#Lucifer dies and Charlie becomes Queen of Hell
correlance · 4 months
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I did @lolbital's Hazbin Hotel OC relationship chart for my Charlie and Alastor fan child, Lucille! I'm currently working on a Charlastor "arranged marriage AU", along with my two other Charlastor WIPs.
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kittenfangirl20 · 4 days
Deadpool and Wolverine Au
Lucifer couldn't believe it had been six months since Adam had died. He could feel it in the air that something just wasn't right.
He didn't think it would bother him that much, Adam being dead, but turns out it did.
Lucifer didn't know what to do about it. He wronged Adam so badly and now he can never make up for it.
It was when he was a little drunk and talking to Ozzie that he was given the idea.
Lucifer: Say that again?
Ozzie: Apparently there are other universes, like alternate universes. Some with only minor changes and some with major changes.
Lucifer: Oh really?
Ozzie: Yeah.
Lucifer: And, hypothetically of course, how would one go about going to one of these places?
Ozzie gave him a look: Hypothetically? It would be similar to portal travel only with a lot more power. You're not just popping down to the store from the manor you'd be traveling the multiverse.
Lucifer had to try. He had to see if he could find an Adam that was alive.
Being King, he had the most power and was very pleased when it worked.
However, every Adam he found was an angel and wanted nothing to do with him trying to blast him to bits.
Until he found one and he was surprised when the portal opened in Hell.
And there was Adam, as a fallen angel.
Lucifer: Adam?
Adam turned to him, his horns long black and gold. His golden eyes narrowed as he looked at Lucifer.
Adam: The fuck do you want?
*this Adam came from a universe where he actually killed Lucifer during Extermination Day, turns out that was a big no, no and because of that Sera had to make him fall for yet another rule he unknowingly broke, sadly because Charlie wasn’t prepared to become Queen of Hell she was quickly killed in this universe too and Hell became a giant power vacuum where all the Deadly Sins fought for control, Lucifer had been nursing his emotional pain with a giant glass of Beelzejuice when he saw who he never thought he would see again, Lucifer*
Lucifer: I know this is hard to believe, but I am from another universe.
*Adam stood up, after months of fighting for his life in Hell, Adam lost a lot of weight and gained quite a bit of muscle, tattooed on his upper right arm were the words Hell is Forever*
Lucifer: Well see in my universe my Adam was killed in the recent Extermination Day and I have looking for an Adam to replace that one. I think you might be that Adam.
Adam: Fuck no and fuck you.
*Adam punched Lucifer sending him flying across the bar*
Lucifer: You are very mistaken, if anyone is going to be fucked, it will be you my sexy friend.
*the two men got into a fight causing other Sinners and Hellborn to run in fear at the sheer power of both me, Lucifer had to avoid a blast of Hellfire from Adam*
Lucifer: Looks like your Holy Light became Hellfire, very interesting.
*Adam roared flying at Lucifer, this wasn’t going to be easy for Lucifer, but that made things a lot more exciting for him if he was being honest with himself*
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proxylynn · 6 months
My theory of Hazbin Hotel's main plot.
[This may just be a hot take or me whimsically spitballing headcanon, but I have thought about this and, while I don't have all the puzzle's pieces, I think I have enough to make out a decent picture. So bear with me as I unload the insanity that has been in my head since entering the Hellaverse.]
Starting things off, I think the main villain/antagonist of HH's plot is the obvious elephant in the room...Roo aka The Root of ALL Evil.
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According to Vivziepop, Roo is a "looming threat in the distance", possibly hinting toward her being a future antagonist and she mentioned that there is no character that she is more excited to get into than Roo, but, she also mentioned that it's "gonna be a long time". So likely we won't see her properly till season three but get hints throughout season two and teased at the end. I will make no claim that "defeating" Roo solves everything in the universe because that's nonsense. There is no good without evil. So you can't just off Roo who's been there since the beginning. And I mean THE beginning. I'm talking the creation of EVERYTHING.
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"Angels that worshiped good and shielded all from evil."
Evil exists at the start before Lucifer does anything, this is a fact. So where am I going with this? Let's continue down the line. To the one driving my train of thought...Lilith.
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For someone who didn't eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, Lilith was very aware of certain things and had independent free will. But humanity didn't get this autonomy till after the fruit fiasco, so what happened? Why did Lilith have magic main character self-awareness? Well, let's think about this...Why was there such a tree in Eden in the first place? The Angels are making this a paradise and keeping evil out of Earth. So why place a tree in there that would fuck it all up? This was why they didn't want Lucifer making shit because they were worried his ideas would be too risky and bad could happen. So again, why was this tree here? What if...The Angels didn't make it.
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I propose, as her name so implies, that Roo sprouted the tree up without the Angels knowing in the hopes the fruit would be eaten and allow evil to taint the world. Lilith might have gotten a hint of what the tree granted and what simple veil that clouded her eyes was lifted enough to make her reject Adam and flee the garden. It's even said that "together" she and Lucifer share the gift of free will with Eve, but Lilith seems to take this stand back and watch approach when Lucifer gives her the fruit, almost like she's uncertain what eating it will do so she keeps her distance. This again, also hints that Lilith has had free will from the start and didn't eat the fruit because it was only when Eve ate the fruit did evil finally break the seal to enter Earth.
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"As punishment for their reckless act, Heaven cast Lucifer and his love into the dark pit he had created."
Now here's where it gets a bit more headcanony because this line could mean nothing or everything. Lucifer and Lilith are banished to the newly made Hell. I repeat...Heaven cast Lucifer and Lilith into Hell. Nowhere does it say she died. So...We have the first human woman who didn't eat the fruit and never died. By technically, Lilith still has her immortality. She's the oldest human alive. It's also stated Lucifer shares his power with her (and Charlie), which makes sense if she's just some dull human. So, now imbued with this mix of angel/demon rizz, Lilith becomes even more OP and Hell's mary sue Queen that dominates like the bad boss bitch she is.
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"Lilith thrived, empowering demonkind with her voice and her songs. And as the numbers of Hell grew, so did its power."
Lilith as a character has a surprisingly decent amount of info to work with considering we only saw her for the smallest moment. So here's some goodies I've collected from the wiki that are of note.
{According to Vivziepop, Lilith is the "big, slowburn mystery" of the show, adding that we are going to slowly start getting answers over the course of the "next couple seasons", and that season two gives some more pieces to it.}
{When asked about what Lilith was like, Faustisse described Lilith as graceful, regal, and politically charged. Lilith is someone who is exceptionally equanimous. This was implied in "Overture" as in the "Story of Hell" book she is depicted helping Hell thrive over the years using her voice and her songs.}
{When asked about Lilith and Lucifer's dynamic, Faustisse believed their relationship could be summed up with the phrase, "Behind every man is a greater woman", and that they love each other very much. They describe Lilith and Lucifer as "passionate, cheesy lovers". They are of the opinion that Lilith "wears the pants" in her family, but they think both Lilith and Lucifer are switches within their intimate life.}
{When asked about Lilith's powers, Faustisse declined to answer, citing possible spoilers for the main series. They did, however, state that they did not think Lilith had wings like Charlie and Lucifer, although saw no reason why she wouldn't be able to manifest them if she wished. According to Faustisse, Lilith can change the shape of her horns, but it's unlikely this will be shown in practice in the series as it would apparently be difficult to show that kind of constant change over consecutive scenes.}
{When asked if the Eden family have some connection to the royal family as well, Vivziepop declined to answer one way or the other.}
{Due to her origins as a former human, it is likewise unclear if Lilith is connected to the Sinners, who are deceased humans and became demons after death; as Lilith was alive when she was banished to Hell, her transition between human and demon is ambiguous.}
{Faustisse has suggested that she is somewhat good with children}
{Lilith disappeared seven years prior to the series for reasons unknown, never responding to any of her daughter's attempts to call her. Curiously, she was missing the same amount of years as Alastor. Lilith was later revealed to be in Heaven in "The Show Must Go On". Although the exact reasons remain unknown, it was heavily alluded to that she had made a deal with Adam at some point.}
You might look at all this and be like "Lynn, you dummy, we know all this. This is just random stuff". Oh, I think not. Because in just these bits we get so much. Let's begin with the character setup for diving into my main theory.
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I think Lilith does love her family. She has a loving and amazing husband in Lucifer and in Charlotte (aka Charlie) the most adorable and kindhearted daughter any mother could ask for. As Queen, she took charge and made Hell less of a pit to wallow and suffer in, and more like a new home to begin anew. So then...What happened? Why would she suddenly leave and cut all communications? Here is where we dig into the meat of it all. My theory of why Lilith left.
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Remember how I said Lilith didn't eat the fruit and still had free will then pounded that over and over into you? Well, going on what I said about her getting "a hint of what the tree granted", Roo could've infected Lilith and gifted her awareness while in Eden. Now in Hell where Roo is arguably stronger due to all the sin and sickness that permeates the realm, her influence on Lilith would increase. Lilith, being the big brain that she is, probably felt something was amiss when she got pregnant. Nine months is a long time to plan things out, and maybe doing a few concerts to warn others of impending danger subtlety might've worked...but only for so long. She needed something. A safety. And that safety was her family. Lucifer likely could've been useful but his depression was beginning to take hold with each failure and the worsening sinners as years passed. So...plan B...Charlie. She would instill in her daughter everything she knew and give her a "destiny".
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"But Lilith's hope remained. And her dream passed down to their precious daughter, the Princess of Hell."
