#Champion of Mara
mareenavee · 11 months
Uphold the Light
Phew! Okay @kookaburra1701 here is Mara looking after her champion, Ennis. (: Against...what? I wonder... >:}
HUGE SHOUTOUT to @gilgamish for the beta and the HYPE!!! Ah I loved writing this one!
Tagging @paraparadigm, @polypolymorph, @thana-topsy, @changelingsandothernonsense, @dirty-bosmer and @throughtrialbyfire for the weird god voice fic things <3
Without further ado:
Uphold the Light
You have stood tall in fields rife with crops all your life, and I have kept close by, though you cannot see me. You call yourself Ennis of Rorikstead, but I have always carried your true name in my hands—a knotted rope of a thing, complicated in its simplicity, the sound of it music to the soil beneath your feet. You do not know it like I do. Each seedling that sprouts and reaches toward the sun holds the syllables; each harvest becomes another title.
You are, however, aware of a certain darkness. The kind that creeps in shadows sent flying from the setting sun, rays hidden behind mountains and buildings. This is the same shade which has pulled my hands from yours, and continues to keep us separate, hiding under the guise of answered prayers. And yes, things will grow in soil devoid of my touch—but you have long suspected I had been here, once, and was forced away. You see it in the strange paleness of newly sprouted plants, and in the dark spots of blight on freshly pulled potatoes. You do not voice your concerns. Instead, as autumn encroaches on your land, you work and you pray and you wait to see when dawn will break again. You have always felt closest to me in the earliest sunlight. The night, we both know, is another story entirely.
Under murk as thick as mud in riverbeds, twisted between the roots and rocks, pestilence sleeps. They feed it—your kin, your neighbors, your leaders—with the souls and limbs of my daughters. Their bones sink into soil, once barren, and my gifts upon them are returned to Nirn. Their souls, however, are lost. I do not hold them in my arms. I was not granted the final embrace. The thing which calls itself the savior of this barren ground keeps them in constant torment, fueling His realm. The exchange for their suffering is the prosperity of your people. You understand there is something amiss. In tilling the fields, you’ve found the bits of bone devoid of marrow, the teeth, the nails. Reldith implores your ignorance, insisting all fields are the same, and heavy is the burden of a farmer turning soil which has been home to ghosts of bygone ages.
You know, deep down, there is more to this than she insists. You do not speak your apprehension at her statement, though you have toiled with the worry sprouting in the back of your mind.
I cannot take these fears from you, or to protect you from the tremors of this deal—or what it would mean for the pact to end. -> Read the rest on AO3.
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jedidryad · 3 months
WIP: Absolutely none of this had been a good idea...
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The climactic battle sequence in Champions of the Force involves an abundance of superweapons including a reappearance of The Death Star (I guess The Force Awakens had to get that plot point from somewhere). Mara, Han, and Lando watch in horror as it destroys the Garrison Moon over Kessel. While Han and Lando are experts, this is the first time Mara has witnessed a Death Star in action, and it's tough on her. When they decide they need to fly inside it to destroy it, all does not go as planned...
“She’ll hold together.” Solo insisted although it sounded more like an affirmation than a statement of fact. He agreed he needed to check on the engine and do repairs but we couldn’t do that while actively flying.
“We’re going to have to settle in for the ride.”
“Settle in?” Settle in how, where? Being buried in the middle of this Imperial nightmare was getting to me. I should have done something years ago to stop this thing. What, I didn’t know, but I hadn’t imagined it could do this.
“Don’t get all bent out of shape" Solo continued, misinterpreting my shock as disapproval. He demonstrated his landing claw then and attached us to one of the stable girders so he could power down and go investigate the damage.
Frozen in place, I  gazed down at the power core below us. Everything about it suited Palpatine: ultimate destruction at a whim, the mere tug of a lever.
I smiled tightly. At least this power core had killed him in the end, with some help from his “loyal” enforcer. I’d been no help.
I took a deep breath trying to find my own stability again. Like this ship to the girder, I needed to anchor myself to something. No, I hadn’t prevented the existence of the Death Star, but we could do something about this one now. So long as I held myself together enough to come up with an idea.
Solo seemed far more sanguine about the whole thing than I was.
