#Chance To Win $1000000
It's so fucked up knowing that the US is overwhelmingly democrat but republicans gerrymandered so bad that states with huge democrats audience are represented by republicans
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omresult · 4 months
Tripadvisor Sonesta International Hotels Corporation Sweepstakes - Win 1,000,000 Reward Points
Entering into the Tripadvisor Sonesta International Hotels Corporation Sweepstakes and chance to win 1,000,000 Sonesta Travel Pass Reward Points. So, all United States and the District of Columbia residents enter the Sweepstakes before May 31st, 2024 to fix your chances to win. Sweepstakes Entry Page Sweepstakes Rules How To Enter : No purchase needed to enter or win. Enter Online and Open…
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haveihitanerve · 22 days
Okay but here me out- Civil War but they let them be more of a team. Like- I know theyre on opposite sides- but they've also been friends for way too fucking long to switch it up that easy. Sure, I 1000000% believe that they've always wanted to fully beat the shit out of each other, no holding back- but they're also too in love with each other to do that. So give me- Clint firing an arrow at Tony, that Tony himself helped design, that hits his suit and instead of retaliating he just screams, “God fucking damn it Barton!!!” or Steve punches Nat a little too hard in the face and just… pauses. And the entire field goes quiet and Clint pulls out a tissue and she wipes her bloody nose with it and then nods and they resume fighting… Or Tony is trying to shoot Sam but he keeps fucking dodging and hes just like “stay still you pesky fucking bird!” Or Sam and Rhodey being like, “okay- lets both fly full speed to the other side of the building- whoever wins gets to take the other person in or walk free” or like mid-battle the way Nat and Clint did- “we’re still friends right?” “Sloppy hand movement Rogers” “You left your right side completely exposed dude!” “Bro stop fucking singing the same song on repeat in your head I can’t focus!” “Jesus christ Vision! Don't just fucking appear from the floor! Warn a guy my god.” “So help me God if you say one more funny quip while losing this fight I will actually beat the shit out of you.” “No ill say it- I don't care that i dropped a car on you.” “You fucking monster! This is for my pudding cup bitch!” “dude yesterday’s lunch? Absolutely abysmal. Yeah. I said it. Whatcha gonna do?” “Guys I cant do this right now- i get one more stab wound and Laura said shes quitting>” “???quitting what?” “I don't know and I don't wanna” “how’s your farm coming along?” “Oooh wait if we’re done with all this, you guys wanna go to Freddys? They have free drink Thursdays.” “Is it supposed to rain today? Cus for real I don't care if hes an actual war criminal I ain't fighting in the rain.” “Dude, I love you, but you have the most punchable face ever” “??? were on the same team????” “Bro shit wait I left the stove on! Brb.” 
Just like.. Just. yeah. Please. Rewrite civil war. We’d all love another chance at seeing the OG 6. Especially with these interactions. Pls.
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damnhotmsimmons · 7 months
What do you *actually* think will happen in 17?
sorry to take so long with this. I had a rough weekend and needed time to think this through so here is a list of things that "might" happen in s17. Be warned for some passive aggressiveness
the obvious:
More of Garcia being a stubborn bitch: I doubt the show will make her realize how shitty the character was in s16 and continue to derail her character somehow
Garcia being easily forgiven for her hookup with T*ler G*een cause god forbid anyone can be "rightfully" upset at the beloved Penelope Garcia
Tyler Green getting a shit ton of screentime, since he's now a series regular and him being irrelevant in s17
Luke being a glorified extra once again and only getting scraps about his life cause god forbid he and Tara take away any screentime from the beloved white men
More unnecessary screentime of Rossi in pain and suffering
Reid being mentioned a 1000000 times while Matt is forgotten (they haven't mentioned Matt after 16x02)
The gold star storyline being underwhelming
Luke and Tara still being out of focus
Evolution!Garcia being much ruder to Luke, even with their last scene in 16x10, the show will find ways for her to revery back to bullying Luke cause god forbid they let them be happy and less toxic together
Rossi's trauma after being trapped in a container being ignored after 17x01. I mean cm has an obvious track record of ignoring their character's traumas so why stop there
the rest of the characters having ooc moments besides Garcia
Will being mentioned several times by JJ, since Josh isn't coming back to s17
Garcia still having no remorse over her actions in s16 and they get brushed off with no consequences
Another cliffhanger in 17x10
Tyler Green still not dying and disappearing in 17x10
Elias possibly dying or disappearing before Tyler Green in 17x10
Emily missing out on fun team bonding moments cause of "work", based on the bts photo with everyone
Tyler Green trying to be "friendly" and helpful with everyone on the team
Tyler also having no remorse for sleeping with Garcia, a federal agent and not caring that there could be repercussions especially if the case goes on trial
The Gold Star Storyline being about Rossi, and the show trying to showhorn Tyler Green into the mix