With Charlie, Lilith instilled that the people were important. But never explained in what way. As she continued to prepare her daughter, Lilith would come to understand this reason. Power. Roo thrives on the tainted evil that seeps from the sinners. So just as she finishes schooling Charlie, she sets up another backup plan to still Roo's intake long enough for her daughter to figure out a way of her own...And this is where Adam comes in.
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"Adam is dead. Your deal is done and I'm in charge now. Your brat is threatening the very foundation of Heaven. And if you want to stay here, you're going down there, and stopping that bitch. You understand me…Lilith?"
Feeling Roo's corruptive influence getting worse because sinners just keep coming, Lilith contacts Adam. Now Adam is still salty but hears his first wife out as she caters to his ego. But Adam is wiser after millennia and knows she's not being innocent here. He bluntly gets her to just spill the beans to which she does, she needs out of Hell. Adam grabs this opportunity and says he can sneak her into Heaven but it'll cost her. He knows how much her precious people mean to her so, vindictively, he says he'll take her in if he can go into Hell and kill demons. Little does he know he's playing into her trap. She "reluctantly" agrees so long as no Hellborn are harmed, only sinners. Adam is all for it, even makes a cover story to tell Sera later how killing sinners in Hell will keep Heaven safe, and Lilith then goes about doing the hardest thing she's ever done. She tells Lucifer of some details of this new Heavenly Extermination thing and that she'll have to go away for a long time, promising to return but unsure when. Heartbroken, Lucifer watches as his love leaves him, their daughter, and their kingdom.
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"Hey, mom. I know I keep calling and you must be busy... Really busy... But, um, the interview didn't go well, and... I don't know if I'm ever going to make a difference. I don't know what I'm doing. I could really use some advice, mom. I... I think dad was right about me... Ahah, oof. Eh, anyway... I'll stop talking before this gets long. Love you, bye..."
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"Don't worry, Mom. I'll make you proud."
Vaggie: Did you hear from your mom?
*Charlie shakes her head in dismay.*
Vaggie: Oof… how long has it been now?
Charlie: Not that long, only…seven….years, off doing something important, I'm sure! But, this kingdom was something she really cared about. Something I care about.
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This is what I think it's all been leading to. Lilith having made Charlie into someone for the people and wanting to save souls in a, as funny as it is, maintaining the very balance that got fucked up way back in the garden sort of redeeming way. Restoring order by allowing the good to go where it should've gone in the first place and keeping Roo weak. Maybe Lilith can even get her own redemption, being partially responsible for allowing Roo into our world in the first place. The only added weight I have left to give to my silly little "infected Lilith" idea is how she looks at season one's ending.
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She looks pissed and upset, which we can say for a few reasons like how Lute just straight-up calls Charlie a bitch to her face. Like, dude, dick move. But, with Adam dead and seemingly no progress from Charlie (that she knows of), Lute is forcing her to go back to Hell where Roo's influence can grip her once more. I'm not entirely sure just what that could mean but for the sake of the Alastor/Lilith theory fans, let's say when Roo is strong she can puppet Lilith into infecting others via demonic deals. She might have done this countless times with mixed results, only to have full success in Alastor. But Mr deer is a bit too successful a test subject and thus gets his powers leashed. Now we have Alastor trying to force his way out of this mixed-up double-power deal by roping in Charlie, the one kink in this chain that could cause everything to break if forced too much.
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It would explain his latching onto Charlie and seeking a deal since the very first time they met. She's a means to an end. The key to unlocking his proverbial collar. It even explains his out-of-nowhere instant disdain for Lucifer. Of course he'd be hostel to the husband of the bitch that metaphorically screwed him and poses a threat to his current plan of using his daughter for his own means.
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Well, this was a long as fuck rambling. I hope even a shred of this made sense. Now to sit back and wait for season two to come along and either be like "I got something right" or "Wow I was dead wrong on so many levels". I wonder how long that will take?
"In an interview posted on February 2, 2024, Vivziepop thought that the production of season two might take about one-and-a-half to two years, roughly the same production time season one had."
Oh...um...Looks like we have some time. So, we can expect the new episodes to land in late 2025 at the earliest. *sets up chair* I can wait.
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1anxiousbeancrying · 7 months
New au alert! (Recalled angels au) I like dark aus I've realised.
Due to all issues heaven has been having with hell the elder angels finally decides to do something. I can imagine after another large fight with hell a few of the elders come down to hell to stop it.
What heaven have realised is that most of the issues that have arrived have come from angels that have been sent to hell.
Lucifer: is actively now fighting more against heaven now than when he was in heaven. Him fighting sparks more sinners to want to fight.
Vaggie: an exorcist who's been left in hell, sharing her abilitys and knowledge about heaven with the people in hell.
The exorcists : Adam and so many exorcist angels died because they entered hell to fight.
The elders make a decision to recall every single angel back to heaven, were they will be punished. This doesn't go over well with Charlie or anyone one else in the hotel but they don't have a choice because the elders are far stronger than anyone in hell.
Lucifer looses his title as king of hell when he's forced back to heaven, he is then striped of many of his major powers to make retaliation less likely. He has to say with his brother's at all time to ensure he doesn't try anything though he and Emily are trying to find a way to help those in hell and get in contact with Charlie.
After Adam spills the news of the exterminations at the trial the rest of heaven becomes outraged, but since Adam has died the only ones left to be punished for it are the exorcists, when vaggie is forced back to heaven she is sent back to the exorcists much to lutes dismay. Not every exorcist hated her so she still had at least a few comrades who welcomed her.
But wanting to punish the exorcists also come with an issue. The exorcists were literally created to hunt and kill sinners, it's there only purpose and many winners wanted to punish the angels who created them but no action was taken. The exorcists were also to violent to be brought into the normal city of heaven. The exorcists were seen to have to much blood on there hands and so every single exorcist (yes this includes vaggie) looses their hands.(There's some brutal punishments in the bible so i don't put them past this, it even says if your arm causes you to sin they cut it off, and the killing the exorcists did definitely counts as a sin), there then later replaced with ones if angelic steal.
The exorcists now live extremely far away from the main parts of heaven only entering if a higher ranked angel wants new body guards or the need lute for a meeting (the new leader of the exorcists)
They would all be gone from hell for around 5 to 10 years and in this time Charlie would be the new queen of hell still trying her best to help everyone, though she is heavily depressed due to vaggie and her dad being gone, the only good thing to come from this is the confirmation that her hotel works, as she was told by the elders before they left , she hopes if she does enough good she would be able to she them again.
Emily tried extremely hard to keep happiness in heaven but it's difficult when a lot of winners lose trust in the higher ups. She hangs round with sir pentious and Molly a lot and they help her with her duties. Emily tries to visit the exorcists as much as she can, Sera hates this but Emily wants to help them because their struggling greatly and also wants to talk with vaggie, with a lack of purpose and an inability to fly unless there on duty for a higher up or a high class winner has caused them to become more aggressive, depressed and overall a bit stir crazy with is very bad for a large flock of birds because it means a lot of pulled out feathers.
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Another female Adam Au!
The original group finds themselves in another dimension where everything is different and the only way to return home is for the true Queen of Hell, loved by ALL of Hells citizens to wear the crown.
At first original Lilith wears the crown and is rejected. This is because she only cares for the ring of pride and in Hell’s eyes that is not nearly enough to make her the Queen of Hell. This pisses her off and everyone is curious in who is the true Queen of Hell then?
Lucifer in the other dimension isn’t married to Lilith, is not in love with her and Charlie doesn’t exist (yet). He lonely and depressed and wonders why he doesn’t have a lover or a daughter, why he’s alone.
In Eden, Lucifer didn’t fall in love with any of the humans. He didn’t have the chance to meet female Adam before he was forcefully fallen. Instead he disobeyed God from pride and jealously, manipulating Lilith into taking the apple to prove that Gods perfect creations are flawed just as much as everything else. God has him fall as punishment for this.
Lilith is a raging badass lesbian. She loves to sleep with sinners and hellborn alike. She has many flings. When someone falls in love with her, she drops them. She is in love with Eve and have a hate/love/off/on again relationship with her. She’s also protective of female Adam and sees her as a little sister. Lilith and Eve has a lot of bitter history.
In Eden, Lilith is made as the first human and is considered perfect. However she wasn’t able to bring herself to be attracted to the first man so Eve was created as her replacement. Lilith fell in love with Eve, which Lucifer used to his advantage - at the time Lucifer didn’t believe in love and thought it was pathetic. Because Lilith was the one to take the apple from Lucifer convinced the others to eat it, she was painted either falling with Lucifer. They have an enemy/friends when need to be relationship, it is not romantic at all. They sort of tolerate one another.
Eve is just vibing. She’s loving life and having the best of both worlds. Eve liked Lilith in Eden and experimented with her often but at the same time experimented with the first man. Since both of the humans fight over her, made her feel special and gave her big ego. She tried it on with Lucifer but when Lucifer cruelly turned her down, she told herself it was because Lucifer was too short for her anyway. When she bit the apple, she became the root of all evil and went to hell when she died. Where her and Lilith butted head often but also slept together often.
Female Adam was the last human to be made. After God discovered when Eve was up to, he deemed her ‘unpure’ and created Adam as the true pure soul. She was supposed to be the new mother of humanity and God thought that if he made her opposite to Lilith and Eve, the results may be different. Female Adam is short with short brown hair, almost sickly grey skin and slightly chubby. She is more naive and innocent compared to Lilith and Eve, she has no desire of sex. After they leave Eden, Eve kills her out of jealously.
