#since they are his best routes? he grows from a dude to a King?
randomnameless · 9 months
Scrolling through some old posts on a whim and found this, in response to an anon pointing out how stupid it was for Claude to not know about poverty in Almyra:
To be fair, that's also something I ranted about in Birthrout when Ryoma went all "i never knew people in Nohr were starving" because there's no way a crown prince and future heir of a nation doesn't know basic things about his immediate neighbours -
While you went on to point out that it's worse in Three Houses' case because it's a prince not knowing about basic details of his own nation instead of a prince not knowing about basic details of his neighbouring nation, i'd like to add that it's even more justified in Fates' case due to one of the biggest and most consistent issues with Hoshido being it's isolationism and lack of care for the issues of other countries, made even worse by the fact that it's general populace despises Nohrians due to the war:
Azura, in her C-Support with Corrin in Revelation: I suppose the carefree attitude of Hoshido might look like indifference to others. It could give people the impression that Hoshidans are very self-centered. So long as there is peace, the people in Hoshido seem uninterested in the world.
Shura, chapter 19 of Birthright: The day Kohga fell to Mokushu, almost all of my people were slaughtered. I was a child... Chased from my homeland and separated from the other survivors. Even as a refugee, I was denied entry to Hoshido. So I wound up in Nohr. I was exiled and alone. My only choice was to steal or die. You can guess what I chose. I've been here ever since, searching for others like me and trying to stay afloat...
Azura, in a line that was removed during localization and changed into her being the only person to suffer suspicion from the general populace, Chapter 9 of Conquest: But ever since the war started, everyone has changed. After you, a Hoshido princess, defected to Nohr… Anyone who had even a little involvement with the enemy could not be trusted, and a movement to eliminate them began. And the brunt of it… Was directed at me, because I was born in Nohr.
With all that in mind, i actually find it pretty reasonable for Ryoma to not know about Nohr's food shortage; he was born and raised in a country that's, at best, willfully ignorant and uncaring of the issues other countries face and, at worst, actively murderous towards anyone with even the slightest involvement with the enemy nation it's at war with. While his own prejudice against Nohr doesn't go quite that far, it's very consistent throughout Conquest that he doesn't think very highly of it either, calling it's ways treacherous, automatically assuming they tricked Corrin just because she chose to go back to Nohr, and assuming that Corrin was lying to him and trying to trick him to win their duel due to what they were taught while in Nohr (using fateswartable's translations here since Treehouse massively exaggerated Ryoma's grudge against Nohr):
Ryoma, Chapter 6 of Conquest: Like hell I’d give up…! I have to make Kamui come to her senses. Anyway it was you, the Nohr royal family, that seduced her, right!?
Xander: Bullshit…We did no such thing. Kamui, of her own free will, chose us.
Ryoma: Damn…! I know your way of doing things. You always use dirty tricks to torment the people of Hoshido! Defeat me fair and square in a fight and then you can speak of victory!
Corrin, boss convo in chapter 25 of CQ while Ryoma still wrongly believes that they killed Hinoka: Ryouma- please stop fighting! I want to speak with you! There’s more to what happened to Hinoka, so please listen, brother!
Ryoma: Hou…Are you trying to catch me off guard? By seeing the face of the sister that killed Hinoka? Nohr’s ways are treacherous…but it’s a shame. No matter what you say, my heart shall remain steadfast. I can no longer think of you as my little sister! Draw your sword!!! Kamui!!!!!!
Given his own initial prejudice against Nohr, coupled with the isolationist culture of Hoshido, i find it reasonable for him to only bother learning about important military strongholds in Nohr and not bother investigating what life's like for the peasants there, especially since he doesn't hold the country in high regard at the start of Birthright and only softens up to it and vows to help it with it's resource problem once he finds out that most of the people there are starving, meaning he wouldn't have bothered spending any more time researching Nohr than was helpful for the war effort.
I hope my 2014 -5 ramblings weren't completely nonsensical, I haven't revisited them in a while lol
I still think Ryoma, who's not a random but the crown Prince, should at least have known a bit, even if his country is marked by extreme prejudice and isolationism, about Nohr - especially since Nohr is the country who has tried to invade them since Garon (or Gooron?) was king, and they're fighting since, well, forever.
But taking his prejudice into account, and Ryoma's own faults (he's very impulsive, not unlike his own son?), it sort of makes sense, even if I still think that's not an optimal situation for the next heir to only have the "bcs they're evil/norhians it's in their nature" answer to the usual question "why are Nohrians attacking us".
Granted, 2014-2015 was part of my Jugdral period, where both games took care to have their Lord be explained why the frick they are fighting - it's mostly important regarding Leif, who gets told by August that if Thracians are bandits and targeted the Mansterian lands, it's because they are starving and cannot import food from the North bcs Leif's forefathers and the Mansterians nobles don't want to share food.
So Leif's journey from "Thracian Hyenas!" to "Gods why are those people starving why aren't we trading food with them" to being the King of the unified peninsula, aka both Thracians and Mansterians, felt a regular, normal journey.
Ryoma being blocked at the "Nohrian hyenas" step felt a bit underwhelming in comparison, especially since, unlike Leif, he supposedly received all the education befitting a heir and hasn't been on the run for 10 years.
But ultimately everything boils down to "different games, different situations", and more over, different characters. Ryoma is biased, arrogant and impulsive - and there's no FE8!Seth, FE5!August, hell, even FE13!Fredo to tell him to stop and start being a King or acting as the leader of a State.
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survivingthejungle · 5 years
everybody wants to rule the world (caliban)
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When Sabrina was 8 years old, her life got a little more unusual. Being a half witch raised by her two aunts and cousin (all full-blooded witches)  in a mortuary was not a common experience for most children. But things became different when another cousin, from her mother's side of the family, came to live in the Spellman house. Her mother, Diana, had a brother, William; WIlliam married and had a daughter just two years before Sabrina was born. She was named Genevieve Sawyer, and she and her paternal cousin had been very close to one another their entire lives. When it was heard that William had been shot and that Genevieve's mother was not fit to parent, the girl's cousin and family immediately stepped up to take her in and be her legal guardians. 
Despite Genevieve's unfortunate circumstances, she never lost her bright personality or kindness. She seemed to stick out like a sore thumb in the Spellman house from time to time, but it was a welcome change of pace for everyone who lived there. For the next eight years after she had gone to live with her cousins and aunts, she had grown into a compassionate, driven young lady. Growing with her were several pets she had acquired over the years. Genevieve had a special love for animals and so had adopted many. She had a spotted turtle named Tucker, whom she had rescued from getting run over by a truck one morning. She also had an orange tabby cat named Tex, a green budgie named Pico, and a blue pit bull terrier named Bambi. The latest addition to the family was an albino ball python, whom she was currently in the process of naming. 
"Genevieve. I mean it this time," scolded her aunt Zelda. "No more pets. You have barely enough space for them all, and I won't allow any more of this."
"No more, aunt Zelda. I got it. This guy is the last," she affirmed, gesturing with the snake which was slithering over her shoulders and down her left arm. Her aunt shuddered. 
"How you can allow that thing near you is beyond me."
"She's sweet!" she defended. "She's just curious."
"She stays in your room only. If I see a snake slithering about my house I won't hesitate to kill it."
"She won't go anywhere. Promise."
Once her aunt had finished scolding her and left her room, she turned her attention back to her new friend. "What do we call you, huh?" Genevieve said. She set the snake down on her bed and flipped on her record player against the wall to fill the silence, and an old Fleetwood Mac album started spinning. "Well," she said, "I have to take Bambi and Tex on a walk, so I guess we should put you in your tank, huh?" She moved the young albino to the mostly empty tank and placed the lid over it, promising, "I'll get you some decorations while I'm out." Then she put on a pair of socks, laced up her shoes, and grabbed two harnesses and leashes from the footboard of her bed, heading downstairs to find the only two of her pets that were mammals. "Morning, aunt Hilda," she greeted the small blonde woman.
"Oh, g'morning my love! Are you taking Tex and Bambi on a walk?"
"Yeah, once I find 'em." "Well you'll eat first, won't you?" She pointed to the table. "Some toast for you."
"You're the best," Genevieve said, sitting down to take a bite of it. The toast was covered with peanut butter and sliced bananas; simple, but a favorite of the girl's. She finished eating quickly and was off again in search of her cat and dog, finding them in the family room. Tex was lounging on the couch and Bambi had seemingly been banished by him, staring at the tabby from the ground. "You wanna go on a walk?" she said to them both, her voice increasing by about an octave. Bambi's ears perked up and her eyes widened; Tex hopped down from the couch and over to circle Genevieve's legs. "Hey auntie," she called into the kitchen, "Do you know where Beans went?"
"Yes," her aunt called back, "I believe she went to go see Harvey, Roz, and Theo?"
"Okay. Thank you!" She then strapped both of the harnesses onto Tex and Bambi and put them on their leashes, and then made their way outside to their usual walking route. About halfway through their walk she and her two companions made a detour to go to Harvey's garage, where Genevieve had guessed their band would be practicing and where her cousin had gone to find them. Heading around behind his house, she found the garage door unlocked and entered in to find the four of them seemingly discussing something important.
"'Vieve,"  Sabrina greeted as soon as she saw her cousin. "What's up?"
"I was walking Tex and Bambi," she responded, holding up the two leashes attached to both animals. "What's up with you?"
"Sabrina's trying to take us to Hell," Theo told her. 
Genevieve's eyebrows raised and she went to take a seat on the couch closest to her. "Why?" she asked Sabrina.
"Nick." She said his name sadly; she knew her cousin missed him a lot and felt guiltier every day she left him trapped there. "I think I found a way to get him out."
"But, like… He's still…" Genevieve trailed off, not knowing how to formulate her thoughts exactly. 
"Yes," she responded, knowing what the girl was getting at. "A flesh Acheron. But I might have a solution for that too."
Sabrina had brought the five of them through Dorian's portal to Hell with an incantation, where they landed on a cold, dark beach, coughing up the salt water that had gotten into their lungs. "Wait, so… Hell is a beach?" Harvey asked.
"The Shores of Sorrow," Sabrina whispered hauntingly. 
Theo stood up and pointed out at the water. "Guys. Look. What are those?" There were tall wooden structures standing above the waves, and from them came pained groans and wails. Hands were reaching out, desperate to grab whatever would come close to them. 
"They're the souls of the damned," called a deep, unfamiliar voice. The group turned their heads to look for the source, and saw a large sandcastle and someone walking out from behind it. He had blond hair and was wearing a flowing white shirt that he had left unbuttoned. "They drown as the tide rolls in. Over, and over," he said, looking out at them, "For all eternity."
"Bummer," Genevieve whispered to Roz.
"Hi," Sabrina greeted him as the group approached him. "We're looking for Lilith." He didn't respond. "Uh, Madame Satan? S-Queen of Hell?" The boy looked pointedly at her, on the verge of a smirk. "She's in Pandemonium, if you happen to know the way." He turned his head and pointed left. Sharp jaw, Genevieve thought. 
"All blood flows to Pandemonium." Sure enough, there was a large rock through which blood was flowing, that seemed to turn into a path further up the beach. "Follow the blood-red road where it flows, and there you'll find the throne of Hell," he instructed, still pointing. 
"Thanks," Sabrina said. He pushed his hair back from the wind blowing on the beach, smirk still present. What does he know that we don't? her cousin wondered.  "And you are?"
He seemed as if he were about to respond, but decided against it. "Never step off the road," he advised. He looked at their feet then. "It's clever you're wearing dead men's shoes. Though… any demon worth his salt can smell mortal flesh a mile away."
Genevieve's brows furrowed. "Ew." The boy glanced at her and then turned back to his project. 
"Come on," Sabrina said, "Let's go." The four trailed behind her, but Genevieve stayed still for a moment. "Hey! I like your sandcastle," she called to the boy. He looked back at her, intrigued. "Bye!" she waved. He lifted a hand in return, and she was on her way. 
The journey through hell had been… adventurous, to say the least. Between the field of crucified people beating eaten by crows, to the forest with a magical flower and a bloodthirsty tin man, to a horrific mock-high school classroom, Genevieve and the others were exhausted, scared, and ready to go back to earth. After being rescued by Lilith's helper, a man dressed in a bellhop's outfit and being seated at some hellish feast, she and Sabrina began a conversation about getting Nick out of Hell and taking care of Theo's uncle's soul as well. The Infernal Kings weren't recognizing Lilith's newfound authority, so she struck a deal with Sabrina- the throne for her boyfriend and her friend's uncle. Sabrina, of course, agreed, and the process had begun.
"Infernal court, I bid you welcome," Lilith greeted from the throne. The three demonic kings stood before her in wait. "The city of Pandemonium has an honored guest. May I present to the hordes, Sabrina Morningstar, daughter of Lucifer Morningstar." Sabrina walked to stand next to the woman and looked around the throne room. "In his absence, she has come to officially declare me Queen of Hell. Isn't that right, Sabrina?"
"Yes, that's right," she told them. 
"This is treason! Heresy!" the Kings protested. "Lilith is a concubine, not a queen. We do not recognize her. She was Lucifer's whore. The realms are in chaos, and the Earth, the Pit, the Heavens, the Cosmos, they all reject Lilith's claim to the throne."
"And who do you propose would rule?" she shot back. 
That was the million dollar question, it seemed, because the Kings got a nefarious look in their eyes. "All hail Caliban, Prince of Hell. Molded from the clay of the Pit itself, native son of the inferno, born to restore and rule our dark domain!"
"Hello again," said the supposed Prince Caliban, in yet another open top. He maintained the smug look on his face that he was wearing at their last encounter. 
"Uh, hi?" Sabrina said, mildly confused. 
"What is this?" Lilith questioned. "This is salvation," he told her. "Since the Dark Lord's desertion, the Nine Circles of Hell have been breaking down. I, Caliban, will restore stability and do what Lucifer failed to do… conquer the earth. Remake it as our Tenth Circle, and enslave the tribes of mortal and witch."
Before anyone else could get a word in edgewise, Genevieve spoke up. "No? You most certainly will not!" she said. He raised his eyebrows at her. "Dude. You're… you're not even a real person." Her brow furrowed. "Someone gets one good blast with a hairdryer and what happens? You dry up and crack?"
"I'm afraid that's not how it works, darling." He stepped closer. "Though you are clever for that." Yet another smirk. Smug bastard. Closer. And closer. 
She glared at him. "Thanks," she deadpanned. 
"You are pretty, for a mortal," he said to her. "Maybe I'll have mercy on you." He lifted a hand to beside her face and toyed with a strand of hair that had fallen out of her braid.
"Don't touch me." She slapped his hand away, and he stepped back. Sabrina and Lilith had been whispering to each other from the moment that Caliban revealed his plan. But now, she was seemingly comatic; her eyes and Nick's were both glazed over in red and they were both catatonic. But when her senses came back and her eyes returned to normal, she had adopted a newfound confidence. "No, we won't," she said to Lilith. "I am Sabrina Morningstar," she announced to the hordes, "And that throne is mine. By blood, and by birth."
"Here we go again," Harvey muttered. Genevieve chuckled. 
"Yours to give me, you mean," Lilith interjected. 
"No. Mine. To claim." She sat on the throne herself, and her cousin had to admit that she looked rather regal. 
"We do not accept this!" the Kings argued. "The witch lives on Earth. She cannot possibly rule Hell."
"You've obviously never been to high school."
"You are a child, not a queen," another King shot. 
"I am a young woman." Right on, her cousin thought. 
"You cannot fulfill your father's duties." "I can," she insisted, looking at Lilith. "With Lilith as my advisor." "What?" "Isn't that what kings and queens do when they're too young to rule?" she argued. "They appoint a…" "Regent," Lilith offered. "Yes. As a matter of fact, yes." "Then you, Lilith, are my regent."
"I dispute this." Caliban, of course. 
"Okay, Dirt-Man," Genevieve said. She had begun to harbor a deeply personal sense of loathing for him, especially because of how he disrespected her cousin's authority and was a raging narcissist. 
After an attempted challenge for the crown, Sabrina dismissed the court and he and his clique left Pandemonium. She and the rest of the group, along with Nick and his tongue, followed Dorian's instructions and used the flower and the incantation to return home. 
Sabrina had royally fucked up— no pun intended. After fumbling her first soul retrieval and getting locked in an industrial freezer by her second, she was beginning to lose hope. And she was running out of time. While Lilith was out searching for the wayward queen, the clay prince decided to go on his own adventure.
Genevieve was occupied in her cozy, bright room when a gust of spiraling flames interrupted her peace. She had been lying in her bed, reading a book and accompanied by all of her pets (which was a rare occurrence). Pico had nestled onto Tuck's shell and they were both napping. Bambi was curled up against her side and Tex at her feet, and the new snake— whose name, she decided, was Rhiannon— was also curled at the end of the bed. "Quite the companions you've got," he spoke deeply, disturbing the silence. "You!" she said, sitting up and starting all but the python. "What are you doing in my room?" she asked, exasperated. 
"Here to see you, of course," he told her, sitting down on the edge of her bed. Genevieve
was still perplexed. 
"You amuse me, mortal. And you've caught my eye. Your friend may be the Queen of Hell—"
"Cousin," she corrected.
"Your cousin may be Queen, but it's you who's really captured my attention."
"I… Okay," she responded, brows furrowed.
"No one's ever spoken to me as boldly as you have. Especially for a mortal. If I wanted to punish you, in fact, it would be well within my rights. Even your cousin could not do anything about it; laws in Hell differ than on Earth."
"So, what. You're here to kill me? Because I threatened your ego?" Genevieve rolled her eyes and got up, Bambi following after her. She grabbed Rhiannon and carried her over to her tank, flipping the switch for her heater and closing the lid. She then grabbed Tuck, as gently as possible to allow him to keep napping, and put him in his tank as well.
"Of course not," he chuckled. "You're much too interesting. It would be a shame for your potential to go to waste." "Potential," she said, disinterested. Walking to her door, she slipped on a pair of shoes that sat against the wall. "For?"
"For you to align with me. You may not like me much now, but I'm sure you'll grow to."
"For me… I'm sorry, what? You expect me to betray my cousin for someone who wants to literally enslave my people and take over the Earth?" He said nothing. "No!" she waved her hand at him, signaling for him to leave. "Be gone. Or... whatever you say to banish demons." She left her room and headed down the hallway and to the stairs, but Caliban was not far behind. Neither was Bambi.
She made a pit stop in the kitchen to make herself a sandwich before she left the house. "Do you think me unreasonable?" Caliban asked, leaning against the counter while she worked. 
"Well, yeah. Actually I do." 
He grabbed her hand before she could continue. Making sure to never break eye contact, he pleaded, "Please. Let me prove you wrong." She pulled her hand away.
"Why are you so dead set on this?" she groaned. "I said no!" A frustrated laugh left her lips.
"I'll make you a deal," he pressed. She returned her attention to her sandwich and refused to look at him. "Submit to me, and I will abandon my plan to enslave the tribes of Earth." Still, silence. Genevieve pretended that he wasn't even there anymore, slipping Bambi a piece of turkey in between the two of them. Once again, Caliban brought his hand up and grabbed her chin; she couldn't turn away. 
"You won't get the chance," she spat. "My cousin is the Queen. Your plan will never happen." He opened his mouth to argue, but in a split second, decided against it. 
"If that's truly how you feel, then I concede. But know my offer still stands." Genevieve shrugged, straight-faced, unsure how to respond. 
"Will you leave now? I have somewhere to be," she told him, putting her sandwich in a baggie and walking to the kitchen table where a backpack was hanging off the back of a chair. 
"Will the lady allow me to escort her?" he countered. She threw her food, a water bottle, and a sports drink into the bag as she considered it. 
"Fine, I guess." She slung the backpack over her shoulder before kneeling down to scratch and kiss Bambi's head. "Bye, Bambi!" she said, her voice having gone up at least an octave. The blue pit thumped her tail and opened her mouth in a typical pit bull smile. Without a word, she stood up and passed Caliban to go retrieve her sneakers which were sitting by the front door. He followed, attentive to her every move. She locked the door behind her on her way out and began walking into town. 
"Where are you headed to?" he asked her.
"The gym. I coach junior high volleyball."
"Is that a mortal sport?"
"Yeah. I played for a long time."
"Why did you stop?" 
Genevieve stayed silent for a beat. "When I was still in high school, a few colleges wanted to recruit me for their teams. I would have gone to any of them, but…"
"But what?" "Well, I don't really know what I want to do with my life. I didn't want to just up and leave my family with no plan. So after I graduated this spring, I decided to take a gap year to figure out what I want to do."
"Have you figured it out yet?" he asked. His tone seemed genuinely interested. 
She stayed quiet for a while longer. "No," Genevieve admitted, dejectedly.
"Maybe you should work with animals," Caliban offered. "Really? Why?"
"You seem to like them enough, you've got several as pets."
"Yeah, that's fair. But I don't think I could ever be a vet," she claimed. 
"Then don't. Try something else."
"Like what?"
"You're the mortal here, not me," he chuckled. "You know more about your options than I do." Genevieve let out a little laugh as well. "Think about it," he advised her. 
"I will. Thank you, Caliban."
Sabrina didn't return home until well past midnight. As she walked through the front door and quietly closed it, her cousin broke her silence from the stairs. "Where you been, Beans?"
Sabrina nearly jumped, startled. "I was— Oh, Aunties," she muttered, finally facing all three of them. 