More swearing from the characters
Tyler Green trying to "win" Garcia back
Luke still giving heart eyes
Luke still not getting a storyline, cause god forbid cm gives him more screentime than any of the white men
Shit, I almost forgot, JJ being calm and chill regarding Will despite seeing him get shot (despite surviving) with the same thing as Rossi and his ptsd
50/50 chance of happening:
JJ having slightly less screentime than s16 due to Will not appearing in s17, and the writers not knowing what to do with JJ that doesn't revolve around her and her husband and sons
Emily's "storyline" revolving around Bailey. Just cause he's dead, doesn't mean that the show isn't gonna stop having the women's storylines focus on anything else but the men around them. I do understand why Emily would be the most affected by his death despite their differences as the two were close but I don't want Bailey's death to take up all of Emily's storyline in s17, idk if that makes sense, like I don't want it to be the only thing s17 has for Emily. All we know that Emily goes through some "serious shit" which could mean anything
more random Tara and Rebecca drama, assuming if Nicole comes back
The garvez/greencia love triangle taking up more screentime than necessary, especially with Tyler Green being a "main" character
Elias Voit becoming Cat Adams 2.0, ruining an interesting villain by having him overstay his welcome longer than needed, not helped that Zach is also promoted to series regular, a first time they did that with an unsub and I don't understand why, despite interviews stating Elias' role in s17 being a hannibal lecter type role
Elias finding out about Garcia and Tyler Green's relationship and using it as leverage and preventing the BAU from prosecuting him for his crimes, which is why the
Garcia defending Tyler Green, moreso in front of Luke whenever he has any valid criticisms of him
Luke and Tyler having a verbal argument of some sort and it leads to a "fallout" between Luke and Garcia
The characters wearing more browns and grays
50/50 of fans and viewers being disappointed and let down
Person behind the door at the cliffhanger being anyone but Reid
Elias only interacting with Rossi
Bailey having more screentime than Luke and Tara despite him being dead and only in flashbacks or hallucinations
Garcia being conflicted about getting back together with Tyler
Garcia bragging about her therapy sessions once again
JJ's storyline revolving around her sons and some unnecessary drama to the boys, especially Henry. Him either getting bullied or anxious for whatever reason, not to mention his concern for his parent's safety and it gets brushed off after an episode or two
Tara and Rebecca possibly reconciling before breaking up, again
This is all I have so far, might update this if I come up with something else. Again, sorry for the passive aggressiveness, I'm still bitter about certain things in s16
@snailsandpuppy-dogtails, you're welcome to add more to this
@missmitchieg, @blackbird-brewster, @gaelic-symphony, @bacchicly, @baubeautyandthegeek, feel free to add more to this
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ikram1909 · 2 months
i don't know how egypt fared in these olympics, but they have like -1000000 chances of winning today, right? 😬
the final will be spain vs france, duh. And between the two, I don't know who has more chances of winning. for me, france plays horribly and spain a little better, but i don't really like either of them lolol.
I wouldn't write Egypt off tbh they might not play the best football but they know how to win so you never know. If France make the final then I'm hoping both teams lose somehow
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willows-rambles · 1 year
I was talking with @glowstiix over on my RP blog and I just need to write down some thoughts re: Metal and Proto
okay so I'm sure it's no surprise to anyone that i do ship MetalBlues BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT HERE THAT'S JUST EXTRA FUN
obv this is all dependent on the interpretation but to me metal and blues are 1000000% foils bc it's just. clenches fist.
1) i think they're mortal enemies 100%. i mean, like, hello?? the eldest of their respective "families"/factions. there's a lot of seniority and status involved in that
2) they're. probably both weak as fuck to each other, just due to them both being immensely powerful and also immensely vulnerable. it's always a cold war between the two of them, almost daring each other to make the first wrong move
3) depending on how ppl interpret them this varies but like. to me, there's an immense dislike between them not just because of point 1. in my hc, Blues does keep a fairly close eye on the Lightbots and has tasked himself with ensuring that Rock survives and learns to be independent. obviously, Metal is against that. his entire purpose is to kill Rock.
4) on the flipside of that, Metal, while he doesn't see Blues as a traitor as much as some of the Thirds still do, still holds an immense grudge towards him for his betrayal as Break Man. while he didn't ever trust Blues, that move was, in his opinion, all the more reason for him to outwardly dislike the prototype. not to mention Metal is fiercely loyal to Wily. I'm.. sure he recognizes to some extent that what Wily did to Blues was horrible, but he also sees it as Wily giving Blues a second chance he didn't deserve. he should be grateful.
