#Charlotte Cracker x Reader
anykindofbean · 7 months
Arranged part. 2 Regrets
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Charlotte Cracker x Reader
Genre: Angst, Some fluff
Warnings: Cracker and Katakuri may be a bit OOC
If you wanna check out more of my works: Masterlist
Arranged: Part 1
It’s been about a week since the last time Cracker spoke to you. He’s noticed you haven’t cooked for him, Or tried to clean his home. At first he didn’t care, He told you to stop doing that in the first place.
But he didn’t realize how much he actually missed your presence.
You weren’t there waiting for him to get home anymore, You weren’t there sitting with him while he ate his own food. You didn’t leave his clothes for the next folded neatly on his dresser anymore.
All these little things you did for him, he took it for granted, And now he’s realizing that.
Maybe..He did care?
Maybe he wants to try….
But Cracker’s not stupid, He knows how complicated a women’s emotional state can be. Especially after he basically told her it’d never work between them..
So, He goes to the one person that actually might help him..
“….You did what now?” Katakuri raised an eyebrow at his little brother. Cracker sighed, Rolling his eyes a bit. “ I know, It was stupid of me..And I know she’s right..we were both forced into this, Might as well make it work, Right?”
“ Wow. Little brother Cracker admitting he’s wrong. Never thought I’d see the day.”
Cracker clicked his tongue, Glaring up at Katakuri. “ You’re not helping!” He took a deep breath. “ How do I fix this?”
Katakuri looked at Cracker, Thinking for a moment. “ Have you talked to her? Apologized?”
“ W..Well, Not yet.”
“ Then that’s a start. Honestly, Cracker. You should’ve thought to apologize in the first place.”
Cracker let out a frustrated groan. “ I know! I’m just..bad at this.”
“ I know. And you come to me of all people?”
Cracker let out another sigh. “ You’re the only person who would give me solid advice.”
Katakuri hummed at that. “ Well, First things first, Apologize. Second; Maybe do something nice for her? Take her on a picnic, Or something like that. You’re creative.”
Cracker shifted. “ Yeah, Okay.”
Katakuri raised an eyebrow. “ And watch what you say to and around her. It seems you scared her enough already.”
Cracker let out a deep breath, As he finished up packing up a picnic basket. He started overthinking..
What if you don’t like this?
What if you reject it?
What if this marriage was destined to fail from the start?
He shook his thoughts away, Closing the basket, And headed to your room. He gently knocked on your door, waiting patiently.
You soon opened up, Looking up at Cracker with surprise. He did his best to smile without looking terrifying.
“ Do you..wanna go on a date with me?”
I hope you enjoyed! Part 3 will be out soon!
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kallystah · 1 month
one piece masterlist~
~4K-5K words :
izo : the storm of his heart
law : clumsiness
marco : little conflict
kidd : how to survive on the voctoria punk
mihawk : of fruit and wine
one page : the hard life of a blushing dino (masterlist)
~1K words :
charlotte cracker : little biscuit
ace : sweet night | to watch the see with you (male reader)
penguin : consolation
kidd : evening routine
shanks : hot morning
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boa-h · 2 years
【Charlotte Cracker】 Summer Wind
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You and Cracker met and fell in love during a hot summer, you guys were still teenagers back then. You remember that day, his confession under the sunset.
That was the only time he told you that he loves you.
"Oi, I... I like you. Can we go out.. or something?" He avoided his gaze
"You only like me?" You teased
"Ugh! What more do you want!? I LOVE YOU. IS THAT GOOD ENOUGH?!” He shouted.
Cracker waited anxiously, "So..?"
"I love you too." You smiled
Maybe it was because of the hot weather or maybe it was the color of the sunset, but both of your faces were dyed a red hue. The warm wind blew past, his cool grin turned into a shy smile, which you found fascinating.
It was a summer that you will forever remember, along with the wind that told your tales.
"Forgive me! But I do love him." Crocodile tears flowed down her face as she begged, "Please let me be with him!"
"And why should I?" You questioned.
The girl was clearly "startled" by your response, "B-because... you're.. you’re not the right woman for him!"
"Ha! Not the right woman?" You laughed, "and you think you are?!”
"Hey, stop it. Be nice." Cracker stood in front of the girl and frowned at you.
"Wuah~ I’m scared… Cracker-sama..." The girl hid behind the large man "You scared her." He told you.
You chuckled in disbelief, "Are you being serious right now? Charlotte Cracker. 15 tears, I've loved you for 15 years, and I've done so much for you. And this is what you-"
"I never asked you to do those things for me." He cut you off.
Your chuckle turned into a laugh, "I see, I see... Sorry for bothering you for all these years then. Charlotte Cracker."
You jolted awake with tears and cold sweat running down your face. You looked over at the man sleeping like a dead pig next to you, aggrievedness raised out of nowhere as you kicked Cracker off the bed.
"Ow! Fuck! What the f-" He immediately paused when he saw the tears on your face, he quickly got back on the bed and embraced you while blabbering, "Holy crackers, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Did I hurt you when I was asleep?"
You listened as you cried onto his shoulder.
"Hey, stop crying already, I don't know how to comfort people, you know that."
"I love you, Cracker. Can you not leave me?"
"What are you talking about, woman? Why the fuck would I leave you?" His ears turned red at your first sentence.
"You still love me, right." You pulled back and looked into his eyes.
"Of course, my feelings never changed. Were you dreaming of me leaving you?" He wiped your tears away with his thumb rather harshly.
You nodded.
"Stupid idiot, I'll never leave you. Now stop crying, you're super ugly when you do." He huffed.
"Cracker..." you sniffled.
"Your breath stinks."
The wind blew into the opened window as if laughing at Cracker's bright red face along with you, taking away your bad mood in the process.
You two fell in love during summer, and summer never ended.
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kobb4ni2 · 9 months
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Just imagine. Sea Serpent! Reader who is EXTREMELY HUGE/TALL. Like this is one piece man everyone is tall a$$ fvck bro, but like in Google it says that a sea serpent is 60.96 metres or 200 feet in my research so uh.. IMAGINE Sea Serpent! Reader who just woke up from a hibernation and already started going attention from the World Government, they try their best to recruit you so they sent the admirals but ohhh boy.
Since Akainu, Kizaru and Kuzan were the first person you've met after a very long time, you picked them up on their coats like how a mother cat picks up their kittens and how they tried their best to get out of your grasp but when you put them on your hands near your BIG BWEEBIES (I LOVE BEWBIES :3 I'm a fucking lesbo) . They really tried their best not to look on your chest (Kizaru is trying his best.) Akainu being the more professional one he tried his best to follow his orders while Kizaru and Kuzan were just basically using the devil fruits around you.
Kizaru could just be in your palms and in a second next to your shoulders, while Aokiji was secretly using the highest temperature he could do so he can see your reaction (kinda kinky ngl). Akainu is out here trying his best not to melt those two. You really tried your best to listen to Akainu's proposal yet you can't when you're out here squishing each of the Admirals cheeks:3
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Let's say you agreed to be in the marines cuz why not? It's been a long time since you felt the thrill of an adventure! And somehow you were already high ranked because of your brutal strength, plus your fishmen karate you could practically control tides. The world government tried their best to not let your presence be known in public cuz bro. YOU ARE BASICALLY A WALKING HISTORY BOOK FOR HOW OLD YOU ARE.
You were immediately given a high ranks as a Vice Admiral, the world government then gave you a house...or beach?...Body of water? I DUNNO but a big place with water that's your home :3. You only spend most of your days, there only being visited by higher ups and the forced isolation were already yandere tendencies to the Admirals + Platonic Yanderes such as Sengoku and Garp.
Corazon and Coby (Sea Serpant! Reader was found way before) were only exeptions to see you, and they were immediately HEAD OVER HEELS. Corazon could not think straight or THINK whenever you're mention in a conversation, he would just immediately day dream. Size difference? I mean yea the only smallest form you can turn is like 20 feet or something BUT IT CAN WORK IT WILL WORK (take that as you can 😈) Sengoku is Corazon number 1 hype man🔥 While Garp is Koby's hype man lol :3
Now if you were lucky enough to even have some kind of freedom but if some kind of MIRACLE you were placed as a Vice Admiral picking up the Warlords when it comes to a serious meeting it would be an interesting sight, let's just say that they went to the meeting not because they were interested in the shit show of a meeting but they do want to see the 200 feet tall Sea Serpent again...
AND QIQBAIA8 And since you were found long before, let's imagine that you were a Rocks Pirate. (I HAVEN'T READ THE MANGA YET SO SORRY IF MY INFORMATIOM OF THE ROCKS PIRATES SUCKS). You were the eye candy of the Rocks Pirate. Big Mom, Kaido, and Newgate would always be 24/7 ON YOUR SIDE, they will one make you join their family one day !!
After many years they are still doing so, Kaido making you marry one of his calamities. The Tobi Ropo even tried some flirty moves on you, but Yamato. Dear lord. Even with or without his father's consent YAMATO. WILL. MARRY. YOU. END. OF. STORY.
You and King got really close after you tell some brief mentions of the Lunarian race back on your days, and that's what bonded you guys, yet everytime he was near you and you started talking about his race, he can only day dream of you with a traditional Lunarian ring (or any courting object), on your hands with....children around you with brown skin, black wings with fire, some has some long tails that suspectedly looks similar to yours...Wait. IS HE THINKING THAT YOU AND HIM CAN RE POPULATE THE WHOLE LUNARIAN RACE WITH A MIX OF YOURS! END HIM NOW!!
While Yamato is out here telling you that you are his Toki to his Oden, (corny, but its Yamato I forgive him :3) and since he's Oden, he must create a family with you! He would thunder bagua anyone's ass if they tried to even break his dream! No more of that!!
And you know the drill YEAA BIG MOM, RAGGH. Big Mom out here making you marry any of her children especially her Sweet Generals, the best for you ♡
You and Katakuri connect when it comes to your sharp teeths, plus Katakuri never felt so small in someone eyes until he met you, the very first time he layed his head on your cheek or your long tail as you sweetly careless him telling him to let go of his stress, he never felt this way..he felt so well treated, he now just Katakuri, the Katakuri that didn't need to hide his sharp teeth, instead loved from you. He never felt this way of submission...
Cracker and Smoothie too felt the same, their mother is a bad one indeed so when they are on your presence they could just relax and be caresses by you while they lay on your chest ♡ (Cracker isn't looking, he swear he isn't 👀)
Whitebeard is the same as those two but more cunning perhaps (in his own way). Both Kaido and Linlin are evil yes. But Whitebeard might be a pirate but he is far from evil, he is an honorable pirate the clashed with the greatest Pirate of all time, he has that (DAWG IN HIM) sense of respect, his opinion and decisions are always noble ones too, so what ever he says must be true and reasonable...right?
Do you like Marco, his first division a healer who would take absolute care about you, or Ace his second division, you would never get bored with him while he is around! Izo? The Samurai who was a follower of the Great Kozuki Oden! He dances so elegant from his homeland! Choose my dear, he just wants you to be apart of his family so badly!!
I can yap about this all day but I got school yall plus I don't really think any of you will like this idea. Also whoever tries to even have sex with Sea Serpent! Reader, their ass would NOT be walking the next day💀👆🔥
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Hide yall ladies/manz Sea Serpent! Reader is in town😞‼️
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trashytoastboi · 6 months
Hello! Can I request headcanons of Cracker, Katakuri, Usopp, Marco with S/O waking up finding a bug in their bed? This happened with me and my BF and we were freaking out haha
Hi hi! Of course~ Honestly bugs and beds... nope. Don't want any strange bedfellows thank you very much. Sorry for the long wait and hope you enjoy ~
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Headcanons: Cracker, Katakuri, Usopp, Marco x S/O – Waking up and finding a bug in their bed
> Gender neutral
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Charlotte Cracker
🍪 Cracker took a long time, detailing his day and laughing at the idiots at World Government, he walked right past the marines and they didn’t even know it’s him. To further his little taunt he stood RIGHT beside his own wanted poster and those idiots never even picked it up. Cracker did this often and boasted of his tales before bed, to his partner who always willingly listened. He enjoyed the attention, how attentively {Name} listened. “Well enough about me-” he cut his own story short upon seeing how sleepy {Name} was. 
🍪 He crawled into the obnoxiously large bed, right besides {Name}, doing his usual routine. Surprisingly when he wasn’t boasting about his own achievements, or speaking enthusiastically about his family he could be quite affectionate towards his partner. Maybe it was his pride as a lover, or something of the sort but he had a strange softness to his biscuit coated heart when it came to {Name}. He pulled them closer, pressing a soft kiss to their shoulder. He felt a tickling on his thigh, he chuckled thinking it was {Name’s} hand. Until he realized that unlike him, {Name} wasn’t exactly tall enough, with long enough limbs to reach his thigh the way they were laying. So what was tickling his thigh? 