"Well, do you care to explain yourself?" Zelda questioned. Sabrina glanced at Genevieve, who was leaning over the top of the banister and mouthed I didn't say anything.
"Oh, I'm sorry I missed your first day at the Academy," she apologized. "I had this prob-"
"How many secrets are you keeping from us?" Zelda interrupted.
Hilda piped up in typical good-cop fashion. "You didn't happen to go to Hell, bring back your father, the Dark Lord, and stick him in the bowels of the Academy without telling us, did you?"
"Putting what's left of the coven, not to mention the entire world, in grave peril, just so you can see your boyfriend." 
"That's not why I did it," Sabrina argued. 
"Oh, God. Here we go again," Genevieve muttered as Tex jumped up onto the bannister beside her. She gave his head an absent-minded scratch as she watched the scene unfold. 
"Oh, I know why you did it. Cassius delivered a stack of books with rituals about soul transference… I thought the Dark Lord was bad. I thought he was dangerous, but Lilith preserve up from his demented, lovesick daughter."
"Aunt Zelda!" Genevieve shouted. "That was so uncalled for!"
"I couldn't just leave Nick in Hell!" Sabrina defended herself. "Every second he was down there, he was in torment. Aunties, every second he was in pain."
"We know, darling," Hilda tried to comfort. 
"And it's my fault." Her cousin began to tear up with the thought of Nick's suffering. "He did it for me. I couldn't just… wash my hands of him." Hilda stepped off of the stairs and went to Sabrina to try to comfort her. "I owed it to Nick to at least try and get Lucifer out of his body and into someone else's."
Zelda had begun to abandon her condemnation of Sabrina's actions, instead demanding that she come up with a well thought-out plan. "Whose? Where do you expect to find another vessel strong enough to withstand being turned into a flesh Acheron for the Devil himself?"
In a moment of perfect timing, Ambrose and Prudence appeared in the front hallway with a raggedy, bearded man at their feet. "Aunties," he greeted. "I'm home." It was evident in his tone and lack of breath that he was exhausted. "Any chance of a cuppa?"
Genevieve went downstairs and followed her cousin and Prudence into the kitchen. 'Whatcha want, 'Bose?"
"Something to help me sleep, finally," he rasped. "Thank you, cousin." (They weren't really cousins, but it was how they had referred to each other since Genevieve had come to live with them those 8 years ago.)
"You too?" she asked Prudence. "Yes, please."
  The next night, Sabrina returned home and immediately headed to Genevieve's room to de-stress from her arduous day. "That jerk Caliban challenged me for the throne," she sighed, laying down on Genevieve's bed. "Again. Legally, this time. And I had to accept it."
Her cousin took a deep breath. "Wow. He's really not letting it go, huh?"
"No. I wish he would, though."
"Well, what was the challenge? What do you have to do?"
"We're both supposed to search for the Unholy Regalia. It's a Hell thing," she explained at Genevieve's confusion. "The first item is Herod's Crown."
"H- King Herod? Like 'kill the babies' Herod?"
"That's the one."
"Jesus," Genevieve exhaled. "...No pun intended." She had been sitting on the floor with Rhiannon, watching as she explored the room, but stood up to sit next to her cousin. "Beans, you've got a lot on your plate right now. Are you sure you're gonna be okay?"
Sabrina considered her question for a moment. "No. Actually, I'm not sure. But I have to do this." She shut her eyes tight for a few seconds before opening them again and sitting upright. "And I have so much homework on top of this."
"You know what? I don't have anything to do tonight. You go to bed, I'll do your homework tonight." Sabrina smiled softly at her cousin. 
"Vieve, you don't have to do that—"
"I know. But I want to. You need to rest. Besides," Genevieve said, "I already got through all of those classes once. I can do a few assignments tonight."
It was about eleven o'clock that same night and Genevieve was on a productive streak- in terms of getting her cousin's homework taken care of. She had advised Sabrina to talk to Ambrose the following day about looking for the crown and, subsequently, the rest of the regalia. In the midst of her focus, a gust of heat hit her and she could sense a presence in her room. She didn't even bother to turn around from her desk. "Go away, Caliban."
"I take it you've heard about my challenge, then?"
Genevieve set her pencil down and stared at him. "Do you have any idea the shit Sabrina's been going through, lately? I know you don't care, because all you want is power, but she's an actual person with other responsibilities and an entire life that she's dealing with on a daily basis. You're made of clay and you're from Hell, I get it, you must not have any sense of empathy, but this is taking a toll on everyone. You are such a raging narcissist." Caliban's smirk had dissipated by now. "Get out of my house, Caliban. I'm busy."
"You're wrong," he said. He was uncharacteristically quiet. "I can be empathetic." He sat down on the edge of Genevieve's bed, and Tex had allowed him to pet his head. "I do have emotions."
"Showing them from time to time might do you good." He said nothing, focusing his attention entirely on Tex rather than making eye contact with Genevieve. "Why are you here?" she asked, adopting a gentler tone. She felt as if she had been hard enough on him to get her point across. "Don't you have a crown to find, or something?"
"I've not yet located it. I was wondering if you've considered my offer?"
"Of course not," she scoffed. "I don't think you're gonna win. Beans may be busy, but she's smart. And talented."
"Well, she is the Dark Lord's daughter."
"Regardless. No, I haven't considered it. Is that all?"
"I hear there's a carnival in town."
Her brows furrowed momentarily. "What do you care?"
"Would it please the lady to accompany me? Tomorrow night?"
Genevieve went stiff like a deer in headlights. "Um… sure, okay. I guess?"
"You seem confused," he observed. 
"Yeah, I- I am. A little. Surprised. Why do you wanna go to the carnival?"
"Is this not how mortals court each other?" he asked, standing up to lean against the desk she had been working at. He seemed his usual self again, another smirk crossing his face. "Or would you rather skip the formalities?" He winked, grinning down at her. Though she was still sitting, it was obvious that he was taller than she was. 
She scoffed lightly. "Fine. I will go to the carnival with you tomorrow," Genevieve conceded. "Are you done now?"
"Are you sure you wouldn't have me spend the night?" he teased. 
"Don't push it, Dirt-Man."
"As you wish," he told her, and threw his arms up, creating a vortex of fire and returning to the pits of hell. 
Genevieve finally retired to bed at about quarter till 1 in the morning. Rhiannon was cozy in her tank and Tuck was in his; Pico was sleeping in his cage and Tex was curled up at the foot of her bed. Bambi was laying with her back to Genevieve's, but the blue pit had been awoken by a sudden presence appearing in the room. In the dark, Caliban had returned once more to the girl, this time having astral projected. Bambi's head stuck up, sniffing at him. He put his finger up to his lips and whispered to the dog, "Shh." Bambi was convinced and went back to sleep, leaving the boy to himself. He walked around until he was facing her, and he knelt down at her bedside. He rested his head on one arm while his other hand brushed some stray hairs away from her face. She looked so peaceful he was almost afraid to touch her. "Sleep well, darling girl," he whispered. "And forgive me for what I must do." Without another word, he kissed her forehead and promptly returned to his physical body in Hell. 
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casualotptrash · 3 years
Why the Persona 3 FES vs Portable Debate Makes Me Want to Fly Into the Sun Pt. 3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Da da da daaa!
Part 3 of this lovely emotional rant is here, for anyone who wants to spend their time reading these. With the last two posts, I have mostly tried to be informative or just complain a bit about why this debate makes me want to fly into the sun, but for this post it’s going to go a little different. Perhaps a bit more subjective than the others.
In this post, I’m going to go over everyone's favorite clusterfuck...a definitive version of Persona 3.
Now, as we established in the previous post, we know that the argument of FES vs Portable is essentially pointless because everyone’s opinion on either game is subjective. However, I have neglected to bring up this topic that puts a huge ass nail into this dusty old coffin: the fact that there is objectively no definitive version of Persona 3.
Everyone can argue all day and night about which version of P3 is better, but no one can deny that either version are “definitive.” By definitive, I mean that the game has the most content that is offered, like Persona 4 Golden or Persona 5 Royal. The reason none of the P3 games are definitive is because base P3 lacks stuff from FES and Portable, FES lacks stuff fro Portable, and Portable lacks things from FES. It’s a gamble of whether you want to experience cutscenes, an overworld, and The Answer, or a whole new route with the FeMC and the brand new option of dating male party members and saving...you know who.
One might be able to say FES is definitive because it has The Answer, which I believe is considered canon according to the Arena games. Another could say Portable is the definitive version because it came out after FES, added the FeMC (who is technically canon as per the second Persona Q game), and removes The Answer (which a lot of people said The Answer messed with the core theme of P3). However, the definition of definitive in this case, and with all of the other games, is that the game offers the most content. Arguably, FES and Portable provide the same amount of content, just in different ways. This is why this whole conversation of which one is better, or which to play first, spawned in the first place.
The reason I am bringing this up in this post, about why this whole discussion physically pains me, is because having a real, definitive version of the game could finally put this discussion to rest. At least, it somewhat would. People would probably still argue that FES is the best for some reason.
Now, the argument becomes...well, what does a definitive version of Persona 3 look like?
I have seen quite a bit about this topic, and people seem to really miss some common sense points. For example, they get caught up in whether it would be considered a remake or a remaster. I know some use those terms interchangeably, but the “official” definition for each is that a remake is a game that is made from scratch, while a remaster is made by updating the existing assets and engine. For example, the upcoming Nocturne HD release is a remaster. Personally I find it difficult to neatly fit the typical persona definitive editions, like Golden and Royal, into either of these categories. It may just be me not fully grasping the differences between the two, but I believe they would fit into more of the “remaster” category. It is true that there are new assets and content being added to the game, but it’s so minor that I’m not sure it could be considered a remake. On the other hand, because new content is added it couldn’t just be defined as a remaster because typically the effects and such aren’t even changed that much. It’s just gameplay and story content that is tweaked.
When people get so caught up in what it would be considered, logic seems to...go out the window? For example, in a debate between a P3 remaster or remake, a person made a comment that if a remake was to happen then people would demand that all of the social links be available to anyone. Now, that just isn’t possible for a variety of reasons. There’s no way we could ever mix and match social links to get a preferred grouping. Another issue with this is that if just a remaster was made, then one of the two games would be left out.
This is why I don’t really think about whether a definitive edition is a remaster or remake, because using such strict labels make it harder to judge what could, or should, be in one. This is why I’m just referring to this process as making a definitive edition. That being said, I would consider a definitive P3 game to be more of a remake (not that it really matters) because my ideas would essentially combine FES and Portable, in a way?
So here we go, into my idea of what a definitive version of Persona 3 would look like. (Warning: This will contain spoilers for all of the P3 story and *gasp* may be a bit biased toward Portable because I like it more)
1. Presentation
In simple terms, I would want the game to essentially be Portable...but with updated graphics, cutscenes from FES, and an overworld. It’s easier to use Portable as a base because it’s already closer to the format of P4 and P5, so then adding in the good parts of FES with the cutscenes and overworld are par for the course. As far as graphics go, I would like the models and environment to look more like P3D (aka whatever engine they used for Persona 5?) because damn did the characters get a glow up.
2. Gameplay
Along with the format of Portable, I would also want the gameplay of Portable to be in this definitive version. That means no jealousy system, no fatigue until after you leave tartarus, the vision quest, and the other changes I mentioned in the first post. Sorry FES fans, but yes...I would still want the option of controllable party members. However, a new change that should be added is backup members earning exp. I don’t think baton passes or anything should be added, we don’t want a clone of P5, and the combo attacks in P3P kind of fill this role anyway. The idea of having social links give certain perks with ranks, like how confidants work in P5, is interesting but I don’t think it would be necessary. I would also say that the soundtrack should be exclusive for each side, like how it is in Portable, and that there should be an option to choose which skills are inherited.
3. Social Links
The stance I would take with social links would essentially be how Portable did it, but with a slight tweak. No matter how much it would be cool to date Rio or Saori as the Male MC, or vice versa with Kaz or Keisuke and FeMC, I don’t think any mixing of the two sides would really be feasible. However, I would love to see cameos of those characters in the opposing routes. For example, you see Yuko and Kaz in the female route, but in the male route you could see Saori and Rio at school. That being said, and this is probably one of the biggest issues, I would want the male protag to be able to have social links with the entire party, men included. This brings up the issue of what social links you would cut out because you can’t have two social links be the exact same arcana. Unless they want to add more arcanas to the game, which would probably not go over well either, the best option is probably to prioritize the male party members and then have who would usually be in their place just show up sometimes. For example, Kenji would show up in the social link with Junpei instead of the magician social link just being about one or the other.
I know this seems weird, but it does kind of avoid shafting one or the other. If it was too hard to fit the two together (such as Chihiro and Ken both being Justice), perhaps a few more school scenes could be added where the MC interacts with the school friends that are not seen as much (Kenji, Chihiro, etc.) However, and this might piss off 1% of people but whatever, but the moon arcana with Nozomi (Gourmet king dude) could just be completely taken over by Shinji. Nozomi is a meme, but he is not needed in any way. Also, I would prioritize Yuko in the male route over Koromaru since, although he is a very good boy, he is still a dog. Also, please get rid of the option that you’re forced to romance every girl in the male route, and personally I would say keep in the fact that you cannot date Junpei. In a headcanon sort of way, I totally dig the idea of the MC being able to help Junpei through his rough time after Chidori dies (if she dies?) and feelings grow from there, but from a story perspective I think it’s integral to his character that he friendzones the player if they try.
So TLDR; who the social link is about would mainly stay true to the original route (male route with Kaz, etc. and female route with Rio, etc.), however in the male route the party members would take priority (so Akihiko would take the star arcana place and Mamoru (track guy) would just be featured in the link sometimes), and in both routes Shinji would take Nozomi’s place as the moon. Important note that besides including the other character, the main substance of the social link shouldn’t be changed; aka they should not change the format of the social links to operate more like P5 social links where the MC is just solving all of their problems.
(Sidenote: This is imply my idea on how to include party members into the social links for the male route, however if they just decided to keep the social links the exact same as Portable with no male party member social links with the male route then I’d be fine with that too. It wouldn’t really take away from the game as a whole for me, personally.)
4. Romance Options
Riding off of the social link talk...and I know this is like the least likely option of happening, but please make some gay options Atlus? If we can romance every single girl in the male route, why not just add the romance option for the men too? Yes yes there’s the whole argument about the issue of “making everyone bi” (thanks for erasing sexuality that care more about connections rather than gender?), but I say look no further than how Dragon Age 2 did it. Every romanceable option in that game can be romanced be either the male or female main character (barring a DLC character who is only romanceable by females), and it works just fine. Turns out, no one really gives a shit if it’s “realistic” enough (aka only having one or no bi/gay people apparently?) because it’s a video game and people want to romance whoever they want...because it’s a video game. Even if you really, really don’t like this approach there is also the option of going the Dragon Age Inquisition route, where characters are able to be romanced by certain genders and not by others (race also plays a role in this in the game, since there are elves and other fantasy races and such, but this is not applicable to Persona obviously). This is simply a hypothetical example, but how this would work is that like Fuuka can only be romanced by the Male MC, Akihiko and Yukari could be romanced by either MC, and Mitsuru could only be romanced by the FeMC. Obviously social links specific to a run would be a romanceable option to the MC in their route (as in Yuko would only be romanceable by Male MC because she’s only in her run, and social links like Saori could be a romance for FeMC because she’s specific to her route). I have a gut feeling this would cause an even bigger uproar with the fandom, so having any romance option (barring route specific social links for the route they’re not in) be available for either male or female MC is the best option in my opinion.
Take out Ken’s romance option altogether though. I know some of the language is different, so it doesn’t say you “spend a long night together” or whatever, but that doesn’t really make it any better. I do think it’s fine if Ken has a crush on the MC, and maybe has a whole Kenji thing of thinking they are together cause he’s 10 and kids can be like that, but the MC wouldn’t actually act on this and the player could be given the choice to actively dissuade Ken. The only good thing that came out of Ken’s romance option was the fact that him and Akihiko can argue in Tartarus if you romance them both, and I don’t want to lose that hilarious dialogue.
5. Tartarus
Tartarus...uh...to be honest I’m not really sure what to do with this beast. It’s boring and tedious in the first place, probably by design for symbolism in the game, but I’m not sure how to make it interesting without copying the dungeon/palace format. Perhaps the blocks could be restructured to act more like a big puzzle that needs to be solved, like certain sections of palaces in P5, but also have bosses and shadows thrown in. For example, perhaps one block could be more reminiscent of hide-and-seek stealth tactics while another is formatted like a series of arena-esque gladiator fights. Also probably lower the number of floors you need to climb? It gets a bit ridiculous when you realize there are 264 floors of Tartarus and 99% of them are the same but just with more funky music and slightly different decorations. This job is suited for someone with actual video game making experience though, and not me.
6. Awakenings and Pacing
Let’s talk about some quick fixes to awakenings and pacing of the game. Now, since this is a definitive version and not a true remake, I wouldn’t want them to rewrite the entire story or something. Most of the party member’s original awakenings happen off screen, which can be kind of lackluster. The MC’s and Fuuka’s are the only two we really see, and those moments were really cool in my opinion. Obviously we wouldn’t see Mitsuru’s, Akihiko’s, or Shinji’s original awakenings, but that is fine. Yukari and Junpei also fall into this boat because Yukari awakens before the MC gets to the dorm, and it would be hard to show Junpei’s awakening while also having his whole “reveal” moment when he comes to the dorm to live there. I don’t know if it’s ever mentioned when Ken awakens to his persona, but making a scene to show both his and Koromaru’s would be helpful instead of just saying Ken has the potential and he’s joining, and hearing about Koromaru awakening but not actually seeing it. As for the pacing, I’m mainly talking about the summer time where you can’t hang out with a good number of social links. I would just change this so that you can hang out with school social links during this time more readily, like if they’re just hanging out somewhere in town if they’re not at school. Like I said, this isn’t a remake (and I’m not a video game designer) so I didn’t want to get into how to fix the overall pacing of the story, which can be pretty slow until October or so. My one suggestion is maybe adding in a few extra scenes with Strega before October so it’s not like we run into them a couple times and suddenly they’re a major villain.
7. Shinjiro
(Spoilers for after October) I know certain people will definitely not like this point, but I think the option to save Shinji should remain in the game (and Chidori too). I’ll go into this in another post, but my main reason for keeping this in is because some people really do like this option, so it would be kind of unfair just to get rid of it because other people don’t like it. However, I would suggest a change to his social link so that there is the option to save him or not while also being able to complete the social link. Perhaps after rank 10 would be when you could give him the pocket watch, so that people could get the rank 10 and not be forced to save him. 
8. Extra Content
(Spoilers for the ending of Persona 3 and The Answer) Each definitive version has extra content in the “third semester” (because Persona 4 and 5 both essentially end after December), but in Persona 3 the natural game ends in January. I am not sure if they would try to add another whole months or so on, but because The Answer already exists, but I assume they wouldn’t add extra content in February or something for the MC. For The Answer, I would keep this in the game as sort of the “extra content” but add a FeMC version of this. Obviously it would be largely the same, except with the FeMC and perhaps the male party members could get more of a focus since the female party members get a larger focus in the male route (ie. Yukari breaking down with the keys. Maybe Junpei or Akihiko could take on this role as the people who don’t want to let go). Also, as a possible new addition to The Answer, Shinji could be a part of it if he is saved during the main game. In the NG+ run of Portable FeMC route, if you romance Shinji he comes to the rooftop for that final scene, so in a way it could be possible for him to recover by the time The Answer happens in March.
Now, if Atlus decided to add a more typical “extra content” thing, I hope they wouldn’t try to cram The Answer in on top of that unless they were able to do it cohesively. It might be a lot to have the whole ending of the game in January, come up with a reason to have extra content in February (presumably with the MC still alive, but also combat would need to be a part so then the issue arises of Tartarus coming back or something?), and then have the answer take place right after near the end of March.
Well that’s the end of that I think. This will also be the last post in this little “series” because I pretty much went over everything about this debate that makes me want to fly into the sun. I know the things I talked about in these posts will probably never stop, but I really hope that if a definitive version comes out at least the discussion will change to saying what is good or bad about each game rather than FES supremacy or whatever. That being said, above all I really hope this debate doesn’t discourage new fans from Persona 3 or the series in general, because that would probably be the worst outcome from all of this. It’s a great game, and it’s a shame that the game itself is kind of held back by being split into two (I’m not counting base Persona 3) different forms.
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hazytaezy · 5 years
i’ll show you, if you show me.(m) jk
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pairing: jungkook x reader
word count: 2,173
genre: gamer jk, best friends au, slight fluff in the form of (y/n) is literally jk’s biggest fan, smut-ish??? minor nasty-ness, but a general warning that smut is implied and sort of written, humor (to me lmao cause I think I’m hilarious)
warnings: 18+, nsfw, language
“game night suddenly gets a little more interesting when Jungkook forgets to hang up from your video call.”
“Alright, (y/n). We are in the last half of the battle and we just about have it. I’ll be operator, you get my six. Let’s get tactical!”
A soft exhale escaped your lips as you listened to your best friend through your headphones.
Jungkook could be both endearing AND annoying.
Sometimes you wondered how he could accomplish the two at the same time. But he was charming after all.
“Yeah, yeah Jeon. Same old song and dance. I’ve got you.”
The game launched to life and your character quickly rushed off to scavenge for items that could be turned into armor.
You had first come into contact with Jungkook when you were both twelve years old.