5) and on top of all that, there's this... mutual understanding that neither are very keen to acknowledge. Not just each other's strength, but the burden the other carries. It's the same. The burden of a leader, of the head of the family. of being, in some way or another, flawed. of an almost inherent loneliness, welcome or not.
I think the two of them, in theory, try to avoid each other as much as possible, because to meet otherwise almost certainly means a face-off neither can win.
But truthfully, Blues is older, and the combination of his shield and buster means he's stronger so long as he does not get hit, and he taunts Metal with this. Metal also recognizes that removing Blues from the hierarchy gives him an advantage against Rock.
In the end, they're doomed to walk a very narrow, tense line.
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wack-ashimself · 2 years
With overwatch 2 out, I just wanted to remind you that blizzard...
1000000% sold out to the chinese government, taking back a gamer's win because he spoke out against china, when china said 'either you take it back, or we'll ban all your games'
and blizzard thought 'well, we really fucking like money, so, YAY communist oligarchy!'
And you could argue 'it would hurt the company's future' or 'deny other people to your video games' but at the end of the day, who REALLY has more sway against a rich dictatorship than another one, just in a different industry? The had a chance to make a REAL WORLD HISTORIC stand, and they went for the biggest check instead.
They're all sell outs at the top. It's the only way to the top.
ps-this whole MANDATORY battlenet AND phone number in order to play a FREE TO PLAY game is without question data mining. You think they stay rich selling battlepasses and costumes? HA. IF A PRODUCT IS FREE IT IS SIMPLY BECAUSE YOU ARE THE PRODUCT!!!!!
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I can say without a doubt that while the strip clearly starts running out of steam around 2015, and to me, March-April 2016 was when it began being bad, there were still enough decent arcs and strips from 2016 to 2020 where I wouldn't call it TOTALLY terrible, more like an on and off period.
2021 to today is where it loses all control. I genuinely struggle to even remember the arcs I liked during this time. It's all so repeated, and what's "new" is almost always something refreshingly bad.
That may 1st 2022 sunday where a girl actually likes Nate for once so Kim threatens to tear her arms off and NO ONE CARES.
Nate and Kim checking a haunted house, a 2-3 week arc where the big joke besides ha ha kim is a bitch is it was Chad playing the oboe.
Countless and I mean countless arcs of Nate having an idea but instead of us actually getting to see it fail it's his friends all making the same jokes you've seen 1000000 times, and none of which feel like they are being said by anyone else, all his friends turned into damn Francis.
Too many school arcs, Peirce has got to branch out from there. Even Gina arcs are less fun because you know now that no matter what, Godfrey and Gina will win.
Nate in general has really lost his old winning chances. I think he won some sport arc at one point, that's about it.
The knitting arc, 3 whole weeks for the most predictable result imaginable with nary a twist.
Nate sharing a locker with molly only the locker has none of the fun random stuff of the past and Molly is just Francis.
All the characters do is argue now.
Nate trying to stop eating Cheeze doodles, that totally didn't happen in a similar arc (it wasn't a bad arc but you get my point).
Hey, Chad, instead of being the fun and bright spot you are, how about just making food jokes?
EVERY. SINGLE. GIRL. BEING. SUCH. A. BITCH. Two girls just walk up to Nate randomly and start laughing at him. HE WASN'T EVEN DOING ANYTHING.
The arc where Nate and Francis break up, talked about it before, you know the drill.
Dee Dee is just... An egomanaical bitch. None of her once sweet nature, nor her realness with Nate are there. Now she's just girl Francis most of the time, and when it's time for some drama, she's become a real jerk. Oh, but wait, only Nate can get called out on that, carry on.
Oh, a golf/dog for christmas/Artur/Ailurophobia/school picture/sports/kim arc, gee, I wonder if there will be any variety at all, outside of Gram joining in on the golf once.
To me, the biggest change from the old days is the lack of adventure and story telling. Outside of the pretty decent school budget arc (and I guess the Nigel arc but I think that could have been less mean and more interesting), we just don't do story anymore. There are no totally different arcs you've never seen before (and if their are they're Nate in love with a tiktok star), no adventures, no quests, no big moments, barely any cliffhangers. Now it's just "here's a joke you've seen 100000 times with barely any twist, I bet it's funnier this time!".
And no, I don't care for the excuse "but it's hard to think up jokes after all this time." No it's not. I'm an inexperienced fanfic writer who hasn't even begun film school and has zero credits to his name, and I can come up with tons of original arcs!
In short... Dear lord are these last few years terrible. I literally went through 2023 at one point to get something for the AMV and I was like "wait this happened? wait, this was an arc?"