“We’re secure here for now,” he informed me. He eyed me closely as he headed for the rear, “but if  they plan to go back inside the black hole cluster, we could be in for one wild ride.”
He wasn’t kidding. We were bumped and jostled so much, it made it hard to do the diagnostics and repairs Solo needed the time to do. 
Absolutely none of this had been a good idea. And I had no better ones, just worse ones. I stared out at the reactor core, glowing like Palpatine’s evil heart, infinitely worse ones.
Solo’s news was also bad. The hyperdrive was a mess and the damage to the auxiliary thrusters meant our maneuverability had taken a hit. Even if we did blow the core, we wouldn’t be able to get away from it fast enough or be able to make it back through the Maw.
“Not to mention we don’t know the way out.” I glanced around at the various, unsound passageways around us. Panels had caved in and girders had collapsed with every rattle this half built mess had made, “My Jedi instincts aren’t strong enough for a job like that.” 
And with the damage Solo was talking about, we would need a straight run at it to make it out in time.
“We’ve got to do something.” Calrissian insisted, “If the Death Star’s come back to the Maw installation, it’s bound to be up to no good.”
And that’s when Solo dropped the information that Chewbacca was in the Maw with a Republic occupation team. Instinctively I sent my Force sense out to scan the area and picked up on the presence of not just the Wookie, but also Luke Skywalker. As his presence brushed against mine, I could sense a wave of relief that we were alright.
For now.
His sense seemed to shimmer in agreement.
Great, everyone was in danger and we had no time.
“So it’s obvious,” I said, getting to my feet and choosing the worst of the terrible ideas  that had come to mind in the last few  hours, “we’ve got to deactivate that super laser, as long as we’re here.”
“But the hyperdrive engines - “
I cut Solo off and announced my plan to buy him time by using our portable detonators to destroy the power core. We could place them strategically and then use the timer settings to give us a chance to get away. Classic sabotage. 
It was unbelievably risky and entirely unlikely to work, but we were running out of options.
Calrissian’s jaw hit the floor as I volunteered the two of us to don enviro suits and set the charges while Solo fixed his ship.
“You want me –?”
I swayed my hips just a bit and let my eyes flash as I asked him if he had any better ideas.
He looked me up and down and I suppressed the desire to tug my neckline up again as  he grinned suggestively.
“It would be my honor to escort you.”
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fandomgirlz01 · 8 months
Okay guys… here’s the deal…
My computer is on the frits right now and I’m not 100% sure of when it’ll be fixed. So in the meantime we may not post for a while. However I do pinky swear (the most sacred of promises) that as soon as we get it fixed we will resume posting. As for right now though I (Faith) will focus on writing, writing, writing so we can get a lot more works out when we do come back. I can 1000% promise you guys that you CAN’T even imagine the amount of time I’ve been putting into upcoming works. You can’t even possibly imagine what we have in store for you guys this year. That being said all of the things coming your guys way will be (in my opinion) some of my best works. Please just bare with us as we try and get back up and posting. My new plan for this year is to post at least once every other week. So that being said once I (Faith) get my computer up and working the hope I have is two have at least two works out twice a month. I’ve also been thinking of doing some new prompts as well as a few polls though out the year. We’d love to have more feedback from you guys in anyway shape or form.
Anyway again please just stick with us and fingers crossed I’ll be able to post again real soon for you all. We love you guys!! Please keep reposting and loving our work.
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therunwayarchive · 7 months
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Abby Champion at Max Mara, Resort 2023
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mrswheeleryuta · 10 months
adam and christian are so hot, i cant do this 😋😋
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lemondedelamode · 2 years
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Abby Champion by Sean Thomas for Vogue Magazine November 2022 
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emperorsfoot · 2 years
Who is Mara?
(requested by Anon)
"Mara" has become a stock name within the Masters of the Universe franchise that can refer to any one of 3 different characters.
Ambassador Mara, apprentice to Master Sabrian (New Adventures of He-Man, 1989)
The first use of a character named Mara was in 1989 for the series "The New Adventures of He-Man" which was supposed to be a sequel to the original Filmation Masters of the Universe show, only with a new cast of supporting heroes and villains, and taking place in space.
Mara was one of those new supporting heroes.
