#Chat: Jaehee's Doubt
mysmestranscripts · 2 years
02:12 Jaehee’s Doubt (Participant)
Another Story, First Day
Jaehee: Greetings, MC.
Jaehee: What brings you here at this hour?
Choice 1: I couldn’t sleep!
Jaehee: Did something keep you up?
Jaehee: Oh…
Jaehee: Perhaps it’s because you’ve become our member.
Choice 2: I’m usually up at early morning.
Jaehee: Then perhaps we’ll get to see each other often.
Jaehee: I tend to log in a lot in early mornings.
Jaehee: Good to find someone like me ^^
Jaehee: In my case
Jaehee: MC, after you joined us, I was so engrossed in work.
Jaehee: I had no idea what time it was.
Jaehee: When I regained my senses, it was already this late…
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Choice 1: So this character called Jaehee Kang is set to work until late…
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Jaehee: Character?
Jaehee: I’m no character. I’m a person…
Jaehee: Anyways, I don’t work this late every day.
Choice 2: You mean you work until this hour?
Jaehee: Yes… sometimes this happens.
Jaehee: But luckily, this is not a daily routine.
Jaehee: Today I have a good reason why.
Jaehee: Though Luciel said that he’ll so some research about you,
Jaehee: I must do some research on my own as well, as Mr. Han requested.
Choice 1: You can ask me.
Jaehee: If it doesn’t bother you…
Jaehee: Can you tell me where you are at this moment?
Choice 1A: I’m inside your heart!
Jaehee: ...
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Jaehee: Now that is even more suspicious.
Choice 1B: I can see the polar star out the window!
Jaehee: But you can see the polar star anywhere on Earth…;;
Jaehee: I see. Presuming that you’re telling the truth, right now you’re at a place with a weather clear enough to see the stars.
Choice 2: You’re researching about me? I don’t like the sound of that… Can’t you just drop it?
Jaehee: It’s because we can’t locate your current whereabouts…
Jaehee: Or could you tell me right now where you are?
Choice 2A: I can’t tell you. I promised I wouldn’t tell.
Jaehee: …I figured you wouldn’t tell us…
Jaehee: But anyways, a promise…?
Jaehee: I’d like to ask you to whom you made your promise… But you won’t tell me, will you?
Choice 2B: I’m not sure where I am right now, either.
Jaehee: Luciel also couldn’t pinpoint the location where the access to the app took place…
Jaehee: Additionally
Jaehee: I would love to know how you got to install this messenger app.
Jaehee: Can you answer this question?
Choice 1: Someone installed it for me. Someone I know.
Jaehee: And who is this someone?
Choice 1A: That’s a secret
Jaehee: …I see.
Jaehee: I see that you have no intention of answering my questions.
Choice 1B: Somebody that created you?
Jaehee: …?
Jaehee: Somebody who created me? Are you talking about my parents? I don’t understand why you would bring them up now.
Jaehee: Both of them died when I was still young.
Choice 2: I got it from the store lol
Jaehee: …I should ask Luciel for a confirmation.
Jaehee: As far as I know, this app isn’t available for download at a store
Jaehee: and if that’s true, we should have more people accessing other than you, Luc…
Jaehee: How you installed this app, where you are right now…
Jaehee: I believe we’ll be able to welcome you more sincerely after all these questions are answered.
Jaehee: I’d like to ask you if you’re using any C&R card…
Jaehee: but then it’d be too obvious that I’ll check your personal information.
Choice 1: I know how desperate you are, but I don’t have much that I know. I don’t even have a card. (Jaehee)
Jaehee: I see…
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Jaehee: Thank you for understanding.
Choice 2: Buddy - can you make me a card?
Jaehee: Uh…
Jaehee: Um…
Jaehee: …I would have sent you the clerk if I knew where you are…
Jaehee: What a shame.
Jaehee: I’ll do anything that can help the sales of the C&R.
Choice 3: I’ll report you if you check my background info!
Jaehee: Oh, I wouldn’t check your background without your consent.
Jaehee: I won’t do a thing that can cause a legal issue.
Jaehee: I was asking you just in case…
Jaehee: My apologies if I offended you.
Jaehee: Allow me to ask one more.
Jaehee: Could you just tell me
Jaehee: how you managed to get in touch with Rika?
Choice 1: Please don’t suspect me, and let’s just be friends. T-T You’re asking me too much.
Jaehee: I wish I could, too…
Jaehee: But as you’d also know…
Jaehee: You haven’t managed to answer a single question provided to you.
Choice 2: I’ve met a guy of my type, but his name wasn’t Rika… So—
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Jaehee: A guy…?
Jaehee: …
Jaehee: Hmm… since you said it’s not Rika, I won’t ask for your personal life.
Jaehee: Anyhow
Choice 3: I’ve never seen her.
Jaehee: I see…
Jaehee: So you haven’t seen her but heard her name, and you also heard that you should carry on her role regarding the parties.
Jaehee: So if you haven’t met her before… I should keep in mind that there’s a possibility that a third-party relayed that information to you.
Jaehee: Anyways…
Jaehee: This is all just procedure to trust you.
Jaehee: so I hope you’re not offended, MC.
Jaehee: There will be a lot of things we must work together on to coordinate the parties…
Jaehee: Mr. Han is also curious about you, MC.
Jaehee: Very curious…
Choice 1: Then he could have called me lol
Jaehee: He didn’t because it’s late.
Jaehee: He might give you a call or two once the sun is up.
Choice 2: What does he want to know about me?
Jaehee: He wants to know what I just asked you
Jaehee: he also wants to know if you like cats, what’s your favorite type of wine…
Jaehee: all that typical questions about a new face.
Jaehee: In Mr. Han’s case, he wouldn’t ask you directly but get to know you little by little without showing any sign he’s getting to know you.
Jaehee: He’s the type of man who draws out maximum info through minimum question to analyze them most logically.
Choice 1: I want to know more about the RFA. I hope you can teach me a lot.
Jaehee: Oh, of course.
Jaehee: I feel like we haven’t properly introduced ourselves. We gave you nothing but questions.
Jaehee: If you’re fine with me, I’ll tell you anything you want anytime.
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Choice 2: Then I’ll analyze Mr. Han too! Lolol
Jaehee: I can imagine what kind of face he’ll make if he reads this.
Jaehee: If you want to know about him…
Jaehee: I recommend searching on the web or magazines.
Jaehee: RFA members have starkly different opinions regarding him.
Jaehee: If there’s anything you’d like to know about us, feel free to ask.
Jaehee: Either through the messenger or over the phone.
Jaehee: I’ll answer your questions as long as they don’t cause any trouble.
Choice 1: Okay.
Jaehee: Very well.
Choice 2: I’ll work hard too. So please don’t be so wary of me…!
Jaehee: …We should work together on that part.
Jaehee: I will also try to be as less wary as possible.
Choice 3: I knew it. This game is a treasure box of secrets.
Jaehee: Game…?
Jaehee: …Don’t tell me you’re thinking holding parties as a game;;
Jaehee: To be honest… I feel more complicated now that we’ve talked.
Jaehee: I’m even more bothered by the thought that you don’t look like a bad person.
Jaehee: But I believe I’ll feel more comfortable once we get to know more about you, MC.
Jaehee: I pray that day would come as soon as possible.
Jaehee: Well then…
Jaehee: I will get going… for the morning.
Jaehee: Speaking of which… when do you plan on going to bed?
Choice 1: I’m going to stay up some more!
Jaehee: I see.
Jaehee: But if you sleep too late, it is definitely not healthy.
Jaehee: I recommend going to sleep more early. 
Choice 2: I’m about to head to bed. Good night!
Jaehee: Thank you. Good night to you too.
Jaehee: I’ll see you again tomorrow.
Jaehee: Now then, I wish you a good night.
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brighteststar707 · 5 months
You carry parts of past lives with you. You can't help it, you're made up of all the people you've loved before.
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A reset theory idea I revived from a years-old draft about picking up traits from people you spend a lot of time around (as I'm quite prone to doing🤭).
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There has always been this strange familiarity to you. Even back in the early days, it always felt like you were someone Saeyoung had known for years.
He likes to tease you about being easy to read, but it's more than that. The things he recognises in you are things he has grown to love so much in his closest friends.
He loves to tell silly jokes just to hear you laugh. When he promised you a life that would be happy and without worry, he meant it. Your laugh is infectious, addicting even. A laugh from you is an affirmation to someone as insecure as him.
It took him a while to catch on to the way your giggles resemble Yoosung's sometimes. It's not every time, but more than enough times to be a noticeable quirk of yours. The slight hiss of air escaping through your teeth, the precursor to a proper, real laugh.
That was the first parallel he drew. But it was not the last.
He thought he was imagining things at first, making connections where there weren't any to be made. But then you teasingly called him honey for the first time, truly affectionate and sugary-sweet and it was impossible to not think about how he had seen Zen do the same thing before to make fans of his blush. Of course, this trick worked just as well on him when you did it. When you were in these moods, you were magnetic, more so than even Zen could be.
There is something about how, during discussions, you pause to gather your thoughts right before you're about to conclude a point. You have told him you do it to try and collect your thoughts into a coherent sentence so you don't jumble everything up. He thinks it's smart (and cute). It's something he is trying to implement in his life now.
He also knows it's something Jumin practices and advises others to do too. On occasion, during RFA gatherings, Saeyoung watches you and Jumin have a conversation and fall into similar patterns of speech. It's mesmerising, like watching two mirror images.
It is only after a few years, after getting closer to Jaehee at all that realises there are similarities between the two of you too.
He sees a small echo of her in the way that you tackle challenges, not just the resilience he has always known you're capable of but the way you can dissect a problem down to its core and handle it piece by piece. In the tone and cadence you use when instructing others, kind but deliberate, with no room for doubt.
But she's also in your excitement, in the way your voice builds up and rises in pitch when you're talking about something you love. If it wasn't something he recognised from your first weeks together, he'd attribute it to your many musical movie nights.
It wouldn't be fair to say that these traits are identical to theirs. They're things that are so inherent to you, he couldn't imagine you without your funny hiss-laugh or the cadence of your voice when you're measuring out your words. He finds comfort all the same in the little overlap between you and his friends. It may puzzle him sometimes, but he wouldn't change it for the world.
The cherry on the cake was one day when you were chatting and you scrunched your nose before telling a joke, in the same way he knows he does sometimes. His heart swelled three sizes that day and he wouldn't stop teasing you about it.
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takitafulily · 11 months
Misadventures of the MCs #07
Taking the Besties home pt4: MM!MC
(Slight Spoilers if you haven't played Mystic Messenger)
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MM!MC: I'm not too spacious with accommodations but at least it's decent. I doubt the bed could fit all of us so half of us will need sleeping bags. Don't pick up my phone if it's buzzing, just tell me or someone might actually end up dead- No I'm not kidding- Try not to touch any stacks of paper or important looking documents or I'll be fucked-
LTD!MC: So do you just casually live in a stranger's apartment?-
MM!MC: I mean... yeah...
TWST!Yuu: Hey at least it's not going to tobble over any second or used to belong to dead people
MM!MC: ...about that-
OB!MC: At least they're just living in a stranger's apartment, they're not living WITH the strangers
WHB!MC: Yeah, at least they actually HAVE a place to live
LTD!MC: ... *sigh*
TWST!Yuu: Yo you have a stalker
MM!MC: ...how do you know that?
TWST!Yuu: When you have 4 people ready to jumpscare you daily, you gain a 6th sense for it.
MM!MC: huh, that's neat
TWST!Yuu: *stares at them*
MM!MC: oh, the stalker? Eh leave him be or he'll kidnap you for some cult.
TWST!Yuu: ...and here I thought I was desensitised-
(In the RFA chat)
707: hey MC do you have friends over at Rika's appartment?