It was Christmas Day to be exact. Both gleaming with joy as you hurried up the stairs to set up your newest prized possession- an Xbox.
You couldn’t quite remember which game introduced you to each other, but what you did know is that you beat him.
Tremendously so.
And you never let him live it down.
Ever since that day, you both spent most of your time speaking to each other every night. Eventually teaming up and forming what you called yourselves, “The Indestructible Duo.”
People grew to hate you. Once anyone saw both of your usernames enter the server it was game over.
You both loved it.
It was your typical best friend bond. The only thing separating you from everyone else was that you hadn’t ever met in person.
As time went on, e-mails and phone numbers were exchanged. Graduations were had, colleges were trudged through and brand new jobs were offered.
But one thing remained the same, Saturday game night.
You would always joke that this was the reason that you didn’t have a life, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
So that’s how you were here today. 2 a.m. on a Saturday with glossy eyes from staring at the screen for the majority of the night.
“How’s the job been going, Miss editor?” You could hear the sarcasm dripping in his voice. Jungkook was a writer and as far as he saw it, you worked for the enemy.
“It’s fine.” You mumbled through your sips of tea. “I keep telling you to submit your novel, but soMEBODY’s too chicken shit.”
Jungkook scoffed as he slew the head off of another forest monster.
“If it’s not good enough for Harper Collins, then it’s not good enough for your publishing house.”
“Dude, you sent your first novel to a major company. All I’m saying is, in the hands of the right editor, ME, that shit would be flying off the shelves.”
You jammed your thumb into the up arrow, drawing your sword to shoo away the oncoming goblins.
“You know I love you, but the only reason you think that is because you are my best friend and you know it.”
“No. I really don’t, Jungkook. Do you remember that bird house you made for your senior project in high school? The one you made out of floss and hot glue? Yeah- it was an atrocity. AND! I told you!!!”
The familiar warmth of his laugh filled your ears and you sat back for a minute to relish in the sound.
“It was really bad, wasn’t it?”
If Jungkook could rank the top ten most painful positions to fall asleep in, sitting upright with his head hanging over the side of his game chair would come in at number one.
This is how game nights would usually end. You slumped over and Jungkook listening every once in a while for your soft snores to come through.
A sound he had grown to look forward to.
One might call it adoration.
He removed his headset and untangled the controller cords from his feet, delicately setting them on his dresser. His body went into autopilot and made the motions to shut down the game, not before saving their progress. You would have his head tomorrow if he forgot to save.
He has made that mistake only once.
Jungkook peered down at his attire, wondering if he really did have to change into new boxers just because he spilled a tiny bit of soda on them.
He could practically hear your voice in his ear, “Men. They are do disgusting”.
It only made him want to defy your thoughts and just wear them.
Opting for the easiest route out, he hooked his thumbs through the waistband and stripped them off. He tossed them to the side watching as they got snagged onto a knob of his dresser drawer.
He had slept like this many times before. There was this one time he had the nastiest flu and any clothing made his fever skyrocket.
Anyhow, he liked the way his sheets felt against his body.
He let his mind wander on what you had said earlier. Ever since Jungkook had expressed that he hoped to be a writer someday, you had been his number one fan.
He almost felt like you were destined to meet because your interests went hand in hand.
He felt a warmth grow in his belly as he thought back to all those video chat sessions while you were both in college.
He would read aloud the chapters he had finished that week as you were working on your homework. You would laugh at the parts he knew that you would and would stop him mid-sentence to tell him to change something.
A characteristic that would annoy some, but Jungkook was grateful for your honesty and how much you cared.
You were just so incredible, he couldn’t believe that he-
Jungkook felt the familiar twitch from below.
A betrayal that he had grown accustomed to as of recently.
This had been happening more and more. He would think about how wonderful you were and then all of a sudden he would be sporting a half hard tent in the sheets.
Sure he had thought about you when you were younger, but he always chalked it up to teenage hormones and the fact that he had a girl best friend.
But lately, after every Saturday game night and sometimes throughout the week,
Okay who was he kidding. It was everyday.
Jungkook would catch himself thinking about you.
In more lewd ways than one.
He would get so far as to letting his hand wrap around his length, allowing gentle pressure to relieve the aching feeling. But then he would stop himself.
“She’s my best friend.”
Tonight was different, though. You had spent most of the game convincing Jungkook he was good enough and that you loved every bit of his work.
You had even said that you loved him, which was a new thing they were doing.
Being adults made it less weird to share your feelings and you both knew that you loved each other.
Platonically, of course.
Except all too much recently, Jungkook has had this nagging feeling in his stomach.
Platonic wasn’t a word for it.
He squeezed his eyes shut with a huff and flipped on his side. He could think about his novel. He could do this.
He wouldn’t think about you again tonight.
He just simply wouldn’t.
“Fuck it.”
Jungkook kicked the sheets off of his body and let his hand creep lower on his abdomen. He envisioned your smiling face. One that you had given him a couple nights ago. He remembered how his breath caught in his throat as he watched the strap of your dress momentarily slip off of your shoulder.
A rhythm had finally set in as his hands moved up and down.
He felt the familiar stick, which only made him hasten his pace.
He wondered how your lips would feel wrapped around his cock. You had gorgeous lips.
Most of your conversations were spent with him staring at them.
Just the though alone of you looking up at him, mouth closed around him, coaxed a moan from the back of his throat.
He could practically hear you calling out his name.
It all felt so real. He wished that it would be.
Fuck, wait.
His hands dropped as he tilted his head out into his room.
“Are you okay? Jungkook?”
He didn’t understand the expression “My heart fell into my stomach.” until now.
He shot up from his position and leaned forward to see his headset glowing bright green. His hands flew towards his computer and shuffled the mouse around to wake it up.
Hovering over the video call icon, he almost hesitated to click to find out his fate.
Call with (y/n)- ongoing, since 5:50 p.m.
His mouth felt dry.
But he didn’t have any time to dwell on the fact that he felt like he was going to vomit.
He could still hear you calling out his name.
Quickly, he adjusted the headphones to rest on his head and let out a silent, ragged breath.
“Hey! Finally! What happened? I fell asleep and I woke up to you saying my name?”
Had he been saying your name?
Jungkook cursed again under his breath. Damn his imaginative writer brain that caused him to leave this earth for a fleeting moment.
And for it to fucking utter your name while he was pleasuring himself.
“Y-yeah! All good!” He was still trying to catch his breath. He hadn’t noticed he was breathing this hard until now.
“You sure about that? Because it sounded like you were touching yourself and saying my name.” (Y/n) deadpanned into her mic.
He was dead.
Here lies Jeon Jungkook. King of the dumbasses of his time.
Why they fuck wasn’t self vaporization a thing?
About 30 minutes ago, you had woken up to delicious moans and someone purring your name.
You would have thought it was a figment of your imagination, had it not been for the blinking video call icon on your screen.
You knew you should have said something. And quite honestly you let it go on for far too long, but the twinge in your stomach made you stop.
Next thing, your hand was sliding into the front of your unbuttoned jeans.
“How-how long have you been listening?” Jungkook nearly spoke in a whisper.
“Does it matter? Tell me what you were thinking about, Jeon.”
He could hear your smirk.
“Are you serious?”
He froze.
He hadn’t thought about what he would do if you ever reciprocated these feelings. He didn’t even know where to start.
“I- I was thinking about your lips.”
“My lips where?”
You knew what you were doing.
Jungkook leaned back into his chair and let his hands rest back to the position they were in before.
“Wrapped around my cock. How good they would feel.”
Your thighs squeezed together and you didn’t know if you had ever felt a rush of arousal come that quickly from just words alone.
“You know…I’ve thought about this plenty of time. I think I could make you cum in zero seconds flat.”
Jungkook felt like his entire world was spinning.
So, he hadn’t been the only one thinking these things.
“God, I wish I knew where you lived. I want to be able to touch you.” He murmured.
It never felt strange that they didn’t share their addresses with each other. What with it being the digital age, they never had a reason too.
Not until now.
He reached over and pressed the video call button. His body acting on pure desire before his brain and once he realized what he did, he rushed to hit the end call button.
But he was met with a smiling (y/n).
A smiling, pantsless (y/n).
He watched as you rolled your hips up towards your hand.
His brain felt like it was going into overdrive.
Not only was he seeing you partially nude for the first time, but you were also touching yourself.
Thinking of him.
“Tell me how you would have me if you were here, Jungkook.”
He watched hungrily as the fabric of your underwear rose up and down like a guide for your fingers.
“I’d spread those pretty little legs and taste you. I’ve wondered what you taste like.”
“Do you want to see what you’ve been thinking of?”
“Yes. God, yes.”
Jungkook watched as you stood up and slowly lowered your underwear, kicking them off once they were around your ankles. You kept your legs shut and looked towards him with hooded eyes.
“Let’s see you.”
You took your bottom lip in between your teeth and awaited his next move.
Jungkook tilted the camera down to show off his quite embarrassingly fully hard cock.
You sucked in a breath and allowed your legs to be open just enough for you to run a finger over your clit.
“Do you want to see what I do what I think of you?” You tried to keep your voice level, but it came out in a sort of whine.
“I’ll show you, if you show me.”
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elmaxlys · 3 years
I dreamed of two things in one. The first one was a travel with school. I was back in high or middle school tho I think? The second was the media I consumed during said travel.
The media was either a book or a movie, I'm not sure. I'm leaning toward book but I saw the images extremely clearly like I don't exactly when I read so it could be movie (then again a part of it I lived so book is more probable). Anyway it was about the son of a now dead tyrant. The prince had a best friend, of course, and he was to be married to the daughter of the nearby king. He knew the girl and he was pretty sure to be in love with her. The girl knew him and her feelings were the same.
But here's the interesting part: Princess had to come live with them in preparation of the wedding because like, her home was far and having to travel every time would be a pain. So naturally, Prince and Princess grow closer - but Best Friend is still in the picture. Best Friend is a dude, one of the guards or something, and he grew up together with Prince.
Everything is from Prince POV so he starts noticing changes in BFF behavior. Suddenly the man doesn't call him by his name anymore, he calls him "brother", and more often than he actually did say his name usually, so Prince is like dude what but doesn't push. Best Friend often disappears to training, close to overworking himself, and he laughs it off when Prince asks him if something is wrong. "it's nothing, brother". But Prince isn't an idiot. Prince also noticed he tended to fade out of the picture whenever 1) the marriage was brought up or 2) Princess was there. So Prince starts suspecting something, you know ? He's like oh shit my best friend is in love with me I think. So what can he do? He can't bear the thought of losing his friend because he gets married, ya know? So he starts deliberately spending more time with him, leaving Princess alone much more and he's sorry for that because like she's far from home with only a handful servants, the only other person she knows is Prince himself. So Prince is like boy what do I do? Because as time passes, he's leaving Princess by herself to search for Best Friend more and more but Best Friend is distancing himself more and more too so he's feeling desperate, with a hollow feeling in him.
Then to top it all off, a war starts with another neighboring kingdom. So they go defend their borders from the invasion and Prince is gravely injured on the battlefield while he was protecting a bunch of his men. They pushed the enemy away for now so that's good but he could feel he was losing consciousness. All he knew was that Best Friend was in the group he protected, that Best Friend is safe. And someone is calling his name and rushing to him, puts his head on their lap and hugs him as the medics rush to his side. He raises his hand to touch the person, and it's silky fabric, hip-long hair, a dress. And he feels disappointed. He wanted it to be Best Friend. And he realizes he likes his best friend back.
Not the end but at that point we had to move from the bus to the place where we had to wait for the train. As I walked I was like AAAAAA because I definitely wasn't expecting that. Like sure I wanted it to happen but I hadn't dared to hope. Still tho I was nervous about the rest of the book since I also really liked what Prince had with Princess (tho I did like the angsty thing with BFF a bit better xD angst is just that good) and I didn't want Prince to completely discard her or his feelings for BFF, you know ? But since it was YA and we know how YA deals with love triangles, I didn't dare to hope and just, well, walked with the others to reach the right place
We had a bit of time before the train came and we had to get our ticket from the site ourselves and I didn't manage because my phone was old, I had 50mo of data when the others had unlimited and of course the free wifi sucked ass so I didn't manage and I panicked, of course. So when the train came I still didn't have my ticket on my phone and I had to stay behind with a few other people who hadn't managed to get there in time. One of my profs stayed with us. I tried talking to her and idk how but I started rambling about Pokémon gijnikas? And showing her a bunch of examples and she was obviously faking interest but I was too stressed to stop and in the end I asked her if she had ever played Pokémon and she looked at me and basically said none of your fucking business.
Things to note: the book part was in English, the school trip part in French. I lived the Prince part as the Prince, a cis guy, but when I was actually me I was a cis girl.
I wish that book exists so I can read it for real and see if they go the polyam route or the boring route. (or like, the angsty route? If one of the three dies)
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mitsunari-sama · 4 years
Ikemen Ouji - Yves Kloss Route Translation
A/N: So I have decided to post Yves’ route that I have translated so far here. I tried to translate to the best of my abilities. Please understand that Japanese is not my language and I am still learning it so if there are any mistranslation in the chapters, please ignore or kindly let me know. Also I am not translating the route word to word, I am just writing the basic gist of the events so the words I have chosen may be different from the other Yves route translation. I will work hard to translate better from now on and post as frequently as possible. However, This was a lot of fun and Cybird has outdone itself again with Ikemen Ouji.
part 1&2
Chapter 3
Yves settles himself and proceeds to introduce the leader of the fraction and the 4th prince. But when they looked over to where Leon was standing previously, he wasn't there. Mc thought how weird that he disappeared when he was just standing there. That's when she feels someone hug her tightly and it is Leon. Leon says he saw how happily both of them were chatting and he couldn't help but come over. Leon also asks Yves if he is introducing them to mc and to introduce Leon to her.  Yves comments that it's weird to introduce a person upfront when they are standing in front of you. He also says to Leon to be nice and tell "belle" about the fraction. Yves points at his knight and says he will go talk to them. 
As mc watches Yves go, Leon laughs and asks mc if she likes Yves alot. Mc replies saying she doesn't know between left and right here and because with Yves' help she is taking care of it. Leon then introduces himself to her properly and says its nice to meet her. Mc asks that unlike Chevalier's fraction, Leon's fraction over looks internal affairs right? Leon says that it is good not to neglect foreign problems but it is more important to protect the smiles of the region. Mc asks what does that mean. Leon says he wants to protect his people and he doesn't want a county that cannot laugh. He will bother with other countries later however his own comes first. Mc is surprised by this because she thought there was a great wall between royal people and commoners but leon does not give that air. Mc also feels strong desire to protect her country and its people. She thinks how these royal people have strong personalities but in reality they are just like her who want to protect people and the country. Mc understands that she should face these people with honestly..that's it. Leon smiles and tells her regarding understanding the court, not to be impatient and she will understand gradually in her own way. 
Leon also jokingly adds that mc has such a strong watchdog and mc knew he means Yves. Leon also says that its easy to misunderstand Yves since he says something and means something else but he actually is a nice guy and Leon guarantees that. He adds that Yves is a pretty fun guy. Mc is skeptical about that and asks what does he mean Yves is fun. Before Leon could answer Yves arrives and asks them both what they are both doing whispering and that he heard his name. 
(I don't quite catch what happens here but Leon says something and mc will find about what he means by that later (?))
The next day! Yves comes to wake mc up and takes her with him again. Mc tells Yves that she is grateful that Yves comes to pick her but she wants him to be more gentle. Yves says if he's gentle with her then mc will go back to her dreamland and Yves is avoiding that. Mc says she doesn't trust that. Yves shakes his honey-colored hair, which he had thoroughly maintained since morning, and looks back lightly. He tells her that today he will introduce her to Chevalier's fraction's Luke sama and that Luke was in the courtyard. When they arrived at the courtyard, mc sees something black flop past her and jump at Yves. A great black dog was on Yves who was fallen on the ground rolling. 
Yves yells how a dog came into the palace and to get off him that his clothes are getting dirty. Luke comes over and says he was in the town and this dog followed him. Mc says how cute the dog is. Luke says how he will be scolded by Sariel so he has to go back to town and return it. Yves calls for attention. Mc says how the dog must be lonely and how will Luke know where to return it. Yves calls for attention again. Luke points at the dog's neck and says the dog’s house address is written there. He says mc not to worry and that he will return the dog properly and mc is happy. Yves calls for attention yet again. Luke and mc finally notice poor Yves is on the ground with the dog on him. Luke asks what's up Yves? And Yves yells nothing is up and to get the dog off him! Luke laughs and says that because Yves is small he couldn't be seen under the dog. Luke gently picks up Yves and laughs again. 
Mc notices how big Luke is and as he holds up Yves it looks like he's holding up a child. Yves’ legs didn't reach the ground and mc finds the scene adorable. Yves blushes and tells Luke to put him down. Luke laughs carelessly and tells mc that Yves often gets caught in unlikely situations such as when he leaves the castle and it rains, he slipped on a banana peel or left to eat alone. Mc thinks this just outrageous. Yves shyly glances at mc and assures her that his bad luck doesn't hurt people around him. 
Yves introduces Luke to mc. Luke greets mc and tells him that he just recently arrived in the court after the king's death because the court people were looking for successors of the throne. Mc remembers that they all have different mothers and some of them don't live in the palace. Yves says that he was surprised at first but Luke is one of the people who draws the King’s blood and it is important for royal family blood to become the next king Luke tells mc that he is not interested in being a king and he finds it troublesome. So mc asks why is Luke here if he doesn't want to be a king to Luke just replies "somehow". 
Nokto arrives just then asking Yves if he was introducing the Chevalier fraction to mc then in that case to introduce him to her since isn’t interested in being a king. Yves says he noticed that Nokto has just entered from the main gates of the castle and asks him if he just came back this morning. Nokto agrees saying he was drinking with a duchess and wasn’t able to return to the castle last night. Luke tells Nokto that if he keeps this up he will be backstabbed one day to which nokto replies saying that when such time will come he will be prepared. Mc thinks to herself what a frivolous person Nokto is, keeping his first impression he made on her and despite the warm sunlight of the day  Nokto feels like a nasty night to her. Yves introduces Nokto to mc bitterly saying that as mc can see Nokto is a a frivolous, unobtrusive, frivolous, frivolous, frivolous (yes he said it like that) 7th prince and Licht’s younger twin. Mc wonders how cute Licht’s twin is so different? Yves comments that it is a good thing that Nokto is smart with good negotiation skills. Nokto jokes saying that he thinks Yves’ short height is an advantage to him too. Yves retorts that he is still a growing man and Nokto should shut up. Nokto clearly having fun teasing Yves tells him how sad he feels that Yves is older than him and is still expecting to grow. Luke assures mc that this is how a general greeting goes between these two. 
Mc pulls out her notepad to record this exchange and just then Nokto snatches her notepad from her hands. He says to mc how she is recording them so carefully and seriously. Mc tells Nokto that it a reward she received from Yves and to give it back to her (mc is super unimpressed by nokto at this point) Nokto jokes that this is such a serious answer for such a serious gift, this is like a school! Mc asks Nokto what he means by that. Mc feeks Nokto’s sharp red eyes penetrate her and he says that Mc is noting down everything he is hearing and that she isn’t selling herself short on anything (god knows what he’s trying to say here) And that King-sama is Chevalier right? Nokto then laughs like a fox and throws the notepad back at mc (really dude you are not getting in her skirt with that attitude) Nokto adds something about a rumor and that it smells like blood with the return of the king..Mc is confused..naturally.
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"By a route obscure and lonely, Haunted by ill angels only,"
[tw: character death, cannibalism, racism/xenophobia]
To no great surprise, I went a little off-schedule, missed my September reading, and decided to just finish the collection in October. It's not the spooky Poe stories I was hoping for in Halloween month--mainly just scary how bad it all is. "The Oblong Box" is a decent start to these last handful of stories, with an actual plot and a creepy twist to the ending, and "Three Sundays In A Week" is an interesting riddle, if not that strong narratively. It's a return to the ridiculous with "The Duc de L'Omelette," "The Devil in the Belfry," "Lionizing," and "The Spectacles," a silly tale about a guy who mistakenly tries to marry his own great-great-grandmother. "King Pest" tries and fails to make a comedy out of plague. Stress again how not funny Poe is.
I was dreading "Narrative of A. Gordon Pym." It's over a hundred pages long, and since Poe struggles to carry a narrative for even ten pages, I was worried I was in for a hopeless slog. It's not great, but it's not as bad as I was expecting either. We follow Pym through his misadventures at sea, punctuated by long and boring details about ships and carrying cargo. (He can't steer a boat at the beginning of the story, but apparently at some point he becomes an expert.) A dog who is never mentioned before appears to play an important role, and then is never mentioned again. It gets incredibly dark in the middle, but there's surprisingly little character development. Pym succumbs to cannibalism, sees his best childhood friend die, and suffers no apparent emotional or psychological damage for it; those are never mentioned again either. The story grows hideously racist/xenophobic toward the end, with a tedious setup to paint the native population of an island as the most horrific and duplicitous monsters imaginable. (Dude, you ATE one of your shipmates. Should you really be throwing stones right now?) For some reason, the story isn't finished, leaving Pym in a tight spot, though we know (?) from the framing story that he didn't die there. Was it a serial that got canceled? Did Poe not know how to write himself out of that corner? Was he as bored with it as I was? Worst, did he always mean to leave it like that?