When she's first introduced, its as an ambassador, who's also still an intern (???) for planet Primus' sage, Master Sabrian. Sabrian is the only person who knows Adam's identity as He-Man and he creates the cover story that Adam is his nephew. Mara is suspicious of this cover story from the very start.
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Over the course of the series Mara branches out from just being an ambassador and apprentice. She instead starts backing He-Man up on the battlefield in his struggle against Primus' enemies.
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This is also the looks that inspired Mara's action figure.
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Champion Mara/Chosen One Mara (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, 2018)
In the 2018 Dreamworks production of She-Ra, Mara is the last Champion to have wielded the Sword of Protection before Adora.
Some time before Adora found the Sword of Protection in the Whispering Woods, Mara was the Chosen weirder. But she decided to go against the ruling power of her time which wants to use the Protection sword and the planet of Etheria as a weapon of mass destruction. Instead, Mara disabled the weapon and hid the Sword of Protection.
Her character is very different from her portrayal in 1989, but her design does bear a strong resemblance.
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Queen Mara (Core/CGI Masters of the Universe tie-in novel "I, Skeletor", 2022)
In this most recent appearance, Mara is not an ambassador, an intern, or a Champion. She is a queen. Not just a queen, the Queen of Eternia.
In the 2022 novel, Mara is the name of King Miro's wife and the mother of both Randor and Keldor.
There are no illustrations of this version of Mara, so there is no design to compare. But from Keldor|Skeletor's description of her, we know that Queen Mara is very well educated with a focus in Astronomy, and she has a very keen and strategic mind, King Miro trusts her judgment and often asks her advice on matters before making a final decision.
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alchemistdetective · 2 months
feixiao is just a more human version of jingliu.......))
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bellamontwasright · 2 years
"I know that there's a better time for this, but the collection of dead people we base all of our major decisions off of said you can't live here anymore. Thanks for saving the world, though."
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ATSV Fun Fact!! - Mumbattan Cultural Details
Gayatri & Inspector Singh follow the Sikh Religion
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Have you ever heard of Punjabi Sikhs?
If you don't know - Sikhism is a religion that originates in northern India, specifically Punjab.
The turban Gayatri's father wears - along with his last name 'Singh' implies that her father is most likely a Punjabi Sikh.
I notice this the first time watching ATSV and was like 'wow that's so cool :)'
It only hit me today that 'Oh wait I don't think a lot of people know about this very-specific, rarely-mentioned religion maybe i should say something,'
And because I LOVE yelling about world culture, LET'S GO!!!
[a SHORT essay where I explain the basics of Sikhism, a religion built on equality and justice. And details in The Singhs design, and exactly why Sikh Representation matters]
So What's Sikhism about?
Often mistaken for Muslims - Sikhs are actually a non-Abrahamic religion, with 20 million followers worldwide.
But even with so many visible practicing members, most people know very very little about this beautiful religion!
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Sikhs believe in equality and unity - and defending the oppressed. Their book of faith, The Guru Granth Sahib Ji, is called 'Guru' for a reason - Sikhs see the book as not just a code of conduct, but as a living, breathing teacher for every practicioner;
From Wikipedia on Guru Granth Sahib: Sikhs since then [1708] have accepted the Guru Granth Sahib, the sacred scripture, as their eternal-living guru, as the embodiment of the ten Sikh Gurus, the highest religious and spiritual guide for Sikhs. It plays a central role in guiding the Sikh's way of life.
The Guru Granth Sahib is the spiritual leader of Sikhism, and it's treated as such.
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That's why in Gurdwaras - their place of worship - it's treated as such, being clothed and held in ornate structure, constantly fanned throughout it's readings (the fan you can see in the left picture).
They believe that by following the Guru Granth Sahib Ji, they can cultivate compassion, peace, and harmony in their communities, while diminishing 'Mara' - concepts like hatred or violence.
Sikhs believe that every Sikh should revere themselves as champions of unity. And because of this many Sikhs have the same last name -
Kaur for women (Meaning Princess) and Singh for men (Meaning Lion).
Having the same last name also does away with the Indian caste system, making it another point of equality.
In ATSV Gayatri last name is Singh. However from my understanding, her name would most likely be Gayatri Kaur in reality.
I think they kept her last name as Singh as a deliberate choice to keep her initials as GS, like Gwen Stacy.
