#Channel rules
olive-and-nom · 1 year
Yippie, more boring stuff. I’ll make it simple for you all. Alright?
Big no-no’s. (You do any of the following on my page and you’re blocked basically)
Talk about minors inappropriately. It makes me and probably a good majority of my readers just uncomfortable.
Harass me over fics after I’ve told you to stop. I don’t write very often so if my works are late, I will apologize but asking me constantly 24/7 will only take my motivation to write longer.
No slurs. Ever. I will not write them, and I do not expect to ever read them anywhere on my page.
Don't sexualize me. I can take some joking flirts but I don't do e-dating personally and I will occasionally flirt (as a joke, let me clarify that) and I will not care if you jokingly flirt back. But never sexualize me or get pissy with me if I explain this to you "because you thought it was real".
Three strikes and you're out or whatever (Basically, you get three warnings, after that you're blocked)
Spell colour as 'color'
Spell grey as 'gray'
Spell centre as 'center'
Spell defence as 'defense'
(In case you couldn't tell, all of the above was a joke)
((I will still get irked by some of them though lol))
Request rules
No NSFW, sorry hehe. The most ill do is suggestive content or implied.
I am probably will only write female reader or gender neutral on most of my posts unless its a request that specified for a male reader. Most of my posts will otherwise be gender-neutral or female based.
Please check is requests are open first! if they aren't I'm either gonna ignore it or delete it.
Please be a bit specific when requesting and don't just put 'Insert super cool and sexy character x afab gender neutral reader please!!' because if you do ill either ignore it or do what I want with it. and you dont want that
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ytcomments-archive · 1 month
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nopanamaman · 10 months
are tarts pafl songs canon???????
Anon do you know what a fansong is
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souldagger · 5 months
thinking abt starting a chill discord book club specifically for 20th century lgbt sci-fi again......... would anyone with some experience running discord servers be down to share some tips 👉👈
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crocodilenjoyer · 3 months
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what if you 🫵 wanted to take a nap 💤 but god said ☝️ asl dunmeshi au 💥
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rainbowpopeworld · 7 months
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fagbearentertainment · 8 months
I think my favorite Unus Annus video is the Poopsie Sparkle Surprise one, it’s so fucking funny
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thatweirdtranny · 1 month
i mean, i don’t think biden is perfect, but he’s a lot better than the terminally online radical left will have you believe
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vm9pza · 2 years
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old bones
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ponydoodles · 4 months
when will mod apps open?
treat here!! we will actually be looking for mods soon and have a form ready, we will be accepting submissions in roughly a weeks time!!
as a reminder though, we only look for mods through our discord and the application will NOT be posted here, only in the discord!! we dont accept people we dont know so maybe join and talk there a bit first :]
link to the server is HERE (please make sure to read our rules, blacklist and channel directory completely before making an intro!)
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chaotix · 1 year
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sonic channel wallpaper for february. 🌹
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katya-goncharov · 16 days
the new doctor who series is really just one big hate crime for people who don't like change
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blacktabbygames · 11 months
do u have any voice claims (or like how they sound) or anything the characters in Scarlet Hollow? idk i kinda just wanna be able to imagine what people’s voices sound like (especially reese hehe)
everyone talks like donald duck
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theflyingfeeling · 6 months
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Second Day of Gift-Giving: Two Dialogue Partners
Prompt: "Oh, you’re cold! Do you want my hoodie?"
This part is a continuation of the first part, which you can read here!
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There was snow in Oulu. That was the first thing Aleksi noticed when he opened his eyes after landing. He was sure the snowline actually went somewhere far souther, but he had decided to rest is eyes a little shortly after take-off, since even Rilla was wise enough to do so, curled up in his carrier by Aleksi’s feet. Aleksi supposed she, too, was exhausted from the early wake-up call after the restless night they had had; however, Aleksi doubted the reason for Rilla’s uneasiness was less due to being just too damn excited about seeing Aleksi’s bandmate and perhaps more due to ‘pillow moving too much’ (the ‘pillow’ in question being Aleksi).
It was also a lot colder in Oulu than it had been in Helsinki when they had left, which shouldn’t have been a surprise. Still, Aleksi found his teeth clattering as he sat down on the passenger seat of Olli’s sedan, wondering how on earth he had imagined he would be warm enough in just his leather jacket and a longsleeve.
“Yeah, sorry, the air conditioning is stuck on freezing. I’m gonna have it fixed later this week,” Olli explained, and Aleksi was tempted to ask if he meant the air conditioning of his car or of the entire north of Finland.
The drive from the airport to Olli’s place wasn’t hopelessly long, but long enough for Aleksi to still be quivering moments after they had already entered Olli’s pleasantly warm apartment. Although Aleksi tried his best to hold back the shivers, he saw Olli looking at him with a slight frown.
“You’re still cold? Do you need to borrow a hoodie?”
Without waiting for an answer, Olli disappeared into his bedroom and seconds later came back with a grey bundle in his hands, passing it to Aleksi.
“Here, I wore it briefly after a shower this morning, so it’s practically unused. I hope that’s alright, all my other ones are in the laundry.”
