#Checking The Mail [Ask]
darkwood-sleddog · 3 months
working with the public or as i like to call it "baby boomer babysitter club"
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sukunas-wife · 2 months
Oh, so you fantasize about me?
Let your little mind wander and fantasize about all the things you could do,
Think of all the things we could do together, how you could please me so adequately
I could bring you to your knees with such few words, you entice me with your little fantasies
Please there’s a Sukuna IN MY ASK BOX 😭😭
Tell me more 🥺🥺😭 TELL ME ANYTHING
My husband? 👀 OUR HUSBAND??? 👀👀👀
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team-avia · 6 months
Gotta' say tho, yall humanoid lookin' form or the monster form that was on the last file on the gallery was fire af, i want to pet finch and still want to marry cinder even if their on that form.
Anyway,can yall imagine Miranda had that one moment of "how the fuck", like example she reseted and start a new run for the mc but unfortunately this run was unexpected, because all the Bachelorette's unexpectedly still have the memories of the last run(Good endings)and there is no route for this cuz all the ladies are after mc
(what are you guys idea? If this thing ever happened)
cinder and i are real people, so i'd appreciate it if you could knock the "marry (insert dev name)" thing off. that's not cool, like, at all.
That said, Miranda would obviously fly into a jealous rage. The only way it would happen is if she fucked up the reset due to human(ish) error
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yuridovewing · 6 months
vicky hating sorreltail wasn’t even *just* a misogyny thing (though i wont be surprised if that was most of it), in an interview she talked sbout fucking hating cats and taking out this hatred on sorreltail specifically (paraphrasing but something along the lines of ‘because i dislike cats i get to have fun coming up with brutal deaths for the nicest ones :)’
Can I get a link to that interview? Huh, as far as I knew, Vicky just didn't know that much about cats and didn't feel compelled to learn. I ask cause it's a bit bizarre to ask a cat hater to write a cat book series
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lotus-pear · 9 months
idk if this will work here but ive group effort gotten people suspended on twitter by mass reporting them for spam , maybe reporting that fucker enough times will work ? and im sorry that mf stole ur art absolute dick move i stg
wait actually?? i think we should try it kai👹
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l3viat8an · 11 days
Hi.. haven't seen any posts from you lately.. how are you??
Also, I miss your lovely anon.. wanna ask if there have been any new updates? (More like if they put you into something else) 😅
Hihi I’m still here!! I’ve just had a bunch of tests/exams back to back (to back to back to- well you get the idea lmaoo.) So I’ve been a bit busy irl 🫠 plus homework that I can’t procrastinate 😭
But besides that I’m doing fine!!- just a bit tired jsksjskj
‘n if i’m thinking about the right anon I’ve got an update! hopefully I’ll have time to work on it later this weekend!!!
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snowangeldotmp3 · 1 year
in what ways do robin and nancy help each other???? like what do they give to each other, like new perspectives etc etc. im interested in hearing what u have to say abt it :)
ooo okay okay i have been thinking about this for a whole day and i have Thoughts. they may not be super coherent but pls bear with me.
ok so i think the scene in pennhurst is probably the best example of their relationship. robin's outburst + nancy's surprise at it. even just in a platonic way, not necessarily romantic, robin picks nancy's side. she doesn't crumble. she knows from the get go that nancy is right. and even if she doesn't fully believe it, robin knows what it's like to not be listened to just because they’re women. jonathan did not. (i am not going to get into the jancy argument of s3 becausee they were both right, just in different ways. i'm Not getting into that rn)
i think for nancy, not only does she have a friend again, but it's a friend she can have a genuine connection with? they both have shared trauma, so nancy doesn't have to hide anything from robin. and a friend that believes her. which i think is even more important. nancy is so, so used to not being believed, and here comes robin, who, even though she wasn't 100% sure about nancy's shot in the dark, still believed her enough to trust her hunch in the first place. to have even an ounce of trust in her theories, to not be mockingly called "Nancy Drew," to have someone believe her. i think having that person to say "no, actually, you were right, and you've been right. no, this asshole is not going to undermine you, screw. that." is so incredibly important to nancy. that "we ask forgiveness, not permission," attitude. (robin says that in the rebel robin podcast. it's canon to me.)
i think ultimately, robin is a step in the right direction for nancy healing over the loss of barb. she's letting herself become friends with someone again, she doesn't have to close herself off from friendships anymore. and no, robin can't shoot a gun, but we know she can take care of herself. she's not completely defenseless. but robin is that key, that first step in the right direction, to heal from barb.
and even in case of (hopeful) s5 predictions and whatnot, i think robin is a completely new perspective for nancy in general, and will continue to be. robin is someone who exists outside the boxes that most people fit into, the ones that nancy is actively trying to avoid. i do hope we get a robin coming out to nancy scene in s5, just as a bridge of trust between the two, ya know? (this is just wishful thinking for me, but i also personally would love to see robin come out to nancy and then force nancy to reflect on her own self, too, ya know?)
ultimately i think it's about robin and nancy being/bringing a balance to one another. they balance each other out in a way that neither of them have probably had for a while. AND i think that's what's made them so entertaining as a dynamic, they aren't one thing or the other, they're both way too complicated for that. instead, they bring a balance to each other that either one has likely not had for a long time.