🍪 Cracker decided to ignore it. Surely it was nothing. The prickly, tickling sensation kept moving. Squirming, he could not ignore it. It stopped for a moment and {Name} shrieked at the sudden feeling and practically launched themselves from the bed, entrusting Cracker to find the culprit. He scoffed at seeing their terror, when he lifted the blanket. A monstrosity, some hundred legged demon wriggled and wreathed all over the bed. It set its sights for Cracker and aggressively squiggles towards him, Cracker would tell everyone it was his partner who shrieked high enough to crack glass, but it was him. He discovered he'd rather face an admiral instead of a centipede. 
🍪Cracker unleashed the full force of his devil fruit, making sure there was no possible way for this foul creature to survive. Sure {Name} was scared and grossed out but the extent Cracker went to seemed like overkill. Even after all of that, practically decimating his entire room…He noticed it again. Nonchalantly marching along as if nothing ever happened, the centipede was alive and well, its presence tormented Cracker. Eventually {Name} worked up the courage to approach it, trap it in a container and toss it out the window while it sailed on the wind until probably landing safely somewhere to strike fear to everyone else. 
🍪 Cracker was exhausted. He refused to go to sleep in his room, not until enough time has passed and he was double- no triple sure that it was clean and free of insects..He felt itchy and thought about how long the centipede tickled against him. One thing he can say for certain is he now knows that he has a fear of centipedes. Well any creature with more than four legs already raises his danger bells, this was just the epitome of it. What’s worse, it was a giant centipede! It’s unnatural how it could even get that big. 
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Charlotte Katakuri
🍩 Katakuri is very soft, and finds he really enjoys the nights when he can sleep next to his partner. Their presence is so warm and comforting, evoking the same kind of fluffy and comforting feelings as his tea time. Katakuri rarely expressed this but you could easily tell, he acted noticeably softer and more gentle during these times when his heart felt at ease. With one of the most comfortable beds to ever be created and his partner, what more could he need for a restful night. He had prepared a small plate of snacks, something light to go with a late night beverage, he relaxed with {Name} sharing snacks and talking about the day. 
🍩 After that Katakuri so naturally snuggled against {Name} well seeing that he is as tall as he is, {Name} was designated the role of little spoon every time. Once they tried to be the big spoon but they made Katakuri burst out in laughter. Everything seemed peaceful, although it was warm so Katakuri opened a window in the hopes of a pleasant breeze to come drifting through. Although the breeze was not the only thing that came drifting into the room. 
🍩 Maybe the slightest hum of wings was not enough to alert them. Not even when it got louder, and closer. Until Katakuri felt something tap against his cheek. He thought nothing of it, until it moved. He casually brushed it off and it fell to the bed and made its way towards {Name}, the slightest tickle of an antenna gave them an itch. Although they didn’t expect to feel something when they went to scratch what was tickling them. They went to have a look, maybe they left something on the bed earlier? They spotted some odd creature. A scorpion? The silhouette seemed to match, but they had never heard of a scorpion that had an antenna? It started flying and {Name} shrieked to high heaven - Not a scorpion. 
🍩 Katakuri could see {Name} panicking, being chased by some very tiny thing that had them running for their life. So nonchalantly asked them what the problem was. In their panic Katakuri heard {Name} complaining about ‘it’ crawling into their ears and tickling their brains. The idea actually sounded quite disgusting even by his standards.  He easily captured it in a mochi cage and threw it outside to ease his partner’s concerns. Katakuri didn’t even see it for that long but the sheer terror that it evoked in his partner was strange. {Name} described in great detail about earwigs and all the horrific old wives tales that exist about them. 
🍩 After hearing the tale about how they’ll crawl into your ears and lay eggs Katakuri started sleeping with earbuds in to prevent such. He brushed it off saying that he’s not affected but {Name} knew otherwise, plus Katakuri no longer opens the windows. So there’s something to suggest that maybe he’s not as unaffected as he makes himself out to be. 
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🏹 Ussop said goodnight to all of his lovely little plants, making sure everything was ready for tomorrow and he kept telling {Name} that he’d be there in a few minutes. In the meantime, {Name} prepped the bed making sure it was all comfortable and ready to turn in for the night. They knew Usopp could get stuck with his plants for hours, talking to them, tending to them and deciding they’d turn in before him. They got comfy and were in a half asleep state. 
🏹 They’d just managed to lightly fall asleep, they felt the weight shift and the bed dip when Ussop climbed inside. He was talking to himself about the to-do list for tomorrow to remind himself of everything he wanted to attend to. He climbed under the blanket humming to {Name} with some random lullaby. {Name} shifted closer out of habit and all was well until something very evidently came crawling on the bed. {Name} could faintly make out the silhouette of the thing coming closer, closer, - it wasn’t big enough to have significant weight but they could see the blanket move underneath it so clearly it was big enough to do that. They silently watched as it got closer before being unable to take it anymore. 
🏹 {Name} didn’t know what it was but they flailed, and flung themselves all over the bed to get away from it. Usopp obviously woke up from all the panicking wondering what had his partner so riled up and perturbed. When Usopp lifted the blanket to catch the culprit it revealed a spider. Eight legs, walking along like nothing could go wrong. Usopp chuckled and scooped the spider onto his hand “Don’t worry this little guy won't hurt you.” He reassures {Name} while admiring how pretty the little fellow looked. {Name} was terrified, reassured and surprised to see Usopp so unphased while he let the spider run around his hand and arm. 
🏹 Usopp moved the spider to a container and he took it outside, while {Name} just remained inside, confused and too scared to look in the bed. Maybe they should just sleep elsewhere; they wracked their brain until they heard Usopp return. He fixed the bed and invited them to lay beside him. {Name} asked if there were any more bugs, evidently afraid to return. Usopp reassured them that it was just that little guy. {Name} told Usopp just how surprised they were to see him handling that with no issue ever, he’s never found bugs scary and rather on the cute side. 
🏹 {Name} was too scared on their side of the bed and scooted closer and closer until they were practically sleeping on top of Usopp. Not that he minded all that much, he thought them being afraid of a little spider was adorable. They protested that they’re cute until they bite, Usopp couldn't really argue with that but explained he’s never been bitten. 
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🍍 Marco quite enjoyed his midday naps, granted if everything was quiet enough to permiss that. He even roped {Name} into joining him and it almost became routine when they would disappear for an hour or two to just rest and recharge before getting back to the grind. He didn’t even bother opening the bed and threw a soft blanket on top instead, without checking it. Had he checked things might have been different for the two of them. He plopped down and awaited {Name} wondering why they were so late. 
🍍 {Name} arrived to find a very half asleep Marco who greeted them with a sleepy tune and an interrupting yawn. They walked over and plopped over, smiling as they saw Marco’s resting face. The moment felt so serene and peaceful, warm and comfortable. {Name} wished it would last forever until they felt some hard, cold thing MOVING next to them. A slight hissing sound arose and they froze, a snake is easy no big deal. But this didn’t feel like a snake. It was smaller, still sizable and more rigid. 
🍍 “Marco-” {Name} called softly, trying not to move, “Marco!” They called a little louder, before reaching up and shaking him. Marco woke up, flustered “What’s wrong? Enemies? Marines?” he searched around, when {Name} shuffled closer to him “There’s something behind me…Take it away please” Marco was confused but noticed the genuine fear that lingered in their expression. He came closer and reached behind them, to feel something. For a moment relief washed over him, it was probably a random item. He thought that until it moved in his hand and Marco threw whatever he was holding across the room with a muffled shriek. 
🍍 Marco and {Name} skedaddled to the polar opposite side of the room and looked for any sign of movement and there it was. Red, brown and black amalgamated onto a palm sized insect. An intimidating and shrill hiss escaped the creature, Marco did the only rational thing. He took {Name} and left the room before burning it, the flames would leave nothing behind. After watching everything turning into ash, Marco seemed relieved. Until he saw something JUMPING at him through the ashes.
🍍 They shut the door and Marco called for someone who was better at dealing with such things than he was. To his surprise it was easy to find someone…Enthusiastic about bugs amongst the eccentric crew. They were excited while ‘admiring’ the fine specimen which they identified as a parktown prawn. Marco didn’t care what kind of creature it was but more to the fact that his whole room had been overturned by its existence. 
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kookie-doughs · 1 year
Daddy Cupid
Modern!Various One Piece Men X Reader
-When your father grows weary of your single life, he takes it upon himself to play matchmaker. With him knowing the entire city, he embarks on a mission to find you the perfect match.
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Chapter 1: Cupid's Bow
Chapter 2: Cupid's Arrow
Chapter 3: Cupid's Aim
Shot At
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚎 ᴍᴀʀᴄᴏ
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 ʙᴜɢɢʏ
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 ꜱᴍᴏᴋᴇʀ
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 1: 𝖯𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾 𝗉𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾 𝗉𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾𝖾𝖾𝖾𝖾𝖾
Chapter 2: My love so sweet, My darling one
Chapter 3: Scary ass old men
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚄𝚗𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 ᴍɪʜᴀᴡᴋ
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚍 ᴋᴜᴢᴀɴ
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 1:
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝙼𝚊𝚗 ʟᴜᴄᴄɪ
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚘𝚢 ꜱʜᴀɴᴋꜱ
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚜𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚎 ᴅᴏꜰʟᴀᴍɪɴɢᴏ
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 1: 𝖸𝗈𝗎'𝗋𝖾 𝖺 𝗅𝗈𝗌𝖾𝗋, 𝖨'𝗆 𝗇𝗈𝗍
Chapter 2: I'm literally the best stop complaining
Chapter 3: You're being super weird rn
Chapter 4: He's like so obsessed idk wym
Chapter 5: You willingly wanted this to happen
Chapter 6: You're just so annoying and a menace
Chapter 7: Oh just shut up stupid heart
Chapter 8: Fuckin Asshole
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚋𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 ʀᴏꜱɪɴᴀɴᴛᴇ
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙴𝚡 𝙱𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 ᴄʀᴏᴄᴏᴅɪʟᴇ
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 1:
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚍 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 ᴄʀᴀᴄᴋᴇʀ
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 ᴋᴀᴛᴀᴋᴜʀɪ
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Your age in the story is 30(same age as Doflamingo), your father is Rayleigh(67). I follow the canonical age gaps just like yk different age. Shanks and Buggy are 2 years younger(28) Luffy is 8 ykyk you can follow the age line here
I hope you'll enjoy this love you all!!!!
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @nykie-love-anime @angstylittleb1tch @valen-yamyam16 @melodyidk @anicega @littlegreekgirl1 @rebeccawinters @manduse @alextheknight707 @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @ladymoon210 @spiderlily-w1tch-blog @sarraa-26 @ihearthazuki
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one-piece-aus · 11 months
Whumptober Day 15
Cracker x Reader
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TW: Implied parental abuse
"Hold still-" You reached for Cracker's arm with a cotton pad when he swung it away from you.
"What are you doing?!" Cracker glared at you. He just came home to relax.
"I'm trying to clean your wounds," you said, attempting to grab his hand to bring his arm back to you, and he kept holding it out of your reach.
You don't understand why your husband must be so difficult when it comes to cleaning his wounds. If Cracker tended to his injuries better, he wouldn't be so vulnerable to pain. You swear he bruises worse than a banana.
"Leave me alone, woman!" Cracker got up from his seat to move away from you only to bump into a bookshelf behind him and have a few books fall on top of his head. "Ow, STUPID MOTHERFUCKER!"
He picked up the bookshelf and threw it across the living room. Books were now scattered across the floor. You sighed but you knew the servants would clean it up later. You moved over to Cracker who now sat on the floor, pouting and holding his sore head.
"Cracker, would you please let me take care of you now?" You gently laid your hand over his.
"Fine," he grumbled, rolling his eyes to look the other way as you took his arm. Lightly you pressed the cotton pad to his arm, and instantly, he flinched and yonked his arm away. "Ow! What is in that thing?"
"It's rubbing alcohol, it kills the germs on the surface to prevent an infection, which causes severe pain later," you stated trying to grab his arm again.
Reluctantly, he lowers it back in your gasp, wincing with each press to the wound. "Ow... ow..."
"Oh, you poor baby," you coo as you delicately clean his wounds. "Mind telling me why your pain tolerance is so low? I thought all Big Mom's sons had to go through rough training to be strong."
"No-" He winced again before continuing. "We didn't have to train if we didn't want to, we just had to find a way to help Mama out with her dream to find the One Piece. Perospero took to reading books, studying the art of warfare and navigation for example, he can fight but he didn't dedicate himself to training like Katakuri."