So is Gayatri Sikh?
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Maybe - most likely.
But we can't be sure. Mainly because of her hair.
Gayatri has a short bob haircut, and while that might not seem like it matters, it does!
In Sikhism there are the '5K's - different aspects Sikhs wear to show their faith.
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Notice the first one?
'Kesh' is the practice of leaving ones hair completely uncut. That's why you may see a lot of Sikh men with long, long beards!
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And hence, the large turbans.
It's done as respect for God's creation - leaving it unaltered.
[Fun Fact! - Rastafarians, a Jamaican religion, also don't cut their hair for this reason. Think Bob Marley. Rastas call God - Jah]
So, Gayatri having short hair means she doesn't keep Kesh.
However, Sikh is a super accepting and open religion, and it's main focus is on acceptance of difference, not conformity - so she could entirely follow the faith without doing all of any of the 5Ks.
Also, if you're curious about the steel sword K - Kirpan, yes that's a thing!
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Sikhs of all genders are encouraged to carry a small ceremonial blade with them.
Instead it's a symbol of the commitment to fighting for what's right - and defending those who cannot defend themselves.
A Kirpan can ONLY be used to defend the life of yourself or others, which is incredibly rare.
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Why is this all so rad, cool, and important?
If you haven't noticed by now, Sikhism is a religion driven by justice. Not just in theory, but in really life as well.
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That's why you may see many Sikh police officers and politicians, even here in the West. Most of them wearing the emblem on their turbans.
In fact, Canada has SO MANY Sikh politicians, that in 2019 they elected 18 of them.
For centuries Sikhs have been dedicated to justice, and developing systems of support, whether that be political involvement or feeding those in need.
The biggest Gurdwara (a place of Sikh worship) The Golden Temple feeds over 100,000 people A DAY.
It's a practice called Langar. A communal meal anyone can enjoy. And of course, Langar food is vegetarian.
Making Inspector Singh a Sikh - and showing him saving people and being warm to his daughter on screen is great representation for a community so often overlooked! Despite the fact they are over 20 million practicing Sikhs.
It's a great detail for Indian and Punjabi representation in specific. It accurate shows their beliefs and commitment towards helping others, no matter the cost.
And from what we can tell, this choice came later in development. We know this because ALL of his concept art shows him with a turban, not keeping Kesh.
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It seems like someone later on down the line said 'Wait if his name is Singh I think he's Sikh and if he's Sikh then we're gonna have to redesign him and make that obvious oops'.
That, dear audience, is why you always have an Anthropologist in the writing room. Or some amateur anthropologist like me :)
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I hope you enjoyed reading this, I really enjoyed writing it!! Sikhism is one of my favorite religions and if you have never heard anything from the Guru Granth Sahib I HIGHLY recommend it, it's very optimistic and compassionate. Sikhnet(.)com is also a great resource!
I have no idea if this will pique anyone's interest, but I hardly ever see Sikhs reflected in media and I know many many people may confuse them with Muslim, especially since many women Sikhs keep kesh and cover their hair as well.
But if you ever wanted to know the difference, here it is! If you read this far, thank you SO MUCH. And if you're a Sikh and reading this, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.
As usual, here's a photo of Hobie for your travels.
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Of Six People, Three Must Pay A Price (Jingliu x reader)
"There used to be a statue of you here..." Jingliu noted silently as she gracefully walked through the bustling market street.
Even while wearing a heavy blindfold, Jingliu moved with complete confidence and grace; never once stumbling or colliding with another person.
Returning to The Xianzhou Luofu after all this time was bring back many forgotten memories for the old forgotten Sword Champion. While many were just mere flashes to days gone by, a small handful were memories so clear, (so precious), that for a moment she could almost forgot where she was; and what she had done.
No matter which type of memories they were however, all the of them included you.
'The Shield Of The Alliance'
Many centuries ago, everyone in the Alliance knew about the (man/woman) who held that title. But to her, you would always simply be (Your/Name); the childhood friend she had grown up, and the (man/woman) she had fallen in love with.
Once when you were both still children, Jingliu wondered why you decided against learning how to wield a weapon like she and the other trainees were doing. And even while wrestling with madness that Mara-sickness brought, Jingliu could still remember the answer that you gave her that day.
