#Charlie marries Alastor in a political match
correlance · 4 months
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I did @lolbital's Hazbin Hotel OC relationship chart for my Charlie and Alastor fan child, Lucille! I'm currently working on a Charlastor "arranged marriage AU", along with my two other Charlastor WIPs.
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ze-writing-qprs · 6 months
Alastor x GN!Reader - 1
Headcanons [QPR 🩷]
Alastor and Reader are both Aroace
Queer-Platonic Relationship (Do NOT read as romantic, I will beat you with a stick)
a little fluffly n cute
Nothing is meant to sound or be s*xual (I am aroace and some stuff I say comes off that when I don't mean for it too)
TW: Part 2 will have mention of cannibalism (it's Alastor guys)
You have known each other for a while
The transfer from friends to being in a queer-platonic relationship was slow and natural over the years
Alastor became more comfortable with you
Obviously this isn’t a ‘normal’ relationship, but you both wouldn’t trade it for anything else
You enjoy just being in his captivating presence
Alastor finds you to be enjoyable to speak to
Even if you aren't able a hold a conversation well, you could talk to him for hours
Whether this be back and forth or just one listening to the other
Comfortable silence is a must
You like to hangout in the radio tower with him while he does his broadcasts
Sitting down doing your own thing or watching him
If you go out for drinks you either have a group conversation with someone, speak between yourselves, or have seperate conversations right next to each other
Rarely does one leave the other’s side
If someone you are talking to has a comment particularly “gossipable” about you cast each other a side glance that says: “We are definitely talking about this later.”
Alastor and you gossip with Rosie all. the. time. (gossip buddies unite)
Eyes speak louder than words, you can almost communicate telepathically with how easy it is to read each other
You have matching Ace rings (Charlie thought you were married at first)
You had to explain what being Asexual and Aromantic was to Alastor (Unless Rosie had already)
Queer-platonic relationships too
He asked if that “Describes the two of us” (How to get into a QPR 101 lesson right here guys)
Your response was asking “Would you like it to?”
Took him a few days to think about it for sure
First ever slowburn QPR recorded in history
Boundaries were basically the first thing talked about after that
Mainly agreed to just ask before doing anything and the rest stayed the same from your friendship
You have been allowed to pet his ears at least once
If you have a phone he MIGHT let you take a picture with him if you really, really want him to
It may not seem like it, but he takes a keen interest in your hobbies as well as behaviors
“How did it go?”
“Do you need me to get you more of this?”
“Are you feeling alright?"
He holds doors open for you
You wanted to do this for him as well
He find this adorable
So now it's a race of who can be the polite one
You keep score (It’s a tie so far)
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sunny6677 · 2 months
Hazbin hotel rewrite stuff again!!
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So Alastor in this au is basically kinda the same, except a little more quiet—but he still has a very polite demeanor, and usually only does his more cheerful charismatic persona when speaking on his radio show or when trying to manipulate someone into trusting him. His backstory is also the same, since he was still a cannibalistic serial killer who felt nothing for anyone. The only person he felt anything for was his mom because she always seemed to understand him a little better, and because deep down, he felt like he could control her just by guilt-tripping her or acting all sad, and was always pleased anytime he was able to fool her.
Alastor has a slight distortion to his voice, and anytime he sings, the music becomes swing-y but slightly off key to match his off presence in general. And he also uses his mic and radio show to install fear into anyone he wants to—usually by recording really fucked up stuff like him eating someone or killing/tormenting the overlords in Hell. And it's also very hard to tell whether he likes Charlie or not based on how his demeanor can switch quite frequently, or whether or not he likes anyone at all.
Alastors one motivation is power, and just controlling other people because that for some reason brings him such a sick thrill. He's also still kind of friends with Rosie here??? But their dynamic is very passive aggresive almost, so it's hard to tell if he actually likes her or if she actually likes him.
On the other hand, Niftys backstory here is that she was a young married woman in the 1950s in Japan, but the thing was—her husband was a complete dick to her. He always gaslighted her, and made her feel like she was weak and should only rely on him. And one day, despite being so bubbly and cheerful, Nifty snapped and killed him in a fit of frustration. But after realizing what she did, she went into a state of shocked mania, being happy that he was gone, but also realizing she just killed her own husband. And due to how the 1950s were, Nifty basically felt like she was nothing without him, so in the few weeks she was alive, she kept attending to her housewife duties—hallucinating that he was still there. Eventually, she couldn't take it anymore though, and drowned herself in a river.
Nifty is still very overly cheerful and bubbly and energetic—but she still thinks she's nothing without a husband, so she's desperate to get one by seeking out 'bad boys' or just attractive men in general. She is still very manic, always being overly clean about everything, hallucinating still sometimes, and being under the delusion that her husband will one day come for her and love her again. Due to her delusion and manic state, it takes a VERYYYY long time for her to heal from everything in the hotel, and even Charlie isn't sure if she can help her. Nifty dynamic with Alastor is also kinda the same, except is more like 'tired dad and energetic chaotic daughter'.
Aaaand yeah that's kind of it for these two lmao
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