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chroniclesofdenzar · 1 year
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Do you feel the hair standing up on the back of your neck? DID THAT SHEET JUST MOVE ON ITS OWN?!
Phew! Was just the cat... BUT don't get too comfortable because it's that spooktacular time of year again! Halloween is rapidly approaching and this year brings with it an abundance of... EVIL MONSTERS AND COOL COSTUMES!
Please log in now until October 31st to participate in this year's Halloween event!
The Pumpkin Patch and Jack's Patch are once again being invaded by throngs of evil monsters and need your swords, staves, daggers, bows, axes, bludgeoning-devices, and trained beasts to aid in pushing back the invasion of undead!
This event is open to players of all levels as these enemies scale with you! So jump on in and do your part to push the evil out of Jack's Patch no matter what your level is!
To celebrate our Halloween event, we are offering a bunch of incentives for donations with all proceeds going to fund the sustainability of our game for this year and many years to come.
All contributors of any amount will unlock timed global stat bonuses for THE ENTIRE SERVER. All players will benefit from your donations!
Donations of $5, $10, $20, $30, $50, $100, $500, and $1,000 will receive special rewards through the end of our Halloween event on October 31st.
FOLLOWING THE EVENT there will be a random drawing to determine the winners for the Halloween Raffle Tickets to determine who will win 500, 1500, and 2500 Chrono!
$5: 5 Pumpkin Stalks, 1 Candy, 1 Potion of Energy Restoration
$10: 10,000 crowne, 5 Candy, 1 Bag of Glyphs, 1 One of Us, 1 All World Buffs - 1 Hour
$20: 1 H A L L O W E E N, 10 Halloween Raffle Tickets, 1 Draught of Enlightenment, 1 30 days Membership
$30: 1 Halloween Haunted Chest, 2 H A L L O W E E N, 10 Candy, 2 Summit of Chaos
$50: 1 Equipment Voucher - Halloween (DONATION EXCLUSIVE), to be exchanged at the Artificer's Exchange in Cajar for your choice of: Spider Bite (a single-hand axe on the cutting edge of Halloween Weapon Technology, surely worth dual-wielding given the chance), Hallowed Scythe (taken directly from Death himself), OR the Widowmaker (a powerful bow sure to put down your enemies), 5 Bag of Glyphs, 1 Draught of Enlightenment, 4 Potion of Energy Restoration
$100: 1 Dark Hallowed Spirit Costume (DONATION EXCLUSIVE with 5x Pumpkin Stalk multiplier), 1 Cajarian Star, 2 Glyph of the Champion, 50 Candy
$200: 1 Huge Treasure Chest, 1 Halloween Fantasy Chest, 100 Halloween Raffle Tickets, 3 Glyph of the Champion
$500: 25 Bag of Glyphs, 1000000 crowne, Activate ALL world buffs for EVERYONE for 24 hours AND Class Skill Artifact giving +1 to the class skill OF YOUR CHOICE (choice made upon donation)!
$1000: You paid for months of server time! You will be mentioned by name in the next update AND get to help design a costume, weapon, and set of armor for November's Thanksgiving event which you will also receive for free!
These rewards STACK, so if you donate $50, you get the $5, $10, $20, $30, AND $50 reward all at once, INCLUDING the regular bonus rewards noted on the Donate Now page!
Our goal is to keep Chronicles of Denzar online, and we can only do it with the support of players like you!
P.S. Don't forget to click on the Halloween banner and JOIN a team to see WHO CAN SLAY MORE UNDEAD!
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omresult · 10 months
24 Hour Fitness End Of Year 2023 Sweepstakes - Chance To Win $1,000,000 Cash Prize
Entering into the 24 Hour Fitness End of Year 2023 Sweepstakes and chance to win $1,000,000 cash prize. So, all United States residents enter the Sweepstakes before December 31st, 2023 to fix your chances to win. Sweepstakes Entry Page Sweepstakes Rules How To Enter : No Need to Buy or purchase anything to enter and any purchase not affect your odds of winning. Enter online via Sweepstakes…
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giveawayposts · 4 years
$1,000,000 College Basketball Mayhem Contest - Enter To Win $1,000,000
$1,000,000 College Basketball Mayhem Contest – Enter To Win $1,000,000
$1,000,000 College Basketball Mayhem Contest open for United States, which is going to ends on March 19th, 2021. So, all active participants should enter fast before the end date. Just submit your entry and get chance to win $1,000,000. Contest Entry Page Contest Official Rules Ends on 19-03-2021 (DD-MM-YYYY) How To Enter : No purchase essential to enter or win. Visit the $1,000,000 College…
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giveawayplan · 4 years
WPHL March Mania Bracket Challenge Contest - Enter To Win $1,000,000
WPHL March Mania Bracket Challenge Contest – Enter To Win $1,000,000
WPHL March Mania Bracket Challenge Contest open for United States, which is going to ends on March 19th, 2021. So, all active participants should enter fast before the end date. Just submit your entry and get chance to win $1,000,000 . Contest Entry Page Contest Rules How To Enter : No purchase or payment is needed to enter or obtain the prize. Enter online via Contest page which exists in…
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reginaldqueribundus · 2 years
The “If I Fought This Star Trek Discovery Character, Would I Win?” Post
Michael Burnham
End Fight Probability: There is a 1000% chance Michael knocks you out. 