"Hmmm, so you trained because you wanted to. Is it because of your admiration for your brother Katakuri?" You guessed.
"No- well- that's not the real reason... I just wanted to get stronger so I couldn't feel pain anymore."
"How come?"
Cracker tilted his head back, debating whether to tell you or not. "You know how Mama discards our fathers once we're born?"
"Well, she didn't always do that, but my father was the last one." His tone melted into a resenting growl as he brought up his father. "Since Mama was busy a lot of the time, she didn't watch the damage he did to me." Cracker bawled his fist, trying to contain the anger rising with the memories. "It wasn't until Katakuri saw the aftermath of one of the bastard's episodes did Mama find out." His rage died out as he opened his palm again, he then turned to you with a smug smile. "And then I never had to see him again."
You smiled at him, happy your husband is now being more open with you. Finishing the bandage over his arm, you patted his arm. "There, all better now."
"What?" Cracker held up his arm to see the wound was covered in white bandages. "When did you-"
"When you were talking," you giggled heading out of the library. "Don't go anywhere, I'm going to get you an ice packet."
Cracker watched you leave, dumbfounded. Glancing at his patched arm then at the exit again, a smile curled up his lips.
Tag: @bookandyarndragon @roseoftrafalgar
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unicreamuwu · 1 year
hello, can you make perospero, katakuri, and cracker yandere headcanons ? thnx
Bruh, you chose all my favorites, why? 😘
Warnings: Yandere Theme, Manipulation, Kidnapping
Charlotte Perospero
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Being the oldest of the Charlotte family, he can get away with anything.
When he first kidnapped you, you of course begged him to release you.
Of course, again, he declined it or just ignored you.
He is also a great manipulator.
Whenever you're planning to go somewhere, he has already plans for you.
For example, help him plan to attack another part of a random island that you have no idea how to do.
When he proposed and married you, he promised to himself that he would always make you stay by your stay even though you already do.
Charlotte Katakuri
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Out of all the three, he's the best one.
He may be dangerous on the outside, but on the inside, he's such a sweetheart.
Well, towards you, of course.
When he finishes going on a mission and coming back home, he brings tons of sweets for you and himself.
You can eat any pastries you want except for donuts cause that's his and only hid.
Whenever you get injured from something small or big, he will carry you over his shoulder and run to the infirmary of the castle.
He will be by your side 24/7 and watches over you to make sure you don't move.
When you tell him that you're okay, he would let a sigh of relief, but still wouldn't leave you alone.
Charlotte Cracker
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Cracker is not the nicest yandere to be with.
However, he can be sweet, but you have to earn that.
For example, you have to do whatever he tells you to do and have to be good around him every time.
Or else, he's going to be the bad guy~
He will teach you how to fight if you want to.
Because he's not going to protect you 24/7.
And, the sweetest thing that Cracker has ever done for you is that when he comes back home from a mission, he'll bring you a shit ton of flowers.
So, be grateful that he could be nice to you.
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lollipop-writes · 2 years
One Piece Men and the Types of Kisses They Give
A/N: Just the types of kisses I HC they would give <3
This is Part 1. You can find Part 2 here.
ꜱᴍᴀʟʟ, ꜰʟᴇᴇᴛɪɴɢ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ: Basil Hawkins, Benn Beckman, Kizaru, Cavendish, Charlotte Katakuri, Corazon, Duval.
ʜᴜɴɢʀʏ, ʟᴏɴɢɪɴɢ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ: Bartolomeo, Buggy, Caesar Clown, Charlotte Cracker, Donquixote Doflamingo, Dracule Mihawk, Eustass Kid, Gol D. Roger.
ᴄʜᴀꜱᴛᴇ, ꜱɪᴍᴘʟᴇ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ: Basil Hawkins, Benn Beckman, Blueno, Cavendish, Charlotte Katakuri, Sir Crocodile, Daz Bones.
ᴡɪʟᴅ, ʙʀᴇᴀᴛʜʟᴇꜱꜱ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ: Bartolomeo, Buggy, Caesar Clown, Charlotte Cracker, Donquixote Doflamingo, Dracule Mihawk,  Eustass Kid, Franky, Gol D. Roger.
ᴛᴇᴀꜱɪɴɢ, ꜱɪʟʟʏ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ: Bartolomeo, Bon Clay, Kizaru, Buggy, Caesar Clown, Corazon, Duval, Ivankov, Franky.
ᴀᴡᴋᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ: Basil Hawkins, Charlotte Katakuri, Corazon, Duval.
ɪɴᴛɪᴍᴀᴛᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴᴀʟ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ: Benn Beckman, Bon Clay, Kizaru, Buggy, Caesar Clown, Cavendish, Donquixote Doflamingo, Corazon,  Dracule Mihawk, Ivankov, Franky, Gol D. Roger.
ꜱʜᴏʀᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ: Basil Hawkins, Blueno, Charlotte Katakuri, Sir Crocodile, Daz Bones, Dracule Mihawk.
ɴᴏ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ: Brook (he has no lips).
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quinloki · 3 months
Birthday Request Event v2024
"It's my birthday and I'll write what I want to \o/"
Gift Details ♥ Reader Style: cisfem Character: Cracker Vibe: NSFW Consensual AU: Government Mandated Marriage AU Prompt: Bath/Shower/Hot Spring Gift Giver: @seafoamnautilus
Summary: You've been matched with one of the more prominent members of the Big Mom's Big Sweets international candy corporation, and... you're not really sure how. No sense in worrying about it however, time to enjoy the vacation Mama sent you on!
Content Notes: open air bath, oral sex, fluffy
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This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise, and BYOB
You sat nervously in the hot springs, waiting for your soon-to-be husband to come join you.
The vacation had been decided by his mother. A way for the two of you to get to know one another without anyone else getting in the way. It was, perhaps, a bit much, you thought, but the sentiment was appreciated.
Several years ago the new world government had instituted a mandatory marriage system, to combat declining birthrates and failing population counts. People were getting married less and having fewer children, and so here you were - effectively nobody important, matched to one of the sons of one of the wealthiest CEOs in the entire world.
Big Mom’s Big Sweets were a world-wide business, and there were rumors that she’d had most of her children in order to ensure that they were able to keep the business in the family regardless of how successful it became.
Cracker might have been the 15th child born of 80 or so, but he was fairly high up in the company, and almost as well-known as his sister Smoothie and the current assumed heir apparent, Katakuri. He was more comfortable in front of a camera than his siblings and that’s how you’d known a bit about him even before the MatchBook had arrived at your home.
It still seemed like some sort of error. You weren’t anyone in particular. No notable heritage, and your family was only wealthy in the middling sense. You had a decent education and a stable life, but almost all of Linlin’s children were married to other heavy hitters.
There were rumors that she was controlling the match making process to some extent to force it to work out that way.
You sigh. Maybe you were here right now as a means of dissuading those rumors.
It’d been three weeks and she hadn’t demanded a Rematch, and neither had Cracker. He seemed genuinely happy with the arrangement, and you weren’t uncomfortable around him. His family and his wealth were intimidating, but he was, as you had quickly learned, surprisingly sweet.
He’d gone out of his way to help you feel comfortable, and even now he had let you get ready for the springs on your own, the moment you’d hesitated about it.
You heard the paper door slide open, and Cracker stood there with his hair down, a towel wrapped around his waist. You’d seen him with his hair down before now, but not while also practically naked. He was well-built, lithe, but solid, and the long locks cascaded down over his shoulders so neatly.
“How is it?” He questions, coming over to join you.
“Very warm, but not uncomfortably hot.” You reply, an easy smile on your face. You hope you can blame the hot springs if your face starts to turn red.
He’s… unfairly hot like this.
“Good,” he steps into the spring, coming close enough to talk comfortably with you, but staying far enough away to avoid making you uncomfortable. “Sorry about Mama,” he says with a sigh, draping his arms over the rocks and shifting as the water relaxes him. “She can be wildly stubborn about stuff like this, it’s best to just make the most of it.”
“Oh, no, it’s… it’s fine.” You assure him. Your smile’s a little nervous as he looks over at you, but you shake your head. “I haven’t been on vacation in years, I was overdue, and this is… it is nice.”
Cracker smiles, the expression putting a twinkle in his eyes. “All the better then.” He leans back, looking up at the stars, and letting himself melt in the hot water.
There’s idle chatter between the two of you. He complains about his mother a little, and promises he won’t let her hold you to any weird standards or stresses. He asks about what kind of wedding you want, so that he can push back on details with her in your place, and eventually a staffer arrives and provides you both with something to drink and snacks.
“Chilled sake and sushi.” Cracker’s brows furrow. “Booze and hot springs don’t mix. They should’ve brought us iced tea - ah.” He waves a card between his fingers and you move closer to him to take it. It’s a card from Mama, explaining that the extras are part of the gift.
“We can have it when we get out then.” You say putting the card back on the tray. Your gaze shifts from the tray to Cracker.
Wet. Naked. Close.
The steam’s made his skin shiny, and his hair’s sticking to his frame, and the sweet smell of the sake.
You reach out without really thinking, and brush his hair aside, finger drawing a line along his collarbone. His skin shifts as he swallows and you look up at him. Your heart beats faster in your chest, but you shift and move a little closer, letting your other fingers press against his chest until the palm of your hand is flat against his skin.
“Sorry,” you say softly, even though you don’t back away.
A smile tugs at his lips. “S’alright.”
“You’re… very handsome… like this.” You admit, gaze shifting down to his lips. Your tongue slips over your own and you can hear the water ruffle as he tenses.
“I… the scar…” He mutters.
You wouldn’t have guessed that it bothered him, considering how self-assured and in control he always seemed to be. Especially in front of the camera.
“Is it wrong, to say that it makes you more handsome?” You question, your gaze shifting from his lips back up to his eyes.
“… Not at all.” He lets his arms come down into the water, and you could feel his fingers press against the towel as he rested his hands on your waist.
“I want to do more than kiss you.” You admit, feeling heat flush your body for the first time despite all the time you’d been sitting in the springs.
“I think that’s what the booze was for.” Cracker grins, still guiding you closer.
“Then, we’d be doing what your mother wanted.” You point out.
“That we would,” he sighs, the smile growing wider, hands firm against your waist.
“… Just this once then?” You question, lips moving closer to his.
“Just this once.” He agrees, tilting his head as you lean down and kiss him.
You let your body rest against his as he explores your mouth slowly. Lips pressing heavy against you, tongue slipping over them, just barely putting on pressure, wanting access to something more, but not pushing you for it.
When your lips part sweetly for him he tugs on the towel wrapped around you, and you pull the cloth ties holding it closed, leaving him to pull it free and throw it over the tray of food and booze neither of you care about right now.
Hands against your back steady you as he leans into the kisses, as he leans into you. Hungry lips move away from yours tracing along your jaw, trailing down the curve of your face to the turn of your neck. He moves you both deeper into the springs, away from the doors and any more possible interruptions. Lifting you up on the far edge of the rocky pool, you gasp at the cool air against your wet skin.
“Cold!” You shiver as he spreads your legs, still in the deep warm water himself.
“You won’t be.” He promises, one hand bracing you and leaning you back as he licks against the insides of your thighs, shifting your shivering gasps into a trembling quiver of a different kind.
He wastes little time, plunging his mouth into your pussy, and devouring you. Wet and hungry his tongue flicks against your clit, before lapping at your labia as his thumb rolls against your clit sending jolts and warmth through you. You’re cold still, but not nearly as bothered by it as your body begins to warm from the pleasure he’s giving you.
Your fingers weave into his wet hair and he hums against your body. The deep vibration makes your body curl and you sigh pleasure into the air.
His hands move over your body, teasing your breasts, warming your back. You aren’t sure which he’s more desperate for, the sweet slick of your cunt, or the soft feel of your skin. But the firm touch becomes drier and warmer as he continues, and after a few long, delicious minutes, you no longer feel cold.
All your shivering is from the pleasure building between your thighs. Every sweet sound that drips from your lips spurs him on. You’re sure his jaw has to be getting tired, but just as you’re ready to ask he pushes his tongue deep inside your pussy.
Putting your hands over your mouth, you throw your head back and nearly scream as his tongue fucks into you. He has enough of a grip on you that you can’t squirm away as the pleasure builds, his breath hot against your slick.
He wraps his arm around your waist, holding you tightly against his face as he slides you off the edge and back into the water. A harried squeak of surprise turns into a deep, satisfied, moan as your eyes roll back in pleasure. The warmth of the water making the orgasm stain your muscles and skin instead of making your body tense and shiver as he carries you through it from beneath the water.