Aleksi didn’t have the heart to tell Olli he had, in fact, packed some hoodies of his own, nor was he strong enough to fight against the prospect of getting to wear one of Olli’s incredibly soft hoodies again. The last time he had done so had been on their last tour, half by accident when Aleksi had grabbed the nearest piece of clothing to put on himself when he had gotten the chills mid-nap in the RV, half by some self-tormenting curiosity to find out if having something of Olli’s so close to him would have the same effect on him as having Olli near him. (It did, as it turned out, very much indeed, because in his light sleep, Aleksi had seen all sorts of surreal dreams with Olli starring in the main role, and when he had woken up, his mind had been dizzier than ever with everything he felt for his friend.)
The hoodie he was now pulling on himself smelled of fabric softener and, ever so slightly, of Olli’s cologne, which he must have put on before changing into the black sweater he was now wearing. Aleksi hugged himself and quietly thanked Olli as he leaned back on the living room sofa, smiling at Rilla excitedly running after a ball Olli had apparently bought for her just for the occasion. He huddled up further into the sofa while listening to Olli talk about a heated topic in the band group chat, and Aleksi wished he could’ve been paying more attention, but he was too distracted by the faint smell of Olli surrounding him to think about much else. Instead, he let his eyes close as Olli kept chattering away in his calming voice, both to him as well as to Rilla, and with all the sleep debt he was running on, it was too easy for Aleksi to fall asleep on the sofa; finally warm, finally where Olli was.
He hadn’t intended for the nap to last so long, however; when he next opened his eyes, the bits of sky he saw from Olli’s windows were pitch black, although it really was no shock considering how early the sun set around this time of the year. Blinking his eyes a few times, he noticed Olli had lit up candles on the coffee table and turned on the fairy lights above the TV. The man himself was sitting on the floor with his back resting against the sofa Aleksi was resting on, Rilla curled up on his lap. His hair tickled Aleksi’s forehead when he turned to look at him.
“Good nap?”
“Mmmmhhh. Yeah,” Aleksi answered and rubbed his eyes. “Sorry for falling asleep though.”
“It’s okay. You were tired.”
“Mmmmhhh,” Aleksi hummed again, too comfortable under the blanket that had somehow ended up on him to make an effort to sit up just yet. He closed his eyes again for just a few more seconds and listened to Olli move slowly, supposedly as to not bother Rilla too much.
Opening his eyes again, Aleksi found himself staring straight into Olli’s dark ones that glowed in the soft candlelight, studying him, holding his gaze as if he was trying to ask him something.
Aleksi wished he would have. He wished Olli would’ve asked him why he was so sleep-deprived, or why he had squeezed him so hard at the airport, or why he had smiled so blissfully while fondling the strings of the hoodie Olli had given him. He may not have been able to give an answer, albeit it being short and simple, but it would’ve been nice to be given the chance at least.
Now, with Olli’s eyes travelling on his face, Aleksi felt like he had no chance at all to do anything but let him, even though it was driving him crazy, having Olli’s face so close to his all of a sudden. He felt defenceless under Olli’s gaze that seemed indecisive about whether it should stay on Aleksi’s eyes or his mouth, which didn’t help Aleksi’s case in the slightest. His breath became shallow as he remembered the last time Olli had looked him like that, in the dim lighting of an American hotel room, and Aleksi would’ve given nearly anything for Olli to be the first to lean in this time as well, because Aleksi himself for sure didn’t have half the courage Olli seemed to have.
For a second (or two or three), it felt as if Olli was leaning in, at least close enough for Aleksi to feel him exhale before he straightened his back and glanced at the dog on his lap.
“Would you guys be down for some dinner soon? I’m getting kinda hungry,” he spoke, directing his words more towards Rilla, whose ears twitched at the mention of dinner.
Aleksi tried to find Olli’s gaze again and failed, because suddenly there must have been something extremely fascinating on Rilla’s fur instead, judging by how intently Olli was observing it.
“Sure,” Aleksi sighed. When Olli stood up, mumbling something about a frozen pizza before striding off to the kitchen with Rilla on his heels, Aleksi bit his lip at another lost opportunity to make up for all the time he had wasted pining after Olli and barely doing a damn thing about it. 
He could only hope the universe would be kind enough to grant him some more lucky chances like this; one of these days, he might actually lose it and make good use of them, at least once he had first untangled the massive knots of fear, worry and embarrassment. 
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elvenbeard · 7 months
Still rotating the idea in my head of making a small, invite-only Cyberpunk Discord. Something newbie-friendly ideally, for exchanging headcanons, but also modding and other tips. Maybe even for playing together/streaming, be it just hanging out playing CP2077 side by side and yelling about favourite parts in the story, or even a hosting place for tabletop sessions and such. A lil hub for exchanging and hanging out and yeh xD
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ifearzombies · 1 year
Solomon Headcanon
So Solomon’s VA, Kazuki Kawata, has a youtube channel and while my fave video is him singing “Sinful Indulgence”, the rest of his channel is all Children’s videos- like educational stuff.
I now headcanon Solomon would be like, mega dad. Always working with any children he has to teach them about magic and the world.
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