Listen. Michael has seen some shit. She killed a Klingon in hand-to-hand combat, in an EVA suit, by accident. She’s been to prison, she’s been to the mirror universe where she had to win a surprise knife fight in an elevator, she spent a year as a courier getting chased by the Emerald Chain. Even if you best her in physical strength, she can outwit you with her razor-sharp mind honed by years of Sarek’s disapproving perfectionism. Also, she’s got main character powers. You don’t stand a chance. Do not fight Michael Burnham.
End Fight Probability: There is a 300% chance Saru knocks you out. 
No. Please no. You might think he’s a pushover and you can startle him into submission like one of those fainting goats, but the man can run like a gazelle and crush communicators with his bare hands, and that was BEFORE he went through double puberty and lost the ability to fear death. Don’t let his friendly exterior fool you. He’s 8 feet tall and can shoot spikes out of his face. If you even look at him he'll stomp you to death with his hooves. Please don’t fight Saru.
Sylvia Tilly
End Fight Probability: There is a 50% chance Tilly knocks you out. 
Sure, you could fight Tilly, but why would you want to? She's a ray of fucking sunshine, you heartless bastard! Plus when she gets cornered she will remind you why the Terrans call her Captain Killy. And you’re going to end up with Admiral Vance, the entire crew of Discovery, and a horde of pissed-off Starfleet cadets on your ass. Don’t bother trying to fight Tilly.
Paul Stamets
End Fight Probability: There is a 0% chance Paul knocks you out.
Yeah, you could absolutely beat Paul Stamets, but you really shouldn't. Paul doesn't want to fight anyone. He's so tired. He just wants to hang out in engineering with his tools and his mushrooms and his alien children. He's been shoved through the mycelial network and had his brain turned inside out so many times he probably doesn't even register pain anymore. Just don't.
Hugh Culber
End Fight Probability: There is a 100% chance Hugh knocks you out and a 150% chance Paul sends your ass to the mushroom dimension.
Not a good idea. This man is shredded. He was dead for half a season and spent the entire time doing crunches, then came back to life just so he could fistfight the fucker that killed him. He will kick your ass, Hippocratic Oath notwithstanding. Don't make him write you a prescription for those hands. Maybe schedule a therapy session with him instead, talk through whatever it is that's causing you to try to fight him and all of his friends. Otherwise his husband might smear your atoms across the multiverse.
(former) Emperor Philippa Georgiou
End Fight Probability: There is a 1000000% chance Georgiou straight up kills you.
Ash Tyler
End Fight Probability: There is a 200% chance Ash snaps your neck.
Absolutely do not fight Ash. He's part Klingon, part Space CIA Agent, all crazy. He probably knows 87 different ways to kill you, and his Section 31 pals will make it like you never existed — and that's if his ex-girlfriend doesn't kill you and eat your face first. Please, do not fight Ash. The universe already beat the crap out of him way harder than you ever could.
Christopher Pike
End Fight Probability: There is a 1701% chance Pike knocks you out.
You might think Pike is a pushover but he walks into every fight with the brazen confidence of a man who has seen his own future. And on Talos IV he learned how to fight with spears and shit. Don't fight Pike, you won't even muss up his hair.
Cleveland Booker
End Fight Probability: There is a 250% chance Book knocks you out.
You really, really don't want to fight Book. He has Disney Princess powers. You try to fight him, you might get eaten by a giant space worm. He killed a dude for dissing his cat. Don't fuck with Book, man.
Keyla Detmer
End Fight Probability: There is a 100% chance Detmer knocks you out.
Absolutely under no circumstances should you fight Detmer. She flew a starship out of an explosion into a completely different universe. She flew through the Galactic Barrier and a toxic void in space. She has nerves of literal steel. Don't fight Detmer.
Joann Owosekun
End Fight Probability: There is a 500% chance Owo knocks you out.
Listen. You don't want to mess with people who live on Star Trek Future Earth and still choose to be Amish. Did you not see her punch out that huge guy in the casino episode? Hell no. Don't fight Owo.