MC: which one theres like 5 here
Yoosung: WHAT
707: WHAT
Jumin: Wait that doesn't sound like MC
Jaehee: I agree Mx MC doesn't usually text like that
MC: oh if your talking about MM!MC theyre fighting with LTD!MC over a budget or wtev rn
707: what
MC: *picture of MM!MC yelling whilst holding up a piece of paper with numbers on it and LTD!MC point at the paper whilst holding a cup of coffee*
Zen: *gasp* a picture of MC
Jaehee: Wait so who is texting us right now?
MC: lol this is TWST!Yuu
MC: im just watching the drama lol OB!MC and WHB!MC went looking for the stalker even though MM!MC told them not to lol
Jumin: ...
Yoosung: ...
Jaehee: ...
Zen: ...
707: ... wtf just happened
*V entered the chat.*
V: hey guys what did I miss?
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satanswrathussy · 1 year
mystic messenger playthrough day 5 i think??
this is literally just a thought dump there's no need to read this unless you want to read my ever spiraling confusion while playing this for the first time !!
TL;DR I DIDNT GET THE DAY 5 BAD END !! I'm on Jaehee's route and I'm terrified of messing up lmao
Word Dump
I already forgot how i've been formatting these- but i'm mobile so i doubt it matters anyways :,)
Anyways I discovered I have to start from Day 1 every time I get an ending, and I didn't want to do all of that just to see the Day 5 bad ending- so I looked up transcripts of the dialogue and ... I'm definitely getting ddlc'd because what the fuck bro
I think my favorite part is how Zen talks about his freaky dream, and SOMEHOW if you don't pick someone by Day 5- Yoosung gets woke then JUST DIPS????? WITH SOME RELIGIOUS CULT PPL?????? HUH?????
I'm assuming this isn't canon, like it was just thrown in to shame the player for not choosing lmao, bUT I'm also convinced the cult is involved in the story- and I'm absolutely blaming Rika for it even though i have like..... minimal evidence............. and that she's dead............ i still don't believe she's dead
Also I know this is a game so real world rules don't apply- but I didn't expect THAT to be the bad ending? I'd expect something like that to happen in a Yoosung exclusive bad end, not necessarily just a neutral "oopsie you're indecisive!" ending. I think it would make more sense if- because MC didn't get enough hearts for anyone -the RFA decides "actually let's NOT trust this random person to replace our dead friend."
So I'm on Jaehee's route- which may have been a bad choice, because the internet says the story makes the MOST sense if you play Zen/Yoosung/Jaehee ... but since I chose Jaehee when I started, I decided I'll just .... work backwards or something lmao.
Anywhooo I'm not sure how I feel about this route so far, because it kinda just feels like a Jaehee pity parade? Like the devs decided "yes. she shall be a punching bag.", because so far it just seems like I have to keep reassuring her? Which I don't mind- but like please just let her be hAPPY SOON???
Although I think the Day 5 bad end was meant to be a cop out, I think the cult ACTUALLY has something to do with the game.
is it bad i wanna invite the cult to the party
I think Rika faked her death and then started that weird Yoosung snatching cult. I don't care I REFUSE to trust her.
I'm also convinced Rika is Unknown and she's gonna make MC convince the RFA to join her weird Yoosung snatching cult.
I am very anti Rika despite never seeing her (outside of the cutscene before Day 5)
I bet Rika is just THE WORST. Like the way everyone talks ab her??? No one is just NATURALLY that nice unless they're covering shit up.
Would saying "Rika is the worst" count as a theory?
okay i forgot anything else i was wanting to say. it's only 5:30 so there's probably more day 5 chats coming up (i missed a lot bc i slept until 9am >:( )
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lovelieajax · 2 years
♡ :: study time
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synopsis :: how jumin, saeyoung, and saeran support their s/o of their studies / career path.
ft. jumin, saeyoung, saeran x gn!reader (separate)
wc :: (309) jumin, (279) saeyoung, (295) saeran
cw. n/a
a/n :: hi anon !! this was super, super late, i'm so sorry to keep you waiting. thank you for loving my works despite this, ily 💞
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he’s been there, whether it be stressing because of the overload of work, or not getting any sleep trying to cram for finals.
even though he still goes through that, it pains him to see you in this disheveled state.
being a very busy man, jumin’s not always there to greet or welcome you into his arms after a long day.
so instead, if you’re living on campus, he’ll send his workers or bodyguards to make sure you’re doing okay and not overworking yourself.
if you live off campus, he’ll offer to rent an apartment close to your college / university along with any materials you need.
he’s always there even if it’s not physically, sending text messages privately and in chat rooms through the messenger.
he likes to be near you whenever he can, albeit busy. oh, you’re planning to study this weekend? immediately offers to be your study-buddy, even if he’s not the best in the subject. puts off meetings for you even when he shouldn't.
so if he does (and he will) join you to study, he will most likely bring ellie along.
will ask jaehee to take care of her if she gets in the way of your studying.
not the best at cooking, but he will offer to brew you any teas you like, along with snacks.
depending on what you’re studying, he will give you some tips and lessons about how harsh the work environment can be. 
he will always, without a doubt, support you in whatever career path you take. he’s just happy to be with such a special person like you and couldn’t wish for more <3
“I hope I am not bothering you, dear. I brewed you some herbal tea and asked the maids to bake you some cookies. I was afraid I’d burn them if I made them myself..”
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he’s like that over-supportive, kind mom when he starts dating you and getting to know what you’re studying.
he wants to let you know that he cares (and always will), putting aside any work he has to do to either help or listen to you.
vanderwood is always a little upset by how much power you hold over saeyoung, but it never lasts long because he enjoys talking with you.
frequently checks up on you, making sure you're doing alright.
if he’s not familiar with the career path you decide to choose, he will excuse himself (subtly) to do further research until he decides he knows exactly how to help you.
the last thing he’d want is for you to lose passion and hope on your decision / studies, so he does whatever is in his power to make it fun.
he could put on some sort of puppet play to encourage you, or code a small game / hunt for you.
when it’s time for exams / finals, he’ll go wherever you’re taking the exam along with the rest of the RFA before and after you take the tests for support. (i’d like to think jumin would be too busy but he guilt trips him to come along with jaehee ..)
all 6 members would be there to congratulate you for how well you did. even if you didn’t do well, saeyoung will always be there to comfort you and tell you how you’ve tried your best.
“You did so well! I’m so proud of you, but I always knew you could do it, hehe. Let’s all go out and have a big meal together, okay? My treat!”
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super, super sweet.
he might be a little clueless at first, but he has the spirit !!
might ask saeyoung for tips to help you study or retain information (considering he learned hacking at a very young age).
LOVES making homemade gifts / goods for you to support and cheer you on !! like you can just be chilling in your dorm / flat and you open the door to him with plates of brownies or cookies.
he likes to spend time with you before an exam or test you might have, giving you words of encouragement.
if you choose to volunteer for someone related to your studies, he might tag along.
(i guess this doesn’t work for most careers / studies but i was thinking if you’re working with like, little children, he’d definitely tag along. he’d be so soft and kind 🥺 so, so gentle, like he could injure them at any time .. gosh i have so many hcs about them working with kids).
he puts some time off for you, whenever you need. if you need to be alone, he’ll be a little sad, but will leave you alone to study better.
i'd like to think he prefers to study outside, where it’s peaceful and has no distractions. it also provides a calm study environment, which also serves as a picnic date, so a 2-in-1 !!
makes flower crowns while you study, sometimes sitting next to you and asking you questions about the material you’re reading.
“I made this flower crown for you .. I hope you’re studying hard! Take a break if you need to, I don’t want you to get stressed, okay? I love you.” He placed his hands over your eyes and planted a kiss on your forehead.
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© lovelieajax all rights reserved; please do not copy, translate, or edit/repost my works.
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fukurodanni · 3 years
love for the rich and emotionally stunted: a comprehensive guide
ch. 2/7 -- prev. -- next. pairing: jumin han x f!reader warnings: n/a series summary: in the months following the incident with his father's most recent paramour, glam choi, the corporate heir of C&R finds himself discovering exactly what it is that makes a person in love so blind. ao3 link
note: sticking a read more right at the beginning. u kno how it is. thank you for sticking around i'll try my best to keep updates within a week or so!
(weeks prior.)
Jumin Han has entered the chatroom.
Jumin Han
She talked to me today.
There’s a she?!
Jumin Han
I must have neglected to mention it.
Last time there was a “she”...
Jumin Han
… No.
There’s a woman at my office.
Jaehee Kang
Does she work for you?
Jumin Han
That took an awfully long time for you to type lolol
Are you sure~~
Jumin Han
Yes. She wears a lanyard.
Jaehee Kang
Do you not know her name??
Jumin Han
I should think it would seem impolite after… all that.
Jaehee Kang
All that WHAT?
Jumin Han
I only caught a glimpse of her lanyard. I don’t know.
Dodged my question… T_T
Jaehee Kang
Is this that woman you see in the mornings?
Jumin Han
How did you ....
Is our Jumin finally getting some?!
I’m so proud. Haha T_T
Jumin Han
Getting some… what?
Jaehee Kang
I can look into her.
For research purposes. Of course^^
Jumin Han
I only just started seeing her this month.
At the door. Seeing her at the door.
Seeing her OTL
Maybe she’s your future lover come to save you^^
Jumin Han
I doubt that.
Yeah lolol
I doubt it too
And right after the Choi thing?? No way.
Ur right
There’s no way...
“Do you play video games, Mr Han?”
That’s a new one. “Where would I find the time?” He asks, thinking of Yoosung. “It’s a useless hobby.”
“That was a quick answer,” you reply. “Who hurt you?”
Jumin raises a brow, inquisitive. “No one.”
“Okay,” you say, the beginnings of a grin playing on your lips. “Who ruined video games for you?”
He thinks of the dark smudges under Yoosung’s eyes, the awful typos and the messages at 3am. It’s only a little funny. The door closes behind them. “No one in particular.”
“You’re smiling, Mr Han. Just a little.” You smile too at this, tilting your head in that curious way of yours. When you reach the lobby and then your separate ways, Jumin spares a glance at you.
He wants to say something more, something lodged very deep in his throat that comes out dry breath. He’s never been too good at small-talk, not with colleagues, not with business outside of work. He wants to be, just a little.
He’s not quite sure how that came to be.
It’s beyond embarrassing the way he comes up to you in the cafeteria. “You work here,” he says, a very belated realization.
You blink a few times, as if processing. “Yes,” you say slowly. “I have a lanyard.” You wave the offending item around and Jumin finally, finally catches a glimpse of your name.
“I see,” Jumin says, because that’s all he really can say. “Work hard.”
He consults his phone right away, willing the heat from his face and opening the messenger app. It goes as well as expected when he mentions it so vaguely-- Hyun rags on him for his lack of conversational skills and Yoosung drops a line or two about his own miserable love life. In any case, Assistant Kang’s information on you had only reached him earlier today and in a way he’s still coping. It had been baffling to say the least, finally having everything in front of him rather than scattered in the bits and pieces of your dialogue.
You work, technically, in the same position Assistant Kang does. Only in the fashion department, of which Jumin had strategically ignored after Echo Girl and the Chois. It really isn’t his fault he hadn’t noticed you-- not since before this month when you began arriving so consistently.
“Something on your mind?” Assistant Kang asks, looking up from where she’s shuffling through a stack of papers. It isn’t unusual for her to break the silence with a quip-- she’s always been good at easing into a mode of conversation that takes the edge off. As a good assistant and employee should, of course. Jumin wonders if he should relay this to her.
“Nothing,” he says instead, because surely she already knows. “Is it polite to bring gifts for someone you’re sure you will be seeing every morning?”
She raises a thin brow. “Who-- that woman at the fashion department?”
Jumin deigns not to answer right away, looking down at the state of his nails and the tick of his wristwatch. “Surely there must be some etiquette about that.”
Jaehee Kang
Buy her coffee.
Get her a promotion lol
A new car!!!
Maybr a nicce pen
“Any favorite TV shows?” You ask one morning. “Personally, I’m fond of office romances.”