Poe's poetry is a little easier to work through than his prose. I love "The Raven" with its lilting rhymes and dark message, and "Annabel Lee" is very pretty, both ubiquitous in popular culture. I also liked "Dream-Land," "Al Aaraaf" (where Ligeia makes another appearance), and "Alone." Most of the poetry has pretty simple rhyme schemes, the subjects mainly love and loss. There's an excerpt of an unfinished play, "Politian," included here as well, but it didn't make much of an impression on me. I'll be pulling together an overall review sometime soon. For now, it's a relief to be finished.
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shinahbee · 4 years
November Favorites 2020!
So as you may have seen I have been uploading a bunch of art all of November, not every week because of my crippling job at the moment taking away my sanity.lol. But i did try my best to update whenever I can. I do have so much more to complete so please look out this December for more digital art being pumped out
How are you all doing?  I'm holding up decently, I'm trying to avoid talking about covid since that's all i've been hearing from work and home and it's really making me anxious since i'm not able to work from home due to the nature of my job. I hope you all are holding up hope and taking care of your selves, let's all remember that there is a time after this and we will get through this.
with that being said I will have a lot more time to spend on my art after January since my work term is going to end and I don't plan to stay for an extension, so maybe then I'll catch up on all of my previous art that I was supposed to upload, a.k.a my hero academia ones.lol
also I'm still chugging along reading more manhwa (web toons ) from korean and chinese artists, i'm so disappointed in myself for not discovering these sooner, these stories are really good and so much effort was put into the art panels, as I have said all I've read was manga so i'm used to just seeing black and white panels, so i never really dove into web toons though I have appreciated the work put into it, now that I'm down the rabbit hole I am discovering really good story lines that are different from the manga I've read thus far and I'm really enjoying it!
so i'm excited to share my thoughts on everything I've been liking
so previously in last months recommendations I have talked about a few of the manhwa I've been reading so I'll briefly list those below since they are all still ongoing
1) who's baby is it
2) to be or no to be
3) social temperature
4) salad days
all of them are still ongoing and i'm still in the process of reading them so I can't give a full review till it's completed but so far I am still enjoying them, that's definitely a good sign since i tend to just drop something after I don''t find it interesting anymore at some point in the story. If you have not read my October favorites journal please do so for my initial thoughts on these manhwas. Now i'm actually going to talk about some of the ones that are completed   , so you can definitely read all of them without waiting for the an update from translators, lol
this is in no particular order, just fyi
1) Path to you
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"When almost college dropout Jensen attempts to drink away his problems, unemployed Nathaniel( Neil ) suddenly pukes on him and ruins his night. As an apology, Nathaniel offers to help Jensen with his studies. Despite Jensen's difficulties in getting along with people, the two become friends and something deeper begins to grow between them...”
this is the summary from one of the manga websites I was able to find, it does not even describes the emotional plot line that goes along with this later, this is ones of my absolute favorites! I love this manhwa so much, its a great depiction of a coming of age story for collage students going through their life journey and slowly getting though life's difficulties  and challenges, one character is going though emotional trauma and trying to over come it for years and another character is going through anti social disorder and discovering his sexuality, it's a plot line that portrayed human aspects in life quite well. I love the relationship between the two main character and how their relationship developed over time from being friends to being a couple. there is a lot of relationship building and minimal drama, which is really refreshing from mangas that I've read, so if you are just starting to delve into BL webtoons, please read this first! you will not be disappointed
with that being said, I love Neil, so much.... you don't even know. lol. He's so precious, literally like an actual cinnamon roll. LOL. i'm exposing myself ...so i'll leave it at that, i’m also wondering why his name is neil instead of nathan or nate...? lol.
2) Here U Are
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"Orientation of  the newcomers is a task for YuYang, and he ends up helping the unsociable and towering LiHuan, the kind of person that does everything to be disliked. But after better knowing each other, he discovers that the giant isn’t that bad of a person at all...”
I really wish I could find better summaries, lol. but it's to the point without giving away too much so i'll take it. This is one of the most popular series and I can totally see why after reading it, this story has every possible human aspect and relationship building  between the two main leads, I actually teared in some parts of this manhwa and I've never done that before! such a good story and plot line, if I were to pick any series in a web toon to be animated then I would choose this series hands down. There's also sub plots between different characters as well and how they deal with their interpersonal relationships and relationships between the two main leads, I love it! This is everything I want in a story, so please check this one out
also yuyang looks a lot like miyuki Kazuya from Daiya no ace and that just made me drawn to him.I really liked his personality and in the manhwa he has girls and guys in love with him and dude...I get it.
3) BJ Alex
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"Every night at 10, Dong-gyun locks himself up in his room, grabs a box of tissues, and watches a live cam boy show hosted by Alex, a BJ (broadcast jockey). Timid Dong-gyun admires not only Alex’s ripped body, but his candor in sharing his sexual experiences with viewers. One night, Dong-gyun downs too many drinks at a school networking event and passes out. When he wakes up, he’s in bed staring up at a shirtless hunk. A hunk who looks an awful lot like...Alex.”
so um...this is more yaoi than shounen ai cause of all the graphic scenes in the manhwa, if you are veteran you may have already read this one cause its really popular. It also has a lot of comedic elements to it too so it's not too serious, but the relationship developed between the two characters later on is really sweet despite the infinite amount of sex scenes. Not much else to say about this story, it's easy to follow and the only abuse in here is the emotional kind
I'm not really entirely sure how i felt about it in the beginning but the end is really good
4) No way, vampires don't exist
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"Four college housemates — Juwon, Eunho, Seongjae, and Gyumin — are in desperate need of a fifth person to fill a vacant room in their place. But their main concern isn’t about paying rent: they’re ravenous vampires, dying to sink their teeth into a fresh, live human! So they can’t believe their luck when Dongha, who grew up isolated from society, eagerly moves in with no idea of what awaits him. To the vampires’ dismay, however, Dongha doesn’t weigh enough for them to suck his blood! As they shower their unsuspecting new housemate with food and attention to fatten him up, have they gotten too attached to their would-be prey? And is there more to sweet, naive Dongha than meets the hungry vampires’ eyes?”
I have to preface by saying that ever since my twilight phase, I didn't consume anything that had to do with vampires for a very long time, for obvious reasons, but this one I just came across after reading path to you and thought I would at least check it out. It started off really comedic and I was like...what am i reading?  but it gets really light hearted and wholesome later on in the story. What I like about this is the character juwon, If you look at him he's that type of character that would look like the stoic a-hole of the story and those characters never appeal to me. But turns out he's the sweetest person most decent person of this story, it makes you want to route for him  and another thing I like about this story is that it looks like a harem but you can tell that there’s only one person the main character doungha treats differently from the rest and how the two are compatible with one another.  in these kind of stories, it’s always treated as every character is a possible route that leads to their own story but in here....there's only one...let's be real. This is one that is an odd ball cause it's technically completed but the translations are not...so i had to read the rest in korean, which makes it a good practice for me since i'm learning korean at the moment, it’s a good exercise...lol
                             Anime/ Drama
Not going to lie this department is lacking...lol. I have only been watching Heavens official blessing as mentioned in the last journal
but I have just found out that there is a remake of Shaman king in the making....and my little girl heart is screaming cause I loved shaman king when i was younger...so I can't wait for that
as for dramas, I've tried watching Start Up but I didn't like it so I dropped it, I might try watching crash landing on you since my best friend was obsessed with it, I watched a little of it but I left it since I was busy so i may get back to watching it from the beginning
i'll put together a play list for you when you read these manga/manhwa...lol. cause that's what i've been doing
Crush- No words
Sam kim - Breathe
Crush - let us go
Kim feel - falling
Paul kim - Dream
Kim feel - Hallelujah
Davichi - please don't cry
Yoo mirae - say
taeyeon - a poem called you
baek yerin- Here I am again
I wish tumblr has a way to play music on your page, without copy right..lol. I would share all of these songs cause they are so good
so that's it for the month of November, lets' see what i get up to for December, I will be updating as frequently as possible so please look out for more art from me and follow me on my social media , I will see you all next time
     Social media      
Devianatart: she-be.deviantart.com
Instagram: shinb_art
Tumblr: shinahbee
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lisatelramor · 5 years
Truth and Lies
I’ve wanted to write something for FF15 since I started playing the game and reading fic, but hadn’t had any ideas my brain latched onto. So here, finally, is something it deigned to write. @vulcansdarkest, hope you enjoy <3 (It’s not detective!Ignis, but it is Ignis-centric ^_^ ) To everyone in quarantine or living their lives, hope you can keep safe! 
“I’m bored,” Noctis groaned, flat on his back in the tent. It was raining outside as it had been all evening. Ordinarily, this would mean a round of King’s Knight, but their phones were on the last dregs of battery life after days of hiking in the wilderness. Their second-best option would have been a card game, but a mishap during one of Noctis’s fishing marathons had taken away that option.
“Read a book,” Gladio said, tossing one of his paperbacks at Noctis’s head.
“Ow! Not all of us are into whatever historical epic-romantic whatever you’re reading at the moment,” Noctis grumbled tossing the book into the Armiger.
Ignis was about to suggest Noctis help go over their inventory and funds if he had such a dire need to keep himself engaged when Prompto sat bolt upright with a wide grin.
“Ooh, I got an idea!” He pulled something out of the Armiger and set it on the tent floor with a soft thump. “Ta-dah! We could play a drinking game!”
“Prompto,” Ignis said looking over the bottle of high proof vodka he’d pulled out. “Where did you get the funds for that?”
“Psh, I didn’t raid our budget, Iggy,” Prompto said with a wave of his hand. “I sold off some bits and bobs I collected a while back. Sometimes you can find neat stuff near all those fishing spots. I figured it might be nice to relax and have a drink once in a while.”
“I’m not sure we can really afford a night of drunken revelry,” Ignis said, though it was tempting. They’d been working hard lately, pulling hunt after hunt to gather up a better buffer of money. And when they weren’t doing that, they were looking for any hint of a royal tomb around them. It was wearing them ragged even when they weren’t roughing it camping for over a week straight.
“Please?” Prompto asked with the puppy eyes that were far more effective on all of them than they would ever admit to Prompto lest he abuse them. “It doesn’t have to be drunk-drunk, just like, a few shots?”
Gladio examined the bottle. “Vodka’s crap, but you got a less shitty brand so, sure, sign me up. Noct?”
“Sounds better than staring at the tent ceiling,” Noctis said.
Outnumbered three to one, Ignis sighed. “Very well, but we’re not drinking straight vodka.” He had a can or two of fruit juice in the Armiger to water it down with.
“Yes!” Prompto did a little seated dance. “Ok, what’re we playing? Never have I ever? Buzz? Most likely?”
“Dude do you just have a list of drinking games you want to play?” Noctis asked.
“Uh, maybe if you’d have come to one of the parties in school you’d recognize them.”
“Yeah, that was never going to happen back then and you know it.”
Prompto pouted and Ignis and Gladio exchanged an amused look. Ignis pulled out juice and a carafe and started mixing the alcohol. “Well it’s not like we can do the games with other props,” Prompto said after a moment. “No cards. No cups and balls for beer pong. Not drunk enough for the games like Thump.”
“I can’t even remotely imagine what any of those games are with names like that,” Noctis said with a yawn. “Hey Ignis, what game do you think?”
“Well, considering there’s only four of us and we don’t have props, games like never have I ever are probably the better choice. Although given how many shared experiences we have here…” Everyone grimaced. Between growing up together in the citadel to running around all of Lucis on this trip, Prompto would likely get them all drunk very fast on the sheer principle that he had more unique personal experiences that the rest of them lacked. But a game that involved talking was more or less a given. “How about… two truths and a lie?”
“Not truth or dare?” Prompto asked.
Ignis gave him a look. “With everyone’s competitive streak and magic to fuel drunken shenanigans, I think not introducing the possibility of wild dares is the best option.”
“Ok, yeah, fair enough.”
Ignis still remembered a memorable occasion where Noctis got stuck on a roof when he was still new to warping thanks to one of Gladio’s dares. They were not going that route. “Besides, two truths and a lie will be a good test to see how well we actually know each other.”
Prompto sighed. “Dude, you guys all grew up together. Kinda rigged.”
“And yet we have very little knowledge of your life,” Ignis countered. “So if any of us has an advantage, it’s Noctis for knowing all of us.”
“Ooh, good point. Guess it works in the name of bonding.” Prompto grinned. “Gonna know you guys better than I know myself at the end of this trip.”
“Quite.” This hadn’t been what any of them expected when they left but leave it to Prompto to find a glimmer of brightness in the mess. “Here’s how we’ll play: we each have a cup, no more than two helpings of the drink to work with, and will take turns telling various facts and lies while the next person in the circle guesses which was the truth or lie. If they guess wrong, they take a drink, if they guess right, the person whose turn it was takes a drink. When you run out of alcohol, you’re out of the game. Does this seem fair?”
“Geeze, Iggy, that’s a lot of rules for a drinking game,” Prompto says. “But sure, sounds great, gimme the booze!”
Ignis rolled his eyes and handed around glasses of vodka mixture.
Gladio sniffed it. “Smells more like juice than vodka.”
“The point is not to have a debilitating hangover tomorrow,” Ignis said drily.
“Ok, but those two are lightweights and I have an iron liver.”
Ignis rolled his eyes again and added a shot to Gladio’s cup. “Is that satisfactory?”
Gladio grinned. “Yeah, that’s a bit more like it. Now who goes first?”
“Specs,” Noctis said, sniffing his own cup with a wrinkle of his nose. “Since you chose the game.”
“Very well.” Ignis sat in their loose circle. Two truths and a lie… “I speak six languages, I stabbed a man when I was five, and I can do a backflip in heels.” He looked pointedly to his left at Prompto.
“Damn, starting things out on hard mode,” Prompto said with a grimace. “Uh… The flip in heels is the lie?”
Ignis smirked.
“Aw man.” Prompto took a drink. He at least didn’t seem to dislike the taste. “Wait, you can do a flip in high heels?” A beat. “You’ve worn high heels?”
Ignis kept smirking.
“Iggy!” Prompto groaned. “What was the lie?”
“He only speaks three languages,” Gladio said. “He can read six. I don’t remember you stabbing anyone when you were five though.”
“It was an accident learning how to use daggers.” Ignis’s lips tilted into a real smile. “I never said I stabbed someone purposefully.”
“None of you are surprised by the heels?” Prompto asked.
Noctis and Gladio exchange a look. “A bet,” they said in unison. “Though only Ignis would take it as a challenge to master movement in high heels in general,” Noctis added.
“One never knows if that skill might be useful,” Ignis said. He wasn’t exactly going to admit that he’d liked how they’d accentuated his legs.
“The more ya know,” Prompto said. “Okay. My turn! Uh, lesse…” He tapped his cup absently. “My first kiss was with Jessia from eighth grade, I love cucumbers, and I have a whole USB filled with nothing but dog pictures.”
Noctis pointed at Prompto. “The first kiss is the lie.”
“Bzzzt,” Prompto said.
“What? You’d have told me if you’d had your first kiss!”
“Dude, I had it before we were friends. Also, like, it went horribly and she never talked to me again so I don’t really bring it up much.”
“Wait, so either you don’t have a USB of dog photos—which you totally do—or you secretly hate cucumbers? I thought you liked vegetables.”
“I eat healthy cuz it’s healthy not cuz I like all of it,” Prompto said. “You should try it.”
Ignis made a mental note to avoid giving Prompto anything with cucumber in the future. “Drink up, Noct,” Ignis said when Noctis kept giving Prompto a look like he’d just destroyed one of the pillars of his understanding.
Noctis rolled his eyes and took a swig. “Whatever. Ok, Gladio. My favorite character in King’s Knight is Toby, I once pet a cat that had ten toes on each paw, and I caught a two-headed fish one time.”
Gladio raised an eyebrow. “That’s not even hard. You’d have talked our ears off if you caught a two-headed fish.”
“Eh, fair enough.” Noctis took another swallow of his drink.
“You just want to get drunk, don’t you?” Gladio said, amused. “My turn. I can bench a hundred and twenty kilos, on one of my camping trips I hiked forty kilometers in one day, and I once ate eight cup noodles in one sitting.”
Ignis hummed, turning the numbers over in his head.
“You know,” Prompto said, “I honestly would believe all of those actually happened. You’re not normal.”
Gladio snorted. “Thanks for the backhanded compliment.”
“You’re welcome.”
“The hiking one is a lie,” Ignis said after a moment. “I know your average bench press numbers and I remember you trying to prove something stupid with how many cup noodles you could eat in one sitting—and definitely remember you throwing them back up.”
“Worth it.”
“So the hiking distance has to be the lie.”
“You would logic it out,” Gladio said, snickering. “Yeah, you win.” He took a drink. “Your turn again Iggy.”
“Wait wait wait,” Prompto said. “I’m not going to have to guess Ignis every time am I? He’s like, way too good at deadpan for that.”
“Hmm, you have a point,” Ignis said. “Noctis and I can swap positions this next round and then you can swap with Gladio and by alternating like that we can keep things fair.”
“You’re making this way too complicated,” Noctis said, but he obligingly swapped places in the circle with Ignis.
“It makes things more interesting,” Ignis countered with a sharp grin. He had every intention of playing this game to win—by which he meant he intended to stay as sober as possible while watching his friends fall into drunken antics.
“Whatever, just get on with it,” Noctis said with a sigh.
Ignis glanced at Gladio. Gladio was privy to far more of Ignis’s private life than perhaps anyone in part because while he couldn’t always talk to Noctis—because friend or not, there were still the occasional professional boundary lines—Gladio was someone who shared a responsibility in caring for Noct and as such someone who could commiserate over some of the worse aspects of their prince’s personality. Still, he didn’t know everything about Ignis’s life. “My favorite knives are a gift from my uncle, I’ve always loved the taste of Ebony…” He pretended to put an extra second of thought into this, like he was hesitating over a lie. “One of my earliest memories is of reading a book.”
He could see Gladio labeling the knife fact as truth; Ignis hadn’t been subtle about his preferred weapon choice in combat and the topic had come up before. But Ignis was also banking on Gladio’s association of Ignis and Ebony; he’d been drinking some form of coffee since his early teenage years, and for as long as he and Gladio had any significant interaction.
“As hilarious as the idea of baby-Iggy reading is, I’m calling that out as a lie,” he said after a moment.
Ignis smiled triumphantly. “While not my earliest memory, I was reading full sentences by the age of three, so yes, it is one of my earliest memories. I actually detested Ebony the first time I tasted it and poured the can down the drain. It was only the lure of caffeine that ever got me to pick up another can.”
“No kidding.” Gladio didn’t look the least upset by guessing wrong, but he was probably happy enough to be ingesting some alcohol. “Sometimes I think you pretty much run on the stuff like the Regalia does gasoline.”
Ignis snorted. “It’s not an inaccurate assumption.” Thank goodness for caffeine for his overworked, frequently sleep deprived body.
Gladio took a larger-than-necessary swallow from his cup. “Right. So. I ran away from home when I was six, I tried to give Iris away when she was first born because she kept crying, and I can’t float when I swim.”
Noctis frowned. “I’m pretty sure everyone can float. That’s swimming 101.”
“Take a drink because I can’t.” Gladio grinned, then grimaced. “It’s actually a downside to muscle. It’s dense as hell and sinks more than my lung capacity can make me float. I can swim just fine, but it’s kind of hell trying to tread water for long.”
“Huh. You learn something every day,” Noctis said taking a drink.
“Did you really try to give Iris away?” Prompto asked. “Because I can’t see it.”
“No. I mean I was tempted because she was the worst, colicky baby ever but I was old enough that I wasn’t that impulsive.” Gladio picked at the edge of his cup. “Now if I was a couple years younger at the time…”
“I remember hearing your dad complaining to my dad,” Noctis said. “She was only quiet when she was asleep and even then that was almost never the first month.”
“Yeah, I feel so lucky she grew out of that.”
“Noctis’s turn!” Prompto chirped. “Go easy on me, buddy.”
“You wish,” Noctis said, sticking his tongue out at him. “Okay. I’ve killed every plant I’ve tried to grow, I broke three priceless vases as a kid and told no one, and I set Iggy’s first boyfriend on fire once.”
“Noctis Lucis Caelum!” Ignis said, scandalized and more than a little annoyed. “That was you?!” Ignis had been dumped very soon after that incident.
“That guy was a jerk,” Noctis said.
“I could have dumped him myself instead of the indignity of it being the other way around!”
“Uh,” said Prompto. “I’m guessing that’s not the lie.”
Ignis huffed, and Noctis waited.
“Plants are the lie?” Prompto said tentatively trying to steer things back toward the game.
“Nope. Actually it was Gladio that set the guy on fire.”
“Way to throw a man under a bus, Noct,” Gladio grumbled. He held up his hands when Ignis turned his glare on him. “Hey, he’s right. The guy was a dick.”
Gladio leaned a bit away from Ignis, a sheepish grin on his face. “I mean, no one got permanently injured.”
“Which of you ran off my next boyfriend, then?” Ignis demanded. Neither of them met his eyes.
“Uh,” Prompto said again into the tense silence. “So… Iggy, you like dudes?”
And Ignis had the horrifying realization that Prompto didn’t know.
“Oh shit,” Noctis said. “Uh, sorry Specs…”
“It’s fine,” Ignis said, hoping that it actually was fine and this revelation hadn’t just made their current close-quarters living arrangements strained. He’d forgotten for a moment, too comfortable with Noctis and Gladio being in the know, that not all of his friends actually had the knowledge that he was more interested in men than women.
