#your sacrifice is appreciated
ytcomments-archive · 5 months
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galedekarios · 1 year
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Have you ever read anything on that subject?
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Jesper: My husband doesn’t want to instil his fear of spiders on our son so he, very calmly, reports them to me like some kinda mob boss. “Jes, theres a situation near the sink. I need you to take care of it. Immediately. No loose ends. I want proof when the job is done”
Jesper: I have tried to tell him spiders are important for the ecosystem he likes so much, but he’s certain that theres ‘no space for an ecosystem in the kitchen’
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Upon my rewatch it is worthy to note that when Dan asked "do I look like the kind of guy that owns any type of power tool?" Someone from the audience shouted "DILDO" and did notget recognized
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pushing500 · 5 months
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Dire Wolf aged into an adult at the same time as we got a commissar hat and a face mask in some cargo pods. Euclid whipped up a pair of sunglasses to complete the look, and now our baby girl is all grown up! She's developed the masochist trait because I thought it'd be funny.
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Not one to be outdone by his big sister, Night Stalker had a birthday too. He got the tidy trait, because most of his chores involve sweeping and cleaning up, but now I regret it and think it would've been way funnier to have a world-weary seven year old moping around the colony.
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Then Euclid had a great idea, heralding the start of what was presumably the worst day of Nepos' life...
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Poor guy. He won't have to suffer for long, though.
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A sacrifice and a fervent prayer for Ecthuctu to bestow a ship upon us, and...
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Wow, look at that timely intervention!! Ecthuctu really is swell. how nice of them, a ship with room for all the colonists, plus the "coming soon" babies, and even some of our animals! We could never leave Salvatore the cat and Shamrock the donkey behind, after all.
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We'll get an armoured wall built around our lifeline before we start the engine, and then we'll hunker down and try to survive the next fifteen days of hell...
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andy-clutterbuck · 2 years
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Andy on set in New Jersey (3/22/23) 📸 : HiThereItsBecca
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kuroko-no-cuties · 10 months
LOL Kagami’s dub va saying how tough it was voicing Kagami 😂
link to the tweet
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“he roars at least 27 times per game” I’m deaddddd 😂
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stabbyfoxandrew · 6 months
kevjean and 14 would kill me i think
14. A kiss to the stomach
Riko smashed Kevin’s hand yesterday. Since it happened, Kevin has not said a word to anyone. He has done nothing but stare at his hand. The bones had come out of it. And he hadn’t had the stomach to push them back in. They’re hiding because bandages now and his hand is completely numb. Like it was never there. 
He’ll never play again. He’ll never play again. He can’t even write his name. He will never play again. Ever. 
For the first time since his mother died he is missing practice. It would do him no good to go. Because his hand is destroyed. He’ll. Never. Play. Again. 
He is useless. 
Useless things do not last long here in the nest. Kevin knows that. He’s seen what happens to useless things. He never expected to become one. His eyes flick to the clock on the nightstand and he’s got about thirty minutes before practice ends. Everyone else thinks he’s sick.
Kevin too sick to play? That’s never happened before. Surely they must know it’s a lie. But even if they figure it out, what could they do? What could they say?
The doorknob starts to turn and Kevin’s nauseous. No. No, he’s got time to get himself together before Riko comes back—
It’s not Riko. 
It’s Jean.
He sucks in a harsh breath when he sees Kevin. “I knew it. I knew you weren’t sick.”
Kevin merely blinks at him. He has no words.
“What has he done?”
“I’ll never play again,” Kevin says, his voice monotone and lifeless and dead. Like he will be soon.
Jean’s eyes leave Kevin’s hand to search his face. “The doctor said that?”
“I haven’t been to one.”
“Riko wouldn’t let me go.” Kevin swallows thickly. “He gave me an ace bandage and a bottle of Ibuprofen. Told me to deal with it.”
“You have to go.”
“I can’t.”
“You must.” Jean kneels in front of Kevin. “It can heal if you—”
“He said no.”
“Then you have to leave here. Get away from him.” Jean says, as if that’s a possibility. Kevin scoffs. 
“And go where? Straight to the morgue?” Kevin asks. “It’s a little early for that.”
“To your father.” Jean says and it’s clear from his expression he isn’t joking.
“How the hell could I possibly get to South Carolina—”
“The southern banquet is tonight, it’s only a couple hours away in Virginia,” Jean supplies. “You get there. You tell Coach Wymack you need help. He will help you.”
“I can’t—”
“You don’t have to tell him everything. Just that you need help,” Jean says, standing up to grab Kevin’s school bag. He empties it onto the floor before cramming in some clothes from the dresser on Kevin’s side of the room. Kevin can only watch and try not to throw up. Jean can’t be serious. “You’ve got one of the team's credit cards, correct?”