Since the first man is supposed to be the first soul in heaven, Adam is sent to hell. However since she has a pure soul she is reborn as Hell’ first and only ‘Hellborn human’ which Heaven is unaware of.
She is adopted by Blitzo, a family of imps. She considered the shortest hellborn outside the imps. Due to this Adam fights for Hellborn rights for Imps and Hellborns. She fights and helps Frizzaroli, becomes the adopted older sister to Loona and eventually Octavia (Blitzo and Stolas does marry someday!) and Moxxie and Millie are her godparents. Her best friend is Verosilko. She’s been Stella’s assistant at times too. Hell practically love her because she loves everyone else. There’s a lot of dirty talk from Verosilka and Millie, girl nights who keep telling her she’ll understand when she meets a man. She’s a virgin.
She does a lot of odd jobs throughout the other rings and befriends or babysits the other sins. Thought she’s never been to the pride ring or meet the sin of pride before.
Lilith is aware of her reborn and have kept it a secret, knowing that if heaven found out they would wage war in Hell and demand Adam to be passed over. She visits Adam often and has a sort of off and on again relationship with Verisilka and even made comments that she will someday add Stella to her conquests much to Adams distain.
The rumours of Lucifer having to find a Queen reaches down into the other rings and even Adam hears about it. Since Lilith is aware of female Adam, she takes her up to the pride ring where Lucifer finally meets her probably and falls heads over hill.
And yeah! That’s all I got!
Female Adam is the true Queen of Hell because she loves all Sinners and Hellborns. She eventually marries Lucifer and they have Charlie (yay). She’s gives both Lucifer and Charlie this huge family they deserve. There might be a bit of a war with heaven and hell when heaven does learn about Adam and Eve is the one to save her. When Charlie’s older the redemption hotel is working a lot better with Female Adams help! And the season follows the same only Adam might be pregnant with their second child and is bed ridden as her body became weaker after Charlies birth. Lucifer isn’t depressed and the first man is the head of the extermination day, Eve might be up to shit again but not with Morningstar’s and Lilith is scheming against Heaven again.
🤷‍♀️ all I got! Hope it’s not too confusing?
Holy shit! That's one hell of a ride I'd love to read something like this!!
Not confusing at all lol
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rainforestakiie · 2 months
have anybody listened to the Floweytale by man on the internet? would make a really good adamsapple story. i might go back and add more, but thought it was interesting.
just something fun i noticed and thought i'd write something...
p.s this is the abusive relationship between eve and Adam. The one-sided romantic relationship between lucifer and Adam (Adam lost his soul so it is one-sided) Adam goes back to eve because he doesn’t know what else to do…before he comes to truly understand how unhealthy their relationship is.
Adam's Apple: The Tale of Eve's Descent
Nobody knew the depths of Eve's deranged, twisted mind. No one could fathom the darkness lurking beneath her flawless exterior. Eve, the epitome of innocence in Eden, concealed her true nature with a sweet smile and a glint in her caramel eyes, manipulating everyone, even deceiving Lucifer and Lilith.
Except Adam. Adam knew all too well the monstrous reality of what she was, of the sadistic pleasures she indulged in. Yet, he bore a measure of guilt, for she was born of him, crafted from his rib...
Eve committed unspeakable acts beneath Heaven’s notice. Her malevolence was mirrored in Adam's punishment, for Heaven believed him to be the perpetrator. She stood by, a smile playing on her lips, as he suffered for her sins.
After becoming a Fallen Angel in Hell, Adam wandered soullessly until Lucifer found him, a broken man. Lucifer, already estranged from Lilith, took Adam under his wing. Lucifer fell in love with Adam and the two shared many nights together. Despite Lucifer’s efforts to heal him, Adam remained numb, devoid of feeling.
Desperate for solace, Adam fled to Lilith, but her attempts to help him also failed. In a fit of despair, he cursed the heavens and took his own life.
Each time Adam died, he awoke back in Eden, the cycle beginning anew. He experimented with death, killing himself repeatedly, only to return unscathed. This tormenting cycle left him without a soul, unable to feel.
Initially, Adam sought redemption, following Heaven's path and giving everyone happy endings. However, ennui set in, and he began to wonder if the world would change if someone important died. He embarked on a macabre journey, killing everyone he knew—Lilith, Lucifer, Eve, Charlie, Emily—resetting the world each time to observe the changes.
The predictability of their responses bored him. Adam became a puppet master in a world of marionettes, able to foresee every action and word. Disenchanted, he reset the world once more, choosing to merely follow the flow.
In his twisted curiosity, Adam managed to bring Eve back. But this time, she was more malevolent than ever. When Adam died, he went to Heaven before falling to Hell. Eve’s soul, deemed too corrupted, had been sealed away by God. Yet, Adam released her, unleashing an even greater evil.
Eve, now truly the embodiment of ruin, sought to annihilate Heaven and Hell alike. Adam, at first intrigued, soon realized the peril she posed. She intended to use his power to achieve her apocalyptic vision.
Here, Adam's haunting recollection of his journey unfolds:
“I remember the first time I woke and saw the light
Armless, legless, I laid there
Oh, Eve, I was terrified
Then I learned I was reborn
As the another Sinner in this form
I called out, I screamed, I prayed
And yet nobody came
Then the king found me crying
So I explained everything
He held me tight Said, 'It's alright'
But I felt nothing during our first night together
Even with Lucifer
Can't feel anything
Please believe I was trying
But I stayed determined!
Ran away to the queen's place
She failed too
Always the same
No use there
I cried, I tried to care
Felt like I couldn't live anywhere
A world without love
A world without happiness
It is supposed to be easier away from you
I followed your path
Succeeded too
With no soul
What comes when you die?
Something primal burned inside
Screamed at the heavens 'This is not how it ends!'
Then I woke up like from a dream In the garden again
I could experiment
So over and over I died
But with determination I came back alive
Friends I made
Happy ends I gave
But I'd always predict
What they'd do, what they'd say
I believe In curiosity 'What'll happen if they die?' '
Well, let's see!'
It liberates to be this way
To kill just to see
How the world can change
Nowadays it's all the same
I've read, I've burned, killed, saved, redeemed
I have seen it all I have played every game
People spouting the same lines 'with your claws still in my mind’
Eve, I can't predict you
You surprise me every time
I saw you almost did forget
You'd stay determined yet
You came back from death, like me
Only one question remains
Why'd you come back to play?
Were you buried in the ruins?
Did you hear me call your name?
Guess it doesn't matter how
The tale will end now I'm tired of everything
Tired of being a Angel, A fallen Sinner
Tired of being a Human
Only one thing that's left, Eve
Let's finish what we started
Show them it's kill or be killed
Leave them all broken and scarred!
I had plans, I had designs
Seeing you changed my mind
Eve, with you by my side
Life seems ten times worse!
Killer from the world of man
Only you understand
We're pitiless killers, both
So just follow my plan!
H-hey... what is this feeling?!
Why can't I stop shaking?!
E-Eve. Be honest here! We don't have hard feelings!
Hey! Back off!
I changed my mind! This isn't a good idea!
Go back! This place is fine! Hell is just fine!
I’m happy! I am able to someday love again!
Stop making that face!
This isn't fun!
You're sick in the head!
That's enough!
You've won!
You still think there's more to do
Your killing is never through!
Are you still human inside?!
What kind of monster are you?!
Long past time to end this game
Now nothing feels the same!
Eve, did you do all this when you heard me call your name?
Eve was abusive to Adam
Lucifer loved Adam
Lilith cared for Adam
Adam had lost his soul when he became a Sinner
Both Lucifer and Lilith tried to help him but Adam became frustrated that he still couldn’t feel anything. Especially when Lucifer is showing love and affection towards him.
Adam’s death reset the world and he just kept killing himself to reset the world
Nothing changed until he accidentally called Eves name when he wondered if his life would have been easier if Eve was still abusing him. This is able to wake Eve up.
They return to their abusive relationship. Adam believe this is what he wants but it is not.
Adam realises hurting just him isn’t enough for Eve and she wants to destroy the world.
Should he tell Lucifer the truth? Both Lucifer and Lilith are aware of his missing soul but not about the reset.
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cakerybakery · 3 months
I’m not sure what to work on today
I want to work on The Stork
Adam has been antagonizing Lucifer for months when an angel in heaven, unaware of the events of the last 10,000 years, sends Adam and Lucifer a baby.
They need to co-parent together as Adam finds himself struggling with accepting his role as the primary care giver and struggling with his repressed feelings, both of which heaven engrained in him as being wrong.
Meanwhile Lucifer is trying to navigate Adam’s turbulent emotions and his own as he continues to accidentally push Adam to his breaking point in his attempts to help.
Chapters so far: 17
Word count so far: 36,924
Origin of idea: I thought it would be ha ha funny if a one shot of two people fighting had to co-parent and it’s gotten out of hand.
But I also want to work on One Last Plan
This is the last desperate ploy Adam and Lucifer have to end the war between heaven and hell. A last desperate attempt to try and find the mastermind behind the attack that led to the deaths of their wives. To try and drive them out of the shadows or at the very least, hamper their plans for war and gives hell a chance at winning. A spell that would remove Adam from the board and gives those in heaven against the war a narrative to rally behind. A fake love story of a general of heaven falling in love with the king of hell on the battlefield.
They’re both so tired of blood and death, of chasing a shadow. They want revenge but also peace. If their revenge has to come in the form of ending the war instead of finding the mastermind behind the war, they’ll take it.