“No, hey!” Prompto waved his hands frantically. “It’s cool, I’m fine with it, shit, I wasn’t trying to make things weird!”
“Prompto…” Ignis took a breath. “If this is—”
“My turn next,” Prompto blurted over him and Ignis frowned, trying to cut in only to have Prompto keep talking over him. “I’ve only kissed girls,” he said, which stung a bit considering what was just revealed, “I’m bi,” oh, “and I’ve never, uh, never had a crush on anyone here,” Prompto finished, his confidence draining into nerves. There was a faint blush on his face.
“Prompto,” Ignis said softly, “you didn’t have to do that.”
“What, continue the game?” he said with a forced smile. “Uh yeah I did, we still have booze so…” His gaze pleaded for Ignis to play along.
And Ignis couldn’t refuse considering his friend had chosen to out himself just to make Ignis feel less uncomfortable. “I take it the last one wasn’t a lie,” he said gently.
“You got me there.” Prompto took a large swallow of his drink. His cheeks were pink and he couldn’t meet anyone’s eyes.
“Shit,” Noctis mumbled. “…I wasn’t trying to make this real, I just wanted to tease Ignis.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Full disclosure, you’re not the only one who’s had a crush on someone here, Prom.”
Prompto’s jaw dropped. “Wait, is Gladio the only one here that’s straight?”
Gladio snorted. “I mean I’m mostly straight,” Gladio said. “But if we were playing a game of never-have-I-ever, the only one of us who wouldn’t drink to having a crush on Ignis is Ignis.”
Ignis went bright red.
“There was more than one reason we didn’t think your boyfriends were good enough,” Gladio said with a snort of laughter.
“…Did either of you approve of any of them?”
“Uh, the one Glaive was okay but…”
Noctis finished for him, “You weren’t into him half as much as he was into you.”
Ignis pinched the bridge of his nose. He was going to have to reevaluate so many previous interactions with a new perspective.
“Wait, Prompto, is that why you keep taking ass shots of Gladio?” Noctis asked.
Prompto sputtered. “I do not take ass shots! Of anyone!”
Gladio laughed. “Uh, hate to break it to you but you kind of do. Don’t worry, I don’t mind.”
“You take ass pics of Gladio, Ignis whenever he’s doing acrobatics, and usually half of what you take of me is mid-warp.”
“That’s just because you’re always warping, Noct,” Prompto said, settling into an embarrassed pout. “And Iggy’s usually doing backflips or setting something on fire like a boss so…” His shoulders hunched. “Also Gladio’s always rushing in so of course I get pictures from behind in battle.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” Noctis said with a shit eating grin.
“Well,” Ignis said, feeling vaguely uncomfortable and ready to finish the game, “I think we’ve learned enough about each other for one night.”
“No, no,” Gladio said. “Prompto’s right. We still have booze. Also you and Noct haven’t interacted yet and I haven’t traded lies with Prompto.” He swished his cup around. “Besides, we’re still bored. Scared you’ll get embarrassed more?” he teased.
Ignis rolled his eyes. “Not at all.” It was just that if things continued along the current lines of affairs things could get complicated in ways that their trip didn’t allow for. From the way Gladio gave him a teasing eyebrow wiggle, he was thinking along the same lines without considering the fallout. He sighed. Ignis was not going to let things run in even more flirtatious directions thank you very much. “Noct.” Coming up with something for Noctis was about as hard as Gladio. On the one hand, Noctis could be unobservant. On the other, when he did use his powers of observation, they were uncannily accurate and stuck in his memory. “I choose to keep my accent,” he said after a moment of thought, “I had tutors before I was chosen to train to be your chamberlain, and I hated cooking when I first started learning.”
Noctis frowned. “I could see you keeping the accent because you like it and it reminds you of home. I know nothing of your life before you came to the Citadel more or less, and knowing you you’re probably banking on that. So, weird as it is to think of you hating cooking, I’m calling the second one a lie.”
Ignis smiled ruefully. It figured that he’d apply logic to it. “You’re correct.” He took a swallow of his drink and was pleased at its flavor, the alcohol a faint aftertaste on his tongue.
“If you didn’t like cooking, why’d you stick with it?” Prompto asked.
“Because it’s a useful skill,” Ignis said. “Knowing it is an important life skill as well as useful for caring for others; it was non-negotiable to learn. It just took a bit of a learning curve to get good enough at it that it wasn’t troublesome. Once I started looking at it as a puzzle made of ingredients it was a lot more enjoyable.”
“You know, you’re allowed to like or dislike something based on other things than usefulness,” Noctis said with a slight edge to his voice like he was somewhere along the lines of sad and exasperated.
Ignis, of course, knew that. But when growing up with a large job to fill, there had never been much room for non-useful things. Even his hobbies were chosen to be practical. “I can also enjoy things that also happen to be practical,” he pointed out. He liked languages. And while he couldn’t say he liked cleaning, it gave him a sense of satisfaction. Cooking was similar. These days it was one part puzzle, one part challenge, and the satisfaction of an end result. Baking on the other hand… “I do enjoy baking though.”
“Oh?” Noctis said.
Ignis smiled. He’d started because he’d hoped to make Noctis smile. And every time Noct ate one of his desserts and looked a bit happier, it had made Ignis happy. “I’d have to to make the same dessert over and over with slight changes for years.”
“Wow, that almost sounds like you’re accusing me of something,” Noctis joked.
“Accuse? Never,” Ignis said, grinning back. “I am surprised you never got sick of me trying though.”
“They were good,” Noctis said. “Even the worst of the failures. And they were…”
“They were?”
Noctis looked faintly embarrassed. “They were part of how you showed you cared so… it meant a lot.”
More than the cleaning and cooking or giving condensed reports ever did if Noctis’s embarrassment meant anything.
“And this is getting weirdly emotional,” Gladio cut in. “I know Noct drank a bit, but you only took a sip.”
Ignis rolled his eyes. “It’s reminiscing and nostalgia, Gladio.”
“Uh huh. Sure.” Gladio gave him a look that had Ignis blushing slight enough that hopefully no one would notice. “Anyway, Noct, either you go or I’m going next.”
“Fine.” Noctis drummed his fingers for a moment. “I like traveling and helping people out. I don’t like how crowded we are. I sometimes wish that things could always be this simple.”
Ignis had the strong desire to give Noctis a hug, like he’d done when they were children. There was vulnerability and defensiveness warring under his attempted nonchalance and if they still had the sort of uncomplicated relationship that children had, he’d already have Noctis in an embrace. But they were adults and Noct might accept side hugs and slaps on the shoulder from Prompto and Gladio, there had been a wall of propriety between him and Ignis for a while. A wall that he should really start to take down. Propriety was pointless when there wasn’t anyone left who would care.
“The second one is a lie,” Ignis said softly.
Noctis smiled, lopsided. “Yeah.” He took a drink.
“Aw, we like crowding you too,” Prompto said, nudging Noctis with an elbow. “I mean, sometimes a little privacy would be nice, but honestly you can’t feel lonely like this and that’s been good.”
Left to their own devices they weren’t the sorts to spend every waking moment with another person, but they had been spending more or less that for months now. Ignis, if asked before their trip started, would have thought that they’d have gotten on their last nerve at some point or another, but they hadn’t. There was quiet, introspective time on car rides, or brief moments at havens to break away from the group and have a private moment, but surprisingly they hadn’t needed more than that so far. It was almost nice if Ignis didn’t think about the circumstances. And for Noctis who had never really had enough time to spend with friends with his busy life… Well, Ignis, having a busy life of his own, could more than understand why the lifestyle they’d been living appealed.
“We can’t forget our purpose though,” Gladio pointed out.
“Dude,” Prompto said, “I don’t think any of us could no matter how many fetch quests people send us on.”
“I’m just saying,” Gladio grumbled.
“And I’m just saying that tonight’s time to not think about the things that are always looming over us,” Prompto said, pushing back more than he normally would. “Please? Like we’re all strung out, that’s why we gotta relax and recharge sometimes or we’ll just burn out.”
Gladio rubbed a hand down his face and took a drink even though it wasn’t part of the game. “Yeah.”
“I haven’t forgotten,” Noctis added in a quiet voice. “I promise.”
“We’re really missing the point to this game,” Prompto said with a sigh. “Getting too real, guys. On that note, Gladio—Two truths and a lie. I’ve always wanted a pet, I bought my first camera with allowance money, and I am naturally a morning person.”
Gladio took a second to switch gears but when he did he relaxed in a very deliberate looking manner. “Well considering how you go on about chocobos, I wouldn’t be surprised if you always wanted one as a pet. And how you’re friends with Sleeping Beauty over there, it’s a mystery because you don’t need coffee in the morning like Ignis and you don’t sleep in like Noct. So, how’d you actually get your first camera?”
“I bought it with money from a part time job,” Prompto said after taking a drink. “Technically I had a phone camera before, but I was kind of frustrated at the limitations and after taking a photography class… Yeah, I was hooked.” He smiled. “So I saved up and bought this beauty,” Prompto said patting his camera. “It’s not like high end, but with multiple lenses and filters and a hella good zoom, it’s a pretty dang good first camera, you know?”
“I commend your work ethic,” Ignis said, though Prompto’s work ethic had always been good, even if he and Noctis were enablers in indulging in their gaming interests at the expense of other tasks at times. Prompto had gotten decent grades his whole life, and worked from no prior combat knowledge to full-fledged Crownsguard, pulling his own weight on this trip purely because he cared for Noctis. It wasn’t really surprising that he’d seen the goal of a nice camera and put the effort into getting it.
“Thanks, Iggy,” Prompto said with a pleased grin.
“Now if only Noct had a bit more of that,” Gladio joked.
“Of all of us, I think Prompto and I have the best work-life balance,” Noctis shot back.
“Besides,” Ignis added, “Noctis is hardworking. Unfortunately he just has a tendency to drop less pressing tasks in favor of immediate ones.”
“Is this about not sewing the button back on my shirt? Because I’m going to sew the button back on my shirt.”
“I’ve actually been impressed by how much help you’ve been with tasks like dishes and laundry,” Ignis said, a bit mean to do, but it was a sore point between them. Then again, Noctis was more likely to drop what he was doing and help than Gladio. Prompto was fine if given directions at least. Goodness knew Ignis couldn’t run every minutia of their lives no matter how much he wanted to.
Noctis groaned. “You’re never going to let high school go are you?”
Ignis smiled. “If it was only high school, I would.”
“He’s got you there, dude,” Prompto said. “You’re kind of a trash master when you get distracted.”
Distracted being anything from work, to a gaming binge, to one of Noctis’s occasional depressive episodes. Ignis was sympathetic to the latter and exasperated by the former.
“It’s Gladio’s turn,” Noctis said pointedly turning the conversation away from himself.
“Fine,” he sighed. “I am a dog person, I kill houseplants no matter how I try to keep them alive, and I kind of wish I’d gone to college.”
Prompto squinted at him. “This is the sort of thing I was worried about playing this. I have no idea which of those is a lie.”
“Guess,” Gladio said unhelpfully.
“Plants?” Prompto asked more than stated.
“Bzzt. I’m not a dog person. They’re cute and all but they’re high maintenance compared to cats.”
“Harsh, dogs are great,” Prompto said taking a drink. “They’re loyal and hard working. Don’t get me wrong, cats are adorable, but they’d abandon you for a sardine.”
“Lies and slander,” Noctis said.
“Dude, they’re super picky and you fall for their begging every time.”
“You feed every dog that looks your direction,” Noctis countered.
“Uh, no, we’ve seen like three dogs and one of those is Dave’s. You’re the one busting out super expensive cat food. Anyway, we can all agree chocobos are best.”
Noctis laughed. “I think it’s just you there.”
“Nah, chocobos are more useful and better fighters than either of them,” Gladio said, “so they win in my book too.”
“Why didn’t you attend university?” Ignis asked.
“You think I’d have had the time? I don’t know how you did it, honestly. I had my plate full learning everything I needed to protect Noct.”
Ignis could see a small, guilty twitch from Noctis. Ignis’s own university years had been…hmm, eventful. And the largest reason for his caffeine addiction. “Out of curiosity, what would you have studied?”
Gladio shrugged. “I dunno. I like history, and some of the stuff I’ve talked with Sania about’s pretty cool.”
“Oh yeah, you are friends with her aren’t you?” Prompto said. “Are frogs really that exciting?”
“Okay, the frogs are just one of the things she studies,” Gladio said. “Her greater research is on wildlife in general and you’d know that if you listened to what she said when we help her that she’s been looking into the change in daylight and the increase in scourge infected wildlife—”
“Holy shit have you been hiding a nerdy side this whole time?” Prompto said with the expression of a man who’d just witnessed something life changing. “Gladio, are you a science nerd under all that muscle?”
Gladio frowned. “Could you not say it like that? Also, I haven’t been hiding anything. I already know a lot about physiology from training, and nature is a thing I clearly enjoy as you guys love to complain about how I like camping. At least one of the books I’ve read on this trip was Sania’s research.”
“Well shit, man.” Prompto downed the rest of his drink. “The more you know. I think we all learned something today.” He blinked. “I should not have drank that all at once.”
Noctis laughed. “So we’re all on board to just drink now, huh?” He took a pointed swallow of his drink. “Might as well.”
“Really?” Ignis sighed.
“Eh, let ‘em,” Gladio said, taking a drink from his own cup. “As you guys keep saying, we’re trying to relax. Besides we were getting nowhere fast with the game.”
“That’s the point,” Ignis said. “To not get drunk.”
“They can’t get that drunk,” Gladio pointed out. “You made sure of it.”
Ignis pursed his lips, but Noctis and Prompto were elbowing each other and laughing and no one was going to end up so inebriated they were hung over the next day. It was almost like back in Insomnia…
Gladio slung an arm around him. “Don’t think too hard.”
“I am trying not to but…” They hadn’t really given themselves any proper time to grieve had they? One moment they were watching Insomnia burn and the next they were throwing themselves into seeking out royal arms and helping random strangers and going on hunts with barely any time to breathe because if they relaxed too much it might all fall apart. Ignis was used to setting how he felt aside, and so were the rest of them, but that didn’t necessarily make it healthy. Noctis and Prompto could laugh like this, so they would be okay. But sometimes Ignis wondered if he would be. That if he ever stopped he’d pull himself back together again.
“Drink if you think it’ll help,” Gladio said softly under the shriek of Noctis engaging Prompto to an impromptu tickling fight. “If you think it’ll be worse, leave it. Be in the moment, not the past.”
“I know that,” Ignis said. “I have been.” But the game had been about the past. On automatic, he saved the alcohol from getting spilled all over the tent floor as the tickle fight got wilder. Gladio gave his shoulder a squeeze.
“How about we team up against them, hmm?” Gladio offered.
Ignis pushed the mess of feelings back to deal with another day and managed a smile that almost reached his usual standards. “Would that be fair?”
“Anything’s fair in a tickling fight,” Gladio said. “Noct or Prompto first?”
“Noctis; Prompto is easier to subdue.”
“I’ll get his arms.”
“And I’ll handle his feet.”
Noctis and Prompto jumped when they entered the fight and Noctis yelped as Gladio caught him and Ignis exploited his weak points until he was gasping. Prompto laughed at his misfortune. At least until Ignis and Gladio shared a glance and turned to him, leaving Noctis to recover.
Later, much later, after more alcohol and Gladio ultimately emerging the victor of the tickle fight—he was only ticklish on his neck and that was hard to reach even when he wasn’t guarding it—they collapsed into a comfortable pile of bodies, curled up around each other, propriety and personal space be damned. They needed this, Ignis thought hazily on the edge of sleep. The laughter. The contact. The reassurance that they were still friends and close even after—or perhaps because of—everything that had happened.
“I haven’t done something like this in ages,” Gladio said, breaking the silence. “Not since… Hell, I don’t know. When I was a teenager?”
“Same,” Noctis said.
“Do our elbow fights over racing games not count?” Prompto asked. “Because we did that less than a year ago.”
“Yeah, but that’s… different,” Noctis muttered. “For one, Ignis joined in this time.” He lifted himself on one elbow long enough to fake-scowl in Ignis’s direction. “You’re brutal, by the way.”
Ignis laughed and had to stifle it on the nearest surface, which happened to be Noct’s thigh. When the laughter ran out though, he felt a bit drained, happy and sad at the same time. “I don’t think I’ve let go quite this much before.”
“Eighteenth birthday?” Gladio countered.
“Mm, but not everyone here was present for that.” And it hadn’t ended in a cuddle-pile on the ground. This was much better and would hopefully have less hangover-induced nausea the next morning.
“Well we’re all here now,” Noctis said, and like that was all that needed to be said, they went quiet, just the soft sounds of breathing and the occasional shift of limbs as they got comfortable.
Ignis ended up with Prompto’s head on his stomach and his own in Noctis’s lap. Gladio was both Noctis’s pillow and a heat source in how he managed to curl around Noctis and half of Prompto in the process. They were all going to wake up with limbs asleep and cricks in their necks, but for the moment it was all terribly comfortable.
Ignis drifted, letting the familiar sounds of his friends existing lure him toward sleep.
He was almost there when Prompto shifted against his chest.
“Ignis?” Prompto whispered, easily heard above the whistle-y start of Gladio’s snores and Noctis’s softer breathing.
“Mm?” When Prompto was silent, Ignis let a hand curl against his back, reassuring.
Prompto breathed out, relaxing minutely. “Do you think we’ll do this again someday?”
Ignis hummed. They didn’t have much downtime, though playing games happened when they did, but he knew that wasn’t what Prompto meant. They’d all shared parts of themselves tonight and boundaries had been crossed in other ways too, or they wouldn’t be curled up like this. But would it last beyond the morning?
Altissia loomed in their future and Ignis, for all that he would be glad to reach the city safely, equally dreaded it. It was one more step along some pre-destined path Noctis had laid out for him that only seemed to grow more burdensome the more Ignis let himself dissect what little he knew about Noct’s fate.
No, Ignis didn’t think that they would do this again. Not with this level of uncomplicated friendship, with their burdens as easily set aside. Those burdens only grew as days trickled by.
But he knew that wasn’t what Prompto needed to hear though, so for the moment he pulled on comforting hopes instead of his more realistic fears.
“We will,” he said, making himself sound sure.
“Promise?” Prompto asked.
He was so young, all of them were, but Ignis felt it in this fragile moment. All the more so because Prompto didn’t come from a life where things were predetermined. He’d forged his own path here, and perhaps that made him the most driven out of all of them. But because of that, he didn’t hold the same assurances. He didn’t see that he’d forged his own bonds here or that they were just as strong—if not more—as anything Ignis or Gladio shared with Noctis. Or with each other truly.
They were all friends and more than by this point. Comrades. A family of a sort, the last that each other had.
Ignis wanted to protect that with all his heart.
“I promise,” he said gently.
“Double promise,” Noctis slurred, patting randomly in Prompto’s direction. “Now go t’sleep.”
Prompto stifled a giggle. “Back at you, dude.” Noctis, apparently, fell truly asleep at that. Or perhaps he was already asleep and in one of his odd, in-between lucid moments.
“You’re one of us,” Ignis murmured, “and we’re going to stick together.”
“I’m holding you to that,” Prompto said, getting comfortable again.
As Ignis relaxed again, letting sleep pull him under, his last thought was how lucky they were to still have so much in each other.
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fandomtrashwhoops · 5 years
Fool’s Tears Pt.2
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Chapter:| 1 | 2 |
Word Count: 1699
Summary: Eliana Lynn Gothel is sought to be the lost daughter of Rapunzel and Eugene. What happens when an evil girl is caught between two words?
Author’s Note: this is very self indulgent to me, and you can tell lmao
Mother wouldn’t let me leave the house in the following week. I stayed inside, day after day, wondering when she would let me go. I sat atop of the crate in front of our dirt covered TV, flipping through the channels. I saw Auradon, freezing in place. No, today couldn’t be the day, right? My heart sank when I watched the live footage of the limousine pass through the barrier and into the land of Auradon. What I saw next shook me to my core. My best friends got off the Island, and out of the vehicle to meet the king.
Nobody even said goodbye to me.
This was the exact moment my hatred began to grow, my blood would soon turn into a boiling sea and nothing was ever the same from the second they stepped foot into Auradon and shook hands with King Ben.
My focus snapped back to the TV as I watched who I thought to be my best friends step foot into Auradon Prep. I shut the TV off, fighting back the tears that were forming. For what felt like the millionth time this week, I cried.
“They’ll be back. They will come back for you and everything is gonna be okay.” I kept repeating these words to myself but somewhere in my heart I knew they weren’t true.
“Honey, you don’t need to be in Auradon with them. They’re no good for you.” Mother stroked my hair, attempting to comfort me.
Ever since they left, I’ve been a hopeless wreck. Mother does her best to comfort me in these times, but I can tell that she doesn’t really care. Only keeping up the act until she finds someone and gets rid of me.
I never in my life expected to be invited to Auradon, and should have fully expected mother to say no. I never should’ve gotten my hopes up.
“You’re right mother, and I know you’re right.”
“That’s what I like to hear, darling. Now, go clean up the house. I’ll be back in a week.”
“Where are you going?”
“I said I’ll be back in a week. It better be done by the time I return.”
“Yes, mother.”