Jumin lags for a moment, waiting to catch up. It isn’t an unusual occurrence. “Is that an innuendo?”
You smile, a little flushed-looking, and wave a hand. “Nope. Not at all.” When you look at the second coffee in his hand, though, it seems you need a second to catch up yourself. You’d mentioned offhandedly how you take your coffee the day before, and today something had stopped him at the threshold of the coffee shop he stops at every morning. Funny how things work like that.
“This is for you,” he says determinedly, and you smile a little but there’s still an edge.
“You dodged my question.” You state simply. Jumin does not know what to say.
He thinks about it for a moment, really thinks about it. The only thing that really comes to mind are the Sunday morning programs, and he doesn’t really know them off the top of his head. Maybe the morning news. “No TV shows. Next question.”
“Okay then,” you say, “Any pet peeves?”
Jumin smiles a little. It isn’t really conscious, but he’s finally figured out a way to respond and he just hopes it takes well. “Women who stop me at the door in the morning.”
“Oh,” you say, taking a sip of your coffee. You hum appreciatively. He feels strangely, indirectly accomplished. “Shame. Mine’s men who give me three word responses when I ask them things.”
He scoffs, although it isn’t as hard as it usually comes out. “I answered that in a sentence.” He says, very assuredly. When he looks back at you there’s a softer smile at your lips, rounded at the corners and not quite so mischievous as he’s seen it look before. It looks fond.
“I know,” you reply. He feels a little warmer now, turning the corner where you two part ways. You offer him a two-fingered salute, a “See you in the morning!” and a final turn.
And then you’re gone.
The next time the conversation lingers long past the lobby it’s because you’ve coaxed him into talking about Elizabeth III. There’s a point where you’ve reached the elevator and he’s talking to you about her care routine and the minutiae of what it takes to keep her fur so soft and pristine (much of it is her own work and her natural beauty-- of course) and he’s only barely aware of how long he’s been going on, but he pauses to look at you. He doesn’t know what he’s expecting, between Jaehee’s hesitancy and Luciel’s rabid praise and Hyun’s outright disgust--
But there’s something about the way you’re looking at him when he’s finished, curiouser and half-curved into a smile. And he’s been on the receiving end of that before-- his father’s lovers, interviewers and subordinates-- but none of them have ever seemed so affectionate.
He’s seen the same look before when it’s Jaehee with a new photocard, the way Yoosung danced around Rika. It’s the glint in Luciel’s glasses when he gets to working and it’s something, something.
You look like you’ve seen something beautiful.
Which is understandable to him, really, having just shown you pictures of his Elizabeth III. What he understands less is the way you’re looking at him and not the open phone, caught up in a silence that seems way too heavy for a conversation about his cat. Even when the elevator dings it’s with some trepidation that you leave first, a memory, a discovery pulled taut between you two.
“I hope I get to meet her sometime,” you say.
Jumin nods, wordless. The delight on your face at such a simple gesture fixates itself in the forefront of his mind until he returns home to Elizabeth, flickering like hell and unbidden and unexpected but not exactly unwelcome. It’s just as confusing to him as it sounds on paper.
Somehow Jaehee gets to you first.
For all the time he’s spent working with Jaehee, working around her and in her general proximity, he doesn’t actually know what time she gets into the building. She seems like an inevitability, something constant and fixed and always there.
So when he holds the door open for two women, Jumin is feeling like he had seen something he wasn’t supposed to. Especially since the two of you seem to be chatting so jovially, shaking her hand with both of yours when you go to part.
There’s another something clogging his throat, a cloying want and a halfhearted desire to draw that same laugh from you, that same open brightness. He hasn’t let himself feel so much about one person-- one particular and fixed point in his life. Jumin feels like he’s chasing-- some feeling, some unnamed ball of fire-- a meteor, blazing and brilliant and too much to be real.
It’s too much to be compared to anything else, not when Sarah Choi was an unlit match next to what a beaming bonfire you are. Suddenly Jumin feels more tightly wound than he usually does.
And really, truly, it feels like a lot to handle, so he turns on his heel after silently handing you the coffee and begins to march. It feels like karmic debt for not having experienced these things as a schoolboy, and then only once as an adult. He doesn’t even know if the one time counted.
“Mr Han--” you say, and it happens at the same time he holds his breath to turn again. Just to look, to see if you appeared as off kilter as he felt. Maybe the world had rotated wrong today.
You stop there in your tracks and he really does believe for a moment that the world has gone astray-- because then it would explain the way air isn’t getting to his lungs right. He inhales just to make sure and before any other dialogue comes from your lips he asks, “Walk with me?”
You both take the elevator then.
Jaehee Kang
She’s a very nice woman.
U met her?!?!!
Tell me everything
It makes your mornings longer, the introduction of the elevator route. He isn’t sure how it became mutual agreement and routine, the same way the cup of coffee steams in your hands and the way you ask after Elizabeth III. The way the door gets held open.
Jumin isn’t sure how many mornings go by, how many of them are spent dreading the chime of the elevator, but one of them brings a much quieter you. And you’re usually such a whirlwind of life, pulling him toward and towards you-- he’d be lying to himself more than usual if he said he wasn’t worried.
You look like you’re steeling yourself too, and you’ve never done that-- there isn’t a thing you’ve said to him that was measured or prepared. You’re kind of like an overexcited puppy, and he’s never been too fond of dogs.
He feels something slide out of place, something like a realization that’s far grander than he knows, hovering at the tip of his tongue. He doesn’t know what it is yet, not really. He’s barely out of his head, ready to ask if you’re alright--
And you cut him off. Like you did that first morning, knocking the breath from his lungs and everything else out of place. Jumin likes things neat and tidy, likes things where they should be, where he’s used to seeing them. You aren’t too good for him, he thinks.
Then you ask, “Would you want to go out sometime?” And he has no reference materials and no forewarning and no prepared response. The odds are against him.
So against all odds and every simmering nerve in his body he says, “Yes.”
tags: @vandysgf @mrs-han
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mysmeowth · 3 years
Quarantine with the RFA+V
Least effected lifestyle- wise after seven
He spends a lot of time indoors playing LOLOL anyway, the only difference is now he has classes at home too
Despite that, he still struggles a bit
He’s worried about his family, and also very nervous about suddenly living with his first girlfriend
He’s trying to pull his grades up, he really is, but the online learning environment makes it difficult for him to concentrate
Spends a lot of time learning to cook (or, more specifically, learning how to cook for you)
You like Chinese food? He’s making some. Craving something American? Coming right up
takes it as some sort of test to see how good of a husband he would be and this is the test that he’s determined to pass with flying colours
doesn’t spend a lot of time with you at first because he’s scared that you’ll be annoyed, so you have to take initiative
once he learns that you like being around him he’s all over you, constantly asking how you’re feeling or if you want anything
even when you’re not chatting, he’ll try to stay in the same room as you because he finds it comforting to be near you
he’s blushy and shy about touching but he’s also slowly warming up to it as well, so that’s another bonus of quarantine
Most stressed
Also handles it the best lol
delays opening the coffee shop because of the lack of customers, which takes a serious toll on her confidence and stress levels
is suddenly more doubtful of whether or not her coffee shop will be a success
despite it all, she’s determined to forge on ahead together with you
carefully budgets everything to limit the financial impact it has on the two of you
after going through uni and working under Jumin, she doesn’t actually know how to be unproductive. So she spends a lot of time researching new recipes to add to the cafe and thinks up different marketing plans
you need to force her to take a break and chill
You two spend every morning tgether, enjoying a nice cup of coffee and chatting, and it only ever leaves Jaehee even more certain of her decision to start her life over with you
Smallest change in lifestyle
Outside? Never heard of it
Seven's a hermit anyway, and he's honestly kind of pleased about the fact that you're staying home with him now
Less pleased about your quarantine jitters but he'll try his best to make you comfortable
If you're stressed because of lack of stuff to do he'll design apps and games to take up your time
If saeran is interested he'll find (or make) games for you two to play together
Loves to go on drives and he'll take you along sometimes
Also really enjoys playing dress up with you, so you sometimes just have days where you raid Saeyoung's closet and vanity and play around with all his costumes
Sometimes dress up like each other. Saeran's not happy about it
Has never actually spent this much time with another person though, and much less with two other people, so he does end up shutting you out sometimes
Its not on purpose though and he realizes whats happening really quickly and apologizes
Ah, yes, the power of money
When he learned about the possibility of a lockdown he'd wanted to move the two of you to one of the private villas but hadn't had enough time after all the work, and he doesn't want to risk moving you now
So instead you're chilling in his apartment
He spends a lot of time working but he set up everything he could have thought up for you to do
Tv, game systems, books, there's no shortage of ways to occupy your time
If you get into a new hobby Jumin's all over it. Painting? You get all of the best supplies. Gaming? He's not as happy about that one but you still end up with a system that makes Yoosung cry in jealousy. Cooking? You have to stop him from calling up Michelin star chefs to give you personal online lessons. 
Very very busy, but he makes sure to spend at least some time with you everyday
He's stressed too, and being around you and Elizabeth is the most relaxing thing he can think of
Ends up spending some time working from the living room, so he can be around you more often even if he can't give you as much attention as he would like to
He does not deal with it well at first
His work has stopped and he's stressed 
Despite that, he treats your comfort as a priority
(you are his princess, after all)
Tries his best to make sure you're active and eating well
Takes you on runs so you can get some exercise in, and makes sure he has more than just beer in the fridge, even if he has to dig into his savings to do so
Needs to practice his skills so you'll sometimes find him acting out a romantic scene you watched together or randomly serenading you
Its sweet, but also makes you laugh because he always gets so seriously into the roles but the scenes he picks are really cheesy
He may not be enjoying himself fully, but the beast is having the time of its life
An absolute sweetheart
Super considerate of how you’re feeling
tries to make sure you’re not spending time doing nothing, knowing how horrible it would be towards your mental health
takes so many pictures of you: in the mornings when you wake up, at night when you’re yawning sleepily, when your eyes light up after eating something tasty or when you make faces as you read
Finds himself falling more and more for you with every little quirk you reveal to him
Sometimes gets self conscious about how you’re constantly stuck with him, worried that you’ll lose interest or realize that you deserve better
But he’s not the only one falling more and more in love every day
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hi it's me again 😔🙏 i miss you all so much still, i hope we can chat again ! also , i'm having a bit of a stressful time lately. don't get me wrong i enjoy everything i'm participating in but i have my studies and then play rehearsal and then work and then volunteer stuff and then violin work and aaa my brain is gonna explode. could i possibly request RFA + Saeran how they'd comfort a stressed / overworked s/o ? sorry if it's too much trouble eee
Yoosung has worked himself into a corner when he’s multi-tasking many times. He’s actually pretty good at being able to maintain his composure and get things done. Even though it seems like he burns himself out playing games most of the time, he knows how to juggle everything right to where he needs it to be. When it comes to you, he’s got no doubt in his mind that you’ve got your habits to figure and sort out. He would notice that you’re working yourself up and burning out faster then you know how to stop it. What he wants to do is put his hand on top of yours and remind you that you don’t have to do everything on your own.
Yoosung’s bright idea to get you to stop working for the evening. He would make the time to set aside dinner for you that he made himself, of course, it’ll be a bit messy but it’s made with love. He wants you breathe and remember that even though you’ve got a hundred things to do, you’re a person like everybody else and you need to be able to enjoy your life, too. Once you breathe, you can work on figuring out how to make sense of it all.
Jaehee worked hard all throughout her life. She’s burnt herself out time and time again. It’s overwhelming but when you’re someone that wants to get things done the right way and ensure that you feel good about what you’ve done, she knows where you’re coming from when it means the world to you. She knows that you just want to be able to feel good about your accomplishments, but having come to know you, she now understands that working yourself that hard isn’t healthy to do. You need to cut back on certain things and you need to find time to be you instead of a running machine. 