But no matter how this plan ends, Adam is done. He will no longer be able to fight or seek revenge and will have to accept that how it ends is the best he will ever get. Whether they find Eve’s killer, the mastermind, only hampered the war, or even if nothing changes and they failed. He is done, he has to be.
Lucifer only agreed to it if Adam stops after this. Lucifer can’t leave the war and if he dies then Charlie will be an orphan. With this spell he needs Adam to stay alive and away from the war. To be there for Charlie as she becomes queen. Lucifer is already risking orphaning one child, he doesn’t want to orphan the one now growing inside of Adam as well if Adam continues on a path to seek revenge.
They’re not the only ones with a desperate finally plan. Lucifer and many others including the invading troops are the stuck in a trap feeding off the angelic powers of the angels, killing them, killing Lucifer.
Adam promised not to seek revenge, he made no such promise about not saving Lucifer
Chapters so far are: 5
Word count so far is: around 16,000+
Origin of idea: man, I like the fake marriage trope, I’ll do a one shot. Aww fuck this is getting out of hand
… I also kinda want to draw
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ultravioletqueen · 4 months
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I made another demon version of alouqua as promised! I wanted to make her look more demonic than the previous one so I gave her vampire bat characteristics (because of the relationship with Lilith and vampires) apart from giving her other less human characteristics such as grayer skin, bat ears and longer arms than when she is angry They are attached to her wings (like real vampire bats whose wings are attached to their arms), she possesses a sonic scream and becomes stronger by drinking blood.
The lore of this what if is if Lilith had managed to take Alouqua with her to hell, probably being raised as Charlie's older sister, her personality would remain the same and she would refuse to see Lucifer as her father, she is not as resentful towards Lilith as in the original universe but she definitely doesn't like Charlie's redemption project at all, she knows that hell is full of monsters and to survive it you have to become one.
Her relationship with Charlie in this au is relatively better, Alouqua sees Charlie as a girl who she must protect and can give Charlie good advice when she is going through serious problems, but she also infantilizes her for her naivety and is not usually taken seriously the things she says, she thinks the hotel is just a passing interest or a phase that she will get over when she sees how horrible the people of hell are.
After Lilith's disappearance, Alouqua would take her place as queen and this definitely influences her relationship with Charlie, since Alouqua does not want to spend her time on something as impossible as redemption but she gives Charlie resources to let her do her job in peace , she sees Lucifer as a mockery of what should be the king of hell and does not hesitate to make passive aggressive comments about him.
She definitely won the title of "the vampire queen" for her punishments to the sinners that defy her authority and dont respect her,she bassically crush them to the point they are only bloody pulp and then she drinks the blood remains and maybe also uses them to make blood baths(she literally baths in the blood of her enemies).
That's all for now, I honestly prefer Alouqua Angel but the concept of the vampire queen isn't bad either☺️
¡Hice otra versión demonio de alouqua como lo prometí! Quise hacerla ver más demoníaca que la anterior así que le di características de murciélago vampiro(por la relación con lilith y los vampiros) aparte de darle otras características menos humanas como una piel más grisácea,orejas de murciélago y brazos más largos que cuando esta enojada se unen a sus alas(como los murciélagos vampiros reales cuyas alas están unidas a sus brazos),ella posee un grito sonico y se hace más fuerte al beber sangre.
El lore de este what if es de si lilith hubiera logrado llevarse a alouqua con ella al infierno,probablemente siendo criada como la hermana mayor de charlie,su personalidad seguirá siendo la misma y se negaría a ver a lucifer como su padre,ella no esta tan resentida con lilith como en el universo original pero definitivamente no le gusta nada el proyecto de redención de charlie, sabe que el infierno está lleno de monstruos y para sobrevivir a el te tienes que convertir en uno.
Su relación con charlie en este au es relativamente mejor,alouqua ve a charlie como una niña a la que debe proteger y es puede darle buenos consejos a charlie cuando está pasando por problemas serios,pero también la infantiliza por su ingenuidad y no suele tomarse en serio las cosas que dice,piensa que el hotel es solo un interés pasajero o una fase que ella va a superar cuando vea lo horrible que es la gente del infierno.
Tras la desaparición de lilith alouqua tomaría su lugar como reina y esto definitivamente influencia su relación con charlie,siendo que alouqua no quiere gastar su tiempo en algo tan imposible como la redención pero le da recursos a charlie para que la deje hacer su trabajo en paz, ella ve a lucifer como una burla a lo que debería ser el rey del infierno y no duda en hacer comentarios pasivo agresivos sobre el.
Ella definitivamente se ganó el título de "la reina vampiro" debido a los castigos que aplica a los pecadores que cuestionan su autoridad y no la respetan,básicamente los aplasta hasta volverlos pulpa sangrienta y bebé la sangre que queda o la usa para baños(ella literalmente se baña en la sangre de sus enemigos).
Eso es todo por ahora,sinceramente prefiero a la alouqua angel pero el concepto de la reina vampiro tampoco está nada mal☺️
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gctchell · 5 months
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I've been meaning to make this post for a while, but here is a headcanon chunk for Lilith's heavenly accommodations.
The situation with Lilith's imprisonment has been met with some allowances, as this is the Queen who has decided to begrudgingly allow herself to be kept within the confines of the Holy Kingdom for the sake of diplomacy.
What started out as an allowed phone call to Lucifer every Extermination Day gradually expanded to once every two months throughout the seven year stay. Frequent contact with Hell makes Heaven very uneasy, regular energies transpiring back and forth is not ideal. Once every two months, that is what they get. Lucifer's attempts to call Heaven for Lilith fall on deaf ears until the appropriate time. Lilith is the one who calls out.
A sick twist is that Lilith and Lucifer are allowed to see one another on Extermination Day for a limited time, but contact is very minimal and they are under surveillance.
Charlie is under the vague belief that her mother is doing something diplomatically important, which is not exactly a lie in Lilith's eyes. The reason she does not know the truth of the situation is due to the fact that Lilith & Lucifer are both worried that their daughter will get entangled and taken captive as well. For the moment, it is better that she believe Lilith is simply doing something important.. and not answering her phone calls.
Speaking of which, Lilith is actually not receiving these calls. She still has her cell phone, but the cellular service is completely barred from Hell, and the device itself has actually been gradually infected by the energies of Heaven over time, making it almost impossible to use outside of regularly listening to old voice mails. VoxTech is not built to withstand the power of Heaven and the long-term exposure is corroding it.
Every time Lilith does try to use her phone, or another to call home, she gets this irritating message.
Sera, Adam, and Lute are aware that Lilith is Heaven's prisoner while every other inhabitants of lower rank simply think that she is an honored guest for diplomacy. Saint Peter is unintentionally in the know through context clues, as Lilith lingers near the Gates of Heaven often and holds conversations with him, and he has been warned to not let her out by any means.
Saint Peter likely does not inquire much about this as Adam is always the first to respond, and it's always the same flavor; "Come on, all we want is for her to be kept inside for her own good. She's a demon bitch and this is Heaven, Peter. She goes outside the Gates and she'll explode or something. You know who knows best? Dad knows best. Who's the reason you existed to become a Saint? This guy right here. Have some faith in me, dude, I know what I'm talking about. I've been here to see that piece of work become the first of her nasty ass kind. I'm just, you know, looking after her. We don't want a war kicked up because we let her take a stroll outside the Pearly Gates and she got hurt, right?" Though, after the news has come out about the Exterminations, who knows what he thinks now, especially now that Adam has died.
Lilith's accommodations for all this time, to help support the guise that she is an 'honored guest', have been comfortable. She and her past Guard are/were housed within a building in the main Plaza, connected to the same building where the actual meeting of Charlie & Vaggie took place. They are not cells, but rooms granted to them, though this building is under secure watch. Alastor's room was next to Lilith's.
Lilith's room is cavernous and almost bare bones, save for a collection of books, an easel, stacks of canvases, paints, and plants that she has managed to cultivate on her own. It's also very dark and very cold, no one likes going in here - save for Emily, who is the only one comfortable to visit. She likely finds the room to be pleasant, a little chilly and shadowy, but welcoming.
On her bed, there are two pillows side-by-side. One of these pillows has a halo on it. Emily is the only one who can touch it without much of a reaction.
Lilith is allowed to wander Heaven due to her powers being bound (magically restrained by Higher Power), and she does so frequently. She is given as much of a wide berth as you might expect, though due to her maternal nature, she has become a comforting figure for some of the children who have passed and are not afraid to approach her, and go beyond the warnings of the angels and fellow winners to do so.
As said before, Lilith goes to the Gates often. Lower powered eyes cannot see (winners) what is out there, but she can see the Pit from it better than anywhere else in Heaven.
Emily and Saint Peter so far are the only ones who communicate with her in a warm manner, and the only ones who have a decent personage in her eyes, though Emily more so. She can't help but take something of a motherly role over her, though whether that is reconciliation or not is up to the Emily. Lilith and Saint Peter have more of a tense but amicable bridge.
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cepheusgalaxy · 6 months
It came to my knowledge that the sinners in the Helluvaverse are confined in the Pride Ring
Honestly, that makes lots sense because the sinners are only sinners in the first place because of Lucifer, and he's the pride king. ALSO when the angels come down in extermination day, it would be so bothersome to go down aaaall the seven rings to kill people, so it makes sense the sinners aren't allowed to go down and leave the Pride Ring.