I watched as she walked up the stairs, glistening tears still rolling down my cheeks. Putting on a brave face, I began my work. Every day felt more and more hopeless. Would they ever get the wand and set us free?
The second she was out of sight, I sprinted up the stairs, through the alleyway, and onto the roofs that Jay and I used to race across. I could still see our footprints across the sand covered rooftops, and the streak of Jay’s shortcuts. I never knew how he did it, but he always seemed to get there a split second faster. Maybe he just ran faster than I did, or maybe I let him beat me. Either way, the reminder was brutal. I didn’t want to cry, really. But crying felt like the only thing I could do right anymore.
Their parents were still around, though. Right? I’ve always been welcomed into their space. Confirming my decision, I ran the route that Jay and I would always race on, straight back to the door. I decided to take an alternate entrance, since I’d heard voices yelling. At the back balcony, I peered into the room, seeing the faces of my 4 best friends on the screen of their TV.
For a second, I thought I saw Jay’s eyes widen, but he’d already pressed the button when the screen went black. My imagination must’ve gone crazy.
“Knock, knock.” I said, entering the room.
“Eliana, dear. You’re not in Auradon with them?” The Evil Queen asked.
I shook my head, masking my sadness. “Mother refused.”
“Soon enough, that won’t even matter!” Maleficent exclaimed. “We just spoke to the children. Friday, at ten AM there’s a big coronation. The wand will be ours.” Everyone in the room cheered triumphantly.
“I can’t wait.” I couldn’t tell if I was sincere. Did we really want Maleficent to be our leader? To make so many people suffer?
It was Friday, 9:30 AM. I’d cleaned the entirety of the house more than three times this morning. Mother still hadn’t returned, and I eagerly waited in front of the TV. Today was the day I could finally see them again. Maybe I could find out that them not saying goodbye was all a misunderstanding. My head wanted to believe that, but my heart knew I was wrong.
I paced around the house, double checking everything before looking at my shattered clock, running back to the TV. The sound wasn’t perfect but the picture was almost crystal clear.
A beautiful woman appeared on the screen, and I recognized her appearance as Snow White. “At last, here we are, broadcasting live from the coronation where Prince Benjamin will soon be crowned king! I’m Snow White,” She continued to speak for a moment, and I went into a daze for a moment. “Oh! And here comes Ben now!”
I looked at Ben and Mal in the carriage together. Mal was in a beautiful purple dress, fitting every bit of her perfectly. “King Ben. Huh, never would’ve thought.” I said quietly to myself. They chatted quietly to each other in the carriage before the scene switched back to Snow White.
“Here comes Ben with Mal, looking like a princess!” Snow White grinned as she spoke. “Now let’s see who this beauty is wearing.” She looked down to read the card. “Evie! Someone named Evie designed her gown.”
Evie always did have a knack for fashion. She designed all of our outfits specially for us. Mine was a beautiful wine red halter neck top made of leather, and black leather pants with gold accents along the edges in delicate shapes of suns and flowers. In her clothing, you could always tell she was destined to be in Auradon. It was the land of opportunity, after all.
I fiddled with my bracelet nervously. It was a black braided bracelet with a fading charm with the letter ‘J’. Jay had given it to me the day he declared us best friends. Slowly our relationship deepened and if it hadn’t been for them leaving to Auradon, I almost think it could’ve been more.
The cameras switched to them about to crown Ben as the king. My heart was racing and my palms were sweaty. Something in my heart told me this was wrong, but every other part of me needed to get off this Island.
“Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?” Fairy Godmother asked, holding the wand in her hands.
“I do solemnly swear.” Ben looked calm. He had no idea what they were about to do.
“Then it is my honor and my joy to bless our new-” Fairy Godmother couldn’t even finish her sentence as the camera quickly panned to the wand being grabbed. But the only thing I wasn’t expecting was that Mal hadn’t grabbed the wand. “Child, what are you doing?!”
“If you won’t make me beautiful, I’ll do it myself!” A girl I didn’t recognize, evidently the Fairy Godmother’s daughter, spun around as she tried to use the wand on herself.
It was only then that I watched Mal grab the wand from her. Ben stood back in horror, slowly trying to approach her.
“Mal, give me the wand.” He said.
“Stand back!” She responded.
“It’s okay.”
“Ben, I said stand back!”
I watched the others run down to help her, my mind in a daze. This was actually happening..
“Do you really want to do this?”
“We have no choice, Ben! Our parents-”
“Your parents made their choice. Now, you make yours.”
Mal froze for a moment, her voice trembling as she looked at Ben, to the wand, and back to Ben. “I think I want to be good.”
“What?!” I stood up from my crate, backing away. My mind was in a daze, my heart racing as I watched further.
Mal was talking again, tears coming from her eyes. “I want to listen to my heart, too. My heart is telling me that we are not our parents. I mean, stealing things doesn’t make you happy.” She was talking to Jay. “Tourney and victory pizza with the team makes you happy.” She was right, stealing never made Jay happy. Running long the rooftops and beating me in races made him happy.
Is Auradon really where he belonged?
She turned to Carlos. “And you, scratching Dude’s belly makes you happy. Who would’ve thought? And Evie, you do not have to play dumb to get a guy. You are so smart. And I don’t wanna take over the world with evil. It doesn’t make me happy. I want to go to school, and be with Ben.” She held up her hand, a ring showing on her finger. “Because Ben makes me really happy. Us being friends makes me really happy. Not destroying things. I choose good, you guys.” She put her hand out, waiting for everyone to respond.
To my heartbreak, Jay almost immeditely put his hand on top of hers. “I choose good, too.”
“I choose good.” Next was Evie.
Carlos hesitated, his hand hovering. “So, just to be clear, we don’t have to be worried about how really mad our parents will be? Because they’re gonna be really, really mad.” He laughed nervously.
“Your parents can’t reach you here.” Ben smiled at the group, internally I was screaming.
Don’t do it, Carlos. Please.
“Okay, then. Good.” He put his hand in.
“No!” I ripped a wood panel off of the crate next to me, breaking it over my knee and chucking it.
I cried.
When I brought my attention back to the TV, I saw Mal and what looked to be Maleficent in her dragon form on the screen. There must’ve been a small enough break in the barrier for her sceptor to work and get to Auradon.
“Leave my friends alone! This is between me and you mother.” She began to chant, her eyes lighting up more green than I’d ever seen them before. “The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one. The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one. The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one.”
Just like that it was over. Maleficent was defeated and Mal was in control. I watched Fairy Godmother speak to Mal. “She shrank to the sizeof the love in her heart. That’s why she’s so small right now.”
“Is she gonna be this way forever?” Mal asked.
“Well, forever is a long time. You learned to love. Maybe she can, too.” I shut off the TV, fuming and heartbroken.
I couldn’t believe this. First they leave without saying goodbye, and now they’re staying in Auradon forever? To be good? I moved without thinking, rage boiling inside of me as I ran out of the house and straight towards the docks.
If anyone was going to be as mad as I was, it was going to be Uma. She had to understand.
There were fireworks that night. We could faintly hear the music from the ship. The lights were beautiful, and I was livid. 
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The Legend of Asriel PART 4 | HYRULE CASTLE
now home, chara finds what they weren’t looking for.
Frisk cheerfully waves goodbye to Maddie, who refuses to be charmed by this brat and just tells them she won’t be sticking around to lug them anywhere else. Frisk considers this reasonable, and turns to Chara to ask for further directions to where they’re going. Chara points at the castle in the distance.
“Question,“ Frisk signs. “Why do you expect to find this person in Hyrule Castle?“
“Because he lives there,“ Chara replies, as if that’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“Who is he, anyway?“
Chara takes some time to respond, continuing to lead Frisk through the streets with ease. “He’s the prince,” they finally sign. “As the Hero, I was raised for the purpose of fighting alongside him to defeat the evil destined to threaten Hyrule. We’re practically siblings.”
Frisk squints. “I’ve been wondering about that. What makes you the hero and not some other person?”
Chara wordlessly tugs one of their leather gauntlets off and shows Frisk the back of their hand, where a faint birthmark in the shape of three triangles sits. “This marks me as part of this whole cycle of evil. Asriel has one too, and the other is supposedly on the sealed evil, which only leaves me. The Hero.”
Frisk rubs a little at the back of their own hand as Chara tugs the gauntlet back on. “That seems dumb and arbitrary,” they say. “Who is this evil anyway?”
Chara shrugs. “The story doesn’t say,” they reply. “All we know is that a hundred years ago, the Prince and the Hero raised alongside him fought back a terrible evil and sealed it away for a hundred years, and now the time is up.” They pause. “Well, I hope it’s still only been a hundred years. Again, I don’t know how long I’ve been gone.”
Frisk nods, and the conversation drops. Chara leads them to the castle gates and they try to gain access, but the guards inform them that no one is permitted into the castle to see the prince so “Scram, kid.”
Chara informs them that it’s fine, they really didn’t expect it to work anyway. The bit about no one being allowed is curious, but they don’t know what to make of it yet so, “Here, follow, me I know the best way to sneak in and out of this place.”
What follows is a stealth segment. Frisk gets in through a secret passage and has to sneak through the halls, dodging patrolling guards and servants and whatnot. Chara recognizes some of them, confirming to them that they haven’t been gone that long. They also capture some snippets of passing conversations, maids complaining to each other about how strict “that dodgy scientist” is being and other foreshadowing of that ilk.
The first place Chara leads Frisk is to the garden. Asriel always liked to hang out with them there! But they search high and low between the tall hedges and find no prince. So they head for his quarters, which look far more tidy than Chara has ever seen him— it’s like he hasn’t even touched them for months. On a whim, they poke their head into their own quarters just across the hall, and see them in much the same state. They try and fail to rearrange their pillows into something less eerily neat.
Another conversation passes, and this one really grabs their attention because there’s their Dad— King— Asgore, walking with some masked guy they’ve never seen before. Frisk follows, still in Stealth Mode, and they go down into the dungeons to find a sorta... laboratory... workshop-y.... room. Which Chara is quite sure wasn’t always there, this room used to contain like, training dummies and stuff. Now there’s all these tables and equipment and stuff, and a weird bundle on top of a crate which Chara keeps finding their eyes drifting towards as they follow Asgore into the room. Frisk hides behind some kinda furniture or in a convenient air vent or something, idk, and the two of them listen in.
Asgore and The Dude have a heated discussion of some sort. The dude has Plans and Asgore is a reluctant coward as usual. Several nuggets of information are dropped: First of all, it’s been six months since Chara died. Second, the Queen is missing, having been the one to deliver this news and also Chara’s body to the castle before disappearing off the face of the planet (also with Chara’s body). Third, Asriel is missing, and as much as Chara is upset to hear about that they realize they really should’ve seen that coming seeing as they already checked the two places Asriel hangs out in when Chara isn’t around. Oh, also the dude’s name is Dr. Gaster. Does this qualify as a twist? I don’t think it does.
I would also like to note that Deltarune has very little bearing on Gaster’s role in the story, as we currently have next to no concrete information on how he plays into it. Some minor details are influenced, of course, but just in case anyone decides to come charging in telling me about how wrong I am. I don’t care. This is my au. I can do what I want.
Conversation continues. Whatever Gaster’s plans are, they apparently involve that bundle Chara keeps finding themself staring at. It is an Important Bundle. Gaster picks it up and starts unwrapping it, expressing how Important it is. Asgore agrees that it is Important and that is why he is against it being used for anything because the hero is dead who else could possibly use it, much less in this state.
I then proceed to hold you the reader in suspense for the duration for at least another sentence.
Gaster dumps the contents of the bundle on a bare table and Chara suppresses a shriek at the sight of a million shards of silver metal all clattering together and topped by a blue hilt, carved in the shape of two stylized bird wings.
“When the FUCK did that happen,“ they ask, very loudly and unheard by literally anyone but themself. Gaster and Asgore go on talking, but Chara is too busy forgetting to continue interpreting for Frisk as they leap across the room to look more closely. They have to confirm. This can’t be the Master Sword, right? The legendary sword of evil’s bane? It can’t just explode into a million pieces, right? What kind of a legendary piece of shit does that? It can’t be real.
But the closer they look at it, the more certain they get— it’s very real. The hairs on the back of their neck stand up a little as they reach to touch the hilt, though they’re sure they’ll just pass through like always, but they’re cut off by Asgore slamming his fist on the table. The conversation was still going, after all, and something Gaster had to say made the king mad.
“I will not have you insinuate such things about Chara,“ Asgore says. “They were as a much my child as Asriel. You cannot possibly say they were any type of villain!“
Gaster dips his head. “Be that as it may. The fact that the sword was rendered in this state. After their failed attempt to retrieve it. Indicates they were not the hero. With only one other option available...”
Asgore snorts, cloak billowing right through Chara’s body as he turns to leave. “Absolutely not,” he says. “Come speak to me when you can speak of actually sensible topics.”
“...Very well,“ Gaster says, and Asgore vanishes out the door. Somehow, he manages to look baleful even through the odd cracked mask he’s been wearing this whole time.
He remains for a few minutes longer, carefully re-wrapping the pieces of the Master Sword and setting them aside once more. He examines some of the machinery, prods a few things, then leaves as well.
Frisk pokes their head out from their hiding place to give Chara a dry stare. “Mind filling me in?” they ask, getting to their feet. “You only translated the first half of that conversation, I had to guess at what they were talking about after that.”
“My apologies,“ Chara says, perching on the edge of a table with a casual smile. “I had deemed the rest of what they had to say so utterly banal, I was sure you’d be just as bored as I was.“
“Bullcrap,“ Frisk says, leaning around them to look at the bundle. “You’re way more awesome at interpreting than that, something got your attention. What was that, a pile of daggers?“
“A broken sword, actually,“ Chara replies, smile growing strained. “The sword I was meant to acquire, actually. You may recall I mentioned it?“
“Vaguely,“ Frisk says. “Anyway, conversation?“
Chara shrugs helplessly. “I was sorta distracted, sorry,“ they reply. “I think that Gaster guy insinuated I’m not the Hero and Dad got mad, which he should because obviously I’m the Hero. I’ve been the Hero all my life.“
Frisk remains skeptical.
“Anyway we definitely shouldn’t stick around, that guy could come back at any minute,“ Chara says, hopping to their feet and trying to look like they’re not on the verge of a panic attack. “Grab the bundle and let’s go.“
“Wait, why do we need the bundle?“ Frisk asks, picking it up. “It’s just a bunch of hunks of metal now, right?“
“I dunno but it’s definitely important,“ Chara says, bustling them out of the door. “Now come on, nearest escape route’s that way.“
More stealth, but this one ends in Frisk getting spotted by a guard. They attempt to flee, but luck is not on their side as they get surrounded. Gaster shows up, being basically in charge of everything right now and naturally curious about the sudden cries about an intruder. The guards part all dramatic-like to let him through and he peers at Frisk, musing about what a child from the desert is doing all the way up here.
Then he notices the bundle tucked under their arm. They attempt to turn their body to hide it, but Gaster has already seen it. “Would you care to hand that over?” he asks, holding out a hand. “It’s quite important. Not the sort of. Thing. Petty thieves have any use for.”
Frisk narrows their eyes, taking a small step back, and Gaster tuts. “I had hoped. You would listen,” he says. He jerks his head at one of the guards. “You. Retrieve that package. Mind their blade. Whether they know how to use it. I imagine it would sting.”
The indicated guard steps forward, reaching for the bundle, and Frisk draws back again, indeed going for their sword. There’s not very far they can go, though, and no way they could win this fight, so they prepare to give up the bundle.
Chara has other ideas, though, and as the guard touches the bundle they lunge, hands passing through the fabric and wrapping around the broken hilt— wrapping around it, they realize, not merely pretending but actually touching it— and something surges through them. And then a fraction of a second, it surges out of them in the form of a blinding flash of golden light that sends all the guards reeling, eyes burnt as they grope around wildly and raise their voices in an attempt to figure out what just happened.
When the spots clear from their vision, they find the weird child is gone, and the Royal Scientist merely staring at the spot they just vacated with his mask as unreadable as always. And a short distance from the palace (but growing further with every moment) Frisk runs full-tilt away from the window they just scrambled out of, bundle clutched tight to their chest and ghost drifting along after them.
“I told you it’d be important!“
[Next Part] [Index]
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otome-asylum · 6 years
Kings of Paradise - Yosuke Sagara MS Review (Season 1)
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Yo. All I have to say is what the hell... Like, in the best way possible. Yosuke is. Well. Wow. My sister played Yosuke’s route before I did, several months ago, and for some reason I thought she told me I wouldn’t like it. Therefore, I went in a little apprehensive, but I was completely blown away by this story. I don’t even know where to begin. I thought, honestly, like his personality would be similar to that of Ota Kisaki from Kissed by the Baddest Bidder (sorry, I know I keep comparing all of them to KBTBB characters, but they remind me a lot of KOP...).
It was not.
Before I get too far into my own feelings, I would give this route a very generous 9/10. Eventually I’ll be through with characters from Kings of Paradise, and then I’ll move on to other titles. :) As I said, I was COMPLETELY blown away by this story. I was a little sad at first, considering Yosuke refers to MC as “merchandise” on more than a few occasions, and it’s a little sucky that he doesn’t start realizing her worth until clients of his start giving him little bonuses because they enjoyed her company so much. He’s got weird baggage, much like the rest of them, but he’s so clumsy about his emotions. It was so cute to watch him develop his feelings and struggle with things that were unfamiliar to him. I really loved it. The whole premise of Yosuke’s route is that MC is his “merchandise,” as in, someone he is going to train so they know how to act in higher society, in the business world, etc. I wrote down some notes while I was playing his route. I thought that he was a little misguided in the way he treated MC and viewed the world at large, but that he had genuine intentions of wanting to find her a man that would make her happier than anyone else. While I would say that he definitely views her as more of an object in the very beginning, he very quickly starts seeing her potential and the character that lies beneath her “boring” exterior and past. I know that the story needs a premise, but it really bothered me that he viewed her as property in the beginning, or an extra special bargaining chip to con the rich out of money. (Hence the 9/10.) However, I loved watching him try and change his tune, trying to make her happy, and just generally keep himself in her good graces because he cared what she thought of him. 
He is weirdly detached, almost alien, in the beginning. (Side note: please play his POV. It’s wonderful.) In the first chapter, he starts his training by trying to see how she reacts in more sexual situations, and she is not having it.
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There’s no better way to get a feel for the kind of guy she likes without making a move on her, other than, you know, maybe asking her what she looks for in a man. Maybe. But what do I know? I thought this part was hilarious, and I love MC in Yosuke’s route. She’s very feisty and outspoken for a Voltage MC. Yosuke is also very flippant. If you’re into anime, which you might not be, that's cool, his attitude reminds me of Kisuke Urahara from Bleach. Flippant, noncommittal, hiding a deeper seriousness and pain, that sort of thing.
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I also wrote down that he’s awkward and doesn’t really know what he’s doing, but that he’s trying his best. (For instance, when he’s in a really good mood, he likes to give people extravagant gifts, including a rather pricey antique pearl necklace once he starts falling for her but doesn’t realize it yet, but also amazing gifts to the other Paradise members.) Throughout the majority of his story, he keeps trying to set MC up with rich, powerful men (who are all crazy about her), but all her feedback on them are things like “He was nice,” or “He was a gentleman.” It’s very funny because they’re giving Yosuke crazy approval and desire to actually date her seriously. All the while, Yosuke and MC are falling for each other and not realizing it because they both have very different things on their minds. Somehow, romance is on neither of their brains so they can’t see the brewing chemistry. I like that MC is the one to kind of kick-start his heart again. However, it’s very frustrating that he really doesn’t listen to her. She says repeatedly that she’s not ready to jump from one marriage to another, or that she’s not looking for love, but he refuses to hear it, more concerned with making money (in the beginning) than whether she’s ready for whatever he has in store for her. The one who has the most promise as her future partner is a Chinese billionaire by the name of Yanghua Lee. He’s very sweet, accommodating, genuine, and gentlemanly--but the more time she spends with Yosuke, of course, the less she cares about other men. Not that she really cared about them in the first place...
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He just doesn’t get that she’s not interested, and that almost makes him more adorable. Frustrating, by god, but adorable nonetheless. It’s when he and MC make love on a “training” trip to the Maldives that he starts falling hard for her, and as I said earlier, you can see it in the way that he starts buying expensive presents (like that necklace) for her to try and show his appreciation (that he’s confusing with romantic feelings). I adored watching this love grow, and watching Yosuke slowly realize his own emotions. He is awkward, and he is clumsy, but I also said that his emotions and his intentions and feelings were genuine ones. I really feel that. He’s a bit...childish, but more in the way that he doesn’t know how to convey what he’s feeling in words, or without giving something extravagant. (Also, I just have to say that the sex he and MC have? Absolutely choice. He and Shun are on the same level, but express it differently. I’d say Shun’s is a pure, passionate loving, while Yosuke’s has those qualities, but it’s also a little more teasing.) 
Final verdict, do I recommend? YES, MA’AM. I’m having a bit of a dilemma here, because I adore Shun, and he will always be my favorite in KOP because his kind of love is my absolute bias, but Yosuke. My dude. This route? The SEX? Phenomenal. I loved this story line. I loved Yosuke’s character development, especially because you could really see him struggling with his own emotions and predispositions. Taki is one of the ones who speaks to Yosuke about his spending habits when trying to genuinely give someone a gift because he cares about them, and it’s sweet as hell because Yosuke’s so bashful. 