Hazy and panting for air, a little loopy from the deep orgasm relaxing you, you smile at Cracker as he comes back up for hair. There’s a big, satisfied grin on his face as he leans in and kisses you.
“All the best sweets are even better wet.”
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anykindofbean · 7 months
Arranged part 1. Arguments
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Charlotte Cracker x Reader
I’m honestly surprised that there’s not a lot of content of this man, Like?? Cracker is pretty. 👉👈
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Arranged marriage, Arguments, Cracker forcing himself on you. (Not S/A though, But I wanted to put that there just in case.)
If you wanna check out more of my works: Masterlist
Arranged: Part 2
Cracker was many things. A sweet commander? Yes. A family man? Also yes. A husband? Absolutely not. At least that was his opinion. His mother’s opinion however always overruled anyone else’s in the Charlotte family.
So when the day came when his mother told him he was marrying someone. He had no say if he wanted to or not.
The day Cracker met you, Was the same day of the wedding. You were beautiful, Sure. But Cracker did not want this, And he made that very well known. To you, His siblings, And even his mother. But she just told him to suck it up.
It’s been a month since the wedding. Despite this unfortunate situation, You at least tried to make this marriage work. You’d prepare dinner for Cracker when he came home, Of course he didn’t eat it.
You did your best to keep the house clean, But he’d tell you to stop, And that he has servants to take care of that.
No matter what you did to make Cracker happy, He’d just shut you down.
You want this to work..
Even if this is an arranged marriage..
You were forced into this just as much as he was.
Might as well try, Right?
So when Cracker came home that day, You were on one of the couches waiting for him.
Cracker looked at you, Taking a deep breath, Before walking off.
“ Cracker?” You called for him, Making him stop in his tracks. “ What?” His voice sounded cold. You looked down at your clothes, Picking at it. “ Can..Can we talk?” You tried to remain calm. The Charlottes can be terrifying after all..
Cracker turned around to look at you again. “ About?”
Cracker rolled his eyes at that. “ Us? What exactly are we? Huh? We barely know each other for us to be ‘Us’.”
You let out a shaky breath. “ Well,..I’ve been thinking that maybe we should..at least try? I know….I know you didn’t..want this, But I think that maybe if we both put in the effort, We could be….Us.” You looked up at him, almost immediately flinching back at the glare he was giving you.
“ You think I actually want that?”
You looked down at your pants. “ Well…I just thought that-“
Cracker then started walking towards you. “ That I’d want you? That if we spend time together, I’d actually want ‘us’? Well, Let me make it clear. I DON’T!!!”
You flinched once more when he yelled. Cracker head tilted. “ Aw, Did I scare you? Did I hurt your feelings?” And before you knew it, Cracker has you by wrists, Pinning you down to the couch.
“ Is this want you wanted? Us? Like this?” He leaned down, Close to your face. You looked away, Shaking your head. You tried using your feet to shove him off you. “ No! Please..Get off!”
Cracker thankfully got off, Beginning to walk to his room to rest for the night.
“ Next time, Don’t tell me of your thoughts. I don’t want to hear it.”
You watched him close the door, rubbing your wrists. Letting out another shaky breath, You made your way to the room that Cracker had given you.
Now you know..
This would never work out like you wanted..
I hope you enjoyed. I guess I was feeling angsty..
Part two will be out shortly!
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abysscronica · 7 months
One Piece: you x canon - hc & scenarios
This is a post meant to collect all the asks regarding potential reader x canon character scenarios. Feel free to ask for headcanons or honest opinions on whatever scenario you may have in mind - just remember that I'll keep things as close to canon as possible.
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Charlotte x reader: impossible romance (special focus on Katakuri) - posts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
One Piece fantasy AU
intro (link)
setting (link) (contains description of other AUs as well)
Bartolomeo's role (link)
Bartolomeo: link
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princessroyal95 · 1 year
My wife. My life (Charlotte Cracker x Reader)
Warning: This chapter contains sexual content. If you don't like this type of content, don't read on, even if it means you'll lose information about the story.
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I am complaining of pain! Damn Katakuri and his ways of leaving me on the floor! I love my brother, but I hate it when they throw me on the floor and I have a terrible pain in my back. I admit, I don't like being hurt. I had enough of receiving that blow and having this scar on my face. It's been a long time since that, but it's like all that happened yesterday.
I just want to get this fucking workout over with and go home. Katakuri doesn't seem to like the idea that I'm getting weak. I get a long sigh from him as he squats down to keep up with me. I just get a disapproving look.
"If Mom was watching you, she would have already taken your commanding position."
"And also the post of cookie minister." I hear my little sister Smoothie talking, who has a cup in her hand.
"You don't have to rub that in my face! I'll put my whole body in it until I can sit down." I know I'm getting weak.
"You must have a blank mind. Lately I see you worrying, it is not normal for you." Katakuri extends a hand to me to help me up, which I accepted.
"Is it because of ___?"
I don't even answer Smoothie's question. What's more, my mind goes blank for a few moments thinking clearly about what was happening to me. Could it be because Mom is rushing me to have a grandchild?
"Please tell me you at least slept with her."
"And you're young enough to ask such questions!" It's okay that she's 25, but fuck!
"And you're a 35-year-old man who hasn't fucked his wife yet! You've been married for a year!"
"Sorry, nii-san." Smothie bows her head apologizing.
And I don't blame her. Yes, I've been married to ___ for a year now. Mom didn't really like the idea of one of her sons who is in charge of the commander's post having to get married since, according to her, it was a misdirect. Our obligation is to protect Mom and the kingdom from anyone.
All that changed when a powerful family arrived and wanted to form an alliance with Mom. What they proposed was to give them military weapons in exchange for their daughter marrying one of their sons. At first, she wanted to form an alliance with Perospero; however, the father of this young woman said that he preferred his daughter to marry one of his commanders. And without further ado, Mother agreed to let me marry her.
The truth is that I did not like the idea of getting married. I wanted to continue living my life as a single man and keep my eye on the ball. But I mustn't upset Mother because of what I agreed to.
The next day, after the alliance, I had to meet in person this young woman who, from what I heard, was five years younger than me. Well at least it wasn't a girl who had just turned 18. The young woman was waiting for me at the fountain near Mother's castle. She had her back to me so I couldn't see her face. And when she heard my footsteps, she turned completely around where I could see her beauty.
I remember that moment as if it were yesterday. I was stunned to see her. I didn't know how to react, especially with that smile she gave me. My sickly mind wanted to disfigure her; however, I held back and was able to admire such beauty. And the difference in size was quite enormous. I would say that her head reached the crotch area, so I'm not complaining. That way I wouldn't have to bend over.
When she spoke to me I was stunned by her voice. Sweet and velvety as if she were an angel. A creature that has fallen from heaven to sin with me. That sounded pretty good in my head. ___ calls out to me. A beautiful name for someone so young and so beautiful.
We kept talking until we didn't even realize it was night. We had a good time, I'll give you that. "You know? I heard that he was cruel and ruthless, but, knowing you, it's just the opposite", those were his words as she went off to her bedroom making my cheeks blush at such a confession. Why the hell do I get like an idiot in love when I'm around her?
And I know the answer. ___ made me feel special, like I was a child. I even acted like a child in front of her sometimes, laughing and cuddling. A love that I hadn't received in a long time from my mother or my brothers and sisters. A feeling that I had been longing for for a long time. I didn't want to admit it, but I was falling in love with her until the wedding day came.
I don't know why, but every time it was time to communicate that ___ was definitely going to be my wife, my nerves increased. Maybe because of the excitement of finding someone who liked her and treated me in a special way. God! I can't forget her dress! I had in front of me a goddess that even my brothers congratulated me on. I was sweating my ass off, afraid I was going to screw it up. And it wasn't like that. Everything turned out perfect thanks to her.
Every smile she gave me was a way of telling me not to worry that everything was going well. I feel so extremely stupid around her. She was always by my side talking to the guests and even broke the big cake that Mom had ordered. She is simply perfect in my eyes and you could tell by my smile every time I looked at her.
And now we live together as husband and wife on Biscuits Island where I am the minister of that place. The house is big enough to fit both of us. And on that very night of the wedding it was a great opportunity to hold her in my arms and feel her for the first time. I wished for it and I don't know how many times I dreamed of it. However, it didn't happen. "I'm still not ready to have sex with you," were some very harsh words to my head and my heart.
I decided to give her time to get used to this new life. And that meant sleeping on your own, too. Me in one room and her in another. Shit! Don't I know how to trust me? Why does she run away from me when I just want to be near her? And it's been a year now and we're back to square one. We look like complete strangers.
And now here I am, with my two brothers a little worried about the marriage if everything went well. It's great for me because I have a great wife who takes care of me and gives me all the love in the world. However, not having her for myself only makes me think of many things that are worse than death itself.
Without realizing it, I feel like someone is resting their hand on my shoulder making me look up and she was my sister. It makes me angry that she's taller than me, but she's half legged, after all.
"Why don't you talk to her? Talking solves things."
"It's not easy," I plead with my eyes closed.
"If you don't solve this problem, Mom won't hesitate to break the alliance." My eyes open wide when I hear Katakuri's words.
"I will never part with her! Never!" I shout to both of them facing each other. "Mom can't take away what makes me happy!"
"So work it out if you don't want things to get worse."
And he is right. Katakuri was always right about one thing. I sat down with my head and then I left that room ready to go to Biscuits Island. The truth is that it was already being done and it was about going home to be with her.
Just talking solves things, but what if we really don't solve things? Will Mom really break the alliance if I don't have a child with her? I don't mind having a child right now, I just want to share a bed with her. Waking up in the morning and knowing that she has been sleeping with me all night. To see her smile and to say good morning to me.
That's all I ask for in my life. Fuck! Is it that hard? Thanks to my sister Brûlée's mirrors I got home. It was a kind of shortcut and the truth is that my sister's ability was an advantage. I was already in front of my home. Big and luxurious made of all kinds of candy. I breathe in the atmosphere with all the tranquility of the world and then release it on my lips. It's now or never. I must talk to her.
I open the door of my house and the first thing I hear are the footsteps of ___ walking back and forth. At this hour I suppose she is setting the table.
"I'm home now," I shout, announcing my arrival as usual.
"Welcome, darling." And, as always, she welcomes me from the entrance with a smile. I blush like an idiot when she calls me like this, I'm not used to it. "I thought you were going to be late, you know, because of Katakuri-san's training."
"My brother actually took pity on me and let me go," I lie.
"That's great. Come, dinner is ready."
How this woman takes care of me. I'm a disaster for certain things and I just didn't expect my life to change because of her. My wife. I still didn't believe it. I smile like an idiot when I think of that name in my head.
My steps become firm as I approach the table with the dishes already on top of me. As neat as ever. I would have scattered everything without a second thought and eaten like a pig as I used to do when I was a child. And my eyes go to the kitchen which was not far away. I approach to lean on the entrance, watching my wife concentrate on her task. Fuck, in that position I would like to hug her. So small and so delicate. Although when she gets angry she is a thousand times worse than me.
"I must do it. It's my chance," with that thought in my head, I walk over to where I was ___ to lean my whole body over and embrace her, feeling her jump in surprise. God, how I missed this feeling of closeness to her. I feel calm and relaxed.
"Cracker, are you okay?"
"I'm great." I can't tell you how relaxed I feel being with you.
"Has Katakuri-san done anything to make you this way?"
"Like what?"
"Cuddly and unloving." She just laughs sweetly. "Although the truth doesn't bother me."
"You would never bother."
"When it comes to clothes scattered on the floor, yes."
"Because I am lazy at picking them up."
"You idiot."
"You idiot."
Now or never. This is my big chance. I want to do it with her, I've always wanted it and I've wanted it badly. I raise my arm to hold that ladle that was in her hand receiving a sound of surprise from her. Without waiting for it, I turn her completely around and without any effort, I make her sit on the countertop, thus having a little more height. My hands begin to run down her thighs, trying to tempt her. I want her to play along.
"Cracker, what are you doing?" From her tone of voice, I got the slight feeling that she wasn't liking it.
"Playing." A slightly hoarse sound comes out of my throat as I decide to lick her earlobe.
"Cracker, stop, I'm with the food."
"I want dessert," I say with a broad smile on my lips, "and it's right under my nose.
"Cracker...," she calls to me, but I ignore her completely. I just listen to my instinct that I wanted this so badly, "Cracker stop." My hands ascend to the inside of her thighs wanting to reach that forbidden part of her being. I feel my body starting to emanate that warmth that I know so well. I was getting excited about it. "Cracker stop!"