This also is kind of a funny way to explain why most characters wouldn't know each other XD
While it makes me sad that like, Husk and Angel will never have a romantic date at Ozzie's or that Angel and Cherri might party at Beelzebub's someday, it gives me some interesting ideas and implications:
The Hotel integrants can't go down and visit any of the rings, but Charlie sure can
The IMP's office is on the pride ring on purpose, otherwise their clients (freshly died sinners) wouldn't be able to reach them
Each ring has a dominant color scheme (greed = green, for example), so that's why Hazbin Hotel has a more consistent color scheme, since they're confined to a single ring, and in Helluva Boss sometimes when different characters visit other rings (as it happens many times) the episode's color scheme becomes almost overwhelming
That's also why the hellborns don't really mention Extermination Day. If they're on Pride, they just have to go down and come back the next day. It's not a complete bother to them (although i do think Pride gets super chaotic even a few days after E.D. Remember the turf wars on the pilot?)
Then I also started to think on how exactly they "can't go to the other rings". Are they prohibited by some law, maybe some powerful gate guardian, and if that is the case, can more powerful Overlords visit the lower rings? Or are they physically/magically unable to come down? Could a powerful hellborn like Lucifer or other ruler of Hell allow someone down?
Do the rulers of Hell ever go up in Pride? We know they have businesses there, Valentino has a Fizz Bot after all.
We know Lucifer is not the kind to inspire much authority among sinners (unlike the other rulers who are more known and respected--although that more like pop stars and not kings and queens), but do the other Rulers ever meet with overlords, or they just don't interact with each other?
Do people know Angel in the lower rings? He's a famous pornstar, but I wonder if his fame or VoxTek has any kind of business down there
Anyways, I love worldbuilding in general, and Helluva Boss gave us such cool insigh in the universe that I can't help but smile and try to decipher it all, because Hazbin Hotel's worldbuilding is so well crafted and fun
Also it makes Heaven more of a bunch of assholes since the "overpopulation" problem in Hell could easily be avoided by letting sinners go down and be in any ring so all of them would be divided and more of a manageable population
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kittenfangirl20 · 3 months
*getting ready to sleep Adam made the horns disappear since he mainly had them out for Lyra, he got undressed and instead of wearing his usual shirt and boxer shorts he put on a silky black slip and black silk panties, used to he would never be caught dead in something like this, but he liked it, he then heard someone knock at the door and when he opened it he saw Charlie in red pajamas*
Charlie: I was wondering if you would like to watch a movie with me, I have snacks.
Adam: I would like that a lot.
*Adam followed her downstairs to the lobby and there was a table filled with snacks, Charlie put on some cutesy movie that wasn’t really Adam’s type of movie since he usually preferred either action/adventure or to the surprise of many something historical since he liked to learn about the world after he died, but he enjoyed it with Charlie*
Charlie: This movie always makes me cry because everyone gets to be happy after going through such a traumatic experience.
*Adam never really thought about it that way, but she was right, he could empathize a little since his life had been a trauma filled shit sandwich with some bright spots like Lucifer, Eve, and his family, even then there was a lot of pain to go through, strangely it was becoming a Queen of Hell that made his life better*
Adam: I understand.
*Charlie leaned up against Adam and they enjoyed the movie until both fell asleep*
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firstwcman · 3 months
I've been meaning to make this post for a while, but here is a headcanon chunk for Lilith's heavenly accommodations.
The situation with Lilith's imprisonment has been met with some allowances, as this is the Queen who has decided to begrudgingly allow herself to be kept within the confines of the Holy Kingdom for the sake of diplomacy.
What started out as an allowed phone call to Lucifer every Extermination Day gradually expanded to once every two months throughout the seven year stay. Frequent contact with Hell makes Heaven very uneasy, regular energies transpiring back and forth is not ideal. Once every two months, that is what they get. Lucifer's attempts to call Heaven for Lilith fall on deaf ears until the appropriate time. Lilith is the one who calls out.
A sick twist is that Lilith and Lucifer are allowed to see one another on Extermination Day for a limited time, but contact is very minimal and they are under surveillance.
Charlie is under the vague belief that her mother is doing something diplomatically important, which is not exactly a lie in Lilith's eyes. The reason she does not know the truth of the situation is due to the fact that Lilith & Lucifer are both worried that their daughter will get entangled and taken captive as well. For the moment, it is better that she believe Lilith is simply doing something important.. and not answering her phone calls.
Speaking of which, Lilith is actually not receiving these calls. She still has her cell phone, but the cellular service is completely barred from Hell, and the device itself has actually been gradually infected by the energies of Heaven over time, making it almost impossible to use outside of regularly listening to old voice mails. VoxTech is not built to withstand the power of Heaven and the long-term exposure is corroding it.
Every time Lilith does try to use her phone, or another to call home, she gets this irritating message.
Sera, Adam, and Lute are aware that Lilith is Heaven's prisoner while every other inhabitants of lower rank simply think that she is an honored guest for diplomacy. Saint Peter is unintentionally in the know through context clues, as Lilith lingers near the Gates of Heaven often and holds conversations with him, and he has been warned to not let her out by any means.
Saint Peter likely does not inquire much about this as Adam is always the first to respond, and it's always the same flavor;"Come on, all we want is for her to be kept inside for her own good. She's a demon bitch and this is Heaven, Peter. She goes outside the Gates and she'll explode or something. You know who knows best? Dad knows best. Who's the reason you existed to become a Saint? This guy right here. Have some faith in me, dude, I know what I'm talking about. I've been here to see that piece of work become the first of her nasty ass kind. I'm just, you know, looking after her. We don't want a war kicked up because we let her take a stroll outside the Pearly Gates and she got hurt, right?" Though, after the news has come out about the Exterminations, who knows what he thinks now, especially now that Adam has died.
Lilith's accommodations for all this time, to help support the guise that she is an 'honored guest', have been comfortable. She and her past Guard are/were housed within a building in the main Plaza, connected to the same building where the actual meeting of Charlie & Vaggie took place. They are not cells, but rooms granted to them, though this building is under secure watch. Alastor's room was next to Lilith's.
Lilith's room is cavernous and almost bare bones, save for a collection of books, an easel, stacks of canvases, paints, and plants that she has managed to cultivate on her own. It's also very dark and very cold, no one likes going in here - save for Emily, who is the only one comfortable to visit. She likely finds the room to be pleasant, a little chilly and shadowy, but welcoming.
On her bed, there are two pillows side-by-side. One of these pillows has a halo on it.Emily is the only one who can touch it without much of a reaction.
Lilith is allowed to wander Heaven due to her powers being bound (magically restrained by Higher Power), and she does so frequently. She is given as much of a wide berth as you might expect, though due to her maternal nature, she has become a comforting figure for some of the children who have passed and are not afraid to approach her, and go beyond the warnings of the angels and fellow winners to do so.
As said before, Lilith goes to the Gates often. Lower powered eyes cannot see (winners) what is out there, but she can see the Pit from it better than anywhere else in Heaven.
Emily and Saint Peter so far are the only ones who communicate with her in a warm manner, and the only ones who have a decent personage in her eyes, though Emily more so. She can't help but take something of a motherly role over her, though whether that is reconciliation or not is up to the Emily. Lilith and Saint Peter have more of a tense but amicable bridge.
0 notes
creative-blade99 · 9 months
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It's incomplete, but I wanted to post it before season 1 is released. I was inspired by a Pokemon timeline drawing by Kiana Mai/Yamujiburo. You can look at it in better detail here.
Under the cut explains what happened in each year.
Kane is killed and goes to Hell. He becomes an Overlord and starts working with Vox to build his Hell newspaper company. (1997).
Nothing noteworthy happens here.
Mixie dies, going to Hell. After being there for a few weeks, she meets Kane and moves in with him. A few months later, they start dating. (2011).
Sir Pentious and Mixie meet at a party hosted by Kane at his mansion. The two get along very well, much to Kane's dismay. (2012).
Raggdoll dies, and they begin their search for Mixie in Hell. (2013).
Raggdoll finds Mixie and tries to convince her to leave Kane as they don't trust him. Kane and Mixie have a fight over this, which ends with Mixie breaking up with Kane and moving in with Raggdoll. Vaggie dies. (2014).
Mixie meets Cherri Bomb and Angel Dust, and after some time together, they become best friends. Mixie starts developing a crush on Cherri. (2015).
Malika dies in a car accident and arrives in Hell along with two of her friends/band members. (2017).
The events of the pilot happen. Mixie becomes a patient at the Hazbin Hotel. (2019).
Cherri and Sir Pentious confess their love to Mixie, but she doesn't know what to do since she loves both back. They all talk and agree to a polyamorous relationship in which Mixie dates Cherri and Sir Pent. (2020).
Angel and Husk start dating. (2021).
Kitty is born, much to the surprise of Angel and Husk, who had no idea they were expecting a baby. Niffty and Baxter start dating. (2022).
Maddie is born, and Mixie becomes an employee at the hotel so she can still be there for her Hell-born daughter. (2023).
Gloria and Noah are born. Charlie and Vaggie get married. (2024).
Marcus is born, and about a month later, he and Kitty are babysat by Charlie and Vaggie. During that time, Vaggie feels ready to have kids, and Charlie is so happy about that, as she has wanted to have kids for a few years now. Mixie gives birth to Samantha's egg. In late December of that year, Vincent is born. (2025).
Samantha hatches from her egg. (2026).
Carmel is born, and Sir Pent and Mixie get engaged. (2027).
Gloria and Becka meet and become friends. Lucifer steps down from being king, and Charlie is crowned the new Queen of Hell. (2028).
Sarah is born, and Becka and Gloria start dating. (2029).