Adira Tal
End Fight Probability: There is a 480% chance Paul and Hugh come and knock you out.
Sure, you could probably take Adira. They're small and awkward and a big nerd. But they've also got two dads who will absolutely annihilate you from this plane of existence if you lay a hand on their little nerd baby. Fight Adira at your own risk.
Gabriel Lorca
End Fight Probability: There is a 40% chance Lorca shoots you.
Yeah, he's tough and he's got a bunch of weapons on his wall, but you're morally compelled to fight him because he is The Worst™. He kidnapped Michael because he was her other self's creepy uncle and he tried to overthrow the genocidal space Emperor because he thought she wasn't racist enough. Please, please, fight his disgusting, skeevy, murderous, predatory ass.
(shamelessly copied off this brilliant post by @shevathegun)
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starsinmylatte · 3 years
To be wined and dined by Silco
Here are the promised Silco thoughts. Please bear with me, I've had a lot of some wine, so these may have grammatical mistakes. I've been thinking a lot about how he would wine and dine his lovely, so have this smutty scenario my brain decided to create. Let me know if y’all like these types of bullet point posts, and I’ll try to do more!
Author's note: I do want to stress that sex is NOT transactional. Someone taking you out to dinner or doing something nice for you does not entitle them to any part of you or your body. What is depicted in this thought is an agreed-upon dynamic between two enthusiastically consenting individuals. (I also still plan on writing a sfw version where Silco just spoils his lovely just 'cause.)
- Also, the scenario in this thought does involve wearing a dress/makeup, going somewhere fancy, and being shown off. So, if that is not your vibe there is absolutely no shame, but you should probably skip this one!
- Also, also, PLEASE use common sense and do not do this irl. Waiters deal with enough shit.
Rating: Explicit (18+ only) MDNI I will disintegrate your kneecaps
Pairing: Silco x afab!reader
Want to be added to my tag list?
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Due to the IOS/Tumblr shenanigans, all tags and warnings can be found below the read more.
Tags/warnings: Semi-public sex, possible chance of voyeurism, dom/sub dynamics, sort of sugar daddy but not really, Silco just loves to spoil you, lingerie, these tags are just me rambling, but I'm drunk and trying my best, sex toys, p in v sex, vaginal fingering, teasing, sex while under the influence of alcohol, oral sex (f receiving), praise kink, creampie
There are times when Silco just wants to treat you and tease you at the same time, all while putting on a display of his power for the undercity. It's always a fun night.
He absolutely loves seeing you all dressed up, and the possessive side of him gets to show you off on his arm. It instantly makes him hard to know that the eyes of almost every man (and some women) are on you, but your eyes are only for him.
This is also 1000000% a power display for him. It's good for the Eye of Zaun to be seen confident and happy out in public, and he is always in an excellent mood during this.
Silco always chooses the same restaurant when he's in this mood, so you know exactly what will happen when you agree to go there.
You also love it; it's always a game to see who snaps first, but it's a game you both win in the end.
You take the better part of the afternoon getting ready. It's all part of the game, after all. You want to pick the perfect dress. One that's sleek and classy but with just enough added spice to send Silco reeling.
Anything backless, with a low-neckline, or that heavily incorporates his colors will absolutely do the trick. Sometimes, he will even order you a complete outfit and just have it delivered that morning. The man loves to spoil you.
Sometimes the outfit will also include lingerie. Once or twice, it has included a small vibrator with a handwritten note to wear it to dinner. The remote was delivered straight to him.
You also spend plenty of time on your makeup and hair, and he loves whatever you do. But, honestly, if you have a trademark makeup look or lipstick color, he loves that on you the most. It would be extremely fitting for the Eye's partner to have a signature, identifying look.
Silco always takes the time to refresh himself before sending someone to get you. He wants to look his best for you, and he loves the tension and buildup of the game as much as you do.
The waiter always knows to lead you both through the most crowded part of the restaurant so everyone can see the two of you together.
However, you actually have the most private, secluded back room permanently reserved in Silco's name. The people just need to see the two of you arrive; they don't need to see anything else. It's actually better if their imaginations run wild.
The two of you sit down at your table. The seats are more like fancy, ornate loveseats on either side of the table. They automatically have a cigar and whiskey sitting out for Silco along with your favorite drink.
More often than not, you will start with sitting across from each other, and then the game begins. It begins with teasing, barely suggestive conversation, and heated glances that linger slightly too long.
Seduction is the name of the game. Will he convince you to join him, or will he break first?
Ever so slowly, your hands will just barely brush against each other's, and it sends flickers of desire flooding through both of you.
If he has you wear the vibrator, he turns it on a low setting, and his eyes flicker with barely restrained lust at the way you try to fight the building pleasure. Every sign of the effect it has on you, from the way your hands slightly tremble to an occasional heavily suppressed, breathy whine, makes him painfully hard.