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In the Bodies on Fire ending (I think?), he’s still so awkward with expressing what he wants and his feelings, but it’s very him. He’s really such a sweet man, and someone who needs practice expressing his love in words, but he’s a pleasure to read. Also, Yanghua is one of the best side characters Voltage has ever created--at least in the love rival department. He concedes loss to Yosuke amicably, expressing remorse that he couldn’t be the one to make MC happy (because he had developed real feelings for her), but that, ultimately, Yosuke was a good friend, and he wanted to see him and MC happy. I appreciated that more than I think Voltage would understand.
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If you get the chance, and you feel so inclined, please read his story. It really is something I haven’t yet experienced in a Voltage game. (As another aside, I love that KOP is extremely mature for what Voltage usually puts out. I’ve been very impressed and enthralled with the content of these stories since I started the game.)
Happy playing!
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Tel Aviv 2019: Straight outta Finland to Eurovision with a meme icon and his side-kick
“heeeeeey what is that song on that video???” Definitely not Darude - Sandstorm. Grow the fuck up.
I mean that they basically threw off the open call for songs from Finnish artists, instead opting for having one artist national final, usually one very known but very gettable-bored-of name so that they could get some more viewership rather when they pick a random nobody from a bunch of other random nobodies. Last year YLE got themselves an artist whose Eurovision ticket was long overdue, but this year they went the extra step and brought us HIM.
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No, not that HIM. They can't go anyway as they've already disbanded. I'm talking about HIM.
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Yes, THAT HIM. Meet Toni-Ville Henrik Virtanen, which thankfully has a pseudonym to publish his music with - Darude. Almost 20 years ago he published this beautiful techno single "Sandstorm" with lyrics like "du du du du du du du du du du du du". And now it's become the big-ass target of memery for the past few years on the Internet, with Darude being very well aware of it all - I don't think he has escaped questions about "Sandstorm" now that the Eurovision interviewers media is on horizon and interviews literally every single representative, no matter if they're shy or unpopular with the bookies at all.
And even if "Sandstorm" was the only thing to shake his tiny little Finnish world, it did not break Darude to be just a one-hit wonder (well he still looks like one but yeah) and he's got more music out ever since. And it probably sounds a little too tragic when YLE resorts to just nagging and begging Darude to represent their nation, even kinda secretly hoping that thanks to him Finland can have a qualification just solely for the meme factor. Darude even said so that he at first rejected their calls, but this year became THE year for him to go, and he's not alone obviously - his credited vocalist friend for this ride to Tel Aviv became Sebastian Rejman, a bit washed-up media star who already did some collaborating with Darude.
So the format was basically the same for this year's UMK - artist announced separately, then each of their 3 songs gets published every week on a specific weekday, with single cover art and a music video already, and the Finnish people together with international juries vote for the best track. Simple as that. Unlike with Saara Aalto though, all Darude & Sebastian songs were barely even distinct from one another in sound - just techno songs that have a piece of "Sandstorm" with themselves. Well only 2 do anyway. But still, techno/house songs to listen to on the radio when you're driving and minding your own business. And I had hard time picking favourites but all of them were alright I guess. Yet somehow my least favourite happened to win... and that was "Look Away", very much so inspired by natural disasters and how do we all ignore everything around us. No matter if it's a storm or hurricane or tornado or wind throwing sand at our eyes.
I don't know why the song didn't click with me all that much at first, I suppose it was because it's just a mindless gloomy techno song that raises global awareness (we already have Denmark talking about that, but they're insisting that "love is forever", while Finland is just... getting up more seriously in all this), and besides that, it's just incredibly repetitive. It consists more of the pre-chorus-ish chorus (I mean the line "is it in my head? Am I the only one?" and that other line preceding) and the actual chorus that mostly goes like "look away, look away, look away...". Even to the point when the song ends with some additional “look away”ing but under a different drum beat. What's it with Finns having a passion for the word "away"? We already had seen them sending a "Sing It Away", which was basically a cheer-up tune telling you to sing your problems off... while this year? We're trying to NOT look into the problems dead in the eye. We're looking... erm, uh, away.
But now I do have to say that I somewhat like it. Tell it to ya - the B minor chord is possibly one of my least favourite music keys, so I might as well be a little bit more negative on it if takes the song with itself to sound incredibly dull and painfully meh. So thankfully we'll be hearing it live half a step lower (idk if that's what it is with most EDM singers in Eurovision that shit like this can be possible, as well as idk why are they allowed into Eurovision in the first place. But seriously, why can't you just choose the same key you sang in in studio for Eurovision...), which made the song sound better to me - as a Nightcore junkie, I am passionate about hearing songs in different keys all the darn time, to see in what key would a certain song sound the best. It's usually the song's key that makes me like a song better or worse live rather than a live performance itself (though in some NFs I can see which of my favourite acts are DoA by not even emoting towards them - my emotion has to be evoked, and if I evoke it on purpose, well then, I'd just rather stay motionless completely on anything and only yelp if a song causes me to do this unexplainedly). We'll see how Sebastian will execute his singing live. As for now, he's the captain of this sinking ship that hit a small iceberg (another one of the disasters we usually "look away" from until it's found in our history books). Not Darude. Darude's just merely a musical hold-up of the disaster. It all has to depend on the vocalist and if the staging clicks with the audience. Sure, Darude can put on a red wig and green sunglasses so that he could click with the meme audience, but that won't get the Finns far.
So I like this song, it actually has some cool musical moments thrown in (I like the piano for one), I can enjoy this off my free time. But Estonia does it better at the "Finno-Ugric EDM-ish entry about Mother Nature's tantrums" category and I ain't even sorry for saying this. But I gotta be sorry for Darude. This year's UMK had the lesser care about it because... well, these songs weren't exactly inspiring or anything, and with people wanting something groundbreaking, their hopes kept on vaning away with each and every song release of the UMK entries': "oh so the next 2 two songs will be good right?" "oh so then the last one will be the best one, yeah right?" "...oh, okay then .-." And him, as the Finnish meme king, should have deserved a better year for a better Eurovision stint, so he could have become something à la Epic Sax Guy. Right now I mostly see a middle-aged DJ with 2 kids, not a redhead dude with green sunglasses looking shadily on us. And that's okay sometimes because memes don't necessarily need to be remembered for memes (just like I mostly remember Kanye West for music, and then memes come second), but Finland's gonna take a miracle to get through, and I hardly see any. That's an aina mun pity.
Approval factor: Eh, it's alright, but I would certainly not hold it up to high regards post-contest? lol.
Follow-up factor: it's kiiiiinda bleak knowing that after giving us probably one of the most favourable dark horse efforts for Eurovision they're now going down the dancier route, with one entry after being a banger, the other being a dad banger. Ah well. It doesn't flow so neatly in my eyes, it seems.
Qualification factor: almost dead in the tracks. Finland flows anywhere they can, having a lot of bad luck for 3 years this decade, and I doubt that the juries will be supporting this heavily, considering they are better at rating good vocalists over bad ones, so I don't think this will sail through. But I secretly have hopes in this. It's not that bad, but Estonia is in this semi too, and it's a friendlier EDM track, so I don't quite think that repetitive will out-compell the good formulaic. Plus, Sebastian has a lot to fix vocally, and I doubt that he will carry Finland any further if he doesn't fix anything, so so far the chances of Finland aren't looking up imo. Bottom 5 at the semi is more likely if not already the actual outcome. Maaaaybe 10th in the semi at best, but I doubt it.
The more this section pops up in my works, the less I wanna recap national finals anymore. I hope there’s more breather moments with me having to review a lot of internal selection songs in between the ones from NFs, because this whole season was an utter disaster, and it’d help if the next one isn’t. So let’s check in on Finland's selection’s best:
• But seriously, did anyone ever see Darude as a Finnish representative coming??? No??? Me neither. I was just sitting there, waiting to see if there's a hope for Mikael Saari (you know, that balladeer guy from previous UMKs - I do believe some audiences love him just as much as Saara Aalto, who only was on one UMK and one Euroviisut) to be announced on this special separate programme. Nope - the trilingual hosting trio of the programme that included Krista Siegfrids in it as the token Swedish speaker just happened to happily proclaim Darude as THE Finnish hopeful... and the world was s h o o k e t h. Just look at him go. His smug grin is still iconic on here.
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• During the wait for all the UMK songs to pile up, the excitement for Darude faded away and everyone moved on to support other countries. I can't blame them, because I have found like one decent song this UMK that's still worth listening to twice a year or so - "Superman". Where Darude becomes the everyday hero for ordinary people that have difficulties in live to do mundane stuff. Maybe this song would have made him look like a better meme than his current entry would have? Just watch him go on his DJ booth dressing like a knock-off superhero because EBU doesn't allow blatant advertising. A way better gimmick than Gromee's snakey hands. Alas, no one will have to hear "Superman" anymore. Granted it's just an EDM song just like any other, but somehow I liked it best, end of.
• There's at least one memorable screenshot from UMK as well, so I'm happy with that. I saw this pop up on my Twitter time line and I could not stop laughing inside. Seriously. Krista and this other guy should host ESC provided Eurovision is ever coming back to Finland. They had a lot of iconic outfit changes during the NF itself (and the NF itself had "Look Away" with some dancer on a cube but they scrapped the tall cube for Tel Aviv entirely), but those floral onesies are my favourite.
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Now I kinda hope that there’s something that will alarm YLE in the meantime that Finland needs a better approach for Eurovision and we’ll see another fully-fledged UMK in the works next year, and then Finland can be great again. For now, I’ll just wish “onnea” to Darude and Sebastian, with hopes that people don’t look away from their song at all! (but most likely they will so what’s the point.)
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lethesomething · 6 years
The definitely not definitive otome guide
I sincerely doubt the world needs this, but that sort of thing has never stopped me before. Have an extremely biased guide of several dating sim games, organised by some arbitrary metrics.
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Word of warning: this will be long (4k words), because I've played an embarrassingly large amount of otomes.
As a disclaimer: obviously this is a personal opinion. If you (as a lot of people do) enjoy the more forceful bad boy type in your dating sim, I’m not going to judge you. I, however, don’t, so this list is very specifically going to call out games for how they treat the protag.
Featured here: Amnesia: Memories,  Blood in Roses, Cutie Demon Crashers, Destined to Love, Dream Daddy, Hatoful Boyfriend, Hustle Cat,  Ikemen Revolution, Ikemen Sengoku, Lost Alice,  Midnight Cinderella,  Monster Prom, Mystic Messenger
A note on play styles.
These games come in a few flavours, which is important to know if you're gonna try them.
The vast majority of the mobile games here follow a basic visual novel structure. You pick a guy and read through the different chapters, and depending on your answers you'll be leaning toward one of two or three endngs. Since these are free to play mobiles, there's a bunch of challenges you will need to log in daily to pass.  
Mystic Messenger is the main outlier, since it's a chat simulator that plays in real time.
The pc games tend to be more complex, with interlocking routes and more endings, generally. You'll need a number of skill points to meet character A for instance, or you'll need to do a series of actions to reach ending B.
  Great games
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Ikemen Sengoku
Hands down one of the best mobile otomes out there right now. I found this when searching for pics of Masamune Date (from a different game) and I've sort of been obsessed with otomes since.
Platform: Android (free to play, pay for premiums) Story: MC gets sucked into a wormhole and finds herself 500 years back in time, in Sengoku era Japan. She drops in on the exact moment where Nobunaga Oda, the Demon King, would be assassinated at Honno-ji. She stops the murder, disrupts the timeline and now there's a bunch of hot warlords vying for her attention. Protagonist’s spine: Reinforced steel. This is one of my favourite protags, because she is Super Sassy and doesn't take shit, unless she's literally being threatened with a sword. The protags where I feel like I understand their actions are few and far between, but this is one of them. Except when she goes far beyond mere bravery to get her man, and decides to forgo tampons and, like, wifi, to live 500 years in the god damn past. Squick factor: Low. This game is made by Cybird, a company that appears very big on consent. The guys generally treat MC with respect, probably more than could be reasonably asked of a Sengoku warlord. The only worrying stuff happens in the Obvious Yandere route, but you kinda know what you're getting yourself into with that one.
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The Good: I friggin love the writing for this game. The guys feel like real characters, there's a ton of interaction between them and I need to give this game extra points for the story events, which are almost invariably gold. This is where the makers stop giving a shit about realism and just go for what they want to write. There's ones where all the guys are suddenly idols, there's a Christmas episode, there's one where they battle through cooking and cleaning. It doesn't take itself serious, is what i mean, and it's Hilarious. The Bad: This is one where the in-game art (aside from the CG's) is actually not that great. Hideyoshi's smile is kinda weird looking and the models feel a little outdated at this point. Best Warlord: This is very difficult, because a lot of them are dreamy, but let's just say that I need a Mitsuhide route so very badly.
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 Ikemen Revolution
The newest Cybird game and my current fave.
Story: MC falls down the rabbit hole when she tries to give a rushed White Rabbit man something he dropped. She ends up in Cradle/Wonderland, where war is about to break out between the Red and Black army, the Hearts and the Spades. Everyone is hot dudes and MC is considered Alice the Second (after the one from Through the Looking Glass). Squick factor: Low. Again: Cybird game. This means there is steamy situations and sex scenes, but they're blatantly consensual. The routes I've played so far keep well within the bounds of what I would consider romantic. Protagonist’s spine: Varnished wood.  In general MC is self-propelling with occasional bouts of bravery. You can tell why she's doing the things she's doing and how she reacts to situations feels sort of logical. She's hard-working and caring and a little naïve, but the fact that she's canonically a woman from early 19th Century London does put a lot of her actions in perspective (like the amount of bullshit she puts up with).
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The Good: The writing is fun. There's a good mix of angst and just… general comedy. The characters interact with each other a lot, and it feels like they're a big loud family, especially in the Black Army, which is more like a frat than anything else. The art is also decent. The backgrounds are utterly gorgeous and most of the guys are very good looking. When I first started the game I was weirded out by the blinking animation, but I have since gotten used to that. The Bad: I found some of the plot rushed. Like you spend so long slow burn growing toward each other, and then suddenly stuff has to happen action movie style because we're running out of chapters. The final chapters of Fenrir's route were just plain dumb. Like could that BE more of an obvious trap. Come on MC, I expected better of you. Also, since this is a very new game, not that many routes are out (four at the time of writing). Best boy: Hooo man. Of the routes that are out, Ray is very… oooof. But my fave chars are probably 'so done' Sirius (the fact that he's voiced by Suwabe has nothing to do with this, surely) and 'also quite done' Kyle, who is both a doctor and an alcoholic wreck of a human being.
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 Mystic Messenger
You know Mystic Messenger, it's like one of the biggest otome's of the past few years.
Platform: Android, iOS (free to play, pay for extra saves and stuff) The Story: MC follows a text message to a weirdly high tech apartment and this somehow puts her in the position of party planner for a secretive group of weird people. It only gets more complicated from there. The game plays out in real time, via chat conversations and the occasional story segment. Squick factor: Um. I personally wasn't weirded out, but I also decided very specifically not to play Jumin's route. This girl did her research. The routes in Another Story are also very over the top and would probably bug me. While I love the Saeran character, I don't think I'd be able to handle that route. So: highly dependent on chosen route. Protagonist’s spine: Adderall. It takes a specific kind of person to download a chat app and follow the instructions given by a random stranger therein. It takes a much stranger person to sit in an apartment with a bomb and just keep inviting people to a party. MC is on a different level from us mortals.
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The Good: I loved the game mechanic, because it felt very real. The player is following a chatroom, just like the character is. Besides that, the story is completely bonkers and I appreciate that. The Bad: Did I mention it plays in real time? Because it plays in real time, meaning you get chat conversations at two in the morning. I was very sleep deprived when I played this. Best boy: 707. Dude is funny and deep and hot and relatable and smart and I want to give him all the hugs.
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 Dream Daddy
One of the few decidedly mlm games I've played so far. You've probably heard of it since it was the subject of much hype and much controversy. Markiplier played it. Friggin Buzzfeed has video's on it.
Platform: PC and Mac (it's on Steam) The Story: MC is a Dad who moves into a neighbourhood with a lot of other single(-ish) dads. Time to work it. Squick factor: Low. This is primarily a humour game: there's a ton of dad jokes and silly mini games, and a distinct lack of kabe don's. The canon routes are all very thoughtful. Protagonist’s spine: Barbecued sausage. Player Dad just goes for it. He’s flexible and caring enough to handle the more sensitive subjects, and self aware enough to deal with random crime and weird drunks.
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The Good: I remember opening this game and, in the character creation screen, telling a trans friend of mine 'omg you can wear binders', and the sheer Glee of his reaction. That's the kinda stuff this game was, partly, made for and it is appreciated. I really liked the tongue-in-cheek writing, most of the jokes landed and the whole thing is just a lot of fun. The Bad: Some of the minigames are annoying. Why the hell are you making me play Bejeweled with fish? I also had a hard time sympathizing with some of the kids. I mean… Lucien straight up tries to murder someone? Ernest is 'rebellious' but he's also an ass. Best dad: Damien has the best route, but have you Seen Mat? Holy moly.
 Not worth it games
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Amnesia: Memories
This game should come with a friggin warning, so I'm giving it here. Its popularity and star rating is a terrible indicator for how much you may enjoy this game. It presents itself as a cute dating sim with gorgeous art, but it devolves into straight up horror, and not in the good way. This feels like a guidebook written in the 1800's to tell young women their place. Not even mortified intrigue could make me finish this. 
Platform: PC (Steam or Google Play) and PlayStation Vita Story: MC wakes up with amnesia. Someone hurt her and she doesn't know who to trust. You'll need to figure out what happened. Squick factor: Super high. Like… so high.  Everyone treats MC like shit and she just lets it happen, even developing all kinds of Stockholm Syndrome as she falls in love with these asshats. MC's childhood friend supposedly loves her but is such a tsun and just… doesn't communicate while also treating her like a small child. One of the other characters is so popular he has a fucking harem but MC is just supposed to wait for him to actually fall in love with her. And don't even get me started on that friggin yandere. *shudders* Even the secret route 'true love' character is a million types of wrong. Protagonist’s spine: Undercooked custard. MC has the self preservation skills of a wet sponge and whoever is playing this is supposed to get turned on by high concept ideas of S&M that are just written out so badly everything feels like an abusive relationship.
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The Good: *sigh* The art. The art is very pretty (I'm upset at the art since it sucked me into the horror). Also, as a visual novel, this one is complex as all hell. There's a ton of endings  (most of them deadly) depending your actions as a player. It's vast, is what I'm saying. Also, I hear the clover route isn't as bad as some of the others, but I was too weirded out to try. The Bad: See rant. This is one of those games that really seems to glorify the whole possessive, abusive boyfriend shtick, but it's ok because he loves you, really. Ugh. Just… ugh. Best boy: Kent? I guess? He doesn't appear to be actively abusing MC at least.
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 Shall we date: Lost Alice
I wondered if I should include this because I literally played like ten chapters  and then deleted it, but that in itself should give some indication.
Platform: Android (free to play, in-app premium purchases) Story: MC wakes up in the forest with amnesia (I see a trend). Turns out she's in Wonderland and everyone thinks she's Alice. Most of Wonderland's characters are, predictably, hot men. Squick  factor: Unavailable. I didn't play far enough to see but some of the men are quite pushy and also it's a Shall we date app, so… tread carefully. Protagonist’s spine: Cement. This is an MC that puts up a fight, which I respect. Sadly she does so in that 'needlessly aggressive' way that anime characters sometimes have. I didn't find her particularly sympathetic.
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The Good: The art. It's always the art that gets me. The Bad: The UI annoyed the shit out of me. This is a free to play, pay for premiums game, so some level of mindless clicking is expected if you try to play for free. This one had just too much. There was friend greeting and picture rating and princess lessons and got knows what else, all taking a ton of time. Trying to get to the home page popped up at least four different 'now on sale' screens every single time. The writing wasn't good enough for me to deal with that. Best boy: Well there’s a cat. So.
 Decent games
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Hustle cat
This game is set in a cat café, that was all the encouragement I needed to buy it.
Platform: PC (Steam) Story: MC is invited to take a job at a cat café. Turns out everyone in the café is cursed, and also they're into you. Squick factor: Almost non-existant. This is a very tumblr friendly game in the sense that your love interests are both male and female, and none of them are particularly pushy. The relationships feel pretty natural and mostly consist of MC helping their love interest with some subquest. Protagonist’s spine: Cucumber. MC is actually pretty cool. The game does that 'modern western game' thing where you get to pick a gender and a skin colour for your protag and the general atmosphere is 'tongue in cheek'. MC doesn't let people walk over them, but they're generally helpful.
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The Good: CATS. The premise of this game is pretty neat. The Bad: According to Steam I played this five months ago, and I pretty much forgot about it. Fun game but not particularly memorable. Best cat: Landry. Tall, gentle giants are a particular weakness.
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 Shall we date: Blood in Roses
This is me giving Shall we Date another shot, because the amount of hot mildly medieval boys was intriguing.