"Honestly? It's cause I think there more than enough people on this ship who are learning how to fight. But to really give people hope again, what everyone really needs right now is a protector. A...shield that will keep them safe."
Naturally there were people who mocked you for that. Afterall, how where you supposed to fight the abominations of Plague Author with just a shield?
But no matter what they said you always stood tall. While the others were busy fighting, you were the one who made sure that they would all get back home alive.
And no one dared to mock you again after you had managed to singlehandedly holdoff an attack from the Reignbow Arbiter.
Most people if they heard that story would have called you a liar. But thousands of ships had born witness to that awe-inspiring moment, and thousands more were saved because of your actions.
You and Jingliu fought side by side for hundreds of lifetimes. And the things the two of you did became the stuff of legend.
But now, her beloved was forgotten by the world. Hidden away from everyone as though they were some shameful secret from Luofu's past. (And all because of your connection to her.)
Your place among the honored dead was another thing that she had robbed you of.
When the Mara inside her body became too much for her to bear, Jingliu went on a rampage. She massacred the Cloud Knights under her command and everyone else in sight. There was a reason why she was known as the Sword Champion. Her skills with the blade were unparalleled, and anyone sent to stop her would've died a fool's death.
And so, the task was left to the only people who did stand a chance; (Your/Name) and Jing Yuan.
For hours the three of you fought, and you and Jing Yuan did everything you could to take Jingliu down without killing her. But when (Your/Name) hesitated for just a single moment, it was more than enough time for Jingliu to strike.
With expert precision, her blade tore through your chest and came out your back. And it was only the spray of your blood landing on her face that gave Jingliu a moment of clarity; as she awoke to the horror of what she had done.
As she stood frozen, you used the last of your strength to wrap your arms around Jingliu, and then she heard you tell to Jing Yuan to finish it.
Look over your shoulder, she saw the pained expression on her student's face before it was replaced with grim determination. And with the Thunder Lord having been summoned, the world became a sea of thunder.
Jingliu closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around you as the end approached. She knew she didn't deserve forgiveness for all the lives she had taken, nor did she deserve the comfort of your embrace.
But when you tightened your hold on her, and said one last "I love you", Jingliu closed her eyes and whispered it back.
That day should have been the end for the two of you, but purely by accident, you saved her one last time.
A life time of being a protector had engrained it into your body to protect others first. Entirely unconsciously, you shifted slightly so that your back was turned towards the on-coming attack. You bore the full brunt of the attack's power, while Jingliu, (though battered and broken), survived.
For centuries there on, Jingliu journeyed from planet to planet; attacking everything and everyone in sight. She became adrift in the galaxy, and now without you there to ground her, she was now entirely consumed by the Mara-sickness.
For centuries Jingliu spiralled out of control; spending whole decades as something no better than a rabid beast. The Mara-sickness was all consuming, and it made it impossible for her to think or remember who she truly was. It was only the flashes of your time together that gave her any peace.
But slowly she found a way. Somehow over the years she managed to regain just a tiny bit of control over her fractured mind. She knew it wouldn't last long however, so before she lost herself to the madness once again she returned to the Loufu.
Of six people, three still needed to pay a price.
And Jingliu was one of them...
Once her business was taken care, she would pay the price for everything she had done to you.
She only hoped that you could forgive her...
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princesschimchim1325 · 4 months
Would anyone be down with an au with dark and possessive! Dan Feng and Yingxing(or Blade, in this case) with sacrificial bride! Reader?
Like, it's an au wherein the xianzhou ships are just different kingdoms, and Dan Feng is the emperor of the luofu and Yingxing (who has now become Blade here) is his ex(?)husband bc Dan Feng turned him immortal. Baiheng lives bc I said so, Jingliu is still the sword champion and Jing yuan is the new general. Reader is from one of the other ships (kingdom in this case) and basically she's cursed and they threw her at Dan Feng when they heard he was single again to both get rid of her and be their spy (it doesn't work bc she immediately told her new husband about it bc she is wants to get rid of them too).
Dan Feng and Blade!Yingxing's relationship is... strained but bc Blade is one of his generals, they still work together (and sometimes have sex) but Bladie is either ignoring him or insulting him. They have been seperated for many decades by the time reader arrives.