Her best suggestion is that you take the night off. You can work out deals and compromises with people when it comes to work. If someone doesn’t respect that you need time to take care of yourself, then those people don’t deserve your time in the first place. It’s time for an evening in with Jaehee so you can enjoy a Zen film together and some dinner. That’s the best way to make sense of what you’re dealing with. 
Zen has always seen work as a hobby and passion for himself. He is a beast when it comes to getting things done and for that matter, he hardly ever gets exhausted. It just doesn't seem fair when you think about it that way. However, that doesn't mean that he doesn't notice when other people are truly overworked and overwhelmed... especially, you. He would know when something was wrong with you because there are do the smallest downward drift to your mood and he knows how to pinpoint those things. He would know when you’re upset or out of touch with yourself. That's his job as your knight in shining armor.
What he does is set aside an hour where you don’t do anything but let him spoil you rotten. He runs you a hot bath and he spends that entire time making sure that your hair is done, your face is done, and hey, that you get a few snacks in there just because. Zen knows that you’re a hard-worker and you’ve got a lot that you need to do but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve an hour to breathe and be yourself. 
Jumin has been in this boat before. He has to put in as much as he expects from anyone that works for him. Though, while he knows what it feels like to be on the edge and underneath a time crunch, he also knows what it feels like to take down time for yourself. There’s always going to be something that needs to be finished and completed, but if you always focus on them, you’re not going to be able to live your live. Even if it’s just a five minutes for you to slow down and lay on the couch with Elizabeth, you need to take those few minutes to sort out your feelings.
His idea is to help you focus on what needs to get done right away but as soon as that is completed since you’re so adamant, you’re going to inform others that you need to take a few days off. He’ll cover for you if it’s needed, but here comes your man Jumin with a weekend getaway. He wants you to only think about the needs that you have instead of the requirements of life. You need to see the sun and smile now and again. Your shoulders need to relax instead of tense when you sit up. 
Seven has worked himself in the ground time and time again knowing that he had to work or someone was going to hurt him for not doing it. It’s not a life or death struggle for you as it was for him. So, the circumstance is different in this case but the exhaustion that you feel is what he understands very well. What he wants to do is make sure that you’re able to take care of everything you need to do without hurting yourself. He would offer to help you study or set out time to get things done in a reasonable amount of time. Even if he’s unable to focus on doing that for himself, he’s actually great at making schedules and keeping all the ducks in a row. 
When it comes to you, Seven wants you to rest and live soundly. If you don’t need his help with setting up a path to get your tasks done, he can focus on self care, too. This man is willing to drop everything at the tip of a hat. If you don't think that you can carry yourself around the house, well don't worry about that, he'll be there to make sure that somebody can carry you to bed. He'd even do his best to make sure that you got something to eat. Just don't expect anything fancy because he's not the best chef.
GE Saeran has gotten bumps and bruises before. He would want to tend to your wounds himself even after you’ve gotten it all checked out. He would spend his time wrapping and cleaning your burns whenever it’s time to check it out. This is his perfect excuse to kiss your hands and dote on you as much as he wants. It’s what he wants more than anything. He wants to make sure that you feel warm and cherished. You don’t need to worry about taking care of anything. If you need your hands, he’ll offer to do whatever you need, even if he needs to sit down and write things for you.
He’s determined to ensure that you’re safe and sound. An evening with him to ease your exhaustion comes with making sure that you put yourself first. You’re the one that taught him that. So, expect him to treat you from the minute you walk in the door. He’s got a bath, dinner, and a movie ready. You’re going to enjoy yourself and you’re going to like it. Don’t worry, he’ll help you piece all of the work together after the break.
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isabella-kr · 3 years
HEY!! I AM SO HAPPY TO SEE A UNHOLYC LOVERS WRITER!!! AND A GOOD ONE AT THAT!!!I swear it's so hard to find fanfics or oneshots of the game Eventhough it's so amazing and don't get me started on the charecters even the mc- unlike other games, has a personality and she is frikin Adorable and I relate to her so much (her appearance is unique too🥰) 🥺 whereas other otome games make the mc a no personality basic self insert that's apparently supposed to help you imagine yourself in them but does the exact opposite 🤕🤞 ALSO I SAW YOUR POST OF SIU'S ROUTE AND THERE IS ACTUALLY AN ENDING WHERE YOY END UP EITH HIM (IN SOL'S ROUTE OFC) BUT I DONT WANT TO DO IT CUZ I DONT WANT TO UPSET OR MAKE MY SOL SAD 😟☝️‼️ ALSO THE BUTLER IS MY FAV TOO I CANT WWIT FOR HIS ROUTE I AM 100% SURE ITS GONNA BE SPICY TOO😭😭
Another thing is the fact that william has 200 years of experience of- (ifyk yk) but he stopped after he became Mir's butler?? Because habits are very hard to let go of especially sexual ones *wink* *wink* so the fact that he stopped- idk maybe he got bored of railing but I am a strong believer it's because of his love for mir🥺🥺
Sorry this is long I was just excited to find someone (especially a writer) that also loves unholyc lover it's the best otome game in my opinion tbh. YOUR WTITING IS ALSO SP GOOD??? YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I WAS STARVINGGG BEFORE I DISCOVERED YOUR CONTEBT 🥺🥺SO HAPPY!!1!1!
¿Unpopular or popular opinion?
: unholyc lovers should be more famous than mystic messanger because first of all
- the art is so detailed and amazing
- the charercters are just so unique
- she doesn't change for the characters (to gain favourabilty of the charecters it's more like increasing your interactions with them and while there is diffrent options for charecter's likeability the mc's charecter doesn't change that much except preference and such which is supposed to be picked by us <3)
- the animation??hello?😐⁉️
Anyways thank you for coming to my ted talk hope this wasn't annoying 🥰💞
Aww thank you so much, that’s so sweet! I’m always self-conscious of my writing so hearing people say they see it as good writing always helps so much ❤️❤️ I’m glad you’re enjoying my works!!!
YESSS this game deserves so much more recognition than it gets! The characters are just so well done and every one has a different personality… ugh it’s just *chefs kiss* the bins between them too - it’s so beautiful. Their friendship is so adorable… especially when Sol fangirls over Hi - it’s so cute!
Nooo! I don’t want to hurt Sol’s feelings 😭 but I’m afraid some sacrifices must be made😮‍💨 I’m sorry sol… I’m coming for Siu and nobody can stop my… except for the guilt I’m going to feel.
WILLIAMS ROUTE IS GONNA BE SPICY AS HELL I CAN ALREADY FEEL IT 😯 I’m just wondering how it’s going to play out. Will it be the same premise of getting MC through the week again or is it going to be a totally different plot. I’m so excited to see what they came up with!!
He gave up so much for Mir 🥺 which is why I have no doubt that out of all the characters, he’s be the best one for her. Sure the other characters definitely love her but William… he just knows her like the back of his hand you know! Ugh he deserves to be happy 😭😭😭
Omg YES they deserve more popularity! If not more famous than MysMes, at least have a similar kind of popularity. Both are executed so well, but I feel like Unholyc was executed a bit better. Especially when it comes to the depth of the characters and the MC.
Pls! The Mystic Messenger MC is SO bland like??? And I love how the Unholyc MC doesn’t change for any of the characters like she does in Mystic Messenger and she’s willing to call out bullshit when she sees it. She makes it clear she’s staying the way she is and I feel like if she did become like the MysMes MC, William would not be having any of it. He would either remind Mir of her worth or he would take it out on her partner 😳 Plus the way he keeps reminding Mir she’s “better” than the boys is just so funny but sweet 😭 he cares die her so much ugh.
I feel like if Mir was in Mystic Messenger, she’d end up calling out
Yoosung for his obsession with Rika and him constantly comparing MC to her. It’s not cool yoosung… and it’s weird.
Jumin for being an obsessive asshole - as much as I love him, I hated sticking up for him in the chat in order to get his good end. Especially when he was being unreasonable. MC was practically his prisoner, there’s no other way to look at it.
Zen for being so narcissistic. I’m not gonna lie his route is one of my favourites because he genuinely shows he cares - at least more than the other characters - but his narcissism did get annoying after a while. Loving yourself is okay, but there’s a limit 😭😭 I wish they gave him more depth than just problems with his family and narcissism.
7… my boy has no flaws 😡. The only thing I hate is doing different routes ever since Cheritz said he is in love with MC in every route 🥲 …. I can’t stop flirting with him.
V… gtfoh. We get it, you loved her… but you need to let go 😒 losing your sight over a cult leader isn’t worth it, boy.
Jaehee… I love you, but you need to stick up for yourself bby. And you’re gay 🙄
It’s just so colourful and pretty! The art style is amazing in so many ways - I’m in love with it!!!
Don’t worry Anon! You were not being annoying I actually love when people send me these type of asks!
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cafedanslanuit · 4 years
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pairing: jumin x mc
tags/warnings: canon divergence from episode three of the jumin bad ending dlc, mentions of parental abuse, fix-it fic, happy ending, fluff.
summary: your late night conversation with jumin takes another turn into a much better scenario.
words: 1.9k
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"When I was young, I had no idea such sweetness could exist. That love could be so heart-warming and good.”
Jumin’s eyes are tired and I feel a pang of guilt for waking him up. There’s a raw vulnerability in his eyes I haven’t seen since we lived at the penthouse and I’m scared the tiniest move or word from my part could shatter him in pieces. His hand is resting on my waist and I feel his muscles tighten in yearning as he speaks, almost as if he’s scared I’ll disappear.
“You said you had bad memories around your basement. Can you tell me about them?”
“I don’t know how that would help,” Jumin answers, his mouth forming a thin line. I push his dark hair away from his forehead softly and give him a small smile.
“How about we try?” I offer.
Jumin shifts on the bed a little closer to me. He rubs his eyes and then sets his hand back on my waist, his thumb sliding under the fabric of my pajamas and drawing idle circles on my skin.
"My mother would lock me up in the basement when I was a child,” he starts, his gaze unfocused. “Once I was locked up for seventeen hours and fourteen minutes. I managed to find a way out eventually.
My expression falls at his words, my chest clenching at his remembrance. I immediately flush my body against his, his arms holding him tightly. I feel his muscles tensing for a couple of seconds before melting under my touch. Jumin buries his head on the crook of my neck and lets out a long sigh, so long it makes me feel he had been holding it for longer than I could imagine.
It all starts falling into place. The subtle jokes about keeping me inside a cage to protect me from harm and the way he had done the same to Elizabeth the 3rd before she escaped. I had always thought Jumin’s desire for control was rooted deep inside his need to be on hold of things. I knew he had been handled several responsibilities from a young age and I always guessed that where my need to control his surroundings started but now I knew I was wrong. 
I was so wrong.
I had spent months feeding into his control fantasy, thinking it would ground him enough to find peace within himself and now I feel like a moron for letting it get this far. For thinking he would eventually start letting me go little by little when he felt better about himself. But I had definitely underestimated how much the man in front of me had gone through and how my intentions of helping him were practically useless.
I hold him in silence for a few more moments, my right hand caressing his dark locks while my arm is still around his body protectively. A million questions swim around my mind and I don’t know where to start. So, I decide to follow the line of Jumin’s story.
"Jumin, do you think your mother loved you?"
He lifts his head to meet my eyes. His eyebrows scrunch for a couple of seconds while his holds tightens on me.
"... I have never experienced my mother's love.”
A lump forms in my throat and I carefully cup his cheek with my hand, my thumb stroking his skin softly.
"I know,” I whisper. “But when you were a kid, did you think she did the things she did out of love?"
"I guess? Parents are mandated to take care of their children. So I assume a part of me thought she did it out of maternal love, yes," he reasons, his grey eyes surveying the room as he spoke.
"So, do you think maybe you're keeping me in this mansion because a part of you thinks that it's okay to lock up someone you love?"