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tojiscumdumpster · 4 months
Why are you always putting white and non japanese men in your moodboards fetishizer much?
you mean why do i create a moodboard for the fictional characters that I write about to have a good visual of my stories who happen to be anime characters that, idk, are Japanese? idk maybe the same reason why you took your time to go on anonymous and send me unsolicited hate on a Sunday. it’s nice to know that you’re lurking through my tags lol.
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basil-kat · 4 months
Ur sewing patterns fuck so hard do u use patterns or just wing it
Thank you! I make my own patterns, I usually draw them digitally and then use my tablet as a lightbox to trace it onto paper :)
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inkykeiji · 3 months
i didn’t know you were into reading (outside of ff of course ☺️) do you have any recs with the kind of relationship dynamics you write about?? i really want some romance books like that 💖
of course i am!! <3 i love literature!! but if i’m being completely honest i mostly read 18th century lit HAHAHA ick that sounds so pretentious LMAO (/ω\) hmm the only rec i have for you is wuthering heights, because catherine and heathcliff’s relationship is definitely Something. you didn’t ask about films, BUT i love film with all my heart and i am going to recommend true romance if you’re looking for a relationship similar to the relationships i create in my writing! true romance is one of my favourite films ever and clarence + alabama’s relationship serves as huge inspiration for the ones i write! <3
other than that, i’ve heard that a bunch of the ‘dark romance’ genre books recommended on tiktok etc. have similar toxic relationships and scenarios to the ones i write! i haven’t ever read any of them, so i can’t give you titles or speak to how well they’re written, but you can always look into that genre and see if you can find a list of recs for it! i’m sure there’s tons floating around on google + social media! good luck anon <3
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candyredappledragon · 4 months
Two days have gone by and it was bittersweet to see the others go. It was fun talking to others and making memories with them. Kieran really had so much fun hanging out with his friends. Even thinking about it made him feel happy but now he has another problem…
Sitting at his desk, Kieran sighs in dismay while holding his pencil, tapping it against the desk in a rhythmic motion, looking at what's in front of him. The only thing that sucks right now is being behind with schoolwork and lord Arceus he's bored out of his mind! He hasn't really touched his phone that much during the past two days unless he was texting his friends or Florian.
His eyes were already getting tired looking at the white sheet of papers.
This is so boring.....
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teamplasmaofficial · 4 months
Pelipper mail to Concordia! A large Tupperware box filled with spaghetti noodles, and another slightly smaller Tupperware box filled with a slightly spicy spaghetti sauce (both of which are freshly made, with 10ish servings), and a note which reads,
“Hey Concordia I heard you wanted some pasta, so I hope this spaghetti will suffice, also the sauce is slightly spicy, less so than most Nacho cheese’s, I hope you enjoy! (If you do like spices, if not that’s fine, you do not have to eat the sauce or noodles)”
Stop sending food via pelipper. Though, I shall pass it on. It should keep her quiet for a while.
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pineappical · 2 years
I send you koffis… no pressure! Only friendly request ifyou ever take ‘em
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heres a headshot ! ^w^ would do more but i genuinely could not tell which guy this is from all the refs and fanart x_x .. hopefully this is the right guy though
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age-of-moonknight · 8 months
I dont wanna bother you, but would you wappen to know what that concept art of old marc was for?
Also i love your blog, makes me happy to read the tags too
Hello! Thank you so much for stopping by; I’m glad you’re enjoying this blog! :D And please, never wonder about bothering me, as I always love having a reason to go down a Moon Knight-related research rabbit hole hahaha
Nonetheless,,,,I know y’all can’t see me, so just imagine some vaguely human-shaped entity, head in hands. When I tell you I spent hours going through my posts and spinning up some increasingly bonkers boolean searches for this 🤣 and don’t get me wrong, it was absolutely a labor of love, but I’m still not entirely sure I found the exact concept art you’re referring to.
Closest thing I could find was the concept art for an aged Marc Spector in Battleworld: Secret Wars Journal (Vol. 1/2015), #1 by Luca Pizzari (which objectively I think is dope as all get out and I’m glad I found it, but I’m still not sure exactly if it’s what you’re looking for).
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Hope this is of some use to someone out there! Sorry if I’m off-base; I completely respect the desire to remain anonymous, so please feel free to send another ask or perhaps a DM with any more possible details or the exact image you would like to learn more about (as again, I don’t need much of a reason to keep researching Moon Knight things :D).
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toothflowers · 9 months
Have you ever played any of the pikmin games? They're really cute and I was playing the demo and I thought "hey. I think this person would like this" ❤️💛💙🌻🌼🌷🪻⚘️.
I haven't! They're cute lil' guys though hehe!
Honestly I haven't played many Nintendo games in general? Pokemon I suppose, but I've never even played a real Mario game or anything haha
Thank you for thinking of me though neighbor 💛
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autisticlancemcclain · 7 months
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