Dan Feng and reader don't fall in love immediately but they have lukewarm relationship at the start. But they get closer with their little acts of service towards one another and sparring sessions that often leaves Dan Feng hot and wanting (horny). Then they get even closer when they tell stories from their childhoods that often leads to laughter filling Dan Feng's office.
Blade and reader have a.... complicated relationship at first. Reader knows that Dan Feng had a husband before her but doesn't know it's Blade. Blade knew she was the new wife and tried to ignore her but they just somehow always run to one another. Reader always trying to heal him and to get him to rest and Bladie trying to avoid her. But not even Bladie can resist the cursed allure~ of reader-chan.
What I mean is, they sparred once (1) and he's been horny since lmao. XingYue being battle sexuals, we've been knew. They also have a heart to heart moment of reader calming his mara ('Jean grey x Logan" ahh moment) ('only she can calm the monster inside me' ahh moment)
Cursed! Reader is a lot like Nakime from Kny, her hair covering her eyes (maybe she has heterochromia?) and playing an instrument (the pipa). Very quiet and reserved but when she talks, is very sassy and has a sharp tongue.
Slow burn but not really, love triangle but in a poly way (as it should be), angst, maybe comedy? I got a lot of inspiration from Mulan and KnY's hashira training arc ngl. Of course, the fic includes smut.
Let me hear your thoughts on this. Those that wanna get tagged in this potential fic, please say so in the comments.
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jedidryad · 5 months
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Writing has slowed a bit lately on part 3 but it's still progressing. Navigating Mara and Lando's "relationship" is interesting since there really isn't much to it in the pro-fic. It's either a reason to have the two of them together with vague indications that there's some sort of romance going on, or it's referenced as a nonstarter and that Lando's attempts to charm Mara into his arms seem to have failed.
The fake relationship angle only exists in Zahn's Hand of Thrawn retcon so plotting it out is both a challenge and an opportunity. Here's some dialogue from a gala on Coruscant I've decided they attend in the wake of Kyp's near death at Kessel. They're also trying to figure out how to make things work.
“I count 20 uniformed guards and I think there might be about 6 more undercover.”
“Is that what you’re doing right now?” Calrissian sounded annoyed.
I ignored his tone and continued: “besides the obvious exits, you should know there’s an access point to the secret passageways behind the third sconce from the left of the fireplace.”
“Mara”, Lando murmured in a low voice as we moved into a third turn around the dance floor, “what do you expect me to do with this information?” 
I dug my fingers into his shoulder in surprise.
“Why do either of us need to know where the exits are right now?” He asked, looking me directly in the eye,  “are you planning an escape?” 
“We might need one.”
“Mara, this is a remarkably uncontroversial gala. The odds of there being some sort of attack are very low. And you know this palace better than anyone else here, including those 26 guards you’re carefully counting.”
“28 actually.”
“Not this evening.”
“It’s good to be prepared.”
“For danger?” he asked, eyebrows raised.
“Hmm,” he shifted his hand from my hip to my bare back. “Does this evening feel dangerous to you?’
“No.” I responded acidly, subtly nudging his hand back to my hip, “it feels dangerous for you.”
“We are supposed to be putting on a convincing show here.”
“Slowly working your way up my back is way too subtle for this crowd.”
“Should I kiss you in the middle of the dance floor then?”
His expression was smug as he tightened his grip on my hand and hip. It was a challenge. I tried to glare only with my eyes. He was right. It would make things indisputable, but I wasn’t particularly interested in crossing that boundary.  Maybe we didn’t need indisputable, just hints here and there to let beings draw their own conclusions.
“No, no kissing. But you say you can dance. Can you lead?”
“Can you follow?”
“If the leader actually knows what he’s doing.”
He chuckled quietly, “I do.”
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fandomgirlz01 · 11 months
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Author {Faith}: 
Omg guys… we’ve hit it. I am beyond so very thankful that you all love my work so much that you are willing to follow along this crazy journey me and Nat decided to go on a long time ago. It feels like yesterday that I asked Nat to be my editor on a book I wanted to start to try writing {my Colby Brock book on wattpad…}, but in reality it's really now it’s been since August 8th 2019 when we did start the book. The book has since grown, but over the last three almost four years now we've primarily been on tumblr and have LOVED it so so so much. As some of you probably know, I {Faith} started out on wattpad and I used to be a firm believer that writing over there was the best place to write on even though I moved over to reading on tumblr a LONG time ago, but as I read more and more on tumblr I started to make friends with writers on tumblr. As I started making those friends, wattpad seemed to change as well as some of said friends encouraging me to move over to tumblr. 