And, for the first time, after a year of marriage, I feel ___'s hands and legs leaning on my body and pushing me hard away from her. I just look at her in confusion without understanding why she rejected me like that. She always accepted every mime from me because she usually does it with me. Now it's different. Something strange resurfaces inside me. My heart was pumping hard without understanding why. I just looked at her in surprise.
I see how she embraces herself as if protecting herself from me. Is she afraid? Have we been together so long and I see that she is afraid? I couldn't help it, I was getting angry in a supernatural way. I never saw her behave that way. I would never hurt her. I clench my teeth and fists where my knuckles turn white from the pressure. I couldn't take it anymore. I exploded.
"What the fuck is wrong with me?!" I scream all over the house and watch as she jumps out of the room at my scream. "This is the first time in a long time you're looking at me with fear, like you're afraid I'm going to hurt you! I would never fucking hurt you!"
She says nothing. She just shuts up about my sudden attack, all the more reason to piss me off!
"We've been married a year and I've given you enough time to get used to this new life! I'm sick of waiting! You don't know how much I want to make you mine and hear my name groan!" I hold my hands over my head trying to think clearly what I was going to say. But the rage consumed me. "And the worst thing is that we don't share a bed!"
"Cracker... it's hard to explain..."
"What is difficult to explain?" I repeat that phrase, as I approach the table and, with one movement, I break it into pieces.
"Cracker, please stop!"
"What's hard to explain?! Tell me!"
"I can't..."
I feel like my heart was breaking into pieces as if bullets were being fired into it. Why are you making me suffer? Could it be that...?
"It's because of my face, isn't it?"
I get a surprised look from her as if she didn't expect that sentence.
"It's because of this scar, isn't it?" I reach out my hand to my face touching that wound that runs all over my face. "You are afraid to see a monster like me at night and that he will hurt you."
"Cracker is not what you..."
"I thought I'd found someone who didn't care about the way I was. Who accepted me as I am." And, for a long time, I feel something falling down my cheeks. I was crying, letting out all that pain. "You gave me everything I didn't have as a child. Love, compassion... And now... And now my heart is aching."
"Cracker...," she was going to say something, but I stopped her.
"Leave me... I want to be alone."
I didn't want to see her face because of the pain I was feeling emotionally. It was unbearable as if needles had been stuck in my heart and left me vulnerable for a few minutes. My breathing became heavier every time I approached my room. I slam the door and sit on the bed trying to control all those emotions that have come up instantly. Why are you doing this to me? What did I do?
With heaviness, I take off my shoulder pad and my shoes without wanting to do anything. The kilt was already in the way, so I threw it hard across the room. And reluctantly, I'm getting rid of my traditional hairstyle, turning off the highlights in my pigtails first. I feel my world falling apart. There is no longer any reason to continue living in this shitty life.
Now, releasing all that pressure from my hairstyle cascading down my back, I bring my hands to my face trying to suppress those tears that wanted to come out. I didn't want to cry anymore. I didn't want to suffer anymore. I just wanted to know the truth. That's all I ask.
My ears get louder when I hear ___ knocking on the door. I did not answer. I didn't want to see her. I was physically and mentally broken. However, she opened the door no matter what I said. Her steps are slow and steady at the same time. She was staring at the floor and I could see her feet. She was in front of me and I didn't want to look up to see her.
"I told you I want to be alone," I grunt in annoyance.
"Cracker, I can't stand it anymore and even more so knowing that I hurt you."
"You want a divorce, don't you?"
"No, I just want you to listen to me and then make a decision whether to stay with me or not."
Will you tell me what was going on? Why are you avoiding me? I didn't say anything about it. I just hear a little sigh from her understanding the situation.
"Remember I told you that I used to be married?
"Yes, I remember."
"I was very young, but my father wanted to form an alliance with that man through the wedding because he had so much power. I didn't refuse, I wanted to do his will. ___'s voice was firm and courageous. "Everything was perfect in the marriage, but all that changed." Now it changes to one of fear as if remembering an atrocious past. "One day, he came home drunk, he didn't stop screaming like a madman. I asked him to stop, but everything was in vain. He hit me... he raped me..."
My head automatically goes up when I hear those words on the young lady's lips. How could anyone hit someone like her? So beautiful and so perfect. And even more so, raping her.
"My first time was not pretty. From that day on, she started to mistreat me and treat me as if I were an object. I told my father and he understood the situation. I asked for a divorce and separated from that man."
"I couldn't sleep, I always had nightmares about that man and I even had to go to the doctor to get checked." His body began to tremble and he took his hands to his body as protection. "I had already healed from the bruises and the vaginal tearing, but I didn't fully recover mentally. My doctor told me that I didn't have any cure for that remedy, that time would tell. And he told me that if I didn't heal my mind I... I..." She becomes a little choppy as if she will have a hard time saying what she fears so much. "I could not have children."
My pupils dilate instantly when I hear those words from her. Couldn't I have children because of that? Would it have affected her so much? I see how her cheeks are decorated by a few tears from her not bearing it anymore.
"I wanted to tell you, really. But I was so scared that I even feared that if you told your mother, maybe our alliance would be broken. I was afraid of not giving you children because of that trauma, that I would not serve as a wife. You are the first man who made me feel like a fool in love and that is why I treated you with affection because I saw in you someone who needed affection. I know that you would never hurt me," she takes a deep breath to continue, "but I can't go on with this fear!
I didn't let her talk anymore. I embraced her with all my strength without hurting her in any way. I didn't want to crush her with my arms. I didn't reciprocate her hug because I know she was surprised by my act. She expected something other than a hug.
"I don't give a shit if you can't give me children," I clarify by separating myself a little from her to look her in the eye and see what I'm saying is real, "I don't give a shit what mum says. I don't give a shit what others think about you."
"But Cracker..."
"What I care about most in this world is being by your side." I hold her hands firmly and decisively. "You are my wife. You are my life. I would kill anyone who dared to speak ill of you behind your back."
Her eyes shone as if she would have liked to hear those words.
"Cracker...," she whispers my name and stops his tears.
"I wouldn't abandon you for anything in the world You're the first woman a cruel and ruthless guy has ever liked."
"But deep down you're like a child. Sweet, brave and with many dreams."
"Because you made me bring out the child inside me." I rest my forehead on hers while looking into her eyes. "I want to share my life with you."
"And I with you, Cracker." Her smile comes back to life giving me that feeling of peace that I wanted so much to have. "I'm sorry if I didn't tell you and hurt you."
"Now it doesn't matter. What matters now is that we are here, you and I, and no one else."
I kiss her with determination, savouring those lips that I so longed to taste again. It was a mixture of strawberries and tears, and yet it was addictive. How long had it been since I had kissed her? I didn't want to think about it. Now my desire is to be with her more than ever. Our mouths move wanting to have more contact with what, playfully, I bite her lower lip receiving a little whimper from her, but I take advantage to invade her mouth with my tongue.
It was a fight of the one who dominated the one and I know perfectly well who was going to win that battle. I, of course. She surrendered completely to me. My hands, leaning on ___'s small back, slowly go through that whole area until they reach her bottom where I squeeze them firmly. I receive a small gasp from her on my lips. My eyes sparkled with pleasure, amused to see her expressions. And decisively, I lift her up to sit astride me. Her look was one of pure confusion.
"What are you doing?"
"What do you think?" My voice gets a little hoarse from that kiss.
"Cracker I don't...," I don't let it end because I kiss her again. A kiss that showed love and confidence.
"I want to make love to you," I say resolutely, not separating from her lips, "I want you to forget that trauma. The one you are sharing your bed with is me and not with another man. Be mine tonight, ___. I beg you, I implore you."
It's rare for me to ask for that kind of thing, but for her I would do anything. I just hope she accepts because I couldn't stand to be like that anymore without feeling her. Her little hands explore between my hair, almost intertwining her fingers with them to hold them firmly causing me to grunt. And it wasn't pain, it was satisfaction. She came to my lips to say what I so longed to hear:
"Make love to me, Cracker."
A time bomb is activated inside me and I kiss it with more fury than before. I didn't want to be separated from her. The desire to have her by my side produced an absolute happiness that I could not explain. I kept biting her lips in a dominant way. I had to control my wild side; although, it's impossible. Her perfume, her lips, her skin... everything about her was driving me crazy.
I leave her lips for a moment, which had some scars caused by my bites and I bite her neck leaving some marks. She is mine and nobody else's. I will mark her as many times as I want so that everyone knows who owns her. The gasps of ___ echo throughout the room giving me to understand that she liked the way I treated her. With some shyness, she strokes the entire length of my well-formed back from those trainings of my brother. I just licked and bit the gap between her neck and her shoulder.
My wife lifts her body a bit, wanting to reach a certain area. I was so concentrated that I groaned as I felt my earlobe biting from time to time. God, since when has she become a flirt? I was melting at her bites and the occasional lick. The trousers were already being annoying, they were squeezing me in a supernatural way.
Forgive me, but it was impossible for me to control my animal instinct. I tore the top of that dress where I heard a slight groan from her. I receive an inquisitive look as if she didn't like it.
"Cracker, that was a dress your sister gave me as a present.
"Fuck the dress, you're prettier this way." I look at her for a moment already looking at her half-naked body. I'm grateful that I'm tall and can see every detail of her.
"You are a pervert." She She blows up the annoying cheeks to which I hold her face with my hand and deflates them.
"You're getting to know my playful side, my dear."
With the other hand free, I hold her wrists easily by raising them to the height of her head. I like having her like this, at my mercy and so helpless, and that I am the one who provokes those moans that come from her lips. Oh, but there was one thing left that covered the view. I smile like a maniac where she only trembles with emotion? I wouldn't know, but it wasn't fear she had in her eyes.
I went over to that annoying garment that covered her breasts and took it with my teeth. A few seconds later, I pulled it out of its socket, freeing both its mounts from that annoying bra.
"Cracker, we need to talk about 'don't tear my clothes when you're excited'." For one reason, I found it funny.
"I think that talk won't do much good since I'll keep doing it."
"At least do me the favor of... Ah!"
Sensitive, huh? I already put a breast in my mouth without any difficulty and started sucking it as if it were a hungry little child. To make it easier, I raised her body a little more with one of my arms so that she could sit down and her breasts were at the same level as my face. From time to time I watched my wife's face. The faces I made made made my limb harder than I even think it grew a little more than I thought. Fuck! Look what this girl is doing to my body.
I let go of her wrists for a moment to hold firmly the other breast, massaging it. I had no difficulty at all as my hand was big enough. However, she rests her hands on my hair and squeezes them tightly where I grunt with satisfaction almost biting one of her nipples. I was liking it, and I wanted to prove it. I give a slight suction on her nipple to release it suddenly where I get a little moaning from her.
I raise my eyes, amused. Fuck, I was getting horny and it was fun to see her face. I was panting trying to catch my breath, her face was fucking sexy. "If it goes on like that, it'll explode", she was mentalizing me. And with a rather playful look, I took my hand towards one of her buttocks and gave a slight slap where she moaned in surprise.
"What? I wanted to know what it sounded like." Another hit, another sound. "And I like it."
"Stop it! It's not funny, you pervert!"
With one quick move, I lay her down on the bed and stay on top of her. My knees were placed on each side of her waist while my hands were resting around my beloved's head.In this position I could feel perfectly the difference in height and I was grateful that the bed was big.
"With my tongue I can run perfectly all over your body, did you know that?"
"That's not fair. Inflate those cheeks again, as I loved to bother her. "You're too big and I'm too small next to you."
"But you can feel my whole being."
Shyness is what you reflect now in her eyes when I said that. She looks so pretty like that. I love that side of her. She puts her hands on my well formed chest touching them slowly. She had already touched them, but this time, it was different. The air we breathe there is sexual tension between the two of us. Our caresses went beyond affection. It was desire and we could not resist it.
I give light sighs every time her hands descend touching every area of my being until they reach the kerb of my trousers. I thought I had taken them off, but I can see that I haven't. My eyes are fixed on his and I could see desire, he even bit his lip. Fuck! I'm on fire and the bitch wouldn't stop playing with my garment. Take it off, damn it! I'm begging you with my eyes! And as if my pleas were heard, she pulls down my trousers along with my boxers showing my manhood.
Her lips form a kind of "o" looking at my member with surprise. I can even notice how his body trembles before such magnificence. I take his hands delicately so that he can rest them on it and start caressing it. I can't deny it, I've been shaking and a hoarse groan is coming from my throat.
"It's huge."
"I know," I smile amused at his expression.
"You're just huge."
"Will you still say I'm huge?"
"It's true."
I laugh lightly approaching her face to kiss her lips while my hands continue to explore her body. Memorizing little by little every pore of her skin until I get rid of what was left of press on her. I can smell the excitement. It was an exquisite smell. I hold her buttocks tightly listening to a small sound of protest.