You once tried to argue that it's unfair, but you know the sight of you squirming is just as tempting for him as the feeling is for you. Plus, Silco pointed out that you didn't have to wear it if he asked. However, there would be consequences...... You decide to test that promise at a later time.
The waiter brings the food and a pitcher of water, makes sure you have everything you need, and then leaves. The check is sent to Silco's office, and he worries about it the next day. There is a silent acknowledgment to not bother the two of you unless the building is literally on fire. Even then, it'd better be a really big fire.
If he joins you first:
He does not break often, but if he does? He has exactly one thing on his mind: tasting you.
According to Silco, there isn't enough room for him to properly fuck you, and even if there was, he would have to miss out on all the delightful noises you usually make during sex. Anything you can do decently quietly is fair game here, and most kinds of sex with Silco are not quiet.
That being said, the man will have your legs spread in an absolute instant as he kneels in front of you under the table. If the vibrator was in, he takes it out, wraps it in a napkin, and pockets it. Whatever he has to do to get you bare before him as quickly as possible, he does. He has no time or patience for more teasing.
Your head lolls back to rest on the loveseat as you feel the first stroke of his tongue. He pulls your hips to the front of the seat and pins them down while he has his way with you. Your hand flies to your mouth to try and muffle any sounds that escape, and he feasts on you like a man starved.
After he's been sated (at least for the time being), you quickly get put back together and leave. He's far from finished with you for the night.
If you fold first and join him:
Silco has an absolutely smug, shit-eating smirk on his face as you sit next to him. He can be incredibly cocky when he wants to be, and this is definitely one of those times.
His hand immediately travels to your thigh. If the dress is long, he just caresses your thigh through the material. However, if it's short, his hand is going under the fabric. He grabs your thigh possessively and traces circles on the upper, innermost part with his thumb.
"I see you've decided to join me, my lovely. You've had sinful thoughts in that pretty head all night, haven't you? Well now..... why don't we do something about that."
If you have the vibrator in, he will pull you into his lap and help you through your first orgasm of the night. Silco will turn up the intensity until you can no longer hide your small whines and then reach up to cup your breasts with his hands. He will caress, kiss, and nip at your exposed skin as he massages your breasts until you cum.
If you're not wearing the vibrator that night, Silco's first move is always to finger you. If the dress is long, he pulls it up around your hips just far enough to reach his goal. He teases you over your underwear first and slides a finger over your core before dipping below the fabric. He kisses you hungrily the whole time, muffling any desperate moans that fall from your lips.
Sometimes, when your dress is shorter, you will walk over and sit directly on his lap. The sight of you confidently walking over to sit in his lap and grind against him short-circuits Silco's brain a bit more than he would care to admit.
There are times when you ride him, and he is still the one reducing you to a whimpering mess as you ride his cock. However, this is one of the times where he is more than happy to let you have a little bit of control.
You push his pants and underwear down enough to be out of the way and whimper in pleasure as you lower yourself on his cock. Silco groans in reciprocation and you ride him, taking him hard and deep until you finish, and he follows soon after.
You leave the restaurant with Silco's cum still deep inside you, and it drives his possessive side absolutely insane. He knows that he has marked you in the most intimate way possible, and he is almost always fully hard again by the time you reach your bedroom. Again, your night is far from over.
Taglist: @saradika @thefact0rygirl @mysticalgalaxysalad @milf-obi-wan-kenobi @hereforthesunrise @ashotofspotchka @thebeardedmoon @eriseffigy @dont-mess-with-my-fandom @redflamesbaku @my-awakened-ghost @agatemermaid @shadow-pancake9 @zaunsin @warpedbands
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trinittyy · 3 years
Squid Game
So, I finally budged and watched it in a day after procrastinating it for far too long and here’s a quick summary of my thoughts on the characters and the results of the games. 
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This contains major spoilers. 
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Seong Gi-Hun (456)
I wasn’t expecting to a perfect main character given the shit included in the show, but I dislike this man with a passion. Before, during, and after the games. He was a crappy, selfish, and inconsiderate son and father who gets far too much credit than he deserves. I see a lot of commentators saying he tried, but where? And the bare minimum should never be accepted when having to care for a child. A child so used to being emotionally responsible for the adult that they accept whatever scraps they get and accept it with a smile only to console the parent. 
He literally had one job in the first episode. And let’s just pretend his intentions were to gain more money for his child’s birthday. The same birthday he had to be reminded of btw. He earned it and rather than making his way to get what she actually wanted, he fucked around and ran into the loan sharks. OH. And this is all after stealing more of what little his mother had to gamble it all away.