So with that being said I talked it over with Nat and together we made the decision to also write on here. I believe it was one of the best decisions I've ever made {with Nat’s help} because today I find that I absolutely LOVE writing on here so much more than I do wattpad. I Love how you guys are so encouraging and sweet on here, I don't think I've really come across one mean person on here and while I know they are out there, I am so so glad I haven't met one yet. I LOVE all of you so much and it blows me away that all of you are following us and you guys are what push me to write, really you are. I am so incredibly thankful for all of you and I’m so excited for all of you to see what’s coming next. I can’t even begin to thank you all for the love you guys have for them as well as me and Nat. More is coming soon I promise! So so much more is coming, we even have added and are adding onto who we write for. Anyway to celebrate you guys we are doing this sleepover as well as opening up requests again, although I am {Faith} very behind on writing right now so if you have already requested an imagine and We have not posted it yet, just know I am indeed working on some of them. 
Just message us and I will personally give you an update on where your request is. If you guys wish to put in a request just please remember to be patient with me as I work on all we have coming out for you. I love you all and I hope you all enjoy this sleepover that we have created for you all. Another will be out when we hit 5,000. Keep reblogging and loving our stories up so we see all of your love. Really thank you all, so so much it means the world to me, I really can’t thank you all enough. 
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Editor {Nat}: 
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loafyall · 2 months
Aged up yanqing and yunli, Yunli becoming taller and being like 6'3 while yanqing is like 5'11
Future Xianzhou!!
Fu xuan is currently the general after jing yuan's death.
But his death was not being mara, But by an assassination from the Sanctus medicus by a dangerous enemy called Shangū, He died in front of yanqing.
His last wish was that Yanqing would live a happy and long life..
Yanqing started to mask his emotions behind a smile which he puts on everytime. Following a path of vengeance to avenge his mentor's death, he'll do anything to kill shangū.
Yanqing is still a lieutenant and The new sword chapion although.. he shares his title with Yunli due to their so many tie in battles so people decided to make them share the title.
Yanqing carries a fan around, (like y'know the fan Tingyun has? Yea that type of fan but a different colour.).
Sushang is a respected cloud knight known for her strength is is quite cold.
Well, one of the reasons might be her Best friend, Guinaifen's death as she was a short-lived species anyway.
Sushang doesn't like yanqing and maybe never will, the only time they interact is only for work related purposes. Or if Jinglian and jingli try to make them talk with the others.
Speaking of jinli and jinglian, They are two twins who are actually niece and nephew of shangū But well, they've never met him, And They know their mother's and their Other siblings (they had two more siblings btw) death was by shangū. Jingli is a girl who uses a spear while jinglian is a boy who uses a sword, Both of their weapons were picked by yanqing.
Jinglian is usually trained under yanqing, While Jingli helps Fu xuan or bailu if they need anything, Otherwise, she also trains with yanqing and jinglian.Being trained under a sword champion who's a lieutenant is cool isn't it?
Qingque is somehow not being a door guardian and continues her work in the divination commision, Although she still slacks off and tries to Sushang or Yanqing for boba but most the time it's a no
Qingque is most of the time with sushang, Getting boba or anything except working.
After the death of huaiyan, Yunli is the general of the zhuming and visits the Luofu usually for meetings or anything like that.
Yanqing and yunli have somewhat like a shinobu and giyuu dynamic (Yanqing is Shinobu guys.) But by what General Fu xuan says, Yanqing and yunli enjoy talking to eachother.
(They mostly gossip I'm sure for some reason)
Yunli stole one of Yanqing's swords and he doesn't know about it at all.
Yunli is taller than yanqing. She is 6'3 and yanqing is like 5'11.
Bailu.. hasn't grown much, Like she's old but doesn't look like it.