Becka's family moves away, so she and Gloria break up. (2031).
Carmel's sweets addiction starts, and she gets her first cavity. Samantha's existential crisis. (2033).
Charlie and Vaggie have enough of Sarah's bullies, and the school not caring, so they decide to take Sarah out of school and home-school her instead. They use Vincent's old school work to teach her what she needs to learn. Vincent also helps her whenever possible. (2035).
Sarah goes back to school. She can now deal with her bullies; they leave her alone because she is no longer "fun" to bully. (2037).
Vincent realises he is trans and tells his family, Charlie being the first. After telling her, Sarah offers to cut Vincent's hair to help with his gender dysphoria, which he agrees to. (2038).
Kitty and Maddie start dating. (2039).
Samantha and Malika meet at a concert Malika is performing at, and they start dating. Cavin and Marcus meet at school and become friends. They both start developing feelings for each other. (2040).
Samantha and Malika break up but remain friends. (2041).
Becka and Gloria reunite at the coffee shop Becka works at, and they get back together. (Present day; 2042).
Cavin confesses his feelings for Marcus, and they start dating. (2043).
Vincent finally asks Samantha out, with the help of Maddie and Carmel, and they start dating. Sarah starts training to become a hairdresser. (2044).
Noah gets together with his crush. Carmel starts working as a baker at the Hazbin Hotel. (2045).
Vincent and Samantha get engaged. (2048).
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ok so i'm mid-episode-7 right now and I'll just try to take a little break and wrap my head around all of this a little and collect my thoughts before I move on (spoilers!)
So far, episode 6 and Amenadiel's storyline is my favourite because it had actual emotional impact for me. I actually wish they had started this plot in the very first episode of the season so that we could spend more time on the problem.
Overall, I feel like the show really lacks the established structure it had since the beginning. Which were the murders and solve them. Most episodes were contained by one case with two sides: The actual police work which is where Chloe had her time to shine and then Lucifer dealing with whatever issues he is tackling in that episode, doing his projecting thing and maybe undergoing some personal growth. So we get a fully story per episode while the stakes of the season arc become higher and higher in the background. With Chloe and Lucifer no longer solving cases, this structure is gone. It feels like we're just spending time with some characters going this way or that at random, moving from plot-point to plot-point with very little pay-off. Everything just...blurs.
The stakes aren't really getting higher at all so far, there is no rising action as far as I can tell?
Like, in season 5 everything hit the fan constantly - Lucifer is actually Michael! Chloe gets abducted! Big battle at the precinct and God is there! Mojo switch! God is retiring! Vulnerability is gone! Lucifer is goign to become God! Dan dies! -- it was actually too much for me, towards the end, to the point where everything felt meaningless because the stakes were high beyond the frame of comprehension the show gives us, but this time...it's just seemingly not moving towards a climax.
In fact, they seem to be going down.
Rory is introduced as this big, bad mysterious figure who really, really wants Lucifer dead - and now it feels like she's just been an emo teen hanging out with him and Chloe for weeks? months? doing random stuff - until she remembers that she's pissed at Lucifer again and stomps off and it kinda f eels like it's been going on for ages. Which is okay, I actually like her but it kind of falls flat from her original introduction.
I could live with that if they gave me something to actually worry about. Show me Rory actually getting used to the world around her, finding out things about the people she thinks she knows - or thinks she knows. Going back in time, that's a gigantic premise! I actually really loved seeing her talk about Trixie and knowing immediately where she would hide her chocolate - I would love more stuff like this. I would love to see more stuff about what it was like for her to grow up knowing her father is/was the devil! About growing up as a half-angel. About Charlie who is also a half-angel but actually has a father. Stuff like that.
Then we have the "becoming God"/"becoming Queen of Hell" thing that the entire last season build up to, the biggest fattest finale they ever had- that was a really huge deal. But now both Maze and Lucifer just kinda decided they'd rather not do that and found reasons to hang around. And when a frog started coming from heaven and Ella says she can't feel god anymore and Lucifer runs to Linda so that she can teach him how to care- I thought things are building up now and we're going to have some WandaVision style reality collapse at our hands, I was hyped for that - buuuut nah, they're just all kind of hanging around.
Actually, pay-off in general seems to be kind of a problem. For example, Rory not calling Maze 'aunt' and not knowing Amenadiel appeare to set off an exciting little mystery - and considering that we're now no longer solving crimes, I would love if they really delved into the celestial side of mysterious. I would have loved to figure out some time-travel sheningans - buuuuut it was a joke.
See, I love Dan but honestly I'm kind of at odds with how to deal with his characterisation rn? Because he's been in hell for a thousand years, hanging out with demons and stuff and it's been a thousand years down there, that is torture even without the torture and I would have expected a bit more anything. The same thing with Chloe and the blade, tbh, I feel like this could have been so much bigger?
Overall, I feel like there are missing so many opportunities that I think the show would not only not have missed in seasons 1 or 2, but would have actively used:
The whole thing was always Lucifer projecting his problems on the cases and (maybe) learning something about himself on a good day. Now, let's take the Jimmy Barnes episode. I loved when Chloe looked at the throne and was like: "It looks so lonely" and Lucifer says "it was" - that was such a great moment. - because so far, Chloe doesn't know hell. She doesn't know the reality of hell or what it meant for Lucifer to rule over this place and it seemed like a great set-up for her to finally see his world and to understand what it meant for him to leave this place - but also to be sent back down there again and again. And also for Lucifer to actually see one of his most painful experiences acknowledged by the woman he loves and to actually...talk to her about that. After all, this is the big reversal: So far, Lucifer was the consultant on Chloe's cases, and now Chloe became the consultant and helping Lucifer tackle his celestial issues. So to see her go to hell and actually learn about the place seemed like a really cool start - and then we learn that Jimmy Barnes' backstory is about a son left behind by a parent! And Chloe even talks about how horrible and alone he must have felt! And let's not forget Chloe's own backstory - her father didn't leave, she lost him because he was killed, but she also once sat at home and realised her Dad wouldn't come home and then she got a phone call and realised he would never come home - but for entirely different reasons than Lucifer who was cast out or Jimmy Barnes who got left behind. It seemed like exactly the kind of threads that this show would bring together and have the character discuss and reflect on at the end of the episode. But they didn't. They...rarely do that, this season and it just feels like something is missing from the format - and its emotional impact.
Sometimes I actually used to feel like the show had a tendency of spelling out too much, being too direct - but this season around it's not like they're less subtle. It's just not really acknowledged and it doesn't feel organic.
Another example is in the episode where Lucifer seeks out his old lovers to find out whether they're Rory's mothers.
This obviously gave me vibes right from Stewardess Interruptus which is one of my all-time favourite episodes.
Stewardess Interruptus is one of my favourite episodes because it told us so much about our characters. Also, our characters learn about each other and themselves here: Along with Chloe, we learn Lucifer isn't just a person who really likes having a lot of sex, but that he actually has a pretty dysfunctional relationship with sexuality. We also learn how much Chloe, while actually trying to date Lucifer, struggles with the sex-life he has because for her its symptomatic of their very different lifestyles and it makes her wonder how compatible they are. We go from Chloe asking Lucifer's ex-partners whether he "basically used you for sex and then moved on" to realising that actually...it's kinda the other way around. Lucifer is the one who's letting himself be used because he doesn't know how else to connect with people. That was a good episode - - - now that we went on a similar journey in the season 6 episode, I was actually very interested! Especially now that Lucifer is in a proper relationship and I would have loved to see that brought up - for example if Chloe had been presented with the "meaningless"-thing again and we actually had a moment where Lucifer and her talk about what it means to have a "meaningful" relationship. Like, Chloe tells him that it's okay if he had a relationship before her or loved one of these women - which yes! of course it is! - actually, it would have been interesting to see them discuss what it means that he didn't have that kind of connection before despite being almost old as time.
I was especially interested in Esther as a character - who says she became a Rabbi because of Lucifer which is...something really, really interesting. For one, because this show has such a long history of acting like Christianity is the only religion in the world or at least as if the Christian take on the devil is universal (Amenadiel even says in the first season that "every religion has its version of the devil" and that he's always a "rebellious son" which...no. That's not true. At all.) when really, it's not. (I actually remember reading a really good fic once about Lucifer meeting a Rabbi and discussing the different ideas of evil but that's a whole different matter.)
In this episode, Lucifer is now confronted with someone who didn't find the encounter she had with him meaningless at all - she literally changed her life because of it. Also, when she says she became a Rabbi because of him and he's like "oh yeah guess I got that from your desires..." - much like in the Jimmy Barnes episode, I prepared myself for the classic twist at the end of the episode that the show would usually have had. The moment where Lucifer's immediate assumptions would be challenged. I was expecting that by the end of the episode, she would say something: "Hey, it was not actually your mojo, but ---" and we would learn something about her and have Lucifer reconsider his assumptions - For example her saying he seemed lost and that it inspired her to take on a role where she could offer people guidance. Or it would have been interesting if, like Father Frank, she actually realised at some point that he's really the devil and that made her think more deeply about her faith. That could have been really interesting. Like...I feel like in the first seasons of the show, this would definitely have lead to some emotional twist and impact, even in one of the weaker episodes. Some revelation or insight. Something memorable. But here...it's not.
In a similar vein, that kind of emotional twist is something I would have loved to see in Lucifer's interactions with Rory.
One of my favourite moments in the show was when Maze gave Linda that blanket for Charlie - and says that she got him something that she wished she had as a child.