"I can't stand the urge to stick my dick in your dirty vagina."
"Don't say such things!" My fingers were already caressing her entrance. It's so wet. How can you tell that I drive you crazy, huh?
"But it's the truth." I bite her chin while sticking about two fingers inside her. It was already wet and I didn't need to prepare it.
I move them with some speed receiving those moans that I so much wanted to hear. I didn't look away from her at all times. I even licked my lips in real excitement. My dick was screaming at me to penetrate it now. And that's what I'll really do. I attract the body of my beloved while I get high, sitting on the bed with her on top.
We both moan at the same time as we feel the touch of our sexes. Her arms surround my neck as support and I hold her hips. We were ready to be one. There was no turning back. I wanted her and she wanted me. I kiss her sweetly so it's up to me as I help her get down and stick my dick in her once and for all.
Oh for Kami! What a nice feeling. She hugs me tightly which even bites my neck so I grunt slightly. I hold firmly her ass helping her to climb up and down on me. It's exquisite to hear her breathing near my ear as we bonded. It is delicious this feeling. As I wished to feel it.
Our movements are increasing each time we felt the friction of one against the other. I didn't stop kissing her and she didn't stop kissing me. ___'s hands intertwine again in my hair giving a little pull causing her to growl even more as I slightly bite her neck leaving a mark.
That room was becoming a witness of our love. Two bodies merged into one. Sweating like never before and that the movements were going faster. I didn't want this to end, it was too exciting, but I know that at some point this would end. Each time her vaginal walls were pressing hard on my member giving me the impression that an orgasm was about to come. Just a little more, little one. I want to feel you even more.
I am about to end too. I hold firmly her hips while I get on my knees without separating from her at any moment wanting to penetrate her with more strength than before. She nails her nails to my back giving a tremendous scream reaching the blessed orgasm. And I come inside her and can't stand it anymore. Fuck, this tasted great to me. I attract her to my body by hugging her with love and she kisses all over my face.
We both didn't feel exhausted from sharing this moment, but it was worth it. I kept looking at her face. She was so beautiful when she was tired. A smile forms on my face in a silly way that she notices and just laughs.
"Do I have monkeys on my face?"
"Oh, not at all," I honestly draw her body to me, "it's just... you look pretty like that."
"Silly," she lightly slaps my chest while laughing.
"___," I call out to her, receiving her attention in me, "I love you."
"I love you too, Cracker."
One month later...
I'm fed up with Katakuri throwing me down! Can't he be a little more gentle with me? I'm getting old! Although I shouldn't complain, I'm in a good mood because they've taken the reward out of my head. I'm evenly matched by my sister Smoothie. I don't know how that girl does it to outdo me.
And another day where I come home and want to be with my dear wife. I will have already put on a lover's face.
"I'm home now!"
"Oh, you're back at last."
"Sorry if I was late, my brother kept me," I apologize by patting ___'s head.
"It's all right. Come, please." She grabs my hand, leading me to the kitchen. I can feel her excitement.
My eyes are stuck on the counter with a big box to which I raise my eyebrow a little curious and strange. What does that do there? I didn't quite understand that I was even looking at the girl who was only smiling.
"It's for you."
"For me?" I stress the question a little by holding that box. "It's not my birthday yet."
"Don't be silly and open it."
Why so much effort? Well, what a remedy. Carefully, I open the box, I don't want to come across anything unexpected. I enlarge my eyes when I see what was inside. What the hell? Subject as a kind of shirt, but it was too small. This won't even fit! And there was not only one but a few more. Is this some kind of joke? I didn't get it.
She just smiled funny in my face for not understanding anything. Fuck! I'm not in a position to think! And the last thing I see is a letter. I hope this paper tells me what's going on and doesn't leave me in doubt. I start reading it:
I know you don't know us, but very soon you will, just be patient. There are only eight months left for you to see us.
We want to ask you a favour: take good care of Mum in these eight months because it will be a very long process. Protect her from any illness. Make sure she eats well so that we grow strong and healthy. If she gets angry with you, you only have to understand that we are to blame. When Mummy feels that we are moving, we want you to be the first to feel our kicks.
Make Mom happy because we know you are the best dad in the world.
With love,
Your children."
I was shaking when I finished reading the letter. My eyes were fixed on the phrase "my children". I turn my head a little towards the clothes and then towards the belly of ____. This is not possible. This has to be a dream. She is...
"I'm pregnant, Cracker."
Without being able to avoid it, I hug her tightly, holding her up in the air while I rest my head on her belly, listening to her laugh.
"Since when?"
"Since a month ago."
"My children. How many are there?
"From what the doctor saw, there are two. I couldn't tell you if they were twins or fraternal twins.
I was happy at this news that I kissed her, not once or twice, but many times that she was kissing me back. She is pregnant. I cured her trauma. Now I have to take care, not only of her, but also of our children.
I cannot deny that. She is my wife. She is my life. And I would kill anyone who hurt her.
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kobb4ni2 · 8 months
So I got bored and wanted a height comparison with Sea Serpent Reader in her human form and see how tall she would be......
The results are astonishing
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I dont know who should envy who. The "smallest" ones who reach her legs or the tallest one who can reach her chest and up.
I'll let your imagination run wild on this one. But I will say I just know Black Maria loves to hold reader close to her chest on purpose to piss off King
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TBH I was only being generous when it comes to Sea Serpent! Reader’s human height, I was gonna make her much more taller then Black Maria cuz I just LOVVVEEE TALL LADIES especially when it’s the main character that I’m doing, (sorry short readers, but y’all have so many fanfics)
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AISHAUA Katakuri is literally at Sea Serpent! Readers chest height, so that whenever she hugs Katakuri, he was grateful for the scarf that he has to hide the blushing mess he is, the same thing goes to his sister Smoothie :3
Cracker would make a suit of armor just to be at the same height as hers, but oh how the cracker armour cracked when you picked him up from his suit and peppered his face with kisses.
WHILE DOFFY (i don’t like him.) is literally just looking at Sea Serpent! Reader’s bottom 😭
EEE I can imagine Yamato just jumping super high to grab Sea Serpent! Reader’s face and kiss her IQBWUWAB I love Yamato so so much dude 😞😞🙏🙏
Sea Serpent! Reader still has to bend over to talk to anyone or she have to hold them in her hands :3
Aaaa King, what haven’t I said about King, he’s majestic, he’s cool, he’d give Black Maria a death glare whenever she hugs you, knowing damn well that your face is smooshed against her breast.
I feel like most character would love to be much more shorter then Sea Serpent! Reader it has more advantages then being tall, like being picked up by Sea Serpent! Reader at her human form or Serpent form.
Everyone is just a horndog for Sea Serpent! Reader here now (me) >\\\\\<
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Sea serpent! Reader at all her glory :DD
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trashytoastboi · 5 months
🍩Charlotte Katakuri Masterlist🍩
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🍩 Headcanons: Zoro, Sir Crocodile, Katakuri x S/O – Reacting to them crying in front of them for the first time
🍩 Headcanons: Shanks, Ace, Katakuri x Royal! Reader – Working as their bodyguard
🍩 Headcanons: Law, Zoro, Katakuri reacting to a messy kitchen when S/O tried to cook for them
🍩 Fluff Alphabet: Law, Katakuri – O, L, V
🍩 SFW & NSFW Headcanons: Law, Katakuri x S/O
🍩 Headcanons: Law, Zoro, Marco, Katakuri x S/O who is afraid of physical intimacy due to past trauma
🍩 Headcanons – Stripper AU! Doflamingo, Shanks, Katakuri with F! Reader
🍩 Headcanons: Law, Ace, Katakuri, Robin, Zoro – Reacting to their crush that is super wary about sleeping around other people but is fine with them
🍩 Headcanons: X-Drake, Smoker, Doflamingo, Katakuri reacting to discovering their S/O is a sea dragon
🍩 Headcanons: Charlotte Family Members (Katakuri, Daifuku, Oven, Perospero, Pudding, Brulee, Smoothie, LinLin, Amande, Cracker) - Reacting to a Painter! Reader
🍩 Short scenarios: Shanks #5. Can I hold your hand? ; Whitebeard #11. Making the other laugh; Katakuri #13. You are my love
🍩 Headcanons: Sabo, Law, Katakuri x S/O who can manipulate memories
🍩 NSFW Headcanons: Dom! Law, Dom! Mihawk, Dom! Katakuri x Sub! F! S/O – In subspace
🍩 Short Scenarios: Smoker, Killer, Katakuri x Reader – Being comforted after a fight with their parents and not feeling like they’re living up to expectations
🍩 Headcanons: Alpha! Marco, Alpha! Law, Alpha! Katakuri x Omega! S/O - Courting
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aeliesa · 2 years
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Synopsis: It has always been his greatest desire to voice out all of his devotion to you. However, whenever he tries to, things don't always go the way he wants, all he could do is hold onto you because he's always voiceless.
• Relationship: Charlotte Katakuri x female reader
• Content: fluff
A/N: Just came back from my cave to post the remaining part of the recent fan fiction I posted. This second part is lengthier than the previous as I added some parts which makes it 10k words (together with the first one) so, heads up for the long post. In order to know the gist of the plot I suggest heading over to the first one which is here. Either way, both parts can serve as standalone, so read as you please.
Errors are to be expected as I really do not have enough time to check everything.
I hope you enjoy! :D Edit: I edited some portion as I noticed the errors, but still there is a possibility that I have overlooked some of it. So, excuse for the errors.
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When the ship finally anchored ashore, the leader of the crew quickly made its way to the ground, and without a second look, he gave his command. Right before his staff could answer, he left without another thing to say. His assistant would handle everything. After all, the eldest brother, Perospero knew what to do; in that aspect of his responsibility, Katakuri was at ease to leave the main island.
“Oh, not that,” he muttered with frustration.
He saw it, the moment he’ll stay for another minute, a future that he must avoid at all costs. Some of his siblings were there waiting for Katakuri and his brother, but before he could escape their presence, one held his arm, making him pull back to their circle. A low grumble escaped from him, but it was overshadowed by the laughs of his siblings.
Katakuri knew where this conversation was going, and he didn’t like it.
“Hey, big brother, why are you so adamant?” Cracker grinned, clearly aware of Katakuri’s abrupt departure. “You know that you have to report to Mama.”
Katakuri pulled his arm from the grip of Daifuku, “I believe that Perospero can handle that very well…” he excused himself,” I must leave.”
Before he could step, his brothers quickly blocked his path, and one of them looked over at their big brother Perospero who had just climbed down from the ship. “Hey, big brother Peros, can you handle it?” one of them asks with a tone implying teasing.
All of them glanced at their brother, who innocently stared at each of them, and a grin slowly crept from his face, “I cannot… no.”
The brothers burst into a loud guffaw while their big brother Katakuri just silently listened to them, thinking of ways he could leave.
Katakuri lowers his face down to his scarf, trying to maintain composure at the banters of his siblings. Most of the time, he’s the subject of the conversation, and as much as he wants to avoid them, he just cannot bring himself to. He loves his siblings, but sometimes he wants to hang each of them till they stop teasing him.
Katakuri cleared his throat, and in a low, calm voice, he turned to his brother Perospero who was standing behind him. “Are you sure?”
Right before his elder brother could respond, the three boys chimed in, “He is indeed sure!” they both exclaimed, putting their arms around Perospero, who nodded along with their answer.
Katakuri sighs, it is already late, but his siblings are still full of energy.
“Then let’s get this thing over,” he surrenders, breaking the laughs of their siblings.
Perospero paused in between laughs, “When are you going, to be honest with yourself?”
Katakuri gave him a confused look which made him receive another laugh from his siblings. Really, he loves his siblings, but when all of them are together, it will be a nightmare for him.
“If you could tell us what you want, then we’ll let you go,” Oven says with wriggling brows.
The rest nodded with wide grins on their face; clearly, they were ganging up on their brother, and as Katakuri observed their demeanor, it would be forever before they let him go. Their big brother knows what they are up to; Katakuri is well aware of their intentions but, knowing his reputation as the perfect and calm brother, sure as hell he won’t cave in.
“There’s nothing to say,” Katakuri responds, which made him receive a look of disappointment from the four, almost a look of hopelessness from their brother’s firm behavior.
“You can just say that you miss her,” Daifuku cracks, oozing with confidence regarding the demeanor of Katakuri being inept around women.
The boys shared a cackle, shaking their heads and patting the back of their big brother, who’s been restraining himself not to smack each of his younger siblings. Sure, they do know what buttons to push.