“Um. Yes?” It’s in his wallet. And it’s only for emergencies. 
“Use it at an ATM to take out a few hundred, buy a bus ticket that will take you to VU, find your father.”
“I can’t—” Kevin repeats and Jean kneels in front of him again.
“If you want to live you will.” He says, then he grabs one of Kevin’s shoes and stuffs it onto his right foot. Then the other on the left. He sits back on his heels for a moment then puts his arms around Kevin, places a kiss against his clothed stomach. Then he rises, pulls Kevin to his feet, and sets his backpack on one shoulder. “Everyone is at practice now. No one will know you’re gone until it’s too late.”
“Goddamn it, Kevin, go.”
“I want you to come with me.”
Jean freezes at that. Blinks several times. “And you know I want to go. But both of us, it’s impossible.”
“He’ll kill you.”
“He’ll never know.” Jean says. “The Master told me to get out of his sight. As far as they know I’m in the locker room.”
“But Jean—”
Jean pulls Kevin close, careful of his hand. He presses a kiss to his temple. “Now get the hell out of here. Call me when you can. Let me know you’re alright.”
“I will.”
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 10 months
Anon from this ask!
I’m so glad I decided to send that ask to you. You’re so right.
But I must admit my “But I wonder what he would think if he knew the real reason why Buggy left him?” Was worded wrong, I’m sorry English is not my first language and I have troubles with expressing myself. What I meant is if that knowledge would change shanks view right now, like he founds out the reason. I wonder if he would be less accepting of buggy just choosing his way vs knowing he broke his heart
But your answer made me wonder so much about everything. I wonder if anyone in shanks crew knows about why he waited so long. And exactly what you pointed out. How would Buggy react to “actually I NEED to wait”.
hello again, anon! (i have been wondering how many of you are unique vs returning askers! it's nice to know at least one of you has come back for more~)
please don't feel any need to apologize for your english! i was the one who misunderstood that you meant shanks learning the truth now, not shanks being told the truth at the time. that’s on me!
so. shanks as he is now—thirty-nine, an emperor of the sea, boss of a good ship and crew, protector-captain of a massive fleet, finally going after the one piece—learns that the reason the first person he asked to sail with him refused was because shanks didn’t want to go after the one piece when he was fifteen.
would shanks think differently of buggy for feeling rejected by shanks’ decision, and not sincerely wanting to go his own way? i think he must! if your best friend leaves because they have their own plans that don’t involve you, that’s one thing… if they leave because you failed to live up to their (unspoken!) expectations of you, that’s quite another!
thinking about it like that, i wonder if shanks might be mad, or disappointed, to learn that buggy left because shanks wasn’t the person buggy had been imagining him to be. because on one hand: shanks isn’t responsible for the shanks buggy made up inside his head! he isn’t beholden to the way buggy thought that false shanks would act, or the things buggy imagined he believes. that’s on buggy! and on the other: if the person you thought knew you best can misjudge you so badly they run away from the real you… it must shed a dim light on your whole relationship.
…but maybe it’s been long enough that it would just make him sad. it’s a decades-old hurt by now, and with the way shanks dislikes and avoids conflict there’s no way he keeps grudges or clings to hurt feelings. so it might just be a passing feeling of sadness—ah, so even buggy thought too highly of me, huh?
i think benn beckman must know at least a bit of shanks’ plans. that’s his first mate, after all! there has to be trust there, or the whole crew falls apart! as for the rest of the red-haired pirates… i don’t think we know them well enough to say whether any of them would need truth to offer trust. i suspect most of them don't, that they trust shanks unconditionally, and will follow his lead wherever it takes them.
and buggy… i don’t think he wants to trust shanks, but for a long time trusting shanks was as easy as breathing, so it's a hard habit to break. (though shanks makes it easier the more he betrays that trust, however good his motives or minor the deception.) i think if shanks had said, back in roguetown, that they needed to wait, buggy would have whined and complained and begged shanks to reconsider, but he would’ve gone along with it. if buggy found out about that now, i think he’d snap that you could have just said so back then! stupid shanks, didn't you trust me?!
to which the answering silence must be a new flavor of the old heartbreak, because no, apparently he did not.
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notmoreflippingelves · 10 months
What she says: I'm fine.
What she means: I just don't understand how the showrunners of EoA expected me, an English major, to cope with their explicitly and visually coding Elena and Esteban as narrative foils and two sides of the same coin throughout S3. And they weren't even remotely subtle about intertwining their characters, destinies, and relationship with each other.