Bailu hangs around with whoever she finds its either jingli or jinglian anyone.
few weeks after jing yuan's death Yanqing lost all his emotions for months until he started to pratice fake smiling. It worried fu xuan alot. But she didn't show it.
Yanqing was 16 when jing yuan died.
Fu xuan promised jing yuan at his grave that she would take care of yanqing and made sure the boy went the right way.
Everytime yunli and yanqing meet, It either is a conversation about how jingli and jinglian are doing or....
Just them roasting eachother. Respectfully.
Qingque tries to make sushang and yanqing friends again, But well it fails terribly,
Sushang ends up saying harsh words to Yanqing and yanqing can't snap because of reputation and ends up staring at himself at the mirror with instructive thoughts for hours.
Yanqing wants revenge on Shangū for killing his mentor who he considered as a father.
Huaiyan's death was when he got a disease and died after a week he got it.
Guinaifen died when she was 89, after Living a long and happy life with her best friend (wife.) sushang.
Yukong has passed away by old age.
Well that's all future hcs for today! Wait,
I forgot about Jingliu!
Jingliu is there, hiding in the shadows, Jingliu and yanqing have met many times.
Either a battle or just talking.
Huo huo is aged up and still a scaredy cat but is a bit Brave now(because of tail)
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crguang · 3 months
i feel like jingliu has so little content in hsr rn so... 😭
Would you might making headcannons for jingliu with a fem!reader, thanks so much xoxo <3
god, my beautiful fierce moon lesbian… she deserves the world
where do i even start. i would call jingliu a rock but unlike one, she doesn’t sit through erosion, she fights. she’s fast, she’s strong of mind and body, she’s relentless in everything she does… being with her is surreal because you have someone so ahead of everyone else, who stands on her own, and it’s often inconceivable to think that she needs you
jingliu has spent so much of her life just waiting to die. she’s spent most of her years haunted by the destruction caused by the abundance (and she still is… like ok), burning planets and scorched earth ruled her dreams and influenced her present until that one tipsy evening when she realized that she was more than just a sword. and she needs you for that
she faces the setting sky and she sees you in it, colorful and real, unlike her nightmares. you’re alive, she’s alive, and her life is her own. she doesn’t have to dedicate it to survival or revenge, it would be a waste when you look at her that way. she’s admired by many but the stars in your eyes make her falter. she feels like she can actually cut the heart of a star, if only to prove that she’s worthy of your adoration
jingliu is bruised, her hands are calloused and her body is lithe with scars and yet her touch is soft. she’s affectionate in a clumsy way because she’s spent too much time with a blade in her hand and not enough with your cheeks between her palms. she stares a lot, whether you’re in the training yard or lying next to her; she hopes she’ll see your face when she closes her eyes instead of past atrocities.
she doesn’t do PDA because she has a “undefeated sword champion” reputation to maintain and likes that the cloud knights under her command are all a little scared of her. behind closed doors, her way of initiating physical contact is subtle; she’ll wipe food from the corner of your lips or stand unnecessarily close as you show her something. she likes tracing your features with a finger when you’re asleep the most
tipsy kisses!! she can hold her wine but after a bottle her lips are always on yours. her cheeks are flushed, eyes lidded and shoulders relaxed, and she feels much less bothered about kissing you in front of her friends. it only gets heated when you’re alone though
she loves wine and sparring to relax. she knows real tranquility when you’re massaging the knots out of her muscles with warm palms and revering dedication. she’s not the type to sit still for long so at first you have to convince her that it’ll feel nice and that she’ll be much better afterwards. she indulges you, and after that she avoids asking for a massage every week by not so subtly twisting her neck when she knows you’re watching
jingliu strong. jingliu very strong. she can manhandle you regardless of your size. will have you seated on her lap and be offended that you think you could crush her. your weight on her feels nice in any setting, it keeps her grounded
if you’re a fighter please spar with her. she likes beating you. always available for a quick win, it lifts her spirits instantly. i mean, with her knees on each side of your hips and the sharp edge of her sword against your neck as she gazes down at you, are you really losing?…
dating jingliu is such a privilege, you’re privy to that part of her she’s nurturing just to be able to love you the way you deserve. she’s a quick learner, even if there’s still some hesitation in her touches. you make her feel like a woman and she cherishes that with everything she has, even when her mind starts to wither with the mara.
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