Platform: Android (free to play, in-app premiums) Story: There's two, because this app has been around for a while and now has two 'seasons'. The Witch stumbles upon a supposedly abandoned castle and gets imprisoned there by a bunch of vampires. The Hunter, meanwhile, seeks out the castle because she wants to stop an attack on her village. Both come to realize that the castle is now a hotel for monsters, and that its denizens are both not what they imagined, and also hot. Squick factor: Highly dependent on route. The Witch literally starts in a jail cell, so you can imagine the Stockholm Syndrome shit that goes down. Also, this is a personal preference, but I'm really weirded out by a lot of blood play stuff so most of the vampire routes are gonna be… problematic. Shall we Date games don't shy away from sex scenes and I like that, but coupling them with drinking blood 'to get in the mood' is a rather specific niche. The game does offer a number of other options for you to court, from werewolves to wizards and… grim reapers? It's a mixed batch. If you're not into pushed boundaries I can offer one tip: stay away from the vampires. Protagonist’s spine: Sand cookie. She has one, but it's brittle. I've mostly played Hunter routes and it's like… she tries, and she can take care of herself but she also tolerates more bullshit than necessary, ya know.
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The Good: The art is good, and some of the storylines are intriguing despite my reservations. I'm still playing it (mostly in a quest to find a good ending where MC doesn't die to become a weird immortal creature).  The UI, while annoying, isn't as bad as Lost Alice's, or so it seems. The Bad: The writing is very hit or miss. There's routes where the guy just sort of lowkey stalks MC, until she suddenly decides she's incredibly in love with him. There's others  that make even less sense, and then there's ones that feel more natural. In general, MC's actions don't  seem to have a lot of thought put into them. Best boy: So far: Gordon. He's cute and sensible and tortured and not incredibly antagonistic.
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 Midnight Cinderella
You'll notice a friggin ton of Cybird games on here.
Platform: Android (free to play, premium purchases) Story: MC gets, mostly by accident, chosen to be the Princess of Wysteria. As such she must prepare to govern the country when the king dies, and choose a consort from a number of suitors. Squick factor: Low. Not only are these men respectful of her, they're rather literally treating her like royalty. Having said that, there is a lot of the typical hurtful tsun stuff going in several routes. Protagonist’s spine: Lightly done steak. There's something weird going on with the protag in this game. When it comes to governing, she's tough as nails. She's thrown into a situation she wasn't ready for, and while this stresses her out 24/7, she performs admirably. On the other hand, her main reaction to literally anything when it comes to love is 'Oh'. She cries a lot, at times she feels like a wet rag. There's a bunch of situations she could have just solved by going 'Yeah I'm into you'. She's complex, I guess.
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The Good: The writing, while melodramatic, is nice. The art is good as well. The Bad: This is an old game and it doesn't perform that well on my current-gen smartphone. Expect to push certain buttons several times before the game realizes what you're trying to do. Also the loading takes ages. Best boy: For me, Sid, because he reminds me of Aomine Daiki and I'm weak for that type of personality. As far as routes go, Leo's probably had the most impact on me.
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 Destined to Love
I'll be honest, I started this because of an event in Ikemen Sengoku that would give me cross game storage. Don't judge me.
The Story: MC gets flung back in time (this is also a trend, it seems) to the 1800's, a few weeks before the Ikedaya incident will make the Shinsen-gumi a historic Legend. She meets, and chrams, a whole bunch of historical figures. Protagonist’s spine: Cured leather. As a modern woman sent back in time, MC is probably fairly sassy by the standards of the time, but she remains mostly polite. She's tough, considering the circumstances, but quite pliable in that 'we'll see where this goes and make the best of it' way. Squick factor: Low. There's one character that just screams 'red flag' but I have yet to try his route. Since this is a Cybird game, most of the guys are pretty respectful.
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The Good: I really like the premise? As the title suggests, MC's love is part of a higher destiny, one that transcends time, and it's one of the reasons she has to go to friggin 1800's Japan. She has a hand in making history. This amuses me. Also, the guys are pretty good looking. The Bad: This is a fairly old mobile game and you can kinda tell. On a technical level it's not as bad as Midnight Cinderella, but again the touch buttons aren't always responsive. Besides that, some of the writing is rather clunkily translated and a bunch of the art is low res. Best Boy: I haven't played all the routes here, but Katsura is a god damn sweetheart, and Kyo and Yamazaki seem adorable AF.
 The weird: the special ones
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Hatoful Boyfriend
The reason I know otome's exist. This one shot to meme status a few years back.
Platform: PC (it's on Steam) Story: MC is one of the last remaining humans after sentient birds took over the world. She gets enrolled into an elite school for pigeons. Squick factor: Medium to high. The major thing to understand about Hatoful is that on the surface it looks like a particularly silly dating sim with pigeons, but dig deeper and it is Also a full blown apocalyptic horror story. And it follows the genre where a wrong move gets MC horrifically killed. Having said that, several of the routes, including the god damn serial killer one, didn't bother me as much as something like Amnesia, because they were not sold as romantic. Maybe it's the whole pigeon thing, maybe it's the general weirdness of the plot, or maybe it is because said serial killer actually goes 'Surely you knew this would happen', before he guts you. Protagonist’s spine: Gummy bear. MC is highly forgettable, but therefore also like… not annoying. The main focus here is on uncovering the many layered plot and the player character doesn't really have a scripted personality, she just embodies the player's actions.
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The Good: This whole game is so out there. There's a reason it became so popular. It's an Experience. The plot is over the top and intricate and Weird, and that makes it intriguing. There's a ton of routes and endings, some more secret than others. The 'human' version of some of these birds is kinda hot (sadly that includes the serial killer). The Bad: the plot is so weird and meandering that it's kinda hard to follow at times. I'm fairly certain it takes several guides to unlock all the endings. Best Birb: It's been a while, but I remember liking Yuuya's route quite a lot.
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 Monster Prom
The new hype.
Platform: PC (Steam!) Story: MC is a student at Monster High, and is trying to get a date for Monster Prom with one of the hot people. Squick factor: None. I mean, nothing that happens here is in accordance to health and safety norms, but that's kinda the point. It's a parody game, making fun of all the hoops teenagers are willing to jump through to become popular. Protagonist's spine: Coagulated blood. MC is willing to make deals with demons, wear corpses as a hat, anything really. The question is very openly: what could I do to make them like me.
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The Good: It's a funny game. I like the characters, who embody everything from the Mean Girl to the Hipster Nerd and the Needlessly Aggressive Jock. The art is simple, cartoon style, but pretty neat. The Bad: Everything is very tongue in cheek, which leaves it a little… light for my tastes. I don't feel like any of the routes matter in the grand scheme of things, MC hasn't truly touched anyone's heart. The whole thing is a joke game, so it's funny, but a bit shallow. Best monster: Polly, the permanently stoned party girl.
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 Cute Demon Crashers
Technically a sex game? But a really very special one.
Platform: PC (free! Here!) Story: A portal opens in MC's house and four Incubi/Succubi drop through. To apologize for the inconvenience, while they wait for a portal back, they offer to teach MC about sex. Squick factor: I've written about this game before and the best thing, the very best thing about it is how incredibly consent-minded it is. Like, even if you're already in bed, getting it on, there's always an option to turn back and leave it at that. The demons are really just there to help MC find out what gives her pleasure. Protagonist’s spine: Rock. Obviously, MC is mildly upset about four random demons showing up. As mentioned before, what happens next is mostly up to the player.
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The Good: It's free and the art is pretty and I love the premise. The Bad: Kinda short, but again: free. Cutest Demon Crasher: *cough* Orias *cough*
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ghostmartyr · 6 years
Pokémon Black 2 Randomized Nuzlocke Run [Part 1]
White was so much fun, the sequel was obviously inevitable. Only I don’t own White 2, so Black 2 shall be our contestant. All encounters and starters will be random, static pokemon are what they are originally. Any pokemon not randomized is ineligible for use.
Nuzlocke rules, again copied from Bulbapedia:
    Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be released or put in the Pokémon Storage System permanently.
   The player may only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else.
My added rules of choice:
Each pokemon must be nicknamed.
If the first pokemon in an area is a species I’ve already caught, the first one that isn’t will become the catch option.
The catch rules start applying once I have the option of catching things.
No looking anything up on guides.
Team wipe means continuing on using whatever I have in the PC.
Let’s have some fun.
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Second verse, same as the first.
I haven’t adjusted the text speed yet and it is driving me insane.
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I remember having so much love for this gen, but the designs of these poor children still provoke odd looks. Not that I mind walking around with a palm tree on my head, I just question why anyone thought that I would want that.
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Wait, do I get to pick his name?
I do!
Wow, I forgot that this was the hardest part about Nuzlockes. I can’t just go with Hugh if this is a true random. Hm. Okay then, in honor of friendship, this guy’s name can be Russell.
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The first thing our mom does in this game is give me cause to ship her with Professor Juniper. Our mom knows her first name. It’s Aurea. Why would she know that if they were not secretly involved in some way???
Is this the first game that has an outside character get first crack at moving the screen around after we’ve chosen our name? I kind of like it.
I like it more now that it’s ending and I can switch the text speed to Fast.
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Heeeeey it’s us. Palm tree hair and all.
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I never find out what the contrary answers lead to, because I can never make myself pick them. It makes my completionist nature very sad. As does the reminder that I do not have the ability to run yet. Someone please give this poor boy some shoes.
Bianca is here to meet us!
She is not our bestie in this version, but she is in our hearts.
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This is our bestie this version.
He’s got a little sister.
Just so we know all that black and red in his color scheme is for show.
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Look at him walking in time with us like the total bro he is.
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Dude is this his room? I want one.
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Bianca! Friend!
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That awkward moment when you have the same name as one of her best friends who will never be seen this entire game.
Okay okay okay it’s time.
Time to receive our starter.
Our choices are:
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Ah that’s rough. Hm.
My preference is always going to be to have something’s first state, that I can level up and evolve myself, but I recently finished my White run, and in it I had Larvitar’s line as well as Aggron’s, so really, there can be only one choice.
Snorlax, I choose you!
And my first act as your new friend is to give you a brand new name that I need to come up with!
Snore, sleep, yawn... sleep words... Dreamor?
Heck that’s a dorky name. He needs it.
Dreamor got, Russell steps in and asks for an in on our journey. He has his own super special mission that I’m not supposed to remember but I do, and talks Bianca into giving him a pokedex as well. Because Bianca’s a sweetheart.
But before we can go any further, it’s time to d-d-d-d-duel!
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Everything about Russell’s design screams childhood-friend-gone-villain and I love how little that has anything to do with his arc.
Oshawaott vs. Dreamor! Lesgo!
Snorlax knows Tackle and Defense Curl, which is actually appropriate for a starter. I am going to be dull and Tackle spam.
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Dreamor appears to be... enthusiastic. in his participation.
G-good job, boy.
Bianca even walks us to the Pokemon Center, because she’s just that wonderful. She also gives us some Poke Balls (again, see wonderful), which means that we’re officially in business to get this run on the road.
...I really hope Dreamor doesn’t faint everything in one hit. This could be a lonely start for the two of us if he’s as strong as he looks.
Our mother greets us outside the Center and gives us Running Shoes.
Thank you mother. I knew you loved us.
Aw, and Russell’s baby sister gives us a Town Map. Thanks, kiddo. I will deliver your brother’s copy with great haste and competence.
(They keep calling Dreamor Tepig.)
Before we go any further, let’s find out what sort of critter Dreamor is.
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Rash and capable of taking hits. Well, if you’re going to be rash, you might as well be prepared to handle what it gets you into. The nature gets a sad face out of me for mechanics, but I always love having Thick Fat available, and look at that smile.
Oh my gosh the gate attendant knows our name and gave us a Potion for our journey. I feel so cared for.
Bianca teaches us how to catch stuff, and we, being an experienced trainer, completely ignore the lesson and wait for control to be returned to us.
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The first tall grass awaits our first step. Dreamor! Let us go forth and meet our next friend!
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..Oh heck though.
She’s level 2.
I don’t know if she can eat a Tackle from Dreamor.
Also I might end up not using her because I used her line in the last run but hey I didn’t use Politoed (and I also don’t know how to get a Politoed given the settings).
I’ll throw a ball first, then see if she lives through a Tackle.
...Ah, the return of Hypnosis.
...Is all she knows Hypnosis? No, there’s also Water Sport.
Hey, she lives through a Tackle!
Ball thrown, Poliwhirl get!
From now on, your new name shall be... Stella. And we need to run back to a Center pronto. Your new teammate whacked you one good.
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Stella is Quirky and alert to sounds. Sounds good to me, but I have zero clue how to evolve you to a Politoed. I think normally you need a King’s Rock and trading, but I selected the box that cleared up trading requirements for evolutions, giving me no clue whatsoever what to do with you, darling.
All the same, welcome. Your line is one of my favorites.
...Also you are not a Zubat.
Zubat was an option for this route.
Stella, your worth just went up.
Even if I end up not using her due to memories of Wagston overriding sense, I don’t think I can keep her at level 2, so we’re going to do some switch training for a tiny bit.
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...Sir, what are you doing here I have been playing for five seconds.
He offers training, but since he gives me my controls right back after him and his neat soundtrack walk around inspecting me, I’m going to go ahead with my original plans.
Stella downed a level 2 Zubat all by herself. She’s growing up so fast.
Oh, wow, the next Pokemon Center is just. right there, isn’t it.
“Flocessy Town Prophecy Flocks Here”
You have never known a love as true as Pokemon translators and wordplay. Apparently this is where Alder’s house is. Apparently Champions are now allowed houses, and not only if your name is Cynthia. I call hax.
Alder wants Russell to have his Town Map before training, and Russell is on Route 20, which means....
our next friend
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Are the leaves grass, or just pretty?
After tromping over them for several seconds, it looks to be that they are merely pretty. Very pretty, though.
Aha, grass located. What awaits us?
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Hello there!
It’s a grand ol’ gen one time, it seems. Dreamor can’t hit you, so Stella, up you go. Please do not kill her.
Gastly get!
You shall be... Caspet.
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Caspet has a Mild nature to go with her sturdy body. With her we shall find if I actually screwed up the evolution options. I’m still really new to Randomizer, and probably should have looked up what the choices did on Google before starting this run, but the rule after the run has begun is no guides, so here we are.
We enter Flocessy Ranch, which is a new location. Another friend already. Our fortune is pure.
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...How do I keep finding every generation one creature that needs trading to evolve. Is this going to be this run’s theme?
Oh, it Teleported.
I forgot they liked to do that.
...Welp. There’s that route dead.
Is there anything in this route that can give me exp?
Even if there is, it’s so Kadabra heavy that I’d just as soon not bother. Having things constantly run away from you is really tiring. We’ll give Russell his map and leave.
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Wait what.
We just fought five minutes ago. Russell. Russell. Just because your theme music is rad as heck and demanding action doesn’t mean you have to be running a mile a minute. That’s the scarf gen’s deal.
Dreamor eats Oshawott and all is well.
Then we get a random sidequest to locate a Herdier for the owners of the ranch. To which Russell experiences Emotions at, because Reasons.
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Everyone needs a screenshot of Mareep running in a circle.
Hey, something not Kadabra. Hi Cottonee. Bye Cottonee. And that item ball in the corner is a Poke Ball. Oh, and here’s a Basculin. Look at all these things not running away from us.
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...I... need an adult?
Dreamor has taken on the role of adult. I’m not sure Mienshao even knows Fighting moves at that level, but fully evolved things this early on are scary regardless.
We find the Herdier being unhappy with a Team Plasma Grunt.
He throws the Frustration TM at us. Hee.
Herdier has such a cute bwoof.
The day is saved, and now Alder’s down for palling around with us.
By palling around, I mean Alder introduces us to two small children he expects us to beat into the ground. As you do.
All passes without incident. Yay.
We walk outside and Mr. Medal gives us a Medal Box, which I don’t clearly remember, but suspect is intending to prey on me and my achievement hunting ways.
Alder is also kind enough to alert us that a Gym Leader has arrived at our home town. I wonder who it might be, but before that, Alder has a random cave place behind his home. New route?
It’s counted as part of Flocessy, it looks like. I haven’t caught anything within the town limits, but there doesn’t appear to be grass. Water, but I can’t do anything about that yet. Sigh. Oh well.
First badge is Normal, I believe.
...Let’s train Dreamor a tad more before we go after that. I believe in you, buddy, but I am also very rightfully paranoid.
Azumarill live in Caspet’s home grass.
When does Caspet learn something that isn’t Lick or a status move. My poor little ghost.
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Yeah it’s level 3 but it’s still a scary thing to see.
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Hey, first legendary of the run!
And Caspet has Mean Look... We could see if she has what it takes to Lick Kadabra down to size. Like tootsie pops. You could be an owl, Caspet.
This place was crowded with Kadabra, and now there’s Ambipom just hanging out. Okay then. Cue Geodude for some reason. Oh. And Linoone.
-tears for Bandit-
Hey wait hold up. Psychic is super effective against Ghost in this version? That’s... good to know. It also doesn’t sound right, but I don’t think the game cares about that. That’s annoying.
No Caspet, you can’t learn Curse. I’m going to come close enough to killing you as it is. Don’t enable the process.
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Let’s go for it, shall we?
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Cheren! Friend!
I actually really like the arrangement of his Gym. It isn’t the aesthetic wonderland that other Gyms of this gen are, but that’s kind of what makes it awesome? Cheren runs a school that doubles as a Gym. You battle in chalk-marked arenas out back.
I guess I misspoke; the aesthetic is still rich with this one. School day feels of being young are so very alive here, and I really like it.
Other things deserving of being liked are Cheren being an educator. Our buddy’s found his way, and we get to be his first challenger!
That’s another thing to love, honestly. We spent a whole game with this guy around, and now we’re his debut Gym Leader match. It’s so touching.
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Cheren, stop blushing, you’ll be fine.
I mean. Dreamor’s going to mop the floor with you.
But that’s your job now. Losing to trainers of a certain level.
I believe in you, man.
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I just believe in Dreamor more.
Awesomeness achieved, and that will do it for this part!
(Except for squeeing because Bianca showed up and gave us the Return TM, as well as the C-Gear I’ll never use, and Cheren and Bianca get to be in the same shot, and it’s the magic of friendship all over again. You did good for yourselves, guys. I’m sorry you don’t remember me as your bestie anymore.)
Until next time for the next badge.
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markoftheasphodel · 7 years
Shadows of Valentia Top 10 -- #2 Saber: The Queen’s Sworn Man
"Just…stop. You’ve been full of secrets from the start, and I knew you had your reasons. But I thought you’d at least give me a little bit of trust at this point."
I figured I knew what we were getting with Saber. 
Drunken Eyepatch Dude who marries Genny-- perfectly straightforward and amusing enough until the alcohol probably kills him. Saber's not even the top dog mercenary, as he ends up swearing fealty to King Jesse of Mercenary Sand-Land if Jesse survives. The first clue that something was up in FE15 was the CG scene when Celica recruits him. Drunk Merc guy merits a CG scene celebrating his services? And he gets Celica's special dagger out of it?
FE15 provides neither an official tactician (playable or otherwise) nor a standard "Jagen" type character on either route. In place of official tactician each route boasts a chorus of voices, some more sensible than others. In place of a Jagen, Alm gets a 24-year-old soldier with some dubious things on his resume and Celica gets a 34-year old mercenary with alcohol leaking out of his pores. Surprise, surprise-- this actually is the best of what Valentia has to offer each protagonist.
By the first confrontation with the Masked Paladin it was clear Saber had more to do then just be the jaded voice of dry humor on this route to counter the antics of Boey and Mae. He realizes immediately that Celica's lack of awe at Zofia Castle means something funny is afoot. The technical turning point of his character comes at the temple, where he swears fealty to Princess Anthiese-- something likely 110% inconceivable to the Saber of Act II-- but the groundwork's been laid in every scene where Saber's desire to do the job he was hired for meets Celica's rationalization for why they have to help this person or go on this detour and and on and on... The voice acting helps immensely with all this, as the lines on the page don't necessarily across as so profound without the experience of hearing everything spoken.
But the tragedy of Celica's bond with her highly unconventional adviser is that the more Saber grows to trust and care for and, yes, in some fashion love his lady, the less she's being on the level with him. Even as he opens up to her to the point where he admits his Rigelian heritage and draws a point of comparison to his own little sister, Celica is keeping him in the dark about her master plan to save Valentia. It's a genuine mirror-- a flipped reality-- to what's going on in over in Alm's route, where Alm is the one in the dark about his role in world affairs.
Just how damn much Saber cares for Celica is clear from the mourning quote reel-- the fallen in general merit a line about how victory can't be all sunshine and rainbows, but the excised quote for Celica specifically is “I really hoped you’d find happiness, lass…” Yeah. But the upshot is, this particular mercenary realizes the best of himself right in time to have Jedah's plot machinations knife him in his heart of gold. Man, who saw that coming? I've always felt awful for the support characters who watch their Lord fall in the event of a Game Over-- if you've never imagined ever feeling any sympathy for Malledus, kill Marth in front of him in Shadow Dragon. Saber goes through all that character development just to have the sacrifice scheme happen on his watch. Not cool.
Well, after everything gets put back together, Saber does find a place in Jesse's kingdom if Jesse also survives, and just the fact that he signs onto the dream kingdom of his own flamboyant fanboy indicates where Saber's come from since Celica picked him up in a tavern. Whether as one of Jesse's mercs or as an independent sellsword if Jesse died, Saber keeps on helping the One Kingdom. He'll never be a knight in shining armor, but as it happens that wasn't what Valentia's new queen actually needed.
Let's not get into the identity of his snugglebunny wife.
Now, explain why we have to somehow get the dagger back from Saber to make Celica's ultimate weapon? Devs, please? I guess he’s so damn touched he hands it back so she can have the Beloved Zofia.
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