Jumin furrows his eyebrows and shifts on the bed uncomfortably. I watch him in silence, almost listening to the gears inside his head turn, hoping my questions would help him ease the mess of threads he had talked me about back in the penthouse.
"Maybe,” he mutters, his fingers drumming against my skin.
“You don’t need to do that. I’m not leaving you, darling. My heart only knows one name and it’s yours. There’s no need to keep me restrained when you already own every part of my soul.”
“You said this was okay,” Jumin counters. “You even chose the heels where I put the tracking device.”
“I did. I…” I sigh. “You were hurting so much, my love. I thought if I complied with your demands you would find peace. I thought if I let you control me you would feel better. But I was wrong and I’m sorry. I see you losing yourself more and more as the days go by and it breaks my heart,” I confess, my thumb grazing the space between his chin and his lower lip. “I fell in love with a noble man who would do anything to protect the people he loves. A honest man, who may come off as blunt, but you know he would never lie to you. A man who is kind and loving.”
Jumin listens to me, his eyes widened. In his pajamas he looks young, a glint of fear in his expression as he tries to sink in my words.
“I don’t know if I can give that love,” he whispers.
“You can,” I assure him.
“How can you know?”
“There’s so much love inside of you, Jumin Han,” I smile, letting my hand settle on his chest, right above his heart. “I saw it the night you read me to sleep. I saw it all the times you helped the other members of the RFA expecting nothing in return. I see it when your eyes light up when you’ve had a good dinner with your dad. I don’t know why you believe you are unable to give warm love, because you’ve been filling up all my senses with exactly that from the moment I decided to stay over at your penthouse. I am in love with you, Jumin Han.”
“Say it again,” he mutters, bringing my body closer to him. The remains of his perfume still linger on him and I love how relaxing I find it. How much it feels like home.
“I love you.”
“Again,” he demands, his lips lingering against mine. I smile.
“I love you, Jumin Han. I am in love with you. Truthfully, madly, without any sort of question or doubt,” I say, holding his face tenderly. “I am in love with your heart and soul.”
He finally breaks the distance between us both and his lips collide against mine. His kiss is soft, yet firm, his hands holding me into place. I let my body mold itself against his and wonder if it’s alright to love someone as intensely as I love this man. His tongue grazes against my lips for a moment before softly pushing its way inside. His grip on my body tightens as he keeps deepening the kiss and I have to remind myself we’re not done talking to have the strength to pull away as softly as I can. I lay a couple of more kisses against his warm lips before smiling at him.
“Tomorrow, we’ll go to C&R,” I say and Jumin’s shocked expression doesn’t take long to show up. “Just a quick visit so you can take care of the paperwork Jaehee mentioned yesterday,” I explain, my fingers stroking his arm in a soothing motion. “I’ll be waiting for you downstairs at C&R’s cafeteria.”
Jumin shakes his head. “No.”
“Jumin,” I say, holding his face and forcing him to look at me. “Just for a couple of hours and just so we can try something new. After that, we’ll return here. I promise.”
He lets out a long and tired sigh. When he looks at me again, my eyes are set on him, the smallest pout on my lips. To my surprise, he laughs.
“My mind keeps telling me there’s a chance you won’t be there,” Jumin admits, stroking my sides with his hand.
“You are my home, Jumin,” I remind him. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be but your arms.”
Jumin stays in silence, his eyes lost somewhere in the bedroom and I can almost listen to the loud and contradicting thoughts inside his head.
“If you’re still not done after two hours, you can leave the rest for another day,” I offer. “Two hours tops, my love. Could we try?”
He sighs, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards. He looks defeated, yet there’s love in the way he sets his eyes back to mine.
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, my love,” he breathes out and a big smile makes its way to my face. I press two soft kisses against his lips and then a couple more on his right cheek and forehead. “I’m sorry for my troubling thoughts.”
I shake my head. “I love you, Jumin. Troubling thoughts and all. I adore your mind,” I smile, pushing some of his hair away from his forehead. “I understand you’ve gone through rough times during your childhood and I know there’s nothing I can do to erase those memories. I want you to revisit them, understand them and finally heal. And no matter how long that takes you, I will always be there by your side”.
Jumin smiles and holds my waist as he turns on the bed, leaving me to rest on top of his chest. I see the warm smile back on his face and I realize how much I had missed it.
“Always?” he asks. I press a kiss on his lips.
“I promise. You are the love I always dreamt about since I was a little girl.”
Jumin arches an eyebrow.
“You dreamt about living in a mansion?”
“No,” I shake my head. “I dreamt about someone loving me exactly as I am, no matter how low I thought about myself some days I dreamt about someone caring for my well being and protecting me if necessary. Most of all, I dreamt about someone that would make me feel like there’s no one else in the universe but us both.”
“And do I make you feel that way?” he asks, a playful smile on his face that makes me wonder if it’s possible I love him more than I did an hour ago. I nod at him, an equally cheeky grin on my face strengthened by the knowledge that my words made him decide to do better.
I had never loved anyone as much as I loved Jumin. So any hardships that would come between us, would face to face us both. There’s a soft red hue on his cheeks again and for a moment it’s hard to recognize the cold man I first met in a chat room.
But Jumin Han is more than that. He’s more than his job, more than his money, more than the darkness and tangled thread inside his mind. He’s kind, he’s loyal and the rock his friends turn to when they find themselves in dire situations. He’s had everyone’s back before, in one way or another, and I love that he’s now giving me the chance to have his. To show him that he also deserves warm, pure love. That even if he can deal with everything by himself he doesn’t have to. Not anymore.
“You do, my love. You do.”
195 notes · View notes
libralita · 2 years
Mystic Messenger x League of Legends Headcanons
I was reminded that I have headcanons about the Mystic Messenger characters and League of Legends. If you don’t know, League of Legends is a multiplayer game where a team of five will work to destroy the other teams turrets and eventually destroy the team’s nexus to win the game. Since there are five main characters in Mystic Messager, I thought it would be fun to headcanon what they would play.
First, we will start with the Top Lane with Mr. Superman Yoosung himself and his main: Garen
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I don’t remember if MM specifies what role Yoosung actually has but I assume with the type of username he has, he would probably pick the top lane with this type of champion. Top lane in League is mostly for the tankie/frontline champions. Garen Crownguard (yes that’s his surname) is quite the archetypal hero. He comes from family that has protected the royal family of Demacia for generations and he himself is Captain of Dauntless Vangaurd that is sworn to protect his home from foes.
Yoosung is the best at the game by virtue that he's played it so much for so long.
Next we move the Mid Lane with Zen and his main: Akshan
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If forced to play this game, I imagine that Zen would probably take the most attractive champions. If he wanted to play a sexy girl then he would pick Ahri but I think Akshan and Zen fit well together. They’re both suave and funny. Zen would be the most frustrating to watch play not because he's bad but because he's naturally good at it. Akshan has a grabbling hook that allows the character to swing around area and I don’t have a doubt in my mind that he would play it perfectly. This champion also has the ability to revive a killed ally if he kills the opponent who killed said ally….the person on the other team could be one auto attack away from reviving Jumin and Zen wouldn't do it. RIP.
I would go with the Bot Lane next but let’s go to the jungle with Seven and…Shaco.
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For those of you don’t know, in League of Legends there is a jungle between the lanes and it’s has these monster camps that junglers will kill to get XP and gold. They will also “gank” lanes, what this means is that will sneak out of the jungle and help their teammates kill their lane opponents. Shaco is one of the most annoying junglers to deal with. He has a clone that if you kill will explode into a death trap that will attack you. He also has invisibility, which I loath to my very core. I’m pretty sure he’s not even canon to League’s lore…so I can see Seven taking this one and perma-ganking the other lanes. He’ll have the other team ff 15-ing and spamming "jungle diff" in all chat.
Let’s go now Bot Lane with Jaehee. The only way she would actually play this game is if Jumin gave her vacation time and he bought her this very specific skin:
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The bot lane is for marksman or “ADCs” (Attack Damage Carries—don’t ask) and as someone who mains ADC…it’s one of the worst roles in the game so Jaehee got it by default. This is Sivir in the Café Cuties skin line. She really wouldn’t care that much about it but she would probably look at the other cute skins.
Finally…Jumin would play Yuumi and I hate it
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The final role in this game is called Support and at the beginning of the game, together in the bot lane, the ADC and Support will go together and fight it out against the other team’s ADC and support. The Support’s job in the beginning of the game is to keep the ADC alive because they’re so vulnerable early on. There are wide variety of different types of supports, from tankie to engage, to healers, to ones with traps/blinds. This Yuumi. Yuumi’s gimmick is that she can sit on top of an ally and become untouchable until she either willingly detaches or when whoever she’s sitting on dies. The meme in the community is that if you want to play while also doing your taxes, it’s the champ for you.
On a…less bitter note because I am a Jinx main and it’s fucking hell to have this stupid cat sitting on me…Jumin would do it for more wholesome reasons, which I can appreciate. I can only imagine the funny interactions
Zen: JUMIN GET AWAY FROM ME Jumin: JUST LET ME BE WITH YOU! Zen: STAY IN YOUR OWN LANE! Seven: Juju you can sit on me any time~~~ Jumin: ...Yoosung, I'm roaming top
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ririkutai · 4 years
Saeran AE Good Ending Choice Walkthrough
Hello everyone! I’ve decided to share the walkthrough on Tumblr as well, because I received a message about reddit being blocked in some countries! I wasn’t aware! So here! Cheers!
I've since edited the guide to include some the Sad Endings, Bad Endings, Normal Ending, as well as the good ending. Currently this guide sits at 9/10 total endings for Saeran's AE. I've included chat times, save locations, as well as choices. If anyone complies the guide and shares it elsewhere, I'd appreciate a shoutout as this took some time! Feel free to @me anywhere as Ririkutai <3
The way to get Bad Ending 1 is by taking Rika's side and not wanting to leave Saeran's side. The trigger lies somewhere between day 2-3, but I'm uncertain of the specifics.
Day 1:
There are two sad endings on this day!
Time: 00:00 x2
Strange Meeting
· I’ll bring Saeran with me for the meeting
· Let’s save that part until Saeyoung returns
· Saeyoung owns all the rights
· Please be safe, Saeyoung
· I have a bad feeling about this
· Do you think the leader of Mint Eye is related to this?
· Did we, Saeran?
· Saeran, my sweet
· But first, we should discuss how to save…
· Is V still gone?
· Something’s fishy
· Make sure you check V’s luggage!
· Be careful on your way!
· We should keep our eye on V
· Let’s stay alert, Jaehee
· For some reason, I’m kind of uneasy
· What are you doing right now?
· I’m nervous, too
· I hope we can take plenty of pictures in the future
· I love you, too
Story Mode:
· Where is V?
· We never fight. I trust Saeran (Saeran Heart)
· Well, I did talk a lot
· Maybe it is her…
· I know it feels weird, but you must free yourself from your past
· Saeran, don’t you think we should tell them?
· What are you thinking?
· Is there anything you know about Saeyoung’s whereabouts?
· Try holding breath just a bit longer
· V… Why are you doing this?
Please Wake Up
No choices
Story Mode:
· Wake up
· Try to wake up
· Saeran
· I held my breath, like you told me
· I’ll help you
NOTE RELOAD THE PREVIOUS SAVE AND Select all options that aren't doubtful, don't hold your breath like Saeran suggests, fall like everyone else, and be sure not to move in the hospital. This triggers Sad Ending 1
Time: 9:45
Can We Trust Him?
· I don’t think I can rest, when I…
· I’m kind of tired…
· By the way, is there something wrong with the…
· Was it a hacker!?
· Could it be the secret agency...?
· Does that mean we need to be careful…?
· Traitor (Saeran heart)
· So you handed over the information of this…
· What did you expect? You tricked us.
· Prove to us that Saeyoung…
· And you are trying to pull Saeran into danger (Saeran heart)
· Are you talking about Rika?