It’s always been like that since he married you. It is peculiar for them to see their big brother Katakuri being so calm and composed, yet in a blink could shake the Totto Land when it comes to you. The actions may not be obvious, but they are not dumb to ignore them. Katakuri could tell that in the early days of being a newlywed, his brothers kept interrogating you regarding Katakuri's treatment which you would just shut them out with laughs.
To see you being close with his siblings gives him a sense of relief. He knew how marriage works in this family. Most of the spouses would just suffer. His siblings are complex to please, let alone his mother - the Yonkou. It will always be a mystery to him how you were able to capture them with the sincerity that led you to be a famous wife in the family.
“Anyway, big brother… to give you a heads up I -”
“Cracker, we talked about this!” the two quickly butted in with their annoyed expression.
“Okay! Okay!”
Katakuri ignored the claims of Oven and Daifuku. His undivided attention was all over Cracker, who proudly stood before him.
“What is it?”
“We…” Cracker turns to his brother, emphasizing the start of his sentence, “I said it, okay?” he turned to Katakuri when his brothers nodded, giving him thumbs up. “Well, earlier, there were pirates who entered the territory of Mama, and they seemed to attack the land where the big sister is residing.….”
Upon hearing the news, his brow quickly furrowed. “Tell me she’s safe,” he thought as he stared at the figure of his brother, that was relying on the events of earlier.
“I made sure that the weaklings are taken care of!”
Cracker frowned at the sudden unison of outburst, “That is not what we talked about!” He walks up to Oven and Daifuku, who are also surprised by their unison and start to debate.
In an instant, the three were now fighting over who was who, clearly everyone took pride in the ruckus that was handled well, especially in ensuring his wife’s safety. Perospero shook his head, staring at the three while Katakuri’s mind drifted to the news that Cracker broke.
“It was me who got there first!”
“Okay, Cracker, take that credit, but I was the one who took care of it.”
“Are you definitely forgetting the fact that I was also there?”
The rambling goes on and on; their brothers Katakuri and Perospero are just staring at them with no intention of stopping their bickering. It is a perfect moment for Katakuri to escape the shackles of the three. He knew that Perospero would let go of him quickly. He’s tired, after all.
“She’s safe,” he heaved a deep breath.
To see his brothers fighting over the credit of taking over the task is something he always sees whenever it concerns you. As a matter of fact, most of his siblings took a liking to you - especially the youngest, who always asks about you whenever he’s on the main island.
Katakuri is well aware that his mother is fond of you - especially your dishes. He could even remember very well the first hunger pangs that you witnessed; Big Mom craved your dishes, and in those seconds, he couldn’t think properly, especially when he saw you running towards his mother carrying the dish she’s been craving.
He can still feel the warmth of your body against his palm when he carries you and jumps midair to throw the food right into your mother-in-law’s mouth. That was the first hunger pang attack that you put a stop to with him, and the pride he felt how fearless you were in those seconds; indeed, he married the right woman.
Katakuri is well aware that everyone respects him, but to see how his brothers are close to you to the point of interrogating you just to find something that could be used against their big brother - Katakuri, at some point, they are convinced that everything is just pretension, but when they hear your genuine laughter their thoughts just disperse. Katakuri knew all of it because he’s been watching you from afar whenever he couldn’t bring himself to be close to you.
He cannot stand your presence; you are a breath of fresh air, and he cannot see himself encasing his lungs with such gaiety. You were the polarity to his being, a complete contrast to his character. He does not know what to say nor to react whenever you’re within his range: you always leave him voiceless. Those were the earliest memories of him meeting you.
“Hey brother,” he shifted his gaze towards Perospero, who grinned. “I can handle everything here; you can now go.”
Katakuri nodded, and without any fuss, he continued on his track, leaving Perospero with the work. He knew he had chosen the right person to accompany him in his missions; if it were between the three, it would be endless chaff.
His brother Perospero understands him, maybe because of what he witnessed during those trips. Katakuri is well aware that he was eavesdropping on their conversation with his little sister Brûlée through the mirror. Before they left, Katakuri entrusted your well-being to your siblings, which they happily obliged. Brûlée was the one who updated him about you; she even went to the length of asking Katakuri to speak with you, to which Perospero nodded behind closed doors.
“Big brother, why don’t you check on her? She sometimes fell asleep in the living room with a book in her hand,” Brûlée once said. “I have come to notice that she frequently brings doughnuts with her tea. Are you influencing her with your love of doughnuts?”
As much as he was eager to hear your voice and talk with you, Katakuri restrained himself. It is not because it might taint his mighty image, but rather, with you around, Katakuri could lose his tongue, leaving him voiceless, not to mention how privy his siblings are. He does not want you to endure the same intensity of teasing as he does.
Katakuri took the shortest way possible, avoiding his siblings, for he could not waste another second. Cracker, Oven, and Daifuku took so much of his time poking fun at him. There is only one thing that his very essence has been telling him, and that is the woman he left for too long. Katakuri could see his mother tomorrow, but for now, his sanity would be at peace to see the person he longed to share the bed with. 
He’s been itching to step on the land that you were residing on. Despite the protest of his brothers for his sudden action Katakuri knew that no harm would be done. He could see the future, after all. Although they were told by their mother to rest on the main island, Katakuri’s firm resolution is evident; he could not wait for the sun to rise - he had to see his wife. In every worse, best, and in-betweens to be in the grace of his wife is what he needed the most.
In a span of months, he yearned for the voice, the warmth, and presence - he longed for you. 
Of course, he won’t leave without his wife’s knowledge, so when he asked for your permission that he’ll be on a five-month voyage, he could see the fear and unsettledness in your eyes, which disturbed him. The word of his mother is absolute, but if you had protested in those seconds, he’ll make his way and convinced his mother that his other brothers shall lead the voyage. He knew that you believed your words had no power over him, but in truth, he could alter his mother’s decision for your sake.
You are the other half of his identity, one way or another, you have the power over Katakuri; your words are important to him. It is as absolute as his respect towards his mother and loves for his siblings. 
However, you didn’t. In lieu, you gave him your blessing. He was hesitant, but when you assured him, Katakuri just could not bring himself to say it; rather, he planted a soft kiss on your forehead. A way of him saying that he’s just thankful that you exist.
Katakuri sped up in his tracks when he saw the familiar house. The lights were still on, “Is she still awake?” he wondered as he made his way to the door.
A part of him wishes that you were awake, while the other one hopes that you’re resting in your room. Carefully, he entered the house with complete silence and made his way to the living room, only to see someone sleeping on the sofa with his head buried in his knees.
There, Katakuri knew who it was; he could tell from the color of the hair alone. In the distance was the person who he kept on thinking about. The person who accepted him wholeheartedly without any sign of hatred or prejudice, a woman of sunshine that didn’t faze when he was seen without his scarf.
The lady who was never scared of his appearance, bounty, or his identity as a wanted man. The person that Katakuri found comfort with, he could lower his guard around you. Ironically, he is known by his siblings as the strongest one, but within your grace, Katakuri’s knees wobble, he trembles, and eventually weakens. Indeed, he can be the firm person in the eyes of his family; however, in your vision, he’s always on his knees – constantly needing your shelter.
He slowly made his way and stood behind you, thoughts running wild as to why you were resting in an uncomfortable position with only a blanket to fight the coldness around the living room.
The woman that could make him do everything, even if it means bringing the world into chaos, just to see her beaming with blissfulness. You were just too pure for the world, for everyone on the island – including him but as much as he hated to admit it, Katakuri can be the most selfish man to exist when it comes to you – he wants to be your first and last. 
There’s no day he had never thought about you. Throughout his voyage, he constantly thinks about that one woman whom he’s looking forward to seeing once he’s back.
His wife.
You fell asleep waiting for him, which means the thought he wished for a while ago is far from the sight that greeted him.
It was you. His wife, covered in blankets, fell asleep waiting for his arrival.
“Waiting for my arrival?” Katakuri dismissed the idea. His wife doesn’t know his arrival. If it were the first month of marriage, he would be able to understand it. Every night you fall asleep waiting in the same living room, and Katakuri has to carry you back to your chamber and tuck you to bed while he prepares his stuff, as he must take a shower before sleeping beside you. But he knows that you’re aware that he’s been away for months; there is no way that you were doing it every time.
“Did she do this even if I’m away?”
Thinking about the time that her sister Brûlée once said, everything finally connected. His wife has been doing it all the time! Not because it is your routine, but rather because you were waiting for him – every night.
Your actions never fail to leave him tongue-tied. Be it the little things, but Katakuri notices all of it, the little laughs, the glances, and even how you would giggle whenever he breaks eye contact, your reactions when you flushed… of all those things are being seen. But what he likes most is your way of showing affection; it will always be in the most unexpected way.
You – as his wife, continue to defy his expectation that he had come to surmise that it would just waste his time to think about your possible actions; whenever he tries to, it always differs from what he thinks.
Katakuri noticed the book half-opened, then the cup, which was almost half empty, and the doughnuts seemed to be untouched. Tea and doughnuts, these are what you usually prepare while waiting for him; Katakuri recalled the first time how he was caught dumbfounded on the dessert on top of the table while you were asleep on the same couch that he found you now. He could even hear you saying that it was his food to eat.
To witness that you’ve been doing the same thing despite the fact that his arrival is uncertain pours a great amount of rapture and love all over his being. You do know how to make him feel weak.
Katakuri took one doughnut and ate it in one bite; of all the doughnuts he tasted, nothing beats your own creation. It is his favorite. During his voyage, the staff that prepares his merienda tries their very best to imitate your way of making the dessert, but they always fail. Katakuri would just be lenient with them as he understands how hard it is. As much as possible, he just wants to eat doughnuts because once he’s back in his homeland, he knows he’ll be pampered by his wife with his favorite.
He turned to your figure, which eventually caused his smile to fade away. He saw how you were holding the jewelry that he inserted into your finger. That simple position made him recall everything; his silent vows as he held your hand to insert the ring, he suddenly thought of it.
I am not the easiest to love, but your kindness made me feel like I do. On this day and forever, I am yours to hold, to love, and to own. To be tied with me is exasperating, but I am eternally grateful for you to accept me as a piece that shall be with you always. The heaven and the sea may meet, but my affection for you remains superior above it.
Katakuri realized how two-faced he was to make such a vow only for you to suffer. He silently said his vow because he could not stand being listened to by the crowd; nonetheless, whether he uttered it verbally or not, the weight of his promise remained unchanged. 
Despite the ray of sunshine his wife brings, he knows to himself that there are times of darkness, and it irks him that he wasn’t there and most of those negative emotions you were dealing with were caused by him. His responsibilities are just necessary for him to work with, but he knew that while he was engrossed with it, you were cast aside thinking you were going to understand. It was unintentional, he never meant it, but it is still his fault. 
A pang of guilt hits him. He may appear as an obedient and perfect son in the same manner he was an irresponsible husband. To add salt to the wound, you never rebuked him for his shortcomings; rather, you showered him with the understanding that he believed he did not deserve.
The two of you knew each other way back. As a matter of fact, you’re the friend of Katakuri, where he can be the truest version of himself. He knows and is well aware of how kind you are, but it never crossed his mind that you were capable of sheltering him despite being hurt by the same person.
He could make his mother happy with his accomplishments, but that thought didn’t make him feel any amount of blithesome. Sure, he loves his mother, but his happiness lies with your being; to see you wrapped in pure felicity is Katakuri’s greatest desire.
As much as possible, he dare not cause you any pain. However, ironically he was causing you immense struggle in this marriage. The first month, he’s constantly away with interaction almost rare, and in the last five months, he was sailing the sea, conquering island to island while his wife was constantly waiting for his return.
Katakuri felt terrible. He knew that he was hard to love. But to see you being so patient with him, he felt ashamed that he was constantly taking your love without giving in return.
He bends, removing the blanket slowly to not wake you up. When he successfully did, Katakuri lifted you up, and he noticed how you felt, almost like a feather in his grasp.
“She lost weight,” he thought, eyeing you.
There’s almost nothing that changed; you were still a beauty to him. The long lashes, soft lips, the bouncy hair that he loves to twirl in his finger, and the warmth of your body. The wife of Katakuri sleeping peacefully in his arms, the doughnuts and tea, these are the regular scenarios he always encounters in his home. To experience it once again, Katakuri can definitely say that he is indeed back.
He plans to carry you back to the bed shared between you two, but right before Katakuri can take another step, he is surprised that you are staring at him, clearly disturbed by the sound of his steps.
“Was I too loud?” he whispered gently.
Perhaps it was because you were still in a daze; it was quite late for you to process everything. But when you did, Katakuri noticed how you beamed brightly just by laying your eyes on him; still, the traces of fatigued were visible throughout your face.