They were just like "what if we gave Esteban and Elena the exact same unique, transformative experience (i.e. falling in the crystal well and absorbing its magic) but ONLY them.? Then maybe, we explicitly seal up Takaina so that no one else can ever have that same experience again?"
And then if that wasn't blatant enough, they each get magical powers that are specifically tailored to their most notable character flaws (Esteban's running away from his responsibilities vs. Elena's emotional intensity and volatility). And if that still was a little too subtle, they also get matching sparkly outfits as souvenirs from their trip down the magic well. So that in every scene they have together (with the exception of the Coronation scene) from then on visually links the two of them together.
Like all of that is just barely scratching the surface of the thematic ramifications of this. Because at the end of the day, Esteban and Elena each metaphorically (if accidentally) gave the other their corresponding powers.
Esteban canonically gets his teleportation because Elena's new anger powers literally lift him up and throw him down the crystal well.
Similarly, Esteban is (albeit much more indirectly) somewhat responsible for Elena's magic as well. It's somewhat implied that the reason Elena is able to use the Scepter of Light in the first place (when presumably her parents and ancestors could not) is because of the Maruvian magic that she absorbed from her years in the Amulet. Crucially, a very real part of the reason that she was even in said amulet in the first place is due to Esteban's decision to smuggle Shuriki into Avalor. His (admittedly terrible) choice led to Elena's ability to use her greatest weapon and that very weapon (via spying on Ash with "Farsight") is what eventually leads Elena to Takaina where she gets her additional emotion powers.
That's canon, baby. Esteban's actions in the past indirectly give Elena her magic. Elena's direct (if accidental) actions in the present give Esteban his.
All of this alone is already more than enough to make me absolutely feral, but they just have to up the ante even more in the series finale. Esteban uses his teleportation powers to take the magical bullet for Elena; Elena uses her own emotion magic to bring him back to life after his sacrifice. They use their powers--the same powers that they technically gave to each other in the first place--to save each other.
And then, if all that isn't enough, they proceed to use each other's powers together in order to defeat the enemy. First, Esteban is able to break Cahu's hourglass by using Elena's scepter, and then the two of them are able to send Cahu back to the Spirit World through the combined power of the scepter and staff. They've converged into one tight, solid, united force for Good that is powerful beyond imagining.
And I am deeply insane about all of it.
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venerablehoney · 5 months
have you ever cuddled a baby exotic animal? like through a zoo?
The only critters I've ever met through Zoo encounters were snakes, penguins, bats and a chinchilla. I treasure that theyve let me be part of their life for a moment
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incorrecthatchetfield · 11 months
Trick or Treat 🤞😍
you deserve a nice trip to the
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thighguys · 6 months
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whats a girl to do when they see the light of truth???
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mrvenuspluto · 9 months
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Its so easy to say you love me!! how can a word with only four letters carry so much weight and obligations, trust, loyalty and comfort, ( Hold Up!!! ) but i never seen these actions being applied while growing up, even as an adult. You say i can tell a person i love them, and they would be mines and trust me with their life, 4eva!!! Even after i lie to them, steal, cheat, mistreat, abuse and violate them, (hmmmmm, seem so easy).
Well love is so meaningless if you don't mean it or know how to show it, don't tell me show me, just like the state of Missouri ( show me state ) its a lack of moral education ( knowledge) and how you were brought up and by seeing how others deal with love, and distress. Young boys never or rarely seen their mom being loved or being comforted and appreciated , young girls wish and dream to experience this but end up seeing men hit their moms. People fail to understand what love is, yes it is a word, if you take the words away you should be able to still show these actions, love is not what you can give to a person, or how you apologize or buy 101 gifts or tell them with a million kisses, its how you can endure what's given to you by loved ones in a lost place who need your guidance and support, you being their at their lowest even when they are not reaching out for help but you understand them from a more deeper emotional level and only real love would connect to you and tell you that they are yearning for your help and attention, without words, you show up as a angel with grace and attentiveness. To put your emotions behind you and love them at their worst and heal them back to their best, when you love that person from the essences of your soul, when you love yourself first and project those actions towards the one you love or your family it will always be mutual without a doubt. Love is so much more than giving even though its a 2 way street, but you must first learn how to love yourself and accept and endure discomfort and unfamiliar, situations, before you can push out your own essence, be some ones peaceful place and getaway island and watch how the water flow and swallow you whole into divine paradise.
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ravenalla · 11 months
Idk I think this may have already been established by the prior movies/shows but finding out in mando season 3 that Kuiil wasn’t just a talented and wise mechanic who was enslaved for his unique skills but apart of a species who is said to be “naturally” good at working and referred to as loyal laborers still really rubs me the wrong way.
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allegoryofthebeast · 1 year
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Feel like pure shit just want her back
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