· No! He will never do that! (Saeran heart)
· He’s gone again | (Selecting, "Maybe he really wants to help you." Gives a V heart, but I'm uncertain how it affects the rest of the route)
· But you can’t let yourself get into this (Saeran heart)
· I’ll be waiting, my love (Saeran heart)
Time: 11:23
Did She Change?
· Come on out, hacker! Fight me! | (Selecting "Go away, V!" Gives you a Saeran heart, but I'm uncertain how it affects the route)
· Oh, a bad guy! Time to say hi
· He knew we won’t ever trust him again
· Are you still obsessed with Saeran?
· And you’ve done horrible things to Saeran
· And you expect me to believe that?
· Sounds like you are inviting him into a trap | (Selecting "I must admit, you are persistent." Gives you a V heart, but I'm uncertain how it affects the route)
· You really don’t give up do you?
· Fact remains that you are far from normal (Saeran heart)
· No! Stay away! (Saeran heart)
Story Mode:
· The question is whether you should make... (Saeran heart)
· So, are you going to save Saeyoung?
Time: 16:05
Rika and V’s Reunion
· Rika! You can’t stop our love!
· Are you here to tell Saeran to leave again?
· Do you have any idea how bad she hurt Saeran? (Saeran heart)
· You should first explain about Rika | (Selecting "How is Saeyoung?" gives you a Saeyoung heart, uncertain how it affects the route.)
· Do you know Saeran does not have a family picture…
· But Rika's standing is very different from... (Saeran heart)
· But what about you? What about your life? (V heart)
· You do need balance for a relationship as well
· Are we witnessing the birth of a new savior...? (Saeran heart)
· It’s the prime minister isn’t it? | (Selecting "Could it be the agency?" gives you a V heart.)
· We will save everyone!
· There’s no doubt V, Rika, and the prime…
· Yay! Let’s talks! Just the two of us!
Time: 17:57
Rika’s Selfish Happiness
· What are you plotting with…
· I will go with whatever Saeran chooses (Saeran heart)
· He might leave by the time the rest of RFA…
· But we are always together (Saeran heart)
· Are you sure you have reunited with V?
· So nobody ever saved V (V heart)
· Maybe you wanted people to recognize you and tell you...
· That's good, but... V looked desolate
· What do you really want to become?
· Cough, cough calories
Time: 19:11
Secure Chat Just for Us
· Hey, we’re back
· Good job. Now lets use this room…
· What? Doesn’t that mean our enemies are huge?
· Of course you are… We have four bad guys…
· That's right! Let's go save Saeyoung! (Saeran heart)
· Then let’s get going! (Saeran heart)
Story Mode
· What if your trauma returns? (Saeran heart) | (Both options give a heart though!)
· I remember both of them (Saeran heart) | (Both options give a heart still!)
· I love you, Saeran
· This might turn out to be reckless (Saeran heart) | (Both options give a heart. This boi is full of love)
NOTE RELOAD YOUR PREVIOUS SAVE AFTER SECURE CHAT JUST FOR US And select "Then let's leave. Let's leave everything, instead of saving Saeyoung.", "Yes.", "I'll be fine. I want to be happy with you. That's all I'm asking for." To receive Sad Ending 2
Time: 20:44
Different Perspective on the Past
· Rika… You’re back
· I’m not sure if this is the best time…
· Do you remember what it was like back then?
· Were you happy even without Saeyoung?
· I guess you did miss her. You didn’t separate willingly… (Saeran heart)
· Family is not something you can replace like objects...
· Now I’ll be your family (Saeran heart)
· You’ll be a great parent (Saeran heart)
· Alike? How?
· You are still obsessed with him?
· Saeran is not like you (Saeran heart)
· It feels like you’re inviting us into a trap
· She might make you her prisoner…
· Can’t we stay a bit longer?
· Okay
Story Mode
· Don’t you think we should head straight to this…
· V provided his apartment to them?
· V would’ve thought everything by himself…
· It’s the agency!
Time: 21:56
Unbelievable Peaceful Chit-Chat
· V? What brings you back here?
· How come you own that place?
· Did you get scammed by any chance?
· I’d thought you plotted it
· I think it’s fake news
· But the prime minister and the agency are attacking..
· Jumin will be beyond shocked (Jumin heart)
· That’s where the root of all evil…
· You brought someone else to that apartment?
· I’m so glad Jumin did not turn out like…
· A dark magician!
· Do you think this news will be highly detrimental…?
· It’s not a good thing to play deaf to what you…
· Can’t you give me one last clue…
· If only Jumin…
· One day you will pay
Story Mode
· What is this place?
Time: 23:05
The Most Important Thing
· Saeran? You’re gone
· I’m fine. When I’m with you, my joy… (Saeran heart)
· Why not break through the windows?
· What do you think will happen to us… (Saeran heart)
· I hope by tomorrow at least one…
· Regardless of the truth…
· Do you think the other members of RFA…
· They’d be shocked mostly by the fact…
· But I chose to come with you (Saeran heart)
· Yes. Because we will never stop loving… (Saeran heart)
· You are also important to me, Saeran (Saeran)
· Please be safe, my darling (Saeran)
Story Mode
No Choices
Day 2:
There are two Sad Endings on this day
Time: 00:23
Unexpected Guest
· Saeyoung?!
· How did you get in here?
· Saeran! We have an intruder!
· Let’s find out what we can from him!
· Are you here to hack this room…
· Do you know Saeyoung?
· Charlie the 3rd?
· Is Saeyoung safe?
· Is Saeyoung in mortal danger?
· Are you going to tell the agency…
· Tell us something! Anything is fine!
· I think you were
· No! Please, help us! (Saeran heart)
· My heart breaks whenever I think (Saeran Heart)
· And you will make that promise (Saeran heart)
· Are you telling him to instead save himself?
· But we don’t want to spend the rest of our lives…
· Are you going to report everything from this…
· But let’s not give up (Saeran heart)
· No, I’m gonna wait for you! (Saeran heart)
Story Mode
No Choices
Time: 2:22
How to Use Vanderwood
· Is that why you wanted us to log in…
· I don’t think that guy is very thorough…
· Vanderwood betrayed the agency! Like this? (Saeran heart)
· What if he’s stupid? What if he…
· I know you said that because you care… (Saeran heart)
· That’s right. He might help us once he… (Saeran heart)
· And it was all because Rika brainwashed…
· I’m sure Saeyoung was also manipulated by false information (Saeyoung heart)
· It must have been awful after you… (Saeran heart)
· Back then you were not ready to…
· I’m also getting this strong feeling.. (Saeran heart)
· I also had a feeling they…
· Please help us once, Vanderwood! I know… (Saeran heart)
· And a good expectation will manifest… (Saeran heart)
· Please!!! (Saeran heart)
· Nah, you’re the only one who thinks…
· Yeah, and now let’s get busy with our…
Time: 8:00
Zen is Awake!
· Zen!! Are you awake??
· I’m just grateful you are awake
· Maybe Saeran and I shouldn’t have left (Saeran heart)
· Could you please report it to the media?
· That’s right! Bring it on… (Zen heart)
· Not yet… It might be a trap
· It turned out the agency is…
· Don’t be disappointed with yourself
· Thanks for trying to look
· Okay. Now we are going to save…
Story Mode
· Yeah. Are you?
· Yes. I am not letting you go by yourself
· Are you the boss…
· We were told you will be in mortal danger…
· What kind of deal did you…
· You mean you’ll send them to…
· You want them to live caged lives…
· Saeyoung… You’re sacrificing yourself… (Saeyoung heart)
· But we cannot leave you here, Saeyoung
· We don’t have a choice. There’s nothing we can do…
NOTE RELOAD YOUR SAVE AFTER ZEN IS AWAKE And select: "This seems familiar...", "You can go ahead...", and "Okay." To receive Sad Ending 3.
Time: 9:45
Vanderwood’s Suggestion
· Vanderwood?
· Are you here to help us?
· How do we know this isn’t a trap?
· Your agency is a nightmare
· But won’t you get in trouble…
Story Mode
· What do we do now?
· But he just won’t care for himself
· Do you think we can trust Vanderwood?
· Let’s do that. For some reason I have…
· Let's put our faith in him. We're not leaving...
Time: 11:37
Saeyoung is with Rika
· Why are you here?
· Is it because you were scared…
· He wanted to save his brother
· You kidnapped Saeyoung!?
· Poor Saeyoung… He was manipulated (Saeyoung heart)
· I will never forgive the agency
· But the prime minister might…
· What drug?
Story Mode
· Saeyoung told the agency about the top secret…
· Are you sure we can trust you?
· Is it to put him to sleep?
· I have to be away from Saeran? I…
· Why would you do that? That’s exactly what happens in…
· I’m scared…
· Why don’t’ we go back to the hospital and… (Saeran heart)
· Why don’t we go back to C&R and…
· …No. We’re in this together (Saeran heart)
· I'm going to keep you safe, Saeran
Time: 13:15
Jumin Han is Here
· Rika has Saeyoung.
· Sorry. I can’t tell you (Jumin heart)
· Wow! I knew you’d be fit! (Zen heart)
· I bet you felt betrayed
· On a scale of 0 to 10
· Is your father really related to
· You mean you might lose..
· He didn’t betray us. He’s become his father’s… (Saeyoung heart)
· Did you hear anything from Saeran?
· What’s your secret?
· But you must have an emergency plan..
· I understand… You have lost…
· But if you put yourself in his shoes
· Let me know once you hear something
Story Mode
· Where is Saeran right now?
· What do you mean, you lost the other…
· Why did you bring me here?
· You tricked me! (Saeran heart)
Time: 15:33
Vanderwood in Trouble
· You tricked me! (Saeran heart)
· Whose side are you on?
· Couldn’t you let both of us go?
· What do you mean?
· What happens if you get…
· Admit it – You’re a nice person
· But it’s adorable… I really want to see (Saeyoung heart)
· You’re returning the phone?
· Run and survive!
Story Mode
· I hope Vanderwood will be alright
· Saeran will never give up
· You are simply trying to make your dream… (Saeran heart)
· RFA might expose everything about
Time: 18:00
Rika’s Request
· Jumin, cheer up…
· They’re not coming
· Don’t you feel guilty?
· Yeah, unlike you. (Saeran heart)
· You were a great actress (Saeran heart)
· But do you really need those twins..
· But you cannot decide how they will (Saeran heart)
· I believe Saran will save… (Saeran heart)
· Saeran, if you read this… Don’t ever give up (Saeran heart)
· Just who led Saeyoung to the agency….
· Do you feel anything about RFA…
· Jumin will feel so betrayed (Jumin heart)
· Just because you say sorry… (Saeran heart)
· Saeran… I’m okay. (Saeran heart)
· V… Does that mean I cannot…
· Thank you, V (V heart)
· V… Are you really okay with everything..
Time 19:00
RFA in the Corner
· I’m waiting for Saeran
· You took in that gas again?!
· Maybe it’s a bluff
· Well, it’s not a perfect time for him to chat..
· I feel so bad for the twins…
· The agency is no easy opponent
· And we have no way to prove that we’re the good guys :’(
· That was a very brave…
· No talking on the messenger!
· How is Elizabeth 3rd? (Jumin heart)
· Maybe we should do that…
· We should stay away from…
· Calm down, Zen
· As soon as you do that he’ll be knocked…
· It’s okay. Don’t worry
· Vanderwood?
Story Mode
· Do you think Saeran will be here?
· Look behind
· Okay, okay…
· But you won’t be happy if someone tries to control
· Saeyoung? Are you awake?
· But he needs you
· Tell me.
· But how? You don’t have the right…
· I’m scared. That phone is the only tool you have…
· V, please… You have to help us
· V, you know this isn’t the answer
Time: 21:02
Why We Need Saeran
· You are so cold-blooded!
· Until when will the agency…
· Do you think he’s watching the messenger?
· Are you going to tell him to be silent and come find you?