“You’re back!” eyes wide open, you squealed in excitement with a voice that denotes sleepiness and quickly jumped from his arms. “Have you eaten?” you turned to him, rubbing your eyes, and did some stretch with a wide smile.
Oh! How Katakuri missed that energy and demeanor. He cannot help but stare at you for a while before answering.
“I have eaten,” he softly answered.
You nodded, acknowledging it, and headed back to the living room. Katakuri follows his wife from behind, only to see you picking the doughnuts and tea. Just a while ago, you looked tired. But when he studies how alive you are in front of him, he cannot help but think how joyful you can be.
You picked it up only to notice your husband taking it from your hands. “Did you just arrive? Why don’t you take a rest first? Let me brew tea for you to relax while I prepare your things for the shower.”
“That’s not necessary,” he replies, following you around.
Katakuri couldn’t put himself at ease. The turmoil that’s growing inside of him just keeps getting worse, especially to see how you are so hands-on towards him. You tied your hair in a bun and took the things that Katakuri was holding, but he refused to hand them to you.
“Let me carry it… and please, I am not hungry,” again he says in a low tone.
“Oh shut it, I know how tiring it is to sail.” you took his hand and dragged him to the kitchen, “I know that looks very well, darling…” you grinned at him. “I can smell how weary you are from traveling… Anyway, Mama asked me earlier to bake donuts, so I made some extra.”
Katakuri could shut everyone from his family, but between the two of you, he is an open book. It astounds him how you can easily read him while he’s been concealing his emotions from everyone. But well, you’re not his wife for nothing.
“Then let me at least help you,” he volunteers.
Your bubbly face gave him a firm refusal, “I really want you to just take a break from your responsibility and let me handle everything here. At least in our home, you’re being dependent on your wife.”
Right before he could protest, he saw the determination in your eyes. Katakuri just sighed in defeat; he could never say no. Your treatment towards him is like he’s not the big shot of the family, where everyone respects him. But Katakuri also has his own weak points, and it just so happens that it is you. With you around, he feels good to be counting on someone.
You quickly took the plate of donuts and the cup of tea, “why don’t you have your shower while I prepare your food?”
“Nah,” Katakuri utters, pulling a chair and watching you as you maneuver around the kitchen. “I prefer to sit here and watch you.”
He tilted his head to the side when you looked away, saying nothing. As Katakuri loves to notice the little things, it didn’t escape from his sharp eyes the tinge shade of red that is evidence against your skin. At your reaction, he lowered his face, suppressing a smile.
Clearing your throat, you spoke without looking at him. “Take off your scarf for you to be more comfortable.”
Katakuri observes the surroundings, but right before he can see into the future, his focus is cut off by your voice.
“The servants are already resting in their chambers… I told them that they must take rest by ten in the evening as I also prefer to be alone. They must refrain from going out during the night,” you explained, placing a plate of donuts. “They are already bringing their necessities, so there will be no one to disturb you.”
“Oh,” was all he could answer before removing his scarf.
His worries dissipate for you to know how to keep them at bay. Katakuri met your gaze. He couldn’t read you - he may be able to see the future, but your thoughts seem to be harder for him to penetrate. Instead of looking away, Katakuri’s vision was still all over you until you pulled a chair and sat facing him.
You bend towards his direction, eyes still focused on him. “This is our home; you should not be wary whether someone can see you or not,” you continued with an unwavering tone of assurance and comfort and pinched his nose. “I am here, and I shall ensure that nothing will happen to you.”
He winced at the pain and rubbed his nose. Katakuri glanced at his wife; enough about everything about him. He just wants to be near you while you’re spilling all of your thoughts. 
“How is your day?” he queried.
“Fine,” you answer, walking up to him carrying his freshly brewed tea. 
“Your siblings visited me earlier, and I also got to see Mama since she wanted to eat the donuts that are baked by your wife,” you smiled proudly, aware that his mother is fond of your dishes. “I also spent some of my time with your mother as we talked about stuff - mainly about desserts.”
Katakuri took a bite of his donut, “Did her hunger pangs attack earlier?”
You shook your head, “Thankfully, no. But yesterday, it did. She was craving for a sfogliatelle, but it was taken care of by Smoothie.”
He was worried. As much as he wants you to roam around the main island, he fears your safety, especially when he’s not around, or his siblings aren’t there to accompany you. Of course, he tries to bring you with him, but when Big Mom’s hunger pangs attacked and you were almost one of the casualties, it struck him that above everything, his wife’s safety is what he must secure. When he saw that you fainted from helping a civilian and almost being crushed by Big Mom’s hands, he had to change the future because a life without the woman he fought tooth and nail for is simply a world of him – existing with nothing to look forward to.
Those moments are a nightmare he dares not relinquish again. He could withstand the idea of his mother going berserk and destroying the islands of Totto Land, but not when his wife was around.
As he starts to dig into the food, you stand up and say, “I’ll just prepare your stuff while you’re eating,” but right before you leave, Katakuri’s hand quickly wraps around yours.
You looked down only to see his eyes, almost pleading for you to be with him. “Stay with me,” he asks, holding your hand. 
Sighing, you nodded, and he let go of you. Katakuri observed how you made your way to bring yourself a cup of tea and sat in front of him. He pushes the plate of donuts to the center, an indication that he’s inviting you to share the food with him.
You picked a donut, “How’s the voyage?” 
He shrugs, nonchalant at the thought of his journey. “Just the usual, nothing too grand.”
“You must have been to different places and fought ships.”
“You could actually say that,” he nods, savoring his favorite dessert. “Life at sea is full of uncertainty, but to live with it is an assurance that a life of adventure awaits.”
“I could tell….” 
Katakuri is well aware that you were watching him; if there were any other people, they would not live to tell the tale. He stole a glimpse at you where he saw you with eyes twinkling in ecstasy while staring at him.
He looks away. He cannot stand the intensity of your affection. 
“I hope my siblings didn’t give you a hard time.”
“No, not at all! They are such a bundle of joy, they are also my family, and I am elated that they are always there whenever you’re away.”
Whenever you’re away. Most of the time. 
“Anyway, umm…” he lowers his hands and looks at you. He could sense your anxiety, and Katakuri halts in savoring his favorite donuts. His undivided attention is now all over you.
“What’s our problem?” 
Our problem. It is his usual line whenever you are hesitant to say something; Katakuri knows how important communication is, and although he’s terrible with it, he tries his best to meet you halfway.
Your troubles aren’t yours to carry alone. Now that he married you, it is also Katakuri’s dilemma. For better or for worse, he’ll be with you in every way, sharing everything, be it the best or whatnot. Of course, the same goes for his wife.
Eventually, you sighed, “I just want to know your thoughts about our marriage,” you paused, contemplating your sentence. “No, I mean, uh… do I suffocate you with my —”
He doesn’t like the end of it; Katakuri’s hand holds yours and gently squeezes it. “I am aware that I am difficult to deal with, but your patience is unwavering, for you to stay with me despite my shortcomings… I am eternally grateful that you chose to be with me. In each second of our marriage, I am silently thanking you for staying.”
It is the truth. But he never thought he could say it out loud; it is embarrassing as Katakuri is known among his siblings to be shy with women. This is the reason why Daifuku, Oven, and Cracker love to tease him for being married to you.
If it could ease your thoughts, then he’s willing to swallow the recessiveness just to assure you. 
You didn’t respond; rather, you placed a hand on top of his, “I could never trade you for the world.” 
A soft chuckle escaped from you as Katakuri quickly evaded your gaze, lowering his face and trying his best to avoid getting flushed. If his siblings know what buttons to push in order to annoy him, you do know what to do for him to walk in the air.
Katakuri just gently tightens his hand around yours. “I’m sorry,” this time, it was his thoughts that unraveled.
At his sudden apology, you looked surprised and confused at the same time. Instead of asking, you wait for him to finish.
Katakuri heaved a disappointed sigh, “I have come to notice my shortcomings as your husband… I promise I’ll be better for you.”
It’s been troubling him, and he dares not to spend a night with you without the worries being settled. It was his promise that you two swear; no one will sleep if there’s something to be discussed. 
There are no words he could say; he’s at fault. Katakuri is not the type of person to sugarcoat his misdeeds; he owns up and takes responsibility for them.
“The past months of being tied to me, you had to bear the struggle alone. I am sorry that you have to deal with all of it.”
His worries were met with a gentle laugh, and your husband lifted his gaze. “I understand how difficult it is to be the dependable brother, and please don’t say as if you had never done something for me… I do also have my own faults, but you never resent me for it, that I am thankful.” Katakuri noticed you suppressed a yawn. “Our marriage may not be perfect, but certainly it is one of a kind, and don’t be sorry for things that I am willing to do for you,” you replied, squeezing his hands. 
There was no hint of resentment in your tone, just a sincerity of understanding. Katakuri felt more guilty about how his wife seemed to be too perfect for him. Your patience is on a whole new level.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
His transponder snail rang; Katakuri was hesitant to answer, the two of you were just talking about the worries one another, and now, one of those worries just entered the scene. He glanced at you, to which you nodded in answer.
“Katakuri! How is the transaction? Mama is very adamant about knowing the full details,” it was his brother Perospero, who seems to be agitated. His mother’s voice can also be heard asking for his response.
“You can head outside; I’ll be here.” 
“Excuse me,” he says before leaving the kitchen; he lifts your hand and places a kiss.
It is not because of confidentiality that made him ask for privacy. Rather, he does not want you to see how everyone seems to be dependent on him. As much as possible, Katakuri also wants his wife to also depend on him; however, it is the other way around.
It was a lengthy talk with his mother, and when it ended, Katakuri went back to the kitchen only to see you drifting to sleep with your head on top of your arm. 
“I told you that it wasn’t necessary,” he mumbles under his breath, feeling mixed emotions regarding the effort of his wife.
He picks the empty plates and cups and washed them before placing them where they should be. As soon as he was done, Katakuri carried you in his arms as you leaned against him, finding comfort in your position.
“You’re indeed tired.” 
With you in his arms, he made his way to the room and gently placed you on the bed, and you moved, seeking the perfect position. Katakuri pulls the duvet to cover your body, and he proceeds to prepare his stuff before entering the bathroom.
Despite being tired, it is one of the general rules that you implement: if one hasn’t showered, then one cannot lie in bed. You are particular with cleanliness which Katakuri must obey.
After all of it, as he rested against the soft mattress, Katakuri could almost forget the discomfort in the ship, how the bed was too different to his liking, and how it was always lacking, for you were not by his side.
He ponders for a while, but later on, he just turns in your direction gently. He pulls you to his side and smells your hair, and places a kiss on it. He yearns for this. A night like this with you in his embrace is just what he needs after a dreadful journey of being far away. Despite being tired, he cannot bring himself to sleep; Katakuri drowned himself in his reveries while playing with your hair.
Contrary to popular belief, your political marriage was different because you were not forced… rather you also wanted it, which your husband is aware of, and unbeknownst to you, Katakuri was never the first choice to be wed to you, but he fought for it. Perchance, time will lead you to this information, but for now… it is his secret to keep and his family to conceal, for they wanted you to hear it from their big brother’s voice.
Tucking a hair behind your ear, he stared at your peaceful feature; he couldn’t help but trace his finger on your nose, down to your lips, then gently placed a kiss on your forehead when you gave him a smile without opening your eyes. Your hand made its way to his cheek, smiling – still in a daze, aware of the surroundings but too tired to open your eyes.
Every night since the two of you were married, he’s been doing it. That little habit of his has always been his secret; he makes sure that you are in a deep sleep prior to doing it. Apart from the fact that he does not want to disturb you, Katakuri has come to love this routine of his. In every edge of your features is for his finger to trace and for him to adore – alone. 
“Good night,” he whispers gently.
Eyes half-open, you tried to fight back the drowsiness to utter the words that you had longed to say for the past months. “Welcome back…” you groggily muttered, running your thumb on his cheeks, finding its way to his scar.
He can be the most reserved man in his family, but he’s the gentlest, another half that; you couldn’t ask for more. As he tries his best to meet you halfway in this marriage, all he can do is shower you with his fidelity in the silent gestures that bespeak how he devotes himself to you.
Katakuri traces the edge of your eye and buries his head on your neck, and drowns himself in your fragrance. He pulls you in a hug, and you do the same. In all places of the world, from the other side of it down to the islands of the New World, he saw almost everything; the beauty in each corner of the world and experienced the sense of satisfaction in every victorious battle he encountered, but there were no traces of peace in it. It didn’t comfort his very essence. Rather, it left him hungry for more. However, since the day you shared your world with him, Katakuri found his greatest treasure; in between your embrace is where his solace lies.
“I’m home,” he says.
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