Then he gets into the games and suddenly has all the compassion in the world for people he hardly even knows. Then after the first game, he left after not being able to go through with the terrifying stakes, which is normal. But after getting his ass handed to him by his mother (as she should), he came right back knowing what there was to lose should he be eliminated. 
And he had a lot of nerve to judge and berate Sangwoo for pushing the glass worker as if he didn’t take advantage of Il-Nam’s condition to win the marble game as if it wasn’t the same thing. He sent the man to what we believed was his death and then acted as if what Sangwoo did was the absolute worst thing in the world.
And then after winning the games making promises to people who got him to where he was, he wastes an entire year not touching the money people died for him to have and went back to living the same shitty life he had before. He didn’t deserve it at all. And finally, after having the chance to reconnect with the daughter he had made more false promises to, he dips and decides to somehow return and expose the games he barely made it out of himself. 
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Cho Sangwoo (218)
Actually didn’t care much for him tbh.
Which is weird considering he’s a main character and contributed a lot to the plot.
I will say that I admired his ambition and what he was willing to do to win. He was the most cunning, calculated, and intelligent player and I respect that.
However, I will never forgive him for giving me two emotional breakdowns. And I get it, there’s no point in allies in a game where only one comes out alive, but to trick Ali like that was stone cold, man. 
Then when Saebyeok was already dying, to just slit her neck like that was monstrous. Given the amount of blood she lost and the lack of color in her face, she was clearly dying and he just did the absolute most for no reason.
His debt was entirely his fault so the crying and sob story got no sympathy for me, especially when he was set up with enormous potential as the pride of his town.
6/10 because he’s hot.
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Kang Saebyeok (067)
One of three characters I’d have preferred to be the actual main character. And when I say main character, I mean who the plot revolves around and/or is the intended winner.
Can’t name a single flaw because she didn’t have any.
Never loved anything more in my life.
Mourned her more than my own relatives.
Her story was incomplete and I can’t help but bawl over her brother feeling truly abandoned by her in a country full of people putting him down for no reason.
She faked her death and made it out with her wife to Jeju Island. It’s canon. The corpse and fire weren’t real.
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Ji-yeong (240)
Another amazing potential main character because the way she stole the show in like two episodes? Epic.
She didn’t say much but her presence was always noticed. The little that she did say always carried a lot of impact given how much we’d learn when she did.
And it broke my fucking heart to see her enter with an apathetic attitude, determined not to care given her history, just for her to slip up towards the end and cry over what could have been.
In so little moments, she lost her past and her future and I’ll never be the same after realizing that.
She’s actually sipping mojitos in Jeju Island rn. She sends the best postcards.
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Han Mi-nyeo (212)
I may be one of the few people who actually didn’t hate her. She was a little crazy but she made the show surprisingly funny. 
She may not have won, but she wen’t out with a bang.
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Ali Abdul (199)
My precious angel capable of no wrong.
He had the purest heart and the best intentions and his only mistake was trusting his closest friend.
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Jang Deok-su (101) 
Honestly, I didn’t hate him as much as I thought I would either. 
Didn’t love him but he knew what to do to get to the next level and get what he needed.
His relationship with ole girl was like the funniest shit ever.
He’s much like Sangwoo but a bit more open about his shit.
5/10 because he’s kinda hot.
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The Salesman
My husband.
I’m kinda curious of how far his involvement goes with the games.
He could slap me anytime.
Game or no game.
I’m with whatever.
I might have a gag reflex but I can get rid of it.
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Hwang In-ho (The Front Man)
Another potential main character because wtfffffff.
I was already intrigued because of the growing mask kink but knowing what we know, I wanna know how he ended up so high in the games.
Like was it voluntary?
Was he that much of an asset to them?
How much does that shit get to him especially after possibly killing his own brother?
10/10 because he’s hot and damaged.
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Hwang Jun-ho
The actual love of my life and my currently living lover.
He was so smart and dedicated to finding his brother only to discover something far worse. I think it would have been better had he been actually dead.
But to know what he carelessly sent people through over and over must have fucked him all the way up.
I’d satisfy him anytime.
Whenever, wherever, however, it’s up to him.
Also, overall, I only dislike Gi-hun more than the actual villains because while they were crappy people, they owned that shit. They never played the victim and never judged people for what they were all doing. He really sees himself as some kind of hero and it just irritates me when he’s not done enough to earn that shit. And I kinda get it, the game is fucked up but knowing what he scraped out of, he might not make it out alive. These are powerful people and you risked never seeing your own child after A YEAR for shit you might not even make it out of. Make that shit make sense. He smiled in one scene and the fandom rushed to make him some innocent little bean like huh???
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