· He will never give up… Not while he’s alive
· The problem lies with the life in a box (Saeran heart)
· But I don’t want to leave Saeran! (Saeran heart)
· This is too cruel… Finding this place…
· What are you gonna do now?
Story Mode
No choices
Time: 23:13
Did RFA Give Up?
· Did you hear anything from Saeran? (Saeran heart)
· You’ve made an excellent choice (Saeran heart)
· I feel bad for you, Zen (Zen heart)
· Is there really nothing else we can do?
· Please stay healthy, Zen (Zen heart)
· But we need Saeran here first
· :’(
Story Mode
No choices
Day 3:
Time: 1:02
Rika Wants Saeran
· The RFA won’t be using…
· They suffered a lot regarding…
· The agency is the biggest problem,
· You might think it’s protection, but..
· I wonder where Saeran is.. (Saeran heart)
· Maybe later
· No thanks lol
Story Mode
No choices
Time: 6:04
A Ticket Unused
· Saeran!!
· Are you safe?
· Are you really coming here?
· I love you too! (Saeran heart)
· You should be happy with me
· Why would you say that? I’m scared (Saeran heart)
· You’re gonna be here?
· But right now, we have to focus on surviving (Saeran heart)
· Okay… I’ll remember that
· Great! But...
· Okay… I’ll stay awake and wait
Story Mode
· I’ve missed you
· [Munch munch]
· If you keep making fun of me, you’ll pay for it
· No, we deserve to be happy
Time: 8:51
Saeran is Here
· Saeran! But this channel…
· Rika… Please let Saeran in…
· What took you so long?
· I think they’re putting him…
· We should be true to ourselves… (Saeran heart)
· But now RFA has nothing…
· I bet Rika doesn’t want to…
· She’s the seed of all pain!
· Are you avoiding the subject?
· One we reunite, I never want to…
· What freedom?
· You don’t want to repeat your past
· But Rika wouldn’t like that (Saeran heart)
· You hate Rika and V, don’t you? (Saeran heart)
· Okay, if that is what you choose… (Saeran heart)
· I’ll be waiting
Story Mode
· You should trust Saeran
· I’ve missed you
· Can’t you let me stay…
Time: 11:11
Rika’s Return
· Rika, where are you?
· You didn’t torture him, did you?
· Maybe he’s going to hurt them!
· Saeran will cause no harm (Saeran heart)
· I’m going to run with Saeran
· Ugh! I hate what’s happening!
Story Mode
· Do you have to do this?
· Saeran… wake up
· It must have been shocking and sad (Saeran heart)
· Saeran… one day you’ll be free and we’ll be… (Saeran heart)
· Only me and Saeyoung? (Saeran heart)
· What do you mean you’ll
· Why?
· RFA didn’t give up on you
· So did you make it?
· It’s too dangerous (Saeran heart)
· No, let me distract them!
· If Saeyoung brings down the agency..
· ….
· This so sad
Time: 12:48
Weight of the Past
· I’m so sad…
· And you left Saeran like this..?
· Hi, Saeran...
· Can I have your voice instead?
· Did you have to go this far?
· Saeran decide to leave past in the past (Saeran heart)
· It’s a good thing you left Magenta..
· Saeran changed himself. (Saeran heart)
· Trying to repeat a happy past can sometimes serve as greed
· She's not mad is she?
· You should reconsider (Saeran heart)
Story Mode
No choices
Time: 14:07
It Will Hurt, But We Will Be Happy
· Saeran! This is our love channel!
· Do we have to do this? (Saeran heart)
· I have a feeling we will fail (Saeran heart)
· Do you think they’ll get…
· But I don’t think I can live without you (Saeran heart)
· Please don’t leave me
· …
Story Mode
· Sniffle
· She might turn violent
· You can’t decide what Saeran will be like
· You are right… But please don’t die
Time: 16:25
I’ll Have None of This
· It’s a sad night
· Saeran’s will reached my heart (Saeran heart)
· To be honest, you’re…
Story Mode
· Feel what?
· But I want to spend as much time as I can
· I’ll be right back
Time: 17:55
I Promise You Will Be Happy
· Did you guys have an argument?
· I want you, Saeran (Saeran heart)
· Get one for Saeyoung (Seven heart)
· Do you have 2 tickers that will get us out?
· About what?
· No! Saeran is mine! (Saeran heart)
· Do you think you can make it someday?
· I’ll be having fun with Saeran
· What should we do now?
· Are we the only ones that know about this room?
· You mean including Jumin and Zen?
· I’m sad, too… Is there really no other way? (Saeran heart)
· Clouds? Why clouds?
· So your freedom was...
· Can’t you let me stay here? (Saeran heart)
· This is so sad. I don’t want to leave
· I was so happy I could meet them (Saeran heart)
· If you love me, why are you making me sad? (Saeran heart)
· Let’s think about a way to keep you safe?
· Yeah!
Story Mode
No choices
Time: 19:09
Rika is Changing
· I’m glad you released Saeran
· I think you mean tonight (Saeran heart)
· I want to live with just Saeran
· Do you think you can take another betrayal?
· I’m glad things loosened up
· Saeran is my love (Saeran heart)
· Please don’t stab Saeran… (V heart)
· Whatever happens, I hope you’d be happy, Rika
· I think I need someone to cleanse my head…
· Unlike his father
· If that’s what you want, you must one day…
· I’m glad I got to meet all of you
· Rika hurt your eyes…
· How long do you think this happiness will last? (Saeran heart)
· Do you think her hope is real?
· Is it related to Saeran?
· It’s okay. Saeran is strong (Saeran heart)
Story Mode
· Can’t I come with you?
Time: 21:39
The Weight of Truth
· V talked about this secret
· I don’t want to leave him
· Is Saeran okay
· What did you guys talk about?
· The death of their mother?
· Can’t you just stop
· You are pretending to be nice
· You can’t do this to him
· We must find Saeran! (Saeran heart)
· At least you didn’t wait any longer…
· You would still feel painful
· But that does not justify murder
· He didn’t talk to me
· You have until 11
· I’m so disappointed in both of you
· Saeran, are you okay?
Story Mode
· I don’t want to go
· Please don’t do this
· Please tell me you will survive
Time: 23:00
Rescue Plan
· Are we getting started?
· Is it okay to leave Saeran?
· Saeran
· I can't believe I must leave him... (Saeran heart)
· We’ll be back for Saeran, right?
· Saeyoung and Saeran didn’t even get to talk
· The prime minister won’t get to..
· What press conference?
· Thank you everyone
Story Mode
No choices
Day 4:
There are 3 bad endings, and one bad relationship ending on this day. The Normal end and Good end are also on this day.
Time: 2:16
Escape – Success!
· Saeran, I’m okay! (Saeran heart)
· I miss you Saeran
· I’ll be waiting
· I think I’m going to wait for Saeran
If you see "Story Mode: Savior" here then you haven't received enough hearts with Saeran and will trigger his Bad Relationship Ending (I feel this is the ending that brought most of us here, lolol... Help my heart.)
Story Mode
· I’ll go by myself if I have to!
· I’m coming with you!
· I will find Saeran
NOTE RELOAD YOUR SAVE AFTER ESCAPE - SUCCESS! And select: "Looks like there's nothing we can do...", "I think I'll stay here..." To receive Bad Ending 2
Time: 5:55
Vanderwood and Zen’s Argument
· Vanderwood, does this mean...
· You guys have such cute…
· You mean Yoosung?
· Looks like you have a lot of history..
· Come on, let’s be friendly
· Do you think Rika and V are not aware of this?
· I really hope Saeran is safe
· That’s what I heard
· I’m fine with anything as long as..
· I really hope that’d be the case
· Is there really no master key to get us
· I hope Saeran is okay…
· You kicked him out…
· I hope he can find a miracle for us
· Okay…
Story Mode
No choices
Time: 8:24
Saeyoung is Back
· Any news about Saeran?
· Are you gonna sign...
· It was so beautiful (Seven heart)
· I hope Saeran is safe
· Could you tell him I love him? (Two Saeran hearts)
· I’ll do that
· Good luck!
Story Mode
· The security’s changed…
· V, where is Saeran?
· Follow V
NOTE RELOAD YOUR SAVE AFTER SAEYOUNG IS BACK And select "Don't follow V" To receive Bad Ending 3
Time: 10:00
The Last Discussion
· Yoosung, are you okay?
· If you get to see her again…
· Like me and Saeran?
· Welcome Jumin
· We can beat them
· Do you think sweet and sour
· Please, go ahead
· But some people become stars without
· Yeah, but it won’t be easy
· So, Ray…
· Life
· From imprisonment to…
· That we are all responsible
· It’s so good to…
· Thank you for your sermon
· Let’s not lose ourselves
· Whatever it’s about good luck!
· We won’t be lonely if we’re together
· Hopefully I’ll get to…
· He is… He’ll be okay
Story Mode
· Where is Saeran?
· Embrace Rika
· But now you will change
· Go save Saeran
NOTE RELOAD YOUR SAVE AFTER THE LAST DISCUSSION And select "(Don't go save Saeran)" To receive the Normal Ending.
The Final Episode
· Saeran!
· Please stay alive
· He’s gotta be somewhere around here! I can feel it!
· He’s around here. I know
· I must go
· Leave the rest and run
· Saeran, please don’t go
· I love you
· Now you should be happy with me
· Wake up!
· Pity
· Saeran and Saeyoung simply wanted
· Your lonely heart…
· Saeran will forgive you…but
· You will pay
· I’m sure you had something…
· But can’t you see?
· Does survival matter that much?
· You must be so lonely
· We must get him to a hospital!
· Saeran, hang in there!
· Saeyoung, please
· Hopefully Saeran…
· But Saeran forgave him
· Okay. I’ll let you know once he wakes..
· Saeran?
· What is it?
· Are you saying…
· Saejoong Choi!
· Why did you find…
· Did you have a change of...
You’ve made it! Select whatever you like!
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anon-drabble · 4 years
i...am so sorry to the mystic messenger fandom. i have sinned.
I stood outside of Jumin's door. Heart thundering, wondering if he'd still accept me. In the chat, he acted like he might have feelings for me. That there was the potential he might love me. Love me like I loved him. But that was all in chat and on the phone. Words could be misconstrued and I might be too hopeful and reading too much into the situation. After all, this was the Jumin Han. It would be hard to believe that someone like him might give someone like me a second glance.
But at the same time, in that chat room, we had been able to speak freely. To get to know our hearts. He could see me for who I was and I could freely and opinionly express my affection for him. Sure, Zen found it cringey. Jaehee tried to remain neutral but I know she had her doubts. Seven was thrilled. Maybe Jumin wouldn't even glance my way under normal circumstances but now? Who knows how he might see me? 
Was I nervous? Of course. We'd spoken on the phone before and shared some late-night texts. But I was still acutely aware of how many ways it could go wrong. And now, standing before his door, hearing the security guard announce my presence to Jumin, all I could think of were the disasters. I didn't want to hope and right now, the many, many ways it could go wrong played in my mind. There was one small, slim chance for us to be happy. And here I was, risking everything on that. It seemed ridiculous. 
Then I heard Jumin approaching the door. I smoothed my shirt, knowing he valued a clean appearance. Quickly brushed my hair from my face. Stood up straight. Braced myself. The door swung open and I smiled shyly. 
"Good evening, Jumin." It felt strange to say his name for some reason. 
He paused, looking me up and down. I was still in my work uniform. "...Driver Kim?" 
I smiled. "Call me MC."
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gureishi · 3 years
Grace- I have a very important question that came up during chats today! Why does your man have pictures of Jumin in the shower?? Me and Jaehee both want to know!
😂 😂 😂
Tumblr media
Ok first of all I love this man with my whole heart.
Second of all I don’t think he actually has the picture 😹
Saeyoung is funny about privacy. Without a doubt, he has cameras in all the RFA members’ homes, because he doesn’t trust them to take care of their own security (which...fair), and if something happened to any of them it would destroy him.
So does he have some weird footage of Jumin sitting around in his penthouse drinking wine with Elly? Definitely.
