
On the other hand. TARDIS. Whoever came up with chameleon arch. Have you ever met a human baby? I assume not. Just, do you know what in all likelihood would happen if a baby was alone with a shining fobwatch? The baby would freaking EAT the fobwatch, is what would happen!
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Human!Missy starter for @likeacharacterinamusical
Rain hit the ground hard, a stark reminder that summer was drawing to a close. Missy pulled her linen jacket around her tighter and kept her gaze set on the campus' coffee shop. She sped up, determined that the rain would not ruin the blowdry she'd paid through the nose for yesterday.
This had not been the start to the day she wanted. Especially not after the sleepless night she'd had the previous night. Nightmares like the kind she hadn't had since her stay in the rehab centre a few months earlier.
Finally, she reached the coffee shop and stepped in from the rain. Joining the line, she caught sight of a blonde woman in the corner. Something about her felt so... familiar.
She was sure she'd seen her everywhere.
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Danny Phantom x Doctor Who crossover idea
Also genderBent Danny au as well, because it’s my au idea and I can do what I want!!
The Doctor had a little sister. She was significantly younger than him. Still a child by Gallifreyan standards when The Time War started. Despite the massive age gap The Doctor absolutely loved his little sister!!! She was the light of his life. It broke his hearts when he thought she’d died with the rest of his people.
What he didn’t know was that someone (not sure who, maybe one of their parents, or maybe even the Master?) Knew the Time War would be the end of them and decided to save her (or in the case of The Master, to maybe use her in the future as a pawn against the Doctor?). They used a Chameleon arch on her, turning her human. (When she’s turned human she winds up looking like an infant.) and then they send her off to Earth.
The Doctor’s sister, now newly human, winds up getting adopted by the Fenton’s and is given the name Danielle. She grows up on Earth with no memories of her life on Gallifrey, though sometimes (thanks to her fob watch with her memories in it) she dreams of it. And then the portal accident happens and she’s made half ghost.
About a year after the portal accident the Fenton parents find out about her being half ghost. They do not take it well. They attack her, injuring her, and she goes on the run. One day, while sitting in a park, the Tardis appears, and Dani approaches it. She has this vague recognition of it but doesn’t understand why she feels this way about this blue box. And then The Tenth Doctor and Donna step out.
Ten immediately lights up at seeing her and swiftly pulls her into a hug, spinning her around saying how happy he is to see her. And then he stops and asks why she’s not in Cardiff and where the hell is Jack. And then pauses when he realizes she has no idea who he is. He brings her into the Tardis and explains that she’s really a Gallifreyan, and her Gallifreyan memories and biology is hidden in her fob watch. That she’s his younger sister. And that a younger him met her sometime in her future.
He takes her to Cardiff, several months before the first season of Torchwood, and drops her off with a note for Jack and directions to the Torchwood 3 base. She makes her way there, entering through the tourist information centre. Ianto is there behind the desk and she tells him, while looking straight into the camera in the corner of the room, that she has a message for Jack from The Doctor. The phone rings immediately and when Ianto picks it up Jack tells him he’ll be up in just a minute and to not let Dani leave before he gets there.
When Jack gets up there Dani immediately hands him the note from the Doctor. The basics of the note is: we’ll (Jack and the Doctor) meet again sometime soon. But for now he has a favor to ask of Jack. The girl, Dani, who gave him this letter is his (the Doctor’s) younger sister. She’s under a chameleon arch at the moment so she’s human and doesn’t remember being a Gallifreyan. And he requests that Jack look after and protect her to the best of his abilities.
Jack reads the note over three times, looks the kids in front of him over, and immediately decides to adopt this tiny child. The Doctor asked him to look after and protect her so he damn well will!!! Plus the kid is tiny, scrawny, and just looks to be in the worst shape. She’s covered in scars (both from her time being a hero and from when the Fenton’s attacked her after finding out about her halfa status), and she’s got this skittish look in her eyes. And she’s horribly thin, wearing clothes much to big for her. Yeah this is Jack’s new daughter, and may the universe have mercy on the soul of anyone who fucks with her, because he sure as hell won’t.
Dani is enjoying life as Jack’s new adoptive daughter. After a while she even feels comfortable enough to tell him about the Fenton’s and her powers. He takes her powers pretty well, but does not take to well to finding out about the Fenton’s and what they did to her. Season 1 of Torchwood comes around with Dani being part of the team.
And then Doctor Who S3E11 “Utopia” comes around. Dani winds up hitching a ride on the outside of the Tardis with Jack when it gets flung to the end of the universe. This is when the Doctor meets Dani for the first time. Immediately upon Jack reviving at the end of the universe Jack and Dani explain who she really is to the Doctor. When he realizes that Dani is actually his little sister the Doctor pulls her into a bear hug, burying his face into her shoulder to hide his tears. He’s absolutely ecstatic that she made it out of the Time War alive.
The rest of the episode goes the way it does in the show just with Dani there. Not sure exactly how her presence would affect the events of the sound of drums and the last of the timelords. Haven’t thought that far ahead yet. But I imagine her ghost powers would be a bit of a hinderance to the Master’s plans. Unless the Master, during his 8 months on Earth, gets in contact with the Fenton’s and gets some ghost weapons. But again haven’t really thought that far ahead for this idea!
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darth-caillic · 1 year
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"I killed him. I broke his heart, then killed him." // Sam's Neverending Guilt
The events of Human Nature / Family of Blood go very differently in Out of Time, but of course, John Smith has to die in the end to bring the Doctor back.
I think this is something that always is something that haunts Sam. While he didn't personally kill John Smith he'll always feel responsible for the heartbreak and betrayal John felt in the last few hours of his existence.
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If Nine had bigenerated into Ten you cannot convince me that he wouldn't have slapped Ten over the whole Human Nature/Family of Blood thing. Also the Master thing. Also a whole lot of other things, now that I think about it...
"Coward, not killer. Anyday" does not apply to himself when he's being a complete dipshit
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tenderlywicked · 6 months
A fobwatched Master? :) He does have that kind of a watch.
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doverstar · 8 months
I have fic fever for now and just updated Lost and Rewritten again. Read the third chapter here!
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The existence of the chameleon circuit and chameleon arch implies that there is at least one species of fauna on Gallifrey that is capable of active camouflage. And the fact that the word chameleon was chosen by the translation circuit suggests that this species is sufficiently more lizard-like than any of the other species capable of active camouflage on Earth. Or perhaps that species is just the most commonly referenced for camouflage, like how the chameleon isn't necessarily the best at active camouflage in comparison to say, cuttlefish. Either way I am intrigued by a linguistic convergence where a species name is synonymous for camouflage function.
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hellsw0rth · 9 months
Got this old watch for Christmas. It looks stuck and broken. Dare I open it?
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