That was so simple! So effective! Strong story-telling! We understood and learnt so much about what made Maze into Maze in just a few lines of dialogue! It's heart-wrenching! It was amazing. - and honestly, it would be so simple to give Lucifer and Rory a similar moment. Again and again we hear Lucifer insist that it cannot be true, he would never abandon his child but it's very "tell" and not much "show" - when Lucifer tries so desperately to find something that he can give Rory it would have been a really strong moment between Christmas-es and driving lessons and parties, if we had a scene where Lucifer tries to do something similar to what Maze did for Charlie:
Have him actually talk to Rory about what he felt like being abandoned by his father and try to give her something that he would have wanted or say something the would have wanted to hear. We would have learnt more about Lucifer, we would have more of an emotional impact beyond him just saying over and over again that he wouldn't abandon his child, we would actually see some development in the relationship between Lucifer and Rory, Rory might actually get a similar opportunity to shine when she reacts to that - giving her more depth and illustrating her pain in a new way rather than just the same thing over and over again. Their relationship has been seemingly stagnant for ages now. It would have been good.
Another example: Adam kidnaps Linda, Maze and Eve work together to get their hands on Adam because they have no idea what he did to her - and then get a really, really long scene discussion their wedding and relationship and stuff. And then, right at the end of the scene they're like: "oh uh btw we have to find Linda"- that one was...almost funny, because it was so bad and weirdly paced. This is Maze we're talking about! Maze who throws hands with everyone who even looks at her friends funny! And who just recently learnt what it felt like to lose a friend!
I feel like there is a similar tell vs. show problem with Eve and Maze and her family. I really, really liked the dinner-scene in the first episode of the season where Linda keeps asking Eve about what she was going to do in hell, about what her role would be, how she sees hell - and Eve keeps being really light-hearted and seemingly naive about it.
Because Eve's entire character flaw (by which I don't mean that it's "bad" or "evil" - but that it's actually something that causes Eve a lot of pain and holds her back) is that she always 100% adjusts herself to her current partner. That she wants to back them completely and be perfect for them. That is what made her so great in season 4: She was neither "the mean new woman ruining things between Chloe and Lucifer >:( " nor was she someone dangled over Chloe as "here is how you are a really good girlfriend to Lucifer" - no, the reason why she was seemingly perfect for Lucifer was was because she was making herself be perfect for him - to the point of self-negation where he cannot get her to break up with him, because she keeps and keeps and keeps adjusting to him. That is why their relationship was dysfunctional and eventually toxic. When she says in season 4 that Lucifer and her will simply go to hell and keep the party going there - that was the pinnacle of her self-deceit, that was the shining moment where we could tell just how desperate she is for love and acknowledgement and companionship that she's literally willing to go to HELL if that's what it takes.
When the dinner scene in 6.1 started, I was very excited to see this issue build up and then be resolved between Maze and her. I was looking forward to see Maze realise what Eve's actual issue is and to come to some clever solution over the course of the season, but so far...that's not really happening.
And yes, Eve wants to get to know Maze's siblings while Maze keeps saying that no, demons are evil - which would also be a super interesting conflict but it's again lacking the emotional impact because we know so little about the demons on the show and what the world-building is. It's much like with God and the fam in the last season: Up to that point, they were really, really wrapped in huge mystery but that's really why it falls kind of flat. But whereas God and especially the angels fell flat for me because I had them build up in this big, uncanny celestial mystery and they couldn't live up to that once they appeared in the flesh, here it's the opposite. I know so little about the actual horrors of hell that I struggle to sympathise with Maze's fears. If I knew literally any demons' thoughts on Maze being the new queen or having a human royal consort or anything, there would be real stakes. But this way, they can just shake anything out of their sleeves and that's it.
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sidecarghost · 4 years
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My Spn Crack Ending in 3 ACTS + 1 BONUS ACT
This ending is the current iteration as of August, 2020 of my crack, clown wishlist ending. Probably could argue the only thing canon is the names of characters. This is just my attempt to make coherent my wishes and other beautiful, wild fandom wishes I’ve heard. And I think actual finale will be prob be different but also wonderful.
CRACK RECAP of stuff in episode before finale
Chuck gives up writing and goes back to gardening with Joshua
TFW celebrate the victory of getting Chuck to leave them alone, and happy Castiel gets claimed (dies) by the Empty
Finale Episode
All about revamping the broken afterlife system that has been failing
ACT 1 (Prep for the Empty)
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Dean needs to bust into Empty to save Cas
Sam finds a spell in one of the Bunkers books for making an enchanted Zoom meeting
The enchantment allows Sam and Dean to have Zoom session with Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, and the Veil
Sam and Dean talk to all the chosen family they have made over the season
Zoom Jody, Donna, Claire, Alex, and Patience are excited to help in any plan that Sam & Dean come up with and suggest they talk to Kevin Tran
Kevin Tran says he doesn’t have any knowledge on the empty but if they find any tablets he might be able to translate, maybe someone in Hell can help
Rowena is brought into the meeting and she says hello boys Sam tells her the spell saved Eileen and Rowena is a proud auntie. She wants to help too, have they tried asking some of the friends they know in Heaven maybe they can sneak into Naomi’s files for intel on Empty
Bobby, Charlie, Ellen, Jo, Pamela, and Ash appear on Zoom meeting. Ash mentions that Jack had come by while Dumah was running things with some humans turned angels and since the Empty is only for angels and demons maybe they can get some angels created to rescue Castiel. The rest of the Heaven group is very excited about this idea
Dean is out-of-his-mind excited about being able to lead a squadron of angels to save Castiel and convinces Jack to transform him into angel along with his found family members that had fallen and are now souls in a failing Heaven
Sam supports his brother Dean and they have sweet brother moment bonding moment before Jack does magic to turn Dean into an angel
Sam thinks they should try calling Amara too since they need every ally they can get. Chuck is out of the question but the Darkness may help.
Amara is always fond of Dean so she is happy to help.
Then Dean and Jack head to Heaven and offer choice to hunter souls (Charlie, Bobby, Jo, Ellen, Pamela, Ash, etc...) to also become angels
ACT 2 (Rescue in the Empty)
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Angel!Dean storms Empty to rescue Castiel with his hunter angel squadron and other cosmically powered friends
Jack, Amara, and Dean talk to the Cosmic Entity and convince CE to build a better afterlife for the entities in in the Empty.
Amara listens to and empathizes with Shadow, Amara understands loneliness and rage from her eons locked away by Chuck. She tells Shadow that their past doesn’t need to control their present.
Amara helps Shadow see the potential for beauty and wonder in the void of the Empty.
Darkness and Shadow create a new world in the Empty for angels and demons.
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ACT 3 (Heaven Restored)
Castiel is resurrected as angel in Heaven. 
Heaven as office bureaucracy is demolished and is fully powered by the replenishment of Angels.
Jack offers souls that come to Heaven choice of being transformed into an Angel or resting in peace in paradise.
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Angel!Charlie becomes queen of Heaven 
Because Charlie was effective queen during LARP episode so most qualified of the hunters
Charlie opens the gates of Heaven so souls are free to roam between each other’s paradises and revisit Earth as they choose (without fear of going insane)
Angel!Ellen and Angel!Jo reopen up roadhouse bar on Earth
Angel!Bobby works at the roadhouse bar handing out jobs to angels to do good works in the world and works with Sam and Eileen to partner angels and human hunters
Castiel mentors the new Hunter angels
Dean is bartender and also has Led Zepplin cover band with Adam/Michael, Gabriel, and reformed Chuck.
Jack also gets to travel between Heaven, Hell, Earth, and Empty to visit his family and friends.
Everything seems ready for happy ending BUT THEN
BONUS ACT 4 (Lucifer's return for reasons)
Sam prays to Angel!Dean frantically to tell him Lucifer had snuck out and escaped the Empty during Dean's siege
Lucifer is in the bunker and randomly drives off with Baby
Dean has no choice but to destroy Baby to stop Lucifer
Now Dean drives the little AU!Sam and Dean car whenever he's on Earth
Dean is very sad about losing Baby, so ending is bittersweet, sad, and poignant.
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As Baby burns to ash the large chosen family of the Winchesters all gather around the bonfire to commiserate the end of Baby while classic rock ballad plays.
The final chord of the song finishes.
Then black out.
Threads wrapped up by above clowning
Sam and Dean have moved on from the hunter lifestyle that fate and their father had forced upon them. But helping people is still a part of who they are, so now they continue to do good work on their own terms.
fulfills Deaths plan of fixing the failing afterlife system 
gets to run a bar and sing in a rock band with his found family
spends eternity with Castiel
fulfills his dream of finding his own life and starting family
Sam gets chance to try to have relationship with Eileen without weird Chuck trying to manipulate them
gets to lead a hunter school in Bunker and mentor the next generation of hunters
makes things right by restoring Heaven to better than before by mentoring the next generation of Angels
spends eternity with Dean
fulfills destiny of creating paradise by populating Heaven with badass angels instead of pencil pushers 
Angels now actively try to spread good works with humanity and provide watchful eye that things stay in balance instead of being dicks with wings
gets to be raised by his three dads as he travels between realms.
Rowena & demons, Charlie & angels, Amara & Shadow, Sam & Eileen
handle stuff for Hell, Heaven, Empty, and Earth
Purgatory seems to continue doing fine as monster chaos
gives up living vicariously through his creations and becomes a hands off God like he was in season 4.
After being unfridged, she is amazing lesbian Queen ruling gloriously over Heaven
given a hunter’s funeral and burned to ash
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ilikebeesandflowers · 4 years
Finale? What finale?