But I don’t think he’s actually got cameras in the bathroom. I don’t think he watches the footage he has of them, either. He’s got the cameras in case of an emergency—but he doesn’t actually wanna invade their privacy unless he (feels like) he really has to. This is the kind of thing he says to get a rise out of Jaehee—and to distract from the topic at hand, which is his own failure to find the hacker.
If Saeyoung’s making outlandish claims, it’s almost always to cover up the fact that he’s just busy hating himself and doesn’t wanna talk about it.
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nanoko-aishino · 3 years
Helllooooo~ <3 12, 21, and 35 for the ask game, please!
Ooh Hello and thank youu hehe ^^
Tbh I haven't played MM for a while because I am one of the people cheritz decided(?) to delete acc for whatever reason plus not enought space on the phone orz but I wanna do it anyway ^^
12. Favorite chat
Hmm first thing that comes to my mind is chat in AS with Ray after kiss <3 But I like as well one of the first chats at night CS where Yoosung comes for a while and he tries to pretend he is a wolf? but eventually give up on it haha I always choose to tease him lol.
21. Favorite character interaction with each other
Except for Saeran and Saeyoung brothers moment (which is very rare) hm... Can't decide between Seven teasing Yoosung or Zen. Sometime I feel bad for Yoosung.
35. First impression for each character
Yoosung I thought he is cute and kinda similar to me. When I started playing MM he was 1 year older than me I guess. He was cute, sweet and adorably clumsy haha but back then I couldn't understand why he was failing classes all the time and thought "get a grip dude, for once. You go to the library more or less regularly. What do you do there, sleep? You could do a little bit better than F..." Now I know haha ^^; But I don't fail classes... also I'm not med student in Korean Ivy uni(?) so...
Jaehee Tbh the very first time I thought she is guy... sorry lol and Later she seemed to be very nice although reserved(?) or rather serious, until someone mentioned Zen or his musicals, and I thought "okay, so you are more normal than I thought... sort of ^^;;" An I actually treated her like big sister or good friend to almost very end. I finished her route as one of the last, because while playing I messed up something with participation, got BE , started another route and forgot about it.
Zen So he always have been the cool popular sexy flirty type... so not my taste. Since I remember I never liked such people because in the past I met at least few who were like that and they were just judging, narrow-minded, and couldn't understand that I am different from them and feel good with that (f.ex. I am introvert). For long I felt like I can't even trust too much such people. I rather avoided them if I could, no grudge, just two different worlds. I noticed Zen is okay. Still two different worlds, but I alway treated him like an older brother.
Jumin he was from the world of 'adults' so serious, boring and something I totally couldn't get. Until he tried to tell a joke sometimes, It often was awkward but I appreciated it lol I picked Jaehee over him because I was pretty sure I never could even keep up with her workload. I am allergic to cats so I have never been a cat person... First he felt distant because his seriousness, but I felt him and supported him when I noticed he doesn't want to nececerly date just anyone, he is just waiting for someone he can trust, probably doubting such person exists. I know this might be because his father's relationships and such, but back then I felt almost like "yeah, you don't nececerly need to be in a relationship or desperately crave to be in one. As a single you are not less worthy as a human". That many craves for physicality and such, which is cool, but understanding, love, apreaciation support and even platonic feeling in romantic relationship? Gosh I feel like those thing are underpreciated. And we shared the need not to just date someone but find someone who understand them. For a short moment I wanted to be such person.
Seven/Saeyoung I don't really remember, but probably I thought that for such people I am too quiet and boring so If by any chance there won't be much interaction MC with him, that's fine, but there was, he was funny, I thought about him as a good friend untill I come across breaking 4th wall thingy and got more interested, like we share a secret *sink wink* Eventually I liked him more and more and even planned to stop playing after his SE but soon after they announced something new. I am IT highschool graduate (I sucked pretty much OTL so I felt similar to Yoosung) and I still remembered thing or two and well... I choose such hs for some reason so I kinda liked his tech-savvy IT programming jokes and I was more religious than I am today so I apreaciated the christian part. I wanted to help him so badly i think. And he is kinda weirdo(in a good way), I consider myself shy weirdo, but probably less than he is.
Saeran/Ray *cracking knuckles* so... When I first met him as an Unknown my common sense tried to keep me from him as far as possible, I gave up to this but kinda I was almost like peeking throught the keyhole in the locked door lol I-it's not like i like him, he is so sus > :-( and a bit later I-I defenitely am not into bad boy kind of characteres, others might be, but I am NOT (but peeking throught keyhole of the locked doors). I was kinda interested, but never let myself actually be really interestedin him, untill the end of SE where he is back with his brother. Then I was thinking more like "preacious (angy) bean, must protect uwu". And I mostly wanted to play his route for A. curiosity because new mode(AS), B satisfaction for myself that I actually finished the game, but most importantly C. To save HIM for SAEYOUNG :)
But when I played AS for the first time, when there was only V route, I forgot everything, got few times bad relationship ending because of him. V who? Saeyoung who? Head empty only him. And then It was almost like in case of Yoosung that I saw in him part of me, plus head empty, only Ray.
Sometime I feel like it was so shallow of me, but then I think that this is a game, and maybe, just maybe I can be 'a little' shallow in that case.
Especially since for the very first time I was... obsessed? with a fictional character. I've never understood such thing.
>>MM ask game<<
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heard you wanted some angst? 👁️ okay so how does it feel to fall out of love with the rfa + saeran?
Oop- that’s some sad shit :(
I added V by accident lmao but there he is and I ain’t taking him out now lmao
Falling out of love with the RFA+Saeran:
He sat on the couch, running a hand through his hair while you looked at him nervously
You had asked him to break up
When he asked why, you just explained that...the spark that had been there...it had died long ago
He sighed and tried his best to smile
“It’s alright babe. Thank you for being with me all this time, and I wish you the best”
You quickly moved out and left him all alone.
He started drinking and smoking again, and he went on longer motorcycle bikes
It was clear that he was very hurt but didn’t want to show it
Eventually Jumin found him in Zen’s special spot, where he had also found him a few years before
Jumin was...understanding, or at least tried to be
He’s not one to be able to express his emotions easily and he normally doesn’t know what to do when another person is being emotional in front of him
But in the end, he was there for Zen. And believe it or not, they became closer.
Jumin was able to get Zen to try and do other things, to go back to the old routine
Zen felt better, but still, it hurt him whenever he saw you at the RFA parties or when you met by chance.
It also made him insecure for a bit, after all, he wasn’t sure what he had done to make you fall out of love.
He wanted to ask what you didn’t like, what he did wrong but...he knew it would make things worse
It takes a while, but in the end he manages to move on. He’s the one that moves on quicker than most of the RFA, since he understands how you feel and doesn’t want to make you feel bad
He’s happy he got the experience to be with someone as amazing as you
He is very sad
I mean, he thought you were fine
But then he heard you explaining that you had just fallen out of love with him
He tried to act cheerful and to let it go
But he couldn’t
He was very sad for a while, not doing his work, barely logging into the chat rooms
Seven has to come over for some moral support, and honestly when he sees how sad Yoosung is, he drops his goofy act and tries his best to comfort his best friend
Seven hugs his friend tight as he cries.
Yoosung will take a while to move on. Especially if he sees you at RFA parties. He will have to quickly excuse himself whenever you want to join a conversation with him, or if he is anywhere near you
Seven will be a bit mad at you, he understands that you just couldn’t help it, but it still makes him a bit mad how you left Yoosung. He acts civil, though not as close as you two were before. He just hates seeing Yoosung so...broken
So he tries distracting him with so many things, robots, LOLOL, he will even drop a rank so Yoosung can be #1
Of course Yoosung dryly laughs and knows that Seven did it on purpose...but it still makes him happy
He will also probably get drunk, because mama Zen came over to take care of him too
He will call you crying, begging for you to take him back, he’s so sorry so please, please don’t leave him. You’re everything to him
But you tell him no, and he feels his heart break again, and again, since he just does it so many times
Everyday he will go to sleep crying, reminiscing about all the things you did with together
It will honestly be really sad but she understands
She wants to still remain friends though, and she’s super mature about the whole thing
She will bury herself with work though, to try and distract herself a bit
Also her schedule becomes a bit messed up again, since you were always the one taking care of her, telling her to take breaks and helping with her work
It makes her feel down for a while, and Zen is there the whole time for her
He is so supportive, helping Jaehee go back into her old routine and everything!
After the wound has healed, you and Jaehee will probably become friends, after all she doesn’t really hold a grudge and she still misses just spending time with you
So...he’s really taken aback
He can feel his heart slowly break
His face becomes cold, and he speaks sternly
Not because he’s mad but...because he just doesn’t want to show his emotions.
When you leave Jumin honestly doesn’t know how to react
What did he do wrong?
That’s the question that runs over and over in his head
He buries himself in work, and he stops taking care of himself
For Jumin it’s hard, because, well...you were one of the few people who loved him for him
Imagine how hard it’d be to find someone like that again...someone that isn’t with him because they want to use him
He probably never gets a partner again...after all, his hope is crushed after you break up with him
His days are all hell because every single thing reminds him of you, a song, a smell
And now...when he wakes up his heart always breaks, because now....he has to choose his ties and put them on all by himself...with only the silence accompanying him
He can’t deal with the pain
He becomes heartbroken
He knew this would happen
Why was he even surprised?
Who could ever love...him?
He stays in his house, locked in his room
Vanderwood and Saeran literally have to force him to eat, because it’s as if he can move
Saeran is actually...really sad to see his brother so down
I mean, he won’t admit it, but you know he cares deeply about his twin
For the first time, Saeran will try and joke around his brother, trying to do the same goofy act he does
It....doesn’t really work. Saeyoung just laughs dryly.
Finally Saeran snaps, and tries to pull Saeyoung to his senses.
I mean he can’t stand the dumbass, but he also hates it when he’s depressed like that
For Saeyoung it’ll take a while for him to go back to his old self
Sometimes he will go to his office at night and look at old pictures of the two of you...and he’ll cry...
No matter how much he wants to delete them...he can’t...he doesn’t want to let go of you yet
For him it makes his progress go back a bit
Well...maybe a lot
He is super understanding of course, but...
It makes him doubt himself again, to close off and become...isolated
It takes him so long to get better.
He just got his confidence back, he now knows himself, but when you told him that you had fallen out of love? Well, he can’t lie and say that it didn’t affect him
He tried not to cry when you told him, although a few tears slipped, and then he’ll quickly excuse himself, saying that he has to go to the bathroom of something
There he lets go and fully cries
Jumin is there for his friend. They go for drinks, and he tries his best to get V to think of something else
It takes so long of V to feel good about himself again.
Seeing you at parties is so hard for him, and if you get a new partner he will feel a pang on his chest
He does let it out on his painting though, and it’s honestly one of his best works
It really helps him, expressing himself like that
But the wound takes a long time to heal
His world falls apart
He breaks again
Everything he loves is taken away from him
When you tell him that you fell out of love,he begs for you to give him another chance, to please tell him what he did, he’ll change
You have to gently tell him that...it just can’t be helped. You’re sorry but you don’t feel the same way anymore
Saeran goes through a lot of emotions
He cries, he yells, he breaks down and curses, trying to break things that remind him of you, or that are yours
Saeyoung finds him hugging his knees, crying. He just silently walks over tho his brother and hugs him, letting him cry
For Saeran it takes so long. He will take up gardening to distract himself. It’s the only thing he does
He is really torn appart because he just...hates you so much because you hurt him, but he also can’t stop loving you
He will be scared to go to sleep now, since he won’t have anyone to comfort him when he has nightmares
Everyday he wakes up and tries to reach out for you, just to find that...you aren’t there
And he cries, so much until he can’t anymore
He’s just...really broken and he doesn’t know if he can go back to being happy again...
But Saeyoung is always there for him, and he does his best to bring happiness to his brother
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