That was just the Empty torturing a wayward gay angel... Here’s what really happened after Cas confessed his LOVE to Dean Winchester and was taken to Super Mega Hell...
Unedited, unproofread, unbeta’d- just pure, unadulterated, whiskey-and-rage-fueled fix-it fic. Ps, El Sol cerveza is the official beverage of fake-dream-worlds, and therefore the entire narrative of the finale is sus.
Love Lift Us Up (Where We Belong)
Cas slumbered, but fitfully. Oblivion plagued him with nightmares.
Some dreams replayed memories, even of memories that were not strictly his: one by one, everyone he loved torn apart at an atomic level, rent, poofed to dust. His sleeping self watched on a loop as Bobby, Charlie, Donna, nameless others fell, obliterated.
He saw Michael slay Lucifer, the foregone conclusion so many times delayed.
He saw Michael betray the Winchesters. But how? Why? Michael had changed, hadn’t he? Adam had changed him. Even asleep, Cas knew this to be true.
He watched Jack, his loving and beloved son, fulfilling the promise Kelly had known he held. Jack bringing peace to the world, restoring balance, returning all life on earth to its rightful places. Cas was certain that this dream was true. He felt Jack’s presence, unmistakable lightness and goodness and purity.
The Empty roiled violently, rippling the fabric of its realm.
The dreams changed again to nightmares.
Dean, alone. Sam, alone. Eileen, alone.
The hunters who had died were again whole and alive, walking the earth as if Chuck’s poisonous animosity had never snuffed them. And yet they were all isolated from one another. Oh, the younger children clung to their parents, but the parents drifted from one another.
Charlie, alone. Donna, alone. Claire, alone.
The loneliness of the hunters infected the denizens of the Empty, and the Empty smiled in its sleep.
Cas dreamed that he watched Dean dying, an ignominious death in a ramshackle barn. He felt a wave of revulsion, of jealousy, like he did in another barn, once upon a time, witnessing a kiss between Anna and Dean. What had he felt then, way back when, when feelings were still so new and frightening? Had he been in love then?
The scene repeated, again and again, a horrible parody of what should have been. A confession of love, two foreheads touching, hands held over Dean’s heart. The scene replayed a hundred, a thousand times, Cas viewing from the vantage of the beloved, but Cas never could see who received Dean’s love. He only knew it wasn’t him. He could only watch through someone else’s eyes, hearing and seeing and feeling with intense loathing what should have been his.
Then Dean was dead.
 The scene faded again. Cas saw Sam, living on, without Dean, without Jack, without Eileen, without hunters or hunting. In the space of a human heartbeat, he was married, raising a human child, a son. In another heartbeat, he was old, then dying, then greeting his brother in heaven.
He felt again a tug as if Jack were near. A faint glow.
Cas woke. Two amber eyes shone above him.
“Castiel,” said Jack, “something is wrong. I need your help.”
Cas scrambled to his feet. “The dreams? They were real?”
Jack couldn’t know what Cas had seen, and yet he shook his head and assured him that, no, those were the Empty playing tricks. “But reality is in danger. Heaven and Hell are out of balance. Heaven’s brightest are all here, when they should be up there. We’ll have to wake them.”
The Empty howled somewhere far off, something that sounded like, “Let me sleep!”
Jack stepped briskly in the inky blackness, tapping here and there, naming sleeping entities. “Hannah, you are needed. Duma, awaken. Gabriel. Michael. Raphael, your services are humbly requested.”
Soon, the din of awakened angels, archangels, seraphs, and reapers had summoned a furious cosmic entity of entropy and oblivion. “KEEP. IT. DOWN,” it hissed.
“And what will you do if we don’t?” Castiel asked, raising an eyebrow to the Empty, who stood before them in the guise of Meg Masters, circa 2009.
The Empty stamped its foot. “I took you in. You all died the death of immortals, a death that cannot be rewarded nor punished, but I took you in! And all I ask for is quiet!”
“But why?” Cas continued. “You despise us. Why do you trap us here?”
The Empty hesitated. “They dream,” it replied. “They dream, and so I dream.”
“We suffer nightmares of your making.”
“No-oo. The dreams are yours.”
“You enjoy the nightmares?”
“No.” The Empty faltered. “They wake me up. You stir, I stir; I must sleep!”
Jack spoke softly to the Empty. “Then expel them.”
“Expel them? What, just set them all free to commit chaos?”
“Just the dreamers.”
The Empty seemed to calculate the price of granting the nephilim’s wish. “That would be almost all of the angels and a number of powerful demons. They might return, clomping into my haven and disturbing my sleep.”
“No,” Castiel put in, his eyes lit with a wry smile. “If you expel them, they will be forever banned from your realm. They become subject to Purgatory, not Oblivion.”
Jack smiled at his father. “Exactly!” He turned again to the Empty. “So you’ll do it?” he asked brightly.
The Empty scowled. It nodded once, as if making a decision.
The world went white, then faded to reveal a sunny meadow. Roly-poly bumblebees flitted between fat heads of purple clover. A nest of chickadees chirped. Cicadas droned. A red kite soared above them, the string held by someone a long way off. Cas’ face softened, as if recalling a long-lost memory.
It hardened again as he sensed something amiss. “Jack,” he frowned, “the walls between the human heavens are failing.”
Jack nodded. “Yes, which is why we need more angelic energy. But watch.” He drew a small window in the air with his index finger. He pushed the cut-out, revealing an adjoining heaven belonging to a woman. Cas recognized her as the mother of the man with the kite. Her heaven contained a meadow: the same meadow that surrounded them, rather than the manicured lawn Cas knew from the man’s original heaven.
“They can co-exist,” he breathed.
“Yes. We can break these barriers and open Heaven. It doesn’t need to be a prison. We can fix it.” Jack grinned again, that same old smile he’d worn in life, when he learned the taste of nougat or the softness of a bunny rabbit.
The sight warmed Cas. The summer sky glowed just a bit brighter. “Tell me what to do, my son.”
For six days, as Heaven measures time, the angels, the archangels, and the nephilim worked. First, negotiating a truce with Hell and its imperious but righteous Queen, and then building a Heaven for all. On the seventh day, they rested from their labors. They gathered to watch the humans on earth for a little while. Almost no time had passed: the humans had had just enough time to recollect that they had watched their loved ones vanish; those unfamiliar with the supernatural had quickly forgotten the phenomenon, as well. The hunters in the warded hideout had had just enough time to embrace their newly un-vanished friends.
Sam was texting Eileen, only to remember that he still had her phone, abandoned on the sidewalk mid-text. He laughed at himself. “We have to drive to Eileen’s house.”
Dean lay hunched over the table, carving a word into the polished wood alongside the Winchester family initials. Thus far, it read, “CAST,” and he was just starting on the I. “Pack us up- I wanna finish this, but I can be ready in twenty.” They watched as he finished his tribute to Castiel. He put two fingers to his lips, then pressed the finger pads against the grooves.
Cas itched to know how Dean meant the gesture.
Dean hastily scratched the name “JACK” into the table, too. “You done good, kid,” he murmured, patting the letters as he might once have patted Jack on the shoulder.
The angels drifted back to their tasks. Cas stayed, watching his friends. His family. He followed their movements towards Eileen. He witnessed the tearful reunion.
Sam started sniffling long before Dean pulled up behind Eileen’s little red car. He stepped over the sidewalk, where he had first absorbed her death, and a sob escaped him. In a few strides of his long legs, he was at the door. His hand shook as he reached for the doorbell. The second phone in his pocket vibrated: her doorbell notification. How would she know that he was there? He clapped the knocker, stamped his feet.
The door opened. Eileen. A vision, a sight for even Cas’ sore eyes. Sam was overwhelmed. He croaked her name, and she was in his arms. Where she belonged.
Back at the curb, Dean turned his face from the lovers. He fiddled with his phone, but who could he call?
Cas heard Dean think his name. He felt a pang of longing, but it wasn’t his own. Or rather, it matched his own. Echoed his, merged with his, swelling the aching feeling until he felt full to bursting with yearning for something he thought he could never have. Had thought he couldn’t have. Now, he wondered.
He called to his son.
Jack appeared beside him. He followed Cas’ gaze. “It’s time for you to return to him,” he mused.
“Yes, but,” Cas tripped over the words he wanted to say and couldn’t bear to say.
Fortunately, Jack understood. Without another word, he took Cas’ face in his hands. For a moment, their eyes glowed brightly, then Castiel’s dimmed to their customary shade of blue. When Jack’s golden aura had faded as well, he pulled away from Cas. He glanced down at the slim vial now slung around his neck by a black cord. The substance within sparkled, swirled, its hue a dazzling, electric blue-white. It looked like lightning in a bottle.
Cas swept his son into a crushing embrace. “Thank you,” he wept.
“You can always come home,” Jack told him.
Cas pulled back. “No. Where I’m going is home.” He smiled through the tears rushing down his cheek. “Goodbye, Jack. I love you.”
He rather felt than heard Jack’s reply, as he crossed from the celestial plane to the mortal realm. He stood now on that same sidewalk. Far to his right, Sam lifted Eileen, carrying her bridal-style into her home, letting the door slam behind them. To his left, a long black car. He gripped the passenger door handle, pulled it open. The hinges squeaked. He folded himself inside before turning to the driver.
Dean looked every bit as awed as Cas felt. This was right.
Before he could say anything, even so much as a simple “Hello, Dean,” he found himself in Dean’s arms